RedemptionChapter 14 free porn video

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Just after Christmas vacation ended, Donna had manipulated a boy in her class into asking her out. Jared Perdue, her date, was a lock for valedictorian, and Dex thought he was a really good guy. He did not look like your typical nerd, but he was shy enough about dating that he had managed but three dates so far in his life. He was a freckled redhead who had curly hair and a face that looked more mannish than boyish. He was a math whiz and also had high SAT scores in the physical sciences. Jared and Donna had once been lab partners and had shared a number of classes the last two years. They had been eating lunch together in a group the whole school year. The first date was just a basketball game, but it was a start.

Jared was also an accomplished musician, being the primary male soloist in the school choir, and good enough at keyboards to briefly consider majoring in music. Although he hid it from his parents, he had a long-time desire to play in a rock band, and spent many of his spare hours on his own synthesizer.

The two cousins talked about Donna's new beau, and it was clear that Donna, while not yet head over heels for the boy, really liked him, and was very comfortable with him. Dex had an inkling that she wanted to have some experience with boys other than himself before she headed for college. It was impossible for him not to feel a twinge of jealousy, but he was well aware how hypocritical those thoughts were. He never expressed anything but enthusiasm and sincere support for Donna. He told her he would understand when it no longer felt right for her to sleep with him. She protested that she was nowhere near that point with Jared. Dex knew, though, that patience was not at the top of Donna's long list of good qualities.

Jared was only shy when it came to dating, and Donna quickly brought him out of that shell. He immediately asked Donna out again, and within two weeks, they were an acknowledged item.

Jared's parents, particularly his mother, were very proud of him and extremely protective. There was no question that he was overly sheltered. It was a tribute to his intelligence and love for his parents that he never rebelled, but had acquired a surprisingly sophisticated appreciation of sexual matters for having zero experience. Donna had found another boy who wanted an intimate relationship with her, but made no long-term assumptions. Jared's reasons were different from Dex's, but he was almost as appealing a partner as was her cousin. Besides, she could go to the Prom with Jared.

A big part of the education Donna gained from dating Jared was an appreciation of how fortunate she was to have the parents she did. Jared first came to Donna's house for a Friday supper before heading to another basketball game. Karen and Mike had him comfortable in minutes, and before the couple left, he was laughing and showing his sharp wit as if he had known the family since childhood.

A week later, Jared brought Donna to his house. His mother had not invited her for a meal, so she was strictly Jared's guest. Betty Perdue did spend some time visiting with the teens during the forty-five minute visit. While too polite to make any overt comments, Donna could not miss the distrust and borderline hostility the woman harbored toward her. Fortunately, Jared's father, Matt, and his fifteen year old sister, Kelly, were very warm and receptive. Kelly, in fact, risked her brother's wrath by staying practically on top of the couple the entire visit.

In the car leaving his house, Jared apologized for his mother, but Donna assured him she was not upset. She teased him that she could see why he hadn't done much dating. To herself, Donna wondered how they would ever get past Betty for the sexual encounters she had already decided she wanted with Jared.

"Is your mother real touchy-feely around you, Jared?"

"Um, yeah. I guess. Why?"

"I mean, does she touch you and hug and kiss you so much it's sometimes embarrassing?"

"How did you know? Kelly teases me about it all the time."

"You, my friend, have a major problem. You mother is in love with you. She considers you her man, just like your father, only without the sex."

"I probably shouldn't say this, but there's not much sex with her and Dad, either."

"How do you know that?"

"Kelly's room is a thin wall away from theirs, and she is a light sleeper. She gives me a blow by blow, and there's not much to report."

"You and Kelly get along pretty well?"

"Yeah, she's a good kid. We're good buddies even if she is younger."

"That's great. Dex and I are that way. Is your mother just as protective of Kelly?"

"Yeah, and it's rough on her. As you saw, she looks pretty mature, but Mom still thinks she's eleven."

"How did your mother take your choosing a college away from home?"

"Hooo, boy! That is still a hot topic around home. She moans about it all the time."

"Good for you for getting away. It has to be done some time. So, how do you react when your Mom gets all affectionate?"

"Um, I try to under-react and get away as soon as possible."

"Do you love your Mom? Do you like her?"

"I do love her. Our family is close, even if Mom and Dad don't have much of a love life. I wouldn't want to hurt Mom."

"Why don't you give her a wake-up call?"

"How do you mean?"

"Well, if she sits beside you and rubs your thigh, rub hers. If she hugs you and rubs your back, hug her and rub hers. If she rests her hand on your chest, do the same. Get the idea?"

"Wow! That would take some guts. I don't know if I could do it."

"Tell me, is she more affectionate with you than with your Dad?"

"Hmm. Hadn't thought of that. Yeah, I guess she is, now that you mention it."

"Look, I don't mean to cause family problems, but I think you've already got them. I think you should sit down with your Dad and Kelly, and tell them what you're going to do, and why."

"But that's stuff we never talk about at home."

"So? Is that a good thing?"

"I guess you tell your folks everything, huh?" Jared asked.

"Pretty much. I'll tell you, it feels good to have everything out in the open."

"Know what? I think your idea is worth a try."

Jared took Donna out to dinner, then they went to the Emporium to hear Jenny. When she took him right backstage and he got to mingle with the musicians, he thought he was in heaven. His interest was in rock, but he was impressed by the skill of the musicians, and the obvious appeal the music had for the crowd. Hank sensed the boy's fascination, and told Donna to bring him to his house for a jam session while they worked on new music. Jared said he would bring his synth along, and insisted on setting a date.

Dex's sixteenth birthday was in early January. There was a very nice party on the following Sunday, that being the only available day because of Jenny's singing and Dex's basketball. Lots of people stopped in to wish him well, and Angeline called at the height of the celebration.

Angeline had spent the last four days of the holiday break at the Ferguson's, coming back from France early. By unstated agreement, she had slept with Dex every night. Donna and Dex had talked extensively about Angeline, and Donna kept emphasizing that it was good for Dex not to focus on just Donna. She also emphasized how much it relieved Karen and Mike's concerns about Dex and Donna getting too monogamous.

The major birthday event for Dex was obtaining his driver's license, which he did on his birthday. When the party was over Sunday late afternoon, he took Connie on a date, using Mike's car. Once again, Donna was very supportive of the date, even though she fucked his brains out when he came home. Dex could not describe his relationship with Connie. This was only their second date, but they had been interacting more often at school, and Connie had joined his fan club at all his games. This was a huge concession for a girl who had previously mocked all jocks.

Dex found Connie complex and fascinating. Mercurial was the best description of her personality, in total contrast to her father and brothers, who were reserved, analytical types. She could have been a top student if it had interested her. As it was, she got very good grades without even trying. She was a complete extrovert when with a group, but Dex sensed a deep submissive streak which frankly frightened him. As for why he dated her: he had to admit to Donna that it was partly to help her stay away from the group that had hurt her. He was sure that on her own, she would fall back into the same patterns.

There was one stressful point at Dex's birthday party - Margo and Hank were both there. Their relationship, or lack thereof, had become the dominant soap opera in the Ferguson world.

Margo had fixed dinner for Hank after their meeting at the Christmas party, and he had taken her out a few days later. After that, nothing. There was no animosity between them, in fact, Margo was quite obviously in love with him. Hank was infatuated with Margo, as well, but he had shut that off from his mind.

A week after their three encounters, Margo unburdened herself to Jenny, who later confronted Hank. "Hank, Margo has it bad for you, and I thought you liked her, too. Why haven't you called her again?"

"Jenny, Honey, I don't want to start seeing Margo when I know nothing can come of it."

"What do you mean? Why couldn't something come of it?"

"Come on, Jenny! We're just too different. I'm a farm boy who likes music. I teach and I play and I don't want to do anything else. She was married to a wealthy surgeon. I drive a pickup and she had a Cadillac. I'm country and she's country club. Can you imagine her at the Emporium? Or me at the Country Club? Besides, she's a beauty queen, and look at me! Sylvia called me a scarecrow when she walked out on me. 'Beauty and the Beast' only works in fairy tales."

Jenny had tears in her eyes when she asked, "Hank, do you really think of yourself as a scarecrow?"

"Oh, I'm OK with how I look. It's just that Margo would start to think of me the same way Sylvia did after the newness wore off. She would be embarrassed to be seen with me, too."

"So you're afraid of getting hurt again?"

He let out a long sigh. "Yes, Honey, I am. Look, I loved Sylvia just like you love Chris. She ripped my heart out, and I couldn't take that again. It's better for both of us if we just cool it."

"Didn't you enjoy being with Margo?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I did. That makes it harder, but all the more important that I don't let it go any farther."

Jenny went straight to Margo after her talk with Hank. Margo alternated between anger and despair. Anger that Hank would assume how she felt about him. Anger that he thought she would be so shallow. Despair that there seemed nothing she could do about it. When Jenny left, Margo reverted to her major outlet in times of deep emotion - she wrote verse.

Margo had only a year and a half of college, but she had taken several poetry courses in that time. She knew that what she wrote on her own was not fine poetry but it gave her an outlet that nothing else could. Over the years, she had filled several notebooks with what she thought of as doggerel. The verses covered nearly every significant event or emotion in her adult life. Turning over a new page, she entered the title 'Scarecrow Man, ' and started writing.

The words flowed as easily as the tears streaking her cheeks. She wrote of the scorn of his spouse, and the rejection of his love and goodness. She chronicled ridicule because of his hands and feet. In later verses, she changed the focus to her own appreciation of his strength, his humor, and his caring nature. The final stanza finished with the lines

"I'm gonna love him just as much as I can, 'Cause I'm satisfied whenever I am, In the big, strong, loving hands of my Scarecrow Man."

Margo fell into a fitful sleep after finishing the last verse.

Karen felt ashamed of herself, but for once she decided the ends really did justify the means. She was visiting Margo's apartment, trying to comfort her, when she saw the loose leaf tablet with 'Scarecrow Man' on the top sheet. When Margo left the room momentarily, Karen ripped it off and folded it into her purse, trying not to look guilty.

Jenny had agreed to help set up the little confrontation, but absolutely refused to join in. She wanted to help Hank, but her love for him was too deep to witness the embarrassment.

Karen and Donna waited in the car until Jenny signaled them. Hank had just entered the shower. Mother and daughter eased into the Master bedroom while the shower ran, and waited for Hank to finish. Guessing that he was toweling off, they stepped through the open archway, nearly causing him a coronary with their greeting.

"What the Hell?... Oh. I bet you've got a message for me, huh?"

"You got it, Buster," Karen answered, and went on. "Two of the finest people I know are suffering; one from a broken heart, and one from a stone head."

"Hey, if this is about Margo, couldn't we talk somewhere else?" He was holding the towel around his waist and looking very uncomfortable.

"Nope! We need your full attention, and we wanted you off balance."

"Hmmmph! You got me off balance all right. Look, Margo and me would never work. We're just too different."

Donna jumped in here. "Hank Ballard, stop assuming you know who Margo is and what she thinks! She is a girl from an ordinary family who happened to spend twenty years as a trophy wife, and regrets every minute of it. She is dying for a real loving man, and you need a loving woman just as bad. There is obviously a connection between you two, but you're too chicken to follow up on it."

"But we ARE different," Hank protested. "Can you see Margo at the Emporium, or me at her Country Club?"

"I've got got news for you, Hank," Karen told him. "Margo HAS been at the Emporium - every single night you have played since you two danced at the Christmas party. Look, I stole this from her apartment. She wrote it after Jenny told her how you felt." With that, Karen laid the paper with the poem on the vanity and she and Donna walked out.

After drying and dressing, Hank came to the apartment and found Jenny. "I guess you helped with that little stunt, huh?" She hung her head and nodded. "But you didn't come in with them. Why?"

"Hank, I couldn't stand to do that to you. That's their style, not mine."

"But you must agree with what they said."

"You know I do. I've told you that before. I've found out what real love is from Chris - and from you. I know Margo and I really like her. You're missing out on that kind of love with her. It hurts me to see you run away from the happiness you deserve."

Shortly after the conversation between Jared and Donna about his mother, Jared had asked his father take a walk with him. On a surprisingly pleasant January evening, the two headed out for what was sure to be a jolt to Matt. Jared was a very perceptive, analytical young man, and he took the problem of his mother to heart. He appreciated Donna's suggestions, but feared damage to the overall excellent family relationship if he pushed his mother. His alternative approach depended completely on his father.

"Dad, just to get the big shock out of the way, I want to talk about sex." Before Matt could even sputter, Jared continued. "I don't want to ask you for information, or anything. I want to tell you about a looming problem in the family, and then ask for your help." Matt was still unable to respond.

"Before very long, I am going to want to sleep with Donna." This did get a reaction from Matt, although to his credit, he limited it to a dead stop of their walk and a pale, shocked expression. He resumed walking for several seconds before he spoke.

"Jay, I'm not even going to lecture you about right or wrong, and I'm not going ask if you've thought this through. I know you don't jump into things. This is a bit sudden, but Donna's seems like a wonderful girl. You could do much worse. We will have to be careful to keep this from your mother, though."

"Thanks, Dad. I knew you could handle that part. Oh, and Donna and I are not planning on marriage or anything. We're great for each other right now, but we're not even going to the same schools in the fall."

"The hard part, Dad, is that we're not going to keep it from Mom. Donna shares absolutely everything with her parents, and insists I do the same. I think she is right."

"But your Mom will never be able to handle that. It will really tear her up."

"I know, and we need to change that. That brings up the tough part of what I want to talk about. Dad, this is hard for me to say to you, so please just listen for a minute. First, Mom has a crush on me - a definitely sexual crush. I think the reason is she's not getting much sex from you. She is at or just beyond her sexual peak, and I think she is so horny she can hardly stand it. With her it translates into irritability, jealousy, and suspicion."

"Son, I can't believe your mother is sexually attracted to you. It just doesn't seem like her."

"You don't have to take my word. Just watch her for a couple of days. What I really wanted to ask is for you to take the pressure off of me. Keep Mom so busy sexually she doesn't have time to think about me."

"So, my son is giving me advice on my sex life?" Matt had to call on all his restraint and his love and respect for his son to keep from exploding. He walked in silence for half a block before he spoke again. "Remember, Jay, we've been married twenty years. We're not teenagers any more."

"But her sex drive is stronger now than when you got married. Geez, Dad, I'm not asking you to do something distasteful. If I chose to respond to Mom and have sex with her, I would consider it a privilege."

"Jared! How can you even talk that way?"

"Oh, come on, Dad. You know I never would. I'm just telling you how I honestly feel about Mom. Frankly, I don't see how you can crawl into bed with her every night without wanting to make love."

"I... I guess a lot of the excitement has just gone out of it, Jay. Tell me, how is this supposed to be helping you?"

"Two ways. First, if she has the hots for you, she won't be so jealous when I sleep with Donna."

"Oh, come on. I can't believe she could really be jealous."

"Okay. What if some guy slept with Kelly. Would it just be fatherly concern, or would you be jealous? Be honest."

Matt just walked on and never did respond. Finally, he asked, "What do you think I should do?"

"Start making love to Mom as often as you possibly can. Besides that, throw in some romance. Take her out on dates. Buy her sexy lingerie. Try massages. Different positions. Tell you what; it's Tuesday. Friday night, fix it so Mom will let Kelly go with Donna and I to the game, then with Dex and us to the Emporium. We will stay overnight at Donna's, and you take Mom to dinner, dancing, and a hotel. Have a sexy nightie waiting in the hotel room and some champagne. Tell her you were just reminded what a sexy wife you have and that you've been neglecting her."

"She won't like the idea of Kelly dating so young. And staying over with Donna and Dex!"

"Hey, nothing will happen, I promise. She can call Karen Ferguson for assurance. You take charge and tell Kelly she can go. Once you sweep Mom off her feet, she won't care any more. Besides, if you don't let Kelly start dating now, she's going to go off behind your back. None of us want that."

"You know, you've got me thinking. It has been a long time since we had a date or did anything extravagant. It might be fun."

"Good. Dex will be calling to ask Kelly in less than an hour. Let's go back and get ready."

"Uh, you haven't told me the second way it will help you."

"Well, if Mom is constantly aware of how great sex can be, she won't be so against her son getting some."

Back at the house, Matt Perdue showed his decisive side. Jared had jolted him, forcing him to face a problem that had been lurking in the back of his mind for some time. Within a half hour, he had first determined that they had nothing on for the weekend. Then, he had called and found a great weekend deal for both Friday and Saturday nights in a room with a jacuzzi. He made dinner reservations at the hotel for Friday night. He then asked Jared if they thought they could stay two nights at Ferguson's. Assured that would be fine, he asked if Jared minded if they came to the Emporium Saturday night.

Matt had already told Betty what they were doing for the weekend, not giving her a chance to object. When Dex called for Kelly, Matt absolutely stuffed Betty's immediate objection, telling an amazed Kelly that she had a two night date.

Friday evening, Betty Perdue was still concerned about her children, and totally mystified by Matt's behavior. He had never before just told her they were doing something, nor had he ever before overridden her on the childrens' activities. She felt good, though, because Matt had ordered her - another first - to go buy a new dress and shoes and visit the beauty parlor. She had trouble remembering the last time she had been this dolled up.

After checking in and taking the elevator to their room, Betty's concerns about the children and about Matt's behavior evaporated. Her first sight on entering the room was a large bouquet. Almost sprinting to the flowers, she read the card:

'To my lovely wife - too long neglected.'

This earned Matt a hug and kiss. Releasing the hug, she saw the bed. Her nipples actually tingled when she saw the sheer, lacy peignoir draped over the pillow. When Matt led her to the bathroom where the step-in jacuzzi was located, the tingle migrated south.

Matt was of two minds the whole evening. On one hand, he was chagrined that his teenaged son had to shock him into this little getaway. Mainly, though, he was thrilled to see all the things that had attracted him to Betty in the first place on display as she floated through the evening. This was an upscale hotel, and the food and dancing were excellent. She really got into the romance of it, never mentioning the kids during the dinner or the dancing.

Much later, back in their room, Matt filled the jacuzzi and poured champagne for each of them. He undressed and stood beside the tub, then noticed Betty still in panties and bra with a strange look on her face.

"Honey," she said, "We, uh, aren't naked around each other much any more."

"Does it make you nervous?"

"It's silly, but it kind of does." She said this as she finished undressing.

"Well, get used to it. I'd almost forgotten how it excites men to see you naked. I'm going to want a lot more of it, starting now." This earned him a kiss as they stepped into the tub.

In the water, she snuggled back against him and asked the question he knew was coming. He had carefully prepared an answer that was the truth, if not the truth that triggered their outing. "Honey, why tonight, all of a sudden."

"You know, Darling, our kids are growing up and starting to find romance. Seeing Jared with Donna has reminded me of how it was when we were dating and just married. Those were great times, and I decided we could have them again, just like our kids." Contrived or true, it didn't matter. Betty bought it in a big way, spinning around and laying a fierce, slightly teary kiss on him.

From there on, the jacuzzi time escalated through kisses and caresses to Matt eating her out as she sat on the edge. This was something they had rarely done, and not for a long time. She was so aroused by her orgasm that she dropped onto his lap and impaled herself immediately. This was something completely new for them and the overall sensuality of the situation brought him off after only about three minutes. The history of sex for them recently had been many minutes of him thrusting before completion. This change was slightly sobering for him, but she seemed to think it was great.

"Whatsa matter, Big Boy? Can't take it anymore?"

After they dried off, he hurried to the bed and laid the peignoir carefully over a side chair, making certain they went to bed naked. They snuggled and talked for quite a while before she reached down and started stroking him to hardness. He rolled her to her side and she guided him in from behind. This time, their thrusts were languid, and his hands were constantly busy caressing her. When he sensed her getting more aroused, he moved his caresses to her pussy, homing in on her clit after a few minutes. He was able to make her come first, and they fell asleep in that position after he unloaded.

In the morning, Betty had just finished peeing when he pulled her into the shower with him. As they washed each other, she looked at the lush pelt between her legs, and asked him, "Do you think you will want to do me with your mouth again soon?" When he nodded eagerly, she said, "Well let's make it easier for you to get at me. Would you like to help?" No fool, he hurried to get the shaving gear, and together they trimmed her pubes. Instead of lotion when they were finished, he made use of the improved access immediately. To her offer to return the favor, he said he wanted to save his shots.

Out of the shower, he handed her the diaphanous garment, and told her that was all she was allowed to wear for breakfast. He donned only a silky pair of snug boxers, and called room service. At the rap on the door, she jumped up to hide in the bathroom, but he held her in her chair and cajoled her into just keeping her legs together and covering her breasts with her arm. He was totally surprised and she was beside herself with glee when a young woman wheeled in the breakfast cart. He became more than just surprised as the swelling in the front of his boxers became obvious as the breakfast was set up. He blushed and she tittered as he signed the check.

Her laughter ended abruptly as the door closed. She jumped up and pulled down his boxers, then bent over the back of the nearby sofa and flipped the lacy garment up over her waist. Breakfast didn't even have time to cool much as they indulged in a real quickie.

Matt had not told his wife what was on for Saturday evening, so they spent the day shopping and lunching until they hit a Western wear shop just before closing. After dinner, they dressed and headed to the Emporium. Betty was genuinely happy to see her kids, and they all had a great time dancing. Betty danced with Jared and Dex, and Donna danced with Matt.

As Donna and Matt finished dancing one number, he said, "I assume you had a hand in Jared's little discussion with me?" She admitted she did. "Well." he continued, "'Out of the mouths of babes' doesn't exactly fit here, but I have to thank you. I am amazed at the change in Jared's mother."

"Do you think she will be less hostile to me, now?"

"I'm sure of it. Just give it some time."

After the Emporium, Betty and Matt enjoyed another romantic soak in the jacuzzi, followed by sweet love-making in bed.

In the morning, Betty again wore just the peignoir. When the rap on the door from room service came, this time it was Matt who went for a robe. Betty, of course, would have none of it, and sat grinning as Matt went blushing to open the door. The joke was on her, though, as this time a young man wheeled the cart in, jaw dropping when he saw Betty's breasts, which she had neglected to cover. She tried to cover up after the fact without being too obvious about it. Matt was almost doubled over with laughter as he signed the check after a very leisurely set up by the young man.

"I wouldn't even have had to tip him, would I?" he chortled as the door closed. He had hardly gotten the words out when Betty tackled him back onto the bed. She yanked down the boxers and took his softness into her mouth. This, of course, eliminated the softness, and she squatted over him and lowered herself down. Only when he was fully engulfed did she take off the peignoir and toss it away.

The couple had had more intercourse in the last two days than in the previous month, and she was a little sore and he a bit tender. These negatives were instantly forgotten, however, as she began her up and down motions, and he thrust back against her. Using both hands, he grasped her tits firmly and worried the nipples with frequent squeezes.

When her breathing became labored, he sensed it was not just from arousal and rolled them over so he was on top. With him supplying the motion, her arousal escalated quickly, and in another few minutes, they were both spent from their orgasms.

In an unprecedented show of romanticism, he carefully propped her against the head board, then brought breakfast over to the bed and began feeding her. The first bite offered her was met with wide-eyed wonder, which turned to glowing contentment from there on. After a few more bites, she reached out and grasped his limp penis and just held it gently.

"Baby, that's kinda slimy and there's no way it's getting hard again right away."

"That's OK. I'd forgotten what a nice toy this makes." She spent the rest of breakfast re-discovering every aspect of his organ. He, in turn, 'accidentally' dribbled food onto her breasts a few times, requiring thorough cleaning with his tongue. By the time they adjourned to the jacuzzi for one last soak, she had gotten him hard, although they went no further than caresses, hugs, and kisses before dressing and checking out.

Same as Redemption
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Its A Small World

Another work trip, another hotel, another three hundred and fifty miles from home, it’s a small world; you’ll see what I mean later. There I was back at the hotel where I stayed at for a week while I sorted out some contracts with the new customer. I had come back from the customer, had a shower and meal. I came down to the hotel bar for a quick night cap, it was late, around ten thirty. It was my first time at that very classy hotel and the restaurant seemed to be very popular, was busy, and...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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GLoRYhole plus

It started out a few days earlier when in bed I kept telling my lady how I have been craving some hot bi fun. Now here I am with my lady driving to our local adult store. We knew there are a few booths with gloryholes. At first we just look around before getting a hand full of tokens. Heading into the video booth area we noticed there was no one around. We cruise thru, we can hear a few booths with porn playing. We look into a few booths till we find one with a gloryhole. My lady loads a few...

2 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 9

JR released her hand to give hugs to both of his puzzled grandparents before taking it again and introducing her. “Grandma and Grandpa, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Rochelle Preston. Rockie, these are my grandparents.” At his introduction of her as his girlfriend, words momentarily caught in her throat, but she smiled and shook their offered hands until she was able to speak again. “I am very honored and pleased to meet both of you,” she said. Mrs. Harper ushered them all into...

1 year ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 34

And I once again had a girlfriend. For a guy with no legs, and also no big money, I was doing pretty good. Now, if I could just get one of them to not run off with some other guy. She wasn’t actually snoring but she was breathing kind a loudly. But that was okay, she wasn’t wearing any clothes so that kind of made up for the not quite snoring noise she was making. It had been kind of a marathon evening, and I had slept after our third and final; attempt—two of which had been successful. I...

1 year ago
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The Good Wife Part 1

Kay checked herself in her jeep mirror as she sat impatiently waiting for eighteen wheeler. She looked around and wondered what the truckers thought of her sitting in one of their extra large parking spots. She gripped the steering wheel and looked over at the entrance of the parking lot as she wondered where he was at. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine his body against hers. Kay opened her long over coat revealing her lack of pants then wriggled down lower in the seat and spread her...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold London River Lusts For A BBC Affair

When the hubby’s away, the horny wife likes to play…especially with BBC. And that’s exactly what Penthouse MILF London River does with black stud Scotty P in this illicit interracial porn affair. The busty blonde strips out of a plain dress to reveal sexy hot pink lingerie that gets his dark man meat throbbing for some titty sucking and pussy licking. The buxom babe has been lusting for his monster cock deep inside her shaved pussy, and she gets fucked hardcore just the way...

3 years ago
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Failed Male

My experiences with my first wife, Patti made me accept the truth about my dysfunctional sexuality due to my condition of micro penis.Patti and I were virgins on our wedding night. Of course we wanted to consummate our marriage so we undressed together for the first time, climbed into bed and I lay on top of her and began to try and penetrate her tight virgin cunt with my little 3 inch erection. I don't know if she was aware how tiny my peepee was - as she had no experience with mens' cocks -...

1 year ago
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Rachael and her three geek friends 3

Josh lifted his face and saw Rachael still had her eyes closed.He wiped the juices off his face and removed his pants and underwear.When Rachael came down from her very first orgasm she opened her eyes only to find Josh standing naked right in front of her.His uncircumcised dick stood erect and he made no efforts to hide it.Tony and Jon were feeling jealous of Josh but they decided to wait for their turn and just watch how far they go.Rachael was too mesmerized to speak anything.Josh...

2 years ago
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More than BFFs

I knocked on the dark red door before me, a smile on my face. I peeked through the window on the door, excitingly tapping my foot.My best friend, Star, sprinted to the door and swung it open just as I had moved away from the window. She squealed and hugged me tightly, then brought me inside her apartment."Yay! I'm so glad you're here, Saph!" She invited me to sit in the living room and have a glass of wine. I agreed, and plopped onto her velvety cushions while she went to the kitchen.For the...

4 years ago
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Gay Porn 10

With the weather cold and raining,Damn its only Sept 9th today I find another Hot Movie to watch. Two young Men in only their white bikini undewear,as one starts to remove his friends undy and see's his thin cock rise to a Boner he slides it into his mouth to suck it. I get a boner in my pants while I watch it and know this is one I will save to my favorites.Back to the movie,his cock is thin but hard and what a bush or pubic hair dark brown or black,after a few minutes of sucking his friend...

3 years ago
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Choti Cikni Chut 8211 Part 1

Meri flat ke bagal mei Nellu aunty rahti hai.Unke husband Neeraj Uncle dusre city mei job karte the.Par sabse interesting baat toh yeh hai ki,un dono ki ek bahut pyari beti hai Shanvi.Abhi 3 din pehle 18 saal ki hui hai.Rang doodh ki tarah gora,Lambe-Lambe kale baal,Ankhee badi-badi,soft-soft skin,body figure aisa ki kuch bhi fissal jae,ekdum najuk kali ki tarah.Shanvi colony ki sabse sunder aur sexy ladki hai.jawani se bhari hui.Shanvi ek aisi barish ki tarah hai jo kisi bhi khet ko hara-bhara...

1 year ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 26

Der Flaschengeist Teil 26 Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle...

3 years ago
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Other Colors Ch 910

Part 1 – Red (continued) Chapter 9 “Christ in heaven, Penny…” his eyes dilated and his body stiffened. “Where in God’s name did you learn to do that?” I blushed. It made me nervous, being so exposed in front of him. But I was glad he was pleased with me. I’d worked so hard, and suffered much. I bit my lip, “You—you really like it?” Peter stood beside me, studying the immense and swirling red surface of my canvas. It had been just seven days since Mr. Caine coerced me into creating it, six...

4 years ago
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the gangbang0

So one of my buddys and I where hanging out drinkin a few beers, talking about girls as usual. then he told me he had to go after he got a text, I told him what the fuck? What's your rush bud? Then he told me his other buddys texted him and said there about to gangbang some bitchs. What the hell man! I told him. you want in man? he asked. Do I? fuck yea let's do it. When we got there we walked in and there where like...

4 years ago
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Twin sisters boobs

One summer, we were on the couch, and Leena was lying down. It was a fairly warm day, an she had decided to wear a shorter top than usual; one the showed off her belly. At one point, while my left hand was stroking her hair, I looked down at her exposed torso. It looked so smooth an pale; more pale than the rest of her skin. I asked, "Hey Leen, mind if I touch your belly?" She responded with little hesitation, "Sure. Go for it." I gently placed my right hand on her navel; her skin felt as...

3 years ago
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Relation With The Married Hottie

I am a boy of 24 living in Mumbai. This is what happened, believe me. I was hanging out with my friend’s one fine Saturday night, all drunk and mad to the core. We were three boys and two girls from the same group, and as every time it happens we drove to marine drive and town side late night. After reaching marine drive we strolled, laughed, joked and everything without having a single clue what was coming my way. Driving from there we reached in front of Leopold café. There we started having...

2 years ago
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My tailoring aunty

Hi I’m Asma aged 21. The incident happened by this April with my aunt aged 31 is a widow. To be said she is a voluptuous aunty. Till my 12th Std I didn’t have any sex feelings on her. Later once I started watching porn movies, stories. I got interested to try with someone. I started masturbating after starting of 12th.Eventhough she is a tailor she is our relation. She is my mom’s sister. From my childhood she was very fond of me and used to stitch dress for me. Her structure is 38-32-40. She...

1 year ago
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Davids New Role

David's New Role David glanced at his watch and was relieved to see that it was finally time for his lunch break. He cleared the paper work he had been looking over from the top of his desk and placed it carefully into one of the drawers in his desk. He stood up and took his jacket from the coat stand in the corner of his office and then headed for the exit from the large corporate building where he had worked for nearly 20 years. Once out on the street he quickly headed for the...

3 years ago
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Coach Meat

I'm sitting on a coach late one night. We're headed north from London up to Scotlandand I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep, especially since the seat next to meis free, as are many others. The lights have just been darkened as it is approachingmidnight, and around me my fellow passengers are slumbering. And then somebody slips into the seat beside me. I glance left. It is a blackman, quite young, younger than me. Early 20s. He is staring straight at me,and meets my eyes. ?Good evening,? he says...

2 years ago
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Anniversary CruiseChapter 2

Day Two - Sunday Amber woke up with a strangers arm draped over her chest. She tried to clear the cobwebs from her head and then realized who it was. It was Todd. They had a marathon session of fucking the night before and had both fallen asleep afterwards. Amber swore when she realized it was already the morning with the sunshine streaming through the patio door. Britney had nowhere to sleep the night before. She was going to be pissed. "Get up," demanded Amber as she pushed Todd's arm...

1 year ago
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The Extraction

“See you Monday love’ the receptionist called out, I’ll lock the front on my way, leaving the last patient in the doorway, he’s saucy this one” smiling at him, referring to a joke they shared while he was waiting, “Goodnight, have a good weekend’ the dentist replied, thanks for your help” she smiled back, “bye”, “please come in” the dentist invited the patient, taking his arm & leading him inside, she closed the door behind him, “Lay down please. . On the couch” She smiled, raising her eyebrows...

Erotic Fiction
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Cruise Chapter 2

 Jessica got to her room and reviewed it in her mind again.  Oh my god, she had made love to another person -- and it was a woman!  She still felt a little shaky, but every sense was on fire.  Was she a lesbian?  Jessica didn't know and didn't really care.  She knew she loved the experience and wanted to do it again.The young girl quickly looked into the small closet and pulled out the new peach dress she'd bought for the trip.  It was lightweight and buttoned up the front, a little old...

3 years ago
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Has I reached for the ringing phone the girl by my side or should I say woman pulled me to her, the pillow was smudged with makeup. Has I spoke to my Father She kissed her way down my body until she reached my penis taking my limp penis into her mouth breathed it back to life I watched as it slowly came to full attention. I gave a slight moan of pleasure I heard my Father ask if I was with someone before I could reply he said ‘lucky you’ he then asked or ordered me to come be home tomorrow...

3 years ago
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Meri Randi Behan 8211 Part II

Hi dosto..this is Rahul again with the remaining part of my story..first of all i would like 2 thank all males n females who like my story n sending me far as possible i thanked them personally by sending them appreciate me like…for the users who didn’t read my 1st story meri randi behan..plz read that 1st coz i m continuing from there only..ok dear chut waliyon aur lund walo..pehle ki tarah apni chut me ungli aur lund ko hath me pakad kar baith i begin… Sonal aaj...

1 year ago
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Haters Gonna Hate

Have you ever met anyone that you truly despise? I’m not one of those girls that pretends they don’t hate. I’m a hater for sure and I’m proud to admit it. I hate people who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I hate people that were handed everything on a plate. I hate people who think they’re better than everyone else, and I especially hate celebrities and influencers. What is the thing with influencers? I just don’t get it. Why do these people think they deserve to be paid just to...

2 years ago
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A friend with benefits part 1

This is a story of how I met Camille, who I knew was married at the time and still is through my friend Becky.It was a Friday night around 6:30pm I happened to be out in North of my borough where I live, I was coming back from visiting my godson and his mother. As I was walking and checking my facebook, I had noticed my friend Becky was going to an event at a nearby pub that her friend Camille had organised. Since I was about ten minutes away with nothing to do I decided to pop in and see her....

2 years ago
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ValChapter 8

Val didn't show up to the school for two weeks. Tiffany took over the responsibilities of taking Val her homework. But lucky for me two days after Tiffany told me not to come back I was told that I could visit again, and I was able to go to her house and pick up the homework instead of dropping off the stuff. One day I was surprised when I went to her house. Instead of picking up the homework Val greeted me at the door. She was completely dressed and she had her backpack with her. That day I...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Angel Cousin Preethi

Hey, guys, this is my real sex story. My names Navneet and my age is 34, my sex partner here is my own cousin sister, Preethi, age 36. First, let me describe myself, I’m a usual tall guy from the district of Thane, but we moved to LA after both of our families got expired, i.e, mine and my cousin’s parents expired in 2005. I have a dick of size 5.5″ which can satisfy any girl easily. My sister is a girl who is short, hot, cute and sweet with medium sized boobs and a normal sized butt and super...

2 years ago
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The swimsuit contestant0

Anyway, I've done several more contests since then and have been fortunate enough to win every one. Now I plan on moving to New York to pursue my modeling career. Until then, I've been staying with my mom and Craig to save up money and to keep things less confusing for the imminent move. Mom's still working, she's only forty-five and planned a business trip to Canada for the next couple weeks. I was totally bummed because that means I'm stuck with Craig alone that whole time. Julie is...

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Our True Sexy Crazy Twisted Fucked Up Beautiful Cuckold Life

Every word of this story is true. My wife enjoys sex with other men. Here is how it all happened.I am not your garden variety cuck. I started this whole thing by asking permission to fuck other women because, after seventeen years of marriage, sex was boring and infrequent. I had tried everything to rekindle the fire but in the end, it all just felt like pressure to her and this was creating more stress than it was worth. So eventually, I said that I wanted to be able to get additional sexual...

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A journey from good girl to slut

This is a true story one that began many years ago but came to its conclusion only a few months ago. My friend of many years ago and I made contact thru Facebook and relit the passion of by gone years. Jan, short for Janet, is now in her 50’s and still maintains a nice figure being 5’7’ 145# with her short cut reddish brown hair. She is small-busted B cup bra with a smile that just knocks you off your feet.We had been friends last seeing each other about 10 years ago when I at a conference in...

1 year ago
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An Onam Fuck

Going to write about a session I had with my friend Aparna in September this year during Onam. This is the first part of the series. Hope you all will like it. So here goes! Aparna was a friend of mine from my college days and recently became my fuck buddy. She used to spend most of her weekend at my place ever since we entered into our NSA relationship. Needless to say, we used to fuck around like rabbits! This is one of our many sessions, many more to come so stay tuned. It was Onam season...

4 years ago
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The Geek

I began having a lot of problems with my work laptop, so once or twice a week I needed to go into the office and see the IT guy.He was shy, maybe a little younger then me, and I would consider him a geek or nerd type.He always had the same song playing when I visited his office. I eventually heard it on the radio and got to hear the whole song, it was “Someday” by Sugar Ray. Listening to the lyrics led me to suspect it was no coincidence. That song was playing for me. I think he had a crush...

1 year ago
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TwinsChapter 18

They ate lunch with their parents and talked about what they did that day. Of course they didn’t tell their parents everything they did that morning. After lunch, instead of splitting up, they went around the park as a family. It was nice to be together like that although Allie became hornier and hornier as the afternoon went on. She felt so good without panties. It was more the actual thought of going commando rather than any physical pleasure she got from it. She excused herself several...

1 year ago
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Dirty Roulette, aka a white label of! You might remember when the website came out almost a decade ago. Thought up by a seventeen-year-old girl from Moscow, Chatroulette really changed the model of your traditional webcam video chat. Instead of only being able to chat with one person (typically someone you knew well), suddenly anyone in the world could video chat with anyone else in the world, and you’d have no way of knowing who that other person might be....

Sex Chat Sites
3 years ago
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Fury of the Fifty Foot Woman

Revision 2 (Everyone hated the ending of the first version, so this time, the fifty-foot woman doesn't die at the end.) She awoke. She sat up and looked around. The research campus buildings surrounding the slab looked deserted. Battleship chains attached to her wrists and ankles held her securely. But she had been chained down here for nearly a year, and rust had begun to conquer the hinges. Her rage grew, and adrenaline flowed through her veins. She stood and broke out of her chains,...

2 years ago
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The ImamChapter 1

12th of Safar 1436 (December 5, 2014) If madness could be captured, then let it be defined and captured. Those mysterious coincidences must be followed through and investigated regardless of the toil and sweat and brain damage. See the signs and thus investigate each sign until it leads eventually to some higher knowledge, for this is exactly what the Imam did in Boston. He did not wait to search out these special coincidences. He traced them at his own risk and peril, and although his...

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Mark and CharleneChapter 5

MARK'S STORY I didn't want to have an argument with Charlene but when she pressed me about the evening I let my feelings come out. I tried but couldn't be nonchalant about it so ended up acting jealous. Charlene was right ... it was my idea so I shouldn't have put guilt on her. I wished later that I'd just said that it was a new experience and we both should take some time to absorb everything and then talk about it. As it turned out things were strained between us for a couple of...

1 year ago
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NYC Tails

I had just got off the 4 train and 125th when I saw this nice ass standing in front of me on the platform. She was leaning against one of the many columns. Just above her low rider denim jeans was exposed hip and back skin-- there was a tattoo that was only partially visible. Above that was a tight short tee that left little to the imagination. I went and stood next to her and I saw that she was a pretty, light-skinned Puerto Rican mami. She looked at me and I flashed her my pearly whites. All...

1 year ago
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Tammy and Josh Part 4

Tammy and Josh had a lot of fun for the next week. Since he was never staying overnight, there was never an opportunity for them to make love in her bed. That, of course, never stopped them. Josh would stop by and do his “homework”. After a little training session, he would go home. A typical session would be for Tammy to suck his cock on the stairs so that he was always in the living room in case they got visitors. Every time he was getting close to cumming, he would tap Tammy’s head for her...

2 years ago
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Dancing In The Rain

I love waking to the beautiful pitter-patter of the Californian summer rain falling on our tin roof. Many people don’t like rain because it’s messy (so they say). It messes their hair (so they say) and they offer so many other trivial reasons. For me, rain is beautiful and not only because it clears the air of impurities.Depending on the weather temperature, you may be either chilled or revived by rain. There’re so many different feelings to enjoy. Being in the open with warm rain running down...

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Jimmys Clean Sweep by loyalsock

Since getting divorced a couple of years back, my ex said I was perverted after she found a link to some of my favourite videos from an online porn site, I have enjoyed a sedate single life. At 34, five foot eleven and with only a slight paunch my few friends say I should have a girlfriend by now. But I work from home, and not being one for socialising, other than the occasional trip to the pub with said friends, I haven't had much opportunity to meet some-one else. After what happened last...

1 year ago
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Here we are, with yet another ‘Gone Wild’ subreddit. We all know what that means, right? Every subreddit with the ‘gone wild’ beside the name is pornographic and erotic. This one is called r/GonewildAudible/, and that should already tell you what the fuck you can expect. Of course, for those who would like to know a bit more about r/GonewildAudible/ in general, I am here to make your life a lot brighter.First of all, if you are utterly confused, r/GonewildAudible/ is a subreddit, which is a...

Reddit NSFW List
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Lindsay Part 3

My daughter's Julie's friend Lindsay had spent time at our house, had come over for pool parties, and had stayed the night. She had always been an enjoyable part of our evenings. Earlier in the summer when Lindsay spent the night, Julie had gone to bed, my wife had gone to work, and one thing led to another. I found out just how outgoing and persuasive Lindsay could be. I also found out how sexual she was at seventeen-years-old.What we'd done passed any expectations I'd had of a friend of...

2 years ago
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Fishwife and Other Poems

SEEING EYE TO EYE We telescope both ways, From large to small (And small to large), From male to female (And female to shemale), Losing breasts to bellies, (Bellies to breasts), Groins to genitals (Genitals to groins), Cunts to cocks and balls, (Cocks and balls to cunts), Until all is lost at last In legs that lose themselves In feet or heads That lose themselves in clouds. In between, we are the dust of stars, Faeries, all, who frame ourselves In shadowboxes too large or...

3 years ago
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The JobChapter 16 Family

Dad, Sarah and I were out the front when Snow pulled up in the drive the next morning. Dad and I were teaching Sarah the basic exercises of Taekwondo, and we both agreed she was a natural. I knew dad would love having someone new to take to the dojo. I also suspected that with her grace, mum might include ballet or some sort of dancing lessons. We turned to see Ryan get out and then Beth got out too. Ryan hugged dad, and I hugged Beth. I gave her a big kiss too. I had really missed her, and...

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Sarah was a good friend of my girlfriend. They had been friends throughout high school, and were now good friends in college. Sarah came down to stay with Jeni (my girlfriend) for a weekend. They had planned to just do some shopping and a little bit of partying.Jeni and I had been dating quite some time. We had a wonderful sex life together, in part because both of us enjoyed being kinky, though Jeni was shy. I had taken her virginity at 17 as far as I know she has only been with me since we...

1 year ago
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Narutos School Experience Pt 1

About to head back home for a nap and some ramen, he decided to stop by the Academy and visit Iruka-sensai. He was on his lunch break so he stooped and chatted with him for about 10 minutes. getting alot hungrier he decided to go home and make some ramen before he passed out. But as he reached the academy doors he saw a gray wisp fly by him. Suprised he decide to follow it and see who or what it was. So chasing after it he came to a dead end. Scrathing his head ahe felt like someone was behind...

3 years ago
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Ms Americanas RescueChapter 3 Got Gal Falls

Got Gal slowly awakened from the animal tranquelizer Tony had injected her with. Her mouth was cottony and her head ached with one terrible migraine. When she tried to move, she realized her arms and legs were tied to the four legs of the chair she was in. She shook her head to try to clear it but that only accentuated the pain coming from it already so she gave up and relaxed. She struggled to adjust her eyes to the dim light of the room to see where she was. Several minutes later Ramon...

2 years ago
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Its Okay

I always thought I was pretty, at least my dad always told me that I was. It was a long time before I realized that a daddy's only real reason for being on the planet was to think, or at least tell, his daughter that she is pretty. I can't look so bad though; I mean, I still get the occasional young butthead that says, "Nice azz baby!" Of course you know how much that turns me on. The best thing about a remark like that is the look on his face when you don't swoon, fall on your back and...

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All American BoyChapter 69

I called Charlie Stoner before school started on Monday to see if he could find out what the holdup was on Gage’s driver’s license was. “I’ll call my guy at the DVM and get back with you today. One other thing I need to tell you before you hear rumors and start asking questions “DRB Corporation has invested in the T-shirt shop downtown. They’re opening up three more shops in Texas and we’ve put up the money for the expansion.” “WOW! Thanks Charlie. I’ll leave all of that to you and Mom....

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