Our Dinner with the Hostess
- 2 years ago
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Meanwhile, Maggie was sitting on the toilet, wadding some toilet paper to wipe herself with when she began to cry, suddenly and without warning; a torrent of tears that she couldn't seem to bring to a halt.
"The fuck?" Maggie said, slightly puzzled over her maudlin situation.
"I know it's him, but why? Could it be he's not like the others?"
Gradually, her tears stopping flowing and it came flooding back to her -- Palo's infidelities and his untimely death. A death that left her with hundreds of unresolved questions -- all forming a gigantic WHY?
"Goddamn them all," she thought, condemning men in general, and that was when she began to cry again, the tears springing out of a livid, stuttering rage that encompassed all the men she'd known. Tears of frustration and pain, mingled with memories of the men she'd loved and almost loved -- all of whom had deceived her, lied to her or cheated on her.
But it all came back to Palo. He was her first true love. She had believed in him more than life itself. After his death she had taken a leave of absence, and her sister had come from Albany and stayed with her for nearly two weeks, during which Maggie had completely isolated her anguish in a dry-eyed silence. She hadn't cried, not a single tear. She simply sat mute, staring out a window at nothing at all for days on end. Her appetite vanished. She lost weight. She got a sore throat that wouldn't go away. It had been a bleak two weeks, a period that seemed in retrospect, hallucinatory.
Then one morning she woke up early, crawled out of bed, and put on a pot of coffee. She drank it alone, her stomach rumbling at the sudden assault of black fluid that somehow signaled the path to a new life. When her sister woke up, Maggie told her to pack her bags because she had booked her on the eleven-thirty flight back to Albany.
That day she began a diet regimen that was intended to rehabilitate her system from its two weeks of fasting and gut-wrenching inner turmoil. She began an exercise program. She called a real estate agent and listed the house that she and Palo had managed to acquire by pooling their salaries. By the end of the week she had moved into the apartment on 44th Street on the East side of Manhattan; her adrenaline-driven recovery owing more to a denial of her emotions than a healing of them. The following Monday she was back at work.
The euphoria of her recovery lasted five weeks, or until she met Palo's best friend, Mark who inadvertently divulged to her that Palo had been seeing at least two other women while living with her. Maggie was more than distraught over this news, but somehow managed to function after that for a month and a half.
Then Maggie met and dated a guy named Ted Rollins. But on the morning after their third date; the date she had decided to sleep with him -- and with his scent still evident on the cotton sheets in her apartment -- she saw him kissing and groping another woman in the park across the street. He had to have left her and flown into the arms of this woman only minutes later.
It was Palo all over again and she curled into a fetal ball and stayed that way for a day and a half. Then, demonstrating that she had more courage than any normal woman, she convinced herself that this was a minor setback to her recovery from Palo and plunged herself into her work.
She avoided contact with her co-workers and returned to her apartment right after work. She ate little and drank more. Left alone, in time she might have taken her own life in despair, but ironically, her need for sex grew stronger with each passing day and finally Maggie succumbed to the call -- only this time it was different -- it was Maggie who did the selecting, stalking the East-side bars for a certain type man -- all of whom bore a striking resemblance to Palo; and fucked them indiscriminately and frantically -- in alleys, doorways, taxi's; under bridges and at their places, but never took them home with her.
That one factor appeared to keep her sanity in check.
She kept a list with their names and numbers, but never called any of them again.
She cut back on her drinking and began to recover her appetite and in time her earlier beauty was restored as her somewhat gaunt features filled out again and her breasts renewed their youthful perkiness and most of all, she began to smile again. And thus Maggie began her slower, sobering, but genuine climb back from her grief.
But nothing was ever the same again.
She began to renew friendships with other women and listened intently to their highs and lows as they spoke guardedly and openly of their own love lives. Always wondering if their lovers were cheating on them and how they were doing it. But she never alluded to these fantasies in their presence, except for the one time with Gwen.
Maggie had been shocked when Gwen revealed to her that her Bernie was only faithful to her in a fashion, but that she accepted his infidelities non-the-less.
When Maggie dared to ask what she meant by this, Gwen told her that Bernie was Bi-sexual and that he loved her and that she was the only woman for him.
"But he goes with men..." Maggie had blurted out before thinking.
"But I'm his woman," Gwen had said. A guy isn't a threat to me. At least I don't see it that way. He uses them and always comes back to me. In fact he tells me about them and I get so hot I have to have him then and there, no matter where we are. We've done it in a booth in a diner in Passaic; in the third row of the movies where dozens of people had to see us; in alleys and on the hood of his car..."
"I've done it in an alley," Maggie said dully and then made some excuse in order to leave Gwen and go home to her apartment.
As a result of that conversation, Palo's infidelities began to haunt her dreams again. Penetrating her sleep with unbidden images of women whose faces she could never see, but whose naked bodies were all too clearly visible in her minds-eye. She dreamed of his tenderness and how he used the same ways of touching to undress the herd of women her imagination created.
Each morning she would awake crying, her eyes matted and crusted with her tears.
And yet, when the alarm woke her that one particular morning; the morning of which her friend Gwen would call and fix her up with a blind date. She awoke disoriented because she had failed to dream of Palo's many women. And with her heart suddenly pounding, she'd wrenched herself off the sheets and stood, unsteady, her champagne colored hair disheveled; and tried to clear her head. Finally she fixed her eyes on a pair of birds flying in a familiar mating ritual just outside her window, and hoped that this was not just a new day, but a new beginning.
She laughed silently and philosophically reflected that if nothing else, she still had hope. Hope was alive in her once more and that was extremely meaningful to her. But trust... trust was another matter entirely.
Of course the date itself was a disaster. But it had gotten off to a good start -- he was handsome and athletic looking; and amusing to talk too. But he got drunk quickly. Usually they lasted until just before they took her home with them -- that is, if they bothered waiting that long. But while he'd behaved badly, he hadn't really offended her; in fact she had been slightly amused when he started kicking over the trash cans, like a little boy having a temper tantrum. Then too, he hadn't brought her to his place at all -- he had taken her home! Not a single one of the many vague men of her memory had done that. He was different! She tried but failed to recall exactly when she'd first noticed that very salient fact.
And of course the next day when he'd called to apologize; his voice had turned her on so fast she was masturbating by the third sentence.
Maggie smiled demurely as she recalled the moment. His voice so husky and sexy... and then she was coming hard and straining to hear his next words as she tried not to give herself away. But she had; and had invited him over, and it had been wonderful, absolutely wonderful. He had exhibited nothing to indicate he was of the same ilk as the others.
"So why did I set that thing up with Leslie?" She asked herself aloud.
"Was I testing him?" She bit her fingernail and frowned. So, why did I do it?"
And as she contemplated her reasons, she replayed the events of the night before and that morning.
They were still frolicking in her bed when Leslie called. 'I just had to tell her how endowed he was. I must have known that would get Leslie hot and bothered. And then I told her how good he was in the sack, and by then poor Leslie was so horny she was jillin' off.'
'Let's see, ' Maggie thought about what had actually transpired. 'By then he was more than interested in our conversation and grabbed the phone from me and started talking to her. What was it he said?'
"Do you want to come to my voice?" 'That was it, ' she said to herself. 'I was the one who told him how sexy his voice was. I was the one told him she was jillin' off over there. And I laughed after he spoke to her; and when he told her he was going to use his dick to slap her breasts he was watching me masturbating, of course I had gotten him so fucking hot he had to say something to her. But he didn't tell her what I was doing... he took a different approach to her, and kept my actions secret.'
In her minds eye, she saw him once again, his mouth close to the receiver, staring at my fingers as they strummed my clitoris and what had he said?
"Shall I have her over to join us?"
'He asked my permission. How many guys would do that?' She thought and mulled it over for a minute or so before reaching a conclusion -- none that she knew.
'And what did I do? I went into a dither, couldn't speak; barely managed to shake my head from side-to-side.
And still in a panic mode, when I found my voice, I didn't tell him to get off the fucking phone and back into bed. No, I had to blab that she lived across the street and he could see her fucking window if he wanted too.
If he wanted too, for fuck's sake, what virile male wouldn't want to look?
And why wouldn't Leslie scurry, like the fucking minx she is, right over to the window to show her body off to him?
Maggie spoke aloud. "Don't forget, you were enjoying the show as much as he was. Hadn't I told him it was sensational? And that I never thought Leslie would put her pussy; her shaven pussy at that, against the window for half of Manhattan to see?"
"And when the poor bastard asked if Leslie could come over and join us, what did I say? That I wouldn't share her with him, that's what."
After a moment's reflection, she thought, 'And with no argument he'd screwed my brains out. And he'd lasted forever too. So what did little Miss Self-Destruct do then? Why... '
A tear rolled down her cheek as she recalled what she'd said. 'I goaded him, that's what, telling him if he didn't finish soon I call her over to finish the job. That did it; he came about as much as I ever saw a guy come.'
'And then that bitch Leslie called around six and dumb me handed him the phone. And after letting them to talk shit for a few minutes, I took in his morning erection and told Leslie to come over. What the fuck was I thinking?'
With a wry smile on her face, she answered her own question. 'What I was thinking was we were going to have a ménage a trois and I was all for it.'
She remembered the deliciously sensual feeling that seemed to surge from her pussy to the very tips of her suddenly engorged nipples.
'And it was me who made her take off the damn coat. I knew she wore nothing underneath it. We had fooled around that one night after a few drinks, there had been five girls, all drunk and giddy with horniness, who had acted out how they would seduce their boyfriends that weekend. And Leslie had donned her coat, with only a garter belt and black stockings under it.'
Maggie punched her thigh and silently swore. 'And, ' she recalled with a vivid clarity, 'when Leslie removed the coat to reveal her nudity, who told the two of them to take it into the bedroom and get started? Don't answer that, Mag, you'll only incriminate yourself.'
But as the memory played itself out, Maggie had to smile again. 'And what did that handsome lug do? Did he carry Leslie into the bedroom and fuck her silly? Nope, at least not then, to his credit -- mark that down, Maggie, my girl, to his everlasting credit, he gave you an out. "Are you sure?" he'd asked.'
Speaking aloud, Maggie said, "And I smiled and said something inane, like "I'll be in there by and by."
"Sure, and then when he's putting his salami into her and I walk in and sit down to watch them."
"Fuck!" Maggie punched the arm of the chair she was sitting in and then quickly began rubbing her bruised fist and thinking, 'My damn thigh will have a nasty bruise on it later. Maybe I'll tell him he did it... that is, if he asks.'
Maggie foraged through her dresser, looking for a cigarette and finally found the last one partially broken off at the end, but lit it and took a deep drag.
'And to think he still wanted out of it, but I had to kiss Leslie then and when he tried to talk me out of it I told him, not to fall in love with me.' She bit her nail and frowned.
'Why the fuck would I do that? I didn't know then and I don't know now. I wonder if I should call my old shrink and ask her?'
Still trying to think through her actions, she realized that it had not taken very long after that for Leslie and her to get it on.
'And we really got it on. I'm amazed she went for it. I never suspected either of us was bi. But I took to it like a duck to water and "old Lezlie, why she did pretty good for a first time too -- if it was her first time. Well maybe it was. Give her some credit. We did work well as a team, both of us licking and sucking on his dick like a couple of pros. Poor guy didn't know what to make of us.'
Maggie laughed at that and stuffed the cigarette out in her glass; got up and rinsed the glass out; dried it and put it away.
"And Leslie... she tasted so good. I know we'll do that a few more times in the future. Probably get better at it too."
She had to laugh at herself and then thought, 'And he handled all that very well. Sharing the both of us -- no petty jealousies, no provoking one or the other of us; just loving us both as much as he possibly could.'
Maggie sighed, recalling the feel of him inside her. 'Simply gorgeous, his cock was, simply gorgeous. And it went in so far... and then he'd taken my ass... and it was especially good, never even hurt me back there.'
She giggled, "Well I wasn't feeling any pain then either," she said, her voice a faint whisper as she visualized the moment. Leslie toying with her breast -- sucking and nipping at it as he ploughed a furrow into her rectum.
"Girl you sure came that time!" Maggie said to no one in particular; then hoped no one heard her, for the apartment walls were notoriously thin.
'And hadn't Leslie put him back into her when he'd fallen out? She sure had.'
She recalled telling him he was a stud. "A fucking stud," she'd said, then reflected, 'well I was still coming and was babbling as a girl will do under stress like that.'
She smiled as she remembered telling him that, "You've got me and Leslie coming and going."
And with Leslie panting on all fours, hoping he'd ride her to kingdom come, I had to say it, "But don't, please don't fall in love with me. Just because I come so readily doesn't mean I'm in love with you for Christ's sake. It's just something my body does, okay?" and that seemed to confuse the hell out of him. Of course I dummied up right away, and made everything worse.
She stuck her fingers in her mouth and worried her nails, hoping that this time they guy would see through her defensive shield, for that's what it was, she was convinced of it, and that he'd call her and act like nothing unusual had happened at all. "Yes," she told herself, "that's what he'll do."
Then Maggie began to sob again and a minute later she was crying like the day Palo died.
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Hi, this is saifullah again Tmkoc ki fantasy ko aage badha raha hu Episode – chmpaklal ko hichki lagi hai Raat ke 11 baj rahe hai Gokhuldham shant hai Jetha ke room se awaz aa rahi hai Daya (d) : tapu ke papa plz kariye na Jetha (j): aaj nahi daya mai bahot thak gaya hu… Sone de na D : plz tapu ke papa kariye na Aaj dopehr me tapu ke room me usko muth marte hue dekha tha na tab se chut me khujli ho rahi hai. J : ja … Ja ke usse chudwa D : hey ma mata ji… Tapu mera beta hai mai usse kaise...
I think I have a crush on my professor. During his class, I fantasize about having sex with him and, as weird as it sounds, I think about him sucking on my toes and worshiping my feet. Sometimes my horniness for him gets so out of control I start to play footsie under the table with the guys in class. Today professor Pierce caught me doing just that. He told me it wasn’t the first time seeing me do it and this time there will be consequences. So later that afternoon, on my way home, I decided...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: This is a true story of the first time my ex boyfriend ate me out The night that we met, I got dressed, putting on scented lotion and perfume. Making sure that my hair was in place, my outfit was sexy but not revealing and that my toes were lotioned and polished due to the fact that I was wearing opened toed shoes. I drove up to his friends apt complex, passing him up although we were on the phone and he was sitting on his friends car outside. I backed up, he stayed were he was...
Do you love watching women get gangbanged into oblivion? No, I don’t mean watching them get fucked in every hole until they are sent into the darkest pits of Hell. It was a metaphor. Chill the fuck out.So let me rephrase that. Do you love watching women get bangbanged into Hell? Fuck I messed it up again. You know what bitch? Just visit Eporner.com/Gangbang if you want to watch a wide variety of gangbang videos that will have you dripping in cum before you know it!Find searches related to...
Gangbang Porn Sites"Come on baby, let me taste it" Chase awoke to the sultry sound of his wife's voice. He became immediately aware of her soft hands stroking his hard cock. "I want to taste your cum. I want to see if it tastes like Beau's, like the Kali." She said matter-of-factly, her blue eyes bright in the morning sun. Chase's head throbbed from the night before, but he couldn't resist the urging of his wife's touch and he began to ejaculate almost immediately. Mindy quickly bent over to and let...
Hi, all my friends We are Raj and Rina, thanking you for your response for our previous story. We had told you our story of having sex that how rina give me blowjob and I first time saw the real pussy and press the boobs. Right now rina is with me and we both are thinking that how to represent our second day enjoyment of sex. We really feel first time that sex can give awesome piece and reduce mental pressure of any tension. SUMMARY – DAY 1ST I go to my uncle’s home and only rina was at...
I came into the kitchen from attending to the horses. The children were noisily preparing breakfast. The doorbell rang. The children's gaiety died immediately, to be replaced with anxiety. "Don't answer it, Daddy," Georgie pleaded. I reassured her everything was under control, but used the door viewer. I saw two women I didn't recognise, who gave off the air of busybody officialdom. Opening the door one of the women flashed some sort of ID, and tried to push past me saying, "We are...
The chemical analysis of the atmosphere inside the pod was FLUORINE! Apparently, these people breathed fluorine, and that is why the living compartment was lined with polyethylene, one of the few plastics virtually unaffected by fluorine at a comfortable temperature. The beings inside were dead. They had probably committed suicide when it became certain that they would be captured. The bodies were wrapped in polyethylene film and shipped to a morgue equipped to handle such exotic creatures....
It was about a week before my 13th birthday. Having come home from work unexpectedly, the Ogre---who was what passed for a masculine role model in my life---had decided to take one final stab at "making a man out of me" before writing me off forever as a hopeless little bitch... "What the hell you cryin' for? You're a boy, nothing's gonna change that! What's that you're coverin' with your hand, huh? You think putting on a damn dress changes anything? Do you? Answer me,...
I sit here, on my side of the screen, imagining what you do on your side of the screen. I mention real life often but treat you like a fantasy. You are real, and we discuss any number of things, not always sexual. I do react to your words, my body reacts to your words. Therefore, there is a factor of reality in every chat. Do you imagine what I am doing? Do you see me playing with my hair? Do you imagine me naked when I tell you I am still in bed? In your mind, are you watching my fingers...
Masturbation“She squalled like an old boar coon caught in a steel trap, when I shoved my cock all the way inside her pussy. She didn’t stop though, she started fucking me like she was a wild woman. I was fucking her back just as hard. Her two daughters bent down with their heads against her titties and sucked her fat nipples so loud I could hear them. I was getting sweaty, and sticking to the dusty dirt on my back. But the warm sun felt good on my naked body and Irene felt good on my cock. “Her pussy...
Life Renewed II: Love Renewed By StefB Many thanks to LorasPa6 for everything you do. This story would not be what it is if you were not around to bounce ideas off of. Also thanks to you Kris. A third set of eyes is greatly appreciated and your input was perfect. Chapter One Once I was properly situated in my private room of the hospital, having been stabbed by my ex boyfriend Razor, Mom and Dad were the first to enter. "Darling, are you ok? I was so afraid we'd lost you...
Coming to Augusta from South Carolina, one must cross the Savannah River. As I was on the bridge crossing the river, I saw smoke! It was ahead and to my left in town. I was hopeful. That smoke was the first sign of people since I woke on Monday. I know it hadn’t been that long but seeing no one was disconcerting and disheartening. I followed the smoke into Augusta hoping for people. As I got closer to the source of the smoke, I became scared. I wasn’t the most gregarious of people and was...
Tabitha "So this is the little punk who threatens my administration?" Ryan watched as his jaw muscles flexed in slight agitation. "You know, Davy, of all the things I ever thought could bring us down it certainly wasn't some punk kid who stuck his nose in somebody else's business." "Yes, sir. What do you want to do with him?" President Stephen Bolland, began pacing the floor puffing on his cigar in thought, "Popping off a couple of Democrat senators is one thing, they were...
Swim lessons are fun for a growing girl, and Jade Kush is no exception. She loves when Mister Castle comes over to teach her how to do the breaststroke with the best stroke. She gets into a scandalous, see through white bathing suit before her instructor arrives, and then reveals her true intentions. She does not feel like swimming today. She would rather play around with him on dry land. They strike a compromise, and he oils her up and fucks her in the water. She shoves his big pool noodle...
xmoviesforyouStepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...
The blast of noise from the crowd as the barrier fell was intimidating in its intensity, reaching new heights of frenzy. The Meds sprinted over and rolled them apart, one of them ready with a bag of blood for Tira. Tika, standing alone in Tira's paddock, found she was crying as she looked across and met Davdan's eye. Davdan gave her a warm little smile, and Tika ran around the side opposite her group into her loved elder's arms, and cried even harder for a pair of minutes, and when she...
Friday I was leaving Dallas on my way home around 10 pm. I was going to drive to about Memphis and rest a little then come on home to enjoy the weekend. I was on the middle of no where Arkansas when my car let out a huge puff of smoke and I was stranded on the shoulder of I-40 at 1:30 am. I tried to Google some wreckers on my phone with no one answering when I finally notice a wrecker pulling in behind me. I went back to the wrecker and he said they also had a repair shop so he could town...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Subject: Mom's Changes Chapter 9 Changing Dad with the Girl's Help After Dad's acceptance of Mom's rules a couple of days had passed. It was a Friday night around 7:00pm and Mom called a meeting in the living room. Mom started since she had called for the meeting. Mom began by simply reviewing what had had taken place a couple of days ago when Dad was informed of the new arrangements in housing. Dad and I listened to Mom go on about his room and her...
IncestIt was chilling December morning , when i was searching for my alarm to turn it off, my hands moved over the clock as i turned it off, my eyes slowly opened, as i didn’t wanted to getup , it was feeling nice in bed warm under my blanket. i looked at clock , it was 7 in the morning. i slowly got up,, washed my face and i was making coffee for myself, i live alone, 26 yrs old single guy, working with reputed firm and earning well, i poured my steaming coffee in mug and was sipping slowly as the...
"Alicia told me you'd be here, Eric," Taffy said while they were bringing me my morning meds. "But I can't believe it." She shook her head. "Brain tumor, huh?" I just nodded. "You two know each other?" Amy asked. "Yeah," I said. "Taffy worked with my last ex." "Ooh," Amy said. "A dancer?" She gave me a look like most women did when they found out I'd dated a stripper - one that asked "How did someone like you get a girl like that?" - and I just nodded, wearily....
Hi this is Shyam here I’m a regular reader of ISS, I’m reading since my schooling life about 15 years and I’m a big fan of this site. I’m a man 28 years of height 5ft10 inches fair and handsome with a dick size of 7 Inches. Since my childhood, I’m always attracted towards girls and aunties and have a fantasy to fuck them. Coming to the story this story is about me and my sister (uncle’s daughter) we have a joint family. Her name is tamu, since our childhood I have very good bonding with her...