11th Grade Chris the Player
- 2 years ago
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As I had expected, I had difficulty going to sleep Monday night. At one in the morning, I heard Grace and Jane coming up the stairs. They certainly weren't taking any pains to be quiet. The two of them came right into my room, without even knocking. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping.
"Kenny! Wake up!" This was Grace screaming out her drunken whisper.
"I already am awake. Why are you two coming into my room like this?"
"We needed to ask you something." This was from Jane. Both of them broke out into a giggling fit then. I felt movement at the foot of my bed, and when I looked up from my covers, they were both crawling towards me. Jane was on the inside, while Grace was outside. Jane brought her face up, close to my ear. "Grace and I, we both want you to do it to me." Again they were laughing and giggling after Jane spoke.
"Go to your room, both of you. It's after one, and you've been drinking."
"You think we didn't know we've been drinking? We're not that drunk. We know what we're doing. You have to help us, we both agreed that you were the right one."
"Jane, I don't want to do it with you, and I'm reasonably sure this wasn't your idea either." Jane started climbing on me then, not stopping until she was straddling me. I was a lot bigger than she was, but she was very athletic, and strong too. I wasn't resisting her, but I had been surprised when she did that.
"Listen. Remember the big fight Grace and I had? It was about my brother, Jimmy. Grace screwed him a lot more than she needed to, or was supposed to. She cheated on me, with my own brother."
"You knew I was going to, Jane. We even talked about it."
"I knew you'd do it once or twice, Grace, not two or three times a day, everyday, for a month."
"Jane, what does that have to do with me? I thought you two had worked it out anyway?"
"She won't let it go, Kenny. She keeps thinking I did it because I liked him or something. I just like sex, not Jimmy. I love you, Jane. Sex is sex, but love is different."
"I'm not changing my mind, Grace, we agreed. I'm going to do it with Kenny, and you have to watch him doing it to me."
"Get out of my room, both of you! I really hate it when you treat me like this. I don't like it when you're kidding, but when you're serious, it's even more insulting. I treat you both like friends, but you treat me like I'm a convenience for you, like toilet paper. This is making me very mad."
"Why should you be mad? How many times have we caught you looking at my tits, Kenny? A hundred times? Two hundred? All we're asking is one little favor. Grace needs to learn how it feels knowing someone you love is having sex with someone else."
"I already know that, Jane. You need to find out that if you love someone, unimportant shit like that doesn't matter. You're jealous of your own brother, the one you handed me to on a silver platter, so that we could stay together when you moved."
"Good. If it doesn't matter, me fucking Kenny shouldn't bother you. When I suck his cock, you won't be worried that I might like it more than I like going down on you."
I got up out of bed and went over to my door, and turned on my lights. I opened up my bedroom door. "If you two aren't out of my room in thirty seconds, I'm waking up Mama, and getting both of you thrown out of here permanently. If you ever try something like this again, you can kiss those camp counseling jobs goodbye." When I spoke about their golf counseling jobs, I think it finally got through to them. It was funny that they hadn't thought about the fact that I might not want to cooperate with them. They both scrambled up from my bed and started to leave the room. Jane hung back until Grace left the room, then she apologized to me. She was embarrassed and crying. I had gotten to know both of them pretty well, and I was certain that Jane only liked girls for sex. Grace was different, and she was open to more variety than Jane was. There had been times when I felt like Grace would have been willing to be unfaithful to Jane with both sexes. Jane's only lapse had been the day she first met Brenda. I started wondering whether Grace would be so unconcerned if Jane were to spend the night with Brenda instead of me. I shut and bolted the door behind them.
Somehow, I managed to get to sleep. I woke up at six ten in the morning, feeling tired and cranky. I barely had enough time to get a quick shower, get dressed, and run into the kitchen for a big glass of milk and two dough nuts, before Dad came in and asked if I was ready. We got in his car and headed out by six forty five.
"I'm glad you introduced me to Ron, Kenny, I think he's going to be a real asset for our expansion plans. I didn't tell your mother this, but I was looking for someone as a back up in case Rob Lucas gets upset if I decide not to retain Virginia. This problem between Jim Tanner and us isn't going to sit well with him either."
"Uncle Bunny said you planned it this way from the start." Dad looked over at me when I said that.
"I wouldn't exactly say I planned it that way. I knew it might come to that, but I went there hoping we could all sit down and work something out. I had no idea about Craig, and I underestimated how prepared David was to strike out on his own. Sometimes, Bunny sees sinister intent where none was present. Bunny is sharp though, and you'd be well advised to learn things from him. We've been friends for thirty years now, and I'm still learning from him."
"What's it mean when someone says 'bump and tickle'?"
"It means you've been conversing with Bunny. The correct phrase is 'slap and tickle'. This is British slang for having sex. Bunny always gets it wrong. He confuses it with 'bumping bellies' which is another slang term for having sex."
"So, if Uncle Bunny said it, he meant having sex? He was telling me yesterday, when I was worried that you and Mama were fighting over David and Craig having a company, that you were going to give in to Mama, and that you'd play bump and tickle to seal the deal. He knew you'd let Mama have her way, he said you'd probably planned it that way."
"Bunny is a corrupting influence on you, Kenny. That doesn't mean he doesn't know whereof he speaks though. He was correct for much of that. I would change him saying I planned it though, to something like, I was allowing for the possibility. Bertie, Bunny, and I, we all spend a lot of our time and energy, trying to anticipate what the others are planning or doing. Knowing each other's tendencies as well as we do, we are seldom taken completely by surprise. Take you, as an example of this, Kenny. Bunny picked you, not just because he knew Bertie wanted and needed a child. He picked you because he thought I might grow fond of you as well. He knew my weakness for intelligence, and for creative problem solving abilities. He picked you specifically, because he knew you possessed both, in extraordinary measure. He hoped it would result in the two of us creating a connection with each other."
"Uncle Bunny is pretty shrewd. He likes me a lot too though, do you think he also planned on that?"
"Not in the beginning, but Bunny has always been a softy. Of the three of us, Bunny is the most susceptible to his feelings. We've been exploiting this for years, your mother and I."
"What are you planning for today at work?"
"I need to call up Rob Lucas and let him know what transpired in Chicago with the Tanners. I need to make sure our plans are on track for the new scheduling for the route drivers. I have to think about how I want to position the new vending machine company. I'm having an hour long meeting with the department managers today, and each one is supposed to have handed out copies of their presentation to all the other attendees by yesterday. We'll be able to see if this idea of yours helps any. I got copies of all of the presentations on my desk before three P.M, which was the deadline I set. Any other advice for me?"
"Set an alarm when the meeting begins. Have it ring as soon as the hour is up. Put the clock right in front of you so all of them can see the time left. When the alarm sounds, get up and leave the room. They need to learn that they only have a limited time to present their ideas and get input at the meeting. If someone runs over his allotted time, stop him, don't let him finish on someone else's time."
"You must have a lot of German blood, Kenny. You have an efficiency fetish."
"You asked me. Part of what you were complaining about was that these overruns at the meetings were keeping you from doing all the things you needed to get done. It also was wasting the time of the people who were sitting around, waiting for you to get done with your last meeting, so that you could meet with them like you had scheduled. By allowing people to make you late, you're rewarding the abusers, and penalizing the victims of that abuse, including yourself in the list of victims. That isn't good management style."
"You don't discuss these things with your mother or Bunny, do you?" Dad looked worried. I remembered what Uncle Bunny told me about Dad being more concerned with his image than most other people.
"No, I only talk about this with you. Was I supposed to tell them these things?"
"Oh, no, this way is much better. By the way, your mother has a very keen sense of smell. It might not be a good idea to parade girls by her, after the two of you have been intimate."
"Do you mean Shirley? She and I didn't do anything more than kiss, and a little bit of touching above the waist."
"Really? Your mother was certain she smelled a lot more than simple touching on the two of you."
"I smelled it too, but that's all it was. Shirley hasn't ever done anything before. Last night was her first French kiss."
"I'll let your mother know that. She'll be so relieved to hear it."
"I don't think so. I get the feeling that Mama wants me to be more like Uncle Bunny was when he was young. She kind of encourages me that way."
"If that's true, you're very lucky. If I'd had your advantages while growing up, I'd have really exploited them."
"I can call Mother Superior, to find out if they have an opening for you." Dad laughed, he thought that was a good one. We both knew what advantages he'd been referring to.
When we got to work, I went off on my own. I was looking for some of the people who answered the phone, and took new orders from our customers. Instead of finding a big group of people, I found Edith and her daughter, Ellen. They answered the company phones and took all of the incoming orders. Edith was divorced, about forty years old, with dyed hair that was supposed to look red, but had turned out kind of pink. Ellen was sixteen, but she looked about twelve. She had dropped out of school in the tenth grade, but she was so smart, it intimidated me. Her verbal skills were simply off the charts. I listened to her talking to people for less than fifteen minutes, before I knew she was going to be the brains behind our new ordering system. I was talking to Edith, when I found out that Ellen wasn't even an employee of ours. Edith brought Ellen to work because she no longer had a driver's license herself. Edith liked to drink and drive, and the State of Kansas took a real dim view of that, at least they did, after the fourth or fifth time you were caught, and convicted of doing it. Our company benefited greatly from Edith's tendency to overindulge.
To relieve her boredom, Ellen started fielding the incoming order calls, and writing them up for her mother. This was during a period of time when there were supposed to be three people there answering phone calls. Two of them had quit, but no one thought to replace them, because all the customer orders were being turned in on time each day. Not only was there no defined order system in place, there weren't even order pads for Ellen, or anyone else to use. She would write down the customer address info, and then using her own style of shorthand, write down their order. Later, when it had slowed down, she'd write it up in plain English for the order pullers. Cut off time for next day deliveries was one thirty in the afternoon. One thing Ellen did have was a list of all of the products we had for sale, and their current prices. She had to go over to a different part of the building to pick this up every morning, when she and her mother first came to work. I knew, as I started finding these things out, that my Dad was going to be furious when he found out how slipshod this ordering system was. I left at nine thirty, with Ellen and Edith both busy writing up orders. I found the girl that Ellen told me was the one who gave her the product and price information every morning, and she and I worked out an order form system. Including different sizes, we had ninety four different product codes that we currently were producing and selling. This didn't count all the products from the other companies that weren't yet integrated into our distribution line.
By three o'clock, I had a master copy of an order list ready to go out to our printers. I started off with a run of fifty pads of fifty order sheets to a pad, including an original and a duplicate. I went to Dad's secretary to get some money from petty cash for printing costs. I'd called a printer close by, and he quoted me sixty eight dollars for a run of this size. I thought it sounded pretty reasonable. I went and got Ellen, and had her drive us over to the printer. When she saw the master order form, she was thrilled. When I told her that we were going to put her on the payroll, she was even more thrilled. The only part she objected to was when I told her that she would be in a different room than she had now, and that she wouldn't be with her mother.
"That won't work then. I need to be with Mom. She gets nervous if I'm not right there where she can see me. My sister, Bernice, she killed herself two years ago. Mom hasn't stopped worrying about me since then. I can leave her for an hour, maybe two, but after that, unless she's juiced, she gets frantic."
When the Christmas break came around, I was fortunate to get some extra time off work so I could go home for the duration. I waited till the next morning to take the train home and Emma was there to pick me up at the station. She wanted to drive me to her house for a while, but I insisted we go straight home as Mother would be expecting me for lunch. I did promise her I would see her the next afternoon, at least for a couple of hours as I still had some Christmas to do. The table was set for...
LesbianWhen we got back home, I phoned Uncle Bunny at his office number. I told him about Jane and Grace, making it a special point to tell him how much Grace's personality reminded me of Bea's. I told him that the girls both needed summer jobs, and that I had told them about us needing drivers for the construction site. "Kenny, I can't just hire people without knowing anything about them, or their qualifications. These are responsible positions, we'll need responsible people to fill them....
"What do you think of us now? Do you still want to be our friend?" All I could do was nod my head up and down, letting her know that I still did. Grace looked down at Jane's head and began caressing it, lovingly, satisfied, for the moment at least, and giving herself over to the pleasure of their shared intimacy. I waited a few moments, watching the two of them together, before getting up and taking off for the bedroom. I called Gerta, asking her if it would be too much trouble for her if...
The next ten days passed quickly. Mama and I played golf on the next Saturday, and I played with both of my parents, and Uncle Bunny, on Sunday. I didn't talk to anyone about my dream, but it was troubling me a little. I kept thinking about how near I'd come to actually seeing my mother's face. It didn't occur to me that it was simply a dream, unconnected with any reality. I started thinking more and more about the woman who was my birth mother. I'd never admitted it before, but I had...
What Dad had said to me was pretty surprising, but it didn't change anything, not as far as my thinking went. I recognized the strong feelings I had for Brenda, but it wasn't enough. I understood Uncle Bunny's attraction to Mrs. Connor, and I believed what Dad had said about Mama wanting Brenda as part of Uncle Bunny's family. I knew it wouldn't work, Brenda and me, the same way that Uncle Bunny knew it wouldn't work with Mrs. Connor. Mother and daughter both had the same problem. What...
I was sitting on my bed, trying to decide if I should make the call to Brenda or not. It was almost certainly going to be the kind of call where we would end up fighting. I didn't want to fight with her. If she told me she hadn't had sex with Darryl, I was going to get mad. If she told me she had, I was going to get mad. Whenever I ended up getting mad, Brenda got mad too. I decided to hold off on calling her until I had time to figure out a way to talk to her about the Darryl situation,...
Saturday morning we all played golf, splitting up first into two threesomes. I played with both my parents, while Uncle Bunny played with Grace and Jane. We went first, and were working on our second round of drinks in the restaurant, before they finally finished up and joined us. Uncle Bunny had made a thirty foot putt on the eighteenth green, to break ninety for the first time in his life. He was still hitting his driver very well. We all had a nice lunch, with everyone seeming in good...
"I don't think I'll even need to convince her. After she finds out that we did it, she's going to want me to tell her all about it. When I tell her I did it with you, she'll want to do it with you too. That's what happened with Darryl." I listened as my mind played back to me everything Brenda had just said. Was Brenda saying that Emily had screwed Darryl too? I tried not to let my surprise show on my face. I was also trying to come up with some response that would keep her talking,...
When Hans pulled the limo up in front of the circular driveway, Emily and Brenda stepped out of the back of it, wearing identical skirts and blouses. Even their shoes were matched. It was only ten minutes before dinner time when they finally arrived at my house. It has always been hard for me to explain the sense of awe that would strike me each time I saw Brenda again. Her looks were absolutely stunning, but for me it was a quality she had that was more than looks. I've only seen the same...
The next morning, Mama did get up, and went with Hans, traveling to the bank in Bolling, to sign the papers guaranteeing the forty million dollar operating line for the new acquisition. She looked tired, and very fragile, but she went to do what needed doing. Uncle Bunny had already been asked to fill in for her at the meeting with the construction company people. These were the people hired to build the lodge needed to house all the golf camp students. Mama had made complete notes about...
The next morning, Mama awoke, feeling better, but still weak. She stayed in bed, but received visitors all day. Gerta was usually hovering nearby, always with some small treat in her hand, either a liquid, or something more substantial, trying to get Mama to replace the weight she had lost from her latest bout with depression. When I was in with Mama, I could see that something was troubling her. It had to be something concerning me, because of the way she'd stare at me. She looked like she...
This whole mess with Grace and Jane was fast becoming a problem for me. Dad was right. We already had enough to worry about without getting involved in their mess. I regretted telling Mama that I'd talk to Jane about Elizabeth taking Bea's room. I was now caught in the middle of their disagreement. I went upstairs and dialed Jane's number. "Jane, it's Kenny. Mama told me you were planning to stay in Bea's old room for awhile. You can't." "Your mom already said I could. All my stuff...
"No, Georgia is my half sister, mine and Bunny's. My father made Georgia's mother pregnant. It was after my mother learned of this that she drowned herself." When Mama told me this, I couldn't have been more shocked. I had a lot of questions, but I didn't really know how to ask any of them. Mama had told me she was fourteen years old when her mother died. Mrs. Connor was only a year or two younger than Mama and Uncle Bunny. Mama said she felt guilty about her mother's death, and Uncle...
We flew up to Omaha early the next morning. Mama had gotten up early too, to see us off, and she made it a point to tell me that she was having Brenda and Mrs. Connor come over for lunch later that day. I guess she wanted me to know that she was already working on taking care of what I had asked her to do, as far as changing Brenda's behavior. We got into the office up in Omaha right before nine o'clock. Dad told me that he had a full morning of meetings with production people, and he told...
Surprisingly, once I stopped fretting over my relationship with Brenda, I was able to feel relaxed around her again. After dinner we all sat in the library, talking about money. I excused myself long enough to go in the kitchen and visit with Gerta and Hans. Gerta told me that Grace and Jane had driven to Bolling for the weekend, and that Mama had given them the keys to the apartment my parents kept there. For some reason, this seemed to upset both Gerta and Hans, and I didn't know why....
"I'd rather go back to the orphanage to live, than spend another five minutes here, discussing Brenda. Maybe that's what you need to do, Mama, send me back, and go find another boy, one who would be happy to start all over again with Brenda." I stood up from the table then, asking to be excused, and half ran, half walked, to the front door. I heard Dad calling after me, and I heard my mother, angrily yelling at me, demanding that I come back, so she could finish discussing this with me....
Sister Clara would have to talk to me. When I opened the front door to go inside, the entrance way was empty. I remembered then it was Thursday, and all the boys old enough were at the school, and the younger ones were in the nursery. I didn't want to try Mother Superior's office, so I went over to the kitchen to say hello to Marie. I found her there, trying to clean up the mess left over from that morning's breakfast. She was happy to see me, and gave me a hug. When I started working in...
On the drive back to the house, my head was awash with thoughts and worries. I also felt a deep anger, one that was somewhat irrational, because my mother really hadn't known that I would pick that particular day to step back into her life. What wasn't irrational, was the anger I felt from knowing that both she and my grandmother had purposely abandoned me in a greedy bid for some undeserved insurance money. They had scammed an insurance carrier by purposely switching my identity with that...
We drove home again in silence. I was upset with myself for fleeing the Coulter house, but, at the same time, vastly relieved not to still be there. It was obvious to me that Anne Coulter had serious problems. It seemed obvious also, that the drinking was more a symptom of her problems, rather than the actual problem. She was still a relatively young woman. "Dad, can we drive over to Uncle Bunny's office? I need to see him about the Coulter's." "Maybe you should take a few days to...
The next day, Mama, Uncle Bunny, Dad, and I teed off at ten thirty. Jane and Grace had joined another twosome right behind us. The twosome was made up of two younger girls. I had seen one of them at the pool before, a brunette about my age, who was about average height, with small breasts, and hips just a little wider than normal. She had worn a bikini at the pool, and she looked a little bit pear shaped in it. I'd never seen the other girl though. She too was a brunette, with hair on the...
On Tuesday, we flew up to Omaha for a meeting with the company that was making our vending machines. It was the owner, his son, Dad and me, and Virginia and her dad. I was the youngest one there. Mr. Lucas was good friends with Mr. Tanner, the owner of the vending machine company. They went back a long ways together. We were having lunch, and Dad was letting Mr. Lucas represent the company as far as negotiating for new machines. We were hoping to order six thousand new machines. The last ones...
I was excited about the Chicago trip. I hadn't gotten out to do that many things, living at the orphanage, so I was really looking forward to all the things Mama and Dad were talking about. I can't say I was a big baseball fan, but the thought of actually seeing big league ball players playing, that was a thrill for me. I waited until five o'clock before phoning Shirley. I was a little nervous, even though she had invited me to call her. The phone only rang once before she picked it up...
We went to see the Cubs beat the Mets Friday afternoon. Dennis Eckersley was the starting and winning pitcher for the Cubs. It was their third win in a row, but they were still seven and a half games out of first place in their division. The game ended 2-1, and it wasn't as exciting as some other ones I'd seen on television, except that I was there in Wrigley Field watching this one. We had gotten over to the Tanner plant before eight o'clock. It was a lot smaller than I had thought it...
That night at dinner, all I paid attention to was Uncle Bunny. A few times, people said something to me, but I was too busy trying to see what Uncle Bunny had meant, to be able to respond well to their questions. I was afraid they'd think I was retarded or something. We were all together from seven o'clock until almost ten thirty. Mama let Dad present the full terms of their offer to David and Craig. Uncle Bunny was to be the liaison man with them, and the one who handled the funding for...
I was in my room at five thirty, getting myself ready to speak with Shirley. I was mentally rehearsing what I was going to say to her. I was undecided between the direct confession route, or the hypothetical question gambit. Both had merit, but either might accomplish what I most feared. I was afraid that Shirley was going to listen to what happened, then decide that I wasn't someone she wanted to be friends with. Just thinking about that happening had me sick with worry, and too paralyzed...
It was three o'clock in the afternoon on Friday when one of the John's from maintenance called upstairs to my father's secretary, looking for me. I was down on the loading docks, observing all the changes in the three o'clock route driver scramble. Now, each driver pulled into the yard and parked, handing his keys in to one of the warehousemen standing by. If there were product returns, a list of them was also given to the man taking the truck keys. It was slow at first, and very orderly,...
I replaced the vent cover, right after Uncle Bunny left. I looked at my alarm clock and it was five after seven. I didn't usually get up so early on a Saturday morning, but, with what had just happened, there was absolutely no hope that I'd ever be able to get back to sleep. Nothing in Uncle Bunny's demeanor had indicated any great worry, but the very fact that he felt he might need his pistol was of great concern to me. I got dressed and went downstairs. Hans and Gerta were in the...
Somehow, Mama got the idea I was working too hard, and that I hadn't been able to enjoy my vacation from school. Each time she brought it up, I'd tell her I was having a good time, and that I was learning a lot from going to work with Dad. I was busy though. Uncle Bunny took me to Bolling to get my permit to begin learning to drive. The written test was easy, even though I'd only been able to look it over for about two hours before I took the test. Uncle Bunny took me to a farm road, and...
The closer it came to me going away to school again, the less I wanted to do it. I knew the academic program was better at CA, than anything I'd receive in the public school system, a lot more challenging, but I really didn't want to leave home again. There was also the extra month of summer vacation I'd be missing out on by returning to Clement Academy. I balanced all of my reasons for not wanting to go, against one simple fact, that I'd already told my parents that I wanted to remain at...
I had a great weekend. Saturday was simply the most wonderful day I'd ever had. At the dance Saturday night, several people commented about how good a couple Shirley and I made, and about how happy I looked. Shirley, they said, was beautiful and radiant. There was a moment, during the early part of the dance, when I thought I was in big trouble. Mrs. Jones came over to our table and asked me to dance with her, As soon as we were out on the dance floor, she shocked me with something she...
Life for me was really going well. I was really enjoying all my class work at the school. Shirley and I were getting along so well it was positively frightening. Anne Coulter was progressing very nicely in her treatment for alcoholism, and, for once, Mama and Dad seemed to be getting along really well. Mama was in one of her periodic long respites from her depression. Uncle Bunny, as usual, added to my sense of well being, sending me frequent humorous accounts and observations of my parents...
It wasn't late yet, but Uncle Bunny, Elizabeth, and Aunt Clara had already left. We hadn't lingered around the dining room for much longer, not after our dinner conversation had gotten more than a little bit out of hand. Shirley had gotten in her retaliatory strike at me, but it hadn't been a clear knock out. She had struck, I had countered, and then, anyone who cared to, had jumped into the fray. I think all of us had enjoyed parts of it, but some had enjoyed it more than others. Mama,...
Mama had another one of her depressions right after I left to go back to school. It was immediately after my one week school break for Thanksgiving. When I got home that Friday evening, after having signed myself out, and driving home alone, Gerta told me it looked like this was going to be one of the really bad ones for Mama. My dad had been staying up in Bolling, at our apartment there, supposedly because there was so much happening with the business, that he needed to save the one hour...
We didn't play any golf on Sunday. Mama was up and eating by the time Dad and I came home on Saturday. I quickly made myself scarce, making sure they had some privacy, so they could repair the latest tear in the fabric of their relationship. I went into town, driving around, looking for something to do to kill a part of a chilly afternoon. I wound up over at the high school, watching a bunch of boys my own age playing basketball on the court set up outside. I'd never played any basketball,...
I went back to school on Thursday, the second of January. Shirley and I had talked a lot in the few days remaining of my break from school. We had both expressed a desire for us to remain together as a couple. We had exchanged many loving thoughts, and had each reaffirmed that our deep caring for the other was intact. We had held each other a lot, and had even kissed quite a bit, but none of this was done with any real, honest, passion. There was too much that was still unresolved between us....
By the time we finally arrived at the hospital in Springfield, it was after nine o'clock. Elizabeth was already in the hospital room, visiting with Uncle Bunny, and he was being allowed only one visitor in his room at a time. The nurse had gone in to tell Uncle Bunny and Elizabeth that we had arrived. It was only a few minutes wait, but Mama was being impatient, loudly impatient too. Dad tried to get her to sit and wait, telling her it wouldn't be long before she could go in. He was telling...
As soon as Elizabeth called our house, to let Gerta know the terribly sad news about Uncle Bunny, Gerta and Hans stepped in and immediately knew they needed to take over. It was as though they had been on some kind of standby alert, just waiting for an emergency situation such as the one they now faced. Hans placed a phone call to Dad's office, and told him the grim news. Gerta climbed the stairs and went through to Mama's closed bedroom door. She paused for a brief period outside, knowing...
Imagine going to the auto shop to pick up your car and finding the legendary Brooke Banner as your sexy mechanic that not only works on your car, but works your cock, too. That is exactly what happens to lucky stud Evan Stone on today’s Penthouse premium porn scene and what ensues is some very hot pussy licking and blowjobs followed by nonstop fucking. With the way Evan cums all over her beautiful body, we can clearly see that he’s one satisfied customer who will be cumming back for...
xmoviesforyou‘Mallow Cup’ Now, in this chapter, I want to focus on Eleanor and her fantasy man, Father Alexander O’Sheehan. Now this was a humorous story and at the same time very cute. Now to exception to it, there were some bits that were really sexy to me. The thing about the story was this is a two-sided story…sort of. Eleanor told me most of her ordeal. On the other hand, Father O’Sheehan thought nothing of the attraction until they met. So, with this in mind, this is their first meeting… The day...
The small town in the mountains stood quietly in the blizzard. It was not just the snow that made people uneasy. They had been hearing rumors, terrible news about a powerful force from the east, destroying everything in its path, showing no mercy to anyone. In the inn, people were scarce, and very quiet. Then, the doors opened, and a man wrapped in skins walked in. Without a word, he approached the fireplace and began to take off his coat and hood, revealing a man in his forties. As he sat...
I shook like a leaf as I hid in a stand of thick bushes. Eric Cross walked slowly across the playground in front of me, his dark eyes darting about. He was dressed, as always seemed to be the case, in tattered jeans and a t-shirt for some metal band. He was not someone I wanted to meet when I was alone. The guy had at least one conviction for assault that I knew of and probably some minors to boot.Eric and his ilk, along with the general homophobia of my small Ontario hometown, kept me in the...
First TimeSunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) Julia turned to me and said, "I'm amazed you sat through it. I had my finger on the mute button expecting you to explode at any time." She looked at me expectantly. "I nearly did. I was quiet at first because before the movie you totally convinced me that you understood Carol, so I believed you knew what you were doing. By the time the conversation got VERY shocking, I'd already heard that Carol was mostly agreeing. She dragged her heels sometimes,...
I'm also the school outcast why cause no one ever gave me the chance to prove who I was from day one of kindergarten I never had a friend. now that was all about to change...kinda. I have spent years practicing and have finally gotten everything I need for my voodoo enslavement. I'm now in high school. it's close to midnight as I sneak out my back door as my parents sleep. to them I was a sweet kind boy and I used to be but I was sick of the loneliness. my home was near some thick...
Our last day in Greece, in a taxi on the way from the ferry to thehotel we'd be staying in before our flight. (Never, never, never,trust the Greek ferry schedule to get you to Athens in time for aninternational flight, always go the day before!) My daughter sittingnext to me, my wife next to her, my mother-in-law and the Greek taxidriver in the front seat.We stopped at a traffic light and I looked over. In bright blue andwhite neon, the sign in English said, "Cabaret" and then on the...
"You let some strange man drive you home!" he shouted, "Amelia do you have any idea what could have happened to you?" Amy's body shook. Her father was well known for his temper both at home and at work. Her eyes moved to her mother who stood silent in the doorway. A fading bruise on her face. Her stare was blank as she regarded her husband and daughter. Amy turned her face toward her father, "Mr. Stevens is the Cheerleading coach. I know him, he is the Algebra teacher too." Tears fell...
For Vina Sky’s birthday, Kiara Cole has a sexy, sultry surprise. She gives her friend a gift, but as Vina tries to unwrap the bow Kiara gently takes it from her hands and wraps it around her friends eye’s. Blindfolded, Vina lets Kiara lead her into the bedroom. When Kiara takes the blindfold away, Vina is treated to the sight of Jake Adams on the bed with his junk in a box. Vina is hesitant to go to her gift, but Kiara isn’t about to let a little shyness stop her girlfriend...
xmoviesforyouGirls Night InThe flickering candles bathed the room in a soft light, revealing the two young women sitting despondently on the leather couch. “This really pisses me off,” muttered Vicky, “They’ve known for weeks that we had this night planned!” She took another sip of her wine, the candle light setting off ruby fires in the depths of her glass. “What do you think, Becky?” Becky parted her full lips and looked deep into the other woman’s eyes. “Fuck ‘em,” she said, “I’ve got all I need, a glass...
Dexter dialed the number, hoping that he wouldn’t have another evening alone at home. Amber answered on the second ring. “Hello, Dexter.” “Hello, Amber.” “What’s up?” “I was sitting here feeling kinda lonely, and was wondering if you were free tonight. Are you?” Dexter asked. Amber giggled. “I’m never free for lonely men.” “I don’t mean like that,” Dexter said. “I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight. Are you busy?” “As a matter of fact, I am,” Amber said. “Okay,”...
Pure total fantasy based on a monthly visit to the barbers.I have been going to the same barbers almost monthly for as long as I can remember. I’ve seen various members of staff, always male, come and go over the years until a couple of months ago when my trim was done by a new member of staff called Lyn (they all had their names in a graffiti style font above their station). My first visit was very pleasant; having a haircut always involves being in close proximity with whoever is holding the...
Es curioso como resultan los desos a veces. Antes de que todo esto sucediera, nunca hubiera deseado que pasara. Entonces deseaba cosas como ahorrar suficiente dinera para abrir un negocio en mi pa?s, o conseguir la green card. Es chistoso como puede resultar la vida - tambi?n so?aba con coger a rubias americanas, aunque no es que me prestaran mucha atenci?n. En cuanto al f?sico, era como muchos otros adolescentes latinos - piel morena, ojos negros y pelo negro lacio. Era menos velludo y m?s delgado qu...
I was down on my hands and knees trying to force one of the new couplers I'd been attaching to the old hoses I'd purchased to plug into one of the old irrigation pipe fittings I was trying to use. I was getting frustrated by my lack of success, and by the fact that the leaking water was soaking my jeans all around where my knees contacted the ground. I hadn't been able to figure out why the damn thing wouldn't fit like it was supposed to. "You can't get a male coupler to slide into a...
Carol began to finger my wet pussy with more vigour now. Her fingers deep inside of me.. all the time she was doing this, she was sucking greedily on my nipples. she pulled her wet fingers out and forced them into my mouth. I sucked them almost ravenously.. savouring my pussy juice on her fingers, she then moved in to kiss me. Our lips met and her tongue probed my mouth as she enjoyed the taste of my pussy on my lips.Her hand then wrapped around her strap on, and with her hand wrapped around...
I start texting you and talking dirty knowing you are heading to work. I tell you I'm going to leave the office early today and you should stop by before going work. You agree so I tell you I'm going to leave my apartment door unlock. Your pussy is on fire and dripping wet thinking about what's going to happen. You finally get to my place and let yourself in locking the door behind you. You hear the shower running so you strip out of your clothes as quickly as you can. You noticed that your...
Claudette and I has a wonderful evening with six guys and the gang bang, but Claudette wanted more from me, her lover and confidant. We had been lovers for seven months now and Claudette had never sucked so much cock as she did the night before. I asked her if she would be willing to do another gang bang, but this time with more woman than men and her eyes lit up...'Sure" Claudette replied, but I want only to eat you out and fist you...I was delighted that Claudette was Ok with our open...
"It's OK, Jack, they're dead. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Appleby were here to help. They drilled these cahoots good. They are both dead and none of us got nary a scratch." The Deputy cautiously entered, gun at the ready. He holstered his weapon when he was assured all was good, sliding the retaining strap over the hammer once more. He confidently stepped forward. The man was as tall as me, and weighed about the same. Jesse knew him and they greeted each other. He looked down at the bodies. He...
The farewell party was fun and long. Matt, of course had a few drinks, maybe one or two too many, but not enough to do any serious harm. Nevertheless, I wasn’t about to let him drive home on his last day of work. Since the party was up in his neck of the woods, a good thirty minutes from the office and almost full hour from my house, I figured I might just crash on his couch for the night and he could drive me back to my car in the morning. He was agreeable to this. After loading up the car...
Gay MaleFrom the author, A grateful thanks to Lady_Silver for again limiting my folly and to RedHairedandFriendly for her help and guidance. I also wish to thank warmhoney1 and Barbara. All of the aforementioned ladies answered my questions fully and honestly so that I could better understand the thoughts and feelings of the fair sex in matters of the heart. Any sins of omission or commission are mine ’cause I can’t leave well enough alone. ————————————- The Story God Dammit! Why’d he promise to...
Marianne woke up and felt a warm body lying next to her. She smiled to herself, thinking about Chris, and last night. It might be coincidence that an active imagination made for a good photographer and a good lover, but she doubted it. In the three months since Knebworth, he'd shown that imagination many times, and Marianne was more than happy with the results! She turned over and looked at him, sleeping solidly beside her in the warm morning light filtered through the curtains. Chris...