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Note: although this can be read as a stand alone story, it works best as a follow on from 'Kon Tiki', to which there is a link below. Hope you enjoy.


Through the view screen in his private quarters, Major Redford was cursed with a bird’s eye view of the undulating, writhing mountains of flame-coloured gas banking up against the containment field. In twenty four hours the situation had deteriorated rapidly; now only fleeting glimpses of the planet’s blue-green surface could be seen below. No alternatives remained, no other solutions. Everyone knew it. He tried to imagine the panic, the violence, the insanity enveloping the world below as survivors looked skyward and realised they had been abandoned to bear witness to the hypnotic, swirling end of the earth.

By his side, Sofia, the soft-spoken, young French-born technician on his staff gazed down at the panorama, forehead resting sadly against the screen, watching the curtain-fall with its otherworldly colours: luminescent yellows, flaming oranges and angry, infernal reds. They reflected in her wide eyes, grim consternation painted across her pretty face.

“Apocalyptic blues?” Redford clumsily hazarded, fumbling for something supportive to say. He was a military man through and through. Emotional self-expression largely evaded him. But where Sofia was concerned he felt compelled to make an effort.

She looked at him, her feline, almond-shaped eyes welling up, “not exactly.”

He could only just make out her features in the low lighting of the room, her hair, smartly cropped into a feathered bob, the slender curve of her neckline where it met the fitted blue of her tunic, her petite, lithe frame.

“What’s the matter, Sofia?” he tried to maintain his stern facade, tried to ignore the delicate scent of her shampoo and body lotion.

“I’ve really screwed up, Sir,” she sounded close to tears.

“Okay,” he said, as softly as he knew how, “just tell me what’s happened.”

“My virtual drive is corrupted; electromagnetic artifacts from The Event, I guess,” the whites of her eyes appeared brilliant in the gloom as she rolled her gaze to the beleaguered planet below, “I’m supposed to upload critical data for the flight crews briefing in an hour and it’s completely messed up; unusable.”

Sofia had been evacuated from earth to The Gatehouse soon after the European collapse became undeniable. She was an outstanding programmer with a genius-level IQ and had been attached to Redford’s staff, gradually insinuating herself into his thoughts during the sleepless nights and image-laden dreams.

“You’re meant to back your drive up hourly,” his reprimand sounded limp, soft-edged.

She nodded helplessly, “I know, Sir, things just got so... hectic.”

“It’s okay, I can fix it,” he heard himself say, contrary to the rigid protocol which governed his life.

“You can?” She rallied a little.

He nodded, “just keep this between us, okay?”

Relief spread across her dainty features. It was intoxicating. In a heartbeat, she was too close; pressed against his chest, the flat of her palm over his heart, her warm breath on his neck.

Redford was mid-way through his forties, but he had taken care of himself; steel haired, firm jawed and physically hard with eyes the colour of copper sulphate. Did he dare imagine that this pocket-sized Venus, twenty years his junior might, in this time of insanity, want him physically? His feelings, confused with loneliness, stress and sentimentality swirled around his underlying conditioning, much like the chaos beneath them.

He held her, sensed willingness transmitted through her touch and then suddenly, it was happening. He clumsily thumbed open the catch of her tunic, unzipped the figure hugging material, allowing access to her soft, bare flesh.

Sofia turned, pressing her bum into him, fingers stroking the side of his face then reached downward, squeezing the hard protrusion in his crotch. She began shedding her uniform, knickers dropped to the floor as his hands sought her out, cupping her tits, pinching her prominent, swollen nipples and caressing her tight, flat abdomen. He teased and tugged at the neat little triangle of hair between her legs, bending her over the desk, his slender, hard dick in his hand; there was no going back. Looking down at her body, the eerie orange hue of oblivion glinted off her pale skin, accentuating the black wing-like tattoos at her shoulder blades, the italic lettering across the small of her back and the long, tiger-stripes wending down over her hard, shapely rear.

The subject of Sofia’s allure had come up in the Officer’s mess more than once. It was said that she was deeply in love with someone aboard The Gatehouse. Redford smiled as he pressed the head of his cock against her pussy, feeling her desire to commit to the act expressed by her wetness, her warmth. Though it was not in his nature, he allowed himself a moment to gloat. Where was this lover now?

“You know Sir, I’ve always wanted to be your little private slut,” she purred.

He slid deeper into her, aflame within the bondage of her interior, “I’ve wanted this too.”

He kept going until his abdomen was pressed against her haunches, then withdrew before pushing himself in again, harder, riding her up onto the desk, pursuing, forcing her to brace herself against the screen with the palm of her hand.

How long had it been?

Two years since he had admitted to himself that his Wife and their children would never leave earth, would never be joining him in the stars beyond the containment field. It was eleven months since they had last spoken via a crackling, failing satellite uplink; then nothing. He pushed the memories from his mind and drove himself into the moment, fucking her until his thighs and her buttocks were slick and fragrant with her juices.

The light cast by The Event danced a heady, malevolent tango in her eyes as she inclined her head towards him, coronas of blue and green melting into fiery orange. “I want you to shoot your fucking spunk all over me,” she smiled darkly, “all over my butt,” her hand resounded against her bare skin with a crack as if to emphasise the point.

Redford slid his fingers up her spine, cupping the nape of her neck, reaching for a fistful of her hair and drawing her up tight as she squealed in pleasure. He bore down on her, only seconds remaining before he could contain himself no longer.

“I will,” he said, “I will.”

They dressed themselves quickly, listening to grim, panicky reports from other areas of the station. The superstructure was failing; The Event having unforeseen effects on the stations shielding. Departures of key personnel were to begin imminently. As Redford watched her zip up her tunic, he discretely accessed his retinal display and scanned the shuttle manifests, looking for Sofia’s name: nothing. With a dark pang of grief, he realised that she would die aboard The Gatehouse.

“Are you okay, Sir?” she asked, catching sight of his expression, “you aren’t regretting what just happened, are you?”

Redford smiled and brushed the side of her face affectionately “of all the many things I regret in my life, this is not among them. Here,” he retrieved a memory stick from a hidden compartment beneath his desk and pushed it into Sofia’s hand, “I don’t have time to isolate what you need but this grants my level of access. You can refresh your data streams and make the briefing. If anyone finds out I gave you this, we’ll both be mopping the toilet floors until we retire, so for God’s sake, just lift what you need and blank it straight away.”

She smiled with eyes that seemed to resonate with a ring of orange light and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, “you’ve just saved my life.”

Redford paced swiftly through the corridor leading to his ready room, trying to shrug off the brewing emotional hangover. As he entered, he could feel Justin’s eyes on him.

“Everything okay, Sir?” his emotionless baritone resounded from the shadows.

“It seems our appraisal of this stations fortitude have fallen well short of expectations. We’re in full retreat now and we don’t have long.”

“Ready when you are Sir.”

“It gets worse, I’m afraid. As we feared, we will be unable to evacuate the majority of the technical staff. They will remain behind.

Redford’s personal security operative, impassive as ever, registered no discernible emotion. The man stood somewhere over six foot tall, athletically built and malevolently handsome with a permanently furrowed line of a brow and glinting black obsidian for eyes. In his light assault vest and ship-board armour over black fatigues, he cut a menacing figure.

Redford didn’t entirely agree with the Coalition’s decision to allow civilians onto The Gatehouse while military personnel had remained behind, fighting for survival on the planet’s surface. While there was no denying Justin’s efficiency, on occasion he had wondered about the man’s inner landscape. He was sullen and detached. He knew Justin had served with British military and in the private sector. During the European collapse he had allegedly traversed hundreds of miles alone on foot, as around him the seas boiled, the earth cracked and people tore each other apart. He survived, tracking down the last Coalition bastion in the south and volunteering his services before the continent was abandoned. Who knows what he had seen and done to get there?

Redford was jolted from his thoughts by a personal message, direct to his retinal display. He read it then deleted it.



“We’re up. Initiate startup on the shuttle, rendezvous with Captain Price and his staff. They will be sharing our ride. Then, come back and collect me. Double away.”

“Yes Sir,” he intoned before adding: “it won’t be safe for you outside. I wouldn’t be doing my job correctly if I didn’t insist you stay here and don’t open the hatch until I come back,” with that, he headed for the exit.

Redford watched him go, saw him key his headset; his lips uttered a couple of words that were lost in the noise of the corridor beyond.

Justin entered his personal access code and swept silently one deck down to the embarkation corridor. Beyond the next bulkhead he made out the blue uniforms of three Officers, including Major Price and the incongruous olive fatigues of Pablo, a fellow contractor. As he came closer he saw the Columbian was taking no chances with his charges, standing at high alert, his submachine gun drawn. He saw Justin approaching and nodded a greeting.

Pablo was ex-Columbian Special Forces, trained by the former US government to disrupt and subvert drugs cartels. He was quick and tough. He was also a good man; a family man whose Wife and child would right now be facing the final hours of their lives amid the broiling mania of downtown Bogota.

Justin read his eyes; he looked distracted, torn, his mind elsewhere. He stepped through the hatchway and trapped the barrel of Pablo’s weapon with his left hand. The Columbian registered only a millisecond of surprise before reacting, producing a dagger concealed against his forearm and slashing upwards in retaliation. Justin’s pistol came to bear, its mass striking the inbound blade, deflecting it. Pablo felt the muzzle of the weapon locate beneath his jawbone and braced himself for his last moment.

The shot resounded; it’s searing crack in the confined space momentarily stunning the three Officers. By the time the Columbian’s body hit the deck, Justin had his pistol pointing directly at Major Price. He fired twice at his torso, before the man could draw, sending him sprawling back against the bulkhead, where a third round ended his life.

The two survivors stared in a mixture of confusion and horror, fumbling for their weapons, as Justin switched to a two-handed grip and fired again. Four more brass casings tinkled onto the deck and went skittering across its plating.

He stepped over their bodies, calmly checking the time on his watch and used his clearance to unlock the hatch leading towards the communal decks.

“You’re a very bad boy, aren’t you?”

He allowed himself a hint of a smile as she stepped through the door and into his arms, their lips meeting as she ran her hands over the black clad angles of his chest.

“You were right, they’re only evacuating the select few,” he said, “do we have it?”

Sofia smiled and nodded, “Redford’s shuttle clearance and authorisation, trajectories for all the fleet assets, all the nav data we need to survive this.”

“He just handed you his system clearance in exchange for a fuck?”

“Not exactly; most of it was encrypted, but the Coalition’s security walls are outdated NATO stuff mixed in with Chinese protocols that weren’t made with multinational cooperation in mind. They aren’t as clever as they think they are.”

“Did you have a good time?”

She nodded again, biting her lip at the still fresh memory, “the old boy was damn fine.”

Justin let out an amused exhalation, “we have less than a minute before he’ll work out something’s wrong. Follow me and stay close,” he said, striding down the corridor towards the shuttle.

He had just stepped over the threshold and heard the reassuring whirr of the docking servos when, behind him, there came the sound of a hatch sliding back followed by a startled inhalation of breath from Sofia. He drew his weapon, turning in a single, reflexive movement, zeroing in, knowing what he was going to see.

“I thought I had at least another thirty seconds.”

“Justin; I promise, as God is my witness, you are going to pay dearly for this,” Redford had his slim muscular arm wrapped around Sofia’s throat, his head and torso aligned behind hers, his pistol touching her temple, eyes dark with rage, “place your weapons on the deck… both of them.”

Justin smiled and shook his head, hoping the gesture would enflame Redford further.

“Is something amusing you?”

“I’m wondering why you haven’t already killed me, Sir?” he tilted his head on one side and calmly weighed up his options while slowly drawing and setting down his guns.

“You don’t deserve a quick exit for what you’ve done and you aren’t going to get it. Now step past us. You’re going back into my quarters where you will surrender yourself to the security detail,” he hissed, skillfully keeping his head and vital organs tucked behind Sofia’s quaking body.

“And if I refuse?” Justin asked, staring at the Major like a mongoose eyeing a snake.

Redford hesitated just a moment too long, “then, I’ll kill Sofia.”

“I find that unlikely. Besides, unless we board that shuttle right now, none of us are going to live long enough for me to answer for anything.”

Justin’s questing eye caught a flicker in the surface of Redford’s exposed pupil, a pulse of white light glinted across its surface suggesting he was using his retinal display to frantically summon security to his assistance. Such a diversion of brain power would erode his concentration, diminish his fighting edge. The barrel of his pistol lolled momentarily; dipping just a fraction, exposing a little more of his left eye.

That was all it took.

In sickly slow motion Redford saw his opponent’s hand slide past his assault vest, palming a blade, presenting and hurling it in a blur of motion. Instinct fired his synapses and he jerked the weapon toward Justin’s face, firing without hesitation. He was still quick.

The Major’s final thought was one of satisfaction as a dark red fan tail of blood sprayed out from the traitorous contractor’s cheek. A fraction of a second later the cold steel slammed home into his eye socket, piercing his brain. His grip on Sofia loosened and she slipped away from him. As the harsh strip lights of the corridor faded to black, beyond them, he saw his family waiting.

Justin lifted Sofia off her feet, feeling her shuddering vulnerability beneath his grip and depositing her inside the shuttle’s hatch. The station-wide communication channel he was monitoring in his headset suggested that the lower decks were engulfed in mayhem as people fought to secure a way off the crumbling station. Perhaps twenty seconds remained before the security detail came in shooting. They would probably be just as keen to secure the shuttle for themselves as to come to Redford’s aid. Justin took the time to pick his pistols up off the deck and slot them back into his holsters before ducking his head beneath the hatch and tapping the emergency initiation panel. The hatch hissed closed and sealed them in with a satisfying clunk.

“It’s over; the containment field is gone,” Sofia said, wiping her brow, regaining a little of her poise as she focused on her display.

“Then so is earth,” Justin remarked dispassionately, monitoring the space around them as shuttles carrying the valuable, the rich and the lucky were catapulted clear of the vast web-like superstructure like fireworks streaking across the night sky.

“Uh-huh, but that’s not all. The structure is critical; it’s going to go any second.”

“Then, what are we waiting for?” something that sounded like a battering ram struck the outside of the hatch, hard.

“Nothing; engines firing in ten,” Sophia snapped, rapidly absorbing the launch protocols as a piercing whine filled the cabin, giving way to the roar of the engine throttling up.

Justin unclipped his vest and dropped it onto the deck, throwing himself down in the forward-most seat and casually tilting it backwards, “you don’t have time to clip in, you’d better get over here and hold on to me.”

She smiled, still focused on her display, “putting your cock first, even in the face of death?”

Somewhere beyond the flimsy hull an elemental groan emanated from the station as it lost its battle with the vacuum beyond. Sophia straddled Justin, locking her fingers tightly through the webbing straps over his shoulders less than a second before the automated launch cycle engaged, firing the shuttle free of The Gatehouse’s sprawling steel limbs.

They were rammed against each other, compressed into the seat, gravity dragging at their body tissue as the shuttle rocketed forward, the onboard computer shrieking at them that it had detected an unsecured passenger. Millions of tonnes of twisting, buckling metalwork, the human race’s best efforts, hurtled past them in a cacophony of noise and breakneck motion. The roar of the engine, the drag of acceleration, the fleeting image of a shuttle like their own being swallowed in a sucking, implosive end mixed with a thousand other images of destruction were glimpsed on crackling monitor feeds as the velocity of their escape climaxed.

Then, the noise began to subside; they were clear.

“He nicked you,” Sofia said dabbing at the deep, ready-cauterized gash on his cheek, cut by Redford’s final bullet.

“He was a pro,” Justin said by way of a nonchalant epitaph, locating a tear in Sofia’s uniform. He pushed his index finger inside, ripping the material across her rump, then casually snapping gusset of her knickers as though it were a single strand of cotton. He squeezed her buttocks hard in his calloused fingers, pushing them together then splaying them wide open, finding her arse hole and massaging her rim with his middle finger.

“So it’s like that,” she looked down at him in mock disapproval, “straight to my butt.”

“It’s not just like that,” he rumbled, pulling her downward so she was straddling the shaft of his fat, stiffening cock, “but I’ve heard it’s good for stress relief.”


“You’ll be glad of it when we’re living on some expeditionary ship surrounded by Officers and scientists.”

“I’ll be glad of your cock being squeezed up my bum hole?” she teased, sliding herself back and forth, in little caressing motions, wetting him in the process. She closed her eyes and used his girth to tease open her pussy while his finger began to dip inside her back door. It couldn’t be denied, those two things together…

She tried to marshal her thoughts before the situation got out of control as it usually did, ending up with her his toy, entirely devoted to servicing his needs, “there won’t be any Officers or scientists where we’re going,” she managed as he squeezed himself up into her, haltingly filling her cunt.

He looked up at her quizzically. The passage was smooth now; the drive engine having ebbed away to a distant rumble and the screaming alarms and sounds of destruction, replaced by the little clicks and whirrs as the computer system moderated flight operations.

Sofia produced the memory stick that Redford had lent her and held it up in front of his eyes, “they were due to rendezvous with a Coalition mother ship for new tasking,” he moved deliciously inside her as she fought to keep her mind off just being fucked; his dominating, impossibly powerful physique pushing her to insane, uncontrollable depths of lust.


“So, it would be easy to make that rendezvous, claim asylum, tell them that Redford and the others were killed before they could evacuate. Thing is,” she put her head on one side and rolled her eyes mimicking an archetypal bored teenager, “taking orders from a load of politicians and geeks for the rest of our lives doesn’t sound any better than what we’ve just escaped from.”

“Are you suggesting we float around here until we get a better offer?”

“Not exactly,” Sofia reached downward and slipped the rubber coated memory stick between her thighs, inserting it into her supple, wet interior alongside Justin’s cock. She withdrew it, glistening wet and licked it, “Major Redford was onward bound to join a team tasked with investigating the, shall we say, misplacement of a rather large and very sophisticated Coalition asset.”

“So, we might be upgrading our living arrangements soon?” he asked, his powerful hands cradling her pelvis as he subjected her to his full length.

She dug her nails into his shoulders, the sensation of being physically possessed engulfing her rapidly.

“You can count on that.”

And then there was nothing but the two of them.

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Margaret Wallace was your average, everyday housewife. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. She got married right out of high school at the age of 19 to her high school sweetheart, David. They were perfect for each other. They actually waited until their wedding night before they had sex. They were two young kids who basically did what they were told to do by their parents. Margaret was a sweet, young woman who was always willing to help out a person in need. David worked for his father in...

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Desert DroppingChapter 26B

On Sunday morning, I sat stretched out on my bedroom floor, piles of pictures and my old yearbooks scattered in front of me. Most of the pictures were of my mom and me. Luke was stretched out behind me on the bed, reaching down every once in a while to lift one as he inspected them at his own leisure. I was more focused on the old yearbooks. Thinking about old friends the night before had left me practically anxious to call one of them. I had no idea what I was going to say, really. I think...

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How Christi Paid for College Ch 10

Chapter 10 Abuse of Authority (Author’s note: back in chapter 8, I got a request for a scenario like this. Hope it doesn’t disappoint!) * Professor Ludovic’s office was in a building halfway across campus from where Professor Hansen’s was, the math and anthropology departments seemed to exist in different universes. By the time Christi found his door, the clock in the hallway read 1:37. Shit shit shit, she thought. I’m late. And I’m supposed to be back across campus for anthro by 2:00. ...

3 years ago
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Sanctuary Series Book 1 White River RevengeChapter 6 Mutiny Among the Pride

Sixty miles south of the protectors, deep in the forest, another group was holding a meeting. Krang stood on top of a boulder looking down at his fellow mutants, savoring what was to come. His roar shook the very ground, as he got everyone's attention. The other mutants gathered in front of the boulder, "Have I not led you well against the humans?" Krang inquired. "Yes!" came the reply from the mass of lions and tigers. "Did I not go into the world and find the humans weak?" Again...

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“Would love you to watch Linda. Does three tomorrow afternoon work for you?” What to wear for the occasion?, I mused. Perhaps leather slacks, silk shirt, a cupless bra and killer heels. Sarah and I always did agree, sex without heels is akin a day without sunshine. My tits were always better than Sarah’s. And I want to show them off to her man. So definitely a cupless bra, I muse as I try on my most expensive black one and tease my nipples until they are hard and erect. I am fantasising and...

3 years ago
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Book Signing

I arrived at the house and was greeted with open arms. "Uncle Alan! Uncle Alan!" Ben came outside running. His sister Lynn was not far behind. "How are you? I am so glad you made it up here," my sister Mary said. "You know I had to see the kids." I added, "They look wonderful." "They heard so much about you, but they never really got the chance to get to know you," she said. "That will all change. I have two weeks up here and I intend on spending as much time with...

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Futanari Girlfriend

Sitting down with some popcorn I sit across from Sam and Luke as the movie starts. The movie itself was a romcom Sam had been wanting to watch for a while that was pretty thin on the plot. A witch falls in love with a man but she is magically bound to not touch a man so she changes her love to a woman, comic misunderstandings ensue before they kiss and makeup. The move wasn't anything special I think getting up to clean up the popcorn and snacks. From the kitchen, I hear "Would you do that for...

1 year ago
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Lust Of Incest Part 6

Continuing from previous part, as me and Naveen both of us promised each other for sharing my sister Sahana to him and in return Naveen sharing his aunt to me, we went further. So, it was my job to convince my sister to have sex with Naveen, but I don’t know how to do. We both were trying to work out with best idea. Now monsoon had started, so we couldn’t sleep on terrace. We both used to sleep in the hall; mom & Sahana were used to sleep inside room together. Due to this even I missed...

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DEEK Shooter3704 Watching people is what I do. I'm a cop. She first caught my attentiona few days earlier. I was watching a pawnshop that we thought was involvedin a fencing operation. I saw her get out of a car and make her way downthe sidewalk toward me. She was young, that was obvious, but she moved asif she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. I guessedher age at maybe eighteen or nineteen, but I recognize I am the worldsworst age guesser. By the way, my name is...

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Miss Beatty

Lauren had always been a good, hard working student. She had successfully managed her high school 'career' with out incident. Though she had just turned 18, she still was a long way from feeling like an adult. The only time she was really able to let herself out of her good girl shell, was when she spent time with Mrs. Johnson from next door. She treasured, yet feared, every moment with her.She was at a loss to explain her recent difficulties in Miss Beatty's Calculus class. She was a few...

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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago

In the 90's I got fed up with Arizona and my X and decided to head to Nevada and work in the gold mines. Central and eastern Nevada had many mines and finding a place to work was relatively easy with the years of experience with the big yellow machines. I settled in north central Nevada and bought a place outside of town at the end of the pavement bordering BLM land. It was quiet with fenced property that had it's own well and multiple out buildings, a shop and garage. I dated multiple...

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Kill or Be KilledChapter 12

Mark was relieved to hear how we felt and asked what our group would do now. I looked at Tia and Randle, then turned to the rest of our group and called them together. Most had heard Mark's question but some had not, so I repeated the question for everyone and waited while they pondered on it. Then I said we all had to make a decision about what we wanted to do now. It was almost 0300 and the sun would be coming up in just about three hours. I told everyone to get some sleep and we would...

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Marital Duty

Man thinks about secretary while making love to spouse...Marital DutyI can still remember the first time I set eyes on Sandra. I was a scruffy young man of twenty. She was a very sexy girl of 22. She came up to me as I was trying to kick start my somewhat temperamental Norton 750 Commando motorcycle. She said something about liking bikes. That was all I needed to hear. A hot looking brunette with big brown eyes in a pair of tight fitting jeans coming up to me and telling me she likes bikes. My...

2 years ago
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The Pleasure Of Pain

I know the exact moment when the urge to totally dominate someone became my obsession. I was at home on a cold winter Friday night about four months ago. One of those nights where the wind and the rain keeps you from wanting to go out. I was cruising porn sites when I stumbled on to a hardcore S and M site. I was mesmerised. Women tied to crosses or shackled to roof beams and all sorts of sexual and semi violent things were being performed on them. Just watching gave me an erection and I...

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I8217ve Got Lusy

By : Love2love Hello all, this is KK. I have been a reader of ISS and did really enjoy a lot of sexy stories for a while. Hope the stories I bring on will keep your dicks hard and all pussy wet and not to forget the nipples of those beautiful tits hard, that I love the most.  I work in a company and surely see many chicks around with nice body and there was a favored one too. Her name was Lusy, she was from Goa. She had a nice figure to die for with around 32-29-30 I guess. Her complexion was...

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Boss ki wife

I am 34 year guy placed in the middle management working for multi national company. This experience belongs to the time when we had a company party in one of the 5 star hotels of pune. My boss was who is vice president of the company was the host and we had international clients as well in the party. The time was around 2.00 am and the party was almost over. Elegantly dressed people were leaving the premise leaving behind the smell of rich perfume. My boss being vp of the company, his wife was...

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Mrs Sanford

It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...

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Multiverse Lucy

Disclaimer: this story should never be thought of as Bikini-Beach canon in any shape or form. It's less of a story and more of a thought exercise, telling the first day's transformations of Luke and Peter in "A Bikini Beach Summer" using a suggested Multiverse view of Bikini-Beach reality shifts, and imagining how things would have to work. As usual, the characters who say things about Bikini Beach, or whose thoughts about BB we are privy to, may get things wrong. The Bikini Beach...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Vina Sky Asian Supermodel Vina Sky Takes It Up The Ass

Asian Goddess Vina Sky opens her backdoor for business as Jules pounds her tight ass. Vina is a sexy spinner dressed in a pink mesh lingerie set with matching choker and killer thigh high boots. She teases us by the pool as she shows off her tight little body then drools all over her chest before making her way inside. Vina pulls her panties to the side to expose both of her tempting holes until Jules joins her and oils up her ass. He buries his face deep in Vina’s ass then stands up and rubs...

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I had been teaching Emma remedial maths and biology for over a year when her mother Monique made the suggestion. Emma was a pleasant and cheerful girl, but with not much to distinguish her from most other teenagers. Not bad looking, though slightly plump. The residue of puppy fat still clinging to her developing adolescent body, gave her a somewhat homely look that detracted from her otherwise curvey figure. Monique had been most meticulous in finding a tutor for her daughter. My previous...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 153

Monday did go smoothly with lots of odds and ends coming together. Patti did find 10 of the old manikins at the department store that had been closed for so many years. I sent the maintenance guys to pick them up. The owner wanted cash so I took it out of my pocket. There was no way with the accounting system in place here to get cash. If he would give the maintenance guys a receipt I could add it to the expense account for this project. The rest of the week and next week were going to be...

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Dream Five

ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream telephone call...

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A Closeup of My Fanny

I'm not a virgin. But I haven't had a lot of boyfriends either. And no one would ever pay me to model, especially naked. A few years ago I convinced my then current boyfriend to use his new digital camera to take pictures of me. No one other than the two of us would ever see them, since they wouldn't have to be sent out for processing like 35mm. I wasn't so worried about someone seeing my naked body as much as just being seen. I'm not photogenic. I practically had to...

3 years ago
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Doing It Properly

Doing it properly. Part One; Friday. Caught. I don't know who was more shocked. Me, at finding my Mum coming in the through the back door of our home. Or her. At finding me, her sixteen year old son, sitting in the kitchen, doing his homework and wearing a school girls uniform. For the longest time, we simply stood there looking at each other. And then she spoke. "Okay Gavin, We obviously need to speak about this, but I'm in a bit of a rush, so just stay as you are. I'll be as...

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Fantasy becomes reality

Julie had left work early so she would have plenty of time to get home and ready herself before Matt got home from his business trip later tonight. Sitting on the train, her mind racing as she ran through everything in her head. Her heart pounding at the thoughts she was having. Her face flushed as she realised she was getting aroused at her thoughts. She looked around making sure no one was looking at her. She arrived home and went straight into the bedroom where she stripped off to her...

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Sangeeta The Fucking Maid

Sangeeta was a sexy horny village-grown bitch. She used to work as a house-maid for Puneet, a friend of mine. She had got herself pregnant at the ripe old age of 18, and was sent to the city by her father for aborting, and a domestic help’s job to keep her away from her sexual linkups with village men. Puneet’s wife Pooja was a very pretty and sexy woman herself, and I suspected Pooja to have some inclination towards me. Being Puneet’s fast friend I did never want to take any leading action...

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The Jogger

As Lesley rounded a shady corner, she noticed a man jogging in the opposite direction toward her. He wore a blue shirt and black running shorts, and as they neared each other, Lesley couldn't help but notice what she thought was a sizable bulge in the dark haired man's shorts. She was transfixed for a moment, mentally undressing the man, until they grew nearer. Her eyes jumped to his face, and she made eye contact. Surely he must have seen the lewd way she was staring at him. Rather...

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A Housewifes Memoirs Part Two

My husband has been in Europe for the last month on business, so for me it's been a busy time here at home. I haven't been able to get back to my computer until now, although I've been pretty active in the bedroom.I've been with Ricky, Tom, Frank, Stan, Jack, Edyth, and Maurice. They were mostly ordinary clients, nothing special. Stan wanted to talk about his new business more than he wanted sex. Tom was from out of town and had the impression an escort would show him around town. I told him I...

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Nail School Dropin II

Nail School Drop-in II As told in the first part of my story, I used to be a total macho male. I hung out with the guys, watched and played sports?and chased after 'anything in a skirt.' I was big stud Jerry Kelly?womanizer. Now, I am just Jeri?nail technician. Here are some details of my transformation... Having Amanda as a partner in nail school played a big role in my feminization. She was very bossy for someone who was 17 (about to turn 18). Once, I spent two hours painting...

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Bella was lying on her back on the sun chair by the pool, drenched in sun, with pearls of droplets from a quick dip covering her voluptuous, tanned body. She was resting up after a long night of partying last night - she had just turned 21. The outfit she was wearing was less of a bikini than a thin layer of extra skin, barely covering her most private areas. The top's tiny triangular pieces of translucent pink fabric had her full, natural C-cup breasts almost spilling out. Her neck was long...

First Time
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Caught wanking in my panties

This is a very short story from my uni days. It was in my second year when I was sharing with Megan and a guy called Toby. We were all reading English and would study together, particularly as Toby was a complete boffin when it came to Shakespeare and stuff. Megan was straight although she knew I swung both ways. I would love to say I had got it on with her but I never did and anyway I was seeing Gemma at the time. A little about my house mates. Megan was an inch taller than me, with short...

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HotMILFsFuck Eva Alvarez 04142021

“I’m a chef all day, every day. It’s what I like to do… And I LOVE seeeexxxxx,” are the seductive and sensual phrases that pass over 33 year old Eva Alvarez’s luscious lips in her submission video to us. Wow! And who could resist a hot MILF that loves sex and cooks? I can just see her now standing at the stove with just an apron on and that perfect, and I do mean really perfect, ass peering out just begging to be slapped, kissed, and spread wide, revealing those wet pussy lips anxiously...

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Padosi Bhabhi Ki Choda

Hello story readers … I am sam from haryana this is my first story which I want to share with you all … Himmat karke post kr rha hu kyuki lode ko ab choot chaie jo bahut time se mil nai rhi koi anty,bhabhi,girl koi ho to mujhe neche die gye mail par mesg kr dena maine unko ache se satisfy krunga … Mera loda mota or lamba h height meri 5’4 h ab main story par ata hu… Bat kuch 1 saal pehle ki hai hamare pados m ek mota sa uncle sa uncle rehta h uski age 40-45 hogi uski shadi ni huai thi ab tk...

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Lounging for FunChapter 7 Harvesting Dog Cumm

It surprised me when in only about 10 minutes all three males came in their partners. The boys ran to get the small sample tubes for us. The daily harvesting was started. Andy said he had to go out for some business this morning so he would not be able to accompany me until late this afternoon so I gave him a hug and left with the kids. One of the 15 year old boys was left over in the back yard so I asked him if he could be my partner while I was doing my share of the dogs. His attitude...

4 years ago
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My New Lover A Camera

"Bollocks," I heard myself saying, as the A4 sized folder slipped from my under my arm hand and fell to the floor in the middle of the Starbucks in Greenwich. As I bent down, I quickly looked around, hoping no one had heard me, maybe I had said it under my breath, I rather ambitiously thought.I heard a nice, male voice say."Hey, let me help."I didn't look at the owner of the voice. "No, no it's ok," I said panicking a bit as I knelt down and tried picking everything up as quickly as I...

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Teaching and LearningChapter 5 Exam time

It was a mark of how much Kirsty's teachers liked her that they all came to me the next day with notes, handouts and textbook page numbers so she could study what she would be missing. I knew Kirsty's habit of reading ahead and preparing herself in advance of the curriculum would mean she had already covered the material, but didn't have the heart to tell them that given their good intentions. I visited the library on the pretext of handing over the notes. I knew Kirsty wouldn't need...

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Some jobs have hidden benefits 2

It had been two weeks since Ben had lost his virginity to Margaret. The sweet memory had played over and over in Ben’s mind every night since then as he fell asleep. Ben could not get the vision of Margaret’s beautiful body out of his head. Ben could not forget the intense pleasure Margaret had shown him. Ben was trying to think just what it was that had attracted him to Margaret in the first place. Was it Margaret’s C cup breasts, with their large suck able nipples? Was it that her butt was as...

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whitedogs lucky lotto series best cuckold story e

it should be noted i am not the author....whitedog is..Lucky LottoChapter 1My name is Tim and this is a story of how the lottery can change many lives. My wife Sara and I have been married for twelve years, she is thirtysix and I am fortyfour. I met her through a blind date and even though she was much more attractive than me what they day about opposites attract in our case was quite true as Sara had a very outgoing, agressive dominant personality compared to my meek, shy kinda wimpish...

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