LAURIE free porn video

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It was a typical Saturday morning, Dad out playing his weekly golf game with his friends, Mom gone early to run her usual errands and do a little shopping, leaving my older sister Laurie and myself in the house. It was mid morning before I woke up, finding a small list to chores taped to my door from my mother, as I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and wake myself up.

Standing under the warmth of the water, slowly washing away the sleepiness I felt from staying out late the night before, my thoughts drifted off to images of the girls I'd seen at the dance the night before. I had gone stag, and eventually left the same way, alone, but had still enjoyed myself as I danced with a few girls, but more often than not staring over their shoulders, daydreaming to some of the finer girls on the dance floor.

The comfort of the shower, along with my groggy fantasizing, left me feeling a little horny as well as a little careless as I toweled off and walked down the hall to my room, when Laurie opened her door and I was caught walking down the hall nude, straight toward her.

Embarrassed, I quickly wrapped the towel I was carrying around my waist, smiled, and tried to hide my embarrassment as I continued walking past her. But as I stepped by her, trying not to acknowledge her snickering smile, I felt her pinch the cheek of my behind through the towel.

"Hey!" I snapped, twisting myself around to avoid her pinching.

"What's the matter, little brother? You don't like girls pinching your buns?" She said sarcastically.

The teasing was one thing, but I hated it even more when she teased me with 'little brother'. Lacking anything quick or witty to say, I blurted out, "No..."

"Oh, I see..." She said as she turned and began to walk down the hall, "... Kenny only likes it when guys touch his buns."

I could hear the sarcasm in her voice, and although I know she didn't mean it, it still made me angry.

"Jerk..." I muttered under my breath.

In a strangely playful mood, she stopped and turned, sticking her tongue out at me then turned back to walk down the hall. When I made a taunting move toward her, she quickly turned to look back and smiled, then took off down the hall as I gave chase.

As she sprinted away from me, I saw that she was not wearing anything under the thin, long T-shirt she wore to bed, and I caught a glimpse of her magnificently smooth buns as she turned the corner to the stairs.

My sister was 18 at the time, and was she a looker; wavy auburn hair, long and shapely legs from running track and cheer leading, and a bust that most woman would die for. As a horny high school k**, I have to admit that I'd fantasized about my sister more than once, still it was nothing more than a fantasy, and this was about getting her for pinching my butt.

I chased her down the stairs and into the den, suprising her as I don't think she expected me to follow her all the way downstairs. Managing to reach and grab the tail of her T-shirt as it flapped behind her, I tugged hard, bringing her to an abrupt halt, then grabbed at her waist and started tickling. The whole scene was still unfolding with an air of innocence as she playfully fained resistance to my holding her.

"Gotcha!", I hollered out, laughing a bit out of breath from the chase, but still tickling away.

Laurie began to struggle a little harder at the challenge of my words, eventually managing to spin away from my grasp. She stood in front of me, panting from the excitement and the struggle, then got a sly and mischievous look on her face, like a cat ready to pounce.

And before I had a chance to prepare myself for the impending retort, she lunged forward and began to try tickling me in kind. Her hands were flying everywhere in an effort to find my skin, and as I swirled my hands around to thwart her advance, I began to feel the towel that wrapped my waist begin to loosen. And as I began to backpedal in retreat, worried that my towel was ready to drop totally to the floor and leave me embarrassingly naked as my sister grappled my body, my foot clubbed the corner of the sofa, causing me to loose my balance and tumble backward.

It was pure self preserving instinct that caused me to grab hold of Laurie's arm as I began to fall, sending us both tumbling down onto the arm of the couch, careening off it's bulbous end, and crashing down onto the carpeted floor with Laurie falling on top of me.

Her legs fumbled helplessly to regain her balance, finally giving in and coming to rest with her knees straddling my stomach, her T-shirt now pulling up well over her hips, exposing her pantyless body to my excited eyes as she came to rest with her weight pressing down on me.

If that wasn't enough, I realized that my towel had come completely undone, its ends laying out open and wide at my sides and leaving me exposed from Laurie's as yet unknowing eyes. Laurie was still laughing and breathing hard, her face covered with her long and now wild looking hair from our tumble, but as I lay pinned underneath her I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful furry patch as it pressed against my belly.

And having no control whatsoever, my eager and inexperienced dick leapt at the sight before me, quickly stirring as it began to stiffen. Laurie lifted her hands from where they had been pressing down on my chest, and began to pull her hair from her face when she caught me staring not at her face, but down at her crotch and realized what I was staring at.

Her expression turned from laughter to embarrassed suprise as she looked at my mesmerized face, and she immediately tried to slide her hips backward and off of me to cover herself. As she began to move, I tried to grab hold of her arms in an effort to stop her, not wanting her to expose to the both of us the raging hardon that I had instantly developed, but I was not quick enough.

The ultra smooth skin of her inner thighs slid quickly along our now sweat slickened skin as she rested on me, and just as I tugged on her arms to stop, I felt my cock slide right between the velvety smooth and warm lips of her parted pussy, my cock head emerging underneath the soft curls of her pubic hair as she came to an abrupt halt at the same sensation, her pubic bone still pressing down hard along the length of my cock.

It all seemed so wild. I mean, a second ago we were k**s in a tickling match, and now here she was; straddling my hips, her warm and soft womanhood pressed firmly down on my raging boner, holding her arms tightly like two lovers in a moment of passion, and Laurie staring down at me with nervous and yet excited eyes.

Looking back up at her, my mind wavering back and forth between adolescent sexual excitement and embarrassed fear, my heart pounding hard in my chest, and my cock continued to stiffen until it was harder and longer than it had ever been before.

I never knew, at the time, that I was larger than most boys my age, in fact I would find out later that I was much larger than most men. And sure, I'd seen plenty of pictures of naked woman before, starting early with sneaking fascinated peeks of my mother and later discovering my father's stash of soft porn magazines, but the truth of it was that I'd never actually been with a woman before, not even one of the many uptight and nervous girlfriends I'd had through high school. But I had fantasized many times of being in this position before, as I masturbated away my adolescent sexual frustrations night after night, dreaming of the chance to feel just what I was feeling right at that very moment.

The irony of the situation was overwhelming, finally alone and naked with a girl and here it was my sister, leaving me both speechless and locked in a moment of embarrassed indecision.

I half expected her to lash out if a fit of rage or at least leap to her feet in disgust, but to my suprise she did neither. Laurie just sat there, still looking into my eyes wide eyed with suprise, but not moving a muscle. When I realized that I had no other choice, I gently released my grip on her arms, letting my own arms fall to my side, and waited for her reaction.

But still, she didn't move, confusing me even more and increasing the already palpable tension between us.

Maybe she was just as confused as I was at the precarious situation we were in, but I swear I felt a flush of warmth and moistness from between her legs as she continued to press down on me, and I saw her pupils of her eyes balloon as she slowly let them drift from mine and wander slowly down my chest toward our awkward union. I followed her gaze with stunned fascination as she looked down at the bulbous purple head of my straining cock as it pressed at my navel, it's shaft emerging from the ticklishly soft triangular tuft of hair between her legs.

I could no longer see Laurie's eyes as she peered down, her long hair falling to cover her face as she stared down at me from above, and I closed my eyes as I felt her hands gently touch my shoulders and begin to press as she balanced herself to slowly lift her weight from my sandwiched member. But yet again I would be totally suprised as Laurie, instead of rising up and off of me as I prepared myself for the inevitable, stopped her lifting and slowly curled her hips forward, not breaking our intimate contact but sliding herself up the length of my steely shaft as it remained nestled between the moistening folds of her embrace.

It sent a shiver through my body right to my lungs as I sucked in a muffled gasp of air. My heart began to pound with excruciating strength as I felt Laurie press down once again, and my hands instinctively drew in to meet the soft skin of her thighs as they spread over me. Laurie's hips rolled again, this time returning back to where they were before, painting herself along my hardon before coming to a halt, and I felt a small shiver along her thighs as they gently opened wider, pressing her soft mound down harder on my cock.

My hands began to move again with the motion of her spreading legs, inviting them to glide ever so gently and cautiously over her skin before coming to a nervous halt as they cradled the sides of her hips. My eyes were still held tightly closed, my mind still swirling in this surreal moment, until I heard Laurie let out a long slow breath.

Opening my eyes, I looked up to see Laurie still gazing down at our hips, her hair gently tickling my chest as it's wavy softness dangled down and gently brushed my skin. I couldn't say a word. Even if I could, I wouldn't know what to say, my mind still reeling with terror and excitement. I continued to lay silent and tensely still as I felt her hips begin to roll again as she slid her velvety soft lips up and then down my straining cock, and then again in a slow and agonizing rhythm. I could hardly breath, my lungs still wanting to draw in more oxygen but unwilling to release it's already over inflated confines, until finally my body relaxed it's tension in a deep exhale that caused my cock to twitch against her semi enveloping touch. I could feel the warm slickness of her lips as they wrapped even further around the sides of my shaft, as well as the distinct depressed void that my cock wanted to instinctively fill.

It was all happening so fast, and it was more than my young, hormonally crazed yet inexperienced mind could handle. My cock swelled one last time and then began to belch out wave after wave of cum, shooting up my belly in a torrent of slippery white streams. My body had become rigid from my orgasm, my hips pressing up against Laurie as I continued to pump out my release with each grunting wave of orgasm.

"Oh my god!" Laurie squealed out in both suprise and excitement as she continued to stare intently down at the tip of my cock pressed underneath her, pinned tightly to my stomach but straining desperately to stand erect, and never stopping her motions as she watched each pearly rope of cum empty from my cock and splash up my belly.

"Oh god!... Kenny!..." She panted out breathlessly, finally lifting up her face to see my contorted expression as I felt another wave of orgasm pumping from me.

I could almost make out a smile on her wide eyed face as she watched mine twist and grimace with each stroke of her hips and squirt of my cock, as if she were reveling in her new found power over me as I continued to come helplessly under her motions.

Her hands were pressing down hard on my shoulders as she continued to hump away, long after I had emptied every last drop of cum from my aching balls, my body now twitching with both pain and pleasure with each stroke of her pussy until I didn't think I could take any more. My face was beaded with sweat as I panted in near hyperventilated ecstasy, when I noticed that Laurie had suddenly and forcefully stopped.

My eyes popped open to see Laurie looking down the hall toward the door, her arms still pinning me firmly to the carpet, but with a look of trepidation on her face.

I heard the unmistakable sound of the garage door opener humming away as it struggled to lift the noisy paneled door, when Laurie suddenly yelled out, "Oh Shit! Mom's home!", echoing my very thoughts.

Laurie leapt to her feet and dashed for the stairs, pulling at her nightshirt as she ran.

I frantically wrapped the towel back around myself as I struggled to get up off the floor, then slammed into the staircase railing post as I haphazardly dashed up the stairs, dizzyingly lightheaded and terrified. As I reached the top of the stairs, I saw Laurie disappear into her room, slamming the door tight behind her, as I sprinted to do the same.

Scrubbing away the splattered and smeared remains of my exuberance that still covered my belly and dripped from the dusting of hair on my chest, feeling like a criminal attempting to wipe away the evidence he'd left behind, I quickly tossed the sticky towel into my closet and grabbed a pair of jeans hanging from the back of my chair. I could hear my mothers footsteps as she trodded up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Laurie?... Kenny?..." She called out. "Come help me, I've got groceries in the car that need to be put away..."

I heard Laurie's door open as I pulled a T-shirt over my head, realizing that my hair was still slightly wet, both from my shower as well as my own perspiration.

"Okay, Mom." Laurie replied as she walked down the hall.

I could hardly believe how cool and calm she sounded after what had just happened, but I was thankful just the same.

"Go ahead and get started, I'm just going to put these away and then I'll be down to help." My mother said.

"Where's Kenny...?" She asked, walking down the hall toward her bedroom, just as I opened my door to find her standing right in front of me, holding a shopping bag in her arms.

"Jesus, Kenny... what happened to you?" She asked in suprise, and I felt her eyes staring at me as she stood in front of me in the hallway. "Are you okay?"

I knew it. I just knew it. My entire life I'd walked around wearing my emotions on my sleeve, completely unable to to disguise what I was thinking or feeling. I don't think I'd ever gotten away with even the most innocent of white lies, my blushing face or nervous eyes giving me away every time, especially with my parents, who read me like an open book.

Laurie, on the other hand, could be called the ice queen if the situation demanded; lawyerly convincing of the most outrageous stories, but with a coolness and conviction that made her come smelling like a rose every time.

And as I stood in front of my mother, nervously sweating and yet pale as a ghost, my hair a mess, my T-shirt clinging to my clammy skin, and my mother eyeing me with a concerned look, I saw over her shoulder as Laurie walked out of the kitchen and stood at the end of the hall behind her.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with him." Laurie said sarcastically toward my mother and I, as I stood wide eyed staring over my mother's shoulder at her.

"He's just worked up 'cause I beat him in a game a little while ago." She added, to my shock and smiling wryly at me.

I swear she was enjoying watching me squirm as I stood in front of my mother.

"A game...?" My mother asked, "... of what?"

She turned to Laurie, who was still smiling, almost gloating as she stood with her hands an her hips ad her foot cocked out in triumph.

"One on One..." Laurie began to say.

"Laurie!" I screamed angrily at her, my voice cracking as it strained to stop her.

"!" She tauntingly added.

I thought my head was going to explode from the stress, convinced that it would never work, but Laurie kept up the charade perfectly as she started to snicker as she looked at my mother and me.

Laurie and I used to play basketball out in the driveway when we were younger, shooting baskets with our father and occasionally having little round robin family tournaments, but it had been a while since we'd played, especially since I'd made the varsity basketball team and could easily mop the court with her.

My mother stood silent for only a second, but it seemed to me like an eternity, before turning back to me and then headed toward her room, while saying, "All right, you two. Knock it off, and get downstairs and start bringing those groceries to the kitchen before the ice cream melts."

But before my mother had gotten into her room, still within earshot of Laurie's voice, Laurie would add one more thing. "It's all right, Mom. If Kenny plays his card's right, I might just give him another shot at it." She said with a smile, and gave me a little wink as she headed down the stairs.

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My wife finally fulfilled her inter-racial fantasy. She is a pretty mixed Hawaiian Chinese & Irish , 5'-8'', brown eyed brunette, who did Hula dancing for 15 years professionally travelled nationally for shows & competitions, and it shows when she's on top specially reverse cowgirl you can feel all her hips on your cock from her Hula dancing always finishes me offAbout two years ago, we went to Napa at Calistoga Hot Springs Day Spa. I found a black masseuse who advertised sensuous...

1 year ago
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Whos The Sissy Now

Like many people, I was bullied in school. I was small, slender and effeminate and, as a result, was often called gay, queer, fag and sissy by school bullies. The fact that what they said was sort of true just made it closer to the bone and more painful to hear. Like many teenage boys, I was going through something of an identity crisis surrounding my body and my blossoming sexuality. The feelings that I had always had as a c***d that me being a boy wasn't quite right were now increasingly...

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In Praise Of Much Older Women

It was a day much like this; clear, calm and mild, almost exactly a year ago when I stopped off at my girlfriend’s place to drop off some meals I had prepared. It had been a cold morning, only five or six degrees Celsius, and was still very cool when I got home at 10.00 a.m. from my part-time job. However, it had warmed up as the day progressed and while not balmy was a pleasant temperature.My girlfriend had a few months previously sold her bungalow and bought two fairly new townhouses in a...

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Late Night With My Buddys Mom

It was late at night and I couldn’t sleep. I decided to get up and get a glass of water. My buddy was stone cold asleep, but I crept out anyway because I didn’t want to wake anyone else up. I tiptoed down the hall and saw a light from below. I heard the faint sound of someone typing away on the keyboard and clicking on the mouse. I moved in to investigate while still being very quiet. I peered around the corner and found my buddy’s mom sitting there at the computer completely naked! Her...

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Episode 18 the Hymen Club revised

This is another story starring pre-pubescent Lucy and friends and thier close family relationships; please do not read if offended by u******e i****t.In BedEarly one morning about a month after little Lucy was a*****ed by the r****t builder and rescued by Giselle (in Episode 17); she slipped into her parents’ bed, and snuggled into the moon-shaped space between mum and dad. Dad was behind her and Mum in front; both slept naked so she could feel Dad's hairy chest against her back and Mum's bare...

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Green River Ferry

The Green river was three leagues wide as it emptied into the sea. It was too deep to build a bridge across. Boats of all sizes and shapes moved from the north side to the south. On the north was Algany and on the south was the city of Trillham. Both were large cities in the kingdom of Shi. My father had been a river mage and my mother a water witch. That made the water magic strong in me. I had two friends that were a little older, George and Charles both had magic but not as strong a gift as...

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My Journey as a Master

I will not give her true name so I will call her cousin for this true tale. Cousin helped me feed the stock and I milked two cows while we talked. Cousin was a petite black haired, dark eyed beauty. I admit on most occasions that they visited us which was pretty often since her step dad (my mother's brother and my uncle) love to fish and we had thirty two dirt tanks (man made ponds) stocked with fish by the ranch owner. Weather permitting they visited at least once a month to spend a day...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 8

Well, I was finally meeting one of her daughters... Finally? I've only known this lady for two days! I know I move fast but this is getting a little strange. I don't know if it's because I've been lonely or because I was finally comfortable with my new lifestyle. I'd heard of many situations where someone won a lottery and went off the deep end. I made the reservations for dinner and then called Steve. "Hey, John, I don't know what strings you pulled but I picked up Jerry a few...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 6 Brothers MindControlling Passion

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Brother's Mind-Controlling Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the collapsing Institute of Apotheosis Research, shuddered as she slipped off her Master and ex-husband's face. Robert Icke had licked her pussy while their eighteen-year-old daughter had licked her asshole. Deidre buzzed from her orgasms. Her large breasts swayed, her black hair danced...

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A Kittens TailChapter 3

“Slow, deep breaths Felicia, just remember that there’s no commitment here. You’ve wanted to do this for a long time now, and the worst that can happen is you end up not liking it. You can always go back to your old life.” I smirk as I realize I’m talking to myself in my head again, but I guess there’s one advantage of not being able to talk anymore. I feel less crazy sitting quietly in my car in front of a strange house than I would if I were sitting and talking to myself in my car in front...

4 years ago
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Adult Truth Or Dare Leads To Thresome Part 2

Hey guys, I am back with the second part of my threesome story I had with my friends, a couple. If you are new or reading this for the first time, you can check out the previous part of the story. We were playing adult truth and dare which lead us to this point. Without wasting any of your time, let’s get into the story. After Madhumitha came with a huge moan, she was tired. She was resting on the bed in the same position. Sanjeev was also lying on the bed next to her. We all decided to take a...

3 years ago
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Some things I Do Like

Cum drops on noses and stories well writtenSensual kisses will have me quite smitten Hard bulging packages, fun with no stringsThese are a few of my favourite thingsCreamy filled pussies and tongues in my anusLight hearted spanking as long as it's painlessFun with my toy and the joy that it bringsThese are a few of my favourite thingsGirls in tight dresses with sexy eye lashesBut NO fakes or skinny rakes or vulgar pumped gashesBeds with 4 posters and reinforced springsThese are a few of my...

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Stacy and Emily Whore to door

In a small English town, two nineteen year-old girls by the names of Stacy Greenacre and Emily Sharpston live. Stacy and Emily had been friends since they started secondary school together at 11 and now worked together as sales reps in the locality. Stacy was the taller of the two at 5’8”. She had long blonde hair that fell just below her shoulders, her breasts are 32B and her long legs lead up to a lithe, somewhat athletic figure. Emily on the other hand was 5’2” and much smaller than Stacy....

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Talak Ammi Bani Randi

Hie guys I’m Wasim writing my first story hope you enjoy it. Toh boys chaddi hai haath daal lo aur ladkiya apni panty mai So I belong to a Muslam family.. Hamari family mai mai.. Mom dad and meri behen afreen reheti hau. Afreen padai ke liye put of station hai currently Ammi : name shabana Height : 5’3 Figure: 34-24-36 Gand : chubby n curvy Colour : fair To ye baat tab ki hai jab mere abba ne ammi ko Talak Talak Talak bolke kisi dusri aurat ke saath chale gaye…ammi bechari Bohot sad reheti thi...

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StepSiblingsCaught Ember Stone Jill Kassidy Do As We Say

Tyler Nixon is chilling when his stepsisters Jill Kassidy and Ember Stone come outside in matching outfits and demand that he put lotion on them. When he declines to do a repeat performance later, the girls do some performing of their own with Jill rubbing the lotion all over Ember’s back while Ember flashes her tits at Tyler. When the girls turn around so that Ember can give Jill the same treatment, Tyler can’t take his eyes off of them. Later, when the girls demand that he helps...

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The Ticket IV0

We arrived back at the Manse in time for supper, the ritual was observed. When it became Josie's turn she exercised her internal muscles on my finger I was amazed by the strength of her contractions. I was a bit sad to know that this would be my last meal here for awhile. After the meal we discussed ranch business first. Then Amber stood up,” Ladies I guess you all have heard that our Night Walker will be leaving us for awhile. We must persevere and stay strong. When he departs tomorrow...

3 years ago
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Surviving 3Chapter 26 Changes

Scott made it back to Inveraray before Mac left for Northumbria and he asked him to stay on for a discussion about their strategy against the Danish threat in England. He spent a pleasant few days with his wives and children waiting for Gabrain, Lachlan and Tara to travel from Oban. Another idea had come to Scott while he had been up in the air and he took the opportunity of speaking to his specialists about it now. The quality of the road surface as they had landed at Oban had contrasted...

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Hairy Pecker the Sorcerers Cock Ch 02

Hairy stared at the woman incredulously. Either she was the dumbest woman Hairy had ever seen or the biggest prude. The male and female hippos were doing what male and female hippos do on a hot day during mating season. Yet here was the woman dragging her two young daughters, attempting to cover their eyes, and all the while screaming at a young zookeeper to ‘make them stop.’ Hairy chuckled to himself as he tried to imagine just what the zookeeper could do to make them stop. He pictured...

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HandsOnHardcore Misha Maver Double Penetration Is Her Thing

It’s a Misha Maver man sandwich for this Hands On Hardcore 4K premium porn masterpiece. We love to call on this tattooed college cutie when double penetration is on the docket. She and her friends Kristof Cale and Vince Karter get kinky when the boys bend the blonde over a desk and properly punish her for her bad behavior. But this girl doesn’t mind one bit as she’s a pro at keeping two men satisfied. See the glamour model strip out of her skin-tight mini-skirt to be ass...

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My Name was Robert

My name was Robert (Bobby) Preston but now it is Bobbi Preston, and here is my story At the tender age of 9 my mother was diagnosed with cancer, at that time nobody explained this to me - not that I would have understood or what that all meant anyway or what was going to happen. Prior to this, my life was very much like many children. My dad had always taken me to my swim lessons and Boy Scouts. Mom always took care of the school stuff along with my emotional needs. Dad was never...

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Sweet Sex With My Cute Girlfriend

Hi everyone, my name kumar and I am kind and loving person . Today I came before you to share my real-time experience with my sweet girlfriend whom I loved from head to toe for ages. If any female of any age wish to contact me then mail me to I will wait for ur comments and messages . As I am new to this iss , I appreciate if you give me suggestions after reading my personal experience which I love much.   Coming to the main part , the queen of my story is my sweet girlfriend swati (name...

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Fulfilling My Desires

Hello to all the readers of ISS I am sush(hyderabad). I am a reader of ISS. I’m from hyderabad. Any female looking for some private or intimate moments contact this e-mail- Please share your thoughts and lets jump right into the story. Coming to the sex story. It was early spring break, everyone were getting ready to go home for vacation as it was our first year at college.Leaving home for education gets you homesick but we get used to it anyway. Speaking of which I packed all bags and was...

2 years ago
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Night Swim

She loved swimming in the nude. It was liberating to feel her body caressed by the flowing, warm water. The abandoned pool was surrounded by tiki lights, casting a glow that made the night all the more magical. The air, although humid, was pleasantly warm. Floating around in the warm water, she thought she was alone. Gentle waves lapped at her full breasts. It felt so good, so sexy. She stood up and looked down. God, her tits looked so hot. Running her hands over them, she felt how erect her...

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Experiments with JoJo

"Yes?" "Hi, Professor Woodson? I'm Abigail Lake. Abby. You had a job posting for a veterinary research intern... We talked on the phone about your..." With another squeal, the portal was wrenched open. "Yes, Yes! Abby! Of course! Excellent, thank you for coming on such short notice!” Abby smiled politely, suppressing a smirk at the man’s disheveled appearance. He was a short, portly gentleman, probably pushing forty. His rumpled tweed sports coat had seen better days and...

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Mary sexual education part 2

 Mary sat on a bench while reading a letter that Brad had left for her on his cabin door. She already read it once before but was rereading it to make some sense out of it. What Mary had read in the letter left her shock and with some uncertainty about how to handle it. He wrote that she deserved to know the truth about him and why he did the things he did with her. The reason for him coming to the lake was for one last trip with the guys before he got married. He never intended to lie to her...

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BlacksOnBlondes April Aniston 02052019

Whenever you swing by Prince Yashua’s crib, it’s always poppin’! Most of the time Prince is entertaining white girls who are there to party and get pounded, but today he’s having a serious talk with a dude calling himself Pressure. You see, Pressure wants “in the game”. Pressure wants to be Prince’s protege, and this is something Prince doesn’t take lightly. Prince doesn’t fuck around with just any dude…but he sees good things with...

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Daddys Home

My kids had just left for the weekend when my cell phone sprang to life. A picture flashed on my smartphone screen, a special ring tone shattered the silence, and the words “The Hubby” rolled across the picture. I pushed the correct area of the touch screen and answered his call the way I always do.“Hey, baby!” His response scrambled my brain and kicked my heartbeat into overdrive.“Get your bath. I’ll order dinner tonight. Chinese delivery. Be on the rug at 7:45.”Before I could respond I heard...

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Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 05

Thousands of years ago, a disaster had occurred disabling their ship so that it was no longer able to move between stars. The heavy elements necessary to restore their star drive were not available in this solar system. Trapped with the local life forms, their continued existence depended entirely on the whims of an unstable dwarf star and whatever preparations they could make for its inevitable demise. “We are going to visit our new home,” Sibilius announced happily to Béla as he entered...

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Afternoon Delight

Mike didn’t know what to do with himself. At 48, this was the first time in decades that he had nothing to do on a weekday afternoon. Mike was the Executive VP of Sales for a mid-sized tech firm. He just returned to Chicago from London where he closed the biggest contract in his company’s history. If all went according to plan, the company would make hundreds of millions of dollars on the deal, and Mike was in line for a high six figure bonus. As a result, the Company president said the least...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 6

A Change of Lifestyle Part 6 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many,...

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