Tempus Fugit
- 4 years ago
- 38
- 0
For the next few months, I was forever expecting Professor Pemberton to suddenly appear out of the woodwork, but she didn't show. To be honest, I could not understand why she would want to visit me anyway.
Eventually though -- probably because she didn't put in an appearance -- I all-but forgot about Professor Pemberton's prophesied visit. A good five years were to pass -- two more daughters and one son (by Chaise) had been added to our family – before we had another visitor from the future.
Well, as I implied there were other things to take my attention. A little more rapidly than I'd expected, both Ciera and Chaise had fallen pregnant for a second time.
In the meantime, Douglas got on with setting up our business ventures, we were buying land and houses left right and bloody centre, much to everybody's confusion. Most everyone thought we were nuts and that the land was going to remain all-but worthless. No one envisaged the politicians and pen pushers in Whitehall would make a decision about the power plants in a hurry. Those self-appointed spokesmen for the common man and the anti-nuclear power lobby were quite powerful back then and all, were ... they making a good job of frustrating, all attempts to move the project forward. Even the big power companies – who one suspects were supposed to come up with the cash for such a grandiose scheme -- didn't really want to know. They could make much better profits from natural gas power plants, which were far cheaper to build. I really don't think the moneymen in the City of London cared much about where the gas was going to come from in a few years time, when present stocks began to run low.
So Doug and I just patiently sat back and waited for the politicians to get off their arses and do something, i.e. make the decision to cancel the project which we knew was coming sometime.
As the years passed, life settled down to as much normality as it could when there're a plethora of young children in your lives.
Whatever, it was around the time of Ottilie's second birthday that our neighbours (the Drury's from across the lane) youngest daughter arrived back from Canada. Joan Drury had gone out there with her then boyfriend just after Rose and I had bought our cottage. She returned to the UK a young widow with two youngsters in tow; her Canadian husband – not the guy she'd gone out there with in the first place -- had unfortunately been killed in a road accident.
However I got a really funny feeling in my stomach, the instant I learnt that the Joan Drury who had left the UK, had returned home again sporting the name Joan Pemberton. What's more, her son John, was just a few months older than our daughter Ottilie.
As the years rolled by, there was to be no mistaking the fact that young John and our Ottilie ... Yeah well you have to see that kind of thing for yourself. But I knew – and so did Ciera and Chaise ... and probably Myra – that eventually one day, our little Ottilie would be sporting the surname Pemberton. Almost from the instant the two children first met ... well they ... Oh Christ, you've either seen that sort of thing happen or you haven't.
Anyway another four ... almost five years were to pass, before anything much out of the ordinary happened again.
I was out in the garden of our – much improved and enlarged cottage – babysitting all of the children. Douglas was on fun and lifeguard duty down the beach, so that our wives could enjoy some surfing time without the worry of having to keep an eye on the young ones. Having young children about while you are surfing, doesn't make for a good mix, if you understand me. Well, lets put it this way, you can't get out there yourself into the good waves and keep a close watch on the little ones at the same time, as every good parent should! Ask any beach lifeguard and they will concur, I'm sure of it.
Besides there was always the chance that one of the more adventurous little ones, might decide to go find mummy, or daddy.
Anyway our standard method for dealing with the issue was for either Doug or myself to baby-sit at the cottage, while the other went surfing with the girls. And ... er, chased any unwanted admirers away, I might add. They'd all had at least a couple of children each by that time, but those three women really could turn every red-blooded males head; if you jet my drift?
Whatever there I was sitting in the rear garden -- sipping a cold drink -- while the children played together, when I sensed something. But for a while I couldn't put my finger on what. I wasn't sure what it was, but it instantly put me on the alert and made me look around.
Then a stranger -- but at the same time, oddly familiar looking young woman -- strolled around the side of the house, like she owned the bloody place.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"No granddad, I'm here to help you! Well ... my grandmothers actually ... and aunt Myra." She grinned back at me, taking me a little off-guard, until I realised that I'd spotted her so quickly because I had sensed her approach, much as I would Ciera and Chaise's.
"Sorry?" was the best I could reply. I was actually trying to equate the ... lets call them pleasant vibes, I could sense emanating from young woman with the vibes that children gave out when they were pleased about something.
"I'm Jean, grandfather. Ottilie's eldest!"
I found myself turning to look at my eldest daughter, who had only just turned six years. Then I looked back at the new arrival.
"Eventually granddad, eventually! It's very strange seeing your own mother when she's only..."
"Six!" I replied, with a smile.
"Pretty little girl, wasn't she!"
"Is, Jean ... is! It is you who is out of time sync here, not your mother! What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Can't a granddaughter visit her grandfather before he's developed into a miserable old..."
"Watch it kiddo! I'm still young enough to put you over my knee and tan your backside for you, you know, and I doubt your mother will try to stop me."
Both of us had grins all over our faces, by the way; just in case you thought we were being serious. As I said, Jean was emanating those ... vibes, and I was sure she could sense my emotions as well.
"I've got a little chore to do Granddad, but it will have to wait until grandmother, Chaise and Aunt Myra get back from the beach. In the meantime a cold beer would go down very nicely. That's something Simul really needs to get her boffins working on.
"So I gather you've been there sorting out their fertility problems for them."
"Yes, but really mother did most of the work," she replied, looking across at young Ottilie again. "I've only carried on her research and being the younger, mother decided that I should be the one to go and do the hard work. Maybe she thought that I'd fall for one of those ... what did you call them ... Neanderthals?"
"Something like that."
"They're not all that bad, grandfather. Some of them are quite cute actually; Sylvia and Rose seem to have fallen on their feet anyway. Whoops, sorry; I didn't mean to mention them!"
"So what have you been doing in future world?" I asked, ignoring her last remark
"Oh nothing much. I can't say much Granddad ... you know ... Thomas. But it was basically down to a chemical imbalance that had developed. Mother believes it had something to do with the fact that they don't eat meat anymore. And of course it was coupled with a little bug that most of them appear to carry around with them. Probably a result of chemical warfare, that one! That's why I'm here really, I've got to give mother and..."
"An infection. Christ, could we have passed it on?"
"No grandfather, nothing like that. It's the other way around, Ciera, Chaise and Myra, weren't brought up in our time. There are a few inoculations I suppose you might call them, that Simul's people overlooked. Nothing drastic, but there's no point in taking any chances."
"Christ, I never thought of any of that. Microbes, bugs and things ... well, they change ... evolve over time. We could have brought something really nasty back with us. Bugger we could have picked up something really serious ourselves and died."
"No, grandfather you couldn't! You remember that first meal that Adona brought to you?"
I must have nodded in reply.
"Well, that was laced with ... Well you, Douglas, Rose and Sylvia, were inoculated against everything that could have harmed you or anyone from this time. And anything that you might possibly have brought back with you! The air in the dome around your cottages was laced with all that was necessary to prevent a catastrophe from occurring.
"But it was only after mother started her medical studies that she realised that, grandmother, Chaise and Myra are missing a few ... bugs." Jean winked at me, "When she'd first arrived here ... now ... in this time. You're right granddad it is all a little confusing, but you know what I mean anyway. They were ... are, in no danger here in the UK, but had any of them had gone abroad ... to Africa or somewhere like that for instance, or even when people from around the world start visiting the holiday complex. Well, it makes sense to, take all precautions necessary. Besides, if anyone ever does a full work-up on any of those threes blood, it might prove to be ... embarrassing or at the very least inconvenient if certain microbes are missing. Do you get where I'm going?"
"I think so, kiddo!"
At this point young Ottilie came over to us. I had been aware that the child had been watching us from afar, while we spoke. But my daughter didn't address me, it was pretty obvious that Ottilie was fixated on Jean.
"Hello, I know you, don't I?" she asked.
"Yes Ottilie. In a way, yes you do!" Jean replied.
"In the future?" The child suggested. Taking me completely by surprise.
"A very long time in the future, Ottilie." Jean replied, with a smile.
A little confusingly -- from my perspective -- but obviously satisfied, Ottilie smiled back at Jean and then turned to me. "Mother and Aunt Chaise are on their way up from the beach daddy; they wont be long. Shall, I turn the kettle on?"
"Good idea Ottilie. I'm sure your mother and Jean here would enjoy a cup of tea together."
The youngster smiled back and then toddled of toward the house.
"Trust mum, whatever happens, put the kettle on. Tea is always her cure-all for everything." Jean commented, with a smile as Ottilie moved out of earshot.
"You realise that I had to teach her mother how to make that stuff, don't you?"
"Yes grandfather. So, it's you who are to blame, I could kill a decent cold beer right now."
"You're too young to drink anyway! Remember you aren't even a twinkle in young John Pemberton's eye yet, young lady!" I grinned back at her. "Besides, it's not done to drink booze until the suns over the yardarm."
Jean squinted at the empty can in my hand.
"Funny how I can't recall my grandfather ever quoting that rule before. When is that likely to be, anyway? Jesus that stuff that Simul serves-up as wine is..."
"You don't have to tell me, young lady, I've been there, remember? Anyway when I say it is. How long have you got here?"
"As long as it takes, I've got this little do-whatsit here. All I've got to do is push this little button and hey presto, I'm back in the laboratory in the City. Or so Adona assures me, anyway! Why do you ask, are you trying to get rid of me already?"
"No sweetheart, I thought that ... Well if you're going to be here a while ... then, maybe we'll have a little party later ... Hey, you might even get to meet your father. He's out with his family today; shopping I think."
"Okay Granddad, I think I'd enjoy that."
"Christ Jean you'd better cut out the granddad lark. Some bugger might figure out what's going on. Besides folks get confused enough around here as it is."
"What do I call you then?"
"I don't know, George or something ... Uncle George if you like? That should suffice to muddy the waters enough; no one around here has met any my immediate family ... Besides my two wives, that is. And that causes enough..."
"You don't have to tell me ... Uncle George! You were quite notorious by the time I was at school. The other kids couldn't get their heads around the fact that I had two grandmothers. Well, three actually ... oh God, you know what I mean. I think mother had some fun with that one as well when she was at school."
"Stands to reason. Oh, here come your grandmothers now."
Ciera and Chaise had chosen that moment to appear around the side of the house. No words were exchanged, Jean jumped up from where she'd been sitting and ran over to Ciera who enveloped her in the arms. Then Jean and Chaise hugged each other.
But while that was happening, Ottilie had reappeared through the back door of the cottage. I watched as an expression of understanding came over her young face; one that belied her age. To this day I have no idea how, but I at that instant I became sure that Ottilie knew exactly who Jean was. Or rather, maybe I should put it, who Jean was going to be, one day. The child sort-of smiled at the full-grown woman that I'm sure she knew she would one day give birth to.
However Ottilie didn't mention, or confirm our suspicions, to any of us. Although Ciera and Chaise sensed the same thing as I did. Oh shit, you know what I mean! They also thought Ottilie knew who Jean was going to be. Christ, this people jumping around in time all the time lark, makes things so bloody complicated.
That evening we did have a party out in the rear garden. The Sugget's and the Drury's were there of course and many times I saw Jean staring at the two children who would one-day be her parents. I'd watched as Ottilie had made a point of taking the young John Pemberton over to meet Jean.
You know, I've often wondered just how powerful Ottilie's mental powers actually are. As time went by I came to suspect that Ottilie's were far stronger than Chaise's or Myra's; even stronger I believe, than her mother's.
Oh, my own senses had become ... pretty acute by then, and I could often sense Ottilie was near -- and what kind of mood she was in -- well before I could any of the others. What I mean say is, I could sense Ottilie's mind at a far greater distance, if you understand me. I know for sure that Ciera and Ottilie were in touch mentally, at vast distances.
Sylvia and Rose bounced into the bungalow – or whatever you like to call it – just after five o'clock, as if they had not a care in the world. The two grinning Neanderthals they called 'Win' and 'Mol' followed them. Two guys Douglas and I took to referring to -- between ourselves -- as 'arsehole' and 'asshole'. Hey, I never would have imagined that the difference between American English and the real thing, would come in so handy. Anyway Douglas's temper got the better of him and...
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'Hello and welcome to live a life' 'After having filled out your name and age please follow along with these few questions. In order for us to accurately create your wanted life'
Robert Leclair had always been lucky in money matters. By the time he was twenty-two, he was the owner of a small cannery in Atlantic City and he had six people working for him. He would go and talk to the fishermen as well as the farmer in a fifty miles radius and try to buy from them - at a low price - some of the surplus that their garden produced or the excess harvest from the sea in the case of fishermen. He would buy everything that could be canned. He had his own brand name for the...
Masha feeds MrCockTail, the masturbating a****l. Used condoms are his favorite food. In the past, when MrCockTail was young, he could put his nose into everything. He worked much for Catholik church, the Russian and the American secret service. He is old today and gets backache always from masturbating and his nose is often blocked. In addition, he sees no longer so well where he puts his nose. Now he spends his days in Sileno's workshop. Masha has got to know him there. She likes MrCockTail...
Hai My name is Arun and from salem.I am thirty.Not quite good looking!!This is a real story that happened when I was 18.I was always curious so when one night I heard grunts from the next door I….First let me tell you the situation.. I live in a semi developed urban-rural area. I have my own room in a seperate building upstairs. The house next door is my uncle’s. He has rented two houses upstairs. In one a family lives. Here the man is a homo. Whenever he is alone he exposes his puny...
I knew I was gay all through high school, but growing up in a town of eight hundred in West Virginia I never really had a chance to explore my sexuality with others. By the time I moved into the dorms at a small art school in Boston I was ready to do some experimenting!My roommate in the dorms was another Midwestern boy who played lacrosse on the schools team. He was cute and a bit jockish but he seemed very aggressively hetero and I didn't really think he was the best person to come out to for...
It was a particularly busy day a work, and by the time I pulled into the driveway that afternoon I had more or less forgotten the whole incident, having made up my mind to simply act as if nothing had happened. I walked in the front door, tossed my keys on the kitchen table and then stopped dead in my tracks. Karen stood in the middle of the living room with that arrogant yet sexy smirk on her face. She wore a jet-black tank top that showed off her toned stomach and bellybutton ring...
If she hadn’t screamed, I surely would have. I pulled the covers to my chest and just stared at the Forbidden Planet poster that was over my dresser. I was in my bedroom. “Baby?” I could hear my dad at my sister’s door across the hall, “What’s wrong Zoë?” I felt cheated as I swung off my bed. I stepped on the heels of my flannel pajamas and dragged them off my legs. “You shrieked pretty badly. Can I come in?” I dug through my dresser. Most of my clothes were in blacks and blues and I...
It was him. The man who Tom had met at the police station and had obviously implanted the fake memory of Sarah's corpse had apparently refined his skill and had taken up residence at the college Tammy attended. He was a little older, and I didn't see the girl from Tom's memory anywhere in Tammy's mind, but it was definitely him. Holly was almost unreasonable from the way I hadn't given her five more minutes to pack, and was in a sour mood for a good hour after we left. I wasn't paying...
Their fingers touched at the same time as their eyes met. Liz’s searching eyes gazed into Liam’s at the very moment that her fingers touched his. Her fingers were holding the clasp of the strap on her black suspender belt and his fingers were holding the laced top of her black silk stockings. He could feel the warmth of her soft white flesh and it aroused him. “You’ve changed your mind, haven’t you?” she said softly. Liam looked at her with his puppy dog eyes as he nodded. Liz continued to...
Cuckold"Good evening, listeners. Tonight we hear the third installment with Joe Williams, author of 500 Annies. If you've listened to the last two installments, you know that he came to write the book after his wife suddenly left him, with very little explanation and no warning. This segment deals with the actual writing of the book, how he comes to terms with himself and his wifes' betrayal, and unexpectedly finding love again. Enjoy." The first few interviews were set up by my friends...
The following is fiction. No sexual acts occur between humans under the age of 18. If you haven’t been reading this series, don’t bother with this. It explains why things happened the way they did. And there’s no sex, so don’t hold your breath waiting for it. ***** I stood up as the couple approached. Vholes was clad in a ragged breechclout and Anna was wearing a short doeskin tunic. She carried a pack on her back, but it wasn’t an ordinary burden-basket. It looked more like a...
No more Doctor nice Guy Part 9 8 months later "You don't look nervous," Kevin appraises me in response to my indication of my emotional state. I'm in my work scrubs and just about to leave home for night shift. My first night shift where I'm the nurse in charge. "Well you know what they say about appearance and subterfuge." I give a slightly obtuse answer. He furrows his brow at me. "Looks can be deceiving!" I spell it out. Now he just rolls his eyes. "It's an...
As is often the case any meet ups tend to be a few weeks apart, thats no bad thing as sometimes things can become a bit stale, so imagine my surprise when i got a text message from ally asking was i free the coming weekend and if i wanted " bring a toothbrush " which i took to mean an over night stay,Of course i accepted the invitation, she went onto say that roy was away on business that weekend and she did not want to be alone, on reading that my mind was racing with the possibilities , so we...
Don’t know shit Two medical students were walking along the street when they saw an old man walking with his legs spread apart. He was stiff-legged and walking slowly. One student said to his friend: “I’m sure that poor old man has Peltry Syndrome. Those people walk just like that.” The other student says: “No, I don’t think so. The old man surely has Zovitzki Syndrome. He walks slowly and his legs are apart, just as we learned in class.” Since they couldn’t agree they decided to ask the...
I had always fantasized about getting caught masturbating. Something about it really turns me on. A few times i know of, i have been watched, but never straight up caught, until now. Tonight my fantasy was to come true, but a little differently than i had always imagined. I recently went to stay with my sister lisa in san francisco for about a week. She lives with her best friend tammy, who i have wanted to fuck ever since i was 14. Tammy and my sister were both 21 then, and i was 23. Tammy...
IncestLeihla had been caught red handed stealing from her employer. She had agreed to be his sex toy to avoid going to jail. The man handcuffed her and began to have his way with her. He lifted her top and kissed her neck. He pulled up her top and massaged her young breasts and pulled on her nipples. He ran his hands all over her body. She wanted to hate it but could not help but enjoy his wandering hands. She kept trying to convince him to let her go home but he was intent on having his way with...
I waited a few days before I was ready to begin the next part of my training. I spent a lot of time with William. I even trained him on the art of cunnilingus. He got exceptionally good at it, almost as good as Clara.I was excited to finish my training while I was fearful of where I might be going. I only had a couple of weeks left to go before my new school year would begin.I went to my great-grandmother and told her I was ready to begin my final training.She said to me, "Be careful. You are...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt’s the weekend! Finally. Or, as the French call it, le week-end. I know, right? The sky is overcast today, so we’ll stay in, but tomorrow is supposed to be warm and sunny. Mom is on some kind of work trip again, so staying in today won’t keep us from the kinky stuff. The Dungeon First order of business for today, however, is home improvement. Yes, you heard that right. We two kids... ahem young adults are going to improve our house. It will probably sound a lot more believable when I...
Marilyn told Stacey to stop Percy’s Time Warp and shooed us all out of his apartment saying, “Let’s get, Back To The Future!” OK, that’s not what she said. It was, “Let’s get back to Randolph Industries Ninth Floor. We can celebrate there.” “That was fun,” Stacey said as we all materialized in the Conference Room. We each settled in a chair around the huge table. I leaned back and propped my feet on top of the table. “We should do this more often,” added Tammy. “But what about Tom?” I...
Me, my wife and our friends had been drinking in my hotel room after a wedding. When Lucy disappeared into the adjoining room with Tim, the hem of her dress hiked up showing just the bottom of her round, thong-clad ass. They had been messing around on the couch, hence Lucy's bunched up dress. They got up and left without saying anything. I lay on one of the beds drinking beer with my wife, Kate - and my pal, Jim, Lucy's husband, lay on the other bed drifting off to sleep. I had seen how Lucy...