Open Your Eyes free porn video

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Marie and I were having a night on the town. We got a hotel room and a sitter and were planning to dress up, have dinner, some drinks, and then some serious fucking all over the room without the need to be quiet. Driving into the city, I couldn't keep my hand off Marie's leg as I drove. We were getting dressed up for the night, but at the moment she wore a simple sundress that was easy to slide up her thigh. I took full advantage to caress her soft pale skin while periodically dipping my hand between her thighs to brush against her pussy. She was squirming in her seat as we pulled up to the luxury hotel that we booked for the night. As the valet helped her from the car, I could see that his eyes were glued to the Marie's amazing breasts that were showing a generous amount of cleavage. Seeing other men ogle my hot wife is a sure fire way to turn me on and I had to shift the growing problem within my pants. I couldn't wait to get to the room and have a quick romp before dinner.

Sadly, plans don't always happen as hoped and check-in took longer than necessary and we had to hustle to dress to make our dinner reservation. Dinner was perfect with good food, good wine and the occasion caress against my still swollen dick by Marie's foot under the table. We had finished eating and were standing outside of the restaurant having just decided where to go for a drink when I noticed a coworker was standing next to us. I didn't know Meghan very well - she sat near my desk but we didn't work on the same team - but she introduced her husband Dave and the four of us chatted for a bit. Chatting turned into an invitation to join us at the bar and soon the four of us were ensconced in a leather booth at a quiet bar.

The conversation was flowing and the 4 of us seemed to get along well. Meghan and Dave were younger than Marie and I, in their late 20s, and were out for a date night as well. Both were attractive, Meghan was very pretty. About average height, with olive skin and long dark hair, a slim body with just enough breasts to show off nice cleavage in her dress and a tiny stud in the left side of her nose. Dave was around 6 feet with shaggy black hair and broad shoulders. He looked to be a swimmer based on his lean frame.

The four of us were having a perfectly enjoyable time with very little of the awkwardness that often happens when new people meet. I spent most of the hour or so we talked with my hand rubbing Marie's thigh and trying to angle between them while she occasionally brushed against my dick, especially when I would speak to Meghan in a silent dare to keep my composure.

We paid the bill and I was looking forward to finally using every surface in the hotel. As we stepped outside, we said our goodbyes and Marie and I began to walk back towards the hotel. Before we reached the end of the block, we heard our names being called from behind. We turned and found Meghan and Dave walking quickly towards us.

We stopped and waited for them. "Dave and I were just talking" Meghan said "And we were going to this club, and wondered if you wanted to join us?"

"What type of club?" asked Marie.

"We'll, it's a private one. Not many people know about it and we've only been once before, but it was an amazing experience" answered Dave.

I wasn't too keen on going since I wanted to go back to the hotel, but Marie convinced me that we didn't get out often and we should enjoy ourselves while we had the chance.

So, we turned and walked for several blocks deeper and deeper into the city. I was worried that we would be over dressed for the club since I was wearing a suit and Marie was in her slinky black dress, but Meghan and Dave were dressed similarly, though Meghan's dress was green, so I just rolled with things. Soon, we approached an imposing Georgian mansion. The kind that's all granite and marble and still has the gas lights in sconces besides the door. As we approached, a tuxedoed man opened the door and escorted us into the vestibule. Dave removed a cream envelope from his inner pocket, handed it to the man and said "And two guests for the evening"

Entering the main building we found that, rather than the nightclub I had expected, a subdued, old-world ambiance. There were deep leather couches and chairs, secluded alcoves, soft lighting and music just loud enough to be heard over the conversations taking place. The four of us found an alcove and slid in "This place is great!" I said "How did you find it?"

Meghan shifted slightly in her seat and answered "We were invited and had such a good time that we just had to join. Once we finish our drinks, we can show you what else the club offers, and you can let us know if you're interested". I found her phrasing odd, but didn't think too much of it.

Soon, the four of us were walking deeper into the house. I found myself trailing Dave and Marie who were walking arm in arm like old friends. I was surprised when Meghan slipped her arm into mine and matched her steps to mine

"I glad we ran into you guys tonight" she said "Dave and I have really enjoyed ourselves".

"Me too" I responded.

As we approached another set of doors, there was another tuxedoed man waiting for us. This time Dave's invitation was scrutinized closer and it was several minutes before the doors opened and we moved into a dimly lit room.

Just like the previous section, there were leather couches and chairs s**ttered though out the room and more alcoves around the walls. The difference was the activities that were occurring in those spaces. There were bodies entwined in various states of undress. Pairings of men and women, women and women, men and men and more combinations than I could see in a quick glance. Marie's face reflected the shock that I felt myself, we turned to Meghan and Dave who led us to a corner where we could speak.

"What is this place?" Marie demanded.

"It's a private club, like I said" said Meghan "but some people like to have fun in a safe place and the club accommodates that. There's no requirement to join or participate and if you don't want to watch you can return to the front room. But Dave and I had an amazing time and we thought you would be interested in a new experience since you had a night on the town".

Marie and I exchanged glances, this was something we had both talked about being interested in, but never expected it to happen. Meghan and Dave withdrew to leave us alone to talk "What do you think?" I asked?

"I don't know. I don't know if I'm ready". Marie answered.

"Ok, let's go back".

"Wait!" Marie cried "it won't hurt to watch for a little bit, would it?" I agreed and holding hands, we drifted over to where Meghan and Dave were standing, watching a couple on one of the couches.

"Decide to stay?" Dave asked.

"For a bit". I said just as Marie answered

"Just to watch".

Slowly scanning the room, I could see that the couches were being observed by a ring of watchers, while the alcoves seemed to be for more private encounters. The couch directly before us had a pair of women and a man. The women were both dressed only in bras and panties while the man wore only a shirt. They were taking turns sucking on his impressively large dick, while pausing briefly to kiss each other. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the spectacle before me, and could feel Marie gripping my hand as tightly as she ever had. Glancing towards her, I could see she was just as enthralled as I and we both had begun to breathe a little faster and my dick began to swell once more in my pants. Almost in a trance, we moved on to another couch to see a woman bent over the arm, while a man furiously fucked her. Pulling on her hair and slapping her ass, her grunts and cries ringing in our ears. Watching the watchers, I could see many were aroused; some were not subtle in taking pleasure from the scene before us, hands slipped under dresses or through pants but always with eyes on the fucking before them. We wandered through the room, there were 20 or maybe even 30 different couches each with occupants taking their pleasure before the eyes of others.

The sight, sound and scent of the actions before us soon had my own hands wandering over Marie's body. As we stood and watched a woman with her mouth covering one dick and her pussy filled by another, I slid my hands up Marie's thighs and under her dress. Reaching between her legs, I found her panties soaked through. Pressing my hard dick against her ass, I slipped my fingers beneath her panties and wasted no time finding her clit. Gently stroking it, I could feel shudders pass through her body. Her eyes remained locked on the woman before us as two men used her body for pleasure, out of the corner of my eye, I could see some if the other watchers begin to watch us as involuntary moans began to escape Marie's lips. Stroking her faster, I tried to match the same pace as the woman sucking the dick before us. I could feel Marie edging closer and closer, her eyes unable to look away from the woman before us. The woman suddenly noticed us, and locked eyes with Marie, not breaking contact as she sucked the dick harder and harder. With a shout, the man began to shoot a load of cum into the woman's mouth which she swallowed eagerly. Marie cried out as the sight of the woman drinking down cum triggered her own climax and her thighs clamped down on my hand as she struggled to stand through the orgasm rocking her body but still not breaking eye contact with the woman before us as they both shared in the pleasure of the moment.

Withdrawing my hands, we both noticed Meghan and Dave standing nearby, Dave's hand clearly performing the same actions I had, but he had lifted up Meghan's dress to expose his actions to those of us watching. My eyes were drawn to the sight of his fingers rubbing and stroking Meghan's clit and the patch of dark hair that covered her olive skin. Without warning, I found myself being pushed backwards, reversing direction until my legs hit a vacant couch and I was forced to sit down. Marie dropped to her knees before and began to unbuckle my belt and undo my zipper.

"Marie, what are you doing?" I hissed.

"I want them to watch!" She growled at me as she freed my engorged cock.

Without another word, she dropped her mouth and licked my dick from the base to the tip, pausing briefly to suck on the head, before returning to lick the length again and again, treating my dick like a lollipop. A crowd began to gather around us, hushed whispers calling over more and more people until our couch became the focus of the largest group of watchers. As I relaxed into the couch enjoying Marie's expert mouth, I felt a pair of hands reach over my shoulders and looked up to see Meghan, now clad only in a pair of panties. She pressed her breasts against the back of my head as she slowly undid each of the buttons on my shirt before slipping it off. She grazed her nipples against my head before moving around the couch and next to Marie, where she unzipped the black dress and unhooked the black lace bra that could barely restrain my wife's massive breasts. Pausing briefly, Marie slipped off the dress and bra, leaving her dressed in just a tiny black thong. Meghan took the brief pause to slip my pants over my hips and off my legs, leaving me naked. I had never before been naked before so many people, but rather than feel embarrassed, I exulted in their gazes and my dick was as long and hard as it has ever been. My attention was once more drawn to Marie as she surrounded my dick with her tits and began to slide them up and down. Using the flesh of her tits to fuck me while taking in the scene around us as more and more of the watchers removed clothes and began to pleasure themselves or their partners while watching Marie and I. Marie's eyes were clouded with lust and her pale skin was flushed as she used her body to pleasure me while clearly finding pleasure in the gazes of the watchers around us.

The couch shifted slightly as another body joined us, Meghan sitting close enough so that our thighs were touching, but her focus was on Dave as he slid his tongue over and around the wet pussy presented to him. Being so close to another naked couple was quickly driving me towards a finish I didn't want so soon, so pulled Marie up and then sat her down in the same place I had just been. Copying the actions next to us, I pulled the scrap of Marie's thong to the side and dove into her dripping wet pussy. Scooping up as much of her juice as I could, I tasted the strawberry and vanilla flavors that I liked so well. Like a starving man, I licked and sucked any piece of flesh I could get to, but always returning to run my lips and tongue over the hard nub of her clit. I could hear Marie's moans and cries increase and looked up to see that Meghan had leaned over and latched onto Marie's left nipple and was sucking and nibbling at it while using a free hand to pinch and twist her own nipple.

I focused my attention on Marie's clit and was rewarded with deep moans of pleasure and a rush of juices flooding from Marie's pussy as she reached a small climax. I knew she wasn't done though, and continued to focus attention on her clit while sliding first one and then a second finger into her pussy to rub at her G-spot.

All around us, people had abandoned all pretext and were engaged in almost every type of sex act. The only constant was that all eyes were still focused on the couch and Marie's sweat covered body. My ego and dick both swelled even more to see the pleasure that my wife's body was providing to these strangers. I was jolted back to the task at hand as Meghan's olive-skinned body shuddered as Dave finally made her cum. Her hands grasping at Marie's as my wife held her up through the climax.

Recovering quickly Meghan took charge once more and re-positioned everybody on the couch. Soon, I found myself slipping my aching dick into Marie's wet pussy, while Marie lapped at Meghan's pussy, as she straddled her face. Meghan was similarly occupied with Dave buried fully in her small mouth as the four of us attempted to find a rhythm. Quickly we settled in and became the renewed focus of the room as our four bodies began to move as one.

Over and over I slid my cock into Marie, her pussy so wet that a puddle formed on the leather beneath us. At the same time, I could hear the muffled gasps through her filled mouth that told me Meghan was finding Marie's tongue to be as talented as I did. Marie got the gold star for making Meghan the first to cum and her wails and cries as she ground her pussy against Marie's mouth set off several orgasms of the watchers surrounding us. With no more energy, Meghan slid off the side of the couch, leaving Dave unfulfilled. Taking his dick into his own hands he began to stroke and pull. I could barely hold back my own orgasm, but was determined to make Marie cum once more. Dave began to grunt as he jerked his cock furiously.

"Cum on her tits baby" was the order from Meghan below and with a final gasp, he did.

Shooting rope after rope of cum onto Marie's heaving chest. The splash of the hot cum against her skin triggered Marie's own massive orgasm and her cries and shouts filled the room. That was enough to send me over the edge and I tensed up.

Once more Meghan commanded "Cum on her tits".

I had barely enough time to pull out and straddle Marie's body before my cum splashed out and once again coated her luscious tits. I was practically shoved out of the way as Meghan began to lick and swallow the cum that covered Marie's tits. Making sure that she cleaned every spot and collected every drop.

The show over, the watchers drifted away. Most recovering from their own orgasms. Marie and I slowly gathered our clothes. Unable to fully process yet what had happened, but exchanging glances and unspoken thoughts from many years together. As we dressed and drifted towards the front door, we passed Meghan and Dave dressing themselves. Stopping, we said our goodbyes, and Marie uttered the words we had left unsaid between us

"Thanks, you guys. Maybe we could come as your guests again next time?"

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Just Do What Youre Told Part Two

Susan scurried across the van floor to the rear door as fast as she could. She knew she was to be punished and had no interest in making him any angrier then he already was. Once her feet hit the ground, Bill took her right arm and attached the cuff to the top of the open door. Someone else attached the left one to the other door. The doors were locked open and spreaded her arms out in a spread eagle position. The only light Susan could see was the bright glare of headlights. She was in a...

3 years ago
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I cant just say SIster youre fucking me

Introduction: Written in 1st person, with probably 1 million and 1 grammer and spelling mistakes. Just a tester! This is a story i started to write to a good friend of mine when his internet refused to load some porn. He advised me to post it, see what you people thought. His bedroom door broke last week and as he gets his (few time daily) wank under the covers he worrys if his sister will notice, maybe she has, maybe she hasnt. Its got him thinking about his sister and shes sneaked into his...

3 years ago
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If youre husband wont satisfy you

I woke up with a jolt, taking a minute to work out where I was. Mark was beside me, snoring, as normal. I looked over at his clock, 7 O’clock. But what woke me, then as I turned on to my back, the warm trickle from my pussy, dripping down as far as my ass, I lowered my hand, my nightdress was pulled up around my waist, touching my bare pussy, it felt warm and puffy. I must have been dreaming, and the dream must have been hot. Leaning over I nudged Mark, he just snored and let out a loud grunt....

1 year ago
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“Sean, our little league is short a baseball coach. You would be perfect for the job.” “Yeah? How much does it pay?” “You know it’s voluntary.” “Yeah? I’m crazy about you Roxanne, but I know you. You aren’t going to let this be voluntary.” “Get a life my love. Since you graduated high school, about the only time you get out of the house is with me.” “Well that’s because I work at home.” As a freshmen Sean designed web pages for some friends. It came naturally to him. It...

4 years ago
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Youre Mine

Standing in the shower, soapy hands in my hair, absentmindedly working the lather as I think of all that we’ve shared, and your words echo through my mind as I lean back against the wall. ‘You’re mine.’ Reaching to finger my clit as I remember your face, only inches from mine, and your breath against my skin, as you hissed, ‘You’re mine. Only mine.’ and I know that I am… that it’s all I ever want to be. I press one finger into my tight, hot pussy, already longing for you in ways that I’ve never...

2 years ago
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Do You Think Youre Beautiful Now

“How can anyone, especially you, find all this” — you wave your hand around, gesturing to your naked body lying before Tom on his bed — “attractive?” “You see fault where I find beauty,” he says gently, running the backs of his fingers down your cheek. The corner of his mouth turns up. “By the end of this night, you will feel as if you could tempt a saint.” “Why would I want to do that?” you ask. “I’ve already got you… Haven’t I?” Tom bends down and places his lips on your collarbone while...

1 year ago
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Youre gonna make me cum again

I can see the steam escaping from the bathroom and know you’re in the shower. Just imaging about how you’re soaping your body up makes my folds ache. I can literally feel my heartbeat making my clit pulse. Moving as silently as the wind, I creep to the bathroom door. It feels good to be naughty. Your bathroom door is slightly open, a ray of golden light shines on the floor. I’m a guest in your home. I shouldn’t be invading your privacy, after all the kindness you have bestowed on me. It’s...

3 years ago
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Youre beautiful to me

This is an earlier work with some tweaks. What would happen, I wonder, if I watched you… well, watched you touch yourself? Could you? Would you like it? Would you start out slow and gentle, music, soft candlelight? Would you wear something comfortable, silky on your smooth skin? Maybe you’d enjoy a glass of wine perhaps, maybe two just to lubricate the moment, the tangy taste of the wine waking up your senses. Maybe you’d begin long before I got there with a soaking bath, the tepid water...

2 years ago
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Youre My Bitch Now Chapter 7

You're My Bitch Now Chapter SevenRick kept his eyes closed and jumped as he felt Chris touch his chin with his fingertips, but he almost swooned as he felt the lipstick slide across his puckered lips. It felt soft and slippery and exciting and he felt dizzy as Chris rolled the lipstick across his lips. ‘How does that feel, Rikkie? It looks so sweet on you. Open your eyes now and come have a look.’ Chris took Rick gently by the hand and led him across to the mirror. Rick opened his eyes and...

1 year ago
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Three Strikes And Youre Out

I waited, eagerly anticipating. Kneeling. Legs spread wide. Breasts out. Back straight. Arms folded behind me. I am fully exposed, completely vulnerable … just the way you like me to be. Minutes tick by at a snails pace. How long I’ve been here, waiting, I am not sure. I have lost track of time, and now, my legs are going numb. Where is Master? I wondered, shamefully remembering why it is that you have banished me to this solitude. “But …” I whined. I knew my word choice would anger you, and...

1 year ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Three

Susan woke up as the morning light came shining through her window. Bill’s now limp cock was still in her mouth. As directed, she immediately started licking and stroking his dick back to life. She loved the idea of sucking him off for breakfast, but a part of her would not have minded being fucked. She couldn’t believe herself, one quickie with her husband, and she’s set for a week. This bastard had her in a constant state of either waiting to be fucked, or actually fucking. As Bill opened...

3 years ago
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Youre A Fucking Good Whore

It was a Saturday night. Wearing my short dress with nothing underneath, I was dancing on the dance floor in a club. Men were coming closer to me, talking to me, touching my ass. I was enjoying it all, but for the past few minutes, I was constantly making an eye contact with the man sitting at the bar. He looked like he was in his early thirties. He was tall, with short black hair and beautiful eyes. He was wearing a black suit with white shirt. We smiled looking at each other. A man came...

3 years ago
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Youre a Treasure

The first time you finally get physical with a new partner is always a little surprising. Sometimes it’s set up. Sometimes it just happens. But however it comes about, it’s never what you expect. Take my first time with Jeremy for example. He and I had been dating for a couple months, and it was going extremely well! I had met him in my English Literature class during my sophomore year in college, and his insightful opinions had immediately caught my attention. He’d seemed to me the type of guy...

1 year ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Four

It had been almost a week since the day of Susan’s first (and second) enema. As instructed, she worked all day on her essay describing everything that happened that day. Bill expected not only comprehensive details of the actual events, but also insisted on clear expressions of how Susan felt during each story point. Susan had no idea why Bill was having her do this but she was sure that she would find out in due course. She also knew that whatever it was, she would like it. Susan found...

2 years ago
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Youre the first woman Ive ever

You’re the first woman I’ve ever.. It had been raining all morning and Karen hadn’t been feeling well. She had stayed home from work for the fourth time this month. As she lay in bed she tried to convince herself she was unwell with a cold or something due to winter setting in, but deep down she knew the truth was she was lonely and becoming depressed. The phone rang and although numb she answered, ‘Hello?’ ‘Karen? It’s Martin. I’ve just come into the store and Margaret tells me you’re...

4 years ago
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Youre Joking Right

She timed her moment to perfection. Brad was idly sifting through a bunch of magazines looking for something to read while she watched a TV program he wasn’t interested in when she matter-of-factly delivered the bombshell. Ashley just grinned wickedly when she told him. She looked smug and superior, but she also knew things about Brad. She knew he thought she didn’t know about it, because she hadn’t mentioned it in the month that had passed since it happened. She knew that he would be shocked...

2 years ago
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Sharing is Caring when youre at work

I wake with my pussy drenched. My fingernail lightly dragging over the lips of my mound. My bedroom bathed in an eerie green neon light from the building across the street from my apartment. The frost on the window catching all the lights, making intricate patterns that my mind cannot make out.  I’ve other things on my mind this morning than light patterns.  A rouge finger slips between the lips of my pussy, I feel my heat. I feel my wetness. Shivering with the icy temperature of my finger,...

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Youre a little shit you know that

I get home from work and I can’t wait to drop into my bed. Another day … another dollar. But sometimes it’s hard being the bread-winner. The newspaper is lodged in the bushes. Shit, I can’t reach that, I think. Opening the front door, I’m greeted by the smell of burnt food. Waffles … bread … muffins? Whatever it was, it’s burned to hell and another waste of the groceries I just bought. Walking into the kitchen, I’m greeted by a pile of dishes in the sink. Plates, cups, roasting tins, and the...

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Youre Fired

‘Mark!’ Olivia shouted her secretary’s name from the corner of her office. Her head was buried in a file cabinet. Olivia was in her 40s and was a senior account manager at Wilson and Oldsten, the most prestigious advertising agency in the state. She was tall and blonde, with striking nordic features. She had a hard driving personality that, combined with her good looks, had fueled her meteoric rise through the company. Mark walked into the room. He had been Olivia’s secretary for only two...

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Youre Not Naughty Boy

She stared into the computer, a 40 year old woman, and asked herself, ‘What am I doing?’ She was dirty blonde, with light olive skin and average size for a plus size model – though she was only 5′ 3”. 190 pounds of sexual hunger with 38DDD’s so she didn’t need to… But she still went on to type up a meeting place near by. She was still really hesitant to be doing this at all so she picked a place near by where she could easily hide and see what he looked like and run home and block him if he...

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After the Energists Start of the 11th GradeChapter 2 Keep Your Hands to Yourself

The Aeolian Hall, London, Ontario 8:07pm, Friday, October 5, 1979 “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! London!” I cried out at the thunderous standing ovation from a packed out crowd of four-hundred and twenty-two at The Aeolian Hall after we finished our opening song, Crazy Train. We were told before we went on stage that the Hall’s management decided to remove the chairs, and their normal assigned seating arrangement from the main floor on Thursday in order to allow another forty people into...

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Open your mouth

Our usual morning routine just wasn't enough for me this morning.I started the day as usual. I finally got up after hitting snooze a few times on the alarm. After taking a few minutes to get my brain started I got up and walked to the kitchen to be greeted by overly friendly and hungry a****ls. I let the dogs out first and feed them. Next, I opened a can of cat food to feed them. Even the most hateful cat is friendly when there's canned cat food around. I make my way back to our room to get in...

3 years ago
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Close Your Eyes

A chance comment made across the computer screens begs the question of just how really real we can make a cyber connection feel.I was drinking my coffee, and she was signed on to Lush when we started chatting via Black Boxes. I must say this about using the Black Boxes: you must use carefully chosen words that are carefully organized, so that you can get your thought(s) down without running out of time and space. It is a good mental exercise, although it can be a bit (lot) frustrating when you...

Love Stories
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Your Eyes

Songwriter gets very lucky with first hit...Your EyesOne of the things I have always derived pleasure from throughout my life is music. Both listening to music and making it have always been a source of great satisfaction for me. I have been playing guitar and writing songs since I was a young teenager. Like other guys my age I worshiped the rock stars of the day. I watched in awe as they strut their stuff onstage before thousands of screaming young girls who seemingly would have done anything...

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Your Eyes

When I got my divorce at the age of forty five, I was once again free to pursue my favorite pastimes. My hobbies that I had been forced to neglect once again took center stage in my life. I began playing my guitar again on a regular basis and was deriving quite a bit of satisfaction from it. In a few months I had regained most of my dexterity and had a renewed confidence in my playing. I soon placed an ad in a local music paper looking for other musicians to play with. Most of the guys I...

4 years ago
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Your Eyes

One of the things I have always derived pleasure from throughout my life is music. Both listening to music and making it have always been a source of great satisfaction for me. I have been playing guitar and writing songs since I was a young teenager. Like other guys my age I worshiped the rock stars of the day. I watched in awe as they strut their stuff onstage before thousands of screaming young girls who seemingly would have done anything to spend the night with them. Like other guys my age,...

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