Maggie May – Jake Rivers free porn video

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Author’s Note:

Several authors are coming out with stories based on the various versions of ‘Maggie May’ or ‘Maggie Mae.’ The story titles will be: ‘Maggie May – author’s pseudonym’ e.g. ‘Maggie May – Jake Rivers’

The storyline might use any version or combinations of versions of the song. Some of the possibilities are by: Rod Stewart, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Suzanne Vega and any of the various traditional versions from England (an early version of this song dates to before 1830, and it was often sung as a capstan shanty. It later became popular in the 1950s & 60s amongst the Liverpool skiffle groups). There are other versions I haven’t listed.

This is my third semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: ‘El Paso’ ‘El Paso City ‘ and ‘Faleena.’

Regards, Jake Rivers

Thanks to Techsan for his editing support.


There are two main story lines that devolve from the various song versions: the older woman, younger man ala ‘The Graduate’ and woman as prostitute. I plan on doing both versions but will focus on the second for this story, which also includes inspiration from June Carter Cash’s great song, ‘Shadow of a Lady.’ She composed the song along with J. Howard.

I’ve recently undergone knee replacement surgery, so if the Vicodin colors my story, I apologize … although there are worse things than feeling pleasantly spacy!

Enjoy, Jake


‘From the life that I’ve been livin’
Now freedom I’ve been givin’
And you’re standin’ in the shadow of a lady.’
‘The Shadow of a Lady’

Maggie Mae Flowers stood on the corner, looking back in wonder at the small log cabin nestled in a small grove of willows and the one huge cottonwood shading the cabin. Now the bright afternoon dimmed as the sun began its descent over Mt. Evans and the remaining late summer snow turned a blood red.

A wan smile tugged at her lips as she wrapped her mind around the newness of the name Mt. Evans after years of knowing it as Mt. Rosa, or sometimes Mt. Rosalie. The Colorado legislature, somewhat embarrassed at having one of its most distinctive tourist attractions named after a well-known adulteress had recently renamed the distinctive peak after the former governor.

Looking back at the cabin, her sad eyes lingered on the lamp over the door. It was dark now, and the white candle that that been in place over the last ten hated years was missing. In a fit of pique she had thrown the candle into the nearby South Platte, forever removing the stain the flickering light had cast on her life when lit in the evenings.

As she lingered, she thought not of the shame and hardship of the last ten years at the small cabin but of the new life promised by the visits first of the priest from St. Mary’s then by Sister Roberta from the Sisters of Loretto. The small bag in her hand was no encumbrance as she prepared for the several miles’ walk to St. Mary’s Church.

There were few things she had left of her earlier, happier life before her husband of five years was killed in a mining accident in Cripple Creek, leaving her alone and destitute. A worn picture of her husband, husky and plain, a simple man but good – strong but gentle. A locket with a tiny photograph of her mother … clothes she had knitted with such love for the baby that died three days after birth. A plain and simple housedress, the gaudy clothes of her anguish burned in the fireplace of the simple log cabin.

Her ruminations were interrupted by the voice of the man, asking if she were free for the evening.

She looked at him, not a bad man, actually a kind gentleman, but a man that was from her loathed previous life. She turned away from his inquiry with tears in her eyes … but the tears could not hide the shame she felt.

She turned back with a proud anger – the tears disregarded, her voice shaky. ‘Sir, you think you know me but you don’t. Please let me explain. I took the light down from my door and I don’t work there any more.’ She said this with a nod towards the now darkened cabin.

‘From the life I’ve been livin’ I’ve been given freedom. You’re standin’ in the shadow of a lady! So, Sir, don’t say the things you think are true, that isn’t me but someone else you knew.’

The man froze, staring at her as she walked around him on her journey to a better life. She stopped and turned back, and added with a bitter voice, ‘Be careful what you say about me, Sir. You could be held for libel.’ With a small smile she continued, ‘Sir, do you know where I can find a bible?’

With a swish of her full skirt she turned and was gone in the night.


‘And he wondered what had happened to his rare live pearl
Must have been another woman,
Must have been another world.’
‘The Shadow of a Lady’

John Goodnight stared at the retreating figure, now almost lost in the heavy evening shadows … shaking his head in wonder. Embarrassed, he looked at the money in his hand and, feeling shame, he fumbled it back into his pocket. Running his fingers through his hair, he shook his head in wonder, ‘What had happened to his rare live pearl that he had treasured more than he had let himself realize?’

Head hanging from the suddenness of what had happened with the woman he had known as Maggie Mae, he mused, ‘It must have been another woman. It must have been another world.’

He walked slowly over to his one-horse shay and, climbing in, he shook the reins and started back to his large, lonely house in Cherry Hills. His wife had died of consumption eight long years ago and his only child, Robert, was serving as an instructor at Texas A&M.

He had stayed true to the memory of his beloved Martha for several years but loneliness had lain as a heavy burden on his soul for a long time until a good friend told him about Maggie Mae.

‘Yes, she is a fallen woman but she’s not like the rest of them. Life was cruel to her and she took the only path left. She’s different from the others. She is well educated, a fine conversationalist, all-in-all just a good woman in a bad life.’ He went on to tell him that if the light was on she was receiving visitors, but neglecting to tell him that it was never lit on Sundays.

He dithered for a few weeks, now yes, then no, before he gathered his courage one evening after a quick winter storm had left a couple of inches of white loveliness over the grimy streets. He pulled up at the corner nearest her house and parked his two-person carriage under the dim streetlight and walked down the dirt lane a few yards to her house.

All was dark, the candle was not lit over the door. There was a dim light seeping around the edges of the closed shutter over the one window in the front of the log cabin. Feeling overwhelmed by his need for contact with another person he timidly knocked at the door.

After a few silent minutes, she opened the door a bit, ready to chase the unwanted visitor away.

‘I’m sorry, Sir, I don’t see anyone on Sundays.’

He stood there a brief moment, then with slouched shoulders he started to turn away. Hesitating, he turned back, stuttering, ‘It’s just, well, Madam, my Martha has been dead for these years and I … well, the loneliness weighs so heavily on me. I just wanted to talk to a woman. I’m sorry, I’ll not bother you.’

He turned and walked up the lane, his pain showing in his slow, stumbling walk.

‘Just a minute, Sir. I … well, I was just ready to eat dinner. I’m …’ Hesitating, she continued, ‘Sir, I’m not open tonight but if you want to share my meager food you may.’

That night started a slow, fumbling relationship between the two. He sat silently, at a loss for words. After a few quiet questions from her he talked of his life, his love for the lost Martha, the pride he had in his son and the large lon
ely house he lived in. Dinner was plain food but prepared well and coffee afterwards was better than his housekeeper usually prepared.

Afterwards, not know what to do or say, he, with some hesitation, left some money on the small table near the door.

As he opened the door, Maggie Mae surprised herself, ‘Sir, if you would like you can come for dinner next Sunday.’

The next week John brought a bag of food from his larder and made this a regular practice. He would come about two Sundays a month, having to travel some with his business. For three or four months, dinner and conversation was all that happened. Then one Sunday evening in the first warmth of spring, as John rose to go, Maggie took his arm and led him to her bed. Afterwards they held each other and cried for their lost loves and shared loneliness.

As he dressed to go, she whispered, ‘John, please don’t leave any money.’

But John had the money prepared as usual in a small envelope and he knew she needed it to get by on. She never said anything again and he was always discrete in leaving it.

This became the routine they followed on the Sundays he came and he never showed up on any other day. He knew she saw other men during the rest of the week but knew that if he ever saw one it would ruin things for him. The few hours he spent with her became a time-out-of-life for him. The very unreality of his relationship with her made the reality of his sad, lonely life bearable.

And that was the way it went for five years until that fateful evening on the corner where she gave him the message that ended his years of relative happiness. When he arrived home, for the first time in his life he opened a bottle of whiskey and went to bed drunk.

He had lost


During the half-hour it took to walk to St. Mary’s Church, she thought about her run-in with John. After considering it she was disappointed in how she had handled it. If she had any friends at all it was he. She had come to enjoy his visits and not once had he insisted, or even asked for, sex with her. She knew how he treasured the few moments they had been able to spend together. She understood that he looked at the physical part of their relationship for the extended intimacy, the added dimension it gave to what they had shared.

She hated to take the money from him but she knew he had money and might have stopped coming if he couldn’t leave a token of his caring. In his way he was a proud man and thrived on their time spent together. She was sure that he never would have asked for anything more than just their conversations, their sharing of a meal and even their moments of silence.

She was grimly committed to making her future work for her but what would it be like for John? Did she owe him anything? Would she miss the time she had spend with her Sunday friend. With a start she realized that John was the only man she had shared a meal with since her husband had died. Arriving at the church she resolved not to worry about anything but getting started on her new life.

She knocked on the door of the rectory when she arrived and there was a woman waiting for her. Her name was Hazel and she turned out to be the cook for the priests at the rectory. She took Maggie to the back of the building where there were two small bedrooms and a slightly larger common area, with several chairs, a sofa and a dining table with a couple of chairs. This was accessed through a door that opened off the kitchen.

‘I’m in the bedroom to the right, the other one is yours. This area is for us to share and we can eat here. Father Gerald asked me to get you started and show you your duties. We both work six days a week with Sunday off. I do all the cooking and you do the cleaning. We also help each other as needed. For example sometimes the priests will have visitors over in the evenings. After a major celebration like Easter or Christmas the church is a mess and I’ll help you with that. We also have ladies from the parish that volunteer to help us out.

‘Don’t worry, Dearie, you won’t have any problems. Sister Roberta said it was okay for her to talk to me about the background so I know what you’ve been through. It’s possible some man from your past might recognize you. If you have any problems just let me, any of the sisters or any of the priests know about it. I guarantee that no one from the parish staff will treat you any different than they do me. Do you have any questions?’

‘No, I guess not. I’ll need some clothes, I didn’t have much to bring with me.’

‘We get a lot of stuff donated – I can help you with that. Now, can I interest you in a glass of milk and some fresh mincemeat pie?’

With a small laugh Maggie tried a smile and walked into the kitchen with Hazel.


For the next month Maggie was very busy. She had attended several different churches as a child but had never been baptized and knew nothing about the Catholic Church. The work wasn’t that hard but there was so much about the church she didn’t know and so many parishioners would stop and talk to her. Hazel had helped her find some simple but nice clothes that she enjoyed wearing … in fact she enjoyed the simplicity of her new life. She was really too busy to feel lonely but some nights she would lie awake and think about John Goodnight.

She still felt guilty about the way she had left him and admitted a curiosity about him. She knew who he was and where he lived but she was afraid that he would misunderstand if she sought him out. Each day brought a new commitment to never be forced to live the life she had for ten years … a life she hated and still felt unclean about.

Hazel several times talked to her about it, ‘Sometimes life is hard, Honey, and you do what you have to at times just to live.’ She went on to encourage her to talk to the priest and ask forgiveness.

Maggie had started going to mass each morning and on Sundays, in the hope she could better understand this church that had helped her change a life. Parts of it were in Latin but she enjoyed the formality of the rites, the songs that seemed to bring everyone together and the homilies.

After mass one Sunday she was walking up to the priest and saw John talking to him. Not wanting him to see her – though not sure why – she whirled and went out the side door. As she reached it she turned and saw John looking at her … she froze a minute staring at him then rushed on to the rectory.

One morning as she was sweeping between the pews Monsignor O’Brien – a retired Irish priest that helped out with some of the masses -stopped and talked to her. They sat down on one of the pews and had their first of many discussions and began a good friendship that lasted until he died seven years later.

He talked to her of the church and got her to talk of her life. After several of these talks he asked her if she would like to start the process of being baptized and becoming a Catholic.

‘Yes, Father, I think I would. I’ve found peace in my stay here and feel at home. I feel that God is calling me to do something – I know not what. But I feel if I can find happiness I can give some of that to others.’

One morning in early October Father Gerald asked her to come to his office. ‘Maggie Mae, I dasn’t think Hazel told you that one of your duties is to coordinate the decorations for preparing the church for Christmas and Easter, our two major celebrations of the year.

‘It’s not so much doing the work but working with the volunteers to make sure that everything gets done. You will probably find that sometimes you have too much help. Hazel has done this several times and she can give you help and suggestions. Are you okay with this?’

‘I guess so, Father. I’ve never done anything like this before. There is so much that I don’t know.’

Two days later the priests invited Hazel and Maggie Mae to eat dinner with them. Afterwards Hazel appeared with a cake an
d they each gave her a small gift. The one she came to prize over the years was a leather bound bible from the Monsignor. As they finished Father Gerald gave her an envelope.

‘Annie, our secretary, said a man left this for you.’

She took the note to her room and noting the high quality of the stationery she read the message, beautifully written in ink with a fine script.

Dear Maggie Mae,

I saw you at the church a while back and Father Gerald said you were the new housekeeper. I hope your new life finds you happy and always have a smile on your face.

I hear that ladies supposedly don’t know their age but I hope you have found peace in this, your thirty-sixth year.

I’m in good health but loneliness and time lie heavy on me. I find myself traveling more than I need to so that I can fill the days with being busy.

I miss our talks and pray that you are well.

As one of the Spanish gentlemen that I work with is fond of saying, vaya con Dios … go with God.

Your servant,



Several weeks after this, Farther Gerald asked her to meet with him in the morning at eight, at the rectory office. ‘I have one of our key volunteers coming in to meet with you. He is also a strong supporter of our church and has helped a number of poor families in need through the years. He contributes the Christmas tree and decorations each year. I think you will find him very helpful.’

The next morning, Maggie made her way to the office. As she walked up she saw a familiar face on the man with the priest. The two turned to her and she gasped out, ‘John!’


One night of getting drunk was enough for John, he knew he would never do that again. He could see himself falling downwards in a blind spiral that ended in nothingness.

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Maggie Briggs

My name is Allie.   It was the summer before my senior year in college. I had worked in a summer camp outside Portland , Maine ever since I was in High School. Today, I had worked alongside my summer buddy Rodger Briggs, preparing for the campers arrival tomorrow. Rodger had been a counselor in the camp for about as long as I had been. After work we were shooting pool enjoying a beer in a local pub. I was a big city guy, Rodger was local. He was the same age as I, but much larger. I’m...

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MaggieChapter 8

Meanwhile, Maggie was sitting on the toilet, wadding some toilet paper to wipe herself with when she began to cry, suddenly and without warning; a torrent of tears that she couldn't seem to bring to a halt. "The fuck?" Maggie said, slightly puzzled over her maudlin situation. "I know it's him, but why? Could it be he's not like the others?" Gradually, her tears stopping flowing and it came flooding back to her -- Palo's infidelities and his untimely death. A death that left her...

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Maggie Part 3 The Boys Down The Road

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what them damn Worker’s Comp people have decided. All of them white-shirt assholes don’t have a clue the pain I deal with.” Emmitt was injured in a mining accident four years ago and had just been through a disability review in Hazard. Sure, he faked a lot of the time just to get that free money, but he had to play the game. “I should be getting a determination letter any day now.” “I’m sorry honey. I know it’s got ya worried but it’ll work out. Do you want...

3 years ago
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Maggie and The Professor

Being awarded a senior faculty fellowship was the culmination of three long hard years of work, and David couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this kind of professional validation. Such satisfaction. And the paid sabbatical would be a welcome respite from teaching. He hoped to use that time to finish the text that he’d begun to work on years ago, just bits and pieces collected here and there. He’d use that text to instruct an undergraduate class in the new course he would be adding to...

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Maggie Life on the Farm Part 1

Emmitt sipped on his black coffee as he watched Maggie walking up the hallway heading to the bathroom of their mobile home. Wrapped in an old ratty white towel, Emmitt caught a glimpse of her naked hip as she turned into the small bathroom. “Hurry up in there! I’m gonna have to get it there pretty damn quick.” Emmitt sat back in the kitchen chair and picked up the morning paper, The Hazard Herald. Their trailer sat on a hillside at the end of a dead-end dirt road about 12 miles south of the...

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Maggie Redux

Chapter 1 She let her anger push the damn weight, straining her midsection, feeling the pull all the way to her pussy. Fuck you, machine. Fuck you. Take that. Ungh. And that. Suddenly, the first hint of a pull in her thigh warned her she had reached her body's limit. No matter what she did, which machine she used, her abs never twinged, never gave out. It was always the goddamn legs. In spite of the jogging. Maggie lay there gasping, the bar still resting on the top of her feet, sweat...

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MaggieChapter 6

The phone woke us at six-thirty the next morning. Maggie answered it, giggled and handed me the phone. It was Leslie. "Hi," she said after a pause. "Hi yourself. What's with the wakeup call?" "Oh," she began conversationally as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred the night before. "I, um, didn't hear or see anything over at your place and... I was concerned that something had happened." "I know you have a great imagination, Leslie, but nothing unusual...

2 years ago
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Maggie Part 1 Life in the Hollow

Emmitt sat back in the kitchen chair and picked up the morning paper, The Hazard Herald. Their trailer sat on a hillside at the end of a dead-end dirt road about 12 miles south of the small Kentucky town. Their nearest neighbor was ol’ lady Woodson and her two sons who lived at the beginning of the hollow, about a mile back, near the main paved road. Nobody ever came back as far as their trailer. In this part of Kentucky, that could get you shot! Emmitt’s wife, Betty, worked at the tire...

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Maggie Part 3 The Boys Down The Road

Betty’s alarm went off at 4:30 as always. She reached over, slapped the alarm, looked over and Emmitt wasn’t in bed. She got up and headed up the hall to the bathroom. Looking up the hall, there sat Emmitt at the kitchen table. She stepped into the bathroom, peed, then walked into the kitchen. “You ok?”“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what them damn Worker’s Comp people have decided. All of them white-shirt assholes don’t have a clue the pain I deal with.” Emmitt was injured in a mining...

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Maggie Part 7 Earls uncontrollable urge

Maggie already knew the answer but asked anyway, “And just what does that mean?” “I want to do you just like that pony did you this morning” Earl said with a sly smile. He was a pretty shrewd negotiator for being so young. “OK, but you have to promise never to tell daddy any of this” demanded Maggie. “Deal. Tomorrow? In the barn?” “OK” replied Maggie. She acted like it was a big deal, but after all she’d done sexually over the summer, fucking her little brother was not a major concern....

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Maggie and Greg

Even in this day and age there are rural counties whose claim to fame is that they don't do much of anything. Life moves at a snails pace because there are no factories, no corporate office buildings, no tourist attractions, just a string of almost empty downtown areas, one after another. There are dozens of crossroads, with the remnants of a different time all over those rural counties. Some of the counties are so poor and so wild they offer the perfect places to operate illegal businesses as...

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Maggie a New LifestyleChapter 3 Maggiersquos Daughter

Scene 1 - The problem surfaces Maggie’s daughter had called with an urgent request to visit her mom. As soon as the distressed daughter settled in she was introduced to Sharon and the three women adjourned to the back yard with a pitcher of Margueritas. When a grown daughter comes to her mom for help she is either desperate or realizes that mom just might know something after all. It was a little of both. The conversation started light but got heavier as the pitcher emptied. Finally, Maggie...

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Maggie Part 8 Barn Trips Betty

“Creeeeaaakkk.” Maggie pulled her fingers from her cunt and sat up in bed. She’d heard that noise a thousand times and knew it was the front screen door opening. She quickly slid to the foot of the bed and peered out through the fan to see if she could see anyone. The full August moon lit up the front yard and she watched as Earl crept across the yard, headed to the barn. “Now what the hell is he up to?” thought Maggie. She slipped quietly out of the bedroom, down the hall and out the front...

3 years ago
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Maggie Climbs the Corporate Ladder

This is a patently romantic story, told exclusively through Maggie’s eyes, Maggie is an attractive, confident, intelligent, well educated young woman on the first rung of the corporate ladder. She finds herself increasingly attracted to—almost obsessed with—her new boss, a married man ten years her senior. Maggie is not a slut, she enjoys sex and likes men, but has always been very selective. As the story begins, her business, romantic and sexual life are all at a low ebb. The, ‘dirty parts’...

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Maggies Wild Night

Maggie opened the car door and slid into the seat next to Aaron. Her 36DD breasts were crammed into a red low cut top. The jeans she had on were so tight they looked almost as if they had been painted on."What are we doing tonight?" she asked as she pulled her long wavy blonde hair up into a ponytail. She adjusted her black rectangular glasses and looked at Aaron.Aaron looked at her, thinking how lucky he was to have such a hot piece of ass. He knew from the past few weeks that she would do...

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Maggie Briggs

My name is Allie.   It was the summer before my senior year in college. I had worked in a summer camp outside Portland , Maine ever since I was in High School. Today, I had worked alongside my summer buddy Rodger Briggs, preparing for the campers arrival tomorrow. Rodger had been a counselor in the camp for about as long as I had been. After work we were shooting pool enjoying a beer in a local pub. I was a big city guy, Rodger was local. He was the same age as I, but much...

3 years ago
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Maggie Mae DGHChapter 2

"I suppose I could collect my books and get on back to school Or steal my daddy's cue and make a living out of playing pool Or find myself a rock and roll band that needs a helpin' hand. Oh, Maggie, I wish I'd never seen your face. You made a first-class fool out of me. Maggie, I wish Id never seen your face." I went home really feeling bad. I tossed and turned all night. After school I still went to see Maggie at the cottage. I had to hear it from her lips. She was there when I got...

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MaggieChapter 4

The knock came when we were eating (food) in the nude. "Wait a minute," Maggie hollered, and grabbed a robe and in almost the same motion threw another robe at me. "He was smaller than you but it should fit," she said as she made to open the door. "Oh, ho!" Her roommate Leslie said as she entered. Placing her packages on the counter, she grimaced and held her nose. "My God, this place smells like a zoo!" "Go to hell!" Maggie said laughing. Then she turned slowly, and with a...

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Maggie Misbehaves

It was a birthday party for Bernie and we were having it at the Landing Strip Lounge. There were maybe fifteen of us crowded around four tables in the back and away from the dance floor. The party had started at eight and was rolling right along. I was more of an observer than a participant because I'm a non-drinker; everybody else was on alcohol and you could see them all loosening up as the evening progressed. Bernie was getting shit-faced because everybody was buying him drinks including a...

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MaggieChapter 9

After talking with Gwen I went home and thought things out. It was a sleepless night and the following morning I called Maggie before she went off to work. "Hi," I said for openers, a pretty safe beginning. "Oh, hi, I was just thinking about you." "I should have guessed, I said, "my ears are burning." That brought on a giggle and I felt a lot better. "Maggie, we've got to talk." Now I know that's something women usually say, and on hearing it men usually want to run for the...

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MaggieChapter 10 Explanations

The following morning Leslie left around eight to keep an appointment with a client. Maggie and I were lolling around in the bedroom, watching the Today Show on NBC. We were just finishing the pot of coffee I'd made earlier and Maggie suddenly scooted off the bed and skipped (yes, skipped) happily into the bathroom. A moment later I heard the shower pelting a river of cool water against the glass and knew Maggie was cleaning up from our escapades of the night before. I became engrossed in...

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MaggieChapter 5

Maggie took my limp prick in her hand and brought it to her mouth. After a through cleansing she gave it one long last suck and as it flopped from her nubile lips said, "I bet you don't even know the names of the various parts to your penis, do you?" "There's the head, the shaft and, err, the testicles." "And very nice testicles, I might add," she said, "but you get a D in anatomy." "Well ... I" "Listen and lean my lover, the outside perimeter of ... what you so blithely term...

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Maggie Part 5 The girls meet up with Rocky

Thirty minutes working in the garden, weeding and picking beans, and both Maggie and Molly were soaked. Today they were glad they were wearing their daddy’s favorite “work clothes”; baggy cutoff jeans and ratty old wife-beater tank-tops. Being dirt poor, undergarments were a luxury reserved for school. The hot, humid breeze blew easily through their clothes, and Maggie could feel it tickling her thick light-brown bush. Emmitt made sure the girls wore them every time he gave them chores....

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Maggie The Best Sex Ever

The announcement came over the public address system:“We regret to inform you that flight 215 from Johannesburg to Istanbul has been canceled. Passengers with confirmed reservations will be booked on the flight leaving Johannesburg at the same time tomorrow.”“Shit!” said Maggie to nobody in particular.“Damn!” The speaker was a young U.S. Marine in uniform sitting beside her in the airport lounge. “I was ordered to arrive in Afghanistan today. I'll miss my flight from Istanbul. I hope I'm not in...

Straight Sex
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Maggies Slutty Fantasies

Hi, my name is Maggie, and I guess you can consider this story or stories (not sure yet). The fantasies and desires which have grown in me for a long time now. I know I wasn't supposed to read dirty stories like this before I turned 18, which I am now. But, after seeing certain movies and stumbling upon websites like this, the desires were implanted in me and grew.This is the fantasy I had that started a couple of years ago after visiting my sister in Georgia and stumbling upon a place that had...

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MaggieChapter 3

"That was my bad luck," Maggie purred, with a Cheshire grin splitting her lipstick smeared red lips. She ran one hand lightly across my belly and then slithered down into my crotch, kissing me in the center of my chest. Oh! I've gotten ahead of myself again. Do you care? I mean this is one of the good parts. At least I think so. So unless there's unanimous agreement otherwise, we'll dispense with our glib conversation at the door and while having a cocktail and even with the part where...

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Maggie Fingered Me After School

Maggie's fingers probed down inside my panties under the shifting light of the shadows of the palm trees that danced across the open shades of her bedroom window. I sat awkwardly back on my elbows, watching her hand, which disappeared up to her wrist underneath the waistband of my school uniform skirt, the white tails of my cotton blouse parted on either side. Little breaths escaped like butterflies from my throat, uncontrolled as if my lungs were directly connected to my quivering vagina."Are...

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I have just met a new man, Josh, four years younger than me. Lots of flirtatious banter and questions on our first dinner date. “I prefer a well hung man. I love being licked and teased,” I confide. “Do you consider an eight-inch man well hung? What part of your body do you like being licked?,” he teases back. “You look magic in those heels and tight green leather slacks,” he tells me on our second date. “They would look even better around your ankles.” “Do it for me then,” I whisper as I...

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Margret had never seen rain like this. She had lived her whole like within a twenty-mile radius. She was a rancher, there were still a few left in Northern California. She had been caring for horses since she could walk and had been raising cattle since she had married Ben the month she graduated from High School. She stood on her porch watching the water fall from the sky and roll down the slope in front of their small house. She still called it their house. He had passed almost two years ago...

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I have just met a new man, Josh, four years younger than me. Lots of flirtatious banter and questions on our first dinner date. “I prefer a well hung man. I love being licked and teased,” I confide. “Do you consider an eight-inch man well hung? What part of your body do you like being licked?,” he teases back. “You look magic in those heels and tight, green leather slacks,” he tells me on our second date. “They would look even better around your ankles.” “Do it for me then,” I whisper as...

2 years ago
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Maggie Mae Techsan

I'd been lying awake for a couple of hours, watching the light of dawn slowly creep in around the blinds that covered her bedroom windows. Recently I had been pondering my life and the direction — or misdirection — it seemed to be taking. As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the slats, I turned my head to stare at my companion, who was still lost deep in her night's sleep. The sunlight really wasn't very complimentary to Maggie. She was 41 years old, more than twice my 20 years. She...

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Maggie May

An eruption of cheers from all around her ended the thoughts that swirled in her head. The crowd shoved her from every direction as they tried to get closer to the rope that kept them off the track. Thirty four year old Liza Penwell wanted to be almost anywhere but standing right there on a sunny weekend morning. "Here they come!" "Who's in the lead so far?" The words were so loud that Liza cringed. Liza took a step back as the mass of bodies moved forward once more. Shoulders and...

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