Studying In Singapore free porn video

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University was a lot different than I expected. In movies and TV shows, there were huge parties with students drinking until they could no longer walk, blasting music so loudly it could be heard around the whole block, girls flashing their boobs and had guys take shots off their bodies, smoking weed in the kitchen amongst tons of beer cans and leftover pizza crusts, making out with someone you just met just because, and of course the police coming to shut down the party because of u******ed drinkers there and generally just how loud the party was.

What did I actually experience? I went to Bible study every Friday night. My idea of a crazy night was eating Vietnamese food after Bible study then heading to someone's house to have tea and play a board game until we all hated each other.

It may not sound like the best university experience, but I was actually in a happy place in my life. My Friday nights were always fun, I had a few close friends (as my uncle tells me, quality over quantity! Jesus only had 3 best friends), my grades were satisfactory, and I was working out regularly.

That's not to say I didn't think about romance or guys. Being a university student, I was surrounded by so many attractive guys. I especially enjoyed going to the gym for the added benefit of looking at sweaty guys brush their hair under their caps and seeing a trail of sweat in their fitted t-shirts. In those times and late at night, I found myself wondering what it would be like to kiss someone, cuddle, or even just touch another guy. I knew that by my ripe age of 19, lots of girls had already lost their virginities and had boyfriends or were at least actively dating.

I wondered if I was missing out on anything. I grew up in an Asian community, where most of my friends were either Indian or Chinese or of other Asian ethnicities. Losing your virginity was a huge deal amongst us. I recalled when my friends told me that they had sex for the first time with their long term boyfriends, all of us were really excited for them. It was always a huge deal and all of them waited quite a while until they felt they were ready to have sex.

It was even more conservative amongst my family. My mom had given me countless "Jesus is watching you" talks and how I needed to remain pure for marriage. This was engrained in my head! And I never even had the temptation to have sex! I always had to remind my mom that I was single and that she really had no reason to worry.

But once I reached university, I discovered that sex was taken lightly. As long as it was safe and consensual, you could do whatever you like. I was a little taken back by these discoveries but it didn't take long for me to accept this as the norm. Still, I didn't feel any pressure to hookup or even date. Sure I wondered, but sex or guys for that matter weren't such a big deal to me. I guess I just cared more about meeting new people and my grades.

I was even part of this student body that facilitated international exchanges amongst universities all over the world. I wanted to fill in my resume as much as I could and figured this could be a fun and interesting way to do so. And so this led me to meet a lot more people, not just students in my program or other Christians.

Stephen was the first friend I made in this international exchange group. While we were preparing a student's application to complete a work term abroad, he asked me if I wanted to come to a party Saturday night and I happily accepted. As normal as this event sounds, I was really excited; it would be my first ever university party! In all my 2 years in university, I had never even been invited to a party, let alone gone to one.

The week of the party was pretty uneventful, just my usual routine preparing meals, doing my readings, and going to the gym, so I was looking forward to that Saturday night. When the day had come, I rummaged through my closet a thousand times, looking for an outfit that could survive the unforgiving Canadian weather, but look cute at the same time. I marveled at how some girls would wear mini dresses bare legged with a puffy winter jacket, marching through the thick snow and freezing temperatures like troopers. I wouldn't be able to handle that, plus I heard that you were supposed to dress more casually at house parties.

'This one draws too much attention. It's too cold to wear this. I could fit this one now but a few beers later, that's not gonna happen. I look cute but I can't breathe. This one is too boring. I wear this outfit all the time. It's too cold to wear this. I have no clothes. Why do I not have any clothes?! Why does it have to be so cold outside?!' were my perpetual thoughts as I tried on all these outfits.

And when I finally decided on an outfit, I ended up choosing the first one I tried on—simple black jeans and a fitted weater, leaving a bunch of clothes on my bed and on the floor. I ended up straightening my hair as per usual then applied Vaseline on my lips because I don't really know how to do makeup and I didn't have the patience to try anything else.

I took so long to get ready just to achieve the "girl next door look". Deep down inside, I knew that I was hoping to catch someone's attention and finally experience university romance. Maybe a fling. Or maybe even a relationship (but I knew I was pushing my luck with that one).

Anyways, I heard a lot about pre-drinking but, like all these other things students supposedly go through, I had never done it. When I finally made it to Stephen's house, we began our pre-drinking. I admitted to Stephen that all of this was a first for me after taking a sip of the rum and coke he poured for me. He laughed but said that he wasn't surprised because I seemed like those good Chinese Christian girls who followed everything their parents said even if I lived away from home.

I always knew that I followed that stereotype, but like I said before, it didn't really matter to me. And so, after just taking two drinks, I was already feeling the effects. Having never really drank before, I didn't know my limit. Thus the magic of alcohol took over and I was soon opening my heart to Stephen, while he calmly sipped on his rum and coke and made fun of me. I admitted that even though I was pretty content with my life, I wanted a relationship. I wanted someone to cuddle and hold hands with and have intimate pillow talks with.

"Hold on, my friend Chris is downstairs." He suddenly cut me off, reading his phone and tapping a reply. "Mind if he joins us? Sorry I would've told you but I didn't have the chance with your drunk self and telling me your whole life story,"

I ignored his teasing and waved to tell him it was okay. Soon afterwards, his friend walks into his apartment. He looked like your average Canadian guy in his red flannel, white t-shirt, and khaki pants.

"Hey I'm Christian," he stuck his hand out to shake mine, introducing himself before Stephen even said anything. I was surprised with how low his voice was and how he kept such a neutral facial expression.

"I'm Vivian," I said back, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you Vivian," he flashed me a quick smile. Now that he was closer to me, I noticed how blue his eyes were and how thick his lips were.

I took another sip of my drink while still maintaining eye contact with him. He slightly raised his eyebrows at me; I couldn't tell if he was teasing me or something, but I immediately looked away from him.

"Have you been in a relationship before?" I asked him, the alcohol taking away my social etiquette.

"Oh God," Stephen sighed.

"Yeah, have you?" he said quite frankly, but I could tell that he was curious to see where this conversation was heading.

"No but I would like to," I replied.

Stephen sighed once more and said, "Okay enough drinks for you, we're going to head out soon." He took away the glass from my hand after I took one last sip.

Christian started to laugh at me. "That's good, you're too young anyways."

"What are you talking about?"

"Aren't you, like 16?"

"I'm drinking right now!"

"Hey no judgment, I had my first drink even younger than you."

"I'm 19!"

And with that, we began to argue about complete non-sense. At the time I didn't know that he was tipsy as well, which had amplified his sarcastic personality. He made fun of me for wanting to be in a relationship and said that I really didn't know anything, especially for how young I was. I don't remember what I replied back with, I just recall us bickering about relationships (which, to be fair, I really didn't know anything about) and then about school and then about random things like pizza toppings.

Stephen cut us both off and told us to get dressed because the bus was arriving soon. I didn't realize just how low my tolerance was and Christian had to point that out too when I stumbled into his arms as I tried to tie my boots.

"You're a fucking mess," he mumbled while he helped me to stand up.

"I'm fine!" I yelled back.

They both urged me to hurry up as we ran to the bus station. The alcohol had affected my coordination so Christian grudgingly grabbed me by the arm and nearly dragged me across the street. Even when we were finally on the bus, we didn't stop arguing about whatever it was we were arguing about. Never had I met someone who insulted me right off the bat and had to contend everything I said. It got to the point where Stephen had to step in and personally handle this.

"Vivian, can you please shut the fuck up?" he told me and I felt so let down that he took Christian's side and not mine.

"Why are you both so mean to me?" I complained. Somehow for the rest of the bus ride, the three of us actually managed to remain civil as we chatted about TV shows we watched recently. By the time we reached the party, I was still drunk and so my initial excitement about attending my first house party had doubled.

It actually looked like what I expected! I heard the electronic music even before I saw the house and when I saw the house it was glowing with technicolour. When I walked through the doors, I was greeted by the wonderful cocktail of cologne, perfume, sweat, and weed. There were a million pairs of shoes piled up in the foyer for what seemed like a million people here. A couple was passionately out on the stairwell and I saw a girl peeing behind the see-through door of the powder room.

"Hey Vivian! Hey Stephen!" Simran, the host of the party and one of the members of the international exchange group, popped out of the crowd and leaned in to hug me. I smelled the beer on her breath right away.

"I brought rum!" I said, happily showing her the bottle of Bacardi.

"Awesome! There's some chasers in the kitchen and I have some beer in my room."

Stephen took the bottle out of my hands. "You're not drinking any more of this. I'm not taking care of you. Simran, she's your problem now." And with that, him and Christian both left me alone with Simran.

We both shrugged and headed upstairs, carefully avoiding the couple making out on the stairs. We went to Simran's bedroom where there were red cups all over her desk and on the floor. Another girl from our organization was lying on the bed with her arms spread out, moaning to herself and mumbling about how terrible marijuana is. The other girls were smoking cigarettes while sipping beers from more red solo cups. I could still hear the music and its base nearly shaking the ground, but it wasn't so loud that I couldn't hear anyone.

I thought about Christian for a moment, but that quickly changed when Simran offered me a beer. Of course, I happily took it and sat down with the girl who was clearly high out of her mind.

With the help of alcohol, I quickly felt like I was best friends with Simran and Jane, the baked girl. It felt like we were talking for hours even though it had only been 30 minutes (I think), and I swear that each of us had recounted our life stories and even got to play therapy. I finally understood why university students loved drinking; it made you feel so good.

In the midst of my therapy session, Christian suddenly barges into the room. Parts of his blond hair were peeking under his cap and matted to the side of his flushed face. "Hey! You!" he yelled, walking towards me.

"What do you want Christian?" I asked lazily.

"When I see you..." he began and for a moment, my stomach dropped in anticipation of a compliment. "I just...I just want to kick the face."

My smile immediately folded into a frown, my eyebrows creased and I narrowed my eyes at him. " wrong with you!"

I swore at him and at that point I knew that I had drunk quite a lot because I hardly ever, ever swore. I felt delighted to actually say the f-word out loud for once. He marched over to me, his face scrunched up in annoyance, and he obnoxiously replied back, "You!"

Our faces became so close that I felt his breath on my cheeks and I could see my own reflection pooled in his marvelous blue eyes framed by his long blond eyelashes. I don't know what it was exactly, but I suddenly saw him differently. I used to have a more pragmatic approach to love, making fun of people who said love at first sight was possible. And yet, here I was with this annoying, obnoxious, sexy man. Though there was nothing logical about my feelings, in that moment, I knew I was in love.

I didn't know much about him, but I wanted to. I wanted to know everything about him. My insides turned upside down. My heart beat so fast I thought it was going to explode any second now. We were so close. So, so close. My heart continued to rapidly beat in my chest and I felt all tingly in my stomach with an energy pent up inside me. "When will you kiss me?" I demanded, noticing that he was checking out my whole body.

I never had my first kiss and I had always imagined that it would be really cute and awkward but romantic with a friend that I had a crush on for a while and we would finally go out on a date with just the two of us and we would eat ice cream and I would have some on my lips and he would point it out and then we'd look at each other, knowing we really want to kiss, and bam! It would be magical.

I didn't imagine it would be with a guy I had just met at my first house party with both of us having drank a little too much. But I didn't think about any of those things at the time, no, I just knew that Christian looked particularly handsome in the dim lighting of this old bedroom and that his lips were huge and so inviting and that there was obvious sexual tension between us since the moment we first met. I knew he wanted to kiss me too.

And he leaned down and I closed my eyes, feeling his lips touch mine. There were the cliché fireworks! There was the magic! He felt amazing.

But when he let go me, my lips felt bare and I pursed them, hoping that he would kiss me again. He cupped my cheek and brushed my hair out of my face then kissed me once more, this time with more aggression. Even though I have never kissed anyone before, it felt so natural with Christian. My lips easily fit between his own and he felt so good against my body. My hands found the back of his head and I grabbed some strands of his soft, golden hair and stood on my tippy toes so that I could better kiss him. In doing this, I stumbled into him and broke our kiss.

He laughed at me and held me in his arms so I could balance. Then he pressed his lips onto my forehead, slowly travelling down to my cheeks, and each kiss was delicate but hot, and he didn't neglect anything, from my chin, my nose, before landing on my lips once more.

As we kissed, he opened his mouth slightly and slipped his tongue into me. I was a little taken back at first but that was soon replaced by the discovery that his tongue felt amazing mine. He deepened our kiss, sliding his hands down to my waist and pulling me even closer to him. I was breathing quite heavily and making these noises I didn't know I was capable of making. He just felt so good, so good, and all we were doing was making out and rubbing our bodies against each other.

I suddenly became aware of the fact that we were in Simran's room and despite being drunk, I became shy and pulled away from him. "What's wrong?" he asked as he stroked my arm.

"Let's go to the bathroom," I daringly suggested.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise and before he could say anything more, I held his hand and made him follow me to the bathroom in the hallway.

I could tell that he was enjoying how assertive I was being and so was I. It was a turn-on to finally submit to my own desires and ignore the voices in my head that were telling me to slow down. Christian was gorgeous! I didn't know exactly what I wanted, but I knew that I loved kissing him and rubbing myself on him.

I locked the door behind us, relieved that we now had privacy.

Christian grabbed me from behind and pulled me towards him so that we were face to face again. "You're...not ugly," Christian told me as he played with my hair, never breaking eye contact.

"Really Christian?" I replied sarcastically and hit him on the head. "I know that you've been wanting to kiss me."

"I can't lie about that." And he resumed kissing me. He broke away for a moment, went to my ear and whispered, "I think you're really cute,"

As simple of a compliment as it was, my stomach flew away and my heart was beating so fast, and I wanted him, oh did I want him. I wanted to know what he looked like naked. He looked so good in his simple flannel and khaki pants. I couldn't imagine how much more without any clothes.

I sighed into his mouth when he pressed his lips onto mine again. The kiss was even more passionate this time as he twirled his tongue around mine and his chest was against mine and he held me so tightly against mine, I wished that I could feel his bare skin. Never breaking the kiss, he impatiently took his flannel off and threw it onto the ground. His t-shirt was thin and I could feel the lining of his back and the firmness of his arms as we kissed. I didn't realize how intense this all was until I bumped into the wall behind me, to which he then pushed me against so that our bodies were intertwined. His hands became more daring, exploring the small of my back, my bare arms, and my neck. I was still wearing clothes but every part of my body he touched felt like fire. Even with the music coming from below, I could hear the sounds of our kisses, becoming deeper and deeper.

He soon left my lips for my neck, giving me open mouthed kisses down the expanse of my neck, until he rested on one spot and gave it a firm suck. I squealed in pleasure, shocked that my neck was this sensitive. I noticed that his hat had fallen off and I could finally see his messy blond hair. I grabbed his head, holding him against me as he pushed me to the wall and sucked at my neck. This felt amazing.

He travelled lower to the top of my chest where my sleeveless shirt cut off. He gave me a quick peck before asking in a low tone, "Can I see you?"

I suddenly became aware of people screaming outside and the thumping of the base of the music below us and how we were in a small cramped bathroom that didn't have a toilet but had a shower and this was not exactly the ideal place for someone to see me naked for the first time.

But I was still drunk. And I still wanted him. Maybe not sex, but I really wanted to feel his skin naked against my own. I just didn't want it to be in the bathroom during a house party. "Do you want to come over?" I asked him.

His eyes widened in surprise but then he pursed his lips into a smile and nodded. "Yes,"

I imagined him without clothes once more and anticipated how delicious it would be to have him kiss my shoulders, to kiss his arms, to feel his stomach, to see his legs, to have him lie on top of me... "Okay, come!" I couldn't wait anymore.

I grabbed his flannel and gave it to him. He grabbed my hand and opened the bathroom door and I could see that he was also looking forward to coming over. Out of nowhere, Stephen appeared with a cup of beer in his hand and smelled of cigarettes.

"Oh my God." His jaw dropped at the sight of us coming out of the bathroom. "Did you guys just fuck?"

"No!" I replied back, still holding Christian's hand. "But Christian's coming to my place! Right now! I'm—"

"I need to talk to you." Stephen interrupted, looked at Christian, then proceeded to separate us. He was about to talk with Christian until he noticed that I was still standing there. "I need to talk to Chris. Alone. Without you." He looked around for a moment, before grabbing me and pushing me back into the bathroom.

"Stay in there! And don't come out until I say so." He warned then shut the door. I was feeling really buzzed and still felt high from Christian's magical kisses, that I didn't even care that Stephen had basically given me a timeout.

"Yo what are you doing man?" I heard Stephen say.

I leaned against the door so that I could listen to their conversation. "She asked me if I want to come home with her and yeah, I do! She's so cute!"

"She's a virgin."


"Yeah! I don't want you hurting her or anything. Plus, she's really drunk right now."

"I don't wanna hurt her either. You know me man, I wouldn't do that. And I think she's really cool...and really cute."

"You are a good guy..."

"I know."

"Are you sure she really wants this?"


"Just be careful. Be good to her, okay?"

"Yes man, you know me."

"Okay, just making sure. Are you good?"

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda smashed."

"Same man."


Then the door was suddenly opened, causing me to nearly fall forward. Christian caught me and laughed, helping me to stand up again. "Let's go now?" I asked him, my heart warm with the fact that Stephen cared about me and that Christian thought I was really cool and really cute.

"Yeah," he smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

"I'm coming too!" blurted Stephen, separating us once more.

"Okay...guess I'll get the Uber?" I said, confused, but and opened up the app anyways. I assumed that Stephen would come with us then take an Uber from my place. They began to chat about random things as I prepared our ride. I was so excited to have Christian come over that when I saw it would take 3 minutes for the Uber to arrive here and take 10 minutes to bring us to my apartment, I already felt impatient.

I searched for Simran and Jane to say goodbye and thank them for the great time I had. Simran still seemed fine and responsible and she thanked me for coming and told me to text her when I arrive home, while Jane had nearly passed out in one of the other rooms of the house. I rushed back to Stephen and Christian, hurrying them up for our Uber ride.

The three of us clumsily put our jackets and shoes on and braced ourselves for the cold outside. Christian helped me down the icy steps as I felt like I was going to fall any second now in my heels. Stephen first entered the car and being the smallest one, I ended up in the middle of the two.

"Hello!" we greeted the driver.

I was ready to make small talk with the driver, when all of a sudden Stephen cried out, "Chris you're not going to Vivian's place tonight!"

"What?" Christian and I both said at the same time.

"Yeah, no, you're not allowed to. I changed my mind."

"What about me?" I looked to Stephen.

"What's the problem?" Christian asked.

"No man, she' just can't. Come on."

"Why not? I want to...she wants to...what's wrong?"

"Come on man."

"Come on man."

"Wait, don't I get a say in this?" I asked but Stephen still ignored me.

Then they began to argue about me while I was in the middle of them. I don't remember exactly what either of them said, I just recall Stephen being adamant about Christian not coming over, and Christian arguing that him and I both wanted this, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Stephen kept switching back and forth, saying Christian was allowed to come over one second, then saying he'll sleepover at my place too, then saying Christian would come to his place instead and that he'd call an Uber from my apartment, then allowing Christian to come, then not, and all the while he would not listen to me.

Even when we were at my place, they were still arguing. I waited in the lobby with them, waiting until they made a decision. At this point, I just wanted them to both shut up and I would be happy with whatever decision it was. I think I was really happy with the fact that Chris seemed to like me and Stephen was protective of me.

"Go to your room, we'll text you in like 10 minutes to let you know what's happening." Stephen told me.

"What's your room number?" asked Christian.



"Yo," Stephen said, shaking his head. I sighed and headed to the elevator, wondering what was going to happen. When I got into the elevator, I looked at them and tried to grab their attention by waving goodbye but they were so engaged in their conversation that they didn't bother to look at me.

Once I was finally in my room, I immediately headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. By this time, I had sobered up quite a bit but the after effects of alcohol were starting to hit me and I felt really tired. As I washed my body, I wondered what it would feel like to have Christian lather me in soap, what he would think if he saw me naked, how his hands would feel on me, and this thought alone was enough to make me horny again. I turned off the shower and hurried to dry myself, eager to know what Christian had decided.

I put on a clean pair of PJs, not caring what I wore at this point, then opened my phone to see if they had messaged. I saw that Christian had added me on Facebook and I felt really happy that he went out of his way to find my profile, but then I noticed that neither of them had even sent me a message.

I didn't have any more patience so I put on my shoes and headed out the door, ready to demand a decision from them. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Christian standing there.

"Hi," he said. "I'm sorry about that."

I suddenly became really nervous as I realized that Christian was actually here.

"If you don't want me to stay over, just say so and I'll go." He reassured me.

I shook my head and pulled him inside. "Come in,"

Once he stepped in, I shut the door. We took off our shoes and he followed me into my bedroom. I quietly closed the door behind us and stood in front of him. Christian was actually here.

I leaned into him and gave him a kiss. His lips were so soft.

"Vivian..." he whispered, breaking our kiss. "Please tell me...I don't want you to regret anything...if you aren't comfortable and you want me to leave, I'll go right now."


We took a moment of silence and looked at each other and I mean really looked at each other. I loved him. I swear my feelings became sober and in that instance, I knew was in love, I was in love, I was so in love, I was sure of it. Even though I had just met him, all the cliché songs and all those cliché love stories became clear. I felt like I already knew him, like we had met years and years ago but were only reunited recently.

He put my face between his hands and kissed me tenderly. We moved towards my bed, where he slowly leaned into me until I was completely flat on my back. I loved feeling the weight of his body on me while we kissed and the novelty of this experience had my heart thumping really fast again. My nipples were hard and since I wasn't wearing a bra this time and I could feel them touching his chest through our thin shirts. His small golden chain was dangling from his neck, grazing my collarbones. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling strands of his hair between my fingers and I pulled him as close to me as I could.

My shirt had rolled up a bit, along with his, and I felt the little hairs from his stomach lightly brush my own skin and I marveled at how different a man's body felt. He was harder, bigger, his skin rougher and he had more hair, and my senses were overloading as I registered all these new sensations that I had never felt before.

I wanted to see him shirtless but at this point, the confidence boost from alcohol had waned off and I was too shy to make any more moves. He kept shifting his weight, slightly moving forward, until I suddenly felt him right on me. He was huge! So huge! And it felt so hard! And so good! I broke from the kiss and he moved to my neck, slowly grinding into me. I responded with an unexpected moan and he growled against my skin. As he kissed my neck, I looked below to find the outline of his manhood. It was so big! I never could really imagine what an erection would look or feel like, but I had definitely not thought of this.

We continued to kiss and hump each other for a while. It was so tempting to strip him naked and explore every inch of his body. I had to practice so much self-restraint because I didn't want to go all the way tonight, I wanted to take things one step at a time. I had just had my first kiss and this hot makeout session this was by far the most erotic thing I have ever experienced.

My panties were soaked and I was a little embarrassed by this because I hadn't known that women became wet when they were turned on. I was either thinking about how amazing it felt to grind myself on him or how I hoped he wouldn't notice how wet I was.

He became bolder and left my lips and neck, first reaching for the top of my chest, then dipping downwards. He slowly lifted my shirt up, exposing my stomach, then he tentatively planted a kiss near my belly button. He licked me slowly, switching from nibbles to kisses to nuzzles on my lower belly. I giggled, tickled and so turned on. He kept going higher until he brushed his lips along my ribcage, just below my breasts.

I held my breath in anticipation.

He rose his eyes to meet mine while holding the hem of my shirt. I knew he was silently asking for permission to remove my top. This would be the first time a guy would ever see my breasts and as much as I liked to act brave, I was nervous about his opinion. I was always fairly conservative with my clothing and even my bikinis never revealed much. To let someone see my bare chest would be a huge step for me.

I shyly nodded, not noticing how tight my grip was on the bed sheets. He responded with an eager smile, as if he were about to unwrap a gift. He pulled on my top and I sat upright to help him, lifting my arms up so he could take it off. Despite being sweaty, I suddenly felt chilly and my pointed nipples were a testament to this as I undressed before a man for the first time.

I instinctively crossed my arms over my chest. He noticed this right away and he gently stopped me, grabbing my arms and pinning them to my side. He reached his hands out to caress my small boobs and I shivered in reaction to feeling such rough fingers touch me. He drew little circles around my nipples then whispered, "You're so beautiful,"

My heart nearly stopped and I was at a loss of words. That was another first for me. No guy had ever called me beautiful before and I never thought the word could hold so much meaning. I used it quite frequently to describe a scenery, or a book I read, or a model on Instagram, or for my best friends, and I would've thought that the commonplace of this word may have drained its meaning, but no, no, coming from him, it was incredibly special.

I didn't know what to say back so I just nodded and I was sure that I was blushing. He put a hand behind my back and bent towards my chest until I could feel his warm breath on my nipple. He blew softly, teasing me, and with his right hand, he grabbed my other nipple, placing it between his thumb and forefinger then gently rolled.

My God.

I moaned surprisingly loudly, taken back by how good this simple action felt. He then drew my nipple into his mouth, earning yet one more moan from me. He was sucking me, the sounds of his lips on my nipple and my moans and his hums of approval filling the room. Oh God, it felt so good. He used some teeth, lightly tugging at my nipple, while performing a similar action with his finger on its twin. For a second he left my boobs alone and he licked his fingers then resumed sucking my nipple and playing the other one. Oh, it felt even better when it was wet. He twirled my nipple around his tongue then flicked it rapidly and I admired this sight while above him, holding his head close to my chest, trying not to lose myself to this intense pleasure.

It was as if my nipples were connected to my pussy because the more he ravished my breasts, the more I throbbed between my legs and the wetter I became. With one last final, hard tug, he let go of my nipple and kissed his way to my other one. I found it incredibly hot that he left a trail of saliva across my chest with his wet kisses. He never neglected my twin peak, equally giving it much attention with his lapping tongue and playful bites. He forced me to lie down and nestled his right leg between mine until I could feel my pussy pressed against his strong thigh. I u*********sly began to ride his leg, rubbing my clit on him through our clothes, loving all these sensations.

"You like that?" he commented with my nipple by his lips.

"Mm-hm..." I managed to mumble through this pleasure and then I felt him press his thigh even more firmly against me.

"Ahh!" I exclaimed at this new pressure. I rode his leg even faster and he sped up the movement of his tongue, flicking my nipple back and forth, back and forth, and it was really driving me insane. Something inside me was building, I didn't know what it was at the time, but I just knew that I needed to get there, like it was an itch I desperately wanted to scratch, or a hunger I needed to satisfy.

"Let yourself go," Christian murmured, pausing in between his lovely biting. He tugged on my nipple hard, to the point where it hurt but felt so good at the same time. I took his advice and then this pressure that had formed in me was suddenly released and for a moment, I saw stars, I saw Christian, he was gorgeous, my senses were all heightened and everything felt glorious, and my pussy throbbed hard, and my breath stopped for a moment, then it all subsided.

I was breathing really hard and Christian let go of me, falling to my side. He rested on his arm and simply stared at me with a big smile on his face. "You really like having your nipples played with," he told me as I tried to gather my breath.

"Wow..." was all I could say. They say that when you orgasm, you just know. I definitely knew.

I needed a breather but he already resumed kissing my body again. He started at my shoulders, down to my arms, and carefully across my chest once more, down to my stomach. Each little kiss he gave me sped up my recovery process, until I could feel myself so wet again. All the while my stomach was doing somersaults that I couldn't help because I felt so desired, like I was a treasure he was glad to have discovered.

"You're shivering," he commented, lifting his lips from my skin.


He let out a little laugh and rose to kiss me on the lips this time. I felt his erection press onto my leg and I couldn't wait anymore, I just had to feel it! As he kissed me, I reached out to touch him down there. I let out a little gasp when I felt just how big he was—I could barely wrap my whole hand around it.

As soon as I put my hand on him, it twitched below me. I've never felt anything like this before. It was hard but soft at the same time, and I didn't know what to really expect, in fact I hadn't even expected to make it this far with a guy, especially one I had just met, but it certainly felt different than what I imagined. I stopped kissing him so that I could admire his manhood. I felt this a****listic desire to see more of him, to feel more of him, to have him do more things to me, and to do more things to him. I rubbed him faster through his pants, wishing that this fabric could just disappear.

He moaned a little and I took this as a good sign. Unable to contain myself anymore, I went for his belt and began to unbuckle it. What I discovered that night was that the sole action of taking off a man's belt was really sexy. There was something about unbuckling his belt and hearing the noise of the metals hitting each other that got me off. It feels like I'm unwrapping a gift specially for me.

I tugged on his pants and he wiggled out of them. I took his socks off as well then his t-shirt, until he was just in his pink boxer briefs that hugged him in all the right ways. He wasn't skinny or big, just the perfect built with a broad chest and strong shoulders. I was surprised to find the tuffs of black hair on chest in contrast to his blond hair on the rest of his body.

He was breathtaking.

I felt overwhelmed by his form. If God had made anything more beautiful than a man's body, I didn't know it. He wasn't even particularly muscular or anything, and when I asked for my friend's opinions later on about him, they said he just looked like any regular white guy. I wondered if they were blind or something because he really was something else. There really wasn't any logic to this. He's supposedly an average looking guy but to me, he was extraordinary. I've seen countless half-naked men who were much more "attractive" than him, yet I was touching him with so much fascination like I had never seen one before.

I didn't know how long I had spent just simply admiring him and running my hands along his chest and his back, examining the little moles on his body and other imperfections, but I was so captivated.

"Why are you smiling?" he asked me curiously after I leaned in to give him a kiss on his arm.

I didn't even realize I was smiling. "I like looking at you," I said honestly.

He returned the smile. "I like looking at you too." Then he reached for my pants and began to unbutton them. Even though he was only in his underwear and I was completely topless, it felt like another big step to have my pants taken off too. I shyly went along with it as he unrolled my tight jeans off me. I was wearing an old pair of cotton grey panties with a little white bow trimming and wished that I had worn something sexier. There was a dark spot on my panties, showing very clearly just how aroused I was.

Christian eyes flicked up and down, observing all of me. I quickly became nervous and unintentionally folded my legs together to the side and raised my crossed my arms over my chest like I had done initially. "You're so pretty..." he assured me before leaning in to kiss me.

I sighed into him and felt a rush of pleasure when my bare breasts met his chest. He made me lie on my back once more, but this time he began to touch me. His fingers found the center of my panties, right where I was dripping wet, and he pressed inwards over the fabric. I mewled in his kiss. I wanted to make him feel good too so I grabbed his dick through his boxers. It felt much nicer without his pants but it wasn't enough; I wanted to really feel and see him.

He rubbed circles on what I assumed was my clit, having heard of this pleasure button before but never explored it myself to see if it was true. Oh it was true. And even though I was still in my panties, I couldn't believe how good his fingers were on me. He searched for what spot and what rhythm got me going, keeping the same speed when he earned unabashedly loud moans from me.

I finally got the courage and pulled down his boxers. His large cock sprung out, with its bulbous pink head peeping through the skin that covered his long, veiny length. If I thought it was big in his pants, this was something else entirely. He was massive! My jaw dropped at the sight but my reaction was interrupted by a particularly good rub with his fingers. I maintained my composure again and ran my hand along his dick, intrigued by the skin that went up and down, up and down, his head appearing then disappearing. There was a slit in the middle of the head where a bead of moisture leaked through. I curiously touched the liquid oozing from him and encircled it around the tip.

"Mm..." he moaned then completely removed his boxers. He had a rather large set of pink balls with scruffy blond hair all around. I also reached for his balls and was surprised with how different its texture was, because like his cock, I had never felt anything like this before either. They were warm and soft and the skin was a little wrinkly and stretchy. I enjoyed feeling each testicle, weighing it between my fingers while I rubbed his dick.

As he was now completely naked, he decided it was time I was too. He hooked the sides of my panties and peeled them off, revealing a trail of moisture shining from my nether regions. I suddenly became self-conscious because I hadn't shaved since I didn't expect anyone to see me fully bare, and I heard that guys preferred their girls bald down there.

"You're really wet," he observed as he traced my lips. My self-consciousness ceased when I noticed he didn't care at all about my hair; he just really wanted to touch me. He kept sliding his fingers around my slit, going up to the little sensitive button, then back down, everything slippery with my desire. I was becoming anxious, wanting to know what his fingers would feel like inside of me.

He knew he was teasing me because I saw the mischievous smile on his face. "Please..." I finally begged him.

"Please what?"

"I know..."

"You want what?"

"You know..." I was too shy to say it. I couldn't even comprehend that I was doing all of this in the first place, let alone verbalize it.

He laughed at me. "Don't worry, I'm going to finger you now." he whispered as he held my gaze with his hypnotizing eyes. Before I could brace myself, he dipped his middle into me. This was the first time something had ever entered me and I gasped at how good it felt. His mouth was slightly agape and his eyes were soft and I could tell that he was dedicated to pleasing me as he carefully examined my reactions.

He pulled his finger out then slowly pushed it back in. I was amazed to see his finger disappear inside of me and reappear again. The motion felt so good, earning yet another moan from me, and he started to pump faster and deeper, until he was knuckle deep.

I squirmed and gave his dick a squeeze, trying to match the pace at which he was fingering me. I heard his breathing become irregular and took this as a good sign as mine had as well. He inserted his index finger too this time. I could hear the slick noise of his fingers going in and out of me, stretching me and filling me, and these were only his fingers but I couldn't believe how incredible they felt.

"You like my fingers in you?" he asked me, his digits so deep inside me that he cradled my bottom with his palm.

God, he was so sexy. "Yeah..." I managed to say in between my quick breaths.

He curled his fingers, hitting an untouched place inside of me, and that felt too good that I practically screamed. He leaned in to kiss me, hushing my moans that were becoming increasingly loud. I knew my roommates were asleep and I knew that my morals were completely against this, but I didn't care as the passion had swallowed me up and my mind was fuzzy with maddening lust for this wonderful guy I had just met hours ago.

I rocked my hips against his palm while he mercilessly pumped in and out of me, his other hand supporting my head as I trembled with every jolt of pleasure taking over me, drawing out long and shaky moans. All the while I was jerking him off and my hand had become wet with his own pre-cum, making it easier to slide over his huge cock.

He withdrew his fingers and shifted his position so that I could no longer reach his dick and my head laid flat on my bed instead of resting on his hand. "Christian?" I asked, my voice almost sounding like a whimper as my pussy felt empty without him.

He said nothing but flashed me a smile full of desire. He was soon crouching at my legs and little by little, he gave my feet, my calves, my thighs, open-mouthed kisses. I felt like a queen as he worshiped my body, valuing my pleasure like it was his own. He carefully spread my legs open and rested between them, kissing my inner thighs. I was breathing really fast at this point. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to put his mouth there. It just seemed so wrong and dirty and felt like it would be more sinful than sex itself. But he was staring at me, constantly changing focus from my face to my pussy, while teasing me by running his fingers along my moist slit.

I wanted him to stop staring at my pussy so intently. After hearing so many fish jokes about women's parts, I was scared that he might make similar comments, and so I closed my legs while he was still between them, trying to force him to do something else. He only laughed at me and pried my legs open again, kissing me once more so that I could feel at ease.

"Relax...I think you're beautiful..." he reminded me, as if he were reading my mind.

A blush spread across my cheeks as I indulged in his compliment and I tried to relax more. He blew onto my pussy, sending shivers all throughout my body, making it difficult to lie still. He gave me one lick, as if to test my taste, before diving his tongue completely into me.

"O-oh!" I squealed at the sudden intense feeling of his tongue.

I felt his tongue deep inside me, probing in my moist spots, and I couldn't help but buck my hips up and mercilessly squirm under him. For a moment, he stopped and I saw his thick, pink lips shiny with my own juices. With his thumbs, he spread open up folds then instinctively licked his mouth, making me all the more wet.

"Your pussy looks like a fruit," he commented as he carefully examined me, before pushing his face into my pussy again and sucking my pearl. He was sucking on me like I really was a fruit, delicious and juicy, ripe and inviting.

And as nonchalant as he sounded, his description of my female bits, along with his wondrous mouth, was enough to make me lose all my self-consciousness and just enjoy him feasting on me. It felt so good, too good, and I was moaning so loudly, so carelessly, riding his face and even pushing him closer to me, my thighs squeezing him, as he licked and kissed and sucked my most private parts.

He put a finger in me while he played with my clit with his tongue. With his other hand, he reached for one of my nipples and squeezed hard. "Christian!" I cried, trying to register all the jolts of pleasures running through my body. "Christian...ohh...Christian...Christian!" It felt unreal, I didn't know what to focus on, my body was on fire with sinful pleasure, and I was enjoying every last bit of it. My hands were fisted in his hair as I felt the pressure build inside of me once more. I could hear my pussy swallow his finger that was rapidly sliding in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, while his limber muscle worked on my clit. It all felt so incredible that I needed to hold onto something, so I made fists in his hair and squeezed his face with my thighs, moaning and drowning in how amazing he felt.

My legs were moving sporadically, my hips resisting his weight on me as his arms held me down, and my face was contorted in pleasure. I could smell my own arousal thick in the air, along with his fading cologne and the sweet, musky, unnamed scent of his fresh perspire as he lapped at my pussy. He inserted one more digit and then curled it, hitting what I believed was my G-Spot and produced a load moan from me. The pressure was building and building, until I could no longer wait anymore, and I screamed his name, my eyes squeezing shut, my legs clamping together, my toes curling, as my climax seemed to wash over me, a golden pleasure working through my whole body. I knew my vaginal walls had clamped over his fingers, releasing and tightening in erratic times, because I could feel it doing so on its own. For a moment, I really thought I saw stars.

He never stopped licking me or pulled out his finger, not until I had finished completely. I let out a deep breath and fell onto my back, feeling so exhausted. My pussy continued to throb, feeling particularly sensitive, and my skin was shining with sweat. I didn't realize that Christian was at my side, staring at me with a knowing smile on his face.

"Wow..." I said, just like when he gave me my first orgasm. "You"

"How was your second orgasm?" he asked while grinning. I didn't know if he meant my second orgasm today or the second orgasm I had ever felt and I wondered if he wondered if I had any experience at all. Then I suddenly remembered telling him that I had never been in a relationship and how I just wanted someone to cuddle with, so it was safe to assume that he knew I was a virgin.

With how good he was able to make me feel, I knew that he was clearly experienced with a women's body. I tried not to think about it and just focused on how he wanted me in this moment. "That was amazing..." I told him truthfully.

He gently touched my cheek before planting a kiss on my forehead. It seemed like such an innocent action, but I felt butterflies in my stomach from that kiss and I couldn't help but smile in return. He saw that I wanted to rest a bit so he pulled me into him until my head rested on his firm chest and my arm lazily d****d over him. He put his arm around me, his hand on the middle of my small back, while his other hand played with my hair. I looked at him as he twirled strands of my black hair between his fingers. We didn't say anything, but we didn't need to. It didn't feel awkward at all, unlike when I normally tried to fill any silence I had with others. But this all felt natural—lying naked in each other's arms, feeling our hot skin against each other, having a comfortable silence amongst us, and I felt safe, I felt like I was home.

It was an inexplicable experience. Was it the leftovers of my orgasms, released chemicals attaching me to the man who had lavished my body with an out-of-this-world experience? I don't know. It doesn't matter to me. All I knew is that I was with him and he was with me and we shared this beautiful experience.

I don't know how much time had passed, but the tension between us had been gradually building. It started with him mindlessly tracing my back while we talked about our families and our dreams for the future. It was amazing that I had just met him because I felt like we had known each other for years. His usual sarcastic voice had softened, almost to a whisper, as he told in a low tone about who inspired him to change programs two years in and onto a completely new path. Even in the dark of the night I could see his eyes light up as he told me about his aspirations.

I pretty much lost track of what he was saying, but it was incredibly hot to see a guy passionately talk about anything. He kept talking about the housing market as I gave him sporadic kisses at random places on his body, unable to stop myself from admiring his gorgeous self. And somehow this lead to me wrapping my hand around his dick, which was soft at first but quickly awakened at my touch. I went slowly at first amused to see his foreskin unravel to show the pink bulb of his head and then disappear again.

His voice trailed off, his breathing quickening while I ran my hand across his length. It didn't take long for him to start forming little drops of pre cum and I rubbed it around his head. He leaned in to kiss me, tasting me and growling against my lips when I touched a particularly sensitive spot. He instinctively reached below me, to my pussy, and whispered, "You're already wet," he observed after dipping his finger into my moist folds. I didn't even realize how turned on I was just from hearing him talk about economics while holding me against his chest and running his fingers down my back. He was just so sexy.

He pushed his digit far into me and crooked his finger, again touching my soft spot, causing me to mewl. I wanted him. I wanted all of him. I wanted him to be my first. We stared into each other's eyes as we pleasured each other. He saw the earnest look on my face, the look of desire and passion, only for him, and he knew what I meant.

But I saw his slight hesitation, as he knew I was a virgin and sought to make sure I really wanted this. I nodded slightly to reassure him. With one more tender kiss, he lowered himself onto me so that I could feel his weight press onto me. He held his cock at my entrance, the tip teasing my folds. He was so hot. I can't fully describe the feeling of having his head touch me down there, that large bulb of his, but it felt so right, so, so right, I needed to push him into me.

I moved my feminine folds while directing him inside. The slickness of my own juices made him easily pass through until he had sunk a couple inches deep. The farther he pushed himself, the more I felt myself stretch. I just kept stretching, more and more, and when I thought I was at my maximum, I felt myself struggling at first to accommodate to his incredible size. I had thought his 2 fingers were a good sign, but his cock was something else.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, still trying to lower himself fully into me.

I felt uncomfortable. It was hurting but I nodded anyways, squeezing his arm with one hand and holding his back with the other. He saw it in my face and kissed my lips softly to remind me that he wanted me to enjoy this experience, that he cared for me, that he wanted us to share this wonderful moment together.

"Just tell me if you don't feel good and I'll stop, okay?" he said and took my lips into a kiss once more.

"I want you to keep going," I managed to say. He listened, going deeper and deeper. The discomfort was soon replaced with this wondrous filling sensation. I gasped, absorbing the sheer pleasure running through my body. We were looking into each other's eyes and his were full of a****listic instinct and love all at once, like he desired me but wanted to fuck me as gently and as hard as he could. I felt and heard his balls against my skin and I looked down and he was inside of me, fully inside of me, Christian was as deep as he could go.

He brought his hips back then quickly pumped himself into me once more, beginning a steady rhythm, until I could hear his balls continuously slapping against me. My legs suddenly jerked, my hips following, as I reacted to how good he felt. He felt me lift my hips but firmly pushed me down, taking control and began to thrust harder and faster.

The whole room was filled with the noise of slapping flesh and our shallow breaths, growls coming from him and my moans becoming louder and more frequent. I wrapped my arms around him, bringing him down to my neck, where he bit and nibbled at my sensitive skin. I loved feeling his hard chest on my own, feeling our bodies be as close as possible, and my nostrils filled with his strong, masculine, musky scent. I was feeling too much. My senses were overloaded with pleasures out of this world. He travelled up my neck, stole my moans with a kiss and then he raised my legs so that my feet were up high towards his neck. I felt my muscles stretch as he held my calves and pounded me with a new vigor I didn't know was possible.

"Christian...Christian...Christian..." his name was barely on my lips. I could hardly talk. He grazed his lips on my toes and even the bottom of my foot, sending shivers all over my body. His mouth was magical and with every touch and every kiss made me think I was a treasure he needed to explore.

He slipped out of me and gently released my legs. I whimpered, wanting him to fill me up again, wondering what he wanted to do. "Can you lie on your stomach?"

I obeyed him and flipped sides, eager to see what would come. "I'm loving the view," he said lustfully and slapped my ass. The sound was loud and I briefly wondered if my roommates had heard, but somehow that simple action turned me on. I wanted to feel his hand hit me there once more.

I looked over my shoulder and found him licking his lips, holding my cheeks and squeezing my fleshy parts, giving me little slaps. He bent over me and gave me a swift kiss on the lips, before kissing my neck and travelling down to my back.

"God you're sexy..." he murmured against my skin until he made it to my ass. "I love your ass..."

His comments made me blush. I wasn't used to being showered with all these compliments, especially such daring ones, and I was sure that I was blushing. I suddenly felt his lips on my left cheek, kissing me first then giving me a firm suckle. It felt so good to be ravished like this, I couldn't help but moan and moan.

He spanked me one more time, right where he sucked me, and I loved the stinging sensation from his hand.

"I'm going to fuck you again." His voice was all deep and sexy and I just needed to have him inside me.

"Please..." I begged without thinking, yearning to feel his cock once more.

His fingers were at my pussy again, sliding my moisture around, prepping me for him. I felt his tip at my entrance then he dove right in. I cried in pleasure, loving the initial feeling of being filled up. He was holding himself up, his arms closed around me, his face inches away from mine. I could feel his staggering breaths as he pounded me, fucked me, made love to me. This position felt so intimate, like our bodies were perfectly molded together. I felt his chest on my back, his balls slapping my ass, his strong legs supporting himself beside mine.

I grabbed my pillow and buried my face into it, trying to quiet myself. Everything just felt too good. He kept dipping to my neck or my back to give me spontaneous kisses. His body was hot and sweaty, only amplifying his already marvelous scent. I loved the low growls that escaped his mouth when he hit an especially good spot. He kept sliding in and out of me, at a fast tempo, going all the way until he completely disappeared inside me, and coming out again, repeating this heavenly action again and again, and God I was at a loss of words.

He thrusted especially hard and squeezed my hips, holding me there, and grunted loudly. He quickly withdrew then I felt his dick touching the top of my ass, followed by ropes of hot liquid landing on my cheeks and back. He grunted one last time, shooting one last stream of cum onto my skin. The thought of him finishing on me, having his cum all over my back was unbelievably hot.

He slapped my ass where he had sucked me earlier on, before proceeding to kiss me.

"Mm..." I hummed against his lips.

I felt like I was in a dream: the realization hit me that I had just made hot love to Christian. "I'm going to get tissues," he said and jumped off my bed, heading to my bathroom. I admired seeing him from behind with his tight ass and wide, sinewy back. He returned with lots of tissue in his hands and I could see his dick softening, yet still retaining quite a size. I thought he always looked gorgeous.

He kissed me again before beginning to wipe the mess on my back. I loved how he always gave me these quick kisses.

"That was amazing," I told him as he cleaned me.

"You're amazing," he replied cheerfully.

When he was done, he threw the tissues in the trashcan by my desk then laid down beside me. He motioned for me to come closer to him so that I could rest my head on his chest and he could wrap his arms around my tiny frame. I truly felt like I was on a cloud. In his arms I felt like I was safe, I was home, I was treasured.

Thus began the first night of many.

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Massage With Fun In Singapore

Hi, this is Rahul; I live in Chennai. On a trip to Singapore, I happened to see a massage center; I went in to see if I could get some stress, I could feel in my back and shoulders. As I entered, I was greeted with “Hi sir! We give you a good massage and take good care of you! Please Come in!” I could hear the chatter of the girls in their native language. Soon a masseuse grabbed me by my arm and led me to her the massage room. She was a cute and small built girl, and it took almost a half hour...

1 year ago
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Spectacular Massage Experience In Singapore

Hi indian sex lovers, this is Rahul this happened when I went for a massage when I was in Singapore, on Business. After a hard and tiring day, I decided to go for a massage, I found a spa near the hotel, and I fixed up an appointment with a girl named Anna. I went to the spa; I told the young lady at the front desk that I had an appointment with Anna. She looked at me, gave a sly smile and said, “Yes, she is our best. I could hardly wait to meet Anna. When I met her I was not disappointed. I...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Sex in Singapore

You can call me whatever you wish. I don’t want to revel my identity or my name coz a lot many people will be affected with that then. Now let me tell the story. Actually I never want to revel my part of my life. But one day what ever I told one of my female friends about that Indonesian girl kissed me. That thing was all bluff because I have seen that that my friend too interested in me. Her expression demanding me like anything. I still remember her words “HOW TO LOVE SUCH PEOPLE”. And now...

2 years ago
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Adventure in Singapore

The morning after the barbecue, James woke late. It was already light and he could hear sounds in the street outside the villa. Suddenly the events of the night before came flooding back and he felt a terrible feeling of dread. Ann! He had left her with that man… he struggled to remember the stranger’s name… Yes! … Daniel! As he raised himself, he became aware that Ann was lying beside him in the bed. She was asleep, her face wearing an expression of utter...

1 year ago
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One Night In Singapore

When I first noticed her she was sitting at a table across the Club with three other ladies.  She was well dressed with what looked to be expensive jewelry, in short she was a beauty.  Her friends seemed to be sucking down drinks akin to the amounts our sponsors were. I'd talked to the waitress and she supplied me with non-alcoholic beverages that would pass muster while my companions sucked down toast after toast.  Occasionally my eyes wandered to the lady, she on one occasion was looking in...

1 year ago
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I had had my nose in one book or another for the past week while studying for finals. Now I was down to one and was at the town library studying. My girlfriend, Amber, came along to hurry me up. Because of my studying we hadn’t had sex all week; the longest since we first had sex. She was so hot that I didn’t want to go longer than that for sex. She was of Irish descent; where she got her long red hair and passionate nature from. She had a smooth body and light skin. She did have somewhat...

3 years ago
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What the hell was I doing here? Oh, I knew why I was here. The only reason I was back in school was to get a college degree that I never bothered to get because I didn't need it. I was 40 years old with almost 20 years of work experience in the field and now my employers were looking for some stupid piece of paper from a college. Now? What the hell for? There were better things for a man my age to do than to be on a college campus with a bunch of 18 to 21 year old students. I looked old and...

1 year ago
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Studying Abroad

Studying Abroad ? by: Karen Elizabeth My family and I were moving to the Phoenix area where Dad had landed a very good job. John, my best friend, had graduated two years early and was now a student at the University of Phoenix majoring in Psychology. When he heard that we were moving out to the area, he asked if he could see my folks and me before we moved. Something about helping him with a research project. He said that completion of this project would mean a great deal to him...

1 year ago
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Studying with Caitlyn

Spring arrived and shortly after the first rains it neared to summer. The temperatures became hot again as it slowly approached summer. I was in my last semester of my first year of varsity and it was the Monday 2 days before my first exam. I arrived by Caitlyn a bit after 9am as we planned to have a full on crunch day to prepare for our first exam. She was wearing a casual dress as She walked up to me and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. We then made our way up to her room. We...

1 year ago
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Studying with Ling

The last bell rang for Conians and I got ready to leave. There was a big test in health tommorow and I had to find my best friend, Ling, to study with. Ling is a very smart girl and she was rather nerdy, but you could still see those D-cups bulging out of her uniform. After searching in the whole school, i surely found Ling in the school yard waiting for me. We took off to my house to study like always. My parents had left to the U.S. for business, so it was only me and her in this house. It...

First Time
4 years ago
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Studying With Priya

Hey guys, I’ve been an avid reader of Indian sex stories and this is my first time writing here. This incidents took place couple of days back. My name is Harish 22 years old with a 6 inch dick. Been horny for as long as I can remember and a sucker for tits. Wanted to have sex but didn’t get the opportunity till now. I’ve jacked of countless times to a neighbour next door, hot girls in college, etc. Coming to the story, the name of the girl is Priya(name changed) was my pu college mate, dark...

3 years ago
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Studying Abroad

I was in Brazil for about a month now, made a couple of friends and have gone out from time to time but nothing big. I would talk to my boyfriend on a regular basis and everything seem to be going good. My friend Raquel invited me to a club and i had nothing better to do that night, i tagged along. After a couple of drinks i was feeling pretty good and dancing with Raquel, after a while two guys started dancing with us they were about mid 20's as well handsome looking, but i didnt want to...

3 years ago
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Studying for Anatomy

I stare at my lab manual and my anatomy textbook, frustrated because nothing seems to be making sense. "How the hell I am going to be able to tell which muscle is which and what each muscle does?!" I sigh out loud shutting the lab manual and the textbook close. I push it off my bed and the thump of the textbook on the tiled floor almost makes me feel better. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling, tired and annoyed. "I am so going to fail that stupid Anatomy Lab Practical this Friday," I...

3 years ago
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Studying for an oral exam

Three days until the deadline and four thousand words to write. That's two thousand today and the rest tomorrow, then a quick re-read and edit on the last day. Although you don't want to over do it otherwise you'll never pass – so say just four hours of writing a day, then relax and watch telly for the rest – and maybe have a couple of drinks for all the hard work. Five hundred words an hour then: piece of cake! Oh yeah, and those books first... Of course, if Carman didn't spend so much time...

1 year ago
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Studying alien species0

After 20 minutes of looking around, he saw a sign that was written in a strange language. Of course, he couldn't read it. It was nothing but symbols. “Crap I can't read it. These symbols can mean anything. I'm guessing this is an alien language. Shit! If that's the case I hope they understand English. If not then I won't get anywhere sadly. I have no choice. I guess I have to go inside and see. I'll go talk to someone and ask them what is this place.” Ed went into the unidentified place...

3 years ago
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Studying for Anatomy 2

"Isobel!" Issack shouts after me as he jog to catch up to me. I turn around and smile as I see him jogging towards me. "Did someone die?" I ask, giggling. "What's the rush?" "I had to walk with someone beautiful and funny. And you, my dear ol' Isobel, is absolutely stunning and funny. I couldn't pass up the chance," he says flirtatiously. I blush and stare at people who walks around us in frustration, as we did, only basically stop in the middle of the sidewalk. "Uh, I think we better move," I...

2 years ago
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Studying the biology of my bio teacher

The incident took place when I was in 12th std… My biology teacher Manju was very beautiful and damn sexy. She was about 24years old and not married. She had very big breasts. Her breasts were so big that her bra, blouse and saree could not hide it. It was protruding. When taking classes I used to watch her breasts and navel. I used to dream of fucking her. One day, after the class I was standing down the stairs. I saw Manju coming down. but on the stairs she got slipped and she fell down. As I...

3 years ago
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Study Shave and Shove

My age is 21. I currently live in Hyderabad along with my parents and my younger sister. My father works in a diagnostic center and my mother (Jaya) is a housewife…my sister is studying in 12th class…This is my story…We are a middle-class family and live in a rented 1BHK house with small rooms. The first room is the entrance hall cum bedroom where my parents and my sister used to sleep, the second room was left for me as I used to study late night and a kitchen and a bathroom all in a row.My...

2 years ago
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Study Shave and Shove

Hello, guys, this is Gowtham…I am a fan of ISS and used to read stories all the time but never had any experience to share but fortunately, after many days I experienced what I always wanted to…and I got the opportunity to share this with you now. The story is a bit lengthy as I didn’t want to miss any details. Please read it till the end and kindly share your experiences, suggestions. Feedbacks are welcomed with open heart at My age is 21. I currently live in Hyderabad along with my parents...

2 years ago
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Study Break

Introduction: This is about a hard working chick that needed a break from studying Alexandra is a hard working girl in college she and her boyfriend Daniel, who is also in college moved in together when they graduated last year. Alex is a goody-goody and she has to do all of her homework and projects as soon as she gets them. Danny is more of a slacker. After 4 long classes and 3 assignments to do Alex is rushing home to get started because all of them are due in two days. As usual Danny is...

3 years ago
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Study Break

It was the night before the big exam and I had no motivation to study. I had been studying for the last three days, shutting everybody out of my life. I needed to pass this exam or my chances of graduating on time would disappear before my eyes. Reluctantly, I wandered through the building looking for an empty classroom to study in. It was about 8pm and I figured that everybody would be gone for the night, but I was wrong. Each classroom I passed was filled with people hunched over books,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Study Break

Oh man finals week was always hell and for some reason I always get really horny sitting in the study lounge. There are always a ton of girls sitting in there. One thing I love about college girls? They always dress like they are ready for bed during finals week. I find that really sexy. I woke up at 10 a.m. the day before my american history final, showered and decided that I wanted to get some breakfast before I hit up the study lounge for an all day study session. As I was getting my food,...

2 years ago
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Study Session Turned Into Our First Gay Sex

Hello readers, this is Akhil. I’m a 21 years old, good looking, tall and slim guy from Bangalore. I’m studying in a reputed university in Bangalore. I’m still relatively new to story writing, so kindly ignore any mistakes and enjoy the . This story is an actual incident that happened about 2 years ago when I was in my second year of college. I had this encounter with my classmate named Komal. He is also 21 years old now. He is a Tamilian who moved to Bangalore with this family from Chennai...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Study Buddy

The door opened, John was finally home. He hung his coat on the rack and walked over to me standing in the kitchen. I smiled, turning my head to give him a kiss hello. His arms wrapped around my waist, he held me while I finished the last few dishes. He whispered into my ear, "I missed you.""I missed you, too. How was your day?""Busy, and I still need to study for tomorrow's exam.""Want any help?""I'd love your help.""Get your study guide, and go sit. I'll be in, just give me a minute."He gave...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Study break

‘I am one lucky girl!’ Mel told me yesterday and maybe she is. I grab the pan handle and with one very well trained move I turn the pancake throwing it in the air and catching it back. Mel is studying for some exams and she passes her days in reading and making tests. During this time I took complete control over the household! I do the laundry, cleaning, dishes... and my usual occupation in the kitchen - cooking the food. I remove the pancake and sip the next dose. I form a beautifully round...

2 years ago
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Study Time Turns Into Sex Time With Girlfriend

Hello guys, my name is Aashish Kalyan,19 and I am 6’3 tall, normal body and a 6-inch tool. I am from Mumbai. This story is about how I fucked my girlfriend at her home. A little about her, her name is Vidhi (name changed), she isn’t that hot, she is around 5’5, with 34C boobs (I love when I suck them) and her skin is black. Coming to the story, this story took place around 6 months ago. It was about time when our semesters began. My girlfriend was super worried about exams because we bunked...

3 years ago
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Study Buddies

Study Buddies By Wolverine Ada stared across the table at the blonde chatting away on her cell phone. One of the blonde's oh-so-perfect hands held the phone up under her silky, blonde locks, while the other hand absently twirled strands of her hair playfully. Her eyes were sassy and her smile was absolutely perfect like she was forever amused by something, so much so that nothing could pop her perfect little bubble. The blonde giggled and she turned the page of the book sitting on...

1 year ago
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Study Buddy

I was a senior in my small town high school. It was a very small town, maybe 1,600-2,000 people. Everybody pretty much knew everybody. Every thing really peaceful. It was the second to last week in school for us seniors, and that mean finals. I was doing really well in school. I was the captain of the football team, had a 3.5 GPA and real popular, with most guys and all the girls. But I really didn't pay them much attention, I saw them as a distraction on my goals at life. I wanted to go to...

2 years ago
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Study Break Surprise

I think I hit all the themes so, if you don't like any of them, don't read this and don't flame me. Keep your negative comments to yourselves, please. My girlfriend, Cathy, and I had been studying hard in the library of our small, Midwestern college when we decided it was time for a study break. Little did we know, as we headed back to my dorm for some privacy, my roommate Jason had the same idea – with his hot friend Mark. I'd met Cathy, a petite, 17-year-old freshman with fiery...

2 years ago
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Study Partner

So this is a recollection of something that Happened when I was around 21/22 and in University.Growing up with strict parents meant that I wasn't allowed to invite people over often unless it was absolutely necessary. So once I had a boy I was fooling around with come over as my lab partner so we could study. I invited him over as we wanted to hang out and had the munchies after smoking weed. I made sure to tell him how strict my parents are and told him that he cannot do anything that he...

4 years ago
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Study And Sex With Roommate 8211 Part 1

Hi readers. This is my first story. I’m Umesh. I’m a bisexual I love men young and cute with skinny body. I have sex with my girlfriend and other woman but some times I feel liking fucking a Cute boy’s ass. It’s about the time when I was in 12th I was staying in school’s hostel with 2 roommates, Sumit & Vishal. This story is about sumit so let me tell you about him. He’s is tall fair average body dude. He has nice white and tight ass. He don’t have to much hairs on his body his dick is uncut...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Study Time Pain 8211 Part 1

This is my first Erotica story which I can say that it is partly true and mostly fiction(it started as a fantasy first) bare with me as I am still a newbie. I am the only child in my family and we were moving from place to place all the time. At one time we ended up in a country side housing scheme.There were about 10 houses and only two of them were occupied including ours. Our neighbors were a newly married couple. They both were Charted accounts and her name was Dimni. She was brownish and...

2 years ago
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Study friends Ginny and Hermione

Hermione walked towards the libary to meet up with Ginny - who had asked Hermione if she could help her with studying for the OWLS. The mere thought of studying sent Hermione into a frenzy of delight! What would she teach the young Ginny? Transfiguration? Defense Against The Dark Arts? Oh! Hermione did not care which subject, for she loved them all. She walked into the libary and proceeded to look for Ginny - she overheard several people talking, "man, I never knew she could be that hot -...

3 years ago
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Study Break

It was the night before the big exam and I had no motivation to study. I had been studying for the last three days, shutting everybody out of my life. I needed to pass this exam or my chances of graduating on time would disappear before my eyes. Reluctantly, I wandered through the building looking for an empty classroom to study in. It was about 8pm and I figured that everybody would be gone for the night, but I was wrong. Each classroom I passed was filled with people hunched over books,...

3 years ago
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Study buddy has other interests

Kathy was a pre-med major and cute. She was a little shy of 5 feet tall and maybe weighed 85 pounds. She was a real contrast to my 6 foot 2 height. We would often study at her apartment which was in the basement of her parents house. One night we finished studying for an upcoming test and we were sitting on the sofa chatting. Somehow sex came up and we got into a conversation about our past activities and fantasies and such. I was getting really horny, and she could see it. I was only wearing...

3 years ago
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Study Break to Fuck a drunk Slut

This incident happened during my first year in college. It was a Thursday night, which meant that most people at my state school were out partying, drinking, and having a good time. Unfortunately, I had to take an exam the next day, so I was stuck in my dorm, studying.I was busy reading in my floor's common room until well after midnight, when all the students eventually returned from their nights of debauchery at one of the campus frat houses or wherever they had been. Most of them were, of...

1 year ago
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Study Night in the Dorms

Laura's Night In The Dorm On the bottom floor of one of the dorms at the University of Victoria, all the rooms are quite large, have queen-sized beds and come with all the other furniture as well. In the one room is an attractive young 20 year-old brunette named Laura; she is 4'10", 120 lbs., 36D chest, 34 butt — a very nice but small and voluptuous figure. She is currently alone in her room, working on an English literature essay; she is dressed in only a thin housecoat — and nothing else...

3 years ago
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Study Time with Jessica Part 11

Jess: Hey cuz! Wanna meet up tonight and study for that college algebra test? 
Me: Seriously? I’d love your help. I feel like I’m just not getting it.
 Jess: I’ll be there around 8, k!
 Me: Word. 

 Math. Fuck math. Ok, not really, but I’m in my second year of college and it is making my life a living hell. At 20, you’d think math would come easier for me. This is why you pay attention in school, folks. My cousin Jessica or “Jess” and I were inseparable while growing up. In fact, we’re...

3 years ago
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Study Session

An uncomfortable silence filled the library. I frantically scribbled notes in my biology notebook. Loni’s voice tore my attention away from my notes. “I’ll be right back,” she whispered. I glanced away from my books just in time to see her get up. I watched as she crossed the humongous, open space to the ladies' room. I couldn’t help but watch her full hips sway. Her heels clicked across the floor, making her round ass bounce with every step. I couldn’t pry my eyes away. She disappeared behind...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Study Hall fun

After a long day of school, I was walking to study hall with my friend Ashley. We had always been really open to each other and talked about sex a lot and neither of us were a stranger to it. Ashley is a hot 17-year-old junior and has to have at least 34 DD tits but not much of an ass. She was dressed in a thin shirt covered with a thin sweater and wore a pair of tight jeans. It was a chilly day and you could tell her nipples were hard through her sweater. I offered her my sweater because I...

2 years ago
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Study Friend

There had been six of us at the start but as the research and material was covered people would excuse themselves and head off to work or home. We were all in Dr. Lewis's World History class. It is a required course and Dr. Lewis was very big on researching and knowing the 'real' reasons and long term consequences of events being covered. The course should have just been reading the text, discussion and then taking a test but Dr. Lewis did not see it that way. The amount of...

3 years ago
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Study Sessions

‘Pay attention! We need to get this stuff right for the exam tomorrow!’ I tell my guy. We’re supposed to be studying for the Spanish exam tomorrow, but he keeps getting distracted with his laptop. ‘Okay okay, it’s just this shit fries my brain after awhile. I need a break. We’ve been studying for hours.’ Okay, maybe we have, I’m just so anxious about it. ‘Wanna take a break?’ I smile at him. His eyes widen. ‘Yeah I do,’ he says, as his hand slides down my shorts. Mmm, feels good. We look...

3 years ago
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Study Buddies Part 1

Annie’s phone buzzed from underneath her as she sat on her family’s couch surfing through the monotony that is daytime television. Honestly, she thought as she fished her phone from the pockets of her denim shorts, you’d think they’d play one good thing on television in the summer! Then, shaking herself from her thoughts, she skimmed the message from her friend Jace. I’m so bored. Want to come over and hang? Annie sat and contemplated the offer for only a moment, taking stock of her own...

First Time
2 years ago
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Study partners study body anatomy

Andrew was a tall, older, simple city boy whom I had met in my college history class. He was also quite the character. Charming, attentive, and friendly,he listened to every thing I said and always offered his opinion in return, which I always looked forward to hearing. Just to hear him talk, be near him, see his tanned, questioning face, was fasinating. The more we talked, the more I began to like him, and Andrew and I always converesed. We'd talk about our family, our social life, our life...

First Time

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