The Guardian free porn video

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????? Everyone had nothing but sympathy for Alan. What a way to be left an orphan. He guessed that things had been going badly for his parents for over two years but the end was as dramatic as it was tragic.???

????? The Inquest report concluded that his father had returned unexpectedly early from a business trip, discovered his wife in bed with her tennis coach, bludgeoned them both to death with a golf club before gassing himself in his garaged car. The Headmaster at St Fort's who broke the news to Alan later described it as the most harrowing task which he had faced in thirty years of teaching.

????? Even greater anguish was caused by money worries, both Alan's and the School's. His father's life insurance was invalidated by his suicide and business debts consumed what little money he had left including the value of the house. There was barely enough left to settle the funeral account.

????? The Governors at St Fort's thought long and hard about the difficulty but there were already so many financial pressures. They concluded that it would be impossible to keep Alan at the School without payment of fees for another three years.

????? As an only child with few relatives, the only suitable candidate as guardian was his father's sister. After the early death of her husband, she seemed in many ways to be a model guardian. She had been a Classics and Art teacher at a highly rated grammar school but had taken early retirement after her husband's death. It was rumoured that her pension and a huge inheritance in excess of one million pounds, she would never need to work again. Her life was now devoted to books, painting and animal care, especially horses.

????? Initially, she was reluctant to disturb her ideal, tranquil existence with the care of a young, very vulnerable and potentially disturbed teenage boy. She had no children herself but her brother had been such a dear brother to her. Two years her elder, he had always looked out for her and her regard for him knew no bounds. Her late husband had been a darling but in truth, there would never be a man to compare with brother. To have the care and instruction of his son would keep his memory alive.

????? Alan finished the session at St.Fort's, said his farewells and headed south to live with his aunt in a leafy Berkshire village. He had only met his aunt before in the company of his parents. Then she came over as quiet, demure, not at all like a bossy schoolteacher. But now her character seemed to have expanded.

????? ?Her lovely large villa was beautifully decorated and furnished but to say the least, her tastes were exotic. Alan remembered that she had taught art but it was not the sort of art that pupils at St. Fort's were encouraged to paint. The walls of her house were adorned with paintings and sketches of nudes, both male and female. At home in the evening after their meal, she would draw the curtains before retiring to her room to change her clothes. Her evening outfit always seemed to be monochrome, usually a white silk blouse with a black leather waistcoat, a short black and white or just plain black tight fitting skirt and long black boots which came up to her knees.

????? Alan's perceptions of the world were changing almost daily. Only weeks earlier, his voice had started to break and he had discovered the pleasure to be had from playing with his wee wee. There were boys at the school who were coarse and called it a cock. Some of the bigger boys would try to touch his. They would promise to show him theirs if he hopped into their beds.

????? He did not know any girls to speak to. The only girls he had ever seen were girls on the street or pop stars on television. Some of them were really nice to look at but he would not dare try to speak to any of them. It was funny how when he was lying in bed at night, his thoughts of Aunt Joan in her evening outfit made his wee-wee stand up. And it just would not sit down. It made him feel restless and unable to sleep. But pulling the skin on his wee-wee definitely helped. If he did it vigorously enough. A white milky fluid would spurt out. O dear, what a mess it made but it made him feel so good, relaxed and ready to sleep.

????? Aunt Joan could be quite bossy. After his week in her house, she remarked that she knew about boys' aversion to hot water. But he really must make more of an effort to keep himself clean. She stressed the importance of personal hygiene and how Alan was not smelling too fresh. She insisted that before his bedtime, he should take a proper bath.

????? The bathroom was like the rest of the house, in perfect order; fully tiled and fitted with a long deep bath. Alan admitted that it was vastly superior to the facilities at St Fort's and way better than the simple bathroom at his old home.

????? Just as his mother used to do, Aunt Joan helped him undress and slide into the foaming hot water. As she picked up his clothes to take them through to the washing machine, she told him to ring the little brass bell at the side of the bath when he was ready to have his hair washed.

????? He set to scrubbing off the layers of sweat, grime and the rest. Leaning over to recover the soap, he smelt his groin and knew what his aunt had meant. Application of some soap definitely improved matters. A ring of the bell brought his aunt back into the bathroom. She was now wearing a white nylon tunic like a nurse. It was to protect against water splashes was her explanation when she saw the boy gaping at her. The shampoo was applied to his greasy hair and her long fingers massaged the soap into his scalp. Alan liked the tingle it gave down his spine. His mother never washed his hair like this. And then Aunt Joan hosed away the shampoo with a shower attachment before asking him to step out of the bath. A sudden flush of embarrassment swept over Alan. Aunt Joan would see his wee-wee.

????? She read his thoughts and told him that she had seen naked young men before. And she saw them every day on the walls of her house. It wasn't the same, thought Alan. With head bowed, he stepped out of the bath into the towel held out by her. Then she placed slippers before him and handed him a smaller towel to dry his sopping hair. She then told him to follow her through to a back room where the electric fire was turned on.

????? In the back room, she sat down on a dining chair by the fire. Alan was instructed to stand between her and the fire and to dry his head and shoulders thoroughly with the small towel. While he did so, his aunt dried his legs and bottom, the sensation of her fingers through the bath towel took all of his attention.

????? 'Now turn around so that I can do your front,' she commanded.

????? Alan obeyed and to hide his embarrassment, buried his head in the small towel. O God, the towel was coming up there. She was drying him ever so gently, her fingers moving ever so slowly behind his balls. She adjusted the towel. Holding both ends with one hand at his waist, it was her free other hand which gently stroked his balls and groin. Alan could not bear to look but he knew that his wee-wee was standing up. A hard-on, the boys called it. The shame of it all; having a hard-on in front of Aunt Joan.

????? His sobs of shame were muffled into the towel. 'I'm so sorry, Aunt Joan.'

????? She gave no reply. All Alan could feel was her finger and thumb gently pulling at his tight foreskin.

????? 'I don't mean it, honestly. I'm so sorry. Tears choked the words in his throat.

????? She maintained her silence and Alan felt her grip tighten as she pulled harder and faster on his wee-wee.

????? He continued to bury his head in the small towel, sobbing at the humiliation. His aunt's silence added to his shame. She must be mortified. He was certain that he would be asked to leave in the morning. Out on the street with nowhere to go. It would be better to get it over quickly. While his mind reeled, he let his body take over and pushed repeatedly against her grip. Within a minute, the pressurised pumping brought about release. His head still covered, he had no idea where the milky stuff was going. At last, it stopped and his wee-wee started to soften. But still, Aunt Joan had not said a word. He fell to his knees, still weeping and gingerly pulled the towel down below his eyes. Aunt Joan sat there, dabbing at her tunic with a handkerchief. Her eyes met his.

????? 'Who's a messy young pup, then?'?????????

????? The tears started to well up again in his eyes. She let the large towel drop to the floor and took the smaller towel from his frightened grasp.

????? 'Come along now, it's only virgin spunk. It's sure to clean off.'

????? She stretched out her arms and beckoned him to her.

????? 'Give your aunt a hug. You can do that even though you've shown that you're a big boy now.'

????? Alan was overcome with gratitude and seized the offer. He rested his head on her chest where his sense of smell picked up on three powerful scents; her sweet perfume which she wore in the evenings , the warm exotic smell of her leather waistcoat and a much less pleasant fishy odour. She held him tightly and ran her long fingers up and down his back.

????? After a few minutes, she pushed him to his feet. 'Right, time to have you tucked up in bed. First of all, go and dry your cock, darling.'

????? Alan beamed although slightly puzzled by her use of that bad schoolboy word. As he emerged from the bathroom, she led him up to his room and proceeded to sit on the edge of the bed.

????? 'Before you put your pyjamas on, I want you to stand straight in front of me.'

????? Alan followed her order but his head was bowed. He knew that she would be staring at his now little wee-wee.

????? 'Look at me directly, darling and give me a smile.'

????? He slowly raised his eyes and forced a weak grin.

????? 'That's better.' She again looked down at his wee wee. 'Put your pyjamas on and we'll have a little chat.'

????? Alan promptly obeyed. She just commanded obedience more than any teacher he'd ever met. Even his father and mother never had this sort of authority.

????? She sat back down on the bed and clasped his hands. 'Now darling, all I insist upon is the absolute truth.Is that understood?'

????? The boy nodded earnestly.

????? 'What you did by the fire, when did you start doing it?'

????? After Christmas,' replied Alan.

????? 'How often? Most nights? More than once?' The questions were insistent.

????? 'Not every night, he answered, 'but sometimes four times.' He worried that this sounded a lot.

????? 'Jolly good.' She smiled. How encouraging to hear that the family gun is fully loaded.'

????? Alan did not really understand but he smiled back.

????? 'I'm pleased that you're being so truthful. I may not have children but I know a great deal about teenage boys. Tell me, what do you call it?'

????? And with that question, she slipped her hand under the duvet cover and prised open the fly of his pyjamas.

????? Alan was rather taken aback but he had promised to tell the truth. 'It's my wee-wee.'

????? 'Yes.' said his aunt but she looked disapproving. That however is a childish word which you will stop using. The proper name for it is your penis although when we are together we will call it your cock. Is that understood?'

????? Alan nodded. He knew that word. If Aunt Joan wanted to use the same word as the big boys, that was fine by him.

????? 'Now what you did by the fire, what do you call that?'

????? Alan hesitated. He did not have a name for it. It was so secret. He shook his head.

????? 'O come along. The boys at school must have called it something.' The way she looked at him demanded an answer.

????? He came over all flustered. 'I don't really know. When some of the boys talked about their wee-wees, sorry, I mean their cocks, they talked about wanking it but I don't know what it means.' He looked worried and apprehensive.

????? 'Well my boy, now you do . By the fire, you had a wank or to be precise, I wanked you. Either way, that makes you a wanker. The word is often used as a term of abuse among men which is typical of their contradictions because for most of his life, every man is a wanker.' It is a natural need like sneezing or coughing. There is another outlet but we can discuss that another time. These next few years will be your main wanking years although I know that men continue doing it throughout their lives. Do you understand?'

????? Alan was thoughtful. So he was a wanker. 'I think so.'

????? 'You must know the proper name. To wank is to masturbate from the Latin Masterbatius, a masturbator. Can you remember that?'

????? Alan replied, 'Yes, he would remember that he was a masturbator.'

????? 'Very well. The reason why I am explaining this to you is that after tonight, there will be no more masturbation in my home without my permission. On any occasion when you and I are in this house or out together, you will seek my consent before you touch your hard cock. Is that understood? And do not think that you can do it out of sight. I have a wanker sensor which picks up any man masturbating within one hundred yards. I put that sensor to very good use at my school with the most surprising results. And another thing, I still have my school cane and horse riding whip for boys of all ages who disobey my rules.' She smiled to reassure her nephew.

????? Alan quivered. He had never been caned never mind whipped but he had seen the bruises, blood and tears of those who had.

????? 'It's been a full day, nephew. Lie back and sleep tight. She bent over and kissed him on the forehead.

????? After she had switched off the light and left the room, Alan lay still, his brain swimming with what he had learned. She knew everything about him including what he did under the sheets at night. He had done it when his father and mother were alive but they had no idea. Aunt Joan seemed so much smarter than his parents or anyone else that he knew. Fancy knowing what boys talked about and having a sensor that found you out. And there was something else; when you saw her, especially in the evening, she made you want to masturbate. She just did. Looking at her made your cock go hard.









????? Alan awoke to a lovely summer's morning. The shafts of sunlight streamed in through the gap in the curtains and lit up the room.

????? He felt his firm cock but mindful of last night's warning, he jumped out of bed and busied himself with dressing. That took his mind off it and it quickly settled down.

????? While his aunt served breakfast, he gazed at her as she stood by the sink. She looked much more like the Aunt Joan that he remembered, smartly dressed in a cream blouse with pale green slacks over ordinary black shoes. With her slim figure, small bosom and long slender legs, she looked so different from his mother. It came back to him that his mother used to complain that Joan was like that because she never had any children and smoked cigarettes. He wondered what caused her to say that. It was certainly true about the cigarettes. He regularly saw her smoking long thin brown cigarettes.

????? She joined him at the breakfast table, set in the middle of this vast immaculate kitchen.

????? 'Well young Alan, I have decided that we should go into London today. I have been entrusted with your care and in my book, that means educating you in mind, soul and body.'

With this announcement, she smiled at Alan who, in no position to argue, smiled back.

????? 'We'll start with the Renaissance exhibition at the Royal Academy, have some lunch and then fit in a little book shopping.'

????? Alan could only nod in agreement. He found that with Aunt Joan, her word was law.

????? 'Be ready for the off in fifteen minutes.'

????? His aunt was waiting by the door as he came down the stairs. Now she was wearing a pale green jacket which matched her slacks. Boy, did she look like a film star.

????? They too her car to the railway station. It was 7 series BMW, black with matching? leather upholstery. Alan was mightily impressed. His father used to have a Rover but by the time he died, he was reduced to a rusty, old Ford.

????? The exhibition was quite interesting with lots more nudes. After lunch, some of the bookshops they visited were rather strange. One in particular, had mostly books of naked men. The two men behind the counter also seemed odd. They wore jewellery and leather trousers. He was sure that one of them was Mr Collins, the art teacher at St Fort's but he kept out of sight in case he was recognised.

????? For Alan, the best parts were the train journeys. Getting on and off the Tube and the funny things you saw on the streets of London. He was tired out by the time they arrived home and Aunt Joan sent him for a nap before their evening meal.

????? At the table, Aunt Joan produced a bottle of wine and explained that as this had been their Italian day, it was an Asti, a light sparkling white wine. Learning about wine and drinks should be a part of his education. Alan took a gulp only to be reprimanded by his aunt.

????? 'Wine is to be sipped, not guzzled,' she spoke like the school mistress she used to be. Nonetheless, Alan immediately took to the bubbly, sweet taste. After two full glasses, he felt relaxed and cheerful.

????? After the meal was finished, he was asked to do the washing up and readily agreed. His aunt disappeared upstairs but from the kitchen, he knew that she was back in the lounge when he heard the sound of some old pop music coming from the home entertainment system. He finished his kitchen chores and came back into the lounge where Aunt Joan was standing by the fireplace, her back to the room, gazing at the huge nude painting above the mantel. She was swaying to the beat of the music, almost dancing.

????? Alan sat down on the long settee and stared at his aunt who seemed oblivious to his presence. His jaw sank as he sat still, transfixed by her outfit. Her long, shiny black boots now came up over her knees. The short black skirt which she had worn before had been replaced by an even shorter leather one. Her upper body was covered by a skin tight short black leather jacket which only just reached her waist. She seemed to be wearing matching leather gloves.

????? Her swaying to the music caused the sharp creases in her skirt to move from side to side . Alan sat perfectly still and stared. Nothing moved except for his groin which sprung into action. He wriggled around in his seat, crossed and uncrossed his legs but the thing just grew and grew until it was rock hard. He sat back in the seat panting, taking in short gasps of air. His tongue was hanging out as he tried to push his cock back down but it proved impossible. It was insistent, bursting to get out of his trousers. His breathing grew heavier and heavier and then the music stopped. Aunt Joan turned around, faced him with her legs apart and her hands on her hips.

????? ''You don't look well, darling. Is something wrong?'

????? Alan did not know what to say. But quickly he remembered that she knew everything.

'It's my my my my cock,' stammered the boy.

????? 'What's wrong with it?'

????? 'It's hard and it won't go down.'

????? 'In that case, take your trousers down and let me see.'

????? Alan did not hesitate. There was no embarrassment this time. His aunt knew all about his cock and his hard-ons. Within seconds, his trousers and underpants were around his ankles. His aunt sashayed across and sat beside him. Her next order was to remove his socks and shoes and to take off his trousers completely. While Alan did so, she unbuttoned his shirt and eased his arms out of it.

????? He sat back in the settee, stark naked but relieved that his full cock now had room to 'breathe'.

????? I think I see the problem,' announced Aunt Joan. 'Are you remembering the house rules?'

????? 'Yes, aunt,' replied the boy breathlessly, 'Please, please, may I have a wank?'

????? 'You'll want my assistance.'

????? Alan readily agreed. Anything to get a hand on his cock. 'O yes please. Please wank me.'

????? His aunt snuggled up alongside him, putting her left arm around his shoulders. The smell of her perfume and the leather was intoxicating. She flicked her fingers across his balls and gently brushed his proud cock. Each slight contact of her leather glove was ecstasy. He pumped back and forth in his seat, straining to get more contact. It seemed like the more he strained, the more she moved her glove away. By now, he was pounding up and down in the seat, getting faster and faster all the time. In his frenzy, he barely noticed that his aunt's hand had moved away for a moment and come back to place some sort of ring over the tip of his cock. And with a great surge, it burst out. All that milky stuff. Alan looked down and saw that it was flowing into some sort of rubber tube. Now his aunt had a full grip on him and was vigorously pumping him up and down.

????? He felt her lips at his ear, softly whispering , 'Excellent darling. Keep it coming. Give me lots of your come.'

????? The pumping and flow of the milky stuff seemed endless. This was fantastic, miles better than ever before. What was it about Aunt Joan? She was all powerful, all knowing, like one of these goddesses they had in ancient Greece. He would worship her, do absolutely anything she wanted.

????? After it was over and the flow of stuff ended, she told him to go to the bathroom and clean himself up. When he came back, she would have a present for him. The evening air was still warm and so he did not feel chilled as he walked naked to the bathroom, chuckling at the mirror images of naked youths which hung on the hallway walls. It was a house where nakedness was everywhere and made welcome. Ambling back through the hall, he revelled in this sense of freedom, the air in touch with his whole body.

????? Aunt Joan sat curled up on the settee. It seemed impossible to believe that she was nearly fifty; she appeared so playful and girlish.? As he sat down, she produced a small packet, urged him to open it and try it on.

????? 'It's a dressing robe,' she explained. 'I think it will suit you.'

????? He shook it out and slipped it over his shoulders. It was nothing like the beige woollen dressing gown that he had at school. It hardly reached his knees and was made of some very soft material. There were no buttons, only a tie around the waist. Embroidered on the back was a picture of some bird with huge colourful feathers. There was some writing on the front, Chinese, he thought.

????? 'Japanese,' said Aunt Joan as if reading his mind. 'Made of the purest silk.'

????? 'It's very comfy,' he said resuming his seat.

????? His aunt had poured herself a drink which was placed on the table in front of them. It looked like a long drink of Coca cola.

????? 'We can share it if you like,' she offered, 'but no more than a sip at a time.'

????? After his exertions, he needed a refreshment. Picking up the glass, he took a full mouthful. It was Coca cola but there was a strange aftertaste. Still, there was something nice about sharing things with his aunt.

????? His aunt was gazing at him in profile. 'I'm so pleased it looks good on you. Just let me sort out your collar.' As she ever so slowly adjusted his collar, her gloved fingers gently stroked the back of his neck. He closed his eyes as her roving fingers sent a tingle down his spine. Her leather skirt and jacket squeaked as she moved alongside him. The fingers on his neck were now replaced by her hot lips while her gloved hands wandered over his body, gently squeezing his hairless chest.???????????

????? It was happening again. This time, there were no trousers to impede the swelling of his cock. As soon as it popped out through his new gown, his aunt's hands descended around him and pulled the robe apart. His full frontal was totally exposed. Her right hand slipped underneath his balls and her forefinger rubbed lightly back and forward. Her left hand came round to the far side of his face and turned his head towards hers. She started kissing his cheek with soft pecks, edging across his face until their lips met. He offered no resistance, not having any idea what to do. After a few moments, she pushed what must be her tongue into his mouth, the tip seeking out the tip of his tongue.

????? By now, his cock was back hard again. This time, there was no flicking as his cock strained for contact. Her leathered hand or at least two forefingers and thumb were clamped around it, pulling and pushing it ever faster up and down. Their lips still bonded, he swung round in his seat so that he could feel her gorgeous leather skirt and jacket. His tongue came to life and intertwined with hers. Her grasp of him tightened and now it felt as if her whole fist was furiously pumping him. There were almost too many sensations for Alan; the sweet perfumed moistness of her kiss, the erotic feel and sound of her soft leather clothes and her firm wanking of him which would shortly lead to another eruption.

????? Wanting more of all of these sensations, he pulled her closer to him but she broke off their kiss to give him encouragement, not that he was in need of it.

????? 'That's wonderful darling. Let me feel that passion.'

????? She'd slipped another of these tubes over him and with perfect timing to catch another burst of milky stuff. With his head rested on her shoulder gulping in the waft of that soft leather, he could see the power she was expending, her forearm swivelling up and down as if hammering in a nail and all for the purpose of draining the milky stuff out of him. She was wrong about one thing; sneezing and coughing did not remotely compare to this.

????? As his cock softened, he flopped back into the seat. His aunt stood up, smoothed down her ruffled skirt and went through to the kitchen to dispose of the tube. On coming back in, she faced him, picked up the glass and stood drinking, her free hand resting on her hip. Hard to believe but it was stirring again and so, as a distraction, he stood up and asked to go to bed.

????? 'Of course you must, but do remember the house rules.' She missed nothing and he started to wonder if she had some mystical power, some way of reading his mind.



On the following day, the fine weather broke. As the rain fell steadily. They passed the day quietly reading. At various points, Alan retired to his room to practise the guitar which his father had given him on his last birthday.

????? After the evening meal at which wine, a French Graves, had been served, Aunt Joan left the room as she always did. She was more reserved in her dress this evening, just her long boots and waistcoat. There was no leather jacket and the black and white checked skirt was back in use. The toning down of her appearance did nothing to dampen the young boy's ardour. He tried to concentrate on the television film but it was impossible. He wriggled in his seat, got up and walked about the house aimlessly, then tried to read again but it was hopeless. Aunt Joan was engrossed in the film but of course, noticed his discomfort.

????? 'Rather restless tonight, aren't we?'

????? 'Sorry,'answered Alan sheepishly.

????? ' Can you tell me your problem?' asked Aunt Joan as if she did not already know.

????? Alan's voice faltered but the words finally came out, 'I need to masturbate, Aunt Joan.'

????? 'You're just like your father,' she said with some exasperation, 'If you can't wait for an hour until this film is finished, then go and fetch a large bath towel.'

????? A puzzled Alan did as we was ordered.

????? 'Spread it out on the carpet there,' she instructed, pointing to a space in front of her. 'Now remove your clothes and lie on the towel.'

????? Alan did as bidden but nothing more was said as the film reached an exciting part of the story. The sound of the action going on behind his head was meaningless as he lay on his back on the towel, gazing at his aunt. Meantime, her eyes looked straight over him, absorbed in the film. When the exciting scene finally ended, she looked down and asked him to move himself and his towel a bit closer. He now lay within inches of her feet. All the time, his cock remained as rigid as a flagpole. He was ordered to close his eyes and stretch his arms outwards. Nothing happened for a minute or so and then he felt something touching his cock. Something hard was forcing the skin up and down. He pushed himself against it to step up the pressure. It was not the familiar warm feeling of his aunt's hand or glove but it had the desired effect and within minutes, the milky stuff skooshed out, some landing on his bare chest, some squirting up past his shoulder onto the towel behind. He opened his eyes to see his aunt still engrossed in the film but the tip of her beautiful, long leather boot was firmly wedged against his cock and pumping the last of the milky stuff as if she were tapping her toe to a fast rock and roll record.

????? When the last drops had dribbled out and his cock had started to soften. She withdrew her boot and sat primly, knees together, engrossed in the film. The boy no longer had to be told to clean himself. Without a word, he left the room to place the towel in the laundry basket and clean himself before returning, now dressed in his silk robe. They sat quietly, watching television until bedtime.

????? Alan slept fitfully until 2am when he found himself fully awake. It was all the fault of his cock. It would not settle down. He tried to avoid thinking about it but it seemed so restless, as if crying out for attention. Admittedly, it had had less exercise today than previously. His parents used to talk about the need to tire the boy out before bedtime. But he dare not touch in case this activated the sensor. After an hour of frustration, rolling from side to side, he decided he would have to tell his aunt.

????? He tiptoed through to her room although there was no one else in the house to disturb. The door of her room was ajar. He poked his head around the door and whispered her name. She switched on her bedside lamp and blinked at Alan. Did he know the time? He did and he was so sorry but he knew the house rules. His embarrassment returned as he falteringly explained his need to masturbate. She sat up in bed and stared at the protuberance in his pyjama trousers. She looked rather small sitting there in the middle of her large bed, dressed as she was in her black silk nightdress.

????? 'Very well, take off your pyjamas and come into my bed.'

????? She told him to close his eyes and try to sleep, No sooner had she switched off the lamp but she got up, went to a chest of drawers and brought something back with her.

????? Alan was ordered to face away from her as she snuggled in behind him. Obviously, the nightdress was not very long as he could feel the warm flesh of her thighs. A hand slithered over him and her thumb and forefinger held the base of his cock. O good, she's wearing the glove, thought Alan. He stretched out his hands as she pulled hard on the skin of his cock a rhythmically rocked back and forward. Her own body was wrapped around him, her lips lightly kissing the back of his neck. She rose up briefly to lean over with her other hand t o place a rubber tube on him. This time, she rolled it right down his cock.? She was becoming active and Alan felt her pushing against his bottom with her waist. That was nice too. After a while she pushed her knee through his thighs, her right arm under his waist lifting him into her. Alan put out his hands on to the pillow to steady himself because she was almost on top of him. In the ecstasy of the wank, Alan did not really notice but it sort of felt like something was going in and out of his bottom. He did not mind as it felt quite good but it was strange hearing his aunt giving out little high-pitched gasps. She had always been so quiet when she had wanked him before. After the eruption came the wave of relaxation although his aunt riding his bottom as if he were a horse went on for a bit longer and only stopped when she gave out a long sigh. He skipped back to his room and slept soundly.

????? At the breakfast table, Alan sat and watched his aunt prepare some toast. She looked as fantastic as ever. Her tight white jeans showed off her long legs and on her feet were a pair of little black boots with high sharp heels. He wriggled in his chair on account of his sore bottom before asking his aunt for some remedy. She left the room momentarily and on her return, asked him to take down his trousers and pants. As he stood there in the kitchen bare from the waist down, his aunt knelt beside him, carrying out her examination. On her finger was a lump of cold cream which she proceeded to stick up his bottom. Without obvious reason, his cock sprung up and remained firm. Aunt Joan laughed.

????? 'You're as bad as someone else I used to know.'

????? The boy was growing in confidence, 'Do you mean dad?'

????? She looked thoughtful, 'your father was your age once, fractionally older perhaps.'

????? He looked puzzled, 'Do you mean there was a lady who wanked dad?'

????? 'In a way.'

????? 'It can't have been you because you were his little sister.'

????? 'You will not know this but little girls grow up more quickly. I may have been younger in years but I knew a lot more than your father. The girls at my school were well informed about these things. Your father was rather naive, did not know what was happening but as we were always close, he told me all about the changes in his body. He was shy at first but when I threatened to tell mother about it, he gave in very quickly. Up in the hay loft, he showed me what he did and I threatened to scream if he did not let me try. Like you he became hooked on my attention. But that's enough, pull your trousers up and we'll go to the supermarket.'

????? She never leaves the house without looking like a star thought Alan, admiring his aunt in her tailored leather jacket over a cerise silk blouse and these white jeans with a gold necklace and rings. He was happy to be putty in her experienced hands, moulded in any way she wanted. Pushing a trolley for her at the supermarket would never be a chore.



????? Later that week, Aunt Joan received a phone call which seemed to distract her. It was the only time he had not seen her looking cool and unruffled. She did not bother with dinner but paced up and down in her private study. Alan was reading in the lounge when she came in and announced that would be going out this evening. He had her permission to wank himself tonight. As she went out of the door, Alan peeped through the curtains as she made her way through the rain to her car, dressed in a long black raincoat. When she reached the door of her car, she stopped to adjust something in the waist band of her leather trousers. The light was fading and she was twenty yards away but it looked to Alan like the handle of a gun, a revolver. After she drove away, he tried to read but concentration was impossible. He gazed at the fire, confused and slightly afraid. Why did she have a gun? Was she a spy, a female James Bond? She looked the part. On the other hand, she might be a gangster going out on a job. Alan resolved to say nothing about what he had just seen.

????? After the excitement of the past couple of weeks, a wank under the sheets seemed so ordinary but it was enough to send him to sleep. There was no sign of his aunt until lunchtime the next day when she returned and headed straight to her room. Some time later, she came into the lounge.

????? 'Be a darling and pour me a long vodka and coke. That's a tall glass with two inches of vodka and the rest is coke with ice.' She slumped into an armchair and closed her eyes.

????? Alan discovered unknown skills as a drinks waiter and fulfilled her order. Three more were ordered and drunk within half an hour. She turned and fixed a look on Alan.

????? 'And how is my dear nephew?'

????? I'm very well, Aunt Joan,' was the hesitant reply.

????? 'And your cock? She leered at him. 'Not been overdoing the wanking in my absence, I hope.'

????? 'Just the once.' answered Alan truthfully.

????? 'Good. So there'll still be some juice in the tank.' She stood up and faced him, her hands on the hips of her tight leather trousers. The way she sidled over to him fired Alan's loins immediately. She bent over him, placed her hands on his shoulders and pushing him back into the seat, gave him a long kiss full on the lips.

????? She took his hand and led him up to her room where he was ordered to undress. 'A little something different this time, darling' on making this announcement, she placed a blindfold over his eyes. Next she ordered him into bed and put his hands up against the brass frame. Alan was nor sure how it had happened but somehow, his wrists were manacled to the frame.? His vision removed, he heard his aunt slip through to the adjoining dressing room and the opening and closing of wardrobe doors. He did not know what to think of when Aunt Joan came back into the room. What plan did she have for him this time?

????? 'Darling, I'm going to let you have a little peek to see if you like it.' she declared. Alan blinked as the blindfold was removed. Then he gulped on seeing her outfit. The black leather boots were almost the full length of her legs; the leather skirt only came down a few inches at most and the black leather jacket was barely a jacket at all. It seemed to be cut off below her breasts to show off her smooth-skinned bare midriff. Long black gloves climbed up to her elbows. She posed at the side of the bed, one hand on her hip before climbing in and straddling the boy.

????? 'Keep that picture in your mind, nephew while we have some fun.' The blindfold was replaced on the shackled boy.

????? Alan felt nervous but his blindness heightened his sense of smell and that wonderful combination of her perfume and leather usually meant nothing but a good feeling.

????? Now darling we'll have a little foreplay and when I say the words, you start thrusting your cock up and down. Very slowly to begin with . Listen always to my instructions.

????? Alan nodded and asked 'What are the words?'

????? 'The words,' she repeated, 'the words are fuck me darling.'

????? Alan knew that word. It got two strokes of the cane at St. Forts if a master heard anyone use it.

????? She kissed him long and hard, stroked his balls, then brought her boot up to his mouth so that he could plant a kiss on it. What followed led Alan into a new world of excitement. To start with, he could feel his rock hard cock being steered under her short skirt. The tip was in contact with something hot and moist. It was a land of mystery.? He instinctively started to push but she drew back until she had rolled another of these tubes on to his cock. This time, she rolled it all of the way down but without delay, it was drawn back up under her leather skirt. Her long boots pinned his thighs together as her weight descended upon him.

????? 'Wonderful.' she whispered huskily, 'now fuck me darling, fuck me for all you're worth!'

????? The boy too his cue and thrust upwards. His cock felt like it was disappearing into some hot damp canal where the walls were so tight that he was wedged in. He pulled back slightly then pushed again. It felt good, more work than a wank but even more exciting. With each push, he seemed to go further in until he sensed that his whole cock was in there and there was room for more. The walls held him tightly and soon he and Aunt Joan were pushing in rhythm. Her hands were everywhere; caressing his balls, stroking his unseeing face, tweaking the little tits on his chest.

????? Alan strained at the manacles but they were unyielding. He had to put everything into expressing himself through his cock. His aunt remained in full control. At one point, she required him to slow down and did so by squeezing his throat. He obeyed instantly. Then after Aunt Joan had increased the tempo, she let out a long moan and her whole body shuddered. She slowed down after that but Alan felt an eruption coming and speeded up again. At school, they had been taught about thrust in physics. Now he felt what it meant.His cock was like a rocket trying to take off but always coming back down. That is until the final thrust when he sensed that he had achieved lift-off; the thrust from his cock and groin forced his aunt up into the air. Well, she was a star. She should be up there with the other heavenly bodies.??

????? He suspended her up there, defying gravity for a full minute until what she called the tank was drained of all the milky stuff. She sank down on top of him and he kissed and licked any part of her which came close to his lips.



????? At breakfast the next morning. Alan could not contain all of the questions spinning around in his mind.

????? 'When I go to my new school, will other boys have stories about masturbating like I'll have?'

????? 'I would hope not,' answered his aunt firmly.

????? Is that because they don't have a beautiful aunt like me?'

????? She smiled at the compliment, finished her food preparation and than came over to sit beside her nephew.

????? 'Listen to what I have to say very carefully. We are enjoying being together but this must remain our secret for the rest of your life. The reason why is that if you ever tell a soul, even your best friend or even some day, your wife, it will somehow get out and be used against you by the police. It is a very serious matter indeed for a young man to show his cock and then to fuck an old lady. If this ever came out, you would go to prison for many years. I know this for certain. Do you understand?'

????? Alan turned very grave, 'I'd go to prison?'

????? 'Undoubtedly. That is why it is a secret to take to the grave. I certainly will and I am sure that your father did too. We look after each other in this family. Never explain to anyone; a lover, a doctor, a policeman. It will always be turned against you by some one you thought you trusted.'

????? The boy nodded sombrely. A lasting impression had been made.?

????? 'To seal our pact, come and sit on my knee and give me a big kiss!'

????? Alan immediately complied and as their lips came together, he realised that he had entered his lifetime secret world.









??????????? ??A





????? Everyone had nothing but sympathy for Alan. What a way to be left an orphan. He guessed that things had been going badly for his parents for over two years but the end was as dramatic as it was tragic.???

????? The Inquest report concluded that his father had returned unexpectedly early from a business trip, discovered his wife in bed with her tennis coach, bludgeoned them both to death with a golf club before gassing himself in his garaged car. The Headmaster at St Fort's who broke the news to Alan later described it as the most harrowing task which he had faced in thirty years of teaching.

????? Even greater anguish was caused by money worries, both Alan's and the School's. His father's life insurance was invalidated by his suicide and business debts consumed what little money he had left including the value of the house. There was barely enough left to settle the funeral account.

????? The Governors at St Fort's thought long and hard about the difficulty but there were already so many financial pressures. They concluded that it would be impossible to keep Alan at the School without payment of fees for another three years.

????? As an only child with few relatives, the only suitable candidate as guardian was his father's sister. After the early death of her husband, she seemed in many ways to be a model guardian. She had been a Classics and Art teacher at a highly rated grammar school but had taken early retirement after her husband's death. It was rumoured that her pension and a huge inheritance in excess of one million pounds, she would never need to work again. Her life was now devoted to books, painting and animal care, especially horses.

????? Initially, she was reluctant to disturb her ideal, tranquil existence with the care of a young, very vulnerable and potentially disturbed teenage boy. She had no children herself but her brother had been such a dear brother to her. Two years her elder, he had always looked out for her and her regard for him knew no bounds. Her late husband had been a darling but in truth, there would never be a man to compare with brother. To have the care and instruction of his son would keep his memory alive.

????? Alan finished the session at St.Fort's, said his farewells and headed south to live with his aunt in a leafy Berkshire village. He had only met his aunt before in the company of his parents. Then she came over as quiet, demure, not at all like a bossy schoolteacher. But now her character seemed to have expanded.

????? ?Her lovely large villa was beautifully decorated and furnished but to say the least, her tastes were exotic. Alan remembered that she had taught art but it was not the sort of art that pupils at St. Fort's were encouraged to paint. The walls of her house were adorned with paintings and sketches of nudes, both male and female. At home in the evening after their meal, she would draw the curtains before retiring to her room to change her clothes. Her evening outfit always seemed to be monochrome, usually a white silk blouse with a black leather waistcoat, a short black and white or just plain black tight fitting skirt and long black boots which came up to her knees.

????? Alan's perceptions of the world were changing almost daily. Only weeks earlier, his voice had started to break and he had discovered the pleasure to be had from playing with his wee wee. There were boys at the school who were coarse and called it a cock. Some of the bigger boys would try to touch his. They would promise to show him theirs if he hopped into their beds.

????? He did not know any girls to speak to. The only girls he had ever seen were girls on the street or pop stars on television. Some of them were really nice to look at but he would not dare try to speak to any of them. It was funny how when he was lying in bed at night, his thoughts of Aunt Joan in her evening outfit made his wee-wee stand up. And it just would not sit down. It made him feel restless and unable to sleep. But pulling the skin on his wee-wee definitely helped. If he did it vigorously enough. A white milky fluid would spurt out. O dear, what a mess it made but it made him feel so good, relaxed and ready to sleep.

????? Aunt Joan could be quite bossy. After his week in her house, she remarked that she knew about boys' aversion to hot water. But he really must make more of an effort to keep himself clean. She stressed the importance of personal hygiene and how Alan was not smelling too fresh. She insisted that before his bedtime, he should take a proper bath.

????? The bathroom was like the rest of the house, in perfect order; fully tiled and fitted with a long deep bath. Alan admitted that it was vastly superior to the facilities at St Fort's and way better than the simple bathroom at his old home.

????? Just as his mother used to do, Aunt Joan helped him undress and slide into the foaming hot water. As she picked up his clothes to take them through to the washing machine, she told him to ring the little brass bell at the side of the bath when he was ready to have his hair washed.

????? He set to scrubbing off the layers of sweat, grime and the rest. Leaning over to recover the soap, he smelt his groin and knew what his aunt had meant. Application of some soap definitely improved matters. A ring of the bell brought his aunt back into the bathroom. She was now wearing a white nylon tunic like a nurse. It was to protect against water splashes was her explanation when she saw the boy gaping at her. The shampoo was applied to his greasy hair and her long fingers massaged the soap into his scalp. Alan liked the tingle it gave down his spine. His mother never washed his hair like this. And then Aunt Joan hosed away the shampoo with a shower attachment before asking him to step out of the bath. A sudden flush of embarrassment swept over Alan. Aunt Joan would see his wee-wee.

????? She read his thoughts and told him that she had seen naked young men before. And she saw them every day on the walls of her house. It wasn't the same, thought Alan. With head bowed, he stepped out of the bath into the towel held out by her. Then she placed slippers before him and handed him a smaller towel to dry his sopping hair. She then told him to follow her through to a back room where the electric fire was turned on.

????? In the back room, she sat down on a dining chair by the fire. Alan was instructed to stand between her and the fire and to dry his head and shoulders thoroughly with the small towel. While he did so, his aunt dried his legs and bottom, the sensation of her fingers through the bath towel took all of his attention.

????? 'Now turn around so that I can do your front,' she commanded.

????? Alan obeyed and to hide his embarrassment, buried his head in the small towel. O God, the towel was coming up there. She was drying him ever so gently, her fingers moving ever so slowly behind his balls. She adjusted the towel. Holding both ends with one hand at his waist, it was her free other hand which gently stroked his balls and groin. Alan could not bear to look but he knew that his wee-wee was standing up. A hard-on, the boys called it. The shame of it all; having a hard-on in front of Aunt Joan.

????? His sobs of shame were muffled into the towel. 'I'm so sorry, Aunt Joan.'

????? She gave no reply. All Alan could feel was her finger and thumb gently pulling at his tight foreskin.

????? 'I don't mean it, honestly. I'm so sorry. Tears choked the words in his throat.

????? She maintained her silence and Alan felt her grip tighten as she pulled harder and faster on his wee-wee.

????? He continued to bury his head in the small towel, sobbing at the humiliation. His aunt's silence added to his shame. She must be mortified. He was certain that he would be asked to leave in the morning. Out on the street with nowhere to go. It would be better to get it over quickly. While his mind reeled, he let his body take over and pushed repeatedly against her grip. Within a minute, the pressurised pumping brought about release. His head still covered, he had no idea where the milky stuff was going. At last, it stopped and his wee-wee started to soften. But still, Aunt Joan had not said a word. He fell to his knees, still weeping and gingerly pulled the towel down below his eyes. Aunt Joan sat there, dabbing at her tunic with a handkerchief. Her eyes met his.

????? 'Who's a messy young pup, then?'?????????

????? The tears started to well up again in his eyes. She let the large towel drop to the floor and took the smaller towel from his frightened grasp.

????? 'Come along now, it's only virgin spunk. It's sure to clean off.'

????? She stretched out her arms and beckoned him to her.

????? 'Give your aunt a hug. You can do that even though you've shown that you're a big boy now.'

????? Alan was overcome with gratitude and seized the offer. He rested his head on her chest where his sense of smell picked up on three powerful scents; her sweet perfume which she wore in the evenings , the warm exotic smell of her leather waistcoat and a much less pleasant fishy odour. She held him tightly and ran her long fingers up and down his back.

????? After a few minutes, she pushed him to his feet. 'Right, time to have you tucked up in bed. First of all, go and dry your cock, darling.'

????? Alan beamed although slightly puzzled by her use of that bad schoolboy word. As he emerged from the bathroom, she led him up to his room and proceeded to sit on the edge of the bed.

????? 'Before you put your pyjamas on, I want you to stand straight in front of me.'

????? Alan followed her order but his head was bowed. He knew that she would be staring at his now little wee-wee.

????? 'Look at me directly, darling and give me a smile.'

????? He slowly raised his eyes and forced a weak grin.

????? 'That's better.' She again looked down at his wee wee. 'Put your pyjamas on and we'll have a little chat.'

????? Alan promptly obeyed. She just commanded obedience more than any teacher he'd ever met. Even his father and mother never had this sort of authority.

????? She sat back down on the bed and clasped his hands. 'Now darling, all I insist upon is the absolute truth.Is that understood?'

????? The boy nodded earnestly.

????? 'What you did by the fire, when did you start doing it?'

????? After Christmas,' replied Alan.

????? 'How often? Most nights? More than once?' The questions were insistent.

????? 'Not every night, he answered, 'but sometimes four times.' He worried that this sounded a lot.

????? 'Jolly good.' She smiled. How encouraging to hear that the family gun is fully loaded.'

????? Alan did not really understand but he smiled back.

????? 'I'm pleased that you're being so truthful. I may not have children but I know a great deal about teenage boys. Tell me, what do you call it?'

????? And with that question, she slipped her hand under the duvet cover and prised open the fly of his pyjamas.

????? Alan was rather taken aback but he had promised to tell the truth. 'It's my wee-wee.'

????? 'Yes.' said his aunt but she looked disapproving. That however is a childish word which you will stop using. The proper name for it is your penis although when we are together we will call it your cock. Is that understood?'

????? Alan nodded. He knew that word. If Aunt Joan wanted to use the same word as the big boys, that was fine by him.

????? 'Now what you did by the fire, what do you call that?'

????? Alan hesitated. He did not have a name for it. It was so secret. He shook his head.

????? 'O come along. The boys at school must have called it something.' The way she looked at him demanded an answer.

????? He came over all flustered. 'I don't really know. When some of the boys talked about their wee-wees, sorry, I mean their cocks, they talked about wanking it but I don't know what it means.' He looked worried and apprehensive.

????? 'Well my boy, now you do . By the fire, you had a wank or to be precise, I wanked you. Either way, that makes you a wanker. The word is often used as a term of abuse among men which is typical of their contradictions because for most of his life, every man is a wanker.' It is a natural need like sneezing or coughing. There is another outlet but we can discuss that another time. These next few years will be your main wanking years although I know that men continue doing it throughout their lives. Do you understand?'

????? Alan was thoughtful. So he was a wanker. 'I think so.'

????? 'You must know the proper name. To wank is to masturbate from the Latin Masterbatius, a masturbator. Can you remember that?'

????? Alan replied, 'Yes, he would remember that he was a masturbator.'

????? 'Very well. The reason why I am explaining this to you is that after tonight, there will be no more masturbation in my home without my permission. On any occasion when you and I are in this house or out together, you will seek my consent before you touch your hard cock. Is that understood? And do not think that you can do it out of sight. I have a wanker sensor which picks up any man masturbating within one hundred yards. I put that sensor to very good use at my school with the most surprising results. And another thing, I still have my school cane and horse riding whip for boys of all ages who disobey my rules.' She smiled to reassure her nephew.

????? Alan quivered. He had never been caned never mind whipped but he had seen the bruises, blood and tears of those who had.

????? 'It's been a full day, nephew. Lie back and sleep tight. She bent over and kissed him on the forehead.

????? After she had switched off the light and left the room, Alan lay still, his brain swimming with what he had learned. She knew everything about him including what he did under the sheets at night. He had done it when his father and mother were alive but they had no idea. Aunt Joan seemed so much smarter than his parents or anyone else that he knew. Fancy knowing what boys talked about and having a sensor that found you out. And there was something else; when you saw her, especially in the evening, she made you want to masturbate. She just did. Looking at her made your cock go hard.









????? Alan awoke to a lovely summer's morning. The shafts of sunlight streamed in through the gap in the curtains and lit up the room.

????? He felt his firm cock but mindful of last night's warning, he jumped out of bed and busied himself with dressing. That took his mind off it and it quickly settled down.

????? While his aunt served breakfast, he gazed at her as she stood by the sink. She looked much more like the Aunt Joan that he remembered, smartly dressed in a cream blouse with pale green slacks over ordinary black shoes. With her slim figure, small bosom and long slender legs, she looked so different from his mother. It came back to him that his mother used to complain that Joan was like that because she never had any children and smoked cigarettes. He wondered what caused her to say that. It was certainly true about the cigarettes. He regularly saw her smoking long thin brown cigarettes.

????? She joined him at the breakfast table, set in the middle of this vast immaculate kitchen.

????? 'Well young Alan, I have decided that we should go into London today. I have been entrusted with your care and in my book, that means educating you in mind, soul and body.'

With this announcement, she smiled at Alan who, in no position to argue, smiled back.

????? 'We'll start with the Renaissance exhibition at the Royal Academy, have some lunch and then fit in a little book shopping.'

????? Alan could only nod in agreement. He found that with Aunt Joan, her word was law.

????? 'Be ready for the off in fifteen minutes.'

????? His aunt was waiting by the door as he came down the stairs. Now she was wearing a pale green jacket which matched her slacks. Boy, did she look like a film star.

????? They too her car to the railway station. It was 7 series BMW, black with matching? leather upholstery. Alan was mightily impressed. His father used to have a Rover but by the time he died, he was reduced to a rusty, old Ford.

????? The exhibition was quite interesting with lots more nudes. After lunch, some of the bookshops they visited were rather strange. One in particular, had mostly books of naked men. The two men behind the counter also seemed odd. They wore jewellery and leather trousers. He was sure that one of them was Mr Collins, the art teacher at St Fort's but he kept out of sight in case he was recognised.

????? For Alan, the best parts were the train journeys. Getting on and off the Tube and the funny things you saw on the streets of London. He was tired out by the time they arrived home and Aunt Joan sent him for a nap before their evening meal.

????? At the table, Aunt Joan produced a bottle of wine and explained that as this had been their Italian day, it was an Asti, a light sparkling white wine. Learning about wine and drinks should be a part of his education. Alan took a gulp only to be reprimanded by his aunt.

????? 'Wine is to be sipped, not guzzled,' she spoke like the school mistress she used to be. Nonetheless, Alan immediately took to the bubbly, sweet taste. After two full glasses, he felt relaxed and cheerful.

????? After the meal was finished, he was asked to do the washing up and readily agreed. His aunt disappeared upstairs but from the kitchen, he knew that she was back in the lounge when he heard the sound of some old pop music coming from the home entertainment system. He finished his kitchen chores and came back into the lounge where Aunt Joan was standing by the fireplace, her back to the room, gazing at the huge nude painting above the mantel. She was swaying to the beat of the music, almost dancing.

????? Alan sat down on the long settee and stared at his aunt who seemed oblivious to his presence. His jaw sank as he sat still, transfixed by her outfit. Her long, shiny black boots now came up over her knees. The short black skirt which she had worn before had been replaced by an even shorter leather one. Her upper body was covered by a skin tight short black leather jacket which only just reached her waist. She seemed to be wearing matching leather gloves.

????? Her swaying to the music caused the sharp creases in her skirt to move from side to side . Alan sat perfectly still and stared. Nothing moved except for his groin which sprung into action. He wriggled around in his seat, crossed and uncrossed his legs but the thing just grew and grew until it was rock hard. He sat back in the seat panting, taking in short gasps of air. His tongue was hanging out as he tried to push his cock back down but it proved impossible. It was insistent, bursting to get out of his trousers. His breathing grew heavier and heavier and then the music stopped. Aunt Joan turned around, faced him with her legs apart and her hands on her hips.

????? ''You don't look well, darling. Is something wrong?'

????? Alan did not know what to say. But quickly he remembered that she knew everything.

'It's my my my my cock,' stammered the boy.

????? 'What's wrong with it?'

????? 'It's hard and it won't go down.'

????? 'In that case, take your trousers down and let me see.'

????? Alan did not hesitate. There was no embarrassment this time. His aunt knew all about his cock and his hard-ons. Within seconds, his trousers and underpants were around his ankles. His aunt sashayed across and sat beside him. Her next order was to remove his socks and shoes and to take off his trousers completely. While Alan did so, she unbuttoned his shirt and eased his arms out of it.

????? He sat back in the settee, stark naked but relieved that his full cock now had room to 'breathe'.

????? I think I see the problem,' announced Aunt Joan. 'Are you remembering the house rules?'

????? 'Yes, aunt,' replied the boy breathlessly, 'Please, please, may I have a wank?'

????? 'You'll want my assistance.'

????? Alan readily agreed. Anything to get a hand on his cock. 'O yes please. Please wank me.'

????? His aunt snuggled up alongside him, putting her left arm around his shoulders. The smell of her perfume and the leather was intoxicating. She flicked her fingers across his balls and gently brushed his proud cock. Each slight contact of her leather glove was ecstasy. He pumped back and forth in his seat, straining to get more contact. It seemed like the more he strained, the more she moved her glove away. By now, he was pounding up and down in the seat, getting faster and faster all the time. In his frenzy, he barely noticed that his aunt's hand had moved away for a moment and come back to place some sort of ring over the tip of his cock. And with a great surge, it burst out. All that milky stuff. Alan looked down and saw that it was flowing into some sort of rubber tube. Now his aunt had a full grip on him and was vigorously pumping him up and down.

????? He felt her lips at his ear, softly whispering , 'Excellent darling. Keep it coming. Give me lots of your come.'

????? The pumping and flow of the milky stuff seemed endless. This was fantastic, miles better than ever before. What was it about Aunt Joan? She was all powerful, all knowing, like one of these goddesses they had in ancient Greece. He would worship her, do absolutely anything she wanted.

????? After it was over and the flow of stuff ended, she told him to go to the bathroom and clean himself up. When he came back, she would have a present for him. The evening air was still warm and so he did not feel chilled as he walked naked to the bathroom, chuckling at the mirror images of naked youths which hung on the hallway walls. It was a house where nakedness was everywhere and made welcome. Ambling back through the hall, he revelled in this sense of freedom, the air in touch with his whole body.

????? Aunt Joan sat curled up on the settee. It seemed impossible to believe that she was nearly fifty; she appeared so playful and girlish.? As he sat down, she produced a small packet, urged him to open it and try it on.

????? 'It's a dressing robe,' she explained. 'I think it will suit you.'

????? He shook it out and slipped it over his shoulders. It was nothing like the beige woollen dressing gown that he had at school. It hardly reached his knees and was made of some very soft material. There were no buttons, only a tie around the waist. Embroidered on the back was a picture of some bird with huge colourful feathers. There was some writing on the front, Chinese, he thought.

????? 'Japanese,' said Aunt Joan as if reading his mind. 'Made of the purest silk.'

????? 'It's very comfy,' he said resuming his seat.

????? His aunt had poured herself a drink which was placed on the table in front of them. It looked like a long drink of Coca cola.

????? 'We can share it if you like,' she offered, 'but no more than a sip at a time.'

????? After his exertions, he needed a refreshment. Picking up the glass, he took a full mouthful. It was Coca cola but there was a strange aftertaste. Still, there was something nice about sharing things with his aunt.

????? His aunt was gazing at him in profile. 'I'm so pleased it looks good on you. Just let me sort out your collar.' As she ever so slowly adjusted his collar, her gloved fingers gently stroked the back of his neck. He closed his eyes as her roving fingers sent a tingle down his spine. Her leather skirt and jacket squeaked as she moved alongside him. The fingers on his neck were now replaced by her hot lips while her gloved hands wandered over his body, gently squeezing his hairless chest.???????????

????? It was happening again. This time, there were no trousers to impede the swelling of his cock. As soon as it popped out through his new gown, his aunt's hands descended around him and pulled the robe apart. His full frontal was totally exposed. Her right hand slipped underneath his balls and her forefinger rubbed lightly back and forward. Her left hand came round to the far side of his face and turned his head towards hers. She started kissing his cheek with soft pecks, edging across his face until their lips met. He offered no resistance, not having any idea what to do. After a few moments, she pushed what must be her tongue into his mouth, the tip seeking out the tip of his tongue.

????? By now, his cock was back hard again. This time, there was no flicking as his cock strained for contact. Her leathered hand or at least two forefingers and thumb were clamped around it, pulling and pushing it ever faster up and down. Their lips still bonded, he swung round in his seat so that he could feel her gorgeous leather skirt and jacket. His tongue came to life and intertwined with hers. Her grasp of him tightened and now it felt as if her whole fist was furiously pumping him. There were almost too many sensations for Alan; the sweet perfumed moistness of her kiss, the erotic feel and sound of her soft leather clothes and her firm wanking of him which would shortly lead to another eruption.

????? Wanting more of all of these sensations, he pulled her closer to him but she broke off their kiss to give him encouragement, not that he was in need of it.

????? 'That's wonderful darling. Let me feel that passion.'

????? She'd slipped another of these tubes over him and with perfect timing to catch another burst of milky stuff. With his head rested on her shoulder gulping in the waft of that soft leather, he could see the power she was expending, her forearm swivelling up and down as if hammering in a nail and all for the purpose of draining the milky stuff out of him. She was wrong about one thing; sneezing and coughing did not remotely compare to this.

????? As his cock softened, he flopped back into the seat. His aunt stood up, smoothed down her ruffled skirt and went through to the kitchen to dispose of the tube. On coming back in, she faced him, picked up the glass and stood drinking, her free hand resting on her hip. Hard to believe but it was stirring again and so, as a distraction, he stood up and asked to go to bed.

????? 'Of course you must, but do remember the house rules.' She missed nothing and he started to wonder if she had some mystical power, some way of reading his mind.



On the following day, the fine weather broke. As the rain fell steadily. They passed the day quietly reading. At various points, Alan retired to his room to practise the guitar which his father had given him on his last birthday.

????? After the evening meal at which wine, a French Graves, had been served, Aunt Joan left the room as she always did. She was more reserved in her dress this evening, just her long boots and waistcoat. There was no leather jacket and the black and white checked skirt was back in use. The toning down of her appearance did nothing to dampen the young boy's ardour. He tried to concentrate on the television film but it was impossible. He wriggled in his seat, got up and walked about the house aimlessly, then tried to read again but it was hopeless. Aunt Joan was engrossed in the film but of course, noticed his discomfort.

????? 'Rather restless tonight, aren't we?'

????? 'Sorry,'answered Alan sheepishly.

????? ' Can you tell me your problem?' asked Aunt Joan as if she did not already know.

????? Alan's voice faltered but the words finally came out, 'I need to masturbate, Aunt Joan.'

????? 'You're just like your father,' she said with some exasperation, 'If you can't wait for an hour until this film is finished, then go and fetch a large bath towel.'

????? A puzzled Alan did as we was ordered.

????? 'Spread it out on the carpet there,' she instructed, pointing to a space in front of her. 'Now remove your clothes and lie on the towel.'

????? Alan did as bidden but nothing more was said as the film reached an exciting part of the story. The sound of the action going on behind his head was meaningless as he lay on his back on the towel, gazing at his aunt. Meantime, her eyes looked straight over him, absorbed in the film. When the exciting scene finally ended, she looked down and asked him to move himself and his towel a bit closer. He now lay within inches of her feet. All the time, his cock remained as rigid as a flagpole. He was ordered to close his eyes and stretch his arms outwards. Nothing happened for a minute or so and then he felt something touching his cock. Something hard was forcing the skin up and down. He pushed himself against it to step up the pressure. It was not the familiar warm feeling of his aunt's hand or glove but it had the desired effect and within minutes, the milky stuff skooshed out, some landing on his bare chest, some squirting up past his shoulder onto the towel behind. He opened his eyes to see his aunt still engrossed in the film but the tip of her beautiful, long leather boot was firmly wedged against his cock and pumping the last of the milky stuff as if she were tapping her toe to a fast rock and roll record.

????? When the last drops had dribbled out and his cock had started to soften. She withdrew her boot and sat primly, knees together, engrossed in the film. The boy no longer had to be told to clean himself. Without a word, he left the room to place the towel in the laundry basket and clean himself before returning, now dressed in his silk robe. They sat quietly, watching television until bedtime.

????? Alan slept fitfully until 2am when he found himself fully awake. It was all the fault of his cock. It would not settle down. He tried to avoid thinking about it but it seemed so restless, as if crying out for attention. Admittedly, it had had less exercise today than previously. His parents used to talk about the need to tire the boy out before bedtime. But he dare not touch in case this activated the sensor. After an hour of frustration, rolling from side to side, he decided he would have to tell his aunt.

????? He tiptoed through to her room although there was no one else in the house to disturb. The door of her room was ajar. He poked his head around the door and whispered her name. She switched on her bedside lamp and blinked at Alan. Did he know the time? He did and he was so sorry but he knew the house rules. His embarrassment returned as he falteringly explained his need to masturbate. She sat up in bed and stared at the protuberance in his pyjama trousers. She looked rather small sitting there in the middle of her large bed, dressed as she was in her black silk nightdress.

????? 'Very well, take off your pyjamas and come into my bed.'

????? She told him to close his eyes and try to sleep, No sooner had she switched off the lamp but she got up, went to a chest of drawers and brought something back with her.

????? Alan was ordered to face away from her as she snuggled in behind him. Obviously, the nightdress was not very long as he could feel the warm flesh of her thighs. A hand slithered over him and her thumb and forefinger held the base of his cock. O good, she's wearing the glove, thought Alan. He stretched out his hands as she pulled hard on the skin of his cock a rhythmically rocked back and forward. Her own body was wrapped around him, her lips lightly kissing the back of his neck. She rose up briefly to lean over with her other hand t o place a rubber tube on him. This time, she rolled it right down his cock.? She was becoming active and Alan felt her pushing against his bottom with her waist. That was nice too. After a while she pushed her knee through his thighs, her right arm under his waist lifting him into her. Alan put out his hands on to the pillow to steady himself because she was almost on top of him. In the ecstasy of the wank, Alan did not really notice but it sort of felt like something was going in and out of his bottom. He did not mind as it felt quite good but it was strange hearing his aunt giving out little high-pitched gasps. She had always been so quiet when she had wanked him before. After the eruption came the wave of relaxation although his aunt riding his bottom as if he were a horse went on for a bit longer and only stopped when she gave out a long sigh. He skipped back to his room and slept soundly.

????? At the breakfast table, Alan sat and watched his aunt prepare some toast. She looked as fantastic as ever. Her tight white jeans showed off her long legs and on her feet were a pair of little black boots with high sharp heels. He wriggled in his chair on account of his sore bottom before asking his aunt for some remedy. She left the room momentarily and on her return, asked him to take down his trousers and pants. As he stood there in the kitchen bare from the waist down, his aunt knelt beside him, carrying out her examination. On her finger was a lump of cold cream which she proceeded to stick up his bottom. Without obvious reason, his cock sprung up and remained firm. Aunt Joan laughed.

????? 'You're as bad as someone else I used to know.'

????? The boy was growing in confidence, 'Do you mean dad?'

????? She looked thoughtful, 'your father was your age once, fractionally older perhaps.'

????? He looked puzzled, 'Do you mean there was a lady who wanked dad?'

????? 'In a way.'

????? 'It can't have been you because you were his little sister.'

????? 'You will not know this but little girls grow up more quickly. I may have been younger in years but I knew a lot more than your father. The girls at my school were well informed about these things. Your father was rather naive, did not know what was happening but as we were always close, he told me all about the changes in his body. He was shy at first but when I threatened to tell mother about it, he gave in very quickly. Up in the hay loft, he showed me what he did and I threatened to scream if he did not let me try. Like you he became hooked on my attention. But that's enough, pull your trousers up and we'll go to the supermarket.'

????? She never leaves the house without looking like a star thought Alan, admiring his aunt in her tailored leather jacket over a cerise silk blouse and these white jeans with a gold necklace and rings. He was happy to be putty in her experienced hands, moulded in any way she wanted. Pushing a trolley for her at the supermarket would never be a chore.



????? Later that week, Aunt Joan received a phone call which seemed to distract her. It was the only time he had not seen her looking cool and unruffled. She did not bother with dinner but paced up and down in her private study. Alan was reading in the lounge when she came in and announced that would be going out this evening. He had her permission to wank himself tonight. As she went out of the door, Alan peeped through the curtains as she made her way through the rain to her car, dressed in a long black raincoat. When she reached the door of her car, she stopped to adjust something in the waist band of her leather trousers. The light was fading and she was twenty yards away but it looked to Alan like the handle of a gun, a revolver. After she drove away, he tried to read but concentration was impossible. He gazed at the fire, confused and slightly afraid. Why did she have a gun? Was she a spy, a female James Bond? She looked the part. On the other hand, she might be a gangster going out on a job. Alan resolved to say nothing about what he had just seen.

????? After the excitement of the past couple of weeks, a wank under the sheets seemed so ordinary but it was enough to send him to sleep. There was no sign of his aunt until lunchtime the next day when she returned and headed straight to her room. Some time later, she came into the lounge.

????? 'Be a darling and pour me a long vodka and coke. That's a tall glass with two inches of vodka and the rest is coke with ice.' She slumped into an armchair and closed her eyes.

????? Alan discovered unknown skills as a drinks waiter and fulfilled her order. Three more were ordered and drunk within half an hour. She turned and fixed a look on Alan.

????? 'And how is my dear nephew?'

????? I'm very well, Aunt Joan,' was the hesitant reply.

????? 'And your cock? She leered at him. 'Not been overdoing the wanking in my absence, I hope.'

????? 'Just the once.' answered Alan truthfully.

????? 'Good. So there'll still be some juice in the tank.' She stood up and faced him, her hands on the hips of her tight leather trousers. The way she sidled over to him fired Alan's loins immediately. She bent over him, placed her hands on his shoulders and pushing him back into the seat, gave him a long kiss full on the lips.

????? She took his hand and led him up to her room where he was ordered to undress. 'A little something different this time, darling' on making this announcement, she placed a blindfold over his eyes. Next she ordered him into bed and put his hands up against the brass frame. Alan was nor sure how it had happened but somehow, his wrists were manacled to the frame.? His vision removed, he heard his aunt slip through to the adjoining dressing room and the opening and closing of wardrobe doors. He did not know what to think of when Aunt Joan came back into the room. What plan did she have for him this time?

????? 'Darling, I'm going to let you have a little peek to see if you like it.' she declared. Alan blinked as the blindfold was removed. Then he gulped on seeing her outfit. The black leather boots were almost the full length of her legs; the leather skirt only came down a few inches at most and the black leather jacket was barely a jacket at all. It seemed to be cut off below her breasts to show off her smooth-skinned bare midriff. Long black gloves climbed up to her elbows. She posed at the side of the bed, one hand on her hip before climbing in and straddling the boy.

????? 'Keep that picture in your mind, nephew while we have some fun.' The blindfold was replaced on the shackled boy.

????? Alan felt nervous but his blindness heightened his sense of smell and that wonderful combination of her perfume and leather usually meant nothing but a good feeling.

????? Now darling we'll have a little foreplay and when I say the words, you start thrusting your cock up and down. Very slowly to begin with . Listen always to my instructions.

????? Alan nodded and asked 'What are the words?'

????? 'The words,' she repeated, 'the words are fuck me darling.'

????? Alan knew that word. It got two strokes of the cane at St. Forts if a master heard anyone use it.

????? She kissed him long and hard, stroked his balls, then brought her boot up to his mouth so that he could plant a kiss on it. What followed led Alan into a new world of excitement. To start with, he could feel his rock hard cock being steered under her short skirt. The tip was in contact with something hot and moist. It was a land of mystery.? He instinctively started to push but she drew back until she had rolled another of these tubes on to his cock. This time, she rolled it all of the way down but without delay, it was drawn back up under her leather skirt. Her long boots pinned his thighs together as her weight descended upon him.

????? 'Wonderful.' she whispered huskily, 'now fuck me darling, fuck me for all you're worth!'

????? The boy too his cue and thrust upwards. His cock felt like it was disappearing into some hot damp canal where the walls were so tight that he was wedged in. He pulled back slightly then pushed again. It felt good, more work than a wank but even more exciting. With each push, he seemed to go further in until he sensed that his whole cock was in there and there was room for more. The walls held him tightly and soon he and Aunt Joan were pushing in rhythm. Her hands were everywhere; caressing his balls, stroking his unseeing face, tweaking the little tits on his chest.

????? Alan strained at the manacles but they were unyielding. He had to put everything into expressing himself through his cock. His aunt remained in full control. At one point, she required him to slow down and did so by squeezing his throat. He obeyed instantly. Then after Aunt Joan had increased the tempo, she let out a long moan and her whole body shuddered. She slowed down after that but Alan felt an eruption coming and speeded up again. At school, they had been taught about thrust in physics. Now he felt what it meant.His cock was like a rocket trying to take off but always coming back down. That is until the final thrust when he sensed that he had achieved lift-off; the thrust from his cock and groin forced his aunt up into the air. Well, she was a star. She should be up there with the other heavenly bodies.??

????? He suspended her up there, defying gravity for a full minute until what she called the tank was drained of all the milky stuff. She sank down on top of him and he kissed and licked any part of her which came close to his lips.



????? At breakfast the next morning. Alan could not contain all of the questions spinning around in his mind.

????? 'When I go to my new school, will other boys have stories about masturbating like I'll have?'

????? 'I would hope not,' answered his aunt firmly.

????? Is that because they don't have a beautiful aunt like me?'

????? She smiled at the compliment, finished her food preparation and than came over to sit beside her nephew.

????? 'Listen to what I have to say very carefully. We are enjoying being together but this must remain our secret for the rest of your life. The reason why is that if you ever tell a soul, even your best friend or even some day, your wife, it will somehow get out and be used against you by the police. It is a very serious matter indeed for a young man to show his cock and then to fuck an old lady. If this ever came out, you would go to prison for many years. I know this for certain. Do you understand?'

????? Alan turned very grave, 'I'd go to prison?'

????? 'Undoubtedly. That is why it is a secret to take to the grave. I certainly will and I am sure that your father did too. We look after each other in this family. Never explain to anyone; a lover, a doctor, a policeman. It will always be turned against you by some one you thought you trusted.'

????? The boy nodded sombrely. A lasting impression had been made.?

????? 'To seal our pact, come and sit on my knee and give me a big kiss!'

????? Alan immediately complied and as their lips came together, he realised that he had entered his lifetime secret world.












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“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

2 years ago
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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

2 years ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

1 year ago
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

4 years ago
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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

4 years ago
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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

3 years ago
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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

4 years ago
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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

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Esther III

Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...

4 years ago
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Katherines Style Part Two

The next day I was in full Katherine mode from the moment I unlocked her door. I greeted Sunshine just like Katherine did, using the same tone of voice and gestures. Of course Sunshine reacted just she would with her female owner. As soon as I took her for a short walk and fed her, I went straight to my bedroom, well after the prior day I felt so much more comfortable there, I wanted it to be my bedroom. I took a shower and shaved everything again. I didn't know how I was going to...

2 years ago
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Esther IV

Hope you like Esther's latest installment! ESTHER FOUR By TamarainRubber I obediently followed Esther down the long narrow hallway that led into an enormous room filled with the sounds of clinking glasses, soft whispers and a bevy of leather-clad women and men dolled up as maids, rubber babies, and crossdressing sluts like me. Strangely enough (and very much to my pleasure), there was little if any evidence of the S&M parties I had only read about, but never...

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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

3 years ago
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Hearts Guardian

Ciara O'Faolain pursed her deep red lips as her calm gray eyes studied the wilted roses she had found in her prized garden. "Tsk," she said and tossed her head. Her long black ponytail bounced with the motion as if in repeat of her disapproval. Ciara had thought that getting herself a proper garden would be the best part of moving to the countryside. Everything had been great at first, but suddenly her plants had started dying quickly. The neighbors' beautiful gardens still flourished...

4 years ago
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Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Esther stone

Esther sat on the side of the road, freezing, she feared that if she didn't find a place to stay soon, she probably freeze to death.Lately life had been pretty fucked up for Esther, both her parents had die before she could barley talk, and this year she had run away, because her foster parents were abusive.She had no one now, and was stranded on the side of the road. Esther picked herself off of the ground and started walking again, until a huge house came in sight. "Warmth." She said, she was...

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