ProeliatorChapter 12 free porn video

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A servant opened the door and ushered us in. A short rotund man with a florid face greeted us. It was not Julian's place to introduce us but I found that the servant already had our names.

Crescentius Popillius was our host. He said, "I have heard a great deal about all of you. Julian has shown us your book and I found your descriptions vivid. If it were not for all the things I have heard that you have actually made then I would had to have dismissed the book as a pleasant story."

Atrius was more sensitive to this matter and said, "I have seen things with my own eyes that would have forced any sceptic to see that Jón of Germania has indeed been favoured by the gods."

I said in my own defence, "The book was first of many. It was made in a simple format so that even the least educated reader could grasp the precepts. Further books will be produced in the same format. Supplementary literature will explain in more detail but it will be a while before they are understood to any depth."

Crescentius said, "Excuse my casual treatment of your work. I read very little. When I found that you had arrived in our city I read the book again in more detail. I could not put your book down until it was read in its entirety. Would you please explain about understanding the supplementary works you will be writing?"

"Certainly, the further works will deal in many parts of our physical universe. Chemistry is a new word that supplants alchemy. Gold is a primal element and cannot be made for a thousand years and then only at great cost. This science will push our understanding of the universe much further than most. There will be immediate and substantial returns on our labours."

"How does this happen? I have heard of alchemy and some reputed successes."

"There were no successes. Chemistry will benefit us by making our land more fertile. Everything about us will be improved from a horse in the courtyard to the clothes you wear."

More people came near and I explained how the struggle to learn more chemistry also brought us to a better understanding or biology, physics and our own bodies. I made a case for all of science and physics linked with everything else so an advance in one would provide clues to others.

People seemed interested in my talk but would get bored easily so I said, "I am taking up much too much time when a gathering like this is to exchange ideas. Perhaps you could tell me a bit about you and your business interests. I am new to the empire and know very little."

Crescentius Popillius was first and went into a lot of detail about his family. He seemed to be very proud of it and went on for a long time. It was only when people started to drift away did he speed up. He was fairly wealthy, had some farms and gained most of his wealth from trading.

The person that thought himself the next most important gave a much quicker rendition and then the rest of the group did the same. None of the women had much to say. It was their husband's place to speak.

I asked my own questions now but I tried not to be intrusive. I found that the men liked hunting, falconry or horseracing. The guests all knew about my book even if they had not read it and I was asked if the gods had similar sports.

Professional sports were listed and how the gods chose teams much like the charioteers now in vogue. More sports were listed that were enjoyed by the young or in the Olympics. The Olympics were still going strong in this time but I knew that some religious asshole would ban it in the next century.

I got down to personal competition and listed my favourites first. Wrestling, karate, judo and went on to list many other oriental forms of combat. They did not understand figure skating but I had to talk about the skate itself.

They were very excited when I said, "Hunting for sport is still done with a bow. Some use a small cannon that is light and can fire many small pellets or a large metal cylinder. Men and women use another light cannon that shoots one small cylinder a great distance. There is a device on top that allows the hunter to see the target as if it were only thirty feet away."

One man asked, "How far can the quarry be and still be taken?"

"Nine hundred feet is the usual maximum to do accurately but the military have similar ones the can hit the head of a man at over a mile. They can also shoot in the black of night and through fog."

"How can they see in the dark? That is impossible."

I said, "Even on the darkest night there is a small amount of light even if it is from the stars or a fire a long way away. It is there but our eyes cannot use it. When light hits a device, it can knock loose a small particles called electrons. The gods can take the power of lightning to make this electron hit more atoms to cause a flood of electrons. These electrons are captured and an image is seen. Some of these devices use heat which is just a less powerful form of light. A man glowing with his own heat is emitting the energy that is used to see him."

"Could you make this?"

"I will be dead long before this is made." Some of the men exhaled so this technology really frightened them. It also occurred to me that they would simply kill me to keep things the way they were. "The trouble with this sort of thing is that even if I do not make these tools now another country could and would.

"The Frisians have the cannon and the secret of the powder and a great many more devices. To not progress means that in a hundred years the Frisians will simply take over the empire by force. I want to take it over too but all of us will be alive to enjoy what the new empire will bring."

"Do you mean we will be more wealthy?"

"Far more wealthy. Money now is made in trade and tribute. Since the countries that were conquered have little or no say, this had to be seen as tribute not tax. Give them a small voice and it is now a tax. If we pay a man a reasonable amount of money he will use it to purchase what he wishes. That makes the silver move quicker from man to man and it grows. A government now taxes everybody and makes more money but the businessman will make far more money even if he pays more tax."

Crescentius asked, "What does Rome or Constantinople need with more money. They simply have another circus."

"You are absolutely correct. You need good government. If the Senate is elected by the common man they are accountable for how the money is spent. If the Senator is corrupt or inept then four years later the voters will elect another to take his place."

"That was like what it was in the Republic."

"The Republic failed because wars brought slaves into the empire. The slaves took the jobs of the common man and then there was no work for a freeman. The economy collapsed and the people then had to except an imperial government controlled by a very few powerful men."

Julian reminded people of his presence by saying, "My cousin would not like to hear this talk." The men around us were now worried.

I said, "The transition to a republic will take at least a century but probably more. Your cousin had nothing to fear. For the last few hundred years new emperors have come along very quickly. They also came along violently. My way is a gradual change has the majority of the people favouring the changes.

"One fact that you may have forgotten is it is not me that is fighting but those that have directed me to do this."

Most caught on right away. The Augustus represented immense temporal power while the gods had been seen as working subtly; that was until I came along. Gods were now giving tangible gifts and perhaps men were not as strong as they were a year ago.

Gnaeus Trebonius, the man that introduced himself just after Crescentius said, "Politics and change are good topics to talk about but there is also wine, food and women."

I said, "The Gods say 'Wine, Women and Song' are what is needed."

"That sounds even better. Now we need some song and some women. Have you met my niece?"

"I have met very few people."

"Come, I will introduce you."

It took only a short time for Gnaeus to dig into the largest group of males and pull a young girl out. As she emerged, she smiled back at the young men she had left. I saw as she approached that she was a very pretty girl of around fifteen.

Gnaeus stopped before me and the girl smiled radiantly at me. I was not sure if I liked this or not because she looked like a predator.

"Jón of Germania, this is my niece Quinta. Quinta, this is the young man I spoke of. He is the hand of his gods and though he has killed thousands he has put his hand out in friendship now."

Quinta spoke first and said, "I am very glad to meet you. Many people are talking about your book. Have your really talked to the gods?"

"Hello, Quinta. I am glad to meet a girl as pretty as you too. If you do not mind my asking, do you jump from one topic to another all the time?"

"I am sorry, I was just so excited to meet you."

This sounded nice but a bit fake. "Thank you but I think I must be the one to be pleased. I am sorry for being instrumental in taking you from your friends."

"That is fine. We were just telling jokes."

"I am still sorry."

"Would you like to meet them? They were just telling a story about a stupid slave."

The girl seemed sophisticated. She must have been to a lot of parties like this. It was also a sure thing that she had not talked with anybody about my dislikes.

"No, thank you, Quinta. I guess I am a bit too liberal for your friends."

"Liberal? What do you mean?"

"I think you should read the book. It explains a lot."

"A book is so long. Tell me what it means." She said the last with a charming smile and a tilt of the head that must have gotten her a lot of things for it looked very nice."

"Educated people get that way by striving to gather more information. Reading is the most common method. I personally have read thousands of books."

She looked at me oddly and said, "There are not that many books ever written."

I should not have said that. "The land of the gods has thousands of thousands of books. Do you think that I would not take advantage of such a treasure? There are books on every available topic. Whole rooms are devoted to just mathematics. This whole house would not even contain them all if they were put against the walls and rose to the ceiling."

Gnaeus was squeezing Quinta's hand to get her attention. I think she had seen the error of her approach. Quinta said, "I would like to read your book. It must be very exciting to be called to the land of the gods. Will you tell me a bit about them?"

"I could but I am famished. Would you like to see if there is anything to snack on?"

"There is always something." Quinta pulled me along leaving Gnaeus behind.

I asked Quinta about her choices and filled a plate for her and for me. Apparently this had not been done for her before. We sat in a quieter corner and she started to talk like a girl her age. This was more refreshing in its honesty. A young man of eighteen or nineteen came over to ask if Quinta wanted to look at the stars.

Quinta was instantly angry and started to berate him then suddenly quieted and said, "No, thank you. I was just talking about the stars."

The young man looked at me and said with a snicker, "With him?"

"He... he..."

I said quietly, "You should go and see the stars. It is not that long that a person is young enough to really enjoy the night."

"But... I..."

"It is ok. There are a lot of differences between our ages anyway. You are a beautiful young woman and the young men want you with him."

"I want to stay with you."

The young man said, "Come on Quinta. You heard what the boy said. We are only young once." He bent over and took her hand and pulled her away. Her plate fell to the floor and broke.

When the two had disappeared I bent over to pick up the pieces of ceramic and put them into my plate. A nice thigh attached to a small foot was right beside me. I looked up to see a good looking girl of about the same age as Quinta staring down at me.

She said, "I have to do that or I will get in trouble."

"Then bend down and help."

The girl did quickly and we both started to find shreds of the ceramic. I said, "My name is Jón. What's yours?"

"Appia, if it pleases you, my lord."

"It pleases me. Now you better run along before you get in trouble.

The girl took the plate and with a small quick smile said, "Yes, milord," before hurrying off.

It felt good to have met Appia but I still had important people to talk to. I was in a discussion on strategy when Gnaeus Trebonius said, "I thought you were going to be spending the night with Quinta"

"She tried to stay but she was taken away by a young man. She is young and has to enjoy life while she can. Adult life lets a person know exactly what burdens they have to bear."

"She has to grow up sometime."

"That is true but party life may not teach her about responsibility."

"What do you suggest?"

"I suggest nothing. I just said that responsibility had a way of making us grow up."

"I was told you are just twelve."

"That is true but I am nearing my next birthday. You have to admit that I am a special case though."

We continued our talks on strategy then I shifted the conversation to having educated officers. This directly related to training them in their youth. I did not go for universal education but just for officer material. I had to get them to accept one ideal at a time.

The sit down meal was not in the Greek style with couches though there were a dozen sitting in another room I had noticed. The meal was much fancier than Julian had served and a bit hard to take. German tastes were simple and the Romans I ate with did not go into anything exotic but the host had the cousin to the Augustus and had to impress him. Julian had simple tastes and I wondered why the host had not made a simpler meal.

A very subdued Quinta sat near me and seemed to think hard on everything she did. She was far from spontaneous now. Dinner guests were supposed to talk to their neighbours and I did not give Quinta more time then the others.

One man across from me asked if the gods raced horses.

"Yes they have lots of races. A small man or woman sits on a special saddle and they race for up to a mile. There are races where the horse pulls a small cart for a rider. It is made of very strong metal and wood that is light. There is no attacks on each other and as a result there is few deaths.

"The gods race in steel vehicles poured by an engine that burns a liquid fuel like the oil in your lamps. They go over two hundred miles an hour in the straight sections and the noise is horrendous. The vehicles move in and out trying to get into a good position. When an accident occurs the vehicle breaks up into small pieces. This can cause other vehicles to be destroyed. These races last a few hours and they will have travelled five hundred miles."

During my talk every other conversation at the table had stopped. Quinta was open mouthed and said, "Do they have other races?"

"Yes, in the cold parts of the world they gather strong dogs to pull a sled. They go for days over the snow. Another race is with a machine that they sit in that has an engine that pushes it over the snow and ice at a very high speeds." I thought of bicycles and now smiled because here was another invention to make.

"Some men ride a device that has only two wheels and an engine. You can stay upright on it easily once it is moving. They have races across the land where mud, water, rock and hills have to be passed. On larger machines they go very fast on a smooth surface of bitumen that has been flattened by a very heavy machine. There is another type that have men push down on pads with their feet. The power from the pads make the back wheel turn. This is a wonderful way of travelling. A man without a horse can travel faster than a man with a horse if the roads are smooth. I would like to make these devices but there are just too many small parts made of steel to make."

Julian asked, "Could the army use them?"

"Yes they could. Instead of riding they can put all of their packs and supplies on the devices. They require a flat surface to ride on but they can carry three or four times the load and none of it is on their backs."

"Would you make this vehicle for us too?"

"I have to improve your roads first. I have to change the empire to what it would be in fifteen centuries from now."

"Can you do this?"

"Yes, a little at a time. I just have to make machines that make better machines until I get a good machine. An example of that is the very flat surfaces that I was able to put on the iron products I made. The same is true for my one armed smith that can swing a five hundred pound hammer." I imagined that everybody but those in the know saw a giant in their minds that could swing a hammer like that.

Julian laughed at the other guests and then talked of how he was taken in too. He described the steam hammer to the guests. Quinta had been touching my hand when she talked before but now she was keeping contact. When everybody laughed at being taken similarly, Quinta's hand moved to my arm. In a moment she was rubbing my muscles.

When the others started talking again she said, "You are very strong."

"The Germans are usually big. I have not grown much in height but I work hard to get my body to develop. There is a balance I have to follow. I can put on lots of muscle but then I am too big to move quickly."

She said, "You must be fantastic with the sword." This was done with a smile and probably one of the come-ons she would use. Few men could resist that opening.

"I am not a slouch but it was the hammers at the forge that did most of this. Quite a few times I thoughts of Thor but I had never seen him, only his paintings."

"What does he look like... in the paintings?"

"Thor is usually fighting. I hear he likes that sort of thing. He's riding a war chariot or on horseback but the horse has to be large. He has a sword in his hand and the hammer at his waist. Sometimes it is the other way around. In many of the paintings lightning is seen in the background. I do not think Woden is helping other than to provide light and a suitable way to portray his son. Then again the other gods can throw lightning too."

"Have you seen a god throw lightning?"

I thought of the Ontario Science Centre, electrodes in giant furnaces and the running of high voltage lines across the world. "Yes, I have seen this in many forms. The power is beyond imagination. It has to be done just right or there is death even to the god throwing it. Men too can throw a kind of lightning and they too have to be wary or they too will be burnt to a cinder in a fraction of a second."

"How?" Quinta and the rest of the guests wanted to know this.

"There are a great many steps taken to make a lightning bolt. Lightning is electricity. Electricity is made up of the small particles that surround every atom. They are both solid and energy at the same time. Magnets push the electrons. The more electrons you push the more power you use and the more power that can be taken from the electricity. You can also use a lot of magnets and push a few electrons. If this is done enough the electrons will jump great distances."

"What is a magnet?"

"The planet beneath our feet is a magnet. It is what makes a small piece of iron stick to a larger piece. I am starting schools where this will be taught and I am afraid it is not a simple subject to teach without understanding the steps before it."

"You are going to be a tutor now?"

"That was my task all along. I have to teach the world like a parent teaches his children. It is sad but some need their bum paddled to get them to stop and listen. After that with patients and understanding there will be no problem. The ones that need the most paddling though will be the German and the Picts. They are not used to people giving them good advice and have to be hurt before they will listen."

"Will you fight your own people?"

"Everybody is my people. If you had read the book I wrote you would have learned about how we were formed long ago and changed over the years. Those in one area stayed away from the others and grew tall or short, light or dark and dark haired or light. We are all one people at one time and will be again with just some understanding."

I paused for effect and said, "As we progress we will gain the power of the gods. Think what the world would be like if we did not get along together. Then think of our elevation to the strata of the gods as we overcome that portion of ourselves that is more like an animal than a god."

There was a long silence and I did not break it. Let them think now that there was a lot more to chew on.

When it was time to go, Quinta acted like one of the new converts and not the girl I had first met. She kept her eyes down and acted much more like the way a slave acted. In this case it was not advisable to kiss her. This put us on a more equal footing. She needed a goal and working with me on my goal was superior to anything I could think of for her. At the end of the evening I held her face in my hands and I felt her shiver as if she had been kissed. This may be good for her but did nothing for me except inflate my ego a bit.

There was a lot of thanks given from both sides when it was time to leave. The company was not bad and I was sure they were entertained by our group and me in particular. My team though looked to have worked their usual charm and got a few to consider changing their choice of gods.

It was quite dark when we came out. There was no moon and there definitely were no street lights in Paris of this century. Servants would be provided with torches but we could travel faster and just accepted some of the torches. The bodyguard moved forward to check for danger and to provide light for us.

Julian said, "This night went well for you I think. Gnaeus' niece though would bed you in a minute but she has changed since you first met her."

"She had no direction. She may change her mind in the next few weeks and go back to her useless existence but I could use her services. It is regrettable that none of them would be in bed. She is a sweet child after all."

"Sweet? You should meet her mother. She would sour milk or make an army walk quietly if they were to disturb her slumbers."

"I heard a saying that if you want to find out what a girl will look like in twenty years all you have to do is look at her mother. The same could possibly be true for their dispositions though their husbands can make or break a woman."

The same is true for a woman. They have a power over us males."

"That never changes and to tell the truth I think that is right."

"I suppose you would like to relieve your tensions. There are many women that would love to do that for you."

"You're right. Being young has its bad points but I think I will try to find some of my own."


"The gods saw fit to make me able to make more than one woman happy at a time. I guess if I could sell this ability somehow I would make all the money in the world."

"I guess you would but then you would have to hear the crying of many more newborns. You said in your book that it is good to limit the numbers of children to the time you could afford to give them as well as the silver you have to feed and clothe them."

"That is true but I already have hundreds of children."

"I heard that you take in strays."

I did not like the term. "That is true but they are people just like you and me. Give them an education and a goal and they will propel civilisation into the future."

It started to drizzle but we would get a bit damp before returning to Julian's home. Many conversations were going on and then we talked to the group to make a joke or two. Here I was superior again because I had a wealth of material from the centuries behind me.

Romans were mainly ethical people but it was ethics the way they saw it. The jokes I could use should not push their boundaries like I was doing in other fields.

There was a lot of laughter and from me too because I thought many of the jokes I was told to be funny. It was during a pause when people were thinking of another joke that I heard horses behind us. Immediately I strengthened my hearing and then my other senses. There was a lot of noise and it took a while to filter out the sounds and put them into the categories of threats or not.

Helvius was nearby and I said, "We are being followed. Laugh like you are drunk but liked a joke."

He did but the laugh sounded false to everybody around us. I had taught hand signals to my people and they nodded one after another and laughed at jokes and talked as if they had just been spoken to.

I moved forward so that all the light was behind me apart from what was leaking from homes. Julian did not come forward but his other bodyguards got closer to him. There were only six of them.

The horsemen behind kept pace and had no torches so I deduced that there must be something ahead. There was only one road ahead that would normally take us to Julian's home though we could go left and take a long way around.

This corner and the road beyond was the natural place. There were no fields or trees in this urban environment so I could not slip up on any enemy like I had before. At the intersection a hundred metres ahead I saw three heads looking our way. Nobody could normally see them in the dark but I could.

I simply stopped and watched and the torchbearers rode by. I waved Curtius over and whispered to Julian and his men. "Three men just past the intersection ahead. I am drunk now and going to go for a piss. You will wait for me. All of you are a little drunk. Let me see what is awaiting us. I think that if we are attacked the twenty three men behind us will attack too."

Julian said, "Twenty three?"

"Two men are large and they sound different."

When it looked right I called out, "Iulius, hold on. I have to piss."

"You drank too much wine. You get that way when it is others that provide it."

He was being nasty and I said, "I was not ogling all the girls the way you were, now hold on while I look for flowers in need of a drink."

I slid off the horse with my sword in my hand. The toga and sandals stayed on the horse because they would trip me. I had a harness with four throwing knives and my k-bar. The rest was bare skin. Underclothes got in the way if a person in a toga needed to take a piss or a dump.

I raced forward and stopped every ten metres to listen. Voices behind me said that they were going to piss to now that we were stopped. I could hear excited breathing just around a corner to my left. There was nothing to push against to give me a faster reaction but could peak around the corner from lower to the ground. The light from behind me would give me away.

There were three. They had swords but I thought them to be the portion of the trap to close behind us. I put my sword down now and crawled around in the muck and got behind the last of them. I heard one whisper, "What is keeping them?"

I stood now and with the k-bar put my hand around the mouth of the last as I stabbed him through the ribs.

As this one fell I jumped over the twitching body to slash the throat of number two that had turned around at the noise. I pushed this one aside as the last one brought yup his sword to slash at anybody there. My knife went in under his ribs and he too was pushed to one side.

I was out of the alley quickly and picked up my sword. I crossed the road in our direction of travel and at the first alleyway I found bowmen. There looked to be three of them. Any more would fill the alley too much. Across the street were more waiting for us to fall into their trap.

I did the same thing again but number three's bow tangled in my legs as he thrashed. It took longer to get out of the entanglement and I heard, "Who's there?"

He was answered with my knife and pushed the body toward number one. He swung his sword now and hacked at his friend. I moved in and used the k-bar to deflect the knife but used my heal to hit his nose and push the cartilage into his skull.

This man fell dying but there was now enough noise to let everybody know that the situation had changed.

I picked up the nearest bow and then gathered the arrows that were ready to fire. I shot across the street as fast as I could and cries of pain or surprise were heard. There was the thunder of hooves now. I had got off more than twenty arrows. With a good many of those as solid hits.

Julian stopped near and said, "To your horse."

"Wait! Throw the torches back the way we came."

Julian said, "Do it."

There were more arrows and I used them to feather men racing towards us in the dark. When I ran out I said, "I am going across the street for more arrows. Swing at any that get through."

Same as Proeliator
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Whoops Payback

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a story about the aftermath of a wife's conduct toward her husband continuing my story Whoops. If you haven't read that this will not mean much. Please take a few minutes and read that story. ;-) I would like to thank Matty Caff for her help in editing my story. She is a classy lady and a good friend. Carol had just arrived home from her office, poured two glasses of Phyllis's favorite white wine, and waited for...

2 years ago
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Ramu or shipla

Mera Nam Shilpa hey. Meri ye kahanii soon kar apakooo sayad suprise hoga or apako mujape vishvash bhi nahi hoga keee kisike sath esa bhi ho sakata hey. Meri Sadi Rahul ke sath 1 Sal pahele huwi thi. Meee tab 21 Sal ki thi. Meee 12 Pas thi or Rahul Graduate tha or ek Bank meee Branch Manager thaaa. Mee Rahul ko ek Acha pati samaj rahi thi Usane muje Suhag Rat ke din kuch nahi kiya or Arram see sone diya par dusare din Savere jab meee Arramse so rahi thi tabhi jorse koi muje uthane laga me jagi...

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The Babysitter

Mary Summers was curled up on the Anderson's massive overstuffed couch deeply immersed in a book. Clustered around her were more books, notes and half glass of fruit juice all but forgotten on the coffee table. Except for her nest of study material the house showed no signs of the chaos of the last few hours. The Anderson's children were both darlings and mostly well behaved but an evening of pizza, ice-cream and made up games of increasing complex and outlandish rules had resulted in quite a...

4 years ago
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A Bet to Lose Chapter 24

Zoe's brother was being weird. His pigtails were swinging slightly, framing his lightly made-up face. The glitter on his lavender, heart-adorned top and ruffled skirt was glistening in the morning sun, only hidden by his pretty pink backpack, and the bells on his socks were lightly jingling while the lights were flashing on his two-inch heeled sneakers as he skipped along like an adorable little first-grade sweetheart out with her big sister. None of that, of course, was the weird...

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The Taunt

She was somewhat tall, with long, sexy legs and thighs. Long, blonde hair that went down past her close to busty boobs. Pretty face, and perfect horglass figure. She was my own cousin and 6 years older than me. I was almost 14, in the peak of puberty. I saw her at least 2 times a week, and each time she teased me more and more without even realizing it. I always made sure to be behind her, though I could easily outrun her in a second. I always invited her swiming, so I could see her in that...

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IHNC 6 Whats wrong with Becky

Introduction: Life goes on for Ed, but Beckys been out sick a lot… I Had No Choice 6 – Whats wrong with Becky? So now Ive cheated on Rachel, my lovely wife and new mother to my twin girl babies, with yet another woman. Id rationalized that Becky was just a fling, a hot young sexy fling. And that itd been a wash since my wife was getting some action with her mother while I was teaching her daughter how to be a woman. Fate and stepped in with Becky though with Lisa Cohan, another student who was...

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This is the seventeenth story in my Legacy Universe and like the others it can be read as a stand alone. Kaboom By Morpheus I lifted up the office garbage can and winced as the gut wrenching odor assaulted my nose. It smelled like someone puked in it, which they probably had. I had to fight back the urge to gag as I emptied it all into the garbage cart and put a fresh bag into the can. There were some days I really hated my job as a nearly every day. Today...

1 year ago
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I was only a twelve year old curious boy when I stumbled upon lush stories. Every night I would come to my computer and masturbate to stories people wrote. Not I am 16 and still enjoy the habit of going to this website to read some stories and to jack off at the same time. In your comment, please write if you think its ok for a 16 year old to read stories on this website.

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Yoga Teacher

Something about spending time on a hot, secluded beach made Jack wonder if there would be enough time for both he and Jen to get in one last romantic memory before he had to return to San Francisco. Leafing through the color brochure he’d found at the hotel, one page caught his attention.“Afternoon in Paradise” was how it began. “Imagine you and your sweetheart being whisked away to a private tropical paradise. Enjoy your privacy on a special hidden beach with a basket of delicacies and vintage...

2 years ago
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Cookies Cream Ch 02

‘Banana’ The first thing I saw when the sun’s light peeked through all three windows in the east wall was my pillow with my hand pressing on it. I think I dreamed about John being there after the all-nighter of love making. My hand then went lower and felt something soft. It was velvet like in my fingers, and goes right through my fingers. When someone groaned beneath me, that’s when I found out I was not alone.’ ‘Kendra?’ Rosa asked, feeling my hand down her caramel cheek. ‘Girl…what just...

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It Gets Complicated

Hello all. I wanted to begin this by telling you a bit about myself and a bit about this story. I am a new writer on this site, having been to a few others and been a long time reader, but never an author. I aspire to become a published author and I have been writing for several years, hoping to finish something and try to turn it into a book. I write stuff here to challenge myself but also to explain the softer side of myself and the various things that go through my head or that I...

1 year ago
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TenderfootChapter 6

It didn't take long for word of this latest adventure of ours to get around town. The result was that a number of women bought guns and practiced shooting them. I have no idea how much this served to slow down the violence in Deadwood, but anything would help. Whatever else resulted, at least the marshal was happy. I now had a regular job in the restaurant and a part-time job guarding gold shipments by ox-drawn wagon. The gold guarding job came along about one or two times a month, and it...

2 years ago
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Search and Seizure

“Jacobs, you’re gonna be with the bitches today.” That was Sergeant Fox, my supervisor, a man so fat that his girth threatened to shear off the armrests on either side of the spindly office chair that was currently groaning underneath his immense bulk. “We had two call out,” he continued, “so Troyer’s on her own over there. Get over to Women’s Holding and help her out.” At this news I visibly brightened. Working an entire shift with Amy Troyer wasn’t such a terrible prospect. Out of the...

4 years ago
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Ride About

Single again and with more time on my hands than commitments, I had decided to hit the open road for a while. I didn't pack an itinerary and only packed the clothes I thought I couldn't do without. After all, this trip would be atop my old Harley and there wasn't but so much room for stuff. In the past few years I'd come to live doing the things I want to do and like doing, which meant odd jobs, some consulting now and then, and lots more time to shoot outdoor images, something I'd not done in...

3 years ago
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Mr Ahuja His Maid

Hi friends thanks for you such a good response for my stories of Dipty. Now I will like to write something on the current affairs. This story is of Mr.Ahuja. He was caught by police because he was charged for the rape. He was kept in the dark room in the jail where he could not do anything but just remember the incident that had happen with him. This incident started when Mr. Ahuja was busy with his schedule of shooting in abroad. Even his wife was out for a business work at USA. He had not...

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East Meets West Pt 01 Ch 05

This is the conclusion of Part One, and I hope you have enjoyed reading. Again, please start with chapter one before reading this. Part 2 has been written and is in the process of being edited and will be posted soon. I again want to thank BeachBaby179 for her numerous suggestions and clarifications in making this story much better. It is very easy, when you are writing, to get so involved you let things slip. BeachBaby, you not only caught all those but forced me to look through the story with...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Virgin Younger Sister

H ISS readers. I am Venkat age 21 from Visakhapatnam (Vizag).This is a true story unlike other stories. The heroine of the story is my younger cousin sister Ramya. She is 2 years younger than me. This incident happened on her 16th birthday. About me I’m 5ft 7in in height and an average built with 6 inches tool to satisfy any woman. I am a follower of this site from past 5 years and at last got time and opportunity to contribute my part and share my true experience with you all dear readers. –...

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My GF Turned Me into a Whore

We were happily entwined in a romantic embrace looking forward to a long weekend. We were still basking in the novelty of a new relationship, relishing each newfound discovery. Invariably, we discussed sex. Both of us had healthy sexual appetites and wanted to genuinely please one another. I had made a promise that I wouldn't hold anything back and I decided to keep that promise."You know we have spent a lot of time discussing my fantasies but no time at all talking about yours...." She waited...

2 years ago
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Our first orgy

Introduction: A party at friends place gets out of hand My husband, Jim, was driving and I was in the passenger seat. We were on our way to a party at Julia and Phils place. I took Jims left hand (In Australia we drive on the left-hand side of the road so the driver sits behind the steering wheel on the right-hand side of the car.) and slid it up my bare thigh, under my short skirt towards my wet pussy. Jenny! What are you doing? I want you to know that Im not wearing panties, and I want you...

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Uhura and Rand

Janice Rand hurried down the corridors of the Enterprise. Most of the crew had already beamed over to Starbase 17 for shore leave. The Enterprise would be in orbit for at least eight days while repairs were made to the impulse engines, so those looking to jump ship as it were had wasted no time. None of this mattered to the blonde haired woman as she turned the corner and spotted the cabin she was headed for. In 72 hours she was due to report aboard the survey ship Crockett. If she left by...

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MomsTeachSex Anya Olsen Cherie Deville Mothers Day Massage

It’s Mother’s Day for Cherie Deville, and all this busty mom wants to do is get herself off. When her kids interrupt her lingerie-fueled masturbation session, she accepts their gifts graciously. Anya Olsen gives Cherie jewelry while Alex D. gives her a voucher for a massage. She gives them both a hug before sending them away so she can finally cum. Later that day, Alex sets everything up and tells Cherie that her masseuse has arrived. Little does his stepmom know that Alex is...

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Sex with bhabhi Sister

I am Rupen From Mumbai. This my Second part of enjoy sex with bhabhi, and this stories name is enjoy sex with bhabhi sister. May khush hu ki meri first stories meri sabi sexy grils,aunty,or bhabhi ko pasand aai. Or muje yakin hay ki meri yeh stories bhi unko pasand aayegi.Ok, Meri aapnay frist stories to padhi hogi uska stories No hay or meri stroies ka end tha ki muje jo bhabhi sex karne ko lekar gai thi usko may nay ek bar to fuck kiya tha or dusri bar fuck chalu tha ki bhabhi ki choti sister...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Marilyn Johnson 01162022

Elias thought he finally had made it in life. He had always been a bit of a loser, especially with the ladies, but he did have parents with money so when he met a hot blonde who he thought liked him he got his mother to open up his trust fund and buy him a house for him and his new bride. His wife Marilyn told him she would only marry him if he bought her a nice house and she could quit her job at the nail salon. So he did. Well marital life is not so blissful because as soon as she had married...

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AddictionChapter 4 The Final Humiliation

Gloria had just stepped out of the shower when she heard the garage door open. Donald was back. That had been close, she thought, wrapping her robe around her and hurrying down to the guest room. She and David had just finished another session of lovemaking not thirty minutes earlier. It had been wonderful, as usual. He had met her at the door when she got home from work. He had been naked. He had given her a single red rose and they had made love right there on the floor by the front door....

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CDSISSY first time suckingfucking

It's was my first time alone at home, I got some weed from my friend.Smoke a big fat bowl got so high start to clean my room,so I start in the closetI spot a gym bag so open it and in side was some girls pantys & bra'sPlus stockings, min skirt, dress ,and some sexy hot l(ong)I start to get horny my dick got hard as I look at those girly clothes,I site down on my bed pull at my hard dick grade a red hot panty'sStock my dick god it felt so good,About that time something in side my mind...

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Why Didnt I JustChapter 29

The new voice was a great and chronic complainer. Every time we conversed, he would have something that he felt bad about, or that seemed extremely unfair to him. The single biggest complaint always centered around how unfair it was that he'd been singled out to take the blame for the fighting that had broken out in the chambers of decision back when the guardians were debating my fate. To his way of thinking, he had been only the messenger of my bad news. It rankled like an open wound with...

11 months ago
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Spizoo Candy Alexa Polishes A Hard Dick

Candy Alexa looks great handling a mechanical polisher. The sexy blonde hottie checks out if the floor is squeaky clean while Max Dior eyes her big booty. The beautiful bombshell is not only great at polishing floors. Her mouth is like a polisher and vacuum. Candy gets down on her knees to give Max a sloppy blowjob. After the messy deepthroat, Max eats out Candy’s tasty pussy with glee. He uses his warm tongue to tickle the busty blonde’s sensitive clit. Moans of pleasure fill the...

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birthday bash

Mom as been in her new home,for a couple of months...its a bungalow.with a very nice front garden...but the the best,s not other houses...not very wide,but is quite long...about 75 yards.with beautiful boarders,filled with plants and spring bulbs...there,s a,that meanders,down one side...and as you go further down...the grass just gets.a little more long....but just looks like a meadow,with could lose.yourself...and leave the...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 2

A young girl stood still, her trunk on the ground next to her, an owl cage in one hand as she looked about in mystification, her face betraying her confusion. The girl's hair was as blond as blond could be, long tresses done up in twin pigtails that would have been suitable on a younger girl, but not on a young lady of about fifteen years of age or perhaps older, the muggle clothing she wore not designed in any way to hide her shapely figure. Her owl, Olwyna, screeched at the noise and...

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Mom After Mom Season 2 Part 7 Journey Towards Intimacy

I slowly moved towards the room and she was already in. I hesitated to enter the room initially but entered after a few minutes. I slowly went to my bed and she was sitting on her bed, resting her back on the wall, holding her mobile. She looked at me. Our looks were not the same as earlier, after what happened. Our conversation earlier changed everything. The intimacy increased. There was this weird shyness inside both of us. Me – “Do you need light on?” Di – “No. You can switch it off.” I...

1 year ago
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Alone With the Coworker

As July came to an end and August became to fall shortly Payton drove his beat up dodge into the parking lot of his job. Only been working there only 6 months he already got a raise and a promotion. As he fixed his tie he was ready for his shift. Being the youngest manager at Roberts Hardware at the age 18 he made sure his first day as manger was perfect. He head into the build getting the first whiff of hardware he was uneasy with the thought of messing up his first day as manager. Now his...

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Thunder and LighteningChapter 36

Jerry woke and wandered into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The events of the previous night had shaken him far more than he was willing to admit, even to himself. With the kids in school, he had been looking forward to an easy Monday. His plans had been to take Abe’s bike to get fixed. As a result of the damage to the house, his plans for the day had changed to include stopping by the house to meet with the insurance assessor. Surveying the contents of the refrigerator, he decided that...

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Rules and guidelines for proper slave husband to proper oral servitude : 1. Consider orally serving a woman a privilege and honour. 2. Always be ready, eager and willing to serve her orally in any way and as much as she likes, at any time, anywhere and under any circumstances, no matter whether she just was at the gym for a workout or whether she is just having her periods or whether she just had sex, with you or any other man. You always owe her your full oral servitude at all times....

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Spanking the boss

My husband and I have been married for almost four years now. The thing he liked the best about me was the fact that I was a little bit of a freak, but still the nice girl that he could take home to his mother. We have always had a very honest relationship, and from the beginning, he knew two things about me...I like to submit to a more dominant man, and I liked to be punished. I was a young supervisor at work, in a line where I probably should have been a male. All of my employees were male,...

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I hump my aunty

Hello everybody, Well, I’ve been reading the stories in indiansexstories for a couple of months now. Initially, I thought ( and I think this for lots of them now also) , that they are all made up stories. But believe me a couple of them seemed to be real ones to me. So , I thought I should also share one of my experience with me ( I’ve lots of them with me , real life experience with lots of females ). I m choosing this one because this one was the first full sex incident which happened to me....

2 years ago
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Date to the Movies

It was a boring old Saturday night when my best friend called me up. He asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with him, and I agreed. Our relationship thus far had been strictly platonic, we had been friends since we were in diapers. He had been my first kiss so many years ago, but now we both had a significant other. It was a warm night, and when he opened the door to my house, I felt a light summer’s breeze rustling the hair on my neck. Tonight was different, he looked so strong and tall,...

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A Spy At Sunnyside Dom LandChapter 3

The funding for the narrow gage train solution came from BJ Belk that would both provide security/privacy for residence and allow transportation to the spanking emporium reserved by patrons of the art. Janice C. ran the place as a kind of head mistress. She was a great egg and willing to lower her panties and present her thirty-something behind, still quite pleasing to the eye and she made sure the customer got his money’s worth with plenty of squeals. The gold Toyota car for the railroad...

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Why Your Wife Always Knows Best Part Two

Chapter Four Sarah stared down at Jim from his old body, and said, "Alright dear, you broke our agreement and you must be punished. For the next three weeks you will be a female and you will be subject to my whims and desires." Jim tried to protest but a swift wind carried him to his bedroom and he swiftly seemed to be put to sleep. The next day he awoke clearly in his wife's body, he looked around Sarah had already gone to his job, so he had to play this by ear. He figured he had...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 30 Julie Morris A Normal Day At School Not

Julie Walked to the bus stop and was greeted with the confused looks of people who would normally either, meet, greet or see her as she made her way there. Usually they smiled knowingly at her state of dress - or undress - as she either passed them or spoke to them. This morning the smiles had turned to expressions that ranged from puzzled to shock, walking down the street naked would have produced less reaction. Finally she reached the bus stop and the first to greet her was Penny...

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Andrew Lake Part 1 My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

Introduction: Hey guys, this is my first story. Its based off of a dream I had, as will the sequels in this series. Please enjoy, like the story, and comment with any suggestions. My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things to one another. I felt like a sick pervert inside, but I was far too busy to concern myself with such...

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Julie starts her affair with Dave

Julie and I got married in February after she turned up pregnant. We were already engaged so it went right along with our plans, just a little sooner than we had expected. When we found out her condition we sort of broke things off with Dave; actually it was because I didn't have my own place anymore, we had moved in with Julie's parents and had never gotten around to letting Dave know what happened.One day I got home from work late and Julie wasn't home yet; it was early spring. Usually she...

Wife Lovers
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CHAPTER 23A: THE HONEYMOON BECOMES MOREFor once I am the first one to rise. And it is our last morning. Am I anxious? Excited? Certainly not to leave. I find myself with one arm over Tim and Mom’s arm over mine. I slowly pull my arm out from under Mom’s and slip out of bed. I do the bathroom thing and quietly move out to the beachside porch. I love this place and the memories I have had here each time we have come. So what was that? Maybe nothing, just thoroughly satisfied and content. Happy...

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Wife catches me with neighbors wife fucking me wit

Let's say our neighbor is a hot slut she is always flirting with me and my wife acting all slutty and dressing slutty aswell .One day I was home and I looked out the window and saw Becky my neighbor out the back wearing only a gstring and platform heels ,so I kept watching as I stroke my cock all of a sudden she is staring right at me ,busted, I quickly close the blind and sit on the couch .Next thing there is a knock on the door it's Becky ."I saw you pulling your cock I'm here to do it for...

3 years ago
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Embarrassed Wife

“I have never seen her this mad,” I thought to myself, as I stood there, stark naked, the heels of my feet touching, my feet forming a V, big toes against the base board of this stretch of wall in our living room, my nose pressed against the wall, my arms straight down at my sides, fingers of my hands relaxed. My reverie continued, “And usually, she has me in that corner over by the front door, so this is quite different. Not much change in scenery though…”Then my thought processes took me...

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Family Legacy

My Family's Legacy By Jennifer Allison For the first thirteen years of my life I lived the normal life of a boy of a middle class family. Except my family had one very strange quirk. The men in my family would have a men's-only outing at least once a month. You could count on them being at these outings for every three day weekend. My Dad would disappear for these weekends by himself until my seventeen-year-old brother John reached his thirteenth birthday. After that, John...

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Sears IslandChapter 16 revenge killing and firearms lessons

The ground was frozen solid. There was some snow on the ground. The chickens were laying, the calves were thriving, the deer weren't getting skinny and the dogs seemed happy. That was until I got a call from Mark over the radio. "Howard? You'd better come out here. I found something." "Where are you?" "The north-east most feed patch. Howard, bring a rifle." Aww, shit. I geared up, got my .22 magnum rifle and a pocket full of ammo, a foam sleeping pad and an eight by eight foot...

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Caught in the MiddleChapter 10

We cooked burgers on the grill and split up to go to beds. I had four with me until Tom offered to take Becky with him to enjoy with Janet. Becky nodded and went off with the couple, her tail wagging behind her. Julie wanted Sarah. I told Sarah to follow Julie and obey her completely. Julie left with Jeff, Joyce and Frank. As they walked, she had Sarah's tail and would jerk on it and wiggle the plug in her butt. I was left with Gretchen and Lei. They were probably enough. I took them into...

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MissSpelled Part 8

Miss-Spelled (Part 8) I pretty much floated back into my flat that night. "You'd better bloody call me after that, mister," were my parting words to Jack. I started getting myself ready for bed. I saw the plain nightgown that I had been wearing to bed and decided that I was in the mood to wear something a little more daring. When I first changed, I'd had a look through all of my drawers and had found one full of sexy negligees, underwear and even a basque. I hadn't felt...

1 year ago
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Daniel and I2

Daniel whispered in my ear 'David, I want you to throw this pussy back to me.' I answered 'I...I don't know how,' he instructed 'just move your hips like I move mine. Slowly I tried to move, the pain was so intense that I tighten my anal muscles and Daniel moaned sweetly in my ear. I got so turned on that I tried to squeeze his dick shaft every time I rotated my butt. Daniel whispered 'reach back and pull your buttocks apart,' slowly I worked my hands between our bodies and gripped my butt...

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