11th GradeChapter 3 free porn video

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"What do you think of us now? Do you still want to be our friend?" All I could do was nod my head up and down, letting her know that I still did. Grace looked down at Jane's head and began caressing it, lovingly, satisfied, for the moment at least, and giving herself over to the pleasure of their shared intimacy. I waited a few moments, watching the two of them together, before getting up and taking off for the bedroom. I called Gerta, asking her if it would be too much trouble for her if there were two extra for dinner.

I had bolted my door before calling Gerta, and I was on my bed, thinking about the way Grace had looked when she had touched Jane. To me, it seemed like she was communicating more caring, in that one touch, than I had ever experienced during all of my sex with Bea. I recognized this as something I wanted to have. I wanted someone running her hand along my cheek, so I would be able to feel her love for me. I'm sure they had only wanted me to see them having sex together. I didn't think they expected I would learn how much they each cared for the other. I had been feeling sorry for both of them, until I saw a glimpse of what they had together. I still wanted them to be my friends, and I wanted to help them too, I just wasn't sorry for them anymore.

It was another hour before they came out of my bathroom. Grace carried herself as if she expected me to say something negative to her, something that she'd need to retaliate for. Jane seemed shyer than before, more vulnerable looking than she had been. I didn't know what to say, or how to act around them. What were they expecting from me? I looked at them, but I kept quiet, hoping they would say something to let me know how they wanted me to treat this.

"Nice tub, we had a ball, thanks." Grace had on one of her smirks. I could tell she had sensed I was thrown a little off balance by what had happened. Being the way she was, she wanted to exploit it now, by putting me on the defensive if I showed any resistance or disapproval. Her way was always to attack, whenever she was faced with the possibility of disapproval.

"You're welcome. I don't like baths. At the orphanage, you had to take baths until you were seven. The big kids got to take showers. They used to give seven or eight of us baths, in the same water. I didn't like bathing in dirty, soapy water."

"Aren't you going to say anything about what we were doing?" Grace seemed off balance herself now, probably nervous that I hadn't already said something to give her a chance to defend what they did. I still didn't know what to say. I didn't mind what they did. It made me feel better knowing they loved each other like that. I saw it wasn't just the sex. People just having sex didn't touch like that.

"You love each other, so that's good. It makes the sex a lot better too I'd bet." For the first time since she came out of the bathroom, I saw Jane's shoulders relax and her body uncoil a little. She had been more nervous and tense than I thought.

"You have any problems with us being this way?" Grace still seemed like she wanted to have some fight over this. I didn't understand why.

"You mean being loud and angry, or you having sex with each other? It doesn't make any difference to me that you both love each other. It should make a difference to you though." I saw Grace's eyes start to get back to normal, and her body seemed to get more relaxed too.

"Well, thanks for letting us use your Whirlpool. We haven't had any privacy, or opportunities for a long time. We don't usually perform in public either."

"That wasn't my idea. I was ready to leave."

"We wanted you to know about us, in case it made you change your mind." Grace had draped her hand behind Jane's neck, absently playing with the neckline of her tee shirt. Jane wasn't purring, but she did snuggle back towards Grace's touch, letting Grace know she welcomed it.

"We're having some kind of chicken tonight, cooked the French way, with sauce, over noodles. It's real good the way Gerta makes it. Gerta says we'll eat at seven. My mother thinks you're quiet Grace, from when we were at the golf course. I didn't tell her how you really are. My dad will be there too. He doesn't talk much at dinner, and when he does, its usually just about business. If you want to talk about golf, that would be good. Ask Mama about the sand play green, and the green in the lake. Once she gets started talking about the golf learning center, she'll probably talk through the whole dinner."

"Are you going to tell her about what Grace and I did?" Jane looked worried when she asked me.

"I wasn't planning to. If you want to, you can. We had this girl named Elena that worked for us, and she liked girls, but Mama still hired her. Don't jump up on the dinner table and show her though, my dad would throw a fit if you did that." We all had a laugh about the idea of them doing that, and, we knew that because no one had said anything bad about the other, the three of us had reached an understanding. We went back downstairs, and into the kitchen. Gerta was in there with Elizabeth, and the two of them were working on different things. Gerta was fixing dinner, and Elizabeth was baking. One of the things Gerta had discovered was that Elizabeth made the best breads. I introduced both girls to Gerta first, and then to Elizabeth. It surprised me how shy Elizabeth was around strangers. She was quiet with all of us too, but you could really notice the difference around Jane and Grace.

In the time Elizabeth had been with us, I hadn't gotten to know her very well. I wasn't sure if she was avoiding me on purpose, or if Gerta always assigned her work to do that was away from wherever I was. I had only said about fifty words to her since she started working at our house, and she'd probably said about ten words back to me. I knew about her a little bit from what Mama and Gerta had told me. She was a widow, and her husband had been killed in a fall from a horse. They had lived in North Carolina when he had the accident, but she had moved back home to Ridgeline to live with her parents again. Her husband had died four years ago, and she was twenty eight years old. My mother told me that Elizabeth was a very unhappy woman, but she didn't say anything after that. I guessed she was still unhappy because her husband was dead. She still dressed in clothes that made it hard to tell what kind of shape she had underneath them.

I had gone out the kitchen back door once, looking for Hans, to ask him a question about something, and had run into Elizabeth in the side garden. She was smoking a cigarette that smelled awfully funny. I thought it might be marijuana, but I wasn't sure. She jumped when she realized I was standing there, then quickly threw away her cigarette, grinding it into tiny bits with the heel of her shoe. I told her I was looking for Hans, and she pointed back at the garage. She looked frightened, but I didn't say anything to anyone about my suspicions.

At dinner that night, Grace decided to take offense with something my father said about the minimum wage. All he said was that the minimum wage took away jobs that people with marginal skills needed. That didn't sound too bad to me. In fact, I hadn't paid any attention to it. He was always saying things like that, and if you asked him about it, he'd go into a whole lecture to prove his point to you. If you kept quiet, he'd either be quiet too, or else talk about something else.

The way I remember it, Grace then told my father that he personally wanted wages kept low so that he could profit more at the worker's expense. It was something like that. As soon as she said it, I knew we were in for a long lesson about how good jobs were created. Dad was very smart, and he knew a lot about how to make companies run. He wasn't very good about understanding why people weren't too happy to accept what he wanted to pay them.

He was personally generous, but his generosity didn't carry through to business. According to him, workers were paid what they were worth. He said it was all a matter of supply and demand. The more or better skills you had, that your employer needed, the higher you would be paid for them. The people with the least valuable skills should make the least. If they weren't able to live on that, they needed to develop skills that were in higher demand.

"That's the way people like you justify paying yourselves a hundred times as much as you pay your workers. Whatever you do is always worth so much more than what they do. In your mind."

"What I do, young lady, is create and protect all those other jobs, so that people will have a way to make the wages that you ridicule as being insufficient. Believe me, most of them are damn glad to be getting their paychecks."

"I didn't say they weren't. What I said was it wasn't fair, and that you take advantage of them, by paying them less than you should, because you can, and because it means more money for you."

"I have sixteen hundred people working at my company. Each of them gets a paycheck larger than mine."

"Thomas, don't dissemble, it isn't becoming for you to do so."

"Well, they do. It's a fact." Dad was smiling at Mama, we could both tell, from his expression, that he was enjoying the jousting with Grace. "Even if I was making one hundred times what we pay a delivery driver though, I would still be worth that much, and more, to the company. Most of our employees can drive, but almost none can lead the company, or safeguard the future operation that their jobs are dependent upon."

"I could see if you thought that should command five times the delivery driver's income, but no job is worth one hundred times another. What would you do if they refused to pay you that much?"

"I would go to work for someone who recognized my true value to them, or, failing that, I would build my own company, from the ground up, and put my former company out of business, using my superior business planning skills. In ten years, I'd be larger than my old company, and able to pay myself whatever I wanted to make. People with my skills are quite rare, and much in demand."

"Spoken like a true elitist, Mr. Parsons. You derive your wealth and power by taking advantage of those who make it possible for you to have it."

"Spoken like a Bolshevik true believer, Grace. Capitalism rewards innovation, achievement, and success, while Socialism stifles the first two, and renders impossible the last. If you're looking for elitist's, look no further than the very few men that guide the Soviet Union. They don't rely on profits to determine their rewards, only position. They pay lip service to the idea of communal wealth and equality, but observe how their workers live compared to their own living conditions. When you've done that, come back and compare it to the disparity you're complaining about here. Which of these systems thrives, and which is an economic patchwork, bloated with non productive workers, and failed five year plans?"

"Kenny, tell us about your golf, dear? What did you shoot?" I was wondering when Mama was going to stop him. He was only getting started too. Mama said the reason he felt so strongly was that he'd had to learn these lessons the hard way, as he made his way to the top in the business world. I thought that was funny because he'd started almost at the top, straight out of college. Mama and Uncle Bunny believed the same way that my father did, but they had learned early in life that it wasn't necessary for them to explain or justify their wealth and income. If it ever did become necessary, they hired people, like my father, to do it for them.

At least we spent the rest of dinner talking about golf. When Hans was clearing away the main course dishes for the dessert Gerta had prepared, Dad started talking with Grace again.

"Grace, how would you like to come to work for me this summer? You could be my summer intern. You'd be running around doing routine gofer work, but at the same time, you'd get an insider's idea of the way things really work in running a company. I believe, at the end of the summer, your views would be radically altered."

"I've already been offered a job, for eight dollars an hour."

"I'll match that, and we'll throw in room and board. Bertie, we'll give her Beatrice's old room, if that's all right? That would solve her living situation. Are you afraid your ideas won't stand up in the real world?"

"Thomas, I'll tolerate no attempt to repeat your earlier behavior with Bea."

"Bertie! I'm merely trying to prove my point with this. I assure you that you needn't be concerned on that score."

"Very well. It might prove beneficial at that. You must promise to let her have two afternoons free during the week, to play golf with Kenny and Jane. You can't spoil the whole summer for her just to prove your point. Jane, since you and Grace are obviously a couple, you are free to join us as well. I'm sure the bed is large enough for the two of you." I'm not sure who was more surprised when Mama said that last part. Dad looked up at Mama, but didn't say anything. Jane and Grace both looked at me, as if they thought I had betrayed their secret. I just looked at Mama, amazed that she knew, and more amazed that she'd speak of it like she had, at the dinner table. Mama was enjoying the reaction she'd had. She reached out and took Jane's hand in hers. "Don't blame Kenny, dear. He didn't tell me. He didn't have to. I've observed you both here at the table this evening. It is as obvious as if you'd announced it out loud to all of us. Of course, Thomas and Kenny are males, and they don't recognize these things, even when they can't help but see them. I was unaware that you believed it was a secret. If I've embarrassed either of you, I'm very sorry." Neither Jane nor Grace seem much comforted by her apology to them.

I might have believed her explanation, if Gerta hadn't come in with the dessert right then. I saw the look that passed between Mama and her. It was the look of conspirators. How did Gerta find out though? I wondered if it might have something to do with the telephone that had appeared in my bedroom, shortly after I came there to live. I decided I'd wait to get alone with Gerta sometime, after Grace and Jane left. If I was certain of anything, it was that Gerta and I were very close. She would never do anything to deliberately harm Mama, I was certain of that as well. I had to find a way to ask her about how she found out about Jane and Grace, without making it necessary for her to harm Mama by giving me that information.

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I replaced the vent cover, right after Uncle Bunny left. I looked at my alarm clock and it was five after seven. I didn't usually get up so early on a Saturday morning, but, with what had just happened, there was absolutely no hope that I'd ever be able to get back to sleep. Nothing in Uncle Bunny's demeanor had indicated any great worry, but the very fact that he felt he might need his pistol was of great concern to me. I got dressed and went downstairs. Hans and Gerta were in the...

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The closer it came to me going away to school again, the less I wanted to do it. I knew the academic program was better at CA, than anything I'd receive in the public school system, a lot more challenging, but I really didn't want to leave home again. There was also the extra month of summer vacation I'd be missing out on by returning to Clement Academy. I balanced all of my reasons for not wanting to go, against one simple fact, that I'd already told my parents that I wanted to remain at...

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11th GradeChapter 30

I had a great weekend. Saturday was simply the most wonderful day I'd ever had. At the dance Saturday night, several people commented about how good a couple Shirley and I made, and about how happy I looked. Shirley, they said, was beautiful and radiant. There was a moment, during the early part of the dance, when I thought I was in big trouble. Mrs. Jones came over to our table and asked me to dance with her, As soon as we were out on the dance floor, she shocked me with something she...

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11th GradeChapter 31

Life for me was really going well. I was really enjoying all my class work at the school. Shirley and I were getting along so well it was positively frightening. Anne Coulter was progressing very nicely in her treatment for alcoholism, and, for once, Mama and Dad seemed to be getting along really well. Mama was in one of her periodic long respites from her depression. Uncle Bunny, as usual, added to my sense of well being, sending me frequent humorous accounts and observations of my parents...

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11th GradeChapter 32

It wasn't late yet, but Uncle Bunny, Elizabeth, and Aunt Clara had already left. We hadn't lingered around the dining room for much longer, not after our dinner conversation had gotten more than a little bit out of hand. Shirley had gotten in her retaliatory strike at me, but it hadn't been a clear knock out. She had struck, I had countered, and then, anyone who cared to, had jumped into the fray. I think all of us had enjoyed parts of it, but some had enjoyed it more than others. Mama,...

2 years ago
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11th GradeChapter 33

Mama had another one of her depressions right after I left to go back to school. It was immediately after my one week school break for Thanksgiving. When I got home that Friday evening, after having signed myself out, and driving home alone, Gerta told me it looked like this was going to be one of the really bad ones for Mama. My dad had been staying up in Bolling, at our apartment there, supposedly because there was so much happening with the business, that he needed to save the one hour...

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11th GradeChapter 34

We didn't play any golf on Sunday. Mama was up and eating by the time Dad and I came home on Saturday. I quickly made myself scarce, making sure they had some privacy, so they could repair the latest tear in the fabric of their relationship. I went into town, driving around, looking for something to do to kill a part of a chilly afternoon. I wound up over at the high school, watching a bunch of boys my own age playing basketball on the court set up outside. I'd never played any basketball,...

1 year ago
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11th GradeChapter 35

I went back to school on Thursday, the second of January. Shirley and I had talked a lot in the few days remaining of my break from school. We had both expressed a desire for us to remain together as a couple. We had exchanged many loving thoughts, and had each reaffirmed that our deep caring for the other was intact. We had held each other a lot, and had even kissed quite a bit, but none of this was done with any real, honest, passion. There was too much that was still unresolved between us....

1 year ago
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11th GradeChapter 36

By the time we finally arrived at the hospital in Springfield, it was after nine o'clock. Elizabeth was already in the hospital room, visiting with Uncle Bunny, and he was being allowed only one visitor in his room at a time. The nurse had gone in to tell Uncle Bunny and Elizabeth that we had arrived. It was only a few minutes wait, but Mama was being impatient, loudly impatient too. Dad tried to get her to sit and wait, telling her it wouldn't be long before she could go in. He was telling...

4 years ago
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11th GradeChapter 37

As soon as Elizabeth called our house, to let Gerta know the terribly sad news about Uncle Bunny, Gerta and Hans stepped in and immediately knew they needed to take over. It was as though they had been on some kind of standby alert, just waiting for an emergency situation such as the one they now faced. Hans placed a phone call to Dad's office, and told him the grim news. Gerta climbed the stairs and went through to Mama's closed bedroom door. She paused for a brief period outside, knowing...

2 years ago
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Caught By My Girlfriend

Hitting puberty late in high school had its disadvantages. A slender, almost feminine body and a small dick was not something a lot of women tended to go for, however, I was lucky enough to find Adrian. We hit it off right away, shared many things in common and we couldn’t get enough of each other. She was gorgeous, standing at six feet, she was just as tall as me. Her beautiful crystal blue eyes made me weak at the knees. Things were going great, I would arrange various ‘date nights’ for us...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Nabhi Ko Choda 8211 Part I

Hi friends! Mera naam chetan hai aur main 25 years ka hun main Gurgaon me ek MNC me media managaer hun na jaane kyu main kisi ladki ki nabhi kamar aur pet ke liye pagal ho jaata hun kisi ladki ki sunder gehri nabhi dekhte hi mera lund ek hot rod ki tereh khada ho jaata hai yahan delhi me aaj kal shaadiyon ya parties me ladies saree pehenti hain aur kabhi kabhi nabhi se niche bhi pleets rakhti hain dekhte hi pagal ho Jaata hun kai baar turant bathroom me jaakar juice nikalna parta hai otherwise...

1 year ago
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Boyfriend 2 His

-this would be my third confessional story guys. again i will try to make this short and sweet- "And don't you come back in this house! ever! " My mom yelled at me as I walked out of the door holding my big tote purse bag and sashayed out of the house. I didn't dare yell back but instead laughed like a wild maniac and lifted my middle finger up to her. she then added on a few choice hurt words and i retorted back "yeah and go suck a dick, you wont be happy until you've had one." My sister's jaw...

2 years ago
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Taking what i want 6 part 2

Please read part 1 firstMs Kelly is on her knees sucking Mr Dorking's large cock . The phone rings .Uh hello Mr Dorking Alicia Riviera and Danielle Kelly are here for their after school detention class.Thank you Sabrina have them wait outside my office .Ms Kelly has one hand massaging his balls the other between her legs. Her oral skills have him ready to erupt. He pulls out just as he cums on her mouth and cheeks on her tits and torn clothes.Get up and bend over the chair . He cable ties her...

3 years ago
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For Gwen the adventurer

It is mid October.The light of the day has faded as I pull into the car park, its only three o'clock and but feels like it never really got light. I get out of the car, only just managing to grab hold of the door as the wind takes it, a blast of autumn winter air sending petrol receipts and empty crisp packets in the foot well spiralling rapidly as if trying to escape the interior imprisonment of the car. I pull on my water proof and zip it up. The wind squalls in untidy gusts, sending icy...

1 year ago
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Wife goes to a motel bar to pick up guy to bring back to the room to fuck

We had planned on going out that weekend. It had been a couple of weeks and we were both hot for my wife to get a good fucking by a strange cock. We had made out like mad just thinking about how good it was going to be. As always the anticipation was just about as hot as the real fucking. Taking somewhat of a chance we decided to go to a town only about 30 miles from home. As a rule we drove further than that so as not to run into someone we knew. Still, even if we did run into someone we knew...

2 years ago
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SurvivingChapter 14 Vikings return

The surly atmosphere in the house drove me out early the next morning. I determined that I might as well ride to Crinan to begin my investigation into the existing trade routes rather than leave myself available for further frosty treatment. I was encouraged to find out that my tributes of salt to King Fergus were already in much demand apparently with his trade partners. The trade seemed to be with merchant captains who sailed from Roman dominated Gaul, Denmark (incongruous given our trouble...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 56 Joel and Milena

December 31, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Mike!” Milena gushed when Clarissa, Tasha, and I walked into her mom’s house. “How’s the blushing bride?” I asked. “I don’t think Milena has blushed since she was twelve!” Doctor Blahnik teased. “Hi, Mike! Hi, Tasha! Hi, Clarissa!” “Hi! Milena, where’s your intended?” I asked. “His friends have custody of him until the wedding starts at 8:00pm! But the rule was he had to be sober, able to stand on his own, and have no injuries!” I chuckled, “So much...

3 years ago
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He took me 2

Introduction: second piece hope this one is better Not a real story. Thanks to all the comments on my first story, greatly appericated if you dont likes my stories or my writing its plain and simple dont read it duh haha His/her point of view Chap 3 I held her from behind holding her tightly against me as I rubbed her soaking pussy. She shook violently in my arms. Then something I never even imagine had happened . My golden retrevier Sandy came down stairs, his heavy paws pounding the...

2 years ago
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A Nymph Transformation

Here's a story that some people out there will recognize as a continuation of another of my stories. I won't say which one, but if you've read my others, it will probably be rather obvious. I hope the people out there who like my kind of stories will get a kick out of this one! I enjoyed writing it, even though it only took me a couple of hours. I love the comments that my growing set of fans leave me! They inspire me! So if you don't like 'Bimbo' type of stories, don't bother...

2 years ago
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Payback in College

His roommate, Carl Branson is a sophomore and a major douche. He has no respect for Wolf and acts like a complete bum rather than a decent roommate. He eats all of Wolf’s food, “borrows” his stuff without his consent, leaves the dorm a complete mess, etc. All of this stuff bugs Wolf and every time he confronts Carl on this, he gives him a fake apology followed by a half-ass excuse. Something like "Oh sorry bro, I had to borrow your notebook for my class." or "I figured since you packed the...

2 years ago
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David had to fumble with the garage door opened, as one hand was busy playing in Brandi's sopping pussy while the other carefully steered his police cruiser. He turned off the engine and glanced at Brandi. Her skirt was up around her waist and she had a glazed look of lust and pleasure on her face as he slid his fingers back and forth rubbing her clit. She was massaging her breasts and was softly moaning almost meowing like a kitten. David withdrew his hand and smiled at her. "We're home,...

2 years ago
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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 17

Alex chuckled giving Laurel a hug "no wonder I could never find you if you blink in and out all the time, that will take some getting used to, now let's go have some breakfast and you can tell me what it was you wanted to say about the cave." Laurel who was still frowning at the front of Alex's shirt nodded "let me pull on a dress, I'm really sorry about Mar, Alex" Alex looked down at the front of his singed shirt "at least it wasn't a good ruffled one, with a starched neck cloth now...

2 years ago
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Vanilla Sky Day

Tuesday 5th February 2002: I am in the changing rooms of The Heights leisure centre in Sandown. I have swum a mile then spent about thirty minutes luxuriating in the sauna, Jacuzzi and steam room. I’m glowing and feel really relaxed. I have also taken the week off work to wind down. I take my mobile out of my back pack and switch it on. There is a pause before the message alert sounds. Pop round for a cuppa when you’re ready x It’s from Glacier Heart. Glacier Heart is the ex wife of one of my...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter and the teachers

Elizabeth felt a pair of calloused hands roam her body and she moaned. Merlin, the lad had magical hands. They knew how to touch her and where. They then cupped her swinging breasts and she groaned. She was on her hands and knees with Harry in back of her thrusting in and out of her gushing cunt.“Mmmm, Harry” she moaned.“Yes professor?” Harry asked.“Harry, you know you should call me Elizabeth during your tutoring sessions” Elizabeth chided gently.“Sorry, Elizabeth” Harry said.“No problem...

4 years ago
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Nights at the Sex ShopChapter 2

After spending the night on the streets again, Tova would normally be ready to move on. She has been doing this for a couple weeks now, and her third city. How far does she plan to go? Not even she knows that answer to that. When she first left home it was just going to be for a day or two, but the fight that erupted really got to her. So it turned into a few days. That is when she decided to leave town. She got a ride to the next town, spent a few days there and moved on. Luckily for the...

1 year ago
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Introduction to Sissies IV

Introduction to Sissies IV By latexslut Chapter 4 Now they were in an elevator, latexsissy, John Phillips and Ms Orange. The vault had closed and the elevator was descending. "Ca I thuck you, mithter?" latexsissy asked him, but then another drop of come appeared on its right pointed fingernail. She looked at it hungrily, waiting for it to fall. "No, latexsissy, you can't," Miss Orange said sternly, but lightly. Turning to John, she said, "sissyuseless, she will...

3 years ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 48

"You're gonna be mad, I'm afraid..." Harmon jerked as if he'd been electrocuted! Instinct told him that there could only be one reason he might get angry... "Noreen?" Her sigh confirmed it for him before her voice did, "Yes." Harmon was suddenly very tired. "Whose bright idea was this?" "There seems to be a list -- it's a major conspiracy. I don't think I was invited to put my two cents' worth in until long after they put the thing in motion. Of course, I didn't stop...

2 years ago
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The Bucket ListChapter 6

I couldn't wait to get down to the gym the next morning. Joe was already running on one of the treadmills as I came through the door. "Hello, Sleepyhead. MaryAnn already has your machine set up for you. Just press the green button." I looked around, "Where is she?" "She went for a run on the beach; she'll be back before you finish your cardio work." When he was finished, Joe went over to the circuit machines; he was doing curls when she returned. "Good, I see you're both hard...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Fun With My Best Friend Pt 2

It had been almost a week since Alex and I had sex that first time. With finals around the corner we were both heaps busy studying, so we hadn’t really talked. We had arranged a study session ages ago for the afternoon and he was due to knock on my dorm room at any moment. I wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen, if there would be an encore to the previous week or what, so I made sure to take extra time in the bathroom getting ready. I grabbed my phone and sent him a quick text, “Hey,...

2 years ago
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Passing the BatonPrologue

"Paul is going to snuff me on my birthday" Sarah's comment caused her two friends to stare at her in astonished silence. "That's impossible Sara" said Juggy "Paul loves you. He would never snuff you. He doesn't even like snuff, not very much anyway" "Why would he ever want to snuff you?" asked Lila "You are her oldest slave, he loves you, and you run his household for him" "I never said he wanted to snuff me" Sarah continued soberly "I know he loves me, but he will snuff...

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