Equalized free porn video

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It was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that I
felt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed me
the small pink envelope. I didn't even need to open it right away, I
just tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on the
details of Mr. Robinson's proposed business loan.

I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get the
loan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in reality I
just wanted to get him out of my office as quickly as I could. As soon
as the door closed I was at my desk pulling open the envelope. There
was a hotel room key as I had expected, out of consideration for my job
we made sure to keep her kinky games secret from the neighbors.

I call them her kinky games even though I am just as much a participant
as she is because she makes the rules. I would be happy never again
playing one of these weird games but then again she would have been
happy to divorce me when she found out I'd had an affair with a client.
If that fact had come to the attention of my employer it would certainly
have meant my termination; So she agreed to stay married to me, and I
agreed to do whatever she wanted. I think it was about revenge at first
but now I think she actually got off on it.

As well as the room key there was a piece of paper, a much brighter pink
than the envelope, folded up into the shape of a heart. Once I had it
unfolded I could read her instructions.

"As soon as you receive this you are to go to the men's room; lower your
pants around your ankles and your panties to your knees. Sit down on
the toilet and take a photo making sure to show both your little
treasure and your panties and text it to me."

"Be ready at the hotel, shaved and dressed by 6:00 as I have made an
appointment for you through Outer Beauty."

I wasn't sure what the appointment would be, I wasn't familiar with the
name, but I could look them up after I had complied with her
instructions. Tucking the note and envelope back into my drawer I
proceeded to the restroom, which luckily enough was empty. Stepping
into the stall and dropping my pants I took a moment to consider today's
panties, they were pretty elaborate but of course I didn't have any
panties that weren't anymore, and I certainly didn't have any men's

Today's panties were baby pink with a ruffle around the waistband and
leg holes. There was also a pattern of small cheap plastic red
rhinestones in the shape of a heart on the front. As I lowered my
panties to my knees and sat on the toilet I adjusted my panties so the
heart was visible, I knew Mistress would appreciate that touch. And now
my 'treasure' was revealed, she liked to call it that because it was
hidden away under lock and key.

The chastity device was the first order she had given me under our new
dynamic, it made sense given the nature of my offense, but I had not
understood the need for the curved metal tube that locked over my
treasure to be bright pink. She said it was so I would want to be
especially careful about it being seen by anyone, but since I had
complained she would add a touch of black to 'man it up a bit'. The
touch of black in question happened to mean leaving it pink but painting
the letters XXS on it, she even joked that she had wanted to put a third
X but there wasn't room. I knew this was about humiliating me, I knew
my penis wasn't extra extra small, let alone another extra. Like any
guy I had measured it when I was single, six inches, pretty typical to
be honest.

Taking my camera I positioned things so as well as the heart on my
panties the writing on my 'treasure chest' was visible and took a
picture, it even showed the little landing strip my pubic hair was
trimmed into. It was probably just my imagination but the click of my
camera phone seemed so loud I could almost imagine someone walking by
the mens room hearing it.

I wasted no time in sending it to Mistress and her response was
immediate, "ROFL, so much pink. I love it, and so will my new bull when
I show him in a little while." Ever since she had locked my treasure
away she had started going out and picking up other men, or bulls as she
called them. I knew nothing about these other men except that they were
all hung like mammoths. I felt the familiar irritation rising up at the
inequity of this situation; for once I was going to say something, or at
least text something. "Honey, I understand I betrayed our marriage and
cheated on you, that is why I agree to have my treasure locked away and
everything else we've done to make sure I would never dare cheat on you
again, even if I was tempted. But when you go out and have sex with
these other men isn't that cheating on me?"

I didn't dare get up from the toilet I just sat there frilly panties
around my knees, waiting for her response. I felt a sinking in my
stomach, I knew it was a bad idea as soon as I sent the message, what
would she do now? Finally her response came back. "There are several
key differences between you lying and cheating on me and me getting my
needs met where you can no longer do your duty as a husband. First off
with your little treasure locked up I am denied even what meager
pleasure that provided and so I get my needs met by real men. Secondly
I am honest about my relations with my bulls, I don't lie and sneak
around like you did. Lastly, I am not abusing my position of power to
get what I want. I want sex, they want sex, we both know where we
stand, your little fling was a client, a client who wanted you to
approve her loan, I can't imagine any other reason she would agree to
put your tiny little thing in her mouth."

"But if my penis..." I deleted that last word, I knew it would just
upset her, I was only ever to use one word to describe my equipment,
"But if my treasure wasn't locked up you wouldn't need to seek other
men. I, your husband, would be meeting your needs."

"Fine." Uh-oh, that was one of the most worrisome words to ever leave a
woman's lips. "Do everything I tell you to tonight and things will be

Equalized? Did that mean no more bulls? No more panties? No more
chastity? I was about to text her back when the door to the restroom
opened. I had been in here a while, maybe I should go. In fact I had
been in here long enough it might be suspicious. I could use this.

From the restroom I went to the branch manager's office and complained
of stomach issues, "Not sure if it is stomach flu or food poisoning or

"Any appointments for this afternoon?"

"Two, one decline and one assessment."

"Okay, we can have someone else take the decline and reschedule the
assessment. You go home and we'll see you Monday." I wasn't sure he
completely believed me, with it being Friday and all, but I hardly ever
took sick time so I was due a day. I made sure to keep the act up until
I was out of the building, hotel card in my pocket. I was going to make
sure everything I did tonight was perfect, show Mistress that she was
not wrong to consider my infidelity behind us and move forward

When I got to the hotel room the 'Do Not Disturb' sign was in place but
I guessed that was just to keep hotel staff from interfering. Sure
enough the room was empty, a single king sized bed dominated the room
but it wasn't cramped. First I went to the bathroom, there was
everything I would need to make sure I was satin smooth. Leaving work
early had left me with extra time to prepare myself so I had stopped
somewhere to pick up a nice floral scented bubble bath. First I needed
to get rid of my stubble though, so I rubbed the depilatory all over my
arms and legs, my chest and even what I could reach of my ass cheeks. I
couldn't reach my back but I'd been waxed a couple weeks ago and back
hair wasn't a significant problem for me.

While the cream worked at dissolving my body hair I lathered up my face
and gave that the closest shave I could manage. Once I had shaved and
showered away the cream, along with my hair I filled the tub again with
warm water and flowery smelling bubbles and lay down to relax.

When the water was getting cool I got out and toweled myself off with
the big fluffy white hotel towel, and went naked into the other room to
see what clothing she had left me, hanging up in the closet where she
always liked to leave it. It was a sexy red club dress; low cut up top,
which made sense given that my breast forms were in there too, along
with the body glue. The skirt was short but more noticeably there were
keyholes in the sides of the dress, right around the love handles, which
would make sure my tattoos were on display.

Mistress had justified the tattoos by saying that if I could get the
chastity device off I might cheat on her again, the panties certainly
wouldn't be hard to lose if I had been able to get the lock off my
treasure. The tattoos were the outline of her hands in black with
bright red nails grabbing my hips, just where she liked to take hold
when she wore her strap-on. That was how we had sex now, either with
her using her dildo on me, or me going down on her, or both in turn.

She had also left me a pair of 4" stilettos as well as a pair of PVC
thong panties, and a dog collar with leash all red to match my dress. I
still had plenty of time to glue on my breast forms and get changed
before 6:00 so when the knock came at the door I was wearing the sexy
dress, heels, and thong, all capped off with a curly chocolate brown
wig. The leash and collar were stashed in the TV cabinet along with my
suit and tie.

It was a pretty young woman, looked in her mid twenties. She was
wearing black slacks and vest with a white shirt, very professional
looking. "Hi, I'm Brenda from Outer Beauty, the mobile beauty salon."
It had the ring of a corporate slogan, the sort of thing she must have
to say every time.

I showed her into the room. "So your wife said I'm were going to be
doing your make-up for your birthday."

It wasn't my birthday but it made as good an excuse as any so I agreed.
I sat down in the armchair as Brenda started unloading some things from
her make-up kit. "I see you like red."

"Yes, it's my favourite colour."

"Okay well I can work with that, I have some great vibrant pink
eyeshadows and of course a bright red lip for you."

As she worked she continued to chat "Have you dressed up before?"

"A couple times, but not often." I was going to be glad this was the
last time too, I was not comfortable how good I was getting at walking
in heels.

"Does your wife usually do your make-up?"

"No I usually do, but I'm not very good yet." neither of my answers were
a lie, I had only been forced to dress like a girl a couple times before
and my wife had described my make-up as clownish.

"Well we are going to have you looking so sexy for her, you will not
believe it."

It took an hour but I was finally finished, I had false eyelashes, and a
real club look to match my dress, bright pink eyeshadow and shiny red
lipstick, just like she said.

"So the total comes to $90 how do you want to pay?"

"My wife didn't prepay for the service?" I didn't have cash on me, I
hadn't expected to have to pay for something like this.

"No, but if you don't have cash I can take credit card." I hadn't
wanted my real name on their records but I supposed it couldn't be

She hooked a device up to her cell phone and swiped my credit card.
"You certainly don't look like a Bill right now, what do you call

"Chantelle" that was what Mistress told me to call myself, even though
she almost never used the name, she preferred terms of 'endearment'
like, sissy, slut, whore, and her favourite seemed to be bitch.

"Yeah Chantelle is much better for you. Tell you what, why don't I add
you on facebook, that way you can message me directly next time
Chantelle comes out to play?"

My stomach did a flop, this was why I hadn't wanted her to know my real
name, from my facebook you could see my job, where I worked. "Sure,
that sounds great." I couldn't say no, who knows what would happen if
she felt slighted and decided to let the bank know how I spent my
evenings. Fortunately there would not be a need to ever use her
services again, after tonight Mistress and I would be equalized, it may
sound silly but one of the things I was looking forward to, even more
than getting the lock off my treasure was being able to call Mistress by
her name again. Just to be able to roll over after sex and whisper my
wife's name in her ear.

After Brenda left I put on the collar and leash and sat down on the bed
to wait. I actually dozed off before Mistress texted me.

"We are on our way to the hotel, tie your leash to the foot of the bed
and lay down on the floor. I want to see your whole body stretched out
and presented for us. Under no circumstances are you to open your eyes
until you are instructed to do so."

I obeyed her instructions, tying a slipknot in the leash around the leg
of the bed so that it could be easily untied when Mistress wanted it.
After laying down I smoothed my dress and fluffed my wig, making sure it
was laying just right before closing my eyes to wait.

Eventually I heard the door open and they came in. "Oh wow," Mistress
exclaimed. "I can not believe this. She did such an amazing job on you
sissy." I heard the click of her camera phone, and twice more. "Look
at her, isn't she a luscious little slut?"

I heard a man's voice respond, "Yeah, I guess. Her titties are almost
as big as yours."

"Actually they are bigger, but mine are real. Come here stud, I want
you to give me what my husband never could. Let this girly little bitch
hear what a woman enjoying sex sounds like."

I heard the sounds of them undressing, the zipper of his pants and the
rustle of her dress being lifted over her head. Then the creak of the
bed as they climbed on.

Every tiny little sound echoed in my ears, I could not help but
visualize what I was hearing. The mmpph as they mashed their faces
together. I even could make out the sound of her bra being removed and
tossed across the room. I imagined this nameless faceless man caressing
her breasts as they kissed, their tongues dancing together.

Mistress started making rhythmic grunts moaning into their kiss, I knew
she liked to make those noises when I fingered her pussy, I could only
picture he was doing the same now.

After several minutes she was warmed up and I could hear them shifting
around on the bed. "Is my bull ready to fuck me now?"

"Not yet baby."

"Please? You got me all wet and horny for you, give it to me."

"Not until you beg."

I could not believe my ears, my wife, my Mistress, the woman who
commanded my entire world and this man was going to dare to ask her to
beg? She would show him who was in charge.

"oh god, please. I need it," What? Mistress begging? "I need to you
to fuck me. Give me your big beautiful cock. Please, please I beg you,
don't tease me any more. I need to feel you all the way up inside me,
stretching me so full it hurts. Oh it hurts so good when you start
plowing into me, please I beg you, I need to feel it right now."

"Please what?"

"Please Daddy, please fuck me."

"Alright babygirl. Here comes Daddy."

I knew it wasn't her literal father; even she wasn't that perverse, plus
of course I knew my father-in-law's voice, and while there was a touch a
familiarity in her bull's voice it wasn't a voice I knew. Probably just
shared a tonal quality with some voice I knew but couldn't place.

Pretty soon Mistress was moaning as her bull eased into her. I could
tell by the drawn out way she sighed that was what was happening, plus
the bed was not reacting the way it would if her was fucking her.

Slowly I could her the bed shifting as he pulled back and then eased in
again. He started fucking her, slowly but building pace, as he sped up
fucking her the sounds she made got louder, moaning and panting as he
worked up to speed.

"Come on babygirl, take it all."

"Oh god Daddy, it is so big. I don't know if I can take it."

"Just a little more baby, just another two inches."

"Oh god, my pussy feels so full. Oh god," I heard her grunt a couple
times, "Oh it is too much."

"No it's not, just a little more, come on baby."

"I god give it to me Daddy, give me it all."

"That's my babygirl." I heard a slap of flesh on flesh. "That's my girl.
Now you're getting it all."

Again and again their pelvises slapped together as he buried himself to
the hilt in her.

"Oh god it's so huge. Oh god yes! Yes! Yes! fuck me Daddy, fuck me

"Oh yeah, my babygirl loves this don't you? You just love being on your
back, taking my big thick cock in your sweet little pussy don't you

"Yes! Yes! I love your cock Daddy. It is the biggest I've ever had."

"Bigger than your husband?"

"Oh yes Daddy, your huge cock is twice the size of my sissy bitch of a
husband. He could never pound me like you do, fill me up with your cock
till I feel like I'm going to explode."

I could feel my treasure swelling up in my chastity device listening to
the sounds of their sex and smelling the moist fragrance of my wife's
pussy. Even with Mistress directly comparing us, and saying how much
better his cock was than mine it was still somehow arousing to me. I
couldn't get fully erect with the device on but it got as chubby as it
was able to within the confines of my XXS cage.

I don't really know for sure how long they were going at it but I know
my wife well enough to count at least five orgasms before I heard her
mysterious bull start grunting.

"Oh Daddy, are you getting close?"

"Yeah babygirl, I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum all up inside you,
now beg for it."

"Cum in me daddy, fill me up with your hot sweet cum. Give it to me
Daddy, give me all your love."

He roared like a b**st as I can only presume he came. I could hear him
roll off of her, he was laying on the bed beside her now on the side of
the bed closer to me, he was literally between me and my wife right now.

"Mmmm that was great as always babygirl."

"Oh yeah Daddy, I always love it with you."

He was quiet a moment. "You're safe right?"

"If you mean the pill no, but don't worry Daddy, even if you knocked me
up I wouldn't ask you to pay anything. That is what my sissy slut of a
husband is for, that is just about all he is good for."

Her bull laughed. "I can just see him raising my black little baby,
everyone would know it wasn't his. Everyone would know that his wife
was getting serviced by a black man."

Mistress laughed too, how could she be laughing at something like this?
"but maybe it is best to not take a chance tonight. Maybe it is time to
get cleaned up. Could you bring me my bitch Daddy?"

"sure thing babygirl." I heard him get up and felt his hand undo the
slipknot of my leash. "Remember slut, you keep your eyes closed until
you are told."

I nodded and then I felt his hand grab hold of my wig, and my ear as
well. It hurt a little but not unbearable as wrenched on my ear,
pulling my head sideways. "Answer me slut!"

"Yes sir." he released my ear and I straightened my head but was
completely unaware of what he was doing until his hand slammed against
my cheek. The sound seemed to echo in my head as my mouth hung open in
shock that he had just slapped me.

"Call me Master bitch."

Anger welled up in my chest but a breathed it away, this would all be
over soon. After tonight it would all be over and we would be equalized
for everything. "Yes Master, I am sorry Master."

"Good bitch." He took my leash and led me onto the bed, I could feel
him hand it to Mistress who pulled me closer to her, the smell of her
aroused pussy was almost overwhelming now.

"Open your eyes bitch." I opened my eyes and there, mere inches from my
face was her pussy, so soft and familiar but red and puffy looking, it
looked sore and abused, but most unfamiliar was the white oozing cream
of a man's spunk leaking out of her. And not even my cum, Master's cum,
the man she called daddy's cum. "You know what to do slut. You know
how to greet my pussy."

She couldn't possibly expect me to do that. Yes I licked her pussy
often, even before my treasure was locked up, I had always loved the
taste of her pussy, but not now, not while it was still full of another
man's cum. As I stared at her glistening pussy Mistress tugged on the
leash pulling me face first into her pussy.

"I said eat my pussy you little whore." I wanted to cry, how could she
make me do this, but I had to get through this. She was giving me one
final task to redeem everything. I took a calming breath and opened my

I knew how Mistress liked me to tongue her, I knew all the little tricks
to get her off, I just had to try to ignore the fact that I was getting
mouthfuls of creamy thick semen along with her sweet juice. The first
time I slurped and got his cum my body wanted to gag but I suppressed
that with a shudder.

"That's right my little whore, get all that cum out of me. You're my
little cumslut now aren't you bitch?"

I raised my head long enough to say "Yes Mistress," before going back on
task and lapping up another mouthful of sticky man jizz.

As I resignedly ate her just fucked pussy I felt her grab my head and
start grinding up against my face, something she didn't usually do. As
she was holding onto my head I heard her camera phone click beside us a
couple times. I tried to glance out of the corner of my eye but all I
could see was her leg and her hand blocking my view. Clearly this was
what she had in mind when she grabbed hold, she didn't want me seeing
Master yet.

She let go when Master walked to the foot of the bed and started taking
pictures from there. I just tried to ignore it and focus on pleasing
Mistress with my mouth.

"Lift your ass sissy," I heard Master say from the foot of the bed.

I lowered my head rubbing my nose against Mistress' clitoral hood as I
gasp a breath and replied, "Yes Master." Raising my ass a little I also
raised my head back into the folds of her labia to kiss and lick her, I
could tell Mistress was ready to orgasm again, and I wasn't tasting cum
anymore, just the familiar flavour of my wife. I had cleaned all the
intruder's cum out of her, and swallowed it all down.

"Come on whore, get that ass way up there in the air." arching my back
I got it higher than my head even waving it back and forth a bit as I
felt Mistress shudder in pleasure underneath me. "That's a good slut,
make that ass beg." I heard several more camera clicks. I felt that
powerful hand that had slapped my face touch my ass gently. Oh god, why
was he touching me?! he lifted the hem of my dress up over my ass,
bunching it up around my hips. This was followed by more camera clicks.
My body shuddered as that powerful hand rocked me, the slap to the face
had been nothing compared to how powerfully he had just spanked my ass.
"Your lily white skin takes a hand-print really well sissy." Apparently
so well he had to photograph that too.

Even with all this going on I tried not to get distracted from my real
task, getting Mistress off again, eating her pussy to a second orgasm, a
third would surely follow. I was convinced I was going to get her off
more times than he did. After watching me with my ass in the air face
in Mistress' crotch for a while I felt Master grab my thong and slide it
down over my ass. He laughed. "Look at that tiny little thing. Oh man
I saw the picture but I just can't believe it."

Ignore him, I told myself, ignore his mocking and focus on Mistress.
Orgasm three was on the horizon, just focus on getting her there.

"Let me get a picture here, Oh that is a good one, I love the way your
ass looks presented with your little locked up weenie and thong hanging
below you. You really do make a gorgeous little fuckdoll."

I couldn't let him get to me I just kept pushing for number three, let
the sound of Mistress breathing and moaning in delight drown out the
odious words of the man who made me call him Master. Just as Mistress
was coming to the edge I felt Master's hands on my ass again, this time
prying them apart. I felt something small press through my anal
sphincter, not even a finger's width but no matter what it was he had no
business putting anything there.

I tried to sit up to turn and confront him but Mistress had a tight hold
on my leash, wound around her fist, I couldn't even lift my head. There
was a gushing sensation inside my ass, it had been a syringe, full of
lube, Mistress used it on me sometimes when she wanted me to take her
biggest strap-on and did not want to waste time building up to it with
smaller toys.

"Get your face back in my cooch whore," Mistress screamed in
frustration, my distraction had dropped her right at the edge of orgasm.
Even knowing what was about to happen I tried to ignore it and pray he
was just trying to psych me out, he wasn't really going to do what I
knew he was going to do. Try as I might I could not seriously deny what
was about to happen.

I felt a sudden pain as he ripped me open, no foreplay here just jamming
the head of his cock inside me. I pressed my mouth against Mistress'
pussy to stifle my scream.

"Has this little bitch ever taken cock before baby?"

"Not a real one, and even my rubber cocks aren't as big as yours Daddy."

I grunted into Mistress again as I felt him give another shove, pushing
deeper into my ass. Mistress was getting really wet seemingly recovered
from the jarring stop to my pussy eating mission a minute before.

"Ohh yeah, lick me good you little whore. Daddy! Daddy take a picture
for me. I want to see her sissy ass swallowing your big manly cock. Oh
god, oh god fuck her, fuck her for me Daddy!"

I couldn't hear the camera click over the sound of Mistress having
orgasm number three but I was sure he did as she asked. As I eased her
back from number three letting her cool just a touch before I started
working on number four I felt Master grab my tattoo. His hands right
over-top of where Mistress' hands had been so many times before.

He pulled back and then slide into me again with a smooth pace. I can't
deny I had found Mistress pegging me pleasurable. It was the only
physical pleasure I got from sex anymore, the last time anything
happened with my treasure was six months ago, before she locked it up.

Despite the pain of being stretched by his massive cock there was also
the ecstasy of feeling him rub against my prostate. On the in-stroke it
burned feeling him tear into me filling me just as he had filled my
wife, but as he eased back my body felt electrified with pleasure.

The pain then the pleasure, then the pain then the pleasure. As Master
fucked my ass deeper and deeper they started to blend. I stopped
grunting on the in-stroke and started moaning on the out-stroke despite
myself. I didn't want this, I didn't want his cock to make me feel good
but it was. Aside from size my body couldn't tell the difference
between Mistress' dildo and Master's cock, all my body knew was how
exquisite it felt.

"Oh babygirl, I think she's enjoying this. I think she's pushing back
on my cock now. Huh faggot? Are you pushing back on your master's big
black cock?"

I couldn't say anything, I could feel that I was crying but I just tried
to focus on Mistress, orgasm four was getting closer and I still had to
give her two more after that.

"I knew we could make a little faggot cumdump out of my sissy little
husbitch. You take that cock slut, you take it all up your whore ass."

I was staring to feel the soreness in my jaw as the pain in my ass
subsided but I soldiered on, Mistress needed orgasms and I was going to
prove to her, even wearing a dress, even with her lover's cock in my ass
I was the man to give her more orgasms than he did.

As I worked at her I could feel my own orgasm building inside me though,
my prostate was flooding my body with sensations as he fucked me, but
the humiliating things Mistress shouted in her pleasure were whithering
me, even as they turned her on more they pushed my own pleasure back.
Taunting me as my tongue did its work I felt her cruise into orgasm
four, but even with the negative effect of her belittling me the
sensations of Master holding onto my hips pounding his cock in and out
of my ass, it felt some good and familiar, just the way that Mistress
had spent the last six months training me to enjoy sex. The physical
pleasure was crashing against the mental anguish of having a man take me
like a woman, or worse yet, as both Master and Mistress had named me a

I had to try and ignore my pleasure though, I had to keep working my
lips and tongue and mouth as hard as I could, using every trick I knew
that Mistress loved, every flick of the tongue to those spots that got
her off, just the right tempo, just the right pressure, I read her body
as she writhed under my mouth, When I felt her starting to cool I knew
just what to change to heat her back up, when I could feel her getting
hotter I focused on keeping the pace and pressure just there.

Still though the ever growing pounding in my ass electrifying my nervous
system with sexual joy kept cranking up the tension. As I tried to
focus on eating Mistress' pussy my mind would find psychological
pleasure in that to match the physical pleasure I couldn't fight and my
entire body would respond to the synchronization. If I tried to focus
on not feeling the mental satisfaction of getting Mistress off then my
pussy eating suffered and she would slide back from the ever approaching
orgasm number five.

Even as I rubbed her clit with my nose I could feel her getting closer
but then my body erupted. There would be no semen, this was not an
ejaculation, it was a body orgasm brought on by the relentless
pleasuring of my prostate. I couldn't do anything but scream into
Mistress' pussy as I came. She always told me this was what orgasms
were like for women; a total overload of the tactile system.

After a few moments the mindless whiteness of the orgasm started to
subside, and my body settled into it's usual post coital state and the
pleasure I had felt before flipped. Now there was nothing but pain, the
excruciating pain of over-stimulation, this was always the point where
Mistress would stop fucking me and pull out but Master did not know this
and he just kept fucking my ass.

"Ahhh, Ahhhh," I cried out, no longer able to eat Mistress' pussy, not
able to form coherent sentences, just able to cry out in discomfort.
"No." I said it, a word, and actual word. "Please stop. Ahhh god no."

"Shut your slophole you little faggot!" Master took one hand from my
hip and I felt the slap of his open palm across the back of my head.

"Are you going to give her your dose Daddy?" Mistress was clearly coming
back from the brink of the failed number five orgasm. "Are you going to
come in my filthy little slut?"

I couldn't stand the sensation but I didn't dare say anything again,
instead I pressed my face into the bed between Mistress' legs and locked
my hands behind my head, holding onto my own head as the horrible
mixture of pleasure and pain ripped through me, it was too much and that
was all I good do was murmur that over and over, "Too much. God. Too
much. Oh damn, no."

Finally I felt it, like the syringe only bigger I felt Master erupt
inside of me. He withdrew immediately, even before he had fully
finished cumming because I felt a last spurt of two paint the outside of
my asshole and between my cheeks.

Finally free of the sensation of him plundering me I collapsed, it was
done, it was all over with. "Don't you dare lie down slut." Master
grabbed me by my hips and pulled me back into position on my hands and
knees. Oh god no, he couldn't be about to do it again. I couldn't take
another, I started to shudder as I couldn't hold myself back from crying
any more. Master's hand on my back pushed my face to the bed, but I
knew well enough to keep my ass up. After a couple more photos of my
well fucked and come splattered asshole I felt pressure once more at my

I wept shamelessly as it pushed me open, wider than even Master's cock
but only momentarily before it narrowed again, I knew a butt plug when I
felt one. So here I was with Master's load of cum plugged up inside my
ass, feeling grateful that at least he wasn't going to fuck me anymore.

"There we go faggot, now you can feel a real man's come all sloshing
around in your cunt for the rest of the night."

"Awww, look at her face." Mistress cupped my cheeks and lifted my head,
"Her crying has run her mascara and her lipstick is spread from cheek to
cheek by my pussy. What a messy slut you are Chantelle."

"Let me get a picture of that, I love the look of a well used slut with
tear-marks down her face."

I couldn't bear to open my eyes as Mistress sat me up on the bed, she
tilted my chin up as I heard the click of that damn camera phone in
front of me.

"Open your eyes my beautiful bitch," Mistress whispered in my ear before
nipping at my earlobe with her teeth. "Look upon your Master."

I opened my eyes and all I saw was a thick black cock, even going limp
after activity it was probably as big as mine when I used to get
erections before my treasure got locked up.

Master took me by the chin and raised my gaze to his face. And I closed
my eyes and wept, it couldn't be.

"Listen to me slut," Master Robinson commanded. "When I am in your
office Monday morning so you can approve my business loan I want you to
know that I own you. Since I can't come around and fuck you that
morning I want you to be let out of your cage so you can jerk yourself
off. Then use that syringe of yours to shoot your little prissy puddle
inside your ass and then put this plug back in."

I couldn't even form a response. "I am your Master and I want you to
always know; every time you see me, you will arrive with a load of cum
in your ass or you will leave that way." Master slapped me again and I
just let myself fall off the bed onto the floor. I lay there in a heap
crying, listening to Master dress and Mistress kiss him goodbye. After
he promised to send her all the pictures I heard the door open and he

Mistress lifted me up onto the bed and I felt her lay down behind me,
spooning me as she wrapped her arms around me.

"It's done," I sobbed. "It's finally done."

"What is done my beautiful bitch?"

"You said." I choked still crying. "You said we would be equalized."

"Oh and we are Chantelle, we are. Any time you feel things aren't even,
you get jealous of my bulls you just let me know and I will bring them
to fuck you too. That isn't cheating now is it, if we both get fucked
it all equalized."

Same as Equalized Videos

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The curse part 1

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Sex With Mom And Her BFF Zoya Part 2 With Zoya

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BBW gf

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 7

“Remember when you taught the girls how to give hand and blowjobs.” “To tell the truth, I don’t think I will ever forget it. With all the things a mother has to teach their daughters about, this is the one thing I never thought I would have to do.” “I have always thought you were a great cocksucker,” said Kevin. “I have gotten blowjobs from other girls, but, except for one girl, you are the best.” Kari was impressed with Kevin’s compliment. “Thank you, sweetie.” “I also feel the girls...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 32

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Private Seiger

The year was 1943. German troops were in Paris, Warsaw, Rome and were advancing toward Kursk in the Soviet Union. American troops were fighting the Nazi's in Europe as well as the Japanese on Guadalcanal. WWII was raging with no end in sight.At home, everyone did their best to keep their spirits up. Rosie the Riveter was on the assembly line welding and riveting munitions for victory. Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, and Judy Garland were making hit records. Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma" was...

Love Stories
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Preeti8217s Mom Crushed In Political Clutches

Hello! This time banging a story of my Mom clutched under political stand at the high standard Hotel lavatory passage, Hotel Suite and back home. We two & Shinde Sir were invited by Raj Mohite in a 5 Star Hotel for lunch at the end of 2nd week of Sept-2011. But due to official engagement Shinde Sir asked Khot uncle to pick Raj Mohite. So we were following Khot uncle’s car. As Raj was eager to show me how he clutches Swati (my Mom) in political arms. I was also eager to watch Mom getting...

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Author's note: This is the last story in the series. I thought it had ended three stories ago, but then ideas still kept coming. But this one is definitely the last. A big thanks all of you who read my stories. I might start a new series next week if a new idea comes to me. Be warned though that I might go dark for longer. Bliss by Hazel M Golden Autumn sunlight filtered in through the large bay window. It provided a pleasant warmth to the opulent room. It shone on...

4 years ago
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A Wish Unwanted Part 7

A Wish Unwanted - Part 7 by Limbo's Mistress Over the next forty-five minutes, Charlie ran me through a series of basic cheer maneuvers. Each one apparently had its own name, and a specific order, in the routine. In addition to a back handspring, I learned I could do a handstand, a round off, a forward flip, a hurdler, a toe-touch, and a pike without much more than simply thinking about it in my head. "I'll text you the routines tonight. You'll just need to memorize which moves go...

1 year ago
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Transformation From A Boy To A Complete Man 8211 Mission Accomplished

Just too brief out, I am Ronit 26 years old, describing how it started for me. Previously I had narrated how I went to Bangalore to meet my Chachu and how I met Ayush. How he taught me to masturbate. I and Ayush were lying nude on bed, when my chachu entered our room. Now read the next part…. I couldn’t even look at my chacha. But to my surprise Ayush held my hand and said it was ok. To my astonishment my chacha laughed at us and said, “Welcome to manhood” and told me that it was all normal. I...

Gay Male
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Manuel Ortega stood looking at the woman before him, hanging by her wrists. Her whole body was covered in bruises, her eyes closed, unable to see. One thumb seemed to be hanging from her hand, black, swollen and crushed. Even if Mary was released now, the thumb could never be repaired. But Mary Ellis was not about to e released, not until Manuel had the information he needed. And so far, three days into her interrogation, Mary had given him nothing.Surely she could see he would eventually get...

1 year ago
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Stripped at the Christmas party and after at work

As the party was going on I also noticed their group was laughing now and then and saw them even pointing my direction now and again. Nicole from my current office asked me what I thought was going on and so funny. I decided to go over and find out. I broke the ice by just saying hello to Christine, as it turns out she is dating one of the guys that works for the company. She said I am so glad you remember me and then said look at what we have on the iPad. Well, it was a truth or dare pics...

2 years ago
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Horse Cock Girl part 4

It had been nearly a year since Amy, Lucy and Scarlet had begun living together for their college studies. In that time, they'd all grown closer together. They effectively had a secret, three-way relationship going.Amy had, the year before, grown the large cock of a horse by a freak accident at a lab on a field trip with college. She had told her best friend and classmate, Lucy, who had immediately started thinking of uses for it. It had scared Amy, at firsts, but soon after they started, she...

3 years ago
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The New Warchief

The New Warchief A World of Warcraft Story by Himesama Author's Note: Please be advised that I did take some liberties with the lore. Not everything is 100% accurate, since it's been a while since I last played WoW and I'm doing most of this from memory. I am not okay with how Sylvanas is acting in Battle for Azeroth, so this is my way of explaining everything. This is a very lore-heavy story, and this half will contain no smut. Sylvanas Windrunner, the leader of the Forsaken and...

2 years ago
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My wife and the gardeners at home

I was suspecting my sweet Ana was cheating on me, because she looked very relaxed sometimes when I came home after work.Something strange was happening and I wanted to know what…I surf the web and finally came across a surveillance camera built into a teddy bear. That was a good idea. My loving Ana loved those nice teddy bears. Then I bought one for her, including the camera inside…She was delighted and told me the toy would rest in a confortable shelf inside our bedroom. Just what I...

2 years ago
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A whole new world part 1

Dianne was 46 when she and Will bought their vacation home.   They had been married 25 years and in some respects it was a testimony to them making it that long.   After all, they had gotten married at the tender age of 21.   But more than 25 years and three grown kids later, they were still together.   Was it a perfect marriage?   No.   But it was a relatively good one.   Will worked too much and they were just not as affectionate as Dianne would have liked.   But in...

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PornWorld Cathy Heaven Veronica Leal 2 BBCs DP Sexy Lesbo Pool Repair Babes

Its a hot summer day and Darrel and Jack are in the pool in the back yard of their mountain Chalet when they realize its a bit cold, despite the pool maintenance place having sent a guy to fix the problem just the other day. So, Jack picks up the phone and asks the company to send another maintenance guy out to fix the problem immediately. When sexy sluts Cathy Heaven and Veronica Leal show up instead of a fat, sweaty maintenance guy, Darrel and Jack are ecstatic. After quickly identifying the...

4 years ago
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The Girls Next DoorChapter 1 Rachel

About five minutes later my neighbour’s 17 year-old daughter came out of her house and walked down towards the bottom of their garden. Since she was carrying an airbed, a towel and a bottle of something, presumably suntan lotion, it was apparent that she had the same idea as me, to get some sun. Rachel, the same age as me, was one of the most popular girls in school and had always treated me well even though I thought she was way out of my league. I’m not a dork but, at the same time, I don’t...

2 years ago
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Dark Angel Part 2

Darkness surrounded Ashriel. He’d stripped himself naked, bathed in the waters of the Pool of Sorrows and then knelt on the Rock of Offerings with his wings spread out as far as he could stretch them. The water running down his still wet body and the chill night air made him shiver, but he kept his eyes on the horizon. Seraphia’s three moons cast a silvery path upon the calm ocean water below Mount Chielos, where the holy city of Angelos rested at its summit. As he shivered and watched the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Maadu Meikum Gramathu Pennai Aruviyil Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil gramathu maadu meikum pennai usar seithu avalai ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil gramathu kathaikul selalam, naan theni gramathil vasithu varugiren. Enathu gramam pacham pasumaiyaaga irukum, engal ooril factory ethum athigamaaga irukathu. Eppozhuthum aruviyil neer ootrikonde thaan irukum, enaku en gramathil irupathu thaan athigamaaga pidikum. Eppozhuthum naan aruviyil sendru kulithukondu irupen, sila murai kulithukonde kai...

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