A Family In Need: A Mason Degraves StoryChapter 6 free porn video

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Jim walked into the big communal sex bedroom to find Beverly nursing Julie, each with their fingers in the other’s pussies, and each making happy noises. Jim stepped close to his mother and latched on to her free nipple, causing his mother to gasp with the stimulation and begin a climax. He kept up the suction, and, first moistening his middle finger in his mother’s very wet pussy, then moved it around and inserted it in her ass. Her exclamation of surprise changed into deeper moans as he began to move it around, feeling his sister’s fingers stimulating her pussy from the other side. Both he and Julie drew hard on the milk flowing from her nipples, and beverly flipped back over into a string of orgasms from the multiple deep sensations. Her cries echoed through the room like shots fired from a gun: “Oh! My! God! Yes! Yes! Yes! Aieeeee!”

Her breasts ran dry at just that point, and Julie had trouble removing her fingers from her mother’s clenched pussy. Jim slowly extracted his finger from her anus, and as he did, Beverly relaxed into a slump and he gently lowered her to the giant mattress. “Oh, my loves! That was just wonderful! God, Jim, that was perfect timing!” Jim kissed her, and then moved to the nearby sink on one side of the room to wash his hands. Julie just sucked her mother’s juice from hers and grinned at her mother.

“My relationship with Susan has gotten deeper,” Jim said as he dried his hands on a towel. “Julie, did you change my cum to make women fall in love with me?”

Julie looked confused a moment, and then said “I dunno. Maybe that’s being a good mommy?”

“Well, Susan and Bethany and I have all gotten a lot ... closer, I guess? It’s like I could feel the love between them, and me and them, and us and them, and it feels more ... solid. Like we could build a world on it. It feels incredibly wonderful!”

“And Susan’s needs are changing,” said Mason DeGraves as if he had been part of the conversation all along, walking into the room and startling the others with his abrupt appearance. “Usually, when someone has completed a contract with me, there is very little change. Their sexual needs become permanent. Sometimes I can change how they feel about them, but not the needs themselves. This is fascinating! Susan’s sexual kinks are less rigid now, less locked on shoes and feet and being photographed. I suspect she’ll always find a thrill in them, but she is now much less fixated on them.”

DeGraves looked at Julie, and said, “You little minx! You’ve done something that has never happened before. I wonder exactly what, and how? It will be interesting to find the answers to those questions. We will have to pay attention to what may come of this.”

“Is this a bad thing? It doesn’t feel like a bad thing!” said Jim.

“I don’t know, Jim,” said DeGraves. “It could just be the ramifications of the changes she made in the two of you as part of her ‘good mommy’ desires. A ‘good mommy’ wants the best for her babies, and that could include a loving family and especially a loving father. You, your sister and your mother are already a loving family, and then Bethany became a part of that, and now Susan is becoming so.” He turned to Beverly. “How do you feel about Susan?”

“Oh, I love her, she’s always been ... Oh, my goodness! She was Julie’s friend, and that was great, I was glad they were friends, but now I could just cuddle her to my bosom! Wait, I didn’t mean that sexually, although I could, I meant I ... I love her like family, like a daughter, like a lover, like a ... I can’t even figure out exactly when that changed!”

“Interesting. This is love, not lust, yes?” asked DeGraves.

“Well, there’s lust there, of course, I mean, we’re all a lusty bunch now, but now there is love.” replied Beverly.

“And her mother, Terri, how do you feel about her?” asked DeGraves.

“Oh, she’s nice, I like her, sex with her is fun. I mean, there’s definitely lust, but not like with Susan or Bethany or Jim,” replied Beverly.

“But not like a ‘lover’ or sister or family?” probed DeGraves.

“Um ... no,” admitted Beverly.

“You’ve had sex with Terri more often than Susan, yes?”

“Well, yes, I mean Susan was often involved with her mother or Bethany, and ... Julie and I, we kind of included her in our play, and...”

“And you’ve played a very great deal with Dr. Cole, and Nurse Julie, and Maggie Sanders, but you don’t feel like they are family? There’s lust but not love?” asked DeGraves.

“No. I like them, and love the sex, but no, I don’t feel that close to them,” said Beverly.

“I suspect that when Jim impregnates a woman, she will get drawn into the family, becoming loving to and loved by everyone in the family. I do not suggest testing my hypothesis, though, Jim! It will be interesting to see if the relationships continue over the long term.” DeGraves turned to Julie. “I do hope that there are no further complications, my dear. If other changes arise, there may be consequences for you that you might not like. I do not like the consequences with which I must deal, and do not wish you to share in them!”

Julie looked very sober, and Jim and Beverly could almost hear the wheels turning in her head, and could see that complicated thoughts were happening in her head, but all that she could say was a chastened, “M’kay.”

Jim and Beverly went to her and drew her into a loving and comforting hug. She looked up and smiled at them, and said “Love you, Mommy! Love you, Jimmy!”

DeGraves looked down, then said, “I’ve got a client coming in soon. I must go.” As he turned to leave, he looked back and said, “I do love you all.”

Julie called to him, “We love you too, Grampa Mason!” DeGraves smiled, nodded, and then paused. “Between us there is love but not lust. This is intriguing new ground for me!” He smiled again, then turned and left the room.

Lord DeGraves was at his desk in his office when Bethany ushered two people in and announced “A Mr. Rad and Ms. Brandi are here to see you sir, in regards to your advertisement.”

“Thank you, Bethany. Would you get our guests some tea? And a chair from the dining room for Mr ... Rad, was it?”

“Sir,” Bethany acknowledged as she turned and left the room.

“Now that is a fine white pussy, man!” said T Rad. “She available?”

“I’m afraid not, Mr. Jones,” replied DeGraves, in an all-business tone.

“What, muthafucka!? How’d you know my... ?” exclaimed the pimp.

“I make it a point to know with whom I am dealing, Mr. Jones. How is immaterial, the question is are you willing to make a deal?”

Bethany entered the office carrying a dining room chair and placed it next to the single chair in front of the desk. She then stepped out of the room for a moment, then re-entered carrying a tray with two cups of tea. She presented one to the pimp, and the other to the young woman, then left again, closing the door behind her.

“Damn, I’d like to deal for her,” said the muscular black man, who appeared to be in his mid- twenties. He flashed a grill of gold in a nasty smile.

“Sit, enjoy your tea while I make your offer,” instructed DeGraves.

Looking a bit uncomfortable, the man calling himself T Rad sat on the chair, and took a sip of his tea. Impatiently, he glanced at the young white girl next to him and said, “Sit. You heard him.” The girl did as she was instructed, looking down the whole time.

“Now, Mr. Jones, I will make this offer once, and once only. You may leave at any time, whether you accept it or not. If you accept it, you will leave Ms. Davies here, and will relinquish all claims to her. You will never attempt to contact or see her again.” said DeGraves, speaking clearly.

“Yeah, yeah, I got it. I know how this shit works. I give her to you, you pay me, and she never existed, and neither do you, right?” said the pimp.

“Indeed,” said DeGraves.

“So whatcha offerin’?”

“Fifty thousand dollars cash.”

“For her? She’s not even trained up, but she ain’t been used ... much. Just breakin’ her in.” said the pimp.

“Fifty thousand dollars cash. Now. Your answer?”

“Well, you’re lucky, man, ‘cause I got some solvency issues at da moment. Yah. I’ll take it. Deal.” said the pimp.

DeGraves rang a small bell on his desk, and Jorge, one of his very muscular gardeners walked in with a briefcase, placed it on the desk before DeGraves, and stood to one side, looking watchful.

DeGraves opened the case, revealing a large quantity of one hundred dollar bills in neat paper- sleeved stacks. Terrence Jones looked in, took a number out and riffled through them checking to see that they were all actually money, obviously estimating their value, then smiled. He closed the case.

DeGraves said to him, “Now release Ms. Davies from your service, and tell her she belongs to me.”

“Hey bitch, we’re done. You’re his now. Do whatever he wants. It’ll go hard on you if you don’t. I’m outta here.” He patted his jacket to make sure his gun was still there, then took the case and walked to the door. Jorge opened it for him and followed him out. T Rad missed the contemptuous look that DeGraves shot at him, but he did hesitate a moment, almost involuntarily, like he’d briefly forgotten where he was going, as he walked toward the front door. The office door gently drifted closed as Jorge locked the front door behind him.

DeGraves turned to the woman who, for a few weeks, had gone by the name ‘Brandi’. His demeanor changed completely, expressing compassion. He gently addressed Amber Davies, “Now that he is gone, Ms. Davies, I’d like to talk to you for a few minutes. No, don’t get up, we’re just going to talk. Ms. Davies, you very nearly became a victim of a human trafficker, someone who sells other human beings into sexual slavery. I understand you lived on the streets for a time, until you met Mr. Jones and he talked you into becoming a prostitute. I have just purchased your freedom for you. You no longer have to have sex for money. You can get up and leave, free and clear, and Mr. Jones will not force you to do anything. In fact, Mr. Jones does not even remember you. You saw that he sold you. He had plans to addict you to several drugs. He never cared for you, although I know that he pretended to just long enough to get you to sell your body for him. I do worry, though, where you might go, and whether, in desperation, you might find someone else like Mr. Jones.”

Amber looked thunderstruck. This was not going at all like she had expected. Fear began to show in her eyes, for she now had no idea what to do, or where to go. This man had paid fifty thousand dollars for her, and now what? Was he kicking her back onto the street? At least with T Rad she had some idea what was coming.

DeGraves gently explained, “I know that your life has been quite challenging in the last few years, and I know that you are now eighteen years old, and so are able to make adult decisions for yourself. I can sympathize with your difficulties. Until relatively recently, I have not been able to share my life with my family, either, although for very different reasons. I understand loneliness, and pain, and regret, and addiction, for I have experienced them all very deeply and for a very long time. I do understand.”

He continued, “Now, this is important Ms. Davies, so please listen carefully. I can offer you employment, possibly as a maid, good meals, and a place to work and live, but there are likely to be personal temptations and consequences. Before I offer that, I will leave this room, and you can leave and go wherever you wish, or you can wait a few minutes and someone will likely come in and offer you other assistance in getting your life together, finding other employment and a place to live. One of the members of my family would be able to help you without causing any changes to your life that would involve lust and sex. They might ask you to stay for dinner and get to know the rest of my family, and might give you information that I cannot. Would you like that? To stay and listen and consider, there are no strings attached. But I cannot recommend any course of action for this decision. This is your choice, and only you can make it.”

DeGraves stood up from his desk, and walked to the door at the side of his office, rather than the one her pimp had departed through. “I am going to leave for a time. If you are here when I return in ten minutes or so, I will discuss my offer of employment with you. If you decide to talk and stay for dinner, I will make my offer afterwards. All right?”

Amber looked very confused, but nodded her head in assent. DeGraves stepped through the door and closed it behind him. Amber looked at the door, and felt panic rising in her chest. What kind of weird shit had T Rad sold her into? Could she really leave? What was that about lust and consequences and working as a maid? Was it like that woman in the French Maid outfit? She hugged herself in her anxiety, and started when someone knocked on the door. There was a pause as she waited in indecision, and then there came another knock.

“Uh ... come in?” she said.

The door opened, and she saw a different young lady, dressed in jeans and a plain shirt, but wearing fashionable high heels in the doorway. “Hi! My name is Susan. Bethany told me to come talk to you.”

“B ... Bethany?”

“She wears a French Maid uniform most of the time. She’s Lord DeGraves’ assistant. Oh, and Jorge is the gardener, not a gangster or hood or anything. He’s nice. Um, I think I’m supposed to introduce you to folks, maybe ask you to stay for dinner, show you around. I think Jim or Beverly may want to explain some things to you, give you the lowdown on this place. I’m glad you stayed instead of just bolting for the door! I think Lord DeGraves was kind of worried you might run back to the streets and wind up in trouble again. There’s stuff he can’t talk about. It’s complicated. But Jim and Beverly can. You’ve got an important choice to make.”

“I ... don’t really understand what’s going on,” said Amber.

“I know. Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out. It’ll be okay. Come on, follow me! Jim and Beverly are in the dining room. Are you hungry?” asked Susan.

“Um, yeah, I haven’t eaten food since noon yesterday. T Rad said I had to stay thin.”

“Gah. Sounds like a real asshole. Come on in here!” Susan invited.

Amber stood and followed Susan through the side office door and across the hall, into a largish dining room where a young man and a youngish pregnant woman sat.

“Hi! C’mon in! I’m Jim, and this is my mother, Beverly! Sit down, and I’ll get Trish, the cook, to fix you up something to eat! What do you like?”

“Um, I dunno. Anything, I guess,” answered Amber.

“How about a burger?” asked Jim, and Amber nodded.

As Jim stepped out to talk to Trish, Amber turned to Beverly. “You’re his mother?”

“Yes, I am!” Beverly said with pride. “My daughter Julie is upstairs, and you can meet her later if you want.”

“But you’re so young! Did you have him when you were ten or something?” asked Amber.

“No, no, I’m older than I look, but thank you!” Beverly grinned.

Jim came back in and sat down across from Amber, next to his mother and Susan. “So, Lord DeGraves may make you an offer, but he would like you to have an idea of what might happen if you take it. And I bet he was mysterious about it, right?”

“Um, kind of. I’m not even sure what it was all about. He said I wouldn’t have to live on the street or be a hooker anymore for T Rad, and might could work for him and have food and ... he said something about choices and lust and sex. Is this like a whorehouse or something?”

The others laughed at the last question for a moment, then Jim said, “No, it’s not a whorehouse or bordello, no one does anything they don’t want to do. But, this is a home where people do have sex when they want to, and it’s a lot less rigid...” Susan chuckled, interrupting Jim for a moment, “ ... okay, bad word choice, sorry. Um, it’s kind of like a sex commune, you know what those are?”

“What, like where everyone goes naked and has sex with everyone else?” asked Amber.

Jim nodded, “Yeah, kind of. I mean, folk only have sex when they want to with the people that they want to, but, yeah. See, the thing that Lord DeGraves can’t tell you is that if you take one of his deals, then you kind of get ... lusty. You get to where you want to have sex. Kind of a lot. And you’ll discover some things about yourself that you don’t know now. Like, Susan has a thing for shoes. Bethany likes almost anything. Susan’s dad likes, um, taking pictures. There’s a lady who works in the stables that likes leather and horses - not having sex with them or anything, they’re just a turn-on for her. Lord DeGraves and Trish the cook are um, intimate. Anyway, so if you take his offer, you could find yourself doing, and really enjoying, sexual things. Oh, my sister Julie has a thing about being a “good mommy. Look, let me tell you our story...”

Beverly and Jim told Amber their story, and as Susan told her family’s, Terri and William came in during this and nodded. Amber sat listening, eating her hamburger when Trish brought it out with another cup of tea. Afterwards, she asked, “Is this like a mental institution or something? I mean, this is just too weird!”

“No,” Jim said, “but it is a place where life is not like it is everywhere else. Things are more relaxed and non-judgemental. No one looks at anyone else like they’re strange or weird because of what they do sexually. Now, no one hurts anyone else or demands things from them they’re not willing to do. No one will beat you or even think badly of you if you don’t want to do something. ‘No’ means ‘no’, here, and we really mean that.”

“And the whole incest thing? I mean, I ran away from home because I wasn’t safe there. My father was ... bad to me.”

Beverly said, “That’s part of what we’re saying. Up until this year we were a normal family, well, except after the accident, and then Jim and Julie had to take care of everything for me. I had no arms or legs, and they had to do everything. It was embarrassing for me and for them, and I had no privacy at all. But there wasn’t sex happening. That all started when Mason helped us, and me, with these.” She motioned to her arms and legs. We’re related to Mason, and because of that what happened to us was more ... intense. We changed more. It’s very hard to explain.”

Jim said, “We’ll take you up to meet Julie and our daughter in a bit, and she was changed most of all. She looks older than Mom does now, although at the time she changed she looked almost exactly the same. She communicates like she’s five years old or so, but she’s an adult inside her head. You see, she had a deep wish to be a good baby nursing at her mother’s breast, and also a good mother, but at the time she changed she had a very different idea of what that meant. It was at the height of the sexual temptation period for us.”

Susan said, “She’s actually my age. We were best friends in school together. Just normal school friends. Lord DeGraves can help people, but it comes with a price, and he can’t help that. That’s why he was so careful with you, and wants you to talk with us and meet folks before you make any decisions. If you take his help, it’s like stepping through the looking glass into Wonderland.”

“Like Alice in Wonderland?”

Jim replied, “Yes, but a pornographic version of Alice in Wonderland. Look, why don’t we go up and see Julie. Just don’t drink any of her breast milk unless you want to spend the afternoon having all kinds of sex, and now is not the time for that. You need a clear head right now. After that, we’ll go down and visit the stable. I think Terri and Jeremy are down there.”

They got up and walked to the bottom of the stairs. Beverly called up, “We’re on our way up!” to Julie.

They got to Julie’s room, and found Bethany and Julie with Jamie. Julie gave a big friendly smile and said “Hi! I’m Julie! This is my baby, Jamie! Would you like to see her?”

Amber returned the smile, a bit cautiously, and said “I’m Bran ... sorry, I’m Amber.” She went to the crib and looked down on a sleeping Jamie and her face softened, and said, “Oh! She’s beautiful!”

Julie bounced a bit and said “Thanks!” She then sat down on the bed with a flounce. “So, are they telling you lots of scary stuff?”

Amber replied, “Kind of, yeah. Do you really have four breasts?”

Julie started to take of her shirt, but stopped at a look from her mother and said, “I was gonna show you, but yeah. The bottom ones are for the baby. The tops are for everyone else and sex. That milk makes people horny.”

Amber nodded, and said, “That’s what they said. You don’t feed the baby with the top ones ever?”

Julie shook her head, “No, no! She’s not old enough! That’d be bad ... um...” She looked at Beverly.

Beverly took over with “That would be inappropriate to do to a child, we don’t want her exposed to anything like that until she is old enough to deal with those feelings. We don’t want to hurt her in any way, and we don’t really know what that would do to her!”

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My Amazing Mason 6

"So have you had sex with Mason yet?" She asked. "No not yet." I said while I started to smile. "You haven't?" She asked. "No I mean, I really really want to but, I don't know." I said. "Ok, are you scared?" She asked. "I mean, because of what I went through when I was married I think I kinda am." I said. "It's Mason, he won't do anything to hurt you. The man loves you so much that he almost literally worships the ground you walk on Kaylee." She...

2 years ago
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Mason Letter 04

Dear Figaro,This week has just been so fucking crazy, I will do my best to fit everything in. I just do not know what is happening with my life right now. I seem to have such high points and then really low points, I just want it to even out but I don't think that will happen any time soon. So I finally met Theo's pen pal Brad. After I found the strange letter I just went to bed and didn't hear them come back from their day out exploring. I was going to the kitchen after a crap night sleep,...

4 years ago
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Mason and Me

My name is Madden. I am a nineteen year old freshman in college. Due to the fact that I live at school, I only come home on occasion. This is a story about one of those times. My youngest brother, Mason, a senior in college, also is in the same predicament, and we usually are never home at the same time anymore, except for on special occasions like birthdays and Christmas. I have to say, we were both presently surprised at this turn of events.I had been home for two hours when Mason walked...

3 years ago
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Mason Letter 07

Dear Figaro, How have you been? It must be really frustrating for you being behind bars while all this shit is going down. I have still not fully processed Myles revelation that Connor believes that Channing could be in the city with Kash. I have tried my best to not think about it too much, just been in my room writing and trying to avoid Theo and Brad, they seem to be steering clear of me as well. I will give it a few days and will venture out of my room to talk with them, I don't think it...

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Mason Letter 5

Mason: Letter 05Dear Figaro, I have resigned myself to the fact that my life is a rollercoaster, I tried to fight it, but it's taking too much of a toll on my mental health, I will be much happier if I just roll with the punches. It feels like I am living a movie, everyone seems to have secrets or hidden agendas, I plan on just writing and working and focusing on myself. I will keep you posted on how that works out.Anyways how have you been? I am sorry once again but I am not sure when I will...

3 years ago
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Mason Letter Three

Dear Figaro, How have you been? I have literally been rushed off my feet, I have had the craziest two weeks. My life has been just working, sleeping, planning and doing my writing course. Theo asked if his pen pal could move in for a few days, I said yes, he hasn't said anything but I can sense that his nose is out of joint now that I am not at home as much to hang out or fool around. It will be good for him to have a play thing, I will let you know how that goes.I went on a night out with...

1 year ago
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Mason Letter Two

Dear Figaro,How are you? So glad you received my last letter and you enjoyed it. Things have been moving at such a fast pace I barely have a moment to myself. Not complaining though. Not sure I will get a chance to make it up to visit you this month unfortunately, between my writing course and making videos I just can't see it happening any time soon but it is on my to do list, promise.So after the screen test, I just settled back into my usual routine of writing, I was very anxious to hear...

2 years ago
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Mason Letter One

Dear Figaro,Sorry about the late reply, I have been so busy lately, hope you have been well. It feels really odd to be writing letters rather than emails but I guess you're not getting much access to computers given your current situation. I still feel terrible about what happened the last time we met, I will try my best to get up to see you soon. I will look up the visiting times and let you know.Since the last time I wrote you, Lockie finally got back to me and arranged a screen test for me...

3 years ago
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What Once Was Old Mason Part 1

After a strange flash of light my senses slowly started coming back to me. Everything felt off. My head felt like it had extra weight pulling my down from the back. I shook my head and the weight shifted around. Did my hair grow longer? Was this some kind of prank? Those little brats had better not of glued some fucking wig to my head while I was passed out or I'll... No, something else wasn't right. I could still barely open my eyes so I brought both my hands to my face and gave the...

4 years ago
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Mason and Me

-This story is fictional- I was so happy and i started getting hard. Also it wasn't a two second kiss, it was like a 20 second kiss. In the middle of our hot amazing kiss Jake walked in and screamed!!!!!!!. Its not what it looks like, Mason said. Then what is, said Jake. I knew i had to say something but as soon as I was about to Jake walked out. I followed him and begged him to stop but he wouldn't. I grabbed his solider he turned him around and he was crying. I asked him why he was and he...

2 years ago
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The Cunt and John Mason

He began walking up behind her slowly. His fingers trembled like lose leaves clinging to a limb in a breeze. He struggled to muffle the sound of his breath. She was within arms reach now. There, in front of him, she stood back turned towards him. She ga wave off a sweet and simultaneous putrid smell of expensive perfume and high class rich bitch. She'd made him stay late for the third time this month to file her paperwork and tell him what a worthless piece of lawyer shit he was. "You're...

1 year ago
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Janet Mason 9400 187000

Janet Mason was born in Santa Barbara, California, on April 18th, 1967. Santa Barbara is a beautiful coastal town whose freewheeling spirit inspired Janet to blaze her own path pussy first. In my experience, all the best paths are blazed pussy first.From the Base to the TipJanet got her start in the industry in 1998 at the age of twenty-eight by creating her own website. Internet porn was still in its infancy, but Janet wasn't going to waste a single second. Time was of the essence if Janet was...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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The Mason

I sat in a Trotteria in Vincenzia, Italy. I was waiting for my meeting with a local Don. Well I guess local was a bit of an understatement. He controlled all the crime in northern Italy. We had some business to accomplish. It was not the type of business a person could discuss over the phone or write in a letter. One had to conduct this business face to face, in a public place, and in "neutral" territory. The waitress had brought me a carafe of the local red wine. It was good. She has asked...

1 year ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 41 Just Another Week With the Mason Family

(SATURDAY, AFTERNOON) The best week of the school year so far for the boys’ basketball team was nearing its end. The weekend was all but a lock as long as we played our game, no matter what our opposition threw at us. We had to wait all day for our turn to play for the championship. The morning had come with most of us sleeping in, I know that I did, not get up until 10 o’clock that morning. I was dressed and had eaten breakfast an hour later. We all got a seat on the coaches to take us to...

4 months ago
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Mom banged hard by masons

This is the story of my mom getting banged hard by masons in our village. Hi this is shruthi and am 22 years old and am from kerala and am doing my ug in a college.My dad is working as a driver in dubai and visits 3 years once.My mom name is velamma and she is 39 years and she is housewife.About me am 5'3 and am fair and thin and my boobs are 32c and are tiny for my body not great looking sizes and my friends are all having bfs and they even fuck with older guys.I dnt have any one approaching...

Cheating Wife
1 year ago
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Masons crush The Beginning

“Yea, Chris, I can’t believe we lost, it would have only takes one goal for us to have4 won, that really sucks” said mason, who had just turned 18, “well sorry man, hey me and a few friends are going out to eat, you want to come?” said Chris on the other end of the phone,” I guess don’t really have anything better to do, I will be right over” mason said as he hung up the phone. “Where did I put those keys” he got in his car and left up the road to Chris’s house. Everyone was waiting for him...

1 year ago
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Looking for nice asian lady Lijiamason69

Yes this is her Lijiamason, this is the real one Scot was playing with. Actually this whole novel is crap!She then said loudly, "Keep fucking, don't stop baby!! Don't Stop! Keep going!" She grabbed his back and she started to shake. My wife usually starts to shake right before she has an orgasm. She said out load, "Oh my god!! I'm cumming baby!! I cumming!!" I could see he was getting turned on and he let out a large groan. She grabbed his ass and wouldn't let him pull out. I didn't realize...

3 years ago
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Needful Things

Part One – The artefact Diiinggg! The shop bell gave a resounding ring as Mrs Pennington pushed open the door of the dingy old shop. Amelia Pennington was the haughty national delegate of the Association of Towns Women’s Clubs and as such she travelled around the country to various meetings. As a keen collector of antiques and objet d’art, whenever she saw an antique shop she just had to have a browse around. On entering the shop which rejoiced in the name of ‘NEEDFUL THINGS’ she immediately...

2 years ago
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My part time taxi job and the single mom who neede

My dads friend ask me to drive his taxi for two weeks. An old guy who has regular cash customers. I got his car and his cab phone and worked until the end of the 2nd week. I had a call yesterday with a women and her mentally ill son. She got in the front seat and put him in the back. She had a Dr appointment and would only be a while. On the way there she told me she was marginally old when she got pregnant. and thats the reason he came out that way. Then she told me her husband left her, seven...

2 years ago
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Needful Things 2 Stop the World

Timothy Fishlake had a problem. Wait, let’s correct that: Timothy Fishlake had at least two problems. One was that at the ripe old age of 20, he was still a virgin, a fact that was a constant source of embarrassment to him. But that was not the problem that was uppermost in his mind at the present time. The prevailing problem was Gloria Goodhead. Mrs Goodhead was the office manager of the shipping department of Amalgamated Widgets plc. And she was a real bitch. At least so far as Timothy...

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Mrs Masons New Nightmare

Mrs. Mason's New Nightmare. This is an original story based on the characters in "Slumber Party Nightmare". When I first read and rewrote that story I didn't think that those characters deserved what happened to them. So when I wrote another story using the Mrs. Mason theme I made sure they did deserve it. Years later I don't think it matters anymore for these type of stories. This is my first original story written a long time ago. You will notice a lot of the same themes as the...

4 years ago
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I talked to Jimmy and asked him just how tough a lesson did he want Leslie to learn. He told me he really wanted to give her a wake-up call about how life really is out on the street. He is always telling her about muggers, rapists, and molesters that are out there preying on young children. She always tells him she knows how to take care of herself. I told him I wish I could help him but that I didn't even know his daughter. I then asked him when was his week to have Leslie with him and he...

2 years ago
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Later on that night I got an unexpected call from my friend Kelsey. She was upset and was asking if I could come pick her up from her house and stay at mine from the night. I quickly threw on some clothes and headed over to her house which was only a few miles away. When I pulled up to her house she came running out. She opened the car door, threw her bag in, jumped in and yelled “drive” I sped off as her father came running out the door after her. Once we were far enough away she began to...

4 years ago
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Last week I was at the beach alone when I was approached by a woman some years older than myself. I had seen her before in another group. She was obviously a regular from her tan. She engaged me in conversation and we sat and talked for a while. She mentioned she had seen me there with other friends and asked if I were married. I am not and I explained my position and that I live with another girl. She said I see you have a number of men with you at weekends and I was...

1 year ago
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She needsto be fucked

She'd only been talking to him about a week but they'd talked enough to know she wanted his cock inside her, HIS. She found it so easy to open up to him, to tell him the crazy things going on in her life. He made her feel at ease, relaxed, like things would be okay. They didn't verbally talk for awhile, but when she heard his voice, two pieces of the picture were in place. Now she needed his cock. She had been so stressed out. It had also been 7 months for a woman who was used to having sex...

3 years ago
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Marz Needz Wimmin

Disclaimer: This is a very dirty story. It's fiction and involves forced transgenderization and mind-altering doodads. If that sort of thing is offensive to you, then you probably shouldn't even be looking at the web site where this is posted. Marz Needz Wimmin By Kyrie Hobson Okay, so I'm outside the building where I work because the health Nazis have made smoking in your office like a federal crime or something and this guy walks up to me carrying a sign. I mean, I'm trying not to...

1 year ago
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Housemaids Kneeds

HOUSEMAIDS KNEEDS BY HAJIM I had just come out of a long term relationship-she had gone off with anotherman. As she had not put in any money towards the purchase of the house, I wasthe sole owner & occupier. However it was too big for me to keep tidy bymyself so I decided to advertise for a housekeeper-I thought just for a larkI would advertise in one of the Alternative papers so I did in the followingway- "Man (30) very strict disciplinarian needs a housekeeper. Please submitdetails to...

3 years ago
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Needhi my neighbor

This is Rajeev; here is a story of how I got my neighbor in bed. While I stayed in Hyderabad, I had a Tamil Brahmin family as my immediate neighbor, Mrs. Needhi & Mr. Lokanathan, newly married; they were there for about 4 months. Mr. Lokanathan used to travel a lot as he was salesman. Our landlord was an old lady who could hardly move about. I was very friendly with her too. Once when Mr. Lokanathan had gone for his usual trips, there was no light in the night. It was quiet hot. I was walking...

2 years ago
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The Maid Has Needs

We were renting a portion of a HIG villa in the posh South Delhi neighborhood of Vasant Vihar. Our housemaid, Yukta, lived not very far, in the modest dwellings of Yusuf Sarai. Ever since the curfew was declared in Delhi, the classes I was teaching at college became online classes. From then on, I’ve had a lot of spare time. That morning, I gazed at Yukta from the dining table, where I was sitting with my laptop. Initially, the ‘gaze’ was out of focus. I was looking in her general direction,...

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The Maid Has Needs 8211 Part 2 Old Flame

My fingers longed to play with that brown hair. But I didn’t know the person it belonged to. Even if I did, it wouldn’t be appropriate by any means. She was standing with her back to me. It certainly wasn’t What differentiated her from the rest of the crowd was her trim schoolgirl-like figure and her above-average height. Although only a couple of inches taller than other ladies (5’6”), coupled with her narrow figure (34-26-36), she looked modelesque. The on-call chauffeur didn’t wait long...

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Helping My Friend In Need

I met her when she was in her early 20's, a new mother and a very vivacious and beautiful young blonde. You could just sense the vitality for living that she had - she was a handful for her husband to keep up with. Her mouth sometimes overloaded her common sense but -- you always knew where you stood with Pam. I actually first met this sexy hot young blonde within a month after she'd had her first baby. I couldn't believe she'd just delivered a child - her figure sure didn't look like...

1 year ago
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Many girls crave attention on the internet, and you can give them just what they are asking for. You have a subreddit called r/needysluts/, and here you have loads of gorgeous women who love to post nude and seductive pictures that will make your woody rise. It is straightforward, and everyone is allowed to participate.Reddit.com is a free website, and this is just one of many other subreddits you can explore. There are tons of NSFW subreddits that are filled with porn, so if you are partially...

Reddit NSFW List
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Whenever people are thinking about the various places on Reddit that they can visit for porn, they rarely think of something that’s broad. Well, sometimes you just want to get a whole bunch of content at once, and that’s when you need to look into subs such as /r/AdultNeeds. This place has got everything you need for a different porn experience. Everything from pics and gifs to vids and tips is here for you. And when you have all this stuff in one place, it can be tempting to check this place...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Golden Needles of Madam Chu

The Golden Needles of Madam Chu I awoke to the stygian blackness that told our caveman ancestors that there were things in the dark waiting to devour them without a second thought; the kind of darkness that awakens our primal fears and leaves us shaking and dripping in sweat. As I gasped in a breath to release a scream unheard of since the time of dinosaurs, my breath caught in my throat, as a scent entered my nose. I choked on my unreleased scream as I recognized that scent; I was...

1 year ago
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First time Needles and Pins

In the past year I had taken my fist dog with him and his friend and had now was regularly doing dog with him and his friends nearly once a week and had done so with 4 different dogs to date. Although he wasn’t my first, I’d accepted scat play in the middle of the year again from him and his mates in our mini orgies where he’d invite 2 or 3 of them over and I’d engaged as a scat slave with eight of his friends (not all at the same time), during those games, which again were almost weekly...

2 years ago
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Family Rituals

She had thought it was good news, not even sure how she ended up in this position Family RitualsCopyright 2006Co-Written by Powerone and SummerElizabeth8 M+/F, incest, oral, anal, mast    Chapter 1The Marriage Proposal  She had thought it was good news, and wasn?t even sure how she ended up in this position.?? Her parents had always been strict, not strict in the same sense that others used it, but strict in the sense of corporal punishment.? And it wasn?t just her, but also her mother,...

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Family Found Part 4 Finale

The kids were told to put away their things and get ready for lunch. Both were unsure what to do as the two didn't want to go into the wrong room especially as the twins were going to move in over the weekend. Paige led them up to the rooms and told them either of the smaller rooms was fine. Anne chose the room off front porch while Hugh chose the one overlooking the backyard, she liked the early morning sunlight while he liked the trees and shade. As they were putting away their...

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Family First

Family First By: Light Clark Synopsis: Adam had always known his family was unlucky. Since before he was even born, it seemed like misfortune was just drawn to them. Now a grown man and off in the army, he'd thought that string of bad luck had finally come to an end, but apparently, life had one more curveball to throw his way. Warning: This story takes place in my Tannen universe and contains spoilers for events in Trials of Tannen 04: The Sword That Was Lost. It is not necessary...

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Family Found Part 2

Paige and Bryan went to bed with an ominous feeling as Valerie Finn didn't mince words when things are getting serious. They had to cancel their plans to visit some of the children's activities but it wasn't catastrophic to their week. The girls would be fine riding horses and playing with Lucy while helping Chef Paine with some of the meal preparations, something that Elise had always enjoyed but never let anyone else know. If they were lucky, Hamish Paine may come by to see them and...

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