Equalizer free porn video

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Where do I begin? Hmm. Good question. The beginning? My childhood growing up without my parents? How I went to live with my aunt and uncle and cousin after my folks died? My time in the Army? My time after the Army working for Red River Private Security? Getting married, and my wife telling me she wanted a Divorce a little over a year later?

I guess I could start at any of those points in time. Tell ya what. I'll give you a quick little overview of my life before I became an Equalizer.

What's an Equalizer, you ask? I'll get to that a bit later.

I was born in New York City, where my Mom and Dad lived at the time. I had a fairly normal first six years of life, but then it became something that I wouldn't call normal, and wouldn't wish on any child.

You see, when I was six years old, my folks died in a plane crash, so I was sent to live with my Uncle John, Aunt Naomi, and Cousin Cara out in California. Uncle John had been stationed at Ft. Irwin at the time, so that was where I went. Granted, my life wasn't normal anymore, and I did miss my parents, but Uncle John and Aunt Naomi did their best to make me feel loved. This, even as they struggled with their own grief over my parents' deaths.

John Shepard is my father's brother. He and Aunt Naomi had been married about the same time as Mom and Dad were. I vaguely remember my parents telling me that if anything happened to them, I would be living with John and Naomi, my Godparents.

At six, I barely remembered my folks. I wondered why my new Mom and Dad were my aunt and uncle, but after a while, I just accepted it. They had been really broken up over my folks dying, but always treated me like their own son. Cousin Cara became more of a sister to me than a cousin, and Naomi became Mom while John became Dad. I never questioned why John was white and Naomi was black. In fact, I think that bit of trivia contributed somewhat to my taste in women as I grew older.

My name is Declan Shepard, by the way. I've gone by Deck my whole life, though. I'm 33 years old, 6'1", weigh 205 lbs., and I keep in shape. I keep my prematurely graying black hair cut short as I did in the Army, but I've been called handsome by most ladies I've dated. My cobalt blue eyes round out my features along with a nose that has been broken in the past. Not too badly, but enough to give my face some character.

I was in my share of fights while growing up. Some were because of being the new kid in school, since Uncle John was in the Army and we moved around a lot. Some were because I was in a "salt and pepper" family, especially in the South when Uncle John was stationed at Ft. Benning, Georgia, and we lived in Columbus.

When we moved to Santa Barbara, California after John retired, and Cara and I started High School there, we were definitely brother and sister, as far as our attitudes toward each other.

We loved and hated each other in equal measure. We were the quintessential siblings, rivalries and all. That still didn't stop me from dating some of Cara's cheerleader friends, though.

Anyhow, after High School, I joined the Army, and was sent back to Ft. Benning, where I'd spent a couple years of my life growing up. Only this time, it was for Basic and AIT. I did a four year hitch, and was sent to Afghanistan in early '02 as part of an Alpha Team under the command of Captain Drake. I saw some shit over there that I never thought could possibly exist. Weird shit. REALLY weird. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Trust me on that.

When I reported to Ft. Jackson for Outprocessing, I was recruited while at the Bus Stop waiting for a ride to the airport. It seemed that the Red River Private Security Firm had done some checking on me, and found my skillset to be just what they needed. They were offering 5 times what I'd been making as a Sergeant (E-5) per month, so I jumped at the chance. Hell, after that six months in Afghanistan with a side trip to Israel, I figured that whatever Red River assigned me, it would be a cakewalk by comparison.

During my time with Red River, I met and married Cindy Ramirez, a gorgeous woman with nice tits and a hellacious ass. She was from Puerto Rico, originally, and her mother was black. I was smitten. She seemed to be smitten too, and after a few months of dating and a lot of hot sex, we got married.

Yep, as you can probably guess, that didn't last too long. When we had time together when I wasn't on assignment, the sex was HOT, but we didn't click on other levels.

Just over a year after our wedding, she filed for Divorce from me but asked for nothing in the settlement. She told me that she was falling in love with another guy, but wanted to do the honorable thing and get a Divorce before she went to be with him.

I was actually somewhat relieved at that. Hell, who am I kidding? I didn't love her. The sex was fuckin' awesome, but that was pretty much all we had. Marriages built on only sex don't last, folks.

So after discussing it, we had one last night of hot sex, said our goodbyes to each other, and sure enough, the Divorce went through relatively painlessly.

Sure I was going to miss the sex, but I was still young and there are plenty of fish in the sea. So I moved on, just taking a FWB every once in a while, no strings attached. Hell, let's not beat around the bush, here. I was a merc, so I was gone a lot; sometimes for months at a stretch. No sense in being married if I couldn't be around to take care of her and keep her happy. Besides, since I hadn't really been in love with Cindy, if I did find a lady that I was seriously attracted to as more than a fuck buddy, I wanted to make damn sure that she was The One for me.

I'd been with Red River for just over 4 years when my team was ordered to destroy a dam along a river in Sierra Leone, so it could be blamed on the rebels. The main problem with that Op was that there was a village downriver that would have probably been wiped out if we'd gone through with it. I refused the order, was reminded of the confidentiality agreement I'd signed, and was fired. So was the rest of my team, as none of them went through with the order, either.

It was for the best. The last year or so of my tenure there, Red River seemed to be getting into some sketchy shit, and I was a half-step out the door already when that op came down the pipe and I refused.

Contrary to popular belief, merc ... err Private Security outfits don't summarily execute those who disobey orders anymore. Not since they got "civilized." Now it's just confidentiality paperwork and lawyers. If I spouted off to the Press or the Hague, I would be sued into the poorhouse. It didn't matter if the order was of questionable legality, and it would have just been my word against theirs.

So I returned to Santa Barbara for a while. I looked for work, but couldn't find any. I was approached by several people with dubious reputations looking for muscle, but I politely turned them down. I'd had more than enough of being a thug.

My family had stopped talking to me when I told them that I was working for Red River after I left the Army. Since I got fired and told them why, we've started mending our estranged relationship. I moved down to L.A. and took a part time Bouncer job at a night club, but it was barely paying the bills. I still had a decent chunk of the money I made from Red River, but that was still dwindling slowly but steadily.

I had to get a real job, and fast.

I was sitting in The Shamrock, one Thursday afternoon when I overheard a conversation that would change my life. I'd just sat down at the bar and ordered a beer when the two guys' conversation at the table behind me drifted over to where I was sitting.

" ... but you have to help me. I need proof that my wife is putting our children in danger when she brings her boyfriend over to the house. She says that if I Divorce her, that she'll take me to the cleaners, take my children away from me, and I'll never see them again!" He somehow pleaded with the other guy without whining. That was what really caught my attention. His voice, while angry, while begging for help, had no trace of a whine anywhere in there.

I had to give myself a wry smile in the mirror. At least Cindy and I never had kids, and she didn't have a lover ... that I knew of, anyway ... while we were married. She'd been very specific that she hadn't slept with him yet. I kind of counted that as a blessing, and I had decided not to ask questions of her. I was pretty laid back about the whole thing, probably because I figured out that I didn't really love her. More like I lusted her. But now as I grew older, I did want to find a lady I could settle down with ... once I had a full time job!

I clocked them in the mirror to see who they were. The guy who was speaking was a runt of a dude. Probably 5'6" standing on his tiptoes. He was balding and wore glasses. For some reason, "ACCOUNTANT" was the first thought I came up with to describe him.

"Mr. Turner, I don't know what to tell you. If she doesn't bring her lover into the house when your children are there, and have sexual intercourse with him in front of them, there's no real legal basis for denying her custody in a Divorce. This is California, so Wives and Mothers almost always get preferential treatment as far as division of assets and custody of the children."

I guessed that he was either a P.I. or a lawyer. Probably a P.I., since he sure didn't look much like a Legal Eagle. The cheap suit and the bulge of a gun under his suit jacket gave me that impression.

"I'll pay you $50,000 to get me anything that I can use to have her declared an unfit mother!" Turner said. That piqued my interest. 50K isn't a bad chunk of change.

"Mr. Turner, you've already said that she never brings her lover to the house when your children are there. She sends them to a sitter. That right there tells me that she doesn't put them in the middle of your ... lifestyle.

"It's not MY lifestyle, Mr. Stone. My wife is forcing this on me, and I basically have no choice!" he snarled, his voice rising and starting to draw attention.

I sighed. I've always had a soft spot for the underdogs. I never like seeing someone get shit on when they don't deserve it. Blame it on how I was raised. Besides, if I could wrangle that 50K, it would at least be a start. The funds I'd squirreled away from my Red River days were starting to run a bit thin. I started formulating a plan of action immediately.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Turner. There's nothing that I can do. You already know your wife has a lover, and even with proof of it, she's still going to make your life hell in the Divorce. All I can really say is good luck to you. I hate it when cheaters get away with it, but with all the bleeding heart judges in this state, there's no way to prove her an unfit mother, unless she does something illegal or immoral in front of the children," Stone said as he got up to leave. Turner just sat there with his head down as Stone put his hand on the smaller man's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Then the Private Eye walked out.

That was my cue. I got up and took my beer to the table. "Mr. Turner?" I asked softly. He looked up at me.

"Yes? Who are you?" he asked, his defenses coming up because I'd caught him crying.

"My name is Declan Shepard, and I couldn't help overhearing your conversation with the private detective. I know you don't know me, and have no reason to trust me, but I believe that I can help you with your problem," I responded with a nod. "May I sit down?"

His face lit up with hope. "Please do, Mr. Shepard," he gestured to the chair most recently vacated by the P.I.

"Thank you," I smiled with a nod and sat down. "Now, I couldn't help but overhear that your wife has a lover. She has basically backed you into a corner on it so you can't Divorce her without losing pretty much everything. Am I right so far?"

"Yes, pretty much," he said with a defeated snort. "I don't see how you can help, though. Are you a Private Investigator?"

"Not as such," I admitted. "But, I believe I can help you, just not quite in the way you were thinking."

"What do you mean, Mr. Shepard?" he asked with a puzzled expression.

"I can level the playing field for you. I can make it so that your wife won't be able to do much, when you decide to file for Divorce. I need some more information about her and her lover, though. I need to know what you know about him, especially," I said.

Turner thought for a few moments. "His name is Gordon Smith, and he's even bigger than you are. He's threatened me that if I put up any kind of resistance, he'll beat me or worse," he said, shaking with anger and fear. More anger was apparent, though. My respect for the man jumped another notch.

I nodded. "Ok, I'm not worried about how big he is," I responded. "What does he look like?"

"Big, blonde, and looks a bit like Thor from the movies. He even has the stubble on his face."

I got a picture in my head of an evil Chris Hemsworth type of character. "Ok, and do you know where he lives?"

"Two miles over from our house. I followed him once after he left our place. I can't fight him, though. As much as I'd like to beat him to death, I wouldn't stand a chance against him. I tried once," he said as he pulled out a pen and scribbled down the offending asshole's address on a napkin.

"Ok, back to your wife for a moment. How long have you two been married?"

"Sixteen years. Fifteen of those happily, at least on my part. I thought she was happy too, but then a year ago..." he let his voice trail off as he shook his head in disgust. He then finished writing and handed the napkin to me with the address on it.

I took it when he held it out to me, and I nodded as I looked at the asshole's address. "Does he have a family? Wife? Children?"

"Not that I could tell. He lives in a nice house in Beverly Hills, though," he said.

"Ok, so possibly no wife or kids that could be turned against him. Can you tell me exactly how and when this whole mess started?" I inquired.

He took a deep breath. "About a year ago was when everything changed. Candace, my wife, came home one day and said that we needed to talk. I thought that she was going to Divorce me right then and there, but she said that she was going to turn me into a cuckold, and there was nothing I could do about it. Of course, I threatened to Divorce her, and that was when she told me that she would take my kids and leave me a broken wreck if I tried that.

"So I got the bright idea to get my baseball bat and beat the asshole senseless the next time he came over. She'd told me that he would come over and fuck her, and she expected me to watch how a 'real man' takes care of business," he said, rolling his eyes.

"I take it the baseball bat tactic didn't work too well?" I raised one eyebrow.

"I would have laid him out cold, but my loving wife warned him, and he spun around and took the bat from me. He then hit me in the stomach with it, and that was the last time I tried to fight him. He said if I tried something like that again, he would beat me to a bloody pulp. Then he said that if I tried it again after that, he would kill me and that he and my wife would get my Life Insurance."

So the asshole was a bully, and one willing to break the law seemingly without a second thought. I could DEFINITELY work with that. Knowledge is power, folks. Sun Tzu had it right. Know your enemy. I was going to figure out everything possible about ol' Gordy boy before I moved on him.

I nodded, and then decided to ask about payment. "I heard you offer that P.I. 50K. I'll do it for that, and my way won't involve framing anyone. Would that be acceptable to you?"

He nodded, his face lighting up with hope. "Mr. Shepard, I can pay you half now, and half when it's over. Can you tell me how you're going to do it?"

"It's better that you not know," I said sincerely. "Mr. Turner, trust me on this. The less you know, the safer we both will be."

He looked like he was going to ask again, but thought better of it. Smart man. He swallowed hard from his beer, and just nodded.

I nodded back. "Good. Now, do you have a picture of your wife so I can get a read on her?"

"Sure," he said, pulling out his wallet and handing me a pic. Holy shit! She was gorgeous! Part of me wondered how this guy could score a hottie like her. The pic he gave me was of him, her, and their two kids, a boy and a girl. His son looked to be about 10 or 11, and the daughter looked about 13 or 14. Even after having the kids, his wife was still in great shape. Tall, dirty blonde hair, and an air of superiority that showed that she had chosen Mr. Turner because she thought she could dominate him. She was stuck on herself in a big way, and I felt sorry for the kids that had her as a mother.

Turner, I could tell, had a will of iron under his bean counter looks. Unfortunately, while his spirit was that of a lion, he was stuck in the body of a field mouse. He was fighting back in the only way he could.

After studying the picture, I handed it back to him. "Ok, thank you. Mr. Turner, do you have an aversion to anything happening to the man who has been hanging the horns on you?" I pretty much knew the answer already, but I needed confirmation.

"None, whatsoever," he said without hesitation. Very smart man.

"Good. I'm not going to lie to you. This will take a few hours to prep. Do you have your cellphone on you?" I asked, pulling out my own BlackBerry.

"Right here," he said, pulling his out. I got his number and gave him mine in return.

"Good to go," I said. "I'll text you a few hours before I go after him. Do you have any idea of when he's coming to your house next?"

"Tomorrow night," he said with a look of pure venom. "I wish I could just kill the bastard!"

"Tempting, but not an option," I said. "He won't be so enthusiastic to have sex with your wife when I'm done talking to him, though. I plan to make things a bit difficult for him.

"Also, can your wife or her lawyer trace the money you're going to use to pay me?" I asked.

"No, it's from a rainy day fund that I set up a year ago when all this started," he said. "A friend of mine went through a Divorce, so he told me what he did to minimize the damage his wife could do to him. The account is off-shore, and nobody knows about it but me."

"Good deal," I smiled, admiring his forethought on the whole mess. "Mr. Turner, what time tomorrow evening is Gordon supposed to be there?" I could probably catch him off-guard before he left his house if I knew his itinerary.

"Not sure, but she set it up for tomorrow that I was to take the kids to the sitter around 6 pm."

I smiled. "Good to know. When you get home from work tomorrow, break your key off in the ignition. Pull it out halfway, then tug sharply back so it snaps clean. I know, it sounds strange, but we're going to have to make this as difficult for them as possible."

He smiled genuinely for the first time. "I like it! My wife and the asshole won't be able to do anything with the kids there, unless she takes them to the sitter herself! She has her own car, and never lets anyone else drive it, including me."

He was whispering low, so nobody else could hear him. I checked around, and nobody was paying us any attention. After his initial outburst, everyone in the bar went back to minding their own business.

"Mr. Turner, I have to ask you something. Has your wife been the one in charge during your entire relationship?"

He looked down for a moment, then back up before answering. "Yes, she has. She came onto me, if you can believe it," he chuckled.

I nodded. "Sir, I think that as soon as this is all over, you should Divorce her. Are her parents still alive?"

"Yes, but she said that if I told them or anyone what was going on, I'd never see my kids again," he said with pain in his eyes. "I believe she'd do it too. She would probably take them out of the country where I couldn't find them."

"That isn't going to happen," I promised him. I just hoped I could keep that promise. Then I thought of something that would be very hard to ask. I noticed in the photo of the children that they didn't look much like Turner. They looked more like his wife. That started bugging me, so I went for it and asked the hardest question of the conversation.

"Mr. Turner, are you 100% certain that your children are actually yours? Please don't take this the wrong way, but with the way your wife has been acting, is it possible that she had an affair and had her lover's children instead?"

Turner visibly paled at that. He got a haunted look in his eyes that said that he wasn't sure, and now feared the worst.

"Get a DNA test, Mr. Turner. Make sure," I basically ordered him. "If they aren't yours, you might be able to sue for back child support from the actual father. Failing that, you might be able to sue both your wife and her lover for fraud, in that you were led to believe that the kids are yours. If they turn out to be your children, you'll still at least have some parental rights as their father."

I broke it to him as gently as I could. I'd actually toyed with the idea of becoming a lawyer at one point, so I'd studied some of the Law. I'd sampled several different fields of Law, and Family Law was one of the more convoluted areas. The part I really hated about it was trying to translate Legalese into plain English. So I gave it up as a lost cause.

He was just shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Shepard. I should be stronger for what I'm going to have to do. I love my kids, and I loved my wife until she started this crap. Sure, she was kind of domineering before, but she was also loving and caring in our relationship."

"I can kind of understand where you're coming from. My ex-wife traded me in for a richer model. Luckily, I wasn't that in love with her, and I was gone a lot of the time. I realize now that I wasn't ready to get married. I'm hoping that I find the right lady and settle down, but I won't let her run all over me."

"I see what you're saying, but Candace was my Heart and Soul. I worshipped her," he said as a tear streaked down his face.

"And she betrayed you for it. Mr. Turner, in any future relationships you have, don't give in to every little thing she wants, unless it's what you want, too. If you feel strongly against something, put your foot down. She'll respect you more for that than just saying 'yes, dear' to everything." I also had a friend that went through a bitter Divorce because his wife cheated on him due to lack of respect. He had tried to give her everything, and she'd stabbed him in the back for it.

He smiled and nodded, a look of understanding on his face. "I see what you're saying, and you're right. Maybe if I'd done that a few years ago, I wouldn't be stuck in this situation right now. Thank you, Mr. Shepard."

"Ok, Mr. Turner, my name is Declan, by the way. Everyone calls me Deck. Mr. Shepard was my Dad," I smiled.

"Declan, I'm William. Good to meet you, and thank you in advance for helping me," he said, reaching across the table to shake my hand. "Oh, and I never got used to nicknames, so I go by William."

"Good to meet you too, William, and don't thank me until it's over. Now, as to my payment..."

"Of course, I have a bank money order here for $25,000, and it's all yours. You'll get the other half when you finish whatever it is you're planning ... as long as my wife can't follow through on her threats."

He handed me the money order, and I took it with a nod. "It won't be a matter of 'can't' follow through. By the time I'm finished, she won't want to follow through. Oh, do you know where Gordon works?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He doesn't work. He's from Old Money, or so he says," William said with a sneer.

"Old Money means he's probably going to have security around him at all times. That might be a slight problem," I pondered.

He laughed at that. "No way! He's so arrogant, he says he's the only security he needs!"

Ok, this was going to be fun, I thought as I chuckled along with him.

"Ok, enough of this. Get home and act normal. It might be tempting, but do NOT gloat when he doesn't show up tomorrow. Act like you have been, and don't give your soon-to-be ex-wife any ammunition to make her believe that you were behind anything. Just remember the key in the ignition trick. Got it?"

He just nodded with a look of determination on his face.

"Good. Now, it's Thursday afternoon. Does your wife suspect that you're here?"

"No, she thinks I'm at work as usual. I own my own Accounting Firm."

I came very close to laughing and shouting "YES! I CALLED IT!" when he said that, but kept my face neutral and restrained myself. It took a supreme effort of will on my part not to laugh.

"Good deal. Let's get out of here," I nodded and rose to leave. We shook hands one last time and I was out the door. I had the Asshole's name, address, and 25K to deposit in my account.

Once the deposit was done, I drove over to Gordon's place and staked it out. He wasn't there yet, but soon a Lamborghini Diablo pulled into the driveway through the wrought iron gate. I was parked across the street from his house and down a ways, so when he gunned it and drove up the driveway and out of sight, I slipped quickly from my car and through the gate before it could close all the way.

The house was barely visible from the road, so I made my way through the small forest between the house and street. When I reached the edge closest to the driveway, he was just getting out of his car with a very attractive black woman in a business suit and skirt. She reminded me of Lupita Nyong'o, the Best Supporting Actress Oscar winner. Except this lady wasn't anorexic looking like the actress. Same short natural hairstyle, though. Same dark chocolate skin tone, too, as well as similar facial features. I caught a bit of their conversation while they were walking from the car to the front door.

"I told you, Gordon. You are opening yourself up to a lawsuit from Mr. Turner. You should never threaten anyone like that, and if he can get his wife to corroborate what you said to him, you could go to jail!"

"That's what I pay you for, Tabitha; to keep me out of jail! Besides, she knows what's good for her, and she loves me. She won't rat me out." he snarled back at her. She was his lawyer. That explained it.

"Mr. Smith, you are a client, but I CAN fire you," she stated as they reached the door. "Your ... activities are becoming more of a hassle than you're worth."

"If you fire me, I'll make your life a living hell, bitch!" he barked, turning on her and raising his hand for a backhand slap.

That was all I needed to see. Plan be damned. I wasn't about to let this asswipe hit her! I jumped up, broke cover, and was running for him at a dead sprint before he even finished pulling his arm back. Tabitha had already backed up a step, but I wasn't about to let him close distance with her and hit her.

The surveillance op was officially a bust.

His eyes caught me coming at him, and a look of surprise came over his face just before my fist impacted with his nose.

The blow staggered him, but he recovered quickly and dropped into a combat stance, shaking the blood and tears from his eyes.

"That's it, Gordon! You're fired!" Tabitha yelled at him as I snapped a kick into his knee, staggering him back a bit more.

The air rushed out of him as I slammed my fist into his gut, and the air left him in a whuff. He dropped to one knee, and I turned to Tabitha.

"Are you ok, ma'am?" I asked.

"Now I am, thank ... Look out!" she said/shouted. I ducked reflexively, so his fist only caught the top of my head and grazed me. I stomped on his foot and kept dropping, then spun and came up with an uppercut to the point of his chin.

Gordon Smith dropped like a rock, unconscious.

"Come on, let's get out of here," I said. "Where is your car?"

"Back at my office. He gave me a ride here and promised me a ride back after he gave me some paperwork."

"I'll give you a ride, then. I'm parked across the street," I nodded, and we headed down the driveway before Dipdunk could regain consciousness.

I hit the button inside the inner gate house to open the gate, and we were out and gone before he regained consciousness.

Once we were in my car, she gave me directions back to her office.

"Has he ever done that before, Tabitha?" I asked as we drove.

"What? Try and hit me? No. He's become more and more unstable lately, though. He thinks his money can buy his way out of any kind of trouble he gets into." She was shaking her head as she said it.

"Well, he won't be doing that again," I said with conviction.

"Who are you, anyway? I know you weren't there just to save my ass," she said with a nervous chuckle.

"My name is Declan Shepard, and I'm working for a client," I answered her.

"Are you a P.I.?" she asked.

"Not as such. I'm helping a man with a problem, and Mr. Smith is central to that problem. Unfortunately, my original plan didn't survive first contact with the enemy. Murphy's Law, of course."

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The next day It was Friday and Jan hadn’t turned her alarm off. It woke us up at an ungodly hour, she texted one of her employees and we fell back asleep. When I woke a second time, it was after ten and the smell of bacon was coming from the kitchen. I realized too, that I had no clothes with me besides what I had worn the night before. I pulled my boxers on and cracked the bedroom door. “Are we alone?” “Good morning sleepyhead. Just us.” I padded out to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Husband

I know I shouldn’t, but I do…. He pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around my lower back. I hadn’t realized how tall he was or maybe it is how short I am compared to him. As I lean into him, my head is resting against his chest, I listen to the beating of his heart. He holds me, leaning his cheek against the top of my head. He reaches down and tilts my head up, and our lips meet. He slides his tongue into my mouth and our tongues touch, I feel the tension leave my body. Then I hear it, a car...

3 years ago
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Naughty stepdaughter punished

My mother and father had separated a few years ago, and I'm still getting used to the fact that my mother has recently gotten married. I hate him, and the fact that my mother is now seen as a cougar. Damian is 36 and my mother is 49 turning 50. I hate Damian, he tries to act as if he is my father but he isn't, and it's getting old. I'm eighteen and they still feel the need to treat me as a c***d. I was called to the office today for wearing our school skirt up too high, how do these people...

1 year ago
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How I Became A Sissy Roommate

Hi this is Jeet from Mumbai. It was the end of my 12th boards and I had gotten admission in an engineering college in Pune. It was always my fantasy to be a sissy slut for a guy and so I began to find people online who were looking for roommates on planet Romeo a gay social website. I found a guy named Paras who had a flat in Pune which was near my college and he wanted a roommate to split the rent. He was a 23 year old dominant top and wanted a bottom as a roommate. We discussed the rent and...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Crystal Rush 145000

A lot of hate is thrown on boredom, but without boredom, where would humanity be? Boredom has been the impetus behind many of man's most significant accomplishments. Along with sex, it's one of our primary guiding motivations.From Boredom to WhoredomNothing is worse than sitting around with nothing to do. Why do you think we all masturbate so fucking much. It's the easiest solution to having nothing to do. Boredom can even lead a bitch to discover porn, and that's precisely what happened to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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My Twisted ExGirlfriend

Prerena-the girl of my dreams. Tall, with long and sexy legs, an attitude to die for and her anger was worth tolerating to just get her to bed one more time. Thats my ex girlfriend. When I was in my b.Tech years we used to have a relationship. She was not from my college, she was doing her b.Com. We met through a common friend and we started chatting through sms. Finally I could not hold it any longer and I proposed to her. She didnt accept it immediately, and kept me hanging. Thats what I...

3 years ago
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Bought and Paid ForChapter 2

Things happened fast in the next two days. Tuesday morning I received a call from Shannon saying Susan had passed away unexpectedly due to a blood clot. Mark and Mary were handling it well, but wished I was there for them. I immediately made reservations to fly out and was with them before evening. Shannon met me at the airport and was relieved to be able to pass some of the burden onto my shoulders. In the morning I made all of the final arrangements, those that Susan hadn't made herself....

2 years ago
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A MixedUp Quarantine

Author's Note: Before getting to the story, I want to once again thank everyone for the warm welcome that all the stories, and especially the ones featuring Carl(y) and Felicia. I promise that they'll return, it just might take a little while since I want to keep the stories seasonally appropriate. Enjoy! The quarantine was rough on everyone. People forced to stay home and abandon their social lives, employers forced to adopt new telecommuting practices in a short time to...

3 years ago
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Merry Christmas Baby

Cindy and I were practically inseparable that summer. We did everything together. I had never before become so attached to one girl. But Cindy was different. She had that certain something that words just cannot describe. By the end of the summer, I was completely taken with her. Everything about her I enjoyed thoroughly. I can't say I was ever really in love before, but now I was. I was enjoying every minute of it. Not only was I completely taken with her every move and word, but she...

1 year ago
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40SomethingMag Di Devi 40yearold MILF Di Devi fucks again

Di Devi celebrated her 40th birthday by sucking and fucking for our cameras. No birthday celebration today…just a celebration of Di’s sexuality as she sucks, fucks and gets her pussy eaten in a passionate scene. The two studs who had sex with Di in this scene and last were clearly very turned on by this wife and mom. You’ll see why. 40Something: How often do you have sex? Di: I want it every day! 40Something: What do you do in addition to modeling? Di: I’m a student...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Act

It’s amazing how things happen sometimes. Allow me to tell you a story that something happened not long time ago.I lived at home with my mother and aunt (mom’s youngest sister). I lost my dad to a car accident to years ago and that’s when my mother decided to live with her youngest sister. My sister is a year and a half older than me and we always got along for short periods of time, but mostly we did our own thing.My mom works during the day, so my aunt and I are home a lot by ourselves. Mom...

1 year ago
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She loved it more than me

I find myself strapped to a bed. A familiar presence gazing over me. As I gather my composure, I realise that it’s her; my next door neighbor. Her gorgeous blonde hair, those stunning blue eyes. Huge tits and nice ass, who knew she’d like to strap me up? As I open my mouth to speak, I find I cannot. The smell of celetape lurks in my nostrils. ‘Shit’ I think to myself. My naked body slumped against the cold hard concrete, aching from whatever beating had occurred. I had secretly dreamt about...

2 years ago
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Wedding Gift

Doug and I had been best friends since the first day at school. Who knows why you choose your first friend? It could be that your mothers push you together. It could be because you turned up at the school gates at the same time. Or it could be because on the first day you sat down next to each other. All I know is that Doug and I were friends from the first day to, well right up to today. Through the first few years we were always in the same classes. We spent holidays at each other’s houses...

3 years ago
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Hi readers. This is Ram from Chennai. I have read so many stories in ISS. So would like to share with you my first and only sex experience. It all happened just a few months back during the month of June 2008. I live in the top floor of our apartment and we have 4 houses in that floor. Being top floor we(myself and my parents) are the only occupant. Last year when one of the houses in our top floor was vacant, a newly married couple arrived to start their new life. They were new to Chennai...

1 year ago
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Mother in Law chapter 3 fiction

Note : This story is completely fictional! Barbie lay beside me as we chatted we could hear low moaning coming from the other bedroom,Barbie giggled hell he never made me moan I know she not getting it as good as I did,I think you made me yelp several times.God it was goodShe was stroking my cock as we talked and I was fingering her hot pussy,She whispered you are driving me wild,I want you to fuck me again. I started sucking her nipples as I fingered her wet cunt,her hot juices were ozzing...

3 years ago
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Jungle Fever

Kristen Barnes was the perfect girl. She was a senior in high school, in the honor society, a cheerleader, and competing to become Miss Teen Ohio. She dreamed of becoming famous, and thought that becoming Miss Teen Ohio and potentially Miss Teen America would be her ticket. She was currently preparing for the Miss Teen White County pageant, after which she would go on to compete in the Miss Teen Ohio competition. She hailed from the town of Whitehill, with a population of around 10,000 people,...

4 years ago
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Paradise Found

I don’t think that I was ever so happy to go on vacation. After finishing a very long, difficult job, I needed time away. I took the job soon after my marriage fell apart and I had gone through an ugly divorce, and it was a great way to focus my energies and frustrations. By now I was feeling much better about myself, and life in general. The slow season for construction was just starting, so I decided to take a couple of weeks off and head to Jamaica, my favorite destination. When I got to...

1 year ago
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A Black Baby

I know it will be black when it's born, there can be no doubt. For the last year, Michael, our lodger, has been much closer to my wife than I have. And when I say close, I mean close. Mona won't let me anywhere near her since he moved into our spare room. Although his tenure in that room didn't last very long at all.It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was working all hours and my wife, Mona, was at home all day by herself. We are a c***dless couple (I am considerably older than she), and...

2 years ago
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Sarahs AdventureChapter 2 Pet Shop

After my dad came on my face. He got up and left me with King’s balls knotted in me. King tried to pull out but all he did was drag me around with him. It hurt like hell but I kept on having orgasm after orgasms. After like 10 minutes of pain he finally was able to pull out. He went to the corner of my bedroom and started to lick himself clean. I was so tired I just curdled up in a ball on my floor and fell asleep. It was early in the morning when my dad came into my room, he pulled me up...

2 years ago
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My sister Maureen and I have been lovers off and on for twenty years now,continuing even after she got married and had two c***dren. I loved fucking her when she was pregnant, making that swollen belly jiggle with each thrust. During these periods was a winfall for me because her husband was so put off as the pregnancy progressed he could no longer maintain a sustained erection. Maureen's hermones were going berserk and she ridiculously horny. If I didn't see her for a few weeks I was greeted...

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Encounter with mother and sis Chp2

Chapter 2 My plans to deflower my sister is already finalised. All that was left was to wait for her birthday to arrived. The week passed quicky, it was already the eve of my sis's birthday. She was going to be out till late with her friends. Mum and me took the chance to get together and have sex. We were at it till late in the evening, before we finally stopped in order to make preparations for our plan. Everything was in order, all was left was for my sis to get back. She got back...

3 years ago
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Deer Hunter and the dog sex show

In October of 2019, I decided to go hunt deer from my tree stand, having seen a very likely spot while bird hunting earlier in the year. I walked into the woods in the dark, and found the tree I had located. I climbed about 20 feet up and settled in to wait for a deer to come out of a weed field nearby and head back into the woods. I was overlooking a small glade, dappled in sunshine filtering through the oak and maple leaves that hadn’t fallen yet. About 10 a.m., I was beginning to...

1 year ago
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MyDaughtersHotFriend Elsa Jean 22875

When you’re down and out on Father’s Day, there’s really only one thing that will lift you up: pussy! Mick’s Dad’s Day is going kind of crappy because 1) his daughter is celebrating with her stepdad and 2) he didn’t get laid on his date. All worked up with nowhere to go, Mick is pleasantly surprised when his daughter’s friend Elsa Jean knocks on his bedroom door late at night. She was babysitting his younger daughter for him while he was out, and knowing what he went through, she wants to cheer...

1 year ago
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BoundGangBangs Goldie Glock A Christmas Whore

Christmas is Goldie’s favorite time of the year and tonight is Christmas Eve. Goldie tries to wait up for Santa but falls asleep waiting. Suddenly she is awakened by the entrance of men wearing Santa hats. Goldie’s no fool, she knows these men aren’t Santa but when they tell her they are Santa’s helpers and come bearing gifts, Goldie decides to be on her best behavior. She gets on her knees as directed and tells all Santa’s helpers to come and touch her. Their...

1 year ago
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Wimals Family

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Wimal and I'm a successful Politician living with my wife in Sri Lanka. Every year on my mother's birthday, I make a pilgrimage home to join my father and brothers in giving her a very special birthday present. My wife and mother had never taken to each other, so, as always, my wife did not ask to go along. She did not know about my special relationship with my mother. As I left the heavy city traffic behind, my mind wandered and I began...

2 years ago
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The Lush Massage

We messaged each other a few weeks ago and began talking on a site containing erotic stories and pictures. In the conversations, we discovered that we lived close to one another, although we were both discrete enough not to reveal many details. We entered the normal exchange of messages, erotic pictures back and forth, and had discussions about sexual likes and dislikes. We shared some incredibly hot teasing.She had red curly hair, blue eyes, 5’5”, and one hundred and twenty pounds. On her...

Straight Sex
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Gender Swap The Beginning

Gender Swap- The Beginning by Green Lace37 The girl immediately caught my eye. She was one of those classic brunettes: long brown hair, great face and eyes, with a curvy hourglass figure. Her breasts were firm and outstanding, tapering down to two cones tipped by nipples that cried out to be sucked. Her belly was flat and brought your eyes down to the triangular tuft of hair perched at the tops of her legs. The legs were long and well shaped and her arse was a classic,...

3 years ago
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Intimate Experience With An Advocate

Hello friends. Welcome back. Till now u have an idea about me. I am sadmirer from pune 5’11” average built guy. U can mail me the reviews on women from pune if u wanna meet then I will be happy to help. I have had a fair share of sexual experiences in life. I am here to narrate the real incident of my life. This story is about how I had a sexual experience with a 46 yr old gujju married lady. I was on an social app for more than 2 years. I talked to few women. One of them was J. she was an...

2 years ago
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Straight Circles

When the discussion was at its hottest, when she wasn’t sure if I would even stay and listen, in desperation, she tried one last time ‘I’m your mother, Greg, I love you and I have never lied to you except for this one thing. Please give me a chance to explain.’ I had just confronted my single-parent mom that I new I had been misled about my ‘dead’ father. I truly was so pissed. I wanted to get up and leave, but she actually was all I had. At eighteen, I was an adult – but in reality I was...

4 years ago
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Bondage in the kitchen

She sat silent in her personal darkness. Her blindfold managed to block out all of the dim light.His foot steps shifted the floor boards as he came near. She could as much feel as hear his presence.Not a word was spoke.Flwack. The stove element crackled on. Set to it's maximum she could hear the hum of the electricity as it forced it way through the element.She prayed her offering would please him.She shifted in her chair. Stretched her mouth a little. She was still getting used to the ring gag...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Sexy Maami

Hi everyone,, I am Abhinav from Lucknow. I have average looks&I’m 19 years old. My height is 5″9 with a muscular body. I have a 7.5″dick always ready for girls. I am a regular ISS reader but this one is my first story here. So please don’t mind the mistakes. This story is about how i fucked my fuckawesome Maami(my maternal aunt). Since i was just 12 years old, i had a crush on her. She has not a perfect slim figure but you can say she is so fuckin’sexy. In my opinion she’s the sexiest blonde...

1 year ago
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JAV Giga tells you exactly what kind of smut they’re peddling right there in the name: this site is going to have gigabyte upon gigabyte of Japanese Adult Video. In a world full of vague-ass porn site names like VideoBox, 3Movs, Nutaku and AEBN, it’s nice to find ones that don’t make you fucking guess. Of course, you’ve definitely come to the right place if you’re looking for somebody to find the best porn for you, whether it’s got a generic, wholesome-sounding name or some filthy shit that...

Asian Porn Sites
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Neighbor Helping Neighbor Part 1

“Hey. Are you dead?”That’s what she yelled just before walking through the gate to my back yard.I was sitting quietly on my patio watching the sunset across my pool, no expression on my face and sipping on a Crown on the rocks. A nice heavy bottom glass with large chunks of ice, filled to a fingers width below the rim so you can swirl it as you go.There’s nothing better than the quiet and Crown Whiskey.She trotted over to the chair next to mine. “Have a seat. Would you like a drink?”“That’d be...

3 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 17 Otherworldly Voices

'Alex? Are you busy?' 'Sure, Mickie.' Alex recognized her mental signature as he sat back, enjoying yet another coffee while the girls around him discussed what being a Seeker meant to their lives. 'I've got a few spare moments, ' he teased, seeing as how he wasn't doing anything at the moment. Becky and Melinda had everything well in hand. 'I really wanted to apologize for walking out on you. I didn't want you to think I don't regard what you are doing as important, but ......

1 year ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 28

The treaty had been intended from the start as a gesture of peace from the Monarchists to the rival Republicans. Despite the fact that the Monarchists had already earned general support from the people under their rule (thus, in effect, were not obligated to offer the opposition anything), it was felt that this would be a further sign of reconciliation. Admittedly, the treaty did not leave much room for Republican ideology. The Monarchists felt then, as most scholars do today, that the ideas...

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Loving Babysitter Part 4

After admiring her for some time I grabbed her firm ass again and pulled her up until she was straddling my face and I could look right up to the bases of her beautiful breasts. I realized then from my thoughts that this was no longer about lust. I was truly in love with Jamie and wanted nothing more than to fulfill her in all ways. Right now, that way was sitting on my face. I snapped out of it with a flick of my tongue onto her clit which released one of her gentle moans. ...

1 year ago
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Wife gets carried away in Tahoe

I smile an approving grin as you bend over the pool table to take your shot. I had chosen your outfit for the night, and in my opinion, I had chosen very wisely...It was our second night out on this hastily planned weekend getaway. A weekend away in Lake Tahoe sounded like just the thing to escape the blistering hot weather we'd been having. I found a good deal on a nice hotel in south Lake Tahoe and off we went. Last night, weary from driving, we had a nice dinner and a few drinks at the plush...

2 years ago
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Wife trains my Ass for the Real Thing

"Would you like some ass fucking?""Well yes," I said, "I didn't think you wanted it."Jane gave my ass cheek a little squeeze."Dave, I think you've got it backwards," Jane said. " The ass fucking is for you.""No, I don't roll that way," I answered her."Dave, are you sure?" Jane answered, "because someone with as horny an ass as you have should try it at least once." Jane is my wife of 5 years. She is so beautiful and sexy. I'll try to describe her and do her justice. Jane is 31 years old and is...

3 years ago
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Perfect Opportunity

I began watching her every little move. Something was just slightly off about her behavior and, being a curious person; I wanted to know what it was. Later that afternoon a resident asked for her pain medication and I watched the nurse prepare it and take it to her. An hour later the resident was still requesting her pain medication. I found out after watching the nurse that she was taking the resident’s medication. She went into the resident’s room and told the woman to shut up and if she...

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A family FriendIndeed Part 11

I aapreciate the positive responses my stories have received. They are all factual, and, admittedly, somewhat mindboggling to me even after all the years which have passed. I am a bit surprised I haven't received any comments from the ladies...perhaps the subject material only appeals to males.This part picks up the night following Patty's arrival at Louise's home. I was tired and a bit hung over from our cocktail indulgence, so I didn't have any desire to throw paint at the walls. I had...

2 years ago
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Story-THE SKUR ALIENS CONQUER EARTH ( part 1) By-Chucky NG Copyright 2009 - All Rights Reserved-Adults Only The year 2013, the Skur Armada has just dropped out of hyperspace near sector G784399 or more precisely, just outside the solar system containing a small blue planet named Earth. The Skur, unbeknownst to the population of Earth, have long been a violent and planet conquering race of space faring Reptilian warriors. The Skur walk upright with most males standing at least 7 1/2 feet tall....

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Tweaking Leads to Fucking Part 6

Introduction: What happened with Jr. High boy cousin Mikey after Ranger Harris arrived at the campsite. Part 6 The third and fourth day of my camping trip with my Jr. High boy little cousin were spent messing around a LOT, but on the fifth day, it got a little more crazy than just hot sex between a man and his adolescent cousin&hellip, It was morning and young Mikey was sucking my much older, experienced cock in the tent after I woke him up with my usual morning boner. It was good to get some...

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Part 31 Love and Lies

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 31: Love and Lies Holly: Please be home. Please be home. Please be home. I went to the one place I could think of. I hadn’t been there long so Jack was the only person I knew. I’d rung his door bell 3 times already and was just turning away when the door opened. “Holly! You’re back already,” he said as he opened the door. “Oh my God Holly. What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Come in.” I barely got in the door before I collapsed...

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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 13

I could hear the kids from the boat, "Get up, get up, we want you to get up. Please, come on, get up, Chuck." Opening my eyes, I could still hear them chant. I flashed on Mercy and told her to keep the kids down so I could wake up. I flashed on Missy and told her mentally, "You're in trouble; I know how to do this now." I sat up in bed, realizing I had just communicated with both Missy and Mercy. We had really talked. Thinking very hard, I thought of Steve and asked him, "When are we...

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Magic and Malice at the Movies Chapters 13

MAGIC AND MALICE AT THE MOVIES A GENDER SWAP TALE Rachel Rose Parker It's been a loooong time since my first story published on Fictomania, and boy has it been crazy! Thanks to all the wonderful feedback, I went and rewrote my first story (which I hope to post here in the future), but also undertook a brand new story that kinda grew a lot bigger than I expected. Hopefully you will find the post lengths good enough to do until I post the following parts in a few days, but if you...

3 years ago
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Kathryn Chronicles Heading Home Ch 04

‘Just a couple?’ Maria asked with a pout. Stepping out of the Jacuzzi, she walked over to her Victoria’s Secret bag and pulled out a pair of silk black boxer shorts. ‘Dry off and put these on’, she said slyly, laying them on the counter. ‘We’ll meet you in the bedroom.’ My ears perked up at ‘we’. I turned and stepped on to the bathroom floor. I grabbed a towel, grabbed the boxers and headed towards the door. Maria closed the door behind me. I dried myself off and stepped into the boxers. I...

2 years ago
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Mechanical Bull

A while back, Stacy tried a mechanical bull at a local bar. She had been drinking a bit and didn’t do so well but had some fun. After that night we joked about the bull and she said she promised giving it another try sometime.We were out of town on vacation and I overheard some people talking about a bar in town that had a dance hall and a mechanical bull. That night I told Stacy that we were going out dancing. She decided to wear one of her loose fitting but short skirts with a thong and a top...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 15

"Hope?" Tony opened the door to her, and she walked in with a slight smile, looking around. "Is... Is Marcus alright? He's not been in class this week." Tony just cocked his head, and when she listened she heard the guitar playing quietly. "What is that?" "Soul Asylum's 'Runaway Train'." Lorraine told her from one of the armchairs. "So far, this hour, we've had 'The Boxer', Maroon 5's 'She will be loved', Green Day's 'When September Ends' and... what was the other...

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An Afternoons Entertainment

Maddie arrived home from the bus stop and began her now common routine: strip out of the god-awful khaki skirt and powder blue polo shirt that comprised the school uniform, borrow her Mom’s Louboutin pumps and double pearl necklace, and parade around the house feeling sexy. She’d preen in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, imitating the poses she saw on Instagram and TikTok, and narcissistically enjoy the alluring nubile body that had magically appeared over the last year. The boys...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Kacie Castle Shopping For Sex

Kacie Castle is super into her Black Friday shopping and her stepbrother Logan Long decides it’s hips opportunity to take advantage. Kacie loves dressing in skimpy clothes, including wandering around the house in tight bootie shorts with no panties and short, tight tops. When Logan sees that camel toe, he can’t help but slide his hand between her thighs to caress her twat. Pulling Kacie’s shorts off entirely, he slides a finger up and down her bare slit and finds her nice and...

4 years ago
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Muslim sucks BBC on Eid

Hafsah had continued on her love affair with Patrick. Hafsah was a fair skinned married Pakistani Muslim housewife who was extremely busty and had a nice round ass and an hour glass figure. Whereas Patrick was a black tall muscular man who had an extremely large cock which Hafsah absolutely loved to fuck and suck. It was almost coming up to Eid and Hafsah said 'Why don't we invite Patrick over for Eid, it may help him embrace Islam?' As Osman was a deeply religious Muslim he replied by saying...

4 years ago
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A Veterans ContrastChapter 2

Time moved forward for the small Jensen family. Jon’s alcoholism grew worse. He was still able to hold onto his job at the dealership, but he was now no longer a supervisor but instead just a mechanic. Reyna had gotten a degree in business administration at the state college and now ran her own small clothing business. Through high school J.J. was able to focus on his own studies and his athletics. While Jon wasn’t making as much money as he had been, Reyna’s business had definitely made up...

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A Special Treat

I was in a small x-rated theater, watching a couple of old films, it was mostly empty as I entered only the cashier was visible. I entered the darken room and made out only two sides of seats with a passage on either side and down the middle. There was a few heads visible over the seats and sparsely spaced. I made my way over to an end set about mid way the room and took a seat, a anal scene came on the screen that took all my attention. There was a young girl bent over a sofa crying as an...

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