11th GradeChapter 4 free porn video

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The next ten days passed quickly. Mama and I played golf on the next Saturday, and I played with both of my parents, and Uncle Bunny, on Sunday. I didn't talk to anyone about my dream, but it was troubling me a little. I kept thinking about how near I'd come to actually seeing my mother's face. It didn't occur to me that it was simply a dream, unconnected with any reality. I started thinking more and more about the woman who was my birth mother.

I'd never admitted it before, but I had been very hurt and troubled over the idea that someone had just decided to give me away, after I was already three years old. What was so wrong with me that my own mother would decide to do that? I always wondered why I didn't remember anything from before I came to the orphanage too. I had tried, lots of times, to think about any memory I had from before I went to live at St. Cecelia's, but I couldn't. I remember falling once, and cutting my leg near the ankle, but that was when I was about five years old. I had to go to the hospital to get stitches. A priest came to bring me to the hospital in a car, then he took me back, after the doctor finished sewing my leg. I couldn't remember anything at all from before then.

I did see Emily and Gary at the club once. It happened when I was coming down to ask someone to bring me my clubs and a bucket of practice balls. They were with their parents, and they were heading upstairs to the clubhouse restaurant, before I could do more than wave hello to them. Emily smiled at me, so that was a big relief. It meant she couldn't be that mad at me. Gary was growing too. He was about six inches taller than the last time I saw him, and now he was really tall for his age. He hadn't put the weight back on, from being sick the year before, like Emily had. He looked healthy, just really thin. I remember thinking that he'd be seven feet tall, if he kept growing like he was until he was sixteen or seventeen years old. He looked like he was already taller than me.

On Wednesday, Grace and Jane showed up in Jane's Toyota. They unloaded the car. I helped them put everything in their room. Jane told me they had to go back to Bolling, to get the rest of her things. She said if I came, it might take two more trips, so that was the reason I couldn't come. I offered to go ask Hans if he'd drive us over in the limo, so we could be sure get it all at once, but Jane said her father was pretty upset that she was moving out, especially with Grace, and she didn't want to have any trouble by bringing anyone else there to help her.

I went ahead to the club and took my golf lesson, then hurried home, to make sure I didn't miss them when they got back. When they did pull up again, they had managed to load everything in before they left. It was about two thirty, and I talked them into going out to the club and grabbing a quick snack bar hot dog or hamburger, which we'd eat before playing eighteen holes. We drove out with Hans, leaving the Toyota still loaded, and sitting in front of our house.

I played really well, and so did Jane. I shot an eighty one, but that was with two double bogey's. One of the doubles was on a hole I'd birdied the last time I'd played it. My putting had been good though, not one three putt on my round. The second double came because I hit my drive out of bounds. Jane shot a seventy three. She told me she hadn't touched a golf club since the last time we'd played with Mama. I didn't know what was wrong with Grace's game. It looked like almost everything. She wasn't striking the ball good, and she didn't seem to even be trying with her putter. She finished up with an eighty eight, but she played so poorly, I was surprised when Jane announced our scores. I thought Grace must have scored close to one hundred. When I replayed each of the holes in my mind though, the numbers matched up with what Jane said.

While Jane and I waited for Grace to go to the restroom, after we had finished, Jane told me that there had been a huge scene at Grace's house while they were packing and moving her personal possessions. Grace's mother and father had gone through everything Grace had packed, taking back anything that Grace hadn't purchased with her own money. Her clothes hadn't been that good in the first place, according to Jane, but now Grace didn't have anything decent to wear at her new job. She was very upset about how her parents had treated her. Jane said her father wasn't one hundred per cent sure about her and Grace, but he was very suspicious. They had only gotten away with things as long as they had, because Grace had dated Jimmy, Jane's brother, for six months.

By the time we got back to the house, Mama and dad were back from Bolling with Uncle Bunny. The company had switched banks to make it easier to run the payroll and other accounts for all three of the new divisions. The old bank hadn't been able to do what dad said he wanted. They had also gotten a much larger operating line with the new bank. The new banker had also told dad about a possible new acquisition, and he had helped arrange for the present owner of that company to fly into Bolling on Friday, to speak to dad. Dad said he already knew a lot about the company, and had wondered how much longer they'd try to go it alone, as an independent.

This was the first time that Grace and Jane had met Uncle Bunny. After about five minutes, the three of them were laughing like old friends. That was how Uncle Bunny always was, he could make people relax, and enjoy themselves around him. While they were getting acquainted, I talked to Mama about Grace's clothes situation. She just smiled, and told me not to worry about it any longer. I knew then that Jane and Grace were in for a ride to Springfield for some clothes shopping. Mama had never liked Bea, not just for what happened with dad either. There was something about Bea's nature, which just seemed to rub Mama the wrong way. If she had liked her, Bea would have enjoyed the year she spent living with Mama.

At dinner, my suspicions were confirmed when Mama told both girls not to make any plans for the following day, because they needed to go with her, into the city. After dinner, while Mama, dad, and Uncle Bunny were discussing business, and having a few more drinks in the library, I took the girls upstairs, and told them what to expect. I told them the same thing Uncle Bunny had told me, about not stopping Mama from buying them as much as she wanted to. I told them no matter how much she spent on them, she'd make more in daily interest on all her money and investments than they could possibly spend on them. I wasn't sure it was true, but it sounded good, and I wanted both of them to have fun, and enjoy the time they spent with Mama.

I knew that Mama was bound to have one or more of her depressions while Grace and Jane were there. I figured that seeing her like she gets then, would be much easier for them to take, if they saw her when she was happy, and at her best. To me, one day of Mama being happy, and in full control of herself, made up for at least twenty of those other days, when she was filled with darkness and despair. I wished she never had to go through those other times, but I understood how important it was to allow her to fully enjoy all of her good days. I think I succeeded in convincing the girls too.

"Listen, I'm going to have to go somewhere for a couple hours. I hate leaving you two all alone on your first night living here, but maybe you could relax up here and have a nice bath while I'm gone. If you throw the bolt after I leave, no one can come in the room to disturb you. When I get back, I'll phone you from downstairs, so you'll know it's only me knocking at the door later. I'll be gone for at least two hours, so if you get tired of the television, or get sleepy, you can always use my bed until I get back." I got a kiss on the cheek from Grace, which surprised me. Jane gave me a hug, after Grace stepped away. I let myself out of my bedroom, hearing the bolt thrown right away, seconds after I shut the door. My first thought out in the hallway, was where could I go while I gave them some privacy for those two hours? I decided to go outside, to take a walk.

Before I left the house, I told Gerta that Grace and Jane were in my bedroom, relaxing and watching television, and weren't to be disturbed. I went into the library and said good night to Uncle Bunny, mentioning to Mama that I had left the girls in my room to relax, and watch some television. I thanked her for being so nice to my friends, asking her not to wear herself out with too much shopping. She gave me a big hug, and a kiss too.

"I've always wanted to have girls to take shopping too, Kenny. This is more for my benefit and enjoyment than for theirs. I'll try not to go overboard tomorrow."

"Mama, I think it wouldn't hurt if you did. Grace's parents put her through a terrible time when she left. They made her feel so bad she couldn't even enjoy playing golf today. I think tomorrow, it would be a good thing if you did go overboard, at least for her. Weren't you the one that told me, to a woman, shopping for clothes was better than a hundred trips to a psychiatrist? I expect to find three very happy and well adjusted women when I see you after you return tomorrow. I already told them to let you go wild, if it made you happy. I hope you three have all the fun you can stand."

I went out the front door then, wondering where to go for my walk. It was one of those June nights that were simply perfect. No wind, and yet the air was gently stirring. No rain, but the air contained just enough moisture to feel the refreshing coolness of it. Overhead, the skies were clear, and, as I walked, I could hear the sounds of the small animal nightlife stirring. The quiet and the darkness welcomed me, and I welcomed it as well. Once again, I was struck by the many good things I had touching my life. As I walked, I realized that I was slowly starting to feel some of that peace the sisters had always promised me I'd get, if I'd only just come to accept their beliefs. I liked it, that warm feeling I had, but I didn't trust it, because I knew I was capable, at any time, of ruining it in an instant.

When I reached the street, I turned left, towards town. I walked past Emily's house, pausing only long enough to look to see if their lights were on. I wasn't thinking about her at all until I walked by, but as I continued on, I wondered again why I'd chosen to treat her the way I had. I felt a lot worse about how I'd acted around her than I did about the way I'd treated Brenda. In town, I walked around, looking in the windows of several closed storefronts. Ridgeline wasn't very big. I didn't know how big, but certainly less than five thousand residents. I guess, if you added up all the farm families that surrounded the town, it might go up to seven or even eight thousand people. Nothing as big as Bolling or Topeka, scarcely bigger than Holton and all the other small surrounding farm communities sprinkled around close by.

I wondered if my real mother had lived around here. She must have lived in the County, at least at one time. That would eliminate Holton and the other Jackson County towns. I didn't know how many small towns were in Bolling County, but I doubted if it was that large a number. It was that dream I'd had that made me think that way. I was grateful for the mother I did have, and I don't think I wanted to make any changes to my living situation. Still, I would have liked to put a real face to the image I'd glimpsed from the dream.

I was walking past this small diner, one of the few businesses still open in town, when Richard Connor and Darryl Kingsley came out with two girls I didn't know. The girls looked much younger than either boy, thirteen years old, or maybe even less than that.

"Kenny Masters, what are you master of? Baiting? Is that what you're master of? You get it Darryl?" I figured that Richard had been working on that one ever since the end of the last summer. Darryl nodded that he got it. Even the girls got it, but they didn't understand why Richard would say something as mean as that. They started looking worried.

"We've changed our minds now. We didn't see how late it was. Maybe another time, okay?" The two young girls hurried off, away from the direction they'd been heading, which was Darryl's father's car, parked on the curb, thirty feet away from where the remaining three of us were now standing.

"Goddamn it! You see what you went and did now, Masters, you asshole? We were taking those two out to the lake to get better acquainted. We even bought them something to drink. You owe us our three dollars back, right Darryl?"

"What did he do? He hasn't said nothing yet." Darryl, from the few times I'd spoken to him at the club pool, wasn't very smart. He didn't realize yet that Richard was picking a fight with me. I smiled at Darryl, and continued walking past the two of them. I was hoping that Richard would let it drop there.

"Don't you frigging walk away from me when I'm not done talking to you. I'm not like my slut sister, ass wipe, I'm not letting you walk all over me. Get your ass back here." I turned back then. Actually, I'd started turning back when he called Brenda a slut again. I had pulled ahead of Richard in height, but he still had to outweigh me by about twenty pounds or so. I didn't think I could beat him in a fight, but I also didn't think he would have that easy of a time with me. I wasn't thinking about what Darryl would do. It wouldn't have made any difference if I did think about it. Darryl was already moving away, heading towards his father's car.

"Richard, I've had enough of your ugly mouth. If you think I'm going to keep letting you get away with talking to me like this, you're wrong. If I have to fight you I will. I'd rather fight you than listen to you say those things anymore."

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11th GradeChapter 30

I had a great weekend. Saturday was simply the most wonderful day I'd ever had. At the dance Saturday night, several people commented about how good a couple Shirley and I made, and about how happy I looked. Shirley, they said, was beautiful and radiant. There was a moment, during the early part of the dance, when I thought I was in big trouble. Mrs. Jones came over to our table and asked me to dance with her, As soon as we were out on the dance floor, she shocked me with something she...

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11th GradeChapter 31

Life for me was really going well. I was really enjoying all my class work at the school. Shirley and I were getting along so well it was positively frightening. Anne Coulter was progressing very nicely in her treatment for alcoholism, and, for once, Mama and Dad seemed to be getting along really well. Mama was in one of her periodic long respites from her depression. Uncle Bunny, as usual, added to my sense of well being, sending me frequent humorous accounts and observations of my parents...

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11th GradeChapter 32

It wasn't late yet, but Uncle Bunny, Elizabeth, and Aunt Clara had already left. We hadn't lingered around the dining room for much longer, not after our dinner conversation had gotten more than a little bit out of hand. Shirley had gotten in her retaliatory strike at me, but it hadn't been a clear knock out. She had struck, I had countered, and then, anyone who cared to, had jumped into the fray. I think all of us had enjoyed parts of it, but some had enjoyed it more than others. Mama,...

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11th GradeChapter 33

Mama had another one of her depressions right after I left to go back to school. It was immediately after my one week school break for Thanksgiving. When I got home that Friday evening, after having signed myself out, and driving home alone, Gerta told me it looked like this was going to be one of the really bad ones for Mama. My dad had been staying up in Bolling, at our apartment there, supposedly because there was so much happening with the business, that he needed to save the one hour...

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11th GradeChapter 34

We didn't play any golf on Sunday. Mama was up and eating by the time Dad and I came home on Saturday. I quickly made myself scarce, making sure they had some privacy, so they could repair the latest tear in the fabric of their relationship. I went into town, driving around, looking for something to do to kill a part of a chilly afternoon. I wound up over at the high school, watching a bunch of boys my own age playing basketball on the court set up outside. I'd never played any basketball,...

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11th GradeChapter 35

I went back to school on Thursday, the second of January. Shirley and I had talked a lot in the few days remaining of my break from school. We had both expressed a desire for us to remain together as a couple. We had exchanged many loving thoughts, and had each reaffirmed that our deep caring for the other was intact. We had held each other a lot, and had even kissed quite a bit, but none of this was done with any real, honest, passion. There was too much that was still unresolved between us....

1 year ago
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11th GradeChapter 36

By the time we finally arrived at the hospital in Springfield, it was after nine o'clock. Elizabeth was already in the hospital room, visiting with Uncle Bunny, and he was being allowed only one visitor in his room at a time. The nurse had gone in to tell Uncle Bunny and Elizabeth that we had arrived. It was only a few minutes wait, but Mama was being impatient, loudly impatient too. Dad tried to get her to sit and wait, telling her it wouldn't be long before she could go in. He was telling...

4 years ago
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11th GradeChapter 37

As soon as Elizabeth called our house, to let Gerta know the terribly sad news about Uncle Bunny, Gerta and Hans stepped in and immediately knew they needed to take over. It was as though they had been on some kind of standby alert, just waiting for an emergency situation such as the one they now faced. Hans placed a phone call to Dad's office, and told him the grim news. Gerta climbed the stairs and went through to Mama's closed bedroom door. She paused for a brief period outside, knowing...

2 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 11

"I wish I was starring in a remake of The Scissoring."Jade West smiled as she woke up, the familiar scent of her boyfriend wafting through her nose. More than the smell though, she was smiling because she could feel his warm mouth along the side of her neck and shoulder. Part of her didn't want to open her eyes, in case this was just a dream, but as she felt the small pain of his teeth slide across her earlobe, she knew this was reality. Her green eyes fluttered open and looked into his deep...

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Donjeta and the SeaHome at Last

I clung to a splintered section of the mast bobbing in the sea. Fifty yards away, twisted in a bunch of line, floating on a heap of shattered planking and a broken spar, was Telemachus. He groaned in pain from an obviously broken arm. His lower body hung in the water. "Donjeta! Donjeta! Please come to me, comfort me. It hurts so bad." I continued paddling away. I had been at it for an hour at least, but it was slow going paddling a broken mast. I had a goal, however, for before me,...

3 years ago
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Stroke of LuckChapter 9

"I don't know if I have that much gold," I joked. We all worked and loved and talked the time away for a couple of weeks. Luke came up and asked if I was ready to go catch the horse for his bride price. I told him I was, so we got our things together and I asked my wives if any of them wanted to go to catch horses. Sherry and Betsy both wanted to go, so we got some food and loaded up Jenny, and away we went. Needless to say Jack came with us also. We went back to the same place and the...

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My not sister and me

I was 18yo and just out of boot camp. One of my 25yo not sisters, Barb, came to visit me for a weekend. We shared a room at a nice resort motel. The day started off innocent enough with sight seeing and spending the end of the day at the resort hotel pool. I had a few beers and Barb had several cocktails. She was wearing a revealing provocative bikini and asked me to apply suntan lotion to her back. As I applied the lotion, I massaged her shoulders and back. She moaned with pleasure which...

2 years ago
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Lick N TiffChapter 9 The Trouble with Tiffany

"Do you think I'm kinda..." I pursed my lips and searched for the word I wanted. "Weak?" I blinked at Licorice. "Yeah. Exactly. Do I have like a weak personality?" He shrugged. "What?" I frowned at him. "Then how'd you know I was looking for that word?" We were sitting on the floor in the living room playing blackjack and I gave him another card. "It wasn't a lucky guess!" I rolled my eyes. "You're such a big liar sometimes." Licorice didn't want to hurt my feelings,...

4 years ago
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How I Fucked My Mom For The First Time

My family consists of my father Ravi, my mom Shradha, my sister Pooja and myself Harish.My father is 51 and my mother is 38. My age is 20.I was a normal guy until I started watching porn videos.My mind got corrupted and I started fantasizing about women around me – my teachers my aunties . Slowly I dived into the world of incest taboo porn especially the mother-son genre.It simply blew my mind I started imagining myself and my mom.My mom was a hot lady she was fair in color with nice juicy...

3 years ago
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The Failed Heroine

Eliona was on her knees, her hands shackled behind her back and her head bowed. One would expect the young woman to have a look of shame or fear on her face, but the former Hero had nothing but disdain for this supposed court. Although she was only eighteen, she had been the child of adventurers and had grown up learning from the best the Guild had to offer. Her title had been Sword Master until last year when her achievements had earned her enough recognition to be elected as the current Hero....

2 years ago
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Holiday Romance After an Erotic Massage

At the end of my first year of college, my best friend Samantha and I went backpacking in Sydney, Australia. It was a great place to holiday, with plenty of sun, glorious beaches and lots of things to see and do.We had been there a month staying at a backpackers’ lodge near the beach and although we were out nightly at the pubs and nightspots, we were not meeting any guys.We are attractive girls and at the time we dressed up sultry and sexy in the Sydney summer fashion, with really short minis...

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The New Sales Girl Part Four

The New Sales Girl - Part FourRobert rang my door bell at 7:00 the next morning. I wasn't dressed but I answered the door wearing one of Mark's Harley Tee shirts and nothing underneath. I had slept in it.Robert had another bag of clothes with him and said these would be my outfit for the day. I told him I would shower and be right back. He told me he'd like to watch me shower and shave so I took him by the hand and led him back to my bedroom where I stripped off the Tee shirt and he watched as...

3 years ago
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WASPS by BobH (c) 2009 (Note: A few months ago long-time Marvel Comics character Hank Pym took on the superhero identity of his dead ex-wife, the Wasp. No, he didn't change his gender as well, but an image released at a recent comic convention that looked an awful lot like a female version of him had me speculating that this was Marvel's next step with the character. As it happens I was mistaken and, despite looking nothing like her, this turned out to be a drawing of the...

4 years ago
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I Found Lesbian Sex Pictures Of My Mom

Looking for an old bill from school, I pulled some file folders from this ancient file cabinet in the basement and a stack of Polaroids fell out. I was astonished to realize they were sexy pictures of these two gorgeous women together. I felt both turned on by the sexy imagery and repulsed as I thought of my dad hiding them down here. "He has the Internet for god's sake, why keep pictures?" I couldn't look away from them. In a few seconds I realized, it was my mom and her best friend Mrs...

4 years ago
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Mom Gets Passed Around

Mom Gets Passed Around When I became a teenager my father stopped doing things behind my back. It was very eye opening, to say the least. The day after my birthday I witness his vengeance. Dinner was not on the table when he walked in the door. Mom looked scared. However, she went into her bedroom and shortly came back out completely naked and carrying what looked like a thick ping pong paddle. She handed it to Dad and then stood about three or four feet away from the kitchen...

1 year ago
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Love is in the air

I went inside his car, still full of desire for him. He started driving to bring me back to home but I was not able to stay quiet. I took off my seatbelt and I came closer to him to lick his ear.. in the meantime I opened his trousers and.. wow, his dick was still hard and wet. I was not able to resist to it and I came closer with my mouth to his dick, I want to smell it: it smelled of his cum and of me. I took his balls with an hand, squeezing them while with the other hand I was clutching the...

3 years ago
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Wicked stepmother Part 20

By the time that midnight arrived none of them were dressed and everyone had had sex at least one including Rachael who had started the evening a virgin. As had been previously noticed she had taken a distinct liking to Crispin and asked him very nicely if he would make love to her. Crisp at first tried to avoid ding so as he wasn't comfortable with the really quite innocent girl. But Sophia, Rachael's mother whispered in his ear that she would like her daughters first time to be with a caring...

2 years ago
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I came home late that night from a business engagement. I was tired, hungry, and annoyed that things had not gone well. My husband was in his recliner reading the paper looking all relaxed, and somehow this annoyed me. “Look at you, just sitting around, I bet nothing was done while I was slaving away at work today,” I grumbled. “Actually,” stated my husband as he looked up at me over his glasses, “The kids are in bed, the laundry is finished, and dinner is made....

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little sister becomes my cum dump part 1

Introduction: lily has to take care of her older brother and she does the light turned green at the four-way intersection and I pushed on the gas. without warning another car T-bones me from the right. slamming my car into another. I felt both my arms break and my left leg as the metal of the car crushed in on me. after that everything went black. I woke up looking up at a hospital ceiling the first thing I noticed was I could not move my arms or left leg without pain shooting through me. I...

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El PasoChapter 23

The first event of the cowboy competition was calf roping, an event in which I knew I stunk. Thankfully, Melosa wasn’t weak in it even a little bit. I swear when the twenty foot rope on the calf pulled the open the latch that held our gate closed, Melosa shot out of stall as if she were a jet being catapulted off an aircraft carrier. The calf didn’t get twenty feet further before she was right beside it. I dropped my lasso around the calf’s head and Melosa hit the air brakes. The calf took a...

2 years ago
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Phenom part 1

Introduction: Ricks life changes awesomely after one phone call. Mike helped me put the bar back on the bench hold, and I answered my phone. Hello? I greeted. Rick? Its Dad. We got the Youngs house for the week in South Beach. No way! This week? Yep. Coach T called me already, were going for your official visit. Thank you so much dad. This is awesome! Go tell coach youre missing practice this week. Deal. When are we leaving? 0600 tomorrow. Damn it. See ya. I got up, and told my best friend...

4 years ago
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My First Bisexual Kinky Foursome

I'd always classed myself as completely Gay – been into Gay Watersports for quite a time. I'd never had any sexual experience with a woman (not even a kiss) and thought I had no interest in the opposite sex at all.A few weeks ago a Piss/Fuck buddy of mine invited me to a dinner party - we spent most of the time with a Lesbian couple he knows well. It turns out the younger of the two women has never been with a guy and she was curious to try it – also that the other woman sometimes has casual...

3 years ago
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History 300Chapter 3

Dates and Figures "You've stopped selling pictures of Spider-man." Captain George Stacy leaned against the lip of his desk. His classroom was empty but for one student. Peter Parker was unsettled with poor posture in the front row seat. He was here with an uncharacteristic excused absence from his biology class. Leaning on his wrists as the teenager looked at Spider-man's ally and the father of the woman he loved. He truly loved Gwen. What he felt for Liz, MJ and Cat were harder to...

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North Pole Toy Production is Rising

The union of Elf workers Local 6969 has signed a new five year contract with the Claus Industries with the option to extend the terms for a second five year period commencing immediately at conclusion of the first segment. Estimated production increases to be at least five percent per year under current trends.The female Elf workers guild has issued a new pamphlet titled “Sexual Conduct Guidelines for Fair Treatment of Female Elves Amended Christmas 2017.Holly Sweetbum, the Local president at...

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