Training_(2) free porn video

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The kids got along well enough, but were in different social circles and different schools, so they didn’t have much in common, and didn’t hang out at all. Both preferred to spend as much time away from their homes as possible, but both parents had devised a plan to bring the two kids a little closer.

Today was a Friday, and there was a school dance planned for that night. Both teens were going, as Tom’s girlfriend attended Krista’s school. Krista was going without a date, planning on meeting a few of her friends there.

Alex and Linda were planning on making the most of their night together, allowing Tom and Krista to host a small party at Alex’s place after the dance for a few of their friends .

The kids were to spend the night there so as to alleviate the need for drunk driving, and the alcohol provided for the party was a mild amount of beer and wine. Getting their friends to be friends was to be a way for the two teens to connect, was the theory, because the two adults wanted this union to happen so much. Alex’s house would soon be on the market anyway, if the two decided to live together full time. The teens were allowed to have two friends each spend the night after the dance.

Tom’s girlfriend was obviously going to be one of his choices, and his mother was okay with that, having had a talk with the girl weeks before about birth control and consent. His other choice was his very best friend, Clifford. Clifford was effeminate and lispy, but Tom was his friend.

Alex also had a long talk with Krista, and was okay with her plan to invite Kelli and Mary, her two best friends. All three were responsible girls, especially when they were together.

The kids left the house for the dance in Tom’s old beater wagon, backfiring in salute as it turned the corner away from the house.

“They’re gone.” Linda smiled at her boyfriend.

“You know what that means.” replied Alex, grinning back. “On your knees, slave. I own your ass, now.”

“Yes, Master.” Linda said, kneeling on the carpet in front of the couch. He walked over to her, standing over her, his crotch right in her face.

“Do you want me to suck it, Master?” she asked.

“Not you.” he told her. “Go upstairs and put on my daughter’s school uniform, then come down here and suck your Daddy’s cock.”

“Yes Master.” Linda smiled, a nasty gleam in her eye. She went up the stairs, switching her ass back and forth as he watched.

Five minutes later, he went to the foot of the step and called up. “Krista! Get your naughty little ass down here right now!!”

Linda appeared at the top, her “C” cup bosom stuffed into Krista’s “b” sized top. “Yes, Daddy?”

“Krista, come down here right now. I have to check and see if you’ve been naughty.”

“Yes, Daddy.” Linda said obediently.

Unbeknownst to either of the adults, Krista hadn’t gone to the dance in her brother’s car, she was waiting in the kitchen for one of her girlfriend’s parents to pick her up. So when she heard her father call her down, she was astonished to see Linda wearing her clothes appear at the top of the stairs.

She watched, speechless, as her father called his girlfriend by her name, even more so when he pushed the woman to her knees and told her to “Suck it, Krista, suck Daddy’s cock, be a good little girl, that’s it, Princess, make Daddy feel so good!”

Krista watched in shock as first Linda pulled her father’s pants open and took out his sizable erection, the first Krista had ever seen in person. Her eyes got even bigger as her father took the woman’s head in both hands and thrust his cock right into her mouth!

She was sucking on it, letting him slide it in and out of her tightly compressed lips at will, fucking her face, and the most shocking part of it was, her father wanted it to be HER doing that!

Krista imagined herself on her knees, in Linda’s place, looking up and seeing her father’s face in a rictus of ecstasy the way it looked right now, imagined herself on her knees with that thing in her mouth, sucking and swallowing and giving her father pleasure the way Linda was right now.

“Okay, Krista, get up.” her father told Linda. He raised her to her feet, then turned her around and pushed her face onto the couch. “Gonna fuck you, Krista, gonna pop at cherry, gonna fuck you, gonna fuck you, little girl, are you ready for me?”

Linda looked back over her shoulder at him. “Is it going to hurt, Daddy?” She licked her lips like a slut. “Its my first time, Daddy, and I don’t want it to hurt, okay?”

“Okay, sweetie, Daddy’s gonna take good care of you, okay? I promise I won’t hurt my little girl, I promise.”

Alex was rubbing his cock up and down the length of Linda’s pussy, getting his cock slippery with her juices.

“Oh, Daddy, that’s feels so big and hard back there! Are you sure something that big is going to fit?”

“It’ll fit, baby, it’ll fit.” Krista’s father said, then started pushing his hips forward. The girl could clearly see her father’s cock sink fully within the woman wearing her school clothes, saw the look of ecstasy on the woman’s face. She couldn’t help but wonder what the woman was feeling, what she herself would feel. She watched her father fuck this woman who was pretending to be HER, watched her father get off on the fantasy that he was fucking his own daughter!

At last he pulled out of the woman, turning her around again and pushing her onto her knees. “Suck it, Krista, suck my cock, suck my cock, baby, get ready for your Daddy’s cream, right in your mouth, little bitch, take my cock in your mouth and swallow my come, dirty little whore, dirty little slut, Daddy’s little slut, suck my cock, you little teasing bitch, you little cock teasing slut, take my come down your throat!”

Linda opened her mouth willingly as he took his cock in hand, pumping his fist up and down its length several times. Krista saw his face turn beet red, and the head of his cock to match, then it spurted out 5 or 6 strong jets of creamy white goo, right into Linda’s mouth and over both her cheeks and forehead. There was a long string of it down her nose and hanging off her chin, which Linda wiped up with one finger and ate.

“Oh, God, baby, nobody sucks cock like you do. That was the best ever.” he told her.

“Who are you talking to?” Linda asked. “Me, Linda, or Krista, your daughter?”

“I’m talking to you, Linda. You’re the best cocksucker I ever had. The most willing slave, too. I can trust you with my deepest, most forbidden fantasies. How many other women could I have admitted lust for Krista with? Even if they are my slaves, still, there‘s life in the daylight, too, you know? They would remember, and talk. You? I know you can’t tell anyone of the things we do; it would destroy what you have as much as it would destroy me and mine.”

“We match; you’re just as twisted as I am.” she said. “How many other slaves would be willing to play the part of your underage daughter?”

“Speaking of whom, you don’t think she’s… ?” Alex asked, a little apprehensive. “I mean, her mother and I… well, I guess the kind phase for it would be… precocious. She was only fourteen when we first met.”

“Master, no, she hasn’t.” Linda said. “That girl hasn’t gone to her knees yet, I guarantee.”

“Good.” Alex said, relieved. “I mean, I can tell from her personality that she’s a natural submissive, even more than her mother was, but still, her… training… can wait until she’s ready. Unless she’s lucky enough to find a great Master…”

Krista heard her friend’s mom pull up out front, and scooted out the kitchen door before they could honk. Her mind was filled with the things she had just seen and heard.

“Hey, Krista, you look nice.” said Mrs. Thompson, her best friend Mary’s mother. “I already dropped Mary and Kelli off at the dance. They didn’t want to drive all the way across town with me to come get you.”

“Yeah, I can understand that.” Krista said, getting in and buckling her seatbelt. “Thanks for coming to get me. At least you don’t have to drive me all the way back.”

“No problem, sweetie, I just hope I wasn’t too late. I know it was supposed to be 6:30, but better late than never, right?”

“That’s okay, Mrs. Thompson, I…” Krista trailed off. She had a thoughtful look on her face.

“What is it, sweetie?” asked the woman. She knew Krista didn’t really have a mother figure in her life growing up, so these last three years of friendship with her daughter, she had been a mother to both girls, Krista and Mary.

“I don’t have a date for the dance.” she said simply, tears brimming. “I don’t know that I’ll get asked to dance by anyone, either.”

“Oh, nonsense!” replied Mrs. Thompson seriously. “All you have to do is stand by yourself, away from your girlfriends, and a boy will come up to you and ask. I promise you. Just get away from the other girls so they don’t scare him off.”

“Mrs. Thompson? May I ask something personal?” the girl asked, timidly.

“Of course, dear, anything, you know that. I’ve loved you like Mary’s sister ever since the first time you came to my house.”

“Well, it’s the way Mr. Thompson… treats you.” Krista said hesitantly. “Not when everyone’s awake and up and dressed. They way you two are together when me and Mary are in her room and you and him are in his Den.”

“You know about that?” Mrs. Thompson whispered. “Does Mary know about that?” she asked, dread filling her face.

Krista shook her head. “Mary doesn’t know. She knows something, but she doesn’t want to know, if you know what I mean. It would be like her sneaking downstairs on Christmas Eve and seeing her Dad putting the presents under the tree. Even after kids know that’s what happens, they know they don’t want to see it.”

“Okay. Okay. Good.” said Mrs. Thompson, looking relieved. “So, what do you know about it?” she asked.

“I don’t know anything about it. I saw you on your knees doing things with your mouth to Mr. Anderson while he said filthy things to you, called you all the names that bad girls are called, he did all the things to you that porn movies have in them, and you loved every minute of it.”

“So did you, from that look in your eye.” laughed Mrs. Thompson. “You wished it was you, didn’t you? Are you a naughty girl? Do you belong on your knees, too?”

“Not that night.” whispered Krista. “But today, when I saw Linda doing the same things to my father, I wished it was me then.”

“Oho.” chortled Mrs. Thompson. “There is a submissive little slut in there. Mr. Thompson would like it if you came over to our house tonight instead of going to the party.”

“I… I uh… I’ll go to the party, Mrs. Thompson, if its all the same to you. Maybe I am a submissive little slut, but I’m not ready to get on my knees quite yet. I’m only fifteen.”

“Fifteen is old enough.” Mrs. Thompson said. “All right. If you ever change your mind, my husband is an excellent Master, nor am I his only slave.” They pulled up in front of the school, where scads of kids were milling around outside. Several of them peeled themselves off and headed for the car.

“Hey Mrs. Thompson, would you mind dropping us off at our private party a little early? This dance is the lamest ever.” Kelli said, opening the back door. Mary hopped in and slid over for her friend.

“Hi mom. Thanks for bailing us out. Tom and Lisa will be over later, in his car. I guess he’s going to bring his dweebie gay friend Clifford, too. That should be a buzz kill all the way around.”

“You could be a little nicer about it, Mary. That isn’t a very lady-like thing to say.” said Mrs. Thompson.

“I’m not a lady, Mom.” Mary said, for the hundredth time.

“Still, one can try.” said Kelli airily. “Even if one is as course as burlap, a little velvet lining soothes the skin.”

“Exactly, Kelli, well put.” said Mrs. Thompson.

“And if all I got to wear is burlap, I’ll go buck naked instead.”

Mrs. Thompson sighed as Kelli and Krista giggled. “All right girls, here we go.” she stopped the car in front of Kristi’s house. “Have fun, but not too much fun, if you know what I mean.” The girls piled out of the car and ran into the house, giggling and laughing as Mrs. Thompson drove away.

Krista opened the front door and all the girls went inside. As they were shedding their coats onto the chairs and couch, the kitchen door opened, and Tom walked into the room, followed closely by his two friends.

“Hello ladies.” Tom said, smiling at the girls.

“Hey, Tom, where’s Clifford?” Krista asked.

“Clifford won’t be joining us this evening, Krista.” he said. “These are my friends Colin and Peter.”

“Hello.” said Krista politely, nodding slightly at them. “Where is Lisa?”

“Lisa and I broke up tonight.” Tom told her. “Your father explained a lot of things to me over the last few weeks, Krista, things about the relationship between men and women, and Lisa just wouldn’t… cooperate. She wouldn’t look at things from the proper perspective.”

“You two broke up? But she loves you so much…” Krista said, sounding disappointed. “Aww, I really liked her, too. So pretty.”

“She’ll come around, in time.” Tom said confidently. “But for tonight, I want you to see your true natures, all three of you, and for that, I have my friends Colin and Peter here to help me.

“Our true natures?’ asked Mary. “You mean like my mom?”

“That’s exactly right, Mary. Just exactly like your mother. And Kelli’s mother. And yours, too, Krista. Its time the three of you assume your proper places.”

“I’m not… I don’t want to be like my mother.” Mary whispered. “Please? I’m not like… that.”

“Oh, yes you are, Mary, you especially. I know who you are. And my friend Colin here is just the man to show you. Kneel before him, look up into his eyes, and you will know your true place.”

Colin stepped right in front of Mary and put his hands on her shoulders, looking her straight in the eye. Gentle pressure was all it took to lower the girl to her knees before him.

“Please???” she begged. “Please, don’t make me do this!”

“I’m not going to make you do anything, Mary.” he said, opening his pants and exposing himself to her.

Peter took Kelli’s face in his hands, captured her gaze, then slowly had her kneel before him. Mary was on her knees as well, both girls looking up at the men in front of them.

“On your knees, Krista.” Tom said softly, looking into her eyes and putting his hands on her shoulders.

“I… I…” she tried to say, but Tom was pushing her down, down, and then she was looking up at him.

“This is where you belong, isn’t it?” he told her. “This feels more right than anything you’ve ever experienced, doesn’t it?”

She nodded, looking up at him. “Are you going to make me suck it?” she whispered.

He nodded, then unbuckled his belt. She started to move her face back as he popped open the button, but he caught the back of her head with one hand. The other was pulling his jeans open.

She could see the swell of him inside the tight fabric of his briefs, and turned her face to the side. She saw Kelli pull Peter’s shorts down and expose his cock all by herself.

“Oh no.” she whispered, then turned and looked the other way. “Kelli! What are you doing!!”

On the other side of her, Mary already had her mouth open and Colin was stuffing as much of his rod inside as he could, both his hands entwined in her hair.

“Oh, Mary, no!” she thought to herself. “Not you, too…”

Tom’s fingers curled into her tresses and turned her back to face him. His cock was out now, fully hard, and pointing straight at her nose. He brought her face closer and brushed the head of it over her lips, ignoring the girl’s tears.

“Suck it, Krista, open your mouth like the good little slut that we both know you are.” he said. “Look at your friends. They both know, too, and they are sucking cocks. Look at them, Krista. You know you want it. You want me in your mouth, take it in your mouth and suck it like a good little slut.”

He put his hand on her head, lightly and gently easing her closer, closer, and the next time it brushed her lips, she softly opened her mouth and let it inside. She could feel the heat it brought to her lower belly and knew this was right. “I’m a slut.” she thought to herself. “I’m a slut.”

“Ohh, yeah, Krista, good girl, now suck on it a little, a little more, feel it going deeper? Suck the cock, baby, good little slut, suck the cock nice and slow.”

When she had gotten a good steady rhythm going, Tom abruptly pulled out of her mouth. Krista looked around and saw that the other boys had also made her friends stop. To their astonishment, the boys all traded places!

Krista looked up to see Peter smiling down at her, then he was guiding his cock between her lips. “Suck it!” he said. “A good slut doesn’t care who’s cock it is, as long as its big enough!”

She saw Mary already taking Tom’s head into her mouth, smiling up at him as he fed her inch after inch. She looked over at Kelli, who was holding Colin’s hardness in her hand and licking it like a lollypop. She caught Kelli’s eye, who nodded encouragingly, then engulfed the whole cock in her hand in one go. Colin sighed with pleasure.

Krista turned and took Peter in her mouth, at once noting the difference in texture and flavor from Tom’s. “Maybe I am just a slut.” she thought, dismayed at the pleasure she was taking from being used with her friends like this. “My first time is supposed to be different than this. I bet Mary and Kelli are thinking the same thing right now.”

“Okay, guys, switch again. You know what to do.” Tom said, and Krista saw Colin come over to her. He grabbed the hem of her T-Shirt and lifted it up over her head, leaving her topless. Tom and Peter had both done the same to Mary and Kelli, and all three guys then made the girls lay down on their backs as their panties were removed out from under their mini skirts.

Colin looked up at Krista as he knelt between her wide open legs. “I have dreamed about tasting you ever since I can remember. You’re the sexiest girl I know.” He bent his head and lapped up the length of her slit, and she cried out. His tongue went to work on her relentlessly, and soon she was bucking her hips and spasming against his mouth.

“Okay, gentlemen, time to switch again.” Tom called out, his voice cutting through the sound of all three girls moaning.

Krista opened her eyes to see Tom between her thighs, holding his cock in his hand.

“No, please… I’m not… I don’t…” she gasped. She tried to squirm away from him, but he had both hands on her hips and moved his body right along with hers. She could feel his hardness sliding up and down her slit, gliding over her clit with delicious friction.

“Hold still, Krista. Hold still and let me in. You know you want this. Hold still, Krista.”

She felt it sliding between her labia, then it slid a little lower and …there! He was inside her, staring deep into her eyes as he pressed through her flimsy maidenhead and sank fully inside her.

She heard Kelli cry out and she couldn’t tell if it was pain or passion, but either way, she knew her friend was no longer a virgin any more than she was now. A tear trickled out of the corner of her eye.

“I’m a slut.” she thought to herself. “I’m not a virgin anymore either. I’m a fucking slut.”

“You’re a slut, Krista, a fucking slut, you’re a slut.” he said, echoing her thoughts aloud. He began moving his cock inside her, first pulling back a little then forcing it all the way in.

She shuddered and bit her lip, a smile fleeting across her lips.

“That felt good, didn’t it, little slut? You like having my cock inside you, don’t you? Its okay to like it; all good little sluts like getting fucked. All of you do.
“And I like fucking you, too.” he said, smiling. “I like taking control and making you do things, I like seeing your face when I ask you to do something three steps outside your comfort zones.” He looked down at her again, more closely.

“You like this, huh?.” he smirked. “You little virgin; you had no idea it would be like this, that it would feel like this, and now there’s no going back, is there? I’m fucking you right now, you’ve already sucked three cocks tonight and you have one as deep inside you as it can go right now, and there’s no going back to the innocent little girl you woke up as this morning.” He looked straight into her eyes. “You’re a fucking slut, you’re a fucking slave slut, and you can be a perfect little slave slut. You can be the most perfect little slave slut ever, can’t you? I bet you could be better than my mother, even.”

He saw the shock of his words register in her mind, and before she could respond, he lifted head and broke eye contact with her, speaking to the room.

He lifted himself off her and stood to the side. “Switch!” he said. “This time, the ladies go to a different guy, and they do it reverse cowgirl, so I can see the titties of the ones that ain’t fuckin’ me.”

Krista started to look defiant as he nudged her over to Peter.

“What? Are you thinking of denying that you’re a slut? You want to be a nice girl and just fuck one man at a time?”

She nodded, biting her lip.

“No, Krista, you’re a slut.” He lifted his face again, addressing the room once more. “All three of you are sluts. Nice girls don’t suck cock the way you do. Certainly they don’t suck three of them in one night. A nice girl might do it three times in her whole life, and only with her husband, after years of marriage.”

“That’s right.” Peter spoke up. “Not that there’s anything wrong with you three being sluts; far from it!”

“Yeah!” spoke up Colin. “I’m really glad you’re all sluts, so we can have fun! Especially you, Mary.”

“Really?” Mary asked Colin. “You don’t think I’m bad for doing this? I mean, its fun; I like it and all, especially when you… make me do things, when you take control, but… its feels like I’m being bad at the same time. You know what I mean?”

“Not bad, Mary.” said Kelli. “Naughty. It makes me feel naughty at the same time I’m doing it.”

“I’m not sure what you meant.” Kelli said, a moment later as she approached Tom. “Reverse cowgirl?”

“Turn right around, sit astride me facing my feet, and… ahhhh.” he said, helping her into position. Kelli lowered her hips Tom’s hardness slid smoothly into her.

“Oooh, this is naughty!” she giggled, bouncing up and down on him. “I can see Mary doing it, and Krista, too. Naughty at the same time it feels good. That‘s the word all right.” she said, shuddering, as she bounced up and down.

“You ready, fellas?” Tom called out. He sat up, holding Kelli around the waist. “Let’s dog these bitches.”

All three of them were sitting with the girls on their lap, then as one they bent them forward and went to their knees, holding the girls by the hips now, still inside them. They fucked the girls doggy style like that, bringing each of them to a shuddering orgasm before slowing the pace. All three girls had their faces within kissing distance of each other in the middle of the floor.

“Peter, was Mary a virgin when you fucked her?” Tom called out. Peter shook his head in reply.

“Nope.” he said. “She was plenty tight, but I didn’t pop no cherry.”

“Mary, were you a virgin when Peter fucked you tonight? Tell the truth!”

“Well, no, I wasn’t.” Mary said hesitantly.

“And who was it that took your virginity, Mary?” Tom asked, crossing his arms.

“Timothy Barton fucked me when I was at camp last summer.” she admitted. “I sucked him off, too.”

“I see.” Tom said. “I promised my friend that he could take your cherry tonight.”

“He promised me I could take your cherry tonight.” Peter repeated to her, looking her right in the eye.

“But its gone! I can’t give you what I don’t have anymore.” she protested. Colin pulled out of her and let her sit up.

“But you still have some cherries left.” Peter pointed out. “You haven’t had two cocks in you at the same time yet. And there’s your anal cherry. I’m damn sure having that!”

Colin lay back down and ordered her to get him back inside her. “Right now, Mary! Get my cock back inside your pussy right now!”

Both Kelli and Kristi saw the look on Mary’s face as she obeyed Colin. She was crying openly, sobbing, in fact, as she reached back and placed the hard cock inside her and sat down onto it.

Colin and Tom glanced at each other, then Colin ordered Mary onto her hands and knees. He moved forward and caught her hair, pulling her face forward onto his cock.

“Please?” she whispered up at him. His cockhead brushed her lips, and she licked them as soon as it left. “Don’t make us do this? Let us be nice girls? Why do we have to be sluts?”

“You don’t have to be sluts, Mary, you just are sluts. Look at my cock, put you hand on it, look at it, and if you are truly not a slut, then its simple- don’t suck it. Look at it Mary, see how long you can look at it and not suck it while you feel the other one inside you. Colin’s cock in you, and looking at mine, feeling it in your hand. Don’t suck it, Mary, only sluts suck a cock with their mouth while another is in their pussy! Mary, oh, Mary, my beautiful slut, suck it, take it all, my little slave whore, take both our cocks, oh my beautiful little slave slut cocksucker whore!”

Kelli and Kristi could both hear Mary crying around Tom’s cock as he fucked her mouth. They could also hear her moans of pleasure in between them. Soon they outnumbered the tears, and Mary was groaning in ecstasy.

“Go ahead, Peter, take it.” Tom said, grinning at his friend. Pete wasted no time, smiling widely as he straddled Colin, right behind Mary.

He grasped her hip with his left hand, spit into his right and smeared it all over his cockhead. He pressed it firmly against the girl’s little asshole, leaning over her back, thrusting his hips against her with repeated pressure, until finally he entered her, popping through and sliding smoothly inside, penetrating the girl deeply in one pulsating thrust.

“Are you guys getting close?” Tom asked his two friends. They both nodded, grinning. “Let’s give it all to Kelli. That girl looks greedy for the nut juice, doesn’t she?”

All three boys moved over to where Kelli sat on her knees, crowding together in front of her. They stoked their cocks in their fists, and before she hardly knew what was happening, Ropy streams pf hot sticky cum was jetting onto her face, covering her from forehead to chin. It was even in her mouth, tasting salty and musky, coating the whole inside right away.

Kristi looked at her in shock as her friend began wiping it all into her mouth and eating it, smiling with pleasure.

“Kelli?” Kristi asked.

“Oh, Kristi, it tastes so good!” Kelli smiled at her. “Oh my God, it tastes so GOOD! I thought it was gonna be horribly gross, but its not.”


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Monday found me at the Dollar General to look for my big dick friend. The girl that he had been deep fucking was working as I walked in she motioned for me to be quiet and pointed down at her feet. I thought she had already been visited had a full cunt for me to clean, But as I looked over there was a sight of all sights the bull had a young guy at her feet trying to get in his ass with his monster, the girl had her foot in his mouth to muffle his cries. She whispered in my ear that the guy had...

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I dated this eighteen-year-old teen queen for a few years. She was, and still is to this day, a fuck buddy. But more than that, she was the most sexual woman I’d ever met. It seemed like her awareness of other people simply didn’t exist. Her name was Jade. 5,8, long blonde hair, 34C chest, and never a hair on her shaven twat. This girl was my life when we dated. She wanted it all the time, anytime, anywhere, and I gave it to her. One day, she approached me and asked if I knew what a glory hole...

First Time
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by All These Roadworks Kitka had had a teasing, flirtatious courtship of Eric for two months. They'd kissed on the first date, she'd let him grope her tits through her shirt on the second, but up until tonight she hadn't let him undress her, let alone fuck her. Not because she didn't want to - but because they were both enjoying the thrill of anticipation. They knew it was going to happen - and soon. They'd talked on video chat to arrange tonight's dinner. "So when are we taking...

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Kitka had had a teasing, flirtatious courtship of Eric for two months. They'd kissed on the first date, she'd let him grope her tits through her shirt on the second, but up until tonight she hadn't let him undress her, let alone fuck her. Not because she didn't want to - but because they were both enjoying the thrill of anticipation. They knew it was going to happen - and soon.They'd talked on video chat to arrange tonight's dinner."So when are we taking it to the next level?" Eric asked.Kitka...

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I walk into a crowded train and I immediately spot you in the back-sexy as hell-short open jacket and short skirt with boots. I make my way to the back with the guise of making room for others. I catch your eye and we exchange a slight smile. I've maneuvered my way to stand right in front of you. It's been raining so I have on a long trench coat-just got off of work and I'm wearing my best Italian suit. I can tell by the way you look at me that you like what you see. Suddenly the train...

4 years ago
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The last risk I took was a very enjoyable one. It started one the journey to work. The same time, same train and of course the same bored commuters. Come with me on the train and share my moment.The 8.05 train opened it’s doors and we all shuffled on, most people trying in their institutionalised manner to get the same seat they had occupied for the last 30 years of their working life. Man with briefcase with rip in it sitting on the second seat to the left of the toilet, woman who obviously...

1 year ago
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I gazed up at him after he placed me as he wished, laying on the short platform,arms drawn down and back, bound tightly down, causing my naked breasts to pushupward, exposed for his use. My thighs parted wide, knees bent back, the entirelength of my legs resting on the specially made padded and bent arms and bounddown tightly. His special ?bitch bed? as he called it was perfectly comfortable ? padded,the bindings of the softest leather. My pussy was stretched wide, my cunt andasshole hanging in...

2 years ago
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Hi horny friends! It took a lot of time to gather up enough courage for me to narrate this incident. I swear upon my own self that each and every word that I write is true, it actually happened to me and provided me an opportunity to start this beautiful, fascinating relationship with my own sister. (I am going to change the names here for the sake of privacy). This happened when I was 23 and my sis was 20. I am Amir; live in Pindi, 24 years old, an engineer by profession recently graduated...

3 years ago
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Trained By Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Chance Favors the Prepared We met one lovely day, ten years ago, on a train from Oxford to London. I was returning home from a business meeting and chose a six-seater compartment in first class. The details of the meeting went through my head and I decided that it had been an unqualified success. You could have described me in those same words. At 35, I was succeeding in business in a way even I could not have predicted. That success...

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I had gone to work for this consulting firm that Mandy owned. Almost all the consultants were woman. I was hired because I am a computer person and they needed someone to update there systems and write programs. I worked very closely with Mandy because she would define what was required and always tested the programs before I introduced them. Many days we would work late into the night. After only working there a short time Mandy asked me out for a drink. She was very much in charge...

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I had a whole bunch of guys run a train on me when I was in a drink and cannabis induced state. I don’t remember much about it all, though I can piece much of it together. At the time I didn’t enjoy it… well not much. Now, the thought of being used as I was just turns me right on.I was dating this guy, a real bad boy. I hadn’t let him get in my knickers, I was making him wait a bit. I’d sucked him off though, just to keep his attention.So we end up going to his cousins house one Saturday...

1 year ago
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TeenCreeper Avalon Heart Prey On The Party Girl E05

These slutty teen girls and their out of control partying is enough to make anybody want to stalk these whores and fuck the shit out of them, and thankfully, the Teen Creeper is noot afraid to take what he wants and he knows what he wants when he sees it. Today, teen whore Avalon Heart is the victim, or does she secretly want the dick? Avalon tells her friend on the phone that she hooked up with a girl and a couple of random guys at a party the night before while she was wasted. Today, she is...

3 years ago
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Intimate Moments With My Sexy Teacher In Her School Cabin

Hello, all the iss readers. Thank you so much for the great response to my previous story. I received a lot of appreciation on the email. I am back with another story including me and my teacher. I hope you all like it. You can go through my previous story to get a better flow of the events. Again the queen of my story is my Hindi teacher Shalini. We had many sessions after the previous one at her home and other places. This is one of them. This is my real-life experience and let’s get started...

4 years ago
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beth and mom 1

house in a good neighborhood. I'm an only child and mother and I have always been close. I guess our loss brought us closer. I am big for my age (18 years old) and a good student. About a year ago, mom's sister Beth moved in with us after she left her abusive husband. At first I didn't like having her there, but I soon learned to like Beth and enjoyed her company. She helped mom around the house and frequently helped me with my homework. Beth is very bright and has a masters...

2 years ago
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Nocturnal NurishmentChapter 2

I have had Jack and Andy in my employ for these several months past and I have been circumspect in commanding that neither of them deposit any of their commoner folk seeds into my vaginal tract and catch me in a way that I would find personally distasteful. I was most gratified to have both of the lads at my beck and call and admit I had succumbed to a certain sense of joy at their enthusiastic efforts to bring me to satisfying orgasm with excellent skills whenever I was in need of such...

1 year ago
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Erotic Education 1 Erica3

Erica meets me in our local park where we walk and chat about erotic educationI offer her a lesson in love in practise, in a secluded part of the water-parkI offer her a first ever orgasm from licking love lips after her golden showerErica eagerly follows me to my place for more privacy for next lessons in loveI teach the teen to play for pleasure her love lips so she can come without meErica likes my love lessons, especially how she can climb up from first heavenErica likes most how to...

1 year ago
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TMWPOV Jenny Fer Farewell sex before the trip

Today, Jenny Fer has to leave to college in another city for a long time. She has already ordered a taxi and comes in to say goodbye to her boyfriend. She knows that she will miss him a lot from the distance and especially miss their hot sex. Jenny doesn’t have much time so she decides to give her boyfriend a proper farewell sex before heading to the trip. She quickly gets down on her knees, grabs onto his shaft and shoves his big cock deep into her mouth. Then they fuck in different...

1 year ago
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Squirted Katie Kush Katie The Cock Rider

The only thing Katie Kush enjoys more than Toni Ribas fingering her till she squirts is riding his big cock till she cums, and Toni can’t believe how good it feels as she throws that booty back as she grinds on him. He strips her out of her pink bikini and fucks her mouth, making her squirt and licking her pussy, then fucking her nice and deep. Katie just keeps cumming over and over, especially once she finds a hot pink vibrator to use on her clit while Toni pounds her! This cowgirl gets...

1 year ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 19

“Thank you for trying to save me,” Ned says a little while later after finding his clothes and Penelope has repaired hers. “But I was about ready to make my escape when you showed up.” “I saw that,” the witch murmurs. “Regardless, I am glad you showed up as it aided in my escape in regards that I was able to do it faster,” the vampire hunter continues. “My distraction allowed for their destruction.” “Glad to help, but I need your help.” “My help?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “What help I...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 9 A Capital in Conflict

Elena watched the group of Serratian priests enter the castle’s courtyard and she closed her eyes for a moment. There had been rumors of a rogue sect heading toward the capital but no confirmation. There hadn’t been mass killings or thefts. They had kept to the lightly traveled roads and provided their own stores. The reports had been of areas where a large group had camped – and of telltale signs that it was a group of Serratians who had been there. A small group of men broke away from the...

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Locked In My Room by loyalsock

'And so I said to the mailman. . .' Mom said while no one was listening. We were having dinner and everyone was enjoying their meal, except for mom. She was talking about everything and no one was interested. Me and my sister kicked each other beneath the table. I didn't like her that much. She was 20, one year older than me but she was always better at everything. After everyone was finished mom hadn't had a bite of her food and started to gulp everything in. 'Come on Elice, we don't want to...

1 year ago
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My Wife Calls Her Ex

"Oh god, Baby that was amazing!" my wife moaned as I lifted myself off her, slowly letting my cock slide from her pussy. When I said "my cock," I really meant the thick eight-inch long black strap-on dildo my wife made me wear tonight."You made me cum so fucking hard!" she said, still squirming from her last orgasm. I had only imagined making my wife cum like that with my dick, but it isn't anywhere near the size of this dildo."How many times was it?" I asked."Enough for me to lose count,” she...

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Dad's morning routine was anally observed with no deviations. We had exactly twenty minutes to be together. Mom would enter my room , remove her robe, and start sucking my cock. During the warmer months I usually slept nude, but even a pair of pajamas or boxer shorts were not much of an obstacle for her. Sometimes I pretented to be asleep as she took my cock into her mouth, suckling on the tip for a while. On those particular morning when I was asleep there was more pleasing sight than her head...

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The New Hire

The New Hire By Cal Y. Pygia Norman Bancroft wasn't exactly crazy about the job. For one thing, the pay sucked, and there was zero chance for promotions. In addition fairly long periods of boredom were relieved--if one could call driving several hundred miles per day for several days in a row relief--by trips from one of the railroad's distant job sites to another somewhere in the northwestern quadrant of the United States. At least the job driving workers from site to site paid...

4 years ago
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Privilege Pt 04

Naturally Roo, Misty’s dog, was well aware that she was straying but he lacked the communication skills to pass this information on to his owner. Clawed, on the other hand, took a slightly more phlegmatic approach, insisting that he fuck her if she reeked of another dog, which she did now, often. This led to him covering his straying bitch far more frequently than any human male ever could or would want to. Mollie’s new addiction or over-indulgence had created a slight body modification....

2 years ago
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From German Teacher To Class Slut2

“It was an eventful week!” I thought as I entered the class in the clothes these guys had suggested. Well, demanded rather! I had to change in the railway bathroom (the newly built AC one at Thane station for those of you know the area) before coming to class.There was no way I could leave home dressed like that! I had to go to various unknown places alone and shop for the clothes they had specifically asked. The most difficult was buying the ‘G-string panty’. You don’t get that in every...

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Marcys Adventures Back for More

If you haven't read my first story(Marcy's Adventures - In The Beginning), it would probably be best if you did because a large part of this story is directly related to it. At the end of the last story, I'd just opened the bag I'd brought home from the adult book store after a long and totally out of body first experience of being dressed in front of someone and having sucked my first real cock. In the bag were all the things that Bill, the owner of the book store (I found out he was...

2 years ago
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Tims LifeChapter 7

Wendy closed the door behind her, leaving Tim and two of her students alone. As commanded she yearned to complete anything Tim suggested, this as one of those things. At his suggestion she had sent each of her students out to an empty class, one at a time. There Tim simply asked each a few questions then he sent them back. After all her students had gone, he had simply come to the door and told her to ask Samuel and Jean to stay after class. Then, he told her to leave them alone. She smiled...

3 years ago
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Clueless Henry

Two over heard conversations led to both the best and worst times of my life. I know it sounds confusing, but then ain't that life? I wasn't even supposed to be there. I had flown to Chicago to renegotiate a contract with a supplier who had missed several delivery dates. I got to the supplier only to be told that there would be no talks because they had just filed bankruptcy. I called the airport and found that if I hustled back to the airport I could get a flight back home at eleven that...

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The Pretend He Couldnt PretendChapter 5

Jackson Hole, Wy. 5:25 p.m. Jarod turns the engine off of the rental car looking at the farm house sitting in front of him and Micheal. Every time he sees his home he still can't believe he's really there. He looks over to where Micheal is asleep, in the passenger seat. He leans over and kisses her sleeping lips, waking her gently. Micheal yawns, stretching her back, smiling satisfied when her spine lets out a loud series of cracks. Jarod winces, hearing the crunching of her bones. Micheal...

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A collective effort to get mausi pregnant 8211 Part 2

Hello readers. Let me tell you the remaining story. Mom and Arbaz saw mausi crying. Mom asked her, “What is the matter, Garima? Why are you crying?” Mausi said something which shook us up and made us reassess the whole situation. Mausi: I could not get pregnant because I never had sex in the first place. (She continued to sob and recite the rest of her misery) My husband (Mausa ji) has chronic erectile dysfunction. He is impotent, so we never had sex. He tried lots of times and took certain...

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PornMegaLoad Jaimie Vine She Gets Satisfaction

Age: 27; Born: August 13; Ht: 5’5″; Wt: 126 pounds; Bras: 34B; Panties: Black thongs, usually; Anal: Yes; BJs: Swallow; Masturbate: At least once a day. We asked Jaimie why she decided to make her first porno. “I realized that I was masturbating all the time but not getting the kind of satisfaction that I required. I figured porn is full of well-endowed guys who know their way around a pussy and can stay rock-hard for hours. That sounded enticing to me. “I live in...

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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 14 Rosanne Whips Lisa Again and Again

"LISA! Your face! What a mess. I never saw you that bad. I won't ask who won! Never mind! You couldn't have been expected to give your best, not with all you have on your mind right now. You'd better go to bed and stay there a week! I'll get the doctor to see to you. Get upstairs at once and prepare to be an invalid!" "Stop fussing, Samantha! I'm fine! In fact I'm on top of the world! And, despite what that other cow did to me, I still have my one hundred percent record and you...

3 years ago
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Hi my name is JJ and I have Cerebral Palsy. I am in a wheelchair and I think about sex constantly. Jessie, my cousin, is a big beautiful woman with large 38D tits. Jessie is also a nurse. I got sick one day and I had to go see her. She began to ready a bath for me, as I struggled with my clothes. She finally came over and helped me to remove my clothes. My cock was hard and throbbing. She begins to remove her own clothes telling me that she doesn’t want to get them wet while she bathes...

2 years ago
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Behen Ka Boobs Ko Teil Se Massage Kiya

Hi friends, I am Rahul, and this story is of my sister Sakshi. She is 21 years old and a sexy girl now. Her boobs make everyone crazy and her tight ass is something to die for. Ye kahani 2 years pehale ki he, tab sakshi naye college me gayi thi aur uske jyada friends nahi the, esliye wo mere sath kafi close thi. Wo mujhse sabkuch share karti thi. Ek din wo apne room mein bahot sad bethi thi, to maine pucha, Me- Sakshi kya hua? Etni sad kyo ho? Sakshi- Bhaiya, kal hamari freshers’ party thi...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Prostitute 8211 Part 1

Disclaimer : All characters in the stories are fictional. If your name is used as one the character it is a coincidence. The story has extensive homosexuality and unprotected gay sex. If you are against anything stated please quit reading. This sex story is particularly long, the first part is a build up to the upcoming parts. The ideas for this story are taken from many others as I’m regular reader of many erotica blogs. For any comments and ideas Email me – Story:- My name is Sagar. I’m a...

Gay Male
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CHAPTER 27: A RELAXING WEEKEND?Joe came home that night ending the workweek to a very quiet house. There was no van in the drive belonging to the video company. The two women who were the sole owners and employees of a small local video company had just spent two days at their property first filming Nikki for an instructional video for K9 sex and then after seeing what Nikki’s day really is like came back the next day to do a ‘day in the life of’ documentary type filming. Both had Nikki very...

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What If Whence Came Thorine

It's been a while since I posted anything in the "Whence Came" series, so I thought I'd let those who might have wondered how the Ashmagordian thunder goddess from the story "Whence Came the Avengers" came into being, here is her story. By the way, as I done with most of these tales, I wrote most of this with an open copy of "Journey Into Mystery" #83 for a guide. If there's enough interest in this story, perhaps I'll write get around to writing Chapter 5 for "Whence Came the...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 20 Emergence

What is a family? How do we become so attached to those that we grow with? Those that know us the best are the most capable of hurting us. Why do we always give them the power to do so? To claim someone as part of your family is to accept them into your life, into your heart. Those inside you are able to cause pain like no one else. This could be because they know you so well. They know which buttons will hurt the most. They know your secrets. They know what causes you pain. Lovers, brothers,...

1 year ago
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My Cousin Got Me Started Pt 2

After Don and I had sex that first time it seemed like every adult that I got near was trying to put the make on me. Women would comment as much as the men about what a cute butt I had and they always made mention of how much my breasts seemed to keep getting larger. I wondered if this was because I spent so much time masturbating and standing before the mirror fondling my tits. I would imagine showing them to guys and looking at their cocks as they got harder and harder and watching as they...

3 years ago
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Bachelorette Party

It had been decided that my wife would host her cousin's bachelorette party. Our house was perfect for this type of thing because we had a beautifully finished basement with a big bar and sitting area. When I heard about this, my cock was immediately hard. I had always secretly fantasized about seeing my wife with another man. And although the idea of this was likely not to happen in our own house in front of her friends, I was still hard thinking about her seeing a stripper. Over the following...

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Kidnapped and Collared

The bell rang, and the students filed out into the corridors, blissfully unaware that their beloved school was being watched   The bell rang, and the students filed out into the corridors, blissfully unaware that their beloved school was being watched. You see, one student was quite different; she was the daughter of an Arabian oil tycoon. She strolled down the corridors, with her two best friends blabbing away about the day?s events, as she felt a shiver run down her neck. Aurora was...

4 years ago
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ReallyChapter 2

I awoke the next morning with her in my arms and my cock sporting a morning wood. I needed to pee and slipped from her body. She was still sleeping soundly when I reentered her bedroom and knelt by her side. As I slipped into my clothes, I wondered whatever happened to Amy yesterday. She could have sat there and watched us for all I knew. I never heard her if she did. I walked out of the bedroom headed to the garage. When I got to the kitchen, Amy was busy working on something at the table....

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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 15

“There’s nothing to be nervous about,” Keith reassured Maddie. He was sweating in anticipation of his own coming ordeal and the bandage on his eye felt wet and clammy. Nonetheless, he was doing his best to project calm to Maddie. Her part of the initiation was well-rehearsed. She knew what was expected and was prepared with the answers to the questions that she would be asked. She had even joked that Frank would have it easy when it came to doing her tattoo. All he had to do was connect the...

2 years ago
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Can This Be Happening Ch 03

Another month had passed and Megan’s life had started to regain an ounce of normalcy. Work was going better and Megan had started to smile more. She thought about Kevin about once every minute but this time she didn’t let it stop her from life. ‘Hey you.’ Ashley said, popping her head into Megan’s room. ‘Hey.’ ‘So, have you thought about what you’re going to wear to Rick and Stacey’s wedding yet?’ ‘Not really. I don’t even know if I’m going. A wedding isn’t exactly something I’m super...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 5

Bryant took his leave from O'Bannon's Pub at seven thirty. He had switched to water for the last hour, even though he'd only consumed two beers in the time he'd been there. A DUI would not bode well for him in his job search. He plopped down on his bed at the inn and stretched his legs out. He thought about what he knew about Emerald Cove. Sure, the job would have its downsides. Every job would be like that. But those problems wouldn't necessarily be his to correct. His job would be to...

3 years ago
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Aureli revised

The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, rough sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.A French-Moroccan girl discovers forest sex, and exposes herself to a female motorist.The envelope containing a memory stick in her mailbox looked innocent enough. She took it with her on the way in and left it on the table in the hallway. Aureli Durand had just arrived home, exhausted after another stressful day at the office....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 314 Organizing the Money

Thursday, August 10 to Thursday, August 31, 2006 Vanessa called our lawyer back, to tell him we'd signed. He said, "Congratulations. I'll get the ball rolling here and I'll fly to Corvallis with the rest of the originals on the next available flight." "It'd be more convenient if you could fly direct on one of our new jets." "It's too early for that. Commercial flights will be fine. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll let you know my arrival time when I've got the bookings." Now...

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Tales of the eKids Ch 03

Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Part 6 Elle Adkins lay with her eyes closed, her face grimaced as if in pain. Her fingers were slowly caressing her small round breasts as she worked her pink nipples in time with Eamon Turner’s tongue. She was alone in her bedroom. A few meters away in an adjoining bedroom Emma Adkins and Eamon Turner were making love. Eamon was deep in Emma, and Elle felt every inch of his length, every centimeter of his breadth, every ridge on...

3 years ago
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Drink Smuggler

A blonde girl in the remnants of a torn black dress is leaning against the last car in the parking lot, her shaking legs doing their best to keep her steady until her shaking fingers work out how to fit a key in a hole, legs that are spread wide as if to better anchor herself to the ground. Having never felt lighter nor emptier in her life, the small Camille has been struck with an irrational fear of floating away since she got up from her theater seat. None of her two hundred coworkers who...

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