Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 9 free porn video

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"I fear I may need to tender my resignation, your Lordship."

Roquan looked up from the accounting parchment he was perusing and stared in confusion at his Healer. "Is this a joke, Vanlo?"

Vanlo straightened and clasped his hands behind his back. "I wish it were. However, I feel that events of late have convinced me that I am aging past the point of usefulness to this Manor. If you wish, I can suggest a few colleagues from the Healer Guild that would serve as a suitable..."


Vanlo fell silent, giving his Overlord an even look.

Roquan threw down his quill and leaned back in his chair. "Vanlo... what are you talking about? You look as fit as you did a moon ago. Or a year ago, for that matter."

"Good of you to say, your Lordship. However, it is not my body that matters in my profession, but my mind, and I fear it is no longer sound."

"That's ridiculous."

Vanlo allowed himself a small smile. "As always, your Lordship, your faith in me in certain matters exceeds that of my own. But the truth remains, my mind is not what it was, and it can get only worse from here."

Roquan folded his arms. "And how did you come to this conclusion?"

"Simply this: you have had the Portal serviced, have you not?"

"Yes. And?"

Vanlo sensed the impatience in the Overlord's voice. "I should not, therefore, be having any further incidents of sensing Portal energies."

"And I seem to recall that you did not."

"Yes, your Lordship, until yesterday."

Roquan rose to his feet. "You sensed it again?" he asked in an urgent voice.

"Yes, I have, and stronger than I had before, which can only mean that I am..."

"How close to the Manor do you think it was?"

Vanlo paused and looked at the Overlord with a small, humorless grin.

"Well? How close?"

"We do not appear to be on the same parchment of the scroll, your Lordship," Vanlo said patiently. "Allow me to be more direct: these sensations are clearly phantoms of my mind."

Roquan frowned. "I beg your pardon?"

"It stands to reason, your Lordship. The idea that Portals are opening randomly about the countryside near the Manor makes no sense. Your Portal is clearly functioning properly. This can only mean that my mental faculties are failing. For magic-sensitives such as me, phantom sensations are an early sign of senility."

Roquan drew in a deep breath. "I don't accept that."

Vanlo gave another tiny smile. "Overlords can command many things. But ordering an aging and increasingly decrepit body to restore itself to the vigor of youth is beyond your capabilities, I am afraid. But the sentiment is appreciated."

"Vanlo, stop talking nonsense!" Roquan declared, stepping away from him. "I do not have time for this! The Merchant Clan will be here in days, and the Conclave on the heels of that. Do not burden me with this."

"It is hardly a choice for either you or me to make..."

"Like hellfire it isn't. Resignation rejected. Get back to work."

Vanlo did not move.

Roquan turned around. "Well?"

For the first time since Roquan had known him, his Healer appeared at a loss for words, and his expression was anything other than calm. When he spoke, Roquan was taken aback by the emotion in his voice. "Your Lordship, I am... quite honored and flattered... that you believe my services of such value."

"You're the best Healer that this Manor ever had, Vanlo."

Vanlo took a deep breath. It was the first time the Overlord had ever so openly voiced his praise for him. Vanlo always knew tacitly that his work was appreciated, but it was out of character for the Overlord to pronounce it so clearly. Roquan had indeed undergone many changes since the first of many ills had descended upon him. It made Vanlo's decision all that harder.

"Vanlo, did you consider the possibility that you are sensing Portal energies because a Portal is indeed in use?"

Vanlo hesitated before answering. "Naturally, this crossed my mind, as it would be foolish of me not to consider all possibilities."

"I would prefer that one to the idea that you are losing your abilities."

"As would I, your Lordship."

Roquan stepped up to his Healer. "Then humor me, Vanlo. Entertain the notion again. How close would the Portal have been?"

Vanlo paused, taking another deep breath to clear his mind. "It is very hard to judge, even if my faculties..."

"A rough estimate will suffice," Roquan cut in.

"Not very far. Most likely on this island."

Roquan's eyes became ice as they shifted away from his Healer. "And now what is the Emperor up to?"

"Your Lordship?"

"It stands to reason, Vanlo. He is attempting to disrupt this Conclave."

Vanlo stroked his beard. "Forgive me, but is that not a rather large conclusion to jump to on scant evidence?"

"Z'haas is not a stupid man. He knows of the Conclave. We are fools if we believe that the Emperor will sit idly by as plans are drawn up against him."

"That may be true, your Lordship, but..."

"Nothing else makes sense! He is the only one with the resources to open Portals of that nature on demand. He has already shown a willingness to bastardize the slave trade. I would not put it past him to bastardize this as well."

"That would imply that we have another Imperial agent on the island focusing the Portal energies with an appropriately enchanted pearl," Vanlo pointed out. "And yet, what would this accomplish?"

Roquan raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Consider: A Portal could not be used to bring an agent to the island, for it requires a pearl as a focus, lest he risk being dropped in open ocean, in a tree, or some other dangerous place. Thus the agent would need to be here already. In which case, what is the point of opening the Portal?"

"To send something back," the Overlord said darkly.

"Then the Manor is safe. The wards in place will alert you if someone brings a pearl onto the premises imbued with such magic. Thus, again, we are left with the original question of why open such a Portal in the first place? There is no logical reason for it. You see, your Lordship, I have already thought of these ideas. You see why I rejected them, and came to the conclusion that I did about my mind."

Roquan sighed deeply. He still refused to accept it. He felt Vanlo was too important a part of this Manor to give up without a fight. Even if that fight was with Vanlo himself.

"Vanlo, I was quite serious when I stated that my time is limited. I cannot afford to take time to review suitable candidates for your replacement. Surely, even if your mind is deteriorating, it cannot be doing so at such a pace that you cannot execute your duties until the Conclave is over."

Vanlo considered this thoughtfully before he spoke again. "And, naturally, you will not use that time to convince me to change my mind about resigning."

Roquan allowed himself a small smile. "Of course not, Vanlo."

Vanlo grinned. "You are a horrible liar, your Lordship."

A small smile came to Sirinna's lips as she watched her Trainee from a short distance away. She held the girl's cuffs and chain in her hands, having left Amanda unfettered for this session. She also left her with no specific commands or tasks, and simply sent her into a bevy of other slaves that Sirinna had gathered. It was up to Amanda to find ways to please them.

To Sirinna's satisfaction, Amanda was doing quite well. To her surprise, the girl appeared to be enjoying it as well.

Amanda was on all fours. Her body rocked back and forth as one of the male slaves took her from behind. He gripped her hips fast in his strong hands, moving her at his own desired pace and rhythm. Amanda simply gave into it, panting through her nose as her mouth slid up and down a second slave's cock. Under her, a female slave let her fingers gently stroke Amanda's womanhood as her sex moved back and forth over the slave's hand.

As Sirinna watched, another female slave poured cool water over Amanda's back and head. Other slaves similarly attended to the males. Amanda moaned in relief. It would have been unbearably hot that afternoon without this bit of occasional refreshment. The coolness of the water made her nipples harden and rise. The female slave under her took advantage of it, tugging at them with her fingers.

"Mmmrrgh..." Amanda moaned in earnest, her breath growing shorter as she slowly rose.

Behind her, the slave let his breath go as a deep sigh. His body tensed as he stepped up the pace, until he was pounding into her. Amanda's head bobbed up and down on the other slave's cock in a frenzy at her rising excitement.

"Easy, Amanda," Sirinna said. "Not too fast. Don't let it run away with you."

Amanda closed her eyes and struggled to rein herself in. She still could not believe she had reached this point. While she still did not crave sex as the other slaves did, once she was able to get herself motivated and get into it, she was better able to just lose herself to it. It was the easiest way to cope and to perform as a slave was expected to perform,

The slave behind her groaned in earnest and tilted his head back as he came. He slammed himself forward, and let himself pulse hard inside her. The slave under her stroked her clitoris faster and faster, and it was everything she could do to keep herself focused.

"Mmmrr... mrrruuuhh!"

Amanda's closed her eyes tightly and nearly fell forward as her pussy throbbed. She remembered herself when the cock in her mouth suddenly shoved far into her, almost making her gag. She pulled back quickly, her body shaking as she orgasmed. She was still cumming even after the slave behind her withdrew, some of his seed trickling down the inside of one of her thighs.

Sirinna smiled despite the bit of clumsiness on the part of her Trainee. Now the girl's sensuality was really shining through.

Amanda sensed the change in the slave in front of her even before he started to groan loudly. She reached up and grabbed the base of his cock with her hand and pumped her mouth furiously on his shaft. He uttered several loud moans in a row before his cock erupted in her mouth. Amanda moaned as she was finally let down from her orgasm, and she could concentrate again on the finale. She drew herself closer to him and slowed her movements as he softened in her mouth. She milked a last few drops from him with her tongue, even bringing a small gasp from him and one more weak pulse from his cock.

Amanda let him fall from his lips and swallowed. Her eyes dropped as she panted, her body momentarily weak.

"That was very good, Amanda," Sirinna said as she rushed to her Trainee's side, placing a hand over one of the girl's shoulders. "You've really learned a lot in a short amount of time."

Amanda was still catching her breath. "Oh my... th-thank you, mistress."

Sirinna smiled. "Are you all right?"

Amanda swallowed and nodded. "Yes... it was just... a little intense." She paused, and then slowly rose to her feet. A slave handed her a goblet of water, half of which she drank down greedily, the other half she upended over her head. "And it's hot. The water helped, though."

"Master Roquan always makes sure his slaves don't overheat in the summer."

"Good. It must get really hot here in July... um, I mean, in midsummer." Amanda looked down at her arm, and then glanced over at the rest of her body. "Mistress, can I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"I only just realized this. I've been out in the tropical sun for some time. How come I'm not tan? Or you or any of the other slaves for that matter?"

"Clients tend to prefer fair-skinned slaves. So there's something added to the food here that keeps us that way."

Amanda nodded. She was almost disappointed. She had wondered what she might look like with an even, all-body tan.

Her musings were interrupted when Sirinna reattached her chain to the collar. "Turn around," her mistress ordered.

Amanda blinked in surprise as she complied. "We're done already, mistress?"

"Yes, we're heading back to my quarters now."

"Oh." She felt Sirinna draw the cuffs tight around her wrists. "Are we going to do something else back there?"

Sirinna hesitated just a moment. "Yes, we are, actually."

"What, mistress?"

"You'll have to wait until we get back." She closed the tiny padlocks on Amanda's restraints and picked up the chain. She gave it a firm snap, a little harder than she usually did.

The difference was not lost on Amanda, and she felt a twinge of anxiety that caused her to hesitate a moment before she fell into step ahead of her mistress for the walk back to their quarters.

"Um, mistress?" Amanda asked tentatively.

"Yes, Amanda?"

"I, um, I did do well today, didn't I?"

"Of course you did."

There was a subdued inflection to her mistress' voice.

"Are you sure of that?" Amanda persisted.

"There were a few things that could be improved, yes. We'll go over that during dinner."

Amanda nodded slowly. Her heart beat a little faster. Something was wrong, she could sense it. Sirinna never passed up a chance to critique her performance once they were away from the Circle, usually interspersed with copious praise for her efforts.

She preferred it that way. She did not want to think about it on her own for too long or too hard. Two months of her life spent in Narlass was still inadequate to throwing off Earthly cultural influence. Here, throwing herself into casual sex with people ten years her senior was training to be a slave; back on Earth, it was no better than being a slut.

It was hard for her, sometimes, to see the difference.

She tried to tell herself that it was a different culture here, that what one world considered a detriment, the other considered an asset. She wondered if this was another advantage to being a slave without a past. That was a lot of mental baggage that would no longer get in the way. Yet she still shuddered at the thought of having her memories erased in that manner.

They entered Sirinna's quarters. Halfway across the room, Sirinna snapped her chain to bring her to a stop.

Amanda's heart pounded. She felt that if something was going to happen, it was now. She felt Sirinna remove her chain, and then waited for her restraints to be removed. Instead, she heard Sirinna move away from her.


When Sirinna did not answer after a few moments, Amanda turned around. She caught Sirinna just as she was straightening up after having fetched something from under her bed.

Amanda's breath caught in her throat when she saw Sirinna holding the paddle.

"I need you leave you restrained for a little while longer, Amanda," Sirinna said in a somber voice. "We have to take care of something first."

Amanda's mouth dropped open as she gave Sirinna a frightened look. "But... but you said I did well today!"

"You did, love. Very well. This..."

"Whatever I did, I won't do it again!" Amanda wailed. "Please, mistress!"


The girl fell silent, her lower lip trembling.

"You've done nothing wrong. You're not being punished. This is something different."

"I don't understand, mistress."

"There's something we call the Traditional Twenty that..."

Amanda gasped. "Oh God, not that!"

Sirinna paused. "You know about it?"

"Tanyee told me. I thought when you went this long without saying anything about it that you weren't going to do it at all..."

"I have to, Amanda. I held off because I didn't think you could handle it earlier. I think you can now."

Amanda swallowed, her eyes flicking nervously to the paddle. "I don't get a say in this, do I?"

Sirinna shook her head slowly.

Amanda sighed despondently. "God, this is going to hurt," she whimpered.

"If the pain lingers too much afterward, Amanda, I will take you straight to Master Vanlo."

"What's the purpose behind this, anyway?

"It's just to show you what true punishment would be like. That's all."

From the look in Sirinna's eyes, Amanda could tell there was a little more to it than that. She had no idea what, so she held her tongue.

"Turn around," Sirinna ordered softly. "And bend over slightly."

Amanda wanted to be defiant. She wanted to give her mistress trouble over this. But ultimately, she didn't. She did not want to ruin everything she had gained up to this point. If she rebelled now, it would make everything she had been trying to do meaningless.

In other words, she had to show that she was a good slave.

Amanda swallowed, turned, and bent over.

"Now, just remain still, eyes forward and open."

Amanda had squeezed her eyes shut. She sighed and opened them again. There was a pause, and then a loud smack as the first stroke came down on her backside.

Amanda yelped and lurched forward. Sirinna grabbed her shoulder and held her still in time to deliver the next stroke. She smoothly continued into the next ones, never varying the rhythm. Each one was delivered skillfully and perfectly, each one a solid strike with the flat of the paddle on one of her ass cheeks, always the one opposite the one that was struck the stroke before.

With each came the same red flare of pain, a stinging that lasted just long enough until Sirinna returned to that cheek, until it became a steady, rising torment. As they approached the tenth stroke, Amanda began to tremble. She squeezed her legs together as her ass blushed brightly.

Past the tenth stroke, to first her surprise and then her embarrassment, heat flashed in her sex. The pain rose higher, and the ache in her pussy grew even as tears trickled from her eyes. At the fifteenth stroke, her tears flowed freely, and her pussy throbbed dully between her thighs.

Sirinna delivered the twentieth stroke and let go of Amanda's shoulder. Amanda sobbed softly but did not cry out. She refused to cry out. This would not break her. She would not let it.

And she categorically denied any connection between her paddling and the wetness in her pussy.

"Turn around, Amanda."

Amanda drew herself up, wincing as her tightening backside muscles intensified the lingering pain in her pink cheeks. She sniffed back tears, taking a few quick, deep breaths. As composed as she could possibly be, she turned around.

At once, Sirinna's gaze flicked down to Amanda's crotch, and then met the girl's gaze.

Amanda swallowed, quivering. "It's not that, right? It's... it's not from the paddling."

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Virtual Reality Olympics

Professor David McEwen, and his assistant Paul Richards, have invented a very realistic virtual reality machine. Paul uses it to experience running at the Olympics, but it gets much more realistic than he'd imagined... (Author's note: I've tried to be realistic about the Olympics, but all names are fictitious) ***** Professor David McEwen, and his post-doctorate assistant Dr. Paul Richards, had developed a novel type of virtual reality machine. By using the principle of quantum...

1 year ago
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The Desperate Bhabhi

Hello everyone, my mail id is Well this is my Debut in sex and also in the ISS. There is not a single day I don’t masturbate without reading the stories from ISS. OK, I also know the rule of ISS, that is not to bore anyone and get into the story first, but I want to start it with the whole emotions that happened then because it is not a story it really happened with me and it took many days to make believe myself that yes it actually happened. Alright now let me describe myself, I am a 3rd...

2 years ago
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A Girlfriend or Two

A work of fiction from start to finish with characters that live only in my mind. Long, 39 standard pages, slow and without a lot of action. Faults can certainly be found, so if that is a major problem for you, stop reading now. Comments, positive or negative, are welcome, but try to be constructive: if you think about it, would you read a comment to the end if it was obviously written by someone who only wants to provoke and anger you? Halin ***** Admitting that I don’t like Football is...

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BangBus Anna Mae Innocent 18 Year Old Gets Fucked Hard

Anna Mae was walking through her new neighborhood when the Bang Bus stopped next to her. Just like most girls she would never get into a white van but the guys inside were so charming and they were dropping 100 dollar bills like they were tissues. They even made her do push ups to distract from their real intentions. So she got lured into the van with lots of cash. They blindfolded and made her guess what objects they put into her had. Obviously very soon that object was a big dick. She freaked...

3 years ago
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I Used to Have a Lot of Friends

I used to have a lot of friends. There were so many of us: worshippers of the old gods, followers of the true religion. Our temples were always full, our priests numerous, and our adherents devout. And then that philosopher came to our city. He walked along the dusty, meandering road that came from the west, walking alone in raggedy clothes. Our city had no special importance to him. It was merely on his way. Whether or not he even intended to visit it, or even whether knew its name before...

4 years ago
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Treasured YouthChapter 5

After returning from taking Alyce home, Lacey strips off her clothes and collapses into bed. She is mentally and physically exhausted from their wild day, her mind a muddled mess. As she closes her eyes and sleep begins to engulf her, the last image she has in her mind is of Alyce’s big eyes looking up at her as the girl hungrily eats her pussy. With it still dark outside, Lacey wakes with a start, literally jumping in her bed. She rolls onto her back and sighs. The day’s events begin...

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The Workshop

Evan grew up in a tough environment and was a lot smaller than his two older brothers and large father. Being the runt of the litter life could’ve been far harder for him, but thankfully compassion and tolerance ran in his family. Evan was also the apple of his diminutive mother’s eye, a feisty woman whom one didn’t want to mess with.Like the rest of his family, Evan wasn’t academically inclined. He wasn’t stupid but came from a blue-collar family, where education was not deemed a great...

Gay Male
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Grinding our way to Orgasm

True story about causing an orgasm and having an orgasm for the first time with another personIt is hard to believe that this story took place 10 years ago, but there are still so many vivid memories that are simply unforgettable. It was the school year of 2000 and I was an awkward 16 year old. I wasn’t the most popular guy in school by any stretch of the imagination but I had my small, tight group of friends made up of 3 girls and 3 guys.Early within the year I found myself attracted to one of...

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My Secret Relationship With My Neighbouring Housewife 8211 Part 1

I am Raj, 31 from Hyderabad, working for and famous MNC as a regional head, 5”9 height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women(any female who wants to have a good time in bed). This incident is about how I started my sexual relationship with a housewife, while I was on a business trip for my company let me describe her, her name is Sameera, she is 33, married, but no kids, her figure measurements are 38-36-38, proper flesh in right...

3 years ago
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© Copyright 1997 - 2003, bookgirl, All rights reserved. Lana and Jack arrived shortly after 7.30am. My heart was racing faster than it ever had; my mouth so dry my tongue kept sticking to the roof of it. Lana said nothing at first. She just stood there smirking at me, eying me up and down. A bearded giant of a man dressed from head to toe in black stood behind Lana. I couldn't see his eyes; they were hidden behind dark glasses, but I could feel his gaze roaming over me. I had no idea...

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A Tale of Glamorous Delights

Dedric had requested Sabina and I in his office which could only mean one thing, a client was willing to pay extra for an immediate session. The question is, who’s the client. You see Sabina, my best friend, and I work at Glamorous Delights. It’s a highly exclusive brothel with extremely high standards. With the high-class clientele, discretion and health are of the utmost importance. Knocking on the door we waited for permission to enter. One of Dedric’s big muscular bodyguards opens the door...

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Making Up

He knew that she was blue. The lack of expression on her face and in her actions was only a small part of the overall picture. The dejected slope of her shoulders as she sat demurely with her hands in her lap and her head slightly bowed completed the vision of a very sad person. The dozen long stemmed roses that he had brought to her lay forgotten on the table nearby. He removed his coat and kneeled on the floor in front of her. ‘I’m sorry, I know you were right. I never should have left in a...

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The Other Side Of Virginity

I dedicate the below to one of by best friends – Aparna without whom I may have never been able to experience such bliss. My name is Dwyane (not really though) :-). Like most other boys I too took a liking to sex and used to watch porn and fantasize quite a bit since I was a high schooler. I never had the opportunity to actually have the pleasure to have sex with a girl. Perhaps I was because I was shy and quiet and wasn’t too upfront or forward in asking someone to do it with me. So too make...

2 years ago
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Tucks American Roadtrip The Return

PART SIX LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) Tuck was standing several feet from the airline ticket counter arguing over who is the best quarterback in the NFL with Chuck, while Reggie Tharpe wearing his embarrassingly tacky bright Hawaiian shirt, negotiated with the ticket agent lady. It was obvious Reggie was having a hard time understanding the lady’s foreign accent. Finally, they noticed the ticket lady pass Reggie their three boarding passes. “That Reggie has no patience with...

4 years ago
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The grocery store

We are in line at the grocery store , the person ahead of you has a large order. As we both stand there silent, smiling at the check out, I look at you. You are a black, shapely, mature gal, impulsively my hand brushes your ass. You swiftly turn and I smile.I am encouraged by you not appearing to be angry. You lay the last of your items on the belt at the check out, and my hand firmly grabs your ass, and lets go. Again you look at me, but say nothing. My items go on the belt and I get a bit...

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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 3

I wondered if she counted as my first virgin, while I wound down and slowed to a halt. She was so sexual, perhaps she didn’t. I felt pretty sure another girl would have needed more time, and just generally more looking after, and perhaps eating or something, to be ready for my size. “OOooh that was so right,” she beamed up at me. “It was,” I smiled back. I worked my arms under her and rolled us over so she was on top, still impaled, legs astraddle, feeling gorgeous. She lay her head on my...

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Humiliating Oscar

Humiliating Oscar It was unlike me really. Usually I would be at home cooking and cleaning, looking after the house, doing my duty. But my old friend Maria had called me and asked me to join her at a local restaurant. They were celebrating Maria’s fortieth birthday. Six months earlier I had celebrated my own fortieth, so I knew that she would need some support. So there I was, surrounded by people, some new to me, some friends I hadn’t seen since school, and I had a little more wine than I...

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Beautiful Toy

You have not been bound or forced to come here, although if you had protested you are sure that would have been arranged. It's not that your family does not love you. On the contrary you have been their prize, sheltered against the hardships of the world. At least as much as they have been able. But your family is poor, and their debt grew too unwieldy to bare. Your mother cried and your father fretted when the offer was first made. In the end they had no choice but to consent. Your brother's...

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The Neighbours Birthday party P6

"Come on! This going to be fun!" grinned my mother as we walked down the road, with me dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and jeans, and her in a grass skirt and a coconut bra that barely covered her big white hanging breasts."Do we have to dress like this?" I asked "Yes! It's a Hawaiian theme birthday bash! So we have to dress the part!" my mother replied cheerily."How come dad gets out of this?" I then asked"Because he's working late! Now cheer up!" replied Mother eager to get to the party.A short...

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Take it CockSucker Gay

I'm sitting here in my hotel room waiting for you. I am waiting for you to come and dominate my mouth. My cock slowly grows inside my pants. I rub it as it swells and gets stiffer in anticipation. The door opens and you walk in. I stand up quickly. My cock throbs with anticipation as I wait for you to tell me what to do next.You command me to take my clothes off and I obey. I throw my shirt off and then unzip pants and let them fall to the floor. I then slowly slip off my briefs exposing my...

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A New Friend and She Might Be the One

The downside however, was the friends lost from this decision. All my sports friends had stopped talking to me and had began bullying me for every little thing about me. My shortness, my Australian accent, my almost white blonde hair, even my name. You'd think a basic white name like George Brennan would be a bit of a mission to make fun of. However they would follow me around reciting an English nursery rhyme: "Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie, Kissed the girls and made them cry, When...

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Taking the Valedictorian

Beth was a homely looking girl, but I saw more than other guys did…and was rewarded for it.Beth was my high school’s bookworm. She studied alone in the library when she wasn’t in class; she was a straight ‘A’ student; she didn’t participate in sports of any kind, and she wasn't particularly attractive. That’s what all the guys thought of Beth, but I saw more. I saw a girl with beautiful long hair that would be a knockout if she wore it up in a ponytail. I saw Beth as a girl who was most likely...

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DonkeyLoving SchoolgirlChapter 7

"Wouldn't you like to fuck it?" The girl was caressing the donkey's enormous cock, licking her lips as she admired the big fucker. Denise swallowed, both frightened and fascinated. "I don't think so," she said. "It would kill me." "No it wouldn't. You'd be surprised how much cock your pussy can take." "I don't know," Denise said. She was remembering how afraid she'd been of boy-cocks, especially of Tim's. She'd never dreamed she'd be able to fuck a boy without...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 46

Krissy 10:42 am, November 4th, 2006 4:42 am November 5th, 2006 (local time) "Karl, set up the first PowerPoint." Karl moved the mouse and clicked it a few times. "Ready when you are." I started my presentation. I knew Karl would have my back with the tech gear. "As I stated, ion drives are not science fiction. They have not been since 1998. Ion drive though is a bit of a misnomer. Electricity provides the spark to get things started. Yes, just as the spark plugs in your car engines...

2 years ago
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An arrogant husband gets his comeuppance on a cross country trip with his beautiful wife of twenty years and their passenger a young black man

I couldn’t help staring at it. It was not only the biggest cock I’d seen, there was an aesthetic quality to it that begged a lingering look. Veins coursed over thick black flesh ending in a perfect golfball sized half-dome. It had to be eight inches long and, Lord Almighty, it was still soft! The first word that jumped to mind was “superior” I was staring at a superior penis. The kid’s voice snapped me back to reality. “Wanna hold it for me, Prof.?” he...

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The Sinful Landlady 8211 Chapter 1

Hey, everyone, this is my second story on iss, which you can check out from my profile, for any comments my email is So, I came to Mumbai from Delhi to do my bachelors in business, so I decided to rent a 2 bhk apartment in juhu with some friends. We found a fancy place nearby and finalized the deal with the owner, who lived on the floor above. The landlady looked 30, but she was 45 divorced and had her own interior decorating business, she was a bomb to look at, curves in all the right places,...

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XTCs Collection of Dirty Little Secrets Vol 2

XTC here again. If Sara’s tale made you horny enough to return, then welcome back. If you’re a newcomer, then it’s very nice to meet you. Make yourselves comfortable. For those who don’t already know me, I’m XTC; the keeper of dirty, little secrets. I’m a watcher of people, and you will learn a lot just from watching people. I was there when Sara got gang banged in volume one, but in this particular tale, it was my friend, Jade, who informed me of Malcolm’s dirty, little secret. Jade, a high...

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brother Mother In Law

brother & Mother In LawSummer was right around the corner. I arrive to my girlfriends house to hang out with her family.The only thing different this time is that she will not be there. She is on work duties whichrequires her to travel. The same time I get there her brother and mother get back fromswimming at their pool located in the middle of their apartment complex. We all step inside andit wasn’t the hottest point of the year yet but good enough. I noticed their moms nipples showingjust...

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BrutalSessions Cadence Lux Brutally Tormented and Fucked in Bondage

Cadence has been in dire need of some rough sex and bondage so we paired her up with Derrick Pierce to help remedy her dilemma. She begins locked in a metal device that keeps her in doggy position with her wrists and ankles locked into steel traps. Derrick is very methodical about dishing out the torment which allows Cadence to revel in the pain as it happens. Once he has gotten her to the proper shade of red, he pulls out his cock and goes to work fucking this slut. First her mouth, then her...

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Prom Night

Hi everyone. It’s me, Walter. I’m going to tell you about my High-school Prom. Before I do that I need to explain a little bit about myself and the school I went to. First I’m 6 FT 5 IN tall I have broad shoulders and I keep in great shape. I’m not overly muscular but I’m no weakling either. My soft cock is also impressive as it is 7 IN long and about 2 IN thick. When hard I’m 10 IN long and closer too 3 IN thick. I don’t fight and that is by choice. When I was a lot younger I hit a kid for...

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AssParade Yvonna Carlo Yvonne Gets It On

Jay Banger is blessed to be slapping and stroking down Yvonne Carlo’s fat ass and pussy while she parades her big booty around the backyard. She gets a classic poolside fuck from a big cock and makes her pussy sweat cum on his dick like it’s sunscreen. She sucks his dick with her juicy lips and looks up at him with her slutty eyes before he fucks her more. He fucks her long and hard giving her every inch of his long cook. When he’s done laying pipe he rinses her off with a...

2 years ago
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The Convention 20xx

Saturday April 21st - 2:30 AM As I sit here writing this, people are still shifting. Friday was spent altering con goers. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed some of them as they were but it is still more fun to alter them. First, thing I did after getting my stuff into the room was to break into the neighboring room. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. It wasn't exactly the neighboring room and I didn't exactly break in. It was my friend's room. My friends James and Bob are sharing the room two...

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The Epiphany of Bryan Whiting

~ Prologue ~ Bryan sat at the Plaza bar staring into his scotch whiskey. He was glad that his old friend, Quentin, was still in town and had some free time. A friend since high school, he was someone whom Bryan trusted, especially when it came to advice about women. This was the second time he had asked him for advice about Jenny. The first time, it was for advice about sex, more correctly, the lack of sex. This time was more serious, however. He was now seeking advice about love, farewells,...

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This is not a real story....There's a beautiful girl named manasa married to a well settled guy. She's 26 and he's 31. Both were decided not to have c***d for 2 years. So they were using protection in sex. As days goes by, manasa's husband got busy in work as he's passionate about his work. Manasa was a horny woman who craves for her husband's love. She felt there's little emotional connection between them but her love towards husband was still the same. One day, her husband had a trip to other...

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