Seduction in Seclusion
- 4 years ago
- 19
- 0
Tommy called eleven straight up.
“I’ll get it!!!!!!!!!”
She cut the corner, racing in from their bedroom. She was wearing those hundred dollar jeans and a gorgeous top I’d not seen before.
“You have to be out of your fuckin’ mind, Dale.” To-my-self.
“Sure, come ahead, Tommy. We’re waiting for you, sweetheart. Hurry, hurry, hurry, Tommy! I can’t wait to see you.”
She looked thru the portal twixt the two rooms. She pursed her made-up lips once in my direction.
Dropped the decibel and her face: “Yes, me too.”
That voice---in a whisper, a thousand times into the original Castleberry homestead phone line: 243-1723.
And then for a moment, I recalled the clicks of that trigger that I’d heard thru the report by girl reporter Girl.
The hairs on my arms stood up. As did the echo of that morning’s sunrise:
“I can’t be sure he’ll live if you don’t.”
The call had ended.
“What am I forgetting, Cully-boy? You look so sweet, darling.”
“Thank you.” I did look good.
“Don’t forget, Cully, to thank Tommy for your presents.”
“I won’t forget.”
Honestly, I could not wait to get on that patio by myself, break the seal on that cigar box and fire up my first Black Watch. Girl had assured me that Tommy did not smoke.
“I’m so nervous, Cully.”
“You look gorgeous, angel. Oh, and just some advice, Girl: When he gets here, don’t run out the door. Let him get into the house and wait till the door is closed behind him before you embrace him. Please, Girl. Our life is not a neighbor’s business. What goes on in our home is our business. They can believe whatever they want, but don’t throw it in their faces. Okay, baby?”
“Because Tommy is black, right?”
“That and because you’re a married woman. White, or black, we have to bear that reality.”
“You know what?”
“Tommy told me the same darn thing last night on the phone.”
What’d Tommy do as soon as he got inside the door? Closed it behind him and lifted Girl into the air. Her squealing to beat the band.
“Honey, we were just kidding you.”
We’d not had a handful of people in that mobile home since we’d moved in. To have as large a man, a black man no less standing in it was shock-blast.
“Culburn? Haven’t seen you since, well, since forever, but, I am so grateful to be here with you and the missus.”
We grasped hands in the traditional power shake of the circa.
“I mean it, man, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that night and well, I.” Tommy choked up.
Girl interceded.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.”
Girl grasped his hands in hers and tried to comfort the man. I was a bit rattled but held still. She saved the moment.
“Cully, can you retrieve Tommy’s bags from his Jeep? I’ll show him around, okay?”
It sounded good. Tommy going back out there in broad daylight and hauling his stuff back in was only slightly worse than me doing it.
“Got it, Girl.” “Thank you, Culburn.” He patted my shoulder as I went past him and thru the door, pulling it to as I stepped outside.
It sounds ridiculous, but I felt like every eye in that trailer park was on me. Our trailer sat at the end and was arranged side-to-side, not in and out. We were broadside to the opposite side of the street.
By the looks of the Jeep, Tommy was planning for a long siege. Two large cardboard boxes and three suitcases. She’d said he’d be keeping his apartment:
“You know, just in case, Cully.”
I left Tommy’s belongings twixt the washer and dryer, fit right in there, then retreated to the living room and took station in my chair.
I figured they wouldn’t do it right off, and I was correct. Girl was talking a mile a minute down there, laughing adorably. Tommy was laughing along with her.
“They’re probably laughing at you.”
“Probably,” I answered.
“Tommy, look, your stuff! I’ll help you unpack, and we’ll hang your uniforms so that they don’t get wrinkled. I have a great iron just in case.”
Then she lowered her voice.
“I’ll go down and thank Cully, see if he’s okay.”
Girl bounded on in and nearly missed me as she was headed for the back bedroom.
“Oh, there you are! Thank you, darling, for unloading that. Did you get everything?”
“Yep, I checked it.”
She hopped into my lap.
“Are you okay? Tommy won’t come down here. You won’t go down there. You’re both so cute. That’s okay though, we have lots of time to get acquainted. Rome was not built in a day. We’re going to put all his clothes away and his gear, organize his uniforms and whatnot. Then he and I will fix lunch, well, a late lunch. Then we’ll relax this evening, okay?”
She was all lit up.
Lowered her voice:
“He said he had a bit of a bad night, without me to watch over him, Cully.” Like I was to blame. I’d told her to let him come over last night.
“He feels better now, right?”
“Oh, yeah, he’s heartened.”
“Why does he call me Culburn?”
“Does it bother you? I could make him stop.”
“No, no, don’t mention it to him. I was just wondering.”
“Cully, he’s trying to be respectful and kind. He wants to be accepted. He needs us, both of us. He’s made his cry for help, and we’ve answered that call. Now we have to see it on thru, both of us.”
She looked right into my eyes:
“You’re okay, right? I’m counting on you, but if there’s a problem, I need to know so that we can get that baby ironed out, pronto, uh, Tonto.”
“I’m fine. I’m going to duck out for a bit and have a cigar if you think that would be okay.”
“Sure, go ahead, we’re going be a while organizing the bedroom. And you can drop by anytime, sweetheart. Remember, no closed doors.”
That was the one hard and fast rule so far. [No closed doors.] Even bathroom doors.
“If we see a closed-door, it will stunt our growth as the nucleus, remember Cully? It will have a negative connotation. We’re not going to be doing anything behind a closed door that can’t be displayed in an open setting, even going to the bathroom. We’re going to be intimate with and around one each other we can certainly pee in front of one another.”
“Boy, to prove my point, I’m going down there right now, lower my jeans and knickers and pee with the door open. You enjoy your cigar, boy. Now, hug my neck and kiss me, I’m off to settle our Tommy-boy, Cully-boy.”
The “late lunch” finally turned into dinner take-out.
“Cully, I’m so sorry, it’s just taken a lot longer getting Tommy’s belongings put away and that bedroom in an organized state.”
I was out on the patio, smoking my second Black Watch.
“It’d be a great favor if you’d perhaps go for some take out. Would that be okay? We’d finish up, then all sit down together. We’ve been snacking on some popcorn, but we all need a warm meal.”
I-was-miffed. For I sensed a wild goose chase so they could, well, fornicate in my absence.
She slid the patio door closed behind her.
“What’s wrong, hon?”
“You’re not trying to get rid of me on the first night, are you, Girl?”
“Cullyyyyyyy, noooooo! Oh, that’s why you’re upset.”
“And I’m starving and promised a home-cooked meal.” To-my-self.
Rule #2: They did the cooking and baking. I did the housework, all of it.
Rule #1: No closed doors. Rule #2: as stated above.
“We just want to get the bedroom and bathroom squared away from the start, so it’s comfortable, and so Tommy feels at home.”
She lowered her voice.
“Tommy brought a lot of stuff, bless his heart. But, Cully, no way. There is no sneaking around like that. Uh, uh. We just haven’t had time to lay all the groundwork and rules down, but, you know he just got here and, let’s face it, I wasn’t exactly sure he’d show up for positive, or that you wouldn’t change your mind at the last minute and call the whole thing off. We need to sit down, all of us, and agree on how those relations will occur. I’ll chair that meeting if you’d like, no problem. I know it will be difficult for you guys, but once we sit down, we’ll get it done. But, until that takes place, there is going to be no behind your back hanky panky, that I promise you. Hey, I swear to God.”
She sat down in her lounge chair. Which reminded me I’d need to fetch a third out of the shed sometime tomorrow.
She took my hand.
“But we haven’t been chaste. We have kissed some, numerous times in truth, and hugged the same amount, numerous times. Honey, Tommy needs to be hugged. And touched, not in a sexual way, no, but, in a kind and loving way, the human touch is vital for a person’s mental and physical well being.”
“Bend over. I’ll fuckin’ human touch ya.” To-my-self.
“He’s moving into a strange home with the husband of the girl he’s having a relationship with, in the husband’s bedroom, in that husband’s bed!”
I wasn’t positive at that instant, but Girl could bust a ball with a poker face at the most diabolical of instances.
“Yeah, I know that. It was my bed.” To-my-self.
“Put yourself in his place. He is nervous-he is scared. He’s less than a week past from the most traumatic event of his life. So, I have taken the liberty of hugging and kissing him, but, I thought, I believed that would be fine with you. And I’m excited to have him here, sure, I want to kiss him, he’s such a sweetheart, but that’s as far it goes till we have our little sit-down and discussion. Is that okay, Cul?”
“Yes, that’s fine, Girl. I overreacted. And you’re right, Tommy needs affection and lots of it. You’re right on that, Girl. Bless-your-heart.”
“You do recall them going at it asses and elbows over at his place, don’t you?” To-my-self.
“But, that’s different, and you know it. To-my-self.
“Debatable.” To-my-self.
“Thank you, Cully. Now, I’d better scoot back in there. He may wonder what became of me. I put his buns to work, by Godfrey Cambridge. He’s so happy, Cully. Oh, and he’s put some money in the house money can (empty coffee can where we put a few dollars to cover light expenses). He insists on pulling his weight. Isn’t that sweet?”
“[By Godfrey Cambridge]? What the...” To-my-self.
Though the (money) perked me up considerably and at once, I was going to inquire as to his pitching in on the monthly house payment sooner than later, but I knew that was not going to happen.
“Cully, noooooo.” She’d say.
“We can’t take his money like that. It’s costing us no more with him here as not. No, Cully. No.”
I was just grateful to get the stipend in that can. I made a mental notation to check that can first chance. Tommy gave great presents, chances were he’d do likewise on the can.
“So, take the money out of there for the food and just get whatever strikes your fancy. We’ll keep nibbling’ on the popcorn till you get back. And no hurry, I’m going to brew us a nice pot of tea as soon as you leave and talk to Tommy a bit at the kitchen table. Settle him down for the evening so he has a good night’s slumber. As I said, there will be no hanky and no panky.”
Whatever Girl talked to him about? It-did-not-work.
A weight had been lifted. And admittedly, a bit of disappointment lodged at the same juncture, as I’d a been angered and put upon had they’d done said hanky and panky in my absence---I’d have also been sexually charged, even supercharged. I knew that at once, without a shadow of a doubt. It was a balancing act that initiated that evening and one I have endured thru the following decades; one-after-another.
I was thrilled to find over $400 in that coffee can! Plus, our nineteen dollars seed money. I wanted to take the entire wad but resisted that urge taking it back out of my pants pocket and returning it to the coffee can. I took two twenties and tempted to count the whole thing out and write it down to keep tabs knowing that Girl would be rooting thru it with her ass scratchers and helping herself to the proceeds, but I did not want to get caught counting that damn thing in front of her, or, especially him! I made another mental note to count it late that night when everyone was asleep, and no hanky, and certainly no panky would be afoot. And as it turned out, there would be no hanky nor panky that night. There’d be much more serious issues to address.
I was so thrilled about the four hundred plus clams that I peeked in and found Tommy storing items under what used to be my bed.
“Tommy, thank you, for the funds, guy. I appreciate it. Where’s Girl?”
He pointed into the bathroom.
“You are most welcome, Culburn. The least I can do. Hey, that girl is a slave driver. I haven’t worked this hard in a long time, Culburn.” All smiles.
“Here I am.” She was back on the pot, door wide open.
“I had to take another pee, but the door is open. Tommy took a leak as well. And I watched him. It’s my right!”
“I’ll be back---with the grub.”
“Culburn, give my Jeep a try. You’ll love it. The keys are on the kitchen table.” Tommy ducked back under the bed.
“Thanks, Tommy. I will indeed.”
I’d always wanted to drive one of those damn things. Everyone driving around in them, Lording it over everybody. Now I’d do so some Lordin’.
“Cully, be careful. No speeding! You shouldn’t a done that, To...”
Got out there, fired his Jeep up, And it suddenly dawned on me what he’d said about Girl working him: “Hey, that girl is a slave driver.”
Tommy Gentile was chock full of surprises.
[Arthur Treacher’s Fish & Chips] Got the full spread. Rarely did Girl and I splurge for Treacher’s, but, with Tommy coming through as he had, it was no problem.
Tommy regaled us with tales of the police, mostly up north when his beat was Ames Avenue, as we worked thru the Fish and the Chips and the battered hot dogs I so loved. He could tell a story by God. It’s a knack, one I haven’t got, but Tommy held, even to a case that turned out to be close to home:
“Had one, Girl, not too long ago in Pap.” (He’d go short for Papillion).
“At night, real late.”
Girl was listening in rapt attention. Her father? Forget it. He would try and tell the stories of his Cleveland PD work, and it would always be a bitter disappointment. Made your ass want to eat your britches listening to him. Ugh.
“A dangerous moment, Culburn. I lit him up, pulled him over. Guy and his missus, busting 115.”
“Cully, that’s you!!!” Girl laughing and pointing to beat the band.
Tommy got me. Girl hopped up and hugged his neck.
“You are so cute!”
Girl had fallen for him. And vice versa. To watch them interact over that table that first night was both alarming and well, beautiful. The alarm was bound to trigger. But, the beauty, the satisfaction outweighed alarm. They talked to one another like old friends, even though our age difference was considerable. Girl was a puzzle. She had multiple sides. She could work whether at the house or the office with such dedication to quality. Then in the next setting, be a muse of sorts or a spoiled child and an interminable cock tease. She was like that when I hit her with that snowball in Junior High and had changed very little in the interim.
I’d just made a pot of tea when the phone went off.
Girl grabbed it off the wall.
“Yes, sir.” Girl pointed at Tommy.
“Of course, sir, Sergeant Gentile is sitting right here.”
“Oh, yes, sir, it is Girl. Oh, I’m fine, we’re having tea and well, here’s Tommy, I mean Sergeant Gentile.”
“What the...” To-my-self.
She placed the flat of her hand over the mouthpiece.
“Tommy, it’s your Captain, honey.” In a whisper.
“Good evening, Captain.”
“Of course I can, sir. Not a problem whatsoever.”
“Well, yes, I’m sure they would be most interested. Very kind of you, Captain.”
Girl’s brow furrowed at once.
“No, sir, no. Thank you for thinking of me. Yes, sir. No problem. Good night, Captain.”
Girl took the phone from Tommy and replaced it on the wall.
“Tommy, what? I don’t want you to go. It’s our special time now. Don’t go, Tommy. Make him stay, Cully.”
“No, Girl, listen. Ssshhh.”
She’d already started vibrating in place. Tommy would have to hustle, or she’d start crying.
“Remember, you were going to take me shopping first thing in the morning.”
“Honey, listen: I have good news and even better news. I have to pull a shift tomorrow evening, yes. And the better news? Who’s up for a drive-along?”
“What is that, Tommy?”
I knew, but I let the cop tell her. It was Tommy’s news. They were both so happy I thought he was going to pick her up again, but they settled for a hug.
“Wow, I don’t believe it. Do I get to sit in the front seat with you, Tommy? Cully, you’ll sit in the back. Right, Tommy?”
I thought of the last time she’d sat in the front seat in a police cruiser with him, but I kept my mouth shut tight. That would dawn on them sooner or later.
He sat as she immediately hopped into his lap.
“No, you’ll both be in the back seat, and if something should go down, I’d put you out and continue. Back-up would be along shortly, or, I’d return.”
“No, I don’t like the sound of that, Tommy. Just take the easy calls, that way, you don’t have to put us out, and we can all stay together.”
Girl was way ahead of everybody.
I played it cool because big mouth Girl played it large. She worked him over as to the merits of the drive-along and her quest for front-seat privileges. I steeped the tea, set out the cookies, and watched not them, but over them. I’d interject once-in-awhile, but I just liked to, well watch.
And it was amazing how we’d become so comfortable around one another so rapidly. I thought nothing of the fact that Girl perched on his lap like that. It seemed so natural, even though the sight was striking. There was a beauty there, the contrast in color and size? Yes, but there was more. It would take time, and we had that time. Time to look at them, consider them, and make umpteen appraisals, judgments, and decisions, nearly all to-my-self. Tommy had set me at ease. There was no act with Tommy, but honesty that was graveling. He was a regular “Joe.” More like an extraordinary “Joe.” Yes, that was it. I secretly admired him right out of the box. He was an accomplished man, no denying that.
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Ever since Chip had popped Hope's cherry, the two kids had been fucking three and four times a day, and the cute little blonde couldn't seem to get enough of it. As the days passed, she thought more and more about that big hard prick that she'd seen her brother fucking her mother with. The thought of having that big beauty fucked up her pussy was enough to blow her mind. Thinking more and more about it, she began wondering if she might get Matt to fuck her. One evening when her mom was...
Do you know what really gets my motor running? Blowjobs. Now, I am sure that that applies to most of us, and that is why I have decided to search for sites with amazing blowjob content… well, I have found it. The site’s name is pornpics, and while they have a little bit of everything, there is a nice selection of images featuring the hottest babes sucking hard cocks.The best thing about this is that this is a site with all kinds of porn images, and it is free, so if you get bored of BJ images,...
Blowjob Porn SitesHi, my name is Tom. I immolated a homeless person to summon a succubus to serve me, but I messed up the summoning. Instead of taking my soul, she stays here on Earth, killing the occasional person and smoking my weed. A witch named Kate lived in my closet, which was actually a portal into her lab, and a backfired potion made her fall in love with me. If I take Kate’s virginity, though, she’ll lose her magic. More recently, Kate moved her portal to the trunk of Demie’s classic 1967 Chevy...
Every choice has a consequence, every consequence effects your "morality", for good or evil. One choice may say something like: +1 good, another may say: +1 evil. Here are the four characters, and a little about them: Henry- The second son of a minor land owning nobleman. His father owns a small castle, and a small farming town. He has an older brother, and a younger sister. He's born in 1172. Morality starts at 0. Louis- A poor peasant farmer. Born in 1165. Will he get married and work hard,...
BDSMIt was time to get some fucking going on. Mike was slowly coming back to reality. He looked off to the side to see Sonjay strapping on a huge cock. Erika was leaning in front of her with he mouth wide open. She began to slap her face. “ Do you want this cock Erika?” she asked. “Yes baby, she replied. I want that big cock.” “Come suck it.” Sonjay said. Erika licked the tip of the thick plastic dick. “I said do you want this cock Erika!” Sonjay screamed. “Yes Mistress Sonjay!” she exclaimed....
As this is my first written experience, let me introduce myself. Male, 28, and the most important bit you need to know: I'm a passionate masturbator. Do not get me wrong, I love sex (with both genders) and as I've been told I'm quite good at it, but for some reason I prefer to play with myself. My personal history includes all kind of masturbation techniques, ranging from the most typical to the most kinky. I guess the best thing is to combine sex and masturbation in your life. Anyway, let's...
MasturbationBeing two years younger than my sister, Jana, there are very few events in my life where I am the first one. It's always Jana. Well, except for losing my virginity. And she helped me do it. It happened when my cousin, Donnie, fourteen, the same age as my sister, was over at our house one afternoon. Donnie was cute, about five-seven, medium build, wavy dark blond hair, nice smile and our mothers were in the kitchen chatting over coffee as they usually did. Jana wasn't home at the time so it...
Astrid cast her eyes on her axe before looking back to Toothless. He simply lay there waiting and accepting his fate. She could bring her axe down and end his life. End the life of her Hiccups guardian, first and best friend. If Toothless had shown himself the day after her ****, his blood would already be seeping across the floor. Today, however, she was conflicted. What she said to Hiccup was true she loved this b**st. Hiccups stuttered suggestion ran through her head and she had to focus to...
I was not sure about what Marsha was expecting except that she wanted to fuck. I knew that Helene was a sub and she liked someone to tell her what to do. I told them to follow me to my room. I didn't want the girls watching, so I closed and locked the door. I had them both undress each other. Helene was nervous but did not resist my direction. Marsha had done this before so she was comfortable with doing as I asked. After she finished getting Helene naked, she turned to her and said, "Now...
**This is the story of a cocaine runner and his rise and fall to glory. I am testing the waters with this one. Have many more chapters waiting if is something you are interested in post some feedback and I will keep posting.** * Prologue The sleek outline of the black Jaguar XJ-8 nearly disappeared against the darkness of the desert. Quick and sexy, the car cut through the heavy blackness like a sharp knife through tissue paper. Rumbling and growling the big six speed, V-12 engine pulled the...
Schmidt - 3750 C.E. "Schmidt?" Paul wondered. "Why are we stopping at Schmidt? And why is the colony called that anyway. Was there ever a famous Schmidt?" "I'm sure there was," said the captain of the space cruiser. "And I'm sure there are many Schmidts who are worthy to have a colony named after them. This colony, however, is named after Ronald Schmidt, the current hereditary president of the colony." "Hereditary president?" Beatrice wondered. "Isn't that exactly the same as...
VQ Tube! When it comes to watching porn on the internet, nothing excites y'all porn-addicted, dick squeezing, broke motherfuckers like free porn. Don't worry, I totally get it. I know you have a boner or wet pussy problem but don't have the bucks to grab a membership to one of the premium sites. You may think I'm here to condemn you, but I'm actually here to help you find a destination where you can stroke your wiener and bust multiple nuts for fucking free. Yeah, I'm that good, but I know...
Free Porn Tube SitesIt was about 9:30 at night when a male invaded her territory, he was nearly double the size of the younger vixin and his age was around 5, and his strength and could easily overpower her. but today he wasnt on the look out just for a regular mate he was looking for a toy, and when he got a whiff of the females scent it almost immediatly made him quiver with antisipation. his additude was not one to be taken lightly and he was not freindly. but he wasnt alone he had two other loners with him...
Three weeks of lovers' paradise ensued for Laura and Makeeda. They were rarely apart, except for work. This, of course, was a strain on them both since Laura worked during the day and Makeeda during the evening. The lack of sleep began to tell on Laura after a while since all their lovemaking had to occur late at night, after Makeeda's restaurant closed. Rhonda even stopped her at work, in the hall. "You look like shit," she said, diplomatically as ever. "You must have some new pretty...
Julie was in the kitchen making breakfast for her son Dave and her husband Charles. Dave followed his mother around the kitchen with his eyes. His mind kept drifting back to the night before. His father's pathetic attempt to arouse her. Dave had drilled a tiny peephole in the separating wall between his room and his parent's. He gawked as his father mauled Julie's tits through her sheer negligee. Julie was tired and not in the mood. "Honey, I am not in the mood!"
Incest"Do I get a kiss then?" said Leah, her face centimetres from mine, and a mischevious grin on her face.We were sitting in the park with a few of Leah's mates. I met her and her best mate John at college a few weeks ago. I didn't know the other 3 boys, but they all seemed nice enough. It was almost 2am, and we were all freezing. We had been out since about 7, and by midnight we were getting bored, so John suggested a game of truth or dare. When it got to my turn, I decided to go for a dare. I had...
I rolled out my polka-dotted towel onto the sun heated sand and stretched out, basking under the sun. I flicked my sunglasses over my face and hummed along to the Beach Boys’ “California Girls” blasting from the stereo. I opened my eyes and leaned over when I heard rustling beside me. I watched as Georgia had also laid out her towel and laid down. “Hi Georgia.” Georgia leaned over. “Hi, Stacey.” The both of us leaned back and began to tan. After an hour of turning and roasting, Georgia and I...
SeductionPlease read Parts 1 – 14 first. My three University years were a rolling fuck festival for me. My best friend and I became compatriots in planning and executing sex parties with many guys and I also introduced her to the Friday night beach parties where some of the new boys were younger. It was fun for me to still go there and see a new guy invited who was a few years behind me at school and outside of my radar back then. They suddenly became very attractive with an extra couple of...
Group SexThe mask feels oppressive on my skin. I don't dare to look up at you, afraid of how you will see me now. When you showed me the picture, I could only shake my head laughing. The women looked strange to me, somehow inhuman and were no longer recognizable. I wanted to be beautiful for you. Not as beautiful as you, of course. You had looked at me with that sparkle in your eyes. Your black hair was gracefully tied up and fell slightly over your shoulder. Your skirt swung after you with every...
So, after we'd discussed it a VERY long time...I mean, the whole "scenario" and just how we wanted it to go and all that....I put on this incredibly sensual outfit and presented myself for (for lack of a better term?) "inspection." Now, please understand that from the beginning I had really wondered if he would be able to stay in "character" or...really, for all my boasts and cockiness, whether I would! And yet, as I emerged from the hotel bathroom, wearing this amazing little ensemble that I'd...
Group SexI saw an ad for it once when browsing some chastity porn sites: *CyberLock: The most sophisticated mobile chastity app. Download to your own phone, or connect to someone else's, and you can lock yourself or your man up without any keys or any fuss.* Turns out 'no keys,' scary as it sounded, was a selling point. No lock to break, no way to cheat, and worst-case scenario, the user could log in from any device. No worries about losing keys. I was intrigued. I had never used a chastity cage before,...
BDSMGENERATIONS OF SLAVE BOYSAugust 1895Miss Poynton glared at Cornelius Froding Hewel IV.?Your Latin translation appalled me.? The Governess bent her rattan cane. ?Do you just spend all your time drawing Red Indians in your copybooks? Do you ever do any work at all?? She paused. ?Why should I cane you? You’re a grown man, and a father of three children. You appall me.?This was true. Cornelius’s father Cornelius Froding Hewel III, (Called ?Neil?) was swimming in the river with his grandchildren,...
Old man Eric lay in his bed, awake, unable to sleep, tossing and turning. It was one of these nights where the chirping of the cicadas simply would not lull him to sleep as it usually did. It rather kept him awake and his mind running busy revisiting memories of old days long gone. The sound of the Mistral blowing through the treetops of the olive and plane trees rustling in his ears like waves at the sea only made his recollections more vivid. A deep agitation was haunting his thoughts; the...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Im a 21 year old queer woman who loves being dominated by men, women and anybody in between. This is just a glimpse into a fantasy I have. Ive been yours for a few months now. Ive been yours since I lost funding for school, and had to come to you, an old high school friend, to help me with the money. My days are pretty much the same. Im studying English at a local college, and you told me I had to arrange my classes so that you could have me for days at a time. Now, all of my...
On that Sunday afternoon, we were at the house. Mitch had a car come pick up Miller and take him to a holding cell. I think he felt he was safer in jail than anywhere else. Mom and Dad insisted that Mitch and Dora stay for supper. Mom said, "We won't keep you late though it appears that all the excitement is over." Dora looked at her and said, "I think Mitch might stir some up with me later." She smiled impishly and Mitch blushed. "Mom, may Chad and I still invite Missus Thornton to...
Awakening to the darkness, the ebony haired female glanced around feeling the coldness of the wall behind her, narrowing her jade green eyes to glance around the room. She could only make out various shapes, with no lights she could tell what those shapes were, she was most likely in some type of basement and Serena knew many people tended to store things in basement. Quickly, she tried to recollect the last thing she remember, the last thing she could remember had taken place on Friday at ...
Samantha's Mom was parked in front of the computer, while she and one of her parent's friends played video games on the couch. Samantha asked a question which caused her opponent, Aaron, to completely drop his controller. "Mom, a girl at school today said it was dangerous to let a guy put just the tip of his wiener inside you, even if he didn't cum." Sputtering, Aaron answered first. "Didn't you just turn fourteen Samantha? You're too young to be thinking about that sort of thing at...
Jake smith is having a wonderful night. He has been out with a beautiful woman for the past two hours and, now that she is suitably intoxicated he is taking her back to his place for what looks to be a wild night. As they ride together in the back of his limousine Jake and his date Roxanne can't seem to keep their hands or their mouths from each others bodies. They roughly grope and squeeze the most sensitive parts of one another filling the limo with both screams of pain and moans of...
IncestI had planted the seed by suggesting she get a massage. I convinced her that I could watch what a masseuse did so I could do it in the future. My real plan was to have her seduced into a lesbian encounter like on the videos we had watched. I had found a website with personal services. I then locate a woman offering “special” massages. Oil and body to body massage. I rang her and said my wife wanted a massage and I wanted to watch. She said fine, she often did that. She gave me her address and...
Orange-red leaves clung to tree branches as they fluttered in the wind, the brown ones falling victim to strong gusts. In a few weeks the trees would be bare, like skeletons, but right now they added the color of autumn to the countryside. The howling October wind rattled the mansion's heavy, warped door. It had just slammed shut, causing the little gray squirrel to jump and turn in mid-air. With bushy tail raised, its little feet scampered down the dirt path to the safety of the trees, its...
This was Virginia's first encounter, it won't be her last......Virginia Preston was tall, about 5’9”, with long chestnut hair and allowed herself to be led gently into the dark room. She was aware of others present in the shadows but could not see them clearly, just hear some shuffling and a soft cough.Hands gently held her arms from behind as a soft cloth was placed over her eyes, she thought it was silk, but couldn’t be sure. Totally unable to get her bearings, Virginia found her arms gripped...
In minutes Reg was in the minibus with the driver, setting off again. The man was quite for a spell, then slowly mentioned, “I did happen to hear raised voices and crept closer to hear some of it. Are you in trouble, sir?” “I might be, but I just don’t know.” “I hope it works out for you, sir,” the man offered in sympathy. “One way or another, it will. I think Hermione and Jemima will stay with us in the company. The other matters are what concerns me. You don’t want to know what they...
Transition to Vikki part eight (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The story continues. Vikki settles into her new surroundings and with new friends. Plans are made for a visit and the club is seen for the first time.As with the others, this part has been heavily revised since first writing. Typo's, grammar and story plot mistakes have been corrected. Best to read these chapters...