Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 13 free porn video

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"I am quite pleased you made it to the Manor early, Doran. I am feeling increasingly out of my element on the eve of the Conclave."

Overlord Doran D'jorus breathed a windy sigh as he shook his head. He nodded his thanks as he accepted the goblet from his host. He took a long pull at it before speaking. "Not that we have all that much more time to prepare, Roquan!" He waved a beefy hand towards the door, which had been left open to admit the cooling evening breeze. "What we have now is all we will have until the others arrive."

"They will arrive in the morning?"

"Over the course of the morning anyway."

Roquan frowned slightly. "Surely they plan to arrive as early as possible."

Doran laughed. "I sincerely doubt you will get anything out of them before the midday meal! Tonight they're most likely ensconced in the various towns on this island and will set out only once it is light. I am likely the only one that decided to make the journey straight to the Manor without stopping."

"What of alliances, Doran?" asked Rennis from near the fireplace. He had sensed that Roquan was about to launch into another lament about how the other Overlords did not recognize the importance of this, and so on. It was getting old. "Have we any we can count on?"

Doran huffed, face twisting into a scowl. "A thousand curses upon Gronnus and his Clan! He counters my words and wisdom with platinum and slaves!"

Rennis stepped away from the fireplace and approached the two Overlords. He cast a glance at Roquan, as if to say "I told you so." Roquan stiffened and turned back to Doran. "And my words meant nothing?"

"Oh, they meant something. No one likes what you're accusing the Emperor of, Roquan."

"Then perhaps there is some hope after all."

"I didn't say they believed you."

Roquan was about to take a sip of his wine. He froze, then let his hand drop fast enough to slosh the wine and spill a drop. "You are not serious."

Doran gave the Overlord a smirk devoid of humor. "Has not Rennis been educating you, my good man?"

Roquan bristled. His voice was curt. "He has. But he stopped short of informing me that the others think I am a liar."

"Not a liar, Roquan," Rennis said. "They won't go that far. They accept your words, but they simply have trouble believing that any Emperor could do such a thing. Or rather, they don't want to believe it."

"So I am expected to make up for their shortcomings with platinum and slaves as Gronnus does?"

"You'll have to part with something, Roquan," Doran declared, stepping up to him. "And yes, Rennis has informed me about your financial straits."

Roquan's lips tightened. Despite knowing that it was important to the matter at hand, he still did not take kindly to his internal problems being promulgated to the other Overlords, even his nominal allies. If he said anything, however, he knew Rennis would call him out on it and tell him again to put his ego aside.

What truly grated upon him, however, was how much this had already cost him. Conclaves were so rare that no Manor was set up for one. While the guest quarters were enough for a single visiting Overlord or a potential new client, it was inadequate for fourteen. Roquan had to hire Guild artisans to build a meeting area and quarters for the Overlords. It had not been cheap.

Conclaves were set up this way from the beginning. The one that called it had to host it and pay for it. If the matter were that important to him, the reasoning went, then he could certainly part with his platinum over it.

"Then you know I have little with which I can part," said Roquan, an edge to his voice.

Doran managed a small smile. "With my support, Roquan, I am hoping that both our words will sway enough of them so that your dealings will be slight. But you will need to deal with them. Everything is in the balance right now."

Rennis looked over to Doran with interest. "So it's true, then? We cannot count on Freya for support?"

Doran rolled his eyes and threw up his free hand. "Do not get me started on that infernal woman!" he thundered.

"So she is on Gronnus' side?"

"That's just it. I don't know! I was a fool to think I could ever know her mind!"

Rennis sighed. "Doran, we need an edge. We need something to tip things to our side."

Doran was already shaking his head. "At this point, gentlemen, the deal is the thing. It all will hinge on that. Roquan, you're going to have to be at your best when that time comes."

Roquan looked taken aback. "Me? I was intending to defer to you, Doran."

"For the speeches and the pomp and circumstance, yes. For the dealing? No. You're on your own."

"Oh, come now, Doran. I... have little experience in this matter where other Overlords are concerned."

Rennis saw the way his friend's jaw clenched as he said this, and heard the hesitation in his voice. The hardest thing in the world for Roquan to admit was his own inadequacy. For so long he ran the Manor as he saw fit and was very successful at it. Until recently, "failure" was something that happened to other people.

"I will coach you as best as I can. I am even willing to forward you some platinum and goods if you need it."

Both Roquan and Rennis looked surprised at this. Lending anything to another Overlord was almost unheard of.

Doran nodded as he noticed their reactions. "Yes, you heard me right. The more I think about what the Emperor has done, the more I want to see him off the Oceanus throne! I received word from some of the other Overlords that he has been spying on the lot of us!"

"Spying?" Rennis said, astonished. "How?"

"I know how," Roquan said bitterly, and explained how his Healer had sensed Portal energies several times on the island.

Rennis nodded at this, but there was a dubious look to his eyes.

"This is proof that the Emperor grows ever more bold in his attempts to outbid the Overlords in power and influence in Oceanus. He has no right to upset the balance for his own selfish aims."

Doran scratched his chin. "Portals, eh? The scoundrel. He is truly playing a desperate card."

Rennis finally could not remain silent. "Look, no offense to Vanlo intended, but are you sure you're interpreting this right? What would the Emperor have to gain by being this blatant?"

"He has already been this blatant!" Doran roared. "Or do you not know relations with Colos had been severed?"

Rennis blanched. "Severed?

"What is this?" Roquan demanded. "When did this happen?"

"Nearly a moon ago. Oh, Z'haas was very coy about it. Very cleverly hid this information even from his own advisers for awhile. So now one wonders what will be next, eh? Is Oceanus to rattle the saber of war after a century of peace?"

"He is insane if he thinks he can get away with such a scheme."

Doran snorted. "Not like Colos has anything in the way of a military. I imagine it would be easy for him."

Roquan's voice rose. "He will invite rebellion from the Nobility! They will not stand a switch to a wartime economy!"

"Unless he removes the Overlords as a threat," Rennis said tonelessly.

Silence fell between the three of them.

"So that's it," Roquan said in a low voice. "Pit us against each other, weaken us, so when he decides to play at conquest, the Overlords cannot call upon their clients in the Nobility to oppose him."

"Quite possible," said Doran.

"Something still doesn't add up to me," said Rennis.

"What more do you need, Rennis?" Roquan said. "If he is capable of poisoning my slaves, breaking our alliance, and kidnaping my best Trainer from me, why is he not capable of this?"

"I never said he was not capable of it. I am simply not sure that the conclusion we're drawing is the right one, that's all."

"Would you prefer to wait until he surrounds himself with his army and declares any opposition to him to be treason? Then what chance will we have to depose him?"

"Roquan, you're doing it again! Looking at the issue as if it is a simple matter of black or white! You are failing to consider..."

"I have all I need to consider!" Roquan shouted angrily. "What more must I consider? What more travesties must we suffer from the Imperium before there is a change?"

"I do not dispute the need for change," Rennis said firmly. "That is not the question here. I merely wish us to avoid becoming paranoid."

"What is your point, then?"

"When you speak to the Conclave, don't mention anything about Colos. Stay away from it. Do not even refer to it in passing."

Before Roquan could retort, Doran cut in. "Roquan, listen to him. You do not need Colos for your case."

"But you just said yourself, Doran, that he is bringing us to a point just short of war!"

"The other Overlords will learn of this, I will make sure of that! But they cannot hear of it from you. Anything you say about Colos will make them think this is only about the trade treaty."

"This is well beyond a mere trade treaty."

"Indeed, yes! So you don't need it!"

"But it started with that..."

"And the other Overlords are very much aware of it. Rehash that, and you will be wasting their time. And yours."

Roquan paused, then uttered a long, exasperated sigh. He started to turn away from the others, but caught himself and remained where he was. "That will give me very little about which to speak."

Doran put down his empty goblet and clasped his hands together. "Perfect! Make it short and sweet! State your case and be done with it. Then let them discuss it."

"And deal," Roquan added tonelessly.

Doran nodded slowly. "Yes. And deal."

For the first time since he took control of the Manor from his ailing father two decades ago, Roquan felt helpless.

The Conclave hinging on his ability to deal with the other Overlords was not much better than random chance. He hated to admit this. Openly admitting weakness went against everything he knew.

"There is a bright spot in this," said Doran.

Roquan raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"I hear you have a Trainee you will be Presenting."

"And exactly how did you know this?"

"Because that damnable Gronnus will not shut up about it!"

Roquan and Rennis exchanged a look before the latter shook his head slowly. "I'm not sure I like the sound of that," said Rennis.

"I did think it rather odd that he would harp on something like this. Hrmph. Wouldn't be the first time he's seen a Presenting, by the gods. He is always finding some excuse to come to my Manor and force a Presenting upon me. He thinks his slaves are so much better trained than his. Hah!"

"He is most likely looking for any excuse to disparage me, Rennis," Roquan said quickly. "I am sure there is no more to it than that."

"Who's the Trainer for this one, Roquan?" Doran asked.


Doran laughed. "The joke will be on him, then! Sirinna! No problem there, eh?"

Roquan smiled tightly. "No. No problem there."

Amanda lay snuggled up to her lover's side on the furs of the bed, sharing this last moment of privacy before their visitor was to arrive. She was frustrated. She had shared a lingering kiss with Sirinna that made her ache for more, and now her pussy remained slightly damp from a tinge of arousal that would not go away.

Sirinna had offered to give her relief, but it had been reluctantly refused. Amanda did not want their visitor to come in while they were in the middle of a tryst, since she doubted that the man would bother to wait at the door to be invited inside. After all, Sirinna and Amanda were slaves. They were meant for his pleasure and his convenience.

In fact, Sirinna had already opened the door to the night. It was symbolic of just what Amanda had been thinking, that they already knew and anticipated his arrival.

Amanda heard the visitor's approach as the soft tread of his feet against the sand outside. She immediately lifted her head, and then quickly bolted to a seated position as his shadow appeared in the doorway. Sirinna rose with a more casual air, smiling sweetly.

Sirinna had already known that it would not be Uridon that would be staying with them, as Roquan had informed her earlier. She had yet to make this known to Amanda, however. But where Amanda had never seen either the Clan Leader nor this man, she had no way of knowing.

The man appeared to pause a moment at the doorway.

"Please, come in, master," Sirinna said softly. "We await your pleasure."

The man stepped more fully into the gently flickering lamp light. A slow smile spread across his face, the subdued illumination making his eyes appear very dark, his frame even more lean and lanky than usual, and his hair nearly as black as Amanda's.

Amanda's mouth dropped open and her cheeks flared. It was the same one that had been watching her at the Circle earlier. Her blush deepened as he appeared to fix his steady, exotic eyes upon her once more.

Jollis was quite taken by the sight. Amanda appeared far more beautiful to him than she had at the Circle. He sensed her embarrassment, and could detect the tiny bit of fear in her eyes. Posed as she was on the luxurious furs of her mistress' bed, it made her look quite vulnerable, a far cry from the sultress he had witnessed earlier.

He was going to enjoy this part of his task. Far more than perhaps he should allow himself to enjoy.

Sirinna turned and gestured to Amanda. It took a few moments for her to see that she was being bid by her mistress, as she was still staring at the young merchant. Amanda let Sirinna take her hand and lead her from the bed. Sirinna had told her what she was supposed to do, but now she struggled to remember it. Fortunately, it was similar to what Sirinna had to do.

Amanda said nothing as she and Sirinna positioned themselves before Jollis. Amanda was required to remain silent. She was told that a guest is treated as the Overlord would be, which meant she was not to speak unless first spoken to.

The two turned towards the merchant. "I am Sirinna. This is my Trainee, Amanda. While you are quartered here, we are yours to use as you see fit."

Both Sirinna and Amanda bowed their heads and folded their hands before them, and waited.

Jollis was impressed. Such perfect discipline. Such perfect obedience. The Overlords of Oceanus indeed did their job well. Even the little one did what was expected of her, and after having been trained for such a short period of time.

And yet, he could still see something in her that was different, even with her head bowed as it was in quiet deference.

"Ah, but you do know how to make one feel quite welcome," Jollis said.

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Home Maid Part 5

Home Maid, Part 5 Part 5 "There is a sensor in the storage unit that tells me when my service unit is inside. I can remotely lock it in for any period of time I desire. There are a few other optional accessories that can be added to train the maid to be truly a full service object, but we'll get to those in a while." I discarded the idea of offering my owner advice about the storage locker, I realized it was no longer my place to offer any opinions. "The closet in the maid's...

3 years ago
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Ali and Me 3 Summer Fun

... our erotic memoir This is a sequel to Al and Me -Spring Semester Ali and I signed up for two afternoon Summer classes to ensure we had few others to deal with on campus. Most wanted early morning classes so they had the whole day to party. We considered aquatic training, but that would spoil her makeup. We can’t have that. By the time of our first class, the campus was a ghost town. We continued fucking after class in the unisex locker room for the pool and escalated to leaving our...

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Mindfuck Paradise

60 years ago, a strange phenomenon swept over Earth, sparking its transformation into a world of free sexual use. The phenomenon turned humankind into a sexually-focused society, and a wide array of mutations have created new groups of humans with features and capabilities far outside the previous norm. All humans are essentially immortal; their aging slows to a near stop around 30, only progressing if they want to become older, and they'll regenerate from any injury - even total destruction -...

Mind Control
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4 Curious college Girls Ch5 Attack of the Lesbians hard

Warning! This contains some material that may be offensive. There is an edited version that is also posted. Taylor and Julie awoke during the night, laying together naked on the couch. They looked over and saw Alex asleep, a finger barely still inside her pussy. The girls quietly laughed, and Taylor led Julie toward her room. Taylor pulled the covers back on her bed, where her and Alex had done it earlier. Taylor climbed into bed, Julie right behind her. Taylor pulled the covers up over...

3 years ago
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Appa En Kuthiyai Nakinaar

Hello friends, en peyar Ramya vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Indru tamil kama kathaiyil en appa ennai eppadi udal uraku seithaar enbathai indru pagirugiren. Ithu oru gudumba kaama kathai enbathaiyum therivithu kolugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En amma eppozhuthum thatha veetirku sendru viduvaargal, naanum appavum matum thaan thanimaiyil irupom. En appa siru vayathil irunthu ammavai adikadi kaamam seiyuvaar, eppozhuthum avarathu sunniyai amma suthil vaithu theithu konde irupaar. Aam en appa oru...

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Aphrodisiac Aunty Magnificent Mother Gorgeou

Aphrodisiac Aunty, Magnificent Mother& Gorgeous Grandmaby xyshiva©yahoo.comAfter completing my SSC exams, I went to my Aunty- mother's elder sister Rajeswari Devi's house. Raji aunty's husband was her maternal uncle. Raji got married when she was 16 and her maternal uncle 29. They have two daughters Radha and Visala 21 and 19. Both got married. Raji' husband was govt. officer, got transferred to state head quarters and didn't shift the family. He used to visit aunty once a month or so. Raji...

4 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 20 Mad Dreams and Visions

We were at the hospital for a long time. Sometime after midnight, my parents showed up, with both my brothers in tow. Eric had called them from a pay phone in the vestibule, and a few minutes later the admitting staff also called them. My mother was hysterical, and my dad was furious. By that point I had been wheeled into surgery, but I heard about it from my friends later. Almost everybody I knew showed up in the waiting room that night, including Coach Neville and Coach Simonson, all...

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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 8

For the next couple of weeks, both Jane and I “spoiled Karen rotten.” We concentrated all of our efforts to let her know that she was a valued member of our family and was never going to be discarded. We also insisted that she go every day to be checked by the medical computer. The computer reported a steady improvement in Karen’s physical condition, and the pseudo morning sickness faded as the depression was driven away. The computer said that we had done a wonderful job of helping Karen...

3 years ago
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AshesChapter 2 Home Again

Aromir woke as if planted on the world. The time it normally takes to remember a dream in full comprehension and retention meant nothing to Aromir, as quick as his eyes opened he remembered everything his parents had told him. Within a second Aromir was at a full run with the agility no man ever knew. He ran towards the remnants of his village. Instead of running for hours, Aromir felt as if he was running for years, the cramps and aches never stopped because he never stopped. Some unseen...

1 year ago
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Savita Bhabhi Episode 49

Savita and Ashok were lying on the bed flipping TV channels but Ashok was not finding interest in what Savita was watching. ‘Is this really what we are watching tonight?’ asked a disappointed Ashok who was wearing his vest and boxers. ‘I love this show! You just have to give it a chance’ said Savita. She was wearing her pink silky night gown. She never wears bra while sleeping which could clearly be understood as her nipples were very apparent beneath the night dress. Ashok snatches the...

2 years ago
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The Demons Harem Part One The gathering

Introduction: Ive always been a writer but have never written anything like this. Feedback is appreciated. Were going to teach you all sorts of new things The ugly brute chuckled as he grabbed one of the the girls arms and pushed her into the cell. She stumbled onto the dirt floor as he swung the rusting metal gate shut, slamming it against the bars, rattling the cage like prison.They knew this day was coming. All the girls in the nearby villages are raised in a hushed fear that they will one...

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“Step back here, and lose the coat.” “Here? Someone will see.” Always the games. “So is that a No?” Without another word she did as instructed, swiveling her neck constantly looking to see if someone was watching. “Are you planning to do me in the butt? “Good girl” I responded. “Very smart. Now bend over into the backseat so I can fuck that ass” Annalisa genuinely hesitated, looked around, and realized I had planned better than I was letting on. So she slipped back into character....

2 years ago
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The 400 Year WarChapter 4 The Origins of the Creek Nation

The Creek people, also known as the "Muscogee" in the early days of the conflict between the American Indian Tribes and the European settlers occupied a region of the current United States that include the States of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. In actuality, it was not a single tribe but a confederation of several tribes that had cultural and economic ties similar to a country or "Nation". They were comprised of a number of original "Towns" that spawned new towns as...

2 years ago
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Warts AllChapter 2

"Yes?" I said into the phone somewhat abruptly. I was annoyed at the interruption even though I had been expecting it all morning. I had been deep in thought about Jason, Jessie and Allie. They were now the most important part of my life. And figuring out how to shield them from the consequences of what had happened was now my biggest priority. "Phil, this is Jack." "Yes, Jack?" I responded without enthusiasm. "What's going on there? Sally was here at the house when her mom and I...

4 years ago
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A Great Holiday After Long

The last story ended how I lost my virginity with my hot cousin in Class 11th. This time I am writing of how the seed of “having sex” had taken over her in these years. Hi! I am Ronnie Ganguly, 23M . I am currently doing my Masters in Engineering in Germany. I have a wheatish complexion with a good built and dick of at least 6 inches. This story starts when I got my confirmation of my college and the news had spread to all my relatives who kept on congratulating me. Anyhow, the news reached my...

4 years ago
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Melanie G

Noch ist die kleine Mellie eine Jungfrau und hat keine Ahnung von der Welt ... doch das wird sich wohl bald alles sehr ändern. Noch wohnt Sie mit Ihren Eltern und einer älteren Schwester wohl behütet in einem großen Haus im Westen Hamburgs. Die Lage ist beschaulich in der Nähe des Bornparks und sie genießt es immer mal wieder, nach der Schule hier die Sonne zu genießen, obwohl sich aufgrund der Nähe zu gewissen Wohngebieten doch schon ein paar nicht so sympatische Gestalten rumtreiben. Sie ist...

1 year ago
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TRUE STORY my Wifes Forced Gangbang Dream

Ok, so it's a Saturday morning and I wake up before my wife. I went on my phone, checking FB, etc, while she continues to sleep next to me. Then she gives a little grunt in her sleep. I look over briefly, then back to my phone. She grunts again, and a few seconds later again. Then a long breath out following by a grunt. I look over at her and she has a concentrated expression on her face. I recognised the sounds she was making as something like her sex noises, so I thought 'she must be feeling...

2 years ago
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Love story Within the Bayou of Houma Louisiana

Charles Tate and I had been childhood sweethearts. Everyone within the bayou of Houma, Louisiana thought we were the perfect couple. But we discovered a terrible secret that tore through our love and hearts. We were half brother and sister. How could this be? How could this possibly happen? When we were eighteen years old we demanded to know the truth from our parents. My Mama told me that Charles’s father, Emmet Tate, had been a few years older than she and seduced by his charm and good...

3 years ago
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The AcademyChapter 88

Keith: We transported down fairly early and the kids and I went to examine our new home while Annie and Bernice went off to examine the men's dorm. Gonzalo Whatshisname (I'm going to have to learn it, because he took Bernice's sister as his concubine) and a Civil Service woman named Vera came by before we transported and spoke to the three of us about the 'job' Annie and Bernice had volunteered for. "You are not obligated to provide sex to uncommitted males, either of you," Gonzalo...

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A brisk wind, chill from the night, began its decent into dawn with one last caress over the grassy hills and plains. With a determination unseen by the human eye the fierce current blew, dancing and twisting as waves crashed upon the ocean front. With it were carried leaves, turning, rising and falling, untamed by invisible threads which seemed to draw from the Earth itself. The air was salty, fresh on the ground as blades of grass worshiped with trembling chorus. The earth swayed. Shoreline...

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Newly Married Bhabhi

Hey Friends this is my first story. Mera naam vinay aur ye meri pehli story hai soh galti salti ke liye muuaf kariyo. Mai Chandigarh meh rehta hu aur PU se higher studies kar ra hu. Story hindi meh likh raha hu kyun ki desi ki baat hin alag hoti hai. Mai ek normal sa ladka hu aur mera dick bhi normai hai bas 6 ka. Mai yahan ek PG le kar re raha hu ek family ke sath. Family meh uncle,aunty,unka bada beta aur ek beti hai. Bohot hin achi family hai, meko v apne beta jaise mantey hai. Sorry dosto...

2 years ago
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Little Amy Part 1

He burst out of the house, locking his door and breaking into a full sprint towards the Sherman’s large house. He would enjoy the week, he thought, as it was a large house with a pool and everything. He was seventeen and enjoyed videogames and they had all kinds of game consoles. He found himself standing before the Sherman’s door about a minute late, knocking and gasping for breath. When the door opened, his breath caught. A young girl was standing before him, holding the door open. Terry...

1 year ago
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Rob Jenkins Part IIIChapter 13

In the late afternoon, Leon flew Will, Brooke, the children and the Johnsons back to Summerdale. I flew Pris and her parents to Oxford, then flew back to Tuscaloosa. Pris and her parents stayed overnight at the lake house in Oxford. They wanted time with Pris before she went to New York. The McIvers were very concerned about Pris being in New York. The City had become more dangerous and city corruption was totally out of control under Mayor Lindsay. Systems people called it exponential decay...

3 years ago
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Altered Perceptions

© 2003 'Chukka chukka... BLAT... chukka chukka... POP... chukka chukka... ' Will it start before I run out of hill? I didn't know or particularly cared. 'Chukka chukka chukka... POP... POP... chukka chukka... BANG... ' The chicken wire baffle sounded a tinny rattle from the otherwise straight-through exhaust. I don't know why we put those things in the pipes in those days. I think it may have been the law banning loud exhausts. It never made any difference to the volume, as I...

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The Girl With The Emerald Eyes Chapter 4

By now Philadelphia was cold, really cold, Christmas decorations were up and everyone was preparing for finals. But most importantly the end of year parties were in full swing. Some were your regular college party, some were easy to go to, while others were exclusive and invite only.It had taken nearly all of my first semester but finally I had a lead on the girl, that girl, my girl. That wonderful Susan had come through for me and we’d finally tracked Emily down and even managed to wrangle...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Dad Takes Over

This may have happened this weekend, or it may never have happened...My 16 yo daughter and I have developed a wonderful relationship over the years. Her mom left us for another guy when she was 2, but we have not looked back. As she matured, we became closer, in every sense of the word. The last few years she has wanted to go out more and start dating. It has been difficult for me to let her go, but I have encouraged her to date boys her age, and she has. I liked her first boyfriend. He was...

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Trust Fund Babe

It wasn't really that Donny was dumb - just oblivious. He never noticed that the rest of us had limits on what we could spend. Even though I was his best friend - sometimes his only friend - the first I found out about his huge trust fund was when he was able to move into his own place in a nice neighborhood right outside of his art school. "This is a really nice place," I said. "The rent must be something terrible." "Oh, I wouldn't know about that. My parents are taking care of all...

3 years ago
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The Cure

Gentle reader endure a poor bard with tales of life's ills. A moment of yours is all I ask a lending of your wills Man lives too short this world of woe The reaper becomes friend instead of foe The prologue matters not save as a start The world will gnaw and chafe a gentle heart The Cure By Juliette Lima The store was owned by Joanna, a mature beauty I had met at our health club. She had been easy to talk to, very attractive, and very fit. She had approached me while I was...

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