Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 30 free porn video

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Gronnus stepped away from the gazebo. He had to pause a moment halfway down the path to catch his breath and stop his heart from hammering in his chest.

He glanced over towards the west. The afternoon sun had disappeared behind a storm blowing in from the ocean. The breeze had stirred, bringing with it a promise of rain. Until it delivered, the air was still muggy and oppressive. He turned again down the path, Overlord Freya far ahead of him. She disappeared into her quarters just as Gronnus got to the bottom of the path.

He felt a little sorry for Amanda. He, too, knew of Freya's propensities, perhaps better than any other Overlord, having visited her Manor on so many occasions when he had been courting her vote.

At this point, he was glad to be rid of her. The alliance, such that it was, had likely been ill-fated from the beginning. Having her as an ally now would have made matters worse. She would likely see Roquan's assassination as a means for herself to gain.

Just as Gronnus passed by Freya's quarters, the female Overlord burst out, yanking the door shut behind her. She stood in Gronnus' way.

"All right. Just what in hellfire was that all about?"

Gronnus blinked in surprise at the anger in Freya's eyes. "I am sure I don't know what you're talking about, Freya," he said with forced patience. "Now if you will excuse me, I..."

Gronnus tried to sidestep her. She blocked his way again.

"You accused me of playing games once," said Freya. "Now who's playing games?"

Gronnus sighed. "I do not have time for this..."

"Make the time. I want to know what's going on in your head, scary as that is."

"And just why is this important to you?"

"Why? Simple. I have what I want. I want to get out of here with it."

Gronnus sneered. "What are you afraid of? That Roquan will find out how you're treating the poor girl?"

"Don't get sanctimonious on me!" Freya spat. "I could care less what he finds out."

"Why do I have trouble believing that?"

"Then believe what you wish. The fact of the matter is, Gronnus, that I want out of this infernal Manor as quickly as possible. Why do you think I gave Roquan my vote?"

Gronnus gaped at her. "What?? You gave... you gave Roquan your vote just to end the Conclave faster?! Then why didn't you..."

"Side with you?" she asked with a smirk. "Because you would have been evenly matched. The debate would gave gone on and on, and I didn't want to deal with that."

"You astound me... no, wait, that's not correct. You do not astound me anymore. You disgust me."

"Well, then we're even. So what is it with..."

Gronnus glowered at her. "I am under no obligation to discuss the matter with the likes of you."

Freya stepped up to him. "I'm warning you, Gronnus. Don't cross me. You have no idea how dangerous I can be. Don't push me. I'll push back. Hard."

Gronnus swallowed. He wished he would not feel so intimidated around this woman! It was not natural! He finally sighed in resignation. "I cannot tell you what is happening, Freya. But it will last no more than a day. I fully intend to resolve this with Roquan tomorrow morning."

Freya paused for a moment, then nodded slowly. "So are you trying to copy what I did? Sorry, but you're not Roquan's type."

Gronnus blanched at this, which delighted Freya. He simply glowered at her again and hastened off towards his quarters.

"Roquan, I don't like this!" Doran bellowed. "Gronnus is up to something, I can feel it!"

"What could he possibly do?" Rennis said in a pleading voice. Doran had been ranting the whole walk back to Roquan's quarters. "You said yourself he hardly has any support at all anymore, and Roquan managed to top his deals, so what does that leave him with?"

Doran remained mercifully silent for a moment, the first time he had since leaving the bluff. He was red-faced, partially from his anger and bluster, and partially from the heat and humidity. In the far distance there was a low, rumbling wave of thunder.

"I can understand where Doran is coming from," Roquan said in a soft voice as he procured some cold water for them from the large jug in the sanitary. He handed goblets to Doran and Rennis before obtaining one last one for himself. "I do not understand his motivation either for bringing up such a trivial point."

"Well, in a way, it's not trivial," Rennis commented carefully. "He's questioning the integrity of a witness to a crime, essentially."

"Oh, now don't you start!" said Doran. "That would be well and good were this a trial in an Imperial court. But this is an Overlord Conclave. The rules are different here."

"And the other Overlords thought it trivial, Rennis," Roquan pointed out. "At least from the reactions I saw in their faces. They are as confused about this as we are."

"I can only see it as an attempt to delay the Conclave! Nothing more! It's as you said, he's buying time!"

"But for what?" Rennis asked. "He can't make any more deals. He certainly is not going to sway anyone after nearly making a fool out of himself..."

"Nearly?" Doran snorted. "By that way, that reminds me, Roquan, you handled yourself superbly at the Conclave! You did exactly what you should have done, you turned around his arguments right back at him."

"A lot of good it did though. We're still stuck with the Point of Order."

"As I said, Gronnus is up to something. And you'll likely find out tomorrow morning what that is. This was just an ill-conceived plan to make some sort of deal with you."

Roquan frowned. "Deal? Does he seriously think I will throw the Conclave in his favor for some deal?"

"Well, it's all I can think of!"

"Then he has wasted his time. I shall not deal away the Conclave."

"And I don't expect you to! The idea is preposterous."

"Unless he feels he has something he can hold over you," Rennis said darkly.

Roquan met Rennis' gaze sharply, then softened when he saw that Rennis only had concern in his eyes. "We will simply hope that it does not come down to that," he said quietly.

Doran glanced between the two of them. He was more certain than ever that there was a shared secret between them, but it was not his place to ask. "He has nothing," he declared, downing the rest of his water in one go. "Nothing at all. Perhaps he wants some small trinket for giving his vote to you and removing his further opposition. It is the only thing that makes sense now."

"A face-saving gesture?" Rennis asked.

Doran nodded. "Yes. In which case, Roquan should be gracious and accept it."

"I do not need to give him anything," Roquan said stonily.

Doran rolled his eyes and sighed. "Roquan, you will have to deal with him again. With all the Overlords. You do not want to burn your bridges just as you have built them!"

Roquan sighed in exasperation. "Fine. I will deal with him in that regard. Graciously."

"Good." Doran wiped his forehead. "Great gods, does it ever cool off here?"

Another long rumble sounded, louder this time, causing the poles to vibrate. "A storm is arriving," Roquan said. "It generally cools off behind that."

"You and me both, Doran," Rennis said with a small grin. "Here, let's head back to our respective quarters. We should be getting a good breeze from the ocean by now."

This time, Jollis waited until the Portal had closed completely before emerging from behind the unused slave quarters. In one hand, a blue pearl lay balanced in his palm. He closed this hand and tucked away the pearl on his person. In his other was a large, corked jug. A faintly pinkish fluid sloshed inside of it.

He believed he knew what was about to happen. From what he knew of Herdon, and what he had seen between him and Gronnus, and what he knew of the Oceanus Emperor, he was sure he was right. His master had concurred, and had provided him the tools that he now needed to deal with it.

Or rather, to help others to deal with it, for his hand would not interfere directly.

As he emerged from behind the buildings, the ground shook with a long peal of thunder. Overhead, gray-black clouds rolled over the island. In the distance towards the sea, flickers of lightning danced under the approaching storm.

The air was tinged with electricity, and the first faint droplets began to patter down, hurrying Jollis' gait. By the time he had reached his destination, the ground was damp, and to the west, a dark wall of heavy rain was fast approaching.

Jollis knocked lightly on the door frame. There was a long pause, and then a muffled "Enter!" in a strained voice.

The merchant allowed himself in, and bowed. "I humbly beg your pardon for this intrusion, Overlord," he said. He lifted the jug and held it out from him with both hands, the typical gesture for offering a gift. "But I felt compelled to help."

Gronnus raised his head and blinked wearily at the merchant. The Overlord was not looking well. The combination of the stifling heat and his anxiety over what was to come made him look pale. "Help? Help with what?" he said a bit crossly.

"You mentioned yesterday to me that the heat was affecting you. I bring something that will help."

Gronnus looked at him oddly. "Just who are you?"

"I am the merchant you met the day before, near Roquan's quarters."

"Huh? Oh! Uh, yes. I don't think I caught your name... ?"

"Jollis, your Lordship."

"Your Clan?"

"None, Overlord. I am just Jollis."

There was a loud crack of thunder that jolted Gronnus in his seat. He glanced nervously towards the window and quickly gestured for Jollis to enter.

The merchant smiled pleasantly and closed the door behind him. He quickly fetched a goblet and uncorked the jug. A slightly sweet, citrus scent filled the room. "This is a fruit juice blend from my native lands," said Jollis as he poured out the concoction. "Many of my people that live in the hotter climes drink this every day. Please." He handed the Overlord the goblet.

Gronnus stared into the goblet for a moment, then tentatively gave it a sip. He raised an eyebrow as he found it to his liking and took a larger drink. He looked up at the merchant. "And what do I owe you for this, Jollis?"

"Ah, but did I not make the correct gesture as I entered that this was a gift?" Jollis said with no recrimination whatsoever in his voice.

"Yes, you did. My apologies, I... my mind is elsewhere at the moment."

"Understandable. I am sure there are important decisions to make with regards to the Conclave."

Gronnus consumed about half of what was in the goblet before he looked up again. His gaze was a sobering one. "You have no idea," he said in a low, despondent voice.

"But perhaps I do."

Gronnus lowered the cup and stared.

"I have been faced recently with the need to perform a most distasteful act, your Lordship. So I know how such things can weigh heavily on the mind."

The Overlord paused a long moment. "And is this what you assume I am up to?"

Jollis bowed his head briefly. "I am but a humble merchant, your Lordship. I presume nothing. I simply wish to express sympathy for you in what decisions you must deal with."

Gronnus sighed and leaned back in his chair, downing much of what was left in his goblet. He was not feeling quite as ill as he had. "Sometimes, Jollis, decisions are taken out of our hands," he declared somberly. He looked into his goblet, swirling around what little of the juice remained.

"The rest is yours, Overlord," Jollis said, lifting the jug into view again briefly before laying it at Gronnus' feet. "And if I may be so bold, I would like to leave you with this: whenever I see that a decision has been taken from me, it often means I am not looking at the problem from the right perspective."

Gronnus had picked up the jug and was about to refill his goblet when he paused and looked back up at the merchant, a small frown on his face. "And what would you know of this? What would you know of what that decision was? Or the circumstances around it?"

Jollis knew a great deal indeed. Far too much to reveal to the Overlord. For one thing, he knew that Herdon was at this moment keeping watch over Roquan's quarters. Then there had been the threatening confrontation between Herdon and the Overlord the day before, when it appeared that Gronnus was on his way to see Roquan. From this, Jollis could assume that Herdon wished to keep Gronnus from contacting Roquan.

He also knew of the Point of Order by this time, and that Gronnus and Roquan were to meet privately. Thus, Jollis had concluded, Herdon was manipulating events to get them together at a specific time and place. The only real question was Herdon's background. Jollis' master had not been able to provide anything more than what was already known, that he had been trained as a soldier in the Emperor's guard. Yet where the Emperor was about to strike, this meant that Herdon could very well be serving as the Emperor's hand.

"You are, perhaps, correct in this," Jollis said carefully. "Yet, it is in my nature to help."

Gronnus nodded slowly. "It is not unappreciated," the Overlord said simply as he drank the second goblet-full of juice.

Jollis smiled. "Ah, but this is good to hear. May I be so bold again as to offer one more bit of advice?"

Gronnus paused, then nodded wordlessly.

"Sometimes what prevents us from seeing the solution to a problem is that we are... locked... into thinking that we have to provide it."

Gronnus gave the merchant a nonplussed look.

"I wish to leave you with a second gift." Jollis reached into his tunic and extracted the blue pearl.

The Overlord peered at it with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. When it was offered to him, he hesitated before tentatively taking it from the merchant. "But what does this... ?"

A soft, diffuse noise from all around them grew steadily louder as the rains began to pour down outside.

"Perhaps you should approach your problem as a puzzle. Sometimes all it takes is the one hint to unlock the secret of the solution." Jollis smiled. "Or... it may be your key to finding someone who can."

Jollis turned away from the perplexed Overlord and opened the door. Ran came down in sheets, splattering water on his legs. He turned to the Overlord and gave a respectful bow of his head. "Good day to you, Overlord Gronnus."

Without waiting for a reply, he stepped out into the drenching rains and was gone.

The rains continued off-and-on into the evening.

Amanda tried to focus her attention on it. The sound was always soothing to her back in Sirinna's quarters. It helped lull her to sleep on nights she was too nervous about one thing or another. Now she wanted it simply as a distraction.

It was hard. Her pussy strained and ached very badly. Her hips writhed despite her attempts to stop, as if acting on their own in some vain hope it would make her crest. She could not stop trembling.

Yet she managed it. It distracted her from her sensual torture enough to minister to her mistress. Amanda gently suckled at one of Freya's nipples while lightly stroking Freya's very wet pussy with her fingers.

"Mmm, that's it..." Freya cooed softly. "Slowly... I wish to enjoy this... I wish to enjoy your squirming..."

Amanda simply let her mind be carried further way by the patter of the rain. It had taken less than a day for her to realize that the worst of this nightmare was not the prison on her sex, or the lack of dignity, but the taunts. At least when the other slaves did it to her, she knew it was part of the training, that it was more a game to them than anything else. From this Overlord, it was simply hurtful.

Freya lifted a hand to Amanda's side, sliding down slowly to the girl's hip. She could feel the girl quivering, and the hips swaying back and forth uncontrollably. "You came close to speaking out of turn earlier, Amanda."

Amanda did not pause. Until Freya ordered her otherwise, she kept doing what she was last told to do. She pressed her lips to the areola and sucked the nipple between her lips. Her fingers teasingly probed Freya's tunnel.

Freya briefly closed her eyes and let a small breathy moan escape her parted lips. "Mmm... perhaps I should keep you like this a little longer... do you think you could sleep with your pussy being stroked all the time?"

A shudder passed through Amanda, but she stopped herself from reacting any further.

Freya chuckled. "I won't do that. But shall you get a reward tonight or not?"

Amanda squeezed Freya's breast in her fingers and took the nipple deeper into her mouth.

Freya tilted her head back, panting lightly. "Not bad... not bad at all..." she breathed. "Now my pussy... deeper... mmm, yes..."

Amanda slipped her fingers into Freya, the Overlord's cunt squeezing tightly as they penetrated. Slowly she sank them deeper into Freya, pressing her thumb against Freya's nub, massaging it with firm, slow circular strokes.

Freya closed her eyes again, her pleasure mounting. Her hand caressed Amanda's hip, then one of her ass cheeks before motioning up Amanda's back and playing with her hair. She lay her hand against the back of Amanda's head and pressed the girl's face more firmly into her breast.

Amanda felt her face fill with soft flesh. She had to tilt her head slightly to be able to breathe. She sucked harder, bringing a small gasp and then a deep moan from her mistress. She thrust her fingers in more deeply into Freya's depths and then began to slide them in and out. She tilted them forward, making sure to properly stroke Freya's womanhood each time.

Freya's breath grew short. Outside, the rain was letting up. Amanda let out a small whimper as it got harder to ignore the sensations from her pussy. She tried not to let it affect her actions. As anxious as she was to finish off Freya in the vain hope that the Overlord would see her way clear to granting Amanda relief, she did not want to take the chance of displeasing her.

Dutifully, Amanda drove the Overlord higher and higher, steadily but not too quickly. Finally, Freya arched her back and her cunt convulsed around Amanda's fingers. The Overlord moaned loudly, her body shuddering as she throbbed. Carefully, Amanda drew out the orgasm, easing off slowly, keeping it pleasurable but backing off before it became too much. By the time Freya's body relaxed, one final "Mmmmm..." uttered from her as the last of her climax faded, Amanda had lifted her mouth and and fingers from the Overlord's body.

Freya looked up and smiled. "You have some skills after all."

"Thank you, mistress," Amanda said, her voice strained and breathless. She was panting. The strain in her pussy was incredible. She could not ignore it anymore, and her body shook with the desperate need for release.

"Do you want to cum, Amanda?" Freya asked sweetly.

"It's whatever you wish of me, mistress," she said breathlessly.

"You learn fast. I suppose that is a plus. You will remain where you are."

"Y-yes, mistress."

Amanda remained on all fours as Freya slipped out from under her. Amanda hung her head, breathing hard. A few moments later she felt a hand between her thighs from behind and then a touch to her pussy.

At first, she thought Freya was just going to turn it off again and leave her frustrated once more. She was sure she would cry if that happened. In fact, the tears had already begun to fill her eyes when she felt the fingers press harder into her.

She soared and crested. The throbbing was intense, so much so that she made not a sound, her hips jerking violently. Finally she found her voice and moaned, her orgasm wracking her body. The thing over her mound drew it out, almost to the excruciating proportions of that phallic-shaped device that had been used on her days before. Finally the climax did abate, and it left Amanda shaking.

However, she did not dare collapse. She remained on all fours, even as badly as her limbs trembled, until she was told otherwise.

"Is that all better now, slave?" Freya said in a mocking tone of voice.

"Yes, mistress," Amanda breathed. "Thank you, mistress."

Freya chuckled. She caressed one of Amanda's thighs, and for a frightening moment Amanda thought that the Overlord was going to activate it again. Instead, she slapped Amanda lightly on the ass and withdrew her hand. She picked up the end of the chain and gave it a snap.

"Stand up."

Amanda could not resist uttering a small groan as she struggled to her feet. Her legs trembled but held. There was a residual ache in her pussy from the force of her orgasm. She stood before her mistress and lowered her eyes, folding her hands before her.

Freya considered her young slave for a moment. She placed her fingers under Amanda's chin and lifted the girl's gaze to hers. "Hmm... better. Not yet there, but better. Hopefully it will not be long before I have you back in my Manor and I can train you properly."

Amanda just looked at Freya, trying not to outwardly react to this. Leaving the Manor was the worst thing that could happen to her. Now she was actually grateful for what that other Overlord had done. If it had delayed the Conclave by at least another day, it was another chance for Roquan to find a way to get her back.

At the same time, a little knowledge was a dangerous thing. She now knew enough about the system to realize that the hope she had for this was faint at best.

"You may rest now, Amanda," Freya said, gesturing towards the furs in the corner of the room. "I will likely have no further use for you tonight."

"Yes, mistress."

Amanda curled up on the furs, a small sigh coming from her as Freya secured the other end to one of the bedposts. She tried very hard not to let despair and depression overwhelm her.

She suddenly wished she had contact with Jollis again. For some reason, she felt like he would know what to do.

The rain had slackened by the time Jollis made his way from the merchant camp back into the Manor. Only a very light rain fell around him now, the air misty and moist and finally cool. Towards the west, some breaks in the clouds appeared, allowing hints of the deep purple of fading dusk to appear.

He made very sure to head straight for Sirinna's quarters, and to appear unconcerned with anything else. He avoided going near Roquan's quarters. He knew that Herdon was standing vigil over it, hidden somewhere in the trees off to the side between it and the path that wound down towards the outlying building where the Overlord's Portal lay.

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 19

Emperor Z'haas was not a patient man by any stretch of the imagination in less eventful times, and even less so once he received word that the Conclave had started. He had given Gronnus a quarter moon, yet he found himself anxious for word of progress after only the second day. He summoned the Overlord over Farview late that morning. There was a long pause before it was answered, Z'haas having to restrain himself from passing his hand over the pearl again and again. "Your timing is very...

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 25

The Wanderer stood at the threshold to his bedchamber, gazing through a small gap between the curtain and the edge of the frame. He peered at the still form of Sirinna as she lay on her bed, her sides rising and falling slowly and steadily. He had already checked on Amanda moments before and found her fast asleep as well. Carefully, the merchant slipped past the curtain, crouching as he made his way as silently as possible towards the exit. He was not concerned with Sirinna waking and seeing...

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 16

The Wanderer lived up to his name. Or at least inasmuch as it would seem to someone watching him. In reality, Jollis had his path well thought out. He knew Roquan would be quite busy that day with the opening of the Conclave. However, he wished to insure that he could catch the Overlord at some point before the man retired for the evening. It was very important for him to meet with the man, to establish a rapport with the Overlord. In effect, to build the man's trust. This would be...

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 15

"My dear Gronnus, just what was that all about?" Gronnus returned Freya's cool look with a level one of his own as the two of them stood on the path just outside the gazebo. "Why, whatever do you mean, Freya?" "Do not play coy with me," she said, a warning tone edging into her voice. "You practically challenged Roquan to a final debate and vote right then and there." "The other Overlords might have taken me up on it had not that windbag Doran droned on about tradition. What would...

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 28

The Wanderer was a man of instincts. His training had taught him how to search for that inner guide that could offer him the quickest path to enlightenment. When done properly, he could summon up the same answer that his analytical mind would have spent twice as long in determining. Those instincts now told him he should be ready for a major change. He could see the growing exhaustion on the Overlord's face as the two of them spoke shortly after the evening meal. As the conversation...

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 2

In truth, had Amanda not been as nervous about the deflowering, she might not have flown off the handle like that. She already felt guilty about it by the time they turned down the path to Roquan's quarters. She quickly ceased to dwell on such matters, however, as the Overlord's residence loomed ahead of her. Despite the fact that she remained in full sun all the way to the door, she felt it casting a shadow over her nonetheless. Chain or no chain, she had to resist the urge to bolt. It...

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Hot Priya Aunty At Her 408217s

Hi ladies and gentlemen. This Srinivas again with an experience which happened in good Friday. To know how I lost my and my first experience please open below link. . Please excuse me for mistakes done while writing this story. please send your feedback to Thanks for ISS to posting my story on this plot. Received several interesting feedback by both men’s and ladies. Thanks for all those feedbacks. In my inbox I saw an message titled “You are lucky boy”. Opened and saw it was from a lady named...

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Holi Ke Baad Mom Ka Gang Bang

Hi my name is Swarna Singh. Mere mom ka naam Sakshi hai. Woh ek housewife hai woh ek modern lady hai. Aap to jante hai Punjabi ladkiya kaise hoti hai woh bhi ekdum gori chitti hai aur unka figure to kayamat hai. Unhe chote kapde pehnna aur body show karna bahut pasand hai. Woh hamesha sleeveless, backless, deep neck, deep back hi pehnti hai chahe kurti pehne ya blouse. Woh hamesh nabhi ke niche hi sari bandhti hai. Bhale hi woh modern ho but mere dad se bahut pyar karti hai unki bahut care...

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My Dripping Panties

My Dripping Panties!How I love wearing rather old fashioned and out dated American made Nylon Panties.Now a friend who I met some time ago gave me a whole carrier bag filled with them, she said she had so many and would I like some, so I said yes of course!So over time I began wearing them, but never did anything else with them.Yes of course I wear them everyday as a normal item of clothing but in addition I like using them when I have sex, usually on my own, but I would love to try this with a...

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A Tortured SoulChapter 27 The Paul Robertson Experience

She didn’t change her mind. In fact, I couldn’t even get her to wait the whole two weeks until the end of the exams. She wanted her Paul Robertson Experience, and she wanted it now. Or at least, as soon as it was feasible. She even went to the trouble of contacting Amanda and booking the Saturday night in the middle of the exams. I got a text from Amanda shortly after. Does this mean you’re back in the game? Can I tell the girls and draw up a timetable? I sent her a one-word reply. You can...

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DREAMING OF DAWNFaith couldn't help it - even as she ate the pussy of the forty-something woman splayed out in front of her, she thought of nothing but B's little s!ster. The bitch in the suit - dressed for power lunches and corporate shenanigans, not to mention tongue fucks by tramps picked up in seedy bars – barely existed outside her peripheral vision. She was just a meal, someone Faith had said yes to, simply for amusement. The bitch didn’t know it, but she was just a prop in Faith’s...

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The Naked GardenerChapter 2

True to her word, Kathleen was naked in her backyard again when Marge arrived the next day. Kat smiled brightly and hugged Marge when she saw her. She was afraid that the incident from the day before might have chilled their friendship. Seeing Marge in her backyard told her that all was fine. She did feel uncomfortable being naked, though. Just as Marge had walked in on her yesterday, anyone could do the same thing. She was worried about being discovered by a delivery man or a utilities...

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Wile E Coyote The Way It Should Be

WILE E. COYOTE: THE WAY IT SHOULD BE By C. In the western mesa-lands of Mythica, there lives a clever, shrewd, indeedwily Coyote. He has lived long and fairly well by using his wits--plus productsgenerously donated by the Acme Company, for which he is principal spokesbeast. He'll eat almost anything, but his favorite food is female roadrunner. InMythica, this is not the scrawny, ill-tempered bird that you and I know inthe land of Dismal-Realia. Here, she is a beautiful, cinnamon-skinned...

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The cdren of the Watchers

This is a story about myth creation and syncretization. If you're offended by stories where your sacred texts are reinvented, then you may not wish to read this."Once upon a time, a long time ago before the Flood, the Watchers were on and above the earth. The Watchers' job was to observe and report the doings of human beings to God...""But they were really aliens instead of angels, weren't they Nadiya?""Yes, Sam, they were. You already know the story. Why do you want me to tell it again?""I...

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Mein Fragebogen

FRAGEBOGEN FÜR FRAUEN Alter:21Familienstand:ledig Kinder: 0Körpchengröße:75b Kopf Haarfarbe:rot manchmal blondKopf Haarlänge:lang Schamhaar Farbe: braunSchamhaar länge:mittelWenn Rasiert wann das erste mal:13 Wie sieht deine Pussy aus?schön Augenfarbe:braunGröße:156Gewicht:50Tatoos:jaPiercing: jaWas hast du beim Schlafen an:ShirtWas gefällt dir an deinem Körper am Besten?Po Wie viele feste Beziehungen hattest du:5Wie viele sexuelle „Partner“ hattest du:genugWie alt waren deine jüngsten/ältesten...

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GT Tracey the PT gets GangBanged Day One

He found out later that the nickname meant Great Tits! By the way they [probably size 38C] strained against the thin cotton fabric of her skimpy boobtube, the nipples protruded in the cool evening air, and they bounced when she walked, her nickname was well earned. As was another nickname given to her by the guys at college, which they were yet to find out – “ P.T.” which meant Prick Teaser! Tracey didn’t mean to be a tease as such, she just liked to flirt and, coming from a strict...

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Ana at the back alleyway

That Friday night we had gone out to have some drinks at a local bar with some other couples and friends.It had been a long day at work and everybody looked so wasted…Almost all our friends had gone home and Anita insisted she wanted a last drink before leaving, so we headed to the bar.We sat there and soon a blonde waitress brought my wife a full glass. Ana looked surprised; but the girl said the shot was from my wife’s admirer at the end of the bar.Both Ana and I turned to see the guy, who...

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I Can Make Money With This Thing

This happened twenty something years ago, it was the best summer of my life. I had just turned sixteen and was trying to save money to buy a car. I had it made that summer. My breast were up to a "c" cup, my hips and ass were near perfect, my hair had lightened to near blonde. I was having to beat the guys off of me. I had had sex several times with three different boys and really liked it. School was out for summer and i had the smallest bikini I could by on and sitting by the neighborhood...

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EroticSpice Josy Black Banging The Yoga Teacher

When British bombshell Baby Kxtten and her boyfriend, Don Diego, check into the Fake Hostel, Steve Q is instantly attracted to the petite blonde. After showing them to their room, grey-haired hunk Steve approaches Baby Kxtten, who treats him to a sneaky blowjob before sticking out her tight, firm ass for a doggystyle fucking! Afterwards, the horny pair do some 69ing, with Baby Kxtten rimming Steve and gagging on his thick cock, and then the cheating slut bounces on his rod cowgirl-style while...

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Party Sex With Three

Hi ISS readers this is Topaz from Chennai going to tell about the real story which happened in my life. First let me describe about me I am 22 yrs old and doing my under graduate in well known college in Chennai. I am athletic body and fair complex. I am from very rich family so I use to go college in car only. The stories start now I had one close gal friend her name is Samporna who is studying with me in same college some time I use to pick up her also to college. She having very sexy body of...

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UnfaithfulChapter 6 What Happened Next

She had intended to see who she was fucking after Chloe removed her blindfold, but then he came. When he did, his member swelled inside. It was just what she'd needed to throw her over the edge. But once she heard someone calling her name, she was compelled to see who it was. Kayla looked down at the man. They made eye contact. "Alex? You're in Florence Marina!" Eugene laughed, "No Kayla, he's inside you. Can't you feel him?" The room exploded in laughter. Kayla didn't reply....

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Bath of BloodChapter 3 The Naked Victim

Jaclyn stood at the entrance to the funeral home. Dylan stood to her right, her father to her left. They greeted each of the guests who entered, shaking their hands and accepting their words of sympathy. "I just want this day to be over," Jaclyn said. Dylan squeezed her arm assuringly. Jaclyn looked up to see Scott enter. She put on a smile and extended her hand. "Thanks for coming, Scott," Jaclyn said, shedding a tear. "Yeah, sorry about your mom," Scott said. "Can I get...

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The Doctor

The doctor (true story)ok, this would seem like a dream fo any of you, but it was true, though when i think about it and I get a hard on because of it, I'm a too close to make another appointment.I need to say a few things before I start with the actual facts.I've been appointed to my general doctor since a few years, and for some reasons, sometimes i had to go to see her quite often, nice serious but colds, flu, pains, etc.and although we treat each other, as Sie (german form to treat people...

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srs part 2

The Captain moved around in front of me. I was mesmerized by the sight of the soldier’s huge cock playing with my s****r. My plight returned, the Captain not content with watching my s****rs r4pe, he wanted to abuse me. His hands returned to my panties. His fingers slowly played with them, letting them slide down my abdomen, teasing me, forcing me to accept the humiliation of being stripped naked. He picked up one my ankles and tied a rope around it, making me groan in pain when he tightened it...

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The Metal Box

May 23rd, 1993 – Suburban New Jersey, just outside New York CityEighteen year old James Hurst had no idea why he'd been called to Principal Banford's office. It was the end of the day and the request had come via a note sent to his photography teacher, near the end of class. (As a senior in the final semester of school, and being already accepted to Duke on a lacrosse scholarship, James had opted to take do-nothing classes in his final high school semester).Walking through the school office...

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Now This is Therapy part 2

This picks up where “Now Who’s the Therapist” left off. Her and I still get together at least once a week. Lately it has been twice per week. I have become her therapist of sorts by helping her with her obvious “daddy issues”. Taking advantage of her daddy issues is likely a better deion but which one of us is using those issues to our advantage ? I think its mutual. As we’ve continued to have our “sessions” she would convey to me more about her childhood. I didn’t remind her at all of...

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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 4

Tony woke up, uncertain of where he was. Opening his eyes, he gazed at the unfamiliar ceiling for a moment before he realized that he wasn’t alone. A warm, sticky body was pressed up against his and one leg was hooked over his hips and pressing against his slowly awakening manhood. He took a deep breath and stretched slightly, trying to get his circulation going without waking whoever was sharing his bed. At his slight movement, Cherrill raised her head and smiled at him. “Feeling better?”...

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Dyked Natasha Starr Sloan Harper The Strap On From Siberia

Sloan Harper has never been tied up before. One day while she is playing around with her tatted up boss, he ties her to a chair, butt naked. Suddenly, they hear the front door and he disappears, hiding from his wife before she walks in on them. He leaves Sloan all tied up and when his wife, Natasha Starr, walks in, she immediately puts the pieces of the puzzle together. It all makes sense now. She has had her suspicions but today, finally, all is revealed! Natasha decides to have some fun...

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Farm Training

Matilda, she much preferred “Matty”, was a solid, no nonsense farm widow. Her husband had been killed in a tractor accident about three years ago. The life insurance paid off the mortgage and she sold the farm equipment to settle other debts. There was some income from renting their land but she needed more. Keeping small animals like chickens and rabbits and pigs she could handle. It gave her a purpose and brought money at the Farmer’s Market. If course it fed her too. Matty was about 5’4”...

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father exam step daughter

I am a physician assistant at a busy walk-in medical center. My duties include everything from minor first aid to doing complete exams on the patients. There are four physician assistants, four physicians and eight nurses who work rotating shifts twenty-four hours a day. We all get along well, and we help to take care of medical problems in each other's family, this since we are the only medical facility within fifty miles, that being the reason we are so busy. My spouse and I have been married...

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The Greatest Liar My Awkward Phase

Alex Rios’ furtive high school transition is suspected by friends, revealed to a lover and exposed by his enemies. With his intellectual hauteur torn away, he becomes the girl he longed, and was destined, to be. My Awkward Phase©Alexandra Rios 2019The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar.WannabeesI was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and...

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Cheating and lying slut wife

My wife has been cheating on me for over 6 month now. And she lies to me about going to the mall always. she is banging her x-BF/lover. she is a whore in my book. I hate her for what she does to me but at the same time i love to eat her pussy with a other mans cum inside of her. I guess i’m a major cockhold. she comes home and takes a shower fast i can even touch her. she is acting wired for the past 6 months. But i have learned to live with it. i will never leave her i lover to much and she...

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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part I

Trish closed down the cover before lifting the laptop off the bed and placing it on top of her bedside cabinet. “You need a rest darling,” she said, turning back around to me. Her eyes fell on my groin. It was summer and I was lying naked on top of the bed next her. Trish wore a short, red top that masqueraded as a nightdress. It served little purpose, as she was naked underneath. Trish always preferred the freedom from the restraints of underwear in bed. I never complained. I always slept...

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Camp the final chapter

Mysterious stranger:- "That was close, you need to be more careful when facing creatures like that, very hard to beat and very few weapons have the ability to stop them" Jonah:- "Yeah i already know that, still got to ask who you are" Mysterious stranger:- "Who am i, well that depends on who you want me to be, friend or foe, i'll let you choose" Jonah:- "Not what i meant but still, i guess right now i'd choose friend" Mysterious stranger:- "Friend i am then until you...

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The fraternity

The fraternityThe campus at State U. was so big, and Pete couldn't get over that fact as he walked across the Quad on this first day of class. As a freshman he had so much to learn about life at a big college like State U. Worries about new classes, being away from home for the first time, and of course tonight the initiation into the fraternity he was pledged to last week. He was a little worried about that, because he had heard horror stories about frat hazing that had turned out tragically,...

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A Home Visit by Mrs Jensen

It had been seven weeks since I had been caned after school in Louise Jensen’s office. I had thought of little else since the mature Head Mistress had administered twelve no-nonsense strokes on my bare bottom with her cane. Within an hour of arriving home from my meeting with her, Lucy had been around and had stayed for hours wanting to know every intimate detail of my punishment. I hadn’t minded this at all as I was still so aroused after the punishment and Lucy had insisted on examining my...

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JOALT Journey Of A Life Time Chapter 1 in the beginning

JOALT - "Journey of a life time" Chapter 1 - in the beginning - PG Preface I just want the ladies that read these following chapters that those of us that enjoy wearing your garments, playing with make up and acting as if we were like you find it much more enjoyable than you do. I understand your need to slip that underwire bra off you chest, amazingly without removing your blouse, the minute you get home work and free the captive twins once again. To stand upon a flat surface on...

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UK Hotwife Hayley

UK Hot-wife Hayley - full of surprisesFor quite some time after the night with Gary, Mick and Karen (see: UK shared wife Hayley – the groups fuck slut)) I often whored out my sexy little wife and she became the slut for our group of friends; there wasn’t a pussy she hadn’t eaten, a cock she hadn’t sucked and fucked, and all of her holes had been used by both cocks and dildos alike.But as life goes on the times I shared my wife with our friends became less and less frequent. It was then we...

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CYBERPARTNERS BY M.M. The weather was a real bitch; I had plans togo out today and spend all day outside of these walls, but the rain justwouldn't stop. Wind was pretty strong, too, filling my apartment with scentof soggy soil. TV? No, not tonight, I spend too much time in front of itanyway. So, I decided to surf a little; the net is always an interestingplace. After checking some interesting and some dull sites I ran my browserto a chat command; I wanted to find a new chat room; one I...

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The Amazon Combat ArenaChapter 2

When Mike returned to the gym, he made a call to his boss. After enduring five minutes of yelling and screaming and being called an ungrateful bastard, he was told he was fired and that he should clean his stuff out of the apartment by the end of the next day. By noon the next day Mike had his clothes and personal effects in the back seat of his car and was heading out of the city. He soon found himself driving through the affluent suburbs north of the city. It took an additional half an...

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Kellys First Time 4

It took no time for Leann, Kelly, and Steve to adjust to Leann moving in with the other two. Steve's bedroom was across the hall from the girls' rooms, but nobody bothered closing the doors any more. In fact, Steve even considered removing the doors from the hinges, but that seemed to be going too far. After graduation from high school, Kelly and Leann both got jobs and immediately began to contribute more to the household than just their bodies, though that was a significant contribution in...

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Tylers first day

Before leaving, Tyler quickly stopped to comb his hair at the mirror. He took a moment to look at himself. He stood just below six feet tall and had a slender build. Straight brown hair came down from his head, and rested slightly above his blue eyes. Tyler took a deep breath. He couldn’t help to feel nervous as he started his first day of college. People always seemed to love him, but that was high school. This is a whole new world. As he walked down his hallway, Tyler fished his schedule...

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