GingerChapter 7 free porn video

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"Pete, what are we going to do now?"

"I'd like to go home and talk. I'm almost married to you and I still don't know all about you. I want to hear all about Maria's life too. You can tell her what you are thinking of taking in school after graduation from high school."

"Ginger, tell me what it is. I have no idea what I want to do and maybe I'll go to the same school."

"Okay, but remember I'm going to be married woman by that time. I won't be out to bars and parties every night. I'll be home with Pete."

"Lucky you. I hope I will find someone as nice as he is."

"You will. I've lined you up a date every night next week. He's tall and smart like Pete and kind of a nerd. His name is Benny Eden and is in two of my classes. We sit side by side in the class room. We'll be hanging out during the day too. He asked me last week to go out with him, but I told him I was taken. Then I told him I had a friend coming from California. We'll call him as soon as we get back to the house."

Harriet and Tony had already left for the theater with Fernando and Adoria so the three of us had the house to ourselves. "Let's go up and lay on my bed. We can talk and be comfortable at the same time."

"Okay Ginger, first though you were going to call this Benny Eden you spoke about."

"I'm on it Pete." She called Benny and told him Maria was in town. He wanted to meet her tonight so Ginger gave him our address. He wasn't that far away, and came to the door twenty-five minutes later. I was introduced as Ginger's boyfriend and Ginger showed him the ring to prove it. Benny and Maria started an animated conversation. We never did get to all lie on Ginger's bed.

Maria asked Ginger what she was going to take for courses in school and got this answer, "I'm going to be married by then so I'm going to be living off campus. Pete has searched in the area near where he is living and close to work. He tells me what some of the programs and courses that are to be had. I'm going to pick something with a two-year course, which will most likely be an associate's degree at a technical college."

"So what are you looking at?"

"I'm thinking something in the food industry, possibly baking and pastry. That should put me at home most evenings. If I was a chef and doing meal preparation, I would be working evenings."

"Hey, when Uncle Fernando get's his Abbey built you can work there. Pete has suggested all kinds of little businesses that could be included and Uncle is incorporating all of them. A bakery doing all kinds of breads and pastries would fit right in. There is also a restaurant, a pub, a micro brewery, and of course the winery."

Benny asked what "The Abbey" was, which led to both Ginger and Maria telling how I was involved. Then the question was asked how Ginger and I came to be engaged. Ginger told Benny and Maria what her lifestyle had been and how she came to live with my mother. "I knew Pete for two weeks before he left for England and I knew by then I wanted to make my life with him. Someone up there likes me because in one way or another, this is all coming together for me. We are going to be married in July."

"Yes, but you have worked at it."

"I know, Maria. When Pete met me the first time, I was a fat slut with zits all over my face. I didn't have any idea my life would ever be better. I was a bother to my mother and she didn't want me even though she was my custodian. My father, who I wanted to live with instead of Mother, couldn't have me with him for two reasons. The court said I had to live with mother and dad had a new family with no room for me, even if the court would have allowed it.

"My grades in school were barely passing. My esteem was so low it was like I didn't have any. I was to the point I didn't care. I was running from a party and knew I had to get off the street, or I would be picked up by the police. I saw this guy sitting in a car, so I knocked on his window and asked if I could sit in with him. He said okay and I told him my story. A few minutes later, a cop pulled up. Pete said we were related as step brother and sister."

"He hired me to live with his mother and now eight months later, we are going to be married. Can it get any better than this?"

Maria asked, "What did you see in Ginger? I mean you're good looking, educated and have a good job. You're also older, settled and damned desirable. I've seen Adoria looking at you. For that matter, I've watched my grandmother while she was talking to you. I swear if she were forty years younger, she would make a try for you."

"How about you, Maria, are you interested?" This was Ginger asking, not really jealous, just curious.

"Well, I was interested at first. That is until he told me about you. Then you two got me out of the tight spot. You two are so good together, I can't think of doing anything to come between you. I just hope someday I can find a man as good as Pete is." Ginger left my side and went and hugged Maria.

Benny asked, "What was the tight spot you were in?" Ginger and Maria explained how Maria called Ginger, Ginger called me, and I in effect rescued Maria. He was still puzzled. "You say you've never met Ginger before today?"

"That's right. Ginger knew what kind of a situation I was in because it had happened to her when she was younger. I couldn't tell her more because after I got out the first words, I was passed out myself. I would have called Pete, but I didn't have his number and I certainly didn't want to call my parents."

Benny didn't say anything while he considered what he had just been told. "I guess Pete and Ginger are great friends to have. Ginger, your life sounds so exciting."

"Exciting sometimes, but it isn't always fun either. Let's talk about something else. Let's watch TV. I have a Batman movie I got for Christmas from Harriet." We had all seen it, but it was fun anyway. Ginger was sitting on the couch with Benny and Maria. I had a recliner off to one side. As we got into the show, Ginger stretched her hand over the arm and we held hands.

It was awkward so Ginger came over and sat in my lap. I looked over at Maria and Benny and could see that they had drawn together when Ginger came to sit with me. Ginger suddenly got up and went upstairs coming back down with a couple of blankets. She tossed one to Maria and we got under the other. I was now exploring territory I had explored not long before. The same I had during the two nights we had spent alone in the motel room.

I didn't expect to go very far with this, but with Ginger guiding my fingers she had relief within ten minutes. She was fumbling around trying to get my zipper down, but I stopped her. She whispered," I want to make you feel the way I just did."

"We can't, not here. Later after you and Maria go to bed and she is asleep, you come to my room."

"Okay, but make sure you don't fall asleep yourself."


As soon as the movie was over Benny said he had to go home. Maria got one hell of a steamy kiss goodnight. "Have Ginger call me if you are free. I would like to see more of you this week." He was smiling as he got into his car. Maria was leaning weak-kneed against the doorjamb as he drove off.

"Come on Maria, time to go to bed."

"I won't be able to sleep. I'm too wired."

"I know. Feels good doesn't it? It is time we talked about a lot of different things. I'm talking from experience here. I need to caution you about a few things."

"Like what?"

"Like meeting a guy and wanting to drop your panties on the first date. A date I set you up with I may remind you."

"Was I that obvious?"

"I did see you wrestling around under that blanket I tossed over you. Seriously Maria, it was a set up and Benny was role playing because I asked him to. Pete told me how naïve and inexperienced you are. I was just showing you what could happen when a boy made you so horny you would do anything. This is what you have to guard against.

"Have you ever felt like Benny made me feel?"

"Yes, but I didn't have a 'me' to warn me and I got into all kinds of trouble, that is until Pete came along. Someday you will meet someone as good as Pete is, but what happens if he isn't as willing to overlook your past like Pete did mine? I want to save you from all of the pain I went through. So let's go to bed and have some girl talk."

Maria looked at me and I commented, "Listen to Ginger. It just might save you from having a lot of pain and humiliation. Ginger will tell you how to set boundaries and how to tell if the guy you are with will respect them. I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

I guess it took Ginger longer to clue Maria in than planned. I woke once and saw it was one a.m. in the morning. I could still hear the two girls talking. I turned over and slept. There was a smile on my face.

In the morning I heard mother stirring downstairs. The door to my room opened quietly and Ginger slid into bed with me. "I'm sorry, Pete, I talked most of the night and finally dropped off. I can tell you Maria knows from nothing about life." She leaned over and kissed me.

"Pete, don't do that. Harriet is down stairs."

"Oh yeah, you're saying no, do you really want me to stop?"

"No, but this isn't the time or place."

"Ginger, do you think what you told her will have any effect."

"I do. I was asked why and to explain everything. That's what took so long. I was using my own life and the situations I got myself into. But then I didn't have the family that she has. Maria has to rely on them. Up until now she hated to ask questions when she needed to know. I told her there must be someone in her family who can give her advice."

"There is. The person just has to get more involved with her grandchildren."

"That is what Maria said. Hey, let me up, I don't want to have Harriet find me in bed with you."

"She knows we are making love. We had two nights in the motel."

"I know, but I don't want to flaunt it."

"Okay, but snuggle with me for a few minutes." Neither one of us had much sleep last night. I guess we dropped off. When we woke up, Ginger went for her shower and I followed as she finished and dressed. We were sheepish as we came into the kitchen.

It wasn't as bad as Ginger thought it would be. Maria was still sleeping. Mom was still in her robe. When we had heard her in the kitchen, she had just got up for an aspirin and a drink of water. Ginger and I set about getting breakfast. I put the coffee maker on.

"Pete, please go wake up Maria."

Maria was lying in bed awake when I opened the door. Her hair was tousled and she looked beautiful. "Good morning, Maria. How are you today?"

"I'm just great. Ginger has given be all kinds of advice to keep me safe and happy when I'm out on a date. I do have one question, though. When is it the right time to give myself to my date?"

"Certainly not on the first date or you will be considered easy. The more dates you have with the same man is better before you decide. If you decide you want sex, don't be afraid to ask. I would think you are the one who is in better control of a situation like that. I'm not talking love here either, but you certainly have to like the person.

"Do look to the future though, because you have to face both yourself and him in the morning. This is where you should examine the thoughts running through you mind and not the feelings emanating from your pussy."

I paused, for Maria had blushed bright red at my use of the word pussy. I continued, "If the guy showed you respect, you enjoyed it, and you wanted to continue, then go for it. In today's society, I think you are a couple years behind your peers, but that's fine. It won't take you long to catch up. One other thing, just because you have had sex with a guy, don't think it is love. It may be, but you have to give it time."

"What about you and Ginger? She said she was in love you after knowing you only two weeks."

"You know looking back, I felt the same way about her, but there seemed too many obstacles in our way at the time. There are still a lot of obstacles before we can fully make a life together. I've known her eight months and we have only recently been intimate. I don't think either one of us has regrets about waiting this long or that we are going to be living apart for awhile longer. It will be all the sweeter when it all comes together."

"That's so beautiful."

"I think so. Come on, get up, breakfast is ready. It is time to face a new day. Who knows what it will bring."

I worked mornings Monday and Tuesday. It was mostly listening to Jack Gibbons relate stories about different buildings he had been involved in designing. Fernando spent much of his time with the firm's owners so I saw little of him. Mom was working this week, filling in for a mother who had grade school children at home.

Tony was taking dinner with us every night. I didn't see Fernando often in the evening since he and Adoria were off seeing the night lights. He did insist that Maria go with them on Thursday night. Benny went as Maria's date. Ginger had come up with something that might interest her after high school.

Ginger had inquired what there was for jobs when Fernando opened the Abbey. The Abbey was how Fernando referred to his establishment now under construction. I cautioned her that I might not be in that area by the time she had her associate's degree in what ever she chose for work.

"That is okay, I'm going to follow you where ever you are. I will have settled on something by the time you come back for Harriet's wedding in the spring."

"If you need help in deciding, you know where I am."

"I know where you are and you will be getting some 'I love you, everyday."

"You will be getting them right back at you." Mom arranged it so Ginger and I had the evening alone before we headed west. It would be two months before Ginger and I would see each other again. We shed some tears and made a lot of love. We ended up exhausted and Ginger ended up staying through the night with me.

Sunday morning the four of us from California boarded the plane at the Minneapolis-St Paul airport. They were closing the gate when I left Ginger crying. There were tears in my eyes as I sat down in the seat next to Maria. Fernando was looking straight ahead across the aisle, but Adoria kept glancing at me. Maria's hand stole into mine. It was wonderful to have friends.

I threw myself into my work. I was to the point in designing of the Abbey where all of my time was not taken up with it. The permit process had begun and after the initial presentation I had time to work on a different project. There was one waiting for me concerning a church group whose church had burned beyond repair. It had been well insured and they decided to rebuild it having the insurance plus the congregation was rich although small.

This project was actually pretty simple. I was glad my name would be attached to it. It would be a way to begin making a name for myself. I chose a design patterned on an umbrella. As you entered the grounds about all you could see was a building with an entrance that was in the shape of a cross with wings. The cross itself was in relief, with offices behind and above the arms. The area below the arms was the vestibule. Behind this was the circular nave with both an east and west transept.

The altar was right down the aisle to the sanctuary. There was a wheelchair restroom off the vestibule. There were also three classrooms, a kitchen and a dining area in the back of the church along with two more restrooms. The only dissention in the congregation was in how many seats for the parishioners. The pastor wanted it big and to contain twice the number of the present congregation. He was voted down and the main body of the congregation opted for only an extra twenty-five seats.

It took several meetings and I was called on to speak to both factions held at different times and with the two groups getting nowhere. Finally I told both that I would design a floor plan so that it could be enlarged without destroying the integrity of the building or take away the overall esthetics of the church. The whole congregation voted to accept the new design. I laughed with pleasure and considered I was now a sometime politician along with being an architect.

Now it was back to the grunt work of drafting the blueprints. I was always working ahead, on not only one, but the two projects I was involved in. I was happy, for this is what I wanted my life to be like. The only thing that would be better for me was if Ginger was in my arms every night. That was coming, so I didn't obsess over it.

I received an email from Jack Gibbons at head quarters. Hey kid, you're on a roll. Congrats on the fine work, Jack. Needless to say this made my day.

Mom's wedding date was marching closer and closer. There was a problem arising from mother getting married. Mother was going to move in with her new husband and give up the home where she had lived in since William and Harriet Brown were married some thirty years previously. Where was Ginger going to reside for the next three months?

I called my mother when first apprised that there was a problem. "Mom, what are you going to do with the house? Are you selling it?"

"No, I'm leaving it to you and Roberta. I've got the money coming from the Whitmore estate. Tony has a comfortable income. My thinking is that your father loved both of you more than he loved me, that is, if he ever loved me. I know I was just a woman to be the cover of his proclivity for the same sex."

"What is the house appraised for?"


"So if I bought out Roberta, I would have to pay her $110,000?"

"Something such as that, if she would sell. Are you going to be living in Minneapolis?"

"Not sure. I'm more concerned about where Ginger is going to live until she graduates."

"I've got that covered. Ginger could be living in Tony's mother-in-law's apartment. It is separate and it will be a good for her to learn to live alone like she will be sometimes while you can't be with her. You know you might call her father and ask him what you should do. Also find out what Ginger wants. I haven't said anything to her and she hasn't asked me about anything either."

"Okay, Mom, this gives me a couple of options. Ginger and I will work it out. We are a team, you know."

"I hope you aren't mad because I'm upsetting the status quo by getting married and moving?"

"No. I'm so glad you are finally having a chance of happiness. I'll talk to you later. Thanks for thinking of what is best for Ginger. I'll be seeing you in two weeks just before you become Mrs. Anthony Redfield. Love you."

Ginger was in a bind. She only had a couple of months before graduation. I didn't call Ginger for a couple of days because I didn't know what to say to her. Finally I called, "Hi Ginger, I've been trying to figure out what you are going to do when Mom is married and goes to live with Tony. I have no answer as to what you should do."

"There is no problem. I just talked to Harriet and to my father. I'm going to be staying right here. Dad thinks it is okay and I am a big girl now. In just a few months I'm going to be married and I know you won't be with me every night so I might as well get used to living alone. Just don't stay away from me very long. I have needs you know."

"That's good. Why I couldn't decide what you should do is because I didn't want you to feel abandoned."

"I would never think that. I've had so much love from you and Harriet since you found me. I feel as if my own mother was the one who abandoned me a couple of years ago. I've had wonderful guidance here and I have matured enough so I know I can handle living alone for a little while. It isn't as if Harriet was going to be very far away either. She'll be checking up on me anyway."

"That's settled then. What else is new?"

"Harriet has her wedding plans all arranged. She is getting married on Tuesday of the week I have off for spring vacation. My father and family will be here Sunday morning and won't be leaving until Thursday morning so I'll have a lot of time with them. Robin and Roberta will come before that on Saturday and I don't know how long they are staying. When are you coming?"

"I'll be in Friday evening."

"Great, that means you and I will have the house to ourselves. After everyone leaves we will have it to use too. It will be like we are married already."

"We are sweet one, in our hearts."

"I feel the same way. I'm going to make you the best wife ever."

"Ginger we talked last February about what you wanted to do after you graduate. Have you decided yet?"

"Yes I have. You may not like what I have done, but I want to be with you. I hope you aren't mad about it?"

"What did you do?"

"I went over to your firm and talked to your boss. I asked for Jack Gibbons first and told him about you and me getting married. He went in with me when I asked the owner how long you were going to be in California. They said you were doing great in that location, so you would be there at least as long as I was in school. I have already entered into the culinary institute near where you are living and Dad has already sent in money for the first semester."

"You did all of this on your own?"

"Pretty much, I just wanted to show you I could do things without you having to take time away from your work to baby me along."

"You are well beyond being a baby. Tell me, just what are you going to be studying?"

"I'm going to learn how to bake all kinds of bread and pastries. Ginger Brown, Baker, has a nice ring to it don't you think? I have other news as well. Maria is going to go to the same school with me. She isn't sure what her major will be. This is something her family has urged her to consider and then she will be part of the Abbey along with other members of her family."

"Are you planning on working at the Abbey when it opens for business?"

"Only if you are still working for the firm there in California. If you go somewhere else, I'm going with you." Ginger had more to say, but hesitated to spit it out. "Pete, I have some bad news for you and it concerns us not being able to have a honeymoon right after we are married. I graduate on the eleventh of June and I begin classes on June twenty. Otherwise I can't start until September when the next class begins."

Same as Ginger
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Walking to the old factory building I saw Celina awaiting me, "Damn! Sorry Celina in all the activity yesterday I forgot to code the building to allow you access when you got here in the morning." "It's alright sir, I figured it was something like that, no need to explain," she sweetly replied. Wow! This was a definite improvement in her character from what she'd been before, now caring and meticulous compared to before when she was wild and dangerous. Opening the building he pulled...

1 year ago
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The Boss

THE BOSS by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas There was only one word to describe my boss - BITCH - but that word said it all. There was nothing that I could do that seemed to please her, and from the experiences of the past three months, since she had been hired, it was clear that the reason had nothing to do with my performance, and everything to do with my sex. She showed outright favoritism toward the women who worked in the in-house advertising department, and never missed a chance to...

1 year ago
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Unpredicted surprise encounters

Dear Readers, This is my first real incident recorded in writing. So, I humbly request you to apologize, if there are any grammatical mistakes in this story, as this is my first story ever written. Preface to this story: Got married just before lockdown and it was arranged. It was done in traditional Kerala style. This incident happened a year ago during the first lockdown. Part1:Let me introduce to the characters of the story: Myself (Karthik), my wife (Karthika) and a close cousin from my...

First Time
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Dude Where are My Clothes

The sun was shining brightly as I strolled along the Brighton seafront. The shingle beach was already full of families, although I’d always thought that Brighton’s lack of sand was a bit of a drawback if you were a kid – what was the point of the seaside if you couldn’t make sandcastles? But I wasn’t interested in sandcastles today: I just wanted to get down to the nudist area, get my kit off, and settle down to do a bit of revision while enjoying the unique pleasure of being nude outdoors in...

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I Cant Believe It

As Jack maneuvered his car onto the freeway, his mind was certainly not on where he was headed. As his small car reached the speed limit he pressed harder on the accelerator. He flew by other cars on the road one after the other as he gained even more speed... then not sure how long he had driven like this, as if waking, he glanced down at the speedometer and saw he was doing 95. Muttering under his breath, he lifted his foot off of the pedal. The car slowed, passing fewer and fewer others,...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 17 Moving In

"Hey lover, are you ready to wake up?" Jill whispers, as she kisses Allie's pretty face."Mmmm... yeah baby, I'm waking up. Damn, it feels good to wake up with you." Allie starts to giggle.Jill giggles back at her, "I know... I was just thinking that. How good your skin feels against mine."She rolls over on top of Allie and kisses her as they rub their cocks against each other. "Wasn't it fun last night, Allie? Fucking all the guys on this bed? And then sleeping together in this bed?" Jill...

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Here I am, 18 years of age, a year before I am on my own with no I idea of what I am going to do. Mom says college, but, there is no way that would be possible financially. She says that she has raised me and my younger sister alone and that she would finish the job. My sister Sue, 16, is herself reaching her point of maturity. As her brother I never did think she was all that hot, but lately looking more closely I am seeing things that I never realized about her before. I had seen her one...

3 years ago
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The Object Of Leos Affections

Leo’s fascination with beautiful ladies’ feet had started when he was a teenager. At a family wedding, his eyes had been transfixed on the groom’s sister. He thought Beatrice’s feet and cream heels were amazing. He watched her all through dinner dangling her heels on the end of her toes.Then the young Leo got carried away. He grabbed the shoe off her toes and ran off with it. He hid in a cupboard for several hours smelling the sweaty, leather odour from her shoe. He then started licking the...

2 years ago
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Saas ki chudai

Mai simranjeet ek punjabi family sai belong karta hoon.yai baat koi 5 saal purani hai.meri wife kuch dino kai liyai apni causin kai ghar jammu gaye hui thi.un dino mai akaila hi ghar par tha.Sardiyo kai din thai.Muzai sexy books or blue film ka shonk books merai ghar par pari rahiti thi,jisay mai bed kai nichay rakhta tha. Achaanak meri saasu ji mumbai sai jo apnay bhai kai yahan gaye thi aa gaye.kuch baat cheet hui or mai unkai liyai chai bannanay chala gaya tab tak woh fresh ho kar...

1 year ago
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The Chauffeur 30 Red Door Part One

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 After the day of bowling, things went on in a normal fashion. Day by day BJ became more accustomed to the play group. At work, we are letting all the district offices of all the brands become aware that their district office will close over the weekend and on Monday there will be no access. Clearly that news was making the rounds as more than 85% of those who worked in a district office called Sharon or BJ and decided to move to the Hawk. However,...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 136

The evening with Rhonda and Sholandra stayed with Laura for days. It had been far more thrilling sexually than she had ever anticipated, and the thought of another episode with Sholandra and Eric and Jamie was enough to give her the shivers. God, I don't know whether I can take it either, she thought. But I know I can hardly wait. As part of her job responsiblities, she had to meet now and then with various vendor representatives. A new one had called to introduce herself, and when Laura...

4 years ago
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Civil Duty

“So, how was your date last Friday?” Steve asks Jonathan.“Man, she is so sexy, I could fuck her anytime after work, regardless of how tired I am,” Jonathan replies to Steve, clearly excited by his date.Steve whistles, impressed. “That much? I couldn’t, I’m so tired after work, I don’t even want to date.”“Maybe it’s because I’m close to the end of my civil duty. Anyway, she is gorgeous. Brunette, five-eleven, a hell of an ass and her breasts. Ah, her breasts! I would like to keep my face in her...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Our new baby sitters mum 3

Introduction: Helen continues to play, Wendy has questions about sex. This is the sequel to Our new baby sitters mum (1) &(2) It is almost certainly better if you read them first. I was kneeling between my husband, Johns, spread knees, his cock in my mouth as I bobbed up and down along his shaft. Helen was seated on our couch, Wendy was sitting on the floor at her mother, Helens feet.. Wendy and Helen were both watching us closely. All four of us were naked. Eventually I felt Johns cum fill...

2 years ago
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Shanna A Complete Woman

Shanna woke up. Delirious, she looked around and noticed lights, monitors, and other medical equipment that filled the intensive care unit where she lay. Then she saw Kyle’s face. He held her hand, faithfully keeping vigil by her side as she recovered. He took her hand and raised it to his mouth, giving her a kiss. ‘Hi Shanna,’ he said. Shanna was confused, having no memory of the events that led her to his place. All she remembered was being in that dark alley, turning a trick with a band...

4 years ago
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The Next Three YearsYear Two

The Next Three Years....year two I have found that when a major life event takes place, the mind stores away every detail of the event. That is what happened the day our daughter was born. It was about 9:30 a.m. About one hour earlier I had drawn a pint of milk for one of the neighbors as they waited and watched me express into the small bucket they brought. So, after they left, dressed in white thigh highs and 4" inch heels, I was folding laundry. My recently drained...

2 years ago
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Porn whore to subslut girlfriend pt 2

Well, Carols asshole was hurting as I now refused to use lube with her and I was getting able to stay hard for a long time as I could bang for 30+ minutes without cumming or alternatively if I wanted to I could cum many times a night. I had ejaculated 10 times in one night recently.   I had long game and short game. It was a weird thing though, if I didn't cum for a couple of days I could stay hard for a long time and even the second and third and fourth times I would last, but after a lot...

1 year ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 16 Changing Dynamics

Jamie’s POV: Hi. The powers that be have FINALLY given me a chance to say something! Of course, they WOULD, just as I was now the ONLY one of 7 women still pregnant! Aaargh! Three weeks ago, Gracie delivered her little cutie, Crystal. Then, not 10 days later, Emmy, my friend and partner, gave birth to her little daughter, Jennifer. She was followed three days later by her sister wife, Sally, who presented Bill with his much anticipated son, Kevin. It was a joyous time in the neighborhood,...

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The Local Working manrsquos Club

Well as I enjoy the company of Older People especialy Women, I use to go to the Local Working mans club near where I live, as I don’t like pubs and night clubs very much I found that the Entertainment and social atmasfear was friendly in this club and being down the South of England there where more wives that came in for the evenings than up north. Most of the married ladies that come in where very plain and always sat with there Husbands, but some of them would like to flirt with us younger...

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10th GradeChapter 13

We left the pool area to go over to the club house restaurant. By the time I had gotten to the pool, Bea and Brenda had already befriended Carol, telling her that I had insisted on them inviting her to have lunch with us. Both Brenda and Bea had described me to Carol, Brenda telling her that I was the boy that had been here with her before, the time when Carol was standing in the pool and smiling over at me. Bea then told her that I was the boy she had teased by exposing herself to me. Carol...

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Tumblr SisterChapter 3

You couldn't lock the bathroom doors from the outside. I fully expected Danni to come storming in with murder in mind ... but she didn't. In fact, they left me alone the rest of the night. This is not to say I couldn't hear them, but it was strange, because they honestly didn't sound any different than they had on other nights. I mean I could hear voices, but not what was being said, and those voices kept speaking until I finally fell into an exhausted sleep. They obviously hadn't been...

4 years ago
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Kathys Diner

KATHY’S DINER  Sisyphus It was late and I had been driving for hours through the fog and drizzle. I was getting drowsy and in the middle of nowhere, it seemed. Nothing but trees and an occasional dark house were barely visible. The static on the car radio made listening to the jazz station annoying and the only other station that came in was preaching about the end of time and we better give our souls to Jesus to be saved, something like that. I turned the radio off and drove in the dark...

2 years ago
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Hatchery RoadChapter 8

“So when did you become Florence Nightingale?” It was obvious from her expression that the question clearly took Josie by surprise. Sarah had been getting a tour of the facility from her best friend, when they were interrupted yet again by someone needing to speak with Josie. The high school gymnasium, where they were located, was impressively packed with roughly 400 or so cots, along with enough evacuees to occupy nearly all of them. The substantial din of numerous conversations going on...

3 years ago
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Christines Story II

Introduction: As told to me By Christine The scenes of being fucked kept recurring. I could still see his naked cock as he stood over me. From my point of view it seemed enormous. His circumcised dick stood straight out from his loins supported by a tight sack. It bobbed up and down like a caged animal. Then I was being fucked. Over and over again this movie replayed itself. First I could see his phallus then I was being fucked. I awoke with a start. I was disoriented for a moment. Then the...

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 72 Wake Up Call

Kathy felt something tickle her nose. It's that darned Teddy Bear she thought as she struggled to scratch the itch. Then she realized it was wasn't fuzzy like a bear; it was soft and warm and smelled like roses! It was Christi's hair! Her heart sang as she blinked awake. It had all been just another of those curious dreams and she was safe and sound in her beloved's arms. "Are you okay?" Christi whispered gently. "You were really saying some strange things." "I didn't know I...

1 year ago
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Why do women bother with Male Relationships

"Hey, Zezee. Take a look at this." "What is it this time? You finally figured out how to turn on the computer?" Mark can be so tiresome sometimes. I wish he'd grow up. "Better than that. Come see." 'Come see?' Must be about sex. "I'll be right there." Might as well indulge him a bit. I need a good back rub and my legs are killing me again. When I get to the den he rolls the chair back and I settle on his penis. Usually this takes care of any problems he has but not this time....

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 38 Rest and Relaxation

Liala, Morane and her troopers started their way homeward after spending three days with the penitents of the Southern Enclave. Morane had asked Liala to send her troops through each room of the temple to secure anything of value they might find. They found quite a large sum of gold and jewels hidden beneath floorboards and in secret portions of the walls. Each room was thorough destroyed by the time that the troops left but no one cared. Morane had ridden off to the nearest town to tell...

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"I'll suck your cock for twenty dollars." I was barely paying attention as I stood up to the urinal with my cock in hand waiting to empty my aching bladder. My eyes were shut and I was far away. The voice was low, just slightly above a whiper. I glanced to my left and saw a young k** standing at the urinal beside me. He looked in his mid to late teens with his hair trimmed down into a crew cut.He must have been in one of the stalld. I never heard him.. "Sorry," I said,"did you say something?"...

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Return to Puerto Banus Continued Part 1

We have been so busy these last few months, moving into a new home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t gotten around to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes.Hopefully, you’ve read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ and you know that both I and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me. Especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and anonymous, gives us more opportunity to indulge in our...

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Being a Good Neighbor

Chapter 1 When this all began, the phone didn’t ring much any more. It did a lot right after Mary died, I was invited over to friends all the time but, after three years, the calls had dwindled to pretty much a stop. We had a lot of friends who were very supportive while my wife of twenty-six years fought cancer, but, after all, they had their own lives to lead so I understood how it happens. That’s what made it so nice when my next door neighbor, Brenda, called me one Saturday several years...

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Consequences 1 Wife

Special thanks to my Proof Reader, Bruce. There is a saying that, "the husband is always the last to find out". How true it is. In my case, our children knew YEARS before they finally decided to ask why I was still married to June. I'm Jeff Winslow, 45, married now for 24 years to my (still) lovely wife June, who is also 45. While I'm busy running my advertising company, June has a lot of time on her hand, so she works out, had a small tit-lift and looks at least 10 years younger. I on...

3 years ago
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Brooke Opens Up

The end of spring was making its way into Pennsylvania with summer knocking on the door and I got to enjoy the drive from Pittsburgh to Hershey for a work conference. You know the ones where they stress three days of leadership and team building. This year, the company picked a five-star hotel with its beautiful venue, attractions, and small cottages. It was a nice getaway from the bustle of the office.We all arrived on Tuesday in order to start checking in around four in the afternoon. I had...

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Ships In The Night

October/Tenth/Two-Thousand-Ten: Detroit, Michigan. *Knock-Knock-Knock.* I Ignored the knock. *Knock-Knock-Knock.* "Jim? It's Tom." I didn't want to see anyone right now, not even my best friend. After what Coral did I didn't want to be ALIVE. *Knock-Knock-Knock.* "Jim, I know you're in there. I can see the light under the door!" I continued to pretend I wasn't home. *Knock-Knock-Knock.* "Damnit Jim! I'm your best friend for Christ's sake! I know you are feeling down but you've missed three days...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Brenna Sparks My Husband Is A Cuckold

Brenna Sparks is super open with her husband, maybe even too open actually. She explained to him how she just was not happy in their relationship anymore and needed to see other people. Her husband could barely get out a stutter before Brenna could introduce her new fuck buddy Dylan. They were going to go fuck now, but hubby was free to watch and play with himself as he pleases. He followed them into his bedroom where he watched his hot wife get pounded by another man while making fun of him....

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Girlfriend Makes ThreeChapter 2

That first night's experience between Sam, Sharon, and Ann had been amazing. Later, as they were lying in bed, Sharon couldn't resist asking Sam about it. She was wondering a lot of things after she'd just finished her first threesome with her own husband and her best girlfriend, and Sharon just came right out and asked Sam how it had been having sex with Ann for the first time. Sam had done everything with Ann that he'd done with Sharon. He'd eaten her pussy, he'd fucked her, kissed...

1 year ago
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RoomersChapter 13

Summertime, and the living oughta be easier. I stood in the window and tried to feel positive. I'd moved Annie and the kids up to the top floor, got myself a little privacy. She didn't seem to mind: needed her space too, I guess. Kids bothered me a tad though. Little Doug watched me like a dam' hawk, copied me some, and Lizzie kept bringing me daisy chains, pretty stones, stuff like that, so my coffee table was littered with dead flowers and gravel. I went to fetch another beer, got...

3 years ago
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The Contest Winner

The Contest Winner By Nicole Larson “Did you enjoy the show?” the big security man with the headset asked. “I did!” I gushed. “Very much!” And I had. It had been a long time since I’d been to a rock concert, and I wasn’t a huge fan of Cindee’s music, but she had put on a great show. The lights, the songs, the dancing, the insanity of the crowd, it was intoxicating. So here I was, riding an elevator up to the 24 th floor of a swank downtown hotel, on my way to a private meet and greet with...

Group Sex
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Scarborough pub pull

Another night another play, as you will be able to tell we are new to this lifestyle, well we decided to have a night in Scarborough we did the usual a few drinks then a great meal then back to the night life, we settled in in the Turks head on the hill down to the sea front, we got settled in a corner and started to enjoy the entertainment, after a while we needed our drinks replenishing MrsC said she would go because she needed a toilet break anyway, a few minutes passed and I began to...

4 years ago
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Wild And Wonderful Experience With Indu

Hey, guys, my name is Ram. I’m married and I’m from Hyderabad. I’ve been reading stories on ISS for the last 10+ years but this is the first time I’m writing one. I’m 5’10’, good-looking, slim and I’ve been told that I’m great in bed. To people reading this story, I hope you enjoy this story and do write to me at This is a real-life incident and it happened 1.5 years ago. I had been friends with Indu for a year before that. She is great looking, sexy and has wonderful assets 36-28-36. She was...

1 year ago
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Big Boobs Anju The Dark Maid

Hi guys, I really have a doubt if any stories posted here are true, however, I must assure you that this one is true. This maid of mine works in our office and has the most amazing boobs. She is dark and has a heavy frame. I am fond of mature and dusky ladies; therefore, I had an eye on her from the first day itself. I am 25 and I am the kind of guy who would not get into a comfy conversation with the maid. So, I really had no clue how to start a conversation. Although I had a sexual encounter...

2 years ago
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Demon Overlord Lucifer Part IV

Sorry for the ever-so-long wait everyone. Ive been dealing with some shit that makes it hard to get inspiration for writing. However, Im making it up to you guys by making this part longer than usual, with more Erotic content, so Enjoy! Chapter 4: Im the Master Now. I looked over Hildegards naked and unconscious body. Looking at her breasts, waist, hips, and crotch. She probably had about an E-cup or thereabouts, Ive never seen anything past DD. I skimmed my finger from her crotch, up her...

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