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When I was seventeen-years-old my dad was transferred to a small town. At the company he worked for dad was renowned as ‘the repairer.’ The retail department store chain that my father was employed at was very successful and had over one hundred stores in various towns and cities. Dad was famous for sorting out problems in stores that were on the decline and then restoring them to their former glory. Needless to say, we often moved from place to place and very seldom lived anywhere for more than a year. Our family was used to this phenomenon and we always took it in our stride. All the moves we paid for by my dad’s company and they always arranged excellent accommodation for us.

The store where my dad was seconded to, on this occasion, serviced a small town that had a large outlying rural community. Although it had once been one of the top stores in the group, in recent times business had slumped. It was, therefore, my father’s responsibility to analyze the dwindling fortunes of the store and see if he could improve matters.

The new school that I attended in this town provided me with quite a challenge and being a city boy, I stuck out like a sore thumb. My clothing was a little too fashionable and the highlights in my blond hair, subtle as they were, caused a great deal of comment, especially from the other guys. One hefty individual named Roger was particularly derisive about my looks. Although his ribbing was initially verbal, it shortly took on a physical dimension. Slight as I was, I was certainly no match for him.

During break time at school one day, Roger and two of his equally disgusting buddies, cornered me for a roughing up. As they began shoving and pushing me around, out of the corner of my eye I saw a really well-built guy named Dixon approaching us. Dixon was a sturdy eighteen-year-old farm boy who mainly kept to himself. Unengaging as he was, nevertheless, it was widely acknowledged that one simply didn’t mess with him.

“Have you guys got a problem, Roger?” Dixon asked as he arrived alongside us.

“No,” Roger replied, as the usual snarl rapidly evaporated from his face. “I was just having a chat with pretty-boy.”

“It didn’t look like a chat to me,” Dixon replied while running the back of his hand to and fro across the bottom of his nose. Dixon then also widened his stance in an aggressive manner.

“I don’t like you, Roger. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to fuck you up. If you or your buddies ever mess with Wren again, or even walk in the same passage as him, well… then I’ll be having a chat with you. Are we clear on this?” Dixon menacingly warned.

Sheepishly, Roger and his cronies left with their tails between their legs. I was amazed that Dixon even knew my name.

As they scuttled away, Dixon turned to me and said, “I hate that fat fucker.” Then, turning his attention to me he inquired, “Are you okay, Wren?”

“Yes… thanks,” I responded.

Smiling, Dixon then asked, “Would you like a sandwich?”

“Actually, I have my own food, but thank you,” I answered.

“Yeah… but I’ll bet it’s nothing like one of my mom’s sandwiches,” he answered, with a self-confident grin.

Next, he suggested, “Let’s take a seat over there,” as his eyes indicated that we should head off to a bench nearby.

After we were seated, Dixon opened a container with three large sandwiches that were cut into halves. After removing one of the halves, he handed it to me. I had never seen a sandwich so stuffed with beef. Not wanting to be rude and especially after what Dixon had just done for me, I took a bite. It was totally delicious. The homemade sweet mustard on it was incredible. Dixon then told me that his mom always insisted on making three sandwiches for him, although he only ever managed to eat two of them.

As we munched and chatted, Dixon told me that his dad owned a very large farm in the area. He also went on to say that his older brother was already working on the farm. In addition, he proudly mentioned that when he graduated from the school in eight months’ time, he would also be joining them on the farm.

Thereafter, our initial encounter turned into a daily routine and we became good friends. The sandwiches his mom made were always scrumptious and Dixon was very pleased that he had someone to share them with. I particularly loved the peanut butter and bacon sandwiches his mom made, a combination I would formerly never have dreamed of.

I also learned about Dixon’s passion for archery during our get-togethers. On their vast property, they had a large woodland area where at least once a month, Dixon would spend a Friday and Saturday night camping out in his tent. He always took his bow and arrows along on these outings and apart from practicing his skill, Dixon would also hunt for fowl, geese, and rabbits.

I imagined that if the entire world’s population were wiped out and I was left alone on earth with one other person, the person I would choose would be Dixon. One just knew that he was one of the most self-sufficient humans alive. I know that you must be thinking why I wouldn’t choose a family member, but this being a fantasy about survival, just like me, none of my family members would be worth a dime.

As we ate our sandwiches one morning at school, Dixon asked me if I would like to join him on one of his outings that weekend. Although I wasn’t really into roughing it, I simply couldn’t refuse. Dixon promised me that he would only expose me one night of roughing it in the outdoors and resultantly, we would spend the Friday night in his bedroom and only camp out on Saturday.

On the Friday evening that I arrived at Dixon’s home for the weekend, his mother had made the most incredible stew. After dinner, unlike the custom in their home, I offered to assist his to mother clear the table and help wash the dishes. As the other three men at the table gawked at me in disbelief, I got up to assist Dixon’s mother in the kitchen. The three men then continued chatting. To be exact, Dixon’s dad and brother did most of the talking.

In whispered tones in the kitchen, Dixon’s mother spoke to me as we went about our business. Their family had all believed that Dixon may have had Asperger’s syndrome a few years earlier, because of his social ineptitude. This, however, was not the case and Dixon was simply an introvert. She couldn’t thank me enough for befriending him. According to her, Dixon had really come out of his shell since meeting me. Frankly, I told her that I really enjoyed his company and considered him a really great friend.

By the time Dixon’s mom and I returned to the table, the men had an arm wrestling contest on the go. What astonished me was how easily Dixon overpowered his father and brother. They were simply no match for him.

Although I am sure that the two men of Dixon’s family had not viewed me as ‘normal’ initially, when I related the amusing incident at school with Roger, it was as if the ice had been broken.

After Dixon’s mother announced that she was heading off to bed and did so, his dad looked at me and asked, “Wren, would you like to be initiated in country luxury?”

I had no idea what he was talking about and simply shrugged quizzically.

“Shall we show him, boys?” he then asked.

Both Doug, Dixon’s brother, and Dixon nodded enthusiastically.

“Doug, why don’t you get the generator going,” Ken, Dixon’s dad, then suggested.

Twenty minutes later, when we moved outside and approached a wooden construction, I was still none the wiser about the surprise that awaited me.

Inside the wooden structure there was a narrow rectangular entrance with a shower to the left, and numerous pegs to the right. When all the men commenced stripping, I simply followed suit. At this point, I was becoming rather nervous because all the men were ultra-masculine and good-looking. All I could think about was how I was going restrain myself from popping a boner. Once we were all naked, my eyes spun in my head as I observed the three most impressive uncut dicks I had ever seen. These guys were really well-endowed!

Once inside the adjoining steam room, after we were seated, to my dismay the trio sat wide legged with their jewels unabashedly on display. I thought I had died and arrived in butch heaven. Doug also had the habit of continuously groping his package.

“Jesus, Doug, leave that ugly thing of yours alone for a fucking minute,” Ken eventually said.

“Jeez, pop, give me a break already,” Doug replied with a snigger.

My hand ached as I watched this display, wishing that I could help Doug out.

After forty minutes of ‘torture,’ my ordeal finally ended when we all moved next door and rinsed off under the shower.

When Dixon and I arrived in his bedroom, a new dilemma unfolded. He insisted that I sleep in his bed with him in a sleeping bag on the floor.

“I can’t do that,” I protested, “This is your bed.”

“You’re the guest,” he insisted, before resuming, “And as this is my room, I call the shots.”

Defeated, I lay in his bed as instructed. The smell of the linen was heavenly as I made myself comfortable and without much further ado, I was soon sound asleep.

Unbenownst to me, with farmers, the activity in the household got going by six o’clock in the morning. When I was finally awoken at seven-fifteen, the truck that Dixon and I would be using was fully stocked with all we would need for our adventure, and all I had to do was sit down to breakfast.

It was as one would expect, a very substantial and hearty breakfast. I did my very best but no match for the three farmers and by eight o’clock; Dixon and I were on our way.

When we arrived at our location twenty minutes later, our tent was set up in no time at all. The adroitness that Dixon displayed as this all happened was mesmerizing. Once our campsite was finished to his satisfaction, we went on a fauna and flora meander in the area. I was very impressed by his general knowledge but even more blown away by how easily he communicated with me. Dixon identified numerous plants and every bird that we encountered. I was instructed to focus the binoculars all about me, as he identified every one of the birds.

By noon, Dixon produced his bow and arrows for a show that left me speechless. Moving with the grace and poise of a feline, Dixon transported me in the mystical Sherwood Forest for an archery extravaganza. Dixon invited me to point out numerous targets that he located with bullseye accuracy. Truthfully, I was rather relieved that we hadn’t brought any apples on our outing.

When Dixon was done, he invited me to try my hand with the bow and arrow. Unsurprisingly, my first several attempts were pathetic. I had no idea how much strength was needed to master this skill. Ultimately, Dixon took pity on me and decided to coach me in this dexterity. For the next thirty minutes, I was treated to a hands-on tutorial as Dixon encased my body to teach me the finer skills of archery.

Enveloped by his masculine frame, the thrill I felt as he clamped onto me for my lesson was awe-inspiring in the most sensual fashion. With his head next to mine as we stood ear to ear, I practically wet my pants. What excited me most was the manner his cheek rubbed against mine as he purred his instructions. With his crotch clamped to my backside as he did so, I couldn’t believe that my knees did not collapse below me.

Finally, I magically hit a target to my great dismay. What happened next, however, pleased the hell out of me as I received a sustained hug from him.

When we eventually sat down to a cup of coffee, Dixon produced a surprise container of his mother’s famous sandwiches.

After our lunch break, Dixon took me on another informative excursion. An hour later, he announced that it was time to hunt for our dinner. This was something I really wasn’t looking forward to, but I nonetheless accompanied him. Upon shooting the rabbit for our dinner, we returned to our campsite.

I could clearly tell that Dixon was aware of my queasiness and I was very pleased by his consideration in this regard. After placing the rabbit out of sight, we got the fire going. Once the fire was on the go, I commenced browning the onions, which his mother had prepared for us. He then headed off to disembowel and skin the bunny. Twenty minutes later the cut pieces of the rabbit were placed in the pot.

As our stew began to simmer after all the ingredients had been added, we sat quietly sipping our beers. Silence did not trouble Dixon at all and I was totally in awe of his oneness with nature. Respectfully, I also kept my mouth shut, which was a rarity for me.

A couple of hours later when the rabbit was done, Dixon told me that if I didn’t like it, he wouldn’t be offended. He also reminded me that there were still sandwiches left that his mother had prepared for us, so I wouldn’t go hungry.

I was up for the challenge of trying a dish I had never before eaten and told him so. As we tucked in, I was amazed by the taste. It tasted a lot like chicken to me. As we consumed our meal with me complimenting him about the incredible flavour, Dixon looked as pleased as a teacher who had just taught a kid to overcome one of his fears.

After dinner, we again sat contentedly and sipped another beer. By now it had become unseasonably chilly and soon, Dixon suggested that we enter our tent. Once inside, he suggested that we zip our sleeping bags together so that our combined body heat could ensure a warm night’s sleep. The suggestion both thrilled me, but also made me a little nervous. Sharing a bed with a straight guy had me worrying that I might suffer a rebuke if I inadvertently ended up clutching onto him during the night.

As we initially lay on our backs side by side, Dixon was a lot more verbal than ever before. I also realized for the first time what a great sense of humour Dixon had, as he regaled me with stories about how ditsy and clumsy his older brother, Doug, was. I laughed until my stomach ached. When our interaction finally ended, I turned to face away from Dixon. Moments later, I felt Dixon’s torso up against my back.

“Fuck, it's cold, buddy,” he then said, as I felt his warm breath against my neck. “Do you mind if I cuddle up next to you?”

Totally bewildered, I uttered a murmur of consent before his arm moved over me and pulled me toward his torso. In the following few moments, Dixon also moved his hips forward and next to my backside. I could’ve sworn that I could feel his hardness nestling against my arse, but I was too stunned to imagine this to be the case.

“Did you really enjoy your day?” Dixon then whispered.

“Yeah, very much,” I mumbled, completely thrown by what was happening.

“Me too,” he said softly, before resuming, “I really like you, Wren.”

“I really like you too,” I echoed.

“Do you mind… if… I kiss you,” he stammered, seductively.

“No, I don’t mind,” I faintly responded.

His hand that had been on my chest then moved upward and touched my cheek, before turning my head to face him, before his lips covered my mouth.

I was completely entranced by this turn of events and would never have guessed that this could happen. Much as I had lusted after Dixon, in my mind he was a straight guy. The tenderness of his kissing, however, totally overwhelmed me. Over the following few minutes, my body was coaxed onto my back before Dixon moved on top of me. As he continued kissing me he simultaneously commenced grinding my crotch with his rigid dick.

Before long, Dixon suggested that we remove the union suits that we both were wearing. Naturally, I didn’t protest. Once we were both naked we embarked on an extensive ‘sword fight,’ as our dicks battled for supremacy. Needless to say, I was totally ‘outmanned.’

As Dixon literally commenced bouncing above me, it soon became clear from his excited breathing that he was fast approaching his climax.

“Fuck, Jesus, oh… Jesus… I am going to cum,” he ultimately exulted.

“Oh, fuck, buddy, I’m sorry, I just came all over you,” Dixon contritely confessed.

“I don’t mind,” I retorted.

“Are you sure?” he asked me, disbelieving.

“Sure,” I answered, before explaining, “That was great.”

“Really?” he apprehensively asked.

“Yeah, I really enjoyed that,” I replied.

“Jeez, you’ve got my spunk all over you,” Dixon apologetically said.

“Well, rub it into my stomach,” I suggested.

“Are you sure?” he once again reiterated.

“Sure,” I once more replied.

After lifting onto his knees, Dixon massaged his jizz into my stomach. Thereafter, I took hold of his right hand and started licking the residue off his fingers. When his left hand followed, he disbelievingly asked, “Do you like the taste?”

“It’s fuckin’ awesome,” I replied.

“Do you really like the taste of my jizz,” he asked, incredulously.

“Yeah,” I answered.

With a snigger, Dixon then said, “Well, would you like me to cum in your mouth?”

“Anytime,” I countered, with a chuckle.

Once Dixon had again lowered himself onto my body, our second ‘sword fight’ was shortly underway. Several minutes later when he was about to ejaculate again, however, he scuttled up my body and placed the head of his cock at my lips. Happily, I feasted on his spunk as it spewed from his knob.

Although I had not orgasmed myself, I was in seventh heaven after the proceedings of the evening because my non-existent expectations had been exceeded by lightyears. As we finally drifted off to sleep in one another’s arms, I was happier than I had ever been.

When I awoke the following morning, Dixon was not in the tent. This did not surprise because he was after all a farm boy. When I did finally emerge from the tent he had made coffee for the two of us. We then consumed the remaining sandwiches that his mother had made the previous day. As we ate, Dixon told me that he had been hunting and shot two more rabbits. I was then informed that his mom made the best rabbit pies that one would ever eat.

Later that morning, after another archery display and lesson, we returned to Dixon’s home for their weekly Sunday lunch. The food his mother prepared was spectacular. Late that afternoon when I was dropped off at home, Dixon’s mother sent my parents a rabbit pie. Although my parents were not exactly overjoyed by the gift, when they apprehensively tasted it during the following week they became totally addicted to the taste.

Over the following several months, I spent at least one weekend per month on Dixon’s parent’s farm. With each visit, Dixon and my sexual boundaries were expanded and I am proud to confess, that he finally took my cherry. This would always remain one of my most endearing memories.

After my final year ended and when my parents were once more transferred to another location, I headed off to college. Sadly, I never saw Dixon again.


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HandsOnHardcore Canela Skin Hot Latinas Wild Ride

Vince Karter is making deliveries today and one of his stops is at super babe Canela Skin’s house who’s in the mood for some hardcore X-rated morning fun. The stunning brown-eyed glamour model answers the door in her lingerie and immediately offers to escort Vince upstairs for a massage, and much more. The two hop into 69 without hesitation and the sexy Latina enthusiastically sucks his cock while he eats her delicious shaved pussy. See the hardcore action that comes next as they...

2 years ago
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Tierney Madsen stared forward as she sat in the largeclassroom, listening to her teacher talk about their upcoming paper. Her very hot teacher, Mr. James. She sighed and slid her feet forward to stretch them out, taking in his deep cerulean eyes and cropped brown hair. Tierney glanced around the college classroom, annoyed at the people sleeping in class. Couldn’t they see how hot he was? What did it even matter? Despite being nineteen and in college, he was still her teacher and very off...

Love Stories
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Summer Camp part 2

The next morning Liz woke up in the best mood. She danced around the other girls in the cabin as she was getting ready for the day. All the other girls knew it had to be a guy she met, but they didn’t know who. Today was the night that dancing class performed their songs that they had been working on all week long. Liz walked to breakfast after she got ready and wondered when she might see Josh again. Liz grabbed her food and went to sit down at a table when she caught Josh out of the...

3 years ago
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My Pregnancy Fetishism Chapter 3

Must be 18+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I got my Exam results last week for my Biology class, I scored an A+ of course keeping my GPA at a steady 3.8. Laura will be back tomorrow so I can finally finish my business with her. From my last story, you've learned that I wasn't perfect. But guess what; no1's perfect. Not me, or you, or your role model who you look up to. We all are destined to make mistakes. That's how God made us. But it's...

3 years ago
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Prisoners of Love

PRISONERS OF LOVE Dorothy looked up as the door creaked open, her fingers hovering above the heavy, black typewriter, a look of mild irritation on her face. Colonel John McGinty registered the look and his mouth twitched in the typical military smile she had grown to despise. Why did soldiers act as if emotions were an enemy to be killed, rather than something to embrace? He stepped into the tiny office and Dorothy took in the tall German in the doorway. She was used to the sight of Germans in...

3 years ago
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Spain when it sizzles

On a Saturday afternoon on the bay side of Madrid, Spain,boats came into the port with shipped goods from the Mediterranean Sea. Thearoma of the air smelled like old bay spices which were from stands that wereselling rare fish. People walked up and down from the broad walk looked atdance shows performed by world tour artists. A man that was 20 years old andwas 5’7” came up to one of the stands. He looked like he was very well off andmuscular; he was dressed was in a gray sweat suit with his...

Love Stories
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A Bikers Need

[For Sonny...though long gone, you have not been forgotten!]Sonny's life had been a colorful one. He'd been born in a little town in Oklahoma, to a roughneck father who worked on oil wells and a mother who did her best to raise Sonny and his three other siblings (in spite of an often drunken, and abusive husband). Eventually, Sonny also worked on oil drilling rigs until he and his father had a falling out and Sonny left home, rarely to ever go back.Sonny ended up going to California and he did...

2 years ago
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Pub Night

A group of us are meeting at the pub, I’m already there with our friend sat outside him opposite me. We’re waiting for you and your boyfriend to arrive before we order drinks, you messaged to say you’d be about five minutes. We chat between ourselves and that’s when I spot you waking through the gate towards us, my jaw drops at what you’re wearing.You’re in a pair of ripped black skinny jeans that hug your thighs, a band vest top that shows your cleavage off as well as a pair of skate shoes....

3 years ago
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Aftermath of Populuation Epidemic

It was not one thing but a collections of things. Most scientist across the globe projected that in 5 generations that the human race would become an endangered species. A global conference was held in the major countries and many plans were discussed. The consensus was the high divorced rate was the cause, so an arranged marriage system was enacted with an formula in creating matches between partners. The rules of the arrange marriage was between a viable guy and girl that were deemed...

3 years ago
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Cecil Corliss Young InvestorChapter 6

We walked into the agency. "Cecil, you had a call from some place called Button and Bows. The guy is anxious to speak to you." "Okay, Mr. Johnson, thank you." I sat down and called George. "Hi George, how's it going?" I listened to him as he said that Connie had filled him in on the status of me owning half of the knitting store. He was happy to find out it was I who had invested in Connie's business and then he asked me to be his best man. He was giving me all the credit for...

1 year ago
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His Apology

Dave steps out of the house and looks across the yard. He isn't sure where Carri is, but her truck is here so she can’t be far. Maybe she is gone for a horseback ride. She is probably off working somewhere. Carri is one of the hardest workers he has ever met. So the barn is the first place he is going to look. There is always work to be done in there. As Dave steps off the porch and starts towards the big building he smiles. He has some apologizing to do. ‘Asshole’ is the only word he can...

1 year ago
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Helping My Fatherinlaw Out

I am 30, reasonably good looking and with a decent figure. My husband is a software engineer who goes out on projects quite often. We do not have children but stay in Delhi in a 3-bed room flat with my widower father in law. My father in law is 60, and still quite active. He is a good looking man, taller than my husband, and better built as well. He is almost 6 ft tall, and keeps himself fit with daily jogs of 5 km — something that my husband does not do. At any rate, our relationship was a...

2 years ago
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The Summer I Broke My LegChapter 11

As I made my way back home, I noticed Allison’s car in the driveway. I was hoping she’s home for lunch and has time to give me a nooner, since Dad won’t be back for another ten days. On this day in history - I had my first wish come true. As soon as I walked in, Allison met me in the front room with a smile that made my cock get hard, even though Perle Clifford had just ridden my cock for an hour. “I’m so glad you came home just now. Hurry and get your clothes off. I need you like you would...

1 year ago
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Good Vibes Only

She was divine. I honestly didn't know what it was about her. I quietly watched her amble through the half crowded dining room, nimbly balancing plates and checks while dodging running children and moving chairs. Each customer interaction was started and consummated with a genuine smile; I knew it was because it always reached her eyes. Every now and then that Aussie accent would be interrupted by one of her throaty, melodic laughs. Her messy bun did nothing but accentuate her beauty, it added...

4 years ago
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Sucking man

So... My wife an I decided to split for awile.... So I was not happy about it... But I have a friend thats I was talking to him about it.... An he asked if I was trying to do something new?? An i said what the helll....... Im into something new... So my friend picked me up from my house...... He took me to an old abandon house!... We walked into the house.... He said why dont we explore this place naked..... So after a few mins of fighting being naked... I said okay buddy..... As...

4 years ago
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Hypnosis Weight Control 4

Cynthia (Cin to me) has been using hypnosis to lose weight. Her brother David has implanted a secret phrase that puts Cynthia into a deep hypnotic trance, ready to receive his suggestions. He has successfully convinced her that she needs his help to have an orgasm while masturbating. His most recent accomplishment, with a little patience, was to have her fuck him. Now her girlfriend Yvette is coming into the picture. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years...

3 years ago
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Bondage Buddy

PROLOGUEAs an adolescent and young teen, I was fascinated by cartoons and television shows depicting capture and kidnap scenarios. This fascination usually led to a 'stiffy', but I was too young and naive really to understand exactly what was happening. This enchantment led to exploration in self-bondage, and for years I indulged in this practice, particularly during the summer months when I was home from school and both parents worked.One Christmas my parents gave a a Polaroid camera that...

1 year ago
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The Trip To Africa Chapter 5

We finally got everything packed and we were on our way for our eleven day trip to Tanzania. We had a direct five hour flight from SFO to Atlanta. Brandi sat next to the window, I sat in the middle, and an older lady sat in the aisle seat. We were really tired and we slept all the way to Atlanta, there was an hour lay over in Atlanta. We were very lucky to get tickets on a British air bus A 380, which was taking a trial run from Atlanta to Tanzania. We didn't realize how lucky we were, because...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the neighbourhood part two

Sandy reached between her legs and caressed her aching pussy. The thoughts of what she had done with Nathan filling her mind. Moving her fingers with perfect expertise she massaged her pussy. Rubbing her swollen clit frantically with firm fingers bringing her to an orgasm that made her cry out in ecstasy. Laying there with heavy breathing she wanted more. The self pleasured orgasm wasn’t enough. She wanted sex. She jumped out of bed and opened her wardrobe to find the perfect attire....

1 year ago
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The Dance Chapter seven

Karen arrived after work, and we ate our dinner outside, I had something to tell mum, and I wanted Karen to be there. She looked utterly gorgeous in her smart black business suit over a crisply starched white shirt, dark stockings, and high heel black shoes."I have to go back to Glasgow tomorrow mum," I said softly, and they both looked up sharply, so I carried on."I have to be at work on Wednesday morning, so I'll get the evening flight from Heathrow.""Why?" asked mum, but she knew why. I'd...

2 years ago
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Paradigm Shift Ch 01

Prologue The world had become a dark place, full of hatred and righteous bigotry. After the collapse of the United States due to civil war, the world slowly became a mass of bickering, quarreling nations, each trying to scrape their way to the top. Naturally, it was the civilians of the world that suffered. Wages and living conditions plummeted into poverty, crime rates rose, education dropped, it was seen as the new Dark Ages. This persisted for years, no one country truly rising above the...

3 years ago
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The Apartment ManagerChapter 6

As soon as I was in my apartment with the door locked, I walked straight to the room where all the monitors were, my voyeur’s cave. I was hooked and I knew it. While I ate my sandwich and drank my drink, I clicked on the icons and links on the bottom tray, then I clicked on START, to see what other programs and surprises Henry and Carl had loaded into this system. I saw a link named ‘live action’ and clicked it, expecting to see some live action of the occupants in the apartments. What I...

1 year ago
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godess sarita 13 daughter of godess arrived

its been a long time goddess sarita kept me as her slave forcefully she was now sure even if she lets me go it will b hard for me to manage outside.. with 2 years of some workouts I had a toned body workouts were done at home goddess instructed everything.. I had a toned body curvy waist and a lot of legs workout I have a bubblo shaped ass my lower chest is bigger den upper chest its more like man boobs.. I hav a waxed body long sholder length hair no facial hairs .. it looks like a girl and...

2 years ago
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Teasing wife gets what she needs

Around the holiday season everyone tends to get busy. My wife and I are no exception. For the last week both my wife and I have been extremely busy. She has been working more hours than usual and I have had some late nights myself. Even with late nights my insatiable sex drive is still running hot! Her libido however has taken a hit from all the running around and extra hours she has worked. I had made numerous advances to get her between the sheets, thrown down on the living room sofa or...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Meeting

When Tracy calls to see if I want to go to the pub, I quickly get my coat. Always fun, we have a lot to catch up on. After two wines she disappears to the toilet, and I get up to go to the bar to order new drinks.Suddenly I notice Ashley and I quickly turn around. I don't think he saw me. I am shocked, I feel a tickle in my abdomen. It has been a long time since I saw him. The sex was certainly not the reason that we are no longer together. I pull at my skirt and think of an exciting adventure...

Straight Sex
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The doorbell rung, it was katy, we'd organised a girly night for tonight; movies, wine just the usual saturday night. Except I opened  the door to tears streaming down her face and frantic mumbles, I couldn't understand a word she was saying. "Come in babe, we'll get you a glass of wine and you can tell me what all these tears are about yeah?!" Katy was two years younger than me, I'd always felt a kind of motherly instinct towards her like she needed looking after. With a glass of wine in her...

1 year ago
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The girlfriend saga The tease

me an katie burst through my bedroom door after just arriving home from a party. undressing each other as fast as we can. i lift her up an throw her on the bed. i jump on her and force my dick into her tight wet pussy, she lets out a loud moan of intense pleasure. i start pumping in and out of her as she grabs me an scratches down my back "oh yes baby, faster" she moans out. i continue to go faster, then i stop, flip her over, and continue fucking her from the back. pounding up...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Virgin Black Beauty Sister

Hello readers. My name is Preetam iam from Bangalore age 24. This is my 1st story as to how i fucked my cousin sis at my place. Any women or mom’s or aunty wanna be in touch with me, I’ll be available on Her name is Shruthi.She is 22yrs. The incident happened in august 2014.She is dark in color with average figure.I am fair in color with avg dick enough to satisfy any lady.Coming to the story as we had holidays we had shifted to our other home which is a duplex house.Mom had called my aunt as...

2 years ago
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Jaadiyo Mai Gaand Maari

Hello dosto main Rohit Jain from Chennai age 22 rang gora aur dikhnay mai ek dam smarty hoon. Dosto mai gay nahi hoon lakin ek baar aisa haadsaa hua ki aaj Bhi uska maza leta hoon dosto baat 2010 April ki hay main morning daily bich par 5.30 ko walking jaata hoon mera daily ka jaanaa hota hay chennai mai marina bich to gandhi bich tak daily walk kartaa hoon. Ab Bhi kartaa hoon ek din mai walking puri karnay kay baad wallking ki jagha say thodi dur side mai bethnay Kay liye chair banai hui tee...

2 years ago
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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 3

They had to wait only a few minutes until the pilot came out and Charles introduced Diana to him. His name was Gordon Brown. He was several years older than Charles and he was a right handsome man as well—wavy, dark brown hair, dark eyes and chiseled features. Gordon looked Diana up and down appraisingly. Ho, boy! Get a load of those melons... He glanced at Charles with a twinkle in his eyes and chuckled. "I can see why you're anxious to get to Vegas! Better watch out though; she looks...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Bhabhi

Hello ISS readers, Here I am narrating my first story. Please do excuse me if i sounded you boring at any period of time as it’s my first attempt. So i am not going to waste my time and come to the climax directly. I am Yash resident of Gujarat. This story is about my bhabhi… How me, my cousin and my bhabhi ended up having threesome. My family consist of my dad, mom my elder brother and my bhabhi. My brother got married 3 years back. And he is handling my dad’s business. While I was applying...

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Bella the Bully Futa

The entire situation was **SO** embarrassing! I've been bullied for so long that I can't remember the last weekday I came home without rushing to mommy for a hug. It made everything better, even though she didn't really understand the whole story... She doesn't know that my bully is...actually a futanari. Revealing that detail, that I've been pushed around by some big-tittied, hung bully would honestly be harder to accept than the hell I go through on a daily basis. I've been made to...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 947

Where to retire: You can retire to Arizona where... 1. You are willing to park three blocks away from your house because you found shade. 2. You’ve experienced condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl. 3. You can drive for four hours in one direction and never leave town 4 You have over 100 recipes for Mexican food. 5. You know that “dry heat” is comparable to what hits you in the face when you open your oven door at 500 degrees. 6. The four seasons are: tolerable,...

4 years ago
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My Black Cock Night

Saturday is black cock night for me. It’s the most convenient night because I can get the kids off to their Grandmother’s and I have time to cook a nice dinner for my boys, before they fuck me. My boys being husband Brad and my lover, Carl. It’s never the same every weekend. Sometimes Brad just likes to watch Carl giving me his black cock, sometimes they take turns and sometimes he joins in. That’s the best for me, being loved by two men at the same time. Two big, hard cocks, just for me....


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