Second Time Through Book IIChapter 46 Adriana s Shares
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Stan first had to take Anne back to her house so that she could change for work. Stan, in any case, normally arrived earlier than Anne, so they arranged to drive their own cars, for the time being at least.
The first thing that happened to Stan as he walked into The Firm was a surprise. Elaine came from behind the reception desk and hugged him. ‘Thank you, Stan,’ she told him, ‘thank you for being so kind and understanding yesterday.’ Stan protested, ‘But I didn’t do anything!’ But Elaine persisted…
‘Yes you did, you gave me a hug when that’s what I needed and then you discreetly cleared off out of the way when Susan and I needed space. We both noticed, both spoke about it, and we both thank you. Oh yes, this one’s from Susan!’ And she gave him another hug.
‘Anyway, Susan and I did a lot of talking yesterday. Susan told me she’s always in fear that I’ll find someone else, someone more attractive or something. I told her I didn’t need anyone else and I thought I’d demonstrated that I loved her. The rest is private, but the upshot is that I’m going to stop doing things that wind her up, and she’s going to stop the unnecessary possessiveness that was getting to us both. Well, we’ll both try, anyway.’
‘As part of that, with Susan’s okay, I want to give Anne a thank you hug from us both as well, if she’s not going to be upset or embarrassed by it. What do you think?’ Elaine asked an overwhelmed Stan.
‘I, er, well, er. Um. I can’t really speak for her, but why don’t you ask her? I know she’s comfortable with you two girls, but being hugged by you might be different. ‘
‘Okay then, Stan, I’ll have to wing it,’ Elaine answered, sober faced.
Stan walked on through into the office, where Elizabeth was already at work as usual. ‘Hi Stan, good weekend?’ she asked him, with a smile and a distinct twinkle in her eye.
He sat down at his desk as he answered, ‘Yes, very!’ with an equal twinkle. Each looked at the other for a moment, and then both burst out laughing.
‘Okay, you first!’ managed Stan. Elizabeth retorted, ‘No, you first!’ with more laughter from both.
‘Okay, okay, I’ll go first,’ yielded Elizabeth. ‘I suspect my weekend wasn’t as exciting as yours, anyway. James drove over to my place and we had a nice dinner. What with an aperitif before the meal, wine with it and a brandy afterwards he couldn’t drive home, so he stayed overnight.’
Stan didn’t say anything, but his eyebrows lifted in question.
‘No, we didn’t! He was a perfect gentleman. He was going to call a cab, but I offered him my spare room and he accepted. So you can get your mind out of the gutter! Now, you have a slightly more interesting tale to tell, I suspect?’
Stan couldn’t help but smile, but he answered, ‘A gentleman never tells tales about a lady,’ in a fake posh voice with his nose held loftily up in the air. Elizabeth laughed again, put one finger beside her nose and told, him ‘Don’t worry, I’ll not pry into your affairs!’ And they again smiled at one another.
Stan however added, ‘I can say that we’ll be seeing each other again, often I hope. Tonight for certain, at our dance class, and I hope more often after that.’
Elizabeth looked as pleased as Punch, Stan noted. ‘You can stop looking so smug!’ he told her. ‘Why? I’ve got someone else to look after you now!’ Elizabeth answered. She grew more serious and continued, ‘I was worried about you, Stan. But if you can snare as good a catch as Anne Berkely, I can stop worrying. That black cloud you used to carry along with you is gone, and you’re out in the world, dating again.’
Stan, now just as sober, simply said, ‘Thank you, Elizabeth. Thank you.’
Then they got on with their work.
– – – – – – – – – –
When Anne arrived a few minutes later, she was greeted by a similar speech from Elaine, who came out from behind her reception desk. She looked up at Anne who this time was wearing a pair of jeans that must have been sprayed on along with a low-cut white top. Elaine practically purred, but she knew that Anne wasn’t interested. That didn’t stop Elaine from looking appreciatively, though.
‘Anne, as part of our ‘thank you’, I’ve been asked by Susan to give you a hug. Would you mind?’ she asked the older, taller blonde shyly.
Anne smiled, nodding. Elaine came to meet her and they hugged briefly. ‘Thank you, Anne, from both of us. What you and Stan did was really nice.’
Elaine walked back behind her desk and sat down. Anne had a peculiar look on her face for a moment, then it cleared and she went on into the lab to get started on her day.
– – – – – – – – – –
Denise was late arriving at The Firm that Monday. Elaine saw her, called out ‘Hi there, Denise! How was the holiday?’ before noticing the bloodshot eyes, the fatigue around them and the set expression on her face.
Denise was not happy. Jim hadn’t called, and his phone seemed to be out of charge or switched off. She couldn’t believe just how stupid she’d been, giving herself to him like that. She’d told herself he’d call after all, but when she began to accept that he wouldn’t she’d thrown things at the wall in anger. Now she was just depressed, and severe lack of sleep hadn’t made things any better.
Denise mustered a ‘Hello, Elaine. Yes the holiday was great, but I’m afraid I’ve been let down since. I’ll talk to you later, Laney,’ and moped on past towards the IT group office.
Elaine thought for a moment, picked up the phone, and called Stan. Elizabeth answered, and Elaine asked if Stan was free…
– – – – – – – – – –
Elizabeth put the phone down and started to say something to Stan, when Bob called him over. With an apologetic glance to her, Stan walked the ten feet to Bob’s office.
Once inside he sat down. Bob told him, ‘You remember we spoke before, about getting all the Quality Department paperwork accessible on-line? Well I’ve been speaking to Jon Kelly, and he says they’ve got some resources available and we can start to look seriously at it now. I want you to go over there and chat with him about what we want out of the system. You know, as we discussed earlier.’
It had been a more and more pressing requirement for some time to get as many documents as possible available on-line to the internal network. The Firm was well behind in this respect. Jon Kelly was the IT manager and he’d been ‘waiting for available resources’ for quite some time. Now, at last, it seemed he’d decided he could spare the effort. Stan said he’d go straight over, and he bustled out of Bob’s office. He saw Elizabeth motioning to him, but said, ‘Later, Elizabeth!’ and hustled towards the IT group.
On his way over, Stan thought about Denise. He hoped he’d be working with her, he could ask about the holiday she’d had. A small part of him that he was slightly ashamed of wondered about the man she’d been talking about, as well.
He reached the IT group office and saw Denise in with Jon. Jon looked concerned, but Stan couldn’t see Denise’s face. He knocked on the door and was called in, and then he saw Denise.
He was shocked. Denise looked completely different from the happy person who’d been going on holiday only two weeks ago. She looked tired out, her eyes were bloodshot and she’d obviously been crying.
‘Oh, God, Denise! Whatever’s the matter?’ he asked her, with compassion in his voice.
‘I-I’m okay. I’ll talk to you later, Stan. Er…’ Denise stammered out, obviously unsure what was going on.
‘Stan, I’m sorry, but could you excuse us a minute again? I still need to talk to Denise,’ Jon told Stan, and no sooner had he been invited into the office than he’d been asked to leave. Stan went, a bit perplexed.
He went to Paul, one of the other guys in the group, and they got chatting. Paul was a talented artist, he mainly worked in 3D computer art but Stan had seen a couple of his freehand pencil sketches as well. After a suitable time talking a
bout the weekend and their various problems, Stan asked, ‘Paul, do you know what’s the problem with Denise?’
‘Not really, Stan. She came in late this morning, looking like her puppy had just died. She wouldn’t talk to anyone, she just sat at her desk looking like she wanted to burst into tears. Jon called her in the office, and they’ve been talking ever since.’
Just then, Jon poked his head through his office doorway and asked, ‘Stan, can you come in now?’
Stan went. He sat down next to Denise, who seemed to have recovered her composure, although she still looked upset.
‘Okay,’ said Jon, closing the door. ‘I have an opportunity for the two of you, but I also know that I have a problem. Stan, Denise has just come back from her holiday and has been upset by someone she met there. She’ll need your help and support. Denise, you have a job to do, I hope you’ll be able to be professional and not let your private life affect your work. Can I count on you both?’ Stan said, ‘Yes, Jon,’ while Denise merely nodded.
‘Right then. You know the document access project that Stan’s been after for a while, Denise? Well, you came to the end of that project you were on before your vacation, and Stan’s now free as well. I want you two to work together on this one.’ He turned to Stan. ‘Stan, you know what you want and how you need it presented.’
Jon then looked at Denise. ‘Denise, you will handle the technical aspects. It shouldn’t take you too long. You’ll need to be aware of the potential load on our server, remember.’
Jon dismissed them with a hopeful little smile and a sigh, ‘Okay, off you both go, now.’
Jon was never great at briefings, Stan remembered. This one was no exception. Up the pair of them got, as they left the office Stan managed to get Denise’s attention and mouthed, ‘Coffee?’ She nodded back to him, and so off they went.
They got their coffee and sat at one of the tables. Stan, as so often, didn’t really know what to say, so they sat in silence for quite a while. Eventually he managed to say in a gentle voice, ‘What happened then, Denise? You sounded happy enough on Friday.’
‘No I wasn’t!’ Denise told him, her voice rising. ‘I was waiting and waiting for that bastard Jim to ring me, and he never did. I tried to ring him but his mobile’s switched off. He used me and dumped me without a second thought, and I let him. If I ever saw him again, I’d kill the fucker!’
Denise was angry… very, very angry now. Stan could see she needed to vent. He was taken aback by her vehemence though, and sat back to think for a minute before he said any more.
‘All right then. How about you telling me what happened, and we’ll see what can be done,’ said Stan, groping for a way forward.
‘What’s to tell? I gave myself to him, he dumped me, end of story!’
‘Do you want to get in touch with him again, Denise? Or perhaps… not now?’ Stan asked.
‘Oh, if I could only…’ began Denise, before her voice trailed off. She was thoughtful for a moment, before saying, ‘I really don’t know, y’know? On Friday that’s all I could think of, talking to him again, seeing him again. Now? I don’t know.’ She stopped speaking and turned away from Stan. After a moment he saw her shoulders begin to shake.
He went around and knelt on one knee beside her, putting an arm around her shoulder as he did. He looked up at her, but Denise turned her face away again. Stan had seen the tracks of her tears, he could feel her shaking, but he didn’t know how to comfort the young woman crying in his embrace.
So he did the only thing he could: he held her, stroking her shoulder and back, and let her cry. It was only afterwards that he remembered he’d been softly whispering, ‘It’s okay, it’s okay, let it out, it’s okay,’ virtually the whole time. But eventually Denise drew away from him, still shuddering a little but with a smile precariously in place.
‘Thank you Stan, I needed that hug. Thanks,’ she unsteadily told him.
‘Anytime, Denise, anytime. I’ll always be here for you. You know I’ll always be here for you.’ The words spilled out of Stan, he wasn’t even truly aware of what he’d said.
Just then Stan realized someone was behind him in the canteen. He turned to look, and saw that it was Anne. She had a very serious look on her face!
‘Stan?’ she asked, ‘What are you doing with Denise?’
Stan stood, feeling slightly guilty. It must have shown in his face, because Anne’s face and posture returned to it’s more customary forbidding nature. Stan’s instinctive ‘It’s not what you think…’ didn’t make matters any better. Fortunately for them both Stan went on, ‘Denise has had guy trouble, and needed a hug from a friend. That’s all.’
Slightly mollified, Anne was nevertheless unhappy. ‘I heard what you told Denise, Stan. ‘Friend’, is it? Is that all?’
Denise was watching, taking this all in.
Stan was caught between the two women. He didn’t want to leave Denise, but on the other hand he had to make Anne understand. He replied to her, ‘Yes, of course Anne. Denise is my best friend. She’s the one who pulled me out of my dark time. You know that. You can’t be jealous over this, surely?’
Anne shook her head, and then paused for thought for a while. Eventually she relaxed a little, then a lot and came to Stan, pulling him into her arms and kissing him soundly.
Denise saw this and shrank into herself. Stan didn’t notice at all, but Anne saw when she opened her eyes and pulled back a little.
‘Denise?’ she said.
Denise looked up at Stan, with anger again on her face. ‘You bastard! I thought you said you weren’t ready for a girlfriend!’
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Stan first had to take Anne back to her house so that she could change for work. Stan, in any case, normally arrived earlier than Anne, so they arranged to drive their own cars, for the time being at least. The first thing that happened to Stan as he walked into The Firm was a surprise. Elaine came from behind the reception desk and hugged him. "Thank you, Stan," she told him, "thank you for being so kind and understanding yesterday." Stan protested, "But I didn't do anything!" But...
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This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. ooooooo Cookie: He’s upstairs in the study. I’m chatting to MonstaMunch. Jellybean: Are you sure? Last chance. Cookie: Go for it, sweetie. Make him happy, please. Finally, the night was here. Lashing rain, howling wind, and the slime of the wet leaves on the path made the walk up to the front door mysterious and exciting. __________________ Months of chatting online to Cookie had broadened...
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Stan looked at Denise, totally bereft of ideas for what to say. Denise was right. He had said that, emphasised it even. He could see that from her point of view he’d been completely dishonest and hurtful. What had happened with Anne had been incredible, but it had all happened while Denise was away, and no-one had let her know – she’d found out the hard way. Stan hated that he’d hurt her. So he tried to tell her that. Before he could finish, Anne interrupted. ‘Denise, it’s not Stan’s fault....
‘Where, Anne?’ asked Stan, mildly. But he was anxious, twisted up inside. ‘Is it far?’ ‘No, Stan, not far. I’ll commute. It’s about an hour each way, about sixty miles or so up the motorway.’ ‘So you’re going to stay with us?’ asked Denise, looking and sounding troubled. ‘Yes, of course!’ Anne answered, sitting up straight. ‘Thank God!’ muttered Stan, and Anne took his hand in both of hers. ‘I wouldn’t leave you, silly!’ she told him. ‘Good! ‘Cuz we’re not planning on letting you go!’...
Chapter 15 It was Friday. Denise was waiting by the phone. She’d been there all day, with only short trips into the kitchen to grab snacks. Jim had promised to ring her today. Ibiza was an hour ahead, so when it was ten o’clock in the morning here, it was eleven a.m. over there. Surely Jim would have woken early today, he was going to ring her. While she waited, she ran back over her holiday in Ibiza in her mind, savouring the memories… – – – – – – – – – – On that second day of her break,...
Chapter 22 Denise and Elizabeth were out shopping. Elizabeth was enjoying herself. She could no longer wear the provocative outfits that she’d enjoyed as a young woman, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t get a vicarious thrill out of persuading others to do so. She’d had to rein her daughter Kelly back, she’d willingly have gone too outrageous even for Elizabeth, but Denise was inclined to baulk. So Elizabeth was cajoling, encouraging, persuading Denise to try some flimsier, sexier...
On Thursday morning, Elizabeth took one look at Stan as he walked into the office and knew that her plan for him had worked, albeit not in the way she’d expected. He had a spring in his step, his face was open and content and he was whistling some tune or other. She couldn’t help smiling at Stan when he sat down, the same beatific look still on his face. ‘You had a good night and all went well, I see,’ she told him. ‘I had a great time, thanks, Elizabeth!’ he replied. He told her about the...
It was Friday. Denise was waiting by the phone. She'd been there all day, with only short trips into the kitchen to grab snacks. Jim had promised to ring her today. Ibiza was an hour ahead, so when it was ten o'clock in the morning here, it was eleven a.m. over there. Surely Jim would have woken early today, he was going to ring her. While she waited, she ran back over her holiday in Ibiza in her mind, savouring the memories... On that second day of her break, she had sunbathed near...
Anne said nothing about her new personal insight that night. She still wanted to allow time to pass to make sure that it wasn't just the heat of the moment. For heat there was, undoubtedly. Stan dropped Denise off at her house and waited to be sure she got indoors safely, and then he drove on. As soon as Denise was out of sight he felt Anne's hand on his thigh, heightening his own response. It was difficult to drive with her hand there and a burgeoning erection, plus whenever he had to...
"Where, Anne?" asked Stan, mildly. But he was anxious, twisted up inside. "Is it far?" "No, Stan, not far. I'll commute. It's about an hour each way, about sixty miles or so up the motorway." "So you're going to stay with us?" asked Denise, looking and sounding troubled. "Yes, of course!" Anne answered, sitting up straight. "Thank God!" muttered Stan, and Anne took his hand in both of hers. "I wouldn't leave you, silly!" she told him. "Good! 'Cuz we're not planning...
It was a beautiful afternoon in Paris. The autumnal air was still warm enough not to need a coat or anything over the top of his suit jacket, and Stan walked out onto the balcony of the hotel room. He breathed deeply. Life was good. He felt a hand in the small of his back, and another arm draped over his shoulder. He looked to his left, to see Anne, blonde hair up in a complicated looking knot, looking incredible in her ivory, flowing, strapless lace dress with a ribbon belt around her...
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Chapter 18 Stan sat in the booth and Anne took a seat next to him, opposite Elaine. The cute receptionist looked up and Stan could see she was close to tears. Gently, he asked her, ‘Elaine, whatever’s the matter? Is there anything I can do?’ Elaine barely managed ‘Su-Su-Sus-Susan!’ and came to a halt, sobbing. Stan looked at Anne, for permission before he went around the table and sat next to Elaine with his arm around her. ‘Ssshhh, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m sure we can sort it out,’ he...
Anne woke up at a quarter past five in the morning. ‘Oh, God I must be mad!’ she thought, as she picked her way foggily through her early morning routine. Downstairs she found Denise, wearing a bathrobe, with coffee ready to pour. ‘Good morning, Anne,’ she said quietly. ‘Stan’s gone back to sleep. He’ll wait up for you tonight. I’ll sleep in the spare room, but I’ll stay up as well – I want to hear how your first day went!’ Anne almost fell into a chair at the table. ‘Monday, the 15th of...
‘She’s inconsolable,’ Anne told him. Stan looked up. He was in his kitchen, filling the kettle. Tea all around seemed to be the best answer. ‘God, I’m so English!’ he thought, irrelevantly. Anne stood in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning tiredly against the doorframe. Her white blouse was stained with what Stan assumed were tears and makeup. She looked exhausted. Stan put the kettle on and went to her. He gathered the tall blonde figure into his arms and kissed her, softly, tenderly. ‘I...
It was Monday morning, the 14th of August. Sixty-one years ago, Japan had surrendered to the Allies. Stan knew exactly how they felt. His body was battered by lack of sleep and his eyes were terribly gritty. He needed a shave, coffee, a shower, coffee, breakfast, coffee, some painkillers and coffee – and not necessarily in that order. So he forced himself into action, putting on his underwear and grabbing painkillers and a glass of water first, then putting a very strong pot of coffee on. He...
Stan woke up, and rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. ‘I’m sorry, love, what was I thinking?’ he softly told the beautiful dark eyes that only he could see. Arriving at work, he said ‘Hi!’ to Elaine, who replied, ‘Good morning! Did you enjoy yourself last night?’ Stan walked almost to the door from reception to his office area, stopped, half turned to Elaine and said quietly, ‘Yes, thank you, Elaine.’ Before she could ask any more he opened the door and walked through. Elizabeth...
Denise woke up. It was Sunday morning. She, Elaine and Susan had spent the whole of Saturday together, just simply enjoying each other’s company. Susan’s bed was crowded with the three of them, and Denise wondered idly for a moment whether she should broach the subject of getting a bigger bed. She twisted over and met the twinkling eyes of Susan. They both heard a soft snore from Elaine, and smiled at one another. Susan mouthed ‘Coffee?’ at Denise, who nodded, so they carefully got out of...
Stan twisted on the sofa. Anne had invited him in, but not for coffee. There was only one plausible explanation… was he ready? His erection felt like a log in his underwear… That part of him felt ready, at least. Anne had opened her door and gestured him inside. She’d told him, ‘Sit there while I fix us a drink. What would you like?’ Stan asked for a scotch, but asked for a glass of water too. Anne was now in the kitchen, fixing things. ‘Glenmorangie?’ she called, and Stan replied,...
The morning after the night before was not nice, but copious amounts of water and painkillers helped, along with several cups of coffee. All three gathered in Stan’s kitchen, listlessly going through the motions of making breakfast. Finally, Stan said ‘Hey, we ought to go to Iorio’s for breakfast. Getting out of the house would do us good, anyway.’ ‘I never thought I’d hear you advocating fresh air, Stan!’ grumbled Anne, though she had a slight smile on her face. ‘He’s probably right,...
Chapter 11 After a fitful night, Stan got up in the morning feeling tired and somehow unkempt. A shower and a shave later it was only tiredness, but Stan couldn’t get the grittiness out of his eyes. His 20-20 hindsight was telling him that there were all sorts of things he could have said last night, the most important of which would have been ‘Can I take you out for a drink next week?’ or something similar. In his wildest fantasies Anne invited him in for ‘coffee’- an invitation that would...
Denise woke up. She immediately wished she hadn’t. True, this wasn’t the first hangover she’d woken up with on this holiday, but that didn’t make it any better. ‘I’ll have to get up and get some water down me, oh and some painkillers,’ she thought. She put an arm down to help lever herself out of bed. When her hand fell on something she wasn’t expecting, she remembered, ‘Oh, God! Jim!’ She looked across to her left, where he was still asleep. In the diffused light coming through the curtains...
Anne watched Stan and Denise climb the stairs. Stan turned to look at her and she blew him a kiss, smiling at him. They bounded up the stairs out of sight and Anne fell back into her chair. Watching Stan kiss Denise had been hard, very hard. Anne had thought it out beforehand, considered that Stan and Denise would be kissing and much, much more — but as she’d told them, actually seeing it was something else. Now they’d be upstairs, undressing. Denise had those wonderful large breasts, things...
Chapter 5 The following morning Stan woke up, did the painkillers-and-water routine, and he slowly put himself together. He’d been very tired when he returned home the previous night and had fallen asleep the instant he hit the bed. This morning his thoughts kept replaying Denise’s parting comment. His best friend was telling him, ‘You’ve got to get over it sometime… why not now?’ ‘Doesn’t she know the pain I’ve been going through? Doesn’t she understand that I can’t do that to Caron?’ he...
Chapter 9 Stan woke up late Saturday morning. At first he lay still while he put his scattered mind back together. Then he rolled onto his back, whispered, ‘Good morning, love,’ and went over what had happened last night. With the morning sunlight flickering through the curtains, last night’s events didn’t seem so momentous. Last night he’d thought the evening was incredible. He’d spoken to Anne in a non-work setting, it had been almost as if they’d been to a dinner date on their own. Now,...
Chapter 17: Anne & Stan On Saturday morning Stan had woken with Anne, each feeling very slightly awkward with the other, not knowing what to say, and then a smile, a touch and all was well again. Anne had looked coyly at Stan, who’d given her a long, lustful, lingering kiss. The kiss turned into a more extended make-out session, before Stan broke it off. He was a little embarrassed: he ought to have been physically aroused, but nothing was happening. ‘Tempus fugit,’ he thought ruefully while...
It was a bright, refreshing Christmas morning. Stan and Anne had agreed to meet at Denise’s cottage since she was going to be cooking the first real holiday meal for their unorthodox family. Anne insisted on getting there early for breakfast so that they could all open their presents… as soon as possible! There was, of course, no snow, but it was chilly. Stan rang Anne to ask if she wanted a lift. She gratefully accepted, so he drove around to pick her up. Anne was ready and waiting when he...
The first day back to work at The Firm was Wednesday, the 3rd of January. Anne immediately went to see Percy and handed in her notice. ‘I’m very sorry, but I really have to leave on the twelfth,’ she told her manager. ‘But that’s only just over a week away!’ he exclaimed, obviously annoyed. ‘My new firm, Boundless Waves, will pay compensation for the short notice. But I’m really very sorry, the date’s non-negotiable, it’s either then or no deal. In the meantime I’ll get my project as tidy as...
On the way home from Boundless Waves on Friday evening, Anne was sitting next to Denise on the train. They were alone in that part of the carriage. She turned to Denise and thanked her, saying, ‘You made a big difference to the outcome, first by setting up and running the computers, then by making sure I wasn’t disturbed by ‘support calls’ from Ken and Sid. You stayed late with me those nights when we were running those tests – which worked, thank God! – and finally, perhaps most importantly,...
On Wednesday morning two things were delivered to The Firm. One was a printout of a picture e-card, sent from her hotel on Ibiza, from Denise to ‘All at The Firm’. Denise had written, ‘Having a great time, nightlife is wonderful!’ and signed it with a kiss. Elaine pinned it up on the notice board, as was usual for holiday postcards. Stan noticed it as he went for a coffee that morning. He read the card and smiled, thinking, ‘So much for spending the nights in bed!’ He just hoped Denise was...
It was early in the next week when Anne’s patience finally blew. Ken poked his head out of his office and called to her, ‘Anne! Got a minute?’ Anne was jolted out from deep in concentration. She answered, ‘What is it, Ken?’ ‘Could you sort out my PC? I’m getting weird messages from it, and I have to go out.’ Anne whirled her chair to face him, exploding, ‘Well Ken, I’m trying to design the product that you’re betting a lot of money on! I haven’t got time to nursemaid your PC right now – ask...
Stan had found that the loosely fixed ‘alternate days’ arrangement that they had come to was actually very loose. This last week, with Anne now finally free from the enormous pressure she’d been under, it had been the spectacular blonde who had spent most evenings with him. Saturday night Denise stayed with him, then on Sunday Anne again claimed her turn. ‘Anne, not that I mind, but how come you’re with me so much at the moment? I don’t want Denise to feel left out.’ Anne, snuggled up...
Eventually, Stan and Denise were both informed that they would be able to leave The Firm at the end of the first week in April. Their final weeks flew by in a rush as they tasked themselves to tidy up their projects and hand them over to others. Stan thought it significant that no thought was given to hiring replacements. As the time for their departure grew closer, Stan and Denise gave thought to saying goodbye to people. Denise wasn’t looking forward to saying it to Elaine, and Stan had no...
Susan’s place turned out to be a small two-bedroom apartment in a popular estate near the town centre. Denise pulled up outside and shut down the Streetka, letting out the two girls in the back. Susan walked to her front door and opened it, gesturing for Denise to go in. ‘Your room’s at the far end, on the right. Ours is opposite, on the left. D’you want a coffee or anything before we go to bed?’ ‘No thanks, Susan. Not coffee, I’ll have enough trouble sleeping.’ ‘I don’t think we’ve got...
Denise woke. She felt… odd. She rolled over, feeling stiff and sore. ‘Oh!’ She remembered why she felt a bit sore, there and smiled, remembering the feeling of Stan being deep inside her ass, the stretching being a little uncomfortable, but the sensation of being filled was soooo good! She looked down. Stan was still asleep, bless him. She loved the sex, of course, but it was the emotional connection that she had with Stan that made it so special, so breathtaking. She knew Stan wasn’t the...
At The Firm, a couple of days later, Anne sat at her desk, leaning back, eyes unfocussed, forehead scrunched up, deep in thought. It was a pose that everyone in her area knew, but in this case they’d have been surprised at what she was thinking of. Anne was still unsure about Denise and Stan. ‘Just how would I react if Stan and Denise wanted some private time together? No, erase that. If Stan and Denise had sex together? Made love together? How would I feel?’ What Anne was imagining was Stan...
Denise sat in her living room, trying to collect herself. Tom. He’d made love to her — no, he’d fucked her, skilfully, but it wasn’t making love. So he’d fucked her and then he’d left. Denise walked slowly, a little carefully, up the stairs to her room. She put on her bathrobe, and sat on the edge of the bed. Denise began to cry, softly at first, then with increasingly loud and violent sobs, as she threw herself onto her bed, grabbing a pillow and howling into it. Her mother hadn’t raised...
Chapter 6 On Monday morning, Denise found Stan early, before he’d even taken his jacket off. ‘Stan, I think we need to talk. C’mon,’ she said, beckoning him. ‘Now?’ he said. ‘Yes, Stan, now.’ Stan looked at Denise and said, ‘Yes, you’re probably right.’ The Manufacturing Meeting Room was on the opposite side of the office from the main windows where morning sunlight streamed in. They went into the room and closed the door. ‘Denise,’ began Stan, but Denise interrupted him, saying, ‘Stan....
Anne said nothing about her new personal insight that night. She still wanted to allow time to pass to make sure that it wasn’t just the heat of the moment. For heat there was, undoubtedly. Stan dropped Denise off at her house and waited to be sure she got indoors safely, and then he drove on. As soon as Denise was out of sight he felt Anne’s hand on his thigh, heightening his own response. It was difficult to drive with her hand there and a burgeoning erection, plus whenever he had to change...
‘So, Stan, you think you’re up to looking after two women’s needs, again?’ Stan snorted. ‘Not if it’s going to be like last night all the time, Denise. I’ll have to hire in help!’ ‘Yeah, right. Try it and see where it gets you. Although…’ Stan stuck his tongue out at Denise, who blew a raspberry in return. They both laughed at one another. They were sitting at Stan’s breakfast bar drinking coffee. Denise had brought in some cereal, and they were both eating a bowlful. Last night had been,...
Monday night. Stan was late – he’d been pulled into a ‘five to five’ meeting with Percy, much to his annoyance – and didn’t get home until well after his normal time. He hurried, but Anne still rang his doorbell before he’d finished getting dressed. ‘Come in, Anne!’ he called, and Anne used her key to open the door. She found Stan sitting at the bottom of the stairs, bare-chested, with one sock on and trying to get the other one on his still-damp foot. She couldn’t help but laugh, and Stan saw...
In the early evening of Valentine’s day, Sid had hustled Anne out of the door of Boundless Waves. Stan had rung him to make arrangements earlier. Downstairs, in the vestibule of the building, she was surprised to find Denise and Stan waiting for her. Stan, Anne and Denise all went in to Covent Garden, and had dinner at ‘Trotters’ cafe in Covent Garden. They didn’t make a huge thing of it as Anne would have to be back in work the next morning, but a loving, relaxed meal was enjoyed by all three...