Just Another 3 Ring Circus 4 free porn video

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Just Another 3 Ring Circus By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 4 "Oh... good luck?" Sebe barely even realized what he was wearing as he was exhausted and this was all a blur by now. "Ok, thanks Frankie." With one last hug, he was just another girl in a pretty dress as Frankie pointed him towards the lit exit sign across the darkened room and off he went. He pushed open the exit door, never expecting what he saw there, a driver pulling open the door of a long white limo. "Now what?" Sebe felt the wind across his bare back and then suddenly got a good look at himself in the mirrored windows of the limo. He was in a royal blue halter style silk dress, and on his feet were metallic peep toed side-less stiletto sling backs. The short dress had a mostly open back revealing his bare shoulder blades and spine all the way down within inches of his buttocks, almost exposing the crack of his ass. In front, his fake boobs sat adhered to his chest inside a strapless open underwire bra held on with adhesive strips at his breast bones, looking full and perky as the silicon nipples tented through the silk material like little beacons. Around his wrist was a thick rhinestone bracelet and around his neck a matching choker. In his ears hung huge chandelier rhinestone teardrops and across his right shoulder he grasped a small royal rhinestone latent clutch purse. "Welcome mad 'am," said the driver, taking Sebe's hand as he gingerly stepped into the limo. "Well done, Tatiana," said Mr. Schwartz, handing Sebe a champagne glass and clanking his against it as he was sitting across on the other seat. "Oh Mr. Schwartz," said Sebe, not expecting to see him. "I didn't know you were there sir, but thank you." "I like to stay in the background my dear and allow our people to execute the little details," said Mr. Schwartz, sipping his champagne. "But after such a wonderful day's work and with all we've put you through, I thought you'd deserve a nice dinner. I assume you are famished young lady." "Oh well yes honestly, but they already have me on a pretty strick diet. Salads, fish and some chicken," replied Sebe as his wrist nervously shook, sipping the champagne. "So as much as I'd like to, thank you anyway and thank you for the flowers, sir." "It was nothing, love," said Mr. Schwartz, touching his face. "And a little meat in your diet every once and awhile won't hurt, Tatiana. Plus we couldn't waste this incredible dress you're in for you to go home and have a salad." "I kind of don't know what I'm in anymore, sir," said Sebe, shyly looking down at bling on his wrist. "It's kind of been a world wind of outfits today." "And you looked amazing in every one of them Tatiana, but in this.. well you look absolutely ravishing," said Mr. Schwartz, reaching out and taking Sebe by the hand. "And now you deserve a chance to relax a little and enjoy being the gorgeous woman you were meant to be." Sebe sighed, surprised as Mr. Schwartz pressed down his lips against the back of his hand, planting a soft kiss before letting go. He gave a nervous little smile, keeping silent as he grew immediately worried he had been put in a bad position until thankfully before another word could be uttered, Mr. Schwartz had to pick up a call on his cell phone. Staring out the limo window it was impossible not to watch the huge tear drop crystal-like earrings waver as the car moved or notice glimmer from his high glossed lips. He daydreamed a little while Mr. Schwartz talked business to his caller, quite captivated with having all his red curls pinned up in a striking chic updo. Just a few tendrils hung down touching his shoulders, as amazingly they had rearranged his mass of hair into an sophisticated evening look that couldn't have been more different than anything he'd have been in before. In the back it had been twisted tightly under and pinned elegantly in a stately French roll, exposing his neck yet carefully hiding the seams of the extensions. On top, his curls uncorked beautifully from left to right and then a few long strands streamed down ever so innocently as he could barely recognize himself once again now. He'd already been made to look sexy and even quite sultry, which was all part of the act, but now he found himself stepping from the car as a glamorous young woman as the limo pulled up and the driver opened the door. Before he even knew what hit him, he was being helped from the car by the driver and then Mr. Schwartz hung up his call, joining him on the curb. "Shall we, Tatiana?" said Mr. Schwartz, extending his arm as suddenly Sebe was being led inside for dinner. At least on stage or even when playing the role of Tatiana he knew what he was supposed to do, but there was no script, no tiger or not even a contract at stake now. Instead he was just a girl being taken to dinner as they were led through a restaurant full of patrons and then seated at a table. To his left and his right were couples and groups having expensive dinners as the waiter approached, pouring some wine and then placing a napkin on his lap. "Do you not like red, Tatiana?" Mr. Schwartz asked, sipping his wine and seeing Sebe's nervousness. "No, red is fine sir," said Sebe, grabbing the glass and taking a big sip. "I love red Mr. Schwartz." "Good, me too," said Mr. Schwartz, reaching over and momentarily touching the end of a hanging curl. "And red is absolutely fabulous on you, Tatiana. Not that my stylist team needed to do too much to make you look gorgeous, but I have to say you never cease to amaze me. You look ravishing, my dear." "Thank you," said Sebe, almost feeling his knees knock, completely uncomfortable in the situation and trying to figure a way out. "First you astonish me with your act and not that you didn't look fantastic before, but now I'm absolutely overwhelmed at your beauty," said Mr. Schwartz, opening his menu. "But excuse me for distracting you from the menu, as I know it was a long day and you're starving. Please take a moment and then we'll talk more after we order." "Yes.. thanks," stuttered Sebe, relieved and taking the menu, turning to the salads. "I guess the garden salads look fine." "Nonsense, honey," said Mr. Schwartz, surprising him a bit. "I know we have you on a strict diet, but when we're out together you can cheat a little. In fact we both will." "Oh but I shouldn't, right?" said Sebe, salivating at the steaks and chops. "I don't want to do anything that could jeopardize our contract, sir." "And I shouldn't be out with a beautiful woman without my wife knowing or until the bitch finally divorces me," said Mr. Schwartz emphatically, with a big grin on his face. "Now you should and you will. We both know you're a meat eater like that big cat of yours. Don't we? So please enjoy a nice steak, because I don't like my dinner dates ever leaving on an empty stomach." "Oh... ok?" Sebe replied as everything was spinning in his mind now. "Waiter, the porterhouse for myself and she'll have the petite filet, please," said Mr. Schwartz snapping off the order. "You can have the salad next time we go out." "Medium rare with a touch of pink in the middle please as always I assume sir, and how would like yours Mrs. Schwartz?" asked the waiter. "Ummm." Sebe was caught off guard. "The same please." "Thank you," said the waiter, leaving. "I'll get them right in." "Oh you really are scrumptious, Tatiana and trust me there's never been a Mrs. Schwartz as splendid as the one I see before me," laughed Mr. Schwartz, leaning on his fist looking right into Sebe's eyes. "But we do have a long year ahead of us, so time will tell." "Huuh," Sebe played along smiling, but repulsed at the thought but trying to stay guarded and polite. "Glad we can share a laugh, Tatiana," said Mr. Schwartz, uncomfortably gazing at him sipping wine. "And I do love that you're a meat eater like that big cat of yours. I'm so pleased you'll be enjoying a nice piece of flesh, because I don't like my dinner dates ever leaving on an empty stomach, so such a small steak should leave some room for desert. Shouldn't it?" "Oh well maybe," said Sebe dumbfounded, immediately biting his nails. "That's not going to help control that appetite of yours, Tatiana and we won't want you having those pretty nails being a wreck," said Mr. Schwartz, pulling away Sebe's hand from his teeth and softly touching his fingers. "Those nails are really something to behold, and so are you Tatiana. Come, let's go for a little stroll while we wait for our salads." This all couldn't be happening he thought as he was suddenly being led by the hand by Mr. Schwartz from their table. There'd be nothing Sebe could do as he was led between tables palm in palm now and then entered the next room. The moment he looked up, they were suddenly in a grand ballroom and stepping down on a somewhat crowded dance floor. "Sir, I really can't dance too well," Sebe started to completely panic as he realized Mr. Schwartz's fingers were between his. "Don't worry dear, I don't dance that well either, but I'll lead and you just follow," said Mr. Schwartz, and suddenly his other hand was on Sebe's back. "Sir, please I don't want to embarrass you." Sebe tried anything to get out of it. "Or us." "On the contrary young lady, you've only enriched my life," said Mr. Schwartz, pulling him close and beginning to dance. "Relax and enjoy a song or two and once you begin your training tomorrow, you'll never worry about dancing again." "Oh boy," sighed Sebe as he found himself looking right into Mr. Schwartz's eye as he uneasily smiled at him, trying to convince himself to stay calm as it was only a dance with the boss. He could feel Mr. Schwartz's entire hand stretched wide open on his backbone as the backless dress allowed him to cradle his flesh. Just the softest movements of his fingers with each step as they turned sent chills down his spine, as the tips of his fingerprints wiggled between vertebrae as his hand ever so gently rode up and down his back. He wanted to run when Mr. Schwartz's moved his hand from his back touching his face and then swept some stray curls from his eyes, but instead it was like he looked through him. When he dipped his face toward Sebe's, he was completely paralyzed in fear, with his lips inches away, as all he could do was close his eyes and prepare for a kiss that never came. Instead, all he sensed was him sniffing the perfume from his neck as he popped open his eyes, relieved to receive only the softest kiss on his neck. "You did wonderfully, Tatiana. You ready," said Mr. Schwartz, picking up his head and looking him right in the eyes "Our salads should be there by now, unless you'd like one more dance." "No, I'm good," smiled Sebe, pushing back and breathing out a sigh. "Excellent," said Mr. Schwartz, taking him by the hand and leading him off the dance floor. "But isn't it the other way?" Sebe asked,looking around as they headed away from the restaurant area. "Yes, I've just got someone I'd like you to meet first," said Mr. Schwartz, as Sebe was thrown off guard. "Zac, meet Tatiana. Tatiana, I'm sure you must recognize one of my best clients, Mr. Efron?" "Well hi Tatiana," said Zac smiling as he took his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you." "Wow, hello!" said Sebe, totally shocked as his jaw dropped, meeting a celebrity and shaking hands. "Wow... ah .. Hi." "So Tatiana, I didn't mention this because I didn't want you to be nervous but we're about to do a few publicity shots with Zac," said Mr. Schwartz. "This will only take two minutes, but they'll need to be two minutes of your best acting ok? Gentlemen ready please?" Sebe now looked over, seeing a photographer to his left and another to his right, snapping shots of him and then with Zach in the frame. "Oh?" said Sebe, totally taken aback. "Ok, sure what do I do?" "Nothing, gorgeous," said Zach. "Just follow my lead and I promise this won't be too painful." In a blink of an eye, he found himself holding hands with Zac and being led away from the cameras and they were seated in a booth. His eyes almost popped from his head as suddenly he realized Zach had his arm around his shoulder and then Sebe was being coached to giggle and smile back like some silly school girl, at the cameras. Within just a few moments, he understood the uneasy awkward emotions that girls experience, nervously anticipating a boy's next move, but that was short lived as Zac was soon was right in his face. Gazing into his big blue eyes, he was almost mesmerized by the moment and his breath smelled like spearmint instead of alcohol. He felt light headed as Zac dipped his head and then the most tender touch of his lips against Sebe's neck and then bare shoulder. He couldn't believe how his senses had been so heightened, as Zac's lips then pressed against his and suddenly he was being tenderly kissed by this mega heartthrob. He was like jelly in Zac's arms, as he had a much stronger grasp than Mr. Schwartz, as he never knew what hit him now as Zac's tongue entered his mouth. He was stocky and muscular as his bicep bulged against Sebe's bare back, holding him firmly as he controlled every second of the passion, swirling their tongues together. He couldn't believe this was his acting assignment, as this seemed all to surreal, until he was ready to jump from his chair, feeling something begin to strain inside his own panties. That couldn't be happening, he fretted, feeling confused yet consumed as finally Zac let him up for air, sensing his nervousness, and then it became more intense as Zach's tongue entered his ear. Just one moment of hot breath elicited an involuntary moan from Sebe as Zach lifted him onto his lap and returned his lips to his. It was a sensation he had never felt before, being cradled by a muscular hunk as his tongue searched for Sebe's tonsils and then he felt Zach come to life, stiffening right under his ass. Then finally Zach lessened his grip and slowly eased back from their lip lock, realizing it was getting heavier than expected. "Wow, Tatiana," gasped Zac, as they finally broke the kiss, leaning back looking into his eyes, flicking his eye brows. "That was sweet. You are one red hot tamale, aren't you?" "Oh... Thanks," whispered Sebe softly as his face was complexly flushED, sliding off his lap, almost not sure what hit him. "How was that?" asked Zac, looking over at Mr. Schwartz, catching his breath. "Steamy enough for you?" "Perfect, that'll do! You never cease to amaze with the ladies, Zac," said Mr. Schwartz, as Zac returned Sebe softly to his seat and wiped the lipstick from his face. "And for you, Tatiana?" "Uumm," said Sebe, still somewhat in shock. "Not the type of acting I thought I'd be doing I guess." "Well you aced the audition, Tatiana," said Mr. Schwartz, as Zac got up and they shook hands. "And thanks again, Zac. Don't gamble too much tonight, and see you on Thursday for our pre-production meeting to your next movie." "Excellent! You know I'm always here for you anytime you've got a pretty girl, and I'm between steady girlfriends. See you around Tatiana, and that was fun," said Zac, pecking a kiss on Sebe's cheek and waving goodbye as his body guards stepped in. "Great job girl and good luck with the show. I'll come check it out one night, and I'm sure you'll be sizzling in it." "Sure anytime," replied Sebe, uncomfortably smiling and completely star struck and in denial of what just happened, as he stared at his lip gloss on Zac's face. Even though he knew it was just acting, he was pretty visibly shaken that he had just kissed a boy and even more so that he just made out with a celebrity. Did he actually enjoy it he wondered, or was his body as confused as his mind as he tried gathering his thoughts. "Our salads should be out, Tatiana," said Mr. Schwartz, holding out his arm. "Shall we dear?" "Oh.. sure," said Sebe, trying to shake the cobwebs from his head as he was still sitting aimlessly in the booth. It almost didn't matter anymore being led back to the table with Mr. Schwartz as he sat quietly the rest of the dinner, barely eating his meal. He took little bites here and there, having no appetite when he should have been starving, instead graciously speaking when spoken to. "Did you not like it, Tatiana?" Mr. Schwartz asked as they took away the plates. "Certainly you must have room for some dessert?" "I'm feeling a little queasy, sir," said Sebe, sick to his stomach. "Maybe some other time, ok?" "Of course dear," said Mr. Schwartz. "I'll plan another dinner date when you're back from training." "Thank you," said Sebe, happily tossing his napkin on the table. "I think it's just that I'm exhausted, sir." "I'm sorry. You must be," said Mr. Schwartz, signaling for the check. "How inconsiderate of me with all you've done today. Modeling! Acting! And then a late night. You'll be more adjusted the next time I take you out. Come dear, let's get you home." Just like that the night was over and he'd be heading home. He happily got up from the table, taking Mr. Schwartz's arm. The late night breeze was actually refreshing when they stepped outside and then into the limo, as he thankfully stepped inside. He gazed out the window quietly as immediately Mr. Schwartz was back on the phone taking business. Between the boring conversation and the car's vibration, his eyes felt heavy and he found himself dozing off. "Tatiana," said Mr. Schwartz, shaking his shoulder. "Wake up sweetie. You're home." "Huuuhh," said Sebe, opening his eyes and looking up, seeing Mr. Schwartz's chin. "Oh sorry I guess I..." "It's ok, love," said Mr. Schwartz, as Sebe realized he had had fallen off asleep against him. As he leaned back, he quickly realized Mr. Schwartz had his arm around him, cradling him while he napped, and Sebe's head was resting on his shoulder. As he sat straight up, he was quickly reminded of his situation, feeling his fingers across his Sebe's bare spine as he grabbed his purse as the driver opened the door. "Oh good night sir, and thanks for dinner and uuummm... everything," said Sebe as Mr. Schwartz handed him his bouquet. "No, thank you Tatiana, and it was a pleasure," said Mr. Schwartz, softly taking his hand and kissing his wrist. "Good night dear, and good luck at training. I'll try to check in on you when I can." "Ok sounds good," said Sebe, relieved to be stepping from the car and heading inside. "Well, that's some dress, honey," said Yelena as Sebe came in the door, looking exhausted. "And flowers? How lovely?" "Oh, I didn't expect you up, mom?" said Sebe, surprised to see her there waiting. "I'm sure you didn't," said Yelena, patting the chair next to her for him to come sit down. "So maybe you'd like to explain where you've been?" "Mom, please I'm exhausted," whined Sebe, reluctantly plopping down at the table next to her, dropping his bouquet on the table. "Please just help me out of this thing, and we'll talk in the morning." "Fine, but I was worried so I called and they told me you were out celebrating with management," said his mother as she began pulling the pins from the back of his hair. "I've no issue with that of course, as obviously things seemed to have gone fantastic today. Plus they seem smitten with you, but I'd appreciate a call so I'm not worried sick." "Mom, I didn't expect any of it," said Sebe as pin after pin tingled, hitting the table. "It was just dinner really." "A call would still be nice, and I've been worried after all you've been through," said his mother, shaking her fingers through his hair. "This is some head of hair you've got now." "I'm ok," said Sebe, feeling a sigh of relief as he pulled off his heels. "Ahhh that feels good." "I bet," said his mother, unclasping the dress at the back of his neck as it just fell right to the floor. "I left clean pj's on your bed for you. Go wash off all that makeup, sleep with your hair in a pony and I'll wake you in the morning before we all go on our way." "Thanks, mom," said Sebe as they hugged and off he went. He was already used to being in silk pjs as he changed and was out like a light the minute he hit his bed, completely exhausted. In the morning, his mother shook him awake as he looked over glancing at the clock and turned over, trying to ignore her. "Get up and come have some breakfast!" said Yelena, gently pinching him. "Your father and I need to have a word with you before we leave, and you need to shower. Now move because they'll be picking you up by eight thirty, and it's already seven." "Ohhh! Fine," mumbled a groggy Sebe as his mother pulled off his covers. A short night of sleep just wasn't enough for him as he wandered into the kitchen, awakened by the bright lights as his mother handed him some juice and he sat at the table. "So how was dinner last night for Miss Tatiana?" asked his father, with his face buried inside the newspaper as he was holding it up, reading. "Fine," mumbled Sebe, seeing his flowers in a vase on the counter. "So you enjoyed yourself then?" his father asked while Sebe stuffed some eggs in his mouth. "I don't know," said Sebe. "Just business, really." "Interesting business at all hours of the night," said his father. "But I guess this is Vegas now, so things are very different." "Yeah, I guess," said Sebe, sipping his coffee. "So, is there anything I should know about business that you'd like to tell us about that came out of last night?" said his father. "Because last time I heard, I made our business decision for the family right?" "Of course you do dad," replied Sebe, rolling his eyes as his father flipped the pages over still reading. "Glad that's straight then, because no one gave me flowers," said Sergei, sarcastically. "Now how about was there anything relevant, since all I've heard so far was that you pranced around in some little skimpy dress in the middle of the night quite buzzed, with not much business talk?" "Dad, you know they dressed me in it," Whined Sebe, getting defensive. "You know I didn't pick any of this shit, and it was really more a night out as a reward that Mr. Schwartz said I earned for working so hard. I didn't know anything about it and then the next thing I knew I was in a limo on my way to dinner I guess, like any other girl?" "Ok, I'm just making sure, because they told us they'd waste no time publicizing the show and trying to create a buzz," said his father, dropping down the pages and looking at him. "Thing is, I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make all this work, and then how to eventually get you out of it, but I guess I'm not going to worry about it anymore because I didn't realize you were like any other girl? "What does that mean, dad?" asked Sebe. "I'm sorry I didn't call and got mom worried, but you know I didn't mean it like that." "You sure about that, because I guess your mother and I are learning too about what we should expect from our daughter. I certainly didn't think she'd be like every other girl, but it seems I've been mistaken," said Sergei, pushing the newspaper at him. "You see this part would have been nice to know, because obviously they didn't need to do much to draw attention to our show, because it only took you one night out on the prowl to already begin creating the buzz yourself! You know, like any other drunken slutty girl would, right?" "Holy shit!" gulped Sebe, swallowing hard as his father snapped his finger against the picture on the second page of the paper. "That's not what it looks like dad, and I was going to tell you and mom about that." "Really? And when was that? This should be interesting to hear?" said his father. "I'm all ears SON, or should I just say Miss every other girl?" "Stop it Sergei! Honey, dad's just shocked but we love you and we're fine with anything you want honey," said Yelena, hugging him and then looking into his eyes. "You and I have talked constantly through all this, so we just thought you were doing all this for us but's its ok if you weren't. You know I love you and I'd rather you didn't lie to us." "Mooomm." Sebe began losing his cool. "Honey, stay calm," said Yelena, holding his shoulders. "I'm not shocked as you're so natural at this, and I just didn't expect it this fast. Especially a boyfriend, but he's so gorgeous so who could blame you?" "Mom! Stop it!" screamed Sebe, stepping back. "He's not my boyfriend! It's not like that!" "Then I guess that isn't you cuddling and giggling at a booth. Oh and then that must be some other redhead with her tongue halfway down his throat, right?" said his father. "Maybe I need glasses then?" "Well... ummm?" shivered Sebe. "It all happened so fast dad!" "Well let me refresh your memory, maybe," said Sergei, reading the article now. "Known playboy Zac Efron was spotted last night with his new tantalizing flame, as the identity of his mystery girl has been revealed as upcoming Vegas headliner Tatiana Tarcovic. The cozy couple was snapped during a steamy lengthy lip lock that left little to the imagination, yet our sources say that this was just par for the course for the performer, as recently she was linked to two other well-known heartthrobs, as she's seemingly got an insatiable appetite for the hunks with six packs. Seen in the picture in a Versace halter dress flaunting her body, which is as hot as her flamboyant fire engine signature hair color, she's certainly wasted no time making herself known to the scene here on the Vegas strip. The sexy vixen's new show, The Tiger Temptress, is expected to be one of the hottest tickets in town when it goes on sale next week, and by then there's no telling how many boy toys this predator will go through, so stay tuned as we're sure to find her fangs sunk into someone succulent again soon." He had no idea what to say, completely flabbergasted that his picture had been plastered all over the newspapers for all to see, and even worse that he had been painted as the new slut in town. "Dad, none of that is true," yelped Sebe, shaking as he spoke. "Well the Zac part is kind of true, but it was just a publicity thing they set up, and what happened I never expected." "We get it, honey," said his mother, trying to calm him down. "It's ok. Go easy Sergei. It's enough pressure just trying to be like every other girl and learn so much so fast. Everything's fine." "I'm sorry, you're right dear," said Sergei, nodding at Yelena. "They say there's no such thing as bad publicity, and if they were trying to create a buzz it looks like they've started one." "Exactly! We mustn't forget this is show business 24/7 now, and like it or not, that's what we've all signed up for," said Yelena, kissing Sebe's cheek and squeezing him, hugging him tightly. "I know," said Sebe, looking down at the shots, beyond embarrassed. "But the Tiger Temptress. When did that name come out?" "The same time you came out I guess, because that part is new to me too," said his father, scratching his head. "But you knew you were going to be the headliner?" "And trust me, half the girls on the planet are jealous of you right now! He's so dreamy." Yelena playfully tickled Sebe for a moment. "Now finish your eggs and then go take a shower. We've all got a busy day, and they said for you to just get dressed casually with no makeup and they'd take it from there." "Whatever?" mumbled Sebe, not even knowing how to address any of it anyway as he went back to having breakfast as his parent scurried off to get ready. When Sebe left the table, he gargled with mouthwash and brushed his teeth twice, unable to shake Zac's breath from his mind now. He put his hair under a cap and washed thoroughly, noticing his breasts were glued on well before coming out to get dressed. He got ready quickly, slipping into a soft pink lacey bra and matching bikini cut panty that his mother laid out for him on the bed. From his door knob hung a casual outfit as he slipped into as the black slacks and peach blouse his mother selected. He was already used to putting his hair in a high pony, but now he had twice the amount, as wild curls were still somewhat loosely present as they swung in a messy thick style behind his head. When the doorbell rang, he stepped into his little black flats and grabbed his purse running the door as ready or not he was off to work. "Good morning, Tatiana," said Frankie, handing him a coffee as he got in the back of his town car. "Oh hi Frankie," said Sebe. "I didn't know I'd be seeing you today, but my mom did tell me not to wear any makeup and just come out casual." "Oh, my team and many more will be with you for the next two weeks straight at the resort we'll be staying at," said Frankie. "I figured enjoy this last coffee, because after today that will be a no no during all your training and events." "Resort?" asked Sebe, confused as he looked at Frankie. "Yes, dear that's what we call it, but its not exactly a vacation," said Frankie, taking out a folder and handing it to Sebe. "Here's your published daily agenda, but I know there's a few surprises they haven't listed. It may seem like a lot, but you'll work hard, be pampered at times, and once we're done I'm sure you'll be ready for rehearsal. So sip that coffee while you can, because once it's done this is all business and I'll need you to hand over your phone, because there will be no distractions from this point forward." "Sure," said Sebe, handing over his cell as he almost shit his pants reading through the entire agenda as hour by hour his day had been planned from dawn until dusk. "But I'm supposed to check in with my mother every day as I just got in trouble for not doing that yesterday. I'll get it back later, so I can do that right?" "We'll figure it out, honey and we'll keep you out of trouble," said Frankie, tapping his thigh with a giggle. His sixteen hours of planned activities began by getting up and doing aerobics at six every morning, and had him spending two three hour sessions twice a day in dance class. He'd spend forty five minutes each morning and then afternoon with Tosha, keeping the big cat trained and working in the new tricks. He'd have a series of daily lessons on beauty and feminine movement, and had time allocated each day for different procedures. Between whitening his teeth, laser removal of his facial and body hair, and some medical terms he didn't understand, there would be little time to make a fuss about anything. Before dinner each day, two hours were booked solid alternating between manicures, spa treatments, or having his hair done. The five o'clock pampering each day was seemingly his down time, because after dinner each night he had boutiques scheduled to try on outfits, followed by planned appearances promoting the show. He was getting a crash course as a Vegas starlet, knowing this was coming yet never realizing how much it entailed. Sleeping every night in a tight body shaper to trim his waist was a lot harder than in silk pajamas, and being trained to dance in heels for hours that he just learned to walk in, was even worse. The first week was exhausting both mentally and physically, yet by the second he was growing accustomed to the pace and rigors. He became used to having some staged dinners or cocktails with headliners and eligible young bachelors, knowing full well this was more publicity to build up to the show. After about ten days after his dance lessons had begun, he could wiggle and grind on command like the sultriest of women. Dancing in the clubs for the paparazzi now no longer bothered him, and was almost immune now to whom he'd be kissing. After fourteen days of training and further refinement of his image, they were finally headed back to be reunited with his family that he had only been allowed to communicate via passed on verbal messages, hearing that they missed him but everyone was fine. He had lost sixteen pounds from his already thin frame, looking ever so trim and fit. He was down almost 2 dress sizes, as his previous costumes had to be altered but that really didn't matter as he was right on track with what his stylists expected. After his six am work, out he was showered and ready to go as Frankie came in and blew out his hair. He had conquered most of his training, looking forward to the show and seeing his family as he was homesick, looking forward to seeing them. "So, I think you're ready for the next step, honey," said Frankie, putting down the blow dryer and making up his eyes. "Don't you?" "Yes, I'm excited and nervous, honestly," said Sebe, taking the wand and coating his lashes. "I'm excited to see my family, and I really can't wait to rehearse now and see how it all comes together." "It's going to be spectacular," said Frankie, handing him his blush brush to do himself. "I'm so proud of you." "Thanks, I feel comfortable I can handle the basics, and I can't thank you enough," said Sebe, hugging him. "But we're a team, and I can maybe do a little casual makeup, but you make me look amazing. I still can hardly believe it honestly." "Thanks!" said Frankie, feeling touched. "But having no facial hair now didn't hurt either, and before you get too excited, we need to make some changes for today!" "Changes? What changes?" asked Sebe, touching his face. "Are you kidding?" "No, the thing is, the boss doesn't want you photographed going into the hospital because that'll draw attention and questions we don't want," said Frankie, opening a door, revealing a shelf of wigs. "Just a little disguise and you can go see your family, get your final bill of health and no one will be the wiser." "Wow, who knew people would even be watching?" asked Sebe, surprised. "Really I doubt they are at this point, since your show hasn't even started yet, and most of your publicity has been scheduled in advance," replied Frankie, taking down a few wigs and trying to make a selection. "But keep kissing as many celebs as you have recently, and trust me they'll start watching all the time." "Uhhh!" sighed Sebe, slapping his forehead. "Understood." "So I was thinking..... since it's like you've just graduated, let's put you in something cute and fun," said Frankie, fishing through the clothes racks. "Ah yes! You easily pass for some cute little college girl anyway" "Really?" said Sebe, somewhat in tune with fashion now. "Isn't that kinda...?" "Kinda short? Maybe? But kinda cute on you! Definitely!" said Frankie, holding it up. "Plus remember you'll be seeing the doctor, so we've got do a skirt that won't show your little friend down there, since we'll have to keep him untucked for your exam. Then seeing your parents, plus the boss, so at least you'll feel comfortable. Did you expect to go there in an evening gown or one of your club dresses!" "Oh, well then I guess it'll work right?" said Sebe, nodding and giggling. "Right now I'm so excited I'd go there in a bikini!" "I bet, but I wouldn't let Mr. Schwartz hear that if I were you!" said Frankie as they both cracked up, laughing. "As it is, I still need to dress you in something that he'll approve of and this will work for today's agenda. Now let's moving please." Frankie was right that Sebe felt almost like a school girl that had graduated from high school, ready to ship out to college for his first day with his belly full of excitement, yet still some butterflies. He had mastered the basics of being that young pretty woman that everyone admired, and now it was time to spread his wings, finding a balance between the diva persona portrayed in the press and the serious actress and showgirl headlining the act. It took only five minutes as he stepped into a short, black, flaring skater skirt and then slipped his arms inside an ivory tapered crop shirt blouse. Once the short untucked blouse was buttoned all the way up in front, a black ribbon was looped under the collar and then tied neatly in a dainty bow. Next he slipped his arms then into a short cropped jacket and then some suede thigh high heeled boots really jazzed up the outfit. As Frankie zipped up the inside hidden closure and folded them over just above the knee, Sebe was quite taken by how different he felt, almost like he was a different character. Frankie had him sit now as he brushed and sectioned his hair quite quickly, as never did he expect him to put half his hair in a high pony on top and then twist the rest in another in the back. A few spins and a couple of pins later, and then the ponies had been flattened and matted down before Frankie slid on a nude wig cap to cover his red locks. Again he held up a few Styrofoam heads next to Sebe's and then made a selection as it felt weird having the wig slipped on as Frankie completed his disguise. "Wow," screamed Sebe, seemingly pleased. "First a redhead, now this. I really do look like a college girl. My father won't even recognize me, and I think my mother will freak!" "It's adorable on you," said Frankie, taking a brush to his wig and adjusting it. This was definitely not a look he was used to, but understood a little about fashion now, so he could appreciate himself in a Nasty Gal Bonjour Bow Blouse and a Bebe skater skirt. Spikey knee high boots though were already a staple in his wardrobe by now, as he slid his hand over his flitry skirt, satisfied there was no bulge, but he was probably mostly excited to see himself as a blonde in his new wig. It was a subtle, multi-tonal natural dirty blonde color, with brow covering bangs and a collar bone length. The simple pin straight style bob style had a basic middle part behind the chic bangs, and the smooth sides were slightly shorter in the back as they ever so slightly angled forward. Frankie now slid on a super thin black headband atop his head as it pieced through his faux locks and sat there, serving only as a purely decorative accessory. It had the tiniest offset bow all the way on the right, which perfectly accented the one around his neck and serving to only further emphasis his youthful look. After a few items were tossed in his bag, Frankie handed him a little black hobo purse, and quickly he was on his way to the hospital in a cab instead of his normal ride. When he got there, he found himself looking around as he stepped from his car service as seemingly no one paid him any mind as he walked inside and navigated towards their rooms. "Hey mom," said Sebe, startling his parents as his father was half asleep and his mother was watching television. "How are you feeling!" "Oh my gawd honey!" yelled his mother, outstretching her arms. "I barely believed it was you last time I saw you, but now look at you." "It's just a wig, mom," said Sebe, hugging her. "They didn't want me drawing any attention at the hospital." "We've heard," said Yelena, kissing him and hugging him tightly. "Red, blonde, whatever! You look incredible, and you even lost some weight! I miss you so much, and you're ok, right?" "I'm fine," said Sebe as finally she let go. "I'm on strict diets, and been going non-stop with class and training all day and night. I wanted to come here sooner when I heard you were both still in the hospital, but I didn't even know where you were and they won't let me." "Don't worry! We know everything and we're updated constantly," grumbled his father. "But come let me see you." As he went over, his father hugged him, half weeping with happiness as the normally tough guy was never happier to see him. "Are you sure you guys are ok, now?" said Sebe getting worried. "Shouldn't you have been out of here already?" "We're fine. It's just when you get to our age the little nips and tucks can take a little longer than expected, but your dad's going to look ten years younger once the bandages are off," said his mother, smiling. "Plus I figured since they're paying and I've got be here with him anyway, that I may as well do it all. Look, my boobs are finally back up where they belong and there's no longer a bag under these old eyes." "Ok, that's more than I need to know, mom," said Sebe, feeling relieved that his parents were ok. "Just glad everyone's fine." "We are, and if I can't tell my pretty daughter things like that, then who can I tell?" Winked his mother, taking his hand and squeezing it. "Now tell me everything about training and don't be embarrassed. I know all the stuff they've put you up to and we love you for it." "Mom, you really want to know about all that?" asked Sebe, turning red. "It was dance and girly training and a lot of weird stuff I never expected." "Don't pressure her Yelena, and we're so proud that you did what you had to do," said his father, seeing him struggle. "In a couple months, we'll be knocking them dead on stage and from what they're saying with the buzz you've created, we're already ahead of the anticipated ticket sales, so obviously these people know what they're doing." "Excuse me, Tatiana, your doctor is ready for you?" said a nurse, interrupting them. "Ok, gottta go mom, dad," said Sebe, hugging his parents. "I'll see you after they're done with me." He followed the nurse down the hall and into a small examining room. He really wasn't worried about being examined or passing his physical, as he was in tip top shape and it was quickly underway. Giving some blood and going through a battery of tests was fine, as he easily aced all that they did. Blood pressure, being weighed and a few last minor tests were nothing for him as he had been poked at by his stylists for weeks by now. "Ok, the doctor will be in in a moment, honey," said the nurse, jotting things on a chart. "Unbutton your blouse, but you can keep your bra on for now and panties off please." He had been naked for so many people by now it didn't even matter anymore. It was really more embarrassing when the doctor came in, as he was stepping out of his panties and then sat patiently on the paper cover chair as the doctor began reclining the legs. "So how are we doing, Tatiana?" asked the doctor as he placed Sebe's legs in some stirrups and separated them. "Fine, thank you?" replied Sebe as quickly he had been partially reclined as the doctor was shining the light in each eye. "Well, you seem to be adapting well to everything, Tatiana," said the doctor, holding a stick out. "Open wide dear, and say Ahhhh." "Yes sir," said Sebe, before sticking out his tongue. "Ahhhhh." "Wonderful," said the doctor, putting down the tongue depressor and then looking inside his blouse. Never did he expect the doctor to quickly unhook the middle clip and then move the stethoscope across his chest. It was nothing really too abnormal as he listened to his heart and chest everywhere before feeling under his arms and then at his back. When he finished, he re-fastened the clip and then stepped back, snapping on some gloves. He then lifted his skirt and pressed a button, elevating his backside and widening his legs. He was already accustomed to being manhandled down there when they tucked him, but instead now the doctor flipped his balls and penis like they were barely attached, until he was satisfied and then surprised Sebe as he felt something wet at his butt hole. "Whooaaahh," gulped Sebe, tensing up, feeling one finger poke into his butt hole. "Breathe in and hold it, Tatiana," ordered the doctor as the second finger went in. "This will only be weird for a minute, until yours muscles have a chance to relax." "Ok," gulped Sebe, before finally exhaling as he pulled them out and then took off his gloves. "Excellent, Tatiana! Clean bill of health so far, and I'm sure all your tests will come back perfectly," said the doctor as Sebe looked over, seeing him inject a needle into a vile. "Smart girl taking your strides towards intimacy slowly, and I expect you to easily ace the full physical tomorrow. Now one routine shot and we'll see you in the morning, Miss Tarcovic." "Ok?" said Sebe, expecting no issues as he felt a little pinch in his left thigh. "You can finish re-dressing, and I'll see you the morning, and then we'll get you right on the treadmill and then we'll be doing those pretty lips of yours once the full physical has been completed," said the doctor, lowering his legs. "My lips?" Sebe responded, surprised as the back of the chair moved up and then the doctor lifted his chin once fully elevated. "It's just a little collagen, as they decided to give them a fuller look," said the doctor, inspecting Sebe's lips with his fingers and then writing down things on his chart. "The stuff wears off in time, but I agree a little plumping will look wonderful on you. You can get dressed now." "I see," gulped Sebe. He quickly re-buttoned his blouse and was back in his panties as the nurse came in. "Your car is here, dear," stated the nurse, holding open the door. "You all set?" "Oh, I thought I'd be seeing my parents again?" said Sebe. "Sorry, Miss Tarcovic," said the nurse. "Visiting hours are over, and I'm told your car awaits." "Ok then," said Sebe, happily leaving the room and being lead outside. That needle sting just a bit as he stepped outside, rubbing the spot gingerly under his skirt and stepped through the automated glass door, looking forward to finally sleeping at home in his own bed. He looked around, expecting a car and then stopped dead in his tracks, surprised it was the big white limo and he knew what that meant, as the driver awaited him holding open the door as he stepped inside. "Miss Tarcovic, this way please," said the driver, holding open the door. "Now what?" mumbled Sebe to himself, before putting on his best smile as he turned heading that way.

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Just Another 3 Ring Circus 5

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 7

Well, maybe "hurt" wasn't the right word. There was no penetration, but his hand continued to sting for some time from the bullet's impact. "Storm Who Walks, why does my hand hurt so bad, even though the bullet did not penetrate the shield?" "I was just told that what you feel is the residual energy from the bullet. The energy had to go somewhere when your shield stopped the bullet, and it showed up mostly as heat, which you are still feeling. Pour some cool water over your hand, and...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 15

Even though Fire Bringer and Shadow had subdued the major hate groups, they were unable to do much to control the actions of individuals. Negroes were still casually persecuted by many people who didn't even realize what they were doing. Often, what they did was simply a case of unconscious habit—they were treating Negroes the same way they had done when these people were slaves, and skin color overrode everything else. It was a damned stupid way to act, but all people are like that. The...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 00

Introduction – Author’s notes about ‘The Wanderings of Amy’ and other erotic discipline fiction The ‘Wanderings of Amy’ was my first effort to write fiction of any sort. I had prior experience writing works of non-fiction, journalism, and academic research. However, I had always wanted to write fiction and have had ideas for a couple of political novels for many years. During the summer of 2002, for reasons I myself do not understand, I started to write a story in which I sought to explore a...

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Just Another 3 Ring Circus 3

Just Another 3 Ring Circus By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 3 Sebe was becoming pissed at himself as he couldn't shake the taste from his mouth, thinking he had just been deceived into doing the most disgusting act of his life for nothing as he followed the secretary down the hall. He was trying to keep his emotions in check, not sure how this had gone so wrong, but with every step he began to get more infuriated. As he turned into the conference room, he was trying...

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Populationregulating slaughtering

Population-regulating slaughtering By RotnebSynopsis: Because of necessary population-regulation, a quarter of all girls aged eighteen years were selected as naked slaughter animals. After two month at the Meat Collecting Farm Tina were loaded to the slaughterhouse together with other naked slaughter animals.The story is only fantasy.The road to the slaughterhouse Tina was nervous as she was to exam. She and the other naked girls had spending two good months at the farm. Okay the girls have...

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Justine pays

?Graymangazer2014-03-20                                                                 Justine pays.                                                           By Graymangazer Although this is a non consensual story, it’s not in any way cruel or heavy. It’s based on a simple idea from slave Kandi (you know who you are) and not to be taken too seriously. Please feel free to comment or email to [email protected] walked into the deserted country park, at least she hoped it was...

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Justine had always known she was strange. She was diminutive, only four feet six tall, but her tits had always looked too nig for her. 36D on such a small frame always made sure she got started at. She had dated. Many times. But never dated the same man more than three nights. If they wanted sex, they could have it, if they didn’t, it didn’t matter to her. She never got anything from it anyway. Her only orgasms had come at her own hands. She even let men arse fuck her, as that was supposed to...

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The Collaring of Pet

 "Master, can I be your slave...permanently?" That was the question that began our new life together. It is a question that still rings in my ears all these years later. She asked the question of me that Saturday evening after making the statement to me the night before, that she wanted to know more about the D/s lifestyle that attracted me so much. She had tasted it, and found that she, too, had a penchant for the 'Dark Side' as a submissive. And she decided she wanted more. She wanted to take...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 13

Fire Bringer spent most of the winter of 1871-72 at the Flying M Ranch, and as much of that time as possible in the company of Maria. Juanita was not surprised, in fact she was expecting it, when the two started talking of making their attachment permanent. They were both 16 years old, or so close that it made no difference, and this was considered marriageable age for both male and female, provided they could afford it. Money was certainly no problem, so Juanita just let nature take its...

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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

4 years ago
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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

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Justine Cocktails

The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door.  Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door.  “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...

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Justine The Maid

The next few days were bliss.  Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops.  Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman.  She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees.  Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...

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Justines introduction to Sir Cy

Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...

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Justine Nephew to Niece

For Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise.   Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on.  She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings.  It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...

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Bowstring and Steel 1 and 2Chapter 2 The Crown and the Ring

With the assassination thwarted, Empress Raelina convinced me not to resign as a Ranger, but to take on a diplomatic mission for her. Hanelor was to go with me after she finished her Final Confession and Resignation. She had went with Jalin to the Temple of Harsk here in Arethias Castle to proceed with her business. Denna sat with me in my and Hanelor's room as we drank to absent companions. "To Halas," she said with a sad smile. "May he rest among the trees, and return to me in the...

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Just one of THE boys ringed

At 23 I had it all. A good job, a good body and a rich girlfriend. Then I had to go and fuck it all up and now I'm paying the price.I met Lisa not long after I got out of the army. The six year stint I'd done had made me pretty fit and I didn't have much trouble picking up women almost anytime I wanted them. I liked my job at a construction company (still do), it was hard work and outdoors but that's what I liked about it. Working out three times a week kept me fit as well.There was something...

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Reality and the Ring

Reality and the Ring By Cleo Kraft My Uncle's collection of old junk in his attic included a few odd trinkets and rare artifacts of mysterious origin. Of these were a series of rings in small velvet ring boxes packed one on top of the other and side by side inside a large oaken jewelry box. There were a few hastily written notes on a tattered old document inside, including how to remove one of these rings should it become stuck on your finger. Each ring was magic and could change...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 4

Bobby's descent out the window was a little bumpy, but he didn't hit anything on the way down. The trip was bumpy because he kept hanging in air and having to push himself down—gravity just had no effect! However, once he was a few inches from the ground, he released his mental control and fell that last little distance. He hit with no more force than if he had originally jumped to the ground from that few inches of height, so he was not jarred by the impact. Bobby detected somebody leaning...

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Ring on the Changes

This story was custom written to Circe's specifications as a prize for my fourth story contest. Ring on the Changes By Morpheus The Dragon's Trove was located in an old, red brick building, with a large window in the front that had a carefully painted picture of a dragon wrapped around a large pile of books on it. Within the used bookstore, only half of it was filled with the books that the sign represented and more than half of these were of the science fiction or fantasy genre,...

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The Ring

The Ring Synopsis: A magical ring has different effects on two friends. My life would have turned out WAY different if I had just lived a few blocks farther away from my high school. But I'm getting ahead of myself .......... Mack and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We grew up in the same neighborhood, were in the same classes in middle school and now high school, played on the same Little League and Pop Warner Football teams, and now that we're juniors in high...

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The Eternity Ring

****Please Read This First****Let's get this clear. There is no, repeat no, BDSM or any sort in this story. Nor, for that matter, is there more than a smattering of sex in it. Certainly no more than in the average chick lit, nowadays. At it's heart it's a Butch/Femme lesbian love story but, that's it, nothing more. So,if you're looking for hot girl-on-girl action with lots on n/c D/s play, sorry, not this time.So, having said all that, why am I posting it at the BDSM Library when it's not a...

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Just Another 3 Ring Circus 2

Just Another 3 Ring Circus By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 2 Before he could even gulp, he watched his father motion towards the curtain and knew what it meant, as suddenly Tosha's chain was being handed to him. When the curtain opened, his legs felt like jello yet there would be no moment of hesitation as Tosha knew her cue as well as anyone, stepping forward under the spotlight. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the beautiful Tatiana and her amazing Siberian...

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The Magicians Ring

The Magician's Ring Chapter 1: 18-year-old Sara glanced up from the book she was reading as her boyfriend Brian threw his tray onto the cafeteria table. "Something the matter?" she asked. "Yes!" he growled, "I've had a really rotten day. First Mr. Thompson assigned a thousand hours of homework!" She frowned. "So, we're not going to the movies tonight?" He shook his head. "W..why can't you just do it tomorrow? It's Saturday, you've got the..." He shook his head again....

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The Shifters Ring

THE SHIFTER'S RING Awakening By Zapper *** Part One Kevin's Point of View *** I glanced over at my girlfriend Brittany, her blonde hair shining softly in the late afternoon light. She was so pretty, she still took my breath away, her body seemed like it had...

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