Didn't I Used To Be ... free porn video

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Didn't I Used To Be ... By ABC de F Chapter One It was still afternoon, bright and cloudless, when he pulled into the apartment complex parking lot. His reserved spot was directly in front of his door, not that it mattered much to him; he was never in a hurry. The drive home had only taken five hours but he felt mentally groggy and physically numb, as if he'd been sitting behind the wheel for twice as long. There was some nice scenery between Pittsburgh and home, but it all tended to blend together when you traveled on one of the characterless interstates. The entire trip was quickly turning into a fuzzy memory. He pulled his suitcase and computer case from the backseat and used the handle and wheels to get the large piece to his front door. Though they called him a computer geek he really wasn't. He taken some classes after high school and read a lot and tinkered a lot, but he was no code jockey. What he could do is set up a LAN at a Mom-and-Pop business, and fix simple operating system and software program glitches. That was enough to have a small business of his own, working out of his apartment. Most people, he'd found, only knew how to use their computers to do the things they did daily - simple bookkeeping, email, maybe basic inventory, and the like. If caches got full, if they attached a new printer to an old computer, if they added an employee and needed an additional workstation, or had a software glitch they were completely at sea. Big companies had their own IT people, but for people working out of their homes or in very small businesses they called Sammy. It was a solitary occupation - he didn't have friends, really, but was friendly with everyone at the office of every customer. As soon as he entered the apartment he felt something was wrong. He stood in the doorway and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place, but then he hadn't memorized where everything had been. It just felt wrong. He propped his door open with the suitcase and quietly went down the hall. Both bedroom doors were open and he carefully looked inside each room. The spare bedroom was an office, and his desktop and two laptops were where he'd left them. His actual bedroom also looked undisturbed. But as empty as the rooms were he still had a creepy feeling that someone had been inside his place. He brought the suitcase and computer case into the bedroom and put them on the bed. He tossed the dirty clothes into the laundry tubs he kept in the walk-in closet, emptied the rest of the stuff on the bed, and put the suitcases back on the top shelf. He checked his computers. Both had invisible keystroke recording software, and it was set to On, just as he'd left it. Neither showed any activity from the time he'd left until now. He found panties, bras, stockings, high heels and three dresses in his chest of drawers. Irrationally, he turned around and looked behind him. He listened, but there was no noise in the apartment. He looked under the bed. "What the hell?" he said, out loud. He wandered the apartment, now examining everything very closely, looking for anything just slightly out of place. He didn't find anything. Allissa was the neighbor he knew best. A black woman across the hall who was probably sixty or more, she was friendly and kept her eyes on things around the apartment complex. "Welcome back, Sammy," she said when she opened the door to his knock. "Thanks," he said. "Everything okay?" "It certainly is," she said. "Anything wrong, I'd know it. Not much gets past these old eyes," she said with a laugh. "Anything I should know about?" "No, nothing at all," Sammy said. "Uh, did you happen to see anyone in my apartment while I was gone?" "Nooooo," Allissa said. "Just Sandy." A look of concern crossed her face. "That was all right, wasn't it? She had your key, and a note from you, and everything. Knew where you'd be and when you'd be back. She said she was apartment sitting. Is that right?" Sammy was disturbed, but he didn't want to alarm the lady so he said, "That was fine. No problems, then?" "None at all, Sammy," Allissa said. "She was nice as can be, always smiling. Pretty little thing. You never told me you had such a pretty girlfriend." "She's not my girlfriend," Sammy said. "Well maybe you ought to look into that," she said with a grin. Sammy nodded. "Thanks, Allissa." "Glad to have you back," the woman said. It irritated Sammy that he hadn't noticed details when he'd left. Had he left the magazines exactly where they were now? Was the coffee cup in the sink in exactly the same place? He gave up trying to recall and went back to his chest of drawers. His socks, underwear and the other clothes that had been in the chest turned out to be buried under jeans and a shirt in one of the plastic tubs in his closet. That's how whoever it was had made room for the girl's clothes. But who? And why? What did they want? How had they gotten in? He thought briefly about calling the police but realized he had nothing concrete to tell them. Allissa would tell them about the mystery girl but where was the evidence of a crime? He braced the apartment door that night and decided to have the locks changed in the morning, after tossing the girl's clothes in the dumpster. He'd have to give new keys to the complex office, but decided to hold off on that for as long as he could. No one had gotten a copy of his key from him, so the office must have been the source. He wrestled with the few facts he had but didn't come up with any sensible answer. Nothing was missing, and the laptops especially were both expensive and easy to walk away with. And why leave the clothes? None of it seemed to make sense, and by late evening he gave up thinking about it. Part of that was because he wasn't feeling well, symptoms of a cold or flu were noticeable: tiredness, a small headache, a touch of dizziness. He slept fitfully. Chapter Two Many of his customers had small shops or home businesses in the neighborhood, so when he walked into The Shamrock, his local watering hole, he knew people and people knew him. Two guys, Junior and Bret Wallace, sons of a middle-aged couple that owned a flower store, invited him to join them at a table. "Haven't seen you around much lately," the older son said. "I've been busy," Sammy said. "I got a one week contract in Pittsburgh to help install a new office. I just got back yesterday." "How'd that go?" Sammy had to think about it and realized that the trip was a fuzzy memory already. "Good," he said, a bit off stride. How could he not remember details of a whole week out of town? All he could conjure up was a vague impression. "Excellent," the younger brother said. "We had to call your office Monday and Sandy answered. She came over and fixed the machine; no problem." "Sandy?" Sammy said, bolting upright. He had believed Allissa, but to find out that the invader had passed herself off as his assistant was startling. That took a lot of balls. And what was the point? If she wanted to get into his customers' systems and hack their accounts for money why had she been so open about her presence? She could have just copied his hard drives; they had a lot of information from a lot more customers. Bret laughed. "Don't tell you forgot her already? That's one lady that's hard to forget." His older brother smiled and nodded. Sammy did the same, not wanting to look like an idiot. But who the hell was Sandy and had they really gotten it right that someone had answered his phone? His phone in his apartment? "We went out a couple times last week," the younger one said. "But she hasn't answered the phone in the last two days." There was a question mark in the statement. "No," Sammy said. "She didn't say anything about just being a temp," the guy prodded. "Probably hoping for full time," Sammy said. "Have you got her number? She told me I could reach her at your number, but if she's not going to be there anymore ..." Sammy thought quickly, "I probably have it back at the apartment. Listen, guys, I hate to cut this short but I've got to get home and do something I just remembered." "Sure, man, go do your thing," the older brother said. "We'll get the beer." Sammy hurried to his car. Chapter Three Over the next month the problem of the mysterious Sandy almost disappeared. Bret had cornered him the next time he was in The Shamrock, but Sammy told him he couldn't find Sandy's telephone number. "Oh, man, that's too bad. She was really hot," Bret said. "Ooops. I'm sorry. No offense, man." "None taken," Sammy said. "Just a temp. I don't even know her." "Oh. Well, man, I'd love to tag up with her again. Very talented lips, if you know what I mean." Sammy made a fraternity-of-guys expression. "Good, huh?" "Excellent," Bret said. "She went after it like it was her favorite thing in the whole world. Best I ever had." "Did she say what her last name was?" "You don't know her last name? Didn't the temp agency tell you?" "I made the check out to them," Sammy said, trying to find a plausible explanation. "I'm sure I knew it, but I don't remember it." "Well call them, man," Bret said. "I did," Sammy said, feeling as if the conversation was starting to get dangerously convoluted, "but she took her name off their list. No longer available. She must have gotten a permanent job somewhere." "Pretty crappy record keeping," Bret said. "Damn, I hate to let that one get away." "Whadda gonna do." Sammy shrugged. After that contact nothing came up to remind Sammy of Sandy, and he settled back into his routine. Chapter Four His regular customers worked business hours, but some of the businesses were retailers so he would occasionally get calls at eight or nine at night and on Saturdays. Days of the week didn't meant much to him but he still hated Monday mornings. He hit the alarm and rolled out of bed, trudging blindly to the bathroom. Even throwing water on his face didn't clear his head. Must be a hangover, he thought as he headed to the kitchen to make coffee. He stopped. Hangover? No. He tried to remember how much he'd had to drink and couldn't. He didn't remember anything. Where had he been? He didn't know. What about Saturday night? He shook his head in confusion. Where the hell had he been Saturday night? Nothing. He drew a complete blank. Friday night? Zero. Drunks had lost weekends but he wasn't a big drinker. So where had the weekend gone? He thought hard over coffee and thought he remembered stopping at The Shamrock, but wasn't even sure of that. He sat on the couch in his underwear, sipping a second cup of coffee, sure his brain would start working sooner or later. He got a call, a referral, from a new gift shop in the neighborhood. Sluggish computer. Could it be a virus? He promised to be there in forty minutes. After a quick shower he went to his dresser to get underwear and socks. Instead, he found three bras, four pair of panties, two sets of high heels, and three dresses. "Damn it!" he yelped. "Damn it, damn it! What the fuck is going on!" He gathered everything and made a pile on the bed. He was furious, and paced the bedroom floor, staring at the pile. He had a thought and raced to his door, but both the front and back doors were locked solid, security chains in place. "It's not possible," he said out loud. He returned to the bedroom, half expecting to see that the pile of clothes had magically disappeared. It hadn't. He thought he knew where his underwear and socks would be and wasn't surprised to again find them in the clothes tub under a pair of dirty jeans and a shirt. It was just a quirky detail but it made him madder. His stuff was being shoved aside like it, like he, wasn't as important as the bras and panties in his chest of drawers. He was being dissed by someone who could walk through locked doors.Or windows. He almost slapped himself for not having thought of the intruder getting into his apartment through the windows. It was very disappointing to find them all snugly closed and locked. He finished dressing, gathered his laptop and case and went to the door. "Why bother?" he said, his hand on the knob, but he locked it anyway. There was no virus; the operating system just needed some routine maintenance, and he was back home in an hour. During the next week he stayed at home every minute he wasn't working. He'd decided to keep the girl's clothing this time, stuffing it back into the drawers. He checked it every day and it was always there. At the end of the week he threw it away. He got a phone call and he made a plan. The phone call was from someone named Cullen Wray who said he'd worked with him in Pittsburgh on the week long installation and had another job lined up, this time in tiny Elmira. Sammy almost turned him down. First, because he couldn't remember anything about the Pittsburgh job, and second because he couldn't remember Cullen Wray. But the money was good, and on the spot he thought of a way to deal with the elusive Sandy. After he hung up he called Zach Mycroft, the only guy that he could reasonably refer to as a friend, and asked him to apartment sit for a week. He knew that Zach had moved back in with his parents after he'd lost his job and would probably be willing and able to get back to solo life for a week. He was. Sammy threw the girl's clothes in the dumpster and left the next morning. Chapter Five It was a tough week and outside of the work he was pretty brain dead. But the fat paycheck made it all worthwhile. For the first time in his life he nodded off while driving, jerking awake as soon as his chin hit his chest. It had just been for a second and he hadn't even left his lane, but it scared the crap out of him. He pulled over at the next rest area and walked around, getting the blood circulating and making sure he was totally alert before getting back behind the wheel. When he got to his apartment he knocked and called out before using his key and opening the door. Zach was sitting on the couch, a huge grin on his face. "You son of a gun," Zach said. "What?" Sammy said, putting down his luggage and looking around. "What?" Zach mimicked. "You are something, buddy." Sammy knew what had happened. The plan hadn't worked. She'd been there. "Sandy was here?" he asked. "Ooooh, was she here? Yeah, she was definitely here," Zach said. "She says there's nothing between you two. That right?" If he was going to get information out of him he had to go along. "Yeah, just a temp. I hardly met her." "Your loss, let me tell ya," Zach said. "She is one hot lady. Good looking. Funny. She's got it all." "So Bret says," Sammy said. "She told me about him," Zach said. "Just a casual thing, from what she said. It wasn't so casual with us, buddy, I can tell you that." "She just showed up?" "As if you didn't know," Zach said, his grin back. "She said she was supposed to stay here, that she'd stayed here before because it was where you work out of. I told her you'd asked me to stay here and apartment sit for the week. Damn if she didn't look me up and down and tell me it was no problem." "What did she look like?" "I thought you said you saw her," Zach said. "Someone I assumed was her. At the temp office. We were never introduced." "And you just gave her your key and she moved in?" "They're bonded and everything," Sammy said. "She came highly recommended." "Yeah, I'll bet she did," Zach said. "So what'd she look like?" "Cute as hell. Maybe twenty, twenty-one. About five-six, I guess. Long legs, blonde hair, nice body." Such a general description was useless. "And you two hit it off?" "Like we'd known each other forever," Zach said. "The first night I slept on the couch, but we slept together after that. I hope you don't mind. I mean, your bed and all ..." Sammy waved it off. "That was pretty fast work," he said. "Well, I do okay with the ladies," Zach said. "But she's pretty special. There were sparks between us the minute she walked in. Like I said, we really hit it off." "You must have if you spent every night in bed with her," Sammy said. "Oh, yeah," Zach said. "Maybe I shouldn't talk about her, but just between us guys she about wore me out. When it comes to the ol' huffin' and puffin' she is something else. Twice a night with that lady, and it was hot. Very hot. And she blew me every day and that was even better. The lady really loves going down on it." Zach seemed to drift away, lost in the wonder of it. "Did she leave a card or anything?" Sammy asked. "A card? You can get in touch with her at that place, can't you?" "Sure. Of course," Sammy said. "Are you going to see her again." "She going to call me," he said. "She lost her cell and has to get a new one. She thinks she's going to go full time someplace. With you both doing the same thing you'll probably run into her. Or when she calls me maybe we'll double-date or something." "Maybe," Sammy said. "And hey, I probably shouldn't have told you about, you know, the sex stuff and everything. Not if I'm going to keep seeing her, I mean. You won't say anything, will you?" "Of course not," Sammy said. "Just guy talk." "Yeah," Zach said. "Just guy talk." As soon as Zach left, Sammy went into his bedroom and checked the chest of drawers. The top two drawers were filled with girl's clothing. The third drawer held make-up and jewelry. Chapter Six The Shamrock was packed and Sammy spent a lot of time weaving through the crowd before being sure that Bret, Junior and Zach weren't there. He did run into Dylan Phillips, the new owner, who was circulating through the crowd, making sure everyone was taken care of. Phillips welcomed him back and asked about Sandy. "You know her?" Sammy said. "Just to speak to," Phillips said. "A beautiful young lady. I understand she's doing some work for you?" "A temp," Sammy said. "Ah," Phillips said, nodding. "I wish I could get temps that looked like that." "You don't need to," Sammy said. "Since you took over this place attracts more beautiful girls than I've ever seen here." "It's the ferns," Phillips laughed. "Of course the good looking lads I hired to tend bar don't hurt, either." Sammy smiled. "Well, you're working some kind of magic." "Speaking of tending, I'd better tend to my customers. Say hello to Sandy for me if you see her again." "I will," Sammy said. "Say, you know Bret and Junior don't you?" "Surely I do," Phillips said. "Good boys." "You seen them tonight?" "They were in earlier. They didn't stay long, though. The older brother said something about getting a job out of town, but I wasn't really paying attention. I think he said Pittsburgh. Do you want me to tell them you're looking for them if they come back in?" "If you would," Sammy said. "How about Zach Mycroft?" "Now him I don't know," Phillips said. "Is he a regular?" "Not really," Sammy said. "I think he's been in a few times." "I try to get to know all my regulars," Phillips said. "It looks like we've struck out tonight. They must all be inhabiting a parallel universe some where." He laughed and asked, "Anyone else you're looking for?" "No, I guess not," Sammy said. "If any of them show up, I'll tell them you want to talk to them." "I appreciate it," Sammy said. "Not a problem." He stayed for an hour, had a couple drinks, and then returned to his apartment. There was no telling what might happen when he wasn't there, so he tried to stay home as much as possible. He got Zach on the phone the next day. He hadn't seen Sandy, but he was eager to get in touch with her. Sammy asked him to call him if she showed up and he promised he would. Chapter Seven Sandy woke up feeling rested but groggy, as usual. The alarm went off as she sat up and she smiled, clicking it off. From the bed she could see into the walk-in closet. All Sammy's clothes were still there. It was about time she did something about that, once and for all. After her shower she went through the chest of drawers. The selection was skimpy and she decided that as long as she was going to clear out the closet she might as well do the same with the drawers. But first she had to do her mental exercise: Where had she been last night? Nothing. It was frustrating to not remember something that should have been clear in her mind. That started happening a few months ago and it about drove her crazy at first. It wasn't so bad lately, but there were still a lot of blank spots and that wasn't normal. The Shamrock! That's right, she had stopped in at The Shamrock late in the evening and danced with a couple guys and let them buy her a drink each. And the owner had come over and said the elusive Sammy had been in earlier looking for her. She would have liked to have met him, but it really didn't matter anymore. Sammy was gone, so he was no longer a concern. She felt so good about her returning memory that she sang as she gathered the guy's underwear from the bottom drawers and started packing the clothes in the closet. United Way would take them; they were all in nice condition. She used all the grocery bags from the kitchen and all the pillow cases from the closet and still had clothes left, so she wrapped them in a bed sheet. There was a drop box a mile or so away, down by the mall. The drive made her happy. It had been frustrating sharing an apartment when she was just a temp, but now that she was full time that was over and done. Mission accomplished, she returned home. In the short time she'd been gone she'd gotten two messages. The first was from someone with a computer virus - but they always thought that and it usually turned out to be something else. The other message was from Zach asking Sammy if he'd seen Sandy. She smiled and decided to make him wait before calling him back. First, she had a computer to fix. And now that the apartment was completely free of guy stuff, she had one big chore to take care of. She had to go shopping. The End Not explicit, and some things left for you to imagine on your own. Perhaps a bit ghostly or ephemeral. Does that make the story something your Review would suggest others not bother reading? Or should they spend the time?

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 18 Used and Abused

The address Ramon had given me turned out to be a sports centre. I had been thinking about what the second phase might entail and had been nervous all day. In the end I arrived there well before the appointed hour which gave me a chance to have a look around. I recognized Ramon's car amongst the small number of vehicles parked outside. There were remarkably few cars, considering the size of the complex. When I entered the place, I realized why there were so few cars. Most of the facilities...

2 years ago
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Mabel and Janet Incorrectly Accused

Mabel and Janet hoped to enjoy their evening out as they entered the hall and saw the tables set out for at least a hundred people, and the stage all ready for the adaptation of the Many Red Stripes play. It was a theatre company run by a local youth group and so all the staff were between sixteen and twenty-five-years-old.Mabel and Janet saw on their way in that they were due to be on table number six and made their way over there. Both grannies were sixty-five-years-old and were wearing...

4 years ago
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Wrongly Accused

I had been working a little late to catch up on paperwork that had got a somewhat behind. Something about myself. I was the practice manger at a doctor's surgery and had just reached 50. Gillian was my attractive early forties secretary. She too was working late. On that particular evening Gillian had needed a file that was on the shelf behind my desk and chair where I was seated. "Mind if I reach for the Jackson file Mike?" Gillian said. "No. Go ahead," I replied. Gillian reached over my...

3 years ago
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Mother Being Used

I’m Rahul 25 yrs , 5 .10 ” athletic and live to have sex i should say. Narrating my secrets to like minds. This is a true story about my surprising introduction to the world of sex.This happened in the mid 90’s. Our family is basically from South India but my parents were at this point of time working in North India. My mother who this story revolves around was a nurse and jobs for them were very little at that time. Dad used to work as an Senior Engineer in an Steel Company at Jamshedpur (name...

3 years ago
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Sadists Fire Intro and Canto One Denied and Used

Devi “You ready, Dev?” I laughed on the medical table, my eyes closed against the rising terror in my throat. I’d had 15 piercings by that point and, amazingly, the terror of needles somehow never got easier. I kept expecting myself to get desensitized or to get used to this, but I never did. I had a phobia that made panic rise in my throat every time, made my heart race and made my palms tingle with sweat. And this was the worst piercing yet, or so I’d heard. “No! Okay, yeah. Yeah, I’m...

2 years ago
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First time watching Mum being used

This is the 3rd chapter about Mum being used as a slut that follows on from the previous story where I had bought some sexy nylons and underwear as a surprise for Mum.So after we had finished dinner on Saturday Mum said 'so show me son what you have bought today.'  I fetched the carrier bag from the hallway and passed it to Mum.  'There you go' I said 'I've bought you some presents'.  'Oh son, that's very kind of you, that's lovely' before she had looked in the bag. The expression on her face...

2 years ago
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I have always enjoyed dressing up and having horny guy fun with hard cocked guys,makes me feel so damn slutty,but the one thing that makes me cum so very hard is being used by multiple men and being used for their pleasure not mine,so every few months I organise a session where clean and health vetted guys can get their fun and cum with me.So this time we were playing at a friends farm,he has an enclosed open to the sky yard and we were playing in there,I was wearing my catsuit,long black...

3 years ago
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Happy To Be Used

I am the average male with the average male libido. That is to say, of course, I think about sex all the time. I also think about all kinds of sex and in my fantasies nothing is off limits.So it should come as no surprise that I walked into a porn shop on a Saturday morning wearing panties and with the intention of buying a new butt plug or dildo and some lube. But before I get ahead of myself, let me explain why I was in the store and what I was doing in the morning.I love smoking pot. I love...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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First time used

This started last summer while my wife and family were away on a cruise.Do to work I had to stay home and work. However I took a week or so off to get some honey do stuff done.One thing was running to the d**g store to get my perscripitons etc.There at the pharmacy was a good looking d**g store tech. She was maybe in her 40's. About 5'8" with blond hair and a really slim build. I often flirted with her on my visits and she with me. Her name was Sharon and she told me she was divorced and lived...

3 years ago
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Broken and made to want to be used

This happened a few months after I had been taken by Bruce, Charlie and Daniel when I was skipping a class. If you do not remember these three are the worst of worst Juvenal Delinquents that an urban high school could produce. These three had taken me against my will the very first day that we all met! I was used repeatedly by the three of them for six or seven hours, after the first three I believe I just gave up fighting and allowed them to pleasure their selves with my body! I was made to...

3 years ago
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Happy to be used

I cannot see or hear. I'm relying on my Daddy to lead me where he wants me. I can feel the tiled floor beneath me as he pulls me, my nipples sore from the chain. He stops and positions me, pushing on my shoulders to get me on my knees. I feel him bind them, keeping me down. My hands bound behind me so I must stay there, I have no choice, nor would I want any with Daddy around. He rocks me forward and supports me before I feel something pressing against my little sissy pussy. It opens me and...

4 years ago
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Boyfriend forced to watch me being used

It was late Friday night, around 11pm. My boyfriend had come over to stay the night, which he regularly does when mom is on night shift. We were watching a movie on TV, snuggled up to each other, with my head on his chest. It was rather hot and humid this night, which was not particularly unusual. I was wearing a long and oversized t-shirt, and that was it, no underwear whatsoever. My boyfriend had on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. A hot sex scene started on the movie we had been watching,...

2 years ago
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Frigid Wife Becomes Aroused

I guess that my story starts pretty much like the story of many other men. I am 40 years old, married to Lena , she is also 40 years old. We have been married for 11 years now. We have 2 gorgeous kids, a boy and a girl. At first our sex life was good. We had a lot of it, it wasn’t monotonous. My wife is a little reserved in sex matters, but she agreed to try new things as long as they were not too strange. Since this period of good sex was rather short, we did not get to try many new things. ...

4 years ago
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Consider me aMused

Standing about 5 foot 10 inches, and a bit husky, Daniel was ruggedly handsome with or with out his glasses and he had a hell of a winning smile and brown hair. Daniel sat at his desk in a dark office illuminated by the light of a screen, wracking his mind for ideas. He hadn’t posted a single lusty word to the Lush Stories site in weeks. There was no way he wanted to quit but he was drawing a blank on the next step of his titillating reunion opus. For the longest time he had had this problem,...

2 years ago
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My Mother in Law Jean dgged and used

In a previous story i told you how i was able to get my Mother in Law Jean drunk and passed out and how i was able to strip her naked,, tie her up and use her..I still jack off to that often... I thought how easy it was to get her in this helpless state.. I thought what if i could get some roofies,, or some other d**g that could be mixed with her drink.. something that would cause amnesia,, no memory hummmmm.The situation would have to be right,,, her staying here with me alone over night or...

3 years ago
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Drunk and Used

There were supposed to have been four of us – Ian Terry and Mike and myself. We had agreed that Ian should bring round the latest editions to his extensive collection of porn DVD’s and we would all chip in some booze. Unfortunately Terry and Mike had broken down on the way home from a football match, got pissed while waiting for the car to be repaired, and now couldn’t drive back and had called off. So it just left Ian and I to spend the night drinking, watching films and setting the world to...

2 years ago
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Sheri the Tourist Gets Used

Sometimes you never know when things work out. There I was in a bar in Sydney on a Monday after a committee meeting debriefing about the day’s events. We had had a few drinks, when I heard a woman with an American accent at the bar order a drink. She was sitting by herself. I guessed she was in her sixties, but certainly well dressed and well-presented overall. I could see that she had a delightfully ample chest. Her gaze seemed to be inviting, so I did the appropriate thing and said hello...

2 years ago
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Cheryl Gets Used

Cheryl Gets Used I am a fourteen-year-old boy that lives with two women. One is my sexy thirty-five-year-old mother and the other one is my adorable thirteen-year-old sister Cheryl. Everything had been fairly normal in our lives. Mom works as a Real Estate Agent and is in and out at all kinds of hours. Dad got caught fucking his secretary. He pays dearly for his mistake with alimony and double child support. We got the house and he got the shaft. He even lost his secretary. Too bad,...

1 year ago
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Linda picked up Serena at school and the mother was looking forward to a get away with her daughter. The two would spend the long weekend shopping in the big city.Linda looked at her pretty daughter as they set out on the road. She could not help but think of herself at that same age. She remember moving into the years were her body transformed into a woman. She wondered if Serena had already given her virginity to some clumsy boy.Linda remembered how her early sexual experiences were so...

2 years ago
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Witness abused

“Kathy, the Judge would like a word if you don’t mind, he is in his chambers,” her minder a Police Inspector known as “George” told her. She didn’t mind at all. The nightmare was over. Her abusers were going to prison for between 10 and 22 years. The Judge reminded her of her grand dad. A greying middle aged man, slightly flabby around the waist and jowls but with twinkling eyes. “Ah the hero of the hour!” he laughed as she walked in. “Not really,” she replied shyly. “But my dear your...

3 years ago
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Used and Abused

Liz Bennet had always been the perfect Christian girl, despite the pressure forced on her everyday to go above and beyond. She had long, beautiful blonde hair and large double D-cup tits. Her ass was firm, small and tight. Her waist was small, and she was of a bit less than average weight. She was twenty-six, and a college student. Liz had been walking to her college (she lived close enough to the school that she didn't have to have a dorm), when there was a flash of white light, that no one...

Mind Control
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She opened the invite, simple straight forward, come to the cottage wear your red rubber basque and dress! Be here at 8! Sharon was so excited she was getting her fantasy delivered!At 7.52 the was a knock on my door, when I opened it Sharon with a huge smile was there eager to enter and start. You are early I said, sorry Sir she replied, I stepped out removed her coat and told her to bend over the garden table and wait there for me, I returned to the house. At 8 I went out and attached her...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 16 Abused

I collapsed to the floor when he released me from the wall. He went back to the bedroom. I tried to follow but my body was wrecked with pain and I was exhausted. I just lay where I was and fell asleep. When I woke, the terror of the night before returned to my mind. I decided to get out of this torture chamber before Gary returned. I crawled to the bedroom. There was no one there. I hadn't the energy to go any further. I climbed onto the bed and collapsed. I don't know how long I lay there...

2 years ago
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My first experience of being shared was my last for over twenty years. I had been married to my first husband for over fifteen years and we had three k**s and to be perfectly honest the only time we had sex was when he wanted it. This was back in the seventies and women didn't have much say in such things then and I just lay back and thought of England as he fucked me till he came. There was no thought for my feelings, I was just a receptacle for his cum. It seemed like every time I came I got...

2 years ago
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My first time used and abused

I'm a 47 year old; sexual being, who identifies as nonspecific gender. I've been fucked by; and have fucked, men and women my whole life. Soon I'll be going to my first gay bar! I'm excited and anxious for this experience! I hope I find an attractive man to fuck me; really fucking hard!!I arrived at the bar dressed well; but underneath my clothes, I was wearing my black lace panties and black thigh thighs! I was nervous as hell as I walked in to the dimly lit; not too smokey, quiet little...

4 years ago
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Used and Abused

It was the way he used her…How he secretly whispered her body was his to do with however and whenever he wanted. Sometimes, he’d leave her alone for days, and sometimes, he’d fuck her several times a day. He made her service him.For over a week now, all she did was suck him off- before school, as soon as she got home, and in the middle of the night.His only words to her were, “Don’t even think about touching yourself.” Early on, she had broken his commandment and learned the consequences of...

3 years ago
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Hijabi Wife Used Abused

Some Useful words to know before you read the story:Hijab- A head covering worn in public by some Muslim women. Essentially a scarf. Burqa- A outer garment worn by some Muslim women that covers their whole body when in public.Kuffar- Arabic for "Non-believer".Abaya- is a simple, loose over-garment, essentially a robe-like dressHaram- The Arabic word for prohibited or forbidden. *****Fahima Begum sat in front of her bedside mirror unable to concentrate as she struggled to fix her hijab properly....

3 years ago
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Pretty Sure I Was dgged and Abused

I was at a local gay club as i frequent in my town, having a few drinks, talking, time is around 11:30 pm. I'm quite personable and have fun when i go out. here is where i mess up, thinking back, stupidly i get up to use the restroom, leaving my drink behind, i had maybe 2 or 3 bye this time, so i come back and casually finish the rest of the drink, during this time a guy sits next to me and we start talking, he was a black man, very built, charming, and good looking. obviously flirting with...

4 years ago
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Pretty Sure I Was dgged and Abused

I was at a local gay club as i frequent in my town, having a few drinks, talking, time is around 11:30 pm. I'm quite personable and have fun when i go out. here is where i mess up, thinking back, stupidly i get up to use the restroom, leaving my drink behind, i had maybe 2 or 3 bye this time, so i come back and casually finish the rest of the drink, during this time a guy sits next to me and we start talking, he was a black man, very built, charming, and good looking. obviously flirting with...

4 years ago
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Mother and daughter abused

the continuing story of Paula and her daughter Lorraine. Mother and daughter love to fuck each other, and anyone else that will pay!The house was on the sea front at Brighton. Close to the Metropole hotel. It was plush, but not flash. and over looked the sea. The sea was grey. The old grey widow maker. It was not a day to be at sea. Rain obscured what might have been a superb view. Grey and wet. They knocked on the door. It was opened immediately. They walked in, admitted by a doorman. He...

2 years ago
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yound used and abused

It's late a young lady is walking home from a night our partying. She walks down a street and decides to take short cut through an alleyway. It's dark and no ones around. Halfway down the alleyway she hears a noise footsteps she shouts out whos there but no one answers she carries on walking the footsteps get closer she begins to run. Before she knows she feels an ARM around her neck and a hand over her mouth. A voice whispers in her ear don't scream or I ll kill you. He removes his hand and...

4 years ago
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Well it was Thursday afternoon. Almost the end of another long day at work. As Amy passed my desk she said, "Cheer up - dinner time soon." She and I had begun to share dinner together on Thursdays as we are almost neighbors and, being recently divorced, enjoy visiting. I replied with a tired smile, "I know - if I can survive that long!" Little did I realize what was soon to be in store for me. Five o'clock came after what seemed an eternity and we heading home together in the car. As we came...

1 year ago
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I lay in my bed, resting after my noon swim, listening to the wind and the rain outside. Quietly drifting through my thought is the knowledge that I should be up, some task certainly awaits my attention, but for the moment I am quiet. I fall asleep. Suddenly I am awakened by someone roughly grabbing my right leg and tying it to the left post of the bed. I feel my right leg grabbed and I twist towards him trying to hold him back and not allow him to tie my leg. He slaps my face and shoves me...

2 years ago
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Poor John has his genitals abused

John was 21, he was a good looking man, not tall but not small he liked sports, had a beautiful lightly tanned skin and he didn't know what would happen to him soon ...When he met Jennifer, he immediatly fell in love with her, as much for her mind than for her body. Even if she was older, 30, she was really a sexy looking woman, always self confident and very immaginative. Even if they had met 1 month ago, they had never had sex together, but Jonh was impatiently waiting for it, because for him...

3 years ago
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Used and Abused

It was the summer between my tenth grade of high school and my eleventh year, the month of August to be exact. For the past two weeks Daniel and Charlie had made me their target and took me every other day for their sexual desires. Sometimes both of them and some times they shared me with others, my mind was so confused as to what to do I could not think straight. I spent most of my days locked up in the house not venturing out for fear of one of them taking me. It was the beginning of the...

1 year ago
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Price of Fame Chapter 62 Candice Abused

The horror story is purely fictitious and is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are over the age of 18. This chapter may be distributed freely as long as you don’t charge for it. Price of Fame, Chapter 6.2 Tied She punched and scratched the hand that squeezed her windpipe. Her thighs flapped in the air. Santiago increased the...

2 years ago
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Used and Abused

Based on a recent news story “How the fuck could you get it so wrong?” screamed Giovanni Montesorrie. “You wanted two girls, one black one white,” groaned Gerry Malone. “That’s what you got.” “Yeah but bimbos, not a fucking half man half woman, you stupid fucker.” “She’s a bimbo and she’s built, you said big.” “Yeah but for fucks sake look at her. Big is beautiful, not fucking arms and legs like a fucking navvy you Irish imbecile,” screeched Giovanni. They stared at the two girls bound,...

2 years ago
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Story Seven Cum Slut Abused

After arriving home from my uncles I spent a long time taking a hot bath. My ass ached and I was feeling an ache in my jaws. I had no idea how many cocks had stretched my lips and ass at the theater last night. I clearly remembered how my ass and throat were used by Bernard and his beautiful 14-inch black cock. I remembered how he told me he now owned me and I agreed fully. I would do anything for him and his big black cock. I finished my homework and fell asleep dreaming of being used by a...

3 years ago
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Used and Abused

My first experience of being shared was my last for over twenty years. I had been married to my first husband for over fifteen years and we had three kids and to be perfectly honest the only time we had sex was when he wanted it. This was back in the seventies and women didn't have much say in such things then and I just lay back and thought of England as he fucked me till he came. There was no thought for my feelings, I was just a receptacle for his cum. It seemed like every time I came I got...

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