Cheating Gabriella
- 3 years ago
- 25
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On many occasions as a young girl, I sat by the window wondering what I would be when I’d grown into an adult and out on my own in the world. I never really reached a decision but I watched people going to work and, truly, most of them didn’t seem happy. So, I did decide one thing: if I had to work, I would at least like what I did.
I took my time, tried various jobs, and I enrolled for a few college courses, hoping I would like at least one of them. Yet I was never satisfied. I began to ponder what was wrong with me. Did all young adults go through this? Is that why so many seemed unhappy?
Finding a job and getting out on my own was a must for me. Living with my parents at the age of twenty-two wasn't what I wanted to be doing. But, at every interview I attended, I learned that the job wouldn’t pay enough for me to rent a decent apartment.
After a time, I concluded that I might need a couple of jobs to afford even an average apartment — or maybe get a roommate. Truthfully, my prospects seemed so gloomy. One of my last interviews was to be a waitress — as if I didn't do enough waiting on people with four siblings at home. But, a job is a job, and I was getting desperate to leave home. I took the plunge.
Picking up my uniform and signing all the necessary paperwork, I was to start working the next day. Hopefully, I would find a second occupation to go with this one and earn enough to get an apartment.
Things began to look up a bit — well, at least my parents were off my back about finding work. If I could secure a second position, maybe in a couple of years, I would be able to move out.
Getting ready for work, I was unexpectedly excited. Okay, being a waitress wasn’t all that great, but it was a start and who knows what might develop? At least I had my foot inside the working world’s door and I actually felt good about myself.
That first day, I quickly realized that a working life isn't easy. I had a lot of growing up to do.
Perhaps having had parents that always cared for me, hadn’t been for the best. They hadn't wanted me to work while I was at school. Then — mainly to satisfy them — I’d spent those two years at college while I tried to figure out what I wanted to do. Hell, what a waste that was!
Now, I hoped that I would finally get my life on track. To that end, I worked all the hours I could, saving every dime. Knowing I wanted my own apartment, my parents didn’t charge me any rent. I know, lucky me.
The girls I worked with were fine and I got along with most of them. One even offered me a room in her apartment and I said I would think about it. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a roommate — but I did want out of my parents’ house. It was now way past time.
On a day when Vickie and I were both off, I arranged to have a look around her place. When I got to the address, I was sure I‘d written it down wrongly. This house was beautiful, certainly not something you’d rent on our pay. Yet, there was her name by the doorbell and I pushed the button.
“Hello," I heard.
"Vickie, is that you?"
“Hey, Misty, come on in."
I heard a buzzing and, when I pushed the door open, I couldn't believe my eyes. Oh my word, this was a mansion. I was amazed, stunned. How could Vickie afford it? There had to be several roommates.
As Vickie walked toward me, I blurted out, ”Vickie, this is beautiful, how can you afford it?"
"I have a friend that cares about people,” she said.
"You have what? I don't understand."
“Oh, it isn't important right now. Come on, let me show you around. Let’s see what you think after the grand tour.”
Taking me by the hand, Vickie showed me the living room, dinning room, bathrooms, kitchen, lots of bedrooms, and more sitting rooms. I was overwhelmed. I’d never seen anything like it.
"Really Vickie, how do you afford this?"
"Okay, look, “ she said, staring into my eyes, “I can't go into a lot of details right now. Let’s just say that someone owns this place and I help to keep it going."
"What are you talking about?"
"Misty, I really can’t say much right now; at least not until you tell me that you want to live here.” She paused. “That is, live like I live with no worries."
It was all so mysterious and too secretive. ”Vickie, are you doing something illegal? I can't be involved in that if you are."
"No, nothing illegal, I promise you that. Please, move in and I swear you will love it."
"Vickie, you need to be straight with me. No lies, straight truth.” I paused, inhaling deeply. “Now, tell me, what is going on and what would I have to do? I know there’s something. Nobody gives you a house like this for free. I may be young and naive, but I’m not stupid."
Vickie nodded and led me to one of the sitting rooms. We sat and I waited for her explanation. “Right,” she said and, at that moment, I heard the door open and a woman’s voice saying, “Ah, Vickie.”
Vickie jumped to her feet and went to the woman, kissing her on one cheek then the other. The lady smiled. "And who do we have here, Vickie?"
"This is Misty, the girl I told you about who works with me and needs a place to stay."
The lady walked toward me and I stood to greet her. “So, you are Misty. I’ve heard a lot about you."
"You have?” I said, glancing at Vickie. “Hope it’s all good things."
"Yes, I believe they are. But I usually reserve judgment for myself." She offered me a small corner-of-the-mouth smile. "I am Madame Gabriella, the owner of this house. I let young women like yourself stay here until they are on their own two feet… or until they no longer want my services."
"Miss Gabriella, I —“
"Madame Gabriella,” she cut in sharply. "I demand formality here."
I was shocked by her sharp tone and took a quick breath before saying, "Madame Gabriella, I’m sorry. Please forgive me."
"Yes, Misty, you will learn in time. Now, what were you going to ask?"
“Errr… nothing, nothing important."
“Hmm, I didn't think so,” said Madame Gabriella before turning to Vickie and telling her to join her in another room.
This brief scenario was all a little too much for me. Something not right was going on. I made a hasty retreat.
The next day at work, Vickie asked if we could talk. “I really don't have anything to say,“ I replied. “I didn't appreciate being spoke to like that or being treated like I was less than a respectable person.”
“Please, Misty, let’s talk. Madame Gabriella is really very nice; she’s just… well, very formal. It’s her house and, therefore, we have to oblige her. After all, it’s only a name… Madame not Miss.”
I shook my head. ”Vickie, tell me now, right now, what is going on in that house? What do you have to do for her?"
Vickie stared at me, clearly thinking, before she said, ”Okay…but please tell me — no, promise me — you will listen to everything I have to say. Trust me and don’t storm off. Promise."
Obviously, I was curious, wanted to know all about Madame Gabriella and her house. ”I promise,” I said. ”Now, tell me the truth."
"Well, Madame Gabriella has many friends, male and female. She holds a lot of parties in the house and I… well, I — "
"You what?"
“Err, I help entertain."
"Entertain? Entertain how?”
"Well what, Vickie? Come on, tell me.” I paused and watched Vickie’s eyes looking anywhere but at me. She also gulped. “Oh my god, you have sex with these so-called friends of hers?"
“No,” she said quickly. “Well, something like that, but not really."
"No not really? There’s no such thing… it’s either yes or no. Dammit, give me a straight answer."
"I do what is asked of me to make them happy. In return, Madame Gabriella pays me well and also I have a nice a place to live."
"Then why the waitress job? Why do you work here?"
“I don’t know, something to fall back on, perhaps.” She shrugged. “Look, Misty, just like you, I couldn't afford to get an apartment. I really did not do good in school. Madame Gabriella offered to help me get on my feet. I struggled to accept her offer and I even slept on the streets for a while.” Vickie exhaled loudly. “Finally, I gave in and, honestly, I’m not sorry I did. I want to live a decent life, not struggle hand to mouth, and doing what I’m doing will make a difference for my future. Walk away if you want, that’s your decision, Misty. But it’s also your decision to get out of life what you can."
Vickie wiped her eyes. I felt sorry for her and understood her motive. I knew what it was to be desperate and I certainly didn't want to be a waitress all my life. I wanted more.
With almost everything now in the open, I told Vickie I would go back to the house with her and talk to Madame Gabriella to find out exactly what I would be doing.
On our way, we didn't talk much. But I did tell Vickie I understood why she was there, but it would not be something I would do for long. Just till I was on my feet.
Madame Gabriella was waiting for us.
“I’m glad you decided to come back, Misty. I assure you, I’m here only to help you girls; no harm will ever come to you. Vickie will go over everything you will be expected to do. If there’s something you just cannot bring yourself to do, please don't make a scene, just let me know. I’m sure we can work through it."
I followed Vickie to her room, where she detailed what went on. “Men and women come from all over the world,” she started. “I know we’ve never discussed your sexual experience or preferences— how far you’ve gone, if you’ve been with women and or men. But, here, you’re expected to go with whoever desires you, either or both sex. I’ve been doing this for some time and have never met anyone who is mean or treats me with anything but respect. Madame Gabriella would never allow that kind of behavior."
As Vickie talked, she opened a closet. It contained the most beautiful clothes I’d ever seen. “You're welcome to wear anything you like. I believe we’re about the same size."
Admiring the clothes, I couldn't believe I might be about to agree to such a life. Really, would I be able to do it? I needed to relax to sort out my thoughts and, usually, the best place for me to make decisions was in a bath. A lot of what Vickie told me seemed good: an apartment, new clothes, money… yet, what exactly did Madame want me to do? I had a very good idea what it meant to "make them happy”. But I’m not a prostitute, I thought. Oh hell, I can't think straight.
I told Vickie I’d like somewhere quiet to chew over what she’d told me. “Preferably, I’d like to have a bath,” I said and she led me to an empty apartment — “This could be yours” — and left me gob-smacked surveying the luxurious surroundings. Mine? This could be mine? Turning on the water, I undressed and put crystals in the tub. At least my skin would be soft.
Stepping into the bath, I suddenly felt tears welling in my eyes. I was on the verge of deciding, agreeing to this new lifestyle, but I wasn’t totally convinced. Sex with strangers? Could I possibly do that? I lay in the bath, thinking, until the water was almost cold. In fear of catching a chill, I stood and reached for a towel. I thought I heard the bedroom door opening.
“Vickie… Vickie, is that you?"
No reply.
I stepped out of the tub as Madame entered the bathroom. Holding the towel in front of me, I asked why she’d come in without even knocking.
"I did knock, dear,” she said, “but you must not of heard it. But, more to the point, I warn you now to watch your tone with me. Remember, this is my house and I’ve offered you a place to live and the chance to earn good money working for me. Or maybe you’d rather put your clothes on and leave right now? If not, I advise you to amend your attitude and do it very quickly."
Madame’s expression then quickly turned from angry to pleasant, a smile lighting her face. It was like she’d never rebuked me.
I started to wrap the towel around me but Madame pulled it from my hands and stared at my body. “Let me have a proper look at you. Hmm, just as I thought, very shapely.” She paused, glancing up and down, head to toe and back. “Misty, you will not wear things that make you look like either a child or an old lady. You will keep yourself well dressed and groomed at all times. Is that understood?"
I again felt ready to burst into tears.
"Stand up straight, Misty, stop slumping over. You’re a beautiful young woman. You need to learn to carry yourself like one. Be proud.”
Standing naked in front of this strict woman, I tried to cover myself with my hands.
“Goodness, stop fidgeting, Misty. Good gracious, girl, don’t you know anything.”
Madame took a step toward me, and I froze like I was in a freezer. No question, this woman scared me and I flinched when she reached for me. But Madame simply slipped a white silk tiny garment over my head and let it unfold down my body. It fell just below my breasts and clung to me. Standing in the cold after my bath, I realized my nipples were hard as rocks, protruding so very obviously within the thin top.
Straightening the top, Madame brushed my breasts. I wanted to move away — but didn't dare. She circled my nipples with her fingers and, feeling the hardness, asked if I was enjoying her touch.
I was afraid to upset her. “Yes, Madame,” I replied softly. Really, what else could I say? I hadn’t made a very good impression at this point and I stood as still as I possibly could while she fondled my breasts, kneading them as she would dough. She then pinched and pulled at my nipples.
“Let's see just how large and hard these can get,’” she said.
Deep inside, I was screaming… but I recognized it was a combination of embarrassment and pleasure.
“Yes, I can see you like it,” she said, smiling at me then releasing my nipples. Her hands moved down my body to caress my inner thighs. Pushing them apart, she stroked along my wet sex before lifting her fingers to her nose, smelling my aroma. She then licked her digits, tasting my juices. Madame smiled. "I knew you would taste delicious.”
She knelt in front of me and I felt her fingers exploring. It felt like I was being inspected but I was so wet and my pussy lips were swollen. Astonishingly, I was so ready for sex, even craving it — but I didn't know what this woman would do next.
Madame was, undeniably, a very attractive woman with beautiful olive skin, shiny black long hair, and exquisite full lips. Deep brown eyes could pierce right through you and her breasts were large and full, topping the most perfect hour-glass figure I’d ever seen. She looked like a goddess.
I felt her slender fingers delve deep inside and I yelped from the shock and force of the intrusion. Ignoring my reaction, she curled a finger and found my special spot. Madame Gabriella proceeded to finger fuck me like I’d never experienced before. She knew every spot to hit and my pussy opened to accept her: one finger, two fingers, three fingers. She continued to probe me, knuckles deep, then a fourth finger was inserted.
Within a few seconds, I felt a thumb nudging my clit. Oh god, was this woman intending to put her whole hand inside me, to fist me? I tried to relax because it would be easier on me. I also guessed that telling her to stop would only make matters worse for me.
'Rub your clit, Misty. Rub it, make yourself come."
I rubbed frantically. I was so juicy and turned on, it didn’t take long before I was jerking and trembling in a full-blown orgasm. Moments later, another one started as Madame’s fist pounded me. Until that points, I hadn’t realized that she had, indeed, slid her fist into my tunnel. Pushing and pulling, in and out, up and down, she fucked me to one orgasm after another. I didn’t know where one stopped and the next began, it was one long tumultuous climax.
In all the pulsating excitement, my legs weakened and I crumpled to the floor. Madame had withdrawn her fist but now she cupped and rubbed my pussy mound until I calmed, rapid gasps returning to almost orderly, controlled breathing. I still had the occasional shake, an after shock from her incredible fisting. Exhausted, I curled into the fetal position and lay still.
I don't remember anything after that.
I woke in a bed with damp cloths between my legs. I lay quietly, unmoving, recalling what had happened. I hated to admit it, but it had been amazing.
A knock at the door roused me from my memories and Vickie walked in.
“Morning Misty, you ready to get up and start your day? You have a lot to learn before tonight’s party."
"Party? What party?” I said, wiping sleep from my eyes. “I don't know nothing about a party."
"This is the last Friday of the month and that means it’s one of the most exciting and busiest nights here. Come on, you must get up. You need to select your clothes, see what rooms you will take care of… oh, there’s a lot to go over in just a few hours."
Getting off the bed, I felt pain in my vagina and winced.
"Are you okay? Ah, of course, you had your session with Madame last night."
"How do you know about that?"
"We all go through it. Do you think she would put any of us with her clients without knowing what we’re like, what we’re capable of doing?” She grinned. “Take a warm shower and you’ll be okay. Believe me, your pussy will be fine by tonight."
"Vickie, what exactly goes on tonight?"
She shook her head. ”Misty, stop acting so naive. You had your night with Madame and you must know what is going on. But, to be clear, you will entertain clients tonight. You’ll do anything — and I mean anything — they want. Don’t disappoint them, Misty."
Walking to the door, Vickie looked back over her shoulder. "Shower and be downstairs in an hour. You’ll find clothes in the closet. Please, don't let me down now."
Dressed in skimpy shorts and a tight tee-shirt, I went downstairs. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry, bustling around getting organised for the party.
I saw Vickie and walked over to ask what I was supposed to be doing. But Madame appeared and pulled me into an empty corner. "Misty, how are you this morning?” She smiled broadly, probably the first time I’d seen her true smile. “You were quite full of yourself last night. Did you enjoy everything?"
"Yes Madame, thank you.” What else could I say?
"Do you have any questions about tonight?"
"No Madame, I think I understand what I’m to do."
"Good. I’ve put you with a couple of my more important clients who enjoy… well, let me say, more extensive activities. Do you understand what I’m telling you?"
"Yes, I think so, Madame.”
“Good. After last night,” she said, taking my hand and leading me toward one of the formal bedrooms, “I feel sure you can handle it. This is where you will entertain tonight. You will have everything you need. A full bar will be set up. Over there is a bath, shower, hot tub, and anything they might want or need. Plenty of towels, wash cloths, everything is there."
Madame grasped both my hands. ’Misty, make me proud. I know from last night you can handle it. But, if you make me proud, you will never have a worry. Schooling will be paid for and your career could be started by one of the gentleman you take care of tonight. Your future will be all set. Anything you want or need will be at your disposal."
Madame gazed into my eyes then pulled me into a hug. "You will be fine, I know you will. I want you to enjoy tonight, This is the beginning of a new life. Don't look at it as work, or a client, look at it as something you enjoy. I know you love sex… believe me, you were wonderful."
Stepping back, she grinned and told me to scoot. “Go, take a long, soothing, hot bath.”
In my room, I thought about everything that was about to happen. Entertaining men, my future being set, what the hell does that all mean? Will I owe these men all my life? Damn, should I get the heck out of here. I don't want to owe my life to Madame or any rich, sex-crazed strangers.
Staring out of the window and thinking — At least my parents won’t be wondering where I am; I’ve stayed out for many nights in the past — I saw cars arriving. Damn, it’d be rather difficult to drop out now. Okay, if go through with this night, do what I’m expected to do, then I can put it all behind me if needs be. If I don’t like it, I can simply chalk it up as a bad decision I made.
Yet, deep down, I knew that, unless something terrible happened that night, I could be in this life for a long, long time. As Madame said, I had a passion, a desire, and an aptitude for sex. And I wanted to live in comfort.
After relaxing in a bath, I discovered that immaculate clothes had been laid out for me on my bed. A beautiful pale pink gown had crystals and pearls all over it and there was a tiara fit for a queen. But I didn’t feel at all like a queen. Not now, not knowing what I was about to do.
Pulling on the nylons, I noticed the lack of panties, only a garter. And no bra either. I swallowed hard, raised the gown above my head, and wiggled to help it slide down my body. The hem cascaded at my feet. With my hair hanging loose, I put the tiara on my head. Even though I didn’t feel like a queen, I must admit I looked like one.
I’d got myself into this situation and so I had to go through with it. Madame met me at the bottom of the stairs. Taking my hands in hers, she smiled again at me. "You look beautiful, my dear. They’re in the room waiting for you. Enjoy yourself. They are here to pleasure you as much as you are them. Now go, they’re waiting."
Walking toward the private bedroom arranged for my evening of entertainment., my knees were weak. I could have run away right then.. but the door opened and a very handsome man greeted me. "You must be Misty. You’re more lovely then I was told. Please, come in, join us."
Hearing the door shut behind me, I took a deep breath, my breasts expanding and dangerously close to spilling out of the low cut neckline. I was handed a drink and the handsome man introduced himself as Mark. A second man came in from the balcony, kissed my cheek, and said he was Jim. They seemed very nice, true gentlemen — but I knew why we were there.
"Shall we have a seat?” asked Jim."Or would you like to go onto the balcony for some fresh air.”
All I wanted was to get this night over, finished, done.
“Let’s sit,” I said, my voice croaky with nerves. I requested another drink and drank it faster than maybe I should — but I needed alcohol to help me relax.
Dinner was served in our private dining area. When that was over, we returned to the living room. A fire had been lit and the lights dimmed.
Jim came to me and took my glass, set it down on a side table, and kissed me full on my mouth. At the same time, Mark came behind me and unzipped my dress. I was kissed and nuzzled by both men and, if I’d ever had any doubts, I knew I was theirs for the night to paw and use how they pleased.
Quite quickly, they removed my dress and they were soon naked, escorting me to the bedroom. They caressed and squeezed me and my hands were guided to their rampant cocks. Oh god, they were hard, hot, and enormous.
Only in my stockings and heels, I was lifted onto the bed. With a man on each side of me, both breasts were squeezed, nipples bitten, chewed, and four hands rubbed what seemed every inch of my flesh. They spread my legs and Jim got between them, kissing the insides of my thighs.
Confession: I’d be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying all the attention.
While kissing up the inside of my thighs, Jim’s fingers prised open my soaked vagina. Oh yes, my pussy was ready, it was so needy, and he knew it. Jim teased and taunted me, making me wait. I needed him, I wanted licking, wanted him to chew my clit. More than anything, I wanted to cum — but Jim wasn't allowing that … not yet, anyway.
Mark presented his very large and hard cock to my lips, then thrust into my mouth. I gagged and Mark popped the side of my cheek before removing the pillow from beneath my head. Now my head hung lower, opening my throat, and Mark clearly knew exactly what he was doing. Hearing him say “Swallow”, I tried — and then, down below, I felt a similar burning feeling to the one I’d experienced with Madame: Jim was pumping his fist deep in my pussy.
With Jim widening my channel beyond anything I’d ever felt and Mark's cock sliding in and out of my throat, I came hard. Mark’s hard rod was deep into my throat and, holding my face, he fucked so forcefully I was sure I would choke and vomit.
As quickly as it all started, they both withdrew. Next moment, I was turned over like a rag doll and lifted on top of Jim. His cock was extremely large, long and thick with veins so prominent that I could actually feel them when he slipped inside me. I felt even fuller than when he fisted me.
Jim fucked with powerful thrusts, entering unknown depths until I was convinced I could feel him in my stomach. Hands gripping my waist, he raised me — then slammed me down, each time burying his entire length. I gasped and groaned, delighting in the magnificent sensations coursing through my pussy and quivering body.
After a few minutes, Mark put a hand hand on my back and pushed me down toward Jim's stomach. That exposed my ass. (Oh no, my ass has never had anything bigger than a finger in it. I could never take his vast cock in there).
I felt Mark lubricating my ass — as if it wasn't wet enough from the juices seeping out of my pussy. I’d come so many times already, I was sure an ocean was flowing beneath me.
Mark, his cock at the entrance to my small back hole, slowly pushed, and the head burst through. The pain was so unbelievable, I screamed — and Mark drove hard and deep. He was in me, completely, and didn’t hesitate to fuck my ass as though it was a second vagina.
To my surprise, after a few long strokes, it all felt so good as Jim thrust up into my pussy and Mark slammed into my ass, his heavy balls slapping against my butt. They had a spectacular rhythm and had clearly done this before. No wonder they were Madame's top clients.
Mark grasped my swaying breasts and squeezed them, pulled and pinched my nipples until they burned and hurt. Yet, it felt so good. I had orgasm after orgasm and I didn't want any of this rough play to stop. I loved what they were doing and I’d never felt so alive. I didn’t know I had so many nerves to be set afire.
But, before too much longer, they pulled out and sat me on the edge of the bed, Jim’s mighty erection pointing at my mouth. His purple head glistened with my juices and his hole was seeping pre-cum.
"Open that beautiful mouth of yours,” he ordered, “here's your final desert of the night."
Eagerly, I opened my mouth. I wanted his cum, wanted to taste him. He stroked his monster a couple time and spurt after spurt of his pure white cream splashed onto my tongue.
"Hold it in, don't swallow yet,” Jim said as Mark appeared in front of me, ready to let his load go. His aim was perfect, ropes of cum gushing into my mouth with such force that I flinched and blinked. All done, I swallowed the mixture as they stood looking at me, their chests expanding with pride at their accomplishment. I would have applauded but I was spent, drained, and could not move.
I must have slept because I woke to noise from outside the room. It sounded as though it was being cleaned.
I glanced around and I was alone. There was no sign or trace of Jim and Mark. It was as if the night had never happened. Putting on a robe, I walked into the living room. Surely they were in there, or maybe in the hot tub. But nothing. Walking back to the empty living room, I shook my head. Did I dream all this?
No, my body — particularly my ass — told me it wasn’t a dream.
I asked the cleaning crew where everyone was but they didn’t reply. Were they not allowed to talk to me? Opening the main door, I saw only cleaners. I climbed the stairs to my room and, in something of a stupor, went to have a hot bath. I needed to soak my body — and, of course, think about my future.
Lying back, resting, I heard the door open and Madame appeared. Looking as lovely as always, she came over to the large tub and let her robe drop. The sight of her beautiful body had me tingling and forgetting any discomfort I felt from last night’s savage but satisfying session. My pussy was alive again and I wanted her.
As she put her long hair in a clip, I couldn't avert my gaze. With such beautiful skin and magnificently full breasts, she was the most elegant woman I’d ever seen. She stepped into the tub, sat across from me, and I gazed at her wondrous beauty.
She told me the two gentlemen had given her an excellent report and had asked if they could see me next month. Or maybe even sooner, if possible. Madame had said she’d let them know because, at that moment, she was unsure of my plans.
“So, tell me, my little one, how did you enjoy your night?"
"Oddly enough, Madame, it was very enjoyable. I admit, scary at first, but the gentlemen were just that, gentlemen. I must thank you for preparing me during our afternoon together. It seems you knew what was going to happen and you sensed my body needed the preparation."
Madame reached forward and cupped my breasts. “These are so lovely.” She licked her lips as her thumbs teased my firm nipples. “So suckable, so firm and—“
She sat back, a sensuous, teasing smile playing on her full lips. “I must tell you that after enjoying you, I knew you were the best girl for my favorite clients. I know you haven't really had a chance to decide whether you want to stay and I will not press you for an answer. But, I will say that I, we, can give you a beautiful life here. You will want for nothing and you’ll be free to leave at any time. There are no bars on the windows or chains on your feet. You are free to come and go as you please. All I request, for everyone’s sake, is total confidentiality about what happens here."
Madame gazed at me with her beautiful brown eyes. As much as I might still be unsure, have lingering doubts about everything I was expected to do, I knew one thing: I didn't want to leave Madame.
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Madam Suzcha by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 There was a knock at the door. Madame Suzcha was busy stirring something in a small brass pot over a burner on the table. It oozed around her hardwood spoon, colors flowing together. Now dusty gray, now dove's blood red, now a bilious yellow. She heard the knock, but her stirring barely slowed. "Enter, if you will," she called. "Enter, if you _dare_." Two men strode through the door. Strode with the arrogance of the young and...
I decided to stay with Madame Gabriella and I must say things went well. After about six months, Madame and I had become close, but I still remembered my place. She was my Mistress and it was drilled into me that I shouldn’t forget that or try to take advantage of the fact that I was her pet. If I stepped slightly out of line, Madame would quickly and firmly put me back in my place.Jim and Mark and I continued to see each other at least twice a month unless something special cropped up. They...
SpankingIt was the week after Madame Penelope's tea party, as I left the house I noticed a look of longing on my wife's face. Since that week she had been a lot more amorous and slightly demanding during our love making and I was in heaven. I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled "Enjoy," was all she said enigmatically At Madame Penelope's house I let myself in and headed to my room to change. Madame had given Mistress Jenny a key so that she or I could let our selves in; it seems Mistress...
Madame Morgan: Danyelle Dan, an overweight hairy closet transvestite with thoughts of becoming a woman, is checking out a nice pair of stretchy boot cut pants to try on and possibly buy, "Oh wow these look like they might fit me." He grabs a blue top to match the black pants, then grabs some men's clothes as a cover to get into the dressing room. During all this he doesn't notice a beautiful woman watching his every move, studying him closely. In the dressing...
Madame Cerise, Part II By Melissa Anne Curling Author's note: It has been quite a while since the first part of this story. The following contains more regarding Colette and his Mistress, Madame Cerise. The end of this segment contains a VERY strong sexual scene involving Madame Cerise, Julie, and Colette. It is mildly incestuous so this story has a XXX rating. If you don't want to go there, when you reach the part in the story line where everyone involved in the evening at Madame...
It all began so innocently. I was sitting waiting for my art class to start. Yes art class! At the age of forty-seven I had decided to express my love for drawing and had started an evening art class. We had, had two or three classes when this one night one of the ladies, Penelope came to speak to me. "I know you from somewhere," she stated. She was in her mid fifties, haughty looking and was always dressed smartly. Other than paying compliments about each others drawings we had...
Madame strange (c) 2006 by anthony durrant i found this story in one of my grandfather's old books; apparently the writer had given it to him when he was on one of his book-buying trips in america; it is the origin of a little-known world war ii comic book character called madame strange, and was in very poor condition when i found it. I have translated it into a prose format so that the tg fans can read it. Fauntleroy steubens walked up to the man on duty at the gate of the...
I waited my head down my poor bottom throbbing. I could feel the wheel marks rising. "You climaxed without my permission didn't you Davina," stated Madame "Yes Madame," I confessed. "Carefully remove your panties, without standing up....." she instructed. "I want all your sissy juices to stay in the crotch of those panties....if you spill a drop on my carpet I will have the skin from your bottom," she growled Carefully and awkwardly I pulled the panties down and stepped out...
Madame Morgan: Michele Prologue When Mike and Danyelle finally reach the motel Danyelle asks, "So which one's ours?" "Wow you're really horny! Usually I have take a girl out to dinner to get her in bed," said Mike. "Oh well I was hoping we'd go afterwords you know work up an appetite first," said Danyelle as Mike opened the door and walked in the room not even waiting for Danyelle. When Danyelle walked in she saw something that immediately drew his attention. Danyelle...
Madame Morgan: Michele Prolouge: When Mike and Danyelle finally reach the motel Danyelle asks, "So which one's ours?" "Wow you're really horny! Usually I have take a girl out to dinner to get her in bed," said Mike. "Oh well I was hoping we'd go afterwards you know work up an appetite first," said Danyelle as Mike opened the door and walked in the room not even waiting for Danyelle. When Danyelle walked in she saw something that immediately drew his attention. Danyelle...
Madame Cerise Author: Melissa Anne Curling Author's note: This is not a sweet story in the genre of 'His Mother's Hair'. It has a much stronger fem-dom theme. If you don't like that type of story, don't read this. Children are mentioned briefly at the beginning but are not part of the main story. This story is about adults and was written for adults. -------------------------------------------- "Thank you, Colette," Cerise said in genuine gratitude to...
When the orgy was over, Candy prompted informed Reginald that he was to move in with Lewis and her ASAP. "You're going to be my whore, my gigolo, understand, slave?" "Gigolo, mistress? You mean, I will have to sleep with people for money?" "Yes, and I prefer to be called 'Madame', instead of 'Mistress', because that's what I am- a madame. I will also fuck people for cash, but I will be the boss, clear enough?" "So, after work, I will come home and fuck with anyone who pays?" "Not 'after work'-...
FetishMadame Morgan: Michele (A Cherry Girl Story) Part 2 Story Recap (In case you haven't read the first part): Mike was caught trying to rape and kill a girl he was out on a date with, when he found out she was a shemale, by her friend and Madame Morgan a mysterious woman with a knowledge of potions that change men into women {but she's another story altogether}. He was forced to drink one of her cherry potoins and dropped off in the secret back room of the local strip club where he found...
Madame ButterflyIn my last story “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny everytime I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasm at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.So, as I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work, we would stop and chat,...
Whispers. Soft. They bathe your ears in reassuring promises. Promises of joy, laughter. And fun. Fingers trace your body, lending a person?or persons--to the voices. But you can?t make out who is here with you. But this matters little, as a calm envelops you, squelching any anxiety this?situation might normally bring you. As the voices continue, you can?t remember any of the words, only the intent behind them. You know whatever is here has only one goal?to provide you with pleasure. Goosebumps...
MADAME NELVA by Roberta Angela Dee In the world of BDSM, Nelva was a chameleon. She could alter her mood, from sadistic Domme to masochistic submissive, as easily and quickly as other woman might change into a new bra. It was her nature. For the past several years, she had delved into the underworld of drag queens. She seemed intrigued by their ambivalence - people who were distinctive feminine, nearly to an extreme, yet lacking in that feminine mystique that makes...
Hello, my name is Lola Bunny. You may call me Madame. I am a dominatrix who also happens to be a rabbit. Make of it what you will. I have a dungeon where I work.I'm currently in a leather corset and wearing a large strap-on. Coyote from the coyote and roadrunner cartoon from looney tunes is sitting at my feet. Handcuffed and waiting anxiously for me to decide what to do with him. I sigh as i look around at all the toys at my disposal. I smirk to myself as I turn back to coyote.
In my last story, “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny every time I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasms at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.As I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work we would stop and chat, usually by the...
MasturbationThat night while Mike was sleeping the changes started. His flat manly ass started to inflate like a balloon until it was nice and perfectly round, his stomach flattened out until it was 24 inches around, the bones in his hips cracked and spread out until he had a 34 inch hips. His chest started to swell only slightly though giving him about 36 A size breasts. The next morning when Mike woke up he examined his new body before getting dressed. "Not too bad I guess. After all if I am...
I was just young teen boy of eighteen when Madam Rekha made her everlasting impact on my life, converting me forever into a submissive worshipful masochistic slave to older dominant and aggressive women. I was in ninth class and stayed in the hostel attached to the school. I was a slim delicate boy and usually aroused strong maternal instincts in women. Our term had started two months back and it would be the Diwali holidays in another month. The post of warden and math teacher was vacant and...
This is the second part of story…. getting confirmation from me about becoming her slave, she perked up again and stood up. "chal mere saath bathroom mein chal, badi jor sey pishab lagi hai." On hearing this, my limp penis started hardening fast as I could not imagine a lustier scenario than being allowed to accompany her while she pissed. As it turned out, she had even dirtier things on mind. I followed her like a lamb while she walked to the bathroom, her gait a little stiff with the...
The Sigma Lambda Tau or SLT for short, was the most popular sorority at the prestigious Schadenfreude College of the Kinetic Arts and Social Sciences, or ?SUCK ASS U? to its more irreverent alumni and current enrollees. To a sister, the membership of the SLT, were composed of the hottest, wildest and most uninhibited girls on campus, that they earned the moniker ? SLUTs?, from their admirers and detractors alike.For long years past, the presidency of the school’s student council was rotated...
Hello ISSR hai may sunny,punjab ka rehne wala hun .aaj main aap sab apne college time ki new romantic story bath tha hua mari ya kahni mari Soniya madam ke hai Soniya madam Commerce Professor hai Dekhna ma bhoot Gauri wasa hai mota mota nipples or moti gand. Age30 year old or 5 saal ke ladki un ka husband merchant navy ma hai or aksar bahr rahta hai un ka ghar ma unke Sas or Capt. Retd. Sasur or do Dewar Madam ka dono dewan defence mai hai Ak Army or air force dono Married hai. Ma accounts ma...
Hello to all ISS readers, i wish to narrate my unforgettable association with my boss’ wife and how that changed my married life. I was regular visitor to my boss’ house and we were very close discussing various things. I was just married then and due to my rather in experience i was very shy and could not succeed in enjoying my wife and make her enjoy either. This somehow became known to my boss and his wife thru some talking to me and they were open in guiding and talking some sexual facts....
Hi, main ravi, phir ek naya experience share karne ke liye and thanks to my reader for appreciating my previous story: sab ki pyas bujhai So, ye mera experience totly new hai, actually sex jitne zada logo se kiya jaya utna hi mazza hai, aur humari health bhi achi rehti hai. Mujhe ek din ek anjan number se phone aaya, woh kisi teacher ka phone tha, unko ek part time teacher chaiye tha, so she contacted me. Maine bhi der nahi lagayi, aur jaldi hi milne gaya, sab kuch theek ho raha tha, dheere-2...
Hi readers I am Prakash and today I am going to tell u something u must have read umpteen no of times in various sex story sites. I am writing for the first time on this site because once I started to read stories on this site, I felt it will be pleasure to share some of my own experience with u people. Sex has always been a topic of hot discussion from Ashoka’s time, but here in India even today it is supposed to be a taboo which is generally neither discussed on drawing boards or dining...
Hello friends yeh meri pehli story hai and I hope apko pasand aygi.Yeh true story hai meri life ki,main cadet school main parhta tha 12th main tha meri physics teacher jin ka name shagufta tha unky boobs bht sexy thy main jb bhi dekhta tha to madam ko chodny ka dil krta tha bht sexy the madam,school k bad main unky ghar tution bhi parhta tha ek din mainy madam ko chodny ka plan bnaya unky ghar waly shadi main gay hue thy bs wo or unki behn ayesha ghar main then.Main juice ki botle main vagra...
This is a True story which was happend 2 months back.My name is Andy and I am employed as a tailor in a ladies garment stitching shop. We were known for our tailoring and used to get a lot of customers. Work was good and I especially enjoyed taking measurements of ladies. One of our regular customers was Farheen madam. She used to get various types of garments like salwar, kamiz and blouse stitched by us. She usually used to visit us at least once a month for new clothes and on most of the...
With an assassin targeting President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, can the most famous cross-dressing crime-fighter of the 1940s save the day? MADAM FATAL: DECEMBER 1941 by BobH (c) 2020 Characters are the property of DC Comics. (Note: This story is a prequel those Madam Fatal stories I've posted to date.) - 1 - "Tell me about Scrappy Nelson and Tubby White, Mr Stanton." "Where would you like me to begin?" I asked,...
There was a male comics character in the 1940s who fought crime by cross-dressing and calling himself Madam Fatal. Here's my take on the character, the second in what will be at least a trilogy of tales. MADAM FATAL: POWER by BobH (c) 2020 Characters are the property of DC Comics. (Note: This story is a sequel to MADAM FATAL: PROWL. Images in the SWI version show what the character looks like.) - 1 - According to my informant, one of my...
I am a regular reader of and also wrote few stories on iss which was liked by readers. Iam very thankful to them. My name is kaku presently living in gurgaon and working as a engineer in a pvt firm.i am 35 yr having 5’7″ ht and well physic.i have 7″ long and 2.5″ thick dick and always wants to be inside cunt, my wife injoy my dick from all hole of body.she dies for this. Now lets come to the story, yeh bat un dino ki hai jab main school main padta tha. Main us samay 10 main padta tha.main...
Mera nam ritesh hai, m/28/Delhi, working in mnc company, love to enjoy my life with every bit of second. Mai delhi mei rahta hoo aur aajtak new friends colony, sarita vihar mei lagbhag 15 houswewife ko chod chukka hoo aur we meri chudai se bahoot satisfy hoti hai kyunki mai chudai sirf chudai ke liye nahi karta balki pura satisfaction dena meri aadat hai.sath hi 100% secracy meri mai maintain karta hoo.yadi aap call/phone talk/chat karna chahe to mujhe e-mail karen, mai jawab dunga. Dosto aaj...
I am the recording secretary at the state level for the PTA and I get to travel a few times a year to attend conferences and such. I’m thirty-eight, my two kids are in high school, so I have quite a bit of free time and I workout almost every day. I am told I am still very attractive, don’t look a day more than twenty-eight and was blessed with a Thirty-four-D chest with really big nipples and am five foot four inches, weight one hundred and nineteen pounds and am a brunette. My husband has...
LesbianWe had spent the night at a local hotel and had arranged for a late checkout the next day, knowing the Madam’s lover would be available in the morning. He was scheduled to arrive at 10 AM, my morning routine was able to get a late start. Showering, a fresh save on face legs and torso, and a quick enema, in case Madam chooses to make me available to her guest, was how the morning started.That was followed by getting dressed in the outfit we had selected for me, hose, wig, and makeup. Madam had a...
CuckoldMadam Martinique's Finishing School Part 1 Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Discipline. Respect. Honesty." The head mistress's riding crop snapped sharply as it hit each word on the marble plaque behind her desk. Her eyes seemed hard as diamonds as she turned to look at my mother. "Those are the three pillars upon which our school are based." "I ... I mean ... umm. ..." Hearing Mother stutter and seeing her squirm in the hard, wooden chair next to mine...
By : Veer_azad Me ek school men adhyapika hum ye matra 12th kaksha tak ka school hai sam ko aksar me nadi-talab ke kinare ghumane nikal jati hum aise hi ek din me talab ke kinare ghum rahi rahi thi. 9th kaksha ki chhatra aur 11th ka ek chhatar mil gaye ye dusare section men the maine unase unaka nam puchha to unhonne apane nam Reeta aur Sanju bataye. Reeta ne school dress yani skirt aur top hi pahane the, lekina uski skirt kuchh Choti thi isaliye jab vo baithi to muje usake gori tangon ke sath...
Madam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 2 Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beams of afternoon sunlight slanted through the narrow windows built into the steel doors at the far end of the hall. Even though I could barely see the head mistress's shoes because her dark gray dress was so long, I could hear the heels of her shoes clicking on the polished floorboards as we walked towards the doors. Something told me the riding crop she carried should seem...
There was Madame Kon's daughter, an almond skinned beauty with gray green eyes and long, silky smooth black hair. She was barely eighteen years old, but she was an exotic beauty with well shaped breasts, slender waist, wide hips and generous lips tinged with a slight maroon rouge. "This is Hashma. My daughter," Madame Kon said. "Hello," he said. Hashma smiled demurely and looked down at the floor. Madame Kon looked back at him and continued. "She has been trained in the arts of all...
Cincinnati, Ohio was just slightly above Mobile, Alabama on the list of profitable arts and craft fair locations for a dealer. Even Cleveland had moved up in the ranks. Yet there I sat, pissed off yet reluctantly resolved to make the best of the situation. It was always good to have at least one ‘psychic’ present at these trailer trash shopping mall events. And that was I, Madam Zira – seer and fortuneteller for the lonely, the desperate, the ignorant thrillseeker with too much money and the...
Madam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 3 Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Watching the way Tod moved as she wove between kids running down the hall (then shifting to a fast walk when they looked up at the head mistress following behind me) and clots of other kids chatting in low murmurs, I felt amazed I could have ever thought she was a boy. She did dress like a boy, and if half of what I had learned about this school was true, she probably started off as a boy,...
Hello dosto, mera naam sam hai. Me ISS ka bahut bada fan hu muje yaha ki saare kahaniya pasand hai. Yaha ki stories padhne k baad mene socha kyu na mere story bhi aap logo k saath share karu. Ye kahani mere aur meri tution teacher radha k baare me hai. Radha ka rang gehua tha aur uski aankhe bhuri rang ki hai. Uska figure 30 24 32 hai. Aur height 5’1 feet hai. Me apni story pe aata hu. Mai 18 saal ka tha jab mai radha ki tution me gaya. Shuruat me use dekhne par muje koi khaas feeling nahi aae....
Hello. Mera naam Ritiesh hai aur mai Agra mai rehta hu.Meri age 23 saal hai aur mai abhi padh hi rha hu. Agar koi lady ho Agra ya aaspaas ki milne mai ya chat krne mai toh vo pe mail kr de. Ye story pichhle saal ki hai jab mai college trip pe gya tha, Manali. Toh hua yu ki humari college bus ki gayi thi jisme kuch ladkiya thi aur kuch ladke, aur humare saath ek male aur ek female faculty gayi thi. Mera stop sabse last the chadne ka bus mai toh mujhe koi seat nhi mili sivaaye madam ki bagal...
Madam Warwick's the brainchild of Annabeth Warwick, (a former prison warden) and Frank Edwards (a retired IT engineer and veteran). The converted estate in upstate New York first opened its doors in 2005 to a carefully selected group of two hundred 18-20 year old female students. The student body had grown to over 800 in the ensuing years. The school is a sort of last resort option, the girls usually sent by the state but sometimes parents would contractually obligate their child right before...
Warning: This story uses scripture to explore the perils facing time travelers if the bible (and in particular, Genesis) could be interpreted literally. If you are a rabid bible-thumper, you should probably stop reading here. On the other hand, if you actually possess a sense of humor, please continue. Madam, I'm Adam By Sue Kidder Chapter 1. "Adam, you've got to give up this foolishness. Even if time travel...
HumorHi, this is Raj mosi ka kissa maine aapko bataya hi tha. Yadd hoga ab dusra suno, Jaisa ki aap jante hi hai ki mai 26 sall ka hun, magar ye mera pehla sex experience tha tab mai sirf 17 saal ka tha, aur school mai padtha tha. Meri teacher jo ki us waqt kareeb 25 saal kit hi, aur meri colony mai hi rahti thi, mai usko didi bolta tha, usne hamare school mai as a science teacher join kiya, jab woh pehley din school mai ayi toh. Sabko apna introduction dete hue boli. Hi, I am Nisha. Ab ap log...
Es ist ein schöner Spätsommertag. Madam Elene sitzt auf der Veranda Ihres herrlichen Anwesen in München Grünwald und denke darüber nach wie Sie Ihren bald kommenden 60. Geburtstag feiern möchte. Trotz Ihrem fortgeschrittenen Alter hat Sie immer noch eine elegante Frau mit einer gute Figur mit langen schlanken Beinen. Dass Sie mal eine sehr schöne Frau war kann man noch sehr gut erkennen. In jungen Jahren hat Sie als Mädresse und „Gesellschaftsdame“ in Wien Ihr erstes Geld verdient und heute...
Yeh baat tab ki hai jab mai 12 class mein thha . mai english ke subject mein thoda weak tah thha. Hamari english mam ka naam Sneha thha. Vo ek south indian thi. Unki age kareeban 40 saal thi. Vo kuch moti thhi khaaskar unke hips kafi moteh thhe. Unke breast bhi kafi bade aur bhari thhe. Vo ek typical indian women lagti thi. 11 class mein mere english mein bahut kum marks thhe isiliye maine sochha ke 12 mein aate hi english par zyada dhyaan diya jaaey. 12 class ki summer vacations se ek din...
Candy woke Reg up the next day. She carried a whip in her hand, so there was no doubt of how serious she was about him getting up. It was a Saturday, which should have meant that he had the day off, but she had apparently made today an exception. "You're my slave, not just my gigolo, Reg. This is a slave duty. Hank, Sally, and Yasmin are coming over today and I want you to be ready for the girls, in case they want some pleasure from you. I know that you're still upset about losing Sally,...
The feminization process with Reggie began soon after the party with a vengeance. Candy and Lewis, along with the others, made a point of calling him "her". They started requiring him to wear panties instead of briefs and keep himself smooth. His hair grew very long, because he wasn't allowed to cut it at all. Plans were made to use electrolysis when the appointment could be made, to permanently remove all body hair. The next major family party was for Labor Day, and Hank hosted it at his...
The message in my mail was pretty simple. One picture and some text. The picture was a woman’s ass as she was bending forward away from the camera. Her spandex shorts riding up a bit to show her cheeks. I could not see her face."This could be the ass you worship. Interested?" was the only text in the message. It was sent from MadameMILF.Naturally I replied. "Yes, please."I anxiously waited for a reply, which took two weeks to arrive."You're polite, that's nice. I need someone to worship my ass....
Hello guys my name is arehman .. Indian sex stories dot net par meri first story ka second part mam ne black mail kia too mei ne too appne bare mei sab bata diya hai Too ab ye story mei batawga kaise mam ki choot chata fir usne 15 inch ka dildo fir gand mei dala or fir bathroom nija k shit kia mu par mere or jab usne meri gf k bare mei galat bola tab mei gusse mei uski gand fari So guys ab detail mei bata raha hu Too mam ne mere mu mei mut ne k bad roo raha tha tab usne fir se mujhe ghasit...
Hello guys my name is arehman(name change) .. Indian sex stories dot net par meri first story hai. Mei aapne bare mei bata du mumbai ka rehne wala hu age 19 height 6 and tool 6 inch dikhne mei ek dam bhi smart nhi ek dam bhi bura nhi normal jaise sharmila bohhat hu Chalo time na waste karte hue story par aata hu Ye story last year ki hai jab mei 12th mei tha mei ne 12 gav mei kia tha or abhi mumbai shift hua hu mei study mei to thick tha sabhi larkia se tamiz se rehta tha isi wajh se sab meri...
Mats have always been a weak subject to me and often scored just above pass marks. Exams were approaching and my parents were tensed thinking about my weak point “Mats. A lot of concerns followed and this is when we had one of our neighbors visiting us. My mother raised her concern about me and our neighbor aunty recommended that I need to be sent for tuitions and she knew a lady teacher who was extremely good at Mats and lived in the close vicinity. My mother was all so happy, she got the...
After a nice brunch, which Reggie was forced to cook and serve to the guests, the entire family gathered in the living room. By this point, Mina, Connie, and Penny were there as well. To ensure that he didn't forget his place, Reggie was required to stay nude for the rest of the day. Connie winked at him, as if to taunt him about the fact that he had probably knocked her up, even though he still resented her a bit for her conduct during the act. "So, Candy, may I borrow Reggie again today?...
There Rachel, his gorgeous mother, stood in the kitchen, holding her son Michael's cock in her hand, jerking it slowly, softly, as she taunted and teased her husband on the cell phone she held in her other hand. He had always fantasized about her fucking another, younger man, and lately they had enjoyed a variety of roleplaying scenarios. And at this moment, her husband believed this was just another fiction, his beautiful wife pretending to be with another man and acting out the rendezvous...
Meri shaadi Ludhiana mein hui thi vaise mere pati bhi Punjabi hein par wo delhi mein job karte hein is karan hum log shaadi ke kuch time baad delhi shift ho gaye. Ek din mere pati ne kaha ke chalo ek mahatma ki yatra mein chalte hein us din Sunday tha hum free the hum yatra mein chale gaye. By god wahan pe kya rush tha bhut lambi line thi mein or mere pati saath saath chal rahhe the achanak ek jor ka rela aaya mei or mere pati alag alag ho gaye yatra chal rahi thi tab humare pass mobile bhi...