Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 21
- 4 years ago
- 28
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At the same time Roquan contemplated the problem of his troublesome slave, on an island just to the northeast of the one upon which the D'ronstaq Manor sat, a man walked alone on a road through the dense tropical forest.
He was known as the Wanderer. Indeed, his given name meant "Wandering Spirit" in his native lands, from a language few could speak fluently anymore in modern times. A terrible loss, he always felt, though he kept this to himself. His purpose was not to examine the past too closely. It was the present that concerned him now, and the future that concerned his master.
A future that was now his to begin to inaugurate, at his master's bidding.
In principle, he agreed with it. He, a humble servant to forces far more powerful than he could ever aspire to, had no business disagreeing. Yet it was distasteful. Most distasteful. He had stated as such, as audacious as that had been for him. His master spared him rebuke; he received the job anyway.
A job that must not fail.
He walked down the wide road that led from the gate to Lord K'laarn's Keep towards the place where he knew the Clan would be gathered, readying for their next port of call. Quite fortunate, he mused, that Lord K'laarn had been one of the places visited by the slave. It had taken only three tries to find the Clan.
Despite the heat, the Wanderer's long, lanky body seemed at ease. His skin was only lightly tanned, not much darker than the fair skin of the Manor slaves. It made for a stark contrast with his black hair, framing a round face with high cheekbones and dark eyes. Even his hair style alone -- long hair drawn into a single, tight ponytail -- was enough to mark him as the foreigner. This had been a minor objection to receiving this job. Yet he had to trust that his master knew best.
And as it had been drilled into him by that same master, there simply was no room for failure at his task.
The object of his search appeared just ahead as he came around the bend in the road. He was just in time. Tents were being taken down and folded. Carts were being hitched to pack animals.
One hurdle overcome. Now there was but one more, which materialized before him in the form of a swarthy, stocky young man with a formidable crossbow in hand.
The Wanderer smiled congenially as he approached. He raised his hands to his waist, palms forward, and was rewarded by a single nod and a lowering of the weapon. Yes, he had gotten that right: the Oceanus custom for announcing non-hostile intent.
The swarthy man stepped before the road to block it as the Wanderer came to a stop.
"Greetings, my friend, and good fortune to you and your Clan," said the Wanderer. His voice was high and melodic. There was a trace of an accent, one that tended to round-out his vowels and make his consonants crisp.
The swarthy one nodded once, his face betraying curiosity. "I am Herdon. What may the Ne'land Clan do for you?" he spoke, his voice even and businesslike.
"Accommodations, if you would."
Thick eyebrows rose on Herdon's haggard face. "Accommodations? You are a merchant?"
The Wanderer smiled, displaying two rows of even, bright teeth. "Indeed, good man. I wish permission to travel with your auspicious Clan."
The Ne'land merchant smirked, his eyes glancing over the fellow. "You bring no goods? No possessions save for what you carry on your person? What do you bring the Ne'land Clan, then?"
"Contacts. From foreign lands."
Herdon's expression was curious, yet dubious.
"If your Clan Leader seeks exotic goods, I can be of service. I have much experience in markets abroad. I have many connections."
"What is your name?"
"And your Clan?"
"Alas, I am currently clanless. I am only 'Jollis', and nothing more. Which is why I have the need to seek accommodations."
"Uridon does not take on clanless merchants. Not usually, anyway. I don't think I need to explain why."
Jollis nodded. "I do have sufficient platinum on my person, however, to pay my way."
Herdon frowned. That was quite unusual in and of itself. Nearly all independent merchants still belonged to a nominal Clan. All monetary transactions were then done with the Clan, so the merchant himself did not need to carry it with him and thus make himself a robbery target.
Thus was the situation with such merchants that wished accommodations with another Clan. The Clan Leader demanded compensation for providing shelter and transportation for the merchant, and usually this was handled with the other merchant's Clan. A clanless merchant could call on no such conveniences. Some of these were no better than vagabonds, mooching free passage on the vague promise of goods to be delivered on a later day which never came.
"I sincerely doubt that you can be carrying enough to pay for complete passage of our run."
"No need," said Jollis. "I require passage but a short distance, and then I shall find my own way from there."
Herdon looked askance at the Wanderer. "And how far do you need to go?"
"Only as far as the D'ronstaq Manor."
Herdon considered, rubbing at his chin thoughtfully. He tried to find a reason to simply run off this fellow here and now, and not bother his father with this. Yet he could find no compelling reason to do so. He was not entirely sure he trusted the man, however.
"You will wait here," he finally said in a gruff voice. He gave Jollis one last appraising look before turning away.
Jollis watched with calm yet intense eyes as Herdon walked into the midst of the camp, gesturing towards an older man who, other than some graying hair and a more weathered face, could have been Herdon's twin. The two conferred, the older one glancing towards Jollis speculatively. A debate appeared to ensue, ending with the older one pointing urgently towards Jollis.
Herdon shrugged and turned away. He returned quickly to Jollis, a dubious look on his face.
"Uridon wants to know if you have access to any magery supplies," Herdon said.
"Wards and charms? That sort of thing?"
"Ah, yes, I believe I could procure that for him."
"Through the Mage Guild?"
"Hmm. Alas, no, it would have to be through other channels I'm afraid."
Herdon raised an eyebrow. "Really."
"Is that a problem for Clan Leader Uridon?"
"Er, no, actually. In fact, Uridon had a request to get them through means other than the Guild."
Jollis smiled. "Well, that works out quite well, I would say!"
Herdon frowned. It was obvious that he did not think so. "Only if you can get some weather wards."
"Ah, indeed I can!"
"Fine. Uridon said if you thought you could swing that, and you could pay, you're in."
Jollis beamed. "I am most honored to be accepted by your Clan, Herdon Ne'land."
Herdon raised a hand. "I said, if you could pay. He wants one-fifty. And a third cut of any profit you make on any deals you do while you're with us."
Herdon gave Jollis a sour look. He turned his head back towards the camp, where his father Uridon Ne'land was watching from a distance. Herdon nodded once towards him before turning back to Jollis. "Just so you know, our Clan takes another merchant's word seriously. You don't come through on this, and you can forget about trading in these parts again once the Merchants' Guild hears."
"A wise warning to give. I shall not disappoint."
"Come on, then. You can help with the packing."
The Wanderer followed Herdon into the Ne'land camp.
Jollis wondered if perhaps he had acted just a little too eager to please. Enthusiasm was one thing, but perhaps he had taken it to an extreme. It was obvious Herdon did not like him, and he could not afford to have any of the Clan against him. He must make sure he earned their trust, so he would be above suspicion until the time was right.
He would not concern himself with this right now. The important thing was, he had achieved his initial goal. Now he could get to the Manor and begin his plan in earnest.
Amanda remained in her restraints for the rest of the day, save for the time she was allowed to eat at the midday meal. Sirinna said little to her outside of giving commands and short snippets of praise as she had Amanda try her oral skills on two other male slaves. Amanda thought she did reasonably well with both of them, even if she did not get quite as excited, but it was hard to tell from Sirinna's muted tone.
Upon returning to their quarters as sunset fast approached, Amanda was anxious to have the cuffs removed. Yet Sirinna kept them on for one more task.
"Turn around, Amanda."
Amanda sighed inwardly. In the back of her mind, she knew this was coming. She could protest that it was hardly her fault, that Marisa had provoked it, but knew it would just earn her the standard lecture. Instead, she remained silent and complied with her mistress' command.
She tensed, steeling herself, but flinched and yelped anyway when Sirinna's hand cracked across her ass cheeks. Amanda bit her lip to stifle a whimper when Sirinna reached the third stroke.
"That was for going too far with Marisa," Sirinna intoned. She delivered four more stinging slaps, alternating between her cheeks with each blow. "And that was for the look you gave Master Roquan afterward."
Amanda's eyes glistened with tears, but she held back a sob. She took a deep breath to try to steady her emotions. She expected more, perhaps for performing badly with the other two slaves. Instead, to her relief, Sirinna released her from the cuffs and detached the chain from the collar.
She turned around, rubbing her sore backside. "I'm sorry, mistress," she said in a low voice, her eyes downcast.
Sirinna sighed. "I know, love. And I'm sorry I had to punish you for it."
Amanda looked up. There was a hurt look on Sirinna's face. It was the first time she had shown that much reluctance at disciplining Amanda.
Amanda wanted to give vent to her frustrations at Marisa right then and there, but she was not sure she could push Sirinna's compassion that far. Fortunately, Sirinna saved her the trouble. "Marisa pushed you into that."
Amanda blinked in surprise, but recovered quickly and seized the advantage. "Yes, she did, mistress."
"I don't know what it is about Marisa. She's never acted this way towards any Trainees of mine. She was a little hard on Hiatha, but that was understandable."
"Maybe she sees me as another Hiatha, mistress. Everyone else does."
"That's not true, love, it..."
"Yes, it is! Every day I catch another slave looking at me and whispering to friend, and I almost always hear her name. Either they're comparing me to her or they think she ought to be training me."
Sirinna gave Amanda a forlorn look.
Amanda sighed, exasperated. "I'm sorry, mistress. Do you need to spank me again for that?"
"No, Amanda, it's okay. You... you have a right to be frustrated."
"I'm glad I have a right to be something around here."
Sirinna touched Amanda's cheek. Amanda was grateful for the simple, affectionate contact, and it helped her relax a little. Her eyes softened as she gazed back at her lover.
"You have to remember, you are a slave now," Sirinna said softly.
Amanda paused a moment, then slowly nodded. "I know. I really am trying, Sirinna. Mistress." She looked away, her eyes shimmering. "Dammit. I can't even remember that."
Sirinna reached for Amanda and hugged her tightly. "It's all right. You're just upset. I know you're trying. You really did well today with Garas and the other slaves."
"I wasn't so sure, as quiet as you were."
"I was more upset with Marisa than you, love. That's why I didn't care for having to punish you as I did."
Amanda squeezed Sirinna a little bit to show that she understood. She knew Sirinna was doing what she had to do.
Amanda let out a long sigh and enjoyed the warm softness of Sirinna's body for a few moments before speaking again. "Can I ask you something, mistress?"
Sirinna gently stroked Amanda's back. "Of course."
"Who's Freya?"
"She's an Overlord, Amanda."
Amanda drew back out of the embrace to look oddly at her mistress. "An Overlord? A woman?"
"Being an Overlord is not limited to men. You just don't see very many women heading Overlord Clans, but there's nothing that says they can't."
"So why was Master Rennis concerned about her with regards to me? Is she going to be at the Conclave?"
Sirinna hesitated, then nodded, her eyes growing distant.
Amanda's heart thumped. "I-I'm going to be Presented after all, aren't I? That's what all that was about, wasn't it? Is that why you're going so fast with my training?"
Sirinna smiled wanly. "You are still quite the clever girl."
Amanda made a face. She was in no mood to be placated, and her voice rose when she spoke again. "You knew? And you didn't tell me?"
"I did not want to put that pressure on you. You seem to work better when you're more relaxed."
Amanda wanted to explode at Sirinna. This was exactly the kind of thing she wanted to escape back on Earth! Her foster father had tried to hide things from her as well. He tried to hide the fact that he was still drinking, even after he had sworn off the booze. He was part of the reason Amanda was here in Narlass to begin with.
"I don't want to be lied to anymore, Sirinna!" Amanda cried.
"I did not lie to you," Sirinna said firmly, raising an admonishing finger. "When I first told you that you were not to be Presented, that was true. It was only later that Master Roquan told me things had changed."
Amanda gave her mistress a sullen look, but said nothing.
"If it helps any, I told Master Roquan that you were not far enough along in your training. But this Conclave is apparently very important to him, and he asked me to accelerate your training to try to prepare you."
"How much longer is it until the Conclave? Did he tell you when he took you aside earlier?"
"Yes. About half a moon."
Amanda gaped. "Two weeks?! Th-they... they want me to go before a bunch of Overlords... to please a bunch of Overlords in only two weeks?! Oh my God..."
Sirinna grasped Amanda's shoulders tightly. "Amanda, calm down. It will be okay."
"No, it won't!" Amanda cried, her voice shrill. "How can Master Roquan expect me to be a perfect little perky slave when I can't even..."
Amanda fell silent, tensing. She relaxed a little when she saw a look of concern rather than anger in Sirinna's eyes.
"Please, love. Don't panic over this."
"Mistress, I can't be what Master Roquan wants me to be, not in that short a time."
"And what do you think he wants of you?"
"What he wants of all his slaves! He wants them to be completely happy little submissives! I can manage being happy, and I can manage being submissive. I can't seem to do both yet at the same time. Not on demand, anyway."
Sirinna looked thoughtful for a moment. "Can you act the part instead?"
Amanda gave Sirinna an odd look. "Huh?"
"Can you do what you're told? Can you be respectful?"
Amanda paused. "I guess I can, yeah. I mean... I've been trying to do that. I only messed up today because of Marisa. If any of the Overlords are like that, I..."
Sirinna raised a finger, and Amanda fell silent again. "Marisa you have to deal with every day. But the Overlords will be here only a short time. Do you think you can handle it for the span of a few days?"
"A few days? Is that all they're going to be here for?"
"No, the Conclave will likely last much longer than that, but a Presenting rarely lasts longer than a day or two."
"Oh. I didn't know that."
Sirinna cupped her hand tenderly under Amanda's chin. "If you think you can handle yourself for that long, love, you'll do fine."
"Well... I'm still not sure... but that's better than I thought it would be. But what if I still mess up, Sirinna? Am I going to get Master Roquan in trouble? I don't want to be punished by him!"
"If you are obviously trying to be good, I don't think he'll punish you. If he did, the worst he might do is paddle you a little."
Amanda shuddered violently and looked away.
"It's not that bad."
"I don't ever want to be touched by that thing," Amanda said, shivering. "I hate it."
Sirinna sighed inwardly. This was going to make delivering the Traditional Twenty a lot harder. She reached over and took Amanda's chin again, coaxing her into looking towards her lover. Sirinna's heart lurched when she saw a single tear trickling down Amanda's face.
Sirinna brushed the tear away with a sweep of a finger. "You don't give yourself enough credit, Amanda. Or Master Roquan for that matter. He'll be able to tell if you're making a good effort to please."
"But I still have that attitude problem, don't I? That's really what the whole thing is about. That's why I'm still having problems."
"I've been trying to help you with that."
"But maybe not enough. You switched over to showing me sexual techniques instead."
Sirinna paused. "Master Roquan thought it prudent to do that."
Amanda thought on this for a moment, and then uttered a cynical laugh. "Yeah, I see. Her attitude is bad, but at least she can suck cock and eat pussy, right?"
Sirinna laughed softly and played with a curl of Amanda's hair. "Well, those are important for a slave to do as well."
"I know, but... well, I'm really picking up that stuff fast. And I can even enjoy it, when I don't have Marisa around too much. Do you see the problem? I can learn the sex, that's not hard for me at all. But I can't be enthusiastic about it with people I don't like as well."
Sirinna gave her charge a curious look. "What are you saying, Amanda?"
"I'm saying that maybe you're concentrating on the wrong thing."
"You mean you want me to concentrate on teaching you to be submissive?"
"But I thought you might rebel at that if I did it too soon."
"Yeah, I might have, if I didn't know I had this Presenting to worry about! Now at least I have a goal in mind. I've got a reason for doing it. Now it's sorta like a school assignment back home. I might not want to do it, but I know I have to, and I still want to do a good job on it."
Sirinna gave Amanda a nonplussed look, then shook her head and grinned. "Amanda, you still sometimes surprise me."
Amanda smiled at this. She took this as a compliment.
Sirinna still did consider this very unusual. All other slaves she trained learned to be submissive for the explicit purpose of their new lives as slaves. It was simply their life, their reason for being, and their means of gaining sexual reward. There was little formal training involved; all Sirinna really had to teach was the traditional submissive posture and some points of protocol.
None of this was working for Amanda, and it was forcing her to rethink all her training plans. She knew Amanda would be a challenge, but not like this!
"All right, Amanda, we'll try it," Sirinna finally said. "But Master Roquan still wants me to teach you sexual technique, so we'll have to do that anyway, and those sessions are going to get intense so we can cover everything. You're going to be worked twice as hard as before."
Amanda nodded. "That's okay. It will be like cramming for a test back on Earth."
Sirinna did not quite understand that turn of a phrase, but accepted the intent. "And you're going to have to learn to deal with Marisa, too. You can't get out of that."
Amanda drew in her breath and let it go as a soft sigh. "Well, if you're going to show me how to be submissive, maybe I can handle her better. At least now I'm a little more enthusiastic about wanting to learn."
Sirinna did admit to herself that she was infinitely grateful for that.
Amanda now understood that this was what she had needed all along. She needed a concrete goal to work towards. Learning "how to be a good slave" was not tangible enough for her. She was mystified as to how it was sufficient for the others.
Gronnus stepped away from the gazebo. He had to pause a moment halfway down the path to catch his breath and stop his heart from hammering in his chest. He glanced over towards the west. The afternoon sun had disappeared behind a storm blowing in from the ocean. The breeze had stirred, bringing with it a promise of rain. Until it delivered, the air was still muggy and oppressive. He turned again down the path, Overlord Freya far ahead of him. She disappeared into her quarters just as Gronnus...
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Doran was not to be deterred. He did not care what Roquan said to him. He did not care what Roquan was doing at the moment, even if he were in bed with one of his slaves. There was too much to talk about and too much to be done. He would not be turned away. He dutifully gave Roquan until the sun had risen fully above the eastern horizon. That would certainly give him enough time to have his morning meal and do whatever urgent Manor business needed his attention. He knew that there had been...
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Roquan arrived in the Healer's office shortly after sunrise. He was greeted with a welcome sight: Amanda was on her own two feet and looking as if nothing had happened to her, save for one slash of faint pinkish-red on the side of one calf. Amanda actually smiled when she saw the Overlord approach. To even his own surprise, Roquan smiled back. Healer Vanlo, however, was not at all shy about his good humor. For the first time in a long while, he could say he had a good night's sleep. He...
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Roquan had had a bad night. This was rare for him. Even in the middle of the crisis precipitated by the Imperial agent Yanna, he had never had serious trouble sleeping. Yet last night had been different. Everything that he had done and said in the course of the Conclave was coming back to haunt him. He had started to wonder if perhaps he indeed had Oceanus' best interests in mind from the start. Already irritated from lack of sleep, he was in no mood to hear what his Healer was telling...
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"I fear I may need to tender my resignation, your Lordship." Roquan looked up from the accounting parchment he was perusing and stared in confusion at his Healer. "Is this a joke, Vanlo?" Vanlo straightened and clasped his hands behind his back. "I wish it were. However, I feel that events of late have convinced me that I am aging past the point of usefulness to this Manor. If you wish, I can suggest a few colleagues from the Healer Guild that would serve as a...
Amanda patiently waited for her turn to eat breakfast as she lay stretched out on her stomach on her mistress' bed, her head propped up on her elbows. Her backside was still sore and pink from her paddling the day before, though it was tolerable if she did not put too much weight on it. Sirinna had again offered to take her to the Healer, but she had again refused. It wasn't all that bad now, and she felt it better to tough it out, if only to prove to herself that she could do it. Besides,...
"I am quite pleased you made it to the Manor early, Doran. I am feeling increasingly out of my element on the eve of the Conclave." Overlord Doran D'jorus breathed a windy sigh as he shook his head. He nodded his thanks as he accepted the goblet from his host. He took a long pull at it before speaking. "Not that we have all that much more time to prepare, Roquan!" He waved a beefy hand towards the door, which had been left open to admit the cooling evening breeze. "What we have now is...
Rennis dashed up the path to Roquan's quarters, smoothing down his hair as best he could. He cursed himself for oversleeping again. He was loathe to admit that this constant shuttling back and forth between his own Manor and Roquan's was starting to take its toll on him. It was a full day by boat and another half day over land to get from the D'glounaas Manor to the D'ronstaq Manor. He sorely wished Roquan's father had founded the Manor closer to the island's only port. When he burst...
Emperor Z'haas was not a patient man by any stretch of the imagination in less eventful times, and even less so once he received word that the Conclave had started. He had given Gronnus a quarter moon, yet he found himself anxious for word of progress after only the second day. He summoned the Overlord over Farview late that morning. There was a long pause before it was answered, Z'haas having to restrain himself from passing his hand over the pearl again and again. "Your timing is very...
The Wanderer stood at the threshold to his bedchamber, gazing through a small gap between the curtain and the edge of the frame. He peered at the still form of Sirinna as she lay on her bed, her sides rising and falling slowly and steadily. He had already checked on Amanda moments before and found her fast asleep as well. Carefully, the merchant slipped past the curtain, crouching as he made his way as silently as possible towards the exit. He was not concerned with Sirinna waking and seeing...
The Wanderer lived up to his name. Or at least inasmuch as it would seem to someone watching him. In reality, Jollis had his path well thought out. He knew Roquan would be quite busy that day with the opening of the Conclave. However, he wished to insure that he could catch the Overlord at some point before the man retired for the evening. It was very important for him to meet with the man, to establish a rapport with the Overlord. In effect, to build the man's trust. This would be...
"My dear Gronnus, just what was that all about?" Gronnus returned Freya's cool look with a level one of his own as the two of them stood on the path just outside the gazebo. "Why, whatever do you mean, Freya?" "Do not play coy with me," she said, a warning tone edging into her voice. "You practically challenged Roquan to a final debate and vote right then and there." "The other Overlords might have taken me up on it had not that windbag Doran droned on about tradition. What would...
The Wanderer was a man of instincts. His training had taught him how to search for that inner guide that could offer him the quickest path to enlightenment. When done properly, he could summon up the same answer that his analytical mind would have spent twice as long in determining. Those instincts now told him he should be ready for a major change. He could see the growing exhaustion on the Overlord's face as the two of them spoke shortly after the evening meal. As the conversation...
In truth, had Amanda not been as nervous about the deflowering, she might not have flown off the handle like that. She already felt guilty about it by the time they turned down the path to Roquan's quarters. She quickly ceased to dwell on such matters, however, as the Overlord's residence loomed ahead of her. Despite the fact that she remained in full sun all the way to the door, she felt it casting a shadow over her nonetheless. Chain or no chain, she had to resist the urge to bolt. It...
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My dad and I had always been close in what some people would call an "odd" way. My mom passed away when I was 3 so dad basically raised me by himself. Growing up we did everything together. Cuddled (sometimes he would be naked) and watched sports, went to games, he would give me baths, and some other stuff. But as I got older I noticed how dad would start to look at me more and more and for longer amounts of time. Well I love sports so when I made my college swim team i was excited. I...
This is a grown-up tale for grown-ups. Those who shouldn't read it shouldn't read it! A Man Taken in Adultery by Vickie Tern i. I'm still happily married, I love my wife, and she loves me, and though things now aren't at all the way they were, one thing is. We're still of one mind about nearly everything. Even more than before, if that's possible. We're still in tune. Whatever she says, it...
I swim upwards towards wakefulness, the slight recollection of my dreams. Images of lips and naked flesh fading fast. No doubt brought on by the previous evenings exertions. A smile playing on my lips, I stretch my stiff muscles. My shoulders are particularly stiff; I arch my back and open my arms out as far as I can reach careful not to strike my sleeping partner. It is only now I realise that my hands are tied above my head. Instantly awake, my eyes shoot open to reveal nothing, the soft...
BDSMTuesday morning, I was finally in my office and I was about to start looking at what I should be doing next, when Laura entered my office and closed the door behind her. “Will, I’d like have a few words with you.” “Just tell me how can I help you, Laura.” I didn’t like the smile that formed at the corner of her mouth. “Jeanie told me.” Even though I knew my face didn’t reveal anything, my mouth suddenly felt dry. Yet, I was not sure if Laura really knew something, or if she was fishing...
Hi dosto , mera naam rehan hai ,waise to mai delhi ka rehne wala hu per mai 2 mahene se mumbai mai apne film ke project ki wajah se rahne aaya hu or ab mumbai mai hi rahuga , ye kahani v mumbai ki hi hai . Aaj se thik 2 week pahle ki . Mai aap ko apne baare mai bata du . Mai mumbai mai ak big banner mai as a 1st assistant director kaam kar raha hu . Meri hight 5.5 hai . Agar koi v larki ,bhabi , aunty mujhe se baat karna cahati hai to pls mail me at Ab aap logo ko bore nahi karte hue kahani pe...
How I became a Transvestite This story is mostly fiction, I will leave you to guess which parts are autobiographical. I'm now in my seventies, happily married to Denise. These events happened a long time ago now, but document the start of our less than usual relationship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o 0 o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I admired Denise's pert bum as she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower, before we went out for the evening. As I lay...
Carl’s turn: Dammit, Dana! “Are you guys dating?” she asked. “We don’t have to date,” I said. “We’ve been sharing one vehicle and we live side by side in the RV park.” Dana giggled. “Sunny, I think I hit a nerve. He’s turning red.” “Dammit! Y’all caught me off guard. We’re having an innocent breakfast, is all.” “Oh,” Dana said with a little smirk. “Baby,” Ed chided, “people work together, they don’t have to be dating.” “You,” she giggled, “You better believe that. You ‘n Laci go on...
back a few years ago, i was single, still playing hockey, after the mens legaue was done forthe night, the rink was open for rat hockey. a few player would always hang around, along with some of the k**s that we coached. i was getting cooled down when a saw a woman standing by the boards, i could tell she was nervous, i skated over to her, and started talking, she was concered with her 10 year old playing with the older k**s and adults. we watched for a few minutes, the guys were letting the...
Throughout the month of May, as my nuptials approached, I became increasingly nervous. It seemed as if things were piling up all around me and I had nowhere to turn. This, of course, was the sheerest nonsense since both Siobhan and James had shouldered a burden worthy of Atlas. By the time June arrived I was wishing the entire thing was over and done with, yet more difficulties arrived daily. In retrospect, with the wisdom of age and the experience of other weddings, I can now say with...
I was away on a three day training course by myself, miles from home and had been put up in this swanky hotel by the company that had no life or sole to the place, not for a working type guy like me anyway.On the second night after eating there, I decided to walk in to town seeing it was a nice summer’s night to find a more, my type of pub and sat at the bar after ordering a drink. The barmaid who served me looked like a throwback to the eighties the way she looked and dressed, she has to be...
Elizabeth Jamieson and her son James, were far from being poor, when James was 10 his father a very prominent businessman had died in a freak auto accident. Leaving both James and his mother well over $30 million in insurance as well as numerous estates and titles.Still living in the lavish home James had decided to take a year off his studies to further his martial arts training, as well as he put it to develop his mind.His mother, Elizabeth enjoyed the rich and lavish lifestyle her self often...
Hi, dosto na jan na pehchan par aj ban gaya hu me apka mehman, mera naam he dev hai Dosto meri najar se jivan me pyar aur shadi sirf 1 hi bar hoti he aur use jivan ke ant samay tak pyar se nibhana chahiye. Sorry am i boring? Ye to me apne sukhi sex life ka mantra bata raha tha, age batayegi meri duniya, drasti. My sweet and hot waif meri aur uski sex life. Hi me drasti. Meri shadi arange love meraege hui he, mene 10 ki exam di thi uske bad turant dev muje dekhne aye the, tab meri hight 5.3 inch...
Ami basay firlam ektu deri kore 12 tar moto baje lift bondho hoye geche. Ami siri diye 5 tolay uthlam. Dekhlam flater sob ondhokar. Ami calling bell chaplam na amar kache j extra chabi chilo ta diye dorja khule vetore dhuklam. Vablam ma bodh hoy ghumiye porechen. Tokhoni mone porlo najma kaki ma tar 2 chele k niye aj grame jawar kotha. Er mane holo basay sudhu ma r sultan kaka thakar kotha. Sultan kaka babar bondhu. Babar recently glukomia dhora pore. Babar treatmenter jonno amra ekhon Dhaka...
IncestWhile checking your email's spam folder, you see an interesting advertisement . . . FREE TRIAL! New sexdoll robot, so real you'll never go back. 100% Satisfaction guarantee!!1! Intrigued, you read more. It seems the sextoy company HUMPCO is ready to do some market testing on a new sex doll, the SexBot6900. It is supposedly very realistic and includes some advance, interactive programming. The first 50 people to respond to the advertisement will get an opportunity to test the product, provide...
Note: This is a fictional account of an incestuous attraction that does not result in intercourse. Although unsuitable for a high school English class, it may be too tame for some of the readers here. When I woke up I got the shock of my life. I was lying naked in bed, next to my naked eighteen year old hung over. The last thing I could remember was sitting in a restaurant with my daughter drinking what was obviously too much for me. We had been "celebrating" if you can call it that, my...
IncestSo we are jumping back to the past again my friends! 1985……..Spankie! So to recap, over the summer I had my heart broken and was having a sexual drought. I lost confidence, I was working in a factory stacking heavy boxes for minimum wage, now nineteen years old going on my second year out of high school, a looser going nowhere. At that time, at least where I lived, the only night life for u******e adults was the video arcades and roller skating rings. Mostly populated by much younger girls, and...
I have had quite a loooong life of anal sex. I started like 10 years ago when one day out of curiosity I found my prostate. I had stuck a finger up my ass and it landed on my ‘G’ spot (prostate). At about the same time I discovered the nerve endings in my sphincter (boipussy). In these ten years I have had quite an activity in my back door and today I enjoy both DP, from two women with dildoes and two men. I Have found that the warm sperm deposited in my insides provides me with quite an...
The heat of the day had passed, but London was having the last laugh as the buildings gave up all the heat they had absorbed through the day. As was my want in my summer commute, I had changed out of my works clothes in to board shorts, linen shirt and flip flops in a forlorn attempt to make the journey home more bearable. I was in my own world contemplating my evening and when I noticed the girl standing off to my left hand side. The contrast between her pale skin, almost jet black hair and...
Straight SexI really liked Jean. Heck, I adored her. She was a wonderful sister and I know she loved me as well. So it wasn't an act when I set out to be her champion. I stuck up for her. I defended her from my mom's sometimes erratic sense of fair play and when my friends teased her, I'd only let it go so far. I'd let those guys know that she was my sister and not to disrespect her. Jean, at first, was uncertain, but her loving nature pushed right through. She spoke to me with affection and...
Suburban Sex Every Sunday at 10:00 AM I left to visit Mommy's house. It's a pretty cottage out in the country, nearly an hour's drive from where I live. Beautiful garden in the front, kept perfectly, a postcard image from the 1950s, with climbing roses and wisteria around the robin egg blue front door. Mommy answers the door and looks me up and down, smiling like the cat that's got the cream. I always arrive fully dressed. Mommy likes me as a young girl, about 16-17, with a short...
From across the room Brian sees her and she smiles. April is thinking about how much she wants and needs his kiss and his touch. Patiently, she waits as he works his way across the room towards her. With her back against the wall and the apple martini in hand, she is forever aware of his passionate heated stare. Her body quivers with the anticipation of his touch. As he approaches, her legs weaken and standing becomes a chore. He picks up her right hand and kisses it ever so gently. “Good...
From Batman's Robin to Catwomen's Robin (A vignette) By Belinda Batman and Robin are finishing solving another crime. This time Catwomen and King Tutt, were working together. With the help of Tutt's Mirrors, Catwomen and Tutt escape, but before they do, one thing is set... At home, Bruce and Robin Ward are in the library. Robin is studying for his speech tomorrow. His speech is one on relationships.... Based on his crime fighting career, it is sometimes difficult to be...
My wife and I order from the same pizza place every few weeks. The same good looking delivery guy deliver our pizza every time. His name is Spencer. We always tip him well. He is always very nice, stops and talks to us a bit and I can tell he has a huge crush on my wife. The past few times she has answered the door in either a very low cut top, or a tank top without a bra. She makes sure to bend over nonchalantly so he can get a good view of her spectacular dd's. We have talked about...
It was exactly 7 pm as Wendy knocked on the door to Miss West’s office. This was her second evening at her new place of employment. She was being paid extremely well by a posh woman to allow her to use her as she pleased. Wendy didn’t consider herself to be attracted to other women but if this intelligent pretty lady wanted to look at or even touch her naked body then, as long as nobody found out, that was just fine by Wendy as long as she received her money. And what’s more, on her...
The moment of truth has come for Jade Wylde and she’s got five cocksman ready to put her to the test. Shes limber and eager and they start by folding her in half on the bench. Solo is first up and gets to try her tight little pussy out, but Jade’s hands and mouth are eager to get a grip on the rest of the cocksman. She comes for the first time on thee very first cock and that’s just the warm up! Turns out the she is a squirter too! Jade takes cock after cock from the guys as...
xmoviesforyouAs she started walking he could not take his eyes of her. She was fair with silky hair well endowed. She wore a blue jacket over a white shirt and a matching knee length skirt. She took his breath away even after working together for 5 years. Their relationship had blossomed professionally and he ensured that he did not cross the line. She was single when she joined and she was a mother now. Sandy never thought she would continue post marriage and a kid but she did. Even though he had the...
*Note: Don’t read this if you’re easily offended ... or if you have a weak stomach ... really, you probably just shouldn’t read this. The cabin is a good distance from the main road, perhaps six or seven miles. The tree line is dense enough to shield any would be prying eyes. Last night I narrowed my search down to a five mile radius within French Creek State Park. It’s quiet, isolated, and visibly guarded from any fire towers. Understandable why a hunter like him would choose such a location....
Introduction: Dr. Davenport is struck by inpiration Lets just say Adrianna was very often running through my head ever since her first session. I had exhibited better self control and had been able to do more detailed sessions with her. I convinced her mother to let me do hour and a half sessions with Adrianna, that she needed extra help. It gave me longer to stare at her, longer to try to get details of her escapades. Plus it left me a free half hour until my next patient. Every session lead...
She awakened before he did, and went to the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth. Then, she looked at her naked body in the mirror and considered that it would still pass inspection, even after the vigorous dancing last night. As she brushed her hair, she reflected on her feeling of total comfort in this house, and then dreaded having to go home. A vision flashed through her mind of seeing him walk off to prison in one of those striped suits that said, "CONVICT" on the back. She then decided...
Fourth of July My friend Ryan and I had gone over to Michaela’s for a party on the Fourth of July. Michaela was my girlfriend at the time. She’s about 5’6’’, reddish-brownish hair, and pretty fit body with some very nice D cup breasts. It was a neighborhood party that her parents were throwing, but there were still some people our age. That night I found myself in a hot tub with Michaela, her friends Deanna, Natalie, my friend Ryan, and some other guy. Michaela’s dad was right next to the hot...
Group SexBY Docker5000 Carol Newport was just leaving her office to go home, when she got a telephone call from her sister Tricia. Tricia told her that her husband’s mother; had been rushed into hospital and they were on their way to go and see how she was. Because they did not know how bad she was they did not want to take Jonathan their son with them and could he please stay with her for the weekend and they would pick him up if everything went to plan Monday morning. Carol was a little...
Diane laid back, staring at the ceiling. Doctor Hamsley took hold of a remote that was connected to the table by a thick cord. "I'm sorry Diane, let me make things more comfortable for you." A beep later and the whole table was moving, morphing into a different form as Diane slid her body to accommodate it. She was now reclining as if at the dentist, but still mostly on her back. Dr. Linda motioned to Jimmy. "We need to prep you." She hooked up a blood pressure cuff onto his arm, wrapping it...
Ready for some VR porn at Wankz VR? Put down that shitty porn magazine or 480p video on your phone and listen the fuck up. Why are you still watching that same old boring shit? It’s time to try something new. Something that will ruin regular porn for you forever. VR porn. Before you even start. Don’t come at me with that bullshit that you can’t afford a VR headset. Not only does the site I’m talking about this time come with a free smartphone headset, but there are also tons of cheap options to...
VR Porn SitesHie,this is Prameet srivastava from kanpur.This story is about my neighborhood aunt bubbli singh..Bubbli aunty was very conservative lady..She has dark complex but very attractive figure…She has huge boobs..She looks like bipasha basu…She is tall…Everybody wants to bang her at least once… She used to like me as I was very very good in my study…She was a very good lady till year 2010… Then their family left our neighborhood and settled in delhi… Slowly with the time,we lost contact of her. I...