Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 2 free porn video

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In truth, had Amanda not been as nervous about the deflowering, she might not have flown off the handle like that. She already felt guilty about it by the time they turned down the path to Roquan's quarters. She quickly ceased to dwell on such matters, however, as the Overlord's residence loomed ahead of her. Despite the fact that she remained in full sun all the way to the door, she felt it casting a shadow over her nonetheless.

Chain or no chain, she had to resist the urge to bolt.

It was only after Sirinna had opened the door and bid Amanda to step inside that she understood why. Her collaring the night before was supposed to have been the point of no return. In reality, what she was doing today was the true turning point. She was about to lose not just her virginity, but whatever sense of innocence she may have had left.

Amanda's eyes darted nervously around her. Briefly they were drawn towards the fireplace and the implements of bondage and discipline that hung prominently from the wall to the left of it. She swallowed hard. She knew that Roquan was unlikely to use any of them at a deflowering; but then again, only a few days before he had put her across his knee and actually spanked her when she had pushed him too far with her insolence.

Sirinna brought Amanda to a stop in the center of the room with a light tug on the chain. Before either of them could say a word, the curtain to the inner chamber parted, and Roquan D'ronstaq stepped into the room.

Amanda's eyes glazed for a moment, as she was unsure of what she would see at this moment. It was only after she saw that the Overlord's body was clothed that she managed to relax a little. She had had the terrible notion that Roquan might have come to her naked, already fully aroused and advancing on her like a lustful satyr.

At the same time, the robe he wore was very light and very thin. It clung to his chiseled form, the smooth sinew of his arms and shoulders clearly outlined. The folds were parted wide near his neck, coming together in a "V" at his waist. Amanda glimpsed a bit of his broad chest through the gap.

Her eyes lingered on this bit of exposure for a moment. It was the most she had ever seen of him. Did she find him attractive? Amanda was not sure. She had so little experience with boys -- let alone older men -- that she had no idea what she liked.

But then again, it was not as if what she liked mattered anymore.

Roquan stood just inside the opening to his bedchamber, his steady gaze falling solidly on Amanda. She quivered at his attention, and one leg moved briefly as if to take a half-step back. She stopped only when she saw something a little different in those eyes this time. They were not as cool and hard as she had remembered them just the day before.

The Overlord stepped towards them, the bottom edge of the robe swirling around his bare feet. Amanda could not decide if the ease in which he moved was born out of confidence or arrogance. She almost could not fault him for the latter. Before Amanda was collared, he had little or no control over her. She could see him wanting to savor a moment like this.

Roquan stopped before her and shifted his gaze towards Sirinna expectantly.

Sirinna could not help but smile despite the solemnity of her voice. "She is ready for you, master. Please treat her well, and give her pleasure."

Amanda felt a flash of heat over her skin as ownership of the end of the chain was exchanged. Just another moment passed as Sirinna quietly made her exit, leaving Amanda alone with the Overlord.

Amanda had no idea what to do or what was expected of her. Her hands clenched and unclenched nervously behind her back, pulling the chain taut between the cuffs. She kept her eyes on his, not knowing where else to place her gaze.

A very small smile played across Roquan's lips. "You're trembling, Amanda," he said, a bit of bemusement in his voice.

Amanda took a breath and let it go. Her voice was small and weak. "I-I know, master."

One eyebrow lifted slightly. "And should I be impressed that you used my proper title on the first attempt?"

The amusement was more apparent in his voice now, but it was not mocking.

She uttered a short sigh. "I'm not going to give you any trouble, master."

"Oh? And how are you so sure of this?"

"I'm too scared to do anything but what you tell me."

Roquan cast a thoughtful but penetrating gaze at Amanda. This was finally too much for her and she dropped her eyes. She nearly flinched when Roquan's hand caught her chin and gently coaxed her into lifting her face towards him again. The next moment, she was so stunned by the gentleness of his touch that she had no idea what to say or think.

"Is that what you believe?" the Overlord asked softly. "That I wish you frightened of me?"

Amanda swallowed and said nothing.

"Turn around."

She hesitated a moment before complying. She felt a tug on her restraints, and then heard two clicks. The cuffs fell away from her wrists. Seconds later, the chain was detached from her neck.

"Face me."

Amanda turned again. In the silence, she could actually hear the little padlock that still remained on her collar swinging from its eyelets. Roquan dropped the cuffs and the chain into the chair near the entrance to the inner chamber. "I hope to show you that your fear is misplaced. I do not wish my slaves to be afraid of me."

Amanda opened her mouth briefly, but caught herself and closed it without saying a word.

"You remembered yourself. I am indeed impressed now, Amanda. Or was that out of fear again?"

"I'm just trying to follow the rules," Amanda said evenly, though there was still a slight quaver to her voice. "I'm not supposed to speak with you unless asked a direct question. Did I get that right, master?"'

Roquan smiled. "Ah, that is more of the Amanda I know. Willful and headstrong."

"I'm sorry, master."

"I did not necessarily mean it as a criticism."

Now Amanda was confused, and she remained silent more for this than any rule.

"You'll learn this in time, but slave training is not meant to destroy your spirit. It is meant to show you obedience and submissiveness. There is a difference."

Amanda said nothing.

"You are free to speak. That rule is suspended for the time being."

"I guess I can't see the difference yet, master."

Roquan reached down and took one of Amanda's hands in his. Again, his touch was unexpectedly light. His fingers squeezed hers almost tenderly. Her eyes turned to his with mild surprise, and when he spoke again, his voice was soft and husky. "I wish only to bring out the best in my slaves, Amanda. That includes you."

Amanda did not know how to react to this. His words did not have any significance to her. She was sure that he did not truly understand what her real reasons were for staying in Narlass. She could not believe that Roquan had no idea at all; he was too intelligent and too observant of his slaves for that. Yet she doubted that he understood how deep her feelings for Sirinna went. Or how desperate she had been to escape the life she had on Earth.

"I-I'm not sure what you expect to find in me," Amanda finally said.

"That is part of why you are here right now."

She trembled again and felt panic threaten to rise up inside her. "I don't know what you want me to do. I..."

Roquan gave her hand another squeeze, silencing her. "You do not understand this yet, but this is for you, not for me. You do not need to do anything except submit to it."

Amanda could not help herself. She gave him a cynical look. "Is that all, master?"

"It is, perhaps, easier than you believe. Come."

When Roquan stepped back towards his bedchamber, tugging lightly on her arm, Amanda resisted. She stood rigidly in place, as if daring him to show his true self. She expected him to pull on her more insistently, until finally losing patience with her and hauling her inside. Perhaps he was looking for the excuse to do just that, to simply take her brutally and forcefully, to make it nothing more than a rape.

Yet none of these things happened. All he did was give her another light, coaxing tug on her arm, and squeeze her hand again. It was only when he fixed his gaze to hers that she saw a little of the insistence that she had sought. What was missing was the impatience.

When Amanda still did not yield on the second try, Roquan actually smiled at her. "The collar has done nothing to cure you of your defiance. Would you be surprised to learn that I actually find that a relief?"

Amanda did not answer; the surprised look on her face was reply enough.

On Roquan's third try, Amanda relented, and stepped past the curtain and into his bedchamber.

On the other side of the curtain, when her eyes fell upon the Overlord's inner sanctum, she briefly froze up again, advancing no further than a few feet from the door. Roquan did not force the matter and let go of her hand. Amanda, ever observant, realized that he was putting his trust in her. She could have bolted out the door before he could grab her. Perhaps there was some significance to the fact that he removed her bonds before bringing her into the bedchamber.

Curiosity began to overcome fear. She looked around, and discovered that the Overlord's bedchamber was not all that different from slave quarters. It had the same wood pole and thatch construction, save that some of the former had heatless and smokeless torches attached to them.

She heard a rush of water somewhere. She glanced towards the sound, and saw another curtained entrance leading to what she had assumed was the sanity. Yet it was apparent from the vague movement she saw beyond the veil that his was a bit more.


She flinched when she saw Roquan standing before her again, but her eyes were instead drawn to the curious object in his hands.

"You will need this first."

Tentatively, Amanda accepted a small flask filled with an odd-looking bluish-green fluid. Before the Overlord could speak again, Amanda made the connection. "This is to protect me, isn't it, master? From pregnancy, I mean."

"So you know of it already?"

"Sirinna mentioned it to me a few days ago."

"Then you know you must drink it before anything else may commence."

Amanda held up the draught to the light. A distressed look came over her face.

"Yes?" asked Roquan.

She lowered the flask. "Um... is this permanent, master?"

"Of course. There is no reason it should not be."

Amanda's fingers tightened around the neck of the flask. Motherhood was not something that had ever really entered her mind. Being only fourteen, there was little reason for it to occupy her thoughts. Yet now she was being asked to give it up forever.

In Narlassi logic, it made perfect sense. No one who was a slave stopped being a slave, so there would be no need to reverse such a thing.

She looked up. Roquan was watching her with a curious look. Amanda wondered what that meant. Did all other Captives simply accept this fate at this point without hesitation? She thought perhaps they did.

Amanda did not care what the rules said. She could not change her attitude so quickly. Thus it was only a sense of duty and requirement that made her lift the flask to her mouth and drink down the rather bland contents in just a few swallows.

There was something of a small grin upon Roquan's face as he took the empty flask from her. "I believe my assessment was correct when I said you would be challenge to train, Amanda. Will you be as much a challenge to me today?"

"I honestly don't know, master."

Roquan stepped up to her and placed his strong hands lightly on her shoulders. To as much her surprise as his, she did not shrink away from his touch. His hands slid gently down her arms. He could still feel her body quivering, but less so than before. When Amanda raised her eyes to his again, there was less anxiety and more curiosity in them. Yet ever-present was that faint gleam of defiance.

"You do not seem quite as frightened now as you were."

There was truth to his statement. She was at least not so scared of the Overlord. Her feelings on other matters, however, had yet to change. "Looks can be deceiving, master."

"Then perhaps you will still benefit from a little diversion."

Before she could inquire about this, he took her hand and led her through the side doorway.

As she had surmised, only the part closest to the doorway contained a sanitary. Beyond it was another full room nearly as large as the bedchamber, and housed something that looked very familiar to her.

Unlike the bedchamber, the floor here was rock, carved into a smooth bowl-shaped depression. It was filled with clear water that steamed gently. In the center, a spring bubbled steadily, sending ripples over the surface of the pool. Where the waves crested, a bit of soapy froth had formed.

Amanda recognized it because there was one behind Sirinna's quarters, though it was open to the air. She shuddered, for her experience with it had not been completely pleasant. That was when she had unwittingly brought the Disalla into the water with her, driving herself and Tanyee nearly insane with lust.

Tentatively, she dipped the toes of one foot into the pool. It was quite warm, even more so than that of Sirinna's. She flicked her toes, and where the water splashed, a thick, soapy froth formed almost instantly. Her panic spiked, and she yanked her foot back.

"Ordinary soap," Roquan said. "Nothing more."

Amanda jerked her head around, her gaze sharp for a moment before softening as she reluctantly remembered her place.

"I intend to use nothing magical on you, Amanda. Surely Sirinna has told you this."

"She did, master." She paused a moment, her heart starting to pound again. "Will... will you be entering the pool with me?"

He placed a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly the steam felt oppressively warm to her. His voice was as soft as his touch. "What do you think?"

Amanda swallowed hard. She felt that the idea of just seeing Roquan naked, let alone being in such an intimate setting with him, was still beyond her ability to cope.

"At some point, you must be willing to trust me, Amanda."

Had his voice hinted at anger, or impatience, or even amusement, she might not have responded. Instead, it was more like a plea, and very unlike what she thought an Overlord would be like when dealing with a reluctant slave. Trust on her part was not something she thought would even enter his mind. Was he truly that concerned about it?

Amanda took a deep breath, but it did little good. The steam had thickened, and moist warmth was making her feel a bit lightheaded. She turned herself away from Roquan, as if making a point that she was doing this herself and not because he had wanted it. She lowered herself and slipped into the pool.

She felt her breath taken from her for a moment as the heat of the water slid over her naked skin. Just the simple movement of her body slipping into the water was enough to ring her with dense suds. The soap seemed to leave a bright, oily sheen on her skin which glistened brightly. When she placed a hand along her side, it felt not so much slippery as silky. As her hand slid along her skin, it sent a tingle through her body.

Amanda began to turn around, her movements generating a widening ring of suds around her, hiding the bottom of the pool from view. "Master, are you sure this is not..."

But her words stopped abruptly with a sharp gasp as she saw that in her distraction, she had not noticed that the Overlord was already in the pool with her.

Her eyes darted to the side, where his robe lay neatly folded to the side. Her mouth dropped open, her heart racing. Her gaze was drawn back to Roquan, his broad, powerful chest bared to her. Already, suds had formed in the water around his waist, hiding the rest of him from view for the time being. Yet her gaze tracked downward anyway, partially from fear, and partially from simple curiosity.

Roquan approached her, slowly and easily, the water rippling around him. Amanda closed her mouth and watched him intently. As he grew close, she tried to muster up one last bit of defiance in her eyes. It failed when he placed his hands gently against her sides and slid them very slowly down and around the curve of her hips. Even under the water, the soap seemed to cling to her, making his touch extremely sensuous.

But not sexual. Not yet. He made no move to touch her in any intimate areas. His hands drew upwards, along her sides and under her arms, yet avoided her breasts. They slipped behind her, drawing her towards him and massaging her back, but never descended below her waist.

He finally withdrew and pulled back from her slightly. "Perhaps you trust me a bit more now."

At the same time, however, Amanda noticed his voice had grown quite husky and deep.

"And there is nothing magical in the water, master?"

"If you feel anything, Amanda, it is not the doing of magic."

"I'm... I-I'm not quite sure what I feel right now."

"That is perfectly understandable. You are not experienced enough yet."

"But that's why I'm here, isn't it?"

To her surprise, he shook his head.

"This is not for experience. This is for enjoyment."

"Mine or yours?"

Roquan paused, and then laughed softly. It was the first time Amanda had ever heard the Overlord laugh. It suddenly made him seem a little more human to her.

"It is largely for you. But I would be foolish if I told you I did not wish enjoyment for myself." Roquan paused a moment, and then added in a lower voice, "And it would be a most outrageous lie if I said I did not find you very desirable."

Amanda's eyes widened. For the first time since entering Roquan's quarters, she felt a flash of heat that had nothing to do with the water or the steam. Yet it was also mixed with an equal measure of fear. She knew now what she had suspected, that he was already quite aroused and ready to have her, but she was not there yet herself.

At least now, however, she thought she might have a chance of getting there.

Roquan, ever the master at reading his slaves' feelings, sensed this and smiled softly at her. Without a word, he picked up one of her hands, lifting her arm from the water. He scooped up some suds with his free hand, and began to bathe her.

Amanda felt another flash of heat, stronger this time, and focusing on her sex. As with everything else, part of the feelings invoked were good, part were not. She remembered her Disalla-induced tryst with Tanyee starting in a similar fashion.

With Tanyee, however, it had devolved into a sexual, lustful frenzy of touching and stroking. Here, Roquan kept the same slow, purposeful movements with which he started the task. He slowly and methodically washed one arm and then the other, her heart racing each time his hand slid up her arm and closer to her body.

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Dolph was thinking of taking a big chance. It was a crazy thing to do, and he knew it. But he was in the mood for something wild. He had just completed his round of golf and Herb, his playing partner, was driving him home. He shifted in the front seat as his cock hardened and became uncomfortable in his shorts. His cock was getting hard because he was thinking of fucking Pam Murphy. It had been difficult to concentrate on his golfing because of the big-titted, horny blonde. It would be...

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College Teacher Chapter Four

College Teacher. Chapter Four. Two weeks left of the term and this Monday morning was the first of the exams to see how much they had taken in over the past year. The five questions had been written out weeks earlier and now they were being handed round for them to answer giving them roughly thirty minutes to write down the answers to each. This morning was the fourth year and the fifth in the afternoon. Tuesday was the sixth year in the morning and the seventh in the afternoon. Here I got a...

First Time
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Pados Wali Ki Maid

Hello guy my name is rav and I am 6 feet tall with brownish colour my age is 20 and my dick is 6.7 inches so all young lady or woman be ready..So lets begin  the story.. Yeh story 3 months phele ki hai ham sab boys apni galli mai cricket khel rahe the ki tabhi mere dost ne hamari gali ke ek ghar ki balcony mai ball mar di or bahut tej avaj ayi!! Phir kuch sec bad prachi(my sexy jucy babe jese mene choda)thode gusse mai bahar aye or omg ..!! Kya lag rahi thi mera lund to jum raha tha use dekh...

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I Mutant Ch 01

I am a mutant. It is not visible. It is not a deformity. In fact, growing up, I was totally oblivious to my differences, and was not even aware that I had special abilities. As I matured, I developed more and stronger mental powers. These include, in my mature state, empathy, telepathy, psychokinesis (the ability to manipulate matter with my mind, which I will refer to in this narrative as PK for ease of use), some ‘far-seeing’, and some slight precognition. In addition, and most importantly...

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Chhoti Bahan Ko Choda

By : Leakoftheweak Hi friend’s mere nam Rahul hain main Bhopal ka rahne wala hoon mere parivaar main 4 log hain main mummy papa or meri chhoti bahan uska abhi bcom first year main admission hua hain or main 1 engineering student hoon bat un dino ki hain jab meri sister 12th class main the main us wakt first year engineering  main tha main aap logo ko bata doon main bachpan se hi bada kamina hoon maine pahli baar sex apni chachi ke sath kiya tha jab main 12 th class main tha khair dosto...

3 years ago
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If You Go Down in the Woods

If You Go Down in the Woods It was a hot day so Michael decided to take his shirt off as he strolled along the bridle path. He took a swig from the bottle of water he was carrying and continued on his way. He’d been walking in the sun for more than an hour and up ahead he could see the path meandering towards the woods and he looked forward to reaching the shade and cooling down a little. Entering the woods he noticed the quiet calm that pervaded and he reflected on the fact that he hadn’t...

Group Sex
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Aunty Beena a cock squeezer

Hi this is khal again. I want to narrate to you another true incident which took place when I was 16 years old. It was during rainy seasons that we met. She was in her car and I was running to go home gave me a lift and she drove me home but on arriving at home there was no one. I called my parents and dad told me that they had to stay at their in laws because my grandfather was ill. He told me that the weather is deteriorating and that the bridge has overflowed. He then called Aunty Beena and...

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ExxxtraSmall Emma Starletto Valentines Day Double Dick Down

Emma Starletto is so hot that she has two Valentines Dates this year. A girl like her knows how to juggle two thirsty guys at once. She sneaks a blowjob with her second date while her first date waits around like a dunce! But when her first date walks in on her sucking another guys dick, he thinks quickly. Maybe a little double stuffing would be fun! Emma catches on and opens her mouth wide to suck both studs massive pricks. She swirls her tongue around the tips of their cocks and then bends...

4 years ago
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Lindas Scene

I made it home around 1:00 am to find the lights on in the living room. I could hear music, cries of pain, and loud cracking sounds coming from behind the door as I used my key to enter the house. I tried to be as quite as I could. removed my shoes at the door, (we do it Japanese style in my house.) and tip toed into the living room. I found Linda tied firmly to a work horse double 'A' frame and her Mistress's expert hands working her ass with a long whip. Careful not to interrupt the...

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Personally love the young ladies in their next to nothing micro bikinis on Hamster. Wish females in the 1960s would have been brave Enough to wear them then. Doubt my wife would have as she was too shy to even wear a normal two piece bikini unless we were on a remote beach which Wasn,t often. Never dreamed I see one in the Flesh to to speak of till quite recently I was visiting my daughter Christina and family. Apparently she was planning a family holiday abroad and told me her young daughters...

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The Jersey

Leah was sitting at the bar of her favorite drinking hole, the Double Deuce, watching game three of the NHL playoffs, Chicago Blackhawks versus Phoenix Coyotes. She was pissed when the game ended as Mikkel Boedker slipped the puck in during overtime, ending yet another exhausting (third) overtime in three games, and sending the Coyotes to a 3-2 victory over the Hawks in the first-round Western Conference playoff series. It seemed her new Chicago Blackhawks jersey emblazoned with her last name,...

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Last One StandingChapter 3

“Water!” cried Elizabeth. The words cracked her parched lips. She stumbled her way to the narrow stream. Ignoring her pained knees, she scrambled across the dry, rocky distance separating her from the water. Plunging her face into the stream, she gulped it down, drinking until she thought she’d throw up. Her thirst sated for the moment, she rolled into the shallow water, letting the cool liquid soak her clothes. Pulling herself out, she collapsed on the bank. Dehydration and heatstroke were...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 128 Confessions on a balcony

"Certainly there will always be remorse to be dealt with." The voice of Katsuhito Misaki continued as Key's distance from source had sufficiently diminished. "No matter how favorable the outcome." "Well, the layer I got hanging on me right now I couldn't clear with a belt sander!" Washu griped bitterly. Uncertain, 'at that moment' even why she was doing so, Kiyone crouched lower even as the two figures came into view. "So what if they got every thing they could possibly want!"...

2 years ago
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Unusual School Romance Female Edition Part 4

Authors Personal Note= If You Find that This Story Is Not For You Than You Are More Than Welcomed To Leave At Any Time you Want No One Is Forcing To Read The Whole Story Authors Personal Note 2= Please Keep In Mind That My Stories Maybe Unique And Not Just In Format But Also The Author Tries To Fit As Much X Rated Scenes As She Can Just As Long As She Could Fit It In The Plot As Best She Could So That It Doesn’t Feel Like A Or Some Cheap Porn And May Not Be For Everyone Author’s Personal Note...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 14 Thursday afternoon Bec

Editor’s Note: The next page is unlabeled but it is in Bec’s recognisable handwriting on hospital stationery. The context indicates it belongs here. Thursday 2nd December. I don’t really want to write about what happened this morning. It’s embarrassing. Now I think about it, I felt like I was taking part in some grand epic story full of witches and centaurs and daring escapes and great battles. Maybe I could write that story sometime, but not today. Parts of it are fuzzy in my head. I...

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infidelities I committed when married Fridagirl

1) A knock on my front door during a masturbation session.Ask any woman how she feels when pregnant? Fat, ugly, bloated would be the three most common, not to mention a host of others that get in the way.I missed sex. We just seemed to stop doing it. No romance or naughty public quickies, whenever our fancies tickled us, no teasing other men, unless they were admiring my lactating breasts down-blouse, which I had no problem showing, as the sex stopped on my husbands part, using the excuse, "He...

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Neighborly Hospitality

Unannounced visitors were not very common, especially in the middle of the day, so when the knock came at the door for Lisa Ingles, she was caught a little off guard. Little did she know that she was about to be introduced to a world of experiences that would shift her reality and alter her life completely. Little did she know that she was about to become an entirely new woman.She opened the door to find herself staring, face to face, with a beautiful black woman who looked more like she...

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Hi to everybody, meendum ungal sugunaraj, I think all of you enjoyed with my previous story “Puttam patta paadu”, yet I have not received any response for that story, it is a nice story, even I think it is the best story among the story already submitted. Ok, this time I am again with my own experience. Enakku oru thozhi sharmila endru peyar, engal veetirku arugil irukirar, konjam vasathianavar, avar kanavar IT professional, adikadi foreign tour pogiravar, so neraya neram sharmila ennudan...

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The Sexperience a Story Ever Woman Should Read

(Sorry boys this story is only for girls sorry to disappoint) Hello girls, I’m Rahul from Hyderabad here with a unique idea which i got thinking of sad and unsatisfied women. Through which i can satisfy every women out there. To get satisfied by my story u need to have lots of imagination power. It’s said nothing is better than something. This is my small attempt to make people happy and satisfied in the way i can. Hope you people enjoy having it all with me ;). Now coming to the story u need...

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Like Mother Like Son 1

A special thanks to Victor G who co-wrote 'A Mother's Love' at Sapphire's site. Vic has a litterary way of making a boy look as if he walked out of the pages of a fashion magazine. He's a fantastic solo writer and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to write this story with him. Now for a little info about the story. Darren Peterman is a 16 year old high school football player who is at odds with his feminine side. As the title suggests, Darren's mother is his role model. This...

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GeniusChapter 7 Return to the Forest World

I stepped through the portal to find that Forester was waiting for me, and he was shaking his head as I appeared. "I see you failed then, did you find them all dead?" He asked. I held up a finger in a 'wait a moment' signal, and then the first of the people started to appear. "Come on in, there are shelters nearby." I said as I looked at a surprised Forester. "I have to admit that I didn't think you'd do it!" Forester said, and then his expression went from surprise to one of...

2 years ago
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Thief Gone Rogue 2

Chapter Two Sensations overwhelmed the new Jacob as he explored the skin on his arms. The bed was where he was, still naked, enjoying the feel of cool air and a textured comforter. It wasn't until he rolled over that he had noticed just how cold it was. In a much too feminine voice he giggled and wrapped his slender arms around himself enjoying the softness of his own body. Even his new hair held his attention for several minutes, it was long, soft and raven black, much different...

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The Taking of Emily

Emily had been coaxed into going to this obscure party by an acquaintance. It wasn't really her sort of thing, but she went to appease her friend. She knew it would be kinky, but could never have guessed the outcome. She wore a tight short dress and, it gave her a tingle to feel her long legs being ogled by the various males, but she stuck close to her friend just the same. Like most people she preferred parties with people of her own age; there was a large cross section at this one, from...

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Analized Cherry Kiss Wants As Many Cocks As You Can Bring Her

Cherry Kiss is one of the best whores has ever seen. She loves to be fucked like a whore and treated like a cum rag. Today, Cherry has requested as much cock as she could get. She is brought two big white cocks to satisfy and suck off. The men take turns deep throating her and skull fucking her. They waste little time before opening up her tight backdoor. Cherry Kiss swaps between gagging on their cocks while they fuck her ass rough and hard. This isn’t enough for the blond...

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Never Too Old

George was a seventy-five-year-old widow who loved to sit on his front or back porch and watch all the young college girls who lived in the different apartments and houses around him. On this particular Saturday morning, it was already reaching the 90’s and it was not even ten in the morning. Grabbing a glass of iced tea, he ambled out onto his front porch, his cane tap-tap-tapping on the wooden floor. Sitting his tea on the small table beside his favorite lawn chair, he pulled up his baggy...

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Mature Wife Forced To Be A Slut

So here is the story and it is very true. My wife is very aware that it is being written about her slut ways that she was forced into it. So all comments and direct responses are welcomed.She is 59, very nice looking and a size 12-14 pending the attire..... Loves to fuck.... Loves to be fingered and eaten before she gets my cock.... Loves to ride and do those tits bounce..... Gets rather loud and vocal, loves calling me a nasty dirty boy and she loves being called a CFM slut....All that said at...

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Halloween The Book

Halloween Two, 10/10/2016: The BookAbergale threw her coat over the back of her regular seat at the library next to the window directly opposite the storage heater which for some reason was always on and pumped out huge amounts of heat year round. She sat down heavily in the seat and placed her head in her hands, rubbing her eyes trying to relieve the pain of a head ache that had developed since breakfast and was getting worse by the minute. She got headaches like this every month on her...

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DevilsFilm Lauren Phillips Laney Grey Secret Lez Affair

Laney Grey is dying to get out of her college dorm and just found the perfect apartment except that she can’t cover all the deposit- just yet anyway. Lauren Phillips says it’s her husband’s call to make and that her hands are tied when it comes to making financial arrangements for tenants. Laney in a desperate attempt to secure her dream apartment, soon starts rekindling the inner lesbian fire Lauren has suppressed for so many years. She’s slow and gentle with Lauren....

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Cant stand it anymoreI need to get FUCKED

My wife had been laid up with a broken arm and wasn't able to enjoy sex for six months, after finishing her physical therapy with a VERY handsome ther****t, She came into the room one night in just stockings heels and garter belt and proclaimed!: "It's been six months, I can't stand this anymore, I need to get fucked tonight and one cock just isn't going to cut it honey. I want all my holes filled at the same time tonight, Any ideas? "Sure sweetie whatever you want it's yours You want to pick...

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Convinced My Cousin To Get Intimate

Hi guys. I am Daksh back again with another story which started since I was 17. Let me reintroduce myself. I am Daksh A well built 6 feet tall guy and tool with 7 inches approx. I am from Delhi and I’m 26 years of age. When this incident happened I didn’t know anything about this website. I was about 18 years old and was in 10th std. I always had an eye on my cousin Amrita (Name Changed) since I was 15 years old but never had the courage to do anything as we were under age. Oh, let me describe...

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Love Dont Run

Authors note: This is my first posting here.This story was co written by Ropetease. Hope you all enjoy. By: Hisangelbeauty and Ropetease Joe was walking across the quad towards his next class when he saw her standing, talking to someone. Joe felt his heart skip a beat he couldn’t believe he might have found her after all theses months of searching . Just as he was walking up behind her, Joy suddenly turned bumping into him and her books went flying. When her hand touched his forearm to...

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So You Want to be an Escort

Today, I was chatting online with a very special friend of mine. We are very close but recently, we have stayed away from fantasizing about each other. Sometimes in life, the friendship takes the greater importance and it is not a bad thing. We were talking about her career goal. She is in her 40's and back in college after raising her children. As a business major, she was considering the Hospitality Sector: hotels, resorts, etc. I teased her about becoming an escort. "Great job," she...

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From Unwanted Guy to Maid and Slave Part 6

Chapter 8: No More Boy James. I don't think I slept at all, the constant edging kept me distracted and in distress all night. I was a haze of tiredness and sweat when Danielle nudged me in the morning. "Good morning bitch. How did you sleep?" she said as she took off my gag. "I didn't Miss, I'm so tired. Please stop doing this to me." She untied my legs and arms and I stood up. "Shut up and stop whining, rent is due tomorrow. Do you want us to get you kicked out? Now go shower,...

3 years ago
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The InvestigatorsChapter 11

May: (into phone as she drove she gave Eddie the complete rundown) So boss we are headed back home. All we got is stonewalled. Eddie: Turn your ass around and get back there. From what you just told me you haven't exhausted all the possibilities. Move your headquarters to Williamston or somewhere else, but get back to that town. May: What more can we do? Eddie: What makes you think that waitress wanted to screw Mike. She may have wanted to talk to him outside the restaurant. Now have Mike...

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