A Change Of Lifestyle - Part 16 free porn video

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A Change of Lifestyle Part 16 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Melissa adapts to her new life and goes back to work in her new role. Lots of other things happening between Victoria and Jess. Chapter 39 - Adapting On Monday I dressed casually and spent time fiddling with my hair and make-up. Jess came over for a couple of hours and gave me some pointers. It seems that her relationship with Clare was not going to go anywhere. Jess had discovered that she had been seeing someone else as well. "We never said that we were exclusive but I did expect a bit more respect than that," was her comment. On Tuesday I walked to the shops to buy groceries and just to test the waters. It felt good but my feet were sore by the time that I got home. High heels required practice. On Wednesday I met Jess for coffee at lunch time and did some window shopping. On Thursday I devoted the day to catching up with some work and did some laundry. I cooked Victoria an elaborate dinner and she gave me a critique on the clothes and make-up. We were sitting having glass of wine in the lounge when she said that she had a present for me. She went to get her briefcase and produced a new mobile phone. "You need to keep your old number because of work but I thought that Melissa should have her own phone and number." It was a very fancy gadget in a sparkly, very girly case. "Purple seems to be your colour of choice." On Friday I had no plans and was bored. I decided to take a chance and went o visit one of my clients. They knew that I had changed my look but were a bit surprised to see me in person. I went for a coffee with the client and they said that they were very impressed with my new look and very convincing. I was elated. After dinner that evening, we sat with a glass of wine. "Jess phoned me today," said Victoria. "What did she say?" "She wants me to go with her to get her nipples done." "Wow. Why you?" I was puzzled, why not me? "I don't know, maybe it's because I've had it done. You know that we have spoken and talked about all sorts of things, confided in each other. Just the same as you have done with her." "I have and she never tells me what you have confided in her." "I know and for the first time in my life I have someone that I feel free to tell anything at all and know that it is between the two of us. She has told me stuff as well. Some of it would put more curls in your hair." "I suppose that she had told you about her early sexual experiments?" "Possibly but I can neither confirm nor deny anything." Victoria The following day I met Jess at the coffee shop. "Are you ready and are you sure about this?" "I am nervous but after seeing yours I know that I want the same thing. I have read a lot about it and I want it. I have taken pain killers." After coffee we went to the tattooist. For the first time I learned that her name was Zoe. Jess explained what she wanted done and was asked about thickness. "The same as hers." "What size were they?" I said "I don't know." And I pulled off my shirt and unfastened my bra. I have no idea what has gotten into me. I never hesitated. Zoe lifted one of my breasts to check. "Okay I have that size." Jess just stared at me. "What?" I asked. "Vic, that was so erotic, her touching you like that and seeing your nipples done again. I really want them. When will you be able to change them for rings?" "A couple of months I think, once they have properly healed. I have not let Missy anywhere near them yet but I know that they are so sensitive. As I told you I can sometimes feel them at work and it gives me a flush. I get damp and I have never felt so randy." "I want that too but I want to be able to have rings. I know that it is slutty but I have had the same dream a couple of times. That I am out in the pub or a club wearing a tight T-shirt with a pair of rings about an inch in diameter that everyone can see and all of the people are staring at them. I doubt if I could do it but it's a great dream." I laughed. "Well one day maybe we can go somewhere no one will recognise us and do that together." Zoe came back and I held Jess's hand whilst the deed was done and she screamed! They looked great and very sexy and I realised that mine must look the same. It turned me on to think about it. "Anything else whilst you are here? A tattoo or another piercing, perhaps?" "I'm not keen on tattoos at this stage, at least on me, and I do not like eyebrow piercings or that sort of thing," replied Jess. "Well there are other piercing options," said Zoe. Jess and I looked at each other and I said, "I know that there are other more intimate piercings but I know nothing about them." "I have a picture, a chart thing. Hang on here it is." And she produced exactly that, a diagram that showed the various types of piercings possible for a woman's intimate areas. We both stared at it in awe. There was brief conversation but nothing else. Jess was getting dressed as I paid for her piercings. Zoe asked how my partner was and I replied, "She is fine thank you. I was just here supporting Jess." "Ah. Okay. Sorry I did not mean to be nosey but I wondered if the two of you were an item?" "Jess? No, she is just a friend." "I'm sorry, I assumed that you were a couple, the way that you treated each other." "Is your interest in Jess more personal?" "Yes. Would that be a problem?" "You would have to ask her." We left the tattoo parlour and adjourned to the pub nearby. We ordered two drinks and huddled in the corner, "Did Zoe ask for your number?" "How did you know? Yes." "She asked if we were a couple, apparently we looked as if we were. When I said that we weren't I suggested that she spoke to you. She is very attractive, although all of her tattoos don't do it for me." Jess sat for a moment. "She is very sexy and to be honest I would not be unhappy if she called me. She is a bit older than me though." "What a cheek I doubt if she is any older than me." "That is true. You seem to be showing some interest and assessing women. If you are changing your mind don't forget that I am first in the queue," and she laughed. "Not over your crush yet?" "I thought that I was, but recent events would suggest that I may not be, but I value your friendship too much to ruin that. In any case Melissa would be angry?" "Probably." I sent Melissa message and suggested that she join us. She did so and we stayed in the pub for a couple of hours. Melissa On Sunday Victoria and I went shopping. We spent a fortune on new outfits, shoes and some jewellery. The jewellery included a ring to replace my male wedding band. Sex was always there almost every night. Victoria and I were very much in love. The next week was much the same. I practiced make-up, walking and mannerisms. I cooked and cleaned. I went for lunch with Clive who I did software work for. He had said that he wanted to meet Melissa and be supportive so had offered to buy me lunch. We had a long chat about my change of appearance and his complimented me. "I am very impressed and would never have known that you were not as you seem. I would have made a move on you in a bar." He had some ideas to develop something that I would be able to help with. "I have another project and we need to produce a short video and some still shots but we have a very limited budget. The hairdressers and beauticians want a lot for the work that we need and I cannot afford their rates. You work for a number of salons do you know anyone who would be interested?" "Actually my girlfriend wants to get into that area of work and is very good, but I don't want her to work for buttons." "Girlfriend? Have you and your wife split up?" "No we are still very much in love and she is supportive but one of the girls at a salon where I'm based has been helping me and is a good friend to Victoria and myself." "That's a relief I would imagine that you need all the support that you can get at the moment. I did not mean to imply that I wanted something for nothing. I was hoping to pay a rate of about ?60 an hour but the people we have spoken to are looking for double that." "How much work is there?" I asked. "We hoped to shoot everything in one day and I expect that there would be about ten hours work." "My friend Jess is a hard worker and very skilled. She has just qualified as both hairdresser and beautician and I think that she would do a good job for you. I'll speak to her and get her to call you." I arranged to meet Jess for lunch the following day but did not tell her why. When Victoria got home I told her about my meeting, the prospect of extra work for me and Clive's support and compliments. Needless to say she said that she thought that coming out would not be the problem that I had expected. I also told her about the possible work for Jess. She thought that it was great idea. At lunch I explained the job to Jess. "Are you serious? Ten hours work and getting ?60 an hour that would be amazing. I'll phone him this afternoon." During lunch she told me about Zoe, the tattooist, who had called her and asked for a date. "She is a beautiful girl but a lot of tattoos. Don't you go wild and try to catch up with her." "She is lovely but I don't fancy tattoos for myself. I do fancy her though." "Be safe and let me know how you get on with her and Clive." I went into the salon and introduced myself to the staff as Melissa. They were great. After being there for about 90 minutes I left feeling confident about working there next week. I did what every woman does in such circumstances, went shopping. Victoria and I had a quiet weekend and Jess came over on Sunday to do our hair and nails. We spent time talking about my dress style and what we might be able to do with my hair. "Are you up for me doing some more work on your eyebrows?" Jess asked. "What else can you do there is not that much left?" "Oh there is still some that I could thin out. I could use your laser thing that would solve the problem of them growing back." "I might want them to grow back," I replied. "I have my doubts about that. But you didn't answer." "Okay, just a little." Jess smiled and I suspect so did Victoria. They talked quietly as Jess worked. Then Jess asked, "Have you thought about some lip fillers?" "No. You don't approve of cosmetic surgery." "No, but I was just asking. You could get a little nose job that would make your nose cute. That, I would approve of." I was stunned. "You could get your Adams apple shaved at the same time," said Victoria. "But it's not really that noticeable is it." "I doubt if it would make much difference really," said Jess. My eyebrows were much thinner, although they looked great, I was concerned about how long it would take before I could look like a guy again. Chapter 40 - Temporary job Monday saw me back at work properly. The Salon where my office was based was closed on a Monday so I decided to go and visit three of my other clients. I got a good reception at two of them and left the third with the feeling that I may lose them As I was walking back to the office I decided that I didn't care too much. I had made a huge life altering decision and if that was the consequence, so be it. I was proud that I had come a long way. As I walked past the shoe shop where Natalie works I saw her and waved. She looked puzzled and then I realised that she did not recognise me. I felt confident enough to go and introduce myself. She was astonished and asked loads of questions. "I have pair of shoes that you would love," she led me into the shop and showed me a pair of heels. Four inch slender heels, like a court shoe with a peep toe. They were made from fabric and very colourful floral pattern of pinks and yellows and pale blues. They were lovely, very feminine and I bought them. I was home before Victoria and had made some food. I decided to change and I showered and put on clean underwear, suspender belt, nude stockings, bra and French cut panties. I re did my make-up and slipped into a sleeveless summery dress which was similar to the new shoes. I had not worn the dress before and had forgotten just how short it was. Victoria I had had a very tricky day and was looking forward to a nice glass of wine and hoped that Melissa had had the chance to get some food ready. I hope that she had had a good day. My husband had disappeared and been replaced by a partner, wife, girlfriend, lover. Just what was she now? I was stunned when I saw her. "Wow, what a beautiful sight. You look lovely. I had forgotten that dress was so short. I don't remember the shoes though." We ate dinner and chatted about our respective days. I was impressed with his attitude to work and her confidence in buying new shoes, although admit to being a little jealous of them. She took a size bigger shoe than I did so I would not even be able to borrow or steal them. "I was thinking about what you are now. I cannot think of you or call you my husband." She replied, "I'm your sissy." "Yes you are and I meant to ask you about the ankle chain. You are going to be out and about and it will be visible. I think that you should remove it in case anyone sees it. It could be awkward for you." "I had not thought about that. I will still be your sissy though." "Yes but what are you, wife, girlfriend, partner?" "I hate partner. Can I be your wife?" "Of course, how lovely of you." "I still want to wear an ankle chain so I'll go and pick one this week. I also still want to be marked as your sissy and I have an idea." "Don't do anything silly." Later Jess phoned and spoke to Victoria. "Jess is coming over better get another glass." When she arrived she sat on the sofa, whipped off her shoes and tucked her legs underneath herself. She was more smartly dressed than when she was not working. "Thanks for being my friends, I love it here you make me feel so welcome. I do worry that I am here too often and annoy you." "I can only speak for myself. I love you being here." "Me too," added Victoria. "So what is the big news?" "Two things. First I have been out with Zoe a couple of times. She is great and I made need you to cover for me with my Dad if that is not asking too much." "So I assume that would be so that you can spend the night with her?" I asked. "Yes. I have had sex with her and it's great. I plan on doing it some more. She has taught me a couple of new things." "Enough," cried Victoria, "We don't need the details." "I wouldn't mind hearing the details," I added. "But that is because you are a pervert. What was the other thing?" "I went to see your friend Clive today and he took me to lunch. He's a nice guy but he asked me loads of questions about you and our relationship. I told him that I had nothing to share with him except that you and Victoria were very good friends of mine." "Thank you for that," said Victoria. "He seems very supportive towards you though. I got the impression that he knows someone else who has transitioned. He told me about the job that he has. There is too much work for one person with all of the hair and make-up but I told him that I would do the job and bring someone else with me to assist." "That's great. What about money if you don't mind me asking?" "I think that there should be about seven or eight hours of work and then some hanging around to do touch ups. He has offered me and whoever I go with ?1000 and I supply the cosmetics." "Do you think that is fair?" "It's a lot of money, well ?500 is a lot for me and it would give me experience and if I'm there for ten hours it's still more than I earn at the salon by a long way." "Do you have someone in mind to help you?" "There are a couple of girls from college who might do it. There's no one at the salon I would want to ask except for Julie. Julie is brilliant, I like her, and we would make a good team. What do you think?" "I think that she would be happy to earn some extra cash. You know that she likes you too, don't you?" "Yes. I'm going to ask her tomorrow. Thanks both of you. I needed to tell someone and talk it through and once again you two have helped. Next time I will bring wine." "Jess we both enjoy your company and it is our pleasure to help you." The next day was very scary as I was learning the ropes of the job from Mary. The rest of the girls were great but said very little at first. By mid afternoon they were asking all sorts of questions although I did not answer all of them. Julie caught me in the break room. "The girls seem to have taken to you and you to them pretty well, apart from Janice." "She does not like me but then she had always been a bit grumpy." "If she doesn't like things she can leave. She is good but not a great team player I wouldn't be unhappy of she left." "I hoped that's not because of me." "I suspect that this is the last straw but I don't care and in any case now that Jess is about finished her apprenticeship she can take over her clients and probably make a better job of them. Actually that is unfair. I suspect that Jess is going to be the best hairdresser here and she has all the beautician skills as well. She told me about your friend Clive and the job he offered her. Did you know that she has asked me to help her?" "She mentioned that she was going to speak to you. She thinks that you are the best hairdresser that she has seen but she worried about insulting you by the money on offer." "I hope that you told her that I don't make that much in an hour!" The next couple of days were busy learning the Mary's role and about the everyday stuff that happened in the salon. I realised that despite my knowledge of the books, stock etc that I did not know very much. A couple of things I saw did make me think and I wondered if I could make some improvements once I was more settled. On Thursday I dropped in at the tattoo parlour and spoke to Zoe. She agreed to my idea and had time to carry out my request there and then. I was in a robe wearing panties, a bra and pair of bedroom mules when Victoria arrived home. "Why are you dressed like that?" "I told you that I still wanted to be your sissy and wear an ankle chain. So I have done something about it." I put my foot up onto a chair and she checked the new ankle chain. It was bit heavier than the one that I had worn until now. "Well it's plain but possibly more noticeable." "I don't care about that. But look what else I have done," I opened the robe and pointed to the first tattoo. Victoria looked puzzled and then she noticed that Zoe had added some script that looked like veins on the butterflies wings. It said 'Sissy'. "Oh what have you done?" She looked annoyed. "It's okay, no one is ever going to be that close. Trying to explain the tattoos would be difficult. It states clearly what I am and I am proud. I love you." She obviously thought about it and said, "you are right as usual. Well done. Very brave" Friday was much the same as earlier in the week and Victoria was working late so when we finished Jess and I went o an early dinner. "Are you seeing Zoe later?" "Yes. I'm glad that she has to work tomorrow as well though." "Why?" "Well I have to work tomorrow. The fact that she has to work tomorrow will mean that we get some sleep. She is insatiable." "So you are staying the night? Is she good to you?" "Yes to both. I don't love her but we are very sexually compatible and she has taught me a few things." "That's enough for you to share with your sister." Victoria and I had a quiet weekend although we did go out dancing and I enjoyed it. We were chatted up by a couple of guys and laughed about if afterwards. If only they knew. On Tuesday it was fairly quiet in the salon until Mary collapsed. She seemed okay but we were worried and I was able to help her. We called her husband to come and take her to the hospital. Later that day he phoned Julie with an update. She had a problem and had been ordered to rest. Her maternity leave had started early. Julie and I discussed it and I assured her that I would manage as long as she did not mind me checking things with her. As it turns out I did not have to check very much and within a few days I introduced a new idea to provide a better service to regular clients. The staff thought that it was a good idea, well apart from Janice. Jess and Julie went to work for Clive and came back excited. They had watched a photo and movie shoot, done the hair and make-up and been well paid. One of the camera men had been impressed with their work and said that he would recommend them if the chance arose.

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 9 First Play Date

Introduction: Silk gets her first lesson in the lifestyle, her first play date. Dear Readers. Here we go… Michael sat in his chair watching the exchange between the girls. He was happy to see them greet each other with hugs and kisses. Finally they noticed him and sat down their bags by the door and approached him. Kneel, he ordered before anyone could say anything more. Each girl dropped smoothly to the floor at his feet. Silk was directly in front of him with Stacey on his left and Syndee...

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Swing Lifestyle Part 1

There is a website called Swing Lifestyle that I happened onto several years ago after I became a widower. Following the death of my wife, I spent many lonely hours surfing the net, usually looking for something to view to enhance my masturbation activities. After almost fifty-five years of marriage and nearly five years of ED issues, getting good erections was almost a thing of the past, making hook-ups more difficult. Swing Lifestyle was a website for people interested in swinging and was...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 8

A Change of Lifestyle Part 8 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many, many stories on fictionmania (and other sites) and enjoyed...

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Hot Wife Lifestyle Blacken

After my friend Hilda told me how much she and her husband loved their Hot Wife lifestyle I found myself fantasizing about it for over a year before introducing the idea to my husband. David and I have been married for twenty years and have a great marriage with three teenage k**s. David and I have always enjoyed having sex at least a couple of times a week. David is a wonderful lover and has very reliable 6" cock that I love but I just found the idea of fucking a guy with a really huge cock...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 36 Do We Have a Deal

Belinda Williams looked up at Tom Barry sitting just by the podium and she felt just so incredibly proud. Unfortunately, that marvelous sense of pride she had right now for her boyfriend was tempered by the fact that he looked just so uncomfortable. The reason for that discomfort was not because Tom was now sitting on stage before an audience of hundreds of Blanke Schande College students, plus staff and faculty but because he was wearing clothes. In fact both of them were and both of then...

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Katies Change In Lifestyle

I worked at the local Hospital in the supply department, it was a high-pressure job that had at times long hours. Most weeks it ran into six days and some days well over ten hours. When I first took the position I was happy for the extra money, but after having my leave canceled a few times it got much harder.Over the last year, I began to struggle to stay on top of my job, a couple of other staff left and only one was replaced. My social like went west as did my boyfriend. Towards the end of...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 9 First Play Date

Michael sat in his chair watching the exchange between the girls. He was happy to see them greet each other with hugs and kisses. Finally they noticed him and sat down their bags by the door and approached him. “Kneel,” he ordered before anyone could say anything more. Each girl dropped smoothly to the floor at his feet. Silk was directly in front of him with Stacey on his left and Syndee on his right. He also noted that each girl had her eyes on the floor as was required. “I am glad...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 5 Making New Friends

Next she set about pulling some more carts and CD’s to play for the next hour. Her first hour she played what she liked but after three o’clock she would start to take requests and play what the listeners wanted. She also turned and logged into the flight deck computer and messenger services that was behind her. It was linked with the Head Program Director and Michael so that they could talk to her without interrupting her show with noise. It was hard to talk while running an air show, but...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 1 How it all began

Silky had been engaged when she first met Michael. He was the program director of the college radio station where she went to school and worked every day from two to six every afternoon. In essence, he was her boss. She had a normal working relationship with him and all the others who worked and went to school there. She kept to herself mostly and lived off campus. She never dreamed that her world was soon to change. It started all very innocent enough. Michael had just bought a new...

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Adventures With Traci A New Lifestyle Part 1

“Terry, what are you doing?”I turned. Traci, my wife of just over a year was standing in the doorway to our den. She was dressed in her white chiffon baby doll nightie. Underneath the nightie she was naked. The short, nearly transparent nightgown barely veiled her large breasts and shaved sex. My wife was a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body and she loved to display it.Traci has an amazing figure. She is 5'2” tall, wears a 32 F brassiere and weighs a little under one hundred pounds....

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Learning the lifestyle Part 2

Wondering how he seemed to know, she answered, “Reed and I slept together when we could before I totally ended it with Neil. Reed made no secret about it either. He would kiss me just when he knew Neil would catch us. Once he had me straddling his lap kissing me when Neil caught us. My father aided in this too. Neil got really jealous and I tried to get him to believe that Reed was doing it to piss him off. No one knew that Neil could get violent though. Finally one night after he caught Reed...

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Learning the lifestyle Part 1

It started all very innocent enough. Michael had just bought a new truck and like all new cars, it was in the shop. He had asked all of the other students if any of them lived out near the New Line RV and Trailer Park, but everyone else lived on campus or in the other direction. The only one who lived even remotely close to where Michael lived was Silky. So he had asked if she would give him a ride for the next few days and she, not wanting to offend “The Boss” said she’d be delighted. Thus...

1 year ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 1 How it all began

Introduction: Silk meets Michael and it begans. Welcome to the Beginning of Michael and Silkys stories. See how it all began… Yes I know I am posted on under another name on this site as well. I am working on revamping them a lil and trying to get them put under my actual pen name so that others may find me as well. Ill be deleting that profile soon. Bear with me and keep the fan mail coming. Silky had been engaged when she first met Michael. He was the program director of the college radio...

2 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 5 Making New Friends

Introduction: Michael gets two new slaves and Silk has to learn to share Youve been listening to the awesome sounds of KEWL 99.5. Coming at you from Mission University located right on our very own campus. This is Silky Lang and Ill be your host for the next four hours for some good times, great jokes and stories and some KEWL tunes. So just sit back and absorb this rockin tune. Rock on, coeds, the spot told listeners. She then pressed the play button on the CD player and listened as the track...

4 years ago
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Lifestyle Resort Breeding PART 2

PART 2Eagerly Waiting After I came down from the sexual high, we decided to get clean and to follow the resort’s dress code. White hubbies were to be nude. White wives were also to be nude but with a little cover of a minimal ballerina’s chemise wraparound that barely covered our derrieres. So skimpily attired we withdrew to the patio relaxing comfortably around a table that had drinks labeled “his and hers”. "What a pleasant surprise. “La Dame de Pique people really know how to pamper its...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 10

A Change of Lifestyle Part 10 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Now comes some humiliation, some new shoes and a little chastity. Then he spends the night with Jess! Chapter 32 - Tattoo and a little humiliation We were expected at the tattoo shop and the girl doing my design explained the process and checked the design. I stripped off my trousers and pulled down my panties. I...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 18

A Change of Lifestyle Part 18 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife and their friend Jess. There is not a great deal of CD or TG content in this part of the story as it is about the developing friendship between Victoria and Jess. This is important for the direction of the overall story. Chapter 42 - Graduation I was...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 20

A Change of Lifestyle Part 20 By Sandy Paris Melissa has surgery and a new hairdo at last. She also prepares for a new job. Chapter 46 - More big changes It was the following evening. Victoria and I were sitting in the lounge. "Victoria we need to talk. I want to manage the new salon and I want to do it as Melissa. How do you feel about that?" "I think that my girlfriend is going to be around for much longer....

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A Change of lifestyle Part 21

A Change of Lifestyle Part 21 By Sandy Paris Melissa takes up her new job, goes on a date and gets closer to Jess. Chapter 48 - Salon opens Mary came back to work the next week and I took her through her first day to show her a couple of changes that had been made and let her get settled. The rest of the week was spent getting the new salon ready for the opening on Friday. Most of the work was done by Jess and...

2 years ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 37 The Joys of Lifestyle Nudism

Before the night ended Angie Smart got everyone to do one last thing. Since everyone had been deemed a Lifestyle Nudist for just that one evening she wanted everyone to experience the true joys of what that actually meant. Angie Smart rounded everyone up and told them all that they were going to have two very simple competitions - one competition for the men and one for the women. First prize for the men was a weekend fishing trip on a chartered fishing boat and for the women it was a weekend...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 39 One More Thing to Do

When Tom thought the time was right he put both his hands up and gestured to the crowd for them to be seated so he could continue. A few minutes later and the room was silent again as Tom cleared his throat once more and carried on. “Thankyou all very much for that great show of support but I would now like to invite my two Lifestyle Nudist companions to come up onto the stage with me and I hope you will all show them the same level of support and encouragement.” Belinda and Jamie looked at...

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Learning the lifestyle a small addin part

Silk came in and quickly undressed and went to bed. She fell asleep rather quickly. Sometime later she felt someone climb into bed with her and began to caress her body, she thought it was Michael. When she didn’t wake up fast enough the caressing stopped and she felt the person leave the bed and fell back to sleep totally unaware of whom really had been in bed with her. Reed heard her come in and didn’t want to scare her so he waited until she went to sleep. Once asleep, he got into bed...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 17 Bad Day Sex

Also please don't spam our stories in our comments. I am asking admin to looking removing these comments especially since I got one from some 16 yr old girl trying to pick up men. The comments are not for spamming and picking up dates. They have sites for that. I suggest you go look at Collarme.com or Fetlife.com if this is your need. Otherwise get a life and spam else where. That said here is a new story for you to rub one out on or whatever it is you do with them... LOL Current table of...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 2 It Continues

Seeing her smile, he asked, “Surprised?” “Surprised about what,” she questioned? Seeing that she didn’t what to offend him by making a sexist remark, he made it for her, “Surprised that a man can cook such a wonderful sauce that tastes like heaven?” Hoping that he hadn’t thought that of her, she answered back, “No, actually smarty pants, it tastes just like my grandfathers except that he puts pepperoni and black olives in his, called it Irish spaghetti. He learned to make it from an...

4 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 2 It Continues

Introduction: Silk learns a new fetish. She laughed at the very idea of it as he helped her off the table. He took the robe from her and helped her into it and then tied the sash for her. Kissing her once again, he returned to the kitchen and began to serve the meal. He came back carrying two plates covered full with spaghetti. Next he brought a basket full of garlic bread and another bottle of wine. Before he sat down, he retrieved her glass from the love seat. He sat down and poured them each...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 3 Learning

Introduction: Michael begans to learn about Silk, while Silk begans to learn the lifestyle Blaring music woke Silk up later. What a noise she thought to herself, such a change from the soft sensual music from the night before. She reached up and noting the time, turned off the radio. She then rolled over and found that Michael was still sleeping. Thinking it would please him greatly, she pushed him on to his back and scooted down under the covers. Once there she proceeded to orally excite him....

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 12 And So it Begins

Introduction: Thus begins the Learning of the Lifestyle for Silk as she learns some orgasm control Dear Readers, If your reading this, you must be hooked. YAY ME!!! Thank you so much and keep watching, Im always posting more. I always have ideas. Anyway I am trying to figure out how to get a table of contents for ppl so that they may read in order of they so wish but the site doesnt allow for something like that as of yet. I will send you one on PM request if asked. Give me time to get back to...

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Wife Loving the Cuckold lifestyle

Continuation of the fantasyIt had been a few weeks since my wife decided that I was to be a true Cuckold. My fantasy started by watching videos of cuckold couples. My wife had called my bluff and enjoyed her first experience she had decided that this was to be our sexual lifestyle. My wife had taken a few days off work to sort out some chores around the house. When I returned home after her first day off there had been a delivery and my wife had left a big box in the centre of the living room....

3 years ago
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Lifestyle Resort Breeding PART 1

PART 1Eagerly WaitingMy name is Michelle and I am Janine and Don’s friend. I met them as they were checking-in at a “La Dame de Pique Manor” a Lifestyle Resort whose name, literally translates from French to “The Queen of Spades Manor”. I was there by myself so as to kill my ‘itch’ and happened to stand discretely behind them and quickly realized that they were newbies. Gloria, the front desk hostess was a gorgeous blond woman that was simply poured into a tight fitting Chinese cheongsam of...

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Femdom lifestyle

I'm a submissive, effeminate, bisexual cuckolded male. I'm happy to be in a femdom relationship with a couple of very assertive and demanding women, my wife and her mother. Nancy controls the money, makes all decisions, sets household rules, administers punishments, assigns my work, and establishes a social agenda. I live a very structured lifestyle and carryout a prescribed routine of housework that includes cleaning, washing, ironing, and generally looking after the needs of the women. ...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 2

A Change of Lifestyle Part 2 Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Chapter 3 - things go a bit further My contact to install computer software for a small construction company was coming to an end. There was still some work at remote sites but the office based work was completed. I hoped that I would get some further work for the same company but that would be a few...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 3

A Change of Lifestyle Part 3 Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife Chapter 5 - Things move on a little further I was puzzled about what the bags contained but it was clear that Victoria was not going to tell me about the contents or show me until she was ready. I think that I knew what the bags would contain. More panties, hosiery, almost certainly another suspender...

1 year ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 4

A Change of Lifestyle Part 4 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. For those of you who are waiting for a trip to the salon - it's coming but may take a while to get there. Be patient. Chapter 9 - Sunday Victoria was once again up before me. I removed the ankle bracelet before the rest of the clothes and went for a...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 5

A Change of Lifestyle Part 5 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many,...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 6

A Change of Lifestyle Part 6 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many,...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 7

A Change of Lifestyle Part 7 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many, many stories on fictionmania (and other sites) and enjoyed...

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