Impossible DreamsChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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Ed's turn:
I'm just not that adventurous, I guess. If I had been, my degree would have taken me into one of the engineering houses or maybe a staff engineer job. Yes, that's right. My degree's in electrical engineering, with emphasis on computers and microprocessors. I just sort of gravitated to the computer side of things. Some of my friends say that my present job is 'punching way under my weight class'.
Adventurous. Like NOT running screaming in the opposite direction when a certain fourteen year old girl announced that I was her boyfriend. Voices in my head SCREAMED about that one, but I guess there's a hole in my soul that Dana fills perfectly.
She is insatiably curious and energetic at some moments, completely serene and relaxed at others, and always on the verge of turning loose an astounding set of thoughts on the world.
And now I'm standing outside the office building at the airport watching a LITTLE airplane taxi up with two teenaged girls peering over the dashboard – well, I think they call it the instrument panel on an airplane, but there they are, one redheaded, the other dark brown, I think, and my Dana's so excited I worry that she may wet herself.
We stayed put until the propeller stopped. I know that to be prudent. The doors popped open on the plane and the two inhabitants popped out and squealed and wrapped my Dana up. For a group of purported geniuses, they sure do squeal and giggle a lot. My Dana's in the middle of them, making the same noises.
I need to get my mind right. Cindy's the redhead. Nikki's the brunette. I've met Nikki in astounding person. I've seen Cindy on the computer monitor. I got smacked by reality with Nikki on MY job. Now I need to wrap my mind around the fact that these two refugees from a Saturday at the mall are the pilot and copilot of an aircraft in which I am expected to ride all the way to the other side of Alabama.
Well, they're not apparitions or supernatural beings, because apparitions don't rush off to the bathroom giggling about 'four-hour flight, five-hour bladder'. Supernatural beings, I am given to understand, do not know about refueling aircraft.
And I have never been given a pre-flight safety briefing by a redheaded teen wearing jeans and an Auburn University sweatshirt. And she looked at my face and very deliberately pointed out that there were barf bags available in the seat pocket in front of me.
The little plane was LOUD. Conversation is possible between occupants because we all have these monstrous headsets that both attenuate the outside din and amplify words spoken into a boom-mounted microphone positioned at one's mouth.
And I'm seated cozily beside my Dana, her hand clasped in mine. I'm mulling over her statement that she wants to sit in a front seat on the next flight so she can see what it's like. Somebody has provided yet another target for what I know to be an insatiable curiosity.
We finally got off the ground amid the growl of an engine that Cindy says is 'state of the art – 1930', climbed to a mile or so above the ground and headed east-northeast towards Alabama. I started relaxing. Why shouldn't I? Everybody else in this thing seems really okay with it. It's quite scenic, actually, compared to commercial air travel, where you're closer to six miles high.
Cindy and Nikki keep up a running commentary in response to Dana's questions and observations.
"Are you okay, Ed," Nikki questioned.
"Yeah, I'm fine. This is rather new to me."
"The first time I ever left the ground, it was in this plane," Cindy said. "I thought it was a wonderful magic carpet. I still do."
"And Cindy and Dan gave it to me and my Dan," Nikki added.
I caught Dana gazing at me. I smile. This is pretty nice. Very much different, but nice, and it's made nicer by the smile of Dana next to me. Her fingers are intertwined with mine.
"And now it's mine," Dana said. "And I love it, don't you?" Her eyes met mine expectantly.
"It's growing on me," I said.
Cindy turned to Nikki. "Nik, find us an airport. I gotta fix Ed."
"You want ME in the back seat, huh?"
"Yeah. Ed, d'ya think you can let go of Dana's hand for half the trip?"
"He'll do it," Dana said.
Nikki explains to me that we're never more than ten or fifteen miles from some kind of airfield, many of which are not very large or in many cases, unattended.
"We'll just land and swap seats," she said.
"Just like that?"
"Yep!" Cindy affirmed. "And you get your first taste of being at the controls."
"Do it, baby," Dana urged me.
Okay, I'm chauvinist enough to think that if our two pilots, neither of whom is twenty yet and are BOTH female can do it, then I should be able to do it as well.
"Cin," Nikki said. "'Bout a hundred forty degrees, eleven miles. It's thirty-five hundred feet, paved. Might actually have a restroom and a coke machine."
Cindy dabbed at the iPad clipped to the control yoke. "Got it! Okay, y'all, we're going to change course in a right turn and I'm going to make an adjustment to the engine for the descent. It's all normal unless you hear me say 'what was THAT?', okay?"
"Baby," I told Dana, "she's treating me like an infant."
Cindy laughed. "Just taking care of my passengers."
Ten minutes later the propeller stopped. We were in front of a little building on an almost deserted airfield.
As we all exited the plane ("Stretch your legs! It's good for you!" Nikki said) a guy came out of the office.
Cindy waved. "You got a coke machine?"
"Yeah," the guy answered. We all trooped inside, bought cold drinks and explained what was going on with the quick stop.
"Careful, son," the old guy said. "She's a pusher. I've seen too many guys hooked on their first flights."
All I could do is smile. Dana was over there looking at me, her arms crossed, a knowing smirk on her face. The folded arms accentuated what I've determined are particularly delectable breasts. We have had some arguments of the 'I'm FLAT!' – 'No, you're not flat, you're perfect' variety. And yes, I noticed Cindy and Nikki. Apparently SOME engineers have that idea in common.
We finished our drinks and bid our host goodbye. Nikki and Dana got in the rear seats, and I got in the right seat. Cindy talked me through the adjustments.
"Now pay attention," Cindy said. "Or not. You'll do this until it's second nature anyway. Right now, though, let me get us off the ground. Keep your feet clear of the pedals and your hands off the yoke until we're climbing out, then we'll start the lessons gently."
"Hai, sensei," I said.
"Pay attention," Dana said. "She's a lot cuter than Yoda."
"And not nearly as wrinkly and green," I retorted.
Nikki giggled, "Yeah, he's gonna fit in just fine."
"Wait'll he runs into Jenn 'n' Laci," Cindy said.
"Who're they?" Dana asked. "I don't remember seeing them."
"Kimberly's two aunts. Laci's another bit-busting IT type and Jenn's a teacher. We're just cranking up our training branch and she shuttles between that and overseeing the Munchkin Mafia."
"Two aunts?" Dana asked.
"Yep. One by blood, one by marriage. To each other."
"Ohhhh," I said.
"Hope it's not a problem. They're really good people."
"Not a problem," I said. "Just never knew any, close up."
"Two of the sharpest tongues in the place," Nikki returned, then she replayed her comment and giggled. "And that was NOT meant to be a double entendre!"
"He does that to me," Dana tittered. "I get to talking with him and forget to think about what I'm saying. Next thing I know I'm in love..."
"Darlin', what about the day me and your gramma picked you up? That 'you wanna girlfriend?' comment?"
"Well, what's a girl gonna do when she's thunderstruck?"
"Dana, you need to talk with Kim. She says she was exactly that way about her Tim."
"See?!?" Dana squealed. "I'm not the only one!"
"And I'm not complaining a bit," I laughed.
We got about five hundred feet off the ground and Cindy instructed me to put my feet on the pedals – "That's your rudder" and take the yoke – "That controls roll and the relationship of the nose of the airplane to the horizon."
"Not up and down?" I asked.
"Horsepower makes you go up and down. For a given speed, less horsepower, you go down. More horsepower, same speed, you go up. We're at full throttle and we're holding eighty knots, so we're going up. If I pulled the power back to fifty percent, you could hold eighty knots, but you'd be flying straight and level."
I'm listening. I know Dana's listening too.
"Now, if you want to really have something to think about, we can pull the nose up so high that we STOP climbing because the drag of the wing is eating up all the horsepower just to keep going forward. There's a curve. Except for one point, for a given horsepower there are two equally valid speeds. I'll show you in the pilot's manual when you get curious. Right now? Eighty knots. If you start going faster, pull back on the yoke. If you're going slower, ease it forward. Try it. Little movements. Pressure, really."
I tried. A little pressure to lower the nose and the speed picked up. A little back pressure, and it slowed down. "Just like magic," I said.
She continued the lesson. I learned about banking the plane and having to trade off altitude or speed, and I'm picturing vectors at work. Seems like I looked at some of this stuff when I was a kid. Now this 'kid' is feeding it back to me, a spoonful at a time.
Three dimensions. Fun. I waddled between speed and course and altitude and finally, "Cindy, take this thing. I'm about to freak."
"You did good, though," Cindy said. "I gave you a bunch of stuff at once and you did quite well."
"Thank you. I'm sweating."
"We're getting close, anyway. Dana, say something comforting to Ed."
"Luvya, babe," Dana chirped.
"That'll work," I said. "I love you right back."
"See?" Nikki said over the intercom. "It's all good."
We put our wheels down at a little airfield.
"Home field," Nikki said. "See that big ol' yellow plane over there? Cindy's gonna fly it when she gets her commercial license."
Cindy grinned. We taxied up near the fuel pumps.
I met Wally, found out that he's a flight instructor, agricultural aviation pilot, a licensed mechanic AND the very protective owner of that big ol' yellow plane.
"How'd you do on fuel?" he asked Cindy after they filled the plane up.
"We're a gallon lighter than I thought. Close enough. Had forty-five minutes reserve, just in case."
"You did good, young padawan," Wally said. He turned to me. "You a pilot, too?"
"Nope. First time in a light plane," I said. "Me and Dana both. Cindy sort of gave me a lesson flying over here."
He smirked at Cindy. "So now you're an instructor, too? I give up, Cindy. Here're the keys to the Air Tractor..." he dangled them. She reached. He yanked them back. "No, no, no ... In due time, Cindy..."
"Tease!" she squeaked. Nikki was giggling.
We pushed the plane back into the hangar and loaded into the car for the ride home.
"Everybody's waiting, y'all," Nikki said. "You're, like, THE event!"
"I always wanted to be the event," Dana said. Me, on the other hand, I'm not so sure. Still, I knew SOME of these people now and I'm given to think they're pretty much civilized.
Short ride from the airfield to the...
"Compound," Nikki giggled. "It's our compound. And we're all setting up in the big meeting hall."
"Meeting hall?"
"Yeah," Cindy said. "We can do training. We can do conferences. We can do ... Anything."
"Lots of times it's just music," Nikki interjected.
"Just music," Cindy smirked. "Wait'll you hear Nikki Granger and her magic triangle."
"Te fer! It's a 'te fer', a legitimate instrument of Cajun music."
"Cajun? Like in FRENCH? You do CAJUN music?"
Nikki's head nodded enthusiastically. "And bluegrass. And Celtic. And classical. And klezmer. We do it ALL!"
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Hi guys and gals, thanks for liking my previous story – My Cheating – Part I Everything that happened messed me really bad and I did things that i despise.I do not encourage this sort of behaviour so please understand..What I did was an act of desperation. When i began writing it this story became so long i had to split this story into two parts next part i will tell later. As i wrote earlier my girlfriend smriti cheated on me with two of my seniors ali and azhar,we were supposed to get...
March 18th, 1995, 5:57 AM PT; Mile 2368/2230; 3 miles east of Fullerton, CA After having a substantial debate about the risks and rewards, John decided that due to the closeness of the two trains, it would be wise to alert his son to his presence before the train got in to LA. It was a logical and useful thing to do, especially due to the unique situation of the juxtaposition of the two trains. He whispered to the still mostly-asleep Gretel his intentions, and quickly got dressed. He ambled...
Don't start back when I was a k** I was in a state facility and they're doing check-ups behind she rubs my back a little for comfort and quickly she inserts two fingers I feel this real good feeling and then I let loose a massive load of semen and I still remember that feeling today married with k**s my wife believes I'm gay now I do admit I do love to watch girls take on more than one cock and I do keep my ass with a very close shave and I wear small underwear I guess you could say I'm a...
Chapter 15 A Final Waltz One year later, July 18th 2103 AD Michelle stood on the balcony of the Sheraton Rio in the newborn Brazilian morning, now not two hours old, still another four hours from sunrise. She looked up at the vast hillsides covered with specks of light for as far as the eye could see. When Gary suggested they take a small vacation, it seemed to her to be an ill timed idea. She would have leapt at any chance to stay at home, to hide from the feelings that...
When we took in our first set of party crashers they thought that it would take Kang two weeks to make the pilgrimage before they arrived at, what they hoped, would be an ‘already’ taken over camp. Well those two weeks had actually turned into nearly three weeks before they were able to get here in the neighborhood. Close enough, anyway, to send out advance scouts to get the lay of the land. And each day after Kang arrived here he sent out a group of four men, and each day those men were met...
I was at uni on a night out with my housemates... heres what happened.We all went out on the Saturday night for a few drinks and then decided to head to the club. At this point we were all quite drunk except one girl Felicity who was wasted ! Felicity was 19 and dressed like a complete slut wearing a tiny white vest top with no bra and the shortest red kilt/skirt youve ever seen. She topped it off with a pair of red high heels to match the skirt and as she stumbled her way to the club you could...
That same night, Bill Baldwin walked excitedly toward the master bedroom, his young cock throbbing hard. Jody had assured him that he and their mother would have the bedroom all to themselves since their father would be in Jody's room with her. Bill knocked softly on the bedroom door. When he heard his mother's soft voice telling him to enter, he turned the knob and opened the door. He looked eagerly toward the bed where his mother was lying, and he gasped with excitement, feeling his...
?If the stray dog stays, leash it. If the stray dog wanders, kill it.? Old Mexican Proverb I.-She didn’t tell me how old was she, and if she told me, she told me in Japanese, which I don’t understand, so it would have been exactly as if she didn’t tell me. I had never been in Japan before. Never had an interest in doing so. I’m not the kind of person that likes to travel. All places are the same place if you ask me. But every year I spent a week somewhere else with Mervyn, the only person I’d...
Stacy's tits were bouncing violently. Her father's cock was smashing her pussy as he rushed to finish and cum. It was early morning, still dark out, just before sunrise. Stacy hadn't had time to even wipe the sleep from her eyes before her dad had spit on his cock and slid it into her waiting snatch. He had walked in, kissed her awake, then led her by the hand and leaned her over her bathroom sink and began pounding her harder and harder. It was the last pussy he was going to get for the...
Chapter 17 – Career Paths Suzanne started the first Fall semester of her life without having any classes to prepare for. This point was driven home when Amy arrived at the apartment loaded down with new textbooks, and Suzanne realized that this semester she had no reason to visit the university bookstore. As Amy laid out her textbooks on the coffee table for the Fall, Suzanne suddenly felt a longing for the security and structure that had been part of her life ever since she was six years old....
Carla-Jean took another drag of her cigarette, savoring the sensations of the exhale for as long as she could. She'd been off cigs for a couple of years, up until she had that first fight with Mason. The moment he threw the first bottle, and then the first slap, well... She'd been through a pack every few days for a while now. She glanced over to the woman in the driver's seat, Shannon. Carla-Jean had known Shannon since they were best friends all the way back in first grade. Despite...
After an amazing night of mind blowing sex the next day at work my lovely wife and I continued our talk about our next adventure. She told me that she wanted to try double penetration next. Since that had always been a fantasy of mine too it was gonna be no problem. Our friend bill had already been over in the past for some light play so I knew I could trust him to be part of our next adventure. So the same night I text bill and asked if he'd be interested in joining us again. He said sure so...
Group Sex--- My Mom winked at me as she walked by my room where I stood fully dressed with a white buttoned up collared shirt and my light blue and tight jeans. I looked back at my mother, Carol, and smiled. My mom who had just walked past my room leaned her head in through my bedroom's open door. Both of us were going on a date tonight. She was going out with a man to a club and I was meeting Rachel at the local Asian / Chinese Restaurant. My Mom was wearing a tight white pull over top which was...
Copyright 2009 by madengineer3 I want to thank MiliktheRed for his great help in editing this story. He found many errors that I missed. * It started out as a simple Saturday at home. I had a couple of hours of work that I needed to get done. I own my own business and I had received a request for quote from a large firm. My specialty is doing analysis on complex electronic circuits. The people who wanted the quote for a worst case analysis were in a bind. They had discovered that the firm...
I was once at home, eating dinner, alone-the usual (sigh) while watching T.V, i was thinking about myfrieldfriend, and why she wssnt here with me, but then it came back to mind that she was on holiday in spain, i quickly thought that she would be with other men! but the thought slowly left my mind as i remembers the love between us. I didnt know wjat to do that nite as i was so bored and noone to make love with, i soon stoped feeling pity formyself and drank all the vodka i could find!! i...
I've been thinking recently about something that happened while I was at University, and I have to wonder exactly what happened.I had been going out with a girl, Kara, for a few months and she was often at my place. One evening, in particular, we were sat in the living room (the only room with a TV) bot dressed in nothing but our dressing gowns. The shows on TV were pretty boring, but as we sat there my hand was running across Kara's exposed thigh, hers rested on mine.Her dressing gown d****d...
Hello, Dosto main vishal bauth din ke baad aaya fir se ek saachi ghatna le kar dost ke ghar dost ki naukarani ko choda.Mail me Tho chalo aab story suno mera dost hamare ghar se half hr ki duri par rehta hain. Wo airforce mein job karta hain wo kuch dino ki chhuti mein apne ghar aaya ghumne.Mujhe phn kiya kaha vishal ghar aha main aaya hu main khus hua aur uske ghar nikla dost ka naam dipak hain. Uske ghar mein uski mumi aur ek naukarani rehti hain uske papa 1 year pehele expire kar gaye dost...
There would have been more talk then, except Riley suddenly looked at her watch and yelped that she was late getting Curtis from Bessie's. Bob said he'd go get him, and for her to calm down. Bob called Bessie and asked her if he needed to bring the car, which would be quicker, or if he could walk. She said, "Walk. We're having fun watching a DVD." Riley said she'd start supper and he left to walk up the road. It was a cold, clear day, the kind of brisk sunny days they never seemed to...