A Change Of Lifestyle - Part 20 free porn video

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A Change of Lifestyle Part 20 By Sandy Paris Melissa has surgery and a new hairdo at last. She also prepares for a new job. Chapter 46 - More big changes It was the following evening. Victoria and I were sitting in the lounge. "Victoria we need to talk. I want to manage the new salon and I want to do it as Melissa. How do you feel about that?" "I think that my girlfriend is going to be around for much longer. I wonder if I will ever see my husband again." "Are you sad about that?" "No. You are the person that I married and I still love you. I've thought about this a great deal and I am happy for you. Now you are shaking and I suspect that there is more that you want to talk about, should I be nervous?" "I don't know about you but I am nervous. This is monumental. I would like my own tits. Real ones. I realise that I will have to have implants but they will be real and we, you, can play with them....." I could not finish, tears had started. "It's okay Missy, it's okay. I knew that this day was coming and it's okay. I want you to have breasts too. Breasts darling not tits! I am excited. Have you thought about how big?" "Well not too big, obviously." "Why obviously? If you are going to have them then they will be visible or at least noticeable, so you may as well have a decent size." "I was thinking about maybe a B cup. Not as big as yours, obviously." "You keep saying obviously when nothing is obvious. The size of mine does not matter. I have been thinking about this for some time as I knew that this was coming. I was thinking about a D cup or maybe a DD. They would be noticeable." "No way, that is just too big," I protested. "Hold on. You are a guy, my husband, who I love dearly, who has been dressing in female underwear for a long time now and who spent about 50% of her time when not working dressed, first as a sissy and then maturing into a woman. And for almost the last six months you have never worn an item of men's clothing and have presented to everyone that you know as a female. Now you say that you want breasts. That will make you a Tgirl. If you are going to have them they are going to be large." With that she went to the laptop and typed in the name of a porn actress and up came a number of images in which her breasts featured. "Come here. I was looking at images a while ago and came across her. They are large but go with her figure. She is the same height as you, you have a similar figure to hers when wearing your corset, and if you want tits as you call them, then that is what you are getting." I said nothing I just stared at the pictures. Oh, what had I done? I was staring at them and Victoria was looking over my shoulder when she saw an image of another model. She grabbed the mouse and clicked on it. Up came several images of her. She had a gorgeous figure and breasts of a similar size to the other model but she had shorter hair, just touching shoulder length and very blonde. "That is the look that I would like to achieve for you. Just like that, big breasts and that blonde hair. You even have a similar shaped face to her. That is the look. My god that is a turn on." "But, but she looks like a bimbo. They are huge." "She is a beautiful blonde girl with big breasts. I think that is the size although obviously we need to consult and the hair is perfect. But we will check with our hairdresser." We looked at each other. "I have one more question? Are you going to go all the way or are you keeping your penis?" "What, what?" "I guess that you are and that is good. Now come to bed." Much later that evening I was between Victoria's thighs kissing her and using my fingers to play with her. "That is turning me on." "I had noticed, I don't think that you have ever been that wet." "Shove your fingers it please but be gentle." I played around and added a third finger thrusting in and out. "Oh god that is good. I think that is three, put another one in, please." She was lost in another world. Her eyes were glazed over with excitement. I inserted a fourth finger and used my thumb on her clitoris, toying with her piercing. "Oh, please more." "I don't have any more to give. I'm out of fingers." "Use your thumb as well, please I am so horny." I slid my thumb to the opening but it seemed obvious to me that the opening was too small. "Please Melissa please push it all in." "I can't do any more or I will have my whole hand inside and it won't fit." "For fucks sake. It's called fisting and it will fit, babies come out of that opening, now get on with it or I will phone Jess." "You wouldn't. You said that you would not go behind my back." "I wouldn't, I would want you right there, watching. Now this is turning me on so get on with it. Please, you won't hurt me much." It was turning me on as well. I had this vision of Jess being in my place and me sitting watching. I closed my hand as much as I could and pushed. I pulled back slightly and applied more pressure. "Just like that, but push harder." I pushed with more pressure pulled back and pushed again. It went in. There was a squelching sound and then I felt the walls of her pussy around my wrist. "Oh fuck it's in. My whole fucking hand is in!" "I know and it feels so stretched and full. Work it back and forward. I'm going to come." And she did very noisily. I felt her relax and calm down and was pulling back when she grabbed my wrist. "If you pull out I will kill you. Give me a minute and then I want more." I stayed there for twenty minutes pushing and making her come and kissing her lips. She had had enough and took my wrist again and pulled my hand out quickly. She screamed and I'm sure that she came again. "Thank you, thank you. I loved that. Why have we not done that before? We will be doing it again. I feel stretched and loose, now get inside me and hurry up." "I got on the bed and she came on top of me and rode me hard. She was loose but it felt great and it took me no time to come. Then she moved up the bed and dripped my cum back into my mouth. Then she collapsed beside me and almost asleep said, "I have waited to suck on your tits for months and soon I will be able to." She fell asleep. The following morning Victoria had a huge grin on her face. "Are you okay or sore?" I asked. "Yes, a little sore but I feel so alive. I'm going to have breasts to play with soon and tonight I am going to have my cunt filled again. I wish that we had done this years ago." I was speechless. I had never heard her speak like this or use such language. There was no mention of that sex when we met for dinner. I was able to report that Julie and I had reached an agreement on the partnership and make an offer for the property. I suggested that we pay off some more of the mortgage on our house and that would leave us with more disposable income. Victoria joked that actually it would be disposed of on shoes. She told me that she had arranged a doctor's appointment for the following week. I was a little stunned by that. "I would like you to also consider having your Adam's apple shaved and having your nose bobbed just a little." "Bloody hell, anything else?" "Well, perhaps having a rib removed, testicles removed and the tendons in your legs shortened not much. Oh, yes get your lips done too." "What?" I nearly fainted. "I was joking about the last things. They are too far and not needed." I was relieved at least a little. "Tendons shortened?" "It would make it easier to wear heels and harder not to." "No way! Are you sure about all of this?" "Yes, I have thought about little else and am positive. I want to extend your butterflies as well." "Should we offer the flat to Jess?" "Yes at a fair rent. I will speak to her about it." "When are you seeing her? She's doing my hair tomorrow and we are going for dinner afterwards. No, you are not invited. I want to update her on a few things and ask her advice." "I'll speak to her at work tomorrow unless you want to do that over dinner?" "That's a good idea. I'll do it." Victoria was late home that evening, with Jess in tow. There was much giggling and I suspected that may be due to wine. Jess hugged me and then kissed me, "I love you." She went to the spare room and stayed there all night. Victoria and I did not get a chance to speak. The next morning we were having coffee as usual when Jess spoke, "Look I made each of you a promise that I would never discuss anything that I had discussed with you separately with the other one. To the best of my knowledge I have never broken that promise, despite the two of you trying very hard. Enough. From here on I propose that we do not keep any secrets, if someone asks me a question I will do my best to answer truthfully, unless it has been made clear beforehand that that subject is confidential. Okay?" We were both okay with that. She had more to say, "tonight Victoria will tell you the rest of the story about my being 'easy' and hopefully that will explain something else. For the sake of my embarrassment I will not be here. I am excited about your plans, will accept the offer of the flat and will help in any way that I can. Now I'm off home and then to work. See you there Lissa." She left. I looked at Victoria. "Lissa?" "She can't decide on Lissa or Mel. She calls me Vicky, no one else calls me that. Somehow, from her, it's okay." "Maybe I should call you that too." "I will punch you every time that you do. Get wine for this evening we are going to need it." That evening we sat after dinner chatting about work and then Victoria told me about her evening with Jess. "She was excited about the idea of a new salon and it being 'hers' so to speak. The flat stunned her but as she said she will move in and that will allow her the freedom to live the lifestyle of her choice." "Her salon?" "She knows that it is not hers as such but wants to be able to develop a style of her own and you need to help her as it will be good for business. I suspect that this salon will have a much younger clientele." "As long as it makes money everyone will be happy. But you did not just talk about the salon did you?" "No. I know the details of her love and sex life in some detail. She is very open and has been very confused for a long time. Part of that is because of us." "Us?" "Yes, us. She loves us both and is very jealous of our lifestyle. Anyone else that she has met does not measure up. It will be fine, she will meet the right person sooner or later and we will support her. I love having a little sister." "And a sister in law." "Yes. She told me another story and suggested that I tell you as well. Once I have told this you are never to mention it to her. Understand?" "Okay." "She had been out with a girl a few times you will remember the girl with purple hair that she met at college." I nodded. "They had been having sex and both enjoying it. The girl had put a video on the TV showing lesbian sex, which Jess had never really watched. She admitted that it had turned her on and had been fascinated by the girls fisting." "Does this have something to do with the other night?" "Yes. She had told me this before and that is why she made the statement that she did today about secrets. It has been too hard for her not to let something slip. Any way to get back to the story, the two of them tried it and apparently enjoyed it. Jess had been fooling around whilst the girl was in the loo and had discovered that she could probably do it to herself. The other girl caught her and was horrified. I have no idea why. She told Jess to get out and later had spread stories about Jess being a slut." "Okay. That is a lot to take in. She is well rid of the girl and that was a cruel thing to do but she will get over it. As for the other thing, the act, what .....?" "I was a bit shocked too but I checked out some stuff on line. I'm not sure that I fancy trying to do it to myself but I did fancy you doing it to me. I confess that I will be hoping that you do it again, preferably very soon." Soon afterwards we went to bed and tried it again. It was clear that Victoria enjoyed it very much. I received a call from Clive telling me of a possible software deal and he wanted to invite me out to dinner to meet people from the other company to discuss it. We arranged it for Friday evening. I told Victoria that evening and she smiled. "Don't be too late home, big day the next day. I'm going to call Jess." Ten minutes later she returned. "The two of us are going out to dinner and dancing as well on Friday." Victoria and Jess looked lovely as they left the house to get in a taxi. My taxi was right behind. Clive was waiting for me at the restaurant and I have to say that he was looking very smart, dapper, a real change from his normal very casual style, "You look lovely Melissa. Come this way." He escorted me like a proper gentleman to our table and introduced me to Olivia and Paul who were the owners of a software company and who wanted to buy the software that I had created and still had a stake in. There was some polite conversation before we ordered dinner. "Melissa we are interested in acquiring the rights to this software. Clive has agreed that he is prepared to sell and that you may be interested." "I am interested. Clearly it depends on the terms and what work you would expect me to contribute." There was a long discussion about the deal and we generally agreed some terms. I was happy and it would mean that I had a small regular income and no expectation to deliver anything going forward. Olivia and I were in conversation whilst the guys were at the bar. "The software was developed by Chris and you have taken over the ownership and development. How did that come about?" "I suspected that this was going to arise. Chris and Melissa are one and the same person. Me." "I was not expecting that. If you don't mind my saying, I am having a hard time believing that you were once Chris." "Thank you for that, but short of a rather intimate examination you will have to accept my word. Whilst I would not lie about it I would also rather not go any further with an explanation." That was it. The rest of the evening progressed well. Olivia and Paul said good night and left the two of us. "Melissa, I like you and I am enjoying the evening, do you fancy going to a place I know where we can chat and have a dance?" "My wife and girlfriend are out having dinner so I see no reason why not." "Okay, wife I understand, I've met Victoria, but girlfriend?" "Yes. She and I met through work and became quite close and Victoria and I see a lot of her. But it is friendship and nothing more. In any case you have met her. Jess?" "Of course. I did not realise who you referred to. She is gorgeous and very talented. Is she single?" "Yes, but I'm afraid that you are not her type?" "I don't understand?" "She prefers girls." We went to a little club where a jazz trio played lovely music and there was the chance to dance. We had a couple of drinks and did dance together. I was puzzled, "Clive, why did you ask me here? You know who I am and what I am. This is nice, but why?" He took a deep breath, "I liked Chris and I respected your choice and was astonished when you first came to meet me as Melissa. I had no knowledge of such issues so I did a lot of research. I found that I admired your courage immensely and decided that I would do anything that I could to support you. I enjoyed your company the few times that we met outside of just business. I have enjoyed being with Melissa and it does a guy no harm to be seen with a beautiful lady on his arm." "Thank you." "I have really enjoyed this evening. I have to confess that even though I know that you are what you are I am still very attracted to you. I know that you have a partner who you love and I would like us to remain friends." We parted soon after that. Ever the gent he escorted e to a taxi and I kissed him on the cheek. He even blushed. I was the first one home even though it was after midnight. I made a hot chocolate and sat sipping it in the living room. Jess and Victoria arrived half an hour later. They were arm in arm and giggling. "Hi, darling. How was your evening?" "It went very well. I went dancing after dinner and had a good evening." "There is more to this story Jess. I'll make a hot drink and you soften him up." It was obvious that they had both had quite a few drinks and were in the mood for fun and giggles. Jess flopped down beside me. "You okay? She asked. "Yes, you?" "I'm great, we are great. We had a good evening." With that she turned and faced me put a hand either side of my face and kissed me. On the lips, full on with tongues. This was laced with passion. She pulled back as Victoria delivered the drinks. "She's mine remember." "Selfish cow," replied Jess and picked up her mug. "What the hell is going on?" "Nothing. We had a good evening. She fancies both of us. Oh, we have a plan for tomorrow." "The tattoos?" "Yes. I think that you will need to be brave, but what we have planned is incredible." "Any clues?" but I did not expect any information and I was right. I did not get any Chapter 47 - New tattoos We were up bright and early the next morning to see Jess off to work, "I'll see you at Zoe's place at one." Victoria and I did some chores and then went shopping. We had a small lunch before heading to the tattoo parlour where we spoke with Zoe and she had suggested that we add the new stars first. Zoe was adding the last of them when Jess arrived. "Started without me I see. Nine stars?" Victoria replied, "There is not going to be any going back in the next couple of months." The stars now extended to my ankle. They were not obvious but certainly noticeable. "Melissa, I need to ask you if you are okay with what I have been asked to do. I understand that you do not know the final design?" Zoe was checking. "I love and trust these two. Go ahead." An hour later Jess had to go as she had clients. "I'll see you later." Zoe worked for another hour and I knew that the tattoos extended across my lower back and up the spine about as far as a bra strap. I assumed that they were butterflies. When they were finished I saw that the mirror was covered and I was told that I could not see the work until later. I was stunned. Jess arrived for dinner and she was finishing the cooking whilst Victoria took me to the bed room. "I need you to change into this outfit for the big reveal. Please trust me." Thigh high stockings, a pair of very small panties, a matching bra a green silk blouse and a very short elasticated waist skirt with heels, of course. I was going to be exposed. We ate dinner and had a glass of wine. Jess cleared up and then came through to the lounge. Victoria looked at me and said, "skirt and blouse off please so that we can see." I was nervous, Jess was here and I was going to be almost naked. The fact that I had a penis was going to be evident. Victoria brought the rolling full length mirror into the room. I stood naked and embarrassed. "It's okay Lissa, it's okay." "You're not the one almost naked." She stood up, unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor. She pulled off her tights and then pulled her sweater over her head. "Now I am." I looked to see the design on my back for the first time. It was stunning. The butterflies were smaller than I had expected but there were a lot of them, twenty nine in total. They were in bright colours, blues, greens and pinks. It was stunning. "Oh shit that is amazing. Lissa I love it." Victoria joined in. "Jess is right, amazing. What do you think?" "It is quite something, thank you. I like it." Victoria said, "do you want to show Jess the one that is hidden by your pants?" I simply pulled the material to the side. Jess then asked, "what size are they going to be?" "My what?" "Tits! I'm not sure yet, but big. Bigger than the forms anyway," laughed Victoria "Lissa, would you take tour bra off so that I can see you better?" "What? This is hardly appropriate. Being naked in front of my wife is one thing and I love you dearly but, come on." "What a wuss." Off came her bra. She placed her hands underneath her beautiful and not inconsiderable breasts. The gold rings and chain between her nipples shone and she turned to Victoria, "about this size or a bit bigger still? Bigger still if you want my opinion." Victoria and I were both speechless. "Oh come on you two. Grow up. You have both seen them before and Victoria has touched them. So have you, if only through a nightie. From the way that you are both staring I suspect that you would both like to touch them again," she laughed, "but not tonight," and pulled her sweater back on, without the bra. I did take off my bra and there was much discussion and lots more wine. We also discussed hairstyles but made no decisions. I had redressed but was aware that on several occasions I was staring at Jess breasts which were naked beneath her sweater and very beautiful. Later in bed Victoria said, "I saw you admiring them." "What?" "Jess. Were you thinking about them, touching them?" "Yes I'm ashamed to admit that I was." "So was I but I'm not ashamed to admit that I was thinking about touching and kissing them. So were you, now fuck me, but do it quietly." Later that week Victoria and I visited the doctor. She took samples, examined me thoroughly and asked dozens of questions. She asked Victoria a few as well. She explained that I should probably have some low doses of hormones that would not affect sexual function and that she would advise an implant that would result in a D cup. An E would be far too large and a DD would stretch things quite a bit. I think that Victoria was a bit disappointed. We agreed that I would see her again the following week to confirm things once she has all of the test results. That evening Jess was round and again the size issue was discussed. Victoria looked disappointed. "I was really hoping that we could go large, really knock anyone out and make them, well look." Jess thought for a moment. "I think the doctor had a point. That would be too big and lets' face it they will be about the same size as ours and they are plenty to play with. Apparently." She laughed. "Missy has played with yours so she will understand." Victoria was red faced. "But I've never played with any so how will I know?" Jess and I looked at each other. "Well, let her try yours out for size." "The three of us know that would not be a good idea." We all shook out heads and we were all lying to ourselves. At the next meeting the date for surgery was fixed for the following Monday. I confess that I was nervous, this was a mighty big step but then coming out, having tattoos that no man would ever allow was just as big, but it seemed that breasts was a whole new league. Victoria had a meeting that she could not get out of that Monday and had to leave me with Jess to take me to the hospital. She left me there. The next couple of hours were terrible, my nerves were in shreds but then I was lying down counting backwards and knew no more. I opened my eyes but it was as if there were sandbags on the lids. My throat was sore, my nose was on fire and my chest felt as if someone had been punching me for hours. Jess was sitting by the bed. She smiled at me and the world seemed like a better place. "I hope that you are okay. You are going to be sore and don't try to speak. Everything went well. Victoria has been delayed but will be here as soon as she can." She came over and was kissing my forehead when a nurse came in. "Oh sorry to interrupt but I see that you are back with us. I just need to examine you so if your wife could just have a seat." We both heard Jess mutter, "I wish." The nurse looked at her and then me. "Is that not your wife?" "No, I'm not his wife she has been delayed." "Ah, so you must be her sister?" "In a manner of speaking. Adopted sister, girlfriend, not sure how you would describe it. But she is the second dearest person on this planet to me." I was stunned and looked up at Jess with wide eyes. The nurse glanced at both of us. "It looks to me like Melissa is disappointed to be second on the list. Maybe I should not ask who is top." "Oh that's easy her wife." And Jess simply smiled. I laughed and the nurse looked puzzled and shook her head. Jess stayed for a while and tried to call Victoria but could not get an answer. When she finally arrived Jess was curled up beside me on the bed with her head on my shoulder. "Thank god that you are okay. Sorry I'm late but it looks like I have not been too badly missed. You, oooch out of the way and nudged Jess in the ribs." "I've been here for Lissa and worried about you and the thanks that I get is a shove in the ribs. Go and give her a hug and then I want mine!" Victoria did give me a gentle hug, kissed me whispered that she loved me and then went to Jess. She had just kissed Jess when the nurse walked in. "I'm not going to ask. Just checking that you are okay." Victoria I had been delayed because of an accident and my phone had packed in. I was relieved that Melissa was okay and that Jess was with her. I did not care that Jess was cuddling Melissa, it was what I would have expected. I was so concerned that I was not even jealous that it was not her and I that were cuddling. Jess and I did not stay long. Melissa was drifting off to sleep and we slipped away. We each had our own cars so I went home and Jess stopped to collect a Chinese take away. We sat as usual, full of gossip and talking about Melissa. "I need an early night. Are you staying?" "Of course if I can," Jess replied. A few minutes later Jess stopped outside my bedroom door which was ajar, "want company?" "Of course but only if you promise to be good." I folded back the covers as she came towards the bed. "I think what you mean is that I need to behave, because I would be very good." She lay down and faced me. "Good night. I love you." She leaned forward and gave me a brief kiss on the lips before rolling away and spooning back into me. My left arm was under her and my right on her hip. She was warm, smelled lovely and felt great. I thought that she was asleep when she whispered, "Do you promise to behave?" "What?" Jess sat up, pulled her nightshirt over her head and threw it across the room onto a chair. Then she resumed her position. Now I was next to her naked. I lay for a few minutes and then did the same. I lay there thinking for a while. I was lying in bed with a stunningly beautiful, funny, polite, clever, talented girl who was naked and I had my arms around her. I had never fancied another girl in my life but I knew several things. I wanted so badly to have sex with her. I loved her and not just like a sister. That I was going to have to change the sheets in the morning and that the slightest touch would change our lives forever. But somehow I fell asleep. I woke the next morning feeling really good. I did not move just opened my eyes and saw these two huge eyes staring at me. "Good morning. Thank you for letting me sleep here." I said nothing just looked back at her until she moved. "I'll put the kettle on." She stood up and walked away without putting any clothes on. Two minutes later she wandered back and went into the bathroom. Ten minutes later she emerged, still naked and said, "Come on or you won't have time for tea and toast before you need to go." She made breakfast for me and I kissed her before leaving her to lock up. I spent the whole journey to work thinking about the night before and what might have been. I had damp knickers all day. Jess The sun came through the curtains and I knew that Victoria was lying beside me. I rolled over and stared at her for ages. I knew that I loved this woman so much. I loved Melissa too and if she had been lying there I would have felt the same. Surely you cannot be crazy in love with two people can you? I lay there watching her and it was so beautiful. I thought back to her pressing herself into my back, or was it the other way round? Her eyes opened. They were deep and dark and sultry and so very sexy and I knew that I had to move or I was going to do something that would end up hurting us. I went to put the kettle on. Victoria left for work long before me and she left me to lockup. I sat with coffee on the couch deep in thought. One day I might be lucky to find someone that I was so in love with. In the meantime I was very fortunate to have two lovely people to share my life with. I just needed to sort out sex now. I slipped away from the salon to visit Melissa in the afternoon. She was looking good and quite cheerful. Her pains levels had reduced but did she need a make-over? She managed to find the strength to leave a bruise on my arm. Victoria was surprised to find me back visiting that evening. "Vicky I do not want to get in the way of you two but you know that I care for her and I just needed to check. I'll leave you now." Victoria Jess left and Melissa spoke, "she was here this afternoon as well. You can tell that she cares for me very much. It's lovely." "Yes. She slept with me last night and pulled her nightie off. She was naked and backed into me. I have to admit that I was very tempted to misbehave. What are we going to do with her?" "Maybe we need to speak to her. Let's see how things go." Melissa I got home the following day. I was still sore and bruised but healing. I decided to have a bath during the afternoon. Taking off the bandages was difficult but I stood in front of the mirror. I had tits, my own. Well breasts apparently. They seemed to be enormous but they were mine. My nose was healing and my throat still a little sore. I got dressed up and put on some make-up before starting dinner. Victoria was delighted that I had made an effort but I tired quickly and she encouraged me to go to bed early. She followed soon after and managed to take advantage of me. The rest of the week went quickly and I was healing well. I managed to catch up on some work. Friday evening was set aside for my hair. Victoria collected me and drove to the salon after it was closed. Julie was not there. There was hushed conversation about hair. The mirrors were covered until Jess was done. She pulled off the covers and I was there. I was blonde, very blonde, my hair was collar length and of waves. I thought that it suited me very well. It was definitely a bit of a bimbo look but I loved it. Jess and Victoria giggled like school girls. "I love it Lissa. I think that you should start to wear shorter skirts, lots of pink and tighter tops." Victoria was more considered. "Jess is right it looks terrific. You are going to have people judge you when they first encounter you but you can use that to advantage. She's right about the skirts too. Tomorrow we go shopping and we both need to go shorter in the skirt department." "Men are going to be giving you the eye." There is just one more thing, but Jess was hesitant. "The eyebrows." "What are you going to do to them there is nothing much left. The last time you did a lot," I was whining. "I think what Jess is suggesting is that we could use the laser to prevent regrowth and she would like to define the arch a little more." "But what about if I want...." Victoria interrupted, well snapped at me. "To go back. Is that what you were going to say? For heaven's sake you would need surgery to go back and even then you would never be able to hide what you have done and what you are. Just get on with it." Jess did shape my eyebrows. They were right, there was not really any going back from here and this would not have made things any more difficult. Jess and Victoria chatted as she was working. At one point I heard her ask Victoria if she thought that I should have eye liner tattooed on. I clenched my fists but kept quiet. That had never been a thought but I had thought about tattoos. Should I add to the butterflies, should I add to the stars. I had also seen a picture of a garter tattoo and some monochrome flowers on the side of the torso or on the upper leg. I had made no decisions. Monday saw me back at work, the new me. I took time that day to call Mr Wilson. I asked him to consider a legal name change as I needed proper ID that would not lead to so many awkward questions. We talked about a few other things as well. He promised that he would get things moving. My skirts were shorter and I moved towards colours rather than dark blue and black. I kept the heels as high as I could. Victoria and Jess were both right about the attracting interest. I did, almost exclusively from men and some women clearly looked at me with disapproval. A few weeks later the new salon was almost finished. The decorators had done a good job and we were just waiting for the electrician to finish up some connections. I wandered upstairs to the flat. We had redecorated throughout, installed a new shower and kitchen appliances and fitted wooden floors everywhere except the bedroom. The door bell rang. I went to answer and found the two men who were delivering the new bed. They managed to get it upstairs and into the bedroom. I flashed my eyelids at them and persuaded them to set it up. Victoria and I had decided to buy the bed as a housewarming gift for Jess. It was exactly the same as the one that we used and good quality. I was lying back on the bed with my feet up on the mattress which was still wrapped in plastic. I was deep in thought when the door opened and Jess popped her head round the door. "Hi, you gave me a fright." "I decided that I wanted to come and check the place out and thought that there might be workmen here when I saw your car. I had been planning on looking the place over and taking some measurements for furniture. Where did the bed some from?" "I was checking on the work downstairs. It's only the electrician that we need and he will be here tomorrow. There are a couple of things here that need to be wired up as well. The bed was just delivered." "But why, where did it come from? I was going to choose one later." She sat on the edge of the bed. I was still lying back but leaning on my elbows. "It's your new bed. It's a present from Victoria and I. It's the same as ours and we know that you like that." "But you can't, it's too much. That bed cost a fortune." "But it's very comfy, come and try it." She lay down beside me and threw an arm over me. "You two are so good to me. I'm not sure that I deserve it." "You do. You are our closest and dearest friend and we both love you. Having this flat will allow you to spread your wings and have your own place to do whatever you want without having to think about it." "Will I still see the two of you though?" "Of course." "Thank you. Just one more question for now." "What's that?" "Why are you wearing trousers?" "Jeans, because I thought this place might be dirty still. Do you like them?" "Lissa. I have no idea where you got them from or how you got them on. I am not sure where you are hiding a certain something but they fit as close as a pair of tights would. They are going to cause cars to crash." "Oh goody, they work. These are my first pair of trousers and I wanted them to be so different from my old self." "That worked. Only one problem." "What's that?" "If you had been wearing a skirt I would have given you a blow job." "I would have let you, but not in these jeans." We both laughed.

Same as A Change of lifestyle - Part 20 Videos

3 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 13 The Party Pt 1

************************************************************************************************ 01. Learning the Lifestyle Pt1 02. Learning the Lifestyle Pt2 03. Learning the Lifestyle Pt3 04. Learning the Lifestyle Pt4 05. Learning the Lifestyle Pt5 06. Learning the Lifestyle Pt6 07. Learning the Lifestyle Pt7 08. Learning the Lifestyle Pt8 09. Learning the Lifestyle Pt9 10. A Night out Dancing 11. Sunday 12. And So It Begins 13. The Party Pt1 14. The Party Pt2 15. Feeling...

1 year ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 13 The Party Pt 1

Introduction: Silks first play party. She learns a lot… Ok first thing is first… I figured out how to sort of get a table of contents in here. I will post then right here before each story… For this first one Ill put everyone up till now. After Ill just put the last few so you know youre in order. Here goes. They may be out of order on the site as well… Also if you want me to let you know when I update send me an email. I make a list of my fans and send them updates as to when I post new stuff…...

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Learning the Lifestyle Part 25

Introduction: Some how I forgot to add this part it. It fills in between 2 and 3 The boy turned and grabbed a cart that looked like ones businessmen used at the airports and begin to load their bags and boxes on it. Michael grabbed a few bags and headed towards the door. Silk grabbed a few shoeboxes and followed him. Once outside Michael opened the trunk for the boy to place the stuff inside. He sat his bags in the trunk and gestured for Silk to do the same. The boy placed the packages in the...

1 year ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Part 25

Michael handed her the keys and said, “You drive this time, while I read.” Taking the keys and letting them in the car, she asked, “Where too?” “Make a left out of the parking lot and then a right after the second light,” he told her with total confidence. She did as directed and soon they were on their way. She looked over at him wondering what he was reading. She debated whether or not to ask him finally curiosity won out. “May I ask, what are you reading?” Wanting to see what...

2 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 18 Club Cane

Been working hard to get more out so I'm posting two this time. Again please rate and review and let me know you like it. Drop me a mail but only about the stories. I"m not looking to chat, cyber or hook up so don't waste your time unless your fetish is rejection and the bottom of my delete bin. LOL I will try to answer any other mails however so drop me a line. Coming soon as promised, something about Baron. Drop me a mail and tell me who's your favorite and one lucky reader will find...

3 years ago
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Our First Night In The Cuckold Lifestyle

My wife, Liz, and myself have been married for 5 years now. However, we have been in the cuckold lifestyle for almost 2 years now. I write this story out because maybe it will serve as a guide for someone else who wants to enter into this lifestyle--but also for people who are entertained by this lifestyle too.This is how we entered the cuckold lifestyle.Now, for the first 2.5 - 3 years of our marriage we were the typical young married couple. At the time of our marriage I was 27 and Liz was...

1 year ago
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Swinging Lifestyle Initiation Ch 01

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Rick and I had been married for a little over four years. The first six months we spent catching up on all the sex we thought we’d missed out on while we were both single. Neither one of us was very experienced sexually before we started dating each other. Our lovemaking had become pretty much unexciting and routine. Sure, we’d tried a lot of various positions and explored our desires. We were...

3 years ago
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An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle

I must give Cheryl Lynn credit as the basis of this story is a take off, a different look at her story entitled "Mother-In-Law." My version is a bit different but I hope maybe a bit deeper and every bit as exquisitely and inescapably feminizing as the original. Anonymous writer- "An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle" It had been a bit of a rough deal and six weeks later, although the situation had calmed down things had changed. Tim's wife had found his large...

2 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 35 Jensen AppletonSmythe

“Right!” called out Hank Barry. “Who’s for pizza. I’m taking orders before I phone through.” Jill Williams was about to say something but Hank’s wife got in first. “No wait!” she said. “Why don’t we all eat out tonight and let’s take our new Lifestyle Nudists with us. If they are game. What do you three say?” Tom, Belinda and Jamie looked at Lynn Barry and each gave a sudden, involuntary gulp. They then looked at each other before Tom spoke up. “Awwww ... I don’t know mom” Tom said....

3 years ago
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The Swingers Lifestyle

As I write this both my wife and I are sitting in jail waiting to go on trial for murder. We are telling everyone we are not guilty of murder but I’m coming to the conclusion that what we say is irrelevant. It’s irrelevant to the police and the District Attorney who think that we killed the young woman named Sandra Hamilton and nothing that we say or do is going to make them change their minds. Day after day my wife Debbie and I sit in our prison cells and we day dream about the day that we...

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An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle

It had been a bit of a rough deal and six weeks later, although the situation had calmed down things had changed. Tim’s wife had found his large black suitcase in the garage by accident. It was a stupid mistake but it had happened. He was working at home as usual and had noticed the lightbulb on one of the garage door openers had gone out. A simple fix, get the ladder out, put in a replacement light bulb and end of story. But, in this case it was only the beginning of the story! Tim had...

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An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle

It had been a bit of a rough deal and six weeks later, although thesituation had calmed down things had changed. Tim's wife had found hislarge black suitcase in the garage by accident. It was a stupid mistakebut it had happened. He was working at home as usual and had noticedthe lightbulb on one of the garage door openers had gone out. A simplefix, get the ladder out, put in a replacement light bulb and end ofstory. But, in this case it was only the beginning of the story!Tim had gotten...

2 years ago
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Lifestyle Entrance with Friends

Allison and Scott were married for 5 years and had 3 beautiful boys. They were happy as could be with their marriage. They had a very open and honest marriage, and could tell each other everything and anything. Allison and Scott were getting ready to meet a couple that they had graduated High School with and Allison looked at Scott and said "honey can you imagine Kimberly and Alex ever being swingers." Bob replied with " Fuck no not in a million years would I have expected that, especially...

1 year ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 14 Lifestyle Nudism Arrives

Jack did not respond immediately to this question from the official from The Lifestyle Nudism Council. Instead he looked momentarily down at his pajama pants and was relieved to see that his erection had gone down and was now tucked quietly back in behind the striped material. Not that this was any real comfort because Jack knew, only too well, in that moment that Lifestyle Awareness Week was upon him and total public nudity had finally arrived at his doorstep. Jack’s response followed on...

4 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 34 The Parcel at the Door

Exactly two days after the ‘ACCEPTANCE’ document arrived another parcel arrived at Tom’s home that contained three very clunky looking wrist bracelets. To say they could never be mistaken for a fashion accessory was an under statement because the bracelets were just positively ugly. A covering letter explained that new and much more attractive models were still in the design phase. Those new designs would be made of a non-allergenic plastic material and would come in several different colors...

3 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 40 The Senator Presents Her Body

It took slightly longer than the other times but the din in the main assembly hall of Blanke Schande College did eventually dissipate. When it did senator Rebecca Arnold signaled Tom Barry towards the microphone again. Tom’s penis was still quite stiff and just so aroused by all that was going on. “Ladies and gentlemen” he began, “There is still one more task I have been asked to do before I can officially declare the opening of BSC’s academic year. Everyone in this room will no doubt be...

3 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 7 Lessons Learned

They took their bags and went to the car. Michael placed this all in the trunk with the other stuff and then let her in the car. Then got in and started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. “Where do you want to eat?” Thinking on it she said, “I don’t care, we can go to that truck stop from this morning if you like. The food was great.” “Okay the truck stop it is,” he told her, pleased that she like his favorite diner. She thought on how to ask Michael about the money as...

4 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 7 Lessons Learned

Introduction: Silk learns not to argue with Michael Hello readers. I know some times there isnt much sex in these stories, but bear with me. This is the set up for the rest. After u get past these parts there will always be sex. Just hang in and I promise youll have something good to read. They took their bags and went to the car. Michael placed this all in the trunk with the other stuff and then let her in the car. Then got in and started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Where do...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 41 Belinda Does Tom

Belinda Williams had become so sexually aroused over the last hour or so at Blanke Schande College that she didn’t think she could think straight. That sexual arousal was now finding its expression as she jumped on to Tom Barry’s naked body. He had just declared BSC a Lifestyle Nudist zone up until midnight and Belinda was going to take full advantage of that status and fuck his lovely masculine body right there on stage in the main auditorium of BSC. She could have done it anyway regardless...

3 years ago
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My first lifestyle party

My first lifestyle experience was more than I could ever imagine. My girlfriend had quite a bit of experience in the LS in a past relationship. I was brand new. We decided to throw a small house party with some couples we had met before and a few we hadn't. We all were having a great time eating, dancing and drinking.After a while, Mindy began flirting with one of the guys, Chris, who we had met on a couples date weeks before. It was hot to watch. She is very sexy and very flirty when she wants...

1 year ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 6 Educational Shopping

“Might I ask the name of the place you are taking me?” She asked. “I could tell you but you probably wouldn’t have heard of it or been there. This place is top dollar so not many college students go there. It also caters to the lifestyle so normal people don’t shop there much,” he told her. “Oh, well since I haven’t done much in this place other than normal food and stuff like that shopping, you’re probably right. I don’t really know what the city has to offer outside of Wal-Mart...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 6 Educational Shopping

Introduction: Silk gets more lessons while shopping He led her to the car. Once there he unlock and opened the door for her to get in. He then went around to his side and got in and started the engine. Turning out of the parking lot, Silk noticed that he was headed towards the city. She wondered where exactly he was taking her. Might I ask the name of the place you are taking me? She asked. I could tell you but you probably wouldnt have heard of it or been there. This place is top dollar so...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 9 First Play Date

Introduction: Silk gets her first lesson in the lifestyle, her first play date. Dear Readers. Here we go… Michael sat in his chair watching the exchange between the girls. He was happy to see them greet each other with hugs and kisses. Finally they noticed him and sat down their bags by the door and approached him. Kneel, he ordered before anyone could say anything more. Each girl dropped smoothly to the floor at his feet. Silk was directly in front of him with Stacey on his left and Syndee...

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Swing Lifestyle Part 1

There is a website called Swing Lifestyle that I happened onto several years ago after I became a widower. Following the death of my wife, I spent many lonely hours surfing the net, usually looking for something to view to enhance my masturbation activities. After almost fifty-five years of marriage and nearly five years of ED issues, getting good erections was almost a thing of the past, making hook-ups more difficult. Swing Lifestyle was a website for people interested in swinging and was...

2 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 8

A Change of Lifestyle Part 8 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many, many stories on fictionmania (and other sites) and enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Hot Wife Lifestyle Blacken

After my friend Hilda told me how much she and her husband loved their Hot Wife lifestyle I found myself fantasizing about it for over a year before introducing the idea to my husband. David and I have been married for twenty years and have a great marriage with three teenage k**s. David and I have always enjoyed having sex at least a couple of times a week. David is a wonderful lover and has very reliable 6" cock that I love but I just found the idea of fucking a guy with a really huge cock...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 36 Do We Have a Deal

Belinda Williams looked up at Tom Barry sitting just by the podium and she felt just so incredibly proud. Unfortunately, that marvelous sense of pride she had right now for her boyfriend was tempered by the fact that he looked just so uncomfortable. The reason for that discomfort was not because Tom was now sitting on stage before an audience of hundreds of Blanke Schande College students, plus staff and faculty but because he was wearing clothes. In fact both of them were and both of then...

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Katies Change In Lifestyle

I worked at the local Hospital in the supply department, it was a high-pressure job that had at times long hours. Most weeks it ran into six days and some days well over ten hours. When I first took the position I was happy for the extra money, but after having my leave canceled a few times it got much harder.Over the last year, I began to struggle to stay on top of my job, a couple of other staff left and only one was replaced. My social like went west as did my boyfriend. Towards the end of...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 9 First Play Date

Michael sat in his chair watching the exchange between the girls. He was happy to see them greet each other with hugs and kisses. Finally they noticed him and sat down their bags by the door and approached him. “Kneel,” he ordered before anyone could say anything more. Each girl dropped smoothly to the floor at his feet. Silk was directly in front of him with Stacey on his left and Syndee on his right. He also noted that each girl had her eyes on the floor as was required. “I am glad...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 5 Making New Friends

Next she set about pulling some more carts and CD’s to play for the next hour. Her first hour she played what she liked but after three o’clock she would start to take requests and play what the listeners wanted. She also turned and logged into the flight deck computer and messenger services that was behind her. It was linked with the Head Program Director and Michael so that they could talk to her without interrupting her show with noise. It was hard to talk while running an air show, but...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 1 How it all began

Silky had been engaged when she first met Michael. He was the program director of the college radio station where she went to school and worked every day from two to six every afternoon. In essence, he was her boss. She had a normal working relationship with him and all the others who worked and went to school there. She kept to herself mostly and lived off campus. She never dreamed that her world was soon to change. It started all very innocent enough. Michael had just bought a new...

3 years ago
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Adventures With Traci A New Lifestyle Part 1

“Terry, what are you doing?”I turned. Traci, my wife of just over a year was standing in the doorway to our den. She was dressed in her white chiffon baby doll nightie. Underneath the nightie she was naked. The short, nearly transparent nightgown barely veiled her large breasts and shaved sex. My wife was a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body and she loved to display it.Traci has an amazing figure. She is 5'2” tall, wears a 32 F brassiere and weighs a little under one hundred pounds....

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Learning the lifestyle Part 2

Wondering how he seemed to know, she answered, “Reed and I slept together when we could before I totally ended it with Neil. Reed made no secret about it either. He would kiss me just when he knew Neil would catch us. Once he had me straddling his lap kissing me when Neil caught us. My father aided in this too. Neil got really jealous and I tried to get him to believe that Reed was doing it to piss him off. No one knew that Neil could get violent though. Finally one night after he caught Reed...

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Learning the lifestyle Part 1

It started all very innocent enough. Michael had just bought a new truck and like all new cars, it was in the shop. He had asked all of the other students if any of them lived out near the New Line RV and Trailer Park, but everyone else lived on campus or in the other direction. The only one who lived even remotely close to where Michael lived was Silky. So he had asked if she would give him a ride for the next few days and she, not wanting to offend “The Boss” said she’d be delighted. Thus...

1 year ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 1 How it all began

Introduction: Silk meets Michael and it begans. Welcome to the Beginning of Michael and Silkys stories. See how it all began… Yes I know I am posted on under another name on this site as well. I am working on revamping them a lil and trying to get them put under my actual pen name so that others may find me as well. Ill be deleting that profile soon. Bear with me and keep the fan mail coming. Silky had been engaged when she first met Michael. He was the program director of the college radio...

2 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 5 Making New Friends

Introduction: Michael gets two new slaves and Silk has to learn to share Youve been listening to the awesome sounds of KEWL 99.5. Coming at you from Mission University located right on our very own campus. This is Silky Lang and Ill be your host for the next four hours for some good times, great jokes and stories and some KEWL tunes. So just sit back and absorb this rockin tune. Rock on, coeds, the spot told listeners. She then pressed the play button on the CD player and listened as the track...

4 years ago
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Lifestyle Resort Breeding PART 2

PART 2Eagerly Waiting After I came down from the sexual high, we decided to get clean and to follow the resort’s dress code. White hubbies were to be nude. White wives were also to be nude but with a little cover of a minimal ballerina’s chemise wraparound that barely covered our derrieres. So skimpily attired we withdrew to the patio relaxing comfortably around a table that had drinks labeled “his and hers”. "What a pleasant surprise. “La Dame de Pique people really know how to pamper its...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 10

A Change of Lifestyle Part 10 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Now comes some humiliation, some new shoes and a little chastity. Then he spends the night with Jess! Chapter 32 - Tattoo and a little humiliation We were expected at the tattoo shop and the girl doing my design explained the process and checked the design. I stripped off my trousers and pulled down my panties. I...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 18

A Change of Lifestyle Part 18 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife and their friend Jess. There is not a great deal of CD or TG content in this part of the story as it is about the developing friendship between Victoria and Jess. This is important for the direction of the overall story. Chapter 42 - Graduation I was...

4 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 21

A Change of Lifestyle Part 21 By Sandy Paris Melissa takes up her new job, goes on a date and gets closer to Jess. Chapter 48 - Salon opens Mary came back to work the next week and I took her through her first day to show her a couple of changes that had been made and let her get settled. The rest of the week was spent getting the new salon ready for the opening on Friday. Most of the work was done by Jess and...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 37 The Joys of Lifestyle Nudism

Before the night ended Angie Smart got everyone to do one last thing. Since everyone had been deemed a Lifestyle Nudist for just that one evening she wanted everyone to experience the true joys of what that actually meant. Angie Smart rounded everyone up and told them all that they were going to have two very simple competitions - one competition for the men and one for the women. First prize for the men was a weekend fishing trip on a chartered fishing boat and for the women it was a weekend...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 39 One More Thing to Do

When Tom thought the time was right he put both his hands up and gestured to the crowd for them to be seated so he could continue. A few minutes later and the room was silent again as Tom cleared his throat once more and carried on. “Thankyou all very much for that great show of support but I would now like to invite my two Lifestyle Nudist companions to come up onto the stage with me and I hope you will all show them the same level of support and encouragement.” Belinda and Jamie looked at...

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Learning the lifestyle a small addin part

Silk came in and quickly undressed and went to bed. She fell asleep rather quickly. Sometime later she felt someone climb into bed with her and began to caress her body, she thought it was Michael. When she didn’t wake up fast enough the caressing stopped and she felt the person leave the bed and fell back to sleep totally unaware of whom really had been in bed with her. Reed heard her come in and didn’t want to scare her so he waited until she went to sleep. Once asleep, he got into bed...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 17 Bad Day Sex

Also please don't spam our stories in our comments. I am asking admin to looking removing these comments especially since I got one from some 16 yr old girl trying to pick up men. The comments are not for spamming and picking up dates. They have sites for that. I suggest you go look at Collarme.com or Fetlife.com if this is your need. Otherwise get a life and spam else where. That said here is a new story for you to rub one out on or whatever it is you do with them... LOL Current table of...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 2 It Continues

Seeing her smile, he asked, “Surprised?” “Surprised about what,” she questioned? Seeing that she didn’t what to offend him by making a sexist remark, he made it for her, “Surprised that a man can cook such a wonderful sauce that tastes like heaven?” Hoping that he hadn’t thought that of her, she answered back, “No, actually smarty pants, it tastes just like my grandfathers except that he puts pepperoni and black olives in his, called it Irish spaghetti. He learned to make it from an...

4 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 2 It Continues

Introduction: Silk learns a new fetish. She laughed at the very idea of it as he helped her off the table. He took the robe from her and helped her into it and then tied the sash for her. Kissing her once again, he returned to the kitchen and began to serve the meal. He came back carrying two plates covered full with spaghetti. Next he brought a basket full of garlic bread and another bottle of wine. Before he sat down, he retrieved her glass from the love seat. He sat down and poured them each...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 3 Learning

Introduction: Michael begans to learn about Silk, while Silk begans to learn the lifestyle Blaring music woke Silk up later. What a noise she thought to herself, such a change from the soft sensual music from the night before. She reached up and noting the time, turned off the radio. She then rolled over and found that Michael was still sleeping. Thinking it would please him greatly, she pushed him on to his back and scooted down under the covers. Once there she proceeded to orally excite him....

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 12 And So it Begins

Introduction: Thus begins the Learning of the Lifestyle for Silk as she learns some orgasm control Dear Readers, If your reading this, you must be hooked. YAY ME!!! Thank you so much and keep watching, Im always posting more. I always have ideas. Anyway I am trying to figure out how to get a table of contents for ppl so that they may read in order of they so wish but the site doesnt allow for something like that as of yet. I will send you one on PM request if asked. Give me time to get back to...

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Wife Loving the Cuckold lifestyle

Continuation of the fantasyIt had been a few weeks since my wife decided that I was to be a true Cuckold. My fantasy started by watching videos of cuckold couples. My wife had called my bluff and enjoyed her first experience she had decided that this was to be our sexual lifestyle. My wife had taken a few days off work to sort out some chores around the house. When I returned home after her first day off there had been a delivery and my wife had left a big box in the centre of the living room....

3 years ago
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Lifestyle Resort Breeding PART 1

PART 1Eagerly WaitingMy name is Michelle and I am Janine and Don’s friend. I met them as they were checking-in at a “La Dame de Pique Manor” a Lifestyle Resort whose name, literally translates from French to “The Queen of Spades Manor”. I was there by myself so as to kill my ‘itch’ and happened to stand discretely behind them and quickly realized that they were newbies. Gloria, the front desk hostess was a gorgeous blond woman that was simply poured into a tight fitting Chinese cheongsam of...

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Femdom lifestyle

I'm a submissive, effeminate, bisexual cuckolded male. I'm happy to be in a femdom relationship with a couple of very assertive and demanding women, my wife and her mother. Nancy controls the money, makes all decisions, sets household rules, administers punishments, assigns my work, and establishes a social agenda. I live a very structured lifestyle and carryout a prescribed routine of housework that includes cleaning, washing, ironing, and generally looking after the needs of the women. ...

4 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 2

A Change of Lifestyle Part 2 Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Chapter 3 - things go a bit further My contact to install computer software for a small construction company was coming to an end. There was still some work at remote sites but the office based work was completed. I hoped that I would get some further work for the same company but that would be a few...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 3

A Change of Lifestyle Part 3 Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife Chapter 5 - Things move on a little further I was puzzled about what the bags contained but it was clear that Victoria was not going to tell me about the contents or show me until she was ready. I think that I knew what the bags would contain. More panties, hosiery, almost certainly another suspender...

1 year ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 4

A Change of Lifestyle Part 4 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. For those of you who are waiting for a trip to the salon - it's coming but may take a while to get there. Be patient. Chapter 9 - Sunday Victoria was once again up before me. I removed the ankle bracelet before the rest of the clothes and went for a...

2 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 5

A Change of Lifestyle Part 5 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many,...

3 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 6

A Change of Lifestyle Part 6 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many,...

2 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 7

A Change of Lifestyle Part 7 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many, many stories on fictionmania (and other sites) and enjoyed...

1 year ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 9

A Change of Lifestyle Part 9 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. For those of you who are waiting for a trip to the salon - it's coming but may take a while to get there. Be patient. Chapter 29 - The weekend It was 10 o'clock the next morning when Victoria woke. She went to check on Jess who had just woken up herself. Victoria pointed her in the right direction for a shower...

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