Made to Do All DoneChapter 6 Fuel Run
- 3 years ago
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Morgana was waiting for us at the other side of the portal along with her Gorgon honour guard. Without hesitation she stepped forward to take me into her arms as I laid my head on her shoulder and began the sobs that I’d put off since the realisation that Thea was no longer with me.
“I ... I’m so sorry, John,” she murmured softly into my ear.
“I didn’t even realise that she’d been taken ... killed. I could barely hear myself think at times,” I moaned as another portal opened and Arch stepped out flanked by Róisín who ran up to me tears in her eyes to join with Morgana in holding me.
“How ... how bad, John?” Arch asked, though from the darkness in his eyes he surely knew.
“Of the five hundred and twenty that we took through, less than a hundred and seventy made it back,” I said in tones barely above a whisper. “The wolves ... Leonova’s wolves and the Verenestran Sidhe broke the blocking Sidhe defences but paid a terrible price in doing so, our Sidhe allies going down to the last man. The Nosferatu lost almost two thirds of their people, though Nell made it back. The Loegrians lost almost all, save Gindo and five others when the Daoine Sidhe got in amongst them.
“Olmer?” Morgana asked.
“Stayed at the gate with Seer Adsila as ordered by you,” I replied. “The Æsir, Murians and Craebh Ruadh all fought bravely though each lost over half their members. Our earth trained Special Forces came out best of all of us and finally broke the last Sidhe charge. But we also lost sixty-three Mages, including my Thea.”
“You brought through survivors?” Róisín asked softly.
“Yes seven adults and thirty children. I ... I think the children were to be cooked as a delicacy for the Daoine Sidhe...” I broke off as tears flowed again.
“You did well, my John,” Morgana spoke earnestly holding my face up to look me in the eye.
“Not well enough,” I sobbed through my anguish.
“Well enough,” Arch stated putting his hand on my shoulder.
“I ... I need to say some things, see some of my people,” I said, willing my tears to stop and holding back my grief, albeit temporarily.
“Of course, John,” Morgana said gently.
Róisín and the others walked with me as I sought out first the Lycana Belikovna who were sitting quietly in their own grief along with Marja.
“Your people fought well, Alpha Leonova,” I said as she got to her feet.
“I have already informed Alpha Jacob and your people can go to the wolf world with our blessing,” Morgana added.
“Thank you, Mage Morgana, Mage John, but there remains only seven of us in the pack and we cannot grow ... not easily,” Leonova replied.
“I can offer a gift for your service. Children of you all from your mixed genomes, twins for all of you,” Morgana offered.
“You would do this for us?” Leonova spoke for all her wolves with wonder in their eyes.
“The universe would be a far poorer place without the brave Lycana Belikovna in it,” Morgana replied.
“We accept,” Leonova replied as her wolves crowded around to thank us.
“And for you, Marja?” Morgana asked.
“Simply that you owe me and the Zielona Gora Lycana a favour, Mage Morgana,” Marja replied.
“A very large favour,” Morgana promised.
Next we went over to the Loegrians who were clustered around Olmer and Gindo.
“I’m so sorry, Olmer,” I said to my shaken friend.
“It wasn’t your fault, John,” Gindo replied for Olmer. “The bastards simply outnumbered us despite all your aid. But by the gods we took down those bastards who led them!” he finished proudly.
“That we did,” I acknowledged.
“Joras expected high losses, John. Rowenna warned him that this would be rough which is why my Dorry remained at home,” Olmer added.
“Your other forces with the other teams came through fine,” Morgana informed them.
“That’s good, near a quarter losses, nowhere near what the wolves lost, poor lasses,” Gindo replied.
“We’ve made up their losses,” Morgana added.
“Magic?” Gindo chuckled.
“Magic,” Morgana confirmed. “We owe your men a big favour. The ones you lost ... well, let’s just say their families will be provided for in ways they won’t be able to believe.”
“Thank you, Mage Morgana,” Gindo replied as all his men stood proudly and saluted.
Nell was next, though she did not appear to be too disconsolate.
“Our sorrow for the losses to our friends in Clan Juwes,” Morgana said formulaically.
“They are well remembered in our blood,” Nell replied with a slight smile.
“A debt is owed,” Morgana stated.
“Richard knows this,” Nell replied. “He will be in touch as I believe he’ll wish for the Council’s support to become the Țepeș Ambrogio.”
“Head of the Drăculești Carpe Noctum Confederation,” Morgana nodded.
“Yes, Mage Morgana,” Nell replied.
“It will be granted,” Morgana confirmed. “And he’ll also have our support should he need a show of strength,” she added.
“I’ll so inform him, friend Morgana,” Nell replied with a delighted smile.
“With friends like Clan Juwes we are truly blessed,” Morgana replied giving Nell a formal bow.
We then went to the Mages, most of whom were sitting quietly among friends or comforting those who had missing comrades. I tried to apologise, but they were having none of it, all saying that they knew the risks going in and that I or indeed any of the team leaders were not to know about how bad the entry routes were ahead of them.
“You led us well, John. It was an honour to serve under you,” Mage Natsuko said taking my hand and gently squeezing it.
“I ... I just wish I could have brought more back,” I almost whispered to her.
“You did well enough to bring so many,” Natsuko replied getting murmurs of agreement from other Mages.
“You saved us, John. When the Sidhe had us surrounded, you gave the orders that ensured our survival. Yes, we regret our losses and will mourn for them, but at least we are alive to mourn,” journeywoman Mage Emily said.
“Roger?” I asked.
“He lives. Bloody silly man lost his arm ... again,” she chuckled.
We then went to the Æsir, Murians, Craebh Ruadh and our Special Forces who had started a massive wake and had clearly bonded as warriors. Drinks were pressed into our hands and the tales began of our fight and the bravery of others. We were soon joined by the others and more laughter and tears flowed as we began to deal with our losses, grief and pride.
Soon other portals opened and friends and others flowed through to join with us, including Rowenna who also had Dorry and Benjamin with her. Dorry immediately seeking out her Olmer and Benjamin the refugees we’d rescued.
I was approached by Verenestra who had come through with William and several Sidhe wearing the ‘freedom colours’ they’d adapted to keep them apart from their brethren. The Sidhe being invited to sit and drink as comrades in arms, something they clearly weren’t used to, but pleased about nevertheless.
“Well done, John, though condolences on your loss of Thea,” Verenestra said softly.
“Thank you, your Highness,” I replied. “Tonight we celebrate their lives, tomorrow we mourn their loss to us.”
“We have received some intelligence, early as it is. Oonagh is apparently most wroth that her enemies were able to attack and kill so many of her loyal subjects,” Verenestra stated. “From what we understand, none save one of the Daoine Sidhe made it back to the Outer Realms and this has several of her supporters greatly afraid of the alliance now ranged against them.”
“We used Null bullets and what our allies called an implosion bomb which disrupted energy patterns and absorbed them into the quantum layers. Essentially they went through a mincer, though in the case of Goibhniu, he died on the end of my Nulled rapier,” I replied.
“Well done, John. He will be a great loss to them. For all he was hot-tempered and as evil a being as it is possible to be, he was also a very effective General,” Verenestra praised.
“I’m sorry for your people,” I said. “It was a desperate move to break those blocking our retreat, but your people never hesitated. They followed our wolves in and broke the defending force despite it costing them their all.”
“They were all volunteers, John. The respect your people are showing for my own gives me great hope for the future and the Sidhe being accepted back amongst the civilised worlds,” Verenestra replied.
“Your warriors have already told the tale and it will no doubt grow in the telling, John,” William added.
“I just wish I could have saved some of them,” I replied.
“John, when the Sidhe managed to block Arch and I, the forces they had spare all went after your force. Your people faced down and defeated nearly seven thousand Sidhe; took out the leadership cadre of their Queen and left them looking weak and humiliated. You and your force may just have turned the tide for us on Tír na nÓg,” Morgana stated. “I wish Thea had survived, I’ll miss her underhanded delivery of the roses, but her death was not in vain.”
“You knew about the roses?” I replied a little shocked.
“I’m not stupid, John. Then again it took me all of a week to figure it was more than one of you,” Morgana chuckled.
“Jude insisted,” Róisín added.
“Yes, he wanted to make me happy and give you lot something to do which made you feel good about getting one over on me,” Morgana said with a wry smile. “The ones I loved were the ones it took days to figure out just how you’d done it.”
“I thought we got quite ingenious towards the end,” I replied with a slight smile and a few tears.
“That you did,” Morgana chuckled. “Oh, speak of the devil,” she added as Jude came through a portal to join us.
“Well met,” he greeted us.
“Well met,” we all replied.
“Sorry for your loss, John, but you’ll join Thea again one day in the fullness of time,” he commiserated me.
“So ... so she is dead,” I sighed.
“Yes, John. She’s in the courts of the most high amongst those who laid down their lives for others. She’s happy, missing you, but knows that all things come around and she’ll see you again one day,” Jude replied.
“It might be a while,” I said slightly shocked at Jude’s confirmation.
“Time works differently there, or hadn’t you guessed from the Outer Realms?” Jude chuckled.
“Never gave it any thought,” I replied.
“Oops, another secret out of the bag,” Jude chuckled. “Mourn her passing by all means, John, but you have my word she’s fine and waiting for you.”
“But no hurrying to see her,” Róisín added, snuggling into me as Abi, Brianna and Imelda arrived.
“Of course not, my love,” I replied as I was swept up in their arms and the tears for our loss fell again.
We were then joined by Stormforce-Ensi Hinnit whose men and women had been amongst Morgana and Arch’s forces as it had been thought they’d have faced the toughest opposition.
“A fine fight, though not the manner in which we expected things to go,” he said after greetings and commiserations had been given.
“Yes, we were supposed to be the distraction,” I said. “Not the coup de grâce.”
“Yet in the end it was your team who managed the killing blow,” Hinnit replied.
“We possibly could have broken through, but it would have cost us dearly for little gain,” Arch added.
“That’s why I ordered the withdrawal,” Morgana replied. “I’m just glad we didn’t push it. Team Thea’s casualties were bad enough without us adding the cost of a full frontal attack through a series of defended valleys.”
“They still outnumbered us despite the forces they sent against you, John. Though we got a good chunk of them when they came charging out hoping to catch us in the rear,” Arch added.
“Wonder why they were there, it’s not like they wandered much during the day before,” I mused.
“Wasn’t treachery,” Morgana replied. “Otherwise they’d have stopped you too.”
“Probably a hunting party or they caught a sniff of us advancing,” Arch opined.
“More than likely,” Morgana sighed. “Still, we’ll go over the data in a few days to see what, if anything, we could have done better.”
“Probably lots,” I replied.
“Without a doubt, John. Some of it will be criticism from those who weren’t here and couldn’t know,” Arch added. “We have a few armchair Generals still on the Council who use hindsight to justify unwarranted criticism.”
“Tell me about it,” muttered Morgana. “I’ll be getting it in the neck for leaving you as second in command of Team Thea.”
“No one else wanted it,” I morosely chuckled.
“No one wanted my job either, John, though it won’t stop them claiming they could have done better,” Morgana replied.
“Invite them to play for the next one, though I suspect our people might refuse to serve,” Gindo added as he Olmer and Dorry joined our group.
“Trust has to be earned and we trust you, John, Morgana, Arch and Róisín,” Dorry noted.
“Thanks Dorry,” I replied. “How are the kids?”
“Growing up way too fast,” she chuckled.
“Ever the way,” Róisín giggled as another round of toasts to the fallen began.
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I was lying alone in Helena’s bed after the best sex I have had in many years. In fact, it was the only sex I have had in many years, but it was fantastic by any score! My late wife Mary and I had a wonderful, creative sex life, but we had understandably not been active in bedroom during her losing battle with cancer. Mary apologised over and over for her lack of enthusiasm and even went as far as to suggest that I might want relieve any sexual urges elsewhere as the cancer spread. I wouldn’t...
MatureMango Porn? What kind of name is this? Well, at least they tried to be original! Streaming porn online can be quite frustrating especially if you are watching from a porn tube with poor quality porn videos, a video player with Ads that have to play before a video plays or in between, streams at slow speeds with lots of buffering and there is no option available to even go full screen.Mango Porn, however, seems to be quite the opposite with a massive collection of HD quality porn, a good video...
Free Porn Tube SitesLittle Men Big Women By Arecee "God I hate this program," I stated. "It's just Jerry Springer," my wife responded. "But they're all freaks. Everyday it's the same thing, girl beats up girl, or girl beats up boy. Of course they do change the script every now and then, so boy beats up boy, or beats up girl, how can you watch this shit?" "Come on Bill, it's fun." "It's not fun, it's sick. I wish we had another...
January 18, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written January 21] I woke to someone spooning into me, so I tried to figure out who. When I recalled who my neighbors were, I was a bit surprised that the woman with her pelvis snuggled into my ass, her breasts smushed into my back, and her left arm snaked under mine and around me with the hand between my breasts was Kim. I moved nary a muscle as I reveled in the feel of so much of her. I also took stock of where Celeste was. Since I could feel her...
Lyra Lockhart is a small, yet busty all-natural nympho slut who loves to use her big natural tits and tight wet pussy to turn a man on and make him cum. She is a quiet freak who loves to be bent over and slammed. She shows off her bush and her soft ass to get you to the edge. Then she takes a large load all over her face. She shows up wearing a tiny bikini with her beautiful body her big tits and her hairy pussy, she loves to suck cock and no waste time to have your cock inside her mouth and...
xmoviesforyouSome times sitting down and writing a shared post to a public forum , that every one can read, can be really arousing and almost as stimulating and exciting as indulging in your favorite fetish or sexual activity itself. Releasing all those amazing sexual endorphins and that all over warm flushed feeling across your face. For me rimming ass is some thing I think about constantly, from my first glance at a possible male suitor to random men I pass by on the street or see and am attracted to. I...
Hello readers, I am Anas aged 24 from Kerala. Following is my steamy real life experience with my cousin sister. She is a cute malayalie girl, fair and now she has sexy curves which I die to feel again. It all started when I was very young and didn’t even know how to masturbate. I belong to an orthodox Muslim family, and I was one of the many kids in our joint family. I have many cousins but was very close to Fathima (name changed) as she is of my same age and we used to spend a lot of time...
So far, I’ve visualized a gathering of people at a large house. I’m upstairs on an upper landing and I see you right away. You’re wearing a long dress, emerald green (a colour that I think suits your hair colour and complexion), with a low-cut bodice that shows your curves off to my advantage. You are having an argument with a man who storms off and leaves. I get the sense from you that you are relieved and are not going to leave the party and are going to have a good time while you’re...
Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here with a story of a sexy mature milf. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...
The Plan By Bill Hart Martin Jefferson sat in the doctor's office in stunned silence. He'd known something was wrong when they ordered those additional tests after he'd completed his annual physical. But, at the age of fifty, to be told you had at best six weeks to live was not what he had expected to hear. They had discovered a pair of inoperable malignant tumors, one in each of the upper lobes of his lungs. One would have been enough, but not insurmountable. The surgical...
Ariana was so glad to finally get some time alone. Enough time to indulge in her self bondage fetish. While this charity tour was her idea and she loved both Rihanna and Nicki. Right not she just wanted to be alone so she could struggle and pretend to try to escape so crazed fan that had tied her up. After making sure everyone had left the near by area by her dressing room. Ariana quickly got out her black leather handbag. This handbag was not one she used in public it was where she kept her...
BDSMI didn't have long to wonder. At dinner, Joe and I told MaryAnn all about our weekend adventure. We were both very enthusiastic as we told her about the balloon ride. During a lull in the conversation, Joe pulled a sheet of paper out of his shirt pocket. "Here is our next item on the list." I unfolded the paper and read, Number 9 - Take a Dale Carnegie course. Oh my God, if there was anything that scared me more than heights it was standing up in front of strangers and speaking. I...
It was a nice warm spring day so I decided to put my bathing suit and spend some time relaxing in the back yard. We had a pool built a few months ago that has a waterfall running into it, and the landscaping was recently redone with lush tropical plants and large trees strategically placed to obstruct the neighbors view. I was laying alone in one of the lounge chairs just enjoying the solitude for approximately thirty minutes then my suddenly wife entered...
Straight Sex‘Aaaaand STAY OUT! You’re lucky I don’t call the police, you fucking weirdo !!’ the lingerie store manager yelled at me, giving me a firm push between my shoulder blades. Dammit, some people are way too sensitive when it comes to public sex I mused. It was obvious to me that the lady manager never saw Abigail hidden away in the middle of one of the clothing carousels . Good thing Abi didn’t have her usual neon hairdo going on, or it would have been equally embarrassing for her. More than once,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chris had just graduated college, and he went to spend a couple days living at his aunt's house. When Chris first pulled up to his aunt Jackie's house, she was not there, but she had left a key, so he let himself in. As Chris looked outside, he saw a beautiful woman jogging up the road, her large breasts bouncing up and down. As Chris tried to see get a look at her face, he said, "Man, I want to smash that open!" As the woman turned her face towards...
IncestMr. Parsons came back home that Friday night. I saw him mostly at dinner time, because he was in his study most of the rest of the time. On Saturday, Mrs. Parsons and I went to the country club and played eighteen holes. I had a hundred and seven, but she shot a seventy three. We didn't stay at the club for lunch because we were going to have an early dinner with company coming over. I went into the kitchen when we returned, and Gerta took pity on me, making me a nice sandwich. We were...
As the two lay together, Charlotte said, “Julie, you said Tyler is the same age as Jamie; have you ever had, you know, sexual thoughts about him?”Julie paused for a moment and then said, “Before yesterday, no; but since then, yes. I have to admit that since the incident with Jamie, I’ve wondered a lot of things about Tyler; like how big his erection is, and if his sperm tastes as good as Jamie’s. I hope that doesn’t freak you out.”“Julie, I think we’ve gone way beyond freaking each other out,”...
IncestHi, readers hope you enjoyed my first story that happened between me and my chithi latha ( pls read my chithi latha (one) ) here I am going to say what happened next. As I followed chithi to her house without knowing what to tell when I face her, I was standing before her house door for nearly 5 min thinking about what to valuable, then I opened the door and locked it inside, she was in her bedroom with the tear rolling down her cheeks, when she saw me she turned her face and looked the other...
IncestThis one is for TG lovers with an interest in great transformations and a fetish for weight transformations. Feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy the show. Gary and I were at a club. We were dancing and, I'll be honest, drinking a bit too much. About 11;00 Gary got my attention. He pointed to across the room to a hot chick, a perfect 10, sitting in a booth with her sister. The hot one was about 5'5", brown hair, the face of a supermodel, and a nice pair of D cups. Her sister...