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Book One: The Awakening

Chapter One

Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, 1793

Rose lay quietly in the darkened room, unable to move or speak. Three timesa day, a pretty young concubine came to feed her and, once a day, at first,to bathe her. After a few days, the frequency of the baths increased, and eventually,she began to sleep in Rose's rooms, bathing her whenever she pleased, whichwas often. Rose hated the baths, because the concubine always took the washclothafter she used it to bathe Rose and caressed her with it, stopping to kissand admire Rose's high firm breasts, watching her pink nipples harden as thedampened material passed over them, slowly stroking the soft, pale blond hairbetween Rose's legs. Because Rose wore a gag, the concubine was unaware thatthe captive had no desire to be touched, mistaking her wild eyes and tossinghips for passion; and as a result, she would become even more enthralled; increasingher ministrations, sometimes for hours on end; one bath time blurring intothe next. Rose always tried to fight the rising pleasure but in the end, allshe could do was give in; orgasming over and over again.

No one ever stopped the concubine, although they surely must have heard Rose'smuffled cries, because this was the way of the harem. It was common to walkthrough the seraglio at night and see a great many women being pleasured bytheir servants and sometimes, by each other. More battles had been fought byconcubines over the favors of a female lover than the favors their owner. Moreoften than not, their master was fat, ugly and old and many concubines spenttheir entire lives being overlooked by their master. Some never even saw theman who held life and death over them and the pale marble walls of the harembecame their entire world. The slavers liked to keep their captives well-pleasuredbecause the rest of the time it kept them quiet and content, so they oftenignored the antics of the women as they played their erotic games with eachother.

Frantic to flee her captive state, Rose tried to escape one day. Her captureresulted in a beating given by a man who obviously enjoyed every excruciatingmoment of his job. He didn't leave a mark on her body, but she had never beenable to put from her mind the kiss of the lash as it had flamed its way acrossher buttocks and thighs. She had never forgotten how he had beaten her, lashingher nipples and labia repeatedly; or how she had begged him to stop. But mostof all, she had never forgotten what had happened next. When Rosestarted begging him, her voice trembling with shock, he groaned, falling tohis knees; gripping her with shaking hands and burying his face between herthighs. She strained against her bonds, screaming to be free but his lashingtongue followed her every movement even as his fingers opened her wider, hislips tenderly caressing the wet pink flesh that his eager hands exposed. Rosewhimpered, tossing her head from side to side as his tongue rubbed againsther and his teeth gently nibbled on her clit. Gracefully, he used the fingerson one hand to hold her open as he slid the other hand beneath her buttocksand pulled her closer, pressing her unprotected flesh tightly against his face.Abruptly, the nibbles ceased as his lips engulfed her sex, sucking hungrily.Rose cried as out the guard to her right took up the whip and unfurled it,continuing the motions her dark tormentor had ceased. With seemingly no effort,the two began to play a symphony of pleasure and pain. The lash and her tormentor'sburning tongue stabbed at her tender flesh unceasingly. Her tormentor's mouthburrowed deeper as the fingers of his left hand ceased holding open the softpetals of her labia to thrust inside of her vagina, pumping vigorously untilthe pain, the shame and the pleasure all mixed together in her mind and shescreamed, burning with an ecstasy she could never have imagined.

Humiliated and shocked, Rose never attempted to escape again. She didn'tunderstand why she had not been raped that day and considered herself fortunate;but then, Rose did not know the rules of the slave trade. If a woman was avirgin, she would remain a virgin until purchased by her owner, at which timehe would see to her deflowering. But that did not prevent the concubine's eagermouth from tasting the delights of Rose's body, over and over again, as oftenas time would allow.

Time went on, one day blending into the next, and Rose began to wonder ifshe would ever be anywhere else except in this room.

Chapter Two

Unfortunately for her, Rose had always had the kind of beauty that causedpoets to weep and painters to go into raptures of energetic creativity.

As a child, it brought sweets and dollies when she would rather have beenplaying tag with the village youths. When she became a young lady, her beautyturned her into a bargaining chip for power and wealth. Her parents foughtlike snarling dogs over who would purchase her in the marriage bed even asher suitors growled at each other and circled her silver-blonde perfectionlike ravening wolves. And now look at what the curse of her beauty had wrought.

How long had she been here? It was so hard to remember now. Time passed sostrangely. Why, one day might last for a thousand years and the next but amere moment. It was very disconcerting. Part of which was due, no doubt, tothe quantity of drugs that they gave her in her food and water. It was designedto make her soft and sweet; docile and amenable. She never caused trouble anymore.Not since her attempt to escape. That was when they had started giving herdrugs. Now she lay in a mindless stupor, dreaming of strange worlds and impossiblecreatures; her daydreams periodically interrupted by the concubine, whose silkenlips and clever tongue always succeeded in waking Rose from her dreamlike state;making her scream and groan and cry out even as her own body betrayed her.


She was learning their language. The concubine saw to it that she had morefreedom. Rose almost lost her freedom the first time that Lela attempted totouch her in a sexual way. But when the concubine understood that Rose wasn'tinterested, the overtures stopped abruptly. At first, the concubine was deeplydistressed by Rose's disinterest, fearful that she had, in some way, failedto please her. But as Rose learned simple words and phrases, she was able toexplain that in her country, women didn't do that sort of thing. After that,although somewhat disappointed that her affection was not returned, Lela seemedcontent just to be Rose's friend.

As she learned more of their language, Rose began to understand that shewas a prisoner on a huge slave ship. The reason that she wasn't in the holdwith the other women was because she was a pampered guest, the daughter ofroyalty, and an unusually beautiful virgin as well. Fortunately for Rose, shewould not be taken with the others to be auctioned off at the slave market.Instead, she was to be a bride gift for the sultan himself. Trembling inside,Rose asked Lela what the sultan was like. Lela replied that she did not know,but that she had heard he was very young, perhaps in his late twenties. Hehad no wives, nor did he have any children. Rumor had it that his father haddespaired of him, threatening to disown him and give the kingship to his youngerbrother instead if he didn't marry and make heirs for the throne, but the King'sson had just laughed in his father's face. The rumors were much closer to thetruth than anyone could possibly imagine.

The Glorious Kingdom, Northern Iraq, Palace of the Sultan IshamaBanseim, 1788

"Go ahead, father." He chuckled as he flopped on the colorful cushionsfilling the room. "I would prefer not to rule this kingdom, anyway. Youalready know that. I'll probably never get married because I won't marry someonethat I don't love. And since I don't believe in love, marriage doesn't seemimminent." Then he crossed his arms over his chest and grinned, his eyesmischievous. "Besides, Tiki would make a much better sultan than I would.He loves sex more than he loves to sleep or eat. He's like a cat, fucking 2or 3 women a night with no preference for one or the other. He already has4 sons and 12 daughters. Put him on the throne and you'll have a ready madekingdom."

London England and Northern Iraq, 1792

Rumor or no, the stalemate ended abruptly when Kalim's father died. Leavinghis law classes at Yale, where he was an honor student, Kalim returned to hishomeland and ascended the throne with a great deal of reluctance.

Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, 1793

Wanting to know more, Rose protested. "But why a bride gift? Why not justa gift, instead? Why could he possibly want to marry me? He doesn't even know me!" Rosewas scared. She was also very angry. She had really wanted to be lost in thecrowd of the harem. Now that hope had been dashed.

Lela giggled, her voice tinkling like a bell. "You could never be anythingless than his bride, lady Rose. It would go against everything that our countrybelieves in and his people would be angry with him. You are the daughter ofa great and mighty king. He is the sultan. He has no choice. He has to marryyou."

Rose blanched. "But I'm not royalty, Lela. My father is not a king.He is a very powerful man, but still, he is not a king.Our country only has one king and his name is Edward."

Lela giggled again. "Lady Rose, I have been trained in the ways of yourland and I know that a duke is a 'small prince'. The only one who has any authorityover him is the king of your land. He is like the princes of our countries,who rule different provinces and only answer to the sultan himself. You AREroyalty, lady Rose, because you are your father's daughter."


Lela smiled and patted Rose's hand. "Lady Rose, why would you seek tobe a mere gift when you could be the prize? When you could, perhaps, win notonly the favor of the sultan, but his heart as well? I hear that he is a handsomeman and a magnificent lover who...."

"Stop! I don't want to hear anymore! I don't want to be his prize. Idon't want to be his anything ! I hated my beauty becauseit made me a slave; now it seems that I have exchanged one yoke for another."

Covering her face with her hands, Rose wept bitterly.

Chapter Three

A few days later, Rose asked Lela what had happened to the man who had beatenher that night. He seemed to have vanished altogether. When she was allowedup on to the deck for fresh air, she often craned her neck, looking for him.His touch had left her strangely unsettled somehow; as though there were anotherher; one that was decadent and evil.

Lela frowned and whispered, "Lady Rose, please do not speak of him."


"He has been executed for his transgressions. He dared to kiss youryoni, the part of you that is sacred and meant only for the hands and lipsof the sultan himself." Lela grabbed Rose's shoulder, her eyes filledwith terror. "Please, lady Rose, do not ever speak of this to anyone orsurely it will ascend to the ears of the sultan. If he learns of it, he willkill not only my owner, but myself as well, because you were in my care whenit happened."

"But won't you be punished anyway, Lela? Won't the guards tell the sultanthat..." Rose was so embarrassed that she couldn't continue.

Lela giggled softly. "That, until you told me stop, I feasted on thesweetness of your body whenever I bathed you? That I made up reasons to batheyou every few hours because I could not go longer than that without wantingto taste your sweetness again?"

"Do you have to be so explicit?" Rose complained, trying not to blush.

"Iiiieeeehhh!" Lela screamed softly, her eyes amused. "LadyRose, you truly have no concept of life here in my land, do you?"

Rose shook her head. "I'm not sure I even WANT to know."

Lela smiled at her. "Lady Rose, here in my country, it is not forbiddenfor a woman to pleasure another woman. In fact, it is encouraged. It preventsdissatisfaction and restlessness within the harem; in fact, in many largerseraglios, each of the women is assigned a slave. Although that slave fulfillsmany tasks for her mistress, the most important role she has is that of providingpleasure. At every moment, unless the lady is with the master, the slave stayswith her mistress so that, if the need arises, she can pleasure her mistresswhenever it is required of her. It is for that reason alone that the womenof the harem have no desire to leave or to stray."

Lela smiled to herself at that point, thinking about her own harem, wherethe women often sat around talking, being pleasured by their servants as theylounged by the pools.

Lela blinked abruptly when Rose's voice intruded in her thoughts.

"Do you mean to tell me that, should their mistress require it, theywill do whatever she tells them to?" Rose looked shocked. "What ifshe is in a room full of other women? What then?"

Lela laughed again, thinking with longing of her home and the concubine wholoved her and awaited her touch when she returned to the harem. She shiveredwith pleasure at the thought of it.

"Do not worry, lady Rose. You will come to understand and even appreciateour ways in time."

Rose grimaced. "I don't think so…" she said, shaking her head withrepugnance. "I don't like to touched."

Lela smiled, allowing Rose the lie. "Of course, Lady Rose. Whatever you say." Shechanged the subject, knowing that Rose would find out the truth about herselfsoon enough. For all that she denied it, Rose was a born houri.

Chapter Four

The day of their arrival grew near. Rose began to grow nervous, lashing outat everyone around her. Desperate for any chance to escape her fate, she arguedwith Lela until her voice was almost gone. But Lela was adamant. She wouldnot help her escape and she couldn't find someone else to go in Rose's placebecause the Sultan already knew what Rose looked like.

When Rose questioned her, all Lela would say was that he had visited Englandat some point in time, had seen Rose at a party and decided in that momentthat she would be his. Rose's father had refused his suit, Lela said and sothe Sultan had decided to take her in the age old tradition. Now, here shewas, making her way to him across the ocean.

According to the rumors, which were traveling from city to city like wildfire,the Sultan paced his rooms as he waited for her arrival. Others, caught upin the fantasy, sighed and said that he must have seen her when he went toEngland to study at Oxford. Perhaps, they whispered, he had chanced to catcha glimpse of her at some function and had ended up falling head over heelsin love with her.

Those who knew the Sultan best stated that it was all quite ridiculous; rumorand conjecture; complete and utter nonsense.

They were wrong.

England Countryside, Worthington Manor, 1792

"Let go of me, you oaf!" Rose growled at she attempted to removethe man's hands from her breasts. She kicked at him, finally succeeding inlocating the right place. The man fell to the ground, holding his nuts andhowling like a banshee. Rose sniffed at him, trying to reconcile the pictureof him rolling around in the grass with the one he had presented earlier. 'Oh,how quickly the proud are fallen', she quoted to herself as she turned to walkaway.

She whirled at the sound of applause.

The younger of two gentlemen, clapping vigorously, winked at her. She frownedand amended the term. They were not gentlemen; anyone of breeding could see that .She relaxed as she realized that they were not potential suitors fighting forher hand. A thread of irritation remained, however, because she really did deserve theapplause, and instead of getting the recognition she deserved for bringinga foe to his knees, all she would get was a night in her room without supper.Just by looking at them, she could tell that these two oafs would inform herparents of her unseemly behavior just as quickly as they could.

Angrily, she strode toward them, coming to a halt several feet from theirmassive, muscular bodies. Good lord, they were giants! The older one lookedat her coldly. Completely undaunted, she put her hands on her hips and staredback at him.

"Sir, I am a lady and I demand that you treat me with respect."

The older one cocked a brow at her and turned to the younger one. "Idon't see any ladies around here, do you, Tiki?"

Tiki tried unsuccessfully to smother a laugh as he replied, "Ignoremy older brother, madam. He is a scoundrel."

Rose ignored him , instead. Her rage escalated as thewords that the man had spoken began to sink in. She glared at him as a reluctantsmile twitched at his lips. "Who are you and what are you doing on my property?"

The man arched an eyebrow, crossing his arms across a massive chest, hisgaze raking her body slowly and deliberately. His eyes were heated and intenseas he met her gaze. "I was invited."

Rose shied from that hungry glance and then his words sank in. Invited? Shesighed heavily. Oh, god. He was another one.

"Don't tell me. You're another suitor for my hand."

"Perhaps." He admitted, his eyes undressing her as he spoke. My god, he wasgorgeous. He cocked his head, his eyes curiously flat. "Would you be pleasedif I were?" he asked in an overly casual voice.

"Not really." She said boldly. "No man could ever live up to my expectations."

"Which are?"

"Nothing you could give me, I assure you."

He smiled boldly, his eyes warming with humor. "You might be surprised atwhat I can give you, ma petite."

She glared at him. "Look, I'm not interested in your property, your kissesor your declarations of love. I have no intention of marrying, not ever ,and even if I did, I certainly wouldn't choose a filthy, stupid, disgustingforeigner like you." She looked him up and down slowly, her eyes showingher distaste. It was a pretense, but as she trembled imperceptibly, she hopedthat he would accept it at face value.

His brows lowered and his nostrils flared with anger. "Very well, madam.I would not want to get your hands dirty." He spoke quietly, with an oddsort of dignity, in spite of the rage vibrating in his voice.

Rose was filled with shame as he looked down at her for a moment, his eyesflat and hard. He cocked his head as though considering something and thenhe shook it, his lips tight with some unknown emotion.


Turning, he strode away, his brother walking quickly behind him, yellingat him angrily in some language that she couldn't understand. Tiki looked backat her over his shoulder, smiling and shrugging, his eyes filled with regretas he followed his brother. He jerked on his arm, trying to stop him, speakingloudly. Tiki's brother shook his head, turning to look at her again, his eyesfilled with something that she couldn't explain. Then he turned away, dismissingher, and Rose relaxed.

She began to shake. Dear God, he was the most beautiful thing that she hadever seen, and she had almost fainted when he had turned those hot, spicy eyeson her. When he had looked at her like that, she had wanted to press her lipsto his and rub herself against him. She couldn't afford that kind of a marriage.It was too dangerous.

Turning, she wrapped her arms around her waist. She didn't want to end uplike her mother, waiting for the crumbs of affection her husband deigned togive her in between mistresses. If she had to marry, it would have to be tosomeone whom she liked…like her childhood friend, Andrew. He would lether have her own way and leave her in peace. She would never allow herselfto be like her mother.

She would die first.

Rose sighed, closing her eyes briefly, and wondered what it would have beenlike to kiss him.

Chapter Five

The Glorious Kingdom, Northern Iraq, Palace of the Sultan IshamaBanseim, 1793

"O, great and mighty Lord of the East....."

"For god's sake, please stop groveling, Tiki." Kalim groaned, coveringhis eyes with a weary hand. "I was up late last night and I am too tiredthis morning to listen to a roomful of platitudes. Leave me." He waveda hand wearily and the lot of them departed. "Except for you, Tiki." Kalimgrowled fiercely as the rest of his advisors quit the room.

As the door closed behind them, Tiki threw himself onto a pile of silkencushions and burst out laughing. "I couldn't resist, Kalim." He chuckled,flinging his arms over his head as he sprawled across the pillows. "Youlooked so cranky."

"Shut the hell up." Kalim growled at him, slumping on his chair,his long black hair falling over his shoulders and spilling across his chestas he bent his head and rubbed his eyes. "I am so damned tired. I wishyou were the sultan instead of me. Why did you have to be the younger brother,for god's sake?"

Tiki closed his eyes, sighing elaborately. "Oh, wise and radiant one,who causes the sun to shine and the moon to give up its brilliance......youcame out of our illustrious father's pecker before I did."

"Very funny."

"Ahhhh...but true."

Kalim jumped up from his throne and stalked to the door. "Where in thehell is she!" he muttered to himself, hands fisted at his sides.

"Where is who?" Tiki responded lazily. When he got no answer, hesighed in irritation. "Kalim, send Blossom and Sasha to entertain us.I'm bored."

"You're always bored." Kalim responded as he got up from his chairand walked across the floor. "And did I mention lazy?" he added ashe stepped over Tiki's sprawled limbs.

"I think you did, but who gives a rat's ass?" Tiki snorted, eatinganother sweetmeat.

Kalim flung open the door.

A short, funny looking little man scuttled across the floor like a lobsteron dry land, his face brightening with expectancy.

"Send Blossom and Sasha immediately."

"Where should I send them, oh great one?"

Kalim sighed loudly, rolling his eyes at his brother. "I liked Englandmuch better. There, I actually had a name other than 'oh great one'." Heturned back to the open door. "Don't be an idiot, Saji. You know I wantthem right here in this room. And don't let the harem do all those ritualsthat they usually do. I want them here in less than 15 minutes."

The vizier looked shocked and he scuttled backwards slightly.

"But, great one, we must prepare...."

"I don't care about all that right now. I happen to know that they havealready been bathed today. That will have to do. Just send them. Quickly!"

He closed the door and the guards resumed their vigil.

Tiki was grinning. "You know, Kalim, our esteemed Father would rollover in his grave if he could hear the way that you talk. You don't sound likea sultan at all. You sound more like a rugby player."

Kalim crossed his arms over his chest. "Ask me if I care."

"See what I mean?" Tiki crowed, looking delighted. Then, like abloodhound, he went after the scent again.

"Where is who?" he asked, closing his eyes to a mere crack, tryingto looked bored and disinterested. Kalim looked down at him and smiled. Hisyounger brother was a handsome devil with his black hair and blue eyes. Allof the women adored his muscular form and talented hands. But he was incrediblylazy. And not very good at pretending.

Kalim remembered the days in England well. Tiki had never once pursued awoman. He had merely smiled, cocked his right eyebrow, and waited for themto come running. And they always did. Perhaps it was because he had been raisedin a harem. Being surrounded and adored by hundreds of willing women day andnight could spoil a man, he supposed.

Tiki reached his hand out to the tray laden with sweetmeats and took anotherone, biting into it with relish. He paused and then sat up abruptly. "Isit a new girl?"

Kalim frowned, his eyes shuttered.

But Tiki knew he was right. He pounced quickly, leaving no room for retreat. "Whydidn't you tell me?" he said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.His brother had never followed the old traditions. He shared his harem withhis brother, scorning the ten thousand year old rule as though it had neverexisted. He didn't care about the women in his harem. The majority of themhad belonged to his father long before he died and while Kalim had sent someof them home and given others advantageous marriages, he kept about 40 of themfor himself and for his brother; primarily for his brother, he had to admit.And they shared them equally. Sometimes they even shared the same women atthe same time, which was always interesting. Once they had even shared onewoman and a vial of aphrodisiac all night long, taking turns competing witheach other to see who could make her the wildest.

Kalim walked towards his brother and poked him with his foot. "Moveover, you lazy slug." Tiki obliged him, moving a foot to the left.

"Join me, oh light of the morning."

"Shut the hell up, Tiki. I'm warning you."

"Okay, okay. I'll stop if you tell me about the new arrival." Tiki'seyes opened wider, twinkling with interest. Kalim ruffled his curly black hairfondly. He lay down beside Tiki and closed his eyes.

"You can't have this one."

Tiki's eyes widened. He rolled over to face Kalim. "Why not? You shareall of your women with me."

"Not this one."

"But what if I want her?"

"You can't have her."

"Why not?!!?!?!"

"She is to be my bride."

"You, married?" Tiki hooted with amusement. Kalim had never allowedany woman to get close to him. He took them exquisitely and then discardedthem. Even in England, he and his brother had shared all of their women. Theyalways chased Kalim first but his coldness drove most of them away. Tiki'swarmth assuaged the sudden chill. Tiki had fallen madly in love with all ofKalim's rejects and with his own conquests as well, only to lose his heartthe next week to a new bevy of beauties. But Kalim had always kept his distancefrom entanglements. The women loved it, of course; each of them vying to bethe one to warm his heart. But none of them ever did.

Was the ice finally melting?

"Well, tell me about her, at least, Kalim...."


The door opened. The beauties walked forward, eyes lowered as they removedtheir clothing, revealing exquisitely formed bodies. They fell at his feet,heads bowed. "No." He told them. "You are here to pleasure my brother."

They crawled across the floor towards Tiki, removing their clothing as theycame. Tiki could hear the whisper of silk as the darker one, Blossom, openedthe clasp of his robe to bare his body. She kissed him on the mouth and hekissed her back, his tongue ruthless and hungry as Sasha slithered lower, takinghis stiffened manhood into her mouth. He groaned with pleasure, arching hisback as she rhythmically sucked him, using her dainty hands to softly kneadhis balls. He could feel the pleasure rising and broke the kiss, whisperinga word, his voice sharp and urgent. Blossom scrambled to obey, grabbing a silverring with small, hill-like protrusions encircling it. "Quickly!" hegasped, arching his hips as the pleasure surged higher. She hurried, claspingthe ring about the base of his cock and tightening it swiftly. He sighed withpleasure as he felt the urgency abate. Now he could enjoy himself without spending.The tightness of the silver ring would keep him from ejaculating until he removedit and he wasn't planning to take it off for a long, long time. He motionedto Blossom to hand him another object and this one he kept. Then he pulledBlossom to him, giving her nibbling little kisses on the mouth as he playedwith her nipples. "Fuck me, Sasha." he demanded impatiently, usingone of the vulgar yet effective words he had learned during his sojourn inEngland.

He took Blossom's mouth, kissing her deeply, their tongues intertwining.He slid his hands into her hair, wrapping it around his wrists as he deepenedthe kiss, slanting his mouth across hers urgently.

Sasha slid her mouth from his enormous erection reluctantly, lashing it withher tongue as she lifted her head from his lap. Sitting back on her haunches,she admired the huge monument that she had created. Then she mounted him, ridinghim slowly and dreamily, her head thrown back, face taunt with pleasure asthe protrusions on the silver ring repeatedly rubbed against her clitoris.

Tiki ground his mouth against Blossoms, groaning as his balls tightened andhis hips lifted involuntarily. This was what he loved best about the ring.He could stay on the verge of orgasm for hours; on a precipice of incrediblepleasure and tension. He concentrated on the slippery friction of his manhoodas it slid in and out of Sasha, moaning as the pleasure rose and crested inthe head of his cock and then, unable to release itself, rose even higher.Each movement of Sasha's hips began to produce incredible rapture and his wholebody became sensitized; his skin rippling and flinching as the already overstimulated head of his penis rubbed against the walls of her vagina. He brokethe kiss and threw his head back, gasping and shivering with reaction. A new,urgent need arose within him.

"Climb up here and give yourself to me."

Blossom quivered eagerly as she approached him, her eyes filled with excitementas she clambered up onto his chest.

"Now," he groaned out feelingly as Sasha continued to ride him, "spreadyour legs wide and slide upwards." She spread her legs slowly, slidingher lower body teasingly towards his face, stopping every inch or so to gigglesoftly. As he watched her wet, pink, flesh move closer to his mouth, he lostcontrol. Grabbing her buttocks in his hands, he pulled her towards him swiftly,kissing her honeyed treasure deeply, tongue swirling and nibbling as he pressedcloser still, lost in the taste and texture of her wet, hot flesh. Findingthe treasure he sought, he used his thumbs to spread her completely open, pushingback her engorged flesh so that he could expose her clitoris. He took a long,slow lick with his tongue. She moaned, her thighs tightening as she pushedagainst his face. He pulled back slightly so that he could admire what he haduncovered. He took a deep breath, delighting in the slightly pungent scent.The moist bud pulsed as he traced slow, lazy circles around it with his finger;as he lapped at it with his tongue; as he covered it with his mouth and suckedsteadily, his eyes closing in contentment and pleasure. He pinched the baseof her clitoris with his right thumb and index finger, preventing her fromorgasming as he burrowed deeper, his tongue lashing at her relentlessly. Blossomscreamed softly, feeling the pleasure rising higher and higher with no releasein sight and she clutched at his head, begging for mercy. But she knew thathe was denying himself and because of that, he would deny her as well for avery long time.

Kalim observed the trio after that for well over two hours. He watched asboth women finally orgasmed. Tiki allowed them no respite, immediately placingBlossom on his cock for a ride even as he pulled Sasha up his chest towardshis mouth. Then, he watched as Tiki lay them both on their backs, pressed closelytogether so that their mounds lay side by side. Tiki lay on his stomach, kissingfirst one mound and then the other. Then, as he settled his head deep betweenBlossom's legs, Tiki's hand drifted to Sasha's mound, fingers sliding intothe crevice to slowly rub up and down. When at last Blossom bucked her hips,screaming, Tiki simply slid over to Sasha and continued his ministrations,his fingers gently stroking Blossom back to a level of excitement again. ThenTiki rolled over on to his back again, his erection huge and thick. Sasha climbedon top of his cock and began to ride him as Blossom slid up Tiki's chest, herfingers spreading the petals of her labia as she pressed her throbbing clitagainst his open mouth.

Watching them, Kalim grew hard in spite of his weariness. It was interestingto observe the sex act when it was performed by others.

The act of love between a man and woman was always different when the partnerswere switched. A woman in the arms of one man might be soft and sweet and inthe arms of another, be a tigress. He had learned that in the school of pleasurethat his father had created. That was why he had been at the top of his class.No one had ever beaten his score. No one had even come close.

Blossom groaned loudly and Kalim sat up abruptly as he watched her ride Tikifrantically, throwing her head back in ecstasy. Tiki must have decided to havemercy on Sasha as well for at that same moment, she howled, thrusting her yoniagainst Tiki's mouth as she came. He couldn't believe that Tiki still hadn'tremoved the silver ring, but he admired the artistic patience it must havetaken to make such a perfect portrait. They collapsed, breathing heavily, untilTiki spoke.

"Sasha, Blossom, come over here."

Tiki sat up, pulling Sasha forward to rub the contents of a bottle overher mound and into the crevices. He thrust his finger up inside of her andrubbed there as well. He did the same to Blossom. Then he turned her to faceKalim.

"Blossom, go to my brother."

By the time Blossom made her way shakily over to Kalim, the aphrodisiac wasalready raging through her body. Her nipples were hard and erect; her skinflushed a lovely pink color. He didn't want to do this. But when she lookedup at him, her eyes clouded with misery, he sighed. What else could he do?

Picking her up and carrying her to the mound of cushions, he lay her downgently, then sat on the floor in front of her. Sliding a number of thick pillowsunder her until her hips were level with his upper chest, he carefully liftedher legs and put them over his shoulders. Lowering his head, Kalim spread thesoft, pink petals with gentle fingers, opened his mouth, and took the painaway.

Hours later, after Blossom had fallen into an exhausted sleep, Kalim leftthe room, his arousal throbbing. He had pleasured her for hours but he hadn'tbeen able to bring himself to fuck her. All he had been able to see was a whiteface and red lips, surrounded by pale blonde hair.

The rest of the evening, he paced in his bedroom, smoking and thinking. Whenhe finally lay down, he used his own hand, for the first time in 10 years,to spend himself. As he stroked his turgid flesh and arched his back againstthe mattress, he groaned, pretending that Rose was touching him as he lickedher pale pink nipples. And after he came, his orgasm sucking the breath fromhim, he dreamt of rivers of silver blonde hair wrapping themselves about himin a silken embrace.

Chapter Six

Approaching the shores of Northern Iraq, 1793

Rose shivered as the shore grew closer. She wrapped her cloak about her tightly,straining to catch a glimpse of her new home. After days of raging againsther fate, she had finally accepted the truth. She would never be able to escapethe destiny which she had been handed.

Briefly, Rose considered jumping into the ocean, but, as always, she endedup rejecting the idea. Whatever else happened, Rose would never allow herselfthe luxury of giving in to cowardice. Taking a deep breath, she closed hereyes, preparing herself as the boat scraped against the shallows.

They were here.

Lela took her back to her cabin. She brushed Rose's hair and smiled, huggingher. "You'll be fine. You'll see."

Rose smiled weakly, her heart sinking into her shoes. Nothing would everbe right again.

Northern Iraq, The City of the Glorious Kingdom

Kalim waited impatiently for the boat to dock. He knew that he wouldn't getto see her right away. She had to be taken to the harem, where she would bebathed and prepared for his pleasure. But he had to see her! And he only knewof one way to do it.

The Glorious Kingdom, Northern Iraq, Harem of the Sultan KalimBanseim, 1793

Rose fought them as they undressed her. She didn't like them touching herbody and when they held her down to scrape the hair from her privates, shefought them even more violently. But they were stronger than she was, at leastin numbers, and at last she gave up, trembling with rage and fear.

Kalim gazed down at her from his hiding place and was suddenly glad thathe had not given himself to Blossom. Dear god, Rose was even more beautifulthan he had remembered. When they had dragged her into the bathing room, screamingand cursing, he had smiled, glad to see that she had not lost her spirit. Butwhen they tore the clothes from her body, his breath caught in his throat.The white perfection of her figure held him enthralled. If he had only knownof her treasures, he would never have walked away that day, no matter how enragedhe had been. Instead, he would have grabbed her, binding her with her hair.He would have taken her, struggling, onto his boat and down into his cabinwhere he would have tied her to his bed, undressed her and kissed every inchof her body. He would have worshipped her, sucking her soft, pink nipples,caressing her silken stomach with his cheek, trailing his lips down into thatdark and secret place where he would have stayed until she came at least athousand times, until she was begging him to fuck her and then he would have,over and over again, until he had nothing left to give. Then he would havesailed away, taking her captive forever. He would have made her love him.

And now, he would have to live with her hate.

They unloosed her hair. As it tumbled about her body and veiled it from hiseyes, he remembered his dream and smiled, his face hard with determination.Hatred would not sway him in his decision. Her hair would cover him this verynight.

Turning, he nodded to the eunuch. "Prepare her. I will call for herwhen I am ready."

He went back to his rooms and called his man servant. A few moments later,Ma'har Jabad left the palace for the city.

Kalim wanted to be in complete control that night. He wanted to take Roseand make her his sexual slave. He wanted her to beg him to take her. Then hewould walk away. His dilemma was that he couldn't allow his passion to getin the way of his plans. There was only one way to make that happen.

Ma'har Jabad reached Jades House of Pleasure 45 minutes later and made aselection consisting of 8 women. The details of what was going to happen inthe King's room that day must never reach the harem. If Rose happened to overhearsuch rumors, it would show her a weakness that His Royal Highness was not preparedto reveal. Jades House of Pleasure could be relied upon to keep such secrets.

There was a knock at his bedroom door. "Enter".

"They are here, Oh, Great One" Ma'hara Jabad said quietly.

"Bring them." Kalim ordered, shedding his clothing as they entered the room,falling to their knees in obeisance

Grateful that he didn't have to waste the time that he would with a concubine,he leaned over the edge of the bed, grabbing the arm of the nearest woman.

"Tie my arms and my legs down. Don't let me up, even if I beg or threatenyou, until you are completely sure that you have succeeded in the task thatI am about to give to you."

He waited until the woman had completed her task and then he commanded allof them to rise and face him.

He looked at each one of them as he spoke. "I want you to drain me dryuntil I have nothing left to give. Make completely sure of that before youuntie me. Do you understand what I am saying to you? No matter what I say ordo, do not untie me until you are sure that you have succeeded. I do not muchcare HOW you succeed, just make sure that you do and you will be rewarded withyour freedom and returned to your homelands unless you choose to stay here,in which case a suitable husband will be found for you."

The women looked at each other, smiles breaking out on their faces as theywhispered excitedly among themselves. They argued back and forth, each fightingfor the right to be the first one to pleasure the king until at last, the decisionwas made. A tall, muscular redhead stepped forward, bowing respectfully beforeshe reached the foot of the bed.

She crawled up onto the mattress, took his stiffening cock into her talentedmouth, and proceeded to earn her chance at freedom.

She sucked steadily as his manhood distended, throbbing and turgid with risingpleasure. When she began to massage his balls, his nipples hardened and hegroaned as he came, violently.


She made Kalim come 2 more times, and when she began to tire, another onetook her place.

The new slave's mouth was soon sliding up and down his cock in a slow, leisurelymotion. She was very inventive and he groaned softly as he felt the pleasurebegin to swell inside of him again. Her mouth moved faster and faster as heclosed his eyes and shivered, his heels digging into the mattress when he felther index finger enter him and press against his prostate. "Oh, god...Oh,god...Oh, god..." he groaned, jerking his hips reflexively as he jettedinto the wet cavern of her mouth. He sighed with pleasure, arching his backas she gently sucked him back down to earth again, using her dainty hands tosoftly knead his balls.

"Again…." He whispered unsteadily.

He concentrated on the slippery friction of his manhood as it slid in andout of her mouth. Even though there was a purpose to this self-inflicted orgy,he was determined to enjoy every moment of it. He moaned, realizing that shewas using the ancient T'blacht technique, because his pleasure was rising veryquickly, cresting in the head of his cock. But he had already come a numberof times and the semen was unable to release itself, so his pleasure rose evenhigher still. His whole body became so sensitized that when she began to suckspecifically on the head of his penis, rubbing her tongue on the tender skinunderneath the crest, sobs of ecstasy welled up from his chest. He threw hishead back, cursing and gasping and shivering with reaction. He grasped thesheets underneath his hands with trembling fingers, jerking his hips rhythmically,over and over again as her mouth followed him relentlessly and continued tosuck him dry.

When he finally came, he screamed, his mouth wide, his eyes blind and unseeing.

When she tired, another joined the path the others had taken, seizing himwith an eager mouth; bringing him back to life again.

The others whispered amongst themselves, trading techniques and ancient familysecrets. And when it was their turn, they tried hard to outdo each other.

Kalim responded to each one of them. They would be rewarded greatly for theincredible pleasure they were giving him, he promised himself as he archedhis back like a bow, over and over again, his hips pumping, his manhood distending,his balls tightening, his fingers cramping as they repeatedly gripped the sheets.

Then he told them that it was enough, but they just smiled at him, comingto him in a continuing stream. He was in their power and it was a heady feeling.They applied every talent they had to giving him more pleasure than he hadever dreamed of. They expressed their amazement at his virility, for it seemedthat no matter how many times they took him, he kept responding. He startedto beg them to stop, tears beading in the corners of his eyes. They bided theirtime with busy mouths and hands, ignoring his bellows for mercy and his ominousthreats to have them executed. They just kept on with what they were doingand at times the pleasure was so overwhelming that his heels drummed againstthe mattress and he howled at the moon.

When he began to grow unresponsive, they made love to each other in frontof him, lying on the bed beside him with legs spread wide so that he couldsee everything they were doing to each other, bringing him back to life withtheir groans of pleasure even as eager mouths tormented him, tongues lappingthe head of his stiffening member. As they teased him, they continued to playwith each other, mouths eagerly exploring as their rounded hips jerked up anddown in languid, pleasured movements . Finally, one of them took mercy on him,her mouth engulfing his turgid penis and sucking it rhythmically while he watcheda lovely red head bobbing between the legs of a whimpering blonde with closedeyes. At last he came again, shouting at the top of his lungs. He even blackedout for a moment.

When that no longer worked, they gave themselves to him instead, slidingup his chest to press themselves against his hungry mouth, jerking their hipsagainst his face with enthusiasm as they came, one after the other, while theytook turns sucking his throbbing erection. Then they fucked him, moaning eagerlyat the pleasure he inadvertently gave them. And when one of them rode his mouthwhile another one rode his cock, he was very enthusiastic and extremely interestedfor quite a while.

When he had nothing left to give, they untied him lovingly, each women stoopingto kiss him on his lips.

When they left him, naked, trembling and deeply unconscious, sprawled outon the sweat stained sheets, it was 5 o'clock at night. 6 hours had passedsince they had begun.

On their way out, they informed the guards that his Royal Highness, the sultan,wished to be awakened at 9 o'clock.

And when he awoke, rested and refreshed, his passion was completely gone.

Chapter Seven

Rose fought them when they dragged her into the baths again, where they washedher, shampooed her and groomed her some more.

They carried her into a smaller room off of the baths. Two strong young eunuchsheld her arms firmly and when she started to kick, two more were called tohold her legs as well.

So she screamed instead. She called them every name that she could thinkof and then she started to make some up. It was strangely satisfying to seetheir faces looking at her blankly as she cursed them and in spite of her anger,she started to laugh when she called one of the eunuchs a white, lily-liveredcoward and he just smiled, nodding his head at her pleasantly.

She grew tired, finally, and stood there, shivering weakly as they put asweet smelling scent on her skin and smoothed it onto her flesh. They lingeredover her, staining the tips of her nipples but when their hands ventured lower,she slapped them away. They had no need to embellish her full lips, which werealready a soft, vibrant red. She refused to let them apply the kohl to hereyes and they gave up, motioning to the bath slaves behind her.

The slaves brought forth shimmering cloth and dressed her in it. When theywere done, she sneered at them, baring her teeth. They smiled and laughed softlyas they quietly led her to the mirror and when she saw herself in it, she gasped.The silvery blue material was transparent, the little jacket exposing the lowerhalves of her breasts and the dusky rose of her nipples. The pantaloons dippedlow on her hips, leaving her stomach and abdomen bare. They billowed abouther legs and then tightened again at the ankle. Her yoni showed plainly throughthe delicate cloth and Rose covered it abruptly.

"I won't wear this. It's indecent!"

The slaves could tell that she was angry but they didn't understand why untilshe tried to remove the jacket.

The eunuchs held her firmly again as the slaves fastened ropes of sapphiresaround her neck and waist. They held her head as her ears were pierced andsapphire earrings inserted. Then they let her go.

She attempted to take off the jacket again but it was too late.

They had come for her.

The tall, turbaned enuchs grabbed her arms, ignoring her puny efforts toescape. They lifted her by her arms and carried her, kicking and screaming,down a richly appointed passageway that ended at a doorway made of hammeredgold. They lowered her to the floor, pushing her in front of them as they knocked.Rose panicked, trying to turn to run but they crowded against her, making escapeimpossible.

The doors were opened from the inside. The enuchs shoved her into the roomand slammed the doors. Rose stumbled over the threshold and stopped abruptly,trying to see in the darkness. Although she couldn't make out many details,she couldn't miss the huge, canopied bed in the center of the room. Oh, no.No, no, no!

Rose turned back to the door and grabbed the doorknob but it wouldn't turn. "Dammitt!" shegrowled as she spun in slow circles, trying to find another exit in the darkness.

"There is no other way out, Rose." A deep, vibrant voice spokequietly.

She turned at the sound of the voice, but she couldn't see anything.

On the other hand, Kalim had eyes like a cat.

He watched as her long silver hair caught the moonlight, twisting and tumblingin riotous curls down her slender back. He gazed at her eyes, hugely blue ina soft white face, as they tried to pierce the blackness. He smiled. Didn'tshe realize that she was standing directly in a patch of moonlight? He admiredthe way that the transparent little silk jacket fit her. His eyes slid downher legs, coming to an abrupt stop at the place where her thighs met. Althoughhe experienced an aesthetic appreciation for her beauty, he felt not a shredof passion. He silently thanked Allah. Yes, he would definitely have to rewardthose who had come to his rescue this afternoon.

"Who the hell are you?" She demanded, anger coloring her voice.

"Come here and I will tell you." He whispered to her. In the blackness,it seemed though he was everywhere, but Rose knew better. He was in the bedand she wasn't going anywhere near it.

"Come." He whispered again, this time sternly, his voice filledwith command.

"I am not a dog. Do not call me like one." She responded, not even attemptingto hide her displeasure. Kalim smiled. Always spitting and hissing, even whenshe was afraid. He liked that about her.

"You don't have a choice, my dear. You will either come here to me or elseI will call the guards to come and strip you and tie you to my bed."

"You can try , you bastard!" she growled, backing awayfrom the sound of his voice.

"Come." He demanded again. "Come here to me."

"I don't think so." She muttered, trying to find the door in the darkness.She took a hesitant step, uncertain of which direction to go.

"I have the only key, Rose. Without me, you cannot escape this room."

She jumped as she felt the warmth of his breath against her neck. Beforeshe could move away, he wrapped his arms around her and carried her, struggling,to the bed, where he dropped her unceremoniously.

Rose sat up immediately, her hands resting on the soft, velvet coverings.She heard him chuckle and she peered into the blackness, trying to see hisface. She reached out a hand, startled when she touched him. He had been soclose to her. She backed up on the bed until she was pressed up against theheadboard.

"Touch me, Rose." He whispered, bringing her hand back to his face.

"Let go of me!" She ordered, trying to pull her hand out of his grasp.

"If you touch me, maybe I'll think about letting you go."

Rose snorted. "Why should I believe you? Men are liars and users and theyonly care about their own needs."

She tried to pull away again but he was just too strong, so she gave in tothe urge to touch him. Boldly, she allowed her hand to wander, her fingersmemorizing planes and angles, rubbing the wavy texture of his hair betweenher fingers. Then she gave it a hard yank and pushed him away.

"Your hair is too long." She lied in a flat voice. "And you're horriblyugly."

The warmth of his soft laughter wrapped itself around her and when he didn'tretaliate, she relaxed, deciding that he was no threat to her. "Why isit so dark in here?"

"Because I wish it."

"Do you always get everything you want?" she asked rudely.

Sternly, he reprimanded her. "It is not your place to ask questions.You only have one task."

Rose blinked in the darkness. She had a task? Like hell, she did.

"Alright. Let's get this over with. What is it?"

"What is what, my Rose?"

"What is my task? And don't call me YOUR Rose. I'm not your anything."

He chuckled again, hugging her briefly. She pushed him away, annoyed by hisrudeness. Who the hell did he think he was, touching her like that?

"Why, Rose, surely they trained you on the voyage far better than that."

"Bugger off." She retorted angrily, shocking herself with her crude wordseven as she crossed her arms over her chest defensively. His hand snaked outinto the darkness, grabbing her about the waist and pulling her against hisbody. As she struggled to free herself, his hands wandered, sliding under thescrap of silk she was wearing to the warmth of her breasts. One hand slid downwardbeneath the other, equally flimsy piece of material as she fought him, crossingher legs against his inquisitive probing.

"Ahhh. So that is how it is to be. Very well, then." He ignored herefforts, sliding his legs between hers; using them to spread hers; pressingher limbs into the mattress. Quickly, he pounced, his fingers scissoring throughthe silken hair until they encountered wet warmth. He rubbed gently, slowly,relentlessly, ignoring her efforts to dislodge his hand as she pulled at hisarm with desperate fingers. He slid his other hand from her breast and snakedhis arm across her waist, trapping her beneath his iron grip, his weight holdingher elbows immobile. She cursed at him, attempting to reach him with her handsbut she couldn't bend her arms enough to reach him. She was trapped.

"Oh, and Rose? In answer to your earlier question, your task is quite simple."

He paused, watching her struggle to free herself, her fingers clenching uselesslyagainst the silken sheets as he continued his ministrations. He listened toher reluctant moans with a slow smile as his fingers gently, relentlessly strokedher silken cleft.

"Your task is to please me, Rose."

Her head fell back in utter defeat as his fingers flickered across her flesh,rubbing in slow circles. She groaned as his thumb found the kernel of fleshat the juncture of her thighs and began to massage it.

"And right now, you do please me very much, Rose. But I think that I wantto hear you say my name. The sound of it would be so sweet."

"No." She whispered, turning her head away from the sound of his voice.

"My name is Kalim. Say it." His mouth nuzzled her breast.

"N-n-no" she whimpered.

"Why not?" he asked coaxingly.

"Can't". She shuddered as his mouth found her nipple, sucking it hard. "Haveto…fight you."

He lifted his head. "My name is Kalim. Say my name."

Rose turned her head away from him again, her body trembling.

"Say it." He demanded as he pressed her body against the mattress, pinchingher clitoris and rubbing it slowly between his thumb and forefinger. "Say,I need you, Kalim. Make me come, Kalim."

Then he groaned with frustration, moving his hand away from her and rollingacross the mattress to reach for something.

"Alright…" She moaned, "I'll say whatever you want me to if you'lllet me go."

"I'm afraid that that just isn't good enough anymore. Something has happenedthat I hadn't anticipated." As a flame appeared and he lit the lamps on eitherside of the bed, revealing his face; her eyes widened.


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Driving in my car I felt free. No one was there to judge me. No one was there to bicker at me. I was level headed, and free of stress. I felt the breeze go through my hair as the top of my convertible rolled back. I smelled in the Autumn air and turned on the radio. Smooth Jazz played on the radio and I could relax. Finally. After three years of bitching, one could only take so much. Yes I’ll admit I was at fault to some things. I mean I did look at others, but I didn’t touch. Unlike him. I had...

1 year ago
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His Fantasy Her Wish Come True Gloryhole Blacken

My husband and I had been talking about glory holes and my husband Brian had wanted us to go visit a Glory Hole Club together for a while. I had never been that keen really but lately he had been pressing the issue more and more, telling me it was a fantasy of his to watch me play with lots of cocks. He wanted us to go along and watch and just see how we felt about it. Brian had discovered a Glory Hole Club in our local city. I was really hesitant about it not really liking the idea of playing...

3 years ago
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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 10 The Contest More

Professor Horowitz was all smiles as Mark entered his office late in the afternoon. “Good, good, I’m glad you could make it, Mark,” the old professor said with a friendly chuckle. “Yes, Professor, is there something wrong with my project? Mark inquired, for he was puzzled by the urgency of the professor’s request to appear in his office as soon as possible. “Mark I have the results of the competition you entered, I believe it was for...” he paused to adjust his bi-focals then continued,...

2 years ago
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Slave To My Mistress From Office 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, my name is Arvind and this is my first story in ISS. I have been a great fan of ISS and the authors for a long time. This is a real story that happened a few years back when I was staying in Bangalore. The story is long and very kinky. So, hold your cocks or start rubbing those beautiful pussies! ;) This was the summer of 2018 and I was working in a major IT company in Bangalore. I was staying in a 1BHK flat near to the office and doing my every day 9-5 job. Also, that time I was...

4 years ago
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First Time for Everything The Gift

For those of you who haven't read my prior stories, I'll give you a bit of a back story. My husband Matt and I have been married for a few years now and things were getting overwhelmingly stale. I couldn't take it anymore and on one drunken night decided to turn up the heat with him. Since then we've enjoyed all of each other, and I now especially crave my husband's lust for dominating and controlling me.Being self employed, I frequently have to travel for work to keep up with the ever changing...

Group Sex
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A Wee Drama

Standing in a basket queue at our small local Waitrose supermarket, waiting to be served, I overheard a young man behind me describe a woman, who had just passed the window outside the store towards the car park, to his girlfriend/wife. I had to agree with him, I had also noticed she had earlier wheeled her trolley past the basket queue, bypassing the main tills. And, as we departed, we did encounter her wheel her trolley back into the store with only one item left in it. The first conversation...

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Rinku8217s girfriend and mother

My name is Rinku,my petname is raja. While my father calls me raja my mother calls me rinku. My mother’s name is sushma while my father calls her rukmini for some strange reasons. I was studying in an college about a little far away from home in a big town. I was 19 at the time, and an only child. My mom was around 40 and my dad was 46. There were always fights at home and my mom and dad never got along well. It was already a year since I started at this college and I had gone home only once,...

2 years ago
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Sister takes the Dildo

Okay so my sister, Madi, came into my room asked me to go swimming and let's just say if she asked you you say yes. Now my sister Madi is a cute blonde with 36B Breast and a smoking butt. But don't get me wrong with her body frame and curve her tits fit right in. So now to myself I am a average built guy I do sports and all black hair and about 6inch dick and I was 14 she was 15. I got changed into my swimm trunks and went down stairs. When she came down she was wearing a two piece bikini...

3 years ago
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Mother In Laws Dirty Massage

My ex son in law stops by every so often to help with chores, borrow tools, simple hello's etc. Of course by etc I mean sex, oral, anal, pretty much whatever he wants to do to me.I admit I was always a tease, for him anyway. Subtle things like buttoning my blouse as I enter the room to not so subtle such as wearing a tight white tee and rubbing ice on my nipples as he's walking up the walkway. All in good fun and trust me he did the same, I had seen many a raging hard on in his jeans and...

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Claudia8217s revenge

I sat at the end of the bar on the high stool with my legs crossed and let my eyes wander around the smoke filled room. Normally you wouldn’t have found me in here but tonight was not a normal night for me. It started in the afternoon when I got home from work and found wet towels on the racks in the bathroom. On further inspection I found the shower stall was wet. I looked in the bedroom and knew that was not the way I made the bed. I ripped the covers back and found a big wet spot still on...

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It Just HappenedChapter 3 Calling it Quits

On Saturday Ed took me to see our parents' burial spot. It was as I had pictured, quiet and serene. That's when he broached the subject. "Want to work for me while you get your feet on the ground?" I thanked him, but declined his offer. How could I live in the same house with them, watch them send each other eye-contact messages, listen to the pet names they used, sleep across the hall from their room, wonder if they were making love and worst of all, share the bathroom with her? Didn't...

3 years ago
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Mistaken Identity

You step out of the office building onto the busy city street, the sidewalk is crowded with 9-to-5ers rushing to get home for the weekend. It is late afternoon and the heat of the day is just starting to abate. You see a woman who was on the panel in the job interview you just had rush past you to grab a cab. She must have been in the very next elevator after yours. As she settles into the taxi you make eye contact with her You see a moment of recognition then her eyes dart away as she pretends...

3 years ago
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Dirty train Encounter

I am sat on a crowded train minding my business and reading a book . as the train pulls into the station you get on and because its been raining your dress clings to your body I can see your perfect breasts and nipples outlined against the thin material . you sit down besides me and smile sweetly as the train pulls out of the station the movement of it forces your thigh against mine but you don't pull away away you leave it there pressed against mine before looking round the carriage to see if...

1 year ago
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Glorias glory hole

Note : This story is completely fictional! She was the town . Old men gave her jewelry and money for sex and young men used her cunt for a sperm dump. One day when she was leaving a liquor store with her daily pint of gin a group of high school kids recognized her."Do you want to have a gang bang?"The car had three boys in it."I would love it" said the girl.When she got to the motel she drank the gin and took her clothes off. The boys groped her breasts and felt her . Then they threw her on the...

2 years ago
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Seema The Sexy Gujju Bhabi

Sorry friends for such a long delay to post the story. My Gmail account messed up so I couldn’t post any new stories further on. Anyways let’s get on with the story. It’s a bit lengthy because it’s about My and Seema first encounter. But worth the same.   After calling Seema she said she wants to me again but this time all alone sine Rekha wud not allow fully her to use me in her presence. I asked what she meant by use me? She giggled back and said “tuzhya Rekha la watatay ki mi tula tichya...

4 years ago
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Finding my way back home Parts 5 and6 of 6

From Parts I - IV: I returned from Afghanistan, having been shot in the shoulder and having two surgeries to repair it. I got out of the Army to help my mother who had bladder cancer and ran into the high school girl on whom I had had a crush. I found out she was a single mother of a young daughter and tried to ask her out, only to have her accuse me of treating her like someone who I thought couldn’t take care of herself and needed to be saved. She realized her mistake and we dated once then...

2 years ago
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Mere Randi Maa 2

Hai dosto mene apako mere pahale story sunae thi jesaka name “mere maa randi” hai or mene apako kaha tha ke story apako kaise lage wo ap log muze mail kar ke bataye par muze jetane mail ke ane ke sabwana thi utane aye nahe to dosto ye story padane ke bad aap log jarur muze mail kareye or bataeye ke apako story kaise lage to me apane story start karta hu. To mera name ashish hai mere age 21 hai me ek college studant hu mere maa ka name jaya hai unake age 39 hai wo ek housewife hai unake fig 38...

1 year ago
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Kate and I Ch 0608

6. During the first few weeks, Kate and I had compatibility issues. Stemming from we really weren’t acquainted with each other’s working style, yet. But I was patient, and my patience was rewarded. Every mistake she made, she corrected it promptly and without issue. She did not make the same mistake again. Within a month we were running like a well oiled machine. Over the next few months, Kate and I were running like we had worked together for years, but then a rumor was circulating about a...

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Including the friend

She was sitting next to her husband Henry as they watched television, but she wasn’t really watching. She was bored. They were not alone. She had a friend there too, Ethan. However he was also watching TV. She began to daydream. Looking at Ethan she wondered what it would be like to be with him. She wondered what his touch felt like, how he kissed and what it felt like to be fucked by him. She felt herself get wetter at the thought of him touching her body, exploring it. She wanted him. Truth...

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The rain was just beginning to hit the windshield as we drove down the road. We never truly anticipated what the evening would bring. We had planned this for months, but due to an odd set of circumstance and the fickle weather, things hadn't gone through as we planned. However, tonight was the night. As soon as we saw the storm clouds approaching we quickly changed and raced to the car. This beautiful woman was seated next to me, already her breathing was heavy. I noticed that she had drawn her...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 24

© 2011 All Rights Reserved Four weeks later, on a Friday in the middle of January, Ryan was at work but all of her attention was on Lara. ‘We got it?’ Ryan kept her voice down as she gripped the phone. ‘Are you sure? Are you serious?’ ‘I know! I know!’ Lara all but squeaked. ‘I’m sure, I’m so sure! I just talked to him and they mean it. Once we calm down, we need to find a lawyer. Trout said his dad will know someone, he’ll ask tonight.’ ‘Trout is so very handy, and connected.’ Ryan...

1 year ago
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Watching Sue story 41

But remember that we get our pleasures in different ways, we are not all the same. I hope readers will get as much pleasure as I have had in the research and writing. As always I welcome your comments. “Do you like it when other men look at me” Sue asked as we sat around the pool at our hotel. “Do you want them to see my tits and my pussy”. Not only did this sort of thing excite me but it clearly excited Sue as well as I noticed that she was looking slightly flushed. Sue had a...

4 years ago
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My wife tailor

I am Kishor . I completed Engineering degree course at the age of 21 and after five years of Job in a well reputed industrial organization I got married at the age of 26 with a sweet , attractive Ashu of 22 years of age. She was fair and of good health. She was not fat but healthy and having good amount of flesh at right places. She was 5”; 5”; tall and weighing about 55 kgs. I was 5’9”; and weighing 72 kgs . I was very pleased and excited to see lovely nude figure of my wife . Her...

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Laddu Aur Mera Kaamsutra

Mai Sugandha, umar 25 saal. Chemistry hons se MSc kiya IIT se. Abhi Singapore me job karti hun. I have a boyfriend aur mai uske sath khush hun. Lekin aaj mai apko apni jindagi ki ek 3 sal purani kahani bataungi. Meri Final year ke exams khatam hi huyi thi, result bhi nahi ayi hogi. Humara pura parviar, yani ke mai, meri chhoti sister Chitra, papa, aur mummy, sab chacha ke ghar gaye the kyuki wahan unki ek puja honi thee. Waha meri dadi, chacha chachi aur cousin bhai Laddu rehte hai. Laddu...

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Confessions of a Gentleman Episode 1

Ok. Good evening guys. Hope y'all had a wonderful day? well i have gist for you. I will start with an event that took place just a few weeks after my 18th birthday. I am the first c***d of a young family from Southern Nigeria. My dad was a fresh recruit of the National Petroleum Corporation deployed to a petroleum academy for a 3 year(s) intensive training. We were 3 k**s by that time and the domestic load was becoming too heavy for my mum who was doubling as a dress maker to support the home...

1 year ago
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FamilySwapXXX Chloe Temple Cory Chase Family Swap Picking Up The Pieces

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Chloe Temple and Nathan Bronson become children to Will Pounder and Cory Chase. The makeshift family starts of wholesome with family time in the living room, but there’s some definite sexual tension between the younger and older family members. Their family time falls apart when Nathan and Chloe start going at each other. Chloe tells Nathan he has a small dick, so Nathan...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Indian Sex Story Reader

Hello friends. This is my third story in iss. I got a warm response for my previous stories. Many college girls and house wives contacted me through my email Some of them are in great touch with me. Sometimes asking my opinions and used to have sex chats.. This time I am telling my experience with one of my reader. Coming to the story. I got an email after publishing my first story with my classmate. Telling that she loved that story. And she saw some specialties in that story. I thanked her...

2 years ago
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My Drunk Slut Mother

For as long as I can remember, my mother, Janice, has been bringing men home. When I was younger I just got used to strange men being at the breakfast table, and then never seeing them again. They were her “friends.” They called me every variation of buddy, guy, pal, sport, champ, etc. Everything but my name. My babysitter always had me asleep by 9PM, so I never heard them come in or what happened after. As I got older I started hearing and seeing things that completely changed how I...

1 year ago
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One black cock lovers tale

Introduction: A bref look at my life . With interest Ill share more The first thing you need to understand is that I think most of these stories are pieces of shit. I mean its OK if most of the men reading this want to be committed to someone and then be treated like crap. And just because I love black dick doesnt I will be treated like a slut anytime except when Im getting fucked. My husband is all man. If he decides to eat the cum out of my pussy he will, whether its his or someone else,...

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hubby and I double date

On Friday evening I told hubby that I was organising a little dinner party for Saturday evening, so he must cook a nice meal for four people. I added that although he must cook and serve the meal, he would be permitted to dine with me and my two guests, and hopefully he would have fun. He became really excited about this, I assume thinking the guests would be female, or maybe a couple. The evening arrived, and I instructed hubby to stay naked, and I tied a little bow on his chastity cage. It...

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my socalled life

Looking back I don’t think I could ever guess how things would turn out, and to think it all happen because I was caught with the neighbor girl one night by her mother. Hi my name is Jack and I’m nineteen years old. I work for a local land scalping company and spend my days cutting grass and raking leaves. I’m your avenge teenager, nothing special with a few tattoos; you could find me easily by my red cap I wore all the time. I wasn’t the smartest kid in school and pretty much couldn’t wait...

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Horny Indian Wife Fucks Husband8217s Handsome Cousin

Chandni is a 27-year-old married woman. She is very beautiful. Her husband is working in an MNC. She shared her story a few weeks back and asked me to write down her story and share it with you all. I thank her for asking me to write on her behalf and I would like her to know that I really enjoyed writing this story. Everything was fine until one day her husband Sameer received a call from his cousin Mohit. Mohit had to come to the city for some work and had decided to stay with them for a...

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Uni with Sandra part 5

My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the fifth story based on my diaries and memories from my first year at university. My first story was about how Sandra introduced me to girl on girl sex. My second was about how Sandra introduced me to threesome sex with her and her boyfriend, Pete. My third and fourth told of further lesbian and threesome stories.I had a very good and varied sex life, I loved having sex, whether it was with my boyfriend Martin or with Sandra or a threesome with Sandra and...

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California Girl Part 4

California Girl Part 4 By Princess Panty boy I lay there on his bed looking at Splash smiling back at me. I look down at myself seeing my long smooth legs and my panties are flat in the front showing no bulge. If Splash could see inside my panties, he would freak finding out that I have a penis and balls like he does, well his is way longer and thicker. I can't believe I just had a guy make love to me. What am I thinking he didn't make love to me like some soap opera on TV....

2 years ago
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Mary gambles and loses everything

I don't know why I returned to the office that evening, why I ran half a block to make sure I made it through reception before the doors closed at 5 p.m. but I did. I should have been celebrating with the legal guys, it's not every day you win a discrimination case, but it's not every day some money grabbing little whore makes the whole thing up and the Tribubunal takes ten minutes to reach a decision clearing me and the firm of any wrong doing. She had no idea that my web cam was...

2 years ago
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The Crusader Chapters 1 2 The ManhuntChapter 2

Detective Rollie Chambers knocked on the condo door and waited. He could see someone looking out the peep hole and he held up his badge. There was a sound Rollie didn't recognize then he heard the dead bolt being opened and the noise that a security chain makes as it's unhooked. The door finally opened. "Hi Miss Collins. Remember me?" Rollie asked. "I'm Detective Chambers." The last time he'd seen Sarah Collins her nose and eyes were swollen and discolored with bruises. The injuries...

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Cabin Fever II

Lisa Clark paced back and forth in front of the living room window. Her husband, Brad, left over a half hour ago to head north. She had told him she couldn't go to the family cabin this trip because of work. At the end of the street, Kevin Lang, Lisa's younger brother, sat in his pick up truck. He waited and watched, making sure his brother in law didn't return to the house. Kevin's wife should have been on her way north with her brother Brad, but Kevin wasn't taking any chances. Kevin...

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Accidental Icon

ACCIDENTAL ICONby themoonaticWHY THE FUCK DID I TELL HIM? She screamed inwardly as he squeezed and pulledher big engorged puffy nipples.She was naked in the 57 degree March weather except for her shoes, feeling helpless and vulnerable, the crowd laughing and jeering and recording.Her life was ruined now, she was certain. The whole world would see her disgrace.You LIKE that, you little white faggot BITCH?! he bellowed as he yanked again.You gonna cum for us, HO? Tell us when you gonna...

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picking up parts xxx

So there i was at work on a boring monday morning ! my boss popped in and asked if I fancy a run out to birmingham to pick up some parts for a car that we were re building! ok but only if I can take my car (more comfortable xx) I get there and the parts are not there yet said guy! shit so I called my boss ! the parts will be here in three hours ! bollocks was his reply well you best wait there ! wow ok so I went to my car and googles porn cinemas to see how far away angles and sinners was ! but...

4 years ago
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Hot Experience with my cousin Sahana

Hii here I go with my fist and best exp I had with ma cousin Her name is Sahana and she is 25 2 year yelder than me But fantastic gal I must say. She dint had any relation before she used to come visit my house Most of the times. Well as I never had any relation with any gal I always used to dream abt those fantasies and musturbute. But this is what happened was real and true. Once sahana had been to my house with a plan to stay for one week When she cam she changed a lot dat time she was 21...


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