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What follows is actual and self-explanatory, written by the author about his own anticipated end shortly before it occurred. Subject: Valedictory If you're reading this, I'm dead. (I guess that's what they mean by "cutting to the chase.") I am by no means the first person to observe that death, & the prospect of dying, is the pornography of our time. You can discuss the most kinky & depraved sexual activity in polite company these days, & nobody bats an eye. But mention the topic of death or dying...! On at least two occasions in my life I have had friends who knew that they were presently going to die. I would like to have addressed this with them, if I could, but the conventions forbade it. People wonder how it feels to know you're presently going to die, but that's something you don't ask. But now that I am facing my own imminent extinction I'm going to talk about it, & the conventions be damned. I have been diagnosed with an essentially incurable leukemia, & as I write this I'm, for all practical purposes, dead meat. (People are beginning to bandy the word, "hospice," about.) (Details presently.) I apologize for springing this on you so suddenly, but I've always tended to avoid the moribund, myself. They give me the creeps--as if they were bad juju. I don't know whether other people share this superstition, but the dying are never treated normally. So many things you mustn't talk about when they're about... Since I wanted to be treated the same as always, I have kept my mouth shut. But now all shall be revealed, & talked about. If you find this disturbing, distasteful, or offensive, stop here & go off & read some relatively acceptable topic--perhaps the details of S&M sex between men &, say, under-age rhinoceroi. (Whips & chains...& tusks! Woo-hoo!) Otherwise, I'm going to impose on your patience while I ramble (&, I hope, gratify some people's morbid curiosity). Details: my diagnosis is acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). It's a killer. One's marrow is where blood is manufactured. The stem cells there differentiate into red & white cells, platelets, & other formed elements that enable blood to do what it does. In AML, some of these stem cells have a mutation that makes them unable to differentiate. Life, & nature, being what they are, these useless cells of course proliferate wildly until they've squeezed out the normal stem cells. So your blood gradually runs out of the formed elements that you depend on to live. It's a little like bleeding to death, only slower--& leaving no nasty, gory mess to clean up. Chemotherapy for this is possible, but rough. *Really* rough. Not one of those affairs where you drop in once a week as an outpatient & can probably get back home on your own. We're talking six weeks in intensive care, sick as a dog, bleeding from every orifice &, if you manage to survive all that, there's a 50-50 chance, at my age, of having gone through all that hell for nothing. If you do get a remission, there's no telling how long it will last, & my body has already been subjected to enough insults & humiliations by Bitch Nature that the benefits of remission are dubious at best. Moreover, even if I were cured, there would still be that sarcoma waiting for its chance. So I have elected to duck the chemotherapy & let happen what will. As I write this, I am living from one blood trans- fusion to the next--like a modern-day vampire. Believe me, there are many, many worse ways to die. It's creepy, this, *deciding* to die. Because that's what I've done, in effect. But you know, our culture has a tendency to value quantity over quality. Not how good, but how much. But I'm the other way: not how much, but how good. And when you apply that to life itself, in my situation, there's only one conclusion you can reach. Sir Peter Medawar would have had a fit. He was one of those who think that as long as you're alive, in no matter how wretched a state, that's enough. Sir Peter is one of my heroes, but in this particular case he was full of shit. If I were in my twenties & in apparently robust health, I'd be devastated by all this; but (a) I've been face to face with my own mortality ever since my surgery in 2000 & (b) I'm 73 now, with a rich & satisfying career & an extraordinarily rich & satisfying life behind me. Nothing can take those from me. My father, who was a Freemason, said that Masonry taught that man was born but to die. A cheerful thought, no? But I suspect that Nature's view is not greatly different: man is born but to reproduce & die. Once you've passed on your DNA, or part of it, & seen it through to adulthood, she's done with you. Well, I outfoxed her, at least a bit, by refusing to pass on my DNA, but the old bitch is still going to have the last word. And how do I feel about death? How does one react to the fetid breath of Azrael, the angel of death? Supposedly, one is supposed to go through denial, bargaining, anger, & finally caving in. I'm too arrogant for denial; denial is for wimps. (Besides, I'd look pretty silly denying something I've deliberately chosen by a conscious act of will.) There's a fine line to be drawn here: you want to face up to your impending death without flinching, but you also want to continue living as normal a life as possible. Some pagan philosopher put it best: If you know you're going to die to-morrow, don't let it cramp your style to-day. And I have no bargaining chips: I quit smoking--alas!--a couple of years ago, & I live a pretty healthy life style. So I'm skipping all that until anger. (It's ironic--I always promised myself that if I got cancer I'd start smoking again. After all, you're going to die anyway; what's left for it to do to you? And here I am with leukemia, low on erythrocytes & on the all-important hemoglobin that transports oxygen to my cells. I need all the oxygen I can get, and can't afford to have any of it squeezed out by carboxyhemoglobin, the reaction product between hemoglobin & carbon monoxide. Oh, well.) Anger--is that it? My natural impulse is to lash out: to say, "From now on, the hell with everybody else. I'm going to live for myself alone!" But that's no good, either; I've been doing that all along. One of the peculiarities of my life has been that when I've lived for myself alone, that's precisely when I've been of the greatest use, not only to myself, but to everyone around me. It was my youthful fits of altruism that unfailingly left me in some hopeless dead end, no good to myself OR to anybody else: a burden rather than a contributor. So I've already *been* living for myself alone over the last few decades, with the usual bene- ficial effects for all concerned. Beyond that, my feelings are inconsistent. On the one hand, I resent Nature's great, final kick in the teeth--as who wouldn't?--on the other hand, I find it a relief. I resent it because naturally no sane man takes pleasure in contemplating his own destruction, but also because, just when you're beginning to understand what things are all about, it's too late & you're dead. I've heard people say that once you see what things were all about, your task on earth is done. But I say, that be damned for a task. Once I've gained some understanding, I want to be around to enjoy the use of it & revel in it. Around here, I mean, not in some hypothetical wuzzy paradise that may or may not in fact exist. And don't tell me it's not for me to judge; I'm judging, whether it's "for me" to do so or not. And I resent the increasing disabilities, indignities, & humilia- tions with which Nature tells you that she's getting bored with you & that you're wearing out your welcome. The alarms, the repeated visits to the physician, the repeated tests, the repeated trips to the hospital. (It was the same in childhood, remember? If an unpopular child was at a gathering, the other kids would mock & traduce her cruelly to show her that they wished she would go home. Nature treats us the same way when she wants to get rid of us.) And the discovery that you can no longer trust your body. (This may be a uniquely male thing; reading de Beauvoir in my twenties left me with the impression that women don't feel they can trust their bodies at any age.) And the disfigurement of your body--swellings, blotches & blains. Thomas tells us to rage against the dying of the light; but it's not the dying that's the problem, it's the waning. The waning, not the extinction. Nature is not your friend. I'm sorry to abandon Pat this way. The bereaved have to suppress feelings of resentment at being abandoned by the dying; Pat & I have discussed this long since & I told her to go ahead & resent away to the top of her bent. On the other hand, I'm leaving her modestly well off, & now perhaps she'll be able to sell this house, which she's never really liked, & move to some place she finds more congenial. It is a relief because I will leave so many unpleasant things behind me (think of never again having to do taxes!) &, more importantly, will avoid so many unpleasant things to come. This new century is going to be no picnic. The twentieth century was one of the most appalling for anomie & wholesale murder, but at least we didn't live in an anthill. In this new century, we will, and in that anthill I foresee a drastic suppression of the individual liberties that make life worth living. The only alternatives I see are widespread, devastating disease or widespread, devastating war. This was one of several reasons why I never reproduced: I didn't want kids of mine to grow up & live in such a world. For myself, every time I read of some new threat to (or, sometimes, from) the environ- ment, I think I'd just rather evade all of those disagreeable eventual- ities; & if dying will enable me to, then maybe that's not such a bad deal, after all. (This must be one of the reasons for that resentment on the part of our survivors: we have ducked all that & left them to cope.) And when you're about to die, you're *set free.* All our lives our actions are constrained by their possible consequences. But now, you have nothing to lose; there's nothing They can do to you, whoever "They" are. Subject only to your responsibilities to those close to you, you can do anything you want to do & don't have to do anything you don't want to do. (The problem with that is that I have found no particular use for this new freedom--but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind, just the same.) Furthermore, if I die now, it will be at a point in my life where the cost is minimal, or nearly so. For me the worst possible time to die would have been in my middle twenties. By that time, I had invested more than two decades of unremitting toil, of growth & learning, in the hope of reaping five or more decades of payoff. To die then would have been to see all that investment shot to hell with nothing to show for it. But now I have enjoyed that payoff, in abundance, & while I'm greedy for still more payoff, I have to accept the fact that I've gotten a good deal more-- extravagantly more--than I could reasonably have expected, so that if I die now, I don't have much cause for complaint. If, as I do, you measure the value of life by the cost of death, & if you measure the cost of death by the imbalance between investment & payoff, then my life had the highest value in my twenties, rising from zero at conception to a plateau at that period & gently declining ever since. (It also follows that, contrary to popular cant, my life is not of infinite value. The value of my life has been variable; but infinity is a constant.) But that's not what people wonder about, is it? They want to know, do you (brrrr!) *fear* death? Fear it?--the fog in your throat, the mist in your face? Well, at some animal level, I suppose I must. I assume it's a biological imperative wired into any animal with enough of a nervous system to feel fear at all. But my fear must be deeply suppressed, because I don't feel anything like that consciously. Resentment, yes, but not fear. And--for what it's worth--I haven't had any dreams that I would think indicated fear. Strange. Maybe my unconscious mind knows something I don't (it wouldn't be the first time); but I'm not betting on it. And what do I expect after death? I have no idea. Certainly not the Christian eschata--death, judgement, heaven, & hell. (Well, death of course, but not the rest.) I hope I shall meet & know that sweet goddess whom I've worshipped over the last half of my life. Logically, one would expect oblivion. Severe trauma can cause temporary oblivion; presumably death, the ultimate trauma, should also be oblivion. But that's hard to conceive, especially for someone as intensely alive & self-aware as I have been. If the long habit of living indisposeth us to dying, the long habit of self-awareness indisposeth us to oblivion. In any case, I shall find out, if one can find out, soon enough. Regrets? They say that no man ever lay on his deathbed wishing he had spent more time at the office. I'm suspicious of statements beginning with "No man ever...," because human behavior is so varied that you never know when you will run up against a counterexample. But certainly *I'm* not going to wish I had spent more time at the office. I have few regrets, in fact. Most of the reason is that my life turned out far better than I ever expected in my early years. I never expected to be a professor. I never thought of myself as the kind of man who got a PhD. I never expected to be a published author, or a landowner. If it should prove that my death is traceable to my twenty or so years of smoking--which, according to my oncologist, it isn't--I don't regret that either, & I certainly don't want my heirs to join a lot of irresponsibles in suing the tobacco companies. That's sheer greed--& evasion of responsibility. Damn that. I smoked with my eyes open, fully aware of the dangers, & I accept full responsibility for the consequences to myself. I want no meddler attaching my name to a class-action suit. Most of my regrets are for things I couldn't help. Birth defects, mostly. I regret that I was not born smarter. I especially regret that I was not made more people-smart. I regret not having a stronger, more athletic, quicker, better coordinated body. This disability, besides mak- ing my childhood & adolescence a hell, because of the pervasive athleticism & machismo among the middle-American gentile males with whom I grew up, also prevented me from being as able a keyboard player as I should like to have been--with so much of Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Liszt, Beethoven, & Schubert off limits to me--or as good a dancer. This kind of innate clumsiness isn't one of the things commonly considered birth defects, but that's what it is, none the less. I also regret that my retirement turned out to be such a washout. I had hoped for a rich & rewarding post-retirement career, something that would keep me busy for another ten to twenty years & would provide--in my own mind, anyway--a sort of capstone to my life. (It would have had to be in my own mind, since your life has only such meaning as you are able to impose on it yourself, in your own mind.) In my twenties I was bounced about by Fate in all sorts of unlikely directions, a process that bestowed on me a breadth of background not granted to most people (& that incidentally had the gratifying side-effect of making me appear a good deal smarter than I actually am). This accidental bouncing around left me with a wealth of ill-assorted, oddball knowledge which has never been properly put to use. Along with this bouncing about came a series of mysterious lucky breaks, occurring at intervals throughout my adult life, thanks to which I ended up much better off & a much better person than I would have been otherwise. And what I looked for, eventually, was something that would make me feel that all that bouncing & all that good fortune had not been bestowed on me in vain. It seemed to me that such a series of extraordin- ary lucky breaks should properly befall someone of some importance, not me: someone who made a difference, a big difference, the kind of person about whom biographies are written, the kind of person whose papers go to some university library after his death, the kind about whom dissertations, & for whom festschrifts, are written. Not a nobody like me. And not having found this justification during my career, I hoped that it might show up after retirement. I had no idea what kind of thing this would be, & I didn't know how to find it (never in my life have I known how to find things like this--don't think I didn't look; it's impossible not to look-- but instead they have found me, repeatedly) except by sitting & waiting patiently for it to find me, as similar things have found me so many times before, which, alas, it never did. Fond memories? Oh, lots of those, chief among them my marriage. When I think back & realize how little I knew about the situation I was getting into, it chills me. But my unconscious mind must have known that it was the right thing for me, & he it was who prodded me into taking that crazy, ill-advised step that has brought so much joy, peace, & contentment into my life. Better & better, year by year. Men who go on about what wonderful wives they have are a bit tedious; nevertheless, I'm going to bore you for a bit. The first weeks & months of marriage bring many surprises, & it was my blessing that the surprises were all pleasant ones. But in addition, as the years have gone on, we have become closer & closer, & she, in particular, has been wonderfully supportive. I sometimes think that in her case the Three Little Words are "Go for it." She has told me that so many times. Never questioning, never doubting, always encouraging. You hear of men who become achievers because their wives never stopped pushing. I wonder. I suspect it's more often because the husbands couldn't resist showing off: "Look what I've been able to do, Honey!" But there are lots of other things, too. Of all the possibilities known to me, I believe I had the good luck to live in the best time & place. With all the appalling faults & shortcomings of our nation, I nevertheless believe that all other places on earth are worse. There's popularly supposed to be an ancient Chinese curse (actually neither ancient nor Chinese, probably the invention of Raymond Chandler), "May you live in an interesting period in history." Well, the 20th Century was an interesting period in history, & I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Interesting periods are great--provided you can observe the fireworks from a safe distance, which I did. And not just the fireworks; the fun, too: the music of Stravinsky, the choreography of Balanchine, & the early-music revival; *Finnegans Wake*, the novels of C. P. Snow, & those of Robertson Davies; Picasso, Wyeth, & Henry Moore. Quantum mechanics & Goedel's proof; black holes & the 4 K background radiation; computers & radar. From Sen. Joseph McCarthy to gay rights & the New Left; from hearing this country called "Amerika" to the "God bless America" signs after the WTC attack. What a ride it has been. In my private life, I'm grateful that I lived such a rackety life between my twenty-first & twenty-seventh years. I'm glad I had the opportunity to sleep around as much as I did. I'm glad I got away with as much as I did. One in the eye for you, Society! I'm glad I spent a year living as a young lady's kept man. That year with her, humiliating & shameful as it was at the time, did much to make me the man I am now, & if you're wondering whether that was a good thing, believe me, it was, compared with what I was at the time, or what I was on the way to becoming. I'm glad I experienced & did so many things that widened my horizons, while living with her--most of them illegal, or at least improper. Yes, it shamed me at the time, but you know, we all enjoy a disreputable past, once it's safely past. I'm even glad I spent that term & a half at a theological seminary. What a crazy thing for me, of all people, to do! Who could be less fit to be a clergyman than I? It might easily have wrecked my life; it was a classic instance of what I said earlier on about altruism in my life going sour. It was a valuable & enriching experience for all that. I saw, for the first time, an alien culture from close up; I met some remarkable men, I learned some strange ins & outs of Biblical study & early church history, & it was there that I made my first real contact with Hebrew, that lovely language which has never since left me alone. It also brought me from the boondocks of the Middle West to New York, where I belonged. (Peace, you Middle Westerners who read this! I'm referring to Milwaukee in the 1930s & 1940s, which really was the boondocks, not to the Wisconsin of the 21st century.) I'm glad I turned out to be so good at teaching & that I liked my students & was liked by them. Such wonderful young people, & such fun I had with them! If I hadn't finally gotten worn down by the commute, & if the field of computer science hadn't started to drift in directions that I found uncongenial, I would probably have continued teaching until I dropped. At one point, that was what I hoped to do. I'm also grateful for the series of chances that led me to take ballet classes. Not my kind of thing at all, I should have thought, not for a techno-geek like me; & yet my first experience of them, back in my thirties, marked me for life. I remember wandering through an unfamiliar building at Hofstra, in the 1980s, trying to find a committee meeting I was supposed to attend, & suddenly walking into a vast, empty room with mirrored walls, a railing along three sides, & a grand piano far off in the distance. My heart skipped a beat: a dance studio, obviously. I was surprised that the sight still meant so much to me, almost a quarter of a century after those first classes. It was as if fate, or something, was telling me that I'd be back taking classes again some day. Why? What was the attraction, for someone like me with zero talent? Why did I spend eleven more years floundering around, an obvious no-hoper? It wasn't just the pretty girls, I swear. I suppose it was because, on those rare days when everything went well, it felt so *good* to move that way. And I'm grateful for the affection, & even esteem, that I've known from so many people. After a childhood & adolescence marked by neither affection nor esteem, except in rare & sporadic instances, this has been very important to me. I thank you, one & all, for that; you've enriched my adult life; you've been terrific to know. From a longer perspective, it has been interesting occupying one of these bodies, even with all its defects & disabilities, here on this in- credibly ancient planet. I am no nearer knowing how I got here, where I was before that, or where I will be after that, than I ever was. Perhaps these answers will emerge after death, but I wouldn't bet on it. But what strange creatures we are! And what a strange place this is! People write about the strange planets & satellites we've discovered in the solar sys- tem; but is there any place around here that's stranger than this planet? --with its highly reactive atmosphere & covered with a sort of green stuff that turns out to be fantastically complicated solar-powered systems of chemical reactions, with other similar systems moving about in their midst. And among them, us: naked, bifurcated sex maniacs, running about on our hind legs, communicating by what Chesterton called an arbitrary system of grunts & squeals, & producing marvels of art & science. (And among us, *me,* possibly strangest of all...) With all the drawbacks & unpleasant- ness, I'm glad I had a chance to be one of these creatures. But once was enough. If there's reincarnation, it might be best if I were reincarnated on some far-off planet at the other end of the universe. My last words? Probably some unintelligible croak as I try to speak one final word of love & gratitude to Pat; but my OFFICIAL last words are cribbed from Lytton Strachey, who is supposed to have said, "If this is death I don't think much of it." Well, there you are. Not very profound--was it?--or very original --after all that buildup. Indeed, I've hardly addressed the central issue, the issue of being dead, at all. But how can I? I can't comprehend oblivion, much less talk about it. So if I've done nothing but beat around the bush, my excuse is that the bush itself is unreachable. Maybe your time would have been better spent reading about those rhinoceroi, after all. Farewell... Tom Postscript for pedants: Yes, I know that the rhino has a horn, not tusk(s). But as I wrote the sentence, "tusks" had a better sound to it, so I allowed myself the liberty. 

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"Please get off me, Danny." "No." "I have to go to the bathroom." "Can't you hold it for a while?" "I have to wash. I wasn't protected and you may have impregnated me." "I know it's crazy but the thought of you being pregnant kind of excites me." "It's very crazy, Danny. Your father will be very suspicious and upset if my belly begins to swell with a baby." Danny still didn't move. Lani knew she should be screaming at her son for him to come to his senses but she...

1 year ago
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Bestie Sex Is The Best Sex

Hello, friends, this is Krish again here with my new sex story, I am 22 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Vijayawada.This is my 2nd sex story.Please excuse me if there are any mistakes in my sex story. My first sex story is “Mutual seduction of cousins” (https:www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/mutual-seduction-cousins/) please read it from the above link and you are gonna love it definitely and also give me feedbacks on my email id: I just completed my engineering in another...

3 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 21 The Desires of the Succubus

Wednesday, January 27th – Kamifurano, Hokkaido, Japan Fumi licked her lips as Zaritha led in the two men, snow swirling through the motel room's doorway. Another blizzard was smothering the mountain town of Kamifurano. She could "see" the individual snowflakes swirling on the wind thanks to Windfeather, the bow Kyle had gifted her. Her sight had been the price to be with him, but thanks to the kami dwelling within the bow, she could see the currents of the air painting the solid objects...

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Sylviaacutes Slave

SYLVIA'S SLAVE PREFACE The story which you are about to read may, at times, seem quitepreposterous. I have often wished that it was an episode of a nightmare orsomething, but I assure you that it is not. Why, you may ask, have Iwritten this account? I have done so on the explicit instructions of mymistress who hopes that in the recounting of my ordeal I will once againrelive all the shame, humiliation, and agony I originally suffered. It isher intent that, in the process of doing the...

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The Auction0

I’m not the most masculine person. I’ve actually been confused for a girl more times than I can count. That’s why I was so shocked when Mandy, the hottest girl I’ve ever seen asked me out on a date. She’s practically my dream girl. She’s got bright red hair and the perfect skin. Her body is full of curves but not an ounce of fat on her. She’s got on a beautiful red dress with heels that almost make her a foot taller than me. Why would a girl like her ask out a foster care child like me? I...

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wife helps me suck my own dick

I like to sit in front of my computer naked reading a good nasty story while my wife lubes up my asshole and inserts a large vibrating bullet and turns it on. Then she lubes up my cock, balls and nipples and starts massaging until everything is erect. I like it very wet, so she applies a lot of lube and keeps it very moist with her saliva. I keep pumping my cock until I am about ready to cum, then I stop and restart many times. This builds up an enormous amount of cum and a very strong orgasm....

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Tricked into cuckoldry

You watch your girlfriend, Stacy, get dressed after some steamy sex. Her soft C cup boobs are just covered up and her plump ass jiggles whenever she moves. Her 20-year old figure could easily pass for a supermodel. “So nice to have free time finally.”, you sigh. You have worked hard the last year and now your holiday is coming up. Sadly you couldn’t book any tickets to a nice foreign country due to the pandemic. Your plan now is to relax at home together with your girlfriend. First part was...

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Adult Empire For Women

Some websites just do their thing. Some joints manage to beat the fierce competition and stay afloat long enough to become legends, despite a shitload of other websites offering the same merch. Meet! The place that captures that 90's vibe. The time when fuckers had to hide their boners while on their way to buy adult magazines. Wanking off was still a taboo, which made things a whole lot interesting.Adultempire is so freaking huge that each of its categories deserves a separate...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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The Clinic

The Clinic Alessandra Durante James glanced over at his wife. She was silent as she steered the car on its path to the rehabilitation center. He wanted to say something to her, but there was a coldness in her eyes that made him realize that there was nothing he could say at that moment that would change anything. Catherine never looked at her husband as she drove down the highway. He had been caught cheating on her for the second time. She also suspected that there were several...

1 year ago
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Slutty Island Resort

Initially, I tried staffing the Slutty resort with girls that worked for me plus people we recruited. The problem was, it ended up always being minimally manned. If I took enough models, actresses and strippers to fix my manning issues, then I would have to close the rest of Slutty. I couldn’t get enough men to do the menial jobs like landscaping, maintenance, construction and any other labour intensive position. I also had problems recruiting educated people like doctors and lawyers. The...

2 years ago
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Where Will It EndChapter 3 Transformation

Beth woke up with a slight headache for the second day in a row. As she walked to the bathroom she caught herself mumbling, “I love having him watch me. Wearing sexy clothes...” She shook her head to clear as her thoughts. She left the light off to help her headache. She took two aspirin as her phone buzzed. “Wake up your son with a kiss,” the message read. Fuck. She thought. She used to kiss him more when he was little but had stopped after catching him looking at her differently. She...

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Taboo IslandChapter 7

As always, after the incident Grace felt incredibly guilty. She had settled one problem, but created another even bigger one. She knew that it was only a matter of time before Thomas would try to go further. There was no way to get away from him, even if she wanted to. In truth, no matter how much she wanted to deny it, she had enjoyed their encounters. They took another step one evening as Walter lay napping after a hard day of fishing and hunting. Thomas had come up behind his mother and...

1 year ago
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By the introduction of, I was expecting much more. This is a solid website filled with pornographic videos that I am sure you will enjoy, since why the fuck would I even be suggesting this shit. However, there are some ups and downs you should know about, so keep on reading.First of all, the site introduces itself as ‘the best thing to happen to online porn’ or some shit like that, and honestly dude, who the fuck are you kidding? I mean, sure, the shit that is offered is solid and all,...

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Tis The Season To Be Jolly

His breath came out in a steady even puff, condensating in the cold night air. Christmas lights sparkled around us, lighting up the night sky. It was magical in a way, transporting us to another place altogether. The only toasty part of my body was where his hand lay interlocked with mine. With each step we got closer to the coziness of our home. The crackling fireplace was waiting, along with the fresh sheets laid atop the bed. “I’m freezing.” His pink tongue darted out over his lips where the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Naked Holiday With My MotherChapter 4

Mum was like a kid who'd been promised a lollipop and I had to admit that the thought of buggering her had got me fully erect, "Does it hurt Anne?" she said as we reached the house, Anne told her that it was just a little bit sore to start with, but then she giggled, "By the time I've finished with you darling, you'll be more than ready believe me" I fetched the drinks from the kitchen and when I returned they'd started without me, mum was sitting on the sofa and Anne was on her...

3 years ago
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Sex Slave The Interview Part One

If there is one thing I know about, it is sex. I've always been a very sexual creature. From the time I lost my virginity, right up to now. I’m a twenty something, single female, who just loves to fuck. I don’t mind the love making, the passionate stuff, the flowers and chocolate. But, honestly, I just want the crazed, hungry, animalistic, can’t think straight sex. I mean, who doesn't like to have a good romp in the sheets, or a hard pounding in the shower, or bent over a counter, or snog on...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Passionate Piss Of Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

I and Swetha had been together for over a year at the time of this story. We have a great relationship with the usual ups and downs. But I adore her and I know she loves me as well. Our sex life was great and a year into the relationship, I was glad we still had sex nearly every day and the heat hadn’t really died down. She has a beautiful body and a personality to match. Anyway, back to the story. We were watching a TV show laying on the bed one weekend and I was playing with her butt...

2 years ago
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In The Toilet

That’s the thing about nice toilets. They make you feel completely at home, even when you’re not, whether you are in a restaurant or a party or even at work. You can lose yourself in a toilet very easily, not literally of course, metaphorically.I did just that when I was at a party, fairly recently. It was a social gathering between friends and work colleagues. I was chatting to a rather exquisite specimen of the opposite sex, my boss as it happens, and we had just taken delivery of a fresh...

2 years ago
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CAW11 Cold Winters Day reeditted

My pimp forced to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for profitable night; to keep him and his henchmen, away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single 21 year old mother, and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter, Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling, every icy cold whiff of air, tonight. I stand 5-foot 7-inches and weigh 103-pounds; and I wasn’t dressed appropriately for the elements...

1 year ago
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Pissing Off My Best Friend

Hannah and I are best friends, we have been since we were young. Now we are both seventeen and in high school. We both hang out together, at home and at school, and always walk to and from school together.It was a summer afternoon and we had finished school. We started walking home and Hannah finished drinking from the two-litre bottle of water she had. She is a very health conscious girl and always drank loads of water. Her mom is a nutritionist had something to with it I guess.“Gracey,” she...

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Being Neighbourly

All I wanted was to smell Caroline’s used panties. It wasn’t even as if I was breaking and entering, since we had one of her spare keys just as she had one of ours, in case of emergency.Admittedly this was no emergency, but an opportunity had presented itself, and I couldn’t resist the temptation. My wife was staying overnight at her sister’s. I’d seen our next door neighbour leave the house earlier and guessed she’d be spending the evening at her boyfriend’s. It was Saturday evening, after...

1 year ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 48

I needed to unload and went to the bathroom with the help of my peg. It was early, but I needed something for my mouth. I went to the other end of the hall of the women's private spaces and into my big bathroom. I thought another forty winks would be good after brushing my teeth, so I went back down the hall to get back in bed. People had moved around and Zena was nearest the outside of the bed. Zena wrapped herself around me when I slid under the covers, and whispered, "I think I'm ready...

4 years ago
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He found his young Bitch

It was a warm summer night.I had just turned 18,so I thought i,d take in the local club.I got all dressed up,a short little leather mini skirt,black thigh high,s,satin black pantie,s,black bra and white blouse.I know I dress like a slut,but hey it,s saturday nite.I walked into the club,it was real quiet,but it was early yet.I went to the conner of the bar and ordered a beer.I was sipping on my beer when a man walked up and said have,nt seen u in here before,well no this is my first time just...

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Tour of DutyChapter 10 POW for a Day

The raid had been a success and the company commander was very happy. Every squad had two of the tri barrel miniguns now. Staff sergeant McBee was running the platoon until we got a new lieutenant. In a troop formation a week later we had an award ceremony. I was given another Knight's Cross and a Military Cross for the last mission. The awards I had recommended had gone through so my men got their awards. I also had a visit from the Duke of Cari. We had a nice talk and he gave me a scroll...

2 years ago
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Three Valleys SammiChapter 9

As Sammi waited for the elevator, holding hands with Stan, she wondered if this counted as a way of relaxing. Certainly she'd be sleeping in tomorrow morning. Her stomach was turning over and her palms were sweaty. This wasn't a pool party; there wouldn't be any ice breaker like the pool. This was the first time she'd gone to a party like this with a date. She was excited, and nervous, and trying hard not to show either one. In a way she was looking forward to this. Her parents went to...

4 years ago
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It Happened One Evening

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Dave and my wife’s name is Lena. We have been happily married for the past 7 years . Our sex life has always been very good and we are both a little kinky. How this all started I’ll never know, but now that it has it’s hard to put an end to it. About a year ago my best friend Kyle came down to our house to spend the evening watching a few movies and check out some new programs for the computer. The kids had gone to their...

2 years ago
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198 THE LADY ELLENS CONVERSION TO A BLACK SUB (having a change of heart about those blacks) Pete is my hubby and his black workmates having seen me told him they wanted to fuck and abuse me...! He explained what I was very narrow minded and would not even speak to black people if I could avoid it! So, they laughed and told him to get me to come to a party that weekend and they could and would change all that! He did ask but omitted the bit about them wanting to screw me and abuse me, the...

3 years ago
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Playtime Ch 02

Chapter 2 — Who is this Ed guy, really? The discovery process of a research project always excited Mairead, but this time it was more than that. She had researched a wide range of subjects over the years, but up to now, none were for her own education. The personal nature of this research, along with the subject matter, truly had her juices flowing this morning. Like so many Saturdays before, she welcomed the weekend with some self gratification over a cup of coffee, but this time she could...

1 year ago
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I move to canada

“You may want to sit down son.” Officer Stewart said. “What’s going on, Jeff tell me what’s going on?” I questioned “Listen David, it’s your mother. She is dead.” Jeff said “What, how?” I asked with tears swelling in my eyes. “She was hit by a car.” He said “Oh god… Get out.” I said because I needed to be alone. I had no idea that this depression I had suddenly developed would make me the happiest I had ever been. It all started when I decided to pack up and move to...

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A Fantasy

I have been dressing in women’sclothes since I was little. My grandmother used to dress me up in her old dresses and pretend I was her granddaughter. As I grew older it started becoming more of a sexual fascination and turn on for me. I have been more a closet cross dresser getting clothes here and there and then dressing up and having incredible masturbation sessions looking at tranny porn. Only in the recent couple of years I have discovered about sissy maids and bondage and bdsm and how it...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends Mom Shrieked

My Girlfriend's Mom Shrieked.............This is the story of a teen who suddenly becomes aware of the allure of his girlfriends mom. Of a boy/man who struggles with the feelings this woman ignites within him. And what about his girlfriend's dad, a man who's always treated him like a son? And why does this inexperienced lad become so excited at the thought of taking another man's wife?1 -- 3:18 p.m. May 27th 2008"Tommeeeee!" my girlfriend's mom shrieked as I lifted her high up into the air. But...

4 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 20

Life in Hawaii for the Sanderson family was quite different than life on the island with the blue lagoon. Their estate on the island of Hawaii was still a paradise as far as Allison, Amy, and the girls were concerned. After a week, they still had not explored it all since there was so much to do just in the vicinity of their magnificent mansion. There was a tennis court where Allison was teaching the girls what she knew about tennis. Of course, the pool was the main attraction. Amy was...

4 years ago
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Story 1 Our Conjugal Amorousness

Cast of Characters with their Profile: Sushma: Her relation with Mahir: Wife Her age: 27 years Her occupation: A knack housewife Her face: Alluring and nymphish, oval in shape Her eyes: Deep set, heavy-lidded, and dark brown Her nose: Straight Her mouth and lips: Full and rosy pink Her hair: Black, silky, ample, and mostly intertwined by her into a thick plait which runs down to her arse Her voice: Musical Her figure: Voluptuous, hourglass, and soft – contoured Her BWH:...

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A Witchs Revenge 5

A Witch's Revenge 5 As soon as 911 connected, I thought better of it. What would we tell them? I couldn't think of a single thing that would be believable. We went into Linda's house, and she held me, while I sat and shook. How was I supposed to defend myself as a 12-yr.-old? Her Mom called my Mom, who rushed over. She said, "I didn't want for this to happen, but I guess we have no other choice. I know you know how to use this as David, we're just going to see if the instincts...

1 year ago
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Another woman. At nineteen I was too shy to admit the desire openly, but it was certainly there. It was so real I could almost touch it. I would lie in my bed at night with a candle lighting my room, illuminating a huge poster of a beautiful couple who walked, huddled together arm in arm. As I closed my eyes and let my slim fingers slide down through the fine wisp of hair on my pubic mound to open the lips of my wet sex it was always the woman in the picture who remained with me. I could feel...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 9

Officer Mike Tougas sat in the restaurant of the hotel sipping a cup of coffee waiting for Ed to arrive from his suite upstairs. After the discussion on the phone, he had investigated the family of Beth Hayes. When he discovered the number of times that the family had been attacked in the past, many of his suspicions about them had been dispelled although he didn’t know the reasons behind the attacks. It was only after digging a little deeper that he learned that this family was the John...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 33 A Woman in the Night

I figured I would be up again and she would be ready in an hour. We did not really sleep, she could not keep her hands still on my muscular body, she had never had a chance to explore a man anything like me. I was not a body builder, but I did have good-sized muscles, a genetic gift from the mountain tribe breeding regime. Okay, actually I am built like a god - Greek, Viking, Roman, whatever. My mother said so. Cynthia loved it. I allowed her to love it. Even Abril could not keep her hand off...

1 year ago
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Fun With Aged Lady 8211 The Beginning

Hi Gals and guys I am vaibhav once again come to share my another sexperience with you. First of all I want to thanks all who appreciate my first story” Sex with office maid in store room” published in office-teacher category. Although this story is different still I feel that you first read my previous story. The queen of story is mrs. Archana age 48 my senior colleague in office. Let me describe her first she is mother of two child age 24 and 21. She is typical Marathi married woman. She is...

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TriptychChapter 25

“I DIDN’T KNOW you had electricity out here,” I said as Kate lit the lantern in the caravan. “Where did you think the hot water for our showers came from?” Kate asked. “Um ... I thought it was like the LP gas for the stove.” “It’s a switchable system. During warm months, we don’t turn on the generator much. That’s why it took a minute before the lights came on tonight. I still like to have my room pitch black when I sleep at night, even in the dorm. It feels more like home.” We got into...

1 year ago
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Sexual Diversity Training

Imran told me to go down to the cottage this weekend. There was a pretty but quiet little blonde that was getting cock and a husband who had to learn his manners. Leroy and Winston were going to be there too but a feminine touch with the husband, well, that would be appreciated. The cottage down in Dorset is pretty, you know, the whole thatched roof and roses around the front door kind of thing. It only has two bedrooms. Winston was given the place by one of his bitches and it was used now, by...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 20

I arrived half an hour early. I went to the HR department to meet with the director Mr. Bob Jackson, who also doubled as head of security. I got the normal welcome aboard speech and rules and regulations. He complemented me on the uniform fit and said he was amazed at how fast the background check got done and the weapons permit was approved. "We have never allowed security people to carry weapons before but with all that has happened around the country we felt it was a necessary thing. You...

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Excellent ffm threesome during a marriage

We (i & my wife reema) stay in mumbai and we had to go to nainital for marriage of her first cousin. We went upto delhi by flight and were picked up by an innova sent by reema’s uncle, the journey was fantastic and we reached the place by early evening. We drove into a huge kothi with big garden in the outskirts of the town; they had taken the kothi on rent near the bride’s locality. Reema’s uncle welcomed us and introduced me to both his son’s – elder one neeraj & younger one dheeraj who was...

2 years ago
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My Secret

I am a homosexual teacher at an all-girls college. I always thought men were the predators of the species. But let me tell you, from my experience, girls can be even more predatory.I discovered my homosexuality as a teen, but being the handsome son of a prominent family, I was forced to hide it all through high school. No way was I going to bring disgrace to my family. I grew up in an era when homosexuality was not at all accepted in society and most homos and queers were very closeted.I did...

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