Mason Letter 08 free porn video

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Mason: Letter 08

Dear Figaro,

Hope you are well, Myles has been keeping me updated since the break in and assault last week. The CCTV system was hacked so there is no footage from anywhere on the premises that night, Brad said that he was punched from behind then pummelled once he fell to the floor, so he couldn't give the police a positive I.D. Myles told the cops that he believes that the person who hand delivered the letters to my apartment was the same one who attacked him and Brad. In his last text to me he said that Connor is still tracking Kash but the guy that could be Channing hasn't been spotted in the last few days. He is worried that one of his team is feeding Kash information about the investigation so he has to be careful what he reveals to his team until he can find the potential mole.

Brad was released from hospital the next evening. He has bruising to his face and a gash on his forearm from broken glass, Theo announced that they were going to stay in a motel until they found their own place. To be honest I don't blame him for moving out, things between him and Brad seem to be serious and like me he is scared to be there. I have been staying with Myles until things settle down, Tommy is still on the scene, he is very concerned for me and wants me to stay the weekend once I am done with the feature. I think I really like him Figaro, but I am very cautious about bringing him into my life at the moment so I think keeping him at arm's length is for the best.

The police have been over it with a fine tooth comb but they haven't found much, I am scared to go back in there so I have sent Myles in to get me some clothes, my laptop and journals. He has been gone a lot of the time talking to Connor so I don't see too much of him and when I do see him he keeps quizzing me about my past and Kash. It's hard remembering that period of my life but if it has the potential to help find Channing then I will do anything.

I was glad when Thursday came around, I needed to get away and clear my mind, all the sitting around waiting for news was driving me mad, writing helped a lot but I needed something more, this feature film, I hoped, would be a blessing in disguise.
I travelled to the airport on my own in the morning, Myles offered to drive me but I declined, he was going into the city for another meeting with Connor and I didn't want him to be late. Finally making it through the security checks I made my way to the lounge, Dylan O was there with his agent and entourage. His agent had a table in front of the sofa and they were hunched over what seemed like a mountain of paper work, Dylan nodded at me and I gave a weak wave.
Curtis and Sy were standing talking to Casey, Knocks and Jupiter. I made my way over to them scanning the room for Lockie but I couldn't see him.

"Mason, great you are here," Sy said, handing me a glass of orange juice, "we are just going over the itinerary for the shoot, we will discuss your scenes before takeoff."

"Perfect," I replied, setting down my carry on and finding a seat.

I was lost in my own world, scanning my phone for any updates from Myles when Lockie sat down beside me.

"Hey Mas, I didn't see you come in," he said with a grin.

"I just arrived."

"All set for the big shoot?" he asked, placing his own bag down by his feet and pulling out a folder.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied glancing at the sheets on his lap.

"This is my new contract with the studio."

"Oh nice, glad you got everything sorted."

I was trying to be civil after our last encounter but I couldn't help but feel that he deliberately sat beside me and took out this folder for a reason.

"Yes, lots more money and I will be featured in a few more scenes over the next few months, Curtis said he will put a lot more focus on raising my star, I signed the exclusivity contract in the end."

"That's awesome," I said with a false smile plastered on my face, "if it's what you want then I am happy for you."
"It's only for six months but I will be very busy, there is talk of me getting my own series, I just have to figure out how I want to play it."

"What brought about your sudden change of heart, I thought you only wanted to do cam stuff," I said, putting the drink to my lips.

"Well I've seen how great you've been doing and I want a piece of that," he began to leaf through the sheets in his contract.

I sat in silence for a minute or so, wondering the best way to respond, I wanted to be his friend again but I also wanted to make sure that he was doing this for the right reasons and not some stupid attempt to get back at me for stealing his thunder.

"So you are cool with shooting scenes with guys now, you usually only did wank videos, right?"

"I have to get over that hurdle when I get to it I guess, I will be the highest paid star on the site so I don't give a fuck where I stick it, Curtis has offered me double if I agree to bottom." He said quickly.

"Bottom!, c'mon Lockie, that sounds like you are selling out, you told me years ago you wouldn't go there, are you doing this to somehow get back at me?"

"There you go, I was waiting for it to be all about you," he said with a dramatically raised voice.

Everyone in the room stopped talking and stared in our direction, I could feel my cheeks getting red.

"That's not what I meant, stop thinking I am out to get you," I hissed through gritted teeth, "believe it or not I am looking out for you."

"Please, you have only been here five minutes and already you think you are a fucking expert."

"Mr. Gent seems to think I am doing ok." I retorted, instantly regretting it seeing the stung look on his face.

"I didn't think you were like this Mason," he sounded hurt, he began stuffing the sheets back into his bag, "I think we should just steer clear of each other for the sake of the shoot, agreed?"

"If that's what you want then fine by me." I was also hurt but with everything going on in my life at the moment I really wasn't in the mood for a spoilt Lockie. I drained my drink and made my way over to Mr. Gent who was speaking to Jupiter.

"Mason, what was that all about, I really hope there will be no drama on this shoot, there is too much at stake here, depending on how it turns out Curtis and I are thinking of submitting it for award season, not to mention all the money involved."

"It's all good, don't worry,"

"Hope so, I was just about to go over the shooting schedule with Jupiter but now that you are here it saves time."

Jupiter shot me an excited wink.

"After we land and get settled into our rooms, we will be doing a photo shoot on the beach, won't take too long hopefully, then Curtis, Sy and I are splitting up and shooting scenes at the same time, right now it's a bit of a headache but we are working on it being as smooth as possible."

He did look very stressed Figaro, his eyes were drawn and his face was very pale. Jupiter was trying very hard to contain his excitement.

"Who and what will I be doing?" he asked.

Mr. Gent quickly traced his fingers down a line on the I pad.

"For you we were thinking, you and Dylan first, then maybe you and Knocks and Casey, then the seven guy final scene orgy. We will see when we get there how we are going for time."

He let out a squeal of glee.

"And me?" I asked cautiously.

"Mason, you have a three way with Sy and Lockie, and then along with everyone you will be involved with the orgy. You will get more directions once we land and sort out who is directing the individual scenes."

I tried to hide my distain, having a three way with Sy would be uncomfortable enough but adding Lockie would make it nearly impossible. I couldn't voice my concern though, not after the exchange I just had.

"You happy with that? I realise that Curtis is being a bit of a spoilt brat, throwing his toys out of the pram, but you just have to ignore it and put on your best show, it's your career we are talking about here, I am only concerned about what happens on film not the shit that goes on behind the camera. I will be sitting beside you on the plane anyways we can discuss it if you like."

We boarded soon after that, I was seated in the middle aisle, Casey was on my left while Mr. Gent and Curtis were on my right, I could see Lockie looking at who I was sitting next to, as he placed his bag over head, anger flashed across his face.

"Nervous flyer?" Casey asked buckling his belt.

"No not really, I haven't flown that much but it doesn't bother me,"

It was the first time I spoke to Casey sober, I found him to be very nice and relaxed, he was about twenty, very tall and thin, and had dark blonde hair, he was also new but had developed a strong following due to his very boyish looks, he was the most viewed before I started with the studio. Unlike Lockie he didn't resent me.

"Your scene with Dylan O is easily my favorite on the site," he said after we were up in the air."I really hope he gets to fuck me in the orgy,"

I felt a tap on my shoulder, Curtis was leaning across Mr. Gent.

"Mason, sorry I didn't to speak to you in the lounge, everything ok with you?" he said before he looked at Lockie.

"Yes everything is fine, really excited to get to the hotel and begin shooting,"

"And you're happy with all your scene partners,"

Mr. Gent looked at me and nodded slightly, out of view from Curtis.

"Couldn't be more happier."

"That's great to hear, you were the most requested co-star, Dylan wanted you but I thought it would be best if we showed more angles to you guys, Sy practically begged me for another shot at you, and Lockie only agreed to this shoot if could top you, I decided to kill two birds with one scene. You cool with that?"

I nodded and stared ahead.

My insides were in knots. Lockie only signed on so he could fuck me! my mind was conflicted, any feelings that I had towards him were decreasing. Lately I was beginning to rethink how I actually felt about him Figaro. I pushed it out of my mind and began to chat some more to Casey.

Once we had landed and collected our luggage we were driven to the hotel in three separate cars. Curtis, Sy and Mr. Gent were in the first car, Lockie, Casey and Knocks were in the second, Dylan, Jupiter and I were in the last, Dylan's entourage and agent were renting their own car as Dylan would not be flying back with us. He was staying on longer to start shooting his calendar.

I was grateful that Jupiter sat in the front seat, I couldn't handle is enthusiasm much more, he began to talk the ear off the driver about the area.

"He's very eager," Dylan said as we drove out of the airport.

"Tell me about it," I replied, rolling down my window and letting the warm air rush in. "You excited for this shoot?"

"Sort of, I really enjoyed our scene, I'm just concerned about the orgy."

"Same," I muttered. "Not sure how it's going to go down but everything has been signed, too late to back out now."

"Ha! I am Dylan. O remember, I do what I want."

We both laughed at his faux diva outburst.

We soon pulled into the hotel, it was a huge white building with a big sweeping lawn out front. You could hear the crash of the waves the second you stepped out of the car, it was beautiful.

We checked in and made our way to our rooms.

I was sharing a room with Knocks, everyone else was paired up besides Dylan who had a suite to himself.

I took in the huge room when I entered. It had two king sized beds, a writing desk in one corner, a sofa and giant flat screen TV took up the opposite one, the balcony looked down to the pool. It also had a massive en-suite, I could see Knock's suitcase on one of the beds but he was nowhere to be seen. I quickly showered and put on my shorts and t-shirt and made my way to the lobby. We were due to have drinks before we walked to the beach for our photo shoot, the first scenes were due to be filmed later that evening, but when I arrived in the lobby everyone was standing around in a circle.

"Drinks will be served later Mason," Sy said swinging his camera equipment over his shoulder, "Curtis wants these photos done in two hours."

I was looking forward to having a drink but could see the sense in getting it out of the way while it was still bright out. We all set off towards the beach, the salty air was so refreshing. The excited chatter from everyone was infectious and I soon found myself relaxing in the heat of the sun.

We walked to the far end of the beach around a curve, it was very secluded and the ideal spot for our shoot. Everyone was going to have a set of individual pictures, one fully clothed, then topless, one with our backs turned to the camera showing our asses, and the final one was to be with our dicks hard. Once your set was taken you were free to enjoy the beach until it was time to walk back. We all sat around and watched Casey get his set taken, his body was very lean and muscular, not a single rib of body hair, his cock was long and thin, I would say about 6', he had told me that the thick framed glasses he wore were his trademark, Curtis said they made him look like a nerdy student.

Soon after I was finished I decided to go for a swim in the ocean, the water was cool and aqua green. Everyone was in great spirits, laughing and joking, some were showing off their gymnastic skills while Jupiter was doing the rounds flirting with everyone. I was just wading along the waves edge when Knocks came up to me.

"Hey roomie, I finally get a chance to talk to you, I am Knocks."

I took in his body as he spoke to me, he was about my height, extremely ripped, his skin the color of chocolate. I could see a dusting of hair that went from his protruding belly button down to his waist line. I had seen pictures of his cock on the site and it looked mouth watering, 9' for sure and thick. His hair was in shoulder length thin dreads held off his face by a red bandana. He was very attractive.

We walked and talked for a bit, he was excited to be here. He had worked for another studio before but this was his first feature. We offered to help Sy as he walked past us carrying all of the equipment.

"Thanks guys," he said sweating and out of breath. "Curtis wanted to keep costs down so he refused to hire anyone new. Pain in the ass."

"You get all the shots you need," I asked as we crossed the parking lot.

"Yes, the light was perfect and everyone came out amazing, they will look great on the cover. We have our scene, in thirty minutes. Curtis called as I was packing up, he is going to be directing us down by the pool. He has paid the hotel to keep the other guests away while we shoot."

Five minutes later we dropped off the equipment at Sy's door.

"See you in twenty Mason. Knocks, Mr. Gent will call your room in about an hour, he is going to be shooting your three way with Casey and Jupiter in his room."

We both nodded and quickly made our way back to our room. I showered quickly, douched and pulled on black short swim trunks, they were very snug and made my ass pop. I quickly did some exercise. I wished Knocks good luck in his scene, threw on my white socks and left.

I found Lockie sitting on a deck chair waiting as Sy and Curtis set up the monitor. Lockie was wearing lime green shorts and nothing else. I hadn't spoken to him at the beach so I remained silent and sat in the deck chair away from him.

"Just so you know Mason," he said without looking at me, "I won't be holding back today, Curtis seems to think I can be bigger than you so I am giving it my all."

I didn't respond right away, just looked at my phone and checked my messages, Myles had texted me saying no progress to report and the police were still investigating the break in. I groaned and stood up angrily.

"No need to be angry Mason," he said putting both hands behind his head, basking in the heat.

"What? this has nothing to do with you Lockie, my apartment was broken into last week, so much has happened that you don't know about."

"Why did you agree to do the shoot then, seems like you should be back in the city focusing on that."

"This is my getaway from all the drama, well I thought it was going to be a getaway but obviously not. Kash is back in the city as well, Channing may be with him."

I don't know why I felt the need to tell him my issues but deep down I guess I wanted him to know what was going on with me in case it snapped him out of his bratty phase.

"Mason I am just trying to focus on the shoot this weekend, ok, I don't have time to listen to all your dramas, so let's just leave that at the door."

I couldn't believe it Figaro, my best friend in the world, the one guy who I had confided in, was dismissing my problems with no more than an insolent hand gesture. My blood began to boil, I gripped my phone until my fingers went white. I forced myself to take deep breathes.

"Yes Lockie, I just thought you might be concerned or care what has been happening to me in the last few weeks but again I was wrong. I do hope you bring your best, I sure as hell am."

We sat in stony silence until Curtis approached us and went over the outline of the scene. Sy was going to be the bottom for most of it, the last part of the scene will have Lockie fuck me as I fuck Sy. In the past I would have given anything to have Lockie inside me but now it was totally different.

Sy was wearing his trademark dark blue jock strap with "In'DaMan'd" on the waistband. Curtis went and spoke to Lockie before he moved behind the monitor again and we took our positions. He made some slight adjustments before giving us the thumbs up.

We were going to head straight into the action as per instructions, he wanted hot sex and aimed to cut out the boring bullshit. He also wanted the whole feature shot in two days so we didn't have much time to play with.

Lockie sat back on the lounge deck chair, Sy moved towards him on all fours, his ass stuck up in the air. I knelt behind him on his left side. Curtis moved towards us with the handheld. He had two other stationary cameras placed around the chair, I could feel him over my shoulder as I pried Sy's ass cheeks apart. His puckered ring opened slightly, I pointed my tongue and gently began to lick him, he had Lockies meaty cock out now and had started to suck him off.

I fanned his rosebud gently at first before I flattened my tongue and began rim him with the pad of my tongue. His cunt felt so soft and once again I could faintly taste the coconut from the lube. I started to swirl around a half an inch inside of his backdoor. I spat at the start of his crack and watched my saliva slowly trickle down over his pulsating twat. I repeated this step for about a minute before I slid in the first finger.

I could hear him gagging on Lockie's dick, his head was frantically bobbing up and down, Lockie had his hand placed on the back of his bald head, forcing him further down his cock. My anger at Lockie was temporarily overruled as I took in his tanned, toned body. He was the ideal specimen of a man. My carnal instinct kicked in and I decided that if Lockie wanted my crown he was going to have to take it.

I finger blasted Sy with three fingers, he felt so tight compared to Jupiter's hole, I could feel his sphincter tighten each time I pulled out. A few twists and I knew then that he was ready.
I slapped both his ass cheeks and stood up, he spun around on the chair and offered his ass up to Lockie, he began to massage my junk through my shorts before pulling them down and exposing my throbbing hard on.
I grabbed his chin and kissed him, tasting the cock that he had just gagged on, I pulled down his lower lip before I placed my cock inside his open mouth. Lockie entered him as I shoved my member down the back of his throat, he must have contracted his cunt because Lockie let out a moan of pleasure at the unexpected sensation. This turned me on more, knowing that Lockie was bringing his A game and we were locked in a secret battle to be number one, and the fact that Sy had admitted that I was the best he had ever had. Sy was our battlefield.

I pulled out my cock and slapped it off his stuck out tongue, when I re-entered his mouth I slid it to the side so his cheek was extended. I continued to fuck the side of his mouth before ramming it back down his throat. Lockie was increasing his thrusts now, to me it seemed like he couldn't fuck him hard or quick enough. It was at that moment that I went into the zone, everything else faded away, all the worries or stresses, I was in the moment.

Sy started to work on my balls as Lockie continued to pummel him from behind. The sounds of him slurping on my cock and Lockie's hips slapping against his ass turned me on so much I thought I would burst. I kicked off my shorts and spun around, my ass was face level with Sy. I could feel his soft lips start to kiss my butt before I felt his hot wet tongue give my shitter a bath. He was getting fucked really hard now, the lounge chair was grating against the ground. With every moan it sent a slight vibration into my cunt, I could feel it deep inside of me.

I began to tug my cock, knowing that pretty soon I was going to fuck and be fucked.

"Yes! eat it like that, go fucking deep," I moaned as I moved my leg to give him better access to my ring.

Lockie began to spank him, each push from him was shoving Sy deeper into my crack. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I could feel Sy squeeze my thigh, that meant it was switch up time.
I was so fucking horny then.

I pulled on the condom quickly and lubed up. Sy was on his back now, ankles in the air. I pulled him forward and rubbed my helmet against his hole. Lockie had mounted him and was squatting over his face, I could see Sy's tongue licking him out. I couldn't take it anymore I entered his asshole and began to pound away, he had to grab Lockie's thighs to steady himself. I chanced a look at Lockie, he cast me a quick knowing smirk before he closed his eyes and moaned theatrically.
Sy's ass was just right for a good ploughing, Lockie had loosened him up well. Once again Figaro, we were informed that Sy would not be showing any penis this shoot and his jockstrap would remain on during the whole scene. I found it odd but didn't think to question it, I am sure he had a good reason.

I grabbed the back of his knees and arched him up a fraction, it was here that I was able to go ball deep in him. It felt so fucking good that I knew I had to do something else or I would nut too early and the scene would be over. I slowed down my rapid pace and leaned forward, Lockie's cock was swaying about as he was moving up and down on Sy's face, after a few attempts I caught it in my mouth hands free. He was surprised, as this was not in the outline but didn't stop me, I presumed that he too was in the zone.

I could taste his salty pre-cum as I sucked his helmet hard. He said he wanted me to bring my A game so here it was.

"Fucking tastes so good," I said looking up at him.

He didn't reply, just grabbed my head and forced himself deeper into my face. The head of his dick was banging against the back of my throat and I fucking loved it, spit was slipping out between my lips and landing on Sy's chest. It was messy, just the way I like it. After a few more thrusts Lockie stood up and walked behind me.

I resumed my hard fucking while he was putting on his rubber and lube. Sy's hand were twisting my nipples now and it was driving me wild. I could feel Lockie behind me, his hand on my lower back told me that I had to slow down. I took a deep breath and changed from slamming my hips to a gently push, giving him time to find my hole and put it in me. I started to feel pressure against my back door before I felt his thick cock enter. After all my nights dreaming about this, it was finally happening. Lockie was fucking me.

I could feel his thick throbbing cock pulsating within, the weight of him against me pushed me deeper inside of Sy's shitter. I have never felt pleasure like it Figaro. I slowly began to move back and forth, I pushed Sy's ankles up more so I could lean into him while pushing my ass up to receive Lockie. I could sense Curtis slide the hand held between our legs, getting the chain fuck. Lockie started to thrust a bit deeper now, he felt fucking enormous. Sy grabbed my face and pulled me into a sloppy French kiss.

It was a passionate kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth, I could faintly taste the musky scent of Lockie's ass hole. I responded in kind, my thrusting slowed down, there was no way I could keep fucking Sy like I was, not with Lockie taking me from behind, I moaned into Sy's mouth. The sensation was electric. Sy started to push more onto me, trying his best to match Lockie's motions. I stared into Sy's eyes, a naughty grin spread across his face, he was enjoying this on another level. He was jerking his cock underneath his underwear, suddenly, his face screwed up into a grimace and he shot his load over his toned stomach. His cunt contracted around my shaft with each squirt, if he had given me warning I would have blasted him till he bust.

I left my dick inside of him, arching my back more to give Lockie a better angle.

"Fuck the cum outta me Lockie," I said as I resumed kissing Sy.

Lockie's pace intensified, I could feel my cheeks getting red, sweat was already running down my brow. Sy began to pinch my nipples again, I was close. I could feel my cock tingle, my bollocks were contracting. I pulled out of Sy and he knelt before me. Lockie then began to plough my ass like never before. I couldn't contain myself a second longer. I shot thick streams of jizz all over Sy's face and into his mouth. He hungrily ate every drop, smearing some from his chin and across his pecks. I started to shudder, it was just so intense.

I slowly eased off Lockie and knelt beside Sy. We exchanged another kiss, I could taste my salty juice. It was fucking divine. Lockie began to beat his dick furiously. He looked like a god standing over us, I started massaging his balls, they felt full. Soon he moaned and grabbed my head, tilting it sideways. Sy placed his face right next to mine, both of us eagerly awaiting the load.

We didn't have to wait long, the first splash of his sex piss hit me on the chin, quickly followed by a jet across the nose, he pointed his spurting cock towards Sy and quickly painted his face with his milky cum. I started to lick it off Sy's face then slowly spitting it in to his mouth. I have never snowballed spunk before and it was so fucking hot, the fact that it was Lockies load made it all the more exciting.

Sy and I kissed and swapped the jizz for about a minute before Curtis said cut.

"Awesome work guys, real fucking hot. Lockie and Sy if you two could wait behind for a minute, just some things I need to discuss. Mason thanks a lot of your effort .I think Mr. Gent wants to have a meeting with you later.

And like that I was dismissed Figaro, I felt spent and tired but I had such a post fuck buzz I needed a drink. Sy and Lockie towelled off and walked towards Curtis. I jumped into the pool quickly, emerged, pulled on my shorts and left. I wasn't going to satisfy either Lockie or Curtis by waiting around. I didn't want to be dragged into their c***dish games right now. I was focusing on the meeting later.

I quickly made my way to the room, desperate for a drink and proper shower, I hoped I would be able to squeeze in a power nap if I had time. Again the room was empty. Knocks must've still been shooting. I quickly showered and poured myself some whiskey. I could feel my skin tingling from being out in the sun most of the day. I checked my phone again, Myles had messaged and said that there was no news on Kash or the break in. Tommy also messaged wishing me luck on the shoot and he was looking forward to us hanging out when I got back. I lay in the semi dark room and finished my drink, processing the events of the day.

I was surprised at Lockie's attitude towards me, I had a feeling this was Curtis's influence. I hoped that he had success on the site and was happy with his decisions, hopefully he was making them for the right reasons. His mind was obviously messed up at the moment and I couldn't reach him, I sort of pitied him really Figaro, but I was still hurting from his remarks before the scene.

I must have fallen asleep because before I knew what was happening Knocks was back and getting changed, he said his scene went really well and that he too was going to have a rest before the drinks and dinner. He told me that Mr. Gent wanted me to meet him on the patio for our meeting. I changed into some long pants and a loose fitting shirt, the temperature had cooled.

He was sitting on the far right of the patio, reading his Ipad when I sat down at the table.

"Mason, how has your day been?"

I quickly filled him in on the scene and my altercation with Lockie. He seemed disappointed but not surprised.

"I guess Curtis isn't as ok with your choice as it first seemed. I hope you will use this Mason, this is your first insight into how the business really works, some cave in and quit but I want you to hold on to the feeling and rise above it, use it as motivation. I know that you could be great, it just depends on how far you are willing to go."

I sat in silence, taking in everything he was saying. I didn't want to react hastily, I wanted to set up my future and reputation correctly. I had a feeling that this meeting right now was more important that I would ever really know. I was at a crossroads, I just hoped that I choose the right path.

"If you agree to go all out for... let's say a year, I can almost guarantee you steady work, both for this studio and many others. I think your best asset is your diversity. Most guys with your face and body are dud fucks, but not you, I can see so much potential in you Mason. The dildo and appearances are only a drop in the water. I think you have mainstream crossover appeal , maybe even a reality TV show or a book deal."

I had never thought that this porn stuff could be used as a credible avenue into other projects, it was that comment that had me sold.

"I'm in," I told him, reading the menu. "Let's do it."

He signalled the waitress and ordered a bottle of Champagne to celebrate.

"Just the one bottle, I want you fighting fit for the orgy tomorrow." He said, raising his glass to me. "Just let go and give it your all, tomorrow is the scene that is going to set you on the path to the top.

We spoke some more, he offered me tips on how to stand out from the crowd. I listened intently, this man knew what he was talking about and I knew that Lockie would be getting coached as well.

I walked back to my room a bit tipsy, feeling both happy and determined. Knocks was asleep when I went in, so I crept into my bed fully clothed and slept.

I woke the next day with a hint of a headache. Knocks was gone, Dylan had text me and told me that he wanted to see me before I went down for breakfast, within twenty minutes of replying, he was at my door. He was dressed in work out gear, tight black t-shirt and skin tight grey gym pants. He was sweating and looked so hot, I was going to do my best to take another ride on him during the scene.

"Hey, Dylan." I said, letting him in the room. He looked around, a smile crept on his face.
"Aw, your room is so cute."

"Not all of us are given suites." I replied, going to sit on the sofa.

"So my agent and I were speaking," he said kicking of his trainers and sitting beside me, "we were thinking that you and I should do a project together in the future. The scene proved that we work well together, and you don't annoy me as much as the other stars here."

He used air brackets at the words stars.

"What were you thinking?" I asked, amused at his ego. With his face and body and natural charisma he could afford the ego, I could see why he had received some nasty comments online about being a rude dickhead, it was just his sense of humor.

"I have had a few offers from another studio, I am still debating whether or not to set up my own site, but overall, a semi scripted reality series. I hang out with different guys each week, get into all random situations and then fuck at the end. My agent seems to think that it will show a more natural, humble side to me."

He laughed loudly, impressing himself, I couldn't help but join in.

"Talk to Mr. Gent," I replied once we had caught our breath, "he's running the show now."

"Only if you let him Mason, you're going to be the second biggest star after me in this business."

"Fuck you!" I said, throwing a pillow at his face which he caught with ease.

"Maybe later if you're lucky."

"Seriously, yes I would love to be involved in your vanity project, hope you have a miracle director, you're going to need it to shrink down that jumbo head of yours."

I showered when he left, douched and shaved my body, I loosened myself up a little bit with a toy, I was very nervous for this orgy scene Figaro. I wanted to stand out and be remembered. Everyone was blowing lots of smoke up my ass, telling me that I was going to be the next big thing, I was worried that I was going to let everyone down. I took another whiskey from the mini bar and downed it in one. I shook myself mentally, no more negative thoughts.

Knocks returned about thirty minutes before we were all due to be at Curtis's room. He had spent the whole day down by the beach. I quickly did my pre shoot routine of blasting out some exercises. I was pumped for the shoot now, talking to Knocks and discovering that he was nervous as well helped. We both promised that if we felt nervous or like a spare part that we would find each other.

Twenty minutes later and we were all sitting around in Curtis's suite. It was a huge spacious room, two massive white couches took up the living space, the floor was tiled in giant white slabs. The view was spectacular, you could see all of the dark blue ocean in contrast with the golden sand. I took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh sea air.

Lights had been set up all around the living area, some portable cameras were arranged around the sofas and the dining table that was just to the right hand side.

We were told that Sy would be a director for the orgy and was not going to be participating, Dylan's agent also remind us all that he was there just to fuck nothing else. We were given the run down on how they wanted the scene to go, it wasn't going to be too heavily structured and they encouraged us to swap partners every few minutes. The main thing they told us was which pairings they wanted included before the finale. Jupiter being the super slut that he is, volunteered to have everyone nut on him at the end. He looked delighted with himself. Lockie stood near the desk during the briefing, not making eye contact with anyone, I was secretly a little glad to see that he was nervous.

We all quickly changed into our underwear, as with most clips on the site there was not going to be much foreplay regarding the scene, it was going to open with us getting straight too it. As I pulled on my second white sock and looked at everyone as they changed, I knew that I was ready.

The room was quickly a hive of activity, Curtis Sy and Mr. Gent were swarming around us all trying to get the best angles and action. Dylan and Lockie were spit roasting Jupiter on the sofa, I was fucking Casey on the kitchen table while Knocks tried to work his throat over, he could only fit about half of it in Casey's mouth. Seeing him in action really turned me on, his cock was huge, thick and veiny. Casey had a soft and hungry hole, I was afraid he would break because he was so thin but his cunt ate up every inch of my dick. I could see Sy doing a twirling motion with his finger indicating that it was time to switch it up.
I lay on all fours on the table, my face buried in Casey's just fucked ass. He tasted lovely, I could feel Knocks move behind me, I tried to relax but I hadn't take a dick his size before, besides toys that is. Before long his huge member was filling me up, I tried to move back onto it but it wasn't easy. I could feel my face getting red, the strain on my cunt was unbearable but in a good way. His thick fucking rod was punching my prostate and I knew I wouldn't last too long, his thrusts were slow and deep, I felt every fucking inch as it slid in and out of me.

"I'm gonna cum," I moaned weakly. Hearing Jupiter's loud moans from across the room only added to my lust.

Casey swiftly got on his knees on the ground near the table, Knocks eased out of me and removed his rubber. I quickly shot my load all over Casey's face and trademark glasses. Knocks wasn't too far behind me, he unleashed a heavy load that squirted into his mouth. I am surprised he didn't drown in all the semen. Remembering what Mr. Gent had suggested to me about standing out the night before, I leaned over and began to lick up the splashes of cum from the lens of his glasses. I quickly spat the jizz into Casey's open mouth, adding to the mouthful that he already had. We kissed for a bit before he swallowed.

Knocks grabbed me by the hand and walked me over to the couch, I was tired but the adrenaline was running through me, I wasn't going to be able to come for another few minutes but I was desperate to keep going. I laid beside Jupiter, who was getting fucking pummelled by Dylan while wanking Lockie off who was sat on the arm of the sofa. Casey began slapping his cock off Jupiter's face, he turned his face towards it and began sucking vigorously. Jupiter just loved cock Figaro.

I chanced a quick look at Dylan, his face was screwed up in concentration and glowing red. Knocks was now sucking off Lockie, I knelt behind Knocks and started rimming him. I licked around his rosebud slowly, his crack was wet with sweat, I reached around and took his member in my hands. Even semi erect it was a two hand job. I slowly worked it back and forth all whilst still eating him out.

"Yes like that" he said. "Just like that."

I was surprised when he grew hard again, I was making slurping noises now. I could sense movement on my left, Dylan had stopped thrusting and moved towards Lockie. I resumed my assault on the hole. I heard a raised voice, it was Lockies.

"No way man, fuck that!"

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I just pulled back in time before Dylan emptied his balls on the small of Knock's back. The white gunk stood out against his chocolate brown skin. I rubbed Dylan's balls coaxing every last drop of jizz out. I watched as it quickly snaked in between Knock's ass checks. Without a second thought I buried my face in deeply and began licking like a mad man. I sucked up the load and spat it back on Knock's twat, toying with it my mouth before sucking it back up. Dylan's nut was salty and tasty. My senses were a blaze with all that was going on. I could smell both Knocks and Casey's ass on my face not to mention the taste of two different loads. I was beyond the zone now. I turned away and swallowed, it felt amazing going down.

Still on my knees I shimmied over towards Jupiter, he was still on his back with his legs in the air. He was sucking Casey's dick while jerking his own. I could see his hole pulsating, missing Dylan's knob I thought. I forced in my two middle fingers and began blasting him. If I thought his cunt was loose before it was nothing compared after the rooting he just took. He was warm as I hooked my fingers slightly and increased my pace. Casey swung his leg over and moved down, Jupiter and him were now in the 69 position.

I continued fingering the hole before he released into Casey's mouth, it dribbled out between his lips and slowly oozed down Jupiter's shaft to his balls. Casey's ragged moans told me that he had just nutted as well.

I glanced around the room. Mr. Gent was beside me filming Casey as he lapped up the sex milk. Dylan was on the other couch rubbing himself, he looked spent but gave me the thumbs up. Lockie was standing next to Curtis at the kitchen table shaking his head. He seen me look and quickly turned away.

I guess he had bitten off more than he could chew Figaro, I am not proud that I felt happy but at the moment I was on top form and cared little about him. Mr. Gent tapped my thigh and made a drinking motion with his hand. He counted down from five with his fingers before announcing a quick break.

"Fucking hell!!" Jupiter said sitting up. "Fucking amazing."

I sat beside Dylan on the couch, I could feel myself getting hard again so I slowly jerked to keep the fire going.

"I am leaving soon after the shoot but I would like to speak with you before then." He whispered.
"Why can't we talk now." I said drinking in his chiselled body, he was so fucking ripped I was in a trance.

"No way," he looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping. "Not here." He winked at me, stood up and stretched.

I took some deep breathes before going and getting myself a glass of water. Sy quickly joined me.

"Sorry I didn't see you after our scene yesterday Mason, things were behind schedule."

I just nodded. I wasn't really hearing what he was saying, I was too busy trying to listen in on what Curtis was saying to Lockie, they were whispering so I couldn't hear too much but I caught Curtis say that it was just the finale left and then they could talk about things later. Seemed to me like Lockie was getting cold feet.

"You having fun? the footage so far looks great." Sy said snapping me back to him.

"Yes lots of fun, thanks."

Knocks came over then, he just shook his head with a smile on his face.

"That thing you did with my ass Mason, fucking amazing."

"What happened before the break?"I asked in a low voice, Sy had gone to the far side of the room to readjust the lights.

"I am not sure man, one minute I am sucking him off the next he is pulling away freaking out. Dylan wanted to spunk on his face and he just lost it, guess he's not really cut out for scenes eh?"

Everyone except Lockie stood around and talked, the mood was very jovial and friendly. Curtis said it was time to resume shooting. We were all to fuck on the sofas before shooting on Jupiter at the end, once we had jizzed we were to move away from the sofa area. Dylan took his place back on the sofa, he raised an eyebrow and motioned me forward with a finger.

"Yes fucking please" I thought.

Lockie had been talked round into continuing. He was lying on his side fucking Casey who in turn was fucking Jupiter's mouth, Knocks was throwing his meat into Jupiter doggy style. I was on the other couch sitting on Dylan's cock. I didn't forget how good it felt to have him inside me, the slight curve to his shaft was hitting all the right places. He had his hands clasped behind the small of my back and was fucking me like his life depended on it. My twat was loving every inch of it, the sensation of being filled up by this young muscled stud was euphoric. I pinched one of his pert nipples, he looked at me with a devilish grin and I didn't think it was possible but he started to fuck me even harder. The sound of his ball sack slapping of my cheeks was hypnotic.

My eyes were rolling back into my head with pleasure, it felt like I was melting into him. Knocks stood to the side of me suddenly. Casey had moved from fucking Jupiter's mouth to fucking his ass, Lockie was still banging him and they had formed a train. I spun around, Dylan still inside of me, to get a better angle to suck Knock's big beautiful dark cock. His helmet tasted of pre-cum, I puckered my lips around it and began to fan his piss slit with my tongue, his hand was placed gently on my head. HIs red bandana still housing his thick mound of dreads. I tried to take as much of him as I could but it felt as if I was going to break my jaw. Every time I gagged on his schlong my hoop tightened around Dylan's piece.

Curtis was moving around us with the handheld, moving from my cunt getting slammed to my face getting wrecked. I could hear Lockie shout that he was going to cum, Casey pulled out of Jupiter as he knelt in front of the couch, his face turned to Lockie in eager anticipation. I guess the big finale was about to happen, I never wanted this scene to end Figaro. Lockie was the first to spray Jupiter with his seed, it shot across his forehead and eyebrows, Knocks was next, he left me reluctantly and emptied on to his chin, it was sexy seeing the spunk drip down onto his thighs.

Casey and I busted at the same time. Jupiter didn't know which way to turn as torrents of hot sticky spunk squirted all over his tattooed chest. After Dylan nutted in his mouth, Jupiter looked at the camera and began to smear all of our loads over his face. He looked like he had been dipped in white candle wax, We were all gathered around watching him enjoy our seed before Curtis held up his hand to indicate it was over. I had just shot my first feature length, I was beyond happy.

We were flying back that evening so after we had a quick shower and packed, we all met on the patio to have a celebratory drink. Lockie was absent. Dylan grabbed me and pulled me away from the gang who were giving Jupiter a round of applause.

"Worked out great didn't it?" he said.

"What did?" I asked confused.

"I sabotaged Lockie, my agent told me about Curtis's plan to make him a star and I just knew that I would try my best to push him over the edge. Fuck Curtis we put that bitch on the map and he wants to promote that wannabe. I don't think so."

I was stunned, he looked so pleased with himself.

"I did my research Mason, I knew that fraud was only used to jerking on camera, coming in here making a scene like he was the shit, well his punk ass knows not to fuck with us." He clinked my glass before I could stop him.

I didn't like this side to Dylan but, inwardly, I hoped that now that Lockie had been embarrassed he would stick to camming for his own sake at least.

I wished Dylan luck with his calendar shoot and went to mingle. Mr. Gent and Curtis gave a speech about how well we had done and how this movie was going to change everything for the studio.

The journey to the airport was uneventful, Lockie was in the lounge when we all arrived. I was about to approach him to make sure he was ok but thought better of it. I didn't want another argument. The flight home went smoothly, I said goodbye to everyone at the airport and got a taxi home. I tried calling Theo to check in with him but it went to voicemail. I left an awkward message, I then dialled Myles, it too went to voicemail but as I was putting my phone back in my pocket it rang.

"Mason, I was just about to call you."

"What is it Myles? you sound awful." I gasped shocked at the sound of his ragged breathing.

"It's all gone to shit here, Kash got wind of the Connor's investigation and shot at the officer who was trailing him, it was a fucking mess, no one was injured but Kash fled. I'm sorry Mason I think he has left the city."

"When did all this happen?" Any buzz I had felt quickly evaporated.

"Yesterday, I have just been running back and forth for the last 24 hours, I haven't slept yet, it's just the worst, we have stations in the surrounding areas keeping an eye out for him but nothing has come up yet. There is one more thing Mason."

His voice lowered at the last sentence, my heart dropped as I prepared myself.

"The young guy who we thought was Channing it isn't him, I am sorry, we brought the guy in last night, he said he was introduced to Kash through a friend and thought he could make some easy money running d**gs for him. He said that Kash took a shine to him and paid him more to accompany him everywhere. We are not finished talking to him yet. I am sorry Mason I wish I had better news."

I was numb, some part of me always knew that it wasn't likely to be Channing but it hurt more than I could have imagined. I told Myles to keep me updated and hung up. I spoke to the taxi driver and changed my destination, I just really needed someone new. Someone who didn't know me from the past or from porn. I was soon knocking on Tommy's door. I stood outside what seemed to be forever before he answered. He was wearing just a towel.

"Mason I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow evening." He said letting me in. "What's wrong?"

I lost it then Figaro, months of stress and anxiety just flooded out of me. The tears fell from my eyes, hot and quick.

"Oh Mason, what is it?" He said pulling me into an embrace. I rested my head against his chest and just sobbed. I was a mess. It was when I was pulling away to tell him what had happened that I smelt it. His cologne, the same cologne from those letters.

"What?" He said seeing the look on my face. It dawned on him and his face fell. "Mason please let me explain."

I tried the door Figaro but he had locked it, I was trapped with my stalker.


Same as Mason Letter 08 Videos

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Mason Letter 04

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The Letter

I hurried to get to Georges house. I looked at my watch and sighed in relief as I was 7 minutes early. I had an easy gait and was soon unlocking the door and made my way to the kitchen to put away what groceries I had bought. I cocked my head as I thought I heard a noise coming from the bedroom. I assumed it was George so I tiptoed to the door and flung it open and went “ TAA DAA “ then immediately asked Geoff what he was doing in Georges bedroom. He waved me off with his hand then covered the...

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The Letter

I hurried to get to Georges house. I looked at my watch and sighed in relief as I was 7 minutes early. I had an easy gait and was soon unlocking the door and made my way to the kitchen to put away what groceries I had bought. I cocked my head as I thought I heard a noise coming from the bedroom. I assumed it was George so I tiptoed to the door and flung it open and went “ TAA DAA “ then immediately asked Geoff what he was doing in Georges bedroom. He waved me off with his hand then covered the...

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The Letter

I hurried to get to Georges house. I looked at my watch and sighed in relief as I was 7 minutes early. I had an easy gait and was soon unlocking the door and made my way to the kitchen to put away what groceries I had bought. I cocked my head as I thought I heard a noise coming from the bedroom. I took my top off as I assumed it was George so I tiptoed to the door and flung it open and went “ TAA DAA “ then immediately covered my breast and asked Geoff what he was doing in Georges bedroom. He...

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The Letter

I hurried to get to Georges house. I looked at my watch and sighed in relief as I was 7 minutes early. I had an easy gait and was soon unlocking the door and made my way to the kitchen to put away what groceries I had bought. I cocked my head as I thought I heard a noise coming from the bedroom. I assumed it was George so I tiptoed to the door and flung it open and went “ TAA DAA “ then immediately asked Geoff what he was doing in Georges bedroom. He waved me off with his hand then covered the...

2 years ago
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The Letter

I hurried to get to Georges house. I looked at my watch and sighed in relief as I was 7 minutes early. I had an easy gait and was soon unlocking the door and made my way to the kitchen to put away what groceries I had bought. I cocked my head as I thought I heard a noise coming from the bedroom. I assumed it was George so I tiptoed to the door and flung it open and went “ TAA DAA “ then immediately asked Geoff what he was doing in Georges bedroom. He waved me off with his hand then covered the...

4 years ago
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A Dear John Letter

A "Dear John" letter is a letter from one person to the other breaking off their relationship. No, my name is not John, but I did get a "Dear John" letter from my supposed loving fiancée. In today's world this letter may be in the form of email or a text message. And that's what I got, an email for God's sake. Not a hand written letter, but a damn email. Could she have been more impersonal? My name is Patrick Riley Conner and I am a computer guru specializing in the coordination of...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 126 Carries Letter

Once in the chapel again Jessie found a quiet corner and read the letter Carrie’s mother had just given her. She then called Bjorn over and quietly read it to him as instructed by Carrie in the same letter. That letter read as follows... Dear Jessie, No doubt you are now reading this because the inevitable has happened and I am no longer with you all. You have been a wonderful friend to me and it has been my great privilege to sing with you all these years. It was also a lot of fun to...

2 years ago
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The Crumpled Letter

I wonder if anyone has ever done a survey on how husbands find out that their wives are cheating. A suspicion that causes him to look into her activities? Something overheard at a social gathering? A good friend who tells him something that the friend thinks he should know? What percentage would be because the wife or girlfriend of her lover found out and dropped a dime on the couple? I'm betting that a survey would show that the majority would find out the same way I did - by...

3 years ago
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The Letter

Like many of you, visiting this site, I've dreamed for a long, long time to be used like a piece of slave meat I am. One day I finally told myself OK, you just live once, and decided to make a deal with my girlfriend: We will both write a letter to each other about our deepest sexual fantasy.At first she was like "Nah, you already know all my fantasies". but after a little persuasion (and few more drinks), she said Yes. So we had couple more drinks and then she said " You know what? We should...

3 years ago
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Mr Kiritorus Letter

Mr. Kiritoru’s LetterIt was the strangest letter I had ever received! In fact I had not received a letter, other than bills and ads, for more than ten years. It was posted from the US and it contained a bus ticket and $100., U.S. in twenty dollar bills inside a letter inviting me to Elmira, New York to discuss making some videos in Japan. There was no other explanation, just the date, time and place to meet at the bus station.Ten years ago, at 55, I had stopped working regular jobs and survived...

1 year ago
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The Letter

Description: I looked at the letter and my world ended in flames, I thought. Edited by Barney R. Messed with afterward by me. All mistakes are mine. I looked at the letter and my world ended in flames, I thought. ‘The Day’ was normal in every way until I got home from my trip to Chicago. I was home without my wife, an event that had become all too frequent lately. I walked up to the front porch, retrieved the paper, and grabbed the mail. As per usual, it was mostly junk. I had one...

3 years ago
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A Time of PurgatoryChapter 4 Tim gets a letter

I was usually out of the flat and on the road about seven in order to get my first call in early. The post, supposedly the morning post, didn't arrive until twelve-thirty or even later some days. So I would get to read any correspondence later in the evening after getting my paperwork done and cooking a meal. I picked up the mail and sorted it in my usual manner. One letter stood out and I sat down in shock, recognising Jas's handwriting immediately. I couldn't open it, not knowing what...

3 years ago
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The CircleChapter 49 Sex after the photoshoot A surprise letter

Lloyd had collapsed a few feet away into a comfortable living room chair. His cock remained wet from his wife’s pussy, and a few drips of semen remained on the head. Alice stowed the large reflector she’d been using to help Matt with the lighting, and swooped in, gobbling down the cock. After a minute of surging her mouth around his nearly flaccid tool, she pulled off. “Yummy. You taste especially good: Jean’s pussy juice and your cum all mixed together. What a nice cocktail.” She went right...

2 years ago
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The Letter

When I came in from the garden the envelope was waiting in the usual place,on top of the kitchen table. I picked it up, trying to keep my fingers fromtrembling and failing badly.    As always, it was cream-coloured paper, heavy and expensive. My name wasprinted on the front in black ink, elaborately scripted. I opened it andextracted the single sheet of paper from within. It was equally expensive, soheavy that it was verging on card. It had been folded into three, the creasessharp enough that...

2 years ago
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My Own Scarlet Letter

My Own Scarlet Letter By Couture I glanced down at my watch. Threeo' five. Katie was supposed to have been here five minutes ago. I checkedmy desk to make sure I had everything. Yes, it was all there. My grade bookand copies of her old tests. Three o' six. She was now six minutes late, but it felt like thirty. I felta drop of perspiration make its way from my underarm down my side. Okay, whenshe gets here, make sure she doesn't close the door, I reminded myself. Whywas I worried? She might not...

3 years ago
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How High A Price Another View ConclusionChapter 2 The Letter

"I don't care how much it costs, I don't want to have to see or deal with that bitch again!" Cynthia Rodgers, Early's divorce attorney gave him the look, the one that said "stop acting like a child and join the real world." "Early, all the money in the world can't keep you from seeing her in court if she fights this. She's one of the best lawyers in the state, for God's sake. Even with all the evidence you have she can drag this out long enough to wipe you out and make me a very...

4 years ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 16 The Letter

It was about a month after Christie and I began sleeping together that Diane's death was brought back to the surface again. I had been on the road for the full week and when I arrived home late Friday afternoon, I was greeted in the usual loving manner by my new companion. "Welcome home, my man," she said, embracing me and kissing me with a now familiar passion. "Your woman has been doing without your loving for too long. You'll get the formal welcome a little later." "I've been...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 58 Leper Letter

Helena woke up at 6am and gently made love to her sleepy husband. Helena was riding on his hard prick when Fred finally stirred and saw the wonderful sight of Helena, with her boobs bouncing up and down. He reached out and started to massage them. Pinching the nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. She screamed with delight which made Fred shoot a full load into the hungry pussy of Helena. They rested together in the after glow of love making. They showered together then dressed for...

3 years ago
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Long Road to UnderstandingChapter 9 The letter

Three days passed without any word from Marsha and I was beginning to think that I had lost her forever. I knew that I couldn't run after her. If there were any chance for us it would have to be on my terms. I resigned myself to the fact that if I took her back that Chilly may be part of the equation. I wasn't sure I could handle that, but I wasn't sure I could handle losing Marsha either. The only thing I was sure of was that Marsha would have to tell me everything or I would not even...

2 years ago
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Just a Letter

+++++++++ I was not there the day this happened – I had been there on other days – and was again after this. So this is fiction – just a letter such a I might have been writing home on that day. But the facts are real – this is what it was really like. +++++++++ 5 December, 1965 My Love, I ache- what can I say? You’re 12,000 miles away and I miss you, I miss your thighs and taste of your body. I see in the stars the gleam of your eyes gazing up at me and the satiated smirk- the cat that...

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The Letter

I sat at my computer, opened a blank document and began to type my letter. I’d been meaning to get this down for years, but the timing never felt right and I think I’ve been a little nervous about writing it down.‘How do I tell this story without sounding crazy?’ I thought reading the Dear over and over. ‘I just need to type it all out and then take out the inappropriate parts.’I looked up and stared at the blank wall across from me then closed my eyes. The last Halloween that I didn’t...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The Letter

It has been 9 years since we last had contact and I am finally writing the letter. I have been throwing the idea in the air for a year now of whether or not to do so since our last conversation was awkward and unfinished. I have been wanting to explain to you why I did what I did and wanted to apologize for the hurt I caused you. I reread the letter one last time to make sure everything I want to say is said.********Sir,I know I left without warning and without explanation. It was so close to...

Love Stories
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Letter From the GraveChapter 2 Noras letter

My darling, dearest and only love, This letter is going to hurt your pride, your ego and your love for me and for others. You know that I believe in re-incarnation, and also that the soul of any man or woman remains around his loved ones until satisfied that everything is fine. If things do not turn out fine — the soul, in the form of a ghost, will cause troubles to those loved ones. I am in that position. After 14 years of marriage I must confess to you about things I did that you knew...

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Charlottes Punishment Letter

This is the third story in the current series about Mrs Denver. She has disciplined three adults, as well as giving 42-year-old Jenny Howe her second punishment. Charlotte goes home so her Mum can discipline her again and sign her Punishment Letter. It doesn’t go as smoothly as Charlotte had hoped. 25 year old Charlotte Thomson and 39 year old Kelly Hall were both rubbing their bottoms as they walked away from the Academy, each with their Punishment Letter in their hand. Jenny stayed at the...

3 years ago
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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter

Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...

4 years ago
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LettersPart 2 The Letter

"Dearest Amy, I know you hate me now, and I've lost the most important person in my life, but I must tell you that I never meant to hurt you. How could I, I'm in love with you. Leave it to me, your old pal Ronda, to fuck up a life long friendship. If I could take it back, I would. It's just that you seemed to like what I was doing and one thing just led to another. I also realize that I made another dumb-ass mistake. I talked to Mrs. Langston, but I was hysterical, you know how I get....

2 years ago
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The Letter

It has been 9 years since we last had contact and I am finally writing the letter. I have been throwing the idea in the air for a year now of whether or not to do so since our last conversation was awkward and unfinished. I have been wanting to explain to you why I did what I did and wanted to apologize for the hurt I caused you. I reread the letter one last time to make sure everything I want to say is said. ********** Sir, I know I left without warning and without explanation. It was so close...

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Jennys Punishment Letter

Jenny sat on a seat in the hallway clutching her Punishment Letter. She was still stinging from the punishment already given to her by the dominant Headmistress. Now, as her Mum was away, Mrs Denver was going to deal with her, just one hour after punishing her. She was exhilarated and pensive at the same time, still tensing her thighs and giving herself a series of mini orgasms. She still managed a wicked smile as she watched Charlotte and Kelly Hall leave the Academy, both rubbing their...

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Charlottes Mum Actions Mrs Denvers Letter

25 year old Charlotte walked nervously down the stairs holding the letter that her Mum would have to sign, her bottom stinging from the caning she had been given by Mrs. Denver just an hour or so earlier. The letter made it very clear her Mum was expected to give her a spanking before she got back to College tomorrow. Charlotte was worried a spanking today would open the flood gates, that her Mum would insist that spanking her will also be reintroduced for her at home purely for disciplinary...

1 year ago
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The Letter

The Letter By: Janet Jean My fianc?e finds my stash of "women's clothing." I hadn't found the right moment to tell her about Janet Jean. My procrastination could cost me the woman I love. My Dearest Carol I have sent this letter to you "registered." I will know when you have received this, but what I won't know is if you have read it. Honey, I pray you read this. When you found my stash of women's clothes yesterday you said some very mean, nasty, and hurtful t...

3 years ago
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A Boys Christmas Letter

A boys Christmas Letter By Princess Dear Santa I do not know if you will ever get this letter. All I want for Christmas is to be a boy. I do not know if you even exist. But if you do exist, or if God exists please hear me please. Maybe I was very bad and I deserve all of this and If this is some punishment for what I have done can you please help me understand. I do not know if you even know me or if you have forgotten me. All I want for Christmas is to be allowed to be a boy again....

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