Sarah And Greg Get Married free porn video

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"Are your parents coming?" Greg asked.

"I don't think so," Sarah replied matter-of-factly. She had given up on her dad long ago, but she still had hope for her mother – there were a few, strained conversations over the phone, but Sarah wasn't holding her breath expecting a "welcome back" any time soon. It had been eleven years since her parents threw her out of their house and their lives for being "a freak" - at least that's what they called her.

Sarah paused for a moment as she thought about her relationship with the people who raised her – her biological parents – and about the two new parents she now had. Sarah rationalized to Greg, "I don't need them there, anyway. I have a new mom and dad – your parents." She thought back to when his parents found out and accepted her. Tears welled in her eyes. She thought, "No, not today. I am not crying today." A single tear streamed down her face. "Okay, maybe just one."

Greg looked at his watch and realized that his mother and sister were going to show up soon to help Sarah, so he kissed Sarah with a quick peck on the lips. "Honey, I will see you at the church."

He then walked to the hotel room door, waved goodbye as she mouthed the word, "Bye", and he left to go to his brother's room. Sarah sighed deeply and internally chanted the mantra, "I will make it one moment at a time."

She sat alone in the room for about a minute before there was a knock on the door. Sarah went over, opened it, and was greeted with smiles and hugs from Joy, Greg's mom / Sarah's new mom, and Katie, Greg's kid sister. Sarah beamed at her new family.

Tears welled again as she hugged Joy. Joy, always aware of what was going on around her, patted Sarah's back and comforted her with "Sarah, honey, you are a beautiful bride, and Greg is a great boy. Being nervous is part of the day. At some point you will only remember that you were nervous, but you won't remember how it actually felt." Joy looked at her from arms length. "If there is anything we can do, just ask. We're here for you." Joy pulled Sarah in for a final hug and then released her.

Katie hugged Sarah, "Welcome to the family, sis."

Sarah felt better, but still nervous. A look of horror went over her face. "I have forgotten everything I am supposed to do now."

Before she went on, Joy cut in, "Don't worry, stop thinking, we got you covered." Then turning to look at Katie, "Katie, grab that chair over there and put it in the bathroom. I'll grab the make-up kit and the extra light, and Sarah, go sit on the chair. We'll get you ready."

With Joy in command, things happened. When Katie's back was turned, Sarah mouthed to Joy while nodding her head toward Katie, "Does she know?" Joy shook her head and mouthed the word "no".

Sarah sat on the chair in the bathroom, wearing white laced panties under a mini half slip and a white lace bra. Her cock was tucked quite well under her panties so no bulge could be seen. She looked in the mirror and thought scornfully, "This is what Greg's marrying!" Then Joy's smile relaxed her.

Joy looked at Sarah's skin tone for a moment and then at the wedding dress hanging on the shower curtain rod. She and Katie talked in low tones briefly when Sarah heard them agree on something, and they returned to standing beside her.

Joy spoke first, "Sarah, Katie and I know what we're doing. Relax. We have it all under control. You'll look beautiful to everyone in there. And remember, Greg will think you're beautiful even if you look like a clown." She realized too late that she should not say this to a bride, so she added. "However, we'll not test the last part."

The two ladies went to work. After about thirty minutes, there was a knock at the door. Katie answered it. A young lady at the door asked, "Is this Sarah Johnson's room?"

Recognizing the voice, Sarah yelled from the bathroom, "Annie, I'm in here."

Annie entered the room. "Sarah what do you need me to do?"

Sarah made introductions, "Annie, dear, this is Greg's mom, Mrs Booth. She's in charge; I've stopped thinking."

Joy turned to Annie and extended her hand, "Joy, please."

Shaking her hand, Annie replied, "Joy it's nice to meet you. I'm Annie, the Maid-of-Honor. What do you need me to do?"

"Nothing at the moment. Just have a seat and relax. We'll be done soon."

A few minutes later there was another knock on the door. Annie answered it, and a young lady entered without being invited. Katie looked and said, "Hey, Cindy." Figuring that this meant the young lady belonged there, Annie let the door close and took a seat on the bed.

After Cindy found out there was nothing for her to do either, she sat down in the chair near the bed. Annie extended her hand, "I'm Annie. I'm Sarah's Maid-of-Honor."

"Hi, I'm Cindy. I'm Alex's girlfriend."

"Who's Alex?"

"Greg's younger brother," Cindy explained.


Thirty minutes later, Joy and Katie stepped out of the way so that Sarah could see her own face with make-up and without someone in the way.

Sarah smiled, "You two have performed a miracle!"

Joy interjected, "The miracle happened when you were born. We just made sure other people could see your natural beauty."

"Natural?" Katie said harassing her mother, "With make-up?"

Joy gave her 'the look' and said, "You know exactly what I mean." Katie looked down sheepishly.

"Now for the dress," Joy prompted. Katie took it off the hanger and handed it over to Sarah, who shimmied it on. It fit beautifully – of course. Sarah was thinking she was ready, when Joy said, "Let me take a look at you." She stepped back to take a look. "Absolutely stunning!"

Katie agreed, "Mom, I won't admit this publicly, but you do know what you're doing."

Joy put her arm around her daughter and hugged her. "Thanks, dear. And I won't tell anyone you said so." Now turning her attention back to Sarah, "Shoes. Where are your shoes?"

Sarah got a sudden look of panic on her face. She knew she packed them, but she didn't remember seeing them in the room. Annie and Cindy had already started to hunt the room for them. Sarah started to speak when Annie yelled out, "Found them!"

There was a knock on the door. Joy went to answer it, and turning to the women in the room as she walked, said, "We leave in thirty minutes." Joy opened the door.

An older woman, about Joy's age, was at the door. This woman asked nervously, "Is ... Sarah Johnson here?"

Sarah heard the voice and turned to see the woman. Sarah cried in fear and joy, "Mom!" For at the door stood Sarah's mother, Betty.

After Greg left his room, he walked over to his brother's room. He knocked on the door, Alex opened it, and greeted Greg with "Dude, how's it hangin'"

Greg replied with his usual greeting for his little brother. With a quick upward head nod, Greg said with nonchalance and in an octave lower than normal, "Little bro, what's up?"

They shook hands as Greg entered the room. Their tuxes were hanging on the shower curtain rod. Greg jumped face first on the bed, spreading out to take up most of the bed.

"Really, Greg," Alex began, "How are you doing right now?" Greg rolled over to answer, taking up less space.

"I am ready for this thing to be over. Alex, elope when it is your turn."

Alex thought for a moment and responded, "I don't know which will make a better story, the full fairy-tale wedding or eloping." Greg laughed.

Greg then picked up the TV remote, "Let's see what's on before we need to get ready. As long as we are dressed and ready to walk out the door in an hour and a half, we are good to go. I figure it will take ten minutes to dress, ten minutes to get dad, and ten minutes to come back here to pick up the thing which we will forget. So we have an hour to kill." Greg turned the television on and started flipping through the channels. He pulled himself into a sitting position with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out onto the bed; he now took up only half the bed. Alex sat beside him in a similar pose.

They assessed each channel for about five seconds before Greg hit the channel up button. They were on the fourth run through the cycle of channels when Greg stopped. "This is how to kill an hour." He found a game of Australian Rules Football, which Greg considered to be the greatest spectator sport ever.

While watching, Alex and Greg talked a little, but this time together was mainly about relaxing. About thirty minutes into it, Greg turned to Alex, "So what's the deal with you and Cindy?"

"We're really good friends."

"For three years! Really! Only 'good friends'. Any talk of permanence?" Greg raised his eyebrows on the last question.

"Actually, I was thinking about asking her to move in with me."

"What's holding you back?"

"It seems like such a huge step. How did you know it was time for the two of you to live together?"

"When I realized I loved her and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Besides, I was already spending most of my time at her place anyway."

"And you proposed a year after moving in. Why wait a year?" asked Alex.

Greg furrowed his brow, took a deep breath, and said, "It's complicated."

Alex shrugged and then looked serious. "Speaking of complicated," Alex continued, "Why are you getting married here? I heard her parents aren't even coming to the wedding, so I figured it's not for her, and you have no family here."

"It's complicated, Alex." Greg hoped that would be the end of it. Alex started laughing. Greg looked at him, "What's so funny?"

Alex answered, "Admit it, big bro, she's a dude, right?" Alex was so tickled with his ludicrous suggestion. Then he noticed Greg's serious expression. Alex stopped laughing. "What!? No way, Greg! She really is a dude?!"

Greg let the last question hang there before answering, "It's complicated."

"No way, man. You are not letting this one hang out there. What's the deal?"

Greg, looking very serious, started, "Alex, she is a woman," and then paused before continuing, "trapped in a man's body."

Alex was floored, "That is quite the man's body. He is gorgeous!"

"She! She is gorgeous," Greg corrected him.

"Do mom and dad know?"

"Yep, they've known for a year." Greg got very serious, "They accept her as a daughter, I am going to accept her as my wife, and she will be your sister-in-law." He paused again, trying to gauge Alex's reaction. "Is this a problem for you?"

Alex hesitated before replying, "No, man. She makes you happy, and in the end that's what really counts." He extended his hand to confirm his commitment to being okay with it. Greg shook his hand, then pulled him close enough to hug him. They man-hugged (handshake in between their chests) for about five seconds.

A thousand questions ran through Alex's head; he didn't know where to start. Before the first question came out, Greg warned, "This is not for you to tell anyone. To my knowledge there are only seven people here who know: the two of us, mom, dad, Sarah, her friend Annie, and the minister. It stays at seven unless Sarah wants someone else to know."

"That's cool. At least I can talk to someone about it if I need to." Alex's brain was skipping all over the place.

Greg reassured Alex, "You just met her. Take your time. You don't have to have all your questions answered right now."

Alex suddenly put some pieces together. "Ah. That's why her parents won't be here. I assume they want nothing to do with her."

"Since she was 18."

"She has to have had surgery to look like that!"

"Yes. That and hormone replacement therapy."

"And is she planning to have a sex change operation?"

"Still up in the air. That's a complicated topic, and I could not do it justice in the time we have right now. But here is the way I usually think about it. You know the deaf people who don't want the cochlear implants to give them hearing."


"My understanding is that it's because to fix the hearing would imply they were broken to start and not just different. I think it is that if she has the sex change, she would feel like it means that she was a freak before, not just different." He thought for a moment about whether it sounded right. "I could be off base on this, but it's the way I think about it."

"How do you feel about her not having the surgery, Greg?"

"I love Sarah, in whatever form she wants. When she is ready, we'll do it, and if she is never ready, we'll love each other just as much."

"I'm happy for you Greg." And Alex meant it.

Alex's mind skipped to another question. "Does this mean you're gay?"

"Does it matter?" asked Greg.


"Then why ask?"

"Just curious."

"For your edification," Greg answered, sounding like Han from 'Enter the Dragon' and then returning to his normal voice, "I don't consider myself gay, because to me she is a woman in every respect except one, and," he paused briefly, "I'm not attracted to men." Alex nodded in acceptance.

They watched more of the game, until Alex asked about kids, then watched more of the game until Alex asked about her parents, and then watched more of the game, until Alex asked about her original name, and so on, until it was time to dress for the wedding.

They were right on schedule when they knocked on their dad's door. He was ready in a few minutes. When they got to the car, Greg asked Alex about the ring.

"No problem, I have it right here," when Alex patted his jacket pocket and didn't feel it. He ran back to the room, got the ring, returned to the car, and continued, "As I was saying, right here." This time when he patted his jacket pocket, it was there.

They got in the car and drove to the church.

Sarah heard the voice and turned to see the woman. Sarah cried in fear and joy, "Mom!" For at the door stood Sarah's mother, Betty.

Sarah stood there, her biological mother at the door, her new mom standing in between. Silence was waiting for someone to speak. Sarah was torn whether to invite this woman in or have Joy slam the door on her.

Joy broke the silence, first, "Sarah, this is your day. What would you like me to do?"

Sarah was very confused, "Joy, I can't think." Her eyes pleaded for Joy to decide for her. Joy sensed this and shut the door with Betty still in the hallway. The room was silent. Annie walked over to Sarah and gave her a big hug. Joy turned from the door and started to walk over to Sarah to hug her, when Sarah yelled louder than she had planned, "Let her in!"

Joy complied, opened the door to find Betty already walking toward the elevator. Joy stepped into the hallway and called after her, "Sarah will see you now." Betty turned, tears in her eyes, walked back to the room.

When everyone was in the room, Joy asked Sarah, "Would you like us to stay or go?"

Looking at Joy, Sarah responded, with surprising confidence, "I want you and Annie to stay." Glad to be out of the tension and knowing very little of the history, Katie and Cindy left. They waited down the hallway far enough not to hear what was going on in the room.

The door closed, and the four women were in the room. Sarah noticed that her mom looked a lot older than she should for her age. Joy again broke the silence with clear anger in her voice, "You have a lovely daughter who is part of OUR family." She thought through her next words, deciding how far she was going to vent; it had built up long enough. "How dare you treat her with anything except love! For whatever reason, she is the way she is; she is a beautiful charming young lady." Joy stood between Sarah and Betty. Joy's hand was clinched by her side while she fought the urge to punch Betty in the face.

Tears streamed down Betty's face as she choked out, "I know ... I'm sorry." Joy's fist loosened. Betty turned toward her daughter. "Hen..." She stopped herself. "Sarah ... I was so wrong. Please, forgive me."

Sarah stood there. She surprised herself that she didn't cry. With all the emotions of the day and the past eleven years, she just felt pity for this old woman. "Joy was right", Sarah thought, "I am good the way I am, and I feel the love and support of a family. Do I need this woman?" What came out of Sarah's mouth barely concealed her anger. "Is dad with you?"

Betty shook her head, "No." She choked back the sobs. "We divorced two years ago."

"Because of me?" Sarah asked. There was still anger in her voice but not as much as a few moments earlier.

"There were a lot of issues, and your ... situation brought the real issues to the surface." Betty looked truly sorry and continued, "I realized that as soon as we threw you out, it was a mistake, but your dad would not think about bringing you back into our home. We made a huge mistake eleven years ago, and I have had to live with it." She started crying, again.

Sarah was relieved not to face her dad, and felt somewhat happy to have her two moms there, but her anger still outweighed her sentiment. "Are you planning to see the wedding?"

Betty looked up and whispered, "If you are okay with it?" Sarah nodded without smiling.

Joy took command, again, and said, "We have to get to the church, ladies," even though they were well ahead of schedule. Turning to Betty, she said, "I assume you will drive yourself." Betty nodded.

Joy opened the door as Annie and Sarah left, holding hands for support. Katie and Cindy were relieved that there was no blood on the dress – they had imagined a lot of scenarios during the brief time they waited. Once Annie and Sarah were walking down the hall, Joy stood at the door and waited impatiently for Betty to leave the room, too. Joy felt deep inside that no one was beyond redemption, but just below the surface, her feelings were far less charitable.

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Greg learns his wifes secrets

Greg is a medium guy. He is under 6 feet tall, medium weight, medium looks, small hands, feet and a small dick. He is an unremarkable and uninteresting man with a unreliable medium sized 15 yr old car. He has a middle ranked job at a large sized library in a huge sized city on the west coast of the united states. His middle income helps to make the payments on a middle sized house in a middle sized city. The only thing not mediocre about his life is his wife of ten years. Charlotte...

1 year ago
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Loving Alan And Greg Jr Beyond Belief

I didn't know what to expect, but they sat with me down and kissed my cheeks. I wasn't even sure if Greg had any clue what Alan had in mind, but I just sat back and waited.Although, he didn't make me wait long, he got up and went back towards my dresser. "Mom, you are going to need to stock up on condoms, unless you want one of us to get you pregnant.""Okay, son," I replied before glancing at his hands. "Do you have two there?""Yes," he answered, closing the gap. "Would you enjoy the honors of...

2 years ago
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Loving Alan And Greg Jr Beyond Belief

I didn't know what to expect, but they sat with me down and kissed my cheeks. I wasn't even sure if Greg had any clue what Alan had in mind, but I just sat back and waited.Although, he didn't make me wait long, he got up and went back towards my dresser. "Mom, you are going to need to stock up on condoms, unless you want one of us to get you pregnant.""Okay, son," I replied before glancing at his hands. "Do you have two there?""Yes," he answered, closing the gap. "Would you enjoy the honors of...

2 years ago
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Play date with Greg

This story is true but everything else has been altered slightly to protect every one involved. Greg had answered my profile that i left on an adult site i was new to this site so i wasn't real sure if i was wasting my money on it or not. As i got to know Greg through asking a lot of questions i learned that he was married now usually i would have backed away but Greg said his wife knew of his being on this site and approved as she could not satisfy his needs. Greg was a couple years older than...

1 year ago
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Helping out Uncle Greg

It was 9pm when I got home and my mom said, “Megan, daddy needs to ask you something.”   Dad saw me walk into the family room and turned the television off and said, “Megan, I wanted to see if you would be able to help out your uncle Greg for a week?”   Greg was the youngest in Dad’s family and Dad was the oldest of the six kids. Dad took a deep breath and said, “You know grandma is living with uncle Greg and Becky decided to walk out for good.”     Dad...

2 years ago
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Gayles CeremonyChapter 7 Greg

Bill held Greg’s clothes as the naked guy waited for Sharon’s go ahead. Instead, Gayle herself said, “Ready.” Instead of the obvious route between her splayed legs, Greg went up beside Gayle and kissed her on the lips. He said something, and Gayle nodded. Greg swept one tit with his beard from the top to the tip. Then he went back and kissed a path down that length. He repeated that with the other tit. He went back and got between her legs. He trailed his beard up one thigh and down...

3 years ago
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Galatic Research Subject Greg

Amber stepped out of the transport vehicle and looked around. So this is Earth? For the last month, she had studied several texts about this planet, and still never imagined it looking this. She knew she was invisible to the humans in the state she was in and that her transport would be safe left in the spot where she landed, but she still felt uneasy.Slowly she walked up toward the living receptacle the humans called houses. It was a two-storey small one. Amber smiled, careful not to show her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Maggie and Greg

Even in this day and age there are rural counties whose claim to fame is that they don’t do much of anything. Life moves at a snails pace because there are no factories, no corporate office buildings, no tourist attractions, just a string of almost empty downtown areas, one after another. There are dozens of crossroads, with the remnants of a different time all over those rural counties. Some of the counties are so poor and so wild they offer the perfect places to operate illegal businesses as...

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Maggie and Greg

Even in this day and age there are rural counties whose claim to fame is that they don't do much of anything. Life moves at a snails pace because there are no factories, no corporate office buildings, no tourist attractions, just a string of almost empty downtown areas, one after another. There are dozens of crossroads, with the remnants of a different time all over those rural counties. Some of the counties are so poor and so wild they offer the perfect places to operate illegal businesses as...

1 year ago
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Is Greg Cheating Yes And Its Time For Revenge

"Hey, Grace?!" I yelled, running to her."What, did you miss me already, Dahlia?" she asked, turning to me."Maybe, but I have an idea to make things up to your hubby, let's have a threesome with him.""Really, even after all that shit that just went on in there?""Yes, it’s a Saturday night, and even though I never met your husband, I'm sure he'd go apeshit if he got to have sex with two beautiful ladies. Let him see how well you know how to eat pussy, and he doesn't need to know...

2 years ago
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Greg The AC Man Lust at First Sight

I have only ever felt Lust at First Sight once in my life. By that I mean a desperate, frantic, overwhelming, irresistible, almost obsessive need to fuck a particular person.If my friends are to be believed or at least taken literally, they all seem to experience it regularly which no doubt contributes to their success with one night stands, something I have never been very successful with.Despite, the usual immediacy of Lust at First Sight we didn't fuck until four years after I first met him....

3 years ago
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Amelia and GregChapter 8

Amelia resumes the Narrative: We appeared in the hotel room just long enough to drop off our travel clothes before Greg transferred us again. This time we appeared just outside of a large restaurant and bar, then entered quickly, as it had already cooled off with the setting of the sun, since it was still April. We were greeted by the Maitre D’ of this flashy and expensive restaurant. “Good evening, Doctor O’Brien, will it be a table for three this evening?” he asked in his suave and...

3 years ago
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Is Greg Cheating Chatting With The Slut

I went straight home and pleasured myself to calm my nerves. I knew to sleep that night might make me see things differently the next day, but I didn't think so when I woke up. I just had that fucker on my mind, so I decided to text him."Hey, Greg, I hope you got your work done last night because your horny girlfriend needs some cock. Let me know when you're coming over."Not even a minute later, my phone buzzed. "Hey, babe, I'm sorry about last night, maybe I've been working too hard...

3 years ago
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Tricia Time IV My Date with Greg

Tricia Time IV - My Date with Greg As I described in Tricia Time III, I ran into my new friend Beth at Club Paradise when I was out on my real date with Linda's brother, Vince. She was there with a date and her brother Greg, and she told me how interested he was in me and that he would like to ask me out. She thought I should go out with him and gave me her number and his number in case I decided to do it. I wasn't sure if I could or should do that, since I had such a good time with...

1 year ago
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Is Greg Cheating Finding Out For Myself

'So, here we are again, Greg, we're lying here watching a movie again on a Friday night, but every night, around this time, you seem to need to head out. The movie is almost over now, so what's gonna happen now? You're cuddling with me, and I know you love me, but you still have me wondering.'"Oh, that was some movie, Dahlia," he moaned, arching his back and stretching out.I peeked at the clock again. 'Yes, and you're about to leave, aren't you?'"I'm sorry, babe, but I have some...

2 years ago
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Amelia and GregChapter 6

Sylvia and I appeared in Greg’s living room expecting a lengthy wait before he would appear only to find him standing there with a worried look on his face. “Where have you been? I got home, and you were gone. I had no idea where you went or what happened to you,” he told me in a worried voice, but seemed surprised to see Sylvia with me. “When you were shot and kidnapped, I needed to do something, and the only person that I remembered you talking about was Sylvia, so I went to see her,” I...

4 years ago
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The Honeymoon of Sarah and Greg Day 1 the Trip to Hawaii

The morning after the wedding, Greg and Sarah packed, dropped off his tux with Alex, Greg's brother, who would return it to the rental store that afternoon, and left her dress with Greg's parents, who would hold on to it until Sarah could come get it. They then checked out and headed to the airport. Once they were their departure gate, they found two seats together in the waiting area, sat, and relaxed. While waiting for the flight to Hawaii, they each read a magazine while holding hands....

2 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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When Greg Came To Stay

I first started speaking to Greg a few weeks ago via the lush stories site. Jaq is my wife and always likes to know who I am talking to.As I was chatting to Greg I found out that he was separated and was not getting a lot of action. I spoke to Jaq about the possibility of inviting Greg over at some point.Now anyone who has read any of my true stories will know that Jaq is a very hot wife. Jaq and I discussed how to go about it and it was decided that we would just invite Greg over the following...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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When Greg Came To Stay

I first started speaking to Greg a few weeks ago via the lush stories site. Jaq is my wife and always likes to know who I am talking to.As I was chatting to Greg I found out that he was separated and was not getting a lot of action. I spoke to Jaq about the possibility of inviting Greg over at some point.Now anyone who has read any of my true stories will know that Jaq is a very hot wife. Jaq and I discussed how to go about it and it was decided that we would just invite Greg over the following...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Greg Fucks Marcia Brady Bunch

Greg fucks Marcia
 Greg was planning on an evening all to himself for the evening while their parents were out on a date, Alice was taking the other c***dren to the movies, and Marcia planned to go to a birthday party with her friends. After Greg assured his parents that he’d be okay alone and everyone left the house Greg headed upstairs to have some time to himself. He’d always been sexually attracted to his stepsister Marcia and fantasies about her all the time. He went into the girls bedroom...

4 years ago
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Toni Encounters Greg

Anthony Lorimer was aged in his early thirties. Over the last year or so, he had progressed from occasionally putting on his now estranged wife's underwear when she was not at home, to the stage that he was now at of going out fully dressed and made up as a woman. When dressed Anthony became Toni and, in part due to his build and bone structure, he became a very attractive female.In the early days, he would wank whilst wearing his wife's knickers but now he had become so adept at becoming 'she'...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 204 Song and Sand

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 23, 2010) Chapter 4 - Song and Sand Uncle Kevin and his family were gone when we arrived home after seeing Mary. I assumed that they had already headed down to the beach, and Mom said she'd drive me down after lunch to catch...

2 years ago
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Dharma and Greg and the triumph of SO THERE

A desperately serious story! Thanks to Caleb Jones for the idea, and some suggestions. Also, many thanks to Steve Z for editing. I truly appreciate it! Dharma and Greg, and the triumph of S.O. T.H.E.R.E.! By Eric As our newlyweds were having a quiet dinner, Greg forced himself to dismiss the oddly predatory gleam in Dharma's eyes. He figured, as usual, that she just wanted sex. When Dharma led him upstairs to the bedroom - he thought smugly - right again. The incredibly sexy,...

1 year ago
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Dharma and Greg and the Triumph of SO THERE

Dharma and Greg, and the triumphant of SO THERE! By Eric A desperately serious story! Thanks to Caleb Jones for the idea, and some suggestions. Also thanks to Steve Z for editing. As our newlyweds were having a quiet dinner, Greg forced himself to dismiss the oddly predatory gleam in Dharma's eyes. He figured, as usual, that she just wanted to get laid. When Dharma led him upstairs to the bedroom - he thought smugly - right again. The incredibly sexy, tall blond was all over...

2 years ago
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Greg and Katie in Love

Greg and Katie in Love a Justin Silk story (c) Copyright Justin Silk 2002. All Rights Reserved CHAPTER ONE When I was a kid growing up in a typical suburban house in a typical suburban street I was pretty much like most other boys my age. Sort of typical, you might say. I liked sports, especially those where I had to pit myself against me. Swimming. Tennis, Gymnastics. Can't say I was really stoked by team sports, but I was tall for my years and they put me in the...

2 years ago
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Greg and Freya horny siblings

Greg was your average teenager. 19 years old, with fairly tanned skin and dark brown hair, and loved by girls for being cute, while at the same time, not managing to get a girlfriend, and still a virgin. His sister Freya, was one year younger than him, and had the body of a goddess. A great firm ass, and tits that only god could give to a women. She was very popular with the lads at school, including many guys in Greg's year. This often annoyed him with comments of how they would love to fuck...

3 years ago
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31 Date With Sam Date With Greg

4:43 P.M., Wednesday, November 18, 2015 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI The legal guardian of Paula Akron and Paul Macon answered the door and invited the ten year old boy in. He was barely ten; his birthday was November 14. Sam Diamond liked this older guy, because he treated kids almost like adults. Not exactly like adults, because they’re not adults, but he treated kids with respect. Respect; that’s the word Sam hadn’t been able to think of yesterday. Usually when he had heard...

3 years ago
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AntonioChapter 2 Greg

“The first time for anyone is a major event,” Greg told Sylvia. “Maybe a bit more major for women, but mine certainly felt major. Top up my glass, and I’ll tell you about it.” And this is the story he told: Greg was elated. He’d taken Deb’s roommate, Janet, on a date to the movies. Enough of his friends had seen them there that the entire school would know that he’d had a date with a college woman! And, now, she raised no objections when he pulled off the road into a private spot. He’d get...

4 years ago
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Greg to Georgina

Greg to Georgina.Part 1 .I'm just a regular guy, I like a beer, I hate queers, trannies, perverts all that, I'm as straight as they come. Honestly, Ok at five six I'm no quarter back and girls don't exactly throw themselves at my feet, but really back then I was doing just fine working my way through uni.I guess it was boredom, like I was surfing the net like you do, in the faculty library, the only one on campus where the server wasn't programmed so anything unsuitable for a five year old came...

1 year ago
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The Conquest of Greg

We all fantasise over someone we can't have, whether is be someone at work, a neighbour or just someone we see on the way to work. Just sometimes, that fantasy becomes a reality. There is this little inbuilt mechanism in most of us that stops us from wanting sex with members of our own family. There are good reasons genetically why that is a good thing but as everyone knows sometimes we do not follow the rules! Of course this group of people we should not want to have sex with extends beyond...

3 years ago
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Amelia and GregChapter 5

“These Wizards aren’t that smart after all,” Gunther said with a smile, as he lowered the rifle he had used to knock Greg out with a tranquilizer dart. “Go get the van,” he told Joey, as he moved toward the figure slumped on the concrete of his own driveway. Gunther had a gag, duct tape, and plastic ties to secure their victim with, and Joey arrived with the van just after he finished. “This old fart sure is heavy,” Joey complained, as he and Gunther moved the unconscious Greg into the van...

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