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Andrew Malinovich, a twenty-one year-old junior at Belhave University, sat comfortably on the sands of a Texas beach that was tucked up against the warm Gulf. He was dressed in jeans and a BU cheer team t-shirt. A bottle of Smirnoff was hanging loosely out of his hand and he took a sip as he watched his girlfriend standing in the tide.

She was dressed in a blue bikini, intricately decorated with a dragon she had designed herself. The windbreaker she had worn lay crumpled next to her boyfriend while her t-shirt was tied around her waist, fluttering behind her like a loose skirt. Her dark blonde hair, pulled back in a relaxed pony-tail, blew gently with the breeze. Lauren Frazier was a nineteen year-old sophomore.

It was a beautiful March afternoon and the end of the day was made perfect by the silhouette of her body against the sunset.

Lauren turned around and began to wade out of the water towards him, sand sticking to her feet and ankles as she walked. A small smile was plastered on her face, her bright blue eyes sparkled, and her beauty seemed to grow the closer she got to him. Lauren sat next to Andrew and clasped his hand in her own.

As the sun continued to dip beneath the horizon, Lauren crawled into her boyfriend’s lap, taking his arms and wrapping them around her waist. Her scent permeated the air around them, tangible only by Andrew. She smelled sweetly – addicting – almost like his very own drug. He couldn’t help but bury his face into her hair, hearing her giggle as he kissed the back of her neck.

‘Beautiful day, wasn’t it, Andrew?’

‘Mmhm. Beautiful like you.’

Lauren chuckled. ‘You try too hard…’

Andrew kissed her cheek. ‘Only you would know.’ He tightened his grip around her body and she squeezed his wrist comfortingly.

There was a long silent pause, broken only by the sounds of the waves lapping against the sAndrew beach. Andrew could feel his heart beating heavily against his chest, thumping so loudly there was no way Lauren couldn’t hear it. In an attempt to relax his own nerves – in order to calm himself – he gently began to stroke the soft skin of her stomach with the edge of his thumb.

Lauren scooted more into his lap. ‘I always thought you were quite cute whenever you got nervous.’ She ran the back of her hand on his cheek. ‘Especially when I sit in your lap…’

‘Should I consider that as a compliment?’

‘Consider it whatever you want, because this next thing I’m gonna do, I’ll do no matter how you take it.’

She drew him slowly into a gentle kiss, savoring the feel of their lips on one anothers’.

Andrew’s heart continued to beat heavily with the twirling nervousness in his stomach gradually growing stronger. ‘You ready to head back?’

‘Yeah, but let’s take the long way.’

Andrew helped her up and tossed her hoodie over his shoulder. Lauren’s beauty, simply compounded by her bikini, garnered impressed glances from everybody – both guys and girls – as she walked down the boardwalk with Andrew, hand in hand. A huge, proud smile cut across his face. ‘Hey, what’s it like being a cheerleader?’

‘It’s pretty fun. Why’d you ask?’

‘Well, I used to want to be a cheerleader way back when… It really looks like a lot of a work, especially for you with all that tumbling.’ She squeezed his hand. ‘How do you do all of that stuff at the games and not hurt yourself?’

‘I guess I’m not exactly sure. Probably because I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of everyone. Besides, it looks awesome when I look at the review videos.’

‘Review videos?’

‘Yeah, sounds weird, right?’ He chuckled. ‘Our coaches do those videos so that they can show us stuff we need to improve on. It’s actually pretty useful, I wouldn’t have mastered my back tuck without ’em.’

Lauren giggled.


‘I remember when you first tried to show me your back tuck.’

‘Hey, that doesn’t count!’ Andrew gently punched her arm. ‘I was just learning it then! I really didn’t know what I was doing at the time!’

The couple joked all the way back to their hotel room, brushing off the glances that people shot at them. Once they got to their room, though, the atmosphere around them changed dramatically. Lauren went into the bathroom to take a shower while Andrew relaxed on the bed to read a book.

Lolita had always been one of Andrew’s favorite reads despite the novel’s controversial theme. Recently, Lauren had gotten into it too although she still poked fun at him for having a ‘little girl complex.’ Often times if she shot that at him, he’d harass her by asking if she thought she was a little girl.

She’d say ‘Yes’ every time, just to tease him…

Andrew looked up from his book when he heard the bathroom door open. Her hair was lank and wet, smelling strongly of that strawberry-scented shampoo-body wash she loved to use. Lauren had on a long-sleeve shirt marked with the dragon of her customized clothing line. She was also dressed in a pair of sweatpants, the loose tassels of her bikini bottom hanging at the sides of her waist.

For a minute or two, she just stood looking at him, leaning against the doorpost.

Andrew closed the novel with a thud and placed it on the nightstand.

She smiled and winked.

Lauren slowly made her way into the bed, cuddling tightly against the chest of her boyfriend. The way she pressed herself against him reminded Andrew of a young kitten, but the girl he had curled against him meant more to the 21 year-old than anyone could ever imagine.

Only a few years ago they had been so apart Andrew never would have thought they’d be here today. During her high school career, Andrew could sense that she was emotionally overwhelmed by her tendency to be the person other people wanted her to be. Lauren had too many faces for too many people, and she was failing to be herself. As a result, rumors and stories spread like wildfire.

And the things he heard worried him.

When Lauren came to Belhaven as a freshman and befriended him, Andrew was tempted to ask her what was true and what wasn’t. However, he felt that it was better to leave the past alone, for it might tell him things that were best left unsaid.

It was time to make a fresh start.

The vast college environment let Lauren open up again and for the first time in awhile she had friends who liked her for who she really was. And Andrew was one of them.

As they talked and hung-out more, it felt as if they were meeting for the first time again. It was a rediscovery, for the both of them. They grew close again and she remembered how much he loved her and how much she meant to him. That undying love of his, that constant bright flame that had burned relentlessly for years, once again won her over.

All of their clothes now lay in a disorganized pile on the floor next to the bed. How they got there, Andrew could only vaguely remember, the only sensation he could feel was the touch of Lauren’s soft and naked skin against his own. Her body was moist with perspiration and her chest rose and fell with each heavy breath she took.

Lauren was sleeping quietly on his chest and after kissing the top of her head, Andrew fell asleep too.

The next morning, the sound of running water forced Andrew awake. Still half-asleep, he had to blink several times and look around before remembering exactly where he was. The conglomeration of clothes they had stripped off last night was still piled on the floor. The shower was running and the door was closed, there was no need to wonder who was inside.

Andrew made his way out of the bed and to the suitcase. He dug a comfortable set of clothes out and put them on.

He parted the curtains slightly, allowing a single beam of sunlight to illuminate the hotel room. Watching the sun peek slightly over the horizon, Andrew couldn’t help but think about what happened last
night. The memory of it, sitting precariously at the edge of his mind, was blurred and fragmented. There was this feeling of doubt in the back of his mind, but at the same time he was positive they had done something.

The bathroom door opened and Lauren joined him by the window, scrubbing her hair dry with a towel. She was adorned with her self-labeled clothes, a white tank-top and gray pajama pants both beautifully decorated with that dragon of hers. ‘You wanna go out and watch the sunrise?’

Andrew didn’t really know how to respond besides smiling and taking her outstretched hand.

It was a cool morning, the sand warm beneath their feet. Andrew walked slowly, watching Lauren frolic in the light tide. There was this certain beauty in how confidently she walked and in the way she proudly carried herself.

As he watched her, he couldn’t help but remember some of the things she said in high school. It was strange to think that, even though they had dated for three years, she knew nothing about him.

In February of 2011, at the back end of Andrew’s senior year in high school, Lauren said she couldn’t possibly let him back into her life. At the time, it forced him into an emotional frenzy until he realized that she was judging him based off of how he used to be. He had to figure out a way to show her who he really was.

Another two months would pass before he would be given that chance. Graduation was already over and only a week or two was left before everybody else was let out. After a massive amount of convincing, Lauren eventually agreed as long as there was another person who would be there too.

That day was strange and it was nothing like he had dreamed it would be, but it didn’t matter to him because it was Lauren. Over the course of their time together, there was a gradual change in her attitude towards him. He was different and she was finally coming to realize that. When they left that day she gave him a small smile which he took as a good sign.

Andrew was knocked back into reality when Lauren pulled him into the lapping tide. Before he even had a chance to react to what was going on, she had tackled him into knee-high water. Struggling and gasping for air, He broke the surface soaking wet from head to toe. Lauren was standing a couple feet away, giggling.

He pulled his lank hair out from his eyes, pushing it aside to see his girlfriend. Silently, he calculated in his mind how far he needed to jump. In an instant, Andrew had her clasped between his arms.

They fell into the water together, playfully wrestling with each other until Lauren succeeded in getting on top of him. Her hands were on his shoulders and he had a hold of her waist. Both of them had smiles plastered on their faces and they stared at each other until Andrew broke the silence. ‘You looked beautiful last night…’

With a smirk, she rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t say that…’

‘What do ya mean?’

‘Well,’ She paused for a minute, biting her bottom lip, ‘It just makes me feel uncomfortable…’

‘Why?’ Andrew sat up and looked at her, confused. ‘Why does it make you feel uncomfortable? You know how I feel and what I think of you. At least, I’m pretty sure you’d know by now after how many years.’

‘No. I can’t really say that I ever knew you. I know you say that you love me the same way you did back then…’ Lauren paused and looked down into her lap before looking back up. ‘But it just doesn’t feel the same way, Andrew.’

‘Then how do you feel?’

She shrugged and looked away. ‘I don’t know…’

‘How can you not know?’ He stared at her, somewhat angry and somewhat frustrated. ‘It’s starting to sound like you’re messing with me again. If you don’t like me, then why are we here?’

Lauren stared back at him. ‘Do you think I’d be here if I didn’t like you?’

‘I don’t know! Would you?!’

‘What are you insinuating?’ She got up and walked away from him into the water. ‘Are you telling me you think I’d run off with some random guy and do the same things I’ve done with you?’

Andrew got up to pursue her. ‘No, I’m not saying that at all!’

She turned around to face him. ‘Then, what are you trying to say?’

‘I’m not trying to say anything. I’m just scared that you might be using me.’

‘Really?’ She said sarcastically, ‘You have that low of an opinion of me? You think I’m using you? That’s ridiculous! See! This is the same reason we had trouble before…’

‘Are you saying this is my fault?!’

‘No! I’m not saying it’s your fault! I’m not trying to pin the blame on you.’ She waded out of the water and onto the beach. ‘We have to put in a lot of effort to make this work. In the past, we both made mistakes…’

‘Mistakes…’ Andrew sighed. ‘What makes them mistakes? If anything we should learn from ’em.’

‘There’s nothing to learn from them besides the fact that they were things we shouldn’t repeat. Things we should never do again.’ Lauren turned to Andrew, he was still standing ankle-deep in the water. ‘I love you, but just not where this is going…’

She turned her back to leave, but he grabbed her tightly by the wrist to prevent her. Andrew wasn’t finished yet, and her walking away from this now simply frustrated him even more. The look in her eyes was anger and she struggled to get him to let go.

It wasn’t long before Lauren threw a punch at him, but her boyfriend readily caught it, tightly squeezing her balled up fist. ‘Andrew. You better let me go…’

He simply tightened his grip, ‘And what if I don’t?”

A long pause followed. He watched her as she glared back at him. It was obvious to her that he had no intent of releasing her. In a sudden, single move, Lauren knocked him off of his feet and back into the water, but he took her down with him.

In their frenzy, Lauren managed to beat him to the first move, and he could feel his soaking shirt peel off of his body.

Andrew grasped the hem of her tank-top and pulled if off of her, but in the same moment it seemed as if he was stripping her naked of an emotion. Suddenly, it looked to Andrew as if some sort of relief washed over her. She no longer seemed confused, but determined. If he could take off those heavy, negative emotions, things might change for the better…

Some feeling deep in his heart, burning with anger, wanted him to prove to her that he loved her. Pulling off the rest of her clothes provided him with some comfort. Her skin was warm and wet, very delicate to his touch with goose bumps running down the length of her body. On any normal day, he would have stopped there, cautious knowing that Lauren was fragile.

But today was different. Overcome with his emotion he pinned her into the sand as the tide washed over their bodies. At first she struggled to get him off, but he kept himself anchored on top of her and she gradually submitted herself to him. The goose bumps disappeared and she grew hot and fervent.

Her breathing grew irregular, sporadic like his motions. Andrew could feel the sweat forming on his brow, but there was no way for him to stop now. The ardor that drove him pumped adrenaline through his body. He looked down at her and listened to her tiny moans.

By now, Andrew was in complete control. Lauren wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She no longer tried to conceal herself, moaning freely as he continued. Her eyes were closed completely and her mouth was slightly open, taking in heavy breaths and letting out tell-tale signs of ecstatic pleasure.

Andrew was exhausted when he was finished. Though tired, he felt that he had made himself clear to Lauren by purging himself of his anger in the highest form of pleasure. Her silence and willingness to accept it all was a sign to him that she understood what he meant…

The look on Lauren’s face was one of confused realization, overwhelmed by her own emotion. If there was anything Andrew could do right now, i
t was to leave her be with her own thoughts and let her sort things out for herself. He pulled himself off of her and put his clothes back on, gathering hers and folding them as neatly as one could fold something that was soaked through.

As he started for the hotel room, Andrew looked back one more time at his girlfriend. Lauren looked helpless, lying naked in the sand and the tide rolling over her. She looked innocent and lost, but he knew she’d be fine.

Andrew walked into the hotel room and closed the door with a heavy sigh. After changing out of his wet clothes and laying them out to dry in the bathroom, he sat next to the window and waited.

She came in at around noon and closed the door behind her as quietly as she could. Turning, she saw Andrew sitting by the window. Seeing her in the doorway, a small smile cut across his face. He got up and walked to her. ‘How you feeling?’

‘Better…’ She responded with a tiny smile.

He couldn’t help but look over what she was wearing and noticed that she was still dressed the same. Although they were dry, her clothes were saturated with the smell of salt water. Walking over to their suitcase, Andrew took out a fresh outfit for her. ‘You wanna change?’

‘Yea…’ Lauren gently took the clothes from him. ‘Thanks…’

Instead of going into the bathroom like he thought she would, Lauren just started changing on the spot. Out of respect for her privacy, Andrew tried to look out the window to occupy himself. But Lauren was just too beautiful to resist. He watched her take her clothes off and did his best not to stare.

It had always been one of his biggest fantasies, seeing Lauren in her complete unadulterated beauty. Before last night, that had only been once during a get-together at a mutual friend’s home after his graduation.

Essentially that get-together was a pool party with Lauren being the only reason he had gone. Some time that night, Lauren had disappeared and Andrew was curious as to where she went. It so happened that she had gone to her friend’s room to change and he walked in on her right in the middle of it.

Lauren’s back was turned to the door, but she was naked from head to toe.

There was a minute of awkward silence before Andrew apologized and closed the door. When she came out, dressed in a t-shirt and mini-skirt, Lauren acted like nothing happened.

That image of her, however, had been permanently burned into the back of his mind.

Andrew looked at her now with a pounding heart and butterflies in his stomach.

Lauren’s body had, and will always be, Andrew’s definition of perfection. Petite and small, the nineteen year-old possessed an extremely fragile figure with lanky arms and skinny legs. She had a tight waist and small breasts which gave her the perfect form, to be a gymnast or figure skater. Her skin was soft and pale, untouched by the stain of tan but bright and beautiful nonetheless.

Her black shirt finished covering what was left of her exposed body. It did, however, emphasize those curves he loved so much. Andrew didn’t realize he’d been biting his lip until he figured he’d bitten so hard that he was tasting his own blood.

They stood in silence for what seemed to be an eternity before Lauren walked into the bathroom, took a tissue, and started dabbing his slightly bleeding lip. ‘Look what you’ve done to yourself, Andrew…’ She said to him with a very tiny smile. ‘You always do the weirdest things whenever you get nervous.’

An inaudible stutter was all he could manage before she shushed him.

When the bleeding slowed to only a tiny amount, Lauren crumpled the tissue and threw it into the trash can. She gave him a tiny kiss before lying down on the bed, facing away from him. Pulling the blanket over herself, Lauren let out a small sigh. What it meant, Andrew wasn’t sure.

He stood there, dumbfounded for several minutes, unsure if what to do.

What she said next was close to a whisper. ‘Andrew, I’m not a virgin.’

‘I know you’re not.’ Andrew chucked nervously. ‘After today and last night, I didn’t expect you to be a virgin anymore. I mean, I’m not a virgin anymore either.’ He sat down on the bed facing the other direction, trying to control his shaking hands by wringing them.

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Helping Out in a Time of Need Part 1

I've written before about Pam, my sexy friend with benefits. Pam has huge natural breasts with super-sensitive nipples and is incredible in bed. Pure extasy is receiving a blow job from Pam. It's hard to explain, but she is just very, very talented when it comes to sex. Perhaps this is due, in a large part, to the nature of our relationship. It is quite simply, all about sex and pleasuring each other. No romantic hassles or typical relationship obstacles. Just pure pleasure. Sure, we get along...

3 years ago
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Swimming hole

When I was younger we lived in a small town. I was helping a man my family knew clear brush from his land. He asked if I wanted to go swimming. I said I didn't have my trunks. He smiled and said you don't need them. Puzzled I asked how. Follow me was all he said. Dav lead me down to a wooded area. We walked a few yards into the woods and I seen a pond. Let's go, Dav said. I was shocked seeing him strip everything off. Expecting to see tan lines, he was dark all over. He had a little hair on his...

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Naked Whore

Caught in the act!I was still naked, having just come offstage from my exotic dance, and, like most of us, went immediately to the toilet. But while almost all of us needed to pee after being onstage, I also needed to cum.I had found that dancing naked in front of a crowd of men – and some women! – turned me on in a way I had never expected. As a result, when I got off stage, I was usually pretty horny, and would often shut myself in a stall, and masturbate to bring myself to orgasm.Then I’d...

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Third Times the CharmChapter 17

December motoring from Holland to Pentwater is pushing ones luck ... idiot is more like it. We shipped the mast and boom by rail but the boat was just too much. US 31 is two lanes, curvy and heavily festooned with power lines, low overhanging trees and lots of traffic. Many of the Lake Bulkers were tying up in Ludington and their crews were heading home ... Holland is shipping and there's not any really good places for a boat the size of the K5 to sit on the hard and undercover. The Weather...

1 year ago
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How I ended up having sex with a stripper Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

It was a normal Friday during the summer month of the year. Me and my friend had decided on visiting a strip club far away from the city which was famous for 5 strip dancers who used to run it. The strip club was very popular because of the variety of themes that the boys incorporated in their dance and strip shows. I had never seen their pictures but had heard a lot about these strippers. I was excited to visit this strip club as I had never been to a male strip club. I had never thought in my...

Real Hookup
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A day in space

Note: due to the fact I must use a PSP, most threads will be short At home you dream about life in space, the danger, the excitement, and above all, aliens. You recieve a phone call, you have been sellected for a special mission. You had no idea what it was but accepted eagerly.

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Marc and I Pt 1 The first time

I was 18 years old and I was like any other kid. I liked video games, junk food, and TV. My closest friend Marc was just the same, but he was one year older than me, same grade though. We would always hang out together and talk about girls and other things. He was only a little bit taller than me, I was about 5'1'' at the time and he was about 5'3'' with very tan skin and a great body. I had always been curious about other guys, sexually. I am uncut and had always wondered what a cut one would...

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Price of Power 3Melissas new life

The Price of Power 3-Melissa's New Life Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...

4 years ago
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Ben Jacks Off and Shows Off

Ben’s cock felt great as he slowly ran his hand up and down the hard shaft of his stiff erection. The fat head was flaring out and he was looking forward to an extended jack off session. He was in his room, his favorite porn scenes were playing across the computer screen. Ben liked to watch women masturbate as he jacked off. He especially liked to watch skinny girls with big natural tits masturbate. Something about their big tits shaking as they climaxed got him off every time. The blond he was...

2 years ago
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Two Sisters and a HorseChapter 3

"Holy shit!" Gloria said as she walked into the barn. "My little sister is really growing up. Pam opened her eyes and stared at her older sister. She gasped, frightened that Gloria would tell their mother. Gloria was older and twice as horny as her little sister, Pam. "It looks like you discovered the secret of Gypsy's mouth I was wondering if you ever would." Too nervous to hear what her sister had said, Pam scrambled for her clothes. "I thought you were staying at your...

1 year ago
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Pehli Bar Chudai Ka Maza

Hi mai Niharika, Aurangabad se mai 21 years ki hu, mera figure hai 30-26-32, aur badan puri gori chikni makkhan k tarah, aur gand tak latakti hui kale lehrate baal. Mera teenage se hi boy friends badalte rehne ki adat thi. Ab boy friend hai to kiss to nature tha but apne chut ka darshan kabhi maine kisi ko nahi karwaya. But akhir kar mere 8th boy friend ne chut ki darshan b ki aur uski bhumi pujan b kr li. Aaj aap logo ko yahi story batane wali hu. Umeed krti hu you will enjoy it. Story aaj se...

3 years ago
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The Gay Bar

I heard about this club in KC called Missy B’s. It was a gay bar, and online it looked like a fun place. Having nothing to do that weekend, I thought I would check it out. Feeling naughty, I decided to get nice and smooth before heading out. I took a hot shower and shaved my legs, ass and chest. The smooth feel made me feel like a little slut. I needed one more thing to really enjoy my night on the town, so I headed to the closet and found a black garter belt. I put on the garter and...

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Tinas Wedding

“Tina and Barry are getting married and I’m a bridesmaid, well, matron of honor. You're invited and their kids are bridesmaid and pageboy.” This was the most buoyant I had heard my wife Liz in ages. Normally, I was treated to the day's digest of what the kids had done in nursery, how bad the shops were and trivia of the day that doesn't affect me.There was much excitement in the weeks preceding the wedding. Barry stayed with his parents for six weeks before the big day to heighten the pleasure....

Quickie Sex
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Help from my sister 12

The next few weeks we did some wedding planning. We picked out a church and about everything else we needed. We left out the fact that we were brother and sister and that Judy was pregnant. They both went to the doctor to make sure the babies were healthy. They both were good to go. Judy was due September 7th and Connie was due October 16th. A little close together and it was April at that point, so only so much time. But we didn't let the babies get in the way of wedding planning. It was...

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Maelstrom Ch 00 Prologue

‘Evie, I’m so sorry.’ Nona said through the phone. ‘What for?’ Eve asked, her heart already sinking in preparation for the bad news that she knew would come from the sadness in her friend’s voice. ‘He’s dead, Evie, your dad died this morning. Babe, I’m so sorry.’ Eve felt like her whole world had just crashed around her, even the water around her seemed to still as she stared into the horizon, tears clouding her vision. ‘Evie? Eve, are you ok?’ Her worried voice came as if from far away. ...

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Hostel mein gay sex

Ek din jab main apne dost raju ke yahan tha to usne bola college mein ek ladka ravi hai, mujhe lagta hai woh hamme interested hai. Maine poocha kaise pata. Raju ne kaha, woh hum dono ko gaur se dekhta hai. Hum dono second year me the aur woh ladka first mein.uska hostel hamare se different tha. Maine kaha, chalo, woh to junior hai, aaj tharak wahan shant karte hain. Main aur raju, homo sex karte the, ek do baar hum jub masti kar rahe the to ek do ladke aaye the. Hamara college kaafi free tha...

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Retribution 2 Nanotechnology and The XY Wars

Retribution 2: Nanotechnology and The XY Wars By Po Prologue... The crazy plan of Wels Wright is initiated again as the Retribution facility rounds up more helpless victims again. This time their technology and methods are more advanced, which speeds up the transformation process. Out of 100 transformees, 90 were eliminated by measuring of skill. Fredrick, the last main character, survived and went on to live his dream while his first best friend, Nick, was turned into a very...

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Der Saunabesuch

Es war wieder Dienstag. Ich war um 12 h in der Sauna angekommen. Da mein Hengst, der mich dort benutzen wollte erst gegen 14 h da sein wollte, hatte ich genügend Zeit, mich in Ruhe zu reinigen und ausgiebig zu spülen. Von dort ging ich wie immer erst einmal unter die Dusche vor der Dampfsauna und gleich nass hinein. Ich hatte schon gesehen, dass sich dort einige tummeln müssten, da viele Handtücher an den Haken hingen. Die wohlige feuchte Wärme umfing mich. Ein, zwei standen schon in dem noch...

3 years ago
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From Psychologist8217s Consulting Room

A psychologist’s consulting room is really beyond imaginations, even fantasies. The stories coming out of a mild narcotic applied by the psychologist or the hallucination of a mesmeric sleep may dig out a lot of facts from the subconscious mind. These stories cannot be taken as truths because it is always be a mixture of truths and wishful thinking. That is why our courts have not yet accepted the facts derived out of narco-analysis as evidences in their proceedings. I had to dig out the...

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Christmas Break

I had just broken up with my girlfriend, Sheila after catching her screwing my English Professor that I assisted. I thought she was the one for me and was going to take her to meet my parents during Christmas break. I was a virgin and although we messed around quite a bit, including her being the only girl who blew me till I came in her mouth. I guess it wasn’t enough for her. I was pretty messed up from the break up. My room mate and best friend, Aaron did everything he could to try to bring...

Group Sex
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Petition for the Dissolution

Georgia Plummer walked into the lobby of the four-story building, across the marble tile floors, past the polished limestone walls, and to the stainless-steel doors to the elevators. She didn’t bother to stop at the information desk, she had instructions that told her that the office of Smith, Brown & Wilmott, Attorneys at Law, LLP, was on the fourth floor. The security guard at the information desk, hearing the click-click-click of her heels as she walked across the lobby, smiled at her,...

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Tender Elf MeatChapter 4

Isabella caught the eye of the buxom blonde with the surprised look on her face for a heartbeat, then looked at the slumbering Narfath “I am Isabella, captain of the Virtuous Maiden Regiment of Kevlava,” she announced in a clear voice, “And I am here to parley.” Narfath regarded her for a long moment. “Well Missy Hot Bitch from the Regiment of Slutty Tarts you’ll have to wait while I get up.” Narfath flung his blanket back to reveal his naked body, prompting a look of disgust from...

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The Pool Party0

I did lose my head, but I can’t pretend I didn’t know what happened, or that I wasn’t in control. I could try to rationalize but I know deep down, I had just wanted it, no matter what, and I took it. I figured I would pay the price, but I think . . . . I think I am going to get away with it. It sure had kept me hard. My wife just the other day said I was like a teenager, with how much I had been pushing for sex. She sure seemed happy with my renewed interest. So I guess I owe it all to...

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A few minutes extra

We had a few extra minutes... So we drove down to the sea, the lighthouse. We stroll down the promenade and stand looking out to sea. I hug you from behind, one arm across your belly, the other above. We are both very aware of the warm weight of your breasts on my arm, their slight shifting forward and back as you breathe, my own breath hot on your neck. As I hold one arm tight under your breasts, I slide the other down and across, my hand gliding across your smooth, firm stomach. I pause to...

4 years ago
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My wifes first time

We had been married for about 8 years. My wife was a very beautiful young woman and that was not just my opinion. When we had first moved into the new house, the lady next door came over to see this woman that her daughter had described as the most beautiful woman in the world. Our sex life was good, but I had this crazy idea that I wanted to see my wife with another man. Sound familiar to anyone?There was this one guy I knew who always wore really tight pants that usually showed off the size...

2 years ago
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First MFM Threesome with some married friends

I met these people through friends I played with regularly. She was 32 at the time and he was 35. They had a couple of kids and lived in a quiet neighborhood in a little town that was not far from Athens. We talked online and on webcam and decided to meet. Rachel had long, curly, dirty blonde hair. You never would have guessed that she had three kids. She had wonderful, perky tits, somewhere between an A and B cup. Dan was tall and goofy, but a hell of a lot of fun to hang out with and I...

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Part 5 Sue becomes a star0

Her head hung in shame, her tit throbbed and ached and was now almost black, then to her horror the guy said. Well if you didn't keep it down, the balls go back in. He put all of the balls in the bag and then began to swing it like a pendulum. Sue let out a gutterall scream and said no stop, please them off. Can we fuck you in the ass the guy said, 'Yes, Yes just get it off. 'Are you sure’. ‘Yes get it off.’ Slowly he removed the bag and the rope around her right tit and undid the...

3 years ago
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Sex With Boyfriend In Front Of Husband

Hi, I am Palak (not my real name), I’m 27 years old. I have been given a good and attractive features and a well developed and maintained body. My husband Rajesh (inherited name here) and I have been married for about five years. Our marriage was an arranged one and we really love each other very much.  My regular visits to my beautician have made my skin extra fair, smooth and attractive. I had a very fair colour and my statistics are 35-27-36 which I always maintained by daily morning and...

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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 4 Connecting Dots

Reid scrambled through the ventilation duct, her knees scraping on the cold metal floor as she rounded another corner, the engineer and her science team in tow. There were fewer branching paths here, fewer places where the little swarm of lizards could evade them. Finally she came to a T-junction, and stopped, looking to her left and right. Damn it, no sign of them. She waited for the engineer to catch up and then demanded to know where these two vents led. He sat down to catch his breath and...

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Another Halloween submission, quite different than most you might read. Thank you to WanderingScot for his editing and making this a much better read. Here I was at Joe's Restaurant. It was one of the few places I hung out and they were throwing a Halloween party. I let my friends convince me to come and here I was dressed as Batman, mask and all. Most of my closer friends knew who I was but I decided I was going to leave my mask on most of the night. The bartender who was one of my...

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Claire No1

As she pulled into the mall parking garage, Claire's thoughts turned to the ad she had seen in the local newspaper--OPENING FRIDAY!!! BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Claire had been taken by the ad immediately, and she really could use some new bras and panties. Even though she and Frank had been married for eight years Claire had managed to stay in good shape, and for a thirty three year old she still could turn a man's head, and the only real change in her body was her chest size. When she graduated...

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My Sister Changed EverythingChapter 2

There really wasn't any way to misinterpret that, was there? My little sister wanted us to fuck and my dick was telling me, yes. So, I pulled down my boxers and she immediately pulled off the tee and slid off her panties as we came together kissing and feeling each other. She had her hand around my cock as she whispered, "Mmm, you're still good and hard. Let's see how it tastes," and she dropped down on her knees taking me in her mouth and sucking me as I ran my fingers through her...

2 years ago
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Hubby Prefers Black Musk

Being a school counselor can have its rewards in different ways sometimes. This is one of those times that a counseling session in high school was remembered ...Yes, I was the part-time high school counselor when Todd was called in for counseling. I worked 2 days a week as a high school counselor at Todd's school and 3 days a week I worked at an inner city college as a Special Education teacher working with k**s that were failing and falling behind.Todd, a husky, black tenth grader, who lived...

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A Holiday Party Turns Naked

episode 28 (This follows “The World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party”) Fall semester of my senior year at UGA had come to a close. It had been a wild and memorable semester that began with Jennifer and Mary Beth competing for my affection and the goal of a monogamous relationship. Most guys would think it would be awesome to have two girls seriously competing for them, but it was really an awful, stressful mess. The sex itself was great, but the emotional turmoil was not. Jennifer, upon hearing...

4 years ago
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Best Halloween Ever part 1

Best Halloween Ever - part 1 By strangefun It started innocently enough, with the office Halloween party. I was working as an IT contractor for a small marketing company, and in the office with four girls I was the only guy, which made me popular. The girls enjoyed a "presence of a man" and were extra giggly and dressed-up on the days I was in the office. They were all young, including the owner, and very attractive. What they didn't know, or at least that's what I thought, that I was...

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