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What follows is actual and self-explanatory, written by the author about his own anticipated end shortly before it occurred. Subject: Valedictory If you're reading this, I'm dead. (I guess that's what they mean by "cutting to the chase.") I am by no means the first person to observe that death, & the prospect of dying, is the pornography of our time. You can discuss the most kinky & depraved sexual activity in polite company these days, & nobody bats an eye. But mention the topic of death or dying...! On at least two occasions in my life I have had friends who knew that they were presently going to die. I would like to have addressed this with them, if I could, but the conventions forbade it. People wonder how it feels to know you're presently going to die, but that's something you don't ask. But now that I am facing my own imminent extinction I'm going to talk about it, & the conventions be damned. I have been diagnosed with an essentially incurable leukemia, & as I write this I'm, for all practical purposes, dead meat. (People are beginning to bandy the word, "hospice," about.) (Details presently.) I apologize for springing this on you so suddenly, but I've always tended to avoid the moribund, myself. They give me the creeps--as if they were bad juju. I don't know whether other people share this superstition, but the dying are never treated normally. So many things you mustn't talk about when they're about... Since I wanted to be treated the same as always, I have kept my mouth shut. But now all shall be revealed, & talked about. If you find this disturbing, distasteful, or offensive, stop here & go off & read some relatively acceptable topic--perhaps the details of S&M sex between men &, say, under-age rhinoceroi. (Whips & chains...& tusks! Woo-hoo!) Otherwise, I'm going to impose on your patience while I ramble (&, I hope, gratify some people's morbid curiosity). Details: my diagnosis is acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). It's a killer. One's marrow is where blood is manufactured. The stem cells there differentiate into red & white cells, platelets, & other formed elements that enable blood to do what it does. In AML, some of these stem cells have a mutation that makes them unable to differentiate. Life, & nature, being what they are, these useless cells of course proliferate wildly until they've squeezed out the normal stem cells. So your blood gradually runs out of the formed elements that you depend on to live. It's a little like bleeding to death, only slower--& leaving no nasty, gory mess to clean up. Chemotherapy for this is possible, but rough. *Really* rough. Not one of those affairs where you drop in once a week as an outpatient & can probably get back home on your own. We're talking six weeks in intensive care, sick as a dog, bleeding from every orifice &, if you manage to survive all that, there's a 50-50 chance, at my age, of having gone through all that hell for nothing. If you do get a remission, there's no telling how long it will last, & my body has already been subjected to enough insults & humiliations by Bitch Nature that the benefits of remission are dubious at best. Moreover, even if I were cured, there would still be that sarcoma waiting for its chance. So I have elected to duck the chemotherapy & let happen what will. As I write this, I am living from one blood trans- fusion to the next--like a modern-day vampire. Believe me, there are many, many worse ways to die. It's creepy, this, *deciding* to die. Because that's what I've done, in effect. But you know, our culture has a tendency to value quantity over quality. Not how good, but how much. But I'm the other way: not how much, but how good. And when you apply that to life itself, in my situation, there's only one conclusion you can reach. Sir Peter Medawar would have had a fit. He was one of those who think that as long as you're alive, in no matter how wretched a state, that's enough. Sir Peter is one of my heroes, but in this particular case he was full of shit. If I were in my twenties & in apparently robust health, I'd be devastated by all this; but (a) I've been face to face with my own mortality ever since my surgery in 2000 & (b) I'm 73 now, with a rich & satisfying career & an extraordinarily rich & satisfying life behind me. Nothing can take those from me. My father, who was a Freemason, said that Masonry taught that man was born but to die. A cheerful thought, no? But I suspect that Nature's view is not greatly different: man is born but to reproduce & die. Once you've passed on your DNA, or part of it, & seen it through to adulthood, she's done with you. Well, I outfoxed her, at least a bit, by refusing to pass on my DNA, but the old bitch is still going to have the last word. And how do I feel about death? How does one react to the fetid breath of Azrael, the angel of death? Supposedly, one is supposed to go through denial, bargaining, anger, & finally caving in. I'm too arrogant for denial; denial is for wimps. (Besides, I'd look pretty silly denying something I've deliberately chosen by a conscious act of will.) There's a fine line to be drawn here: you want to face up to your impending death without flinching, but you also want to continue living as normal a life as possible. Some pagan philosopher put it best: If you know you're going to die to-morrow, don't let it cramp your style to-day. And I have no bargaining chips: I quit smoking--alas!--a couple of years ago, & I live a pretty healthy life style. So I'm skipping all that until anger. (It's ironic--I always promised myself that if I got cancer I'd start smoking again. After all, you're going to die anyway; what's left for it to do to you? And here I am with leukemia, low on erythrocytes & on the all-important hemoglobin that transports oxygen to my cells. I need all the oxygen I can get, and can't afford to have any of it squeezed out by carboxyhemoglobin, the reaction product between hemoglobin & carbon monoxide. Oh, well.) Anger--is that it? My natural impulse is to lash out: to say, "From now on, the hell with everybody else. I'm going to live for myself alone!" But that's no good, either; I've been doing that all along. One of the peculiarities of my life has been that when I've lived for myself alone, that's precisely when I've been of the greatest use, not only to myself, but to everyone around me. It was my youthful fits of altruism that unfailingly left me in some hopeless dead end, no good to myself OR to anybody else: a burden rather than a contributor. So I've already *been* living for myself alone over the last few decades, with the usual bene- ficial effects for all concerned. Beyond that, my feelings are inconsistent. On the one hand, I resent Nature's great, final kick in the teeth--as who wouldn't?--on the other hand, I find it a relief. I resent it because naturally no sane man takes pleasure in contemplating his own destruction, but also because, just when you're beginning to understand what things are all about, it's too late & you're dead. I've heard people say that once you see what things were all about, your task on earth is done. But I say, that be damned for a task. Once I've gained some understanding, I want to be around to enjoy the use of it & revel in it. Around here, I mean, not in some hypothetical wuzzy paradise that may or may not in fact exist. And don't tell me it's not for me to judge; I'm judging, whether it's "for me" to do so or not. And I resent the increasing disabilities, indignities, & humilia- tions with which Nature tells you that she's getting bored with you & that you're wearing out your welcome. The alarms, the repeated visits to the physician, the repeated tests, the repeated trips to the hospital. (It was the same in childhood, remember? If an unpopular child was at a gathering, the other kids would mock & traduce her cruelly to show her that they wished she would go home. Nature treats us the same way when she wants to get rid of us.) And the discovery that you can no longer trust your body. (This may be a uniquely male thing; reading de Beauvoir in my twenties left me with the impression that women don't feel they can trust their bodies at any age.) And the disfigurement of your body--swellings, blotches & blains. Thomas tells us to rage against the dying of the light; but it's not the dying that's the problem, it's the waning. The waning, not the extinction. Nature is not your friend. I'm sorry to abandon Pat this way. The bereaved have to suppress feelings of resentment at being abandoned by the dying; Pat & I have discussed this long since & I told her to go ahead & resent away to the top of her bent. On the other hand, I'm leaving her modestly well off, & now perhaps she'll be able to sell this house, which she's never really liked, & move to some place she finds more congenial. It is a relief because I will leave so many unpleasant things behind me (think of never again having to do taxes!) &, more importantly, will avoid so many unpleasant things to come. This new century is going to be no picnic. The twentieth century was one of the most appalling for anomie & wholesale murder, but at least we didn't live in an anthill. In this new century, we will, and in that anthill I foresee a drastic suppression of the individual liberties that make life worth living. The only alternatives I see are widespread, devastating disease or widespread, devastating war. This was one of several reasons why I never reproduced: I didn't want kids of mine to grow up & live in such a world. For myself, every time I read of some new threat to (or, sometimes, from) the environ- ment, I think I'd just rather evade all of those disagreeable eventual- ities; & if dying will enable me to, then maybe that's not such a bad deal, after all. (This must be one of the reasons for that resentment on the part of our survivors: we have ducked all that & left them to cope.) And when you're about to die, you're *set free.* All our lives our actions are constrained by their possible consequences. But now, you have nothing to lose; there's nothing They can do to you, whoever "They" are. Subject only to your responsibilities to those close to you, you can do anything you want to do & don't have to do anything you don't want to do. (The problem with that is that I have found no particular use for this new freedom--but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind, just the same.) Furthermore, if I die now, it will be at a point in my life where the cost is minimal, or nearly so. For me the worst possible time to die would have been in my middle twenties. By that time, I had invested more than two decades of unremitting toil, of growth & learning, in the hope of reaping five or more decades of payoff. To die then would have been to see all that investment shot to hell with nothing to show for it. But now I have enjoyed that payoff, in abundance, & while I'm greedy for still more payoff, I have to accept the fact that I've gotten a good deal more-- extravagantly more--than I could reasonably have expected, so that if I die now, I don't have much cause for complaint. If, as I do, you measure the value of life by the cost of death, & if you measure the cost of death by the imbalance between investment & payoff, then my life had the highest value in my twenties, rising from zero at conception to a plateau at that period & gently declining ever since. (It also follows that, contrary to popular cant, my life is not of infinite value. The value of my life has been variable; but infinity is a constant.) But that's not what people wonder about, is it? They want to know, do you (brrrr!) *fear* death? Fear it?--the fog in your throat, the mist in your face? Well, at some animal level, I suppose I must. I assume it's a biological imperative wired into any animal with enough of a nervous system to feel fear at all. But my fear must be deeply suppressed, because I don't feel anything like that consciously. Resentment, yes, but not fear. And--for what it's worth--I haven't had any dreams that I would think indicated fear. Strange. Maybe my unconscious mind knows something I don't (it wouldn't be the first time); but I'm not betting on it. And what do I expect after death? I have no idea. Certainly not the Christian eschata--death, judgement, heaven, & hell. (Well, death of course, but not the rest.) I hope I shall meet & know that sweet goddess whom I've worshipped over the last half of my life. Logically, one would expect oblivion. Severe trauma can cause temporary oblivion; presumably death, the ultimate trauma, should also be oblivion. But that's hard to conceive, especially for someone as intensely alive & self-aware as I have been. If the long habit of living indisposeth us to dying, the long habit of self-awareness indisposeth us to oblivion. In any case, I shall find out, if one can find out, soon enough. Regrets? They say that no man ever lay on his deathbed wishing he had spent more time at the office. I'm suspicious of statements beginning with "No man ever...," because human behavior is so varied that you never know when you will run up against a counterexample. But certainly *I'm* not going to wish I had spent more time at the office. I have few regrets, in fact. Most of the reason is that my life turned out far better than I ever expected in my early years. I never expected to be a professor. I never thought of myself as the kind of man who got a PhD. I never expected to be a published author, or a landowner. If it should prove that my death is traceable to my twenty or so years of smoking--which, according to my oncologist, it isn't--I don't regret that either, & I certainly don't want my heirs to join a lot of irresponsibles in suing the tobacco companies. That's sheer greed--& evasion of responsibility. Damn that. I smoked with my eyes open, fully aware of the dangers, & I accept full responsibility for the consequences to myself. I want no meddler attaching my name to a class-action suit. Most of my regrets are for things I couldn't help. Birth defects, mostly. I regret that I was not born smarter. I especially regret that I was not made more people-smart. I regret not having a stronger, more athletic, quicker, better coordinated body. This disability, besides mak- ing my childhood & adolescence a hell, because of the pervasive athleticism & machismo among the middle-American gentile males with whom I grew up, also prevented me from being as able a keyboard player as I should like to have been--with so much of Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Liszt, Beethoven, & Schubert off limits to me--or as good a dancer. This kind of innate clumsiness isn't one of the things commonly considered birth defects, but that's what it is, none the less. I also regret that my retirement turned out to be such a washout. I had hoped for a rich & rewarding post-retirement career, something that would keep me busy for another ten to twenty years & would provide--in my own mind, anyway--a sort of capstone to my life. (It would have had to be in my own mind, since your life has only such meaning as you are able to impose on it yourself, in your own mind.) In my twenties I was bounced about by Fate in all sorts of unlikely directions, a process that bestowed on me a breadth of background not granted to most people (& that incidentally had the gratifying side-effect of making me appear a good deal smarter than I actually am). This accidental bouncing around left me with a wealth of ill-assorted, oddball knowledge which has never been properly put to use. Along with this bouncing about came a series of mysterious lucky breaks, occurring at intervals throughout my adult life, thanks to which I ended up much better off & a much better person than I would have been otherwise. And what I looked for, eventually, was something that would make me feel that all that bouncing & all that good fortune had not been bestowed on me in vain. It seemed to me that such a series of extraordin- ary lucky breaks should properly befall someone of some importance, not me: someone who made a difference, a big difference, the kind of person about whom biographies are written, the kind of person whose papers go to some university library after his death, the kind about whom dissertations, & for whom festschrifts, are written. Not a nobody like me. And not having found this justification during my career, I hoped that it might show up after retirement. I had no idea what kind of thing this would be, & I didn't know how to find it (never in my life have I known how to find things like this--don't think I didn't look; it's impossible not to look-- but instead they have found me, repeatedly) except by sitting & waiting patiently for it to find me, as similar things have found me so many times before, which, alas, it never did. Fond memories? Oh, lots of those, chief among them my marriage. When I think back & realize how little I knew about the situation I was getting into, it chills me. But my unconscious mind must have known that it was the right thing for me, & he it was who prodded me into taking that crazy, ill-advised step that has brought so much joy, peace, & contentment into my life. Better & better, year by year. Men who go on about what wonderful wives they have are a bit tedious; nevertheless, I'm going to bore you for a bit. The first weeks & months of marriage bring many surprises, & it was my blessing that the surprises were all pleasant ones. But in addition, as the years have gone on, we have become closer & closer, & she, in particular, has been wonderfully supportive. I sometimes think that in her case the Three Little Words are "Go for it." She has told me that so many times. Never questioning, never doubting, always encouraging. You hear of men who become achievers because their wives never stopped pushing. I wonder. I suspect it's more often because the husbands couldn't resist showing off: "Look what I've been able to do, Honey!" But there are lots of other things, too. Of all the possibilities known to me, I believe I had the good luck to live in the best time & place. With all the appalling faults & shortcomings of our nation, I nevertheless believe that all other places on earth are worse. There's popularly supposed to be an ancient Chinese curse (actually neither ancient nor Chinese, probably the invention of Raymond Chandler), "May you live in an interesting period in history." Well, the 20th Century was an interesting period in history, & I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Interesting periods are great--provided you can observe the fireworks from a safe distance, which I did. And not just the fireworks; the fun, too: the music of Stravinsky, the choreography of Balanchine, & the early-music revival; *Finnegans Wake*, the novels of C. P. Snow, & those of Robertson Davies; Picasso, Wyeth, & Henry Moore. Quantum mechanics & Goedel's proof; black holes & the 4 K background radiation; computers & radar. From Sen. Joseph McCarthy to gay rights & the New Left; from hearing this country called "Amerika" to the "God bless America" signs after the WTC attack. What a ride it has been. In my private life, I'm grateful that I lived such a rackety life between my twenty-first & twenty-seventh years. I'm glad I had the opportunity to sleep around as much as I did. I'm glad I got away with as much as I did. One in the eye for you, Society! I'm glad I spent a year living as a young lady's kept man. That year with her, humiliating & shameful as it was at the time, did much to make me the man I am now, & if you're wondering whether that was a good thing, believe me, it was, compared with what I was at the time, or what I was on the way to becoming. I'm glad I experienced & did so many things that widened my horizons, while living with her--most of them illegal, or at least improper. Yes, it shamed me at the time, but you know, we all enjoy a disreputable past, once it's safely past. I'm even glad I spent that term & a half at a theological seminary. What a crazy thing for me, of all people, to do! Who could be less fit to be a clergyman than I? It might easily have wrecked my life; it was a classic instance of what I said earlier on about altruism in my life going sour. It was a valuable & enriching experience for all that. I saw, for the first time, an alien culture from close up; I met some remarkable men, I learned some strange ins & outs of Biblical study & early church history, & it was there that I made my first real contact with Hebrew, that lovely language which has never since left me alone. It also brought me from the boondocks of the Middle West to New York, where I belonged. (Peace, you Middle Westerners who read this! I'm referring to Milwaukee in the 1930s & 1940s, which really was the boondocks, not to the Wisconsin of the 21st century.) I'm glad I turned out to be so good at teaching & that I liked my students & was liked by them. Such wonderful young people, & such fun I had with them! If I hadn't finally gotten worn down by the commute, & if the field of computer science hadn't started to drift in directions that I found uncongenial, I would probably have continued teaching until I dropped. At one point, that was what I hoped to do. I'm also grateful for the series of chances that led me to take ballet classes. Not my kind of thing at all, I should have thought, not for a techno-geek like me; & yet my first experience of them, back in my thirties, marked me for life. I remember wandering through an unfamiliar building at Hofstra, in the 1980s, trying to find a committee meeting I was supposed to attend, & suddenly walking into a vast, empty room with mirrored walls, a railing along three sides, & a grand piano far off in the distance. My heart skipped a beat: a dance studio, obviously. I was surprised that the sight still meant so much to me, almost a quarter of a century after those first classes. It was as if fate, or something, was telling me that I'd be back taking classes again some day. Why? What was the attraction, for someone like me with zero talent? Why did I spend eleven more years floundering around, an obvious no-hoper? It wasn't just the pretty girls, I swear. I suppose it was because, on those rare days when everything went well, it felt so *good* to move that way. And I'm grateful for the affection, & even esteem, that I've known from so many people. After a childhood & adolescence marked by neither affection nor esteem, except in rare & sporadic instances, this has been very important to me. I thank you, one & all, for that; you've enriched my adult life; you've been terrific to know. From a longer perspective, it has been interesting occupying one of these bodies, even with all its defects & disabilities, here on this in- credibly ancient planet. I am no nearer knowing how I got here, where I was before that, or where I will be after that, than I ever was. Perhaps these answers will emerge after death, but I wouldn't bet on it. But what strange creatures we are! And what a strange place this is! People write about the strange planets & satellites we've discovered in the solar sys- tem; but is there any place around here that's stranger than this planet? --with its highly reactive atmosphere & covered with a sort of green stuff that turns out to be fantastically complicated solar-powered systems of chemical reactions, with other similar systems moving about in their midst. And among them, us: naked, bifurcated sex maniacs, running about on our hind legs, communicating by what Chesterton called an arbitrary system of grunts & squeals, & producing marvels of art & science. (And among us, *me,* possibly strangest of all...) With all the drawbacks & unpleasant- ness, I'm glad I had a chance to be one of these creatures. But once was enough. If there's reincarnation, it might be best if I were reincarnated on some far-off planet at the other end of the universe. My last words? Probably some unintelligible croak as I try to speak one final word of love & gratitude to Pat; but my OFFICIAL last words are cribbed from Lytton Strachey, who is supposed to have said, "If this is death I don't think much of it." Well, there you are. Not very profound--was it?--or very original --after all that buildup. Indeed, I've hardly addressed the central issue, the issue of being dead, at all. But how can I? I can't comprehend oblivion, much less talk about it. So if I've done nothing but beat around the bush, my excuse is that the bush itself is unreachable. Maybe your time would have been better spent reading about those rhinoceroi, after all. Farewell... Tom Postscript for pedants: Yes, I know that the rhino has a horn, not tusk(s). But as I wrote the sentence, "tusks" had a better sound to it, so I allowed myself the liberty. 

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Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 20

Friday started early since Dawn wanted out. I carefully disentangled myself from Collie and Cheryl and took her to the back yard and then for her walk. Mercifully, I wasn’t feeling too bad after taking her for her full walk. I even picked up the pace a bit and let her frisk a little more. We got back and I put her out in the yard while I returned to bed, not really ready to be up yet and suspecting that breakfast would be ready sometime later or skipped in favor of lunch. When I next woke...

1 year ago
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The Cheater Part 3

"That was pretty amazing, babe. I'm sorry I never listened to you and tried that before. I know you have wanted to try anal for a long time. But I always felt it was kind of dirty or very kinky. I guess my thinking kind of changed that night when I fucked Alex and Tom fucked me. And that reminded me of my experience in college. Neither experience was bad, and if I had to admit it, it was even kind of pleasant. But in college, I pushed it out of my mind because I did not consider myself as...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Ashley Mature Meth Queen Part 6

Ashley (real name Wanda) texted me..."I got a room with a hot tub. Do you want to come over and join me in it?" Yes, yes I did! I arrived a short time later and texted Wanda from the parking lot. When I got to her room at the La Quinta Inn in Dublin, I knocked on the door and waited for her to open cock was already hard in anticipation of seeing Wanda. The door was opening slowly, I could see wet footprints on the floor, Wanda leaned out and let me in. She was naked and dripping with...

2 years ago
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SurroundedChapter 2

"I don't think I have a current measurement, if that's what you're wondering." "Well, it sounds like I'll get to see it pretty soon," she laughed. "We also don't usually wear much around the house. Even nothing at all. What's your take on that, Brenda?" There I'd dropped the real question, our lack-of-dress code around the house. "Naked? All the time? Oh, I think that's so cool. Daddy, you are so much more fun than Mom. I'm gonna love this. I love being naked and this...

3 years ago
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The Meeting Part3

She walked around to the front of the sofa leading him by the hand.’Get me a little towel will you my dear’...He did. ‘Your cum will be reappearing very soon and I wouldn’t want to ruin your sofa’. She put the towel down and sat.He thought of all the wanks he’d had on that trusty sofa and smiled to himself, but her conscientious attitude did her great credit and he felt more warmly towards her for it.He was still standing and she gave his now flaccid prick a kiss and invited him to tip out her...

2 years ago
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My Student Ch 6

I smiled at Bobby as he gawked up from the pool. He had seen me naked, all of me, but not after I had stripped for him on a dare. He was speechless, temporarily I was sure. My hips swayed slightly from side to side. ”Bobby, ” I called with a wave of my hand, ”Looks like the lights are on but no one's home,” I giggledHe just gawked as I squatted, knees apart, to get my bikini. I picked it up and stood again. With my bikini in my hand, I smiled down at him and turned away. ”I'm going to get a...

4 years ago
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Rough Sex

Its 2:30 in the afternoon and already all I can think about is getting the hell out of here; leaving work and heading home. This place is so full of drama anymore that I cannot possibly stay focused; much like it was in high school. My thoughts drift to a nice, long, hot shower; letting the water run over my body and down the drain, taking the day’s trouble with it. The drive home just added to my aggravation. I am trapped in Florida! The attitudes, the driving, everything about this place is...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Rattling Snakes Cage Ch 08

This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone — life is just not like that. * The area was deathly quiet, it was near on two in the morning and the only noise Jerry could hear was his own breathing and the occasional rustle of some animal in...

3 years ago
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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 29

The biggest one of the four said, "We came to offer you some help. We heard all about you." The other three were eyeing the women. Christiane had pulled away and started to cry. Tiffany got between her and the men. She was naked and only sixteen. "Thanks, but I don't need any help. We're doing an experiment to see how many times we can cum while travelling across Canada." "Well, you see, we were trying to do this politely but we don't have to." I now had to smile, "You mean to...

3 years ago
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Ilamaiyaana aan ennai sex seithaan

En peyar Shailaja. En kanavan veli naatil velai paarthu varugiraar. Nan oru official velai paarthu varugiren, enaku thiruamanam aagi 5 varudangal aagugirathu. Innum enaku kuzhanthai kidaiyaathu, veetil thanimaiyil iruka bour adikirathu endru office sendru velai paarthu varugiren. En kanavan ipppozhuthu ellam en idam sariyaaga pesuvathe illai, athu matum ilamal avar veru oru pennai veli naatil thirumanam seithu irunthaar endru thagaval enaku vanthathu. Naan miguntha thukathil irunthen. En...

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It was explained that we got here two weeks early to explore the grounds and get to know each other so the year would go smoother and no one would get lost the first day of class. There where several small group tours that where assigned so that we toured the grounds and facilities with different people the first week and ice breaker events to help us get to know each other and “break out of our shells” as the leadership put it. The activities covered all areas from trivia nights to a learn...

2 years ago
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The Stages of GriefChapter 7 Acceptance

Rick Peterson may have been short, pudgy, and a bit of a sexual deviant. He liked to humiliate women, he liked to torture them, and it was probably because the boy was a sociopath. He was just a few years away from becoming a full-fledged rapist and murderer. But his older brother Steve did think he had one thing going for him—he was an electronics and surveillance genius. Rick may have gotten caught putting cameras in the women's locker room of their apartment building's gym, but that...

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Kimberly Vader Eden Sparkle Laundry Day Loving

When Kimberly Vader and Eden Sparkle get caught skipping school by their nosy stepbrother, he is keen to take advantage of the situation. They offer to do his chores or let him use their car, but he only has one thing on his mind. He whips out his throbbing schlong, and they get to work. They share his dick, slobbering all over his hard shaft. Later, they steal his money to go on a wild shopping spree! He catches them and makes them repay him in some hot stepsister pussy! A couple days later,...

3 years ago
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Matty and Me

Ugh, stupid Matt, thought Mandy as she yawned. Once again she had been awoken by the sounds of her brother having sex. Matt was sneaky, some might say smart; their parents bedroom was at the opposite end of their long hallway and there was a spare bedroom on the floor below them. Problem was, the bedroom was situated right below Mandy's room, so night after night, she awoke to the sounds of intense moaning, spanking, and other sounds of rough sex.Well I guess I've done it too, thought Mandy...

4 years ago
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My Road to Crossdressing part 2

I had dressed up since I was a teenager but it was only occasionally. Usually, it was just lingerie and it was always for me and just for masturbation. It was about ten years ago that I decided I wanted to go further and start using makeup and breast forms and wigs etcetera.Quite by chance one day, I rang an old friend just for a chat. I found out that he had rented his house out while he was travelling. The person on the other end of the line was a woman, or so I thought. We got talking and I...

4 years ago
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She leaned into the car, right in, reaching right across from the driver’s side to the glove compartment. There was a surge in her stomach. Not fear exactly, but nerves, crawling through her intestines.Having never done anything like this before, she wasn’t sure how much the man could see. She couldn’t even be sure he was there, though she was convinced he was. What was really nerve-racking was to think that there might be others looking. It was a station car park after all.She stood up,...

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My Road to Crossdressing Part 3

From the first time I dressed, there was always a sexual element. I used to find the time to wear something feminine and wank myself. It went hand in hand, so to speak. One of the things I loved doing was getting dressed up and laying on my bed with my legs over my head and wanking.When it was time, I would cum in my own mouth. I did it so many times but it was always uncomfortable, but I used to cum anyway. I didn’t swallow but spat it out, every time. I also used to kneel in front of the...

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Harley Quinns Futa World

ADDITIONS WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL Harley Quinn was walking the streets of Gotham all alone after Mr. J kicked her out after one of his abusive episodes. She had to get out of there fast so she was only in a t-shirt and panties because she was just relaxing at home. She decides as she's walking that she should go to Red's place because she might have something to wear for her. All of a sudden though, a mysterious potion appears in front of her that says "drink me". She decides to drink it and...

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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 5 Debauching Darlene

While Bridget Mahoney's seldom satisfied libidinous needs were being satisfied by her minister her husband came home early. Peter Mahoney did appreciate his wife's sexy charms but ever since the first time she suspected him of screwing their regular babysitter she'd acted too frigid, disinterested in sex. And with that rationale he had screwed many other women. His new secretary was proving to be a delightful piece of ass. Was it her youth? Ever since he'd fucked that big-titted, sixteen...

2 years ago
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Teacher Make The Student His Second Wife

In my high school career I got matured and my body developed to full womanhood. My breasts swell and my boobs became round melons with heavy nipples. My cunt became fully hairy and my mound was very thick and pulppy. I was also feeling itching sensation in my cunt and my mind was going away from my books but I was the first student in our class reading very well and every teacher liked me. I am a girl and every girl sit in the first row but one of my science teacher used to make me sit in the...

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Fairwater I

However, one special rule of the game is that there are some slips stating challenges to be done, or punishments carried out, none of them real difficult or more than embarrasing. Yet, one command is that of the hearts desire, in which the dice are rolled one more time, then contestants are counted from left to right, with the lucky person chosen getting bedded by the drawer for the night. The game has been played for centuries, both honor and tradition bind the two to carry out the...

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HardWon Attraction Ch 08

Inside, she saw Evan face down with a towel wrapped around his waist on a massage/training table being iced and worked on by the trainer, who it looked like was trying to gently massage some of the swelling from the fight out of his joints. Evan’s face was looking away from her, so Cadee didn’t know if his eyes were open or shut. The trainer looked questioningly at her and was about to comment, till she quieted him and he recognized her from Evan’s in-ring ramblings and seeing her near the...

2 years ago
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train journey via ecstasy

i was catching the train to bristol and the train was packed to the was hot that day and i'm talking hot,it was like sitting in boiling water.i was sitting squashed up against the window,sitting in front of me was a woman in her forties with a rack you could hang your entire wardrobe on.i turned my head to my right and a fat woman was devouring a pork pie'would you like a bite' she asked'no thanks treacle'i replied.the train rolled on and it seemed to be getting hotter by the...

4 years ago
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masti with two couples in gurgoan group sex mast

Hello friends , I am rajesh .i am 30 year old now , I welcome you with my 6.7” erected yogiraj( cock).i am telling you a real incident that was happened in march 2010. So read this incident with finguring your pussies and shaking your dicks being naked.this incident was happened in gurgoan haryana. That time I was involved in gigolo services to couples .i received a mail from genuine couple from gurgoan haryana.i am hidding their identity so I am using fake names for your fun.his name is...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 193 Meeting the Norrises

Sunday, May 8, 2005 (Continued) Prof and Vanessa hadn't bothered putting a phone in my study, so I went up to Julia's bedroom to call Mackenzie. On the way I tried to think of something more interesting to do than a movie and dinner. I hadn't thought of anything by the time I got to the phone, mainly because I knew almost nothing about Mackenzie; unlike her about me, given that she'd won the quiz. I didn't care about not having an idea, as it wasn't an important date and I didn't need...

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Unwanted attention Chapter 12

Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 12 ...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed by My Own Student Again

It was Friday and the last day of school for the week. I had a terrible week, being gang banged by Jeremy and the others earlier on. Thankfully since the day I was raped and molested by Jeremy, Carol and the rest, I was left alone. When I came out of my pantry after taking a rest in the teacher’s lounge, Jeremy came up to me. “Don’t make plans for the weekends, teach. You are required to stay over at my place on Saturday night. You may wear anything, it doesn’t matter. I have your outfit with...

2 years ago
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Awakening Her Desires V

Charlotte was quite sure she had never been in a longer, deeper bath tub. “Any bigger and you'd have had to call it a spa”, she had said to him, as he carried her naked from the stained and rumpled bed and laid her in its steaming luxuriance. He had then stepped into it with her and settled down facing her, a smile of pure contentment and pleasure settling over his chiselled face, making her realise anew that though she had been drunk last night and flinging herself at him, she had been right....

2 years ago
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Kissing cousins

Angie and I call ourselves cousins yet we could not be any more different in appearance.   She is tall, blonde, tanned, and naturally slim the kind of girl or the boys loved. Me I am on the shorter side of average height olive skinned brunette and worked hard to keep my figure curvy. Angie and I are not actually biologically cousins but our parents are best friends and we have grown up together calling each other’s parents Aunty and Uncle. Angie I were best friends growing up and told each...

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Spider and the Fly Part 1

Into the WebFirst of all a disclaimer, just in case. This is a work of total fiction. If any character appears to even remotely resemble a real person that is a pure accident. With that said hope you enjoy this bit of fiction.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++“My, my said the spider to the fly, jump right ahead into my web….”I often think of that line out of the song created so long ago. It’s a great illustration of how the past year has gone.First introductions; I’m Robert, 34 years...

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We are in a taxi. I am snug and warm beside you. On this occasion, I am wearing a long black hooded cloak. That's all - just a long black cloak. I'm sure this means that a nice surprise is awaiting me.I'm leaning against you, resting my head on your lap, feeling your wonderful fur coat soft against my skin.The taxi driver is used to our evening excursions and pays us no attention. He drives silently through the dark streets.We're nearing the centre and entering the quiet Soho backstreets...

2 years ago
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Parental Encouragement

Ben stares at the TV with excitement and nervousness. He looks to his teenage daughter Emily as she slips the thumb drive into the port on the TV. ————— Ben was a fit man who spent his life as a mechanic since high school. He gravitated to it after his first exposure to it in shop class on how to fix small engines. He also like the one girl that was in the shop class, a girl named Jenni Green. Jenni was a fit brunette who had perky tits early but ones that never got too big for her...

3 years ago
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Cuckquean Diaries First Time

You never forget your first time trying something new. I've certainly not forgotten the first time that my husband fucked someone else and I was involved. We'd talked about it for a long time, lying in bed, touching each other, spinning a tale in our shared imagination, his fingers slipping in and out of me as he described how it would feel to empty himself into another woman, me imagining watching it... It got to the point where I knew I had to find out if doing it for real turned me on as...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Discussion QuestionsChapter 5 Getting used to the aftermath

I got called upon to satisfy Stacy and Deb after a very sexy breakfast. Somehow I completed three servings of Eggs Benedict without scorching pans or serving up raw eggs. As I ate, one or the other would be straddling my lap feeding me with my cock embedded in their hot pussy. Both women kept up a steady stream of just the kind of seductive and erotic dirty talk that I love, so I was harder than steel again. When we'd all eaten, I led the women to our bedroom, and I continued to eat, only...

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Stripped BareChapter 2

Gibbs settled into bed after stripping off his cargo shorts. He needed to keep his boxers on, even though he didn't usually sleep clothed. In case Abby came in—and he was fairly sure she would—Gibbs wanted to have every barrier he could. She was not gonna control him. That wasn't how they worked, and the sooner she realized that, the better off they'd both be. Gibbs couldn't help running a hand in circles on his stomach. He'd always been one for a bit of tease before diving right in to...

4 years ago
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Loves MastersChapter 11 Time with the Boys

When I arrived at Joey’s for Spaghetti Monday, I sat outside in my car for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do about the situation I found myself in. Not only did I look like shit, had scratches on my face and was wearing clothes that were obviously not mine, but Suzi and her parents were in there. I was conflicted about how to explain my appearance to them. Joey thankfully sensed me and read my mind. He brought out some clothes I kept there for when I stayed the night like that...

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Favour More Than Repaid

My name is Kate, and I am 28 years old, with blonde curly hair reaching halfway down my back. Tall, with long shapely legs, and a well defined body.I would like to relate to you about a session that I recently indulged in last week with Paula.Paula is just slightly shorter than me with dark hair in a ponytail, and has just turned 19, with a high flying job in the city. She has a big house, and lives there all by herself, and has converted one of the rooms into a play area, and sometimes invites...

2 years ago
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sissy gangbang

I am gay.I'm actually not just 'gay' - I'm a faggot sissy whore.Yesterday I went to this group thing and I turned out to be the group's slut - took three large cocks up my man vagina and got a whole fill.It all started nicely and softly, with the first guy rubbing my dick while fingering my pussy, then taking up one of those double-headed dildos and inserting it deeper and deeper inside my fag's ass.The thing about double-headed dildos is that they are meant to be used by two horny sluts and...

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Master of the SwampChapter 4

A month had passed since Jessica’s introduction to the dungeon and life was taking a turn for the better. Not only had Jessica’s grades improved, she was also in a far happier mood, even coming with suggestions herself of what they could try out for their weekly session. It had turned into a cherished moment that they both looked forward to and it fulfilled a need that neither had known they missed. Likewise, Erik had shaved his beard off, groomed his hair, and had repaired his pickup truck...

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Heart BallPart 3

Babysitting for Mrs. Green had several advantages (none of which compensated for the kids being monsters). She was not going to come home early, she was not going to come home drunk, she paid by check at the beginning of the evening, and she had no interest in finding fault with how Shannon had behaved. The last point was becoming more important to Shannon. By the time Steve showed up at the Green house, he had done some planning. He was glad to see Shannon in a skirt again. He kissed her...

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After school special

Prologue Kevin Wannamaker looked at the wall of computers in the server room, below the main hallway of Sally Smyth Elementary School. He had come in on the weekend, unpaid, because this mess of computers and wires would taunt him every time he walked into the room. It was like an itch in his brain that he could never scratch. It simply had to be redone. He had plans to replace the backup server, since it died last week, taking all of the backups with it. But before he could do anything in this...

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Visit Helleston Become A New You

Although I was hoping I'd be able to come up with enough ideas and time to use every character that Gunslinger offered for use in the story (what a story that would have become!), I settled on four characters resulting in a three part story. Please note that the first TG takes place in part two, so please don't stop at part one if you don't find what you're looking for there. I certainly hope that a few things will come about from this story, a) you will enjoy reading it, b) I...

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