Dance of a LifetimeChapter 170 Finale
- 2 years ago
- 21
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Tommy called eleven straight up.
“I’ll get it!!!!!!!!!”
She cut the corner, racing in from their bedroom. She was wearing those hundred dollar jeans and a gorgeous top I’d not seen before.
“You have to be out of your fuckin’ mind, Dale.” To-my-self.
“Sure, come ahead, Tommy. We’re waiting for you, sweetheart. Hurry, hurry, hurry, Tommy! I can’t wait to see you.”
She looked thru the portal twixt the two rooms. She pursed her made-up lips once in my direction.
Dropped the decibel and her face: “Yes, me too.”
That voice---in a whisper, a thousand times into the original Castleberry homestead phone line: 243-1723.
And then for a moment, I recalled the clicks of that trigger that I’d heard thru the report by girl reporter Girl.
The hairs on my arms stood up. As did the echo of that morning’s sunrise:
“I can’t be sure he’ll live if you don’t.”
The call had ended.
“What am I forgetting, Cully-boy? You look so sweet, darling.”
“Thank you.” I did look good.
“Don’t forget, Cully, to thank Tommy for your presents.”
“I won’t forget.”
Honestly, I could not wait to get on that patio by myself, break the seal on that cigar box and fire up my first Black Watch. Girl had assured me that Tommy did not smoke.
“I’m so nervous, Cully.”
“You look gorgeous, angel. Oh, and just some advice, Girl: When he gets here, don’t run out the door. Let him get into the house and wait till the door is closed behind him before you embrace him. Please, Girl. Our life is not a neighbor’s business. What goes on in our home is our business. They can believe whatever they want, but don’t throw it in their faces. Okay, baby?”
“Because Tommy is black, right?”
“That and because you’re a married woman. White, or black, we have to bear that reality.”
“You know what?”
“Tommy told me the same darn thing last night on the phone.”
What’d Tommy do as soon as he got inside the door? Closed it behind him and lifted Girl into the air. Her squealing to beat the band.
“Honey, we were just kidding you.”
We’d not had a handful of people in that mobile home since we’d moved in. To have as large a man, a black man no less standing in it was shock-blast.
“Culburn? Haven’t seen you since, well, since forever, but, I am so grateful to be here with you and the missus.”
We grasped hands in the traditional power shake of the circa.
“I mean it, man, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that night and well, I.” Tommy choked up.
Girl interceded.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.”
Girl grasped his hands in hers and tried to comfort the man. I was a bit rattled but held still. She saved the moment.
“Cully, can you retrieve Tommy’s bags from his Jeep? I’ll show him around, okay?”
It sounded good. Tommy going back out there in broad daylight and hauling his stuff back in was only slightly worse than me doing it.
“Got it, Girl.” “Thank you, Culburn.” He patted my shoulder as I went past him and thru the door, pulling it to as I stepped outside.
It sounds ridiculous, but I felt like every eye in that trailer park was on me. Our trailer sat at the end and was arranged side-to-side, not in and out. We were broadside to the opposite side of the street.
By the looks of the Jeep, Tommy was planning for a long siege. Two large cardboard boxes and three suitcases. She’d said he’d be keeping his apartment:
“You know, just in case, Cully.”
I left Tommy’s belongings twixt the washer and dryer, fit right in there, then retreated to the living room and took station in my chair.
I figured they wouldn’t do it right off, and I was correct. Girl was talking a mile a minute down there, laughing adorably. Tommy was laughing along with her.
“They’re probably laughing at you.”
“Probably,” I answered.
“Tommy, look, your stuff! I’ll help you unpack, and we’ll hang your uniforms so that they don’t get wrinkled. I have a great iron just in case.”
Then she lowered her voice.
“I’ll go down and thank Cully, see if he’s okay.”
Girl bounded on in and nearly missed me as she was headed for the back bedroom.
“Oh, there you are! Thank you, darling, for unloading that. Did you get everything?”
“Yep, I checked it.”
She hopped into my lap.
“Are you okay? Tommy won’t come down here. You won’t go down there. You’re both so cute. That’s okay though, we have lots of time to get acquainted. Rome was not built in a day. We’re going to put all his clothes away and his gear, organize his uniforms and whatnot. Then he and I will fix lunch, well, a late lunch. Then we’ll relax this evening, okay?”
She was all lit up.
Lowered her voice:
“He said he had a bit of a bad night, without me to watch over him, Cully.” Like I was to blame. I’d told her to let him come over last night.
“He feels better now, right?”
“Oh, yeah, he’s heartened.”
“Why does he call me Culburn?”
“Does it bother you? I could make him stop.”
“No, no, don’t mention it to him. I was just wondering.”
“Cully, he’s trying to be respectful and kind. He wants to be accepted. He needs us, both of us. He’s made his cry for help, and we’ve answered that call. Now we have to see it on thru, both of us.”
She looked right into my eyes:
“You’re okay, right? I’m counting on you, but if there’s a problem, I need to know so that we can get that baby ironed out, pronto, uh, Tonto.”
“I’m fine. I’m going to duck out for a bit and have a cigar if you think that would be okay.”
“Sure, go ahead, we’re going be a while organizing the bedroom. And you can drop by anytime, sweetheart. Remember, no closed doors.”
That was the one hard and fast rule so far. [No closed doors.] Even bathroom doors.
“If we see a closed-door, it will stunt our growth as the nucleus, remember Cully? It will have a negative connotation. We’re not going to be doing anything behind a closed door that can’t be displayed in an open setting, even going to the bathroom. We’re going to be intimate with and around one each other we can certainly pee in front of one another.”
“Boy, to prove my point, I’m going down there right now, lower my jeans and knickers and pee with the door open. You enjoy your cigar, boy. Now, hug my neck and kiss me, I’m off to settle our Tommy-boy, Cully-boy.”
The “late lunch” finally turned into dinner take-out.
“Cully, I’m so sorry, it’s just taken a lot longer getting Tommy’s belongings put away and that bedroom in an organized state.”
I was out on the patio, smoking my second Black Watch.
“It’d be a great favor if you’d perhaps go for some take out. Would that be okay? We’d finish up, then all sit down together. We’ve been snacking on some popcorn, but we all need a warm meal.”
I-was-miffed. For I sensed a wild goose chase so they could, well, fornicate in my absence.
She slid the patio door closed behind her.
“What’s wrong, hon?”
“You’re not trying to get rid of me on the first night, are you, Girl?”
“Cullyyyyyyy, noooooo! Oh, that’s why you’re upset.”
“And I’m starving and promised a home-cooked meal.” To-my-self.
Rule #2: They did the cooking and baking. I did the housework, all of it.
Rule #1: No closed doors. Rule #2: as stated above.
“We just want to get the bedroom and bathroom squared away from the start, so it’s comfortable, and so Tommy feels at home.”
She lowered her voice.
“Tommy brought a lot of stuff, bless his heart. But, Cully, no way. There is no sneaking around like that. Uh, uh. We just haven’t had time to lay all the groundwork and rules down, but, you know he just got here and, let’s face it, I wasn’t exactly sure he’d show up for positive, or that you wouldn’t change your mind at the last minute and call the whole thing off. We need to sit down, all of us, and agree on how those relations will occur. I’ll chair that meeting if you’d like, no problem. I know it will be difficult for you guys, but once we sit down, we’ll get it done. But, until that takes place, there is going to be no behind your back hanky panky, that I promise you. Hey, I swear to God.”
She sat down in her lounge chair. Which reminded me I’d need to fetch a third out of the shed sometime tomorrow.
She took my hand.
“But we haven’t been chaste. We have kissed some, numerous times in truth, and hugged the same amount, numerous times. Honey, Tommy needs to be hugged. And touched, not in a sexual way, no, but, in a kind and loving way, the human touch is vital for a person’s mental and physical well being.”
“Bend over. I’ll fuckin’ human touch ya.” To-my-self.
“He’s moving into a strange home with the husband of the girl he’s having a relationship with, in the husband’s bedroom, in that husband’s bed!”
I wasn’t positive at that instant, but Girl could bust a ball with a poker face at the most diabolical of instances.
“Yeah, I know that. It was my bed.” To-my-self.
“Put yourself in his place. He is nervous-he is scared. He’s less than a week past from the most traumatic event of his life. So, I have taken the liberty of hugging and kissing him, but, I thought, I believed that would be fine with you. And I’m excited to have him here, sure, I want to kiss him, he’s such a sweetheart, but that’s as far it goes till we have our little sit-down and discussion. Is that okay, Cul?”
“Yes, that’s fine, Girl. I overreacted. And you’re right, Tommy needs affection and lots of it. You’re right on that, Girl. Bless-your-heart.”
“You do recall them going at it asses and elbows over at his place, don’t you?” To-my-self.
“But, that’s different, and you know it. To-my-self.
“Debatable.” To-my-self.
“Thank you, Cully. Now, I’d better scoot back in there. He may wonder what became of me. I put his buns to work, by Godfrey Cambridge. He’s so happy, Cully. Oh, and he’s put some money in the house money can (empty coffee can where we put a few dollars to cover light expenses). He insists on pulling his weight. Isn’t that sweet?”
“[By Godfrey Cambridge]? What the...” To-my-self.
Though the (money) perked me up considerably and at once, I was going to inquire as to his pitching in on the monthly house payment sooner than later, but I knew that was not going to happen.
“Cully, noooooo.” She’d say.
“We can’t take his money like that. It’s costing us no more with him here as not. No, Cully. No.”
I was just grateful to get the stipend in that can. I made a mental notation to check that can first chance. Tommy gave great presents, chances were he’d do likewise on the can.
“So, take the money out of there for the food and just get whatever strikes your fancy. We’ll keep nibbling’ on the popcorn till you get back. And no hurry, I’m going to brew us a nice pot of tea as soon as you leave and talk to Tommy a bit at the kitchen table. Settle him down for the evening so he has a good night’s slumber. As I said, there will be no hanky and no panky.”
Whatever Girl talked to him about? It-did-not-work.
A weight had been lifted. And admittedly, a bit of disappointment lodged at the same juncture, as I’d a been angered and put upon had they’d done said hanky and panky in my absence---I’d have also been sexually charged, even supercharged. I knew that at once, without a shadow of a doubt. It was a balancing act that initiated that evening and one I have endured thru the following decades; one-after-another.
I was thrilled to find over $400 in that coffee can! Plus, our nineteen dollars seed money. I wanted to take the entire wad but resisted that urge taking it back out of my pants pocket and returning it to the coffee can. I took two twenties and tempted to count the whole thing out and write it down to keep tabs knowing that Girl would be rooting thru it with her ass scratchers and helping herself to the proceeds, but I did not want to get caught counting that damn thing in front of her, or, especially him! I made another mental note to count it late that night when everyone was asleep, and no hanky, and certainly no panky would be afoot. And as it turned out, there would be no hanky nor panky that night. There’d be much more serious issues to address.
I was so thrilled about the four hundred plus clams that I peeked in and found Tommy storing items under what used to be my bed.
“Tommy, thank you, for the funds, guy. I appreciate it. Where’s Girl?”
He pointed into the bathroom.
“You are most welcome, Culburn. The least I can do. Hey, that girl is a slave driver. I haven’t worked this hard in a long time, Culburn.” All smiles.
“Here I am.” She was back on the pot, door wide open.
“I had to take another pee, but the door is open. Tommy took a leak as well. And I watched him. It’s my right!”
“I’ll be back---with the grub.”
“Culburn, give my Jeep a try. You’ll love it. The keys are on the kitchen table.” Tommy ducked back under the bed.
“Thanks, Tommy. I will indeed.”
I’d always wanted to drive one of those damn things. Everyone driving around in them, Lording it over everybody. Now I’d do so some Lordin’.
“Cully, be careful. No speeding! You shouldn’t a done that, To...”
Got out there, fired his Jeep up, And it suddenly dawned on me what he’d said about Girl working him: “Hey, that girl is a slave driver.”
Tommy Gentile was chock full of surprises.
[Arthur Treacher’s Fish & Chips] Got the full spread. Rarely did Girl and I splurge for Treacher’s, but, with Tommy coming through as he had, it was no problem.
Tommy regaled us with tales of the police, mostly up north when his beat was Ames Avenue, as we worked thru the Fish and the Chips and the battered hot dogs I so loved. He could tell a story by God. It’s a knack, one I haven’t got, but Tommy held, even to a case that turned out to be close to home:
“Had one, Girl, not too long ago in Pap.” (He’d go short for Papillion).
“At night, real late.”
Girl was listening in rapt attention. Her father? Forget it. He would try and tell the stories of his Cleveland PD work, and it would always be a bitter disappointment. Made your ass want to eat your britches listening to him. Ugh.
“A dangerous moment, Culburn. I lit him up, pulled him over. Guy and his missus, busting 115.”
“Cully, that’s you!!!” Girl laughing and pointing to beat the band.
Tommy got me. Girl hopped up and hugged his neck.
“You are so cute!”
Girl had fallen for him. And vice versa. To watch them interact over that table that first night was both alarming and well, beautiful. The alarm was bound to trigger. But, the beauty, the satisfaction outweighed alarm. They talked to one another like old friends, even though our age difference was considerable. Girl was a puzzle. She had multiple sides. She could work whether at the house or the office with such dedication to quality. Then in the next setting, be a muse of sorts or a spoiled child and an interminable cock tease. She was like that when I hit her with that snowball in Junior High and had changed very little in the interim.
I’d just made a pot of tea when the phone went off.
Girl grabbed it off the wall.
“Yes, sir.” Girl pointed at Tommy.
“Of course, sir, Sergeant Gentile is sitting right here.”
“Oh, yes, sir, it is Girl. Oh, I’m fine, we’re having tea and well, here’s Tommy, I mean Sergeant Gentile.”
“What the...” To-my-self.
She placed the flat of her hand over the mouthpiece.
“Tommy, it’s your Captain, honey.” In a whisper.
“Good evening, Captain.”
“Of course I can, sir. Not a problem whatsoever.”
“Well, yes, I’m sure they would be most interested. Very kind of you, Captain.”
Girl’s brow furrowed at once.
“No, sir, no. Thank you for thinking of me. Yes, sir. No problem. Good night, Captain.”
Girl took the phone from Tommy and replaced it on the wall.
“Tommy, what? I don’t want you to go. It’s our special time now. Don’t go, Tommy. Make him stay, Cully.”
“No, Girl, listen. Ssshhh.”
She’d already started vibrating in place. Tommy would have to hustle, or she’d start crying.
“Remember, you were going to take me shopping first thing in the morning.”
“Honey, listen: I have good news and even better news. I have to pull a shift tomorrow evening, yes. And the better news? Who’s up for a drive-along?”
“What is that, Tommy?”
I knew, but I let the cop tell her. It was Tommy’s news. They were both so happy I thought he was going to pick her up again, but they settled for a hug.
“Wow, I don’t believe it. Do I get to sit in the front seat with you, Tommy? Cully, you’ll sit in the back. Right, Tommy?”
I thought of the last time she’d sat in the front seat in a police cruiser with him, but I kept my mouth shut tight. That would dawn on them sooner or later.
He sat as she immediately hopped into his lap.
“No, you’ll both be in the back seat, and if something should go down, I’d put you out and continue. Back-up would be along shortly, or, I’d return.”
“No, I don’t like the sound of that, Tommy. Just take the easy calls, that way, you don’t have to put us out, and we can all stay together.”
Girl was way ahead of everybody.
I played it cool because big mouth Girl played it large. She worked him over as to the merits of the drive-along and her quest for front-seat privileges. I steeped the tea, set out the cookies, and watched not them, but over them. I’d interject once-in-awhile, but I just liked to, well watch.
And it was amazing how we’d become so comfortable around one another so rapidly. I thought nothing of the fact that Girl perched on his lap like that. It seemed so natural, even though the sight was striking. There was a beauty there, the contrast in color and size? Yes, but there was more. It would take time, and we had that time. Time to look at them, consider them, and make umpteen appraisals, judgments, and decisions, nearly all to-my-self. Tommy had set me at ease. There was no act with Tommy, but honesty that was graveling. He was a regular “Joe.” More like an extraordinary “Joe.” Yes, that was it. I secretly admired him right out of the box. He was an accomplished man, no denying that.
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I am Raj and I live in Dubai working for a large corporate. Many nationalities work here and a significant number of them from India. I work in the software development department. This hot and awesome incident happened 3 months back with my project manager. Our project team had 8 members and Surabhi (name changed) was the project manager. Before explaining the incident, few words about Dubai. There are plenty of women who earn a lot of money but prefer to stay single because of the freedom...
The Sheik, in downtown San Diego, was nearly empty, as it seemed to be most weeknights. Inexplicably so, as we had found it a good (occasionally excellent) Lebanese restaurant -- something virtually unknown in Toronto. As expected, we arrived before Jim and Karen, and we were well into our drinks, discussing why this was "sheik," rather than "emir" or "pasha," which would be more appropriate, when they arrived. Hellos and ordering out of the way, we all began to snack on the pickled...
Earth time: noon Friday, July 4, 2031 (EST) Aina time: 7:09 AM day 161 of 1434 "SHIT! Damn it all! Curse everything! One equals zero! SHIT!" The screams echoed down the hall, and then the banging. It sounded as if someone were trying to destroy a filing cabinet with their foot. Mayoni was absolutely shocked, and she raced down the hall of the science lab to investigate. As she got closer to the sounds of anguish, she began to recognize the screaming voice as Kalea's. "Well," she...
I went to him and asked him to front me a zip, nothing too major I thought, I'd sell to all of his old clientele and have the cash back by the end of the week. That was the deal. Until those fuck heads robbed me. And now, here I was standing in my bathroom examining the black eye and split lip in the medicine cabinet mirror. I wasn't a big guy, I had a wiry build that made me appear far weaker than I was. I had a shock of jet black hair, and my skin was just a few shades above sickly...
One of my passions, is masturbating in public. Not in the exhibitionist kind of way, where the goal is to show off – I don’t do much of that. My thing is to cum, or keep myself just on the edge, in public situations. I’ve been doing this since I was a teenager and it definitely hasn’t lost it’s thrill. Ever since I discovered that I could wear a vibrator (my current favorite is/was a little blue dolphin) under my slacks, I’ve had some amazing orgasms in some really crowded spots. I often...
Hello everyone Prabhu back with the third part of the story. This story is a continuation of the series. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Her divine body was all that I could think of in my mind. She said she would call again. But it had been over a week since our last meeting that day and she hasn’t called yet. As I was tired of waiting, I decided that I would go to her house this weekend and surprise her. It was on Saturday. I knew that my uncle would be at work, and her son had school for...
IncestDan had longed for something to replace the good pussy he had with Gloria since she left him three months ago. He resorted to looking for women online to replace the void he had...or rather looking for a void to fill of his own. One lucky night, he met Mary while being so blunt as to tell any girl he met that all he was looking for was some holiday ass with no commitment. Finally, he found Mary who was looking for the same thing. They chatted online a few times talking of what they would do...
Eroticminton - 2 1/2 days quant - 2 1/2 years heckson - 2 1/2 miles Toton - 2 1/2 hours Bill - Lion clan King Tomco - Bill's father King Tobias - Bill's dead brother Twitty - Grey Tabby clan Glenna - Bengal clan Mikos - Chartreux clan Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan General Roth - Leopard clan Theta - Cheetah clan Niaco - Tiger clan Cornelius - one of Bill's Uncles Conrad - Bill's other Uncle Assassin group - Jaguar clan Gregor - Cougar...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Joey and Peters looks are the same as last time. Steve’s looks- Brown hair, light brown eyes, tall, skinny, right eyebrow pierced, and STRAIGHT. Or at least before he was. “Well this is awkward” he stated. Okay so it's a little awkward for him. Walking in your brother’s room to find him and his boyfriend only in a towel. Yea, I have some explaining to do. “Steve um, this is my boyfriend Peter” “Whoa, does dad know?” “No, and I’d very much like it to...
Gay2002 was a very bad year for me. I had moved up to upstate New York from Florida to be closer to an old flame from my high school days, some 20 years back. It turned out that she thought I had changed and I knew for sure she had too. One day it became to much so I stopped by the drug store on the way home from work and picked up an item that I needed. I sat down and wrote a long letter to my girlfriend, letting her know how hurt she had made me and how sorry I was for not being able to please...
Waking up next to Mizuhashi once again i start to feel even better about being a mistress. Its not about the sex. It's about being in control and having the power to force someone into doing anything you desire. Out of the small amount of men I've shared my bed with Mizuhashi seems different. He's loyal. The more i lay here watching him sleep i know how much he needs me. I give him what he wants. I give him what he needs. And only i have that power. It may seem different looking in...
Staring down at the cruel stick, I said to myself "This can't be happening." Yet I knew it was. The test was cheerful in it's finality. One line: Negative Two Lines: Positive. With a heavy sigh, I sat down on the lid of the toilet. Why did this happen? Why me? What was I going to do? Tears slowly started to well in my eyes as I saw all my life plans shattered with those two lines. "I'm only 15 ... and I'm pregnant." I closed my eyes, but the memory came rushing back to me like it was...
Jeff sat in the living room by the big window with Diana snuggled on his lap, her body molded to him the way they both liked. "Did you fix it so they can easily find food for Jill?" Diana giggled against his chest. "Not starting to micromanage are you?" Then before he could answer, she went on. "Actually, I didn't. The girls were going to take care of it, but when they went to the kitchen, Linda was already there getting things ready. There's a note on one of the refrigerators and a...
You heard the rumors about the red crystal? A red crystal? Whats so special about that? Well, people say that the holder of the crystal can control the people around him. And you believe that? I dunno. Some say the current holder founded a secret school club and forces people to join it. So, whats this club about? P--p--perverted things. You shouldn't believe everything you hear.
Mind ControlBut I’m getting ahead of myself. My name is Jason. I’m what you would call the shy, quiet kid at school, and that was the case even in scouts. I was smaller and lighter than most of the kids my age which contributed to my general insecurity. I had black hair, light skin and blue eyes. I stood out against my friend Alex who was larger, several inches taller than me and built for football. He loved football. I never saw the appeal, but we were best buds, so we could often be seen throwing...
My parents were going to have a party at their house for family and friends. twenty-four years old I didn't think I needed to go. My mother told me otherwise. I was bummed but I arrived at their party. My parents have an inground pool and that's where everyone had congregated.My eighteen year old sister Suzie was there as well. She still lived at home but she had grown up lately. Her body was like a grown woman. She had large breasts and wide hips. She had this bikini on that revealed...
Seniors' 50 Shades of Grey After nearly 40 years of marriage, Charlie and his wife were lying in bed ... Suddenly the wife felt Charlie begin to massage her in ways he hadn't done in quite some time... It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back ... He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down, stopping just over her stomach ... He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, working down...
In the previous chapter, I told you how I became a member of my high school’s junior cheerleading squad, how three of the girls from the senior hockey team seduced me, and how the coach, Ms Gretzke, took my virginity. It was a revelation to me, as I discovered my true lesbian sexuality. At the time, I was a couple of months past my sixteenth birthday, five feet four inches in height, a cute and pretty blue-eyed blonde, my body athletically trim but filling out with pert tits to match my...
"Good morning sir" I looked up and smiled as she lay the mail on my desk, "Morning Patricia" "I think you should look at these two first sir" she said ever efficiently, "And these two need your signature" She stood beside me whilst I skipped briefly over the two letters and allowed my nostrils to savor her perfume, "Chanel no 5 I believe?" "Yes sir and they're pink" "Pink?" "Pink sir, my panties" "Ah, I see, but they were blue last night were they not?" "If you...
The next day she quit work early When I returned from an errand in the early afternoon I saw Monica's car in the driveway, heard noises upstairs, and went to investigate. There she was, just completing a fast shuffle through the guest-room closet where I kept my skirts, blouses, and dresses. I looked questioningly at her, but she merely looked up, appraised me at once in a single glance, and said, "No, you're no way ready. You have some nice things, dear. I'll bet I could wear some of...
Brenda and Peter had been married for about seven years. It was, in many ways, a marriage of convenience. They had sold their tiny little flat in Winchester and bought an old end of terrace house in a little place well out in the countryside. Peter was always busy at his office and it was quite normal for Brenda to be on her own most evenings until late. The house needed a lot doing to it but their budget was not really enough to employ anyone. Brenda began to wonder if they had made a...
ExhibitionismThe sight of the lifeless body of a close friend and the imminent approach of one’s death is enough to make one sick to the stomach. I was no exception. Tom was approaching, probably to kill me, and I couldn’t even move my fingers. My body still felt as if all my nerves had been frayed and weren’t capable of passing messages to my limbs. I felt helpless as Tom reached me and mentally prepared myself for my inevitable death. To my surprise, Tom said, “You are lucky that I have been instructed...
I am a pool boy for a Resort. The Resort has 500 plus units throughout the complex made up of 3 bed 2 bath apartments, 2 bed & 1 bed apartments. Also multi storey units with large 2 beds & three beds. We also have units costed to the budget end of the market with no kitchen facilities. Our whole complex covers something like 30 acres on a slope facing the white sands of the Pacific Ocean. We have 10 restaurants priced from budget to expensive suit & tie a fares. The swimming pools...
Just so you know before you read . . . this is an ass-fetish story about high school cheerleaders, facesitting and facefarting ("winds"). There is no penetrating sex. There aren't many ass-worship fiends, but this is for those who enjoy those things as much as I do. ---------------------------------------------It was a simple plan but one that progressed to unimaginable events. How could watching a simple high school football game turn into something so insane, and a week later, into...
I grab a fistful of your silky gold locks, exposing your neck. I bite into it with passion, like a vampire sucks blood. I inhale your skin and suck your bottom lip into mine. I nibble your ear and flick my tongue. I bite into your shoulder, while running my hands to and fro over your body. I am excited at your scent and the color of our skin, brown and crème gets me hard. Your body is so soft and inviting. I place my hands in yours and devour your breasts, pressing them with my tongue. I lick...
First Cuck Experience: I had just met the girl about a year previously and the sex was amazing. She lived in Oxford at the time in a shared house.Most weekends I went to see her and the sex between was quite adventurous and noisy. Her house mates thought we were on d**gs as we were at it night and day and everyone in the house could hear us and we didn’t care!We explored each other’s boundaries which seemed few, this involved sex in and outdoors including in the grounds of Blenheim palace (...
I Fucked the Boss Wife BlackenAs a black man it is never easy moving up the corporate ladder. I was a little lucky that I found a sponsor, as such, at the company I worked for. A man named Tony took me under his wing and greased the sk**s a bit for me. I almost felt like a family member. The day everything came together was the day Tony invited me to his home. I found out from other employees that Tony rarely invited anyone to his home, even his corporate equals.I drove over to Tony's house...
THE GAMES PART SIX By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three, Four and Five you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 21 MY OPPONENTS, BIG MEN WHO stink of sweat and fear and aggression, explode out of the now open doors and sprint into the house. It's a race. They will frantically look...
I love women ….love women… All Girls, Ladies, Women, Divorced, Widowed in and around Hyderabad/Chennai and Banglore of course from anywhere in world can ping me 100% Secrecy is maintained at any cost details are not revealed… Myself Aamir from Hyd /Chennai/banglore ..Age 25..Heigh 5.11 ,,looks simple and normal…..Working in hyd. I am regular reader of ISS .First of all I would like to “THANK GOD” for creating a beautiful women’s in this earth. We can’t explain about their beauty..what a...
Me and my friend Dalton have been friends since we were like 10. We had many fun times together. We would play on the playground, play video games, and other boy things. Over they years we never talked about sex. Until we both turned 15. That was the main thing we talked about on the phone. We would talk about each others dicks and jacking off. One day my parents were out and he wanted to come over to play some games. I siad okay. I also said we can look up some porno on...
Elizabeth was, of course, all over him on Tuesday morning, wanting to know how the dance lesson had gone. "Well, thank you, Elizabeth. I actually enjoyed it." "Good. So, what's it like? What did you do?" So, Stan briefly described the hall, and told her that they'd begun learning the Foxtrot. "Ah, yes. My mum and dad used to do all of those. She tried to teach me once, but I never really got it. I was more into rock'n'roll," she said. Then, "Did you meet anyone?" she...
I was now 25, and had a very good job and was earning handsomely. My Mom and Dad kept pressuring me to get married for the last two years and for some reason or another it just didn't happen. My mom got us a new maid from our village, her name was Shalini. She was very fair and beautiful and looked a lot like my mother and sister. She told us that she was abandoned by her mother after delivery and was brought up by her grandparents… Shalini was very shy and scared. She used to wake up in the...
I was having trouble with my right foot. I could not figure out what the problem was and absorbed the pain as I needed to fly to Toronto to celebrate the 25 anniversary of my friends as they were renewing their vows.I was taking some pain pills but they worked only enough to alleviated it to the point of tolerable.My friend offered me something called a 222 which can only be purchased in Canada and WOW did it work.Anyway, we came back and I scheduled an appointment with a podiatrist and he...