- 3 years ago
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Where do I begin? Hmm. Good question. The beginning? My childhood growing up without my parents? How I went to live with my aunt and uncle and cousin after my folks died? My time in the Army? My time after the Army working for Red River Private Security? Getting married, and my wife telling me she wanted a Divorce a little over a year later?
I guess I could start at any of those points in time. Tell ya what. I'll give you a quick little overview of my life before I became an Equalizer.
What's an Equalizer, you ask? I'll get to that a bit later.
I was born in New York City, where my Mom and Dad lived at the time. I had a fairly normal first six years of life, but then it became something that I wouldn't call normal, and wouldn't wish on any child.
You see, when I was six years old, my folks died in a plane crash, so I was sent to live with my Uncle John, Aunt Naomi, and Cousin Cara out in California. Uncle John had been stationed at Ft. Irwin at the time, so that was where I went. Granted, my life wasn't normal anymore, and I did miss my parents, but Uncle John and Aunt Naomi did their best to make me feel loved. This, even as they struggled with their own grief over my parents' deaths.
John Shepard is my father's brother. He and Aunt Naomi had been married about the same time as Mom and Dad were. I vaguely remember my parents telling me that if anything happened to them, I would be living with John and Naomi, my Godparents.
At six, I barely remembered my folks. I wondered why my new Mom and Dad were my aunt and uncle, but after a while, I just accepted it. They had been really broken up over my folks dying, but always treated me like their own son. Cousin Cara became more of a sister to me than a cousin, and Naomi became Mom while John became Dad. I never questioned why John was white and Naomi was black. In fact, I think that bit of trivia contributed somewhat to my taste in women as I grew older.
My name is Declan Shepard, by the way. I've gone by Deck my whole life, though. I'm 33 years old, 6'1", weigh 205 lbs., and I keep in shape. I keep my prematurely graying black hair cut short as I did in the Army, but I've been called handsome by most ladies I've dated. My cobalt blue eyes round out my features along with a nose that has been broken in the past. Not too badly, but enough to give my face some character.
I was in my share of fights while growing up. Some were because of being the new kid in school, since Uncle John was in the Army and we moved around a lot. Some were because I was in a "salt and pepper" family, especially in the South when Uncle John was stationed at Ft. Benning, Georgia, and we lived in Columbus.
When we moved to Santa Barbara, California after John retired, and Cara and I started High School there, we were definitely brother and sister, as far as our attitudes toward each other.
We loved and hated each other in equal measure. We were the quintessential siblings, rivalries and all. That still didn't stop me from dating some of Cara's cheerleader friends, though.
Anyhow, after High School, I joined the Army, and was sent back to Ft. Benning, where I'd spent a couple years of my life growing up. Only this time, it was for Basic and AIT. I did a four year hitch, and was sent to Afghanistan in early '02 as part of an Alpha Team under the command of Captain Drake. I saw some shit over there that I never thought could possibly exist. Weird shit. REALLY weird. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Trust me on that.
When I reported to Ft. Jackson for Outprocessing, I was recruited while at the Bus Stop waiting for a ride to the airport. It seemed that the Red River Private Security Firm had done some checking on me, and found my skillset to be just what they needed. They were offering 5 times what I'd been making as a Sergeant (E-5) per month, so I jumped at the chance. Hell, after that six months in Afghanistan with a side trip to Israel, I figured that whatever Red River assigned me, it would be a cakewalk by comparison.
During my time with Red River, I met and married Cindy Ramirez, a gorgeous woman with nice tits and a hellacious ass. She was from Puerto Rico, originally, and her mother was black. I was smitten. She seemed to be smitten too, and after a few months of dating and a lot of hot sex, we got married.
Yep, as you can probably guess, that didn't last too long. When we had time together when I wasn't on assignment, the sex was HOT, but we didn't click on other levels.
Just over a year after our wedding, she filed for Divorce from me but asked for nothing in the settlement. She told me that she was falling in love with another guy, but wanted to do the honorable thing and get a Divorce before she went to be with him.
I was actually somewhat relieved at that. Hell, who am I kidding? I didn't love her. The sex was fuckin' awesome, but that was pretty much all we had. Marriages built on only sex don't last, folks.
So after discussing it, we had one last night of hot sex, said our goodbyes to each other, and sure enough, the Divorce went through relatively painlessly.
Sure I was going to miss the sex, but I was still young and there are plenty of fish in the sea. So I moved on, just taking a FWB every once in a while, no strings attached. Hell, let's not beat around the bush, here. I was a merc, so I was gone a lot; sometimes for months at a stretch. No sense in being married if I couldn't be around to take care of her and keep her happy. Besides, since I hadn't really been in love with Cindy, if I did find a lady that I was seriously attracted to as more than a fuck buddy, I wanted to make damn sure that she was The One for me.
I'd been with Red River for just over 4 years when my team was ordered to destroy a dam along a river in Sierra Leone, so it could be blamed on the rebels. The main problem with that Op was that there was a village downriver that would have probably been wiped out if we'd gone through with it. I refused the order, was reminded of the confidentiality agreement I'd signed, and was fired. So was the rest of my team, as none of them went through with the order, either.
It was for the best. The last year or so of my tenure there, Red River seemed to be getting into some sketchy shit, and I was a half-step out the door already when that op came down the pipe and I refused.
Contrary to popular belief, merc ... err Private Security outfits don't summarily execute those who disobey orders anymore. Not since they got "civilized." Now it's just confidentiality paperwork and lawyers. If I spouted off to the Press or the Hague, I would be sued into the poorhouse. It didn't matter if the order was of questionable legality, and it would have just been my word against theirs.
So I returned to Santa Barbara for a while. I looked for work, but couldn't find any. I was approached by several people with dubious reputations looking for muscle, but I politely turned them down. I'd had more than enough of being a thug.
My family had stopped talking to me when I told them that I was working for Red River after I left the Army. Since I got fired and told them why, we've started mending our estranged relationship. I moved down to L.A. and took a part time Bouncer job at a night club, but it was barely paying the bills. I still had a decent chunk of the money I made from Red River, but that was still dwindling slowly but steadily.
I had to get a real job, and fast.
I was sitting in The Shamrock, one Thursday afternoon when I overheard a conversation that would change my life. I'd just sat down at the bar and ordered a beer when the two guys' conversation at the table behind me drifted over to where I was sitting.
" ... but you have to help me. I need proof that my wife is putting our children in danger when she brings her boyfriend over to the house. She says that if I Divorce her, that she'll take me to the cleaners, take my children away from me, and I'll never see them again!" He somehow pleaded with the other guy without whining. That was what really caught my attention. His voice, while angry, while begging for help, had no trace of a whine anywhere in there.
I had to give myself a wry smile in the mirror. At least Cindy and I never had kids, and she didn't have a lover ... that I knew of, anyway ... while we were married. She'd been very specific that she hadn't slept with him yet. I kind of counted that as a blessing, and I had decided not to ask questions of her. I was pretty laid back about the whole thing, probably because I figured out that I didn't really love her. More like I lusted her. But now as I grew older, I did want to find a lady I could settle down with ... once I had a full time job!
I clocked them in the mirror to see who they were. The guy who was speaking was a runt of a dude. Probably 5'6" standing on his tiptoes. He was balding and wore glasses. For some reason, "ACCOUNTANT" was the first thought I came up with to describe him.
"Mr. Turner, I don't know what to tell you. If she doesn't bring her lover into the house when your children are there, and have sexual intercourse with him in front of them, there's no real legal basis for denying her custody in a Divorce. This is California, so Wives and Mothers almost always get preferential treatment as far as division of assets and custody of the children."
I guessed that he was either a P.I. or a lawyer. Probably a P.I., since he sure didn't look much like a Legal Eagle. The cheap suit and the bulge of a gun under his suit jacket gave me that impression.
"I'll pay you $50,000 to get me anything that I can use to have her declared an unfit mother!" Turner said. That piqued my interest. 50K isn't a bad chunk of change.
"Mr. Turner, you've already said that she never brings her lover to the house when your children are there. She sends them to a sitter. That right there tells me that she doesn't put them in the middle of your ... lifestyle.
"It's not MY lifestyle, Mr. Stone. My wife is forcing this on me, and I basically have no choice!" he snarled, his voice rising and starting to draw attention.
I sighed. I've always had a soft spot for the underdogs. I never like seeing someone get shit on when they don't deserve it. Blame it on how I was raised. Besides, if I could wrangle that 50K, it would at least be a start. The funds I'd squirreled away from my Red River days were starting to run a bit thin. I started formulating a plan of action immediately.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Turner. There's nothing that I can do. You already know your wife has a lover, and even with proof of it, she's still going to make your life hell in the Divorce. All I can really say is good luck to you. I hate it when cheaters get away with it, but with all the bleeding heart judges in this state, there's no way to prove her an unfit mother, unless she does something illegal or immoral in front of the children," Stone said as he got up to leave. Turner just sat there with his head down as Stone put his hand on the smaller man's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Then the Private Eye walked out.
That was my cue. I got up and took my beer to the table. "Mr. Turner?" I asked softly. He looked up at me.
"Yes? Who are you?" he asked, his defenses coming up because I'd caught him crying.
"My name is Declan Shepard, and I couldn't help overhearing your conversation with the private detective. I know you don't know me, and have no reason to trust me, but I believe that I can help you with your problem," I responded with a nod. "May I sit down?"
His face lit up with hope. "Please do, Mr. Shepard," he gestured to the chair most recently vacated by the P.I.
"Thank you," I smiled with a nod and sat down. "Now, I couldn't help but overhear that your wife has a lover. She has basically backed you into a corner on it so you can't Divorce her without losing pretty much everything. Am I right so far?"
"Yes, pretty much," he said with a defeated snort. "I don't see how you can help, though. Are you a Private Investigator?"
"Not as such," I admitted. "But, I believe I can help you, just not quite in the way you were thinking."
"What do you mean, Mr. Shepard?" he asked with a puzzled expression.
"I can level the playing field for you. I can make it so that your wife won't be able to do much, when you decide to file for Divorce. I need some more information about her and her lover, though. I need to know what you know about him, especially," I said.
Turner thought for a few moments. "His name is Gordon Smith, and he's even bigger than you are. He's threatened me that if I put up any kind of resistance, he'll beat me or worse," he said, shaking with anger and fear. More anger was apparent, though. My respect for the man jumped another notch.
I nodded. "Ok, I'm not worried about how big he is," I responded. "What does he look like?"
"Big, blonde, and looks a bit like Thor from the movies. He even has the stubble on his face."
I got a picture in my head of an evil Chris Hemsworth type of character. "Ok, and do you know where he lives?"
"Two miles over from our house. I followed him once after he left our place. I can't fight him, though. As much as I'd like to beat him to death, I wouldn't stand a chance against him. I tried once," he said as he pulled out a pen and scribbled down the offending asshole's address on a napkin.
"Ok, back to your wife for a moment. How long have you two been married?"
"Sixteen years. Fifteen of those happily, at least on my part. I thought she was happy too, but then a year ago..." he let his voice trail off as he shook his head in disgust. He then finished writing and handed the napkin to me with the address on it.
I took it when he held it out to me, and I nodded as I looked at the asshole's address. "Does he have a family? Wife? Children?"
"Not that I could tell. He lives in a nice house in Beverly Hills, though," he said.
"Ok, so possibly no wife or kids that could be turned against him. Can you tell me exactly how and when this whole mess started?" I inquired.
He took a deep breath. "About a year ago was when everything changed. Candace, my wife, came home one day and said that we needed to talk. I thought that she was going to Divorce me right then and there, but she said that she was going to turn me into a cuckold, and there was nothing I could do about it. Of course, I threatened to Divorce her, and that was when she told me that she would take my kids and leave me a broken wreck if I tried that.
"So I got the bright idea to get my baseball bat and beat the asshole senseless the next time he came over. She'd told me that he would come over and fuck her, and she expected me to watch how a 'real man' takes care of business," he said, rolling his eyes.
"I take it the baseball bat tactic didn't work too well?" I raised one eyebrow.
"I would have laid him out cold, but my loving wife warned him, and he spun around and took the bat from me. He then hit me in the stomach with it, and that was the last time I tried to fight him. He said if I tried something like that again, he would beat me to a bloody pulp. Then he said that if I tried it again after that, he would kill me and that he and my wife would get my Life Insurance."
So the asshole was a bully, and one willing to break the law seemingly without a second thought. I could DEFINITELY work with that. Knowledge is power, folks. Sun Tzu had it right. Know your enemy. I was going to figure out everything possible about ol' Gordy boy before I moved on him.
I nodded, and then decided to ask about payment. "I heard you offer that P.I. 50K. I'll do it for that, and my way won't involve framing anyone. Would that be acceptable to you?"
He nodded, his face lighting up with hope. "Mr. Shepard, I can pay you half now, and half when it's over. Can you tell me how you're going to do it?"
"It's better that you not know," I said sincerely. "Mr. Turner, trust me on this. The less you know, the safer we both will be."
He looked like he was going to ask again, but thought better of it. Smart man. He swallowed hard from his beer, and just nodded.
I nodded back. "Good. Now, do you have a picture of your wife so I can get a read on her?"
"Sure," he said, pulling out his wallet and handing me a pic. Holy shit! She was gorgeous! Part of me wondered how this guy could score a hottie like her. The pic he gave me was of him, her, and their two kids, a boy and a girl. His son looked to be about 10 or 11, and the daughter looked about 13 or 14. Even after having the kids, his wife was still in great shape. Tall, dirty blonde hair, and an air of superiority that showed that she had chosen Mr. Turner because she thought she could dominate him. She was stuck on herself in a big way, and I felt sorry for the kids that had her as a mother.
Turner, I could tell, had a will of iron under his bean counter looks. Unfortunately, while his spirit was that of a lion, he was stuck in the body of a field mouse. He was fighting back in the only way he could.
After studying the picture, I handed it back to him. "Ok, thank you. Mr. Turner, do you have an aversion to anything happening to the man who has been hanging the horns on you?" I pretty much knew the answer already, but I needed confirmation.
"None, whatsoever," he said without hesitation. Very smart man.
"Good. I'm not going to lie to you. This will take a few hours to prep. Do you have your cellphone on you?" I asked, pulling out my own BlackBerry.
"Right here," he said, pulling his out. I got his number and gave him mine in return.
"Good to go," I said. "I'll text you a few hours before I go after him. Do you have any idea of when he's coming to your house next?"
"Tomorrow night," he said with a look of pure venom. "I wish I could just kill the bastard!"
"Tempting, but not an option," I said. "He won't be so enthusiastic to have sex with your wife when I'm done talking to him, though. I plan to make things a bit difficult for him.
"Also, can your wife or her lawyer trace the money you're going to use to pay me?" I asked.
"No, it's from a rainy day fund that I set up a year ago when all this started," he said. "A friend of mine went through a Divorce, so he told me what he did to minimize the damage his wife could do to him. The account is off-shore, and nobody knows about it but me."
"Good deal," I smiled, admiring his forethought on the whole mess. "Mr. Turner, what time tomorrow evening is Gordon supposed to be there?" I could probably catch him off-guard before he left his house if I knew his itinerary.
"Not sure, but she set it up for tomorrow that I was to take the kids to the sitter around 6 pm."
I smiled. "Good to know. When you get home from work tomorrow, break your key off in the ignition. Pull it out halfway, then tug sharply back so it snaps clean. I know, it sounds strange, but we're going to have to make this as difficult for them as possible."
He smiled genuinely for the first time. "I like it! My wife and the asshole won't be able to do anything with the kids there, unless she takes them to the sitter herself! She has her own car, and never lets anyone else drive it, including me."
He was whispering low, so nobody else could hear him. I checked around, and nobody was paying us any attention. After his initial outburst, everyone in the bar went back to minding their own business.
"Mr. Turner, I have to ask you something. Has your wife been the one in charge during your entire relationship?"
He looked down for a moment, then back up before answering. "Yes, she has. She came onto me, if you can believe it," he chuckled.
I nodded. "Sir, I think that as soon as this is all over, you should Divorce her. Are her parents still alive?"
"Yes, but she said that if I told them or anyone what was going on, I'd never see my kids again," he said with pain in his eyes. "I believe she'd do it too. She would probably take them out of the country where I couldn't find them."
"That isn't going to happen," I promised him. I just hoped I could keep that promise. Then I thought of something that would be very hard to ask. I noticed in the photo of the children that they didn't look much like Turner. They looked more like his wife. That started bugging me, so I went for it and asked the hardest question of the conversation.
"Mr. Turner, are you 100% certain that your children are actually yours? Please don't take this the wrong way, but with the way your wife has been acting, is it possible that she had an affair and had her lover's children instead?"
Turner visibly paled at that. He got a haunted look in his eyes that said that he wasn't sure, and now feared the worst.
"Get a DNA test, Mr. Turner. Make sure," I basically ordered him. "If they aren't yours, you might be able to sue for back child support from the actual father. Failing that, you might be able to sue both your wife and her lover for fraud, in that you were led to believe that the kids are yours. If they turn out to be your children, you'll still at least have some parental rights as their father."
I broke it to him as gently as I could. I'd actually toyed with the idea of becoming a lawyer at one point, so I'd studied some of the Law. I'd sampled several different fields of Law, and Family Law was one of the more convoluted areas. The part I really hated about it was trying to translate Legalese into plain English. So I gave it up as a lost cause.
He was just shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Shepard. I should be stronger for what I'm going to have to do. I love my kids, and I loved my wife until she started this crap. Sure, she was kind of domineering before, but she was also loving and caring in our relationship."
"I can kind of understand where you're coming from. My ex-wife traded me in for a richer model. Luckily, I wasn't that in love with her, and I was gone a lot of the time. I realize now that I wasn't ready to get married. I'm hoping that I find the right lady and settle down, but I won't let her run all over me."
"I see what you're saying, but Candace was my Heart and Soul. I worshipped her," he said as a tear streaked down his face.
"And she betrayed you for it. Mr. Turner, in any future relationships you have, don't give in to every little thing she wants, unless it's what you want, too. If you feel strongly against something, put your foot down. She'll respect you more for that than just saying 'yes, dear' to everything." I also had a friend that went through a bitter Divorce because his wife cheated on him due to lack of respect. He had tried to give her everything, and she'd stabbed him in the back for it.
He smiled and nodded, a look of understanding on his face. "I see what you're saying, and you're right. Maybe if I'd done that a few years ago, I wouldn't be stuck in this situation right now. Thank you, Mr. Shepard."
"Ok, Mr. Turner, my name is Declan, by the way. Everyone calls me Deck. Mr. Shepard was my Dad," I smiled.
"Declan, I'm William. Good to meet you, and thank you in advance for helping me," he said, reaching across the table to shake my hand. "Oh, and I never got used to nicknames, so I go by William."
"Good to meet you too, William, and don't thank me until it's over. Now, as to my payment..."
"Of course, I have a bank money order here for $25,000, and it's all yours. You'll get the other half when you finish whatever it is you're planning ... as long as my wife can't follow through on her threats."
He handed me the money order, and I took it with a nod. "It won't be a matter of 'can't' follow through. By the time I'm finished, she won't want to follow through. Oh, do you know where Gordon works?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"He doesn't work. He's from Old Money, or so he says," William said with a sneer.
"Old Money means he's probably going to have security around him at all times. That might be a slight problem," I pondered.
He laughed at that. "No way! He's so arrogant, he says he's the only security he needs!"
Ok, this was going to be fun, I thought as I chuckled along with him.
"Ok, enough of this. Get home and act normal. It might be tempting, but do NOT gloat when he doesn't show up tomorrow. Act like you have been, and don't give your soon-to-be ex-wife any ammunition to make her believe that you were behind anything. Just remember the key in the ignition trick. Got it?"
He just nodded with a look of determination on his face.
"Good. Now, it's Thursday afternoon. Does your wife suspect that you're here?"
"No, she thinks I'm at work as usual. I own my own Accounting Firm."
I came very close to laughing and shouting "YES! I CALLED IT!" when he said that, but kept my face neutral and restrained myself. It took a supreme effort of will on my part not to laugh.
"Good deal. Let's get out of here," I nodded and rose to leave. We shook hands one last time and I was out the door. I had the Asshole's name, address, and 25K to deposit in my account.
Once the deposit was done, I drove over to Gordon's place and staked it out. He wasn't there yet, but soon a Lamborghini Diablo pulled into the driveway through the wrought iron gate. I was parked across the street from his house and down a ways, so when he gunned it and drove up the driveway and out of sight, I slipped quickly from my car and through the gate before it could close all the way.
The house was barely visible from the road, so I made my way through the small forest between the house and street. When I reached the edge closest to the driveway, he was just getting out of his car with a very attractive black woman in a business suit and skirt. She reminded me of Lupita Nyong'o, the Best Supporting Actress Oscar winner. Except this lady wasn't anorexic looking like the actress. Same short natural hairstyle, though. Same dark chocolate skin tone, too, as well as similar facial features. I caught a bit of their conversation while they were walking from the car to the front door.
"I told you, Gordon. You are opening yourself up to a lawsuit from Mr. Turner. You should never threaten anyone like that, and if he can get his wife to corroborate what you said to him, you could go to jail!"
"That's what I pay you for, Tabitha; to keep me out of jail! Besides, she knows what's good for her, and she loves me. She won't rat me out." he snarled back at her. She was his lawyer. That explained it.
"Mr. Smith, you are a client, but I CAN fire you," she stated as they reached the door. "Your ... activities are becoming more of a hassle than you're worth."
"If you fire me, I'll make your life a living hell, bitch!" he barked, turning on her and raising his hand for a backhand slap.
That was all I needed to see. Plan be damned. I wasn't about to let this asswipe hit her! I jumped up, broke cover, and was running for him at a dead sprint before he even finished pulling his arm back. Tabitha had already backed up a step, but I wasn't about to let him close distance with her and hit her.
The surveillance op was officially a bust.
His eyes caught me coming at him, and a look of surprise came over his face just before my fist impacted with his nose.
The blow staggered him, but he recovered quickly and dropped into a combat stance, shaking the blood and tears from his eyes.
"That's it, Gordon! You're fired!" Tabitha yelled at him as I snapped a kick into his knee, staggering him back a bit more.
The air rushed out of him as I slammed my fist into his gut, and the air left him in a whuff. He dropped to one knee, and I turned to Tabitha.
"Are you ok, ma'am?" I asked.
"Now I am, thank ... Look out!" she said/shouted. I ducked reflexively, so his fist only caught the top of my head and grazed me. I stomped on his foot and kept dropping, then spun and came up with an uppercut to the point of his chin.
Gordon Smith dropped like a rock, unconscious.
"Come on, let's get out of here," I said. "Where is your car?"
"Back at my office. He gave me a ride here and promised me a ride back after he gave me some paperwork."
"I'll give you a ride, then. I'm parked across the street," I nodded, and we headed down the driveway before Dipdunk could regain consciousness.
I hit the button inside the inner gate house to open the gate, and we were out and gone before he regained consciousness.
Once we were in my car, she gave me directions back to her office.
"Has he ever done that before, Tabitha?" I asked as we drove.
"What? Try and hit me? No. He's become more and more unstable lately, though. He thinks his money can buy his way out of any kind of trouble he gets into." She was shaking her head as she said it.
"Well, he won't be doing that again," I said with conviction.
"Who are you, anyway? I know you weren't there just to save my ass," she said with a nervous chuckle.
"My name is Declan Shepard, and I'm working for a client," I answered her.
"Are you a P.I.?" she asked.
"Not as such. I'm helping a man with a problem, and Mr. Smith is central to that problem. Unfortunately, my original plan didn't survive first contact with the enemy. Murphy's Law, of course."
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This is a totally made up story with a picture of one of my friends here on XH, wonder if he will recognize himself. I love panties and so does he so we will celebrate with this little fantasy. I will mark it gay because every time I mark something shemale the critics give it a thumbs down.I felt her hand slide in my pants and rub his fingers across my panty covered cock. I can’t tell you exactly how this happened. I just know that lying in the dark with her fondling my hard cock that was...
Marica Chanelle a sexy business woman with huge tits is trying to close a lucrative deal with her counterpart Darrell Deeps, who will not budge on his 25 percent. Fortunately for Marica, however, shes got a secret weapon that she only utilizes during the direst of situations. To utilize it though she must meet with Darrell in person. So, she rushes over to his house where they restart negotiations. Almost immediately, Marica deploys her secret weapon, and Darrel being the horny guy that he is...
xmoviesforyouAshley Adams entered her bedroom and went to the closet. She picked out some sleep clothes in preparation for her nightly shower. Exiting the closet she took a couple of steps toward the bathroom, then froze. She looked with disbelief at the wall of glass separating her bedroom from the backyard. The drapes that usually provided her privacy were gone. ‘Daaa… deee!’ she hollered loudly enough to be heard throughout the house. Her father, Morgan Adams, was in the living area at the other end of...
My brother’s plan was naughty. Mom drove me. She was part of the plan. She was a busty delight, wearing a low-cut blouse today that showed off her tits that were just as big as mine. I took after her. She hummed as she drove us into downtown Sacramento for our hotel tryst with Mrs. Armstrong. I clutched my new purse on my lap as I squirmed on the passenger seat. A writhe of excitement and nervousness swept through me. There was a lot riding on this. At the minimum, we had to get Mrs....
Alex awoke to find the sunlight shining in through the window. He also noticed that the spot between him and Joan was empty. Joan was still fast asleep so Alex quietly got up, pulled on a pair of boxer shorts and ventured downstairs to find out where Ang was. He found her in the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. She was now wearing one of his long t-shirts. Walking up behind her he wrapped his arms around her, "Morning beautiful." He lightly kissed the blonde's...
Sorry for the ever-so-long wait everyone. Ive been dealing with some shit that makes it hard to get inspiration for writing. However, Im making it up to you guys by making this part longer than usual, with more Erotic content, so Enjoy! Chapter 4: Im the Master Now. I looked over Hildegards naked and unconscious body. Looking at her breasts, waist, hips, and crotch. She probably had about an E-cup or thereabouts, Ive never seen anything past DD. I skimmed my finger from her crotch, up her...
Fanny regarded her teacher with fascination from where she sat at the back of the classroom. Qafira was so very thin. Were they all as thin as her where she came from? Almost all skin and bones. Hardly any fat on the woman at all. She knew that Qafira would get plenty of stick for her thinness. People would wonder whether she’d eaten well. Or whether she wasn’t weak with hunger. But despite her skinniness, Fanny decided that Qafira was actually rather attractive. A difficult thing to admit to...
See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story Each chapter is like a 'stealth mission', with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist's mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then occasional chapters show his sexual family lifestyle with his mind-controlled free-use slaves. Then right back to another stealth mission. This chapter is another sort of interlude like Chapter 2 was. Coming...
Dave and Vicky drove to Flash, the local bar/disco. Flash had a reputation for liberal consideration of its patron's activities. As long as the police weren't involved or no one was hurt, almost anything was allowed. The local cops enjoyed free passes and drinks at the nightclub, and tended to be very protective. Although, on rare instances, the throbbing beat and heated loins exceeded the self restraint of a few lusty customers. These public displays of sexuality were rarely very long, and...
The five women once more prepared a meal, this time a hearty stew and warm French bread. When everything was ready, the men, still wearing bathing suits, came into the forward dining area and sat down while the girls waited along one side. Once they were seated, Alison had expected them to call the girls to sit between them as they had at lunch. But James suddenly stood up again. "This year," he began, "we're going to start a little different tradition. We will expect you women to dress...
“In my last story, my wife Vicki, Ginny, and I met a young couple at Light’s Out who wanted us to watch them fuck in the coatroom. We did, and then they watched us fuck. Since the young girl was amazed at how Vicki and Ginny could squirt, they taught her how outside behind a tree. Then, when the police came, Vicki seduced the cop in Dan’s parking lot. After that we rented a sexy hotel room, showered, and headed to Bi-Standers.” The Finale: Lets get started… When we arrived at Bi-Standers it...
BisexualIt is really nice to finally be sleeping back in my own bed again. Once I spooned up behind Trudy I was out like a light. She was one of my best friends and sharing my bed with her always felt like we had been sharing a bed all our lives. It didn’t make it weird that she as a girl. If she were my sister could we ever be close enough to cuddle up, in PJs, to each other in bed like I do with Trudy and not have major sexual tensions between us? What if we were naked? We were both still sound...
Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I had lost dozen of friends before until I had finally just stopped even trying to make new friends. I lost track of most of them anyway, and it didn't seem worth it anymore. Arriving in town, I looked out the window thinking about how nice all these houses looked. We had money. But even...
Brooke Haze and her stepbrother were lucky enough to get the house to themselves when their parents went away on vacation. What were they to do? They already began to argue before they could figure out something fun to pass the time. Stepbro parted ways to go work out and Brooke actually followed to play with her pussy while she watched him from a distance. She hopped on top of him during a push-up as a joke, but stepbro then flipped her over and ended up with her pussy in his face. Now this...
xmoviesforyouThis is about the first time I ever sucked another guy’s dick. My older brothers friend came over to spend the night one night Any ways his friends name is kyle he’d one of those k**s who dress up like gangsters or whatever and im a little goth k** with long black hair 5’10 and I can fit into size 14 guys jeans if that tells u how skinny I am lol. Any how so me my brother and kyle are chillin in the living room watching god knows what idk anymore it was some stupid show I had no interest...
Chapter 2 ~~ Baby Jimmy Baby Jimmy, Cathy, and Jennifer entered the large well lit room, covered in pink wallpaper with an obvious baby motif, the 3 sissies noticed at least 20 to 25 cribs spaced throughout the room. Baby Jimmy is lead over to one of the 5 cribs colored "blue," obviously reserved for baby boys. Jimmy was placed next to another baby boy who appears to be asleep. Baby Cathy and Jennifer are lead over to "pink" cribs, and placed inside. During the 1st week of...
Trumped Up Punishments – Chapter 6Sex Ed Classes“Mummy, please, don’t make me go to school! I just cannot face any more of this. Just look what they did to me!” Rebecca pointed to her red, sore breasts and angry welts on her upper thighs, the result of brutal punishment inflicted during an assembly of her whole school. “If you don’t go, they will kick you out. They should not have that satisfaction. We are going to deal with this the right way. I have reported Mr. Warner to the police and we...
POOL PARTY "She doesn't seem very happy to see me," Hoffman said. "Let's work on that," Rafer said, and he punched the woman in the belly. She doubled up and then fell to the floor, writhing and trying to suck in air. The two men watched her. A bulge formed at the front of Hoffman's trousers as the choking, gasping woman twisted at their feet. She was wearing a halter top and shorts, and she...
Secondary Education Chapter 13 Screen Kisses [email protected] This is a continuation of a sexually explicit story. If depictions of sex disturb you, or if you are under the age of 18, do not read this story. All persons and events depicted herein are fictional. If you like, hate or otherwise react to this story, please email me at the address above or post a comment to the site where you read it. Xoxox, TF I am squeezed between Ocho Loco and Hector on the sagging,...
Randomir paces a hand behind the witch’s neck and threads his hand in her hair. Penelope is yanked to her feet where her mouth is brought around to match his. The vampire is surprisingly gentle and his lips nibble at hers. The world around her vanishes and all she feels is his lips against hers. She feels like it is a promise of things to come. What the hell is going on? Penelope feels him against her ear, nuzzling her neck, saying, “I know who you are. I expected to have to search for you....
As an Indian living in England we get a lot of racial abuse, I was arriving home from school it was the day after my 16th birthday and I was looking forward to the party planned by my parents, I was in the back track running along the rear of our houses, as I approached our house I saw our 17 year old neighbour Martin in his house he was stood behind a sofa with no shirt on showing his muscular body, He moved away from the sofa and I stopped dead in my tracks he was naked his cock was about 6...
I switched off the engine and the car glided to a stop. The rain had started again and the trees were rustling in the wind, giving both a cozy and frightening atmosphere in the car, mixed with the highly charged feeling of impending sex.He was transfixed with my body, marvelling at the softness as he roamed around feeling my breasts and nipples, the firmness of my stomoch, giving way into the sensual curvaciousness of my pubes, which I have thankfully shaved and now resembling a prepubertal...
I’m one of the primary ‘in house’ doctors at our local hospital. The hospital is a mid-sized facility just about fifty miles from Baltimore, Maryland. For a hospital we’re small in comparison to the giants up and down the eastern seaboard, but we have a decent reputation, and we’ve gotten some pretty good press lately thanks to the hard work of our rank and file personnel. One advantage we have that most hospitals in our size and financial range has that others don’t is our proximity to...
I met a Gracie at Clancy's. I was sitting at the bar when this little fat girl came and sat beside me. She had a very pretty face but was short and fat. Not flabby fat but round and voluptuous. Well, a touch beyond voluptuous. I thought such a shame, such a pretty face, yet so fat.She looked at me and smiled and her face changed from pretty to beautiful when she smiled. The change was amazing. I must have stared at her because she giggled and said. "Hi, I'm Gracie.""I'm Vicky.""Hi Vicky. I've...
Have fantasies of slipping your throbbing hard cock between my lips & into my warm, wet mouth. I wrap my tongue over the tasty velvety tip, savouring the delicate flavours of your salty sweet pre cum & cock, moaning with pleasure as I begin to work my lips up and down your erection. Faster, deeper, sucking harder & harder I slurp and suck hungrily on your hot juicey flesh. My head works feverishly over your manhood and, as I pump my fist up and down your long veined shaft, your...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Once again, I awoke with a hangover in an unfamiliar bed, this time to find that I wasn’t alone at all. There was a hand tugging on mine, pulling me up with a physical strength that belied its owner’s twinky persona. It was definitely a man’s hand, and as I looked up at its owner, I saw the beaming face of my best friend and best man, Carlos Suarez. The sassy Puerto Rican had a big grin and then a kiss for me on the mouth, making no mistake as to his intentions, especially as he pointed the...
And so the mild winters came and for the two souls who wanted to be together for a long time the wait was almost over. Yes, the date of their union in the institution of marriage had arrived and what was followed was a sense of excitement and nervousness or both of them. The morning for the groom was long after a long drive from his home to hers but it was worth the drive. The wedding party arrived in the afternoon and after relaxing for few hours in the afternoon ever body was ready and so the...
I had agreed to see a movie with a guy from my work. We sat in the balcony, and there were only about three couples when we first got there. We started necking and I let him feel my tits inside my top, but then the balcony started filling up, and when some kids I knew sat down close to us, I asked him to stop for a while but he wouldn’t, so I left the movie (and him) and started walking home. A different time and place I would have let him go farther, just not in a public theater. People...
I sit at the bar of the Renaissance hotel nursing my ginger ale. Something stronger would be nice, but it's a lunch date. I need to be back at work in two hours tops, so ginger ale it is. Stirring my tame drink, I look around the bar area, not really seeking anything specific. You would be there eventually. As I lift my drink to take a sip, a strong hand wraps tenderly around my shoulder. On a slow breath, I look up and find your eyes. I had no idea you would be so gorgeous. Dark hair, tan...
MasturbationWell it all started out as just a Poly connection, Amy and I had been talking online and we really hit it off. We started to get together a couple of times a month. She was married with two young adult children and a husband that also had a girlfriend. After a while I learned that the daughter was very interested in Photography, as am I. Every time Amy and I meet her daughter wanted to come along to show off some of her Photographs, after a while I said yes have her come to dinner with us...
Domination Sam was just sitting outside of the cafeteria at school with her backpack on, listening to music, waiting for the last bell to ring for school to get out."Hey, Sam.""Missy," Sam said, taking one headphone off her ear. "To what do I owe the pleasure?""You know what this is about. That night at the dance.""And…?""The fact that you totally flaked on our fight that was supposed to happen.""I didn't flake. Carly drank too much of the spiked punch, so I had to take her home. I'd much...
Ocean turned orange and the sky red. The daylight was taking the night off. The sun, bored with the lack of imagination of the subjects of this part of Earth had decided to move to another, more interesting place. Emily cursed its parting. She always hated this moment. The sun was the only interesting aspect of her life and with it gone; there was nothing but plain solitude. She watched the sun set until she could watch it no more. Then she picked up her rucksack and moved on. Tonight she would...
EroticIntroduction: Kind of rough, but you will get the idea I went to my first prom when I was 15. I was still with the guy who took my virginity and he took me to prom. My best friend also had an older boyfriend, Sam, and she was going too. We were both excited, she knew I was having sex and she was planning on losing her virginity after prom. Jakes parents were going to be out of town so we were going to skip the after prom party and go to his house instead. We had also gotten a bottle of vodka...
My name is Julie. This is how my husband and I both have come to have sex on a regular basis with our young adult son and daughter.It’s kind of a long story. I am well aware that what we do is not something you’d advertise. I don't even know why I am putting this down, other than that something in me wanted it to be out, so perhaps I could share it with others with similar views or future parents in this family.I have always been pretty open-minded when it comes to sex, believing what...
IncestSo i was eagerly walking to my front door, because a few days earlier i had received a message from Poppy, the young hot slim brunette Bi, in a lesbian relationship with her hot blonde girlfriend Maisey, that they were keen to meet up with me again, and this was them just arriving.I quickly opened the door and was greeted by Poppy grinning excitedly at me, with her bushy brown hair up in pigtails again, wearing a yellow t-shirt, blue jean dungarees and red boots."Hi!" she said warmly before...
i can say ive gotten lucky i guess. my sex life has not been too dull specially for my looks and my penis size. its about the average size but hey why should i complain. my best encounter has been with one of my youngest gf ive ever had. she was 19 wen i met her i was about to turn 23. she was white but damn was she great. she had the total package. ass and tits to go around and the tighest, juiciest pussies ive ever had. not to mention i got her into anal and the head was just above the rest....
I have lived all my life on ships of one kind or another. I have a knack for picking cargos that are going to give a better return. That doesn't mean I only dealt with cargo. On a ship you learn to do everything if you are smart. I guess it has given me a unique way of looking at things. We were in port at Karssed and I would be leaving the ship here. My name is Carson and I am twenty one. I am just less than two meters tall. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I had saved my money and Karssed...
Pete had enough of the student audience watching his making love to Ashley.He whispered to her ear. "Let´s get out of here, baby. We´ll go to my place".They crossed the street. It was almost dark by now. Pete took her into his back garden, as it was still warm outside. Only lit by a partly clouded half-moon.None of the overlooking windows showing any sign of live. They felt comfortably private there. Still excited, they continued to kiss and caress ...Soon Ashley got real hot and offered no...
"Mind if I light a smoke?" he asked."Isn't that what you came for in the first place?" she queried back.He chuckled, nervously fidgeting with the pack, checking one last time if anyone he knew was there like a teenager who'd dusted off his dad's stash of old Hustlers."Aren't you a bit old to care about what others think?" she chided him playfully and added, under her breath, "Bloody first-timers," not caring whether it came over as too cynical or not.His hands were shaking far beyond the mere...
Gay MaleAbout 2 months ago, I was contacted on xhamster by a young man interested in c2c play online. I responded, we chatted, and discovered we were about 2 hours from each other. After a couple of cam & cum sessions, we decided to meet. Our first encounter was pleasant. He's quite young (22), though fairly experienced with cocks. It was a mutually-satisfactory playtime, and we engaged in a pretty deep conversation about all things sexual in our lives. As a mature bi guy (since age 14), I was able...
We've been playing this game for weeks now, teasing each other whenever we see one another in the library. I always make sure to wear skirts a tad too short, never wearing panties, and you always noticing. It’s funny, because we hardly ever speak to each other; we just flirt from a distance. Lately though, we've become bolder. I can’t get you out of my head, though I’m trying to study. I have a big test coming up, and I've done no studying. You’re late as well; you've not shown up to do your...
ExhibitionismHello world, It’s Hustler (name changed) from Sri Lanka bringing you how I hooked up with my mom’s friends’ daughter. Please excuse my writing; even though I’m a regular reader this is my first posting on the site. To start with I’m 22, living in Colombo, from a middle class family, with a handsome physic and attractive features (that’s what girls say), currently working for a MNC. I won’t blabber about the size of the dick because I believe sex is an art. The story is not a fiction, hence is a...
After my surprise for Paul out of town I realized that both of had enjoyed the novelty of another couple. But I was sort of put off by the youth of out paid partners. I felt and Paul did after I spoke with him afterwords. We both enjoyed the experience while it happened, but I don't think we want to repeat it. The pot and the X was fun, but nether of us wanted to make that a feature of our sex lives. Honestly, Paul is the only man I make love to and I am the only woman he makes love to. Anyone...
Having the same old granny fantasy for so long now...Last week i decided to join a dating site to find, chatup and hopefully at long last have sex with a lady who was aged 60plus. The plan was to make out to be interested in these ladies lifes, Don't seem rude or aggressive in anyway, Listen to them and then win their affection...Which i found out to be much easier than i could of possibly imagined. It was a sunday afternoon, I'd only been a member 2 days and i was in contact with a few gilfs...
Hi All, This is a sex story about how I and my girlfriend fulfilled a fantasy of ours. Read on for more information :) I met my current girlfriend while we were still in India, about 5 years ago. After getting our respective undergraduate degrees, we moved to the states for more education. Long story short, we stayed together through 2 years of long distance obstacles and are far better off for it. We currently live together somewhere along the US east coast. My name is P and her name is L....
Ginny Weasley It was the holidays and surprisingly Harry is enjoying them, this is because of the fact he is staying at Ron’s house with the Weasleys, including Ginny. Ginny was entering into her third year of Hogwarts and is one of the sluttiest girls in her year. She makes no secret to the fact she has fucked many boys in her year and even Draco Malfoy. Ginny worked hard perfecting her body and had developed into a fit, sexy girl since Harry first met her with a athletic body yet somehow big...
Naan oru kaal panthu vilaiyadum veeran, thinaum kaalaiyil payirchi seithu varuven. Enathu thudai thadimbalaaga irukum maarbu nangu virinthu irukum, athanaal enagaluku ennai paarthaal miga pidikum. Pengaluku ennai miga pidikum enbathai solvathai vida auntygaluku ennai miga pidikum, oru naal maalaiyil vidu murai andu vilaiyaadi kondu irunthom. Naan vilaiyaadum pozhuthu kaal satai aninthu irunthen pinbu t shirt aninthu irunthen. Naangal vilaiyadi kondu irukum pozhuthu nanbanin kaal adi patu...
Hi friends, en peyar Saran, vayathu 18. Naan ippozhuthu enathu 12th padithu mudithu resultkaaga kaathukondu irukiren. Ippozhuthu naan ungalidan en maazhivil nadantha sila suvarasiyamaana anubavangalai pagira pogiren. Athu en ethir veetil irukum akkavai naan eppadi thanimaiyil iruvarum sex seithom endru sollugiren. Enathu ethir veetu akkavin kanavna oru varudathirku munbu iranthu vittan ippozhuthu aval thanimaiyil thaan irukiraal aanal innum avaluku thirumanam aagiyum kuzhanthai peramale...
"There are hardly any bluebells left," Abi moaned as we fought our way through the trees. "Are you sure this is the spot?" "Yep. And yes, there won't be any this time of year as they have all died out. You are going to have to wait eight months or so," I told her and she sighed, as she put her bag down. "But then you should know that as I did tell you yesterday." Abi pouted. "It is still bonnie and peaceful though, isn't it?" "Very," I muttered with a smile. "It's a...
Hi friends… This is Sanjay, a hot 23 yr old guy from Chennai. Well am a jolly going guy working in a corporate. Being a cricketer, I had a good physique which I maintained well as I was also good in Modern Dances. I stand 5’8 in ht with a relatively fair colour. My asset though is my charmness. I had heard ppl saying I can win situations just by my smartness. And I had a great sense of humour too. Off to the story. Being a part of N.E monsoon region, our city gets rains which makes movement...
Present – Ben - leaving the cabin As I continue to get the hell out of Dodge I now have some freedom for some quiet thought. Because of what Ivan said and because I amazingly saw an actual wolf, I contemplate the possibility that Destiny is a Shaman as she claims or perhaps she is one of the 'Spirit Helpers' my Grandfather told me about. At least the feeling of someone watching me has left because that feeling gives me the heebie-jeebies and the hair stands up on the back of my neck – just...
We got back to the Jeep and, maybe because it looked more inviting than his van, he just laid down on the back seat. I sat behind the driving wheel and waited for him to speak first. After a few minutes, I realized that BB had fallen asleep and I, too, began to nap. I was having a very strange dream concerning aliens and young girls and, while it was quite erotic, it was also quite disturbing. I woke up to the sound of Billy Bob humming, perhaps in his sleep, perhaps not. “Hey Bubba, you...