Equal Opportunities free porn video

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Equal Opportunities by Paul1954 William Trent III opened his bedroom door and walked out into the corridor, still doing up the buttons on his shirt as the bright Cairo sunlight streamed in through a small aperture on the side of the wall. A similar door to that from which he had just exited also opened, just ten feet further on in front of him, and he saw his long time best friend, Carl Shoemaker emerge looking slightly dishevelled and wincing as his eyes caught the sunlight. "Hey Carl" he called out to him, "was Uadjet good, and did she squeal"? Carl looked up and rubbed his eyes to remove the sleep from them and grinned. "Like a pig Will, like a pig!" he replied, laughing. William grinned and slapped him on the back and walked towards the exit, resting an arm around his shoulder. "You know I think that this is what I like best about this place. It was a real stroke of luck finding 'The House of Pleasure'. All of Madam Tara's girls are so hot and whether it's genuine or not, they put on a real good show for your money. I've got to say though, last night was special ? I thought Iset was the best yet! Now I don't know about you but I could do with a good strong coffee, so let's pay up and find somewhere and then I want some rest before we hit the town again tonight. It's going to be a real auspicious occasion you know"! "Oh I know Will. You know, I think this gap year was a great idea for us. I know our father's have our futures pretty well mapped out but I'm glad we decided to travel a bit and see the world properly first. It's just a shame that it'll all be over tomorrow. Dallas is going to seem pretty tame again after all that we've seen!" Carl said, his voice holding a hint of regret. "I suppose that having father's who are successful, and own big business concerns, can be both a blessing and a curse. They have so many expectations of you, but I suppose we can't really complain. We would never have been able to do this if they hadn't bankrolled us ? I mean we didn't really excel in our studies, and if we're being truthful we would have struggled to find anything decent without our families patronage!" William said, as he fished inside his jacket for his wallet. Carl started to do similar but was stopped as William put his hand across his friends. "No ? you let me cover this - this is going to be my treat"! "Thanks Will, I've just about spent everything and am down to my last few dollars. I'm going to have to wire for some more money, enough to get us home. Thank God that we've already got our air tickets"! By that time, the two friends were at the front entrance and looking at Madame Tara's smiling face. Her age was indefinable, but the crude make-up she used made her look a lot older than her age, whatever it was. The men shuddered as they thought of the contrast between her and her girls they had just enjoyed. "Ah boys ? Madame Tara was once like that herself!" she said, as if reading their minds. Carl felt a slight shiver run down his back as she continued. "I hope you had a good time on your last night here ? I laid on the very best girls that we had!" she said warmly, for they had been good customers since their arrival in Cairo a month ago, despite the fact that she had found them a little arrogant. "Indeed Madam, indeed. The girls were beautiful and pleasing in every way. I don't know where you get them from but we've never had better in anywhere that we've been"! William replied. It was true, they had visited brothels in every country they had stopped at, and had enjoyed many varied experiences. Madame Tara's girls were by far and away the best though, and it was fitting that their final stopping point would leave them with such good memories. Indeed, they had cancelled the rest of their tour, electing to stay in Egypt, mainly due to finding this establishment! "I am glad to hear that, and I pride myself on obtaining only the best girls. Indeed, you've just enjoyed two of our favourites, and they are both leaving tomorrow to be married to wealthy husbands such is the impression that they have made, and this is by no means an uncommon occurrence for my establishment. Still, I have obtained a handsome dowry for them and I am already looking to replace Iset and Uadjet, but it will not be easy. You have to pay good money nowadays to get women of their calibre, unless you are very lucky. But down to business.." she said as she saw William, once again, retrieve his wallet. "Wow ? so we'll have been their last clients ? what a waste of two sensuous creatures!" William said, as he counted what local currency that he had. "I hope that dollars are okay mam, we're plain out of your money"! William exclaimed. "Dollars are fine boys" she replied as she watched William count out the agreed price, before handing it over to Madame Tara. She rolled it into a tube and wrapped it securely with elastic bands, before stuffing it into her robes. "I know this will your last night. You must make sure that you enjoy yourselves - maybe I'll see you here again one day soon perhaps!" she said as they started walking towards the door. They stopped and turned around again. "I doubt it mam" said Carl, "I'm afraid that our future's pretty well defined for the next few years and it's unlikely we'll be passing this way again anytime soon"! "Don't you be so sure boys, you never know what path that fate will place you upon. I have a feeling that all our paths will cross again soon!" she said as they disappeared into the busy street outside. "Ah ? fresh air, or at least what passes for it here! Now let's find a bank and arrange for some more money, and then we'll get that coffee" William said to Carl, as they walked along what passed for a high street in this district. * * * * * * * It was a downcast pair that sat at a small wooden table outside of a small bistro. It wasn't long before they were drinking the thick sludge that passed for coffee in these parts. "You know Will, this is one thing I'm not going to miss. It'll be good to get a decent cup of coffee again soon, one that you don't have to chew!" he said to his friend as he screwed up his mouth at its bitter taste. "Amen to that, although you've got to admit that it does the trick!" he replied, almost feeling the caffeine start to re-energise him, before his thoughts came back to their stop-off at the bank. "You know -I just can't believe that our parents have refused to send us out any more money, or all that nonsense they said about us needing to understand the value of things and be a little more responsible!" William said in frustration. "I know, it's so unfair. Thank goodness we've paid off our hotel bill and got those open air tickets, else we would be in trouble!" "Yeah ? we'll have to try again tomorrow, I should think they're just trying to make us sweat a little and maybe they'll see sense by then. That'll be too late to help us tonight though, well we'll show them. If two wealthy and educated sons of the USA's elite can't negotiate a decent night out of these ignorant Arabs then we deserve the scorn of our families!" William said decisively. Carl glanced around them and saw a few heads turn their way. He had to calm William down a little before he said something that would land them in trouble! "Shhhhh - keep it down buddy, keep it down. We don't want to annoy the locals on our last day do we! Let's finish this off and then we can look around for somewhere reasonable tonight. We might be able to haggle a deal or something, somewhere that might let us in on the promise that we can settle our debts in the morning!" Carl said hopefully. "So let's see what we've got then" he said, as he laid out the meagre amount of money that he still possessed, on the table. "Well I've only got twenty bucks left. That's not going to give us the send off we wanted exactly, is it!" Carl replied. "Not with my $40. Not if we want to get into somewhere decent that is! I suggest that we start looking around for the best deal!" he said, as they slid back their chairs and paid off the waiter before beginning their search. They spent an hour going around the entertainment area of the city, visiting places where they had previously had a good time and trying to strike a deal with the owners. They had no luck though, and they soon found that all their inherited wealth was useless to them now, with nobody prepared to accept their word that they would recompensed in the morning. They were just about to give up, and were walking back to their hotel in an unfamiliar part of the city, when Carl spotted a sign outside a club that they had never been to, 'Piccadilly's'. "Hey Will ? look at that over there. 'Piccadilly's', that's somewhere if France isn't it! Well that sign says 'Women Free After 9:00pm'. Isn't that just typical ? if we were chicks then we'd be able get in AND have enough to have a good time"! "No stupid ? it's in London ? you know, Eros and everything! But I don't believe that sign! This sort of thing really makes my blood boil. I've never seen anything like it in this country before, although it's pretty standard fare back in the western world. I mean they'd do anything to get a bunch of girls into a place because they know the men will follow but over here ? well I've got to say I'm surprised. Well maybe this is the time to practise some of my legal training -?what do you say buddy ? let's go scare the natives!" he said to Carl, but it was more of a statement than a question as he was already striding across the road in the shop's direction. In just a few moments William was deep in conversation with the club owner, who was giving nothing away. Five minutes later and they were still arguing, with the owner not budging one inch from his position! "And I am telling you sir, that sign is not what you think!" the owner said, getting weary from the American's attempts to bully him. "Come on Will, you're not going to get anywhere with this. Let's just leave it ? it's not that important!" Carl said to his friend, attempting to get him to drop this. He was sure that no good was going out come out of this, but he recognised the signs, and knew that William was not going to quit until he had won his case. He could be very stubborn when the mood hit him! "And I'm telling you Ahmed, that what you're advertising contravenes the equal opportunities act of 1995, which clearly states that no preferential treatment maybe be given to either gender. If I have to I will sue you for this!" he said, getting increasingly irate. " Sir, sir ? please do not insult me with your empty threats, and I have already told you a number of times- my name is not Ahmed ? it is Ben El Sersy! Your jurisdiction does not mean anything in our country and holds no influence here. You American's think you can tell the rest of the world how to run their affairs because you are big and powerful, but are also stupid, because you have allowed your men to get dictated to by your women. Well I can tell you sir; we do not allow that sort of thing to happen here where the natural order of things remains as it always has done. Equal opportunities ? pah!!!". "What a load of garbage and what the hell has that got to do with anything, anyway!" William exclaimed, waving his arms in the air in exasperation. "It has everything to do with you as a person. Now I would advise you to keep away and not to meddle in things you do not understand, if you know what is good for you," the proprietor warned, with a hint of menace to his voice. Carl was looking around them, and was getting concerned at the growing number of faces that were turning to look at the increasingly loud argument. He noticed one in particular ? a large man who was walking towards them. "Wh..why you ? don't you threaten me or I.." William started to reply, but was pulled away before he could go any further. "Leave it Will, leave it. It's not worth it. Let's get out of here. We can find something better" and started to lead William away from the seedy looking club, with William still threatening that he'd be back. * * * * * * * "I'll tell you Will, I haven't ever seen you so worked up about anything before. What on earth has gotten into you?" Carl said, as they walked through the dusty back streets on their way back to the hotel. "Can it Carl. First our fathers dump on us and then some jumped up camel trader tells us that we're not good enough to go into his club. I mean this Carl, I'm not going to let it go ? I'm going to get into that club if it's the last thing I do!" Will said, still seething at his recent confrontation. "And what do you think you can do about it when all we've got between us is sixty bucks?" Carl replied, but receiving no answer decided not to push it any further. He knew, by now, when to keep quiet even if William didn't! They walked along in silence, ignoring the enthusiastic attempts of the traders that populated this part of the city, to push their wares upon them. William's mood was not improving one iota! They were only ten minutes from reaching their hotel when one persistent old woman managed to grab William's attention. His belligerent mood of earlier had abated a little by now, and there was something about her that seemed familiar, although he couldn't quite place what it was. He paused, suddenly curious as to what she was going to try to sell him! "Sir, sir! I have something that I know will interest you. Please ? give me a moment of your time. If your heart is true then I know that you won't live to regret it"! Carl looked at her with annoyance. He was keen to get back to the hotel. He had been upset by their earlier confrontation with the club owner, and was not in the mood for a session of bartering for good that they neither wanted nor could afford. "Come on Will, let's get going. I think I've had enough for now and it's not like you're going to buy anything, is it!" he whined. Despite Carl's protestations and advice, William decided to go with the old woman to a small back-street shop whereupon she beckoned him inside. "I have many interesting things for someone who looks as discerning as yourself. Look ? here, a genuine relic from the tomb of Ankhsenoomun, the young bride of Tutankhamen. As you may be aware, Tutankhamen was reputedly murdered by Ay, who was Ankhsenoomun's grandfather, in order to retain power after his son Akhenaton's murder". She held up a flat gold coloured, and egg-shaped, amulet that was covered in hieroglyphics. It was about the size of a small woman's hand. "Why it's beautiful, but the writing ? it's so small ? has it been translated!" said William, as he turned it around in his hands and examined the small writing surrounding the outside of the amulet, admiring the way it seemed to catch the sun somehow, even inside the gloomy shop! "I do indeed have a translation, given to me by the distinguished Howard Carter himself, not long after he took the valuables away from the ancient kings grave. He told me that he did not feel comfortable with this amulet and something told him not to take this away form the country of it's birth. It is a pity that he didn't feel similarly disposed towards the rest of the boy king's relics ? maybe he would have lived a longer and more productive life if he had heeded the warnings!" the old lady rambled. William didn't reply, still staring enraptured at what he was holding. "As for the translation ? it tells the tale of how Ay is supposed to have murdered his own son Akhenaton, for the direction he was taking his kingdom. Apparently his religious views did not coincide with Ay's. When Tutankhamen succeeded him, he had promised to take his kingdom back to its old ways, and his success made Ay jealous, who then planned to murder him also". William stood as if in a trance, spellbound by both by the amulet and also the tragic tale that was unfolding as the old lady continued. "The story tells of how the boy king received a warning, in the form of a dream from ISIS herself. She took special care of women and children, and the king was still just a boy himself. She told him of how she would leave him something that would protect him, but would still end in tragic circumstances. When he woke, the next morning, he saw this amulet laying next to him. As he picked it up he was looking at his beautiful young wife beside him, remembering the night they had just shared. Within minutes his body was shifting and changing and when he looked into a mirror he found that he had turned into an exact replica of his wife". "And you're telling me that this amulet here did this to him?" William said incredulously. "And not only that. His wife, wondering whom this girl was, that looked so much like herself, snatched the amulet away form the new girl, and called out for her husband. Within moments further changes occurred, and the equilibrium was soon again restored, as a king and his wife again occupied their palace, although not in their original forms". "Okay ? I can see that this must be pretty awful for King Tut, but is that the tragedy you referred to?" William said. She looked at the American a little disgusted for such a cavalier reference to one of her Gods, but chose to let it pass without comment. "No ? his wife decided that she enjoyed her new found status, and legend has it that she hid the amulet so that he could not get back. That was to prove to be her undoing though, as Ay is reputed to have then murdered Tutankhamen, before ascending to the throne himself, thereby murdering what, in reality, was his own granddaughter. To complete the tragic tale, he then claimed the girl Ankhsenoomun, formerly Tutankhamen as his wife and queen. The boy king lived out the rest of his days as Ay's queen. That was how ISIS saving his life! To be sure the Gods move in mysterious ways"! "Wow ? what a tale! Boy, would I give anything to own this piece, but I don't have anywhere near the amount of money that you'd want for this", William said dolefully. "You might be pleasantly surprised. I have never lost money on this item yet, as it seems to repeatedly return to my hands, as if a divine intervention was at play. I would sell it to you for $30". "$30. But surely, that thing's gold!" he gasped, not believing that she could be so stupid. He knew that even if this amulet did not contain the powers that she had claimed, that he would still be way ahead on the deal ? it must be worth thousands! She merely shrugged at him, and he quickly counted out the money and exchanged it for the amulet before she could change her mind. "You will have to tell me how this is supposed to work!" he said to her, eager to explore his new purchase's secrets. "Come with me .." she said, smiling at him, before leading him into a backroom. * * * * * * * "You surely can't be serious. You don't think this will really work do you?" Carl said as William laid the amulet on the bed in front of them, "and even if you do I still don't understand what you're going to do with it, or how it's going to help us"! "Well for an partially educated guy you can be remarkably stupid at times Carl. The old lady told me that this could change the holder into anyone that you are thinking of, at the time, as I've just told you. The holder will then stay that way for at least three hours, and then you will be able to reverse the whole procedure by holding it, and thinking about yourself again" William said. "Okay, so even if I buy that, I don't see how does that helps us. The way that I see it we are down to less than thirty bucks now, and that's half our money gone. We've got even less to enjoy ourselves with now, and once we've paid to get in anywhere then I guess we'll be lucky able to share a beer between us!" Carl exclaimed, thinking William had finally snapped. William grinned and he held out the amulet to Carl. "Here ? hold this for a moment" he said to his friend, who took the amulet and looked at it closely. "Hey ? who was it that you had at Madame Tara's last night?" William said suddenly to Carl, as if trying to remember. An image of the girl he had enjoyed flew into Carl's mind, without him even being aware of it, and before he could even verbalise his thoughts his whole body gave a tremor and seemed to shift in front of William's eyes. "Hey ? what the hell is going on here" Carl said, as his body started to ripple and reform itself. William grabbed back the amulet and returned it to his wallet. "We're going back to that club we saw earlier on, Carl old buddy. If what that old crone said was true then this could be our way in!" he said, looking curiously at his friend. "What! Oh no, don't tell me you actually believe that nonsense!" he said, although his voice didn't quite contain as much confidence as the words he spoke, as he felt another tremor run through his body. This time, when he looked at William, he noticed that he was craning his neck upwards slightly! "There's only one way to find out buddy and that's why I'm testing it out on you!" he said, fascinated by the first visible signs of Carl's transformation as he saw his friends sandy coloured hair start to darken, and his frame reduce. "We! I don't remember being a part of this decision!" Carl whined, failing to notice his hair starting to lengthen to his jaw-line. "Oh stop moaning. I told you, I'm not letting that club-owner get away with making fools out of us and it looks like we're going to get in free after all, as it seems that the old lady was telling us the truth" William replied, watching the rapid changes developing in Carl's body. Carl still hadn't really understood what was going to happen to him and his mind flew into a panic at the multitude of sensations that were assaulting him. He looked at William and wondered, at first, why his friend seemed to be growing until he noticed that his clothing was starting to get loose around his body; then he realised that it was him that was getting shorter! He watched his six foot three inch muscular frame start to diminish until it slowly stopped at about five foot two inches. He looked at how his shoulders seemed to be narrowing, and how his arms were growing slimmer, and the course wiry hair that had adorned them, starting to drop out. He was momentarily puzzled, as his proud pectorals, maintained throughout his gap year by a planned series of press-ups and isometric exercises, seemed to remain at their same stature, despite everything around them shrinking and narrowing. Closer examination though, seemed to indicate that they were growing! As he lifted his hand to feel them though, his mind almost went into overload as he noticed further additional changes that were progressing so rapidly that he couldn't keep track of them. He didn't know what to panic about next! Firstly he felt his hair tumbling down over his shoulders, and as he held it he saw that not only was it long, but it was also a dark brown, in fact it was almost black! Secondly he saw that not only was the hand that moved to his chest much slimmer and more refined than he was used to, but the skin seemed to be changing as he watched, into a dark olive colour! He looked up through his panic stricken eyes into William's, hoping to get some degree of reassurance that he was imagining all of this, maybe even suffering from some kind of hallucination from a drug that had been administered without his knowledge! Instead, all he saw was a look of wonderment that simply seemed to confirm that what was happening to him was indeed, real. His hands grasped at his chest and he now knew that what he thought were the tight muscles of his pectorals were, in fact, just loose and flabby skin that seemed to move about as he touched it. He then noticed that they seemed to be getting larger, before his very eyes! He could no longer deny to himself that he now had a medium sized pair of women's breasts and for the first time he realised how drastic the changes that he was experiencing were going to be! "I..I'm turning into a woman. Wh..what have you done to me; how have you done th..this to me?" he cried out, but this only served to feed his growing horror as the voice that started out broken, was now a clear soprano. "Hey, don't worry Carl. It's all reversible" William laughed, as he watched Carl pull apart his shirt, and try to retrieve his pants that were falling down his ever-shapely legs. "Then change me back ? now!" Carl screamed, sounding just like the hysterical woman that he was now becoming, as he feebly attempted to grab at his ever shrinking penis. "No can do old pal; there is no way that I can anything to change you back for a few hours yet. All it will take then, is to hold the amulet and hope your memory of yourself is good, and then ? hey presto ? Carl will return!" William exclaimed dramatically, enjoying this moment of drama. It took another four minutes but finally, the changes had finished and Carl stood there, completely shocked and oblivious of everything, apart from who he'd become. He walked over to the full-length mirror outside of the bathroom, and looked at his ? or her would now be appropriate ? reflection. "Oh m..my God" he said, in his high-pitched and stuttering voice, "I..I'm..". "Yes ? you've now got the same body as Uadjet, that'll teach you to think dirty thoughts!" William chuckled. "You told me over coffee that you'd give anything to see her again -well now you can!" William said, laughing at his own joke. Carl spun around at the sound of William's voice, having forgotten all about his presence following his transformation. He was suddenly aware that he was standing naked, and as a female in front of a male, and his hands flew up, in a very feminine gesture, to cover his breasts. As soon as he did so, he realised that this had only served to expose his smooth and hairless mound, and in a blind panic he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut before sitting down on the toilet and crying. "Hey ? come on old buddy ? I'll be changing myself in a few moments, although looking at you I'm tempted to skip the club. Maybe we could spend tonight getting to know the 'new you' a little better!" he said, as he felt a firmness growing in his pants, at the recollection of Carl's new body. Feeling guilty at the fact that he was getting turned on by what had, previously, been his very male friend, and hearing Carl's increased wails as a result of his comments, he decided to stop his teasing and try to settle things down a bit. He went over to a bag and pulled out some clothing and left them outside of the bathroom door. "Aw come on Carl - so don't take on so. It's only for tonight, then everything can get back to normal. I've left some clothes that will fit you outside of the door. Now I'm going back to my bedroom to change myself, so get yourself dressed and calm down a little" and with that he left the room. * * * * * * * "Are you mad Will? What on Earth made you do this? It's bad enough that you've changed us both into women but to make us identical into the bargain ? well that's just beyond belief!" Carl said, as he shook his pretty little head in disbelief. "All right, all right - so I made a mistake, but it's partly your fault as well, parading yourself around naked in front of me. I just couldn't get that vision out of my mind as I held the amulet. Well ? whatever! it's too late to do anything about it now anyway. So tell me ? how do I look?" William said, as he swivelled on his hips, and looked at his reflection over his shoulder. The plain cotton white bra and panties looked dazzling against William's olive coloured skin, and Carl couldn't help admiring the swelling of his bust and his rounded behind as he turned towards him. He couldn't help remembering his night with Uadjet again, as he looked at William, but where he expected to feel the familiar hardness of his arousal was now only an empty ache. His ardour was completely dampened when the realisation hit him that he looked exactly the same as that vision of beauty, standing right in front of him. He pulled himself together enough to answer William. "Stunning Will, you look stunning, although you're not really intending to go out like this are you"? "Thanks old buddy, and you don't look so bad yourself, and yes ? we are going out as planned. We're not going to let that club-owner get one over on us"! Carl was disturbed that William seemed to think that this was all just some big joke, and that he seemed to be relatively comfortable with what had happened to them both. Surely he should have been more disturbed than he was! He had lost nearly nine inches in height, his large muscular frame and also his manhood ? how could he swivel and pose in front of that mirror so easily when everything that had previously defined him had gone? Carl was still finding it too hard to accept his own changes, but he was gradually growing resigned to spending the night as the delectable creature that he had bedded only the night before, and decided that he'd just have to make the most of it! He looked at Will as he started to put on the identical full-length galabia style robes that he was wearing himself, along with the hijab. The robes were in the traditional style for Egyptian women, designed to preserve their modesty for when appearing outside of the home, and for that Carl was profusely grateful. At least he wouldn't feel so exposed and it would offer them a degree of anonymity! When they had finished dressing Carl looked at both of the reflections staring back at them, from the mirror. No body would ever have believed these two normal looking young women were anything other than what they appeared to be. Carl's nerve started to fail him again. "Please Will, let's be sensible. Whatever your point is I think you've proved it. I'm too scared to go out like this ? what if anything happened to us ? this is still a male-dominated society you know"! "Juliana Carl, call me Juliana as we planned. It's going to look a little strange if we keep calling ourselves by our male names whilst looking like this. Now stop moaning or I might just decide to leave you like this. We're going and that's final ? have you got that 'Karamy'?" Will said forcefully! Carl winced as he heard the name that William had given him, but meekly nodded his head and lowered his eyes, acknowledging his lack of bargaining power. As he did so, he noted that he felt far more submissive than he would normally have done, and he forced himself to look up at Will again, aware that he had never felt like this before! "Will.." he started to say. "Juliana ? Juliana for Christsakes!" Will snapped back at him! "Okay, okay ? Juliana then. Look, this is a little embarrassing for me but have you found yourself having any strange thoughts, or any unusual feelings?" Carl asked him. "No, I think you must be imagining it ? I wasn't told that anything like that might happen!" William said, but in truth he was having very similar feelings himself, although he was refusing to acknowledge them! He could see Carl's struggle to take in all of these revelations, and then a sudden thought sprang into his mind, and he grabbed his friend's attention. "Bi takalam inglizi (do you speak English)"? Carl answered him without thinking. "Aiwa (yes) - hey wait a minute ? how did I understand you just now. I can't speak Arabic!" Carl exclaimed. "Neither could I. Maybe there's something in what you're your saying after all, but there's no point in worrying about it now. There's nothing we can do about it until we can change back, and it might even help us!" William said, suddenly seeing how might assist them in passing as Egyptian women, something that had previously given him a few nagging doubts! "Then maybe that would explain how I found it so easy to put these robes on. Maybe it was an inherited skill from Uadjet" Carl replied, running his hands over his covered body, still feeling shocked from finding curves where none had previously existed. "Most probably. Don't worry though, when we change ourselves back into men, I'm sure that the reverse will apply and we'll back to our old macho male selves before you know it!" Will replied, although felling far less confidant than he sounded. Carl looked back down at himself again. That possibility seemed a long way away right now! "I sure hope you're right. I don't want to get my own body back only find myself thinking and acting like some kind of faggot!" he said, almost under his breath. * * * * * * * William and Carl approached Piccadilly's club, grateful to have arrived there after their brief journey across town. Although their journey wasn't long, by their own standards it had been eventful. In truth, this was more due to the fact that they both so felt so hideously vulnerable, and even William's bravado vanished when he found himself looking up at people which was something that he wasn't used to doing from his previous perspective! This was something that he hadn't appreciated from the safety of their hotel room, where he had always been the tallest until his own change. Even more disturbing to him was his automatic reaction to lower his eyes deferentially, whenever he happened to glance at a man. "Oh I tell you man, I'm beginning to think that this has been one big mistake," William said to Carl, as they approached the clubs front entrance. "At last, you're starting to see some sense. We should have at least got a cab, so why don't we go back to the hotel and wait until we can change back!" Carl replied, not wanting to take this any further. He was starting to get a bad feeling about this as he saw a burly doorman glance towards them. "No way, it's nearly 9:00pm now. We've come this far and we're going to see this through. Besides, you know that if we'd spent the money on a cab then we'd have had precious little left for drinks!" William stated stubbornly, his defiant attitude briefly resurfacing. Carl's head dropped a little, and then he saw the doorman walking towards them. He recognised him as the man that had been approaching them earlier, when William had been arguing with the club owner. "B..but, are we even going to be allowed to drink as we are? I'm not too sure of the status of women on that subject"! "Great ? now you have to bring it up" William retorted, and hushed Carl's protestations that he did not have a lot of choice in the matter as the doorman spoke. "Good evening ladies" he greeted them, not noticing them bridle at being addressed in this way. "And is there something I can do for you"? William had to force himself to raise his lowered eyes before he could reply. "Yes, w..we wish to enter this club" he said nervously. "Ah, but I am afraid that this will not be possible. Unaccompanied women are not allowed in ? you should know this I think!" the doorman smiled at them, condescendingly. William started to get annoyed again, they had not gone through all of this just to be cheated by..by this great big ox! "B..but the sign says ? 'Women Free after 9:00pm'! You cannot refuse us without breaking your advertising rules" he stated, now staring the doorman straight in the eyes! The doorman went silent for a moment, as if trying to puzzle something out, before continuing. "That is funny ? you sound just like someone that was here earlier today. He also spoke in these terms and legal rights and what have you, but never mind! Why did you not say that this was what you were interested in! You are indeed more than welcome. Now come with me and I will show you in ? we are attracting too much attention standing here"! As they followed him into a darkened alley that ran alongside the club, Carl whispered to William: "Hey Will, I really don't like the look of this. Why isn't he taking us in by the front door?" William hissed back at him. "Juliana you fool, Juliana. We don't want to blow it now so concentrate please 'Karamy'" he replied, as the doorman banged on a large door, on which a panel opened to reveal the face of the man they had previously addressed as Ahmed. "Aieee Ben, I think your luck is truly in tonight. I have two women here claiming entrance as 'free women'. "Ah, truly the God's are smiling on me. Show them in and make them comfortable. I will go and quieten down things back at the club" he replied, and the large door swung open. The doorman ushered the girls in and slammed the door shut and locked it. It was a little gloomy inside but that did not seem to disturb William, who turned his head towards Carl. "See Karamy, I told you that I'd get us in tonight. We've won"! "B..but I don't understand 'Juliana' ? why have we been put back here and why aren't they taking us into the club"? Before William could reply the doormen put a hand on each of their shoulders and led them up a flight of stairs and into an empty room, that was covered in discarded clothing. The man the doorman had called Ben walked in and passed the 'girls' a form each, and told them that they must sign it to confirm that they had entered into this establishment, and were willing to partake as free women. They did as they were told, thinking this was just like signing a guest list, and each passed their form back to Ben. "Ah, Juliana and Karamy. Such fine classical names for such a pretty pair I hope. Now let me see what we have to work with ? Assim!" he said, motioning to the doorman, who nodded and pulled 'Juliana's' head covering away. "W..what are you doing?" William squealed, understanding that to do this was almost sacrilegious! Without giving an answer Assim pulled away the rest of the robes covering her body to reveal a slender and pretty girl standing there in just her underwear. Before she could struggle to preserve some degree of modesty her hands were pulled tight behind her back and chained together. "Careful not to mark her Assim, we do not want to lower her value to us!" he said, not bothering to answer the girl's pleas. Carl was rooted to the spot and he watched in dumb horror as his friend's bra and panties were removed and a more revealing, and dressy, pair of panties being pulled up his legs by Assim, just as if he were a doll being dressed. William gasped as the panties gripped snugly into his flattened crotch, giving him strange sensations that he had never previously experienced! Carl saw a glazed look come over his eyes as Assim stood and examined her. When Assim turned to Carl he let him do whatever he wanted to, and he was not surprised to receive the same treatment as William. He knew that there was simply nothing that the weak girl that he now was could have done to stop such a strong and powerful man! Just moments later they were made to stand in front of Ben, who appraised the exhibits critically. "Oh yes ? oh yes indeed. This is far better than I could ever have had the right to expect. You are twins ? identical twins and such pretty ones as well. Do you realise that your value to me has now increased three fold!" he exclaimed as he examined them from head to toe, noticing that everything ? even down to the large and darkened nipples that they both sported, was identical! As Ben ran a hand over one of Juliana's breasts, William gave an involuntary shiver, feeling his nipple harden in spite of his fear. He gave a little sob, having remained speechless from the shock of what had previously occurred, never before had he felt so powerless! "I don't understand ? what are you going to do with us? You have no right to treat us in this way!" he broke down having regained his speech, as tears ran freely down his pretty face. "My dear Juliana ? I have every right in the world. You surely gave me that right when you signed that form stating that you would be my 'Free Women'!" he replied, a little surprised by her naivety! "T..the right to do what?" William cried, his heart breaking with fear, wondering just what this now meant. "Why surely you knew when you entered this place that this was a trading club, and that the trade on this occasion was women. I must admit, before you came along I was getting a little nervous. This would have been the third successive week without a 'free women' available if you hadn't turned up". He could see that the two women before him were still puzzled by his words. Although he could not imagine why they should have been mystified he, proceeded to enlighten them. "My dear ladies ? we sell women for gainful employment to the right purchaser. I do not like to use the word slavery ? which has so many unfortunate connotations in this day and age. Usually that means to whoever offers us the most money. Now in general, the women enter here voluntary, at least that is always what I am told, and I then help them secure an appropriate master or mistress". "B..but I saw the sign ? 'Free Women'!" William stuttered. "Ah yes ? surprising though it may seem, there are always a number of women in this beautiful country who have been cast aside, and this can be for a variety of reasons. This can include a husband divorcing them or a daughter disowned by her family for shaming them. These are just two examples ? there are many others. Our society offers them little solace or support, and usually the only option is for them offer their lives and freedom, to anybody that is prepared to let them be their slave ? oh, sorry ? there's that word again, that I do not like using! These are the 'Free Women' to whom the sign describes," he said, grinning. For the first time the former men started to understand exactly what they had signed, and Carl finally got the courage to speak. "B..but this can't be right. We are American citizens ? we can't just be sold like, like cattle"! "American citizens! You do not look much like American citizens to me and besides, you signed those forms relinquishing your rights. Assim ? search their clothing!" he called to the doorman, who had been standing alongside them. He lifted their robes from the floor and soon found the inner pockets where they had secreted their valuables. In this case it was the small amount of money that they had left, their passports and, in William's case, the amulet, that was wrapped up in tissue paper. Assim passed them across to Ben, who swiftly examined them. "Aieee" Ben exclaimed as he examined the passports, recognising the faces of the argumentative Americans he had earlier encountered. "Would this be your husbands, boyfriends or clients ? I don't understand ? maybe you stole them"? William found his voice, as Ben started opening the tissue paper. "N..no that is really us. I..I.. ? Oh, how can I explain?" he cried knowing that if Ben kept their passports they were in bigger trouble than he had bargained for, if he hadn't realised that fact already! As Ben pulled open the tissue paper he saw the amulet. His eyes opened wide and seemed to grow, as if on stalks, as recognition dawned on him. "Look Assim, if this is what I suspect it to be then we have another reason to be delighted I think! Truly, I never thought to have this within my hands ? ever!" he exclaimed, as Assim joined him in his wonderment. The girls watched in horror as Ben examined the amulet closely, and then re- wrapped it and placed it in his jacket pocket. They looked at each other, knowing that they had to reclaim the amulet if they were ever going to get their own bodies back! Ben seemed to be pondering on something, and was silent for a moment until a large grin spread across his face. "Ah, I think I understand everything, yes I understand everything now" he said, and he looked at their passports and then back at them again, "William and Carl I think, although who is who is very hard to tell just now"! "Oh thank God ? then you believe us! Surely then you know how we have changed ourselves" Carl cried. "You must give us back the amulet so that we can change back!" he pleaded, falling on his knees to the floor. "Not so fast. You thought to use this Egyptian artefact to trick me, Ben El Sersy, and to get into this club for free. Well the joke is on you 'ladies'. As you are now aware, this is not an entertainment establishment and we do not charge for entrance. You could have shown up, like any other prospective purchaser, and I would have been none the wiser. It seems, however, that you were hell bent on a rowdy, and cheap, night out's entertainment ? you would not have got that here. That is what I was trying to explain to you earlier, when you were so insulting to me" the club owner explained, his voice now holding an edge to it that made the former men blanche. " B..but we didn't understand!" William cried out in desperation. "No, you didn't listen, and there dear ladies, lies the difference"! "St..stop calling us ladies. We are American men who are heirs to a considerable fortune. We apologise if we offended you but can you please let us go!" Carl whined. Ben El Sersy lifted his hands and shrugged his shoulders. "Ah, but if only that decision were still within my power. I am afraid that I have already informed my patrons that there will be 'Free Women' tonight, and such rare beauties you both are as well! I have already accepted a bid from a regular customer. If I now tell those outside that I was lying to them then they will tear my club apart, and me from limb to limb. My reputation will be in ruins and I will go out of business. No, the auction continues. Now as far as being American men is concerned, you must do yourselves a favour and rid yourselves of that fanciful notion. You are certainly not men anymore and as for being American, well as far as I can see you have no legal identity whatsoever ? you do not even officially exist unless I decide to make it so". The former men listened in abject horror, beginning to realise that there was really no way out for them, unless Ben wished it, and this he was unlikely to do. They desperately searched for a flaw in his argument, hoping to convince him to change them back. "But that can't be right" William begged frantically, "how can they bid if you have told them that the women are free"? "The bids are made before seeing the property. You must appreciate, not all 'Free Women' are as lovely as yourselves and it can sometimes be great sport if they end up with the proverbial 'pig in a poke', as they say. If more than one party has made a bid then they can decide between themselves how the arrangements are made". "No..noooo, I won't go through with this. Give me back the medallion or I'll scream!!!" William cried pathetically. "Enough! I have no more time for explanations. By your own actions you have condemned yourselves and I will take the amulet for safekeeping. You were preaching to me about your equal opportunities, and how advanced you are in the west. Well now you can sample what equal opportunities means in the east, although not quite in the way that you imagined, no doubt. You sought to cheat Ben El Sersy, now you shall pay the price, and as for your screaming.."! Ben motioned to Assim who retrieved a small spray with a bulb attached, and forcing open William's mouth he squeezed the tube, forcing a fine spray into his throat. "Wh..what h&##~ &*|%##~ ..." William started to say, but his words quickly became incoherent until he could only mumble. "Just a little something to still your tongue. You will get your voice back in good time. Now, do I need to have the same done to you?" Ben asked Carl. "N..no master" Karamy answered, before lowering her head submissively. "Good, at least you are learning quick. Now let me make the introductions, and then I will introduce these two lovelies to the crowd and to their new owners. I think this will enhance my reputation considerably. A good day's business I think, Assim". Juliana and Karyam just stared at each other. Each was dressed identically in the skimpy and sparkling thong panties that Assim had put on them, and were bare breasted, displaying their impressive assets. As Assim laid a hand on their slender and smooth shoulders, he gave them a slight push towards where the stage was. They stumbled forward, hands chained behind them, and towards whatever fate awaited them, only able to offer the faintest whimper of despair. * * * * * * * Two weeks later Ben El Sersy entered Madame Tara's 'House of Pleasure' and walked towards the two woman who stood deep in conversation. "Ah, good morning ladies. And how are you both this fine morning Mother, and you, my favourite Aunt?" he greeted them both. Madame Tara looked up and saw her son standing there, and her face shone with pleasure. "Ben! It is good to see you again. It has been what, two weeks I think ? that is too long!" she admonished him, but only for a moment. "I know, and I will not let that happen again" he said, kissing her on the cheek. "I wanted to know how your two new girls were coming along. I am hearing good things about your new acquisitions out on the streets!" he said. "Oh yes ? I am finding both to be exceptional, and also quick learners. I had a little trouble with Juliana at first but Karamy has seemed resigned her fate from the very beginning" she answered. Ben nodded, demonstrating his satisfaction. "I am sure that you managed to help Juliana to see the error of her ways" Ben said. "Oh yes. I told her that she had no choice but to follow my wishes if she ever wanted to see her old body again. That gave her some hope, and she fully complied when I told her that she might be allowed to have her old body again if she was a good girl for the next two years" Madame Tara laughed. Ben and his aunt joined in the laughter, Ben nearly choking at the stupidity of these westerners. "Of course, you have told them that you have sent my brothers to America in the form of themselves" Ben laughed. "I did, explaining that someone needed to cover for them, and I said that any inconsistencies in their characters will be explained away by their long absence. I am also sure that their doting parents, eager to have a son at the helm, will ignore their apparent lack of knowledge in the world of business. They will soon learn" Madame Tara smiled. "I wonder what they will think when, in two years time William and Carl return to claim two very sensual, feminine and submissive Egyptian women as their wives, paying a generous dowry to you for the privilege?" Ben mused. "Just the same as Uadjet an Iset no doubt, and all the other foolish western men that have proceeded them. These westerners really do make the best girls ? far better than a natural woman!" Madame Tara said, shaking her head as Ben returned the amulet to his aunt. "Ah yes ? I told him that it always comes back to me eventually" she cackled, as she hid it in her robes until it was ready to be brought out for the next customer. She knew it would not be long until Madame Tara would be looking for replacements. The End

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Unequal Gifts

"Unequal gifts" by Jennifer Brock Sibling rivalry is a powerful thing. Sixteen years of his twin sister receiving obviously superior presents sends a boy into an unusual battle of wills with his father. How far is he willing to go to prove a point? Reagan had been living all his life knowing that his sister was their father's favorite, but the car was the last straw. The day after he threw her a massive Sweet Sixteen party, (technically it was Reagan's birthday party too, but...

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Problems and Opportunities

CHAPTER 1 As the world financial crisis bit deep at local level, clients were cutting back and new business had slumped, hitting the business of accountancy partnership Brown and Dempsey. Smiles and some cheer persisted as did the worry lines on faces each time someone in the offices cleared his or her desk. Thompson Harris felt the threat personally when called into the managing partner’s office for coffee. He left the meeting, face ashen. As last senior accountant to be hired, he’d been...

5 years ago
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A couple discovers the joys of swinging and take full advantage of their opportunities

For the benefit of those who didn’t read stories one and two I’ll repeat that Sue is petite at 5’4″ 115lbs. 34B, with a nice waist and curvy hips. She has very light brown hair and green eyes. She is very good natured and laughs a lot. Whenever we go somewhere men notice her cute face, then her nice ass. During the events I related in the earlier stories, I found that sexually Sue was quite submissive and was willing to do anything I asked of her. When we talked about...

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Golden Opportunities

Angelique had eventually arrived home from her long drive along the coast. She had expected Pierre to be at home when she got back, and when she found the house empty she nearly threw her teddies out of the pram.Angelique paced up and down the wet room, into the narrow corridor, and along the lounge to the balcony overlooking the cliffs. The clip-clop of her heels on the stone floors only made things worse. She dare not run the water for a drink.Her knickers had been placed on the washbasin for...

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Sebastian was a 20-year-old boy who commonly spent most of his days alone. He didn't have many friends, if any, and he preferred to spend his days alone and quietly. It was usually part of his live routine to go check he's aunt's house, which gave him some bills to see that the property was intact since she did not live there but with her partner at the other end of the city. Well, let's see if something has changed Sebastian said, but when he put the key in the lock, a lightning was heard...

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Naruto Opportunities

You don't know what happened. You don't know where you are. You just woke up in the middle of nowhere with a pain in your stomach. "Ugh... Where am I?" You wonder, yet, the surroundings look so similar. SO similar, in fact.. "Wait.. Is that.. " You suddenly see the Konoha Main Gate in all its' glory. You try to remember how you ended up here, but your mind always drew a blank. "Eh, might as well", and with that thought, you approach the gate. "Hold! Who goes there?" Suddenly, a man, presumably...

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Office Opportunities

As you approach the main entrance, you take notice of the unusual building design. It's only one story, but the roof sits 10 feet above the ground floor. The front plate glass windows are tinted extremely dark. No light escapes from inside the office. Your feet hit the electronic door mat, and the front door slowly groans open. You step forward, the door swinging shut behind you. The second set of tinted doors has a buzzer adjacent, reading "Press button to call front desk". Your finger...

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Previous story is The Engineer Plays On. South Farm Amanda had said. Hmm ... it was a big place, but also in poor condition, nothing had been done to it for years, decades probably, and the outbuildings weren’t much better. Still, it was food for thought, but fairly swiftly if I was going to do anything. And that muscle control was something I’d like to sample again. So, meeting of the family I think. Everyone had been invited to supper and the subsequent meeting but in the event there was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 13 Opportunities

August 23, 1987, Chicago Illinois “How was last night?” I asked Jessica when Kara and I went to meet her at 5:00am on Sunday morning. “There was a fight of some kind in the projects. Mercy couldn’t take all the victims so we got four. Stab wounds, broken bones, and lacerations, but nobody died. One guy from a traffic accident, but he was dead before the paramedics got him to us. It’s usually a bad idea to run your car into a light pole at eighty while running from the cops.” “Uh, yeah. But...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 14 Frustration Creates Opportunities

"I know you guys are keeping the pain receptors turned off during my questioning, but are there any problems with maintaining the status quo? I ask because I am starting to feel some of the pain," Tim whispered to himself while he held a pillow over his own face in a mock effort to fall asleep. "All efforts to minimize, and even counteract, the effects of the enhanced interrogation techniques are within their limits, and all nanites are performing at optimum levels. If you are, in fact,...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 9 New Tricks and Opportunities

My club team had started up again by mid-summer. Eric and I were joined by Jorge, who made the team as keeper. We had practices four evenings a week, and played either one or two games on the weekends. At about the same time, the Duane Olchick clinic began. Olchick was a Czech player who had been playing for three years in the U.S. and was scheduled to go back to Europe in the fall to play. He had a couple of months of down time before he left, so he was running clinics in several cities in...

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Taking the opportunities

100% fiction! Life has been surprising lately. School has been smooth. All my professors like me a lot and I can tell that I won't have to worry at all about class this semester. I am a junior at CSU in Colorado and I'm majoring in math. Terrible thing is that all the girls in my classes are nerdy and not at all attractive. I'm single, hate drunk party chicks and am horny as fuck. I can't seem to think about anything but sex, and it's been fucking with me. I had to leave class more than once to...

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Equal Shares Ch 18

Chapter 18 Stan sat in the booth and Anne took a seat next to him, opposite Elaine. The cute receptionist looked up and Stan could see she was close to tears. Gently, he asked her, ‘Elaine, whatever’s the matter? Is there anything I can do?’ Elaine barely managed ‘Su-Su-Sus-Susan!’ and came to a halt, sobbing. Stan looked at Anne, for permission before he went around the table and sat next to Elaine with his arm around her. ‘Ssshhh, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m sure we can sort it out,’ he...

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Equal Shares Ch 44

Anne woke up at a quarter past five in the morning. ‘Oh, God I must be mad!’ she thought, as she picked her way foggily through her early morning routine. Downstairs she found Denise, wearing a bathrobe, with coffee ready to pour. ‘Good morning, Anne,’ she said quietly. ‘Stan’s gone back to sleep. He’ll wait up for you tonight. I’ll sleep in the spare room, but I’ll stay up as well – I want to hear how your first day went!’ Anne almost fell into a chair at the table. ‘Monday, the 15th of...

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Equal Shares Ch 37

‘She’s inconsolable,’ Anne told him. Stan looked up. He was in his kitchen, filling the kettle. Tea all around seemed to be the best answer. ‘God, I’m so English!’ he thought, irrelevantly. Anne stood in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning tiredly against the doorframe. Her white blouse was stained with what Stan assumed were tears and makeup. She looked exhausted. Stan put the kettle on and went to her. He gathered the tall blonde figure into his arms and kissed her, softly, tenderly. ‘I...

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Equal Shares Ch 10

It was Monday morning, the 14th of August. Sixty-one years ago, Japan had surrendered to the Allies. Stan knew exactly how they felt. His body was battered by lack of sleep and his eyes were terribly gritty. He needed a shave, coffee, a shower, coffee, breakfast, coffee, some painkillers and coffee – and not necessarily in that order. So he forced himself into action, putting on his underwear and grabbing painkillers and a glass of water first, then putting a very strong pot of coffee on. He...

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Equal Shares Ch 02

Stan woke up, and rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. ‘I’m sorry, love, what was I thinking?’ he softly told the beautiful dark eyes that only he could see. Arriving at work, he said ‘Hi!’ to Elaine, who replied, ‘Good morning! Did you enjoy yourself last night?’ Stan walked almost to the door from reception to his office area, stopped, half turned to Elaine and said quietly, ‘Yes, thank you, Elaine.’ Before she could ask any more he opened the door and walked through. Elizabeth...

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Equal Shares Ch 30

Denise woke up. It was Sunday morning. She, Elaine and Susan had spent the whole of Saturday together, just simply enjoying each other’s company. Susan’s bed was crowded with the three of them, and Denise wondered idly for a moment whether she should broach the subject of getting a bigger bed. She twisted over and met the twinkling eyes of Susan. They both heard a soft snore from Elaine, and smiled at one another. Susan mouthed ‘Coffee?’ at Denise, who nodded, so they carefully got out of...

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Equal Shares Ch 14

Stan twisted on the sofa. Anne had invited him in, but not for coffee. There was only one plausible explanation… was he ready? His erection felt like a log in his underwear… That part of him felt ready, at least. Anne had opened her door and gestured him inside. She’d told him, ‘Sit there while I fix us a drink. What would you like?’ Stan asked for a scotch, but asked for a glass of water too. Anne was now in the kitchen, fixing things. ‘Glenmorangie?’ she called, and Stan replied,...

4 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 41

The morning after the night before was not nice, but copious amounts of water and painkillers helped, along with several cups of coffee. All three gathered in Stan’s kitchen, listlessly going through the motions of making breakfast. Finally, Stan said ‘Hey, we ought to go to Iorio’s for breakfast. Getting out of the house would do us good, anyway.’ ‘I never thought I’d hear you advocating fresh air, Stan!’ grumbled Anne, though she had a slight smile on her face. ‘He’s probably right,...

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Equal Shares Ch 11

Chapter 11 After a fitful night, Stan got up in the morning feeling tired and somehow unkempt. A shower and a shave later it was only tiredness, but Stan couldn’t get the grittiness out of his eyes. His 20-20 hindsight was telling him that there were all sorts of things he could have said last night, the most important of which would have been ‘Can I take you out for a drink next week?’ or something similar. In his wildest fantasies Anne invited him in for ‘coffee’- an invitation that would...

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Equal Shares Ch 16

Denise woke up. She immediately wished she hadn’t. True, this wasn’t the first hangover she’d woken up with on this holiday, but that didn’t make it any better. ‘I’ll have to get up and get some water down me, oh and some painkillers,’ she thought. She put an arm down to help lever herself out of bed. When her hand fell on something she wasn’t expecting, she remembered, ‘Oh, God! Jim!’ She looked across to her left, where he was still asleep. In the diffused light coming through the curtains...

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Equal Shares Ch 35

Anne watched Stan and Denise climb the stairs. Stan turned to look at her and she blew him a kiss, smiling at him. They bounded up the stairs out of sight and Anne fell back into her chair. Watching Stan kiss Denise had been hard, very hard. Anne had thought it out beforehand, considered that Stan and Denise would be kissing and much, much more — but as she’d told them, actually seeing it was something else. Now they’d be upstairs, undressing. Denise had those wonderful large breasts, things...

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Equal Shares Ch 05

Chapter 5 The following morning Stan woke up, did the painkillers-and-water routine, and he slowly put himself together. He’d been very tired when he returned home the previous night and had fallen asleep the instant he hit the bed. This morning his thoughts kept replaying Denise’s parting comment. His best friend was telling him, ‘You’ve got to get over it sometime… why not now?’ ‘Doesn’t she know the pain I’ve been going through? Doesn’t she understand that I can’t do that to Caron?’ he...

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Equal Shares Ch 09

Chapter 9 Stan woke up late Saturday morning. At first he lay still while he put his scattered mind back together. Then he rolled onto his back, whispered, ‘Good morning, love,’ and went over what had happened last night. With the morning sunlight flickering through the curtains, last night’s events didn’t seem so momentous. Last night he’d thought the evening was incredible. He’d spoken to Anne in a non-work setting, it had been almost as if they’d been to a dinner date on their own. Now,...

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Equal Shares Ch 17

Chapter 17: Anne & Stan On Saturday morning Stan had woken with Anne, each feeling very slightly awkward with the other, not knowing what to say, and then a smile, a touch and all was well again. Anne had looked coyly at Stan, who’d given her a long, lustful, lingering kiss. The kiss turned into a more extended make-out session, before Stan broke it off. He was a little embarrassed: he ought to have been physically aroused, but nothing was happening. ‘Tempus fugit,’ he thought ruefully while...

5 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 42

It was a bright, refreshing Christmas morning. Stan and Anne had agreed to meet at Denise’s cottage since she was going to be cooking the first real holiday meal for their unorthodox family. Anne insisted on getting there early for breakfast so that they could all open their presents… as soon as possible! There was, of course, no snow, but it was chilly. Stan rang Anne to ask if she wanted a lift. She gratefully accepted, so he drove around to pick her up. Anne was ready and waiting when he...

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Equal Shares Ch 43

The first day back to work at The Firm was Wednesday, the 3rd of January. Anne immediately went to see Percy and handed in her notice. ‘I’m very sorry, but I really have to leave on the twelfth,’ she told her manager. ‘But that’s only just over a week away!’ he exclaimed, obviously annoyed. ‘My new firm, Boundless Waves, will pay compensation for the short notice. But I’m really very sorry, the date’s non-negotiable, it’s either then or no deal. In the meantime I’ll get my project as tidy as...

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Equal Shares Ch 49

On the way home from Boundless Waves on Friday evening, Anne was sitting next to Denise on the train. They were alone in that part of the carriage. She turned to Denise and thanked her, saying, ‘You made a big difference to the outcome, first by setting up and running the computers, then by making sure I wasn’t disturbed by ‘support calls’ from Ken and Sid. You stayed late with me those nights when we were running those tests – which worked, thank God! – and finally, perhaps most importantly,...

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Equal Shares Ch 08

On Wednesday morning two things were delivered to The Firm. One was a printout of a picture e-card, sent from her hotel on Ibiza, from Denise to ‘All at The Firm’. Denise had written, ‘Having a great time, nightlife is wonderful!’ and signed it with a kiss. Elaine pinned it up on the notice board, as was usual for holiday postcards. Stan noticed it as he went for a coffee that morning. He read the card and smiled, thinking, ‘So much for spending the nights in bed!’ He just hoped Denise was...

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