Tempus FrangitChapter 5: Capitulus V free porn video

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The craft that had brought Douglas and Myra to Simul's residence hung around until we were ready to leave, and then took the five of us directly back down west.

As it came in to land near the cottages, we were surprised to find that there were many other such craft parked in the vicinity. And a very dense ring of yellow shirts were dotted around the nearby hilltops.

I spotted Kay the moment we stepped out of the craft, and what's more, she had several ladies with her who I instantly suspected were some of the other Simuls, from elsewhere on the planet. They all wore the same distinctive purple attire anyway, and everyone treated them with extreme reverence.

Kay removed herself from her little clique and came over to greet us, or more specifically the three women. And very affectionately I might add; much hugging went on between them. Then she turned to Douglas and I and wished us all the best; or words to that effect anyway. Douglas and I didn't discuss it, but we both took her words as a dismissal, maybe even a "Well, get on with it!"

So we headed off towards the door in the dome. But we hadn't gone five yards when Douglas suddenly stopped. Obviously he'd been doing a little more thinking than I had.

"George there's something we haven't thought of ... paperwork."

"Not with you, Doug?" I replied.

"The girls, George; they are going to be nonentities in our time. No passports, birth certificates or anything. When they find out about them, the bloody immigration people are going to give us a real hard time."

"Shit!" I said out loud. Then I went back to Kay and began to explain our worries to her.

She just smiled at me, "Do not worry, George, all that will be taken care of!"

I have no idea of what expression I had on my face, I should imagine, confusion.

"Remember Thomas, George. Now, don't worry about anything my friend; I'm sure, all will become clear to you once you are back in your own time."

The five of us entered the dome and retreated as far as the front garden of my cottage while a couple of Adona's guys removed the door; not as spectacular an operation as the installation of the thing had been, that's for sure.

Then, so suddenly that it made me jump, there was a strange whooshing sound, made by the higher-pressure air rushing into the sphere, I suspected. I know we all felt the effect of the rapid change on our ears, but we'd been forewarned by a technician to be prepared for that. No, what made me jump was the fact that suddenly it was almost pitch black -- it was the middle of the night -- and we were ... well I was, looking up at the overcast sky.

Very cautiously, I turned to look to where Ciera and Chaise had been standing, and was pleasantly reassured to see the vague shadowy outline of two people.

"We're back!" Douglas's voice said from somewhere out in the darkness.

"We sure do appear to be," I replied. Then I recalled that there should be a torch in the glove compartment of my car, if I could only find the bugger without breaking my neck. "Everyone, stay where you are, I'm going to find some light," I was saying, when a string of rather graphic expletives filled the air. Douglas had found the stone edging of my front lawn.

"Broke anything serious?" I asked.

"Just my pride. Where's that bleeding torch, George?"

It was one of those times when you begin to appreciate what it must be like for people deprived of the wonder of sight, as I blundered about in the pitch dark.

Eventually, however, I did manage to locate my car; but somewhat confusingly, not the collection of odd tools and other detritus, that Douglas and I had left lying around it. Frustratingly, not even the front wheel I'd been sitting on whilst I'd fitted the front brake calliper; that should have been lying on the driveway. That being missing confused me, and somewhat slowed my progress for a while. I didn't wish to find the bugger the same way that Doug had located the edging to my front lawn; I had hoped to use the wheel as a kind of landmark to the car's position, if you understand me.

On opening the passenger door, the car's courtesy light came on, illuminating the scene, very eerily. At that instant, I knew that something was very different; but I couldn't put my finger on exactly what at the time.

However, I knew that all wasn't how I had left it. That ruddy interior light had never worked properly. That should have kind-of warned me that things had changed a little. I believe that the first thing I really noticed – yeah well, the interior light coming on had surprised me; although it had rarely worked since I'd bought the damned car, but it wasn't averse to coming on when it felt like, if you get my drift -- was the fact that the inside of my car was remarkably clean and tidy. And, I don't mean that someone had just cleaned the interior of the car either; it had not been unkempt or anything, anyway.

No, it was like I was reaching into a spanking brand new car. For an instant I must have been rooted to the spot, until Doug called out, "Where's that bleeding torch, George; a person could get killed around here. Shit, it's dark tonight!"

Coming back to my senses, I retrieved the torch and then shone it around my immaculate garden. Only, of course, it wasn't my - 'immaculate garden'! I'm not much of a gardener at the best of times, especially when the surf is up. Someone had certainly paid my domain a visit and given it a bloody good once-over; or maybe even two once-overs. However, I noted that some of Sylvia's rose bushes were missing.

"Jesus bloody wept, what's happened here!" Douglas had also noticed the change in ambiance.

"What's wrong?" Ciera asked.

Doug and I explained, and all three women started laughing. Then they went on to explain that most probably service androids had been dispatched to guard the cottages.

"Service androids insist on perfection, George," Ciera grinned at me, "Anything that was worn or damaged, in any way, will have been ... well serviced and returned to perfect working order."

"Service androids?" Douglas repeated, "We never saw any robots or anything like that in the city."

"No, you wouldn't. They cut the grass in the communal areas of course, usually at night." Chaise said, "But they don't do everything for us. That would lead to a sedentary lifestyle; not healthy for anyone! But they are programmed to repair anything that they come across that is not in perfect working order."

"Well, how come they've nicked some of my rose bushes? There was sod-all wrong with them, Sylvia..."

"Sod-all?" Ciera echoed.

I'd forgotten myself again, the girls had no idea what sod-all meant.

"Sorry, there was nothing wrong with them. Sylvia doted over the buggers."

"Perhaps, if Sylvia liked them, she asked for them to be removed," Myra replied, "There are very few pretty flowers in our time."

"Of course. That's why only half of them are missing, George," Douglas interjected as Myra ran out of steam. I think the young woman was not sure if she was speaking out of turn, if you understand me.

"George, the androids will have been in your..." Ciera began to say, but she suddenly stopped speaking.

" ... Cottage, and they will most probably have ... well, serviced anything they deem required any maintenance in there, as well," Chaise completed for her.

I had become accustomed to this method of conversation with the two girls, but I could see that it was still confusing Douglas, more than a little.

Mind you, besides the occasional confused expression on his face -- and the odd bewildered double-take as he looked back and forth between Ciera and Chaise -- Doug never has commented on the subject. I believe he knows ... and he knows that I know and understand, what is going on -- so he tries his best to ignore the phenomenon. Not that I would like to have to try to explain it to him anyway; it's bad enough, trying to explain it here to you.

As the girls had suggested, the cottage had received a makeover. Everything was as it was – or should I say looked the same – but at the same time, brand spanking new! Carpets, curtains, wallpaper, furniture, everything as it was – and probably better than – when it was new. Much to his delight, Douglas's place had received similar treatment.

I was surprised -- as I really do think the girls were at first -- when we discovered that all of Sylvia and Rose's personal gear and clothing had been removed from both cottages. In their place, was twentieth century clothing – I do believe modelled on Sylvia's and Rose's – for the three new arrivals.

Oddly enough, including wet suits. I was kind-of curious about what Sylvia and Rose were going to do with their wet suits in the city; a few years later, I found out.

What Ciera, Chaise and Myra were going to make of their wet-suits, I wasn't too sure at the time. But I must say, that helping them get into the things for the first time a few days later, proved to be great fun. Well, I had some fun helping Ciera and Chaise into theirs, and I assume that Doug got the same enjoyment out of assisting Myra.

Doug proved to be a little more circumspect, where talking about Myra was concerned, than he'd ever been talking about his interactions (physical or otherwise) with Rose. But then, the two women had completely different characters.

I won't go into all the chaos that reigned over the fact that the girls found themselves parachuted into -- what to them must have appeared as -- a very primitive society. But they all handled it extremely ... confidently. Cooking they were pretty quick at picking up, although both Doug and I became veggies rather quickly. Not because the girls made a hash of cooking meat; more because we both could see that they found the thought of eating flesh of any kind, upsetting.

Of course the first thing we had to worry about was that we had the locals to introduce the girls to. That proved ... er, very bewildering and somewhat confusing for nearly all of our neighbours, and every other bugger in the village as well.

Well think about it? As the locals saw it, one day Doug and I were living with Rose and Sylvia ... And the next, Myra, Ciera and Chaise had mysteriously materialised. What's more, Doug and I were telling everyone that Rose and Sylvia had deserted us. We tried not to talk about our new partners if we could get away with it.

Yeah, it didn't wash! Within a couple of days, we had the police knocking at the door asking awkward questions. Someone in the village had not swallowed our line of bull; not very surprising really.

However, early that very same morning, a courier had delivered a parcel, the contents of which surprised Doug and myself. It contained a note from Adona and official papers for all three girls. Including birth certificates, passports, and full medical and educational histories; all legal and above board by the look of them.

I figured that the note directly contradicted what Simul had led me to believe. Simul told me that the time shifting device would be dismantled. However, Adona's note informed us that in the following few years they had perfected the system further, and that they had sent operatives back to a time before our present. Where they had ... er, made some nefarious additions and alterations to numerous official records.

I kinda got the idea that the people they sent back, did not travel through time as we had though. They must have just appeared inside whatever record office they chose, where they would then make alterations and additions as required. This sudden (and I can assure you, unexpected) appearance lark, was to be confirmed to me later; but I'll relate that shortly.

So the girls being able to produce paperwork confirming their legitimate existence -- and legal history -- in our time, prevented the police asking too many awkward questions about them. Although a couple of police officers were more than a little suspicious about everything and those papers did nothing to stop those same police officers being a lot more than curious about the disappearance of Rose and Sylvia.

Over the next few months, the police returned again and again, to ask probing questions. Actually, we got to know those officers quite well, but I'll return to them shortly as well.

A week or so after our return, when the chaos had settled down a little, Douglas sat me down one evening and told me he wanted to talk about our future; our financial future to be precise.

Douglas then laid a cloth on the table, wrapped up inside which were a whole collection of cut diamonds and other precious stones.

"Jesus wept, where did those buggers come from?"

"Simul thought we'd ... well, you really, would need some money to help you support two wives until..."

But I didn't let him finish.

"Holy cow; what are they worth? Must be..." I blustered,

"A good few million at current prices, George," Douglas replied, with a grin. "We're going to need it to set up in business. I've got some contacts on the continent who will buy these for a good price, no questions asked. Then I would suggest we set up a company and start buying some of the properties and land around here, a bit sharpish."

I have no idea what expression I had on my face; after-all the land around us was still suffering from planner's blight.

"Don't panic, George. I know what I'm doing ... I think!"

It turned out that Douglas had done a lot of research that I hadn't even thought of doing while we were in the future. Mind you, he'd only had one woman chasing after him.

"George, the power station gets cancelled in a couple of year's time, and then the value of land around here goes through the roof."

"So we sell-up and make a stinking great profit?" I suggested.

"No, not exactly, we turn the whole damned area into a holiday experience. By that time, we own most of the damned village anyway."


"Very! The premier surfing location on the Southwest Coast eventually."

"You're sure about this, Doug?"

"It was all there in the records, George, I can assure you!

So that was what we spent the next few years doing. Douglas and I (and our descendants) eventually ended up owning almost the whole damned valley between us. Well, actually owning the company that owned the whole damned valley to be precise.

But for a while, our financial situation was pretty chaotic. But hey, what's new about that in this day and age? Well, our new wives coming from a money free environment that's what!

It took the girls some time to get their head around the idea that everything has to be paid for with cash. But they got the hang of it eventually. Ciera put her mathematical genius to extremely good use in the company, once it was up and running.

But Douglas didn't finish with the holiday centre. After purchasing the remains of a WW2 airfield at the edge of the valley, he went on to open a research establishment there. I didn't argue because ... Well, by then I was looking after the holiday side of the business; if Douglas wanted to play with his chemistry set, then he had every right to do so.

It was some years before I was to discover exactly what he was actually doing there, though. And then only then after one of the big chemical companies released a wondrous new paint on the market that -- when energised with a small electric current -- emitted light.

Obviously, Douglas had been a very busy boy while I'd been lounging around Simul's Villa with Ciera and Chaise.

But really, that all came much later.

One thing I think I should mention is the bedroom at our cottage; ours being Chaise, Ciera and mine, that is. Hey now, not what went on in that bedroom; that I'm going to leave to your own lurid imagination. The immediate problem was the size of the master bedroom in the cottage. Or to put it a little more succinctly, the size of the ruddy bed, when you take into account that the two girls had got used to sleeping in the same bed with me all the time at Simul's villa. They wanted to continue with those sleeping arrangements.

The bed had been fine for Sylvia and I; but, there was only two of us, wasn't there. To say it was a bit of a squeeze with the three of us climbing into it every night, would be putting it lightly. Interesting, but not what one could describe as comfortable for any of us.

Luckily, even though the external walls of our very ancient cottage were built of stone, almost all of the internal walls were built of timber studwork; clad in tongue and groove planking; okay plasterboard in some places, but the majority was wood. Douglas and I had to -- very hurriedly -- redesign the upper floor to make the master bedroom large enough to accommodate the biggest bed I could find. Whatever, it kept Chaise and Ciera happy.

It was just a bloody-shame, that we didn't have a couple of those Androids, the girls had mentioned, to help with the conversion.

Life sort-of settled down reasonably quickly. The girls took just about everything in their stride; although very often they ended up confusing the hell out of some of the local women and many other folks they met. I think almost everyone took the new arrivals as some kind of hippies or something, what with their strange eating and drinking habits. Introducing the girls to the delights of tea and coffee – and the secrets or rigmarole of their brewing and serving -- was possibly the greatest problem Douglas and I had, really.

One morning, while Douglas and I were still working on the bedroom, the two police officers who'd been probably the most curious about Sylvia and Rose's vanishing act, arrived at the front door; all smiles and apologies.

They'd stopped by to inform us that Sylvia and Rose had sent letters to various other members of their families, explaining to them that they were both fine and in good health. In those letters they'd informed their relations that they were living in a closed religious community somewhere.

The officer also informed us that around the same time as those letters had been posted, two women with documents to prove that they were Sylvia and Rose, had visited a police station in Greater London, and informed the officers there, that they were quite healthy and they had left their homes of their own volition.

"Must be in some weird community," one of the officers said, "The report says that they were dressed-up in bright purple robes; not the kind of thing most folks wear around London, at this time of year. Must be something like that Hare Krishna crowd I suppose!"

Doug and I both kind-a shrugged at that statement. To be honest we were both totally shocked by the officers' revelations.

It was pretty clear to Doug and I, that Simul had been aware of how suspicious the police were going to take Sylvia and Rose's disappearance, as she/they were about how authorities would have reacted to finding that our new partners had no papers. Consequently she (or they) had had Adona organise the document side of things, and then later sent the girls back in time to clear our names about their disappearance.

I wondered exactly how much other information there had been in Thomas's ... er, good question, what to call it? Historical account, I suppose.

We had another little problem at first, because all three women were of the opinion that they should ... well, go out to work. Unfortunately they were about as equipped to work in the twentieth century, as someone from our time would have been to work back in the Stone Age. Eventually Doug and I managed to talk them out of that idea, and they settled for going to college and studying; until a few additions to both of our families came along.

Mind you, I think in the short time they did attend the local college, they managed to flummox their college professors a few times. But other things were to take precedence in all three girl's minds very quickly, much more quickly than any of us had envisaged.

Generally, living with two common law wives ... I found interesting and very different, until I got used to it. Oddly, most folks in the village, appeared to accept the situation quite quickly. Like it was an everyday occurrence to find a guy living with two very obvious wives. Ciera and Chaise were not shy about showing their affection for me in public.

Although most of my own family never could get their heads around the situation. But then again, they never could understand what had happened where Sylvia was concerned either. The religious community never did wash with any of them; as it had apparently done so successfully with Sylvia's own family.

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On the first Monday that Ben had to go to work we were eating some breakfast when Ben asked me what I was going to do that day. “It’s a nice sunny day so I was thinking about going for a walk after my morning plucking session; maybe I’ll find that river you mentioned.” “Good idea, you can go skinny-dipping.” “I can’t swim, remember?” “Hmm, yes, but you could go for a paddle.” “Yeah, I might just do that.” “Cherry love, don’t forget that I said there might be some scouts or other youth...

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Ramu 8211 The Other Man

The following story is a real event detailing the life of Anita who e-mailed me with this story. The story will be dictated in the first person as Anita and all conversations between characters will be in English after I had graduated in science I was immediately married to Anil who was 29 at the time a bit older than me as I was only 21. He was from a distinguished family in the Pune district and was a civil engineer by profession. Most of his direct family lived together with him as a joint...

3 years ago
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Sinful Cindy

Cindy loved cock, although to say she "loved" cock would be a gross understatement; Cindy was a cockslut who sucked and fucked cocks whenever she could. One evening Cindy was on her way to a nightclub with the intent of finding more guys to feed her insatiable cock lust, when suddenly she noticed something glinting in the light. She picked it up to find it was a lamp, rather like the one in the story of Aladdin; as she brushed a bit of mud off it a swirling vapour came from the lamp...

2 years ago
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The Partnership aka Bad DeaconChapter 6

Marcy and I drove the SUV into Grenada to the address on the DMV registration. The house was a nice early20th century home. I researched a little deeper using the DMV information. It turned out the car in my driveway the night before was owned by a local baptist minister named Michael Allen. “Hello, Mrs Allan, My name is Mathew Andrews, and this is my daughter Marcy. I was wondering why your husband was at my home last night around 9PM?” I asked. I tried to keep my tone civil and not...

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Sex Unlimited 8211 An Orgy In The Hills 8211 Part 1

Hi I hope you all liked my first story-the wife, father in law and me. This is my second story. “Thap, thap, thap, thap”, the room was filled with the sounds of fucking. Mahesh was pumping his wife like a mad man. His 8 inch penis was entering and coming out of her cunt like a piston in an engine. Suja spread her legs a little bit wider and raised her ass to meet his thrusts. “I am coming baby, I am coming”, said Mahesh. Suja too was nearing her climax. “Faster, Mahesh, faster”, she said....

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Lena Ashworth 02112021

ExCoGi is on a roll these days with the Senior honeys in High School. Amber Moore last week. Lena Ashworth this week. What’s next? These two lezzing out for a hot 3some? Enquiring minds want to know. So fresh out of class, and the school bell, is 18 year old Lena Ashworth who just turned 18 three weeks ago. They don’t come any fresher than that and yes she’s literally fresh off the campus. As soon as the school bell rang she raced to catching her flight immediately after classes ended on...

2 years ago
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Baap Ki Galti Chupai Choti Beti Ne 8211 Part III

Dear ISS reader jaisa ki maine aapko apni pahili story main bataya ki meri biwi Diviya apne maayke shadi main gayi to mujhe meri beti Anushka ne mere dost ki biwi Dimpal ke saath range haathon pakad liya aur meri beti ne mujko bola ki main maa ke aane par usko sab kuch bata doongi. Main uski is baat se dara hua tha maine ek plan banaya aur jiske anusaar vo bathroom main slip ho gayi maine usko uthakar bistar par lita diya. usko hip aur right hand main kafi choot lagi thi. Maine subah se lekar...

1 year ago
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Perfect Sunday1

I was up and around first making some coffee when Ebony’s bedroom door opened and she emerged, yawning and rubbing her eyes. “Hi Candy, what time is it?” she asked. “Almost eleven fifteen,” I replied ”Jesus,” “how did I manage to sleep so long?” The sight of Ebony’s silky body sent a little tingle through me. Her curvy figure was more or less identical to mine with plump firm breasts and a clean-shaven pussy but in contrast to my soft, milky white skin, Ebony’s was like dark brown...

3 years ago
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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 7D

BOB (Saturday 4/8) ... With a final scream, [Elisa] collapsed atop me. We stroked her, kissed her and I told her, "You're a wonderful woman, Elisa. Your very presence inspires people to become the best they can be. Your sweet body, sweet breath and wonderful kisses transport me to pleasures I've rarely known." She pushed back up again and slowly moved her hips around. I gently milked her mother's breasts and asked, "Milk?" Fuck! She convulsed hard and flooded my groin again! Seemed...

4 years ago
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Carolines First Doggin Session

After a few more evenings, nights and mornings with Adam my husband David suggested we try something new, his idea was to go doggin. At the time I wasn’t too sure if it was something I wanted to try but could tell it was something that got Dave’s excitement raised if you understand me!!Knowing I could back-out at anytime I thought what the hell, if David wanted to put me on show to strangers then let’s give it a try. At least that's what I thought would be happening. David suggested I wear just...

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Leigh Ride

Josh finished off his meal before half of the other employees had even made it through the queue. He came from a poor family with three kids, and whoever ate the fastest got dibs on seconds, so he’d been in the habit of wolfing down his food all his life. Thankfully, the company had learned from the previous year’s fiasco. The food had been bad enough that they’d stopped going super cheap on company meals, and had found a caterer that seemed to do everything right. It wasn’t a proper family...

3 years ago
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Summer of Terri

Terry just knew this was going to be the worst summer of his life. To be sent away as punishment for what he had done was unfair, at least in his own mind. His deeply religious father had caught him wearing his sister's old cheerleading outfit.Terry's first thought was to try to pass it off as a Halloween prank. Since it was late May at the time, this did not go so well. His mother kept in the background, and did not come to her son's defense(again). This saved her a beating (again) and the...

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Some Wishes Do Come True

Hey, this is AJ, an admirer of Indian sex stories. I love reading the stories here and for the first time I am trying to write one. Hope you all like it. It was the final year in college. I shifted to a flat with a few friends and left the hostel. I was studying in a college in Bangalore but I am from Calcutta. I never used to like the vacations too much. So I returned a few days early. It was pouring heavily when I reached Yeshwantpur railway station. Tired and irritated, I went on and joined...

1 year ago
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Last Frontier IEpilogue

Now that the rewrite of "Wilderness Ordeal" is done, and "Last Frontier" (the really messed up version, in my opinion) has been re-edited to the R-Rated "Last Frontier I", Which meshes with the newer "A Wilderness Ordeal" is finished, I will complete "Last Frontier II" the sequel to "LF I", and remove the original. If anyone was reading the first "LF" at this stage, it was not that good, contrary to the vindictive ratings some of the readers are giving my re-written versions for...

4 years ago
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Wild in the CountryChapter 19

"What I want to know, along with everyone else here," said Peter Smith, "is when are you politicians going to do something about this problem." There was a chorus of agreement from the assembled local citizens, most of them monied farmers who did not appreciate having their prosperous, complacent, quiet lives of ease disturbed by a loose cannon like a pack of murderous dogs. And nobody seemed to be thinking to ask what that young man was doing there, out on Smith's land near his cattle,...

2 years ago
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City Life 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone. Thank you for your messages and encouraged by your response I’m going to continue my story about my experiences in Bengaluru. Please read the first part to get a hang of the story. Like I said in the first part, City Life – Part 1, I’m a 19-year-old village guy who had entered the city for my education. I was mistaken for a male escort by one of the cutest and gorgeous girl you can ever imagine, Deepika. Apparently, she’s a very rich girl. Let me continue the story where I had...

3 years ago
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Down to Earth

Michael Partenza parked her Corvette in front of Hanger Alpha 01 and got out, walking toward the armed guard with the locked and load M16A1. She rifled through her purse looking for the pass plates that would let her into the hanger. Michael found them and proffered them, causing the Air Police Tech Sergeant to snap to attention and salute rather than turning her into human hamburger meat. Michael returned the salute and walked in. she thought grimly, 'He would have done it, too, without...

3 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 2 Kobekistan

When they landed at Kobek International Airport there was an awkward moment as the stewardess attempted to persuade Janice and Tamsin to wear large tent-like over-clothes known as abayas. She assured them that all women wore them, but they were having none of this nonsense and insisted on leaving the aircraft in their normal Western clothes. At the foot of the steps there was a dark-skinned man in the traditional shalwar kameez waiting for them and he had a Rolls-Royce there. "Welcome to...

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Making new friends pt2

I watched as Gemma leaned forward, displaying her moist sex for our eyes, and reached down between her legs, running a finger down her wet slit. She moaned at her own touch, and rocked her hips a little.“One of you better get over here and shove your hard cock in my wet pussy and fuck me, before I get bored,” she demanded.I looked over at Lucien and he gestured for me to proceed him. “I’ve been there enough times in our teens. You take a crack at her, mate.”I approached her, and she reached...

College Sex
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GangbangCreampie Gwen Vicious G273

Gwen’s shirt may say, “don’t touch,” but the FIVE COCKSMEN seem to have some trouble reading it. Gwen doesn’t seem to mind, though. It’s almost like she’s teasing them. You be the judge. That glorious ass comes out to play quickly as Gwen bends over and starts putting all her Cocksmen in her mouth like she needs their dicks to breathe. Chris breathes some life into her pussy with his mouth before taking the first spin in Gwen’s pink Cadillac. The...

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Excitement pt1

He excited me. Really he did. I loved seeing how sweaty he’d get, running up and down the sports track. How his shorts did nothing to hide the apparent appendage that he had beneath them. I tried not to stare but I had never seen anything that made my imagination work as much as the outline of his form did. It had been so long since I had been intimate with a real man and I couldn’t help but envision myself between his knees, clinging to him like King Kong did the Empire state building and...

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Surprise 3Way turns to a 4way with a SURPRISE

This is a continuation from the Surprise 3-way Series. I was blindfolded, which only heightened my other senses. I could taste my wife's mouth on mine, her tongue wrestling with mine. I felt hands on my cock and balls and lips circling the head of my cock. I then was surprised by a very wet slowly circling my anal ring. My wife was holding my hands, either out of passion or to control my urge to "feel around." She then broke to kiss long enough to say:"We're going to restrain your arms" she...

1 year ago
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Jamaican Holiday Ch 14

Aftermath This brings us up to Dec 2010 and our most significant event - and introduces Robert, our Bull and future Master Dec 2010 -- It's been 6 years since that vacation to Jamaica. When we got back we intended to return to our normal Vanilla existence. But we couldn't -- too much had happened. As Jaye put it, the door had been opened to something deep inside both of us and it couldn't be shut. The first few weeks were exciting, as memories of Jamaica filled our heads and fueled our bedroom...

2 years ago
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ExpeditionChapter 8 Dude

"Dude! Impressive entry. Where can I score one of those?" "Man, Ya like the carpet?" "Oh yeah, Dude, That's so groovy!" "Wanna ride? Man?" "Dude!! Like wow!" "Man, Hop on." "Dude!! Oh yeah!" "Man, I wanna check out the river." "Dude! Like I'm up for it. Hey, Dude, This is pretty comfy!" "Yup, does ride nice. Too bad I have to give the it back, Man." "Dude! ya gotta surrender the wheels? That's harsh, Dude!" "Yeah, Man. Well, I borrowed it." "Like, five...

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being my lovers sumisive lover

i been pretty sumive , since i was a girl my first time with a boy . was my neibors son, he took me to the barn, toldme to take off my blouse and bra, i did as he said he then grabed me kissed me and groped my tinny breast, he told me he liked small girls and titts , he then made me remove my panties, i did they were soaked, i already exsperenced sex i lost my viginity months ago, he then , began to look at my tinny pussy i began to grow pubic hair but i keep it hair free . he...

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The College Girl from Hell

Lucinda was happy to be going off to college, trying to find her own way in life at last. But how would her classmates react to her?There was so much about herself that she would simply have to keep concealed.For example, Lucinda could never tell anyone she was named after her father, Lucifer. Yes, that Lucifer.She had even tried dying her hell-fire red hair, to other colors. She tried blonde, she tried black hair. But when you were born and raised literally in the Seventh Circle of Hell, hair...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Number Fifteen

This true story happened about thirty years ago, a time when boys could do something like this without everybody getting their panties in a wad and crying sex offender. A time when men were men and women wanted to fuck. My buddy, Jason, had just got a Polaroid camera and wanted to use it. It was the kind of camera that shoots the photo out when you click the button and then the picture develops right away. We decided that some nude pictures would be good and thought of this stupid plan to...

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Dans un quartier de ToonTown

NOTE AU LECTEUR Suite à certaines critiques que j'ai reçu, j'aimerais vous prévenir au sujet de deux ou trois trucs: -Cette histoire n'est PAS réaliste, et ne se veut absolument PAS réaliste. -Oui, il y a plein d'invraisemblance: les femmes ont des seins démesurés, plusieurs d'entre elles sont dotées d'immenses pénis, leur soif de sperme est du jamais vu dans la "vraie vie", des pénétrations ou des maniements de seins décrits ici comme agréables seraient extrêmement douloureux dans la "vraie...

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Double Trouble Part V

I slipped carefully out of bed and made my way down the hall to Jennifer’s room. I quietly slipped into her room and moved to her bed where I quietly sat down on the edge of the mattress my heart already racing as I took in her innocent beauty. Jennifer was sprawled out on her back…one leg under her sheet the other on top exposing her golden haired pussy to my lustful eyes. Her upper body was fully revealed with her very firm tits standing proudly, capped by the most beautiful pink nipples...

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Jeffs Family HaremChapter 7

Things around the house improved considerably for him. Both of them did whatever he told them, not only in bed but anywhere else. Paige stayed away from drugs and Dave Connors. She and his Mom shared his chores, leaving him free for football practice. He was much stricter with Paige than with his Mom. He made sure she did her homework every night before letting her watch television or go out with her friends. He checked her clothes before she left for school in the morning and supervised her...

2 years ago
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Gym Master Is My Master

I am a normal straight guy or that is how I thought until this happened. I am a fair fatty guy with obesity working in a life science company earning a good pay cheque and I was then posted in a hilly forest area in Kerala where it rains for 6 – 8 months. And this is Ajay aged 28 years. I was staying alone researching on rare herbs in the adjoining forests of Kerala and was posted in a hilly town. It was a small town with fresh vegetation, basic amenities and cultured people who were really...

Gay Male
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Truth or insest

Note:This is ficton! One evening I (ant 18) had some freinds over after college as my parents were both away on bussiness. so me, dave, kat and sally began the night like any teenagers would by getting in some drinks and having a laugh. Untill the mood changed slightly kat one of the most sexy girls at college with her ample chest and cute little body said "lets play naughty truth or dare". Me and dave were shocked as our stunned looks at each other as we all accepted and sat in a circle. The...

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My Little Kitty

My name is Marcus and I am 29-years-old. I have very short dark hair with light blue eyes and a small nose and mouth. I am quite muscular and work out a lot. My best friend is Paige, a 25-year-old girl. We have known each other for a long time and get along really well. She has blonde hair and dark eyes, covered by smart glasses. She has a pretty mouth that I have always thought would look great sucking me off. We were in the friend zone, we hung out, chatted and told each other about our sex...

2 years ago
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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 7 Back to business

It was almost as if there was unspoken agreement within the family that Gavin's confession was to be put to one side so they could all enjoy the week together. Each of them knew that if things went badly this could be the last time they spent with each other and they seemed determined to make the most of it. Gavin and Glen made the hike to a nearby loch that allowed fishing and they each managed to hook fair-sized brown trout. Fiona hardly let Gavin out of her sight and the fishing trip had...

4 years ago
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Ridding the train

Annie loved Craigslist. She could find anything there. A few days ago she found what she wanted – someone willing to gather up a group of men and set up a gangbang. She'd been feeling the itch for something wild and this would be wild indeed.She set the limits quite clearly. She wanted to pull a train. No oral, no anal. The guys would all get their chance to fuck her pussy but could cum anywhere on her body. Safe sex only. Annie hated condoms but hated the idea of bareback with strangers even...

4 years ago
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Sweet Sixteen Part 9

Sweet Sixteen Part 9 By Beverley Ann Miles Clive was waiting outside, standing by his car. "Sorry I'm late, I got distracted and lost track of the time." Well, that was a true statement! "That's OK," said Clive, kissing him lightly on the lips, then taking the holdall and putting it in the boot. He held the door open for Alex, then closed it once he was in. "Are we going far?" "No, not really." The car pulled away, winding through the evening traffic. Five minutes later they...

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