Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 7 free porn video

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At the same time Roquan contemplated the problem of his troublesome slave, on an island just to the northeast of the one upon which the D'ronstaq Manor sat, a man walked alone on a road through the dense tropical forest.

He was known as the Wanderer. Indeed, his given name meant "Wandering Spirit" in his native lands, from a language few could speak fluently anymore in modern times. A terrible loss, he always felt, though he kept this to himself. His purpose was not to examine the past too closely. It was the present that concerned him now, and the future that concerned his master.

A future that was now his to begin to inaugurate, at his master's bidding.

In principle, he agreed with it. He, a humble servant to forces far more powerful than he could ever aspire to, had no business disagreeing. Yet it was distasteful. Most distasteful. He had stated as such, as audacious as that had been for him. His master spared him rebuke; he received the job anyway.

A job that must not fail.

He walked down the wide road that led from the gate to Lord K'laarn's Keep towards the place where he knew the Clan would be gathered, readying for their next port of call. Quite fortunate, he mused, that Lord K'laarn had been one of the places visited by the slave. It had taken only three tries to find the Clan.

Despite the heat, the Wanderer's long, lanky body seemed at ease. His skin was only lightly tanned, not much darker than the fair skin of the Manor slaves. It made for a stark contrast with his black hair, framing a round face with high cheekbones and dark eyes. Even his hair style alone -- long hair drawn into a single, tight ponytail -- was enough to mark him as the foreigner. This had been a minor objection to receiving this job. Yet he had to trust that his master knew best.

And as it had been drilled into him by that same master, there simply was no room for failure at his task.

The object of his search appeared just ahead as he came around the bend in the road. He was just in time. Tents were being taken down and folded. Carts were being hitched to pack animals.

One hurdle overcome. Now there was but one more, which materialized before him in the form of a swarthy, stocky young man with a formidable crossbow in hand.

The Wanderer smiled congenially as he approached. He raised his hands to his waist, palms forward, and was rewarded by a single nod and a lowering of the weapon. Yes, he had gotten that right: the Oceanus custom for announcing non-hostile intent.

The swarthy man stepped before the road to block it as the Wanderer came to a stop.

"Greetings, my friend, and good fortune to you and your Clan," said the Wanderer. His voice was high and melodic. There was a trace of an accent, one that tended to round-out his vowels and make his consonants crisp.

The swarthy one nodded once, his face betraying curiosity. "I am Herdon. What may the Ne'land Clan do for you?" he spoke, his voice even and businesslike.

"Accommodations, if you would."

Thick eyebrows rose on Herdon's haggard face. "Accommodations? You are a merchant?"

The Wanderer smiled, displaying two rows of even, bright teeth. "Indeed, good man. I wish permission to travel with your auspicious Clan."

The Ne'land merchant smirked, his eyes glancing over the fellow. "You bring no goods? No possessions save for what you carry on your person? What do you bring the Ne'land Clan, then?"

"Contacts. From foreign lands."

Herdon's expression was curious, yet dubious.

"If your Clan Leader seeks exotic goods, I can be of service. I have much experience in markets abroad. I have many connections."

"What is your name?"


"And your Clan?"

"Alas, I am currently clanless. I am only 'Jollis', and nothing more. Which is why I have the need to seek accommodations."

"Uridon does not take on clanless merchants. Not usually, anyway. I don't think I need to explain why."

Jollis nodded. "I do have sufficient platinum on my person, however, to pay my way."

Herdon frowned. That was quite unusual in and of itself. Nearly all independent merchants still belonged to a nominal Clan. All monetary transactions were then done with the Clan, so the merchant himself did not need to carry it with him and thus make himself a robbery target.

Thus was the situation with such merchants that wished accommodations with another Clan. The Clan Leader demanded compensation for providing shelter and transportation for the merchant, and usually this was handled with the other merchant's Clan. A clanless merchant could call on no such conveniences. Some of these were no better than vagabonds, mooching free passage on the vague promise of goods to be delivered on a later day which never came.

"I sincerely doubt that you can be carrying enough to pay for complete passage of our run."

"No need," said Jollis. "I require passage but a short distance, and then I shall find my own way from there."

Herdon looked askance at the Wanderer. "And how far do you need to go?"

"Only as far as the D'ronstaq Manor."

Herdon considered, rubbing at his chin thoughtfully. He tried to find a reason to simply run off this fellow here and now, and not bother his father with this. Yet he could find no compelling reason to do so. He was not entirely sure he trusted the man, however.

"You will wait here," he finally said in a gruff voice. He gave Jollis one last appraising look before turning away.

Jollis watched with calm yet intense eyes as Herdon walked into the midst of the camp, gesturing towards an older man who, other than some graying hair and a more weathered face, could have been Herdon's twin. The two conferred, the older one glancing towards Jollis speculatively. A debate appeared to ensue, ending with the older one pointing urgently towards Jollis.

Herdon shrugged and turned away. He returned quickly to Jollis, a dubious look on his face.

"Uridon wants to know if you have access to any magery supplies," Herdon said.

"Wards and charms? That sort of thing?"


"Ah, yes, I believe I could procure that for him."

"Through the Mage Guild?"

"Hmm. Alas, no, it would have to be through other channels I'm afraid."

Herdon raised an eyebrow. "Really."

"Is that a problem for Clan Leader Uridon?"

"Er, no, actually. In fact, Uridon had a request to get them through means other than the Guild."

Jollis smiled. "Well, that works out quite well, I would say!"

Herdon frowned. It was obvious that he did not think so. "Only if you can get some weather wards."

"Ah, indeed I can!"

"Fine. Uridon said if you thought you could swing that, and you could pay, you're in."

Jollis beamed. "I am most honored to be accepted by your Clan, Herdon Ne'land."

Herdon raised a hand. "I said, if you could pay. He wants one-fifty. And a third cut of any profit you make on any deals you do while you're with us."


Herdon gave Jollis a sour look. He turned his head back towards the camp, where his father Uridon Ne'land was watching from a distance. Herdon nodded once towards him before turning back to Jollis. "Just so you know, our Clan takes another merchant's word seriously. You don't come through on this, and you can forget about trading in these parts again once the Merchants' Guild hears."

"A wise warning to give. I shall not disappoint."

"Come on, then. You can help with the packing."

The Wanderer followed Herdon into the Ne'land camp.

Jollis wondered if perhaps he had acted just a little too eager to please. Enthusiasm was one thing, but perhaps he had taken it to an extreme. It was obvious Herdon did not like him, and he could not afford to have any of the Clan against him. He must make sure he earned their trust, so he would be above suspicion until the time was right.

He would not concern himself with this right now. The important thing was, he had achieved his initial goal. Now he could get to the Manor and begin his plan in earnest.

Amanda remained in her restraints for the rest of the day, save for the time she was allowed to eat at the midday meal. Sirinna said little to her outside of giving commands and short snippets of praise as she had Amanda try her oral skills on two other male slaves. Amanda thought she did reasonably well with both of them, even if she did not get quite as excited, but it was hard to tell from Sirinna's muted tone.

Upon returning to their quarters as sunset fast approached, Amanda was anxious to have the cuffs removed. Yet Sirinna kept them on for one more task.

"Turn around, Amanda."

Amanda sighed inwardly. In the back of her mind, she knew this was coming. She could protest that it was hardly her fault, that Marisa had provoked it, but knew it would just earn her the standard lecture. Instead, she remained silent and complied with her mistress' command.

She tensed, steeling herself, but flinched and yelped anyway when Sirinna's hand cracked across her ass cheeks. Amanda bit her lip to stifle a whimper when Sirinna reached the third stroke.

"That was for going too far with Marisa," Sirinna intoned. She delivered four more stinging slaps, alternating between her cheeks with each blow. "And that was for the look you gave Master Roquan afterward."

Amanda's eyes glistened with tears, but she held back a sob. She took a deep breath to try to steady her emotions. She expected more, perhaps for performing badly with the other two slaves. Instead, to her relief, Sirinna released her from the cuffs and detached the chain from the collar.

She turned around, rubbing her sore backside. "I'm sorry, mistress," she said in a low voice, her eyes downcast.

Sirinna sighed. "I know, love. And I'm sorry I had to punish you for it."

Amanda looked up. There was a hurt look on Sirinna's face. It was the first time she had shown that much reluctance at disciplining Amanda.

Amanda wanted to give vent to her frustrations at Marisa right then and there, but she was not sure she could push Sirinna's compassion that far. Fortunately, Sirinna saved her the trouble. "Marisa pushed you into that."

Amanda blinked in surprise, but recovered quickly and seized the advantage. "Yes, she did, mistress."

"I don't know what it is about Marisa. She's never acted this way towards any Trainees of mine. She was a little hard on Hiatha, but that was understandable."

"Maybe she sees me as another Hiatha, mistress. Everyone else does."

"That's not true, love, it..."

"Yes, it is! Every day I catch another slave looking at me and whispering to friend, and I almost always hear her name. Either they're comparing me to her or they think she ought to be training me."

Sirinna gave Amanda a forlorn look.

Amanda sighed, exasperated. "I'm sorry, mistress. Do you need to spank me again for that?"

"No, Amanda, it's okay. You... you have a right to be frustrated."

"I'm glad I have a right to be something around here."

Sirinna touched Amanda's cheek. Amanda was grateful for the simple, affectionate contact, and it helped her relax a little. Her eyes softened as she gazed back at her lover.

"You have to remember, you are a slave now," Sirinna said softly.

Amanda paused a moment, then slowly nodded. "I know. I really am trying, Sirinna. Mistress." She looked away, her eyes shimmering. "Dammit. I can't even remember that."

Sirinna reached for Amanda and hugged her tightly. "It's all right. You're just upset. I know you're trying. You really did well today with Garas and the other slaves."

"I wasn't so sure, as quiet as you were."

"I was more upset with Marisa than you, love. That's why I didn't care for having to punish you as I did."

Amanda squeezed Sirinna a little bit to show that she understood. She knew Sirinna was doing what she had to do.

Amanda let out a long sigh and enjoyed the warm softness of Sirinna's body for a few moments before speaking again. "Can I ask you something, mistress?"

Sirinna gently stroked Amanda's back. "Of course."

"Who's Freya?"

"She's an Overlord, Amanda."

Amanda drew back out of the embrace to look oddly at her mistress. "An Overlord? A woman?"

"Being an Overlord is not limited to men. You just don't see very many women heading Overlord Clans, but there's nothing that says they can't."

"So why was Master Rennis concerned about her with regards to me? Is she going to be at the Conclave?"

Sirinna hesitated, then nodded, her eyes growing distant.

Amanda's heart thumped. "I-I'm going to be Presented after all, aren't I? That's what all that was about, wasn't it? Is that why you're going so fast with my training?"

Sirinna smiled wanly. "You are still quite the clever girl."

Amanda made a face. She was in no mood to be placated, and her voice rose when she spoke again. "You knew? And you didn't tell me?"

"I did not want to put that pressure on you. You seem to work better when you're more relaxed."

Amanda wanted to explode at Sirinna. This was exactly the kind of thing she wanted to escape back on Earth! Her foster father had tried to hide things from her as well. He tried to hide the fact that he was still drinking, even after he had sworn off the booze. He was part of the reason Amanda was here in Narlass to begin with.

"I don't want to be lied to anymore, Sirinna!" Amanda cried.

"I did not lie to you," Sirinna said firmly, raising an admonishing finger. "When I first told you that you were not to be Presented, that was true. It was only later that Master Roquan told me things had changed."

Amanda gave her mistress a sullen look, but said nothing.

"If it helps any, I told Master Roquan that you were not far enough along in your training. But this Conclave is apparently very important to him, and he asked me to accelerate your training to try to prepare you."

"How much longer is it until the Conclave? Did he tell you when he took you aside earlier?"

"Yes. About half a moon."

Amanda gaped. "Two weeks?! Th-they... they want me to go before a bunch of Overlords... to please a bunch of Overlords in only two weeks?! Oh my God..."

Sirinna grasped Amanda's shoulders tightly. "Amanda, calm down. It will be okay."

"No, it won't!" Amanda cried, her voice shrill. "How can Master Roquan expect me to be a perfect little perky slave when I can't even..."


Amanda fell silent, tensing. She relaxed a little when she saw a look of concern rather than anger in Sirinna's eyes.

"Please, love. Don't panic over this."

"Mistress, I can't be what Master Roquan wants me to be, not in that short a time."

"And what do you think he wants of you?"

"What he wants of all his slaves! He wants them to be completely happy little submissives! I can manage being happy, and I can manage being submissive. I can't seem to do both yet at the same time. Not on demand, anyway."

Sirinna looked thoughtful for a moment. "Can you act the part instead?"

Amanda gave Sirinna an odd look. "Huh?"

"Can you do what you're told? Can you be respectful?"

Amanda paused. "I guess I can, yeah. I mean... I've been trying to do that. I only messed up today because of Marisa. If any of the Overlords are like that, I..."

Sirinna raised a finger, and Amanda fell silent again. "Marisa you have to deal with every day. But the Overlords will be here only a short time. Do you think you can handle it for the span of a few days?"

"A few days? Is that all they're going to be here for?"

"No, the Conclave will likely last much longer than that, but a Presenting rarely lasts longer than a day or two."

"Oh. I didn't know that."

Sirinna cupped her hand tenderly under Amanda's chin. "If you think you can handle yourself for that long, love, you'll do fine."

"Well... I'm still not sure... but that's better than I thought it would be. But what if I still mess up, Sirinna? Am I going to get Master Roquan in trouble? I don't want to be punished by him!"

"If you are obviously trying to be good, I don't think he'll punish you. If he did, the worst he might do is paddle you a little."

Amanda shuddered violently and looked away.

"It's not that bad."

"I don't ever want to be touched by that thing," Amanda said, shivering. "I hate it."

Sirinna sighed inwardly. This was going to make delivering the Traditional Twenty a lot harder. She reached over and took Amanda's chin again, coaxing her into looking towards her lover. Sirinna's heart lurched when she saw a single tear trickling down Amanda's face.

Sirinna brushed the tear away with a sweep of a finger. "You don't give yourself enough credit, Amanda. Or Master Roquan for that matter. He'll be able to tell if you're making a good effort to please."

"But I still have that attitude problem, don't I? That's really what the whole thing is about. That's why I'm still having problems."

"I've been trying to help you with that."

"But maybe not enough. You switched over to showing me sexual techniques instead."

Sirinna paused. "Master Roquan thought it prudent to do that."

Amanda thought on this for a moment, and then uttered a cynical laugh. "Yeah, I see. Her attitude is bad, but at least she can suck cock and eat pussy, right?"

Sirinna laughed softly and played with a curl of Amanda's hair. "Well, those are important for a slave to do as well."

"I know, but... well, I'm really picking up that stuff fast. And I can even enjoy it, when I don't have Marisa around too much. Do you see the problem? I can learn the sex, that's not hard for me at all. But I can't be enthusiastic about it with people I don't like as well."

Sirinna gave her charge a curious look. "What are you saying, Amanda?"

"I'm saying that maybe you're concentrating on the wrong thing."

"You mean you want me to concentrate on teaching you to be submissive?"


"But I thought you might rebel at that if I did it too soon."

"Yeah, I might have, if I didn't know I had this Presenting to worry about! Now at least I have a goal in mind. I've got a reason for doing it. Now it's sorta like a school assignment back home. I might not want to do it, but I know I have to, and I still want to do a good job on it."

Sirinna gave Amanda a nonplussed look, then shook her head and grinned. "Amanda, you still sometimes surprise me."

Amanda smiled at this. She took this as a compliment.

Sirinna still did consider this very unusual. All other slaves she trained learned to be submissive for the explicit purpose of their new lives as slaves. It was simply their life, their reason for being, and their means of gaining sexual reward. There was little formal training involved; all Sirinna really had to teach was the traditional submissive posture and some points of protocol.

None of this was working for Amanda, and it was forcing her to rethink all her training plans. She knew Amanda would be a challenge, but not like this!

"All right, Amanda, we'll try it," Sirinna finally said. "But Master Roquan still wants me to teach you sexual technique, so we'll have to do that anyway, and those sessions are going to get intense so we can cover everything. You're going to be worked twice as hard as before."

Amanda nodded. "That's okay. It will be like cramming for a test back on Earth."

Sirinna did not quite understand that turn of a phrase, but accepted the intent. "And you're going to have to learn to deal with Marisa, too. You can't get out of that."

Amanda drew in her breath and let it go as a soft sigh. "Well, if you're going to show me how to be submissive, maybe I can handle her better. At least now I'm a little more enthusiastic about wanting to learn."

Sirinna did admit to herself that she was infinitely grateful for that.

Amanda now understood that this was what she had needed all along. She needed a concrete goal to work towards. Learning "how to be a good slave" was not tangible enough for her. She was mystified as to how it was sufficient for the others.

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 28

The Wanderer was a man of instincts. His training had taught him how to search for that inner guide that could offer him the quickest path to enlightenment. When done properly, he could summon up the same answer that his analytical mind would have spent twice as long in determining. Those instincts now told him he should be ready for a major change. He could see the growing exhaustion on the Overlord's face as the two of them spoke shortly after the evening meal. As the conversation...

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 2

In truth, had Amanda not been as nervous about the deflowering, she might not have flown off the handle like that. She already felt guilty about it by the time they turned down the path to Roquan's quarters. She quickly ceased to dwell on such matters, however, as the Overlord's residence loomed ahead of her. Despite the fact that she remained in full sun all the way to the door, she felt it casting a shadow over her nonetheless. Chain or no chain, she had to resist the urge to bolt. It...

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Harrys Luck

Walking down the entrance hall, a 7th-year Ravenclaw came up to talk to him. She had a cute body and nice sized breasts; which were clearly on display. She said: “Hey Harry”. Harry, never having seen her before knew the only reason she was talking with him was that she wanted to attend the Ball with the Champion of Hogwarts. “How can I help you?” asked Harry. “Will you come to the Yule Ball with me?” she asked; lowering her shirt giving him a better view of that awesome cleavage. Knowing that...

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My Sleeping Love

I look at you, sleeping. You look so much at peace, as if you haven’t a care in the world. Day to day stress forgotten in your slumber, you wear the look of an innocent little boy. I reach out to caress your cheek, feeling the soft tanned flesh. I run my fingers through your jet-black hair, silky against my skin. I kiss you softly on the lips. Still you sleep. I lay beside you, your arm pulling me close. I can smell you, you fill my senses making my body tingle…it is always like this when I...

1 year ago
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AssassinChapter 29

"Roger brought it somehow. I haven't really had to use it very often because he kept visiting but there are some advantages to having my own little penis available whenever I want it." Hailey turned it in her hands and Anna indicated she should turn it on. The base swivelled, providing both an on/off switch and a speed control. In the quiet house it sounded like she was revving a motorbike. "It's not quite as noisy as it seems now and even that is muffled if you slip it up inside...

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Family Raiders

THE HUNT: The vehicle they had just stolen fit perfectly into the suburb neighborhood of Carsonville, A old nonde*********** gray four -door Ford which matched dozens of others in this middle income community. Don't need to stand out now thought Cutter as he drove slowly down one road after another looking carefully at each well kept home they passed. Not sure what he was looking for but knowing that his safety and that of the three men with him depended on finding a place to hide and finding...

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First Time Fun With a Red Head

I was in between marriages and I was pretty much a slut puppy. I partied a lot and I had one goal in mind and that was to get laid. One Friday night I met up with a fiery red head. She was hot looking and had one of the best asses I had ever seen in a pair of jeans. We danced and drank the night away. We kissed each other every chance we could. When we slow danced it was one continuous kiss. When it came to closing time, she invited me to her place the next night after she got off work from a...

Straight Sex
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Mr Wong

You might say i have a dirty mind . I like to hang out in adult book stores. That is really no ones business but it has every thing to do with the adventure I want to relate. I live on the west side of Chicago and there is an adult store right down the block from me.It is an old building with a brick front. It is owned by a certain Mr. Wong. I thought he ran the place alone until i saw the girl . I thought that she must be his salesclerk. She was fine looking with long black hair and shapely...

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Best Fuck With Hotel Housekeeping Lady

my name is Achu, Telling you how I had great sex with a hotel housekeeping lady. From my wee days of sex I have been very horny and always looking out for sex. Once I had to meet my friends in Cochin, so I took the evening train from Bangalore and reached Cochin at 8.00 in the morning. I called my friends both guys and girls as I reached. All guys said will reach to meet by lunch.So I took a hotel near the Ernakulam railway station itself. I went in got fresh and went to the restaurant for...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 123

SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26 As Jeff jogged down the driveway at 4:00 A.M., I miss Kayla already, but tonight, she'll be my wife. I'll bet Lieutenant Mayfield will miss her this morning, too; she's fun to run with. Hmmm. I know he's pushing the security team to train hard. I need to make sure they're getting enough R&R, though. Mayfield is young and obviously wants to impress, and that's fine, but pushing his people too much will cause problems, also. This should be a cushy...

2 years ago
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Caught In The Act Part 1

Part true, part imagined...It had been such a crappy day. Yet again, I was left alone in the office after everyone else had called it a day and I still had an hour's worth of work to get through.I took a drink of the acrid vending machine coffee and looked out of the office window. The sky was starting to darken as evening was becoming night. My car sat alone in the car park, illuminated by the solitary security light, slowly starting to make an impact in the weakening light. Why was I here...

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Meri Jivani 8211 Part 12

Hi….. Akky height 5’10” ksrati bdan. .Abhi tk ki jitni bhi kahani mene share ki un sbhi k sath mene kafi time tk sex kiya.Pr kuch aise wakya bhi hain jahan mene 1-2 baar hi chudai ki thi.Ab m unke bare m batunga.Aap mujhe yahoo.Com pr meri mail id akshay.Wise pr sampark kr skte hain. Rashmi or shital ki mast chudai k sath life smooth chal rhi thi. Ek din m rashmi ki chudai kr rha tha to usne mujhe mere past k bare m pucha.M use chodte hue bta raha tha tbhi mujhe foreigner kayle ki yaad ayi....

1 year ago
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Knight of the Lewd Cross

The church of Montignue Bay Alice fidgeted in place, curling her crimson locks frantically between her gloved and bejewelled fingers. She ducked forward slightly, intimately aware of her tunic receding up her back, to peek through the flimsy purple curtain.Twin blue eyes parted their way into the walkway. Her luscious red hair drastically contrasting the dark tones of the curtain. Row upon row of noblemen and noblewomen sat in the pews with their backs to her, their eyes facing toward the...

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Doux recircves soft dream

Text translates by a software translator (forgiveness for the errors).It was a soft dream, as if my thoughts had become reality and as if all which took place was true finally, I would have liked(loved).We were attracted(enticed) the one by the other one by photos, videos but especially with words, words with which we jouyions on this magic screen which separated us but which gathered(combined) us at the same time. Little by little we came to light us one to another, and the helping words, with...

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Jane The Sequel

“Well, I don’t know about you, but after that fantastic experience, I’m ready to go all the way, lover. I ache to feel you inside me, and I’m not talking just about your fingers and tongue.” With that she kind of pulled us both over so that instead of lying across the bed, our legs dangling over the edge, we were more in the centre of the bed, lying up and down. She stayed on top and when we were comfortable, she started to kiss me again, a long sexy kiss, the tips of our tongues...

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Steven George the DragonThe Underwater Well

CAMP WAS COLD AND EMPTY when Steven awoke in the morning. There was no sign of the tinker, his cart, or his donkey. The market flags were gone and what people Steven saw were distant even when he was near them. He ate sparingly of the food he had been given for travel at the manor the evening before, shouldered his pack, and started up the long road ahead. Steven soon settled into his long one hundred steps per minute stride and was amazed that his time with the tinker had allowed him to...

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After dark

As I shaved and looked at my face in the mirror, my mind was busy."What a day!" I ran down the list of my accomplishments. I'd trimmed the hedges along the privacy fence, cleaned the pool, cut the grass, tidied up around the old homestead. Trash on the curb, garage cleared of clutter and organized, my dinner fixed and consumed. I have to say, I was very pleased with my accomplishments for the day.The reason for all the work was my wife Janie. She'd been on me to get some of the things on my...

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My Friend8217s Chubby Mother

“Hello Mrs Melon” I said aloud as I walked through the living room. “Oh hi Tommy” she replied. “Is Steven in?” I asked. “No, he’s not coming back ’til tonight, he’s gone out with his father. Well, how have you been?” she asked as she pointed for me to take a seat. Mrs Melon, was my best friends’ mother. Steve and I go way back, we know go to the same university. “Great Mrs Melon…I feel great, and I’ve got...

1 year ago
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Majgen Ch 004

—-=(First stop 1)=—- Their chauffeur had waited next to the passenger door for longer than he liked. ‘Typical mentarion attitude, just leave the little guy hanging,’ he thought, ‘Why can’t they just tell me what they want like regular people?’ He considered himself to be as intrigued by mentarion ways as the next guy, but being around them personally was disconcerting. He preferred watching mentarions at a distance, preferably half a planet away. It was fascinating to watch entertainment...

4 years ago
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No Joking Matter Part 2

Valerie Finn and Rick Samuels handled Denise's affairs on her behalf, with Denise in no condition to do anything other than cry and sit in her room staring out of the window in silence. Fiona Flynn came over to talk to Denise but Denise would only say a few things and look out the window at the birds and squirrels in the trees. Denise was showing grief and regretted what happened to the Halls, but it was clear that the biggest issue with her was what she had wanted them to not be...

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Lords of the Manor Part 5

Presently they reached the top of the cliff and into shady glades and lush green grass. Nearby, a brook tinkled merrily down toward the cliff’s edge where it would plunge down onto the rocks below. Suddenly the men came abruptly to a stop. For there, in front of their very eyes, beneath a clump of overhanging palm trees, overlooking the sparkling blue ocean were their three missing companions. But it was not just them! They were surrounded by at least 15 scantily clad young maidens, all of whom...

2 years ago
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Mias Attempt

He snuck up behind her close enough so that her back was pressed firmly against his chest. His hands snaked their way onto her hips and he began to kiss the juncture of her neck and shoulder. She knew what he was doing. And she wasn’t in the mood. Even though it was innocent and comforting it wouldn’t last, it always became more. She was tired but that didn’t matter to him. If he was in the mood then there was nothing going to stop him from taking what he wanted. And even if she resisted and...

1 year ago
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Watching the Neighbors KidChapter 3

I slept in late that Sunday morning. Almost 8:00 AM. Late for me anyway. Tim was still on top of me but at least he wasn’t ramming that cock of his into me anymore. Guess he was finally fucked out. At least for now. I hated to wake him up but didn’t have much choice. After all the little goober had put in a lot of hard work last night. I got him awake finally and told him he had to get off me because I had things to do. “On Sunday? Like what?” “Oh. I don’t know. Feed the animals. Get some...

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Farmers Hands Part 1

Don’t get me wrong, I loved Frank. We were lovers since my senior year of high school. We were talking about big plans and running off to get married until I enrolled in college. I was studying law enforcement and the man I am telling the story about was studying conservation law. We met in class. One thing led to another and we started talking a lot more and going to lunch more frequently after class. Chase was his name. He stood at 6’5 with broad shoulders and calloused hands. He was a...

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Things got complicated at home so I escaped to Florida. It wasn’t just the sex between George and me and our partner-swapping neighbors, Mary and James, but when other couples and even the occasional stranger were brought into the mix things just seemed to spin out of control. Don’t get me wrong I loved it, especially at first, but then the overwhelming emotions of jealousies and competition almost became an inhibition to sexual reward. The mantra of, “Don’t think it just feel it,” even kept...

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Dream StateChapter 11

I won't bore you with too many details of the island hopping that Mary and I did, except to say that we lived the full tourist life to the hilt. I visited the Maui D.M.V. and found that there was indeed a "replacement" license waiting for me (after a written test and an eye exam). I wasn't sure about driving, since it had been a very long time since I had actually driven a car, but it was nice to have the license (Debbie's and Aimee's little shack in Makena was listed as my...

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The Estate

The East London housing estate was quiet few people about, most residents were scared to go out because of the gang of teenage thugs who ruled the area. 10 year old Amy sat on the wall by the entrance to the block of flats she lived in. She had heard a group of adults were dealing with the thugs and making it safer for law abiding residents. Amy saw 16 year old Steve a gang member and was about to go in the block when 2 men grabbed Steve by the arms, Steve tried to fight but was no match, he...

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Fionas Alices loyalty rewarded with a special party

Introduction: loyalty should always be rewarded !! Fiona & Alices loyalty is rewarded with a house party. I woke up at around 10:30am the following morning and I still felt exhausted from the previous nights activities late into the night. I looked to my right expecting to find Alice still fast asleep but I was wrong, her side was empty. I didnt expect Alice to be up so early on a Saturday especially after the fucking shed received over at the East Norton dogging site. I slid out of bed and...

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Im sorry

There's no sex in this story, so if that's all you're looking for, and it probably is, then don't read on. Go back and read what I have written before, you should be able to find something there. This one is just the conclusion.This is my last.-Cait left with her mom. Just like that. She left me.And I was alone, somewhere between Cait and Lucy and this big ugly secret that wasn't even my secret and so it shouldn't be mine to keep but it was, and that was so unfair and the world had ended and...

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aruban adventure for my milf hot wife

while enjoying one of many trips to Aruba, my wife and I found ourselves at my friends condo with only one other person in the pool area. It was a young man in his early teens and he was very cute. My wife commented on how adorable he was. she got extremely horny and I began rubbing her back and shoulders with oil as she watched this k** play in the pool. she caught his eye and smiled at him several times and he finally overcame any shyness and walked over to say hi.We exchanged some small talk...

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Welcome Back

Welcome Back By Dawna Tompson April 2016 Bikers, beer, sports and sex. Sam begins to realize how shallow it all is after unexpectedly waking up to a completely new reality. Rating R, Adult Content [email protected] - - The two women walked briskly down the hospital corridor. The shorter one, clipboard in hand, was perhaps in her mid-fifties. She was dressed professionally, a neat jacket covered her crisp white blouse. Her red skirt creased the middle of her knees. Her...

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Little sissy bitch

cant stop reading this Alright pet, here's how it going to be're going to do what I want. I don't really care if you like it, I could give two fucks if you do. I want to be in charge, I want a little toy to play with and I've decided it's going to be you. Get naked, now. On your hands and knees. Want you in front of me. I've got a little present to give to you today. Hmmmm....very pretty. Look what I have in my hand pet. Aren't they pretty? Wouldn't the look nice snuggled up against...

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i fucked both mom and mom friend

visit on to see top rated stories like theseMy story begins during that one fateful trip my aunt made to visit my mom and I. I was 19 at the time and my mom and I lived alone in our condo overlooking the water. Our house was nice, a big pool and a hot tub downstairs (my mom had a great job and that left us very well off). I also had a problem. After many years of masturbation I could not make myself reach an orgasm. I thought I came close a couple of times, but the fact that it...

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Her Apple PieChapter 8 On Speaking Terms

Those eyelids had to weigh a ton each Cliff decided. He really tried to keep his eyes open listening as Kylie read from the paper but the laws of physics won out. He missed the sight he had enjoyed. That was his girl reading to him. The girl he had fallen in love with, who looked good enough to eat even in a ratty sweater over worn blue jeans. She looked like she had stepped out of one of the happy dreams he sometimes had, dreams where his world was still like it should be. As his eyes...

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We Swapped Mother And Sisters 8211 Part 5 Final Part

This is story of swapping of mother and sisters between family of Rohan & Akbar. In last part you read that Raji, sister of Rohan has submitted herself to Rafiq bhai father of Akbar. Rohan found lot of cash and a cheque in sister’s handbag. He also found that three of five condoms had been used. So he came to sister and asked her. She confessed. Not confessed , she agreed that she has fucked with fatherly man and both desires to marry. Raji was agreeable to become second wife / begam of...

1 year ago
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re just me

Here I was...standing staring out the window...watching the rain patterns on the window pane..I felt a chill up my last night..that was not to be...he said he loved me...I disliked him for there is a difference...words spoken 'I love you'..and just to make me feel at ease 'i love you'...He thinks I feel the same for can I...why should I...?? I am angry that I have left myself so a be used...I can feel the tears on my eyelashes...then...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 25

Duty Honor Country Family- Part 25 By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. ***** Stuart and Midori's living quarters weren't too far away in the maze- like underworld of Pine Gap. Hiromi saw her parents even before she stepped into their room. "Hello, Mom. Hello, Dad." "Rebecca, I am so happy to see you," Midori said to her daughter as Hiromi walked right up to her. The two women immediately shared a mother-daughter...

2 years ago
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RETIREMENT– by SENORLONGO ©2015. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between characters in this story and real persons is strictly coincidental and unintentional. Like most of my stories, this one contains elements that could fall into numerous categories such as Loving Wives and BDSM on Literotica. Normally I would split this story into segments to make it easier to read, but if I did that I’d hear from too many readers that Part 1 should be in ‘Loving Wives.’ However, if you look at...

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