Blackmailing Breanna, Chapter 2 free porn video

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After Jessica had laid out the rules of their new arrangement, she handed Breanna her phone and let her go with a final warning:

"Remember the rules and what I've said here and everything will go fine. Break the rules and there will be hell to pay!" Then Jessica turned and walked back the way she came and Breanna returned to her car, driving over to where Jimmy was parked waiting and wondering what was going on.

"What happened Breanna? I was listening to you as you walked up to the statue and then the phone went dead! I was so worried! I was just about to come to get you, even though whoever it was said you should come alone. You could have been kidnapped or something!" Jimmy said as soon as he saw Breanna walking up to him.

"I'm okay, everything is fine. It was just a big misunderstanding. I've got it all worked out now. So we can just forget about it," she said, trying to sound convincing. She wasn't.

"How can everything be okay? I saw those texts too–whoever that was wasn't just misunderstanding you! Who was it anyway?" he asked.

"Jimmy, please, I said it was all taken care of. I really don't want to talk about it," Breanna said.

"All right, all right. I'm just trying to protect you, sweetheart. If you say you have it handled, I will drop it. But just know that if it becomes unhandled, I will be right here ready to deal with it myself," he said.

"I know. And thank you for trying to protect me," she said.

Things were calm for a couple of weeks after that and Breanna resumed her regular life. She had almost forgotten the whole incident, putting it down as another one of Jessica's temper tantrums. But then one Wednesday while she was waiting tables at Grinders, the coffee house she worked at, Jessica came by.

"Hello Breanna," she said when Breanna came over to wait on her, "Can I get a mocha latte and a biscotti, please?"

Breanna went to prepare her order and when it was ready she returned to the table where Jessica was sitting. "Here you go Jessica, will there be anything else?" she said, very professionally. 

"Actually, yes there is. My folks are going to the lake house for the weekend and I will be home alone. I want you to come over Saturday and... keep me company," she said.

Breanna knew what she meant. And she knew she had no choice but to agree to it unless she wanted the videotape to be released and the repercussions that would bring about.

"All right," Breanna said docilely. "What time do you want me to be there?"

"Why don't we say 11:00 am. I have a lot of fun things planned and we don't want to be rushed! I want to enjoy my little toy!" Jessica said with a wicked grin.

"Okay, I'll be there. Anything else?" Breanna asked.

"Yes, one more thing... get plenty of rest, you will need it!" Jessica said wryly. 

Jessica was playing a smart game. She knew that being Wednesday, Breanna would worry and stew and imagine all manner of things between now and Saturday. She knew how Breanna's mind could take control of her–she had seen it happen to her in a variety of situations, some of them good some of them bad. She knew that Breanna would worry herself half-crazy by the time Saturday got around and counted on her active imagination to give her fits.

Jessica was absolutely right. For the rest of the week, Breanna couldn't get Jessica off her mind. If she wasn't remembering the good times they had together, she was wondering what Jessica had in store for her.

They did have some very good times–Jessica could be a lot of fun. Adventurous and very sexy, she was up for just about anything when it came to sex. And unlike some of her previous boyfriends and dates, Jessica gave as good as she got... Breanna never had to worry about going away wanting more!

But it was that very adventuresome and wild spirit that now gave Breanna pause. She knew that those traits can just as easily be used for evil as well as for good! Jessica was a creative and inventive person and, when hurt or humiliated, she could be a real terror!

And so, after almost three days of Jessica's mindfuck during which time she didn't contact Breanna at all, Saturday came at last. Breanna got ready to go over to Jessica's house telling her folks she was going to a friends house and started driving towards uncertainty.

Jessica lived about thirty minutes from Breanna's house and for every minute she traveled, her nervousness and apprehension grew. But inevitably, Breanna arrived at Jessica's house. She parked on the cement pad in front of the garage and walked up to the door. 

Well here goes, she thought to herself. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

"Hi Breanna, come on in!" Jessica said, smiling. Breanna went inside, cautiously looking around to make sure she wasn't walking into a trap or something. She still wasn't too sure of this whole scene and she would do well to pay attention. Jessica led her to the living room and offered her a seat. 

"Would you like a soda or something to drink?" Jessica asked, being the good host.

"I guess I'll have a soda if that's okay," Breanna said quietly.

"Sure thing. I'll be right back!" Jessica said.

She seems to be in a pretty good mood, Breanna thought to herself. That made her feel a little more hopeful and she began to relax a bit. 

Jessica brought the sodas back and sat down next to Breanna. They each took a couple of drinks in silence before Breanna couldn't stand the suspense any longer.

"Okay, Jess, I give up! What do you want from me? Why am I here? It's been driving me crazy all week!" Breanna said in frustration.

Jessica smiled, gloating in her victory. She took Breanna's soda "I'll just put these in the fridge so they don't get hot," she said. She took the sodas to the kitchen and then came back.

"Stand up," she said. Breanna stood up. "The reason I called you over today is so that we could discuss our new arrangement," she said as she began unbuttoning Breanna's blouse. "I told you that you were going to be my personal slut–you do remember that don't you, my dear? You do remember the conversation we had in the park?" Jessica asked.

"Yes," Breanna said.

"And I'm sure you remember how you told Jimmy that you love being a slut and a whore for him. Well, you are MY whore and slut now! My pretty little slut whore, and you will do everything I tell you because you want to be a good little slut whore, don't you Breanna?" Jessica said as she opened Breanna's blouse and fondled her tits through her bra.

"Y-yes," Breanna said, her voice shaky. Jessica walked slowly around Breanna until she was behind her then pulled her blouse down just far enough to trap her arms at her sides. She reached around and unclipped the front hooks one at a time while kissing Breanna's neck, knowing that neck-kisses drove her crazy.

When the bra had been completely unclipped, it fell open and Jessica's hands began massaging and toying with Breanna's now-exposed tits.

Jessica began gently pinching and tugging on her erect pink nubs, rolling them in her fingers and lightly flicking them, causing Breanna to gasp and moan loudly.

"You see, pretty, I remember. I remember all your favorite things. I remember how sensitive these little buttons are and how much it turns you on to have them played with. Do you remember how I used to suck and bite and lick your hard little nipples?" Jessica whispered lustily in her ear.

"Yesss..." Breanna hissed.

"Would you like me to do that again, would you like me to lick and suck these hard little nipples, pretty?" Jessica goaded her further.

"Please..." Breanna moaned, trembling as Jessica toyed with her.

"Ask me for it then," Jessica whispered.

"Please, Jessica... please... lick my nipples," Breanna moaned, tipping her head back.

Jessica moved around in front of her again. "Hold them up for me then," she said. Breanna shook her arms free of her blouse, letting it fall to the ground behind her. She pushed her tits up as an offering to Jessica's hot mouth.

Jessica leaned forward taking one nipple into her mouth and sucking on it as Breanna gasped again.

"Ohh God, Jess, oh yes, that feels so good..." she mewled. Jessica's hand meanwhile had begun working to remove her plaything's jeans, unbuttoning them and unzipping the fly. She pushed them over Breanna's slim hips and as far down her long legs as she could reach and Breanna finished taking them off by stepping on them and pulling her legs free. 

Still sucking on her nipples, Jessica's hand then slipped under Breanna's panties and felt the very wet pussy of her former–and now returning–lover. "Still wet as ever I see," Jessica said, pulling her mouth off Breanna's tit for a moment. "I'm glad, you always had such a juicy and tasty pussy, pretty!"

"Ohhhh, Jessss..." Breanna moaned, long and low.

"That's right, baby, Jessica is here now. And I'm gonna make you feel REAL good!" Jessica whispered in her ear, licking it afterward for emphasis.

"Please, Jessica..." Breanna whimpered. Her body was beginning to betray her as Jessica's fingers toyed with her pussy lips and strummed her clit.

"I remember how much fun we used to have playing together like this. We had such hot, sexy times... remember those days Breanna?" Jessica whispered in her ear.

"I... remember... Ohhh, fuck, Jessica!" Breanna moaned.

"I know, baby, I know. You always could make me cum so hard. I have missed those orgasms you used to give me. But now you're back and we can have them again. You'd like that wouldn't you, baby? You'd like me to make you cum, wouldn't you?" Jessica said, taunting her friend.

"Ohhh, God..." Breanna moaned, and then softly added, "yes..."

"Mmmmm, that's good, cause I'm really horny. Maybe you could lick my pussy," Breanna said. "Tell you what, I'll lick yours if you lick mine. That'd be fair wouldn't it?"

"I don't know..." Breanna said. Talking about it directly like this made her a bit apprehensive again. She would need more coaxing.

Jessica pushed two fingers into Breanna's dripping slit, separating them to capture her swollen clit between them. As she thrust them in and out, her fingers rubbed the little bud, causing Breanna to squirm and hump at the hand in her crotch. Jessica's other hand continued to play with Breanna's nipples, now hard as pebbles and aching. 

"Ohh fuck, Jessica! Ohhh, God!" Breanna moaned. She reached over her shoulder to pull Jessica's face to hers in a kiss.

"C'mon, let me lick your pussy," Jessica coaxed her again.

"Are you serious?" Breanna asked.

"Yep, I'm horny and in a playful, naughty mood. But you have to do me afterward," Jessica said.

Breanna could feel her resolve crumbling, and the words came out of her mouth before she had a chance to think about it.

"Okay, where do you want to do it?" she said.

Jessica smiled. She had won again. She pulled her hand from Breanna's wet, drooling pussy and tasted one pussy-soaked finger.

"Mmmm, you always tasted so good, baby. Here, have a taste yourself," she said, offering the other finger to Breanna. Breanna sucked her own flavor off Jessica's finger. It wasn't the first time she had tasted herself and she had to agree with Jessica–she did taste very good!

"First, I want those pretty panties. Take them off," Jessica said. Breanna looked at her for a moment and then complied meekly. She handed Jessica the panties and stood in front of her, waiting.

"Now, let's pull that soft brown hair back so I can see that pretty face," Jessica said. She pulled Breanna's hair back holding it with one hand in a makeshift ponytail. "There, that's better. Now, get down on your hands and knees. You are going to crawl alongside me. We are going to my bedroom–you remember where that is don't you? I want to fuck you on my bed so tonight I can have sweet sexy dreams of you!"

Jessica had always been the more dominant of the two girls and they had played those kinds of games before so it wasn't out of the ordinary that Jessica would make this kind of demand. In fact, Breanna liked being the submissive and falling back into the old pattern only heightened her arousal.

She got down on all fours as directed and together they headed to the bedroom, Jessica walking quickly and Breanna crawling alongside as fast as she could to try to keep up.

When they reached the bedroom, Jessica walked Breanna over to the bed. "Up you go!" she said patting the bed. Breanna got up on the bed and moved to the center with her head on a pillow. She watched with interest as Jessica began to get undressed. 

Jessica's body was markedly different than Breanna's. While the two of them were about the same height–roughly five foot five inches–Breanna had only B cup tits while Jessica had DD's.

Jessica was also a little curvier than Breanna, who was on the thin side. Jessica had long, fairly straight blonde hair down to about the middle of her back, about the bottom of her shoulder blades while Breanna's wavy chestnut brown hair stopped at her shoulders.

Jessica finished undressing and then climbed onto the bed crawling, cat-like up from the foot of the bed until she moved over Breanna and moved up her body until she straddled Breanna face to face.

"You don't know how many times I dreamed of having you under me again, pretty. So many times I thought about something just like this. And now you are here," Jessica said leaning down to kiss Breanna.

The two girls began kissing and Breanna opened her lips to allow Jessica's tongue in to play with hers. Breanna sucked on her tongue and then they switched it up and Jessica sucked Breanna's tongue with equal enthusiasm. Jessica began kissing her neck and down on her chest and Breanna moaned, knowing full well where she was headed. 

"You have such cute little tits... little, but very tasty!" Jessica said.

Breanna moaned as Jessica's hot mouth covered one hard nipple and she began to suck and little the fleshy tidbit. Breanna did indeed have tasty tits and they were very sensitive as well. Breanna arched her back, cupping her tits and thrusting them out as an offering to her friends teasing mouth. 

Jessica accepted her girlfriend's offering and in return, her fingers went to work inside Breanna's leaking pussy once again. She thrust two fingers deep inside the eager hole, palm up so her thumb could busy itself rubbing and playing with her clit, which had poked its head out to see what all the ruckus was about.

"Oh my God! Jessica!" Breanna cried out. Jessica began quickly fingerfucking Breanna and Breanna writhed and squirmed on the bed in response.

Breanna couldn't believe it... only a few minutes ago she arrived at Breanna's house, dreading what may happen this afternoon. But now she was on the verge of her first orgasm of the day - with more to follow assuredly!

"Oh, Jessica! Please, please make me cum! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! Please make me cum, honey! Pleeease!" Breanna whimpered urgently.

"Oh, so NOW you want me to make you cum! That's a far cry from the way you were a little while ago! But I suppose even whores like you have their moods!" Jessica said. "Okay, I'll make you cum, but after that, it's my turn, you hear me?" To emphasize her point and make sure Breanna understood her place, Jessica gave her a nipple a hard twisting pinch.

"OW! OW! Okay! Okay!" Breanna yelped, arching upwards to try to relieve the pain. 

"That's better. You will answer when you are spoken to but only when you are spoken to, understand? And the proper response is 'Yes, Mistress'. Got it?" Jessica said.

"Yes, Mistress," Breanna said. Breanna was familiar with the game but this was the first time the title Mistress was used. And Breanna kind of liked it!

Jessica moved down Breanna's body and lay down between her spread thighs. With her face mere inches from Breanna's leaking pussy, Jessica inhaled her sweet musky scent deeply.

"Mmmm, I always loved the smell of your pussy, baby... it's like perfume to me. Tell me pretty, does 'boyfriend' eat your pussy?" Jessica asked.

"Sometimes," Breanna breathed.

"Yeah, but I'll bet he doesn't eat this peach like I used to! Only a woman can really understand what it feels like and what to do to get that feeling. Men lick at it like it's an ice cream treat... it takes a woman's finesse to make an art of it," Jessica said.

Jessica leaned down and kissed the plump sensitive lips of her flower and gave it a quick teasing lap with her tongue.

"Oh fuck, Jess! Please, please don't tease me! Please, I need you... Eat me, please!" Breanna moaned loudly, frustrated and hornier than she could remember being in a long time.

Jessica sprang up like a cat and grabbed Breanna's still smarting nipple pinching and tweaking it again. "I SAID I AM MISTRESS! Don't make me have to remind you again, whore!" she said angrily.

"Yes, Mistress, I'm sorry!" Breanna said quickly. Jessica slapped the abused tit and then moved back down to her place between the girl's legs. She opened the lips of her pussy and peered at the wet pink interior. Breanna was dripping with sweet honey and Jessica licked her lips in eager anticipation of the feast before her.

"I have missed this so much..." she said before fastening her hot mouth on Breanna's entrance. Jessica's tongue snaked its way deep into her warm tunnel and began its search for a reward.

"OH FUCK, JES-MISTRESS!" Breanna squealed out, quickly correcting herself before she got in any more trouble.

Jessica paid no attention to her mistake, however, absorbed as she was in her own interest in the sweet treat she was enjoying. She thrust her tongue as deeply as she could and wriggled it around searching every nook and crevice that a sweet drop of honey might find to hide in. She licked and sucked and lapped up every precious droplet she could find, not wanting any of her lover's juices to be lost.

Breanna writhed and moaned, gasping occasionally as Jessica feasted on her. She clawed at the bed looking to find a handhold, something to hang on to as her world spun out of control. Jessica always had this effect on her–she had forgotten what an expert pussy-eater her friend was.

Breanna loved cock and the feel of Jimmy's thick beefstick inside her, but Jessica definitely had her advantages too! Not even Jimmy could make her feel things the way Jessica did.

"Oh dear God! I'm going to cum! Oh, please Mistress, please make me cum! Please, please, please! I'll do anything you want, just please make me cum! Pleeease!" Breanna begged desperately.

Jessica raised her head just long enough to say, "I'm going to hold you to that promise, slut!" then went back to finish the job. She sucked in Breanna's throbbing, engorged clit and trapped it in her mouth with her teeth, flicking over it with her tongue. At the same time, she shoved two fingers into her sopping pussy and curled them upwards to rub Breanna's soft spongy g-spot, guaranteeing a tremendous orgasm.

It wasn't long in coming either. With a howl that Jessica just knew would summon the police, Breanna screamed out her arrival at Orgasm Central.

"OHHHFFUUUCCKKKMEEE!!" she screamed and began pitching and bucking as the first wave of her tsunami crashed into her like a Mack truck. She instinctively grabbed at the head between her legs to either hold it away from her or at least hold it still so she couldn't continue to torment her. 

Neither move, however, was successful and Jessica's wicked tongue kept pestering her hyper-sensed pussy, Breanna writhed and twisted and bucked in sweet delicious agony until at last, totally spent, she collapsed back on Breanna's bed, her whole body trembling and quaking from the after-effects of her orgasm and her pussy slowly leaked out what remained of her juices. 

"Holy shit... I had forgotten... how good you were at that!" Breanna panted as she tried to calm herself down and control her breathing.

"Well, I plan on reminding you of what you have missed quite often from now on, my pretty toy!" Jessica said.

"Yes, my Mistress," Breanna said as she cuddled up next to Jessica. Maybe being bisexual and being Jessica's little fuckslut wouldn't be so bad after all! Breanna thought to herself as she rested and prepared for more fun and undoubtedly more wonderful orgasms!

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Blackmailing Sister8217s Friend Part 2

I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun with me can contact me at This is continuation to my first story “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-1”. As I mentioned in the first part this story is completely fiction and my fantasy however the girl is real. I suggest the readers to read the 1st part to know the complete story. So let me start the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Ruth

Blackmailing Ruth By Wolf Ferret [email protected]. Jones, a partner in Jones and Forbes Solicitors of London, sat at his desk considering what to do about his secretary. Ruth had been working for him for over 4 years and was efficient, attractive and well liked by the clients and staff of the firm. Unfortunately, the auditors had just supplied conclusive evidence that she had stolen 30 thousand pounds from the firm.He and his partner, Mr Forbes, had discussed the matter. The choices...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing My Dads New Wife Chapter 1

I knew she was a golddigger; she wasn't fooling anyone but my Dad. Porsche (yes, apparently that was her real name) had met my Dad about three months prior to their getting married.He had gone to Las Vegas on a business trip–a sales convention for his company. One day after the endless meetings, he had stopped off at a local titty bar called Candi's for a little something to relax.There he met Porsche and they hit it off. The next thing they knew, Dad was bringing her home to meet me.At least...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing MotherChapter 2 PantEHose

My mother Bethany Griffith was CEO and sole owner of a small but profitable advertising agency called Womankind. My father’s business interests were immense, varied and complicated but Bethany held onto her little boutique business as a matter of pride and a source of self-determination. That said, she was ruthless. Womankind employed only female staff and specialised in feminine-only products. Bethany was CEO and Head of Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising and Creative. Her Personal...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Morgan

He stepped around so she could see him, she looked up, her face was a ruin of tear stained makeup, grief filled her reddened eyes. She caught her breath when she saw him looking down on her, she lowered her phone and challenged, “What?” “What’s going on Morgan, what’s wrong?” His sister lifted the phone to her ear, “I’ll call you later Becky,” pause, sniffle, “Yeah, my brother is here.” She sat up, cross-legged on her bed and wiped her nose with a wad of tissue, “I screwed up big time,...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing my brother part 1

My name is Emma and i am a 17 year old teenager and i am 5ft 6 inch tall and i have blonde hair, brown eyes and my bra size is 36c. I am your average teenage girl really, i like going out with my friends, shopping and most of all i love boys. Like most other girls i often find my self fingering myself to guys i know or even some celebrities but today i was a very different day. When i go to bed tonight i would be fingering myself but not over any guy i know or a hot celebrity, i would be...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Julie

BLACKMAILING JULIE Part I I knocked on the apartment door. There was a slight pause, and then it swungopen a few inches. I saw Julie's face, encircled in a blonde bob, appear inthe crack; as soon as she recognized me, her expression drooped. "It's me," I said, in an phony singsong voice, "time for aquickie. I have to be somewhere." There was a short delay, then the door slowly opened. I stepped inside, pushedthe door shut behind me, and immediately began unbuttoning my belt. "Hurryup,...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing servant part 1

We had an old maid her name was Rohini she had served us for nearly 20 years and in June 2007 she passed away owing to a heart attack. We searched for a new maid and finally got one her name was Sonali. She was 19 years old and didn’t look anything like a maid. She had a whitish complexion perfectly shaped breasts and a curvy figure she was more like a model rather than a maid. My parents hired her she would come every day early in the morning at around 8 and leave to work at another house at...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing Mother Chapter Three

Blackmailing MotherByMichele NylonsChapter Three: I lay on the bed in my mother’s bedroom; she had likely forgotten that I still had a key to her apartment and the silly woman hadn’t changed the code on the burglar alarm. I was naked except for the pair of Pant-E-Hose that my mother had discarded in her office.I loved the feel of the cool, silky nylon on my shaved legs and the tight sheer panty clung to my buttocks and scrotum. The stink of my mother’s vaginal secretions wafted to my nose,...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing my sister for sex

My name is Rex and I had just turned 18. I lived with my mom and dad in a suburb of Dallas. I also have a sister named Sandra. We all called her Sandy. She was 22 and had her own little apartment a mile or so from home. She worked downtown at a company that has something to do with financial investments. She was the company president's personal assistant. One day I got the urge to go down and have lunch with Sandy so I arrived at the building that the company was in at a few...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

I lived in the neighborhood and watched Christina grow up over the years. About the time she turned 14, her body started to fill out and nature worked on shaping Christina into a statuesque young lady. Her flat chest started to grow, her skinny hips started to take on the curves of a model, and her skinny arms and legs became shapely and womanly. About this time she also started to attract the attention of the boys in her school and neighborhood. She was still very shy, but that didn’t...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing My Slutty Sister

Hi guys, thank you all for the feedback and reviews on the previous stories. If you’re new, kindly read my previous stories to know about me and my adventures, before reading this story about blackmailing. Subconsciously, everyone has a fantasy of having incest sometimes. Maybe you suppress it or forget about it or deal with it your own way. But you have at some point in your life had a fantasy about someone in your family (if not, congratulations, you’re going to heaven). I, too, had that...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Kimberly

I have no idea what suddenly made me suspicious. Kimberly and I had been married almost fifteen years and I had never, ever had a reason to doubt her and then all of a sudden, there it was — I believed that my wife was cheating on me. I can't put a finger on what it was that first made me believe that Kim was unfaithful, but the feeling was there and it just wouldn't go away and yet despite having no real reason for having that feeling it grew stronger each day. I guess maybe it was a lot of...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Christina into being my lover

Note : This story is totally fictional! Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 kids. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her childhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in...

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Blackmailing Jane Part 2

The next morning I jacked off while I was showering, grabbed a packet of rubbers and got dressed. When I got to Jane’s house she had just finished her shower and was still in her robe, sitting at the breakfast table. She asked if I wanted something to eat. I said yes, smiled, and said “but it is not on the table”. She looked puzzled for a minute, then said, “are you serious, are you still blackmailing me into fucking you?” My reply was a simple “yes.” Jane went in the bathroom and I...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Vengeance Reedited

!WARNING! This is a rape story. If this kind of content offends you in any way, please, stop reading. I'm not in favor of rape of any form and this is just a fictional story of sexual violence. If you have no problem with that, please, vote and comment as you wish. Thanks. (Special thanks to my friend Rutger5 for helping me with the english stuff =*) ... Blackmailing Vengeance I always knew how I wanted my life to be. I wanted an easy life. Marry some rich guy who would...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Vengeance Reedited

Introduction: After killing a man Rebecca finds herself trapped, being used like a sex toy by the victims brother. This is a story re-edited, better worked and contains several differences compared to the original already posted. !WARNING! This is a rape story. If this kind of content offends you in any way, please, stop reading. Im not in favor of rape of any form and this is just a fictional story of sexual violence. If you have no problem with that, please, vote and comment as you wish....

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Blackmailing Mother Chapter One

Blackmailing MotherByMichele NylonsChapter One: Coffeehouse.I put down my newspaper and watched the woman cross the busy road. She waited for a break in the traffic and then strode purposely across the bitumen barely lifting her head from her from her phone, almost daring the steady stream of vehicles to take her on. A car beeped its horn at her and she stood still in the lane and glared at the driver, before striding off.She wore an expensive camel-coloured London Fog raincoat cinched at the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 c***dren. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her c***dhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in the neighborhood and watched...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing Sue

BLACKMAILING SUEPart oneSue and Dave had been married for nearly 6 years now and enjoyed a great vanilla sex life. They would fuck three or four times a week, mainly on Fridays and Saturdays, good long sessions with plenty of foreplay. They had no children so no interruptions and a great social life in their English country town.Dave had tried to get Sue to be a little more sexually adventurous to spice things up over the last couple of years. He got some porn DVD’s which Sue was ok with. She...

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Blackmailing Joe

Blackmailing Joe ? Conferences are always a lot of fun.  Joe uses them to get away from the wife and kid just for a few days a couple of times a year.  Don’t get him wrong? Joe loves his wife and kid, but it is always nice to get away and loosen up. ? This conference isn’t different.  He gets to go to Mexico for four days during the off-season, so the only people around are the fellow conference-goers.  The first day there he notices a nice looking woman.  She isn’t the typical Barbie doll...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing the CheaterSlut

Chapter 1 It was a normal morning at the hotel, club level. I was managing, hell single-handedly serving, all the V.I.P. hotel Guests on the top floor of the hotel. Business travelers who had racked up Hilton Honor points from frequent stays, it took 60 in a calendar year to reach that level used their automatic upgrades to hog services from the real V.I.P.s. The difference? Real V.I.P. s have class, manners and money and they know when to tip. Business travelers were divided in two basic...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 children. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her childhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in the neighborhood and watched...

Drunk sex
2 years ago
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Blackmailing my Mom

It all started when I watched my dad fuck my mom.They watched porn together and imitated the positions and i even saw my mom drinking my dad's cum. Unfortunately my father has to go overseas to work leaving my horny mom alone. One day I have left our house for school but i forgot something very important inside my room.The house was not locked so I was able to enter our house silently. Then I heard mom's voice from her room. I took a peek from the door and saw my mother masterbating using a...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing the MILF Chapter 2

Four months of steadying increasing payments, from an, almost, reasonable £200 each, increasing each month until it was reaching the point that paying was unsustainable. They realised that eventually the amount would reach the point where there would be no way of paying it, and the thought of what would happen then terrified them. This fear was foremost in their minds, never going, never giving them peace. It was started to affect their relationships, with their husbands, kids, family and...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Hot Teacher

It was another cold winter afternoon and again I found it extremely hard to concentrate in my English 10 class. This was because I found it hard to think about anything other than what I would do to my teacher Mrs. Lawson if I had the chance. I wasn’t the only one either; I go to school at an all boy’s academy and we’ve all been mighty distracted by our sexy English teacher. Mrs. Lawson is beyond beautiful. She is 21 and this is her first year teaching. She has silky blonde hair that falls down...

3 years ago
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I zoomed in on the mailman's ass as he drove his cock into my mother's pussy. "Open your legs, you son-of-a-bitch," I whispered. "I want a shot of your cock stuffed in her." He spread them wide to give me a perfect view of his balls bouncing off of her ass. It was as though he sensed that someone was watching and he wanted to show off his family jewels. I was home for the summer after my first year in college. The camcorder that I was using to document my mother's sluthood was a reward from her...

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Blackmailing Sister8217s Friend 8211 Part 4

Hi everyone. Thanks for your awesome response for the previous parts. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at .com. This is continuation to my other stories and final part of the story. This story is completely fiction and my fantasy however the girl is real. I suggest the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Sister8217s Friend 8211 Part 1

I am Prudhvi from Chennai. First let me tell about myself. I have an athletic body but girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me. Any girl who is interested in having fun with me can contact me at This is my first story and it is a story of fiction and fantasy however the girl is real. It was when I am studying B.Tech 3rd year and my sister is studying 1st year in another college. My sister is having Semester exams and she invited her friend Nalini to combined...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Karen

"She is a beautiful and sexy woman. She must get hit on a lot, don't you think?" I hadn't really thought about it much, but I expected that he was probably right. My wife was beautiful and sexy, but the question on my mind just then was why had my boss made that statement to me? I wasn't going to ask though, you don't do anything to rile upper management, at least not while "downsizing" was in the air. The statement did, however, make me a little more aware of the things that were...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing My Mother

"Damn it. Why can't you ever wait for me to cum? All you have to do is be patient. Twenty years and you still don't know how to get me off. Some husband I married" my mother shouted. I hurried back to my room, as my mother would certainly be headed for the washroom after her weekly attempt at sex with my father. I had been watching this routine since I was thirteen and five years later I still can't get enough of watching my mother having sex with dad. Every Friday night at 10 PM they...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing To Satisfy Her

Is kahani ki heroine ka naam rani (name changed) hai. Dekhne me bahut sundar to nai par pyar karne ke lie kafi hai. To dosto mai fir se apka sexstory teller lovedove hajir hu ek nai kahani le ke. Mai delhi me ek rented room m akele rahta hu. Koi bhi akeli ladki jise sex ki bhook tadpa rahi hai mujhe contact kar sakti hai, mera email id hai , ya fir kik app me bhi mujhe search kar sakti hai. Mera user id hai ‘love00dove’. To ab story me ate hai. Jaisa ki maine bataya aaj ki meri heroine hai rani...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing Lucy

Lucy Wright was forty two and divorced with two grown sons. Both sons were in college but that did not mean much as the college was just across town. John the oldest was a senior and due to graduate in the fall. He had an apartment near campus, which he shared with his girlfriend. Joe the youngest was a sophomore and lived at home most of the time.The sun was hot on Lucy's body as she lay out by the pool. She had the pad off the lounge chair laid out near the edge of the water. She lay on her...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Sexy Hot Sister

Hi everybody…I am a regular reader of Iss first I introduce myself .my name is Arun (name changed)..I’m studying BE first year in Chennai next I describe about my sister her name is Revathy she is so sexy and her body structure is fantastic…her age is 23…simply I could say that every man who see her must want to have sex with her she got married and she has one son aged 2..her husband is a lazy fellow..Now let me enter into the story. We two r normal like all brothers and sister..about the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing A Female Collegue

Hi my name is Devd, i work in a Mnc. it’s a story how I blackmailed my junior she had some problem understanding some project work and asked me for help, otherwise she could be thrown out of the company. I asked what I get in return, she said anything, I was happy in my mind. So I called her to my room on a Saturday. She agreed I opened the door, she was wearing red t-shirt and jeans and hair open. We exchanged regards, she came in and I bolted the door there was no seating place. in room...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing ka anokha tarika

Hi this is Dev age 25 having good body. I want to tell you of one of my true incidence. This happen 2 Year back when I m in the college I used to give tuition for small earning for my pocket money. There is a girl whose name is Renu she is in the 10th class but she doesn’t look like in 10th class she has a whitish complexion and very matures body having big boobs. At first I thought that she is normal innocent girl but when time passed I saw that she is very horny girl. One day when I am going...

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Blackmailing MotherChapter 3

I lay on the bed in my mother’s bedroom; she had likely forgotten that I still had a key to her apartment and the silly woman hadn’t changed the code on the burglar alarm. I was naked except for the pair of Pant-E-Hose that my mother had discarded in her office. I loved the feel of the cool, silky nylon on my shaved legs and the tight sheer panty clung to my buttocks and scrotum. The stink of my mother’s vaginal secretions wafted to my nose, providing more stimulation and I lazily stroked my...

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