Nine Memorable DaysChapter 24: Rick Mason - Framed And Hung! free porn video

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"Almost in the bag? Justin how can you say that? I mean you don't even know if what you suspect is true, and even if it is how can you know if you're plan will work?"

"Trust me Vikki love, I know my father's friends and they're good at what they do."

"Yes of course I understand that. But you've still got to get Mason to cooperate in the first part of your plan don't you?"

"Vikki we're going to his home turf right. I mean 'Shoot Em Up' is where he hangs out where he's boss. And I presume all of his cronies will be there too right?"

"Yes, so how does that help?"

Vikki was scared. She was like a cat on a hot tin roof. I had to put her at ease again. Last night and this afternoon she had had sex to take her mind off Mason, but now the confrontation was at hand. I turned to her and said, "I'm going to shame him into doing the right thing."

"Oh how so, I mean you know what he's capable of?"

"Well he has a certain image to protect. It won't take much to convince him that a one-on-one fight isn't the answer. And he won't want to use his buddies to help him fight me because that would be demeaning."

"So how will you get him to go along with what we've planned?"

"As far as I know the only talent he really has is snooker. Now he knows I can play because he's seen me there often enough with my father and by myself when I've been practicing but pride won't let him believe that I'm better than him which means the challenge will be snooker. Now it won't be much of a stretch to get him to go to 'Pot Black' around the corner."

By this time we were almost at the door of 'Shoot Em Up' and it was about ten after five. Now Vikki was really nervous, but she was steeling herself for the confrontation.

We walked into the place, made our way through the various video games, dance platforms and shooting games until we got to the counter.

Sitting on one of the stalls near the counter was a dark haired girl with a skirt hiked up so far you could see the pink thong panties she was wearing and a vest so see-through you could see her smallish tits. "Well," she said, "if it isn't superslut! What's the matter babe missing Rickie?"

Vikki almost choked. "Wh-what me missing that prick, I'm not as fucking deluded as you Madeleine. I mean I maybe a slut, but in this town slut means somebody who enjoys an active sex life. You're just a tramp, you know, someone who'll fuck anybody or anything whether it's animal, vegetable or mineral. After all you fuck Rick and he's a pig."

"You fucking cunt!" She jumped off her stall ready to attack. "I ought to fucking... !"

"SIT DOWN YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT!" came a loud and familiar voice from down the back. "And I thought I told you to take that top off."

Vikki and I looked up, as did the seven or eight other people in the games parlour, to see Mason walking down between three half-sized pool tables and two full-sized snooker tables. He had his left arm around a redheaded girl while his right arm was around a brunette. Neither of them looked more than 15 or 16 and both of them looked enamoured with Mason. To me it looked as though the three of them had just been having sex, an impression that was more than confirmed as both girls started adjusting their clothes.

"Miss me did you Vikki?" Mason smiled as he saw the girl called Madeleine removing her top. "Don't answer that. As a matter-of-fact I'm glad you're here, the boys and me are having a poker game tonight and Maddy here needs a little help with serving the food and drink and supplying the evenings entertainment. Oh by the way," he held out a bottle of water, "this is a little peace offering."

I looked at the bottle and noted that it had been opened but I didn't say anything.

Vikki stood tall and looked him square in the eye. "Give it to super-tramp here," she pointed to Madeleine, "I think she's in more need of it than I am."

"Maddy drinks Coke, and anyway I've got hers here." He handed Madeleine an open can."

I couldn't resist. "What's the matter can't she open her own can?"

"I'm just being a gentleman."

Vikki laughed so hard she coughed. "Give me break."

Mason stepped forward went to slap her except that my right caught his just before it hit. Then I realised that what I'd thought about me and Mason was in fact true. I was stronger! I bent his hand at the wrist and with hardly any pressure forced him to his knees. I looked down at him as I kept bending his hand back. "Vikki's not going around to your place is she?"

"But we've got this..." he was almost begging through the pain he must have been feeling, "Vikki and I have an..."

"Have a verbal agreement. Yes she's told me all about that, and we'll honour that. Now I'm guessing that this little contest you and I will be having won't be a fight am I right. I mean you wouldn't be able to have your friend's help not like last night when you needed three guys to subdue me so that you could have a one-on-one fight with Vikki, slap her senseless and use a knife on her. I guess it's lucky that gang of kids came around otherwise who knows what state we would've been in."

"Rick you mean you..." said Madeleine

"Shut up you stupid fucking bitch!"

"I thought you said you were a gentleman Mason," I was enjoying this moment of control as I bent his hand back right to breaking point causing him to scream out with the pain. "Gentlemen don't talk to their girlfriends like that." I indicated Madeleine. "Say you're sorry."

"Go fuck... !"

I bent his hand back just a little more. "I said say you're sorry!"

"All right, all right," he said through eyes that were beginning tear up. "I'm sorry Maddy."

"Now say sorry to Vikki."

"I don't have to we have an..."

I had released his hand a little. I bent it back a little harder. "You do have to. I just decided that you gave up on that agreement when you did that to her last night." I turned to the two girls who were now standing alongside Madeleine. "You two may as well go, I reckon you've got better things to do with your time."

Both girls didn't even hesitate. They were gone in less than five seconds.

It was then that I realised that two guys about Mason's age, 20 or 21, had joined Maddy at the counter and were looking at me in a menacing fashion as they manhandled her breasts. I looked down at Mason. "Tell your goons to get their grubby paws off the girl," knowing what I thought I knew I really didn't think that this girl Madeleine deserved the treatment she was getting. "And tell them that if they try to do anything I'll break your wrist. And don't think I can't." I bent his hand back right to breaking point as if to prove a point. "I mean you've already proved that what happened last night was the real you by trying to hit Vikki here," I placed my right arm around her waist and kissed her full on the lips, "and in front of all of these people and Madeleine here."

Mason did exactly that, and he apologised to Vikki.

"Now Mason, if I let you up and release your hand will you behave?"

He didn't say anything so I released Vikki and used my right hand to grab Mason's throat and pressed on his larynx with my thumb. "I'm asking if you'll behave?"

He nodded his head almost immediately so I released my hold on him and allowed him to stand, at which point he began rubbing furiously on his right wrist.

I looked at him as I hugged Vikki to me in proprietary fashion. "Now seeing as it's not going to be a fight I'm guessing that your main talents lie in the area of snooker wouldn't they." It wasn't really a question it was a statement. "After all I have seen you here playing several times. "I grinned and looked at Madeleine. "That is when you weren't in the backroom playing another sort of game."

"All right prick, snooker it is." He turned and headed to towards the back stopping only when he realised I wasn't following. "Well cockhead are you coming?" Mason was obviously feeling better and he had stopped rubbing his wrist.

"Oh I don't think we should play here do you? I think we should go to neutral territory." I pretended to think for a second or two and then... "I know, how about we go to 'Pot Black?' I said as, without Mason seeing, I picked up the bottle of water that he had unthinkingly put down on the counter.

Mason hummed and hawed for several seconds but eventually decided that one full-sized snooker table was as good as any and the four of us, he decided he needed Madeleine's company, headed off to the other side of town and 'Pot Black'.

By the time we reached the more upmarket snooker saloon Mason was back to his obnoxious best. "We still got that date for tonight slut?"

Vikki stopped, turned and was about to answer, but I didn't give her a chance. "Yes she has a date but I don't think it's going to be with you."

Of course that all depended on what Peter Johnson had found and whether he had been able to convince his daughter Naomi to go to 'Pot Black'.

"Huh, we'll see," was all he said.

We walked in through the understated entrance into a plush well-lit lobby come coffee shop that opened out to an area panelled in pine and draped in red velvet that housed twelve, I counted them, full-sized tables. Of course the only lights in that area were those that hung at the appropriate height over each table.

One look at Mason's expression as he looked in the direction of the desk told me that things must have gone according to plan. I looked in that direction and saw that indeed Peter Johnson was there with Naomi. Also there and talking to them from the other side of the counter was... was... Caroline Herschfeldt!

Before Mason could say anything Caroline spotted us. "Justin, Vikki, it would've been a pleasant surprise if Peter here hadn't already told me that you were coming. It's a pity that you had to bring this piece of crap with you."

By this time we were up at the counter and Mason was about to get loud and typically obnoxious. "Listen bitch..."

He didn't get a chance to finish. Peter Johnson, six foot five and two hundred and twenty-five pound of muscle, grabbed his neck in one massive hand and lifted him until the balls of his feet were barely touching the ground. "You'd better quit while you're still in one piece." He indicated his daughter Naomi who was standing next to him and laughing at Mason's expression. "I understand that you know my daughter."

Mason waited until Naomi's father let go and said, "Yes, she liked what she saw and... well... what can I say."

"Not much else if you want to keep your head on your shoulders. Mrs. Herschfeldt... er... Caroline here knows what you've been up to as does this smart young man." He turned to me. "You see it was Jason here who suspected you. That obviously means that this beautiful young lady here," he indicated Vikki, "obviously knows too and quite obviously has been subjected to the same treatment as my Naomi and this young lady," he said indicating Madeleine after giving his daughter a gentle hug.

"Justin, Vikki, what's going on?" Asked Naomi moving a step closer and revealing for the first time that she hadn't as yet changed out of her supermarket uniform. "Dad hasn't told me a thing, he told Caroline... Mrs. Herschfeldt here..."

"Call me Caroline, Naomi."

She smiled. "Yes Caroline." She turned back to Vikki and me. "He told Caroline, but he told me that I should wait and that it had something to do with the man..." She turned to Mason, "He told me that it had something to do with you Rick, what's he talking about?"

"I don't know sweet tits I..."

The big hand went to Mason's neck again. "You don't listen do you Mason. Now you're to be seen and not heard, is that understood?"

"Yes Mr. Johnson," said Mason gasping for breath, as he was let down again.

Peter Johnson turned to me. "Justin, I think it's you who should explain to my daughter here, and to this young lady. I'm sorry I don't know your name."

"Madeleine Paulson. And yes I'd like to know what the fuck is going on here. After all it's not as if I care about all the other girls he fucks as long as he fucks me. I mean," she looked at Vikki, "it's not as if I give a shit about snooty tits here or," she turned to Naomi, "slut cunt there."

Vikki moved over and grabbed Naomi's hand. "Call us what you like now Maddy but I think once you've heard what Justin has to say you might change your tune."

"Yeah, well I doubt it."

It seemed obvious to me that the can of Coke Mason had given Maddy was having its effect, and the fact that Naomi or Vikki hadn't had one was additional proof that my suspicions were correct.

"Okay," I stood back. "Vikki I think you should stay with Naomi, I think she might need your support in a few moments."

"Hey!" said Naomi. "This sounds serious." She turned to Vikki. "What's going on? What's my dad got to do with it? What has Rick done? Vikki, I know he behaved badly on Friday night when I was, when we were..." She looked at her father red-faced unable to finish. "I'm sorry daddy."

"So am I honey, so am I." He held her hand and gave her another hug. "Don't misunderstand me Naomi, I'm not upset about the sex, after all we're in an enlightened age and I wouldn't have any objection to you having sex with somebody like Justin here. Ooh," he looked at Vikki, "I'm sorry Vikki I didn't mean to... er..."

Vikki grinned. "Oh I wouldn't be terribly worried Mr. Johnson..."


"I wouldn't be terribly worried Peter, we believe in share and share alike. After all I am right in believing that love come from the heart and that sex is just fucking, aren't I?"

"Absolutely. And really I have to believe in sexual freedom otherwise I wouldn't be so willing to allow my daughter to expose herself in such a uniform," said Peter Johnson smiling and grabbing the shirt of Rick Mason as he tried to take a step to get out of what he obviously knew was a hopeless situation. "Don't make me hurt you Mason." He then turned to me. "Now Justin I really do think its time."

"So do I," said Caroline. "But I think we should go to the sanctuary of my private room." She led the way through the table area, only three of which were in use, after telling the young man who had been standing a little way away and trying to make himself as one with the wall to look after the place while she was gone. "It's through here," she said indicating a door between life-size framed prints of Eddie Charlton (Australian world champion snooker player) and Walter Lindrum (Australian world champion billiards player).

When we walked through it was like we were in another world. Dominating the centre of the room was a full-sized snooker in sky-blue instead of the more traditional green while the rest of the décor was made up of soft pastels. Lavender and lime green for the walls rose for the curtains and a combination of tan and light yellow for the three-seater couch and two chairs that sat next to an imposing teak desk. Behind the desk was a large matching chair with armrests and to its left was a bar.

"Now to positions," said Caroline addressing Mason first. "Mason, I think you should take one of the end seats on the couch."

He hesitated, but only for the second it took Peter Johnson to take two steps towards him.

Caroline then turned to Peter. "I think you should..."

She didn't even have to finish as he moved to the middle seat of the couch right next to Mason.

"Naomi you can on the other side of your father, Madeleine you can sit in the chair next to Naomi and well away from Mason." Once they were seated she turned to Vikki. "Vikki I think you should take a seat on my desk while I take up a position behind the bar." Then she turned to me. "Justin my love, I think you should stand between the table and the door so that everybody can see you."

Once Vikki was settled and I was in position Caroline said, "Justin, it's time!"

I looked at Naomi first. "Naomi, I want to take you back to Friday. Were you at Rick's place playing any sort of game?"

She thought for a second. "Yes, yes I was." She turned to Vikki. "It was after work, you know after we discussed what we were going to do last Saturday."

"You mean when you flashed your panties?"

"Yes." She looked down and laughed. "Guess we're showing a lot more now huh?" Then she looked at me. "But I've been there regularly in the last few weeks, why?"

"But not in the last couple of days since Friday nights party?"

"NO!" She was starting to get a little impatient. "Now come on Justin why?"

"Naomi how do you feel about Mason now compared to how you felt about him on Friday?" She went to answer but I held up my hand and continued. "What I mean Naomi is that on Friday, from the way Vikki described what she saw when she got to the party, you were enamoured with Mason. In fact you were having," I looked at her father. "I'm sorry Peter. Naomi you were having sex with Mason weren't you? So how do you feel about him now?"

"Well..." She was searching for the right words and after several seconds obviously found them. "All right maybe I'm not as enamoured with Rick as I have been at other times but I'm sure that when I go see him down at the parlour that it'll be different. Especially in a less... confronting situation."

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 33 The Qualifying Part Two

A ten minute break after the second game allowed every bowler to help themselves to an array of drinks on tables set up at either end of the fourteen lanes. I grabbed one and, with Sarah, moved over to talk to Vikki, her mum, my mum and Madeleine and Robbo. "Well," said Vikki grinning before she gave me a hug and pressed her naked breasts into my chest, "that was quite a transformation 243 and 236, and to leave a man who for all intents and purposes the best in the world at minus two."...

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There was a gentle wind blowing off the lake. From where hestood in the ranger's station, Rick Breyer could see thetips of a thousand Douglas firs bending with the breeze.The treetops rolled like a dark green ocean. Rick pouredhimself a cup of coffee and picked up his binoculars.Taking a sip, he put the high-powered lenses to his eyesand scanned the woods. Midmorning is a good time of the dayfor a forest ranger, there's nothing much to do, the coffeeis fresh and the world looks perfect. His...

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The Adventures of Ranger Rick

THE ADVENTURES OF RANGER RICK There was a gentle wind blowing off the lake. From where he stood in theranger's station, Rick Breyer could see the tips of a thousand Douglas firsbending with the breeze. The treetops rolled like a dark green ocean. Rickpoured himself a cup of coffee and picked up his binoculars. Taking a sip,he put the high-powered lenses to his eyes and scanned the woods. Mid-morningis a good time of the day for a forest ranger. There's nothing much to do,the coffee is fresh...

1 year ago
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When Rick met Tom

When Rick met Tom I’ve been fantasizing about Rick for over two years now. It’s one of those funny situations where you know someone for a really long time and then suddenly, you look at them one day and they seem completely different. Rick and I met over 18 years ago at work. I was super skinny back then and he was actually pretty chunky. I never looked at him with any lust at all. We got to know each other as friends and when it came time for him to leave home, he moved in with me when my old...

4 years ago
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Rick Poses A Question

My junior year in college was notable mainly for a dry spell where women were concerned. I’d had a girlfriend in freshman year and another one as a sophomore, but while the relationships were intensely sexual for a time they petered out for a lack of interest, mostly on my part. Neither woman could hold up her end of a conversation, and hanging out with them got to be dull.What all this meant is that except for a few one or two-night stands, my sex life during junior year mostly involved...

3 years ago
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Gina and Rick Part 1

Gina woke as the sun shone through the crack in her drapes. As she lay there her thoughts drifted back to last night and her date with Rick. They had had a lovely evening where they had talked and laughed after which he had dropped her at her front door, kissed her gently on the lips and watched as she walked in and closed it behind her. The thought gave her butterflies in her stomach and she smiled to herself. She hadn’t felt like this for a long time and she was glad that Rick was taking it...

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Gina and Rick Part 1

Gina woke as the sun shone through the crack in her drapes. As she lay there her thoughts drifted back to last night and her date with Rick. They had had a lovely evening where they had talked and laughed after which he had dropped her at her front door, kissed her gently on the lips and watched as she walked in and closed it behind her. The thought gave her butterflies in her stomach and she smiled to herself. She hadn’t felt like this for a long time and she was glad that Rick was taking it...

Straight Sex
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Rick has more fun Pt 7

Introduction: Rick becomes one with Prince We woke Tuesday and decided to call Jim and Mark, and have them bring a few guys from the beach to the house today, around lunch time, we had already sent Rick a sms telling him to arrive about 10. Grant and I were ready, when Rick turned up, so we told him to use the douche as before to get ready, he was now loving using it, and cleaning his butt for anal sex… Grant and Rick gave me a good licking, then filled my pussy and butt with cocks, fucking me...

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June and AliceChapter 8 Rick Maddy

After a somewhat restless night of worrying about her future with Rick and Maddy, June awoke and looked over at the nightstand clock. It read 7:40, and June threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. Of all the days that she was late getting up in the morning, this had to be the worse day for it to happen. Roger could walk through the door at any moment if he decided to leave Buffalo very early in the morning. She ran naked into the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee, and jumped into the...

3 years ago
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Jenny and Rick Again Plus His Friend

My girlfriend Pam and I were having a very late afternoon bite to eat and a glass of wine while sitting at the bar of a restaurant in a mall. Many might remember my reference for Pam from “House Sitting Adventure.” She is a very attractive five-foot-four, thirty-four-year-old brunette with olive skin, a well-toned, athletic body, and 34C boobs. I am a fifty-five-year-old happily married Mom of four. I am five-feet-ten-inches with shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and D-cup natural...

Oral Sex
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Jenny and Rick Again Plus a Friend

We were there almost an hour chatting and sharing a couple of appetizers, Buffalo wings, and a hummus dip. We were also two red wines deep with the third round on its way. Just then, Rick, a former random “blow and go” hook up of mine, came up to the bar and stood behind the stool next to me. He said, “Hi, Jenny. I thought that was you. My friend and I were having some drinks over at that table.” He pointed to a guy at a nearby pub table talking on his phone behind a few beer bottles. Some may...

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The Memorable Night In Chandigarh8230

Hi everyone, I have been a dedicated reader of ISS for the last five years but depicting a sex encounter for the first time. Myself Rohan from Kolkata, 28 yrs old, currently staying in Bangalore for the last 2 yrs , and Gurgaon for 1 yrs prior to that ,height 5’11” average built guy who is a big time party animal and very fond of women flesh. The below narration is a true incident about one of my affairs and so it’s a bit lengthy. Some1 who needs immediate dashing and pushing can avoid this...

4 years ago
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Ricks Awakening

Rick had left shortly after our fun as he had to meet some friends, but he said he would be back the next day. I happily gave him the code to the building. I had a drink and contemplated what had happened. I could not believe what I had done. I had never felt like having sex with a man and until I saw Rick in the sexy nylons had I wanted him, but his smooth masculine body encased in panties and nylons and made me wild. I had never wanted anyone so much in my life. Just thinking about him had...

2 years ago
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Rick Doing It With Ling

"Fuck it, I'll look it up on Amazon on Rick's laptop," I muttered, grabbing it. "My phone's not working," I groaned, turning it on and sitting on the couch.I waited for it to boot up, and bit down on my bottom lip. "I guess I'll just have to erase my search history; I don't want him to see the birthday gift I buy him."I brought up the internet browser. "Damn, you have many favorite buttons, dude," I muttered, before letting the cursor go over one. "Oh, porn sites, Rick. I'm not surprised, and...

3 years ago
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Rick Doing It With Ling

"Fuck it, I'll look it up on Amazon on Rick's laptop," I muttered, grabbing it. "My phone's not working," I groaned, turning it on and sitting on the couch. I waited for it to boot up, and bit down on my bottom lip. "I guess I'll just have to erase my search history; I don't want him to see the birthday gift I buy him." I brought up the internet browser. "Damn, you have many favorite buttons, dude," I muttered, before letting the cursor go over one. "Oh, porn sites, Rick. I'm not surprised, and...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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Rick Returns Sons Revenge 2

Rick returns: Son's revenge 2 8 years later..... Rick's adoptive mother Jodi, slept with Rick's high school bully who nearly pushed him to suicide. Unaware of this, Jodi slept with Jack on a number of occasions and Jack's friends Lee and Mack. Little did she know that Rick had seen her. Fueled by anger and driven by revenge, Rick nearly killed Lee, Mack and jack. When Rick confronted Jodi she pleaded on her knees for Rick to forgive her. Rick left her cold and skipped town. Nearly...

4 years ago
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Rick Makes His Bed

Rick Makes his Bed    One Part Only        Author's note: This story takes place in the not too distant future. It is NOT science fiction. The time period is about twenty years in the future.        Nancy and Rick had been married for about ten years now and their marriage had been fairly normal up until one day. Rick was an executive for an international company and spent a lot of time traveling around the world and they were very well off. Some would even say they were rich. Do to all Rick's...

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My Sexy Adventure With Rick And Lacy

I stood there in the shower, and my right hand came down onto my cherry. "Maybe I will fuck Rick on the first date. Lacy did give me some confidence, even though I'm not a lesbian," I muttered before I began rubbing it. "She does know how to eat pussy, that's for sure," I moaned, slanting my head back.I took in a deep breath and played with my twat rather slowly. I felt my juice coming out somewhat rapidly, but I kept my position. I closed my eyes just pictured Lacy doing it again. Even as I...

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The Legend of Rattler Jack and Big Rick

The eight 18-year-old Seniors were going to make this a night they would all remember. The four guys had been together in sports teams since they were 10 years old. Now two were offensive linemen, one was a defensive back and the fourth was a linebacker. They were all good students and were going to good universities to play football. The four girls were all long-time partners of the guys. The girls had dated e ach of the four guys at one time or another since junior high and had finally...

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Ellen Steve 2 Rick

“Hey Rick, what are you doing here, I wasn’t expecting you.” She said with forced calmness. “Yeah, sorry. I probably should’ve texted or phoned or something and maybe this was a bad idea but I just realised something and I’ve just got to check it and I'm sorry to do this to you but I know you’ve been waiting and wanting it for a while and erm... yeah.” He said without pause for breath. “Erm ok,” Ellen replied, slightly confused, “what did you find out, what d’you wanna check?” “Well it’s...

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Shooting with Rick

CHAPTER 1 The lithe and cutely breasted blonde, who fitted her jeans curvaceously, called loudly in a small bar in Central Otego in the South Island of New Zealand, ‘Where can a girl get some action around here?’ She was ignored by the twenty or so men in the bar because she was 1)Female 2)American 3)Loud 4)And the guys were either married or in a relationship. The young bucks didn’t arrive till after dark. The motherly barmaid, drying a glass said, ‘Ducky these guys are New Zealanders and...

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Breaking Point RickChapter 3

But Megan did call, and almost begged for a chance to talk some more. After Naomi's stern warnings, the twins managed to be polite, but there was no way Megan could miss the disgust and near hatred in their eyes. It shocked her with the similarity to what she had seen in Rick's eyes. Naomi saw the girls' looks and Megan's reaction, and it made for a great opening. "The girls are more than a little in love with Rick, and they know how wounded he is. They assume you were one of the guilty...

2 years ago
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Rick and Sue Have Fun

In my work, I used a cabinet maker named Rick; Rick was a friendly person and his wife Sue cute and fun. Sue was a small woman, with short blonde hair. She always wore blue jeans and a pull over top. Tee shirt in the summer and sweat shirt in the winter. She was cute, with a great ass. Her blue jeans were never super tight, but form fitting. Rick and I were friendly and had gone to lunch a couple of times. Sue would joined us once in a while, when Sue did she was very flirty. Rick even...

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Mason Letter One

Dear Figaro,Sorry about the late reply, I have been so busy lately, hope you have been well. It feels really odd to be writing letters rather than emails but I guess you're not getting much access to computers given your current situation. I still feel terrible about what happened the last time we met, I will try my best to get up to see you soon. I will look up the visiting times and let you know.Since the last time I wrote you, Lockie finally got back to me and arranged a screen test for me...

4 years ago
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What Once Was Old Mason Part 1

After a strange flash of light my senses slowly started coming back to me. Everything felt off. My head felt like it had extra weight pulling my down from the back. I shook my head and the weight shifted around. Did my hair grow longer? Was this some kind of prank? Those little brats had better not of glued some fucking wig to my head while I was passed out or I'll... No, something else wasn't right. I could still barely open my eyes so I brought both my hands to my face and gave the...

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A Family in Need a Mason Degraves StoryChapter 6

Jim walked into the big communal sex bedroom to find Beverly nursing Julie, each with their fingers in the other’s pussies, and each making happy noises. Jim stepped close to his mother and latched on to her free nipple, causing his mother to gasp with the stimulation and begin a climax. He kept up the suction, and, first moistening his middle finger in his mother’s very wet pussy, then moved it around and inserted it in her ass. Her exclamation of surprise changed into deeper moans as he...

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A Family in Need a Mason Degraves StoryChapter 7

Amber was back in Lord DeGraves’ office, sitting in the single chair before it. There had been a wonderful dinner, the best she had ever eaten, and the cupcakes she had been told about were, in fact, served for dessert. She passed on them, as had been suggested to her, as had Lord DeGraves. During the dinner, everyone had been relaxed and friendly, and talked with each other like friends. Several whom she had not met introduced themselves: Dr. Sanders, Dr. Cole, Julie Richards (whom folks...

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A Family in Need a Mason Degraves StoryChapter 9

Later that evening in her bedroom, Beverly looked at Amber, “So, when did you actually start to purr?” “I think just at dinner. I didn’t know I could do that! Some of the sounds I’ve been making have been, um, unexpected? I mean, I hear them and then realize that they came from me. They’re all cat noises, I think. I keep feeling an impulse to make some sort of noises, kind of out of the blue.” answered Amber, looking a bit nervous. “So, you just purred without meaning to? It just happened?”...

1 year ago
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Rick Kobe

Disclaimer: this story is not true and does not implicate anything about the stars real sexuality. And is copyrighted by the author Me. Rick & Kobe This all started one week after the Lakers had just won there 3rd championship title in a row and the players were free to do whatever they wanted to do. So all the players had gone back to there homes to visit there families, and Kobe was just sitting at home chilling and had nothing to do because vanessa had went to visit her mother for a week. So...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 61 Nine Days Part One

Sex with Felicity Morgan lasted long enough to allow me to satisfy her and then myself, have a shower in the guest ensuite before Sandy drove me home in her brand new Honda S2000 with Pink Floyd's 'Momentary Lapse Of Reason' CD and the song 'Sorrow' pumping from the cars four speakers. When we got to our place I saw I number of familiar cars but it never even occurred to me to wonder what was happening, I knew this was for mine and Maria's benefit and that it was designed for some kind...

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