Laurie Ch. 1 free porn video

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The open road had stretched out in front of Daniel McClintock for what seemed like days, but he knew he had only been driving for about six hours. A lot of his time, he found, had been wasted on damn road construction, where an already too small two-lane highway had been reduced to a single lane, with some construction worker waving him onwards after the opposing traffic had been allowed to pass. Had he known about this, Daniel was certain that he would have tried taking another route out of Toronto, heading towards Thunder Bay. He had hoped to make it as far as White River today, the birth place of Winnie-the-Pooh, apparently, but that didn’t seem very likely now.

What was important to Daniel at that very moment was his bladder. He needed to stop soon, or else he was afraid of what might happen to him. He could always pull over to the side of the road to take a piss, but he was too paranoid of being arrested by the OPP to really give that thought much consideration. Thankfully, up ahead he saw a rest area, and pulled into it, barely noticing the figure at the other end of the rest area, sitting on some bags, their back to him. Daniel raced to the washroom, and was thankful that there was one unused stall, almost waiting for him.

Once his bladder was drained, and he had washed his hands, Daniel returned to his car. His gas tank was about half full, but just to be on the safe side, he decided to fill up his tank before heading back out onto the road again, just in case. He knew that when the fuel gage registered half a tank, it normally had less than that in it, and the last thing he wanted, right now, was to be stranded on the side of the road, because he had been stupid enough to let his car run out of gas. He had decided, almost on a whim, to move out to Alberta, and move into an apartment close to a friend of his in Edmonton. His marriage had been an utter failure, and he had decided that maybe a new province would be a nice change of pace for him.

As Daniel drove towards where the rest area lead back out onto the highway, he saw ahead of him the figure he had missed when entering ten minutes earlier. He had vowed to himself not to pick up any hitch hikers while on his drive to Edmonton. Hell, his Jeep Cherokee was already almost completely filled with what things he could manage to bring with him, and he didn’t have much room for anything else. Still, as he passed the figure, he saw that it was a girl, no more than twenty-three, and she was holding a large card board sign, which read, simply enough, Edmonton. Daniel continued driving, but as he looked in his rear view mirror, he saw that the girl was dressed in a biking outfit, like the ones he had seen other people wearing, as they rode their ten speeds along the highway, deftly avoiding the construction sites. It was that one simple observation, that she was dressed like a biker, and yet had no bicycle, that made Daniel move over to the side of the road.

He watched as the girl’s face suddenly transformed, from a sour expression of contempt to one of sheer gladness. He noticed now, while watching her gather up her things, and toss her sign away, that she was of aboriginal descent. He thought briefly on how little he had noticed her at first, while driving past, he had not spared her a second glance, but now he seemed to notice more. She looked to be about five-foot-ten, almost three inches taller than himself, and whereas her face was rounded, her body seemed quite lean, and her breasts where an ample size. Her spandex shorts left little to the imagination, and showcased her muscular legs.

Leaning over to unlock the passenger side door, Daniel wondered if he was losing his mind. Here he was, picking up a hitch hiker, who seemed to have some sort of sad story about her bicycle. For all he knew, it was just an elaborate hoax, and she was going to rob him of everything he owned before leaving him for dead on the side of the road. But before he could shift the Jeep out of neutral, and go speeding down the road, she was opening the door.

‘Thanks ever so much,” she said once the door was opened. ‘I’ve been sitting there for hours, watching people drive past me. Maybe it’s my skin color, I’m used to people thinking poorly of me because my parents were Indians.’

Daniel smiled at the sound of her voice, and his mind automatically wondered how it would change as she became more aroused, and how loudly she would scream as he fucked her. With a brief shake of his head, Daniel banished those thoughts, just as while he was a child he would erase a picture from his etch-a-sketch which he did not like simply by shaking the toy. ‘Here, let me help you with your things.’

‘I hope they fit. It looks like you have a lot of stuff here.’

‘It should,” Daniel said with a grunt as he took the two bags, what seemed to be the saddle bags from the back of a bicycle, and found a spot for them in the back of the Jeep. A moment later, he also found a spot for the girl’s back pack. ‘Hop on in.’

The hitch hiker closed the door behind her, and looked at Daniel, her wide smile still plastered across her face. ‘My name’s Laurie.’

‘Daniel,” he replied, looked over his shoulder into his jeep’s blind spot, and then moved back out onto the road. A moment later, they were merging with the highway again, and his new passenger was asking him where he was headed. ‘Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to throw away the sign,” she admitted.

‘I’ll say, that’s littering,” Daniel said with a smile. ‘As for where I am headed, well, you’re in luck. I too am on my way out to Edmonton.’

‘No way!’exclaimed Laurie, who seemed unable to believe her luck.

‘Yepperdo,” answered Danial, and then grimaced. He had unconsciously just said one of his ex-wifes favorite phrases. He had to stop doing that. ‘You’re welcome to travel with me the entire way, if you like.’

‘As long as you’re not a creep,” Laurie answered a moment later.

‘I dunno about that one,” said Daniel. ‘My ex-wife seems to think I am, and yet she was the one who had been doing all the cheating in our marriage. Sorry. I didn’t mean to dump all of that on you.’

‘That’s okay. You sound bitter. Most people need to spit the bitter things out of their mouths,” answered Laurie.

Daniel glanced at his new travel companion, and was surprised to find himself thinking that she didn’t seem to be the type of woman who would spit, she would definitely swallow everything she was given. Another shake of the head, and the thought was gone. Christ, was he really this damn horny? He hadn’t been with another woman since leaving his wife seven months ago. No wonder he seemed to be extra horny right now, and there was something about this girl, Laurie, something which seemed to awaken some primal need in him to screw her brains out.

‘Do you mind my asking what happened to you?” asked Daniel, doing his best to take his thoughts away from fucking Laurie. He could already feel a stirring in his shorts, and didn’t want to embarrass himself by sprouting a massive hard-on while in the company of his new traveling companion.

‘Oh, that,” muttered Laurie, and that look of contempt he saw earlier crossed her face again. ‘Some shitwads stole my fucking bike. I had been planning on biking all the way out to Edmonton, y’know, take my time, enjoy the sights, and I stop off at that rest area, and go to use the washroom. A bus had just pulled in, so there was a line-up, but I waited, thinking that everything would be okay. I come out maybe fifteen minutes later, and my fucking bike is gone. Whoever it was stole my bike in broad daylight, and nobody claimed to have seen a fucking thing. They took the bike, and left my bags though, so I’m at least thankful for that. I guess they didn’t want to totally fuck me up the ass.’

I know I’d sure want to, thought Daniel, and he felt his cock stiffen some more. ‘Maybe they got interrupted, and had to leave your bags,” he said, doing his best t
o replace the image of him fucking this native girl’s ass to one of his ex-wife’s lover fucking her ass. That seemed to do a better job than shaking his head, and his cock wilted once more.

‘Maybe,” said Laurie doubtfully. ‘The bags were attached to the bike, it would have been easier to just haul everything into a truck, and drive off. But whatever it was that made them leave my bags behind, I’m grateful for some small miracles.’

‘Amen,” replied Daniel, immediately thinking of how stupid that would sound to Laurie.

‘So what’s your story?”

‘Mine?” Daniel blew a large breath out of his mouth, and was quiet for a minute. ‘Well, my wife was cheating on me, as you know, and I found out. I divorced her, and decided to move out to Edmonton, and start over again. A friend and I are going to open up a computer cafe, with about fifteen of the highest quality computers, and charge people about six dollars an hour to use them.’

‘Sounds like a good idea,” said Laurie.

‘Oh, there’s potential in it,” agreed Daniel, who had done a lot of research into the idea by focusing on several similar places in downtown Toronto. The owners of each of the places had told him that it would lose some money at first, but once a group of clientele was established, it would begin to make quite a fair bit of money. ‘And how about yourself, why are you going to Edmonton?”

‘My folks live out there,” answered Laurie. ‘And don’t you even dare ask me if they live on a fucking reservation, my parents died when I was young, my dad was an alcoholic, and an abusive husband, and one night he killed my mom and himself. I was adopted by a white family, and my adoptive father used to be in the air force. He just recently retired, and since I’m finished university, I decided to go back home.’ Laurie sighed. ‘I guess I have some bitterness in me too which I need to spit out.’

‘That’s okay,” assured Daniel. ‘I can be a good listener, you know.’

‘Can you, now?” asked Laurie, before sitting in silence for over half-an-hour. Daniel didn’t try and push her, knowing that she would start talking when she felt ready to.

The next time Laurie spoke to Daniel, it was to ask him to pull into the next gas station so that she could get changed out of her biking clothes. Daniel did as he was asked, and was rewarded with a wonderful sight once Laurie returned from the washroom. She had changed into a cut-off black t-shirt which seemed to only just cover her breasts, and a pair of cut-off jeans which were cut so short that the pockets hung below the shorts, and if she turned around, Daniel was almost certain that he would she the curve of her ass as well. Watching her return to the Jeep made Daniel’s cock begin to stir again, and he absently reached down to feel it as it began to harden. How much he wanted to be able to undo his shorts, pull it out, and stroke himself to an earth moving orgasm, but once again he forced himself to think of his ex-wife fucking her lover, and his cock again subsided.

‘I’m sorry for being so bitchy earlier,” apologized Laurie once she had shut the Jeep’s door. ‘You can’t imagine the racism I have been exposed to over the years because of my nationality. You think the blacks have it rough, wait until you see the contempt people have for natives. They seem to think that we’re all lazy, drunk, and a burden on society. I think there are a lot of people out there who would like to see us all rounded up and exterminated. Nobody would complain, it’s not like we’re Jewish, or anything like that. You have no idea how easy you have it, just being some white guy. Not to say that you’re just some white guy,” Laurie amended. ‘If it wasn’t for you, I might still be sitting on my ass, waiting for someone to stop and offer me a ride.’

‘I didn’t realise it was that bad,” admitted Daniel, who had never really given the subject much thought before.

‘Oh, hell ya,” replied Laurie. ‘People even get pissed off at me because of the benefits I receive for being a first-nations person. It’s so bad that I wish my parents had never even conceived me. I mean, I came from the stereotypical background that has made so many people look at me with such disgust. Both my parents were drunk, and unemployed at the time of their deaths, and yes, we were even living on a Cree Reservation just outside of Red Deer. Had it not been for my adoptive family, I know I wouldn’t be where I am now in life. I have a university education, a loving family, and I’m not too concerned about money, since I’m still daddy’s little girl.’

‘I guess you’d need a fair bit of money if you’re biking across Canada,” said Daniel thoughtfully. ‘I’m planning on staying in hotels for three nights. I’d expect that you’d have to spend maybe ten times as many nights.’

‘Something like that, yeah,” replied Laurie. ‘So I can easily chip in for gas, and even some munchies along the way.’

‘We’ll see,” answered Daniel, feeling slightly uncomfortable. It wasn’t often that he heard a woman offering to buy him something. His ex-wife had always expected the exact opposite from him, except for Christmas and his birthday, but even then she often bought him cheap presents when compared to what he’d buy her. He had always bought dinner, never her, he had always taken her to the movies, and not the other way around. When thinking of all the bad things, Daniel often found himself wondering why he had stayed with her for so long. Melissa had been nothing but a spoiled rotten bitch, and she had been that way even before they had started going out. Of course, it was true what they all said, hindsight was always fifty-fifty.

They drove on for the next three hours, eventually making it to the town of Wawa before deciding to call it a night, and Daniel was disappointed to see that they were about a hundred clicks short of where he had wanted to be by the time he stopped driving for the night. Well, he was certain that they could catch up tomorrow, as long as there was not any more damn road construction. The hotel they stopped off at appeared to be fairly busy though, and the two traveling companions found that the hotel no longer had any single rooms to rent out. A double bed room would not be that bad, they both agreed, and it was not long before Daniel was lying down on his bed.

‘My back is killing me,” he muttered, and stared at the room’s ceiling. ‘I never knew how much driving for so long could tack out of you.’

‘Try riding a bicycle,” commented Laurie from her own bed. ‘Now that, my dear savior, is a real pain in the ass!’

Daniel laughed at Laurie’s joke. ‘I can just imagine,” he said a moment later.

Laurie rolled onto her side, and looked at Daniel. ‘I do want to thank you for stopping for me,” she said softly, almost as if she was afraid that someone would overhear her thanking somebody. Laurie gave Daniel the impression of being headstrong, and he suddenly discovered that it had been hard for her to say what she just had.

‘It’s not a problem,” he answered. ‘Actually, I’m quite glad that I did stop and offer you a ride. It would have been rather lonely driving all the way out to Edmonton by myself.

‘It’s more than that to me,” informed Laurie, still talking rather softly, and in less than the time it took Daniel to blink his eyes, Laurie had crossed from her bed to his, and she was stretching out next to him. She placed her hands on each side of Daniel’s head, and pulled him close to her, and began to kiss him. Her tongue traced around the outside of his lips, before slipping past them to dance languidly with his own tongue. A moment later, Daniel responded forcefully, and sucked her tongue deeper into his mouth, while his hands moved down her back and towards her soft ass.

Laurie moaned, a sound muffled by Daniel’s hungry mouth as his expert hands caressed, and squeezed her ass. She moved in even closer to him now, her breasts pressing up against his chest, and her hips seeking out the hardn
ess which was beginning to protrude out from him. She moaned again as she felt Daniel thrust his hips towards her, pressing his hardening cock against her pussy. In moments, her hands were between them, undoing the zipper of his shorts, and reaching in past his boxers to clasp his engorged cock. It was already slick from precum, and she used her thumb to rub more of the clear fluid into the tip of his cock.

Daniel sighed deeply at the feeling of another woman touching his cock. He began to kiss Laurie harder, more passionately, and moved his own hands to the front of her jean shorts, unzipping it quickly, to discover that she had not been wearing anything underneath. A moment later his own hand was fingering her moist slit, causing her to begin breathing more rapidly. His fingers rubbed expertly at her sensitive clit, before moving further downwards to slip into her pussy, with Laurie moving her hips to help his fingers find their target.

A moment later Laurie pulled away from Daniel, and smiled at him. She then tugged at his shirt, and Daniel helped her remove it before voluntarily slipping off his own shorts and boxers. Laurie kissed Daniel deeply again before kissing her way slowly down his body, kissing both his nipples in the process. Soon, she had her hand wrapped around his hard cock, and she moved immediately to his balls, which she began to softly tongue, before sucking them into her mouth one at a time. Daniel moaned loudly at the feeling of his balls slipping into her hungry mouth, and Laurie increased the pace of stroking his hard cock.

Before long she began to kiss her way up the side of Daniel’s hard shaft, and she ran her tongue leisurely around its tip, tasting his salty precum. In seconds, she had engulfed his cock in her hungry mouth, and began to bob her head up and down, dragging her teeth gently along the sides of Daniel’s cock. She took as much of his eight inches into her mouth as possible with each move of her head, and she was so intent on his hard cock that she barely heard his loud moans of pleasure.

‘Wait,” Daniel gasped loud enough to break through Laurie’s concentration. ‘Move to the floor, kneel in front of the bed,” he commanded hoarsely.

Laurie did what she was told, only caring about having Daniel’s cock back in her mouth. Daniel sat on the edge of the bed, and Laurie greedily accepted his cock again once he offered it to her. She slipped a hand into her shorts, and began to rub furiously at her clit, and was not surprised when Daniel grabbed the sides of her head, and began to thrust his cock into her mouth, fucking her face roughly. Laurie moaned loudly between Daniel’s cock, and did her best to match his thrusts with her own bobbing motions. Soon, Daniel was moaning loudly, and Laurie knew he was about to cum. He released the hold around her head, giving her the option to pull away, but Laurie wanted to taste his cum. She rubbed harder at her clit, and felt her own orgasm nearing as Daniel’s cock began to spurt his hot cum deep into her mouth. Laurie sucked on his cock, getting every last drop of cum before she finally gave into her own building orgasm, and collapsed to the side of the bed, screaming with pleasure.

To Be Continued…

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Jodie opened to door to the house then turned back to the SUV besides which stood Roberta, motionless. "Come on then, we've got a lot to do, lets get inside!" said Jodie. Roberta stood watching the door, his rate of breathing round the gag had sky-rocketed when Jodie helped him down from the vehicle then left him standing there alone. (The ball gag had gone back in his mouth when he had yelped as the SUV had bounced over a pothole and the plug in his ass has been driven deep into...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 78 NEWPORT ACADEMY

We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...

1 year ago
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Jeremy part two

“Yes Jeremy,” she said sounding kind of horse, “do you need something?” “Actually that’s exactly what I’ve come to ask you,” I said, still not sure what Jenny had expected to happen when I confronted my mom about her flashing her naked body at me. “How do you mean,” she said. “Over the last little while you seem to have gone out of your way to either expose yourself, or to catch me naked, so a friend of mine suggested that I ask you if you needed something, so here I am trying to...

2 years ago
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Kinky Bottom With Neck Fetish

I was in Mumbai that time. 26 years old. Slim rather skinny figure. I used to think I am straight but I always liked when any boy or man kept their hands on my throat. I was skinny and short.A lot of boys in college and some colleagues used to grab me by the throat. They might have done as fun but I loved being strangled and their warmth on my throat very much. Anyway finding somebody to tell this fetish of mine was always impossible. Hence when I was in Mumbai for a job as a bachelor, I used...

Gay Male
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My Hot Neighbor Part 1 Flirting with the MILF

I am a 23-year-old guy living in Mumbai, Maharashtra. I live in a society of bungalows. I was studying in one of the medical colleges of Mumbai. The bungalow in front of mine had been uninhabited for many years. During the summer of 2016, a family moved into the bungalow. The family consisted of a couple in their mid-30s and their small child. My family welcomed them into the society. We also invited them over for dinner that weekend. That weekend, I became well acquainted with them. The man’s...

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Sandy and I Weekend Away Pt 2

There I was, my face covered in cum and my mouth full of it. “See I told you Clint, if I dressed him, she would get you off” Sandy said. Suddenly the situation came to life, I had been set-up. “ Sandy your a Bitch ! “, I said, “ What kind of wife does this?”, I asked. “Well, Jim, sorry, Kim, the kind that after years of marriage finds out her husband has desires to be a woman. “ Sandy said, “ Now take him Clint, I know he wants it, fill that ass with cum”. Still on the floor Clint grasped me...

3 years ago
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Role Pay

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. I worked on this story with Cowgirl before her retirement from the porn writing biz. I was hoping that we would do the collaborating bit and pass the story off to one another and finish it. Well, we got most of the way through, but never finished. I forgot all about it until today when I was going through some of my old stories and determining which I wanted to finish and which were...

3 years ago
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2 Auntyo Ki Chudane Ki Chahat

Hi dosto me rohit, asha karta hu apko meri pahli kahani mere (callboy banne ki shuruaat) pasand aayi hogi, landwalo ne apna lund hilaya hoga aur chutwalio ne apni chut me danda dal dia hoga aur chudai ke liye betab ho gai hogi ese khub maje liye hoge. Muje 8 ladko ke e-mails mile, un sabko meri kahani pasand aayi uske liye sukriya. Aunties & girls bhi chahe to muje e-mails kar sakte ho, me apko free me bhi service de sakta hu. Is barbhi me meri real kahani apke samne pesh kar raha hu. Ye kahani...

1 year ago
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What Are Friends For1

"Because, I don't know... because it's gay, I guess..." Pete answered, realizing it sounded stupid. He supposed it was mainly the stigma of having sex with a guy that kept most guys from having sex with each other. Not that he ever really fantasized of having sex with any of his guy friends. "But all I’m saying Pete, is that it would make so much sense. Guys always bitch to each other about not getting any action, when they could easily give it to each other! I mean, you suck your...

3 years ago
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Away From Home

The virus scare had passed and travel had picked back up again, and now Ana lay on a beach in an exotic island. Ana stood at about five-foot-ten, had black hair, tanned skin, and a face almost identical to that of Lisa Edelstein. While Ana did have a prominent nose, she also had quite the athletic body and looked great in the two-piece black bikini which went well with her lightly tanned olive skin. As she lay on the towel, Ana saw various kinds of people pass by on the beach from couples to...

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Blondie and the Angel from Hell

 I woke with a lurch, the sound of gunfire and shattered plaster yanking me from my dream in a panic. It took exactly five seconds to struggle free of the layered covers I’d tangled myself beneath in a pathetic attempt to ward off the hard chill of winter and hit the floor, wedging myself between the box springs on the floor and the wall. It was dark, too dark to see a thing, the heavy blanket hanging in substitute of curtain, keeping the harsh glare of the street light, as well as the prying...

Group Sex
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Fertile FlockChapter 2

It was more than two months since the Saturday when Deborah Tyler had seen her young niece, Sarah Newsome walking awkwardly away from the High School. But Principal Amos Thompson had been sufficiently discreet in the subsequent couplings that she had been unable to identify who might have had sex with her underaged niece or even confirm that it had happened. Sarah Newsome wondered at the interest her aunt was showing in her schooling and she soon figured out that Aunt Debbie suspected...

3 years ago
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BrotherInLaw Made Me A Porn Star 8211 Part 1 8211 The Trap

Part I – The trap It all started 3 months back with my sister Anu when she got pregnant with her boyfriend. Anu was elder to me by 6 years and worked in a call center. At 25 years of age, she wanted to enjoy the world like anything and was a free bird in true senses. In contrast, I was a hot headed, shy traditional Indian girl with firm belief in Indian cultural values. Dev was Anu’s co worker and boyfriend for last 2 years. They both were Same in nature ‒ extrovert, flamboyant and party...

2 years ago
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Liam and Hannah Part 1

They sat in the university's couch lounge, happily cuddled up, his arm around her back and her legs across his lap. Liam watched Hannah as she babbled on about her dreams of volunteering around the world, becoming an international lawyer, and eventually settling down and starting a family. He vaguely wondered how he'd gotten so lucky, finding her of all other people, this sweet innocent girl who really just wanted to help those around her and make herself available to those who needed her. They...

Quickie Sex
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A Stepsons Delight

I was eighteen, an amateur racer striving toward a motorcycle-racing career and was earning a good wage already when bang! everything went to shit. I had been in second place, drawing on the leader when someone bumped my rear tire and left me careening out of control.When I eventually came to, I was being wheeled from an ambulance and into a hospital where I passed out yet again. I woke up sometime later in a hospital room, alone, with both arms in plaster casts from the elbow down and a...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ka Pyaar

Hi friends. This is Jack 23 years of age from Pune. Ye meri pehli kahaani hai so if there are any mistakes then please revert back with your valuable suggestions. Without further delay, let me come to the story. I belong to a small town in west bengal. My height is 5’10” and brownish complexion, moderate health and a very quick witted personality with an 8 inch lund by God’s Grace! Mere ghar ke pass(West Bengal) ek aunty hai jinka naam meera(38) hai, unke 2 bete hai aur husband koi shop chalate...

2 years ago
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A Fall to GraceChapter 21

The next major event was the trip to Norfolk for Terry to meet Grace’s parents. Despite reassurance from Grace Terry was nervous. They might not take to him which would mean that Grace might become estranged from them or worse that he would lose her. He realised that that was all most unlikely. If he and Grace had gelled so completely there could hardly be any reason for any of that to happen. All the same there was a nag. Everything went to plan. They left the flat on time, ran into no slow...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 187

Wanting to tell her husband in person about their good luck, the young architect, bubbling with happiness, had left to go surprise him with her news. Jeff, his women, Dave and his women, and Selina, had remained in the new school. Some of the girls made final adjustments or rearranged various things in their study cubicles while others checked out the lab or project areas. A little later, Jeff and Diana were sitting on what had appeared to be a boulder until they reclined on it. The Queen...

2 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 30

Susan drove up to the house in Pacific Grove. She was hardly out of her car before Alice was in her arms. Susan stood holding her for a long time. They paid no mind to the passerby's as they kissed. A common enough sight in the world nowadays. "Oh, god I've missed you!" Alice said, tearfully. Susan guided them into the house. They left a trail of clothing leading into the bedroom. Much later they lay together softly stroking each others bodies. "Why have you remained away so long?"...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Tenants Pt II

Before I reach Diana’s door, I hear faint sounds of what sounds like crying. Her door is slightly ajar and I peek in to make sure everything is okay. I see her on her bed, fingering herself. That so-called crying sound is actually her moaning during masturbation. Poor girl, she is saving herself until marriage yet is too horny. And speaking of horny, that’s exactly how I feel at the moment from the sight of this and I immediately develop a hard on. She’ll fully clothed, wearing a button...

1 year ago
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Getting One Over Me

Sophie, who I wrote about in "House-Sitting", had ordered herself a vibrator online. Inspired by her friend Sally’s pleasure toy, which had had such a dramatic effect on her.When the package arrived it lay unopened for a couple of days, then one day it had disappeared. I was gagging to ask her whether she had tried it yet but Sophie and I are pretty respectful of each other’s need to masturbate, although we do sometimes share. I thought she ought to enjoy it on her own before I attempted a...

2 years ago
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Neighbor8217s Delight 8211 Part 1

Hello to guys and girls following ISS. Firstly, I would thank ISS for this wonderful forum which I am following since 2007; I regularly read a lot of stories out here, of which half I genuinely find it true. This gives me confidence in writing a true story which took place in Feb 2015 between my next door neighbor aunt, Seema and me. Please send me your feedback to my mail id: Being my first attempt, apologies for any mistakes. I am Pratik, 25 years of age, standing at 5’11”, having an average...

2 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 45 Naughty Moon Rise Approaches

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Haunted Woods I trembled beneath Argil, fear flooding through me. The barguest, in his human form, had me pinned to the ground. I shook my head. I couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Cassies LoveChapter 9

“This is one helluva road trip, not that I’ve ever been on one, mind you,” Margie told Hector and Cassie as they rode along with her down the highway back to the Von Greiner estate. “Yes, well, if the circumstances had been better, we’d have enjoyed it more. We were supposed to be going to college, one of us getting a head start there. We changed our minds, and no small part of me thinks that our instincts warned us that this was coming. What do you think, Cass?” Hector asked his...

2 years ago
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The Doctor The Dolly and The Dornier

Copyright© -- All rights reserved Little Lisa Loest liked visiting her Dad at the airfield where he worked as an 'Airspace Director.' Sometimes if he was not busy, they'd sit and talk over chocolate eclairs and moccachinos in the tiny staff cafeteria. At other times, particularly at the weekend, things would get busy with all the 'hobby' fliers and the glider boys. Her Dad would often get anxious and frustrated at those times because of some of the stupid things they'd do. When...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Madam8217s Sex Desire Made Me A Gigolo

Hi readers, This is Ram from Hyderabad. I’m a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on This is a true incident happened in my life. I’m a student and no money. So I do part time job in free time in Chennai. At that time I met my madam (name not revealed for privacy so let’s call her madam only) This story may seem boring in the beginning as I’m explaining true...

4 years ago
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The Loving Wife

The sounds through the open doors were turning me on again. I’d had a strong orgasm deep in my wife not long ago but the images and thoughts stirred up by her oh-so-familiar getting-laid noises had the expected effect on me. I reached down and stroked my erection with the rhythm of the sounds of a cock plunging in her pussy. My boyhood pal Sam had been visiting family here in our home town and naturally reconnected with me. We had a great dinner and put away plenty of good whiskey as we...

2 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 14

As soon as Eddy and Tamara had made their goodbyes, Margo came and sat next to her husband. "So, are they going to be an item?" she asked, mischievousness oozing from every syllable. "Oh yeah, only a matter of time, as if with Our Lady of Empathy doing the matchmaking there was ever much doubt." "That's good. Eddy needs someone who'll love him and take care of him and I might volunteer for the job if I weren't already well and truly spoken for by two of the most loveable hedonists...

2 years ago
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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 2 Suntan and Sisters

The cook served me breakfast and said that she and the other staff would leave at 9 but be back tomorrow at 5. I thanked her and she said, “You and your sisters are very close. It’s good that you can be as intimate with each other as I saw the other morning.” Alarm bells went off in my head, thinking where this conversation was going. “I was as close to my two brothers,” she said, “and wouldn’t change a thing. I love them both. We still get together when their in the country.” She took my...

1 year ago
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My friend and I fuck his wife

I was naked, watching a blue film on my computer and getting a slight hard-on. I started masturbating, intending to cum, but needed some newspaper on the floor to catch it, when it shot out of me. Putting the film on hold and still still stroking my cock, which was now fully hard, I went into my lounge to fetch an old newspaper. I had forgotten that when I left the lounge to go to bed the previous night I had left the curtains on the lounge windows, fully open. I had a terrible shock when I saw...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Running at 3am

I joined the cross-country team my sophomore year in college. I liked running. It relaxed me and gave me time to think things out while I ran. Was I any good? No but it was fun training with good looking guys. We usually ran wearing short shorts, very light material, socks, and running shoes. We trained mostly in the early mornings around 5am and afternoons around 4pm. We ran 5-7 times a week a few hours each session. We ran all over town and we're seen by everyone running in pacts. I usually...

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Angry Half Brother

Jon was about 21 when he came back home after college. He was stressed out from the work, and his little step sister Cassie, who was only 18 didn't help. She was pretty sexy having 32D's and sexy curves with a plump butt herself. She had brown hair like Jon, and same with the brown eyes. She and her friends always came over at night and used to make Jon angry by doing simple pranks. They would steal all the food and drinks he got for himself on the weekends, and then upload massive amounts of...

3 years ago
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Eyes Wide Open

‘You’re sure about this?’ Darcy asked, a dubious expression on her face. Her big hazel eyes were framed by dark bangs, and anyone looking at her would have thought that she was the kindest, most generous, most friendly and concerned person they’d ever met. ‘Because I really will understand if you want to back out. A bet’s a bet and all, but I’m willing to call it off if you are. The other sisters probably won’t even remember this by tomorrow morning.’ Lia knew better. She fixed Darcy with a...

2 years ago
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I Did It for My HusbandChapter 7

This old guy gives me the creeps big time. And it's so much worse because I know how much he hates me and Jimmie. So I'm very nervous about following him inside. But those are my orders. All of the little houses on this rundown street were apparently built from the same blueprints. The outside of each house varies slightly in a repeating pattern of five houses as you looked down the street. But they're all the same size, the same shape, the same floor plan. I know what the inside of his...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Spencer Bradley Morning Starting StepSis

I was just getting up from a nap when the next thing I know my step-sister, Spencer, is jumping up and down on my bed telling me to wake up. Spencer can be so annoying sometimes, she always needs so much attention. Spencer wants me to go in the pool with her but I really don’t feel like it at all. She keeps begging me and the next thing I know she is grabbing my cock, of course, it is hard! I have morning wood, Spencer loves rubbing my throbbing cock through my underwear. I am not sure if...


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