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Realization By Marti B A single tear traced a ragged path down my cheek ruining my once perfect make-up. My shoulders slumped as if they were bearing the weight of the world as the full impact of my situation hit home. Angela came over to see if the dryer was too hot. I smiled and told her everything was ok and that I was fine. Angela checked my hair wrapped tight on the rollers. She said, "Looks like you're done, lets go back to my chair and I'll finishing making you beautiful." I couldn't help but blush at the thought of being considered a beautiful woman. Inside though there was turmoil as I wrestled with strong conflicting emotions. Was it wrong for a man to feel so good being so feminine? Could I still be considered a man? Could I truly ever go back to being a man in society's eye? What would Suzanne think when she saw me? You see, Suzanne is the love of my life and the person responsible for the person I am today. As I look back on the events of the past two years I cannot find a single event that represents a turning point. Maybe it was inevitable the first time I saw Suzanne. I was a "hot shot" airline pilot, king of the world. I had just authored a novel as "Capt. W". The book told the story of a violent passenger whose actions lead to a disastrous crash and of the heroic efforts of the pilot to save the crippled aircraft. The cause of the crash is initially blamed on "Pilot Error" until a lone federal investigator puts her career on the line to get to the frightening bottom of the mystery. I thought it was a great story but it just didn't catch on with the reading public. That is, until my story was relived on the nightly news and a reporter happened to link my book to the crash. Sales rocketed and the mystery author became the topic of the day on the talk show circuit. My agent politely refused all requests for interviews leading to speculation (correct) that I was an airline pilot trying to keep my job. My second book again focused on aviation safety and the crowded skies over major metropolitan areas earned me a significant commission from the publisher and caused quite a stir in the news. There were calls for an investigation citing my accuracy in predicting the earlier aircraft problems. I also gained a lot more notoriety. It was only a matter of time before my identity was discovered which would mean the end of my flying career. I knew that this was going to happen once my first book became a best seller. Through sound investments I had enough put away so that I would never have to work again. I gave notice to the airline. I was on my next to last flight when Suzanne and I crossed paths. We were on a long leg from San Francisco to New York and I went back to get a glass of water and to stretch my legs. Suzanne was sitting on the aisle in the second row. She was a real knockout with long auburn hair cascading across her shoulders in gentle waves. Her emerald green eyes flashed with and intense fire and seemed to look right into your soul. Her dazzling smile seemed to get a little wider and brighter when she caught me staring. I could feel my face warm to a crimson glow as I scurried back to the safety of the flight deck. For the rest of the flight I was haunted by her lovely vision. At the same time I was worried because I really believed that she had looked into my soul and discovered my most hidden secrets. My fear grew as I stepped of the walkway to find Suzanne waiting for me. She thanked me for a "Most enjoyable" flight. We talked about the flight and about New York. She offered me a ride to my hotel in her limo. I declined telling her that I had to ride with the crew but asked if we could get together in San Francisco. She simply smiled, tossed her head and walked toward the waiting car. As she slowly walked away I kept praying she would look back. She never did and I never did get an answer...but I was hooked. Imagine my surprise the next afternoon when Suzanne was sitting in "her seat" on my final flight. We exchanged greetings like two strangers but I knew that there was magic in the air. The journey west was the longest of my career. Here I was with the most beautiful, enchanting woman I had ever known sitting 20 feet away and I couldn't see or talk to her. My frustration was almost unbearable. I went back several times just to try to catch her eye but she seemed to be chatting with the gentleman in the window seat. Jealousy enveloped me in a green mask and a foul mood that vented itself on the rest of the crew. Fortunately for me, except for Amber the chief flight attendant, who watched my antics in the cabin, everyone thought my foul mood was the result of my anxiety over my last flight. "You're acting like a true Neanderthal" Amber whispered in my ear. "What!" I responded, "Makes you say that." "I couldn't help seeing how you ogle the poor lady in seat 2B." She said. "How would you feel to have some dopey man acting possessive and macho around you?" "You've got this all wrong!" I replied. "Suzanne and I met following yesterday's flight and I really want to ask her out. It's just that I can't seem to get up the nerve. Every time I look into those big green eyes I seem to go all soft and quivery inside." "Well, well, well. Looks like God's gift to the female gender has finally been brought to his knees." Amber said. "I ... I..." was all I could muster as a reply. I retreated to the safety of the cockpit with my head down and my tail between my legs. I knew Amber was gloating! I couldn't wait to land and ask Suzanne out to dinner and a show. I hurried through the shutdown checks and hurried anxiously off the airplane. Can you imagine how crushed I felt when Suzanne wasn't there? Joe, my first officer asked if I wanted to stop for drinks on the way home. He said that he and a couple of the crewmembers were going to the Cascades Lounge at the airport Hyatt. Since it was on the way home I decided to stop by for a single "Water with Lime". I arrived around nine and quickly spotted Joe, Steve, Amber and Tracy on the far side of the bar. The place wasn't crowded on a Thursday night. A cute young blonde barmaid intercepted me as I maneuvered around the bar and took my order. She was a knockout with her large breasts standing at attention. Normally I would have been working on getting her name and number but not tonight. My mind was totally focused only on the exquisite lady who seemed to have slipped into and out of my life so easily, Suzanne. We toasted to my new career and the maintenance of current friendships. The discussion turned toward gossip about mutual friends, co-workers, and work- related subjects. Tracy said that a friend had told her that "Capt. W" was going to accept a position with CNN as an aviation analyst. Joe said he couldn't wait to see this mystery man. Amber spoke out in support of the mystery author saying that "Capt. W" had done a lot to popularize airline safety. She also said that she kind of liked the mystery surrounding "Capt. W's" identity and would be sad to find out that it he was someone she knew. I stated the possibility that "Capt. W" was a she instead of a he and got jumped on by Joe for even voicing such a silly idea. "No way a woman could ever explain the technical issues with that kind of clarity" said Joe. "Capt. W. is definitely a man, and a damn good pilot from my perspective." "You're so full of macho male bullshit!" shouted Tracy. "There are plenty of women pilots who could talk rings around you guys when it comes to aviation technology. All of you fly boys think you're so smart and so good, and so irresistible. You should see it from our perspective. How would you like it if you had to wear a push up bra for your penis and all the girls made lewd comments about the size and shape of your equipment, or better yet thinking up all kinds of ways to reach out and cop a feel. How would you like to be judged inferior due to your gender without regard for your education and training." "Whoa Tracy. What brings this on? I'm sure Joe didn't mean it that way." I said. "I've personally flown with many women and I admit that they have to be sharper than their male counterparts just to survive in this environment. The bottom line is though, this is the environment we live in so we all have to accept it." "Do I hear our fearless captain rushing to defend the precious male ego of our co-pilot? Are you really saying that women had better stay in their place?" asked Amber incredulously. "What would that lady in 2b say if she heard you spouting this male chauvinist crap? I wonder if she'd still want to meet you at Aqua at 9:30." "What did you say?" I screamed. "Its 8:45 now and I need at least 45 minutes to drive downtown and find a parking spot! When were you going to tell me?" "Hey, calm down lover boy" cooed Amber. "Suzanne told me not to tell you anything till 9:00 if you didn't ask first. I'm giving you a big break by telling you in time to actually make it to the restaurant on time." I pulled a fifty out of my wallet and threw it on the table as I raced to the door. I nearly knocked an older couple down in my mad dash across the lobby. My squealing tires left a blue cloud as I left the parking lot. I raced all the way to 3rd Avenue and came to an abrupt halt on the 101 on ramp. I cursed CalTrans as I edged past the construction equipment. I merged onto 101 north and immediately speed to the left lane. My taillights wove a zigzag course north toward the city as I passed slower traffic...and everybody was slower. I drove past the restaurant at 9:30 on the dot, but couldn't find a single spot to park. I circled the block and found a spot on Sansome Street. The horn chirped in response to my button pushing on the remote as I dashed around the corner. My watch said 9:37 as I approached the Maitre'd and told him I was meeting an attractive lady. "Ah, you must be Timothy." He said. "Suzanne was sure you would show up and asked me to give you this note when she left. Frankly, I wouldn't bother with an idiot who stands up such a wonderful lady. If you want my advice Tim, get your priorities straight!" I grabbed the note from his hand and nearly tore it in half trying to get the envelope opened. Inside was a simple note that set me on the course that reached its destination under the dryer two years later. Would I have been so eager if I knew the consequences that damp Thursday evening? Ignorance is bliss. As the old song says, "Fools rush in, where wise men fear to tread." The note was neatly typed and had more of a business flavor than I had hoped. Still, there was still hope for me. The note read: "Tina, I'm very happy you are reading this note since it means that you truly have the potential to become the person I think you are. I assume that you do have some feelings for me even though I'm hurt because you obviously didn't think to ask earlier and had to be told of this meeting. Amber really thinks you are a great guy so I will give you one more chance. But, you have to follow the instructions below exactly as they are written. They may seem a little strange right now but I want a clear demonstration that you do care for me. Tomorrow you and I are going on a little adventure through the city. It'll be just like a scavenger hunt with me as the prize if you are "man" enough to complete the fun little assignments I have for you along the way. Keep an open mind and a sense of humor tomorrow and I can assure you that you will discover things about yourself that you never ever suspected. Tomorrow evening you will be a changed person. Now Tina, in the morning I want you to shower and shave nice and close. Do not put on after shave because I have a very sensitive nose and have a favorite scent that you'll pick up on the way. Your first assignment is to go to the Victoria's Secret store in the St Francis Hotel on Powell Street. Be there at 10:30 sharp and tell the manager that Suzanne sent you. Then follow her instructions exactly if you want to know you're next task. If you refuse to do as your told or you question the girls at all, they will destroy my instructions and we will never see each other again." Suzanne I hardly slept at all that night. Bright and early on Friday I was in the shower getting ready for my big date. I shaved real close, then went over my chin and upper lip one more time for good measure. I stood in front of my closet for an eternity wondering what to wear. Spending the day in the city clearly called for casual attire but an evening date could call for a jacket and tie. I finally decided to go casual and hope that I would be able to change before the evening began. At 8:00AM I was nervously looking around the lobby of the St Francis hotel. I quickly located the Victorias Secret entrance but, of course, the store was closed at this early hour. I eased into a booth in the coffee shop and ordered a bagel and coffee. I was working on my third cup when a very attractive auburn haired beauty walked up and began unlocking the door of the shop across the lobby. It was only 9:45 but I just couldn't wait. I hurriedly paid the check and virtually ran across the lobby and right up to the locked door of the store. The lady I saw opening looked up from the cash register and waved to me but made no move to the door in response to my furtive taps. There I stood, trying to appear casual, at the shop entrance as several more beauties went by and were let in. Now there were six beautiful women busy getting the store ready for the day ahead. From time to time one would look up and smile, Some even waved to the poor fool perched near the door. At 10:00 the auburn haired beauty sauntered up to the door and made a big production of unlocking the store. I'm sure she was just making me suffer just a little longer but finally, the door opened. I burst past her and dashed up to a tall brunette at the cash register. "Suzanne sent me!" I gasped totally loosing my cool. Melanie looked at me and said "So?" "Suzanne sent me!" I repeated. "She told me to be here and that you would give me instructions. You know, like a scavenger hunt." Now I was beginning to lose my smug self confidence and the ladies, who had all gathered around the counter giggled at my predicament. Jasmine, an oriental knockout, asked if I knew I was early. Did I understand the consequences of not following instructions? All the girls joined in discussing my fate. I heard several mentions of Plan B and Plan C but few details emerged. Ashley, the tall woman with the auburn hair walked up and instructed me to go sit in the chair near the dressing room. I was told not to move until instructed. I got a very uneasy feeling as I sat there with the girls talking, laughing, and occasionally looking over in my direction. At 10:30 precisely Ashley walked up to me and asked if I had something to say. "Hi, my name is Tim and Suzanne sent me." I responded. "Well, you got part of it right." Ashley replied. "I think if you read the note carefully though, your name is Tina." "Anyway, its time to get started so go into this dressing room and remove your clothes." "What!" "You heard me Tina! Get in there and remove your clothes and hand them to me. Or, are you questioning my instructions?" she asked pulling an envelope out of her pocket and holding a match to the edge. "I'm going. I'm going!" I cried kicking my shoes off. I had my belt undone and my shirt almost off before I entered the dressing area. Entering the first cubicle I quickly shed my outer garments and shoved them under the door. "I don't see any underwear here. Did you get dressed without proper undergarments this morning?" I was asked. I quickly stripped off my jockey shorts and slipped them under the door to join my pile of clothes, which disappeared. "Now, come out here so we can get you measured and fitted" I tried to hide behind the door as I opened it but was told to hurry up. My hands were glued to my groin trying to preserve some degree of dignity for as long as possible. Two blondes moved around me poking and prodding and measuring everything. Worse yet, every measurement seemed to elicit giggles from my tormentors. They decided that I was a 34C and a medium after what seemed to be a long time. This information was called out to the group waiting on the main floor. Almost immediately Jasmine came through the curtains carrying a crimson bra and panty set. "Try these." She said with an evil grin. "When you get them on come out so we can check the fit." I turned back to the cubicle. The panty was easy to pull on. The bra was a different story. I knew enough to put my arms through the straps but couldn't get the hooks fastened in the back. I seemed to be able to get two of the three hooks clasped but somehow, the darned thing just didn't feel right. I finally opened the cubicle door and stepped an empty dressing area. "Hurry up! We don't have all day and neither do you if you're going to be on time. Get out here so we can see." My heart sunk and my feet seemed glued to the floor when I understood that the girls wanted me out on the sales floor to model for them. I clutched the curtains together as I peered over the top. My worst fears were confirmed. The group was gathered in front of a mirror behind a small platform. I was quickly pulled from the safety of the dressing area and propelled up on the platform. A few whistles from the store were the final humiliation...I thought. "Ann, you forgot the forms" I heard. Almost immediately I felt hands opening my bra. I opened my eyes for the first time as Ashley strode forward and studied my chest. She hesitated only a second before taking out a marker and putting two small marks on my chest. Almost immediately, I felt something being pressed against my chest. I felt cold, wet, and sticky. Firm hands held two forms to my chest for several minutes. When the hands were withdrawn I felt weight pulling on my skin. I looked down to see my "breasts". More hands returned and my bra was once again covering my chest. More importantly, it provided support to help hold up my breasts. I never heard the comments from the group and barely recognized it when I was handed another bra and panty set to model. I lost count of the number of trips I made back and forth to my little perch in the store. I also lost count of the number of witnesses to my spectacle. I know that there were several camera flashes over the course of the next hour. I was back in my cubicle when Ashley told me that I had to hurry if I was going to make my next appointment. She handed me a "Miracle Bra" in taupe watercolor and a matching Second Skin Satin classic bikini panty. I asked about removing my breasts and was told that Suzanne would take care of that when we met later. I emerged wearing my white cotton polo that was being stretched by my new shape. My pants fit ok but my shoes seemed to have disappeared sometime during the show. Luckily Jasmine found a pair of open toed sandals with a one-inch heel that fit fairly well. Ashley handed me an envelope, a bag, and my credit card receipt. I opened the envelope and read: "Tina, I'm so proud of you! You've successfully completed the first task but really need to hurry if you are going to get to Gigi's on time. Just go down Powell and you can't miss it. Love, Suzanne" Ashley sprayed me with Dream Angels Halo perfume and placed the bottle in my bag. She wished me well as I was pushed out the door. As I shuffled down the street in the strange shoes with my breasts bouncing I was a constant deep red from embarrassment. Several people pointed and a few laughed but luckily, no one stopped me. My head swung from side to side as I went down the street looking for Gigi's. Though the distance was relatively short, it seemed like the longest walk of my life. The stares, the muffled comments, and the laughs from everyone. I prayed that the sidewalk would open up and swallow me to end this torment. Again I questioned my desire and motivation. Was Suzanne worth all this? My heart cried out with a resounding YES!!! Almost everyone on the sidewalk stared at the guy with breasts approaching. Those that didn't stare as I approached turned to look as they got a whiff of my perfume. About four blocks down I saw it across the street... Gigi's Salon! A delivery truck driver made a catcall as I crossed in front of him. I quickly made my way back up the street to the door of the salon. Taking a deep breath, I entered dreading what I was sure was coming. "Sue, your noon appointment is here!" called out the bleached blond receptionist with over done make up. She tried unsuccessfully to suppress a laugh as she complimented me on my cute bra. Devastated I looked down to confirm my worst fears. My bra was clearly visible through the white shirt. "Don't worry honey, it happens to all us girls." She said. "Next time you'll think about your entire outfit when you get dressed. Now run on back and change into a smock then come back up here to discuss your makeover with Sue." I started to protest but stopped when Gerri (according to her name tag) held up the now easily recognized envelope addressed to Tina. She started to rip the envelope as she said, "Too bad Tina, I really thought you'd make it past this stage. Now, if you promise to cooperate I'll overlook this violation of the rules. But only this once! What's it going to be?" My mind screamed out for me to resist. To walk away and try to reassemble my shattered dignity. But, I'd never see Suzanne. Was she worth everything I was being asked to endure? My mind shouted go while my heart quietly whispered stay. I followed my heart. Gerri's smug 'I told you so' look stayed with me as I meekly walked down the hall. I had a lot of choices in with rosebuds and pink with rosebuds. I stripped down to my bra and panties and pulled a smock from the stack. Three quick snaps and I went back out to meet my fate. Gerri was talking to a striking redhead who she introduced as Sue. Sue guided me over to a couch in the corner for my consultation. She told Gerri to bring me a glass of chardonnay. "What look do you have in mind?" Sue asked. "I really don't have any particular look." I said taking the wine from Gerri. I took several sips as Sue outlined the planned activities for the afternoon. Suzanne had requested the works; hair, nails, and waxing. Sue said that she wanted to start with hair color. While the color processed I'd get my legs, back, stomach and underarms waxed. Then back to Sue for highlites with a pedicure and manicure at the same time. Sue would then style my hair and send me off to my next assignment. Sue offered several options for my style. Most of the terms she used meant nothing to me so she started a video program that put me on the screen. Sue briefly explained the concept of video imaging and launched right into the possibilities with my current hair length. Faster and faster images of me in a variety of female styles flashed up on the screen. I don't know if it was the wine or the video but I was definitely getting dizzy. Suddenly, I felt at peace with this whole adventure. Somehow I came to realize that deep down inside I was getting my heart's desire. I was unlocking the woman within who had been imprisoned for all these years. I believed Sue when she said that I'd look great with a short shag. I heard another customer come in as Sue and I went back to the styling chair. "I see the enhanced wine had its usual effect." Said the raven haired beauty who just walked in. "Tina should be most cooperative throughout the rest of the day. There's also been a change in plan. Suzanne wants our new girl to go directly to 'Midnight Garden' for her corset fitting from here. Can you add a make up session? Suzanne wants the trashy look for clubbing tonight" "I'm sure I can bring out her slutty best." replied Gerri. We'll have to add an hour to the time though. Will that work?" "That will be perfect! Here, let me swap instructions with you" said the raven haired lady as she held out a familiar envelope. The exchange was made and the raven haired beauty was gone. Sue guided me through several areas of the salon explaining the function of each as we went. After what seemed an endless series of left and right turns we arrived at Sue's chair, right in front of the window. "I'm the featured stylist this month." Said Sue. "All my clients get to be part of the show. We find that as people watch us work we get a lot of inquiries and generate a lot more business. Most of my clients love the show biz atmosphere here at the window seat. We usually get a little carried away with some very dramatic results. Well, lets get started." Sue discussed various options as a plan crystallized in her mind. A petite brunette named Beth appeared to lead me to the waxing station while Sue went back to mix my color. Another glass of wine helped boost my courage as Beth described the waxing process. Beth opened a door on the right and told me to get undressed and climb up on the table. I hesitated till I realized that Beth had no intention of giving me any privacy. I slowly unsnapped my gown revealing my bra and panties. "Wow, those are just gorgeous!" Beth exclaimed. I didn't know if she was referring to my breasts or my underwear. I unhooked my bra, slipped out of the panties, and slid up on the table. Beth wasted no time and very quickly my lower right leg was covered with the sticky wax. Beth applied the cloth and with a single ripping movement my inner leg was smooth. I almost jumped off the table. Beth laughed and repeated the ripping process on my outer leg. She quickly and efficiently moved to my left leg, the upper legs, my arms, and stomach all the while exhorting the benefits and tradeoffs of waxing, shaving, electrolysis, and laser removal methods. Beth explained that this was just my first treatment and that in the future I would have electrolysis on my face, laser for my arms and torso area and either waxing or shaving for my legs, underarms, and bikini areas. I rolled over when instructed and the process began all over again on my legs, back and, arms. "I'm going to do you a big favor." Said Sue as she smeared something in the crease of my butt. "I know you don't want to go through the waxing process on these ugly hairs here." She said. "I'm going to use the laser to permanently remove these hairs so they won't spoil your fun later on." "Now comes the fun part. Roll over and we'll get started with the underarms and bikini area. Now, I was told that you wanted a 'Brazilian wax'. This is going to sting but you know the results are worth the pain." Beth had me raise my arms and the wax was applied to this sensitive area. A high pitched yelp escaped from my mouth as the wax and hair was ripped from my body. Beth now turned her attention to my bikini area. I heard then belt the buzz and vibration of the clippers as she trimmed my pubic hair. Her running commentary informed me that a one inch length looked so clean and neat. Beth fastened a strap around my waist and several more were attached to hold my wrists, elbows, knees and ankles in place. Beth explained that this was necessary because experience proved that it was very difficult to remain still as the hair was removed from my scrotum and penis. Once I was locked in place the bottom half of the table split and my legs were stretched further apart than I thought possible. Beth went to work applying the hot wax to my inner thighs. Rip! Next I felt the warmth spreading across my scrotum. RIP! I think I passed out from the pain! All I know is that I don't remember much more of the process. I emerged from my trance to find a single narrow vertical stripe of hair extending two inches above my penis. Beth told me I was a very brave girl and that the rest of the day would be fun. My Dream Angels lotion was smoothed all over my body and I got dressed for the return trip to Sue's window seat. "You look absolutely fabulous!" Sue exclaimed. "Did you get a Brazilian? Let's see!" With that she opened my gown and pulled my panties out to see my landing strip. I was so dazed and confused at this point that I really don't know if I was facing the window or not. With a flourish, Sue deftly placed the cape over my shoulders and snapped it in place. She then went to work on my hair. She dipped the brush in the bowl and applied the color to my hair. Part the hair, brush. The whole time Sue explained that my basic color was good but needed a warm-up. She told me that this process would bring out the warm red undertones in my hair. I flinched when Beth returned. She explained that se was going to do my nails while Sue applied the color. Soon my hands were soaking as Beth and Sue discussed which acrylics I would receive. Much to my relief they decided that I needed the 'Pink and White' natural looking nails. Beth went to work on my cuticles and nails to prepare me for my new look. Sue finished my color and directed Beth and I to a dryer in the corner. Several heat lamps were arranged around my head and there I sat in the window with Beth working on my nails. My feet were now in a basin to prepare me for my pedicure. Sue returned with a striking blonde with beautiful subtle highlites who was getting a trim. As she settled into the styling chair she turned to me and said "Nice undies, dear." Looking down I saw that the gown had opened up in the front. I reached up to close the gown but was stopped by Beth who said that I'd ruin my manicure. My spirit was further broken through the humiliation of sitting in the window exposed for the world to see. Beth had just finished with my nails as Sue called me to the sink to rinse the color out. She chatted about clothes, hair, men, and diets as she washed my hair. She seemed satisfied with the result and we headed up to the front again to begin the highlites. Beth was waiting for us and resumed my pedicure while Sue went off to mix color. I was shocked when I saw myself in the mirror. Coppery red had replaced the mousy brown on the top of my head. Beth told me I looked great! She wished she had the courage to wear bold bright colors. Sue returned and told me that we were going to add some gold to increase the dramatic effect. Sue and Beth discussed framing my face with gold along with several alternative highlighting patterns as if I wasn't there and had no voice in the decision. Which was true. Sue sectioned and clipped my hair. She then used the tail of the comb to separate a small band of hair. The foil was placed under this band and the solution was brushed on. The process was repeated over and over as Sue chatted about guys and dates. Beth finished with my pedicure and I admired my Deeply Chili toenails. Beth began applying the same deep color to my fingernails as I sat under the dryer to help process my color. After fifteen minutes Sue led me back to the wash basin. She removed the foils and rinsed out the formula then lathered my hair with an herbal shampoo. Conditioner was applied and I lay back for several minutes as Sue and Gerri discussed my schedule. Sue rinsed my hair and we returned to the styling chair for the last time. Sue immediately went to work with her scissors. She sectioned my hair, lifted a section snipped, fluffed and repeated. Now our talk turned to hairstyles. Sue told me that I was lucky that I kept my hair reasonably long for a guy. She explained how she was cutting dimension and movement into my style and that I was getting a wash and wear look that would be easy to maintain. Sue explained how the color highlites and cut all came together to define a look that would stop conversation in a room when I entered. She kept referring to the natural power of a woman that I would eventually understand, control and focus to always get what I wanted. I just couldn't bring myself to tell her that this was all a game and that tomorrow I'd be back to my old self. I guess I really didn't believe it either. Sue finished and spun me around in the chair to admire the finished result. I was shocked! That face, my face just didn't belong on the red headed beauty looking back at me. My hair was parted just above and centered on my right eye. The golden tresses surrounding my face gave way to a fiery hue. My hair fell down and forward as if attracted to my face. "Striking isn't it" Said Sue. "Don't worry, Gerri will soon give you a face deserving of the hair and nails. You'll be drop dead gorgeous when we finish here. Here's Gerri now." Gerri led me back into the recesses of the salon. We entered a small room with a large lighted mirror, two tall chairs, and a table. I recognized the wax warmer immediately. "Ok, up on the table first." Instructed Gerri. "We'll get those brows in shape first then start on bringing out your true beauty." I lay down on the table and closed my eyes as Gerri applied the wax to my brows. As the wax and my brows were ripped out I never noticed the slight needle prick in my arm. I was engulfed in a gentle, relaxing warmth. I was out. Beth stuck her head in the door and asked Gerri how it was going. "Great! I've got his brows done and he's out from the shot. I think it would be a lot more fun to do the permanent makeup with the guy awake but I know that there could be a nasty scene. I'm just going to give Tina a little eyeliner and lip liner along with my artist's signature. I'll bring her around in about forty minutes and finish the makeup. Give her fifteen minutes to get dressed and we should have her out the door by six thirty at the latest." Gerri went to work with the tattoo needle carefully tracing my eyelids in a smoky gray- black. My lips were traced in a warm crimson. The final touch was a beauty mark placed just above the left corner of my mouth. This was Gerri's signature on the canvas of my face. A lasting reminder of this fateful day. Throughout this process I was not completely out. I responded to instructions without question but felt no pain. Gerri had me move to the chair so she could finish the look. Another slight prick of a needle and I began to emerge from my trance. Gerri explained the process to me as she deftly applied various colors to my face. She explained the need for foundation followed by powder for my face. My eyes were highlighted in a fleshtone brown shade. Chocolate Bar liner was applied around the entire eye. Three coats of lash enhancing mascara brought out the fullness of my lashes. Sandal and Beige blush accentuated my cheeks. Finally, my lips were lined in Toast Timeliner and filled in with Deeply Chili. As Gerri stepped aside you could hear my sharp intake of breath. God, was I gorgeous! The face and hair all merged beautifully. I sensed a certain power emanating from my persona. I secretly wished I could stay like this forever. Gerri led me back to my changing room and told me to get dressed. I entered but came right back out. My clothes were gone! Beth was waiting for me at the door. She explained that my new look demanded just the right outfit. She and Sue had gone to the boutique next door during my make-up session to get just the right dress and accessories. I accepted Beth's offer to help me dress. The first item was a garter belt that matched my undies. Next I pulled the shear black stockings up my silky legs. What a rush! How come men's clothes weren't this sensual? With the stockings attached to the garter Beth helped me pull the short black dress over my head. It seemed a little tight in the waist but Beth told that everything would be fine following the next stop. The bottom of the dress just barely covered my crotch! How could I go out like this? "Silly, we do it all the time!" Said Beth. "There's a little bit of tramp in all of us. We all like to flash and tease. It's natural. It's that confident stride you get when you wear trashy underwear under the conservative business suite to an important meeting. No one knows but you. Just a little secret but it gives you tremendous power over others. You'll see! Now, get going!" My open toed sandals were gone. I now had a pair of black sandals with three- inch heels. Beth handed me my purse and escorted me to the salon door. Gerri had the all too familiar envelope ready for me along with my credit card and the invoice for my make over. I ripped the envelope open and read: "Dearest Tina, Its bee quite a day hasn't it! Well, now comes the fun part. Head down Linden to the 'Midnight Garden'. The girls are expecting you! Don't be late. Love, Suzanne" I emerged from Gigi's a new woman. The heels made walking difficult. I had to take very small steps. While my journey from Victoria's Secret to Gigi's had been full of humiliation I now walked with a renewed confidence. I wanted people to stare! I demanded attention! I felt great! The Midnight Garden occupied a quaint, Victorian storefront just a couple of blocks from Gigi's. I entered the store and was immediately greeted by another beautiful woman. "Hi, you must be Tina. I'm Susan, welcome to the Midnight Garden. Suzanne called to say that she would pick you up in twenty five minutes so we better get started." I was taken to a semi-private room behind the reception area. "Why don't you take off your shoes and dress so we can get started." Said Susan. As soon as my dress was removed Susan stepped up and began taking a series of measurements. She told me all about figure control and corsets. She explained that we were getting my measurements for a custom corset but that I would leave tonight with a ready to wear waist cincher. Susan completed her measurements and left briefly to get my cincher. She returned and explained that it was normal to look for a two to four inch reduction in waist size with a cincher. Susan told me that she was impressed that I had insisted on a five-inch reduction right from the start. I didn't even question this assertion having learned not to interfere in the process by this time. The cincher was placed around my waist. It started just below my bosom and extended to just above my hips. Susan told me to take a deep breath and began lacing the garment up. I was told to reach up and grab a bar over my head. Standing on tiptoe I was just able to reach the bar. It helped some but I felt that my body was being constricted in a vice. Susan paused and slipped a tape measure around my enclosed waist. "Wow!" She exclaimed. "We got down to twenty five inches. That's a reduction of six inches. How do you feel Tina? Just take shallow breaths and everything will be all right. After you wear the cincher for a couple of days it will become completely natural. Let me help you with your dress. I think I heard Suzanne's car out front." Author's Note: This story has gotten a lot longer than I originally thought it would be so I'm splitting it into sections. I will have section two very soon. Since this is my first attempt writing TG fiction I am very interested in feedback and comments so I can improve in the future.

Same as Realization Videos

2 years ago
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Californian Slut

Californian SlutEv is my slave in real life. She is a beautiful Asian slut. This is the story, written by both of us, telling of what happened following our first explosive weekend together (described in Just a visit to the beach/Enslaving Ev already on Bdsmlibrary) ?PART 1Slut (1) ?I had my hand on the door handle, a tear ran down my cheek and I turned to watch his car ? Master’s car ? until it disappeared around the corner. I slowly twisted until I faced the apartment. There was a light on,...

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Kakula Patwun Saat Diwas Zawalo

Maze nav gaurav ahe. Mi mazi sex story tumchyashi share karu ichhito. Hi story mi ani mazya kaku madhe zalelya sex baddal ahe.3 varshapurvi jevha mi aurangabad la job sathi aalo tevha mazya kaka kade rahayla aalo. Mala 2 kaka ahet. Dogehi javalch rahtat. Mi mothya kaka kade rahat hoto.2 mahine zale tari mala manasarkha job milat navhta. Mi khup upset hoto. Tevha eke divshi mala mazya chotya kakune phone karun vicharla ki ‘tu 2 mahine zale aurangabadt aala ahes, pan ikde yayla vel nahi ka milala...

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A Fond Farewell

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MaquisChapter 5

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The Gardener

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Arlene and JeffChapter 166

MIDVILLE, WYOMING — MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3 The early breakfast meeting went off without a hitch. One of Tingle's assistants gave laptops and the latest high-end smart phones to Luther, Megan and each of the town council members. When the meeting was over, the assistant set up a training schedule for the programs they would use on the laptops and gave them a quick introduction to the phones. As Luther, Megan and Ray Tingle stood outside the small office building, Luther reminded Tingle,...

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We Wife Swap

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Jamaican Resort Day 3

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1 year ago
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TutorChapter 7 New Home

Pete told me that Jane didn't get pregnant. Pete even admitted to me that he actually felt for Jane and referred to her as his girlfriend. He told me he had many girlfriends in the past but never had such a feeling he was having with Jane. I suggested he should carry additional condoms in his wallet. In fact I knew I had to carry them in my wallet from now on. I had been performing very well in my classes. I even got a good grade in my English class with helps from Stephanie. She did very...

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Vengeance 35

When? That was the million dollar question. We’d satisfied the who, that part was easy, I thought as I watched her scribbling down plans. A strand of hair fell from her loose pony tail. Not to be annoyed by trivial things, she tucked it behind her ear and kept writing. The what was equally simple, having bee formally proposed last week. Marriage. After the years of longing, trepidation, growing confidence, and the bold first step that had set us on our path, I couldn’t help but...

1 year ago
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Dreaming of making love to him

I had a dream the other night, I thought Id share it with all of you. My dream was so vivid, nothing has ever felt more real. I never saw us walk in the room but I head the door shut and he was behind me. I stood facing the bed looking at the way the sunset peeked through the curtains and shined on the wall. I stood there not really knowing what to do or say, I start to play with my hands when I didn’t hear you behind me. I wish I knew what you were thinking. I turn around slowly to face you.

4 years ago
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My First MILF

My First MILFPart 1When you grew up in a conservative small rural community in the mid-west back in the 1960s, it was not unusual to reach high school graduation without being initiated into the practical realities of sex. None of my friends had had sex. Petting or copping a feel was a big deal. One of my friends claimed to have felt his girlfriend's tits a few times, but I was more than a little suspicious about that. One of the girls in my class was rumored to have been "ruined" by a...

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Surprise threesome with older chub and BBW MMF

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RedTails Rescued

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1 year ago
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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 4

Chris Taylor was having a very mixed kind of day. He should be feeling great about now, but for some reason he did not. His sister was 'the' topic of conversation at Cherry Lawn High this morning. The chatter wasn't positive in nature either. What Chris had always wanted was now here. His sister was now a social outcast just like him, hell even worse than him, he was pretty much ignored for the most part. Jamie would not be having that problem anytime soon. Why was it not as much fun as he...

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hard working

Cam got out of his car and walked into work. The store was fairly busy today, lots of customers, which meant lots of cleaning to do. Cameron was hoping for an easy, quiet shift but looks like he wasn't in luck. It turns out he was going to be luckier than he thought.Cam went into the office and greeted the other manager."hey, how's things?" "not too bad, I gotta run so I'll leave it all to you."The other manager left and the casuals started to turn up for their shifts. One always caught Cam's...

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The Woman on the Bus

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First Time
1 year ago
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House Slut 5 Later that afternoon0

It was just around 3:30pm and she expected that Sam would be home shortly as his construction job tended to start early and end early. On her days off from work in the past he could arrive anywhere from 4 to 5, while Angus was typically 6:15pm practically like clockwork. She was under no illusion that Sam’s mind would be on her as soon as he walked in the door. Thinking back to her earlier fantasy she threw on an apron and cinched it at her waist leaving herself naked from behind, wondering...

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Mistletoes Kinkmas Day 2

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A new life part 37

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Going for the Juggler2 Vanishing Act

Dinner was excellent. Paolo was vigilant. Even I could see that there were others watching us. I didn't think all of them were on Gino's team. We knew Wilson and his men were out there somewhere, but they were holding off until after tomorrow's test. I had a feeling that some of the soldiers of the third party were out there, too. The ones who didn't want either Wilson or Cadence. We'd never met them. A young guy, about my age, I guessed, approached our table at the restaurant. Paolo...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 5

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My Young Flower 2

“Oh this old thing?” she giggled sarcasticly. “That’s not important Brandon…. do you like it? She looked at me with those brown eyes. They seemed to bore into the deepest part of my soul. “I-its…. Nice…” I lied. She was quite hot in that leather outfit. Her cleavage still had that huge crack down the center, my eyes were glued to her boobs. They were held in place by a few buttons, but they looked like if she breathed in, her boobs would break the buttons themselves. I almost fell to my...

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Remote Viewing

I can remote view my neighbor as her husband fucks her!I learned to remote view while in the Army. They’ve had a remote viewing program since the 1940s and was used by personnel to see what German forces were doing. It helped America win World War II.I was taught to remote view during the Iraq war, so I’ve been doing it for more than twenty-five years. I've seen the backside of the Moon and several moons of Jupiter and Saturn. But now that I'm retired, I use it just for my entertainment…and to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 690

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DiSH 2 Labor Day Picnic

The summer was ending and Ken hadn't been to a DiSH social event since the Memorial Day Picnic a few months ago. That day was one of the most memorable events in his recent life. He had joined one of Amy's risqué games and had ended up with Jenna, the group's sexpot (every college class, company department, and social group seemed to have one for some inexplicable reason), sitting on his face while catching and throwing water balloons. Afterward, Jenna had dragged him into the woods...

1 year ago
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Be Naked and In the Bathroom at Five

??????????? Be naked and in the bathroom at five-fifteen.? Have a bottle of fleet enema handy, and be prepared to receive it.? Also, you will have the bed prepared.? Lay four silk scarves and four Velcro cuffs on the bed; one at each of the four posts of the bed.? You will be instructed further at the proper time.? You are not to question a single one of these instructions, nor are you to resist what is to become.? To do so will cause a spanking of less than pleasant...

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Boyfriend brings home a pretty young black woman

Karrie is sitting in the bath, soaking in the heat, relaxing after working the weekend shift and feeling beat. Now is her moment so to speak. Hubby will be home soon but this time’s for hers. Hmmmmmmm… Karrie heard the front door open. “Honey, is that you?” “Yeah, sugar. Guess what! I brought you somethin’ special.” Greg enters the bathroom. Through the steam Karrie can see he has flowers! Better yet, he’s naked and his cock...

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My Dark Follower

I ran down the hallway as fast as I could, determined to outrun the entity that was quickly gaining ground, before he caught up to me and trapped me in this place for all of eternity. This was the last place I wanted to be stuck in, especially to be held captive by Him. I know I didn’t lead a very exemplary life when I was alive, but did it really warrant this kind of punishment? A punishment that will ultimately lead to me being trapped and punished in this hell hole for the rest of eternity?...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 13

"Five grand," Sarah whispered and looked up as Adam opened the door. "Pardon?" Adam asked and Sarah scowled towards him. "I wasn't talking to you." "Sorry," Adam muttered, dismissing the teacher with an abrupt tone and leaving the room. Sarah watched him leave and then returned back to Natalie. "£250 to African Aid and another grand to build a mosque in Manchester. A further £250 to Let's Fight Racism and £1000 towards a Lesbian Student Advisory Service. Joined Greenpeace and a...

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Micro GatesPart 2

Two days later our YouTube watch count was over 10 million. We three had been busy doing research about Apollo 16. I had decided to document the entire site. I had been spending time rewiring my controller unit to give me more delicate control, and allow me to operate upside down, reversing my normal thrust. The plan was to launch straight up, turn 180 degrees, and then reverse thrust, using the remote controlled camera Ted would film the various activities, while I piloted, and Anne...

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Cherrys Dilemma

Cherry was horny, but her husband wasn't. This was not a new problem, but one that was becoming increasingly intolerable. She stood in front of the full-length mirror in her walk-in closet, looking critically at her 35 year-old body. Not bad, she thought, not bad for a woman who had her first baby at sixteen and her second at 18. Those babies – Danny at 17 and Jennifer at 19 – could almost pass for twins, she thought, as she cupped her still-firm C-cup breasts in her hands, tweaking the...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 8

John, Suzy, and I had set up a watch schedule when we planned this little adventure. John would pull the first watch. Staying awake until midnight. Then he would wake me, and I would cover it until 04:00 when I would wake Suzy. She would have the 04:00 until sunrise watch. This gave her the time to set up breakfast for the group. Usually, the midnight to 04:00 was the killer shift. My solution was to patrol the area. I wouldn’t just sit and watch the stars. I would get out and about. I would...

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A Perfect 10 Part 1Chapter 5

Wednesday, 5 AM P-Day minus 2 I think I am getting the hang of this now. Nipple, medium sized breast. Not Kim, not Miranda, not Jackie. Wait, she wasn’t even here. Candace or Carol. Yeah, it smells like Candace. Whoops! Someone is hungry! Hmmm, hard to talk with this thing stuffed in my mouth. The new player has got a small mouth, energetic, but not real practiced. Darn! Who knew Candace was that good? Al is SO STUPID! Lessee. Mei Ling and Sarah on the left. Miranda and Carol on the right,...

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Bleak House

Bleak House Synopsis A fervently righteous young couple find their views challenged when they becomelost on the moors and seek help at a house where the occupants very sexuallyliberated. Bleak House by obohobo Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written foradults only. MF MM FF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this...

1 year ago
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Mom handjob

100% fiction! This story starts when i was 19 years old. my father died early so me and my mom are alone in home. my mom have good assets. she uses 36 size bra and she is very hot. One day i came from the high school early. That time my mom was not in home. I was horny and i plan to masturbate. I used my daily stuff like videos for that. That video was a mom and boy fucking session. At that moment i started to fantasy about my mom. I go to her room and used her bed for my job. Suddenly i found...

3 years ago
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Asian Massage

A year ago I had my first Asian massage. Now I’ve had dozens or massages before and I expected that this one would be no different. I arrived at the place about 5:00 in the afternoon. It was January in St. Louis and it’s always cold.The lobby was done in a cheap Asian fashion. Supposed to look like China I guess. I paid $60 up front in cash. There were several young and attractive Asian girls (I assumed Chinese) that I could see down the hall. They were dressed black pants, sandals and white...

1 year ago
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Getting Lizs Knickers Down

It would be good to read one of my other stories about Liz first. It will give more depth about her personality, and her behaviour. Reading the stories about her being gangbanged or spit roasted on holiday will give you an insight. An insight that I never had when I met her unfortunately.I was in a bar one Friday night with friends, took a step back to let somebody walk by, and I felt a crunch. I turned around and one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen was jumping up and down in pain....

First Time
2 years ago
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Truck Guy Beach ShowerChapter 4 Aussie Jack

I looked at the shower entrance just in time to see a short guy in a swimsuit coming from the other direction turn into the shower. At a glance the guy looked younger, maybe in his early 20’s. He was short and skinny, I’m guessing about 5 foot 4 and 130 pounds, wiry with a cocky walk, he was wearing a really skimpy swimsuit - maybe a Speedo. Thanks to my “encounter with the hot pink bikini” I was out of position and had no chance to stop him. I thought my “nude beach” fantasy was ending...

4 years ago
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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 2 Igniting Passions

I said, “I think igniting passions is the only thing we have not done till today.” She said, “Yes, but now I don’t care about what Chetan thinks. I am sorry, Vinay. I hope you will forgive me for whatever I have done to you and made you feel ignored and alone for so many years.” I said, “It’s fine, Maya, let us leave the past behind and start afresh.” I looked at Maya with a male perspective for the first time. She had grown to fully blossom woman, smoking hot and deliciously sexy. Her boobs...

1 year ago
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A date can change your live

This is a story based on the ideas of a fan. The locations are freely chosen from a map and describe real existing points but without any connection to the persons and the described action.If the names of the persons match with existing persons it might be by accident.The action is pure fiction and the result of my perverted mind in combination with the ideas of my fan.Have fun and I would be glad if you rate and comment my story.LJ66 A date can change your liveLisa a beautiful young woman was...

2 years ago
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Maggie Climbs the Corporate Ladder

This is a patently romantic story, told exclusively through Maggie’s eyes, Maggie is an attractive, confident, intelligent, well educated young woman on the first rung of the corporate ladder. She finds herself increasingly attracted to—almost obsessed with—her new boss, a married man ten years her senior. Maggie is not a slut, she enjoys sex and likes men, but has always been very selective. As the story begins, her business, romantic and sexual life are all at a low ebb. The, ‘dirty parts’...

1 year ago
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The Worst Tragedy

This is the prize story Gunslinger wrote for me as a winner in the July 98 Gunslinger Challenge. Chilli was the 1st place winner and should have had the story written for them, but they deferred and allowed me to get the honor. With my almost insatiable draw toward stories involving Catwoman, as most of you probably know if you've been reading my stories, I asked him to write a story where somehow my infatuation with Catwoman causes me to become her. One of the Random Images on...

2 years ago
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The Deity Meets Innocence

Deity Meets Innocence By: A. W. Chohan [Londebaaz] A very intimidating sex tale of confession, Holy priest guiding, teaching and coaching a youngster to the truth. ********************************************************* Father Filipe ko itna afsos tha keh ounka bas chalta toh voh deewar se takkrein marnay se bhi inkaar nah kertay. Ounhoun ne electrician ko kitni dafa yaad dilaya tha keh jald az jald confessional ke bahar lagi hui light theek kerday lekin yeh kaam nahi hua tha. Koi 2 hours...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Killenkoff Institute

Subject: FW: Killenkoff Institute Part One (revised)-Sherry Champion stood in her modest school girls' unifor Subject: FW: Killenkoff Institute Part One (revised)-??? Sherry Champion stood in her modest school girls' uniform before Mr.Raspikov the Head of the new school she was attending. She had just arrivedhere and was terribly disoriented and confused. Next to Mr. Raspikov stoodhis eighteen year old son. This was an all girls school located in of allPlaces, Russia?and in the middle of ...

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Just Another Day at School

I was just an above average person in what I thought was a below average high school (My name’s Lucas by the way). Sure I had great friends, and I was thought to be cool by most of the people, but I just felt like that this school did not challenge me whatsoever. I started to lose inspiration to even go to school, and I started to hate the people I was around. I just felt like I was surrounded by the sea of stupidity. Most of you know what I mean, what it feels like to be the only genius,...

1 year ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 17

Gina stepped out into the hallway after delivering the absence note to the teacher. She moved towards Victor's office down a hall now empty save for Vice Principal Seeger. Her head swam in a sea frothed with her mother's directives and her feeble attempts to make sense of her own emotions as she passed under his wary eye unchallenged. As his footsteps retreated behind her, she wondered why for just a brief moment she had hoped he would stop her. Victor was waiting for her, standing in the...

1 year ago
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Daughters Pleasure Moms Punishment

Well I want us to he laid side by side on the edge of a bed. Both of us with our hands cuffed to our sides Our legs cuffed by the ankles to bars holding them wide open and in the air. As ropes are used to keep our hips from moving maybe a few inches to each side as we prep our minds and bodies for the train we are about to experience together. As the first two men walk in. A muscular toned white man and a huge body building black man with a very noticeable bulge in his shorts as the room is...

3 years ago
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A Night to Remember

It was a nice fall day and I had just finished a job assignment out of town. I was scheduled to fly out the next morning so I had time to look around a little. I thought I would stop for a drink in the hotel bar before going to my room to freshin up. When I got there the bar was pritty full so I sat at a table with my back to the wall. I had a rust colored skirt that buttoned up the front and a white blouse on. I really liked the skirt because it complemented my flowing red hair. When I sat...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 22 Now I Know What Else Can Go Wrong

Half an hour after I got stripped naked while winning a mud wrestling match, I asked myself what else could go wrong, when I drew my brother's raffle ticket, and he came up and leered at my naked body. About ten minutes later, I knew the answer. The eight surviving wrestlers had our names put into a hat, and two of us were drawn to wrestle first in the quarterfinals. The first name read was Janey Lewis, a Sig. The next name was mine. At least I didn't have to wrestle Macy. I hadn't...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 322

Jeff noticed that the General had moved a few paces away from the gift assembly area and seemed to be talking on his radio via his throat mike. After a few moments, Whitworth returned to kneel down and hold the rear wheel on the bike as Jeff tightened the axle nut. "Looks even," the General said as Jeff gave the final tug on the wrench. As they started on the front wheel, "Colonel, I've just been told that a vid is ready and I would like you to watch it with me." Before Jeff could...

2 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 26 Ek Raat Ki Doosri Chaandni

Narrated by Kavita Hello, main Kavita, Rahul ki aunty. Aaj ki kahani to main hi aapko sunaungi. Episode 24 mein aaplogo ne jana ki sham ko Sarika ke sath main kaha bahar gayi thi. Pub mein, 1-2 peg peeye aur kuch jawaan ladko se bhi mulakaat hui. Unke sath dance floor mein dance aur fir ghar ko wapas, lekin uske aage kya hua? To chaliye batati hoon aap logo ko ki episode 22 ki us raat ki doosri chaandni kaun thi. Ghar ko wapas cab mein aate waqt main mann hi mann muskura rahi thi. Meri...

2 years ago
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Briannas MasterChapter 7 The Court Decision

One morning Peaches awoke as she usually did in bed besides the Massa and his other slavegirls. As usual she felt the reassuring weight of the collar on her neck that reminded her of her station in life. She was a slavegirl; she was property! She thought back to the exiting fuck session that she and the other slaves had had with their Massa the previous night. They had been able to make the Massa cum 3 times and he had cum in each one of them. She looked down at the dried cum and girl juices...

2 years ago
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Teacher a Short Novel Under ConstructionChapter 3

After school Monday they had the usual faculty meeting, and he was very surprised to hear that big Jim O'Reilly, an institution at the school and a major blowhard, a war lover among other traits, was leaving to take a job at the community college. "Mr. Thompson will take over the varsity, at least for now, and if anybody wants his JV, let me know, otherwise I guess he'll do both for a while." The principal produced a smile, his supercilious one. That was news, more money, something like...

1 year ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 8

There Can Be Only One Chapter 8 I sat at my computer, organising a new folder containing the photograph of Vicky going down on Cathy’s pussy and the Photoshop picture I had made up using mum’s and the vicar’s wife’s heads. I will have to take a few more.I figured that the best place to hide the folder would be amongst all my saved games. Since my father and eldest sister have laptops, mum let have the main computer in my room although I had to allow anyone in the house to use it if they wanted...

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Madison Summers Step Brother Cums In His Pants

Codey Steele’s new stepsister, Madison Summers, just loves to tease him. Today, Madison has decided to bring her yoga equipment into the living room because she knows Codey will be there and it’ll make him uncomfortable. When Codey gets nervous, Madison escalates the situation by pointing it out to him. She doesn’t let Codey off easily by allowing him to leave, either. Instead, she insists that Codey help her out with additional positions that are increasingly sexual in...

1 year ago
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darjeeling me naukrani ke chudai

hi..!guys n hot chicks my name is mayank dixit and iam a studied in st. josephs college darjeeling.o.k. iam telling u a real story when i was lose my virginity frist time.mere papa darjeeling me tea gardan me maneg. auditor ke post par work karte wasi to 12th std. tak to rajasthan me he padha hu. par jab mere exams over hua to hum log my mother and one younger brother vacation par har sal ke tarhe darjeeling phuche or recently he papa ne purane naukrani ko kaam par se nikaal diya or uss...

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