A Change Of Lifestyle, Part One free porn video

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A change of lifestyle Part One By John Howarth ©copyright 2001 John Howarth My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] Part one It's the end of June and our family is packing for the annual vacation. I often chose not to join them, but this year was different, we were going to Florida and specifically to Orlando with a side trip to space coast during the time of a shuttle launch. What teenage boy could resist. My name is Sandy, I'm fifteen years old. My height is 5 foot 8 inches tall with light brown, almost sandy colored hair, green eyes and a winning smile. I have a long neck which was the reason I kept my hair long enough to help hide it. Otherwise I am on the thin side. My sister Kathy is two years older than I, about the same height, with the exact same color hair and the same color eyes. She has a nice shape but relatively the same size as I have. She always annoyed me because she was always borrowing my clothes, the problem being that she looked better in them than I did. Once to get even I went and I asked to borrow a pair of overalls. She handed me some in hot pink. I put them on and she wanted to see what I looked like in them. She said I looked better in them than she did. She said I looked way cool and handed me a red and white striped top to wear with them. When she saw the total look, she said I could keep them, so I was now the proud owner of some pink overalls and a top to match. Of course I never wore them out in public. I was in ninth grade. In the spring and during May and June, my sister added several more pairs of overalls and short-alls with matching tops to my wardrobe. For her it almost became a game. I had a whole section of my closet devoted to her hand me downs most of which I would never wear. Each of them however were tried on once to make sure they fit properly, only to join the others in the closet. I considered it just my sister's way of picking on me. I packed my suitcase carefully, making sure I packed my coolest stuff for comfort, and that, just right look. I packed clothes I hoped she would not borrow from me while we were traveling. I would take a carry on bag with my camera and lenses. When we reached the airport, I was the unlucky victim of the total security search. I had to open my suitcase. The bag was searched totally to the point where I would need to get a new bag. They ripped out the lining of the suitcase. They trashed my camera bag, I was taken to a security office and strip searched, than subjected to a total body x-ray scan. At last, I was allowed to join my family. When I returned to them, dad was arguing with a security chief. The security chief had decided to do a total search of my entire family including the strip search and x-rays. During this process, I was taken to a security holding area. After almost two hours of being held, I was escorted to a police van and taken to a big government building in the center of the city. I was taken inside surrounded by guards. I was taken into a room and told what was going to be done. First I would be fingerprinted, then photographed, strip searched again, and given a lie detector test while I was questioned. If I did not cooperate things could be most unpleasant. I was in that building for four hours. I was threatened and once beaten with night sticks when I refused to cooperate. At the end of the four hours, I was simply released. None of my personal things were returned to me, not even my wallet or keys. I was not taken back to the airport. I was just left in the center of the city of Boston. It would take me several hours to walk back to the suburbs where we lived. At least the walk back home from the center of the city was much shorter than the walk from the airport. When I arrived, I saw police cars and the doors of the house were wide open. I hid till the last of the cars left. I entered to find the inside of the house almost totally destroyed. The walls had been smashed and all of the living room chairs and bedding had been totally ripped apart. All the electronics and appliances had been trashed. My room was in ruins. I did manage to find an old wallet and at least a school ID several years old. I did find an old hard shell suitcase that had not been destroyed. Now I packed most of the stuff my sister had given me. I went to a place I knew my father used to hide important papers and money. I was pleased to find it intact and undiscovered. I found a large amount of cash and began to consider what I needed, then I decided I'd better take everything. I found a briefcase and packed everything into it. I headed for the train station with the suitcase and briefcase. Upon arrival at the train station, I discovered security was almost as bad as at the airport. I returned to the house trying to figure out what I could do. I needed to change my look. I went to my older sister's room. I looked in the mirror. I considered if it would be possible to make myself look like a girl. I headed for the bathroom. I showered and used hair remover on my arms, legs, chest, and back. I washed my hair and dried if. I went to my sister's room and began to search through the remaining clothing. I found panties and a bra that would fit me. By some luck, I found some padded breast forms to fill out the bra. I found a pink top with lace around the neck and at the ends of the sleeves. Jeans just didn't look right with my shape. Even with my male sexuality folded back, I didn't have a shape for girl's jeans. My legs were fine. I didn't have the guts to try a dress. I found some pink short overalls, I think the girls call them shortalls. I pulled them on and fastened the shoulder straps and adjusted them and stood in front of the full length mirror. These would pass. I put my hair back in a ponytail. I found a pink purse, pink sneakers, and white socks. I added more socks and underwear to my suitcase. I did a little light foundation and blush on my cheeks, a little eye liner, and some pink lipstick. I found some earrings and a watch that worked. Looking in the mirror showed a teenage girl, not a boy. There was a wallet in the purse. I took my things and put them in the wallet along with some of the money. I added a brush and comb, manicure set, and nail polish. I paused and did my finger nails as well. I added makeup and tissues. I found a duffel bag and emptied the suitcase into it. I transferred all the papers and money to a small cosmetic case. I soon headed for the train station again. For once in my life, I was glad my name was Sandy, which could be a male or female name. A quick look at the school ID showed a person that could easily be mistaken as a girl. A little work on the old card and the ?sex? block could no longer be read clearly. At the train station, I had absolutely no problems with security. I was soon on a train headed south to Florida. The trip was rather uneventful. At the train station in Florida I found a free shuttle service going to the Disney resort complexes where I knew I could find my family. It was afternoon when I found the location of their room. I approached thinking, at this time of day, no one would be there. To my surprise I could hear people inside. With some apprehension I knocked on the door. When the door opened it was dad who stood looking at me. I said,?Mr. Beech may I come in please?" He motioned me in and closed the door. I put my stuff down and sighed,?Thank God I found you!" He said,?I don't understand?" I smiled,?It's that good?" He looked puzzled, than Kathy said, "Hey, wait a minute, those are my clothes? Who are you?" I smiled and said,?Well, till late afternoon yesterday, I was your younger brother, Sandy, but I guess right now I'm your younger sister Sandy,? Dad said,?Are you nuts or what?" "You have no idea what I've been through. I took the train. I went to the train station dressed the same as I was at the airport and security began to look at me suspiciously as soon as I entered the station. I went back to the house and tried to figure a way to change what I looked like. This was the best I could come up with. I breezed through security without a problem and almost no questions,? I said. He said,?What about your stuff?" "Nothing at the airport was returned. After that I was taken into the city, I was photographed, fingerprinted, questioned, given a lie detector test, strip searched again, x-rayed and once beat up with night sticks because I was uncooperative. I was threatened, and when I was released, it was without my wallet or keys. You should see what remains of our house. I have all the papers and money from the hidden storage place with me. That storage was not discovered," I said, as I went to the cosmetic case and removed everything I had brought with me. He frowned and said, "And the House?" "Secured as best I could, turned off the water, heat, electric, and gas before I left. The damage has already been done. Let's worry about it at the end of the vacation," I said. Father said, "No, everyone get packed, we're going home,? I looked at him,?Drop me off at the train station with enough money for the trip back. I haven't got a ticket to fly anyway, and I have no intention of going through airport security again after what I went through yesterday,? My father didn't treat me at all well. He seemed to be acting very strangely towards me. On the way back to the airport, he dropped me at the train station and within an hour I was headed north towards Massachusetts. It took till the middle of the next day to get back. I didn't bother to call the house to get a ride. I walked the distance between the station and the house. When I arrived at the house, there was nothing left except a pile of burned rubble. Now I had a real problem. Where would I find my folks. I considered what to do and checked the money I was carrying. It was a good thing I took extra from the cash I recovered from the house before I left. I walked back to the train station, which also served as the bus station, and purchased a ticket one way to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. That was the location where my grandparents lived. That may be where my parents went. By early evening, I was in Portsmouth walking to my grandparent's house. When I arrived, I found no evidence that my parents had been there. Putting on as brave a face as I could, I stepped up on the porch and rang the bell. It was answered by Grandpa Beech. He looked at me and said, "Can I help you young lady?" "May I please come in?" I replied. He motioned me in, and closed the door after I entered. Grandmother entered the room and said, "A pretty young lady like you should not be going door to door by yourself, now what can we do for you?" I smiled and said, "Have you heard from Mark Beech and his family in the last 24 hours?" "No, should we have heard from them?" said Grandpa. "That means I have a real problem. I need a place to stay till I can find them.? I said. Grandpa said, "I don't understand, you don't look like Kathy, and the other two children are boys!" I faced him,?I still am a boy, I'm Sandy!" Grandpa studied me, and said, "Why are you wearing girls clothes, and why are you all done up like a girl?" I smiled,?Ain't I pretty, these are Kathy's clothes. This works so well I may stay this way. Can I stay here?" "You know there is a spare room. Now tell us what happened," said grandma. It took me almost an hour to tell them what had happened. When I finished, she said, "We had to hear your side of the story. Yes we have heard from your parents. We don't know the reasons. All we can tell you is if you go back to boy form, you have no life with your family or with us. Your male form has somehow become a target, an enemy of the government. We believe somehow your identity has been crossed with someone else who is an enemy. You can no longer exist has a male,? I gulped and said,?So what is to become of me now?" "Well, to start with, you will be away from your family for at least a year till your total conversion to female is complete. Your family is suffering as well. Their current life has been shattered, their home destroyed, and they are being relocated. We were not given the details, and we have no way to contact your family. It was hoped you would come here. All expenses for your care will be paid and full legal paperwork will be handled by the government. Tomorrow, we take you for the first step in changing your identity. I'll show you your room while mother prepares you some supper," said grandpa. He took me to a room that looked like a girl's room. He said, "From now on, your name will be Wendy. You are age fifteen. When you return to your family, it will be as an adopted orphan,? I unpacked what little was in my duffel bag. I had only a few changes of clothes and nothing more. To say I was unhappy was an understatement. About fifteen minutes later, grandma brought me a tray of food. My meal consisted of a salad, a tiny portion of chicken, and some rather plain cookies with some funny tasting tea as a beverage. My appetite was more like a double quarter pound burger, loaded with large fries and a big soda. I ate what was served without comment. I was pretty tired so I went to bed early. Needless to say, I did not sleep well. In the morning, I ate a good breakfast with them, than they took me to a facility up in Portland, Maine. We entered a waiting area and waited for close to an hour. At last, my identity was confirmed by the fingerprinting done in Boston several days ago. Once verified, I was taken, alone, to another building. I was escorted by armed guards! At last, I was in an office with a man. He looked at me. "Kid, I feel real sorry for what has happened, and what we need to do to fix the problem. The easiest way to explain it is to tell you, in essence, your identity as it was, was stolen. It was done to provide illegal American citizenship to an enemy of our government. The operative had similar features to you, and a similar build to you. When you were picked up in Boston, the ID computers identified you as that enemy. Only our interrogation in Boston revealed which person you were. We really didn't want to beat you, but your resistance had to be broken. We had to be sure who you really were. When you leave here today, it will be with a totally new identity with a created traceable past. Unfortunately, we must make that identity female, and over the next year, you will be changed medically from a male to female. Unfortunately you do not have a choice. Neither does the total relocation of your family and the change of their identities as well. In their case, only necessary name changes and some conditioning needs to be done,? He paused. "Why do I have no options?" I asked. "That gets complicated and quickly leads to places and information that is top secret. We are doing the only thing possible to save your life. Other enemies had you targeted for assassination. Had you flown to Florida, you would already be dead. There is no choice so you either accept it and do the best you can to adapt to your life or resist and be miserable as the change is forced on you against your will. To be here the way you are shows your ability to adapt," he said. I said, "I didn't enjoy how I was treated. Much that was done was illegal especially when done to a juvenile. I was so pissed in Boston, I almost jumped through one of the windows. Make no mistake, someone, somewhere, somehow, I will settles the score for what has happened and everything I go through during this process. Someone is going to pay big time! For the record I don't want to be a girl, especially a cut and snip girl who can never be a real woman. And without family support, the change will be even more difficult,? "Your response is totally expected. In time, you may accept things you presently would never consider. Your resistance is expected. Just be aware it will be far easier to accept things as they happen, rather than fight us every inch of the way. Your grandparents will be your family support for the first year. If that does not work, you will be removed from their care and placed in a facility with others like yourself. In that facility, if you resist you'll be punished and if you continue to resist you may be beaten and those facilities do not turn out the best looking girls. They usually don't do facial cosmetics, which in most cases leaves that plain Jane look. Your grandparents will warn you when they are reaching their limits. The next step here is a total medical exam followed by the beginning of the hormone treatments that will begin to alter your body. Before you leave today you will have a new Social Security card, a new birth certificate, a new name, and traceable school history," he said. I said, "I think I understand,? He took me to the first medical room. The first exams were more detailed than any other medical exams I had ever had. I was given several injections and was given enough pills to last the first months. Next was the new identity stuff. I wasn't happy about it, but when I left my name was Wendy Collins. I was a fifteen year old girl going into tenth grade in the fall. Soon, I was back with my grandparents heading back to New Hampshire. We stopped at several thrift stores to buy other clothing for me. I was really nervous shopping in the girl?s and women's racks. I was buying mostly summer casuals. Going to the beach was going to be a major pain. I selected several one piece girl?s swimsuits that were on the conservative side. Jeans, I had no choice but buy boy?s or girl?s with elastic waist. I did buy some long overalls. Grandma made sure she purchased some skirts and dresses for me. She worked on selecting shoes as well. By the time we were back to the house I had a lot more things I could wear. We ate an evening meal in one of the larger seafood restaurants. They knew I liked seafood and let me have one of my favorite meals. At the house it took some time to bring in all the bags and put the stuff away. It had been a very busy day and I was very tired. Grandma suggested a nice warm bubble bath. Up till now, I was a shower person, but there was something that sounded so good about soaking in a nice warm bubble bath. I didn't even argue with grandma. While I was in the tub, she put out some new panties and a long night gown. When I got out of the tub I found she had added powder, hair remover, skin cream, lotions, and soaps to my sink. In the bedroom there was makeup and other essential girl stuff. It looked like my lessons in being a girl had just begun. With my night gown on, I went downstairs. I said to grandma, "Grammy, what are we doing tomorrow?" She looked at me and said, "Let's see, the beauty salon for a haircut and a full makeover, then to the mall. We'll get your ears pierced, and you'll select some jewelry. Till your shape becomes more girlish, we'll buy most of your clothes in the thrift stores,? "I'm still scared of going out in public like this. I'm afraid I'll be discovered," I said. She considered, then said, "By looks, no one would ever mistake you for a boy. What boy in his right mind would be caught dead or alive wearing hot pink and lace!" I said, "I must be totally crazy, I selected that outfit from my sister's room all by myself. The makeup, the hair, the jewelry, the total look was all mine. It got me past security at the railroad station in Boston and Orlando. Now that was a real thrill,? She said, "Mentioning Orlando, your family is still there on vacation. They dropped you at the train station and went back to the Disney facility. Everyone was sorry you had to lose your vacation. It was unavoidable. We were told if you tried to buy tickets to any of the major theme parks your name would have come up on the wanted by the government list. And you could have ended up dead. You will get your Orlando vacation once your conversion is complete," she said. "You know, you are going to see some nasty mood swings from me. Knowing my family is back in Orlando has me totally pissed. They have a good time while I suffer. You should not have told me that. It's bad enough that I'm the only one forced to do a sex change. I get punished for a full year while everyone goes on their way," I said. "Their life won't be as easy as you think. Their house has been burned to the ground. The only personal possessions they have are the things with them. Everything at home is gone. And when they leave Orlando, they will not be returning to Boston. We have not been told their destination. Your father gets a substantial cash allotment to purchase a home and everything to go into it. Each family member gets a generous amount of cash to buy clothing and personal items. Each member of the family gets a new name and a created history file that can be traced. They must start again with no jobs and no friends. They will be total strangers in the area they are moving to. You are not the only person suffering. And your father will get a full report about you every week, but all contact is forbidden. The report is only to tell him you are alive and healthy. The progress of your conversion will be spelled out in detail along with your emotional state and any crisis you are struggling with. Your father had to make the choice concerning you. There were two choices. He could have chosen to let you die, which is what the government usually recommends, or he could select to let you go through sexual reassignment and be offered for adoption when the process is complete. He was paid well for your loss as if you died in an accident. After one year of adjustment to their new lives they will be granted an adoption of a child to replace the child lost. By that time they will be conditioned so they no longer remember ever having a son named Sandy. To them you will never have existed. You will be the child offered for adoption to them but you will never be able to tell them who you were before. You will remember, they will not," she said. I looked down, and said, "I'm glad you told me the truth while everything is still fresh in my mind. I'm sure there is going to be much rage and hate in me. It will be most difficult,? She smiled,?We will suffer as well. As we watch your transition from boy to girl, we are watching the last contact with my son and his family. Once you leave us, there will be no further contact with you or my son's family. We must take joy in having you for this year no matter what happens. If things were to go wrong on that end you could end up being our adopted daughter," she said. "The world isn't fair,? I said. "No, it's not. When you leave here you will be the only one who knows the link to this family and if your mother has another child, a boy, only you will know the bloodline. Don't ever forget your past. None of us gets away without significant pain and suffering. Consider, if your parents do not have another boy child our bloodline ends when the government does the final surgery converting you to a girl," she said. I said nothing more but returned to my room. I decided that I would keep a diary. Again, my sleep was tormented by everything I now knew. The next morning, I dressed in one of the summer dresses grandma had purchased. Our first stop of the day was the beauty salon. They had me look at the various hair styles and they told me what they thought would look good on me. I chose the one they thought would look best and would be easy to maintain. When they reached the makeup part, they worked on my eyebrows and eye lashes till the boyish look was totally gone, replaced by a softer more beautiful look of a girl. When they finished the makeup there was no hint of boy left! We left the beauty salon with a supply of the needed cosmetics to maintain my look. Next was one of the jewelry stores in the mall where my ears were pierced and a starter pair of earrings were inserted. Then we selected other jewelry items. Grammy was like a kid in a candy store selecting jewelry for me. I couldn't imagine wearing more than a small fraction of the things she bought within the next year. At one of the fancy lingerie stores she had me wait outside while she went inside. She returned in less than ten minutes. She seemed a lot happier when she came out. We hit the thrift stores again on the way back to the house. Each time I felt a little better about shopping for girl?s things. Back at the house, we took our purchases upstairs to my room. As I put things away, she said, "I've got some things today that will really help you. When you are done putting that stuff away, you can undress and I will show you,? I cautiously stripped to my bra and panties. She said, "Take them off too!" Cautiously, I dropped the panties to the floor and took off the bra. She opened one bag and took out two funny looking underwear bottoms. She said, "It's called a gaff, it's used to hide your boy parts so you look nice and smooth like a girl down there. It's something developed for male actors playing female roles,? I put the thing on and adjusted the straps. Next she said, "Lay down and close your eyes. You will feel a cold liquid on your chest. Don't move and don't open your eyes till I tell you,? I felt the cold liquid, then some kind of weight on my chest. After five minutes, she said, "OK, open your eyes and sit up,? I looked down to see what looked like a pair of boobs attached to my chest. She said, "Those should make life easier till you get your own real ones. They won't fall off. The glue will hold for several months without any problems. That will be a big help at the beach this summer. They say you should be able to wear a bikini swimsuit without a problem,? I pulled out a knit romper and put it on. I stood in front of the mirror. The worst problems with my figure were gone. I threw my arms around grammy and said, "Thanks grammy, this is fantastic!" She left me, and I spent the better part of the evening trying on every piece of clothing I had. Now, at least, I looked like a real girl. Now I felt much better about myself. I slept better this night. The next day, she began to work on my walking, sitting, and movements. She said I had at least been doing well enough so I didn't look like a boy when I walked. Pretty much, for the next few weeks, I spent mornings practicing and learning to be girl. Afternoons we were at the beach, shopping, or at one of the amusement parks, water parks or other local attractions. At the end of the first month, we returned to the facility in Portland, Maine. My shape had begun to change and I was starting to feel some wild mood swings due to the hormones. This time, they knocked me out to do some minor surgery. When it was done, I was told it was some time release hormones designed to totally suppress the male hormones being produced by my body. They said the biggest changes should occur within the next 60 days. I was given some oral medication that was experimental. It didn't work on everyone, but if it did work on me it would make my voice at least substantially higher without surgery. My voice was currently on the low side and was not convincingly female. They were trying to make things easier for me when I had to start school in September. We returned home making stops on the way. August went quickly and I found I would be attending public schools for tenth grade. The first day of school was not a happy occasion for me. I was within walking distance of the school so at least I didn't have to deal with the problems of riding a school bus with a bunch of jerks. I entered the school about fifteen minutes before the first bell. Students were separated by grade and sent to different locations in the building. I joined a line at the entrance to the gymnasium. This was where sophomores were being sent. As I stood in the line, I was studying the other kids who were already at the tables inside the gymnasium. The hormones had started to work and I was noticing boys. My evaluation of girls was now limited to looking at style, and comparing myself to them. When I reached the first table I wasn't paying attention when the woman spoke. I said, "I'm sorry, I'm new here,? She said,?What's your name?" "Wendy Collins," I replied. She found my stuff and said, "Your pre-registration has no problems. Your transcript is in order, your medical records are all current. There is nothing more you need to do here. You will go to the main auditorium for scheduling,? I smiled and said, "Thank you!" I headed for the auditorium and joined a very short line waiting at the first table. I was quickly sent to the third table and spent about five minutes, then moved on to the main study hall where I received keys for my locker near my homeroom, and my locker in the girl?s locker room. Next we were sent to our homeroom. When I arrived, I gave the teacher my name and he assigned me a desk. Unlike my previous high school, home room assignments were either random or based on courses being taken. A few minutes later, the teacher handed out two booklets. One was the school rule book and the other was the school information. I began to read the rules and had almost finished it when the bell to change classes rang. I moved to the next class. Each class started with seating assignments, and comments from the teacher, then handing out the text books for each class. The time in each room was shortened so each class for the day was covered before lunch. The school was large enough to require two lunch periods of a half hour each. After lunch, classes that were not taken every day and were not scheduled for this day were taken care of. Things like physical education, biology or chemistry lab, shop classes, home economics, sewing, and other such things. By the end of the day we had gone to every classroom we would be attending. I left most of my books in my locker the first night, taking only the rules and information home. The first day had been a nonevent. The day had gone very well which made me very happy. No confrontations and no boys looking for dates, something I didn't need just yet. Things at home were as good as could be expected considering the circumstances, and what everyone was going through. I had learned to relax and go with the flow even if the flow would sweep me even faster towards my impending girlhood. I was starting to enjoy myself and the loss of my masculinity was no longer bothering me like before. The second day of school started well, but right away I was being called on in each class because of my previous grades. Several times, I had to go forward to the blackboard. This was initiation. Was I really a girl? Then there was physical education. A leotard and tights was bad enough, but when they started to do aerobics, I could handle it till they started doing splits. Thank God, the gaff protected me. The high kicks were another new experience. While we were changing at the end of class, I realized what we were really doing. The teacher was evaluating every student as a potential cheerleader. At lunch, I learned a little of the pecking order with the girls. Mainly I learned who to avoid. By the end of the day, I was noticed by a number of the boys in my classes. In this school, at the end of the day, you returned to your homeroom for announcements. There was an announcement for a list of girls to come to the girls locker room after homeroom for a meeting. My name was on the list. There were less than 20 girls on the list. When homeroom ended, I headed down, wondering what the problem was. Had I been discovered? I met one of the girls from my class on the way. She looked at me and said, "Congratulations, you and I are the only sophomore nominees for the cheerleading squad,? For a second, shock showed on my face. Then I said, "That's fantastic!" We reached the locker room and entered. The physical education instructor did a head count then closed the door. She began, "In most years, there are only juniors and seniors on the cheerleading squad. This year I have selected eighteen juniors and seniors, nine of each who will compete for a total of ten slots. This year, we are blessed to have two sophomores who will fill out the twelve positions. The sophomores are Kimberley Smith and Wendy Collins. Each one of those students here must have their parents sign the approval form and return it tomorrow. The cost of the uniform is shown on the approval form. Payment may be by check or cash and must be received before the first practice on Saturday. On Saturday we will do fittings for the uniforms. There will be tryouts practice for the next three afternoons after school. To be considered for the squad you must attend at least two of the sessions and be present on Saturday. Kimberly and Wendy, unless something goes terribly wrong during the practice sessions, you are considered on the squad. If either of you drops, the vacant position would go to one of the other girls in the junior or senior classes. In this school being a cheerleader is considered a high honor. Very few ever get a chance to even try out because candidates are selected. I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow afternoon,? She handed out the forms. Kimberly gave me a big hug as she said, "Isn't it fantastic we're on the squad,? I smiled,?I never even considered becoming a cheerleader. I love it!" I gave Kimberly my phone number. I think I ran all the way home. I entered the house and yelled, "Yipeee! Granny, I'm a cheerleader, I was nominated to the squad,? She replied, "That's wonderful,? She signed the approval form and gave me the cash money for the uniform. I went upstairs and began my homework. My brain had no trouble with my school work before, and that had not changed. My learning abilities did not seem to be affected by the hormones. Only my outlook and the way I looked at boys and girls had changed. Although I still had my boy bits, I was beginning to think most teenage boys acted like jerks. And last year I had been one of the jerks! The next day in school, Kimberly and I were both treated like celebrities by the sophomores, except for the nose in the air crowd who now considered us to be slutty cheerleaders. I ignored Veronica and Stephanie for most of the day till the pushing and shoving started. It happened in the lunch room during the first lunch when Veronica and Stephanie seemed to have their little club waiting for me. It started as a food fight and ended with a dozen girls ripping our clothing off. Unfortunately for me, they went all the way exposing me for what I was. There were screams as everyone fled the lunch room leaving Kimberly on her knees crying and me standing in shock feeling totally violated. Someone came in with large towels to cover us and took us to the principal's office. The principal studied us and at last said, "Kimberly, Wendy, I have already called your parents to bring in clothing for you. Wendy I do need some kind of explanation of why you are enrolled as a girl while you are actually a boy? Kimberly, you can wait in the next room, you should not be present for his explanation,? Kimberly got up, but I said, "Kimberly, you must stay. I need someone to at least understand why I am like this,? The principal said, "As you wish, now for the record, what is your legal name?" I faced him and said, "Everything you have on file is legal and accurate. My legal name is Wendy Collins, my birth certificate says female and that is all I can legally tell you. I was born male. I am in the process of being changed from male to female. I assure you it is not by choice. I don't want to be a girl, but I have no choice. My conversion is by government order and is being paid for by the government. By the end of the school year and possibly by the first of January I may no longer be a boy sexually. I have been forced to accept a total change of identity and so you know, none of this is because of anything I did. If I remained male in my old life I would be dead. I have lost my entire family. I am now an orphan living in a foster home. They know all the details that I have been allowed to tell them," I said. He said,?It is likely you will be forced to find another school to attend. No doubt the entire school knows what you are,? I faced him,?I expect I will only be here till the end of the school year. I suspect if I must leave this school my life will get a lot worse than it is right now,? He left us while he went and got out our records. When our parents arrived, the clothing was brought in and the parents were taken to another office. Kimberly had not said a single word to me since she saw me exposed in the cafeteria. Once I was properly dressed, she said, "Wendy, I'm sorry. I guess this means you can no longer be a cheerleader. Without another sophomore on the squad, I'll probably drop out as well,? I smiled,?Kimberly, I expected to be exposed somewhere, like physical education, but never like that. How can I ever attend school anywhere after that,? At last, the principal came and got us. He took us to our parents. I remained apart from grandma and grandpa. The principal said, "All activities in the cafeteria are videotaped so we have a full record of what has happened and who was involved. All those parents are on their way here. When they arrive, they will view the videotape. Then there will be an assembly in the auditorium for all the students of this school. Wendy, the students deserve an explanation and you should be the one to give it. Kimberly, it is your option whether you stay with her onstage or stand with your parents. Wendy, after your explanation, each child must give a formal apology to you and Kimberly on stage in front of the entire student body and in front of the parents of everyone involved. Any student who refuses to give you a formal apology or whose parents refuse to let them give an apology will face dire consequences," he said. Grandma came over and held me, saying, "I've already seen the tape. It wasn't your fault,? I just held her without saying a word. A short time later, the principal went to another room. After about fifteen minutes, the principal returned and took us all to the auditorium. The front row was filled with the students that caused the incident, and their parents. Kimberly and I, our parents, and the principal went up on stage. The principal waited for silence, then began, "Today during first lunch there was an incident in the cafeteria. The faculty does not normally act concerning the social structure of the student body, however this incident goes far beyond what should normally happen between students of different backgrounds. This incident was driven by jealousy because Kimberly and Wendy were nominated to the cheerleading squad. Being a cheerleader in this school is by nomination of the physical education teacher. This was done to prevent students without ability from getting hurt trying out to be cheerleaders. We no longer have an injury problem because of the nomination process,? He continued, "I am sure everyone in the school knows of the incident and what was revealed because of it. I am not going to discuss the social repercussions of this. This assembly is to deal with the problems and their causes. I will let Wendy tell her own story. I say ?her? because she was registered to this school as female. All records which have been checked and double checked say female. Wendy if you please,? I took the microphone,?It was never my intention to deceive anyone. I expected an incident in physical education or somewhere more restricted than the cafeteria. Yes, my records say female while I do have some form of male genitals at present. Other than passing water, they no longer function as male sex organs. There is no danger of me raping anyone. Emotionally, I am no longer male. I get absolutely no stimulation emotionally or physically when I look at girls and my brain is starting to look at males the same way a normal girl would. And to make things perfectly clear, I am not gay, I'm not a transsexual, or transgendered whatever that is. I was 100% boy last June, and by next summer, I will be 100% girl,? I paused. I continued, "You probably think I'm crazy, or at least a little strange. I assure you the only problem I have is the same one you have. None of this was my choice. I didn't do anything to deserve this. I don't have a choice. My male identity was stolen, and if I remain male I will be killed. I can't explain the details. Many of them I don't even know. The only choice I have is to accept the change willingly or not. I will be changed no matter what and whether it is willingly or by force is my only choice. I am taking hormones and will possibly undergo the final surgery during Christmas break. The people I am living with are foster parents. My real family is lost and I will never see them again. After the changes are complete, I will be put up for adoption as a girl. Even now, it's too late to stop the changes. I can never be a functional male ever again,? I paused once again. "Now, as to my future, I don't have many options. If I leave this school, I will lose my foster parents and I will be sent to a government facility. At that facility the conversion will be completed, however the only work they will do will be the actual sex change. None of the cosmetic things will be done. I'd probably end up as an ugly girl. So my choice will be to remain at this school no matter what. You will have to adjust. If my nomination to the cheerleading squad is still valid, I will be participating and no one will see anything about me that is different than any other girl on the squad. I will continue to take my full class schedule including lunch in the cafeteria. As for the girls involved with the incident, I have a challenge for you. Today you acted like a bunch of mindless jocks. You need to prove to me you are girls and once you do that you must prove you are a better girl than I am. Whether you like it or not I will be here till June and each day I will become more of a girl than the day before. As I said I don't have a choice,? The principal took the microphone and said, "The decision on the cheerleading squad will be made by the members of the squad. My challenge to the squad is to make Wendy one of the best cheerleaders to ever be on the squad,? He paused, looking down at the students and parents in the front row,?Now comes the most difficult part of what we need to do today. The students who caused the incident must each give a formal apology and their parents must also give a written apology to the families of both girls. If any child or parent refuses to give a formal apology this matter will be turned over to the police and the courts for prosecution under the proper laws. As I call the name, each student will come up on stage and will apologize to Kimberly first and Wendy second. If you will not apologize you must say that so everyone will hear,? One at a time each of the girls was called to the stage. All the girls except Veronica and Stephanie gave us both their apologies. Veronica and Stephanie apologized to Kimberly but refused to apologize to me. The principal again took the microphone. He said, "Veronica, Stephanie, until the conclusion of the legal matters, you are both suspended from this school,? I walked over to the principal and took the microphone out of his hand. I said, "Sir, while this is a serious matter, I seriously doubt that suspending them and turning this over to the police and the courts will do any of us any good. I am prepared to let the student body decide the proper punishment for their actions. I doubt the students will condone such behavior within this school. Disregarding what was revealed about me, this sort of behavior is far beyond what the students will accept for proper young ladies. Their parents however will still be required to submit formal written apologies to my parents concerning the matter or assault charges will be filed against the adults for the actions of their children. I ask no further action against the girls. I also feel I should warn other students not to retaliate in a physical manner as I will not protect you from whatever charges are bought against you for actions you take. I, of course, reserve the right to retaliate in any way I see fit until such time as Veronica and Stephanie apologize to me on this stage during an assembly. I consider this matter finished,? I stepped back, and he said, "So be it. And Wendy, I hope your actions against Veronica and Stephanie will be done in good taste,? I smiled,?Sir, I'll be the perfect gentleman, oops, make that lady. I think you know better than that?" That was it, the assembly was dismissed. The principal took my parents back to the office while I went to the cafeteria to recover my books, only to find they had been trashed. I found a box and put the books in it and dropped them off at the principal's office and headed for the girls locker room. I began to change to my exercise clothing. Once dressed, I handed the teacher my approval form and handed the money for my uniform to the teacher as well. The biggest girl came over to me and grabbed the front of my leotard and pushed me hard against the lockers. She said, "Wendy, I didn't see what happened at first lunch. All I know is what I see here or heard in the assembly. I don't care what is between your legs but once you put on a cheerleader uniform, you are one of us. If you make any move that suggests being male, I will save the doctors the trouble of having to remove your boy bits. I'll do it for them. If you become a cheerleader, you will not embarrass us in any way. You will date boys, if anyone is interested in you, and you will attend social functions as we require. Do I make myself clear?" she said. She let me go, and I got down on my knees and said, "Oh mighty senior, I beg mercy! I'm still learning how to be a girl. I will do my best,? Everyone laughed, and I got up. She even laughed then she gave me a hug. She looked at me and said, "Till the assembly, I would have never guessed. I've seen gays trying to act like girls. There are several in the school. You act more like a girl, more than some of the girls do. I think most of the girls will protect you. Veronica and Stephanie are in a lot deeper than they ever imagined. We met before you got here and everyone agrees, without reservation, to help you and to make you the best girl possible.? I smiled and said, ?I will do the very best I can. For me there is no other choice. I can't go back, ever. My past is gone and my future is whatever I make it. I can fight the changes and end up with a miserable life or I can enjoy myself and probably make a pretty good life for myself. I choose the latter, being a cheerleader sounds fantastic.? We moved out into the gymnasium and moved a number of mats out on the floor to protect against falls. We spent close to one hour doing everything the teacher and Cheryl showed us. Cheryl, the girl who confronted me was the head cheerleader. I was able to do almost every move the first time without much practice. On one of the splits, I took it a little slow and Cheryl said, ?Wendy, try that again a little faster.? I looked at her and tried it the same way she did it. I hit bottom a little hard and didn't get up instantly. Then she realized what the problem was. Her face turned red, and I got up. I said, ?I'll be right back.? I grabbed a roll of duct tape and headed for the girls locker room. I undressed and removed the gaff, and pushed what little remained of my boy bits back so they were recessed inside me. I used several lengths of tape pulled tight to give me a smooth profile with nothing to get bruised. I dressed again and went back out. I looked at Cheryl, ?Now do your worst, starting with that split again.? "Are you sure?" she said. "Right now, I could handle routines on the balance beam,? I said. She smiled and said, "OK, try and follow me.? She gave me a most difficult series of moves including splits, high kicks, and several moves most guys could never do without causing themselves major damage. I did every move crisply and without hesitation, going to the limit of my body. She had ended with a hard split, jumping up immediately after it. I hit the mat so hard I bounced part way up completing the move smoothly. I had a big grin on my face. She smiled and said, ?Wendy, you can sit down and relax, you do that better than anyone else so far today.? I nodded and sat down, folding my legs underneath me. I watched Cheryl as she made every one of the girls do the routine I just did. She was especially hard on Kimberley. She said, ?Kimberly, you and Wendy are about the same size, and are the smallest on the squad. Their are routines we can do with both of you if you can master the preliminary routines. If we can get to the fancy stuff we might be able to compete, something this school has never been able to do before. Wendy has already shown us her stuff, I'm already sure she can handle anything I require of her.? That was the end of the session. We went and changed. While I was essentially naked, Cheryl came over and said, ?That's going to hurt when you take it off.? "There is no hair anyway, and it won't be any worse than that first hard split you made me do today. I saw stars with that one. The long routine was pain free. The tape works better than the special underwear I use to hide things. By New Year's, I won't need to hide anything,? I said. I dressed and headed home. At the house, grandma and grandpa had me sit down in the living room. They told me, ?There was a meeting of the adults concerning the matter of you even being allowed to attend a public school. Several parents will be initiating a lawsuit against the school system. The federal law mandates every child be given an adequate education. With the delays in the courts it is unlikely the case will even be heard before your conversion is complete. The school system is on your side, and, it would appear, the majority of the students find you to be an acceptable student. How did things go at cheerleaders?? said grandma. I smiled, ?You need to call the facility in Portland to let them know what is going on. Cheerleaders was great. The head cheerleader has accepted me and I don't think there's going to be a problem with that. We'll just have to see how tomorrow goes.? "Are you having any serious problems because of what happened today?" asked grandpa. I smiled, ?Not really, it was more embarrassing because of where it was done, but I expected it to happen sometime no matter what. All considered, I think things went rather well. I was not physically hurt and I am sure I have some new friends from all this. Most kids are not as big a jerks as one would expect. From what I understand, there are several gays crossdressing as girls in the school, they are known and tolerated. From the impression I get, they are not accepted by the girls. I am.? "Good, as long as you are still comfortable with the situation, we will take no further action,? he said. I smiled, ?I appreciate that. I think within a few days everything will calm down. The legal problems are unavoidable. They are also largely out of our control. Remember, this is a forced change being done by the government.? Grandma said, ?The principal is very concerned about you. I think he is worried about the boys and what they might do to you.? I considered, then said, ?I don't think most of the normal boys will do anything. Normal kids will not associate with gays, who are considered weird. I'm considered worse than that, but except for those few gay bashers, most people will just steer clear of me. I fall in a totally undefined category. If they want me to see a shrink, I would do everything they want, because no matter what, things cannot be changed. Seeing a shrink is usually because they think a person is sick or confused about their sexuality. I don't have a problem with my sexuality. I was a normal boy. I never had any thought or want to be a girl. I don't want to be a girl. I am being forced to have a sex change against my will. Since there is no choice, I can just have a lot of fun with the shrink. Right now, after cheerleader practice, I'm on cloud nine, I'm so up you'd never believe it,? Grandma said, ?I'm glad you are at least comfortable with the situation.? I said, ?I do have a small problem. All my school books, my school bag, my notebooks, and all my school supplies were trashed in the cafeteria as well. I gave them to the principal after the assembly so there is no way for me to do any homework tonight.? Grandma said, ?Why don't you go have a long soak in the bathtub. We'll go out for supper and we'll replace everything except the text books after we eat.? I went to take a bath. It took some time to remove all the tape I was wearing. When I went shopping, I went looking for something to help that situation. I would need to use tape during cheerleader practice, and later during the actual cheerleading sessions. We made several additional purchases during the shopping trip. Considering everything that happened that day, I slept very well that night. In the morning, I decided to dress up a little for school. I wore a skirt, blouse, slip, pantyhose, earrings, a watch, a necklace, and some shoes with a slight heel. I arrived at school about fifteen minutes before class time. As I entered homeroom, there were a number of snickers from the boys. I wiggled my ass as I walked to my seat and sat. I immediately crossed my legs at the knee. The room got very quiet. After the second bell, the teacher took attendance. The homeroom teacher began to speak, ?Wendy Collins, I'm glad to see you have returned to the school to be with us in spite of what happened yesterday.? I spoke, ?Mr. Madison, most of the students in this school treated me very well. I don't judge everyone by the actions of a few. I still consider myself a student in this school. Nothing with me has really changed.? Everyone seemed to relax. The morning announcements from the office were given. The incident was mentioned several times. It was also noted I was to be excused from all homework assignments due today because my text books had been destroyed in the cafeteria yesterday. In each class, I was told there were no extra text books available and that I would have to manage without them. The teachers would provide needed materials so I could keep up with the classes. I also indicated I would make up the missed assignments if the material to do so was provided. At first lunch, I entered the cafeteria and purchased a hot lunch and sat down to eat it. Kimberly joined me but she was not happy. She said, ?My parents are jerks. As long as you are on the cheerleading squad they won't let me be on the squad.? I looked at her and said ,?Not all the jerks in the world are boys, some of them are grown-ups. Maybe Cheryl can talk to your parents. I'd try, but I doubt it would do much good. Are you coming after school today?" "Sure I'll be there,? she said. "Let me do the talking,?I said. She moved away to be with one of her older friends. I really needed time alone anyway, so I didn't mind. A few minutes later, three girls came over and sat at my table. A quick look, and I knew I was not looking at girls, I was looking at boys in drag. I thought I was going to barf! My first attempt was better than these guys were. One of them spoke, making no attempt to disguise his deep male voice, ?We need lessons?" One of the others said, ?You look really hot, I'd like a date with you.? I smiled, ?Sorry, I don't date boys in skirts. I prefer my man in Jockey briefs and tight Levi's. You guys just don't make it. And as far as lessons, I'm not the one you need to see. You hang with me and you could end up like I did yesterday.? I got up and dumped my tray in the bin, and left the cafeteria showing them my best female walk as I did so. For the rest of the day, the talk buzzing in my ears was what I had done to those guys in the cafeteria. At cheerleader practice, Cheryl said, ?I hear you met the limp wristed delegation at lunch. Isn't Charlie a real prize? She's the one that looks overstuffed.? I just nodded and she said, ?He doesn't want to be a girl. He makes me sick.? "Hey, it takes all kinds. You don't have to associate with him,? I said. She sighed and said, ?Then you don't know?" "Know what?"I replied. She said abruptly, with distaste, ?Charlie is my brother!" For a second, I was stunned. All I could manage was a weak, ?Gee, I'm sorry.? She began to cry as she said, ?I was hoping maybe you could help them.? I considered, then said, ?Maybe I can. Let me think about it. Now, we've got another problem that maybe you can solve. Kimberly's parents will not let her be on the squad if I?m on the squad.? Cheryl said, ?Yes, we'll take care of that on Saturday after the squad is announced. We'll all go to Kimberly's house.? Kimberly smiled, ?I hope so.? Cheryl looked at me and said, ?Wendy, till Saturday, we'll act like you are off the squad. Go home. I'll call you at home tonight.? I smiled, ?I'll be home all evening. I don't have much to do after school hours. My life is a little messed up right now.? I left heading home, being a little glad I didn't have to tape my crotch for a few days. We ate supper a little early that night. Just after 5:30 PM, the phone rang. It was Cheryl. She asked me if I could come over to her house for the evening. She would even come and get me. Grandma and grandpa said yes, as long as I was back by 11:00 PM. Cheryl showed up ten minutes later. She made a few more stops and three more people got in the back seat. We were back at her house by 6:00 PM. We entered, and I almost ran right out the door. The three others she had picked up were the three other gay boys. She blocked my escape, saying, ?Relax nothing that happens here tonight will ever go beyond these walls.? I faced her and said, ?We need to talk alone, right now!" She took me into the kitchen. She said, ?Take it easy. They all want this. They want to crossdress without getting bashed by everyone. You can do this whatever way you want. I won't interfere and neither will my parents.? "OK, how do I begin?" I said. "I would suggest, by setting down rules,? she replied. We went back out, and she said, ?Wendy has agreed to at least try and help you, you gang of misfits.? I looked at her, scanned the room, and said to her, ?Go to your parents and leave us while we have a girl to girl talk.? She left with no further comment. I faced the four teenage boys in the room. I began, ?The first thing I'm going to do is set down some rules. If you want my help you will abide in them without question. I don't know your mental state, and I don't know what you really want. You are here because it seems like you want to dress like girls and live like girls no matter what your true sex is. I don't know if any of you has any thoughts of having a sex change. That is not for me to decide. That is for trained professionals. If later, any of you wishes to consider that option, I might be able to connect you to people who can help you.? I continued, ?The first thing you must do is select a female name. Charlie, for example, won't do it, but Sherry might. After you select that new name, you must abandon your old one and never use it. I want you to select a new name now. I want you to tell me who you are in your best female voice.? I went around the room and got Karen, Krystal, Cheri and Suzy. I continued with, ?Now you need to get the proper appliances. The women's lingerie store in the mall has everything you need. They sell what is called a gaff. It is an undergarment designed to allow male actors to play female roles and look totally female between your legs. You can wear a leotard or a women's swimsuit and look like a real woman. They also have glue on silicone breasts that will actually jiggle and will look totally realistic under most clothing. It will allow bikini tops, halter tops, and strapless evening gowns without a problem. That is presently what I am using, but by the end of the year I will have real breasts and no more nasty bump between my legs. As I understand it, when they are done, I will be able to have sex with a man like any other girl would. If you want to get it right, you need to buy the proper things.? I paused. "Next, if you are totally serious, you need to do something about your body hair. I suggest hair remover for that. Then you need to take bubble baths using bath oils and skin conditioners. The same goes for the hair on top of your head. Use a shampoo and conditioner to provide body for your hair. If you like to wear earrings, get your ears pierced at one of the jewelry counters at the mall. Work with a little makeup. A good start is a coating of light foundation, powder, and a little blush for color. A light coat of lipstick, and maybe a little eye shadow. Too much makeup makes you look like a cheap hooker.? "On clothing, find a style that looks good on you. If you can look in the mirror and see a boy you haven't got it right. Don't wear heels to start with. Learn to walk first, like a girl. Learn to sit down like a girl and learn how to cross your legs when you sit. Little girls cross their legs at the ankles, while women cross their legs at the knees. Smooth the back of your skirt or dress when you sit down. Keep your legs closed. If I catch you sitting with your legs spread wide like a boy I may kick you where it hurts the most. Girls don't sit like that. If you wear a skirt or a dress, you wear a slip under it. There is a function to wearing a slip besides how nice it feels. It stops your dress from clinging to your body in the wrong places. It's also a good idea to get used to wearing pantyhose when you wear a dress or skirt. If you don't wear

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Swing Lifestyle Part 1

There is a website called Swing Lifestyle that I happened onto several years ago after I became a widower. Following the death of my wife, I spent many lonely hours surfing the net, usually looking for something to view to enhance my masturbation activities. After almost fifty-five years of marriage and nearly five years of ED issues, getting good erections was almost a thing of the past, making hook-ups more difficult. Swing Lifestyle was a website for people interested in swinging and was...

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Lifestyle Resort Breeding PART 2

PART 2Eagerly Waiting After I came down from the sexual high, we decided to get clean and to follow the resort’s dress code. White hubbies were to be nude. White wives were also to be nude but with a little cover of a minimal ballerina’s chemise wraparound that barely covered our derrieres. So skimpily attired we withdrew to the patio relaxing comfortably around a table that had drinks labeled “his and hers”. "What a pleasant surprise. “La Dame de Pique people really know how to pamper its...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 2

A Change of Lifestyle Part 2 Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Chapter 3 - things go a bit further My contact to install computer software for a small construction company was coming to an end. There was still some work at remote sites but the office based work was completed. I hoped that I would get some further work for the same company but that would be a few...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 3

A Change of Lifestyle Part 3 Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife Chapter 5 - Things move on a little further I was puzzled about what the bags contained but it was clear that Victoria was not going to tell me about the contents or show me until she was ready. I think that I knew what the bags would contain. More panties, hosiery, almost certainly another suspender...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 18 Club Cane

Been working hard to get more out so I'm posting two this time. Again please rate and review and let me know you like it. Drop me a mail but only about the stories. I"m not looking to chat, cyber or hook up so don't waste your time unless your fetish is rejection and the bottom of my delete bin. LOL I will try to answer any other mails however so drop me a line. Coming soon as promised, something about Baron. Drop me a mail and tell me who's your favorite and one lucky reader will find...

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Our First Night In The Cuckold Lifestyle

My wife, Liz, and myself have been married for 5 years now. However, we have been in the cuckold lifestyle for almost 2 years now. I write this story out because maybe it will serve as a guide for someone else who wants to enter into this lifestyle--but also for people who are entertained by this lifestyle too.This is how we entered the cuckold lifestyle.Now, for the first 2.5 - 3 years of our marriage we were the typical young married couple. At the time of our marriage I was 27 and Liz was...

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Swinging Lifestyle Initiation Ch 01

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Rick and I had been married for a little over four years. The first six months we spent catching up on all the sex we thought we’d missed out on while we were both single. Neither one of us was very experienced sexually before we started dating each other. Our lovemaking had become pretty much unexciting and routine. Sure, we’d tried a lot of various positions and explored our desires. We were...

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An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle

I must give Cheryl Lynn credit as the basis of this story is a take off, a different look at her story entitled "Mother-In-Law." My version is a bit different but I hope maybe a bit deeper and every bit as exquisitely and inescapably feminizing as the original. Anonymous writer- "An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle" It had been a bit of a rough deal and six weeks later, although the situation had calmed down things had changed. Tim's wife had found his large...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 35 Jensen AppletonSmythe

“Right!” called out Hank Barry. “Who’s for pizza. I’m taking orders before I phone through.” Jill Williams was about to say something but Hank’s wife got in first. “No wait!” she said. “Why don’t we all eat out tonight and let’s take our new Lifestyle Nudists with us. If they are game. What do you three say?” Tom, Belinda and Jamie looked at Lynn Barry and each gave a sudden, involuntary gulp. They then looked at each other before Tom spoke up. “Awwww ... I don’t know mom” Tom said....

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Adventures With Traci A New Lifestyle Part 1

“Terry, what are you doing?”I turned. Traci, my wife of just over a year was standing in the doorway to our den. She was dressed in her white chiffon baby doll nightie. Underneath the nightie she was naked. The short, nearly transparent nightgown barely veiled her large breasts and shaved sex. My wife was a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body and she loved to display it.Traci has an amazing figure. She is 5'2” tall, wears a 32 F brassiere and weighs a little under one hundred pounds....

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A Change of lifestyle Part 7

A Change of Lifestyle Part 7 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many, many stories on fictionmania (and other sites) and enjoyed...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 15

A Change of Lifestyle Part 15 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. There are piercings and more tattoos. Chris makes a huge decision, and it took a while, but Melissa finally goes to the salon and makes a big change Chapter 38 - Changes The next morning Chris dressed as usual. He was wearing nude tights and made no attempt to hide them. He said very little and looked sad. ...

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The Swingers Lifestyle

As I write this both my wife and I are sitting in jail waiting to go on trial for murder. We are telling everyone we are not guilty of murder but I’m coming to the conclusion that what we say is irrelevant. It’s irrelevant to the police and the District Attorney who think that we killed the young woman named Sandra Hamilton and nothing that we say or do is going to make them change their minds. Day after day my wife Debbie and I sit in our prison cells and we day dream about the day that we...

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An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle

It had been a bit of a rough deal and six weeks later, although the situation had calmed down things had changed. Tim’s wife had found his large black suitcase in the garage by accident. It was a stupid mistake but it had happened. He was working at home as usual and had noticed the lightbulb on one of the garage door openers had gone out. A simple fix, get the ladder out, put in a replacement light bulb and end of story. But, in this case it was only the beginning of the story! Tim had...

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An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle

It had been a bit of a rough deal and six weeks later, although thesituation had calmed down things had changed. Tim's wife had found hislarge black suitcase in the garage by accident. It was a stupid mistakebut it had happened. He was working at home as usual and had noticedthe lightbulb on one of the garage door openers had gone out. A simplefix, get the ladder out, put in a replacement light bulb and end ofstory. But, in this case it was only the beginning of the story!Tim had gotten...

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Lifestyle Entrance with Friends

Allison and Scott were married for 5 years and had 3 beautiful boys. They were happy as could be with their marriage. They had a very open and honest marriage, and could tell each other everything and anything. Allison and Scott were getting ready to meet a couple that they had graduated High School with and Allison looked at Scott and said "honey can you imagine Kimberly and Alex ever being swingers." Bob replied with " Fuck no not in a million years would I have expected that, especially...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 14 Lifestyle Nudism Arrives

Jack did not respond immediately to this question from the official from The Lifestyle Nudism Council. Instead he looked momentarily down at his pajama pants and was relieved to see that his erection had gone down and was now tucked quietly back in behind the striped material. Not that this was any real comfort because Jack knew, only too well, in that moment that Lifestyle Awareness Week was upon him and total public nudity had finally arrived at his doorstep. Jack’s response followed on...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 34 The Parcel at the Door

Exactly two days after the ‘ACCEPTANCE’ document arrived another parcel arrived at Tom’s home that contained three very clunky looking wrist bracelets. To say they could never be mistaken for a fashion accessory was an under statement because the bracelets were just positively ugly. A covering letter explained that new and much more attractive models were still in the design phase. Those new designs would be made of a non-allergenic plastic material and would come in several different colors...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 40 The Senator Presents Her Body

It took slightly longer than the other times but the din in the main assembly hall of Blanke Schande College did eventually dissipate. When it did senator Rebecca Arnold signaled Tom Barry towards the microphone again. Tom’s penis was still quite stiff and just so aroused by all that was going on. “Ladies and gentlemen” he began, “There is still one more task I have been asked to do before I can officially declare the opening of BSC’s academic year. Everyone in this room will no doubt be...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 11

A Change of Lifestyle Part 11 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Chris tries out his new ballet boots and goes out to dinner, as a guy. Chapter 32 - Ballet boots practice The following week was a bit crazy with work and social events. That weekend I did some maintenance work outside the house and did mundane tasks like servicing the cars and shopping. There was little or...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 5

A Change of Lifestyle Part 5 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many,...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 6

A Change of Lifestyle Part 6 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many,...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 13

A Change of Lifestyle Part 13 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife and their friend Jess. More tattoos and a visit to a club. Thank you for the reviews and the suggestions but I have written several more parts and am happy with them. I hope that you enjoy them but I wrote them for me and I hope that you too enjoy them and if...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 14

A Change of Lifestyle Part 14 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. He has moved on a long way, he is discovered and things pick up speed. Chapter 37 - Julie finds out We put the kettle on and unpacked. I took the dirty stuff to start the laundry and Victoria out everything else away. Having made tea we both checked our e-mails. "I have a couple of things I need to reply to...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 17

A Change of Lifestyle Part 17 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Victoria and Melissa go out for the weekend with some male friends. Chapter 41 - Mark and Rob One evening Victoria took a phone call. I was doing the dishes and did not hear what she was talking about. "That was Mark of Mark and Rob from the club in...

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Lifestyle Resort Breeding PART 1

PART 1Eagerly WaitingMy name is Michelle and I am Janine and Don’s friend. I met them as they were checking-in at a “La Dame de Pique Manor” a Lifestyle Resort whose name, literally translates from French to “The Queen of Spades Manor”. I was there by myself so as to kill my ‘itch’ and happened to stand discretely behind them and quickly realized that they were newbies. Gloria, the front desk hostess was a gorgeous blond woman that was simply poured into a tight fitting Chinese cheongsam of...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 4

A Change of Lifestyle Part 4 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. For those of you who are waiting for a trip to the salon - it's coming but may take a while to get there. Be patient. Chapter 9 - Sunday Victoria was once again up before me. I removed the ankle bracelet before the rest of the clothes and went for a...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 9

A Change of Lifestyle Part 9 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. For those of you who are waiting for a trip to the salon - it's coming but may take a while to get there. Be patient. Chapter 29 - The weekend It was 10 o'clock the next morning when Victoria woke. She went to check on Jess who had just woken up herself. Victoria pointed her in the right direction for a shower...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 12

A Change of Lifestyle Part 12 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Victoria returns home, they go out together and there is a weekend in ballet boots. Chapter 33 - Victoria comes home Victoria arrived by taxi about 5 o'clock and dragged her suitcase along the hall. She looked shattered. "Hi. I'm glad to be home. We...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 16

A Change of Lifestyle Part 16 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Melissa adapts to her new life and goes back to work in her new role. Lots of other things happening between Victoria and Jess. Chapter 39 - Adapting On Monday I dressed casually and spent time fiddling with my hair and make-up. Jess came over for a couple of hours and gave me some pointers. It seems that her...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 19

A Change of Lifestyle Part 19 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Chris/Melissa is left some money and there are discussions about what to do. Chapter 44 - Bequest I was busy working in the office at the house when the postman made his delivery. There was a letter in a very good quality envelope addressed to me. I sat...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 7 Lessons Learned

They took their bags and went to the car. Michael placed this all in the trunk with the other stuff and then let her in the car. Then got in and started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. “Where do you want to eat?” Thinking on it she said, “I don’t care, we can go to that truck stop from this morning if you like. The food was great.” “Okay the truck stop it is,” he told her, pleased that she like his favorite diner. She thought on how to ask Michael about the money as...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 7 Lessons Learned

Introduction: Silk learns not to argue with Michael Hello readers. I know some times there isnt much sex in these stories, but bear with me. This is the set up for the rest. After u get past these parts there will always be sex. Just hang in and I promise youll have something good to read. They took their bags and went to the car. Michael placed this all in the trunk with the other stuff and then let her in the car. Then got in and started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Where do...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 41 Belinda Does Tom

Belinda Williams had become so sexually aroused over the last hour or so at Blanke Schande College that she didn’t think she could think straight. That sexual arousal was now finding its expression as she jumped on to Tom Barry’s naked body. He had just declared BSC a Lifestyle Nudist zone up until midnight and Belinda was going to take full advantage of that status and fuck his lovely masculine body right there on stage in the main auditorium of BSC. She could have done it anyway regardless...

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My first lifestyle party

My first lifestyle experience was more than I could ever imagine. My girlfriend had quite a bit of experience in the LS in a past relationship. I was brand new. We decided to throw a small house party with some couples we had met before and a few we hadn't. We all were having a great time eating, dancing and drinking.After a while, Mindy began flirting with one of the guys, Chris, who we had met on a couples date weeks before. It was hot to watch. She is very sexy and very flirty when she wants...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 6 Educational Shopping

“Might I ask the name of the place you are taking me?” She asked. “I could tell you but you probably wouldn’t have heard of it or been there. This place is top dollar so not many college students go there. It also caters to the lifestyle so normal people don’t shop there much,” he told her. “Oh, well since I haven’t done much in this place other than normal food and stuff like that shopping, you’re probably right. I don’t really know what the city has to offer outside of Wal-Mart...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 6 Educational Shopping

Introduction: Silk gets more lessons while shopping He led her to the car. Once there he unlock and opened the door for her to get in. He then went around to his side and got in and started the engine. Turning out of the parking lot, Silk noticed that he was headed towards the city. She wondered where exactly he was taking her. Might I ask the name of the place you are taking me? She asked. I could tell you but you probably wouldnt have heard of it or been there. This place is top dollar so...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 9 First Play Date

Introduction: Silk gets her first lesson in the lifestyle, her first play date. Dear Readers. Here we go… Michael sat in his chair watching the exchange between the girls. He was happy to see them greet each other with hugs and kisses. Finally they noticed him and sat down their bags by the door and approached him. Kneel, he ordered before anyone could say anything more. Each girl dropped smoothly to the floor at his feet. Silk was directly in front of him with Stacey on his left and Syndee...

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Hot Wife Lifestyle Blacken

After my friend Hilda told me how much she and her husband loved their Hot Wife lifestyle I found myself fantasizing about it for over a year before introducing the idea to my husband. David and I have been married for twenty years and have a great marriage with three teenage k**s. David and I have always enjoyed having sex at least a couple of times a week. David is a wonderful lover and has very reliable 6" cock that I love but I just found the idea of fucking a guy with a really huge cock...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 36 Do We Have a Deal

Belinda Williams looked up at Tom Barry sitting just by the podium and she felt just so incredibly proud. Unfortunately, that marvelous sense of pride she had right now for her boyfriend was tempered by the fact that he looked just so uncomfortable. The reason for that discomfort was not because Tom was now sitting on stage before an audience of hundreds of Blanke Schande College students, plus staff and faculty but because he was wearing clothes. In fact both of them were and both of then...

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A Change of lifestyle Part One

A Change of Lifestyle Part 1 By Sandy Paris Intro I have been reading cross-dress fiction for many years and aspects of the stories that I have read have influenced this work. I really struggled with the beginning and have taken some ideas from one of my favourite stories: Anniv-Her-sary present by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas, to whom I am grateful. Chapter 1 - The beginning I opened the underwear drawer only to...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 22

Change of Lifestyle Part 22 By Sandy Paris This is a resubmission of this part of the story. On rereading it gave the impression of being rush and the timeline perhaps confusing. Sorry! Many thanks for all of the reviews, suggestions and to Stephanie Charbonneau for her great editing work. Jess wrestles over her relationship with Melissa and Victoria but they find a way to resolve things. Chapter 50 - Jess goes away "Lissa, can I come round for dinner tomorrow? I need...

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Katies Change In Lifestyle

I worked at the local Hospital in the supply department, it was a high-pressure job that had at times long hours. Most weeks it ran into six days and some days well over ten hours. When I first took the position I was happy for the extra money, but after having my leave canceled a few times it got much harder.Over the last year, I began to struggle to stay on top of my job, a couple of other staff left and only one was replaced. My social like went west as did my boyfriend. Towards the end of...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 9 First Play Date

Michael sat in his chair watching the exchange between the girls. He was happy to see them greet each other with hugs and kisses. Finally they noticed him and sat down their bags by the door and approached him. “Kneel,” he ordered before anyone could say anything more. Each girl dropped smoothly to the floor at his feet. Silk was directly in front of him with Stacey on his left and Syndee on his right. He also noted that each girl had her eyes on the floor as was required. “I am glad...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 5 Making New Friends

Next she set about pulling some more carts and CD’s to play for the next hour. Her first hour she played what she liked but after three o’clock she would start to take requests and play what the listeners wanted. She also turned and logged into the flight deck computer and messenger services that was behind her. It was linked with the Head Program Director and Michael so that they could talk to her without interrupting her show with noise. It was hard to talk while running an air show, but...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 1 How it all began

Silky had been engaged when she first met Michael. He was the program director of the college radio station where she went to school and worked every day from two to six every afternoon. In essence, he was her boss. She had a normal working relationship with him and all the others who worked and went to school there. She kept to herself mostly and lived off campus. She never dreamed that her world was soon to change. It started all very innocent enough. Michael had just bought a new...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 1 How it all began

Introduction: Silk meets Michael and it begans. Welcome to the Beginning of Michael and Silkys stories. See how it all began… Yes I know I am posted on under another name on this site as well. I am working on revamping them a lil and trying to get them put under my actual pen name so that others may find me as well. Ill be deleting that profile soon. Bear with me and keep the fan mail coming. Silky had been engaged when she first met Michael. He was the program director of the college radio...

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