Asylum free porn video

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I can still remember my father’s face as he handed me over to the grim faced nurses on our doorstep. “What are you doing?” I asked, turning and fighting to break free as he shoved me into their arms. “Where are they taking me?”

Two autocops stood on standby at the end of the gate, waiting to see if I’d run. I took one look at the line beside the house before remembering my wristhook was still in my bedroom. My father scowled at me. “I found the letters,” he said, reaching into his pocket and tossing a handful of folded sheets of pink paper into my face. “You disgust me. How could you do this to our family?”

“It’s not what you think,” I said, looking down at the letters at my feet as the nurses began to drag me away. “I love her.”

He didn’t reply. He just turned and went inside and I was loaded onto the barred steamcrate for a journey into hell. The nurses left me locked inside and the pilot refused to even acknowledge my existence. I rose past the roof of the steamscraper and then we headed towards the setting sun, soon ascending into thick cloud which penetrated through the bars, making my dress drip with moisture as I shivered in my makeshift cell.

When we landed the sun had long since set and I could see no more than a few feet around me. “Where are we?” I asked the pilot as he stepped off the crate and lit a cigarette.

“Aint you worked it out yet love?” he said, a nasty smile spreading across his face. “You’re going to Gaslight.”

The words were like a bucket of iced water being poured over my head. I began to shiver uncontrollably as two shadowy figures emerged from the gloom. Gaslight Asylum, the home for the incurables.

Ever since the autorepro labs had been set up, sex had been outlawed and anyone caught indulging was liable to end up in a peeler cell for a first offence or here if they were caught twice. But I was the worst kind of offender in the whole skysystem, no second chances for me. I was a lesbian.

I wondered where Emma was right now. Were they coming for her like they had done for me? Two figures came into focus and I recognised the uniform of the private peeler. They took hold of my arms and began leading me across the grass and up to a pair of enormous wrought iron gates, the centre of each was spun into two letters in flowing script. G and A. Gaslight Asylum.

The gates began to open as I shivered in fear. Nobody knew what really happened here, it was more a horror story to tell people once they reached adulthood.

“Don’t touch yourself or you’ll end up at Gaslight.”

“Jenny kissed a boy and the next day they took her to the asylum.”

“Don’t have naughty dreams or Gaslight will have you.”

A few of my classmates at the academy had been committed here over the years, caught kissing in the toilet block or behind the furnace room. They never came back. I wondered if I’d ever see my skyisland again as I was led through the gates and up the marble steps to the imposing front door. On the doorstep a man stood in a tweed jacket, twirling the end of his moustache with his finger.

“Octavia Thompson?”

I nodded, opening my mouth to speak but he raised a hand to silence me.

“Welcome to Gaslight Asylum. My name is Terence Finnegan and I am the Warden of this establishment. Here we will remove your lascivious thoughts, your unconscionable desires, your reprehensible predilections. Do not fear progress and you will not fear treatment.” He took my hands in his and smiled warmly. “We will make you well again.”

He turned to the peelers stood either side of me. “You may leave her with me. Thank you gentlemen.”

Once we were alone all the warmth vanished from his voice. “Into cell nine with you and do not dawdle, the hounds will be roaming shortly and I’m sure they’d love to make your acquaintance.”

A nurse grabbed my arm, dragging me through one door after another, each opening at the touch of a button, the mechanisms clearly well oiled. Everything about the place looked expensive, gleaming marble floors, statues in recesses, chandeliers dangling from the ceiling. We passed through a door marked “Ward B” and the décor changed immediately. I realised that the area for the inmates was quite different to that where the staff worked. The wallpaper was peeling, the floor chipped and stained and I could hear moans and screams coming from the cells.

“In here,” the nurse said, shoving me through a door identical to others along either side of the corridor. By the time I spun round the door had clanged shut and I was alone in a cell. I looked around me. There was a bucket coated with unmentionable filth, a six inch wide window with a single bar across the middle up near the ceiling. No glass meant the cold night air blew towards me as if I were standing outside. The floor was covered in a thin layer of straw and there was no bed, just a frayed yellowing sheet dangling from a hook on the wall.

I wrapped the sheet around me and backed into the corner furthest from the window, squatting down and fighting the urge to cry. I prayed that Emma learned they were coming for her and had been able to make a run for it. If only I hadn’t kept the letters. We’d never even made love, we’d only kissed a few times but with her working in the gunsmiths now and me in a gluebar we had no chance, seeing precious little of each other in our leisure time. We’d both chipped in to buy a mechapigeon, using it to pass messages back and forth once our time together at the academy came to an end.

We mostly spoke of moving to the New World, leaving the fetid skysystem to the council and making a fresh start in a land where we’d be free to be together. It was a dream of course, the tickets on the airships were far out of our reach of our joint income especially as my father took a substantial portion of mine for himself.

I put my head on my knees and stared at the far wall, cursing my father, my family and the council. I could no more choose who I loved than I could pluck the stars from the sky. Was it fair that I should be punished for something over which I had no control?

I began to cry, tears running down my cheeks as I thought of Emma’s face, knowing I’d likely never see it again. I hadn’t even had a chance to say goodbye to her. That was what hurt the most. Our last meeting had been a stolen kiss in the alleyway beside the gluebar before my shift began. She’d surprised me as I’d walked to work, jumping out from the shadows and wrapping her arms round me. At first I thought a nightowl was prowling and I had my fist clenched to lash out before I even realised it was her.

The door to the cell swung open, rousing me from my thoughts of that final kiss. A figure was shoved inside but I could see little more than a shadow in the gloom. “Who’s there?” I asked, my voice echoing round the cell.

“Octavia?” the figure replied. “Is that you?”

My heart soared as I recognised the voice of the love of my life. “Emma?”

Before she could answer a gaslamp flared and Finnegan stuck his head through the open doorway. “This is your chance to prove you are curable,” he said, looking from Emma to me and back again, swinging the gaslamp in his hands. “Last the night without indulging in the sinful pleasures of the flesh for which you are both so reviled and perhaps you will see your skyislands again one day. Goodnight ladies.”

He left, the door slamming shut behind him. As the light faded I turned to Emma, taking her hand in mine. “It’s so good to see you. I feared I had lost you forever.”

To my surprise she snatched her hand away from me. “It’s your fault I’m here,” she snapped. “You corrupted me.”

My heart sank at the sound of those words. Did she really mean that? Did she really blame me for us ending up here? “You’re not serious?” I asked, my voice shaky.

She sighed loudly. “I don’t know. I just wish we’d never met.”

“Don’t say that, please.”

“Look at us, locked away in an asylum with no hope of release and despised by all who know us.”

“That’s not true. There are many who disagree with the council on the laws against intimacy. They’re just too afraid to speak up in public.”

There was the sound of echoing footsteps growing louder as someone approached. A panel in the door was lowered and a nurse peered in at the two of us, gaslamp held to the side of her face. She raised the panel again a moment later and then the footsteps moved on.

I heard a sniffing sound and then Emma began to cry. “Hey,” I said, putting an arm round her shoulder. “It’ll be all right. We just need to get through this.”

“And then what? Just go home and forget this ever happened?”

“No, then we get tickets for the New World and leave this hellhole behind forever.”

“Nice dream,” she said, her head leaning on my shoulder. “But will we ever get out of here?”

I lifted her chin to stare at her, a flicker of moonlight reaching us through the window, just enough light to see her beautiful face. I couldn’t resist. I kissed her. She pulled away slightly but then she was kissing me back, her tongue sliding into my mouth.

“We mustn’t,” she said between kisses but her hands slipped into mine as she spoke and within moments we were laid together in the straw. She reached down under her dress and then I heard a wet sound as she gasped out loud. A second later she had a brass egg in her hand. “Is that the one I gave you?” I asked.

She nodded back at me. “It was up there while I was at work today, it reminded me of your tongue being inside me. Perhaps we can make use of it somehow.”

“I think I know how,” I said, taking it from her and easing out the handle from the side, winding it slowly until it began to buzz in my hand. I ran my free hand up her leg, sliding her dress upwards until I felt the fabric of her panties underneath. I moved the egg to her knickers, pressing it against her clit as she let out a squeak of excitement. She clamped her hand over her mouth to keep quiet as I slid the egg over the fabric, watching it grow damp as the minutes passed.

Eventually my teasing frustrated her so much that she grabbed my arms, dragging me upwards until I was laid on top of her, the egg forgotten in the straw between her legs. She wrapped her arms round my back, kissing me passionately as I stared at her face, still half thinking this was a dream and I would wake up alone in the cell with a throbbing pussy and an aching clit.

She dragged my body further up her until my knees were either side of her head, my dress hiding her from view. I felt her hand pull my panties to one side and then her tongue was in me, delving and stretching my wet hole whilst her hand moved to my clit, stroking it gently. She lapped at my insides as I gasped above her, my hips rocking back and forth as I raced towards an orgasm. She ripped at my panties, tearing them from me in her lust filled haste, the shreds of fabric falling away as she began to caress my buttocks, her fingers moving ever closer to the hole she knew I loved to be filled. She eased her thumb into my bottom as she continued to lick my pussy, the sensation pushing me over the edge and sending an intense climax racing through me as I rocked above her face.

As I came I bit my lip to keep quiet, my chest heaving, my breathing slowly returning to normal. I slid from her and kissed her, tasting my juices on her lips as I slid my hand down her dress, finding the top of her knickers and slipping inside, rubbing her clit in the way I knew she enjoyed more than anything else. Occasionally I’d dip into her pussy but I’d always return to her clit, bringing her to an orgasm whilst staring into her eyes.

She kissed me as she gasped loudly, her body twitching whilst her climax washed over her. She hadn’t even recovered when an unwelcome voice reached us from the door.

“Oh dear.”

I turned to see Finnegan looking in through the open panel in the door. “I feared you would be incurable and alas that I should be proved right. Such a shame.”

The next morning I awoke after a disturbed sleep to find Emma had gone and I was alone in my cell. I noticed something sparkle in the gleam of the morning light and rummaging amongst the straw I found the egg. With a pounding heart I stuck my fingernail in the razor thin gap around the middle. It took a moment but then with a click the two halves fell apart to reveal the insides of the egg. A mass of springs and cogs took up all the available space and with a cautious ear out for anyone approaching the cell I lay out the blanket on the straw, removing each part of the mechanism in turn.

I began connecting cogs together, using the tiny pieces to create the one thing I knew I could use in my predicament. It took a little over a quarter of an hour and it would not last long but I felt proud of myself as I stood up. If it was one thing you learned working in a gluebar, it was how to create a lockpick. Enough ne’er do wells frequented the place to furnish me with the skills to take up any number of illicit careers should I so choose.

I took a deep breath before gingerly inserting the lockpick into the cell door. I twisted it left and right until there was a deep clunk and then the door swung open. Hardly able to believe it had worked I tiptoed along the corridor. I was just passing cell one when I heard a, “Pssst!”

The panel in the door was open and I saw a woman peering out at me. “Take me with you and I’ll make it worth your while.”

“What?” I hissed back, fearing that a nurse might appear at any moment.

“You’re escaping aren’t you? I have the means to get off this skyisland. Let me out and we’ll leave together.”

I looked at her closely, wondering if she was being honest. “What means?”

“I will not say unless you free me. Or perhaps I could yell for the nurse instead?”

“All right, just lower your voice.” I inserted the lockpick into her cell door and in under a minute she was by my side. She looked strange, not like anyone I’d seen before. She was wearing black leather knee length boots. From them were fishnet style stocking that ran up to the frilly black skirt of a ballerina. Above that was a brown corset, black fingerless gloves and she had chest length dark brown hair under a hat with goggles wrapped around it.

“Who are you?” I asked, looking up and down her once more.

“My name is Anna and I will explain who I am once we are airborne. Come, this way, I know the quietest way out.”

“Hold on,” I replied. “I’m not leaving without Emma.”

“The other girl in your cell?”

“Yes! Do you know where they took her?”

“I know all too well. She’s where they take all the new inmates on their first morning.”

“And where’s that?”

“The treatment room.”

“Take me there.”

“What? Are you insane? It’ll be swarming with nurses, doctors, half the asylum staff observe the treatments, I swear they derive a pleasure from it far more intense than any enjoyed by the inmates.”

“Take me there,” I repeated, my teeth gritted.

“All right fine. But if they see you, you’re on your own.”

She led the way, only stepping aside when we reached each door, me holding my breath as I picked each lock, wondering how long my makeshift tool would last. Somehow it held together and we were soon in the treatment wing.

I could hear Emma moaning in the distance and it was all I could do to resist running to assist her. Anna put her finger to her lips and pointed towards a grilled window set into the wall a few feet ahead of us. I could hear nurses talking on the other side of the glass as we crawled beneath it before regaining our feet and edging onwards.

We turned a corner and there stood an imposing oak door blocking the corridor, a brass panel screwed into it was marked, “Treatment Room A.”

I slid the lockpick into the door but as I turned it, it snapped, the broken end remaining wedged in the lock. “Now what?” I hissed to Anna and she shrugged. I turned back, trying each door I came to. The third one swung open to reveal a storeroom and inside I spotted the one thing I thought could help us.

On a shelf lay a box of freshly pressed nurses’ uniforms. I held one out to Anna and took another. “Change quickly,” I told her as another moan reached me from the treatment room. I began to undress and Anna did the same and I could not help but look at her body as she removed her corset, her breasts coming into view, putting my own to shame as she neatly folded her clothes and laid them on the shelf. “I’ll be back for those,” she said, sliding into the white dress. I felt a flash of disappointment as her nipples vanished from view but I let it pass, easing open the door once more and glancing out before nodding back at my companion. “What are you going to do?” she whispered.

I walked up to the treatment room door and knocked loudly. Anna gasped as my boldness as the door swung open and a naked man opened it. “Yes? Ah, you must be here for stage two before the display for the general staff. I’ve not seen you before though.”

“Just transferred here,” Anna said quickly.

“Fresh off the steamcrate,” I added, trying not to look at the erect member between the man’s legs.

“Well come in and let’s get this thing moving.”

“How’s the patient?” I asked as I walked into a laboratory more suited to a mad scientist than a council funded asylum. In the middle of the room Emma was naked and strapped onto a wooden table, intensely bright gaslamps set into the walls around her. Various tables and shelves were covered in all manner of devices, from Ronson’s patented malaise cures to long brass cylinders, vibrating eggs, a long showerhead, even a converted mechapigeon, its robotic wings replaced with what looked like feather dusters.

“No matter what I’ve tried she refuses to allow me to insert myself into her,” the man said, folding his arms and glancing back at Emma. “She is incorrigibly Sapphic and it chills my blood to see such an intense disease invading her mind.”

“Could I suggest something?” I asked, my heart racing as I thought how I could free her before he began to torture her.

He nodded. “Go on.”

“Have you heard of intensive aversion therapy?”

“I don’t believe so.”

“It was patented by Doctor Tarr and Doctor Featherr of Gothenburg in ’76 and is summarised thusly. The patient observes the correct behaviour whilst being treated to pleasurable stimuli. In her mind she begins to relate the two and can sometimes be cured in a matter of hours.”

“Intriguing. How would we go about conducting such a treatment?”

“It will require you to create a tableaux with my colleague here whilst I stimulate the patient.”

“Are you suggesting…?”

“I am.”

“Very well.”

Anna tapped me on the shoulder. “Are you saying I indulge in congress with the doctor whilst you do the same to the patient?”

“I am,” I winked at her, raising my eyebrows to hint that I had a plan in mind. She nodded almost imperceptibly before turning to the doctor.

“Shall we good sir?” she asked, lowering herself to her knees and taking hold of his erect member in her hands. She began to slide her hands up and down his shaft as I moved over to the table and leaned down to kiss Emma’s neck.

I whispered in her ear as quietly as I could, “Hold on a little longer my love and you will soon be free I swear.” I moved my lips down over her shoulders towards her nipples, licking them into hardened buds as Anna took the doctor’s cock into her mouth.

“How is she?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at Emma.

“Keep going,” I replied, kissing my way down her stomach towards her pussy. “I must examine her intimately to see how she reacts to the stimulus you provide.”

He pushed Anna off him, raising her to her feet and turning her round, bending her over and yanking down her panties, leaving her round bottom exposed to our gaze. “Spread your cheeks,” he said. “Let’s show her what she should desire, none of this Sapphic depravity of which she’s so fond.”

Anna did as he suggested, revealing the round hole of her bottom and the pinkness of her glistening pussy. The doctor slid the head of his prick between her buttocks, down over her labia to her clit before sinking into her, taking hold of her hips and rocking deeper into her pussy.

I moved my tongue over Emma’s clit, planning to move down to undo the bonds which held her ankles in place. I became distracted by the taste of her, finding myself unable to pull my mouth from her clit, lapping at her engorged nub as she moaned loudly above me.

As I licked her Anna began to shriek with pleasure, the doctor slamming ever faster into her, her body shaking as he kept her from falling to the floor with his firm hands on her hips. Anna glanced down at me as I pushed a finger into her, teasing her warm insides as I continued to lick her clit. I felt her pussy contract around me as she suddenly came without warning, her hips thrusting upwards towards my face.

As she let out a deep sigh of pleasure, I moved my hands to her ankles and then her legs were free. She was still recovering from her climax as I freed her wrists. Together we tiptoed behind the doctor and grabbed him, dragging him out of Anna and pushing him backwards onto the table before he could react. In seconds we had him tied down and then we stood back, ignoring his protests as his cock jutted into the air, glistening with the juices from Anna’s pussy.

“What are you doing?” he cried. “Let me free this instant.”

“We’re leaving,” I replied. “Goodnight good doctor.”

“No wait,” the doctor pleaded. “At least do not leave me this frustrated.”

I opened my mouth to speak but Anna was in front of me before I could say anything. “I will do this,” she said to me. “For I am also desirous of the same outcome.”

She climbed onto the table and squatted over his pelvis, guiding him up inside her as Emma and I could only wait. She began to bounce up and down on him, watching his reaction change as he fought ineffectually against the bonds holding him in place. She moved her body down against his a minute later, grinding against him until he grunted loudly at the same time as she let out a deep moan. They came at the same instant and I could see excitement flash across Anna’s face as he came inside her.

Her body shook with her own climax and it was some time before she had recovered sufficiently to climb off him and step back down to the floor, giving his shaft a single kiss before turning to me. “Let’s go,” she said, a broad smile upon her face.

The doctor looked as if he’d imbibed opium, he seemed in a soporific daze. We left him on the table and tiptoed out of the door, Emma picking up a ring of keys from a hook on the wall as we left. We made our way along countless corridors with Anna in the lead. She took us left and right again and again until she stopped at a final door, taking the keys from Emma. She unlocked the door and then we were outside in the grounds.

“How did you know which key to use?” Emma asked.

“I used to work here before the patients taught me the pleasure of intimacy but there is no time for long tales. We must find my balloon.”

“Balloon?” I asked as she began to run across the manicured lawns towards a copse of trees by the boundary wall. She didn’t respond to my question as she clambered up from branch to branch before hopping onto the top of the wall, beckoning us to follow. A minute later we were on the other side and running once more, listening out all the time for private peeler patrols. I was almost out of breath when she stopped at last by a derelict steamcrate dock. “Under here,” she said, reaching into the control box and pulling a lever. 

A section of grass slid aside and left a gaping hole in the ground. Anna reached inside and began winding a wheel on the control box as a length of thick fabric began to emerge from the hole. Within minutes a balloon was in view and then Anna clambered down into the hole, passing out four long cylinders each marked “Gaseous – Caution.”

“How did this get here?” I asked as I took the first cylinder and laid it near the balloon.

“I will explain later,” she replied as she climbed back out of the hole, “but for now we must hurry.”

She walked over to the nearby bushes, throwing branches aside to reveal a hidden wicker basket. Under her instructions we soon had the cylinders attached to the basket and the balloon fabric in place along the ground. She twisted the wheels on the first cylinder and with a hiss and a click a plume of flame emerged from the end. 

“Hold this,” she said, passing me a section of balloon. With Emma holding another piece a circle formed and the heat of the flame passed through to the innards of the balloon which slowly began to inflate. It seemed to take forever to fill and as the balloon slowly rose above the basket I heard an echoing siren back in the direction of the asylum.

“Hurry up,” I snapped as the whistles of private peelers filled the air.

“Climb in,” she replied, turning the wheels of the remaining cylinders which each began to spurt flame up into the balloon.

“Oi!” I heard a peeler yell and then a dozen of them were running towards us as I clambered into the basket, my feet kicking a canvas bag which lay in the footwell.

“Come on!” Emma shouted as she saw the nearest peeler reach for a fusegun with just a few yards between him and us.

At that moment the basket wobbled and began lifting into the air. The peeler put on a fresh burst of speed and just got the tips of his fingers onto the basket as we rose above him. He tried to hold on but lost his grip and fell the few feet to the ground as we rose higher into the air.

“Oh my life, that was close,” I said, collapsing into the basket and sighing with relief. The cylinder above me roared as more flame jetted upwards and then Anna turned the wheels once more, letting the balloon drift slowly through the air.

“Why aren’t they firing at us?” Emma asked, looking down over the side of the basket.

“They know what’s in the balloon. A single fusegun blast and the explosion would take out them, the asylum and most of the skyisland.”

“How do we steer this?” I asked, glancing up at the voluminous patchwork of fabric over our head.

“With this,” Anna replied, pointing at a panel on the side of the cylinders. “Different levels of heat in different sections of the balloon. The space within is divided in conjunction with this and a master flyer knows just how much heat to send to each section to choose which direction to fly in. Any more questions?”

“What’s in the bag?”

“A fusegun, some provisions and something else that we’ll need when we land. Satisfied?”

“Almost,” Emma said, taking my hand in hers and pulling me to my feet. “Just one more question. Where are we going?”

Anna smiled as she watched Emma’s arm slide round my back. “Where do you think? To the New World of course.”

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Sex Adventures Of HR Trainer 8211 Ooty

Hi everyone myself Maddy currently working in Chennai as HR . I’m a person who love sex always I never forced a girl for sex also never missed a chance to enjoy. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories enjoying stories posted here.Thanks for your feedback mails and messages in hangouts for my first story. This is my second story and more to come, kindly pardon my mistakes send your feedback to Let’s come to the story it happened a month ago December 2015, you guys remember swetha the girl...

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This all began with my ex husbands gambling debt he lost £10,000  at the club the left me with the debt, Johan the owner was ok with it but wanted his money so he asked me if I would do some work for him as an accountant  I thought that this would be book work. Johan called at the office saying I have a job for you tonight a parcel will be delivered to the office its your outfit, a car will pick you up outside at 5.30 pm don’t be late! I was unsure what was happening but wanted to clear the...

1 year ago
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Waiting is Over Part 1

About two years ago I moved into a low budget apartment complex just outside of the city. It was a decent two level place, two bedrooms, one and a half baths, just big enough for me. I had just turned 35, was newly divorced and excited to finally have the bachelor pad I never had when I was younger. My next door neighbor was a single mother of twin teenage daughters, Amber and Ashley. They were both beautiful young women, about 18 years old. Amber had long blond hair, bright blue eyes and long...

2 years ago
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When Fantasies Come True

It’s a big step I’m taking today with a man I normally only text. I don’t really know him, so it’s a chance I’m taking today and I’m very nervous. What if someone I know sees me? There are going to be questions, after all. If I go through with this today, then I will know what the next step will be. It is just for a few hours, and then I will be gone. With that thought, I get into my car and drive out to the Resort where we said we will meet for the day. I pay my entrance fee for the day and...

First Time
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Bukkake Splat

God bless xHamster; if you can forgive the insidious malvertising that is slowly exerting its icy grip on whatever device you jack off over, for its smorgasbord of modest depravities, a singular archaeological record of hardcore. Gillis is here to cleanse his palate after watching two poor arseholes burned alive in the latest ISIS Mondo spectacular. He feels emotionally dead so he looks for extreme media to repulse or shock him into reminding himself he lives. Abject and sophomoric but so what...

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Lenas Love Lessons 2 Lusty Love Lips

Lovely looking Lena is exactly eighteen years and six months on the last Friday of August in 1973. She is still a virgin and completely innocent about sex. She even never touched herself 'down there'. It is after her first week of studies in Amsterdam. It turns out to be an erotic evening she will never forget, the sweet sexy start of her many major love lessons.Lovely looking Lena looks forward to a full weekend of love lessons from her hot big bro Bert. He promised to teach her everything she...

3 years ago
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This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife

This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...

1 year ago
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Strip Game Addict ENF

You're a healthy teenager with a healthy attitude about sex and other things of the sort, the thing is, you've got a not so healthy obsession with strip games, doesn't matter what the game is, where it's played, or who you play it with, if there's mention of a strip game, you're not going to refuse, that is, if you're not the one who suggested it. It should go without saying that, for the most part, you end up losing all your clothes, and at the mercy of your opponent. Naturally, this sort of...

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 6 Jumping Janine

It was by accident that the girls' big, young cousin finally did get into the 'bossy' thirteen year old. Bill and Sue both thought that Jan had gone to town with her mother but, at the last moment, Bonny had received a phone call from a former boyfriend and, although she wouldn't admit it, in the hope that it might lead to something more than a cup of coffee together, she'd left Jan behind. Janine had showered and, leaving the shower with only a big towel wrapped around her, she'd...

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Pamelas TherapyChapter 4

When Pamela awoke she found herself tied to the couch with her face in the cushions and her ass upended over the armrest. Her arms were stretched to their limit, the cord binding her wrists attached to the legs at the foot of the couch. She stood on tiptoes, calves spread wide, her ankles attached to the opposite legs... With the hem of her skirt tucked into its waistband and her cheer panties at half mast, stretched wide between her knees it was impossible to hide her private parts from this...

1 year ago
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Mother and Daughter part 2

Ellie smiled as she woke up on her comfortable single bed. It had been one of the most turbulent weeks of her young life, if not THE most turbulent, but it had finally ended, and for once, Ellie had a reason to feel positive about her future, all thanks to one person- the woman who was, unsurprisingly, already awake when Ellie emerged from her room, glad only in a knee-length t-shirt. "Good afternoon," Janet teased, chuckling as the teenager rolled her eyes. "Can't blame you for...

4 years ago
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How I Became the Family Slut Part 4

"Goddammit, Sweet Muffin, you've got the tightest pussy I ever fucked!” Those were the first words out of my daddy's mouth when his hard cock penetrated my pussy for the very first time.At this point in my story I was just a couple of months past my sixteenth birthday. I was five feet tall, skinny, had hardly any tits to speak of, but I had a small waist, a cute butt and a flaring set of hips that I was just learning how to use. I had curly red hair, freckles, and braces on my teeth. I was...

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The Interview

I've had a few kinky adventures in my time, I once went for an interview which was arranged through a friend of ours. It was for a small firm and the job I was applying for was supervisor. I was really fed up with the job I was in so I wanted to make an impression. Our friend had told me that the manager of this little company fancied himself as a lady’s man, and if I wore the right type of clothes, the job would probably be mine. He had a little office just off the M61, about 18 miles from...

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My new boss fucked my brains out pt 1

This is a recollection of an experience of mine in the 1970s. I used to work in a freight firm near London Airport, where there were several nice looking men, one of whom I used to suck off regularly round his house, after work. He used to fuck me occasionally afterwards when his wife was away and/orhe wasn't getting any from her. His name was Jim, and he was lovely in and out of bed, tall, hairy, sinewy and manly with about 8 inches of love between his sexy thighs. One day he told me his wife...

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Bangali Bhabhi Ne First Experience Diya

Hi doston sam is back yeh dekh kar bahot khushi hui ke app sab meri pheli story ko bahot pasand kiya isliye appni life ka dusra experience share karne jaa raha hu naye logo ke liye apna inyroduction phir ek baar deta hu ,mera naam sam hai ,age 23yr ,height 5.10ich ek normal build ka ladka hu ,lund ki size 8inch ,chaliye ab apni story pe aata hu, Baat aaj se karib 5 saal [hele ki hai jab meri age 18 yrs ki thi ,aur hum sab ghar wale ek rent ke house mein ek chawl me rehte the ,hamari building 2...

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The Vampiress

Note: I do not own Blade or any movies or characters affiliated with him, the geniuses at Marvel do. Also my first attempt at a TG story. Please be kind. The Vampiress "Yo, that's awesome!" My friend Tony said as we watched Blade kill a vampire. We were sitting on my couch watching Blade II. Tony was my best friend, and we loved action movies. "Yeah, Blade is one bad-ass." I replied to him. The credits rolled and I took out the DVD. I placed it in the case and handed it to Tony....

3 years ago
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Bossed Into Panties

Thanks for your many suggestions and requests, some of which have been included, so keep them coming. I just hope the next story won't take as long as this one did to write! Bossed Into Panties - Part 1 Introduction In the late 1980's, the UK was once again gripped by the effects of a recession. Companies were going bust, unemployment queues were lengthening, and downsizing was becoming the norm. This is the background to a story, that illustrates what people...

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Bachelorette Party

Something about bachelorette parties makes us girls do all sorts of naughty stuff. My friend Jackie, 24 years old was ready to settle down for one cock for life (or at the very least till her pussy takes over and she cheats). She and I both knew each others slutty side as we have partied for three years together. Her maid of honor, Carrie was a bigger slut than either one of us and she was responsible for organizing the bachelorette party. We knew it would be wild. On the evening, the limo...

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My First time with Dad

Hi everyone my name is Rachel from UK and this story is about the first time I lost my virginity at the tender age of 16 to none other then my own Dad. It was my 16th Birthday and after all the party and my friends and everyone gone, I went to my room to have a shower, I always knew Dad lusted for me and could see it when he used to stare at me. As I just come out of the bathroom and was sitting on the bed with my robe hanging open, so my skimpy bikini panties were visible when my daddy...

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Double Switch Ch 09

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. The Prologue has been on this site for some time. Unfortunately, the censors at Literotica rejected my first and second chapters. I have rewritten them, making sure that no overt sexual activity takes place until the participants are 18 years of age. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with this Chapter. ...

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Aunt Susan

The room seemed warm and smaller than usual. I'd been sitting there for an hour planning it all out. Going over it in my mind with almost military precision. Planning what I would say, how I would do it. Trying in my mind to overcome the crippling shyness that beset me whenever I talked to a woman I really wanted. I was a novice then. 18 years old and with only a few rushed and unsatisfying wanks from the inexperienced hands of fellow novices. But this, this was different. Susan was (and still...

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A Changed Woman part 3

Ann and Babbs woke up from their after sex nap. They lay in bed at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi cuddling. Should they stay in bed or do something became the question of the moment. Ann suggested they freshen up and go to The Hard Rock for dinner. With no objection from Barb, the plan was set in motion. An afternoon of sex had left them relaxed and hungry. Ann said "Don't worry about what to wear. I brought some things for you. They're laid out in the other bedroom." Barb, always liking gifts and...

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My name is Jack and I am forty seven years old, my wife Emma is forty and we have been married for fifteen years, and we have no children she is a very attractive five foot seven with a superb figure and shoulder length brown hair and turns heads when we are out. I am an electrical engineer and my wife works as a machine operator at a local clothes manufacturer. Our sex life has always been good and we recently started talking about. making it more exciting and started looking at porn and...

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The Boy the Girl and How MORFS Came Between ThemChapter 3

I got up the next morning and my arm still hurt, I had a look and the flesh was now black and blue. A huge angry bruise wrapped around my arm where Lisa's vise-like grip had been. The area where she had punched me was especially tender. I put on my school uniform and got ready, wincing as I slipped my shirt on over the bruise. After breakfast I headed into school. Lisa met me at the gate with a kiss and we walked up to our classroom together. My worries gone for the time being, she seemed...

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Lange nicht gesehen

Es war halb Neun und natürlich war Ben wieder pünktlich und klingelte an meiner Tür." Jetzt mach mal hin die Party hat schon um acht angefangen". "Ja, ja beruhig dich ich bin erst vor einer halben Stunde von der Arbeit Heim gekommen." Versuchte ich mich zu verteidigen während ich meine Sachen zusammen suchte. 40 Minuten später parkten wir vor Lisas Haus und begaben uns in Richtung des nicht zu überhörenden Lärms der nur von dem Gelächter und zugeproste einzelner übertönt wurde. "Ich hoffe die...

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Harem Girl of Gor Outtake

Harem Girl of Gor: Studio Outtake The final chapter of the Emma trilogy should be posted next week, but in the meantime I thought I'd post a couple of 'outtakes' from the various books that never made it to the final draft. This is one of them, and it would have appeared somewhere in the middle of 'Harem Girl of Gor,' after Emma's experiences in the slave pens of Banu Hashim. This was originally written before I decided that Brinn would buy Emma outright at the Oasis. I originally...

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Fantasy Lesbian World

I approach the massive set of doors that leads into the palace of the Queen. Hesitantly, I knock on the door. Immediately, the huge doors swing inwards, revealing a massive hallway- the throne room. Seated at the end of the hallway is the Queen of the kingdom of Ellinia. Nervous, I step forwards into the expansive room, my boots making loud echoes on the stone floor. It seems to take years until I am at the end of the throne room, kneeling before the Queen. Keeping my head down, I say,'my...

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A Day At The Naturist Beach

Vanessa had never been to a nudist beach before but she was aware that I had been to the one at Morfa Dyffryn in Wales. It was a huge beach, beautiful sand backed by sand dunes and much of it was given over to nudist bathers. You have to work about a mile along the beach before you come to the nudist part. Vanessa thought we had made a mistake until a naked man walked past us displaying his wares for all to see. She looked at me and bit her lip and smiled, amazed to see such a site. We walked...

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Body Language Part 3

Again, Taverner wrote Part 1, and let me finish the story between Allan and Karla. Enjoy. ‘Mmmmm…Allan…’ Karla was on the bed on all fours, as I was thrusting into her from behind. It was the first time that we ever tried it like this, but Karla had been growing more adventurous since the pregnancy. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and caressed her stomach, feeling the slightest bump for where our baby was growing. The thought that I had impregnated Karla, and that we had made a baby...

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A day at the seaside

I was sort of tricked into being in a bizarre situation but, to be honest, it was mostly my fault. It all started at the beginning of the summer when still living in Brighton. It was great to be able to go and sit on the beach and relax in the summer sun with a good book, magazine or just our thoughts. We had been to the naturist beach a few times before, but it is quite a trek to get down there from where we lived. One visit however wasn’t what I was expecting and most of all hoping for....

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 4 Colonel Schumacher

June 2, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Saturday morning, Clarissa left for her volunteer job at the local free clinic and I headed to the dorm to move my things from eight to two. It took about an hour to move everything and get it set up again. I’d just finished when I heard a very familiar voice call my name. “Hi, Jos!” I replied happily, holding out my arms. We hugged and exchanged a gentle kiss and then I pushed her cart down the hallway to her room. “You could have come up to get me to help...

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Lucy and her daddy

Lucy lay naked on her front, breathing hard, hands still clenching the bed sheets. And lying over her body, equally as naked, he was breathing harder, taking in long gulps of air. His cock was still hard and deep in Lucy’s tight little arsehole, where he had only moments before exploded and flooded her with his hot spunk. Her own orgasm was still coursing through her, flowing out from her pussy to every inch of her body, the same intenseness she always felt when he took her, wherever and...

2 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 8 Recuperation

Mom went back to work down in the ER the next morning, which I found a blessing. I mean, I loved my mother, but she was driving me completely nuts hanging around the room with me. She still dropped in at lunchtime, but I could handle that. Otherwise, I had her bring in a few books from home that I could read holding up with my left hand. Kelly came over after school on Tuesday. She had worked out an arrangement to take a different bus over to the hospital, and then either Mom would take her...

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Accidental Dick Magic

Matt’s heart almost beat backwards. He was in his living room illuminated only by the TV, his girlfriend draped over him softly. It wasn’t that he really cared for Lucy that had him so anxious, though that played a part. Tonight was special. Matt has just turned 18 a few weeks ago, before he and Lucy has started going out, and she was one of the older kids in their soon-to-be-graduating class and had been 18 since last summer we. His sisters were all in college and his parents had gone away for...

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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 7

When Melanie and Justin turned to swim to the pool’s edge, they saw their mother. Allison saw her also and jumped out of the water and ran for the gate leading to her house. She left her bikini on the concrete not even thinking. She was embarrassed. “Shit, what is mom doing here?” Justin said.“Um, that’s not the question. We need to worry about how much she saw,” Melanie said as she walked to the pool’s control room.Justin looked at her and said, “Oh fine, leave me alone to deal with mom...

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Muslim Reader Ki Chudai

Hi friends, how are you, I am karan rajput from delhi. Meri last kamukta story “Policewali ki chikni chut” ko aap sabne bahut like kiya uske liye thankyou so much. Aap mujhe aise hi appreciate karte rahiye or mai aapko apne experiance batata rahunga. Aaiye ab story per aate hai. Meri story padhne ke baad mujhe bahut saare emails aaye usme ek mail tha alia khan ka ek muslim aurat. Maine uske mails ka reply diya toh humari baatein hone lgi. Usne kha ki mujhe tumhari story bahut pasand aayi or mai...

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I became a female voyeurrevisited

I became a female voyeur, revisitedHopefully you will have read and enjoyed my previous stories “I became a female voyeur”. In those stories, you will have read how I set up secret cameras in my student accommodation so that I could spy on my housemates. I thought I would continue the story..............After leaving college, I got a job and moved into my own 2 bedroom flat, not far from my parents. It is the case with me that I am nearly always horny and sometimes I work myself into a sexual...

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Varsha Mami Ki Maalish 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers , thanks for loving Varsha mami stories so much. Un dino main vacations ke liye mama ke ghar par tha. Mama ke ghar me mami aur unki 4 saal ki ek ladki rehte hai. Ab main Varshs mami ke bare me apko batata hoo. Uski figure near about 34-26-38 hai. Varsha mami ki badi gaand dekh ke koi bhi uspe lattu ho jaye. Varsha mami ke boobs bhi bahut attractive the. Mami ki gaand ko hamesha hi ghoorata tha. Ek din mami unki ladki Sonu ko leke school se ghar aa rahi thi. Tabhi sidhiyon se upar...

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GloryHoleInitiations Misty Stone Third Appearance

Misty Stone is no stranger to glory holes! She’s not only visited a few in her day, now that she’s working at an adult video store, Misty knows what goes on back in the video arcade! In fact, Misty keeps her eyes peeled for white-boy perverts who come into the store during their lunch break. If she sees an opportunity, Misty takes it! She’s super busy with inventory when her manager says something like, “it’s crazy back there today…a parade of perverts back...

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He Won

It took a couple hours, but the phone finally vibrated in her pocket. The quick two second shock moved through her hips and up her spine, into her breasts, causing her nipples to harden. She knew who it was before she even reached towards her pocket.  A few minutes later, she pulled the phone from the rear pocket of her skin-tight jean-shorts, and hit the power save button. The message icon said ‘1’ and she clicked the little green icon open. It was from him, and all it read was ‘What time,...

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My brown beginning part 9

The next day was Monday and school was still in session and Mom worked all week as usual.We all had oral sex a few times that week and I drank Mom and grams pee several times,Mom didnt want to feed me her poop for a few days so we could all stay healthy.But they did let me watch them pooping and even if I wasnt home saved it for me in the commode bucket to sniff and play with my cock untill i came,usually on grandmas or Moms tongue for them to swallow.Thursday nite we broke out the new toys and...

2 years ago
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Over a Piece of Pie

As always this story is exclusively my property and may not be reproduced or republished without my express permission. Any resemblance to people living or dead is a coincidence. *** This story is entered as part of the Valentine’s Day Contest, please don’t forget to vote! *** — Love was there at the beginning, the sweetness, the passion. That first Valentine’s Day was supposed to be magical, everything was supposed to be perfect. The mood, the lighting, the meal, the girl. But it wasn’t....

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Gideon tried to walk the straight and narrow path. He rose early for work each morning when there was work to be had. He did his best to busy himself with those things that decent people do. It’s not that trouble had never found Gideon. It had. In fact, trouble had been a constant if mostly unwelcome companion for nearly all his twenty seven years. He had designedly sought it out in those heady, joyful, angry days when he thought, as all young men do, that he was invincible. Trouble, he...

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Jaynes First Time

Just started my first year at college. I am out with friends, they are all talking about their first experiences of having sex. I don't let on that I am only a virgin, but I ache to know what it is like to experience that kind of thing. My boyfriend and I have been going together since high school. He is 20 and has never pushed me into doing anything. My parents have always talked about me waiting, until I get married, but my body is telling me other things. The rest of the day during...

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My Hot Son

As we pulled away from the house I was happy that my husband was not going with us. It was just my sixteen year old son and I making a trip across the country in the car to see my sister. My husband and I have not been getting along for some time now and I really needed a break. My husband and I had not had sex in months and I was hoping to get a little at some point on this trip. I feel asleep thinking of cock and had sweet dreams. I awoke a few hours later horny as hell and looked over at my...

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