Guest House free porn video

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I first met Jerry Winston while we were standing in the freshman registration line at Case Eastern Reserve University. It was obvious that we were; a) new students and b) freshmen as we had the proverbial 'deer in the headlights' look about us. I started up a conversation with Jerry because everyone does while they're standing in long lines. By the time we actually advanced far enough that we could see the registrars' desk we were friends. By the time we actually got registered for classes we had decided to share a dorm room.

It was an interesting mix of cultures, the two of us. Jerry was from a moneyed if not wealthy family in Florida while I was from your typical middle-class family in mid-state Texas. Although it was obvious that Jerry, or at least his family, had money he didn't flaunt it at all, he was much more oblivious to the fact that everyone didn't have access to the same amount of capital that he did. I asked him why he didn't live in an apartment instead of a dorm room and he simply said that his mother wanted him to get the true flavor of campus life and to do that he needed to live in a dorm.

The afternoon we moved into to our room in Heater Hall, Jerry grabbed the bed by the window while I got the one next to the door. I remember Jerry unpacking some personal things and setting his books and pictures up onto his bookshelf, which included 'The Picture'. On his bookshelf Jerry set down a 9"x12" picture of a stunning beautiful woman. She was standing on a rock ledge overlooking breaking waves with a small, tree-covered mountain in the background. The woman was wearing a white, almost see-through, off shoulder, peasant blouse and a pair of very short, khaki shorts. Her auburn hair was blowing in the breeze and I could see freckles covering her shoulders.

"Damn Jerry, who's that?" When I asked he looked up, then turned to see what I was looking at.

"Oh, that's my mom."

Just like that, it was his mom! I knew that I had to be careful with where this conversation was going. "Oh sure, your mom, where was it taken?"

"In Hawaii. Mom took me to Molokai last summer. You know a graduation gift of sorts."

"Oh sure, a graduation gift!" Let me see now, what had my parents given me for a graduation gift? Oh yes, I remember, it was a Parker fountain pen, but it was a nice one. "How come your dad's not in the picture?"

"Oh, he was on another one of his business trips. Christ Alex he's always on a business trip somewhere. If it weren't for my mom no one would have seen anything I did in high school. Mom was at every one of my track meets and at my graduation but not my old man, nope, he would never let something like what I was doing interfere with one of his business trips. So why did you ask — about my mom I mean?"

I thought that it was fairly obvious that Jerry was upset at his father's absence from his life and that he didn't seem to care about what Jerry had accomplished. "Oh nothing really, I was just thinking that maybe it was your girlfriend, that's all." He turned and looked at me incredulously.

"My girlfriend? Christ Alex she's my mother! Do I look like I would go out with someone that old?"

"No I guess not, sorry." I looked back at the picture and tried to determine his mothers' age. The picture had been taken from about twenty feet away so it was hard to distinguish exactly how old she was but she looked like she could have been 25 just as easily as 45. Thinking that Jerry was probably 19 and if he was born when she graduated from high school that would make her... 37. If it were after college then she would have to be in her early forties. Still she didn't look that old.

The next four months went by quickly and before anyone realized it finals were upon us and we were excited about the upcoming school break. Jerry and I were fast friends not going anywhere on campus, or off for that matter, without each other in tow. We even double dated on a couple of occasions. Due to a quirk in scheduling that year we ended up with a seven day break for the Thanksgiving Day holidays to be followed in two weeks by another break, a three-week recess for the Christmas and New Years holidays. I had decided to stay on campus for Thanksgiving and use that time for studying then head to Texas for the Christmas break but Jerry was going home for both. Two days before the Thanksgiving break Jerry was talking with him mom on his phone when he turned to me.

"Hey Alex, mom wants to know if you would like to come home with me for Thanksgiving?"

"What? Home with you?"

"Sure, why not. I've told mom so much about you that she wants to meet you. Come on, we'll have a good time and besides, it's only a week."

I held up a single finger, indicating to him that I was thinking about it and I was. Why not I thought, beside it would give me the opportunity to actually see the woman whose picture I had been ogling at for the past four months. "Sure Jerry, if it's not any trouble for your mom, I'll be happy to tag along."

As I said, I had grown up in a middle class family, the only sibling of my parents, living in rural Odessa, Texas. If it hadn't been for a variety of scholarships I would have never been able to afford to attend Case Eastern, but not Jerry, nope, Jerry's family was wealthy enough that they just paid for everything. All I really knew about his family was that they lived a country club community on the outskirts of Lafayette, Florida and that Jerry's family paid for his schooling, room and board, and gave him a very nice allowance — one in which we generously used for pizzas and beer.

On Friday we packed our bags for the trip to Florida, took a cab to the airport and boarded a flight for Tampa. Two hours later we landed and Jerry picked up a rental car for the hour-long drive to his house. I enjoyed the scenery having never been in Florida but you can't even begin to imagine how I felt went we drove through the gates of the country club and up to his house. Amazed? Sure. Stunned? Absolutely. Beyond belief? All of the above and in spades. Sitting at the back of a fifty foot long driveway was a separate five-car garage. To the left of the garage was a single story house that was bigger than any house I had ever seen in Odessa. Jerry parked the car in front of the garage and we hopped out and Jerry led me inside the side door of the house, through a mudroom, which by the way was bigger than my parents' kitchen and into his kitchen where his mother was making iced tea.

"OH MY GOD! Jeremy, you're home!" His mother ran up and grabbed Jerry and kissed his cheek and hugged him. "Thank God your home safe." Then she turned and looked at me, "And you must be Alex." She hugged me too then pushed back, "Welcome to our home Alex, I'm Anna."

When she hugged me her breasts crushed against my chest and sent shivers through my body. "Thank you ma'am. And thank you for the invitation; I really appreciate your hospitality."

She looked me up and down. "My, my, a real gentleman." She looked at Jerry. "You didn't tell me that he had such good manners Jeremy. And Alex, it's Anna, not ma'am, alright?" She handed us the iced teas and before I could answer her, Jerry started giving me a tour of the house.

It was the first time I had heard that his name was really Jeremy not Jerry and I noticed he winced when Anna called him Jeremy. "So you don't like Jeremy?"

"Christ no! It was my grandfathers' name and I got stuck with it but if I hear you using it or telling anyone it's my real name I'll break both your legs... then I'll kill you."

I laughed at him. "No problem bro." The Winston house was constructed in a huge 'L' shape with his parents' bedroom on the long end of the 'L' while Jerry's was on the short end. And in between? Inside the house, in between the two ends of the L were a formal dining room, a formal living room a den that overlooked the outdoor 50' x 50', net covered, swimming pool and spa. Behind the swimming pool there was a guest house, which was a one-bedroom structure with a separate living room and small kitchenette that would be mine for the duration of the visit. Good Christ, how much money did these people have anyway? I went out to the car and moved my stuff into the guest house, changed into a swimsuit, and met Jerry out at the pool. For the next two hours we swam, tanned and sipped on iced tea.

That night the three of us ate dinner in the formal dining room, Anna having explained that Jerry's father was in Thailand for the next two weeks. Anna had changed for dinner, now she was wearing a short black cocktail dress that showed off her legs and was just cut low enough that the tops of her breasts also showed. Jerry had on a dress shirt without a tie and a pair of slacks and I was the shumck wearing a golf shirt and pair of jeans. I watched Anna throughout dinner, trying not to be too obvious about it. She was even prettier than her picture, standing somewhere around 5'7" and maybe a 120 pounds. Her hair had been styled since the Hawaiian picture and was now much shorter, and was combed back on the sides. I could only see the tops of her breasts but they looked gorgeous to me. What really caught my attention was her legs and butt, all I can say it they were to die for, her long, tanned legs climbing up underneath that dress and attaching themselves to her two very firm, and nicely rounded, butt cheeks. All in all she was quite the woman. I still couldn't get a handle on her age although I just finally assumed that she had to be in her early forties.

After dinner we all went into the den to watch television and finish off the remainder of the wine from dinner. Around ten Jerry yawned and indicated that he was off to bed. I thought that it would be prudent of me to do the same thing but Anna asked me to stay behind for a minute so I did.

"Tell me Alex, what kind of a roommate is Jeremy?"

Anna was sitting across from me in a large leather easy chair and I had a great view of her legs, her dress having ridden up to the top of her thighs while we watched TV. "Well, he is my best friend and we certainly enjoy each others company so I guess you couldn't ask for a much better roommate."

"I see, but what about girls? I mean does he date at all? Jeremy has always been quite private and he hasn't shared much with me. "

"Ummm, look Anna I'm not real comfortable discussing Jerry's private life, I hope you understand?"

"Oh sure Alex, I understand and I'm really not trying to pry, it's just that when he was in high school he didn't date all that much and I'm worried that he might be, well too shy and that maybe I've sheltered him too much."

"Oh I don't think you have to worry Anna, Jerry dates on occasions."

"How about you Alex, a steady girlfriend?"

"No, not really. To be truthful I'm on scholarship and really have to maintain my grades so mostly it's Jerry and I plus pizza and beer."

She laughed at my description of my life as a student then she rose up out of her chair and the movement allowed me to get just a glimpse of her panties. She moved over to the bar and held up the bottle of wine, offering me another glass. "Alex?"

"Uh, no thanks Anna, another time perhaps."

"Alright, I've got to go to bed too. Good night Alex."

"Good night Anna and thank you for dinner."

"Your welcome honey and I have to tell you that I think you've been a very good influence on my son."

Anna turned and walked back toward her bedroom and I walked out the back door and into the darkness of the night toward the guest house. As I came around the edge of the pool I saw the lights go on in the corner bedroom and when I looked in that direction I stopped dead in my tracks. Anna hadn't closed her drapes and I could see through the window as she stood in the middle of her bedroom unzipping her dress. I looked around to make sure I couldn't be seen and watched as the dress slid off of her shoulders and down onto the floor. She turned slightly then reached behind her and unsnapped her bra and took it off and she gently massaged her shoulders where the straps had dug into her skin. Anna had a wonderful set of breasts, standing proudly out from her chest and I wondered how much that might have to do with plastic surgery. Her panties were the next item to go and after they were off the auburn haired mother of my best friend climbed naked into the bed, pulled up the covers up and turned off the lights. I stood in the darkness for what seemed like an hour but was probably no more than a couple of minutes thinking about what I had just witnessed. Surly she must have realized that I had gone outside, so was that a show for me? And what about the questions about a girlfriend, what was that all about? Thinking about Anna's body but confused by her actions I walked into the guest house and climbed into my own bed and fell asleep, my cock in my hand.

The next morning Jerry woke me around eight and we wolfed down a quick breakfast before heading out to the country club for a round of golf. During the time we were in the kitchen Anna was nowhere to be seen and I wondered what she was doing. Was she still naked in her bed? Maybe she was in the shower playing with her pussy?

"Hey?" Jerry called. "Are you listening to me?"

"Uh, yea sure, what did you say?"

"I said get your mind on the golf match, now let's go."

It was just after two that afternoon when Jerry and I got back from the country club. Jerry parked the car and we got out and walked behind the garage and into the back yard. We had decided to take showers before eating a snack. When we rounded the corner I saw that Anna was lying out on the pool deck wearing a fairly conservative two-piece bathing suit with the top untied. She looked up as we approached, holding up the bra to her chest.

"Hi guys, how was the golf game?"

"Oh it was alright mom, I shot an 88 which is good for me but the stud here shot an 82, way below his normal score. God mother he's never shot in the 80's before. We skinned the guys we were playing with."

"So maybe Alex is some sort of a ringer?"

"Yea, maybe. Well look, we're going to take showers and clean up then get a snack. You need any help with dinner mom?"

"Nope, I've got everything ready. Dinner is at seven boys."

Jerry walked across the grass and into the house and I turned to go into the guest house.


I turned back to see that Anna was looking up at me. 'Yes?"

"Would you mind doing me a favor?"

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Well I've been out her for about a half an hour and I can't get any lotion on my back, would you mind?"

"Nope, not at all." I walked over to her lounge chair and leaned over and grabbed the bottle of lotion. I squirted some into my hand and then rubbed both hands together. "Ready?"


I started on her shoulders gently rubbing in small circles and going lower and lower. She just lay there letting my hands caress her shoulders, her back and her sides. I really wanted to drop my fingers down about an inch little lower, near her breasts but knew that probably wasn't a good idea. As my hands got to the small of her back I could see that her breathing had deepened. My fingers worked the lotion into her skin and I stopped at the top of the bottom of her suit. "There we go, all done."

"Would you mind doing my legs too?"

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Who Needs The Bathhouse

Hey my name Abdul Musaveer—20 years of age from Hyderabad, India…6feet 2inches tall…slim body. White complexion…with very cute face…and very sporty and friendly nature….I have very sexy smile as most of my friend says….One afternoon…with my 3 other best friends … my three best buddies, Mohsin, Ibrahim and Shahzad ..Wondering around in King Street in Hamilton…it was a hot summer day….and looking around lot of semi nude’s boys and girls….make us horny as fuck Short description for these three...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My Wife At The Firehouse

My wife was a cute petite beautiful woman. She had a great body, a decent pair of tits and the nicest ass I’ve ever seen. She said she hated being so attractive because all guys did was stare at her all day. She married because I was the first guy she dated that was really interested in her work as a Surgical Nurse for a famous Ophthalmologist in town. She even assisted in doing eye transplants. Outwardly she was a quiet demure beautiful woman. That’s until nine o’clock rolled around and she...

1 year ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 14 Dees Diary The Boathouse

DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, JUNE 12th (Continued) On Saturday, Fred got the old johnboat working in the boathouse down by the little pier, and told us that he'd be taking it out on the lake for several hours. Before he left, however, Brenda said she had something to suggest, and she went into the bedroom and emerged holding two bikinis. She'd purchased them the day before, and since the weather had turned warm, she asked Fred it the two of us could lie on the pier and soak up some sun. I was...

2 years ago
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Miss Elsies Housecoat

Adapted from “1942” by Jenny Wanshel Micronesia, October 26, 1942 Perhaps it was his boots that pulled him under when in crossing the reef, the surf upended the launch, but in any case, Lieutenant O’Connor vanished. Miss Elsie held back the boys who wanted to swim to the officer’s rescue. She grabbed them by the shoulders, the arms, the hair, but ultimately it was her shrieking that dissuaded them from likewise perishing. There were nine on the sand, eight boys from Palua Secondary and...

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Used in Bathhouse

I woke up Monday morning with a terrible cold. Just my luck,I was playing semi pro soccer and the most important game of the year was in 2 days I was working as a physical trainer and I had 4 clients booked for the day, I got my phone and canceled my appointments and went back to bed. Not being able to get any rest due to nasal congestion, fever plus my body was just hurting . The state final was Wednesday so I only had 2 days to fight of my cold. Laying restless in bed thinking how I could...

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I was twenty-three and this older guy asked me out on a date, I agreed and he took me to a new experience. He had taken me to a gay bathhouse.Gary was a gray-haired bear, he was just a little taller than me, he was about 5' 10". He also had piercing blue eyes and a deep voice that made my knees weak and an urge to have him deep inside me.I had gotten ready for my date after I got off work. It was a Friday night. He liked his men young and smooth. So I shit, showered, and shaved everything. Then...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 11 The DOJ Comes to Gatehouse

Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor,...

2 years ago
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The Clubhouse

I wrote this story long ago at another site. It's one of my favorites.In 1962 life was simpler. The k**s in the neighborhood played baseball and football on the street. We could ride our bikes anywhere and not have anyone worry about us. As we got older several of the boys decided we needed a clubhouse where we could jack off whenever we wanted to without fear of getting caught. Being nerdy boys and even though I was a senior and he was a junior, the girls at school didn't seem that...

4 years ago
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Houseguests Part 1

It seemed everyone I knew had lost power due to the big storm a couple years ago. My cell service was constantly fading in and out, but I was able to receive a very helpful call from Aunt Diane’s husband, Mike. He had heard about my situation and offered me his town house up in Northern Jersey. He told me how he was out of town and Aunt Diane was near my condo staying with a friend who had a generator. He told me about the hidden key and gave me the code to the alarm. He said he was due back...

1 year ago
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Houseguests Part 1

It seemed everyone I knew had lost power due to the big storm a couple years ago. My cell service was constantly fading in and out, but I was able to receive a very helpful call from Aunt Diane’s husband, Mike. He had heard about my situation and offered me his town house up in Northern Jersey. He told me how he was out of town and Aunt Diane was near my condo staying with a friend who had a generator. He told me about the hidden key and gave me the code to the alarm. He said he was due back...

4 years ago
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Penguesta Ko Chuda Mene

Mere naam Rahul hai aur mai final year ka phadra tha hu. Mere umar 24 saal hai Jabalpur ka rhane wala hu. Aur ye khani mere aur mera ghar me rehna wali pengusste ki hai. Uska naam seema hai uski umar 21 saal hai uska figure 30 24 26 hai aur mere lund ka size 7 inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai ye bata aaj se 3 mahine phela ki hai .jab mere gharwala shadi me gaya tha aur mere paper chal reha tha jise ke karna me nhi jaa paya. Aur phela mere mana me use ke liya galat nhi tha. But ek din jab mai ghar...

3 years ago
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the doghouse

I’d been running out of ways to casually pass by Mom’s bedroom when, finally, I saw that she was open mouthed and snoring. The bedside light was still on and her romance paperback was splayed out in her hand. I crept out the back door and crossed the silent dark streets in the direction of the highway.Dad was in the doghouse. Specifically, he was staying at the motor lodge on the edge of town since Mom kicked him out of the house.Mom knows that Dad and I are close – in fact, she’s always...

1 year ago
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The Clubhouse

The Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on.  She couldn't remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her house.  It was natural to her by this day in time, her eighteenth birthday.  In fact, she had even become quite curious about what was inside.  Her dad had always told her that they weren’t just a motorcycle club like they always purported.  But he also said hundreds of times, “Like most...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The Clubhouse

The Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on.  She couldn't remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her house.  It was natural to her by this day in time, her eighteenth birthday.  In fact, she had even become quite curious about what was inside.  Her dad had always told her that they weren’t just a motorcycle club like they always purported.  But he also said hundreds of times, “Like most...

Group Sex
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Maria My Sexy Housemaid

This is how it all began with my Indian housemaid Maria. Let me describe her first of all. Maria is over 50 years old, good sense of humor and decent figure. She has 36C boobs, a nice shaven pussy, nice ass and a pretty face. I first met her in 1995 when I dropped her cousin off after work but never got to talk to her. Later both her and her cousin left the country and Maria returned a few years later with her husband. I met her in the local supermarket one lunchtime where we both recognized...

3 years ago
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Are you dissatisfied or frustrated by your current living situation? Do you wish that you were the one making the rules in your house? Do you make the rules of the house but wish your housemates would follow those rules without question? Well now you can! You have been randomly chosen to receive the HouseMate app absolutely free! There’s no need to give your credit card number or your personal info, we have all that stuff already! How do you think we found your phone? ;) How does the app work,...

2 years ago
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Gay Threesome With My Partner And His Housemate

Hello guys, this is Raj back with another experience. Read it and enjoy! I met this person on an online dating platform. In the first text, he asked me to meet him, and I somehow agreed to it. We met at a coffee shop on a Friday evening and got to know each other even better. We liked each other and planned to meet at his place on Sunday afternoon and have fun. His name is Tom. On Sunday morning, he picked me. We went to have breakfast and then headed to his place. He lives in an apartment in...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The story I’m about to tell to place nearly forty years ago. At the time, I was living in a shared house with three other people. One of my housemates was a good friend, a tall Welshman called Ned with red hair. We all shared in the house running and often eat together, cooking communal meals. As close friends, sharing seemed natural though I didn’t at that time see how far that might go!My girlfriend of the time was at college outside of London and so we didn’t see each other as often as we...

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It was the start of my third year in college. This year, I was finally moving out of the dorms and living in a house. I really procrastinated the year before when it came to housing and I ended up asking Diana, my best friend, if she was able to accommodate one more at her place. She had already found someone to occupy each room at the house that she rented, but luckily for me, she offered to let me room with her. The two of us have known each other since middle school and have always had each...

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guest cums for a visits

Having the house to ourselves meant we could take our time and explore all of our unrealized fantasies at our leisure this time. In the past our threesomes with him had been exciting and arousing but sometimes a bit more rushed than we would have liked. This time promised to be different. And instead of being in a local hotel room, this time we’d be enjoying our tryst in our marital bed.She spent most of the afternoon prepping herself for him, pedicure, manicure, had her hair done and then took...

1 year ago
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Guest at my buddies place

I was in bed, but unable to drift off to sleep. The guestroom was lit with a ghostly pale light from the moon shining through sheer curtains. I could hear them moving and whispering in bed next door.I had gone to bed about 15 minutes before they did, saying my goodnights while they puttered around the house closing up and shutting down things. She was touching him gently when he passed, and kissing his neck when she could. Her eyes were shining. I went to the guestroom that was mine, and...

2 years ago
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An American bathhouse

My business travel during this period was mostly in the Northeast states, often by car. I sometimes started my work-week with a day-long drive to the first city, then working my way homewards to end up at home on Friday night. It was hard work, moving from hotel to hotel and seldom staying more than one night in each city. As a married man, I didn't look for women during my travels, My luggage would include a dildo and some lube, good for an ass-job and masturbation, as near sex as I could...

3 years ago
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Ohio Bathhouse

My boi-pussy was wet from the lube that dribbled out into a small puddle on the rubber sheets on the floor. As one man steps away from me after fucking my ass into oblivion, another comes up to take his place between my ass cheeks while the others continued to watch and cheer him on.I was drunk from the aroma of poppers and scented condoms as four or five men took turns gangbanging my tight boi-hole. I braced myself once again as a large cock penetrated easily into my stretched boi-pussy. This...

3 years ago
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my first gay bathhouse

I have been reading about bathhouses for a long time. I have only been with a couple of guys, and am not all that experienced. I was going out of town on business and thought this was the perfect opportunity. I could barely keep my mind on my business that day thinking of walking around this bathhouse naked with other men. that night I went to a gay bar near there to get rid of my inhibitions. after a few drinks, I thought I may as well start my short walk to the bathhouse. I could feel my body...

2 years ago
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First time at the bathhouse

My name Lisa and I am an experienced and slutty crossdresser. I started to crossdress when I was 20 because I wanted to know how it would feel like to be like one of the porn sluts I was masturbating on. It started with dildos and a dress and very quickly I moved to real dicks and eventually multiple at a time. The following is the true story of my first visit to a bathhouse and first experience with multiples dicks. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.It took me two years to finally find the...

2 years ago
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WWT the Gay Bathhouse

"I don't know what you're expecting Bobby," Samuel said. "It's not like there's gonna be a bunch of leather strapped queers that are going to take you the first chance they get.""Still, it's a gay bathhouse..." Bobby said, adjusting the passenger seat."You'd be surprised, not that much sex actually goes on there anymore," Samuel said, sensing his straight friend was rolling his eyes. "So there's some, but for the most part, it's in private rooms. Guys our age mostly come here to work out, swim...

Monster Sex
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Mindy the Quiet Housemaid

It's a drab, nondescript little room hardly worth describing except it plays a key part in our story. It was not Martin's in any propertied sense. Nor was it his in the sense that it was the room his wife Cindy consigned to him. He had in fact chosen it on his own months before, as we will learn. Today it's his to live in when he's off duty. In mockery after a few martinis, Cindy refers to it as the "formal maid quarters." Never refurbished or remodeled like the rest of the house and...

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