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Have you ever met a man you instantly feared? Who made you quake deep down inside?

I don't mean a physical fear. I mean a sexual fear.

A fear he would possess you as his own. A fear he would reach deep into your woman's heart to seize your innermost feelings, making you eager to do what he wished of you.

And a fear he might do nothing. A fear the deep gut longing for him would be unfulfilled, leaving you aching and wanting.

I'd heard other women speak of such fears. They're referring to movie stars or rock musicians they drool over in a fantasy. In my life, my real life, I'd never met such a man.

I was almost forty. My husband, George Phillips, and I had been married twenty-one years. We have two wonderful daughters, Polly, 20, and Patty, 18.

For the past twelve years, George and I worked hard to build our business. For ten of those years, the business grew and prospered. But for the last two years, the business suffered a steady and steep decline because George's overly ambitious expansion plans exploded in our faces. We were threatened with bankruptcy.

George started to drink heavily. Alcohol and stress turned his previously kind disposition to a sour and depressed mania. Our children suffered with us. Seeing their parents depressed was hard on them. We couldn't afford for either of them to go to college.

George is fifteen years older than I. In a way, our relationship was father and daughter. We began dating when I was seventeen. He took my virginity when I was eighteen. When I became pregnant with Polly, we married. I'd never had another man. Our major marital disagreement had been over the number of children. I wanted four. George insisted we have only two. He had a vasectomy to prevent additional children. I missed those days. I missed the feel of a baby, of the life in me, of nursing my child. I missed the closeness with the man who made that baby with me. George and I began to drift apart after those early, baby days.

Sex with George was pleasant and sweet, but never exciting. When I married him, I knew it would never be the bomb bursts my friends gossiped of. Our sex was more passive than that. When the business began its downturn, he became impotent. It'd been two years since we made love. For the last year, we slept in separate beds, not even touching during the night.

I'm five five and in good physical condition. I'm told I'm pretty. My daughters inherited my dark blonde hair and green eyes, my smile with the one dimple. My breasts are still high and firm, but my bottom and legs are my most attractive feature.

I never intended to attract men. I dressed demurely, preferring loose blouses and long, full skirts to hide myself from prying male eyes. I lived a life without carnal desires, keeping myself chaste except for my husband. I was a modest and faithful wife.

During this siege of unhappiness, our bright spot was Polly. She'd fallen desperately in love with a man. We hadn't met him yet, but she said he was magnificent, very intelligent, well educated and successful in business. His name was Eric Winston.

His only negative, from what she told me, was that he was thirty-two, twelve years older than she was. As Polly pointed out, George was fifteen years my senior so I couldn't complain about the age difference. Polly gushed about him, revealing a depth of love and wanting beyond anything I'd experienced.

During the next month, the business continued its relentless slide toward bankruptcy. George fought to survive, even if the hope of survival seemed dim. I knew if he failed after redoubling his efforts, the loss would be much more devastating. Too often it seems, a man's self worth is tied inexorably to his company and his position. I worried constantly about his mental and physical health.

George and I were home one Friday night about ten, getting ready to go to bed. We were exhausted from the demands of the business. As usual, it had been a long and difficult week. Patty was already asleep. The front door burst open. Polly, giggling and wiggling with happiness, charged into the room with a man right behind her.

"Mother! Dad! Eric asked me to marry him! I said yes."

I saw Eric Winston for the first time. Hot, prickly fingers walked down my spine. I flushed. Lights dimmed except around him. I was giddy and nauseous. Every sense was overloaded. I stared at him as he shook George's hand in greeting. He turned to me and smiled. His eyes held me. Heat flashed through me, like a heavy blush, leaving my nipples erect and a wetness seeping between my legs.

I'd met him - the man who could possess me. The man who could take me and make me his. Never before had I felt the intense, demanding, female need to throw myself at a man.

"Mother, are you all right?" Polly asked, taking my hands. "Why are you crying?"

"Your mother's just happy for you, dear," Eric said. "Let me help you, Karen."

My right hand in his, his left hand at my waist, he guided me to a chair. Was my robe on fire from the heat of his hand on me? Could no one else smell the scent I extruded? When I sat, I looked up at him. He could feel it. He could smell it. He knew.

Polly and George solicitously murmured around me. Didn't they see the sexual need in me? Didn't they feel my agony? Oh, god, what was I going to do? I wanted him so much.

I must resist him! I must! He was my daughter's fiancé, her man not mine. I took a deep breath and prayed. Karen Phillips, wife and mother, pushed her unbridled carnal desire to the background and smiled benignly. For the first time since he arrived, I took a normal breath.

Physically, Eric was about six three. He was lean and raw boned, with big wrists and hands. His chest looked powerful, his arms strong. His hair was black and cut short. He was graying at the temples. His face was ruggedly masculine and handsome.

His most dominant feature was his eyes. They were large and deep set in large eyeholes, under thick, long black lashes and below heavy black eyebrows. Their color was a startling, deep, blue. They were compelling eyes, demanding eyes, eyes which might well be cruel. Those eyes could be soft and kind, too, as they were now.

He sat on the couch with Polly next to him, both her hands hidden by one of his. His voice was very pleasant, a well-modulated baritone. Its smoothness, the easy rhythm of his words, the timbre, all were pleasing and reassuring. It was hypnotic.

I was dressed in a long flannel nightgown which covered me head to toe and wore over it a thick and fleecy terry cloth bathrobe. But when he looked at me, I felt naked.

Polly was ecstatic, beaming brightly in her joy. She extended her hand to flash a solitaire diamond engagement ring. Her wriggling fingers distorted our view, but its size and quality were self-evident. I noticed a new necklace around her lovely neck. It was a gold choker with a small ring in front. From the ring dangled another diamond which matched the one on her finger.

We visited about wedding plans and their future. My eyes were constantly drawn to his, requiring conscious effort on my part to look away. They were as hypnotic as his voice. He enjoyed our eye game and my distress from it. Once a special smile flickered across his face. It made me shiver. It was the smile a man gives a woman when he intends to have intercourse with her.

I don't know why Polly and George were oblivious to his flirting with me. Couldn't they see what I saw? Couldn't they see how he appealed to me, how I wanted him? Couldn't they see this seduction in progress? Couldn't they see I was helpless?

Polly's exuberance invigorated us, but it was the presence of Eric Winston which energized me. We'd talked almost an hour when Eric changed the topic.

"Polly told me a few things about your business problems. That's my area of expertise. I'll be happy to assist you anyway I can," he said.

We talked until two in the morning. George and I unburdened ourselves, releasing our business worries like a dam burst releasing the water of a thousand brutal rains. Eric acted truly interested. His knowledge, insight and certainty impressed me. Every thing about him impressed me.

During those hours, our eye game continued. I saw that look again and again. Its implications were constantly in my mind. As a mother, I was angered my daughter's fiancé would look at me like that. As a wife, I resented his giving me that look in my own living room with my husband present. As a woman, I was terrified. He wanted me. He'd stop at nothing to have me. My anxiety bubbled like a cauldron.

Karen, it's you that's flirting with him. Stop it, a voice in my head said. It's not me, I thought in reply.

"I think I can help," Eric said. "When can I take a look at the books?"

"I've got a golf tournament with my biggest customer this weekend. How about Monday?" George answered anxiously.

"I'd like to do it tomorrow," Eric replied. "Karen's the accountant, isn't she?"

"Of course! She can show you everything. You two won't need me," George said.

"No, I couldn't," escaped me.

"Sure you can, honey," George said emphatically.

George's tone of voice and expression were clear. He wanted me to meet Eric on Saturday. Polly still hadn't noticed Eric's dance with me. And Eric smiled at me in a way which drove me mad. I was horrified I would be spending the better part of my Saturday alone with him, no matter the reason. I hid my reservations, warmly saying I'd be glad to meet him. We set a time and ended our evening. After he left with Polly, George and I went to bed.

"Karen, he's the answer to our prayers. Don't hold anything back. Give Eric whatever he wants," George said intently.

I slipped out of my bed and walked to his. I knelt beside it and took his hands in mine.

"I love you, George," I whispered.

"I love you, too," he replied. "Why are you crying? You've sure been teary this evening."

"It's been an emotional evening, what with Polly getting married and help in the business," I lied.

"Can you believe it, Karen? Eric may help us. He's the first person in two years to give us hope. Real hope. We've got to make it work! There's something about him that makes me trust him. I know this will work, unless we blow it. We can't do that."

"What if he wants more than you're willing to give?"

"He can't," George said with a snicker. "I'd give anything. Damn it, Karen. This may be our last chance." George patted my hand. "But I'm exhausted now. I'll sleep the sleep of the dead tonight."

"I hope I do," I replied.

"Get some sleep. You need to be sharp for him tomorrow. He'll probably run you through the wringer."

"I'm sure he will," I said and kissed him on the cheek.

Sleep was long in coming. I was dreading tomorrow. When sleep finally came, I had an erotic dream, a dream stronger than I had in years. The dream was of Eric Winston... and me. Agitated and fearful, I awoke in a sweat. George's snoring and my labored breathing were the only sounds in the room. I prayed for strength and fell asleep again.

I was tired and confused in the morning. I selected my least appealing outfit. I wore no makeup and old, scuffed, flat-heeled boots.

George greeted me in the kitchen with a kiss. He was ready to walk out the door to go to the golf course.

"Karen, you look frumpy. Put on something nicer. Something with some oomph. We want Eric to think the best of us," he said.

I cried when I redressed. My husband had ordered me to make myself prettier for a man who wanted me. My emotions were overloaded just thinking about Eric Winston. As I looked at myself in my full length mirror, I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter. No, you don't, the voice in my head said. You're looking forward to it. No, I wasn't. I wasn't.

As I drove to the plant to meet him, I reviewed my situation. It was surreal. I was eight years older, his mother-in-law to be, and married to someone else. He was considering assisting my husband and me in our business. For him to give me such sexual signals didn't make sense, not in my experience, at least.

The drive to the office was slow. I talked to myself the whole way, telling me this was wrong. The last block of the drive I saw Eric in a blue Mercedes in my rear view mirror. He followed me into the driveway, parking beside me. Apprehensively, I watched him walk toward me. He was dressed in a button down, Oxford cloth, blue shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. He looked long and lanky and strong, like a modern day westerner.

"Mr. Winston," I said coolly.

"Mrs. Phillips," he replied, a twinkle in his eye. "Shall we begin?"

Eric and I worked hard. Like a huge vacuum, he sucked up information I struggled to feed him at the pace he demanded. His clarity and precision of thought, his quick mind, had me in awe. However, I lived those six hours in fear of what would happen later. I was constantly aware of his maleness and dominant air, even as we discussed such mundane and non-sexual things as lease financing. I felt the sexual tension the entire time.

It wasn't my imagination. He touched me every chance he got. First, it was finger tips on my hand when I passed a file to him. I didn't respond, telling myself I didn't want to offend him. The touches became bolder. When he looked at me, he had a devilish twinkle in his eyes. I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking about taking me. He wanted me to think about it, too. I could think of nothing else.

His toying with me was discreet except for one overt comment made after we'd been there about four hours. I'd finished telling him the relationship with our largest customer.

"Do you have any questions?" I asked.

"Tell me, is your pussy wet from wanting to fuck me?"

The room reeled as I started to faint. He grabbed me, his strong arms around me, his body hot against mine as he guided me to a chair and eased me into it. His hands slipped down my body, leaving a trail of fire.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"What? What did you say?"

"I said, 'Tell me your percentage net on the Fulton contract'. What did you think I said?"

Was I going crazy? He hadn't said that! Had he? Had he asked a question so innocuous? No. No. He was playing with me. He must be. He must. I couldn't read his expression. Had he said it?

"Oh. I thought you said something else."

His hands were on my knees. The pressure was gentle but increasing. He was trying to pull my knees apart! No. Was he trying to hold them together? Oh, god, what was happening? I started to cry again, burying my head in my hands as I sobbed. He disappeared and returned with a Coke. He took my hand and wrapped it around the cold can. I shivered from the coldness. Or was it from his touch?

"It's going to be all right, Karen," he said softly. His hand stroked my hair.

Stop! Stop! Don't touch me! I wanted to scream. I'm a wife, not a slut. I'm a mother. My daughter is your fiancee. This is wrong. It's wrong for me to want you so much.

I fought for composure. Eric waited patiently. When I was ready, we started the business review again. He continued his game of cat and mouse, leaving the mouse exhausted and her feelings raw and exposed.

After six hours, he said we were through with the business review and excused himself. I collapsed in the chair at my desk as I tried to sort through my confused mind the reason behind Eric's treatment of me and my acceptance of it. Acceptance? No. Desire. Why was I silent when he touched me? That's the reason his touches became bolder. The last time his hand slid down my back to stroke my bottom before pulling away.

When I looked up, he was sitting in the straight chair across from me. One leg was bent, his foot on the edge of my desk; the other was splayed straight, foot on the desk. He was displaying his crotch to me.

The bastard was teasing me! I felt the blush rise. My face was beet red. My hands trembled. I took several deep breaths, trying to control myself. I could feel his eyes burning into me, see him rocking gently back and forth as he leaned back in the chair. Finally, I looked him in the eye.

"What do you want?" I asked. My voice was tense, forced.

"I know what I want," he replied quietly. "I know what you want. We both want the same thing. The question is how do we start."

No. Not now. I'm not ready to resist. I'm too weak right now. Please god, give me strength.

"What do you think of the business?" I asked.

"Don't change the subject," he said. There was a twinkle in his eyes.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he means something else.

"What do you think I want?"

Why did I say that? Why?

"You want to be hot and sweaty and naked, writhing in desire on my bed, begging me to fuck you."

"You disgust me, you perverted bastard!" I spit out at him without thinking.

I was in a rage! Every muscle and sinew tightened. I shook in anger at this overbearing male. My fists were clenched, my jaw set. In my mind, my own mother stood over me. Was that what my resistance was about? My mother's mores? My mother's prejudices?

"I'll tell my daughter! And my husband! How dare you treat me like this!"

He laughed. The sonofabitch laughed at me.

"I'm glad you're resisting, Karen. I love playing the taking game with a woman, particularly a woman who desperately wants to be taken."

"Touch me and I'll charge you with rape!"

He didn't respond as I glared at him. His expression was inscrutable. His eyes held mine. The emotion drained from me. Anger ebbed; frustration and helplessness flowed. I looked away as I started crying again. I couldn't stifle my sobs. He waited, letting me stew in my own juices. I was unable to get away. A prisoner in my own office, I sat awaiting his next comment. It seemed hours before he spoke.

"Karen, look at me."

He spoke so quietly I had to struggle to hear, but there was no doubt it was a command. Once again, I looked at him. Those eyes. They held me as if he held me in his arms.

"Karen, if I'm wrong, get up and walk out. Walk out the door and leave. I won't stop you."

Stand up, my mind screamed. Stand up and run from him. Run. Get away. Hide. Don't look in his eyes. Fight for control of your emotions, Karen, Polly's mother in me said. Oh, please god, help me. The tension's killing me.

"Eric, I can't leave."

"Yes, you can. Go ahead."

"I can't. Our company needs you."

"I'll assist the company no matter what happens between us. This is between us, you know. I want you and you want me. You're afraid to admit it, that's all."

"I can't trust you to help us if I don't give myself to you," I gasped out. Of course you can trust him, you stupid woman, the voice said. You've told him how to take you. Isn't that what you want? Eric Winston to take you? Yes! No, no! I don't know.

He looked puzzled. Then a big grin crossed his face and a devilish gleam appeared in his eyes.

"Ah. I understand. I'll build a box around you so you'll have no choice."

No choice? I already had no choice. I wanted him so much I was dying inside. Couldn't he see that? A storm rose on his face, but the sunlight glimmered through the clouds in his eyes.

"Don't fight me. I'll leave you and George homeless and penniless unless you do exactly as I want. Karen, I want you on your knees. I want your obedience. I want your surrender."

"George would rather lose everything then have me give myself to you," I said weakly. George's words rang in my ears. 'Give Eric whatever he wants, ' he'd said. Did George know that meant me? Was he trading me for his financial future? No. He couldn't mean that. Could he see I wanted Eric? Was he giving me permission to have an affair? Why had he told me to dress in something nicer? Did he know?

I wanted five minutes. That's all. Just five minutes alone someplace quiet where I could think. I couldn't think. The world was spinning in wild, erotic gyrations. I wanted it to stop so I could think.

"Undress, Karen. Let me see your body."

I shook my head no. Quickly he stood, towering over me like an implacable giant. My tears started anew. I staggered to my feet and stumbled to the plate glass window overlooking the plant floor. It was a magnificent overview, letting me see the product of so many years of hard work. George and I would have nothing to show for those years if we lost it.

I sagged against the air-conditioning unit that extended from the wall at desk height. I sensed him behind me. I started to turn. He drove his body against mine. The timing and force of his assault drove my legs apart, his knees inside my thighs. His height and strength trapped me with only my toes touching the floor. He crossed my wrists in front of me. The long, powerful fingers of his left hand wrapped around my wrists and forced them downward.

"No! Goddamn you! No!" I screamed.

"Sshh. It's okay, Karen. It's all right for you to surrender to me," he whispered soothingly.

I slammed my head back, hoping to hit him in the face. He trapped my head with his right hand and held it there. Trapped, unable to get leverage with my legs, his strong arms wrapped around me, I screamed and cursed, fought and struggled, using every ounce of energy and power in me. When my struggles slowed, he relaxed his grip, giving me false hope of escape. I struggled harder which exhausted me more quickly.

Like an insect in a spider web, I futilely struggled against an unavoidable fate. Like the insect, I was ultimately exhausted. I collapsed against him, lying still and helpless in his arms.

Somewhere in my bifurcated mind, the woman who was me watched us from above. She saw me in his arms. She felt his strength and my struggles and futility. She felt his cock hardening against my bottom as I rubbed against him. She felt our muscles war. She smelled our sweat, mine made pungent by my fear. She heard our sounds, the gasps and grunting, the words spewed mindlessly by me. She felt the heat.

The woman knew the outcome before it occurred. She relished the delicious male/female battle she observed. She tingled in anticipation of the female's surrender to the male who entrapped her.

His erection laying against the crack of my bottom and his arms around me dominated my thoughts. My bottom moved against the bulge in his trousers. Stop rubbing against him like some wanton hussy, the voice said. I can't, I cried.

I didn't feel him unbutton the two lower buttons of my blouse. I first felt his fingers on the wet, hot skin of my belly. His fingers moved over my rib cage. I groaned as they unsnapped my front attaching bra. Gently, those fingers wrapped around my breast, squeezing, testing, evaluating, and, yes, tantalizing. Thumb and forefinger closed on my nipple and rolled it back and forth. Desire raced through me.

"Please. For God's sake," I whimpered.

"You've lovely breasts, Karen. I'm going to enjoy them," he whispered in my ear. "I'm going to enjoy all of you. You're a very sexual woman. Why you've repressed it, I'll never know. But you'll repress it no more. You're my woman now and I expect unbridled sexuality from my women."

His woman? How could that be?

His voice was soothing and reassuring. It was warm, the kind of warmth a man's voice has when he has bedded a woman who has pleased him, or when he is pleased with the woman he'll soon bed. I didn't misconstrue warmth as weakness. He intended for me to fully comply with his demands.

"You have a lovely neck, too," he murmured as he nuzzled the side of my neck under my hair.

His lips, his tongue nibbled and caressed my neck. Electricity flickered through me. Chills went down my spine. He pulled my head back and kissed me, nibbling at my lips, tongue caressing mine, his breath hot and sweet in my nose. He kissed me again.

Strange, isn't it? Cursing and weeping, I'd struggled until exhaustion. Now I lay passively in his arms as he kissed me and fondled my breasts. I felt secure and warm. I was weightless, his body still supporting mine as my toes brushed the ground. His hardness throbbed against me. Heat was rising again and sweat oozed from me. Heat from a different source; heat of a different kind.

My resistance ceased. Limply my hands lay before me. Eagerly his hands sought the button and zipper at my waist. Resistance flared. I grunted and pushed against him. He jerked me hard against him, knocking the wind from me. His teeth dug into the muscles of my neck, like a stallion holding a mare in place as he mounts her. Something happened: maybe release of hormones from primordial urges. A warm tingling sensation overcame me. I resisted no more.

He slipped my blouse and bra off, lay me back on the soft carpet and finished removing my clothes. I watched as he dropped his trousers and boxers. When I saw his cock, I gasped. It was so red and hard. I wanted it so much. He knelt between my legs. My wrists were crossed and pinned over my head. My legs were doubled and trapped under his arms. His cock nestled between my lower lips. Our eyes were open. His face was a picture of male pride and conquest. I felt every millimeter of his skin as he slowly entered me. I juiced to ease his way. I spasmed around him, expanding for him. He stopped, only partially in me.

I lifted my hips to hurry him. "Please don't stop." I whimpered.

A victor's smile on his face, he slammed against me, driving me into the floor. His cockhead hit my cervix.

"Oh, God. I'm cumming," I murmured.

Large, hard, demanding, his cock plundered me again and again, drawing from me orgasms I didn't believe possible. I, who'd never experienced more than one orgasm, felt the power of multiple ones crashing over me. Sweat covered us. Heat radiated. I whimpered and mewed under him, rewarding his taking of me with my pleasure at having been taken.

"Look at me!" he demanded. Buried in me to the hilt, he stopped. His face contorted. He began to shake as he pumped his seed into me. Ecstacy covered his face as he emptied himself. He released his hold on my legs and slumped on me.

I should've pushed him away. Instead, I put my arms around him and held his hard body tightly against mine. His cock softened in me as our bodies cooled. My hands stroked his back. My lips nuzzled his neck. He raised up to look in my eyes. I saw a gentleness in him. I saw pride: pride of bringing a woman to sexual nirvana; pride of ownership. What did he see in me? Happiness? Satisfaction? Joy? They were there.

"Now Karen, we'll always end the same way. Use your mouth to clean me," he said after he rolled to lay beside me.

I had no urge to resist or disobey. I took him in my mouth, tasting our juices coating him. He stroked my sweat soaked hair as I eagerly complied. His hand was gentle, his touch reassuring.

"Well done," he said softly.

I stopped to gaze into his eyes.

"Take your hand and gather my cum from your pussy. Lick your fingers clean. No, Karen. Always look at me when you do it so I can share your joy at tasting me."

My eyes were locked to his as my fingers sought the nectar he left. The tingling urge to again open myself for him crept over me. As I licked my fingers, I saw his cock jump and swell. He wanted me again. Me! I was thrilled and eager for him.

"I'm sorry to end this," he whispered in my ear, "but we need to go to dinner. Polly's cooking. We're all eating together."

I cringed at the mention of my daughters and husband. Shame filled me. A cold, sick dampness crept across my skin. Even my tears seemed cold on my face. With my back to him, I sought my clothes and quickly redressed. When I turned to face him, he had a soft smile.

"Why are you doing this to me, Eric?" I asked timidly.

"Does it matter? It's happening."

"Please tell me. I need to know."

"You shouldn't feel guilty about this, Karen. You resisted, but I was too strong. I took you. All you need to know is that you're mine now. Mine. And I'll do with you as I wish."

Guilty? My guilt was an albatross around my neck. It devastated me. I was crushed by the weight of it... but, oh god, why did I feel this way? Why did I feel warm and happy? Why did I enjoy him so much? He extended his hand to me. He helped me to my feet and pulled me against him.

"You're a good lover, Karen," he said softly. "You'll be better when you surrender. You'll be a sexual animal. My animal." He kissed me. "I'll see you at my house."

He kissed me again and left me in the quiet of my own office.

I thought of nothing else but his taking of me as I drove home to bathe and change. As I drove to his home, I lectured myself. You need to end this affair, I said. You must stop it for Polly's sake, and for George's. I was George's wife. I was Polly's mother. I couldn't be Eric's woman, too. Could I? Could I answer the sexual call my body gave me each moment I was with him?

By the time I parked my car in front of his house, I was eaten by turmoil and indecision.

I fought back tears as I rang the bell. Polly answered and greeted me warmly. Dinner was delicious. My daughters were scintillating. My husband was buoyant from a day's victory at the golf course and the promise of relief in the business. Eric was the perfect host and son-in-law to be.

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It was a day home early from my trouble-shooting job. I hope Karen was ready for me. Two weeks on the road wasn’t fun, but maybe tonight would be. Oh damn, David, Karen’s brother is visiting. He’ll probably be around for a few days. Damn and double damn! These thoughts traveled through my mind when I had to park in the street because David had parked in my spot next to the side door. I opened the trunk of the car and pulled my suitcase from the back. As I opened the door into the kitchen, I...

4 years ago
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While managing a small discount store I had ample opportunity to score with some of the staff but had always resisted. The policy was to use high school students as much as possible to keep labor costs down. My ability to stay away from encounters with staff changed one day.It was a Friday afternoon and Karen was not scheduled to work. I was in my office (located high against the ceiling with a one way mirror) when Karen entered the store. She stopped to talk with a girl running one of the cash...

2 years ago
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The lamp post stood resolute in the torrential downpour, casting its yellow light in a small circle on the sidewalk.  I stood in a storefront just out of reach of the lamp’s light and the rain. Water dripped from the brim of my hat that was pulled low and from the hem of my long overcoat. There I stood, alternating between watching the river of water race down the gutter and keeping an eye on the front of the building across the street.The building, like every other building on this street, was...

3 years ago
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I had dinner with the two women students in their 50s, one of whom had already graduated..  Advanced degrees in the humanities.  Both were blondes and one as pretty as the next.  Slim, nice faces, smallish tits, but good figures. (I’m 63, attractively bald, grey eyes, good features.) The first left, and in the thrall of strong drink, the second, Karen, with whom I’d never had a private moment before this,  began to open up to me.   In the most amazing way. Of course, she had the student’s...

3 years ago
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An interesting thing happened to me last month. A girl (now woman), who I knew in High School moved in around the corner from me. Karen and I were friendly in High School, we knew each other, but we weren't close friends. Karen was a cheerleader in High School and I played football. We did not travel in the same circles, but I had friends who had dated her.While I was out on my afternoon walk, I hear a voice “Hey there!” I turned around and it was Karen. I was surprised she recognized me, as we...

3 years ago
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Why, I wondered, would any man in his right mind want to watch his wife with another man? I haven't a clue. I only know that for the last three years every time my wife and I have had sex I have wished that I could be standing off to the side of the bed watching her. Three weeks ago there was a scandal involving several people that we know. They had formed a wife-swapping group and several of the members were using drugs. A new couple in the group turned out to be undercover cops and the...

1 year ago
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I was in the club when I saw you for the Karen. I will never forget. I looked around the room at to see who was there; those parked along the bar, at the tables in the dark corners, then to the dance floor. There you were, an exotic blonde beauty, dancing and moving erotically to the beat. Erotically? No, more sensual. No, it was primal, the way you moved, like you had a need that had to be filled, but it was obvious the man you danced with was not up to the task. Just watching you dance...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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I met Britney in a bar and we really hit it off and as we kissed good night my tongue was in her mouth as I held her tight and she was pushing herself against. After that, a breathless goodnight and an arrangement for me to call on her Saturday.Saturday came and I was knocking on her door which was opened by a different girl. “Hello, are you Bill?” I said I was and was here to see Britney so she invited me in showing me into the lounge where the TV was on. I heard Britney call out that she...

4 years ago
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I am often asked to describe my first bi experience so here goes! Since my early years I questioned sexuality. My family and friends are comprised of various appetites (as near as I could tell) and growing up in the 70's and 80's was very confusing for me. Some people were into various self help groups while others were simply confused about there sexual identity, women's Lib, etc... As a result, I too, became confused. I certainly was attracted to guys but could also appreciate the...

4 years ago
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Karen. I had recently started a new job, you all know how that can be, getting to know the way the company works and also getting to know your new colleagues. The blokes were all okay, but, the office staff would take longer to get to know. I mentioned to one of my workmates that I had my eye on one of the girls in particular. ‘What’s the small blond like?’ I asked during our break one day. The girl in question was quite petite, about 5 feet 2 inches tall, perfectly shaped legs, deep...

2 years ago
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Britney stood up and looked at Karen and said she thought she was asleep and apologised for waking her up while I was trying to get my still fairly hard cock back in my trousers. “Well don’t I get some now you’ve woken me?” she asked. “Don’t be such a slut Karen, he’s much older than you, stop trying to steal my men”. I was gobsmacked to hear these 2 talking like this, almost as if I wasn’t there and had no say in the matter. “Anyway, he won’t be able to do it again now, that’s his second one...

2 years ago
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You shouldn’t be showing your panties off like that Karen, no wonder he’s fidgety; you carry on with TV we’ll be back in a couple of hours and I've got my mobile if you need me. I got up and followed Britney giving Karen’s panty covered arse one last look. We were going to the cinema just along the road to see a film I really had no interest in but was hoping to get a grope if she’d sit in the back row. I suggested the back row and she seemed quite happy with that and soon after the lights went...

4 years ago
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A Pee Fantasy

My hands were clasped out of sight above my head, and my feet were strapped to the side of the bed. Punishment for attacking an orderly the day before. It wasn't my fault, but here I lay. Naked. It was morning and I had been this way all night. I was beyond being cramped. I was numb. I was cold. I was lonely. I was hard. Even through this, I still woke up with a morning pee hard-on. The pressure was indeed intolerable. I could not reach the buzzer. I began to think they had done that on...

3 years ago
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MotherInLaws Dildo

Okay, it all started 6 months ago about 5 years in to our relationship. It was your average Sunday afternoon of just lounging around watching the telly, recovering from a hangover from the night before and dreading the thought of work the next day. My fiancé was in the shower and my mother-in-law was about to leave to meet up with her new partner.After about an hour I realised that my fiancé was still upstairs and I was beginning to get bored with only the telly for company. I lifted myself off...

3 years ago
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It was eleven at night and the Christmas party of our friends Ruth and Alan was in full swing with everyone having a great time. My wife Brenda, never a great drinker at the best of times, was well gone after three hours of partying and I knew she would suffer for it the next day, but what the hell. Sipping my drink I looked around the room eyeing up the women and comparing them to my gorgeous wife, I may be biased, but there was no comparison, Brenda was the most attractive women in the room....

1 year ago
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A sweet july afternoon by a quiet Sierra pool

It's been many years ago now - but it still is as vivid in my mind as if it was only moments ago... My wife and I were still in our 20's, as was my wife's sister Jan and her husband Don. We vacationed together a lot in those early years, since we all enjoyed camping up in the Sierra. My brother in law and I both had horses, and this one vacation, we decided to take a 2 week camping vacation packing a couple of miles back into a remote meadow he had discovered previously on a fishing trip....

2 years ago
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Surprise 3 some

I was out with my c***dhood friend, Phil. We grew up in the same neighborhood and we went out for some drinks and to shoot pool. We were going to let him stay at our house while he had some painting and remodeling done to his place. We got to our place and my wife Lisa was watching tv in the bedroom. I told her we were going to watch some movies and have a few beers if she wanted to join us. No movie looked good and Phil saw my colletion of porn and wanted to watch one of them. I've got a...

4 years ago
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The SteinPart 3

I was two blocks from the house and there were no other cars in sight. No one was following me so I began to think that maybe it wasn't John Parker that had visited Charlie that morning. Maybe it was a cop and Tony just didn't know about it. I was waiting at the light to make a left onto the Charleston Boulevard when I saw a silver Ford Explorer turning right off Charleston on to Desert Foot Hills Drive. I took a quick look at the SUV and although I couldn't see the driver through the...

4 years ago
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Second Sight

Second Sight By Heather St. Claire I took a deep breath, and slid a little lower into the tub full of warm, bubbly suds. I absently let a couple of fingers stroke the moist, erect nipples on my left breast, and smiled. If it was possible for heaven to exist on earth, then this surely was heaven. All too soon it was over. My tape of Enya's greatest hits ended, and I knew it was time to get on with my day. I took off the headphones and set them atop the tape player. "Honey," I called...

2 years ago
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Hollywood DreamsChapter 5

At that point in my story, I had to stop since my cock was buried up to the hilt in my mother's velvet lined pussy. All the squirming on my lap and the erotic story had had the obvious effect on us. We had been French kissing and running our hands over each other for several minutes. My robe was on the floor and my mother was down to hose and high heels. She was still on my lap but turned away from me. I was fucking her vigorously and one hand was pinching her nipples and the other was...

4 years ago
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Wife Pleases X

Things rocked along with an average of one session a week, either with the doctor or his friend. This was enough, barely, to satisfy my increasing need for sperm to eat. I had come to the realization that I was a "cum addict" with all that entails.One night when I got in from school, I noticed that the wife was in an unusually bubbly mood. I did't inquire as the background would soon come to the front, if the past was any indication. When we got in bed that night, first a wet kiss on the...

1 year ago
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My First Big Black Cock

I still remember the very first time I got to feel and taste my very first black cock. It was a fantasy of mine for a while, but I was too damn nervous and paranoid to actually make this fantasy come true. First of all, It's not that I'm attracted to black men over any other race of men. It was just the fact that supposedly black men had bigger cocks than anyone else and I was going to make sure that if I did try a black cock, It would be of bigger than average size. Well, One weekend after I...

3 years ago
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Mosaic Twilight

I have gone through all possible variables. An…? And the damage is far worse than we originally expected from… This… This, abomination… Ahh… Shit. How much worse man? Far worse than either of us could have ever anticipated old friend. Soo… end of the multi-verse bad then? Very. FUCK. That too. Motherfucker god damnit cock sucking-! Grrh… Sigh… you know that there’s only one thing we can actually do, now right? Unfortunately, yes... Just like you, I’ve noticed how… delicate the situation is...

3 years ago
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Keeping A Secret

The drive home from the Cities was always long. After work I had stopped at Kim’s to change and emerged as Samantha. I drove to the meeting and then went out for a drink (or maybe two) with some of the other ‘girls’. By the time I was half way home my eyes just wouldn’t stay open any longer. I decided to pull over in a secluded wayside rest area. If I could just catch a little catnap I knew I could drive the rest of the way. I wanted to be back at Kim’s to change before it got light so her...

3 years ago
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Perfect Timing

One of my wife’s relatives past away. My wife and my young son both went to a to hyderabad city for the funeral. They left on a thursday evening flight for the saturday funeral and planned to return on monday. I would have accompanied my wife; however, i had some very important client meetings scheduled for friday. As friday afternoon wound down, i began contemplating the weekend. I would have the entire weekend to myself. My sex life with my wife was not as fulfilling as it used to be, and as...

4 years ago
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Rhondas Way

I had a girlfriend just after high school that would give me a hand job while rubbing my anus, but she never penetrated me. She did let me experiment with licking her anus but she didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I did. In college, I had a girlfriend that would put a finger in me when she was giving tipsy blow jobs. She too, let me lick her anus but was very shy about anal play so it never went far. Over the years I found bigger, better toys and found girls that were more and more open to...

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World of choices

Welcome one, welcome all! Where authors of all trades can write down their ideas, their works, and their ways with words for all to read. Authors are welcomed and are encouraged to contribute in this open and engaging stories. I'll lay down the foundations for starters, and maybe write down some chapters of my own. I hope that this would work well, in favor of learning more erotic scenes for me. While I do have a decent amount of experience in writing, correct use of Grammar is the chink in my...

2 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 11 A Negotiated Peace

Alex and his sisters entered the hotel dining room the next morning with more than a little trepidation, knowing Winona would undoubtedly be waiting for him. They'd discussed her and how he hoped to handle the situation—the girls having their own opinions. They'd already decided that despite how strongly Cate felt about the matter, they'd give Winona a fair chance to either hang or redeem herself in their eyes. However, as they all knew, that was only part of the problem. Not only was...

1 year ago
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The Tempting Waitress

Note: This is based on a true story. Some parts have been changed to give the story a finishing touch. Names have been changed for privacy of characters involved. I am Prakash and work in a Multinational Consumer Durables company as a General Manager at their production facility in Mumbai. My workplace is far-offish from the main city and even I live a bit far from the town. I keep myself supplied at regular intervals from the city. I am 29 and a single. I am 5’9” in height and have an athletic...

Erotic Fiction
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A Nice Tight Taboo Ass His Birthday Present pt2

My asshole felt like it was being destroyed by Walt's enormous cock! For nearly 20 minutes He plowed into me with total abandonment! I was getting fucked so hard,my cock slapped against my stomach with every thrust,and my asshole felt like it was on fire! When He pulled me hard against him and started to shake,I knew the moment of his climax was upon Us!Tears of joy slid down my face mixing with Winnie's cunt juice,as I felt the rivers of his cum erupting into me! He filled me to the point of...

4 years ago
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Maria is initiated

Recently my wife and I were driving back from our home we have in a small villlage to our main home in the city. As usual I was going too fast and as usual I got stopped by the police. I wasn't too worried by this,it has happened so many times it doesn't worry me anymore.All I had to do was pass over some cash and we would be on our way again. I got the usual amount of money ready to give to the police. The guy that had flagged me down approached my car,I lowered the window, he told me to...

1 year ago
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My husbands bestfriend

My legs were wide open and he came and held them apart as he slid in slowly and just said am horny too we had all gone out for drinks.my husband his bestfriend mike and his wife cynthia.we were to all crash back at their place after .At the club we were alk dancing and would exchange partners just to dance . when mike and i went to dance he asked me to go back to the car with him so that he could take his jacket.We walked to the car just making small talk.we had all came in mike's car .we had...

Cheating Wife
2 years ago
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Horses in the City Ch 06

As Christmas approached, Emma found herself ever busier at the diner. One of the waitresses slipped and fractured her leg, and Millie couldn't find anyone to cover, so everyone worked extra hours. Luke was deep in his novel when he wasn't driving the carriage, and their time was limited, although he made a point of walking her home after her shift. It wasn't much, but Luke would come up and they would talk for a while, and kiss for a while more. Emma smiled as she thought about the kisses. Luke...

Love Stories
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Der Rollentauschtag

Hallo liebe Leser :) Das ist nur ein kleiner luzider (denke ich mal) Traum gewesen...Deswegen ist die Story relativ klein und mit offenen Ende (Kopfkino alternativ). Der Mottotag gab es wirklich und ich habe da auch mitgemacht, also sind Teile real. Naja...Viel Spa? || Es war heute der Mottotag...Was welcher? Ach der Rolltentauschtag wo Jungs als M?dchen und andersherum aufkreuzen. Was ich angezogen habe? Ich wollte nicht so auffallen also: Eine hautenge Jeans und ein d?nnes Sw...

3 years ago
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The Fellowship

"Well, looks like we're the first to arrive," Stuart mused as he steered the car containing himself and his fianc?e into the designated parking spot outside the studio where they'd be spending the rest of the day. "If you think that means we can be the first to leave, forget it," Jamie said with a smug grin. "Cheer up! I know you don't like being on this side of the camera, but it IS only for one day, you won't be wearing anything extravagant, and you yourself said this whole shoot was a g...

3 years ago
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MoonchildChapter 4

Carrie, Angela and Jessica talked non-stop. Joe drove the car and three women chatted like schoolgirls. Joe found the conversation to be entertaining, monotonous, and informative. It didn't take Jessica long to find out that Carrie and Angela were lovers, but were also sexually involved with her father. The time passed quickly and they were soon entering the outskirts of Pine Ridge. "Joe I need you to drop me off at my house." Angela said. "I want to pick up my car and run some errands...

2 years ago
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Waterbury Hills High School Part I Kim and Jan the foreign exchange students arrive SURPRISE

Three weeks before school started, Kim and Jan, identical twins from Germany, were scheduled to arrive.  Carol and Bill Baker offered to host the twins, believing that it would give their daughter, Melody, a chance to learn about another culture and to share the spotlight before going off to college next year.  As an only child, Melody was always the center of attention.  Sharing the house with a couple girls would teach her some good skills about the real world of dorm life at college.While...

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Exposing Cindy Chapter 2 Bound to be Fucked

Two weeks ago, my husband tied my wrists to the headboard of our bed, blindfolded me, and allowed someone to fuck me while he watched. My anonymous lover made me cum while holding my vibrator against my clitoris before penetrating me with his huge erection. He drove me to a series of powerful orgasms as I struggled against the straps binding my wrists while I moaned and panted shamelessly. It was sexy. It was wickedly naughty. It was wonderfully exciting. After my lover ejaculated inside...

3 years ago
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sharing my sister part 5

It was now the first week of august and a couple of weeks since the episode where Phil had been brought into the equation, whenever I was alone with Phil he would talk about nothing else and was desperate for a repeat performance, also Sharon kept saying how much she enjoyed it as she didn’t think she would, and was also curious to find out if he was game for another session. I was beginning to feel left out and a bit of a spare part, as I no longer felt that what we had was special. Even...

4 years ago
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Wife and the window cleaner

I must start by saying this was not something we had spoked about ...My work allowed me to on occasions pop home during work time ...we have 2 c***dren so on these occasions we would take the opportunity to have our most passionate sex ...not having to worry about noise or c***dren being about .On one of these times we was in the midst of a hot session, we was in the bedroom I had her bent over on the bed my cock sliding in and out of her ...then there was a bang coming from the window we both...

2 years ago
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Umbrella Drinks

The three women were gathered in a shady nook beside one of the resort's swimming pools. An artificial cascade splashed down on the other side of the pool. They wore sun visors, bright tropical blouses and flip-flop sandals, but were otherwise bare below the waist. Their figures had softened in the years since they'd first met, the pale redhead and the dark-skinned woman showing a little belly, but they all radiated confidence in their beauty. The woman with bright red hair styled in a short...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 8

After Jessie’s and Jill’s request to be more open with the family I began to notice a few chances around the farm. I noticed how lightly the girls had begun to dress. They would walk around the house in light clothing which revealed a lot of their beautiful skin. Obviously trying to catch my attention, I think it excited them to prance around the house trying to impress a boy, and it certainly excited me! Those occasions usually turned out to them unzipping my pants and playing with me. They...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Forbidden LoveChapter 7

I got up early the next morning. I hadn’t felt this good in ... well, I don’t think I ever felt this good. I was whistling as I washed my mom’s old minivan when she looked out the door. “Ready for some breakfast?” she asked. “Starved,” I returned with a smile. “Come on in, it’s almost ready.” “I’m almost done. I’ll be there in a minute.” I hurried to clean up the car washing material and put it away in the garage. I was wearing a pair of shorts and T-shirt with tennis shoes. The front of...

2 years ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part III

When we came back from shopping in the evening, Jiju had come back home with children. Jiju had his drinks followed by dinner. After that he announced that we brother and sister can chat together and he is going for sleep in another room. Children were also tired by that time and they followed their father in the bed. My sister asked me to wait for her in the drawing room as she will be back after getting fresh and changing her clothes. I started surfing tv channels in the drawing room. Didi...

1 year ago
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Two Hundred Stories

Two Hundred Stories An Essay By Maryanne Peters I think that you have to exclude last month's thank you note, so it seems to me that yesterday's "Marrying the Cop" was my two hundredth story. In my thank you note I told everybody how much I enjoy the release of writing TG fiction, and how much more joy there is in getting feedback and encouragement. I decided that I should write a short essay on my approach to TG fiction. The last time I did this (at 100 stories) I was accused...

3 years ago
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Summer Camp On The LakeChapter 13 The Storm

The weather was languid, the lake was languid, and, most of all, they were languid. They drifted rather than sailed. It was so hot, the science girls had begged an egg from the kitchen and actually tried frying it on the stones. They were delighted; after half an hour (so a slow cooker, it’s true), the fried egg was ready. Marie, three keen girls, the girl whose dog had died, and Clive, that was the sum total of the sailors on this, the hottest day. They could have taken two or even three...

3 years ago
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The Seven

'Out of control' was written on the report which now sat on the Abbot's desk.The old Abbot read the report on the seven naughty teenagers who had not alone consumed alcohol ,but had made life a misery for many of the residents of the locality.It was a lengthy report made up of numerous statements made by people who had either witnessed or experienced the bad behaviour of the teenagers. Now the Abbot had the fate of the seven naughty teenagers in his hands and once he had finished reading the...

2 years ago
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A night on the town

On a Friday, two of my mates and I decided to head off down to the coast for a couple of days of R&R. We arrived at about 7.00 p.m. and we all cleaned up after the trip as we were intending to head out for a night on the town.Just as we were about to leave the apartment, Richard called us to the window. A hotel was opposite the street and we could look into one of the rooms on the 3rd floor (we were on the 4th floor in the apartment block) where the curtain were not drawn. A couple were busy...

3 years ago
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The bike ride

When I went off the college, my parents both went through a sort-of mid-life crisis. I was the youngest of three k**s so when they found themselves with an empty house, it invigorated them and they both found new activities to go along with their busy jobs. My sisters and I often commented on how they were both more fit and seemed happy all the time.I'm 23 now, out of school and living out of state. Last summer, my parents paid for us k**s to join them for a week at a resort near Lake Michigan....

2 years ago
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Meeting My Inner Voyeur

I was never an early riser. Give me the opportunity to sleep until 11am and that’s what I’ll do. On the other hand, my boyfriend, Liu loves to get up early. One Saturday morning, I broke my routine. I woke up before 7am. As I was ready to go downstairs, I saw him and my best friend Melinda talking in the living room. The both of them were completely naked. Liu looked so relaxed hanging out (literally) as he sat on the recliner facing her. Although she didn’t have her legs wide open, she was...

3 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 54

"I hear you're a disobedient girl!" bellowed the General, leaning forward to address her directly. "There's no room for disobedience in my outfit, you know." The chatter in the room died away. Lauren heard her heart pounding against the floor, the squelch of her pussy as Maria let go of her foot. She curled into a ball, exposing the tight cum-speckled slickness of her pussy to him. Trembling slightly, she coughed, catching her breath in between great gasps for air. "I think she needs...

3 years ago
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SisInLaw Advantage To Younger Brother Part1

Hi all, this is Sunil. This is my first incest sex story on Indian Sex Stories dot net, apologies for any grammatical mistakes. Please do leave your feedback to mail id Without wasting time, I shall start with my sex story. I live with my father and elder brother in a semi-urban locality. I & my elder brother Sunder, are like close friends, after all, he’s 3 years elder to me. We lost our mother 6 years back. My father runs provision store, my brother Sunder works as a policy agent and I, in...

3 years ago
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Pati Ki ExGirlfriend Meri Soutan 8211 Part IV

Hello Dosto Me App ki Mansi……….App logo ke samne apni ek nayi Dastan Pes Kar rahi hun Asha karti Hun ki app logo ko pasand aye.Jese ki me app logo ko batai thi meri 3rd part me …… me or mere bhaiya raj ne bahat enjoy kia tha jab hamare parents saadi me gaye the.or raj ne mujhe apni ek dost ke sath group sex karne keliye raji bhi kiya tha abbbb age………. Jab dost ne ghar aya to raj ne mujhe bulaya…….Mene dekhi ki uska dost bhi ek dum Handsome hay….to mene sochi ajj do do tagde lund se chudai ki...

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