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"She is a beautiful and sexy woman. She must get hit on a lot, don't you think?"

I hadn't really thought about it much, but I expected that he was probably right. My wife was beautiful and sexy, but the question on my mind just then was why had my boss made that statement to me? I wasn't going to ask though, you don't do anything to rile upper management, at least not while "downsizing" was in the air. The statement did, however, make me a little more aware of the things that were taking place around me. Until John spoke this was just another cocktail party for several of our biggest customers and a few people that we wanted as customers. I began to notice some of the things that I hadn't paid any attention to before. Things like how the president and vice-president of Sigma watched Karen's every move. Like the way the CEO of Titan looked at Karen while my boss was talking to him and I wondered what was going on that I wasn't aware of.

Up until a year ago Karen was a stay at home mom. When our youngest started first grade Karen all of a sudden had time on her hands and nothing to do. The big debate between us was what to do with that time. She wanted to find a job, but I'm an old fashioned kind of guy and I didn't really want my wife working. It would have been different if we needed the money, but at that time I was doing okay. In the end she ended up donating her time to charity work. As a result she was seldom home during the day as she was always attending committee meetings and fund raisers. Once or twice a week she had an evening function to attend and I counted myself lucky that I didn't have to go with her. I hated those kinds of events, besides, some one had to stay home with the kids, right? There was also a plus side to things; all of her expenses were deductible as a charitable contribution. It kept her occupied and she seemed to be happy doing the work.

Work for me was a constant hassle - not the job itself, but the uncertainty of it. When you were in the sales end, as I was, employment usually depended on the company's bottom line. A good year meant that you didn't have to sweat it much, but just the slightest downturn and people got let go. And sometimes downsizing had nothing to do with your production as a salesman. Office politics played a big part in things and if you pissed off the wrong person at the wrong time you could still be gone no matter how well you performed. Normally I wouldn't put up with shit like that, but I was making almost twice what I could have made anywhere else and what was the line from the movie Jerry McGuire? "Show me the money!" The VP of sales and I only got along so-so, but for some reason I seemed to be on the good side of John who was the owner and president of the company so I wasn't sweating it to much - but there was still some room for worry.

One day John called me into the office and told me that he needed me to fly to Kansas City, "Charley at Sigma has some contractual issues that need to be addressed and I'm already committed to the meetings in Seattle."

When I got back to my office I called Karen on her cell phone and asked her if she could clear her calendar and go with me. She told me it wouldn't be possible so I told her I loved her, hurried home and packed a bag and headed for the airport. When I got into Kansas City I called Charley and made arrangements to meet him in his office at nine the next morning. It took about three hours to take care of what needed to be taken care of and as I was getting up to leave Charley asked me if I would do him a favor.

"John sent me this video tape of our fishing trip so I could make a copy of it. If you could take it back to him it would save me from having to mail it."

I told him that I would do it, put the tape in my briefcase and headed for home. My flight got in too late for me to go into the office and so I headed on home.

Karen was out when I got there and since I hadn't any idea of what time I would be home the kids were staying with her folks. I fixed myself some leftovers and then plopped down in front of the TV and tried to find something to watch. You would think that with 82 channels to chose from that you should be able to find something, but I couldn't find anything worth watching. Then I remembered the videotape in my briefcase and curiosity got the best of me. I got it out of my briefcase, popped it in the VCR, hit the play button and then my jaw hit the floor. The picture on the screen was of John and Charley high-fiving as the two of them fucked a woman. John was nailing her from behind, Charley was in her mouth and the woman was Karen! I watched in utter disbelief as the two men used her and I listened as John said, "That's right baby, that's right, you love cock in both ends, don't you?" and Karen moaned around the dick in her mouth. The cum dribbled out of Karen's mouth and Charley pulled his limp dick out of her and walked toward the camera. The picture jiggled as whoever was operating it passed it to Charley then it steadied as Dan, VP of Sales, walked into the picture and went over and pushed his cock inn my wife's mouth. Then John pulled out of her, swapped places with Charley and after that things got a little repetitive.

Karen had never gone to Kansas City so I tried to think back to when Charley was in town last. I remembered his last three visits and they were all Tuesday's and Wednesday's - which just happened to be the nights that Karen was gone to her charity functions. Of course the tape might have made during the day, but I doubted it since John and Dan wouldn't have both been gone from work at the same time. The tape had been in the middle when I had put it in the VCR and I rewound it to the beginning and hit play. The first scene was Karen on her knees sucking John's cock and then he stood her up, pushed her back on a desk and fucked her. The next scene was her bending over a desk and watching something on TV as John fucked her from behind. Next were Charley and John together and as I started watching that segment of the tape I heard the garage door opener start to hum - Karen was home from another night of "charity" work. I pulled the tape out of the VCR and put it back in my briefcase just as Karen came into the room. She came to me and gave me a hug and a kiss and I know I tasted cum when she slipped her tongue in my mouth.

"I'm so glad you are home" she said, "I've been hot and horny all day. Come on, I'll race you to bed."

I was not really in the mood to make love just then, not after seeing what I had just seen, but I was curious to see if I could tell if she had been fucked. She was pretty wet, but no less tight than she usually was so I really couldn't tell for sure but I was betting that the wetness wasn't just from her spending all day thing about getting laid when I got home. I didn't sleep all that well that night and the next day at work wasn't all that great either.

When I got home that night Karen was gone to another "charity" function and after I put the kids to bed I got out the tape and watched the rest of it. It was a six-hour tape and I got to watch five hours and thirteen minutes of my wife fucking John, Dan and thirty-six of the company's best customers. I watched as they used Karen's mouth, pussy and asshole and several times I saw all three in use at once. There were three or four times when Karen was busy taking care of whole groups of men and the one that caught my attention were Karen and the five Vice-presidents of Titan. I went into my den where I had a double VCR setup and I made two copies of the tape before tossing the original back into my brief case. Then I leaned back in my desk chair and tried to figure out what the hell had happened to my wife.

The next day at work was a bad one for me. I couldn't concentrate on my job and a couple of times I almost lost it and was going to storm into Dan's office and beat the shit out of him and then go looking for John. But at the last second I backed off. I could easily end up in jail for assault and using my wife's behavior with the two as a reason wouldn't have cut much ice with the legal system. By the time I got home I had mapped out a course of action. It was another one of Karen's 'charity' nights and she wasn't home when I got there. I called and arranged for a sitter, packed a bag and tossed it in the car and then I took the tape that Charley had given me for John - I was keeping the copies for the divorce - and I left it on the kitchen table with a note, "You might enjoy this. At least you sure seemed to like doing it. Personally, I thought it sucked!" Then I left the house and checked into a motel

I didn't sleep worth a damn that night and the next day at work wasn't much better. I told my secretary that I was not taking calls from Karen and I didn't want to see any messages from her either. John came in around ten and at eleven he called me into his office. He pointed at a chair and I sat down.

"You looked at the tape Charley gave you, didn't you?"

I told him that I had. He just looked at me for a minute and then he said, "Then I guess we have a problem."

"No shit! Just how long have you been doing this to me?"

"That's not the problem. The problem is that you have upset Karen and I can't be having that. She has been on the phone to me five times since I got here frantic because you moved out and won't take her calls."

I got my back up at his tone of voice and I stood up and leaned over his desk and looked down at him, "Just who the fuck do you think you are that you can fuck my wife and then take that tone of voice with me?"

"I'm the man who can ruin your life. Now if you don't want that to happen you will sit back down and listen to what I have to say. Otherwise get your ass out of my office and resign yourself to standing in unemployment lines because that is all you will be able to do when I get done with you."

Something in the way he said it convinced me that I should at least hear what he had to say before I ripped his head off. The.job was history, but I was curious about what he meant when he said, "When I get through with you." I sat back down and said, "Okay, I'm listening, but you better understand right now that after seeing that fucking tape I could care less about how frantic Karen is about anything. Any communication between us from now on will be handled by lawyers."

"That's the problem I'm talking about. Karen doesn't want that. She loves you and doesn't want to lose you. I want you to put things back together with her. I need to keep her happy."

"Fat chance. If she didn't want to lose me she should have kept her legs together."

"You need to understand me here. I don't care what you want. You are a good salesman and you have brought in a lot of business, but there are good salesmen all over the place. You do have value as far as the company is concerned, but you can be replaced. Karen one the other hand also has value as far as the company is concerned, but she can't be replaced. Karen is one of the, if not THE, most valuable assets that the company has."

The look on my face on hearing that seemed to amuse John, "That's right, I said company asset and that's just what I meant. I think you have been married to her for so long that you have gotten complacent and you don't realize what a gem she is. But other people realize it. Charley wants her to leave you; he wants to set her up in an apartment and give her an allowance of five grand a month just to be available when he comes to town. Baxter wants her to leave you and marry him and those are just the two I know about. Karen has brought in more business than all of the company's other salesmen combined, but what's more important, she sees to it that we keep it and to keep Karen making sure we keep the business I need her happy."

I sat there listening to the asshole and shaking my head in disbelief over what he was telling me and the implication that I was responsible for Karen not being happy.

"Let me be blunt about this" John said, "I tricked her into doing what she is doing. She did it at first because she loves you and she thought she was saving your job. After the first time I blackmailed her into the rest of it. There isn't anyway she can get out of it until all her family are dead and buried and I hope to be retired by then. In short I own her."

"You own her?"

"That's what I said. I'll give you the short version; if you want anymore detail you'll have to get it from Karen. It happened at a company cocktail party. I was talking to Charley and he was staring at Karen. I made the comment that you were a very lucky man and Charley jokingly said that he would give me all his business if I could swing it so he could have one hour of sex with her. I jokingly said that I would work on it. Half an hour later I was talking with Baxter from Titian and I asked him what I had to do to get his business and he pointed at Karen and said, "Get me that" and unlike Charley, he wasn't kidding. Right then I made up my mind that if that was all it was going to take to get Titan's business I would find a way.

"The Gods were smiling on me that night because not long after my talk with Baxter Karen came up to me and told me it was a lovely party. I told her that I could have enjoyed it more if it wasn't for the fact that I was going to have to let some people go. She asked me if you were in trouble and I told her that you were right on the bubble and that it could go either way. She asked me what was going to be the deciding factor and I told her bluntly that she was. She asked me what I meant and I told her one-hour in bed with her and you would never have to worry about your job again. She slapped me and stormed off. An hour later she came back and apologized for slapping me. I took her to my den and I did her on my desk. She didn't know it, but I videotaped it. Then I used the tape to blackmail her into doing Charley and I taped that too and then used that tape to get her to do Baxter. If she doesn't do what I tell her, and when, every body she knows will get to see copies of those tapes. So, be as pissed as you want, but what's done is done. I've got every dime I own sunk into this place and I won't apologize for doing whatever I have to do to make the company grow and keep it healthy. As long as you didn't know what was happening everything was fine. Now that you know it's a problem."

I stood up and John asked me where I was going and I told him I'd heard enough and he told me that I might just want to sit down and heard the rest of what he had to say, "It's your future that we are talking about here."

"My future? You have fucked up my marriage, my life, and you tell me it's my future we are here to talk about?"

"Here's the deal. You go home and do everything that you have to do to settle Karen down. I don't care if you have to lie to her to get it done. Pretend to forgive her if you have to, but get her in a good mood for now. Over time find some other way to break up - fuck her best friend and get her pissed enough to leave you, I don't care. Just get her in a good mood. She is supposed to see Mattson from Dexter tomorrow and I need her to give him her best. His business is worth 6.3 million to the company. Do this for me and you will be the new Vice-president of Sales with everything that goes along with the title and the job. Don't do it and I'll ruin you. Doesn't matter if you quit or get fired, by the time I spread the word about you won't be able to get a job on a garbage truck. And I won't be the only one spreading the word - a phone call to Karen's many admirers and they will spread the word too. Just image all the contacts Charley has. Add to those the ones Baxter has and you won't be able to go anywhere. Then there is the personal situation. Try to divorce Karen and I'll pay for the best lawyer available. You might have a copy of the tape, but I'll produce three or four women who will say they had affairs with you. The result will be a standoff and in standoffs judges rule. You got any judges in your pocket? I do. There is one other thing that hasn't been mentioned - you love her. You can say bullshit right now, but that's just your ego talking. You love her, you know it and I know it - it's written all over your face. Take the day off, go home and fix things up and make everybody happy."

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The lamp post stood resolute in the torrential downpour, casting its yellow light in a small circle on the sidewalk.  I stood in a storefront just out of reach of the lamp’s light and the rain. Water dripped from the brim of my hat that was pulled low and from the hem of my long overcoat. There I stood, alternating between watching the river of water race down the gutter and keeping an eye on the front of the building across the street.The building, like every other building on this street, was...

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I had dinner with the two women students in their 50s, one of whom had already graduated..  Advanced degrees in the humanities.  Both were blondes and one as pretty as the next.  Slim, nice faces, smallish tits, but good figures. (I’m 63, attractively bald, grey eyes, good features.) The first left, and in the thrall of strong drink, the second, Karen, with whom I’d never had a private moment before this,  began to open up to me.   In the most amazing way. Of course, she had the student’s...

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Story of Karen

by Darklord© I've always known that my girlfriend and her brother were close. However, I was just about to discover how close they were, and this information opened up a whole new door in our sex life. Interested? Just read the following transcript of what happened. A couple of months ago, my girlfriend Karen and I were lying naked on my bed. We just fucked each other's brains out, and I was just recovering from one of the greatest orgasms I've ever had. Karen lay with her head on...

2 years ago
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A Patron of the Arts Part Three Karen

As part of the function of the foundation that I set up in memory of my deceased wife and daughter to support the local performing arts community, I often had to meet with the directors and other supporters of programs seeking monetary assistance. At first I took these meetings at home, but soon realized that I would need a formal office/meeting space; especially since one time a group showed up at my home with about forty people who were under the impression that head-count was an important...

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Mistress Karen

Following the last session when Karen was at my mercy, she vowed to make me pay for it, but weeks had gone by with nothing happening, so I figured she had given up. We spent the weekend together doing the usual things, shopping and pictures, and spent Sunday just relaxing. We were laying on the sofa, when Karen got up and left the room. I took no notice and carried on watching T.V. About ten minutes later she came back into the room. She was wearing a full leather harness that exposed her tits...

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Have you ever met a man you instantly feared? Who made you quake deep down inside? I don't mean a physical fear. I mean a sexual fear. A fear he would possess you as his own. A fear he would reach deep into your woman's heart to seize your innermost feelings, making you eager to do what he wished of you. And a fear he might do nothing. A fear the deep gut longing for him would be unfulfilled, leaving you aching and wanting. I'd heard other women speak of such fears. They're referring to...

2 years ago
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Saving Karen

The two special poker parties I had attended had been sizzling hot. There was only one more to go. Oh, GOD, was I ever fired up for the last one. I already had a hard-on when I got to Tom's house, but he was too weirded out to even notice it when he opened the door. I poked his arm with my fist and said, "Hang in there. The rest of us did it, you can too." "You don't know Karen," he whispered. "She would never dream of doing anything like this. Please go easy on her." I put my arm on...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Karen

I went out the other night with some of my fireman mates and met a bunch of wild and crazy girls. One in particular caught my eye: a sexy redhead named Karen. Damn, she was hot! I really hadn't planned on hooking up with anyone, even though my girlfriend Missy was out of town. Something about a girls weekend. She said, “What happens in Toronto stays in Toronto! Don’t ask! Don’t tell.” So I figured, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander! Karen and I had such a good time last night....

Quickie Sex
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Aunt Karen

Chapter 1 - A Bird in the Hand I was always fond of my Aunt Karen; she was a grown-up for sure, but really not that much older than my sister and I. She occasionally baby sat us and we always had a fun time with her. As I got older and started to have "manly urges," I also noticed that she was a very attractive woman. I thought the world of her. That is, until that summer she spent at my house when she brought that world crashing down around me. I was twelve, and my sister, Carol, was eight...

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Blackmailing Beauty

Introduction: A lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and blackmails her. Blackmailing Beauty A teacher/student story A in the closet lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and decides to blackmail her. Note 1: Thanks as always to Steve and Estragon for their editing help. Blackmailing Beauty As soon as I got the job teaching in Hill River, my whole lifestyle had to change. I knew I was a lesbian since I was 16 and had my first girl-girl sexual encounter when I was 18. During college I...

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Blackmailing My Sexy Teacher Part1

Hi ISS readers, Aman here with a new fantasy story. This story is about how I blackmailed my sexy teacher into sex in the classroom. Let me tell you about her. She is Priya and her age is 28. She has a very hot figure 34-30-36 and she has a very curvy body just like Bollywood heroin Urvashi. This incident happened when I was in 12th standard and I was 18 years old. I was a very naughty and kinky guy at that time. Coming to the story, it was Monday afternoon 4 pm and the college bell rang. It...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Sister8217s Friend Part 3

Hi everyone. Thanks for your awesome response for the previous parts. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at This is continuation to my other stories “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-1” and “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-2”. This story is completely fiction and...

1 year ago
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Growing Up A MasterChapter 15 Discovering Karen

A few days later I was sitting in the lunchroom at school when Karen set her tray across from mine and sat down. I looked up at her and she asked, "Are you fucking my mother?" I glanced around, because she had not been exactly quiet, but nobody seemed to have overheard her. "Why do you ask?" "I'm not trying to be judgmental, and I really don't care if you are, but I'm curious. Mom has been acting very different lately, and I think that you are responsible." "What do you mean,...

1 year ago
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My wife Anna Laura and Karen

This night changed my life for ever.. It all started when my wife had a few friends around for a get together. We lived back then in a nice part of Hartfordshire in England. My wife Karen had a few of her mates come over for a drink a DVD and some drinking games. Great I thought, a house full of people I didn't know, good? No, see I have been with a few of girls around here and anyone of them might know me and grass me in to my wife. Well as luck would have it I didn't know any of them this...

Group Sex
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Caravan fuck fest with my auntie Karen

I'm Kyle 19 m Uk This is how a weekend visit to my aunties Caravan in Wales ended up a being the best sexual experience of my life .........Not too long ago I split up with my girlfriend and my head was all over the place .My mum told me I should go down to Wales with her for the weekend down to My aunties caravan just to take my mind of things and see my Auntie Karen and the k**s who I've not saw for near enough a year .That Friday we drove down and met up with them , the weather was roasting...

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The MILF next door parte dos Karen

… (continua) So I rushed to my house with her matching thong and bra in my head, [I have the same one] kept telling myself, what are the odds, my neighbor next door has a set like mine. I decided to change accordingly, I went to my closet, check my panty’s drawer and looked for the same set. What a great rush, I found a pair of khaky pants, a guayavera, some nice dancing a shoes and a light jacket. By the time I got back to Karen’s house, she was already ‘ready,’ very rare in latin women,...

4 years ago
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The MILF next door parte dos Karen

... (continua)So I rushed to my house with her matching thong and bra in my head, [I have the same one] kept telling myself, what are the odds, my neighbor next door has a set like mine. I decided to change accordingly, I went to my closet, check my panty's drawer and looked for the same set. What a great rush, I found a pair of khaky pants, a guayavera, some nice dancing a shoes and a light jacket. By the time I got back to Karen's house, she was already "ready," very rare in latin women,...

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Blackmailing My Twin Sisters

Blackmailing My Twin Sisters Well I was going to blackmail them. Really! But as you’ll see I didn’t have too. It was probably for the best that way. Then they couldn’t accuse me of taking advantage of them. I am a fourteen-year-old boy that has a beautiful set of thirteen-year-old twin sisters that drive me absolutely fucking nuts. Pardon my French. I mean to tell you that even I have trouble telling which is which. They look alike, they dress alike, and they are sexy as hell. They...

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Blackmailing the mother in law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Blackmailing Sister8217s Friend Part 2

I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun with me can contact me at This is continuation to my first story “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-1”. As I mentioned in the first part this story is completely fiction and my fantasy however the girl is real. I suggest the readers to read the 1st part to know the complete story. So let me start the...

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Fun with Karen

‘You have a really beautiful cock,’ she said. I looked up at her and felt myself start to swell again. She was so beautiful. Her name was Karen. We’d been seeing each other for just two months, although I had been quietly lusting after her for almost a year. ‘I love the way it looks after you’ve cum, when it starts to go soft but it’s still so thick and long. The little veins make it look so muscular.’ I smiled at her in the dim light. ‘Thanks,’ I replied. ‘But it would be nothing without...

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DominoesChapter 9 Spring 19892 Karen

"It's Karen Parker, remember me?" asked the voice on the other end of the line. We had never spoken on the phone before, but I recognized her voice even though it was reserved, not barking orders like I remembered from the day we played in the mixed doubles tournament. "Oh, sure, how are you?" I responded quickly, thinking of the nickname, 'Miss Legs' Marcie had given Karen. "I still have your racket," she mused, letting her voice fall like she was just waking up from a blissful...

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Blackmailing Ruth

Blackmailing Ruth By Wolf Ferret [email protected]. Jones, a partner in Jones and Forbes Solicitors of London, sat at his desk considering what to do about his secretary. Ruth had been working for him for over 4 years and was efficient, attractive and well liked by the clients and staff of the firm. Unfortunately, the auditors had just supplied conclusive evidence that she had stolen 30 thousand pounds from the firm.He and his partner, Mr Forbes, had discussed the matter. The choices...

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Blackmailing My Dads New Wife Chapter 1

I knew she was a golddigger; she wasn't fooling anyone but my Dad. Porsche (yes, apparently that was her real name) had met my Dad about three months prior to their getting married.He had gone to Las Vegas on a business trip–a sales convention for his company. One day after the endless meetings, he had stopped off at a local titty bar called Candi's for a little something to relax.There he met Porsche and they hit it off. The next thing they knew, Dad was bringing her home to meet me.At least...

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Blackmailing MotherChapter 2 PantEHose

My mother Bethany Griffith was CEO and sole owner of a small but profitable advertising agency called Womankind. My father’s business interests were immense, varied and complicated but Bethany held onto her little boutique business as a matter of pride and a source of self-determination. That said, she was ruthless. Womankind employed only female staff and specialised in feminine-only products. Bethany was CEO and Head of Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising and Creative. Her Personal...

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Tricking My sister Karen

My sister's boyfriend Jeff and I have become very good friends. He's been dating my sister Karen for over two years who by the way is very good looking. Any guy, included me would love to fuck her and that smoking hot twenty year old body of hers. From the first day Jeff started fucking my sister, he would give me all of the details of his conquest. As time went on Jeff tried to make it more pleasurable for me by leaving my sister’s bedroom door open, just so I could watch them from the...

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