Maggie and Greg
- 2 years ago
- 33
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Even in this day and age there are rural counties whose claim to fame is that they don't do much of anything. Life moves at a snails pace because there are no factories, no corporate office buildings, no tourist attractions, just a string of almost empty downtown areas, one after another. There are dozens of crossroads, with the remnants of a different time all over those rural counties. Some of the counties are so poor and so wild they offer the perfect places to operate illegal businesses as well as legal ones.
One of those fly specks on the map is the crossroads town of Portage. Portage had never been a thriving center of commerce, but it was once home to a small market, a small farmer's exchange, and a service station.
All those business closed during the Peek of the Walmart era. The Restaurant had somehow survived. Probably because even country folks need a meal now and then.
The old service station became a tiny combination of all the stores which had closed. One could fill his gas tank, buy a pound of butter, even find a screw driver for sale at the Portage Market. Most likely you could also get a dime bag of pot as well. The former three bay service station made an acceptable country store. Though it still looked like an abandoned three bay service station with a face lift.
The law was enforced by several Sheriff's Deputies who roamed the county. If there was a major crime, the state police investigated it. It would have over whelmed the resources of the deputies. As I said, Portage was just fly shit on the big old county map that hung on the wall in County Seat.
On the first Monday of every month, the traffic in County Seat tripled as the circuit court came into session. Portage was just part of the whole sleepy 'God, guns, and pick up trucks, movement, that the politicians made fun of during non election years.
Over the winter the residents of Portage had seen a woman visit the old brick building several times. That building was last used as a small grocery store twenty years before. The building seemed to interest her enough to come meet with the Realtor twice.
On the last of those trips she brought what might have been her sugar daddy. The couple had eaten lunch at the Main Street Cafe. The Cafe was a reminder of the days when state roads ran through the countryside linking cross roads towns together. Along those rural state roads cafes sprang up to feed the motoring public. The state had taken the highway designation away from the road to Portage, but the cafe remained.
The food for the most part was fresh and tasty, if your taste ran to the simple things, as Greg's taste did. Since he was a retired enlisted Marine, he had never acquired a taste for the finer things.
The first time they ate at the cafe, Greg, and the much younger woman with him were on a mission. Their mission was to scout out a location for their businesses. The first time that they met with the local Realtor, They ate lunch at the cafe, then moved on to scout other locations.
By the time they ate in the cafe again, they had decided that they would settle either in Portage, or an equally small town several miles away. Since there were small buildings abandoned along many of the former state highways, their search had been long. The building in portage would require the least renovation, and the price was right. It also was in a designated rural service zone for the lady's business.
Greg had waited until after a hard rain to decide which of the two buildings he would make a lease, with the option to buy, offer. His motto had always been keep it simple stupid, so that was his frame of mind at the time of his lunch with Maggie.
He liked things simple because he was no spring chicken. He was a fifty-five year old man with a twenty-five year old daughter at his side. They had the lunch special on that early spring morning while they waited for the Realtor to show. Greg could see the empty former grocery store parking lot through the window of the cafe.
"Well Daddy, what do you think?" Maggie asked.
"I think your Momma would be proud of you," Greg said.
"Enough with the compliments, which building are you going to lease?" She asked.
"I guess it's the Portage in a pear tree," Greg said with a very infectious grin. "So are you going to miss the big city?"
"For about ten minutes, besides we can get into Lucille in ten minutes. Lucille has everything we need.
"Well I have lived in some pretty isolated places over the years but you haven't. You might find you miss the variety available in a larger place.
"Trust me, Colleges are pretty isolated. If not by miles by attitude," she informed him.
"Well it should be interesting, You sure as hell are not going to get rich in Portage," he informed her.
"No I won't, but neither will you," Maggie said.
"I don't have to get rich, my life is mostly over," Greg said.
"Let's just move the conversation along," she suggested smiling at her father.
Maggie had tried to explain her career to him a few times, he just didn't get all the intricacies of the new ACA. She had a masters degree in nursing from the state university, so under the new medical system she was entitled to operate a primary care clinic. She had explained ten times that her clinic would be the entrance gate to the grounds of the medical establishment. She was like a security guard, she explained.
She was there to help those she could, but also to send those who needed more help to the right place as efficiently as possible. For that she could bill the government a ridiculous fee. The government had provided the financing for the clinic.
From the stories she had been told about her type clinic, she learned that the government never let them fail. They also never allowed them to make as much money as they had before the ACA. She was trading a government financed and instantly approved clinic, for a lot of money down the line.
His business unlike like that of his daughter was going to take longer to get a foot hold. Nobody cared if Greg was a success or not. Unlike Maggie's clinic, the Federal government had no vested interest in his success or failure.
Maggie's clinic was up and running much faster than Gregg's bike business. There were at least two good reasons why.
One was simply the ACA promise of a huge improvement in rural medicine, so the pressure was on for clinics like Maggie's.
The second reason was that Greg had more things to physically do before he could open. Maggie on the other hand just unlocked the door, unpacked the equipment which came with the plug and play package from the Government. The price she paid seemed steep to Greg. He admitted that he knew nothing about the price of such things. So when Maggie told him the individual equipment would have cost if purchase separately he believed her.
The government most likely had no idea what the cost of the equipment was. They only knew that they wanted the clinic open. It was a campaign promise that every politician made. Improve health care and lower the cost. They were at least trying to throw money at the problem.
Two days after the clinic arrived on the back of a truck, it was open for business in the grocery store's parking lot. The availability of utilities quickly was one of the reasons the ACA administration approved the location so quickly.
Meanwhile the motor bicycle business was still in the building renovation phase. The two bathrooms were a mess and only one of them was fully operational.
Greg scrubbed the toilet and sink and thanked god that he had at least one functional toilet. The janitor's sink in the large storage room required a lot of cleaning but it was also functional.
Gregg and Maggie had their two week anniversary lunch at the dinner. "So Mags how is business," Greg asked.
"Well it didn't start with them lining the parking lot, but I'm going to stay open for sure. There are enough indigent people in the county and enough EMS evaluations for sure to keep the doors open. I have treated six patients brought by EMS and forward just as many on to the ER at James County General.
Strange that I get some of the Gang members from Lucille ten miles away. I have no idea why they would drive all this was to visit a clinic with less equipment and services," Maggie commented.
"I have no idea, but be careful with those punks. Most of them are high and it doesn't take much to set them off. Some of them are just mean, and some of them are radicals. One is as dangerous as the other."
"So what are you going to do about a place for us to live. Your little condo is too far away for us to keep commuting," Maggie said.
"I'm not selling it for sure," Gregg said. It's paid for and it don't eat."
"Mind if I made a suggestion," Maggie asked.
"Could I stop you?" Gregg asked her.
"Probably not," she admitted. "That storage room you have across the rear wall, turn it into an 'on call' room. Most hospitals have something like it. We could both use it. We could easily fit a couple of cots in there. And a cabinet with a microwave and dorm refrigerator."
"I could actually build that. I have all these tools here, so why not?" he agreed. "I will need a plumber, since you need a shower."
After that lunch it took three more weeks before Gregg even began working on a bike. He had amassed thirty broken or working bicycles and cardboard boxes of parts galore.
Gregg had a place for everything and it was all in it's place on the Wednesday when he started on his first motobike. That was how he planned to market them. He also planned to push the limits to squeeze the most out of the government rules and regulations on motor assisted bicycles.
Most everyone had come to accept that the actual motor could be run using more volts than the specifications suggested. They might run a year less than the ten year estimates, but they performed better. The Ampere pull of the engine had to remain within specifications to make sure there was no large over heating problem.
His, so called assist motor, was supposed to run at 24v 30amps so the motors were rated at 750 watts. At seven hundred and fifty watts the motors were legal by a good margin.
Gregg had experimented and found that the motor ran just fine on 36volts and the 30amps. At that configuration they ran at a little over the federal regulations for total watts. That was the bad news, the good news was that the motor still met the seven hundred and fifty watt specification at least on paper. Greg thought of the modifications as a super charger.
Greg hung his giant KISS sign over the assembly station and began work. Since mountain bikes had the strongest frame his first bike was built on a red one.
His plan called for a front hub motor, a battery pack mounted over the rear wheel. Other wise the bike would be a standard mountain bike configuration. Each of his project bikes were going to have a coded label attached. The code would advise him of the amount of money he had invested in each part of the bike.
His first build had been purchases for $14 dollars at a yard sale. His total work had been to remove the wheels and tires from the frame, clean it as best he could and even put a cute sticker over a scratch.
The wheels had light rust on the rims, but the tires were in excellent condition. The front one was almost perfect.
The light rust came off with just a quick rub with a soft wire brush. The front tire went onto the new front wheel hub motor.
Greg fitted the electronic onto the Motobike and then added the off the shelf rack over the rear wheels. He didn't like the way the rack attached so he decided that it would be the last off the shelf he purchased. He made notes on the price of the hub motor and the price of the off the shelf rack before his turned his attention to the Batteries.
Like everything else Gregg built his own batteries. He had learned to build battery packs on one of his assignments. He was in charge of a guard detachment on a radar station in the arctic. The Marines guarded a new kind solar array the panel. It had been new and super secret technology fifteen years before, but the battery technology wasn't any longer a secret.
The batteries weren't the new Lithium designed, they had been a gap battery. The gap fifteen years earlier had been an experimental light weight inexpensive Nickel battery. When Lithium hit the market the Nickel battery was doomed, except as a light weight standby battery in electronics.
The demand was limited so the technology was passed over for years. The thing about the Nickel batteries was they could be left on standby with only a trickle charge. They could be left like that for years without any damage. It made them almost as effective as the Lithium, if care was taken to refresh them before use.
Greg found a recycle company willing to sell him the batteries from junked out government equipment. He had to take the batteries as is. He got a good enough price to buy 20% more than he needed.
When they arrived he found that the batteries would no longer hold the top end charge amount, but they would hold the lower charge just as long as they always had. Instead of the 1.35 volts per cell, the never used batteries had a top end of 1.3 volts. His 12volt build had eleven cells instead of ten. Otherwise the performance was about the same. The weight was a 60% less than a traditional lead acid batteries but they weighed 25% more than a lithium battery. He had no idea what the life of the battery was going to be.
He kept his supplier and the formula for building the packs a secret. He did not intend to have his supply of useful batteries diminished by the competition, should any arise.
Since the first bike that Greg built was on a mountain bike frame with the standard suspension, he had to modify the suspension to accept the hub motor. The rear wheel mount would have required more finesse and Greg was a sledge hammer kind of guy.
He tested the mountain bike, then made a few adjustments. It had been built in less than a day. He put it on the web for sale at $800 without a battery or $999 with a 12ah battery. It was a fair price.
When everything was added up the code told him he had $600 dollars in the bike. It was a lot, but it was a bike that could be sold for almost a grand.
Of the two of them Maggie was the first to begin work. She was also the first one to open for business. Not only that she was also the first to hire an employee. She hired a local man as a receptionist. His name was Ralph. Ralph was thin and very clean. He was also very effeminate and slightly black.
"Ralph, this is my father Greg. Daddy this is Ralph Samuelson, he is going to be answering our phones, keeping our calendar and helping out at the clinic."
"Hello, Ralph welcome aboard," Greg said trying to set his tone on the friendly side of professional. He didn't care for Ralph's obvious lifestyle, but that wasn't his affair.
Ralph went to work immediately. He took calls for the clinic, so that Maggie could concentrate on her patients. Even though she had said he worked for both of then, Greg knew better.
A couple of days later Greg began work on a second bike. For his second build he used a motor which was brand new, but designed for a large electric motor scooter. It was 24v 700 watts and it required him to build a custom mount. He had designed and built one before in his workroom inside the condo. That workroom he emptied to give Maggie a place to hang her clothes and get away from the clinic where she did her residency
Greg and Maggie had reconnected after years of little or no contact. Her mother had kept them apart for reasons he didn't really know or understand.
One day Maggie just show up at his condo door and demanded she be taken to dinner. She had chosen the town where Greg resided to do the clinical part of her training. He lived in the town because it was close to his last duty station. When they reconnected he was in the final stages of retirement and was also floundering about.
Maggie and Greg hit it off instantly. They turned heads where ever they went. Maggie was a young thing with flaming red hair which caught everyone's eye. She also dressed in the new punk style clothes which her father did neither understand or approved.
Greg with his iron gray hair and ramrod straight back was almost an accessory to her good looks. The girls all though he was such a perfect gentleman, and Maggie was such a punk. The were the real walking contradiction.
After Greg got over trying to protect her and give her fatherly advice, they became good friends. She had slept on his sofa for a few months while she looked for a place. Finally he decided to pack his tools away and allow her the use of his guest room.
Greg knew that part of his appeal was his condo which was located in a small town twenty minutes from the North Carolina's Beach Communities.
Maggie loved the location and she discovered that she loved her, stick up his ass, father as well. They were good roommates as well. All that factored into here attitude when the Hospital administrator, for the even more rural county medical association, came to visit her. She jumped at his offer of grants and low cost loans. She didn't even discuss it with her father.
While Maggie stitched up a knife wound, Greg mounted his homemade engine to the badly used bike. His homemade bike had a motor turning a scooter wheel sitting on top of a custom bike. The wheel on wheel design was simple. It might not be perfectly efficient, but it was pretty damn good he knew.
"You know I had planned to use you for a place to live near the beach. I was planning to stay a few weeks till I got paid a couple of times then move out," Maggie said over dinner.
"Yeah I knew, but what the hell, I needed a kick in the ass to get started in a new direction." Greg admitted.
"And to help you cut back on your drinking," she said.
"That's your mother talking. I had already stopped drinking, more or less." Greg informed her.
"The government payments haves started to arrive. There is enough money to pay my receptionist and keep the door open for sure. I might even be able to start paying my share of the lunches," Maggie suggested.
"A three dollar burger is the least of my expenses," Greg said.
"Are you alright, I keep forgetting you are in business as well. I get so caught up in my own shit," she said.
"Honey, I'm fine. I just like to see you worry a little," Gregg suggested.
"I do worry, but not so much about your shop. If worse came to worst I could expend the clinic into the shop," she said. "So anytime you get tired of it or you get tired of me, don't hesitate to tell me," Maggie demanded.
"If that happens I will tell you for sure," he said. He was sure that she could see the pride he felt. She had accomplished so much under difficult circumstances.
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The covers were thrown off of her and her little sister Molly. They both laid there naked in the bed they shared, except for old ratty t-shirts as their nightgowns, the fan blowing to keep them cool. August in their trailer in the hollow outside Hazard, KY was always unbearable. Oh well, another day. Betty was fixin’ breakfast when the girls came down the hall, their little brother Earl still asleep on the sofa. “Y’all girls wake up Earl. He’s going into town with me and your daddy today....
Maggie Mae - Intro by Kelly Newman Spring 2002 in London and Giles Fuller was, to all intents and purposes, a success. At 31 years old he was the co-owner of a firm with his business partner, Ralph Lethbridge, also 31 years old, that specialised in bio-technology with an office in London near Tower Bridge and a laboratory on the outskirts of Cambridge. Giles and Ralph had met at Cambridge University in the early 1990s where they were both studying biology. Both men had similar...
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Maggie sat upright in bed. Her body was soaked in sweat. Sure it was hot sleeping in their trailer’s tiny bedroom, in the heat of early June, but it was more than the heat. She lifted her old nightshirt and felt at her crotch. It was drenched in cum. She was embarrassed and shocked at her feelings over what had happened in the barn last Saturday, yet she still dreamed of it. For her to have felt so much pleasure, enjoy it so much, just wasn’t right. She had snapped out of her dream just as she...
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Exhausted, she laid back in bed. Looking over at her lil’ sister, Molly, sound asleep and just one year younger, she then glanced at the clock. 4:28AM. Momma would be up in a few minutes to go to work at the tire factory in Hazard. Maggie, Molly and their lil’ brother Earl would have to do chores with their daddy on the farm. Their farm was a small 36 acres at the end of a dead-end road, deep in a hollow in the backwoods south of Hazard, KY. Her daddy, Emmitt, a hateful old bastard with a...
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Deep in her dream, Maggie was in the hayloft and the Woodson brothers had her bent over haybales pounding her tight young pussy. She hated them for raping her just two weeks ago but she hated more the fact that her pussy was enjoying their big dumb, redneck cocks buried deep in her cunt. She could take no more and exploded in orgasm, No, No, NOOO! Her eyes flew open and there in the bed beside sat Molly, staring in disbelief. “What are you doing? Are you OK?” asked Molly. “Ummm, yea, I’m...
My name is Allie. It was the summer before my senior year in college. I had worked in a summer camp outside Portland , Maine ever since I was in High School. Today, I had worked alongside my summer buddy Rodger Briggs, preparing for the campers arrival tomorrow. Rodger had been a counselor in the camp for about as long as I had been. After work we were shooting pool enjoying a beer in a local pub. I was a big city guy, Rodger was local. He was the same age as I, but much larger. I’m...
Meanwhile, Maggie was sitting on the toilet, wadding some toilet paper to wipe herself with when she began to cry, suddenly and without warning; a torrent of tears that she couldn't seem to bring to a halt. "The fuck?" Maggie said, slightly puzzled over her maudlin situation. "I know it's him, but why? Could it be he's not like the others?" Gradually, her tears stopping flowing and it came flooding back to her -- Palo's infidelities and his untimely death. A death that left her...
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what them damn Worker’s Comp people have decided. All of them white-shirt assholes don’t have a clue the pain I deal with.” Emmitt was injured in a mining accident four years ago and had just been through a disability review in Hazard. Sure, he faked a lot of the time just to get that free money, but he had to play the game. “I should be getting a determination letter any day now.” “I’m sorry honey. I know it’s got ya worried but it’ll work out. Do you want...
Emmitt sipped on his black coffee as he watched Maggie walking up the hallway heading to the bathroom of their mobile home. Wrapped in an old ratty white towel, Emmitt caught a glimpse of her naked hip as she turned into the small bathroom. “Hurry up in there! I’m gonna have to get it there pretty damn quick.” Emmitt sat back in the kitchen chair and picked up the morning paper, The Hazard Herald. Their trailer sat on a hillside at the end of a dead-end dirt road about 12 miles south of the...
Chapter 1 She let her anger push the damn weight, straining her midsection, feeling the pull all the way to her pussy. Fuck you, machine. Fuck you. Take that. Ungh. And that. Suddenly, the first hint of a pull in her thigh warned her she had reached her body's limit. No matter what she did, which machine she used, her abs never twinged, never gave out. It was always the goddamn legs. In spite of the jogging. Maggie lay there gasping, the bar still resting on the top of her feet, sweat...
The phone woke us at six-thirty the next morning. Maggie answered it, giggled and handed me the phone. It was Leslie. "Hi," she said after a pause. "Hi yourself. What's with the wakeup call?" "Oh," she began conversationally as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred the night before. "I, um, didn't hear or see anything over at your place and... I was concerned that something had happened." "I know you have a great imagination, Leslie, but nothing unusual...
Emmitt sat back in the kitchen chair and picked up the morning paper, The Hazard Herald. Their trailer sat on a hillside at the end of a dead-end dirt road about 12 miles south of the small Kentucky town. Their nearest neighbor was ol’ lady Woodson and her two sons who lived at the beginning of the hollow, about a mile back, near the main paved road. Nobody ever came back as far as their trailer. In this part of Kentucky, that could get you shot! Emmitt’s wife, Betty, worked at the tire...
Betty’s alarm went off at 4:30 as always. She reached over, slapped the alarm, looked over and Emmitt wasn’t in bed. She got up and headed up the hall to the bathroom. Looking up the hall, there sat Emmitt at the kitchen table. She stepped into the bathroom, peed, then walked into the kitchen. “You ok?”“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what them damn Worker’s Comp people have decided. All of them white-shirt assholes don’t have a clue the pain I deal with.” Emmitt was injured in a mining...
Maggie already knew the answer but asked anyway, “And just what does that mean?” “I want to do you just like that pony did you this morning” Earl said with a sly smile. He was a pretty shrewd negotiator for being so young. “OK, but you have to promise never to tell daddy any of this” demanded Maggie. “Deal. Tomorrow? In the barn?” “OK” replied Maggie. She acted like it was a big deal, but after all she’d done sexually over the summer, fucking her little brother was not a major concern....
It's funny how small things can change your perspective. In my case, it was a single ray of sunshine coming through a gap in the tattered curtains that didn't quite cover the window to the apartment. It was a bright early autumn morning, around 8, maybe 8:30, one of those days that makes California truly golden. First, it caught my eye, waking me up from a restless sleep, then it hit Maggie's face just right. She was still zonked out, lying on her back, her naked breasts heaving slightly...
Scene 1 - The problem surfaces Maggie’s daughter had called with an urgent request to visit her mom. As soon as the distressed daughter settled in she was introduced to Sharon and the three women adjourned to the back yard with a pitcher of Margueritas. When a grown daughter comes to her mom for help she is either desperate or realizes that mom just might know something after all. It was a little of both. The conversation started light but got heavier as the pitcher emptied. Finally, Maggie...
We had an old medical school friend visiting for the weekend. He was in town to play with my husband in a golf Member – Guest tournament. He was alone as they have young children and his wife needed to remain with them. They have been long time friends and he is very cute. David and I have been married for 20 some years and lead what one would call an average life. Our circle of friends is rather small and from time to time we hold a party at one or the other's homes. One...
Wife Lovers“Creeeeaaakkk.” Maggie pulled her fingers from her cunt and sat up in bed. She’d heard that noise a thousand times and knew it was the front screen door opening. She quickly slid to the foot of the bed and peered out through the fan to see if she could see anyone. The full August moon lit up the front yard and she watched as Earl crept across the yard, headed to the barn. “Now what the hell is he up to?” thought Maggie. She slipped quietly out of the bedroom, down the hall and out the front...
This is a patently romantic story, told exclusively through Maggie’s eyes, Maggie is an attractive, confident, intelligent, well educated young woman on the first rung of the corporate ladder. She finds herself increasingly attracted to—almost obsessed with—her new boss, a married man ten years her senior. Maggie is not a slut, she enjoys sex and likes men, but has always been very selective. As the story begins, her business, romantic and sexual life are all at a low ebb. The, ‘dirty parts’...
Maggie opened the car door and slid into the seat next to Aaron. Her 36DD breasts were crammed into a red low cut top. The jeans she had on were so tight they looked almost as if they had been painted on."What are we doing tonight?" she asked as she pulled her long wavy blonde hair up into a ponytail. She adjusted her black rectangular glasses and looked at Aaron.Aaron looked at her, thinking how lucky he was to have such a hot piece of ass. He knew from the past few weeks that she would do...
My name is Allie. It was the summer before my senior year in college. I had worked in a summer camp outside Portland , Maine ever since I was in High School. Today, I had worked alongside my summer buddy Rodger Briggs, preparing for the campers arrival tomorrow. Rodger had been a counselor in the camp for about as long as I had been. After work we were shooting pool enjoying a beer in a local pub. I was a big city guy, Rodger was local. He was the same age as I, but much...
Taboo"I suppose I could collect my books and get on back to school Or steal my daddy's cue and make a living out of playing pool Or find myself a rock and roll band that needs a helpin' hand. Oh, Maggie, I wish I'd never seen your face. You made a first-class fool out of me. Maggie, I wish Id never seen your face." I went home really feeling bad. I tossed and turned all night. After school I still went to see Maggie at the cottage. I had to hear it from her lips. She was there when I got...
The knock came when we were eating (food) in the nude. "Wait a minute," Maggie hollered, and grabbed a robe and in almost the same motion threw another robe at me. "He was smaller than you but it should fit," she said as she made to open the door. "Oh, ho!" Her roommate Leslie said as she entered. Placing her packages on the counter, she grimaced and held her nose. "My God, this place smells like a zoo!" "Go to hell!" Maggie said laughing. Then she turned slowly, and with a...
Author’s Note: Several authors are coming out with stories based on the various versions of ‘Maggie May’ or ‘Maggie Mae.’ The story titles will be: ‘Maggie May – author’s pseudonym’ e.g. ‘Maggie May – Jake Rivers’ The storyline might use any version or combinations of versions of the song. Some of the possibilities are by: Rod Stewart, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Suzanne Vega and any of the various traditional versions from England (an early version of this song dates to before 1830, and it was...
It was a birthday party for Bernie and we were having it at the Landing Strip Lounge. There were maybe fifteen of us crowded around four tables in the back and away from the dance floor. The party had started at eight and was rolling right along. I was more of an observer than a participant because I'm a non-drinker; everybody else was on alcohol and you could see them all loosening up as the evening progressed. Bernie was getting shit-faced because everybody was buying him drinks including a...
After talking with Gwen I went home and thought things out. It was a sleepless night and the following morning I called Maggie before she went off to work. "Hi," I said for openers, a pretty safe beginning. "Oh, hi, I was just thinking about you." "I should have guessed, I said, "my ears are burning." That brought on a giggle and I felt a lot better. "Maggie, we've got to talk." Now I know that's something women usually say, and on hearing it men usually want to run for the...
The following morning Leslie left around eight to keep an appointment with a client. Maggie and I were lolling around in the bedroom, watching the Today Show on NBC. We were just finishing the pot of coffee I'd made earlier and Maggie suddenly scooted off the bed and skipped (yes, skipped) happily into the bathroom. A moment later I heard the shower pelting a river of cool water against the glass and knew Maggie was cleaning up from our escapades of the night before. I became engrossed in...
Maggie took my limp prick in her hand and brought it to her mouth. After a through cleansing she gave it one long last suck and as it flopped from her nubile lips said, "I bet you don't even know the names of the various parts to your penis, do you?" "There's the head, the shaft and, err, the testicles." "And very nice testicles, I might add," she said, "but you get a D in anatomy." "Well ... I" "Listen and lean my lover, the outside perimeter of ... what you so blithely term...
Thirty minutes working in the garden, weeding and picking beans, and both Maggie and Molly were soaked. Today they were glad they were wearing their daddy’s favorite “work clothes”; baggy cutoff jeans and ratty old wife-beater tank-tops. Being dirt poor, undergarments were a luxury reserved for school. The hot, humid breeze blew easily through their clothes, and Maggie could feel it tickling her thick light-brown bush. Emmitt made sure the girls wore them every time he gave them chores....
"From the life that I've been livin' Now freedom I've been givin' And you're standin' in the shadow of a lady." "The Shadow of a Lady" Maggie Mae Flowers stood on the corner, looking back in wonder at the small log cabin nestled in a small grove of willows and the one huge cottonwood shading the cabin. Now the bright afternoon dimmed as the sun began its descent over Mt. Evans and the remaining late summer snow turned a blood red. A wan smile tugged at her lips as she...
My Sweet Greg By Pamela ([email protected]) In freshman physics lab today, Greg asked me out on a date. We were doing an experiment on magnetism and we had to hold a heavy magnet together and he suddenly said, "Jill, would you like to go ice skating with me?" His face was red and he was sweating and his voice was kind of weird and shaking. The abrupt way he just asked me as fast as he could get the words out made me laugh and I could see he was terribly embarrassed. But I...
Previously in the Sarah and Greg Series Despite being a pre-op transgender woman, Sarah had been accepted into Greg's family as a daughter and a sister. ("Sarah Visits Greg's Parents", "The Adventures of Sarah and Greg and Lisa") Sarah's mother, Betty Johnson, had had a harder time accepting Sarah as a daughter, but she had been trying very hard since Sarah and Greg got married. ("Sarah and Greg get Married") Adding to the complexity of love, Sarah and Greg met Lisa. Our young couple...
Previously in the Saga of Sarah and Greg: Greg is a normal heterosexual guy, and Sarah is a normal pre-op transgender woman. They met, fell in love ("Sarah and Greg"), moved in together ("Sarah and Greg Start a Life Together"), and got married ("Sarah and Greg Get Married"). During the time they lived together, they spent a day running through various sexual fantasies ("Sarah and Greg's Day of Exploration"). What they learned about themselves is that they enjoyed public sex. This led...
Sarah and Greg had been married three months, and it still felt like a honeymoon to them, except now they went to work five days each week. However, whichever of them would come home second was usually greeted with a smile and a kiss. On some more adventurous nights, the greeting was a bit more erotic. Even though Sarah was a pre-op transgender woman, she and Greg – and anyone who met her casually – considered her fully a woman. At this point, only a small handful of people knew Sarah's...
PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH AND GREG SERIES Sarah, Greg, and Lisa have a very non-traditional marriage. Sarah is a pre-op transgender woman, and they have a marriage of three people. ("Lisa Visits Sarah and Greg" and "Lisa Moves in with Sarah and Greg") Although they all believed that Lisa was not capable of having children, she got pregnant anyway, and now the three are parents to a beautiful baby girl, Amy Jillian Booth ("The First Child of Sarah and Greg and Lisa") A FEW MONTHS INTO...
Greg hated everyone and everything as he was getting soaked by the pouring rain. More accurately, he hated Diane, and everyone and everything which reminded him of her. Right now, this included every person he saw, every place he imagined, and everything that came within his field of view. Greg felt like he had been kicked in the stomach, or perhaps a little lower. He so wanted to cry, and even though the pouring rain would cover his tears, but it would not cover his inevitable red eyes. Anyway...
This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you are not an adult, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible! Bill and Greg Or How I Became a Teenaged Queen By Erica Wright Started October 26, 2000 Chapter 1 They were 17. I had just turned 13. There are probably some legal issues with what happened, but since all of us were willing, to this day I see no harm. They...
"Whew!" After a 45-minute session of sex on a warm summer Saturday morning with my husband, Ryan, he rolls off of me and rests beside me as we both giggle and grab the other's hand. We lie silently and look up at the fan over our bed with 90s R&B playing loudly in our room. Ryan and I are newlyweds. We've been together about three years and married for two months. I'm 21 years old and he's 22. We met in my freshman year of college when Ryan was a sophomore. He recently graduated and I'm...